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by B.lu4R

         ____ _                     _      _                    __ 
        / ___| |__  _ __ ___  _ __ (_) ___| | ___  ___    ___  / _|
       | |   | '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ \| |/ __| |/ _ \/ __|  / _ \| |_ 
       | |___| | | | | | (_) | | | | | (__| |  __/\__ \ | (_) |  _|
        \____|_| |_|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___|_|\___||___/  \___/|_| 

                _   _          _____  _   _ _____          
               | \ | |   /\   |  __ \| \ | |_   _|   /\    
               |  \| |  /  \  | |__) |  \| | | |    /  \   
               | . ` | / /\ \ |  _  /| . ` | | |   / /\ \  
               | |\  |/ ____ \| | \ \| |\  |_| |_ / ____ \ 
               |_| \_/_/    \_\_|  \_\_| \_|_____/_/    \_\

FAQ/Walkthrough for The Chronicles of Narnia
Version: 5.11
Written by: B.lu4R
e-mail: [email protected]
Last Updated on: January 16, 2006

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                          TABLE OF CONTENTS                           -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

* Use the Search Feature of your browser (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the
  section you are looking for.

001. Controls
002. Walkthrough
     II.01 - The Air Raid
     II.02 - Glimpse of Narnia
     II.03 - The Spare Room
     II.04 - Lantern Waste
     II.05 - To Western Wood
     II.06 - Beaver Dam
     II.07 - Through the Tunnel
     II.08 - Frozen Lake
     II.09 - The Great River
     II.10 - Rescue Edmund
     II.11 - Follow Aslan
     II.12 - Battle of Beruna
     II.13 - The Witch's Castle
     II.14 - The Great Battle
     II.15 -  The White Witch
003. Shield List
004. Statue List
005. Ability List
006. Cheats/Unlockables
007. Frequently Asked Questions
008. Version History
009. Contact Information
010. Copyright/Legal
011. Credits

This guide was created using the GameCube version of the game, but it
can also be used with the PC, PS2, and Xbox versions of the game.

This guide was started on January 2, 2006.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                            001. Controls                             -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

Before enlisting the controls for the game, it is important that you
know how to save the game. To save your game, you need to finish any
level. There is no other way to save it. If you lose in a level, you
will start at the last Checkpoint you reached (or at the beginning
of the level if you haven't reached any checkpoint).

The controls are:


Control Stick        - Move
                     - Move Aim

A Button             - Action Button
                     - Select Option

B Button             - Attack

R Button             - Change Character

L Button             - Defend
                     - Aim

Y Button             - Team Up

Z Button             - (No Use)

X Button             - Special Ability / Strong Attack

C Stick              - (No Use)

Start Button         - Pause the Game
                     - Open the Options Screen

Directional Pad      - Scroll through Options

PlayStation 2

* Thanks to Andromeda and Ginger Tray for contributing the controls for the
  PS2 version

Control Stick        - Move
                     - Move Aim

X Button             - Action Button
                     - Select Option

Square Button        - Attack

R1 Button            - Change Character

L1 Button            - Defend
                     - Aim

Triangle Button      - Team Up

Z Button             - (No Use)

Circle Button        - Special Ability / Strong Attack

Right Stick          - (No Use)

Start Button         - Pause the Game
                     - Open the Options Screen

Directional Pad      - Scroll through Options


* Thanks to Sariis for contributing the controls for the Xbox version

A Button            - Action
B Button            - Special Ability

R Trigger           - Change Character

L Trigger           - Defend/ Aim

Y Button            - Team Up

X Button            - Attack

Directional Pad     - Scroll Menu

Left Thumbstick     - Movement

Start Button        - Pause Or Start

Right Thumbstick    - (No Use)

Back                - (No Use)

White Button        - (No Use)

Black Button        - (No Use)

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                          002. Walkthrough                            -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

The walkthrough is a step-by-step guide indicating what you need to do to
complete each level. It also enlists the location of all of the shields and
statues found in each of the levels.


II.01 - The Air Raid


Preliminary Notes:

  In this level there is a timer. If you don't finish the level before it
  runs out, you'll automatically lose and start at the last Checkpoint
  (Don't worry, when this happens the timer resets itself). If you want
  to obtain all of the coins and shields in this level, we'll have to use
  this to our advantage, since it is impossible to obtain all of them in
  the initial 4 minutes.

  You can obtain coins by hitting several times any object. In this case,
  we'll be hitting all types of furnisher, until they don't give any more
  coins. In contrast, shields are only given by hitting certain objects,
  which I'll go along enlisting.

  To change between the child you are controlling, you need to press the
  <R> button on the GameCube controller. This way you'll alternate in
  between the available children.

  If you simply want to pass the level without obtaining the shields, then
  you can skip hitting the objects.


After the intro movie you'll appear in the living room, and will have at
your disposal Peter and Edmund. I recommend that you control Peter
throughout this level. Hit the furniture here to obtain coins.
You'll obtain shields by hitting the piano several times (1), the sofa
in front of the chimney (2),  the sofa to the left of the chimney (3),
the chimney itself (4) -until the circle fills with red-, and the
cupboard (5).

Now hit the door until the circle fills with red; you'll destroy it.
Enter the hallway. Walk towards the mother to trigger a scene. Then hit the
furniture to the right of her to find another shield (6). Go down the
hallway, and then up the stairs, grabbing the coins as you do so. When
you reach the second floor, follow the hallway until you reach a dead
end. Here hit the door to the left.

You'll now enter a bedroom. Susan's room, in fact. Walk towards the left
until you find her. She's holding a flash light, which you can use to light
several things. Simply press the <L> button to aim the torch in the
direction that Susan is facing. The shields in this room can be found by:
lighting the painting above the bed (7), illuminating the mirror on the wall
(8), and by hitting both beds (9, 10).

Exit Susan's room, and before you destroy the door to the right (it leads to
Lucy's room), go back through the corridor and illuminate the paintings
that are near the staircase you previously used. Two of the paintings will
yield shields (11, 12). Now enter Lucy's room (you'll need to break the
door). Illuminate the bed to the right to find Lucy, and then return to
the hallway. A scene will start.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

If you've been collecting the shields, then most likely you'll almost be
out of time, so allow the timer to get to 0 so that you can start back
from this checkpoint. Enter Lucy's room and illuminate the painting that's
on top of the wardrobe (13). Return to the hallway.

To cross the hallway you'll need to control either Edmund and Lucy.
Once one of them is on the other side of the hallway, hit the big Ben Clock
so that it falls and creates a bridge that the others can use to cross.
This will trigger a scene, and you'll unlock a new ability.

In the inventory screen, buy the ability "Double Damage". It costs 10 coins,
which you should already have. If you don't, go and find some. After you've
bought this ability, return to the game.

Take control of Peter, and hit the door to the right until you destroy it.
You'll enter a devastated room. Hit the furniture that is beside the door
to obtain a shield (14). Then grab the numbers to the left to add 30 seconds
to the counter. Hit the bed to obtain one more shield (15), and then wall
downwards to trigger a scene.

Now you'll need to control Edmund. Get near the bed post and press the
indicated button to climb onto it. Climb to the top and another scene
will start. Before crossing the room, shine light on the painting to the
right to obtain another shield (16).

Keep walking until you reach the bathroom. Shine light on the bathtub
to obtain a shield (17), and then have Peter destroy the door. Go down
the stairs.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Now you'll need to control either Peter or Susan. Stand besides the
furniture, making sure to face the fire, and then push it onto the fire
by holding the indicated button. You'll push it until it falls through
the hole with the fire. If you're interested in two more shields, shine
light on the painting that is on the wall where the furniture you just
pushed used to be (18). Then enter the living room (the room to the right),
and shine your light on the painting that's above the chimney (19). Get back
to the hallway, and put out the second fire by moving the furniture.

When you reach the mother of the children a scene will start. Use
Susan to find the keys, but before you do so, hit the chair near the
sink to find a shield (20), and do the same thing with the furniture
to the right of Mother, in the corner, to find the last shield (21).
You can shine light on various objects to obtain coins. By shining light
on the purse that's to the right you'll find the keys and will finish
this level.


II.02 - Glimpse of Narnia


Preliminary Notes:

  In this level you'll notice that there are two types of attacks: A
  special attack and a weak attack. The weak attack doesn't consume energy,
  while the special one, as well as most special abilities, do so. Don't
  worry, you'll gradually recover you're energy when you've used some of


Take control of Edmund and start by grabbing the stick in this area (It
is glowing with a yellow light). Once you have it, walk to the brambles
located in the upper left part of the screen, and destroy them using
your stick. Grab the first token {1}, and then destroy the frozen
brambles that are behind by pressing the indicated button to use your
special attack. After destroying them grab the token {2}.

Go back to the bonfire and light up your stick with it. Now go down
and light the bush that holds the next token {3}. Explore the zone and
gather the coins; don't forget to go up the thin tree to obtain another
token {4}.

Now take control of Lucy and make stand on the snowball; simply walk
towards it to get on it. Once she's standing on it, go towards the token
and grab it {5}, and don't forget the shield that is nearby (1). Press
any button to make Lucy jump off the snowball.

Take control of Edmund again. Look for the stick bundle and stand behind
it, so that you and the bundle are facing the pile of snow that encloses
the last token, in the upper part of the area. Hit the bundle to make it
roll and hit the pile of snow. If it hits the target, you'll obtain the
last token {6}. A screen will show up, telling you that you have unlocked
Team Up abilities.

Before going on, if you would like to obtain the second shield, first
turn off your stick by using Edmund's special attack several times. Now
that it's unlit, grab the stick bundle and move it towards the pile
of snow to the left of the bonfire. Make sure the arrow is pointing
towards it. Hit the bundle, and if it hits the pile of snow, you'll get the
shield (2).

Now place Edmund beside Lucy and press the button indicated on the screen
when the purple rings appear on the ground. This will Team Up Edmund and
Lucy. Next, go to the ice blocks to the right and do the Team UP attack
to make Lucy break them.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Walk to the next zone and kill all of the wolves. If you want to obtain
the shield floating in the air, go back and make Lucy stand on the
snowball to get it (3). Just be careful, since the wolves will continuously

Enter the cave and follow the path until you come out in the next area.
Walk to the lamp post. Use Edmund to climb onto it when the crows are not
near, and make him light his stick at the top to get a fourth shield (4).
Quickly get off the lamp post before the crows return. Destroy all of the
barrels in this area to obtain coins and a heart, incase you need health.

Go through the next corridor until you reach a place with deep snow.
Team Up Edmund with Lucy to cross it (Simply walk through it).

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Light up your stick if it is unlit, and destroy the brambles blocking the
path. In the next zone you'll have to kill the wolves and torch the three
bushes through which the wolves are coming from. You'll additionally get
a shield by doing this (5).

Proceed to the next area, grabbing the hearts. Brake the frozen brambles
by using Edmund's Special Attack, and watch the scene.


II.03 - The Spare Room


Preliminary Notes:

  In this level you'll have to hide from the Macready in certain locations.
  When you need to do so, you'll be notified and a counter with 15 seconds
  will appear on the upper part of the screen. The places to hide the
  children will be marked with their respective faces. If you don't hide
  them before the time finishes, you'll lose.

  Remember you can obtain a bunch of coins by hitting the different objects
  in the mansion.


Exit the wardrobe room. Follow the stairs downwards and hit the armor in
the center to obtain a shield (1). Don't get near the professor, or you'll
lose. Go up the left hand side of the stairs and enter a small room to
obtain your second shield (2).

Return to the stairs and follow them upwards to the right, and enter through
the access that is between the armor and the wardrobe room. In this
corridor go into the first room that you come across, which is almost
straight from the intersection.

In this room there's a bed and several types of furniture. Hit the one
beside the bed and that has the green lamp to find a shield (3). Then move
the table in the corner, by the curtains, to find Lucy. She will run

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Follow Lucy out into the next room. This one is filled with boxes. Lucy
will be on the other side. Destroy the boxes. After hitting the first
one you'll be notified that Macready has heard you. Quickly destroy the
remaining boxes, and then hide Peter beneath the Table and Susan inside
the trunk, by pressing the buttons indicated on the screen.

Once you've hid both of them, a scene will start and the Macready will
go away, leaving you to explore the house.  Follow the corridor.
You'll notice a small opening to the left with an armor. Hit it to
obtain a shield (4). Follow the corridor and you'll see Lucy open
a door and enter a new room.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Go into the room that Lucy entered (It has a couple of swords engraved
on the door). This will be a studio. Between both beds you can find
Tennis balls. After grabbing them you can wait a bit and more will
spawn. If you switch to Susan you'll see on the upper left part of the
screen how many balls you currently are carrying. By hitting the couch
in this room you'll obtain a shield (5). To continue hit the weird light
that has the symbol of a button. This will reveal a hidden passage way,
along with a group of bats. With Susan, use the buttons indicated on
screen to aim at the window and throw a ball at it. You'll destroy it
and the bats will fly away.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Enter the secret passage. You'll go up some stairs and enter a corridor.
There's a little access to your right with a shield (6). Continue
through the corridor and down the stairs to enter another room with
bats. Using Susan shoot balls at the bats, and then aim for the grates
in the roof that the bats are using to enter this room. There are two
grates and you'll get a shield if you close each one (7, 8). Continue
on to the next room.

You'll be in a large room; it's the one with the stairs you used at the
beginning of this level, but this time we won't be using them. Hit the
chair in the left corner to obtain a shield (9). Then go to the wall on
the right  and hit the grate in the wall to destroy it. Take control
of Lucy and make her enter the small access you've revealed so that
she can open the next door.

Now enter the next room. You'll be in the dining room. Use Susan to
close all of the bat's grills. They are two, and you'll get a shield
from each (10, 11). Moving the table to the right you can get a stick
for Peter, which will come in handy later.

The next room is the living room. Hit the trunk to obtain a shield (12),
and the couch to obtain another (13). Destroy the grill by the door
and have Lucy go through the hole to open the door, which will let you
exit into the backyard.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Here quickly destroy all of the crates, since the Macready will hear you
after you hit the first one. One of the boxes will contain an additional
30 seconds, to your benefit. Once you've destroyed them all, go back
into the living room and hide the children. Peter behind the furniture
to the left, Lucy inside the "container" to the right, and Susan behind
the curtains.

Once the Macready has gone, return to the backyard and explore it to
find Edmund. Then close each of the three bat's grills to obtain a shield
from each (14 - 16). There is one on the wall to the right, another
to the left of the door that leads to the living room, and one on top
of the closed door to your left.

Now take control of Edmund and have him go up the pole in the left
corner. After this is done you'll have to escape the Macready once and
for all. Go into the access that Edmund opened and follow the stairs.
Remember that Peter is the strongest of the lot, and he destroys the crates
the fastest.

You'll eventually reach a corridor, and then be back to the main stairs.
Follow them up and enter the Wardrobe room to trigger a scene and finish
the level at the same time.


II.04 - Lantern Waste


Preliminary Notes:

  If you're collecting the shields, then you'll have to visit this level
  several times; don't worry, it's supposed to be like that. Remember
  that the shields you obtain are saved when you finish the level,
  so that the next time you play you won't have to get them (in fact,
  you won't be able to obtain them, since the ones you've gotten


Start off by destroying the barrels in the bottom left corner to obtain
a Stick. With this stick, have Peter destroy the frozen brambles to
the right, using his Special attack.

After destroying them, you'll enter a corridor and will face several
wolves. Kill them and continue walking to get to some more frozen
brambles. Destroy them. Next will be a zone with a lamp post. First
destroy the barrels to get a stick for Edmund. Then make him go up
the lamp post to light it up. On the other hand, Lucy can go into
the small tunnels to make her reach places that are unreachable to the
other children. Just make sure that she goes back through the tunnel
to reach the rest of the children. If you want to obtain the coins floating
in the air, you'll need to go back to the beginning of the level and
get the Snowball.

If Peter gets close to Edmund he will be able to light his stick.
Now continue on until you get to a cave. Destroy the ice blocking its
entrances by teaming up Edmund and Lucy. Since you have some improvised
torches, you'll be able to go into the cave without any problem.

When you exit this cave you'll enter an apparently desolated area,
except for a bonfire. Use your sticks to light up the bushes to the
right, next to the big rock. This will make them explode, severing the
big rock.

Team Up Peter with Edmund, and use their team attack to hit the big rock.
When the circle is completely filled with red, the rock will fall and...
you've just created a bridge for 15 hungry wolves. Kill them, and then
use the big rock to try to cross to the other side.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

This zone can be very fun and very frustrating at the same time. It'll
be fun if you're not collecting the shields, but if you are collecting
them then be prepared to go down this path several times.

You'll need to move your ice "board" as if it was a sledge, avoiding
all the holes, but trying to hit all of the ice blocks to obtain shields.
It sounds simple, but it actually isn't. And it's impossible to obtain
all of the shields in one go, so take not of which you got and which
you are missing.

Start by grabbing the coins, and then after the curve you'll need
to focus on destroying the ice blocks. The first one is to the right
(1), then to the left (2). The next are to the: left (3), watch out
for the holes, right (4), right (5), right (6).

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

    If you die in between this checkpoint and the next, you'll
    automatically miss getting shields 5 and 6, since the place
    where you start off makes it impossible to steer towards
    the ice blocks containing them.

The next ice blocks are in the following positions: left (7), right (8),
left (9), right (10) (it's difficult to get all of these in one go,
so don't worry if you've got to come back later for them; just take
note of which you missed, so that you focuse on getting them later).

Next comes a hole, and then more blocks: left (11), right (12), left (13),
right (14). A few more holes, with a shield on top of one to the right;
you'll need to use your momentum to get it (go towards the left, then make
a sharp right turn just before you get to the hole; this way you'll fly
over the hole to get it).

As can be expected, more blocks of ice!: left (16), right (17), right (18),
right (19), and finally left (20). And say bye to the avalanche part.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Now you've got to avoid sinking into the frozen thick ice. We'll be using
either Edmund or Lucy here. You need to walk slowly; if in the direction
where you walk the ice starts to move, go back to where you were and
walk in a different direction. You've got to do this trying to find blue
pieces of ice (They'll turn blue once you step on them). The blue
colored ice sections will not sink. There are 23 blue ice sections in total
that make a continuous path from one side of the frozen bank to the other.
Just avoid falling, because if you do so you'll fail. Once you reach the
other side a scene will start.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Kill the wolves. To cross this unfrozen bank start by controlling Lucy.
Use her to move the snowball to the right (while standing on it you
can obtain the coins floating in the air). When you moved the snowball
you revealed a secret tunnel, with a green cross.  Take the green cross
and you'll be notified that Lucy has learned the ability to heal.
Just take note that this ability isn't infinite, so use it wisely.

Through the tunnel you'll come up in an upper platform. First go to the
right and hit the statue until you get a message that you've unlocked
it [1]. Then hit the stick bundle to throw it into the bank. Return
to the other children, and make Edmund stand on the bundle of sticks
and cross the bank. Once you've reached the other side, have him hit
the tree to bring it down and create a bridge, which the others will use
to cross.

Change back to Peter and destroy the brambles blocking the path.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Edmund can climb the tree to get a shield (21). Then proceed through the 
path. At the end there's a weird ice structure that you'll need to destroy.
First, with Peter, hit its center until the circle fills with red. Then
repeat with the left part, and end with the right one; while you do this
let the other children deal with the wolves. A scene will start.

Those dwarves have lit two fires. Switch to Susan and press the buttons
indicated on screen to throw snowballs :) It's like throwing tennis balls.
If you get hit a lot while trying to extinguish the fires, remember that
Lucy can heal. You need to throw 5 snowballs into each fire to extinguish

Once you've extinguished both fires, return to Peter and hit the gate
that's on the bottom part of this structure, until you break it.
Cross it and go into the next area, and kill the three dwarves that are
shooting arrows at you. This is an intersection. First go left to go
up to two statues that you can unlock [2, 3], and a tree which Edmund
can climb to get a coin. Return to the intersection.

A bit ahead of you is a statue of a pig. Unlock it [4]. The barrels
to the right explode, so have Susan throw snowballs at them to destroy
them from far. Behind this barrels is a cave that Lucy can enter to grab
a few coins. Go back to where the children are and keep going on.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Here you'll need to be careful. Ahead of you is a frozen pond with thick
ice, so neither Peter nor Susan can cross it in its present state. First
have Susan shoot the dwarves that are in each of the sides of the pond.
Once you've killed them hit the statue that's before the pond [5], and then
use Susan to shoot the statue to the left of the pond [6].

Now take control of Edmund and Lucy; preferably the one with the highest
health, and if Lucy still has some medicine, then preferably her. You'll
need to find 28 sections of blue ice so that the others can cross. Once
the crows arrive, try to stay still and as far away from them as you can.

Once all of the children have crossed, hit the statue to the right [7].
Have Peter destroy the brambles, and then continue on.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

In this zone there are several dwarves shooting arrows at you from behind
one of the explosive barrels. I recommend using Susan and shooting the
barrels to make them explode, killing the dwarves as well.

Start walking. To the left there is a tree which Edmund can climb to
grab a coin. Going on you'll find a statue to the right [8] and another
right before an explosive barrel [9]. Here destroy all of the barrels
using Susan; one of them will have a heart. To the left will be the last
statue, behind some of the barrels you destroyed [10].

Keep walking until you encounter a group of wolves. There are 20 wolves
in total, which you'll have to kill to finish the level.  


II.05 - To Western Wood


Start by hitting the statue to the right [1] and then the one to the left 
[2]. Remember that it's better to explode the barrels with the green patch 
on the center using Susan's snowballs.

Now go downwards and look for Mr. Beaver. Beside him is another statue [3]. 
Destroy the barrels to the left and you'll obtain a Stick for Peter. Switch 
to Susan and throw snowballs at the burning furniture. After the fire's been 
extinguished, a circle will appear, indicating that you've got to hit them 
until you destroy them. Once done, go through to the next area and a message 
will pop up, telling you that you have found Mr. Tumnus's panpipes.

You can try playing the panpipes. It's not difficult at all. In this next 
area is a stick to the left, for Edmund, and a green cross for Lucy. When 
you proceed wolves will start attacking you. Take control of Susan and play 
the panpipes in the center of this area. A magical note will appear on the 
ground. Stand over it and press the indicated button to play the panpipes. 
You will have to press the buttons shown on screen to play it. It will put 
the wolves to sleep for a certain time.

While they are asleep, extinguish the fire on the furniture up ahead and 
then, before destroying it, activate the two statues to the right [4, 5]. 
Destroy the furniture and go on to the next area.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Kill the two white wolves, and then any that may be chasing you. Afterwards 
hit the statue to the left [6], and then the two to the right, near the 
trees [7, 8]. Near the furniture that is on fire is a magical note you will 
ONLY see if you have Susan's Stone Song ability. If you don't, you'll have 
to come back later for the statue that it will reveal [9]. Extinguish the 
fire and then destroy the furniture to proceed to the next area. A scene 
will start.

This area may seem a bit complicated, but it is in fact quite easy. The 
beaver will chew the trees while you kill the wolves. You've got to defend 
the beaver, because if you don't, the wolves will distract him and he will 
stop chewing on the trees (The wolves can't kill Mr. Beaver). There are also 
a grand total of 25 shields in this area. To obtain them you've got to light 
up your stick using the bonfire on the upper right, and use it to torch the 
bushes on the right and left sides. You can obtain up to three shields from 
each side. Wait a bit and the wind will extinguish the fire. Keep repeating 
this until you get all of the 25 shields (1 - 25). Just let the wolves 
entertain the beaver while you collect the coins. Don't forget the statue to 
the right and the one to the left [10, 11]. Once the beaver finishes gnawing 
the trees a scene will start.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Grab the bow. This will come in handy. Use Susan to shoot arrows; it's done 
exactly the same as throwing snowballs. You'll have to shoot arrows at the 
dwarves and fight the wolves at the same time. A good way to avoid being hit 
by the enemy arrows is to only fire one arrow, then move, and then fire 
another arrow, and so no. Walk to the next bow and kill the remaining 

You'll soon reach a floorless bridge. To the right is a ramp that you can 
use to descend to some ice blocks. Team up Edmund and Lucy and break them. 
You'll activate the water wheel and the bridge will get its platforms. 
Before crossing the bridge, have Lucy go through a door (The door opened 
when you destroyed the ice blocks) on the opposite side of the one with the 
ramp to get a shield (26). Now cross the bridge.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Kill the dwarves that are shooting arrows at you. In the barrels to the left 
you'll find arrows, in case you need them, as well as a heart. Before going 
on don't forget to hit both of the statues beside the bridge [12, 13].

Go on and you will reach deep snow. Team up Edmund and Lucy to cross it. A 
scene will start. Don't worry; you won't be fighting the Ogre. Have Susan 
play the panpipes to reveal a magical note on the ground. Stand on it and 
play what is required to put the Ogre to sleep.

Use Edmund or Lucy to grab quickly the shields near the Ogre, since the ice 
will sink. Other than that you can walk safely on the ice to the sides.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll now battle some wolves. Shoot with Susan the target to the left; then 
have Lucy go into the cave to the left so that she can get up and hit her 
target. Before going to the right side, buy in Susan's inventory a song 
called "Stone Song". It will allow you to see red notes on the ground, which 
make stone statues appear. Play the panpipes where the bow is, and you'll 
see a red magical note, which will reveal a statue nearby [14]. To obtain
the  last shield, which is also in this zone, you'll need to learn Dryad's
Melody  in a later level. Play it in the center and a green magical note
will appear in the center, which will yield a shield (29).

To the right you'll need to light a stick and use it to torch the bushes, 
and then Team Up Peter and Edmund to destroy the rock with the circle. After 
doing so, you'll have to kill the remaining wolves and hide the children 
(you already know how to do so). Look for their faces and hide them before 
the time runs out.

Once the Ogre has left, proceed to the next area. Grab the sword for Peter, 
and then wait a bit and another will appear, which Edmund will equip. 
Continue on.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Keep going on until you enter an area with trees. Here you'll encounter the 
nasty Ghouls for the first time. They'll fall of the trees when you get 
below them. You will need to kill all of them. It's best if you use Peter to 
do this. Although it may seem that you will never finish killing them, you 
will. While you are fighting a time counter will start on the top of the 

Make sure to kill all of the Ghouls before time runs out. When you have 
killed them all you will be able to hide the children in the area at the 
back. If the faces to hide them don't appear, then you are most likely 
missing some Ghouls which you have to kill, so look for them. Before hiding 
make sure to activate the statue to the left [15], in the area with the 


II.06 - Beaver Dam 


Preliminary Notes:

  Buy all the abilities you have available, since you will most likely need 
  them in this battle.


In this level Ghoul Bane is very useful to kill off the Ghouls. If you want 
to obtain the statues and shields, I recommend that you focus on activating 
them before actually fighting the Ogre.

Statues: One on the left side of the area [1], another to the right [2], one 
in the area to the back [3]. To find two more go downwards [4, 5]. The last 
one [6] can be found by playing the panpipes in the fight side of this 
area. Susan's Stone Song ability is required to do this.

Shields: Two can be obtained right now: Go downwards to find to barrels, 
each with a shield (1, 2).

Hit the Ogre, preferably with Peter (if you want to avoid being hit, try to 
attack him from the back), until Lucy's image appears. Then switch to Lucy 
and get near the Ogre. Press the button shown on screen to make Lucy climb 
him. Go back to Peter and start hitting the Ogre until a scene starts. 
Continue hitting him with Peter, and when Edmund's image appears, switch to 
him and press the indicated button. Go back to Peter, and keep hitting the 
ogre. Soon Peter will also climb onto the Ogre, so you'll have to uses Susan 
to finish hitting the Ogre.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll now have some new abilities which you can buy. Dryad's Melody will 
allow you to see green magical notes, Hawkspeed increases the speed of 
Susan's arrows, and Team Attack allows Susan and Peter to team up for a 
powerful combination, in which you use the primary attack button to fire 
arrows and the special attack button to slash Peter's sword.

To get a shield play the panpipes near the center of the area, to reveal a 
green magical note which will give it to you {(3). The fourth and last 
shield can be obtained by killing several Ghouls continuously (4). Remember 
that you can find arrows in the sides of this area.

In regards to the Ogre, you've got to do exactly the same thing that you did 
last time to damage it. The only difference is that you'll now need to shoot 
the two Dwarves in the upper part of the area before taking on the Ogre. 
Teaming Up Peter and Susan to use their Team Attack will greatly help now, 
since Susan won't get stunned if she is hit. You can even hit the Ogre from 
far away with Susan if you prefer it, until you Peter needs to climb onto 
him. You'll reach a Checkpoint once all of the children have damaged the 

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll use the same strategy that you used last time. The only difference is 
that now you'll need to take care of four dwarves, instead of two. This 
cycle will soon end and you will complete the level.


II.07 - Through the Tunnel


Preliminary Notes:

  You should first pass this level, without focusing on the Shields or 
  statues, so that you can familiarize yourself with the strategy to follow. 
  Once you've passed this level, be sure to come back and grab the statues
  and  some of the shields, finish the level to save, and then return again
  and  grab the remaining shields.


Start by grabbing both bows and then walking towards the left, to hit the 
statue in between the bushes [1]. Keep walking and smash the barrels to 
obtain a stick. Go on until you trigger a scene. Lucky you... More ghouls!

There's a statue a bit to the right [2], in between the path you just used, 
and the one that leads to the next area. There are also three more in the 
back: One beside the door to the left [3], another beside the window [4], 
and a third one behind a bush to the right [5]. Don't forget to kill the 
Ghouls you encounter. If you want to keep getting the statues, don't kill 
the ghoul carrying Mr. Beaver just yet.

Go to the right to reach an area with a fire and a green cross for Lucy. 
Play Susan's panpipes here and you'll see a magical note on the ground, 
which will give you a shield (1). There are also two statues here; don't 
forget to activate them [6, 7].

Now go up to reach the next area. Play Susan's panpipes and a red magical 
note will appear, which will in turn reveal a statue to the left [8]. Now 
take out your bow and aim for the statue on the platform that's above the 
path [9]. Now do kill the Ghoul that has kidnapped Mr. Beaver. This will 
trigger a scene with some nasty wolves.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Go to the beginning of this level. To the right is a wooden fence that is 
impeding the wolves to reach you. Use Susan to shoot arrows at the wolves to 
kill them; three arrows per wolf, and there are two wolves. Remember that 
the bar on the top of the screen indicates how much time you've got before 
the wolves break the wooden fence (if they do, you'll loose).

When you've killed both wolves a scene will start, and Mr. Beaver will again 
be kidnapped. Go to the zone above the one with the fire to find the 
kidnapper. This will trigger a scene, and... here come the Boggles! The 
kidnapper will go through the tunnel to the right. Followhim.

After you exit the tunnel hit the nearby statue [10] that's slightly hidden 
by the bushes. Then free Mr. Beaver to trigger yet another scene, with some 
Boggles trying to push a boulder.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

In the center of this area play the panpipes to reveal a magical note that 
will yield a shield (2). From here look down towards a rock that you can't 
reach. On top of it is a statue. Use Susan's bow to hit it [11]. The last 
statue [12] is on the opposite side of this one, towards the back of the 
screen -and is almost entirely hidden-. As a reference point, shoot in the 
opposite direction of the previous statue.

Now use Susan to shoot both Boggles trying to push the boulder to the right. 
Kill them. Remember that the bar on the upper part of the screen shows how 
much before they bring down the boulder. You've got to kill them before they 
do so.

To finish the level you'll need to alternate between these situations, until 
the beaver finishes chewing the trees. Apparently the wolves are the 
fastest, so I recommend they be your first priority. Remember that Mr. 
Beaver can't die, so first take care of the wolves and the boggles before 
rescuing him when he's kidnapped (But remember that you won't be able to 
finish the level until he finishes chewing the trees). A good suggestion is 
to Team Up Peter with Susan so that they can use their Team Attack. They 
make a great team. You'll soon finish the level.

Now, if you're wondering how to get the remaining 11 shields, the answer is 
simple: You get a shield (3 - 13) for every 10 continuous hits that Peter 
makes. The best place to do this is after the first Checkpoint, after Mr. 
Beaver is kidnapped and the tunnel is revealed, but before you actually go 
through this tunnel. Go to the first area of the level and wait a bit, then 
go to the next area, where the Ghouls drop down. If you waited enough, there 
will be 4 Ghouls waiting here, and you can hit each one up to 4 times, so it 
won't be difficult to have a total of 10 combined hits. The numbers on 
screen indicate how many hits you've done.

Just keep in mind that the hit counter will go down to 0 if you don't hit 
any Ghoul in a couple of seconds, or if you get hit.


II.08 - Frozen Lake


Look for a strange rock. Once you've found it, play the panpipes to see a 
red magical note, which will reveal a statue [1]. In front of this statue 
there is another one [2]. Keep on walking until you reach the frozen lake. 
Here go left and hit the small frozen waterfall until you destroy it. Have 
Lucy go through the hole to reveal a statue with a platform above, which 
contains a shield (1) and a statue [3], and then have Lucy return to where 
the rest of the children are.

To the right and downwards there is a statue [4]. Then have Peter hit the 
tree to the right. After your halfway done some dwarves will appear. Switch 
to Susan and shoot them. Go back to Peter and keep on hitting the tree to 
destroy it, and then proceed to the next area.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

A scene will start, and once it's finished you'll encounter more Ghouls. 
First I must warn you of the eagle; it will drop rocks into the ice that 
will not only hit you, but may create a hole in the ice (if you fall through 
it you will lose).

Down and to the right is a statue [5], and in the center (also in the lower 
part) is a shield (2). Go to the middle of this area and play the panpipes 
to reveal two notes. One will yield a shield (3), while the other will make 
the enemies fall asleep. There's a dwarf in the back, which you should kill, 
and then shoot the barrels to its right to get a shield (4). To the right of 
those barrels is a statue [6]. On the ice and a bit to the back is the last 
statue in this area [7]. Now go to the tree trunk that's blocking the path 
and Team Up Lucy with Susan to destroy the ice blocks on its front. Then 
have Peter destroy it.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

As is usual, a scene will be triggered. Before actually fighting, there are 
some new upgrades available. Susan's Fast Reload and Peter's Lion's Claw are 
very effective during fights.

Start off by switching to Susan and shooting the rocks to the left of the 
Ogres. The rocks will fall and take out the Ogres. If you can manage to hit 
the rocks to the right of the Ogres you will be able to block the path that 
the Boggles are using, but it is slightly difficult to actually aim at them. 
Anyway, if you feel the need, you can play Susan's panpipes in the center 
of this area to sleep all of the enemies.

Go down and shoot the barrels to obtain a shield (5). Switch to Peter and 
hit the tree trunk blocking the path until it sets on fire. Have Susan throw 
snowballs at it (She'll throw them if she is aiming at the tree trunk, 
instead of shooting arrows). Then switch back to Peter and continue hitting 
the tree.

An Ogre will eventually surface. The best thing to do is to play the
panpipes to make all of the enemies fall asleep, and then deal with the
tree trunk to the right until you destroy it.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

A scene will start. It appears that a sledge is chasing you, and the counter 
on the upper part of the screen shows how much time you have left. It's 
impossible to fall from this piece of ice that you are on, so you can kill 
the Ghouls without worrying. Hit the statue that's up [8], and once you kill 
all of the Ghouls a piece of ice will float to the right, connecting where 
you are with the area to the right. Switch to Lucy and have her connect the
blue sections of ice in the new area, until she has created a continuous

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Kill more Ghouls. Remember to grab the timers that give you more time. In 
the upper part you'll find two statues [9, 10]. Once the Ghouls stop 
appearing a piece of ice will float to the right, and you'll have to use 
Lucy again to find all of the blue sections of ice.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Here you'll encounter a lot of enemies, including Minoboars for the first 
time. Hit the statue that's up [11], and the one that's down [13]. Then use 
Susan to shoot the barrels on the platform with the dwarves to obtain a 
Shield (6). After this, play your panpipes in the lower area to reveal a 
magical note that gives you a shield (7). Once you kill all of the enemies 
you will finish the level.


II.09 - The Great River


First of all, use Susan to destroy the explosive barrels, so that you don't 
get hurt. Then play the horn (same as the panpipes) to reveal a magical 
note that contains a shield (1). Now go all the way to the left to find two 
statues [1, 2]; you'll have to get there by walking where the ice isn't 
melting. After that go all the way to the right to find another two statues 
[3, 4].

Go to the center of this area. To the back you'll see Lucy's face. Switch to 
her and rapidly cross the cracked ice, since it will sink. Hit the waterfall 
until it breaks, and then return to where the other children are, being 
cautious not to drown Lucy.

Switch to Susan. Use her to shoot the indicated parts of the waterfall. 
There are three different places you will have to shoot. Once you've hit 
them all a counter will start. Quickly switch to peter and hit the tree 
trunk that's near the center of this area until you trigger a scene.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

This is very similar to the avalanche part that you went through a few 
levels back. The only differences is that now you have to avoid hitting the 
rocks, or you'll lose health (and if you get stuck you'll lose). There are 
some shields here. The first is to the left (2), as well as the next (3).

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll still be in the rapids. The next shield is to the right (4). Don't 
forget to grab the heart at the center.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Still in the rapids. There is a shield to the left (5), near the Ogre that 
throws the stone. After this you will have to avoid the rocks that the Ogres 
throw: Simply float to the opposite side of the river. Also watch out for 
the eagles that drop rocks.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Now comes Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police (the large wolf). I highly 
recommend first getting the shields before taking on Maugrim. Starting on 
the right and heading left, hit the large jars (6), then the shields (7), 
then the table (8), then some more shield by the axes (9), and finally play 
Susan's horn in the center to reveal a magical note (10).

To damage Maugrim, you will need to continuously hit him until you lower 1/4 
of his health (It starts to replenish itself if you don't hit him, so be 
quick). When this happens various wolves will come out, and a circle will 
appear by the wheelbarrow. Hit it until you break it.

Maugrim will be back. Continue hitting him until Lucy's face appears on the 
tree to the back. Control her and have her climb it. Then continue hitting 
Maugrim with Peter, and when Susan's face appears by the tree, have her 
climb it. After this kill the other wolves and Maugrim will go for the 
girls. Quickly make Peter go and hit him, and then take control of Susan and 
shoot arrows at Maugrim until he runs off.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

More wolves. Repeat the strategy mentioned above, so as to have the girls 
climb the tree and then damage Maugrim.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Surprise! More wolves! Have Lucy go up the tree and, if you want to obtain 
the remaining shields, you'll have to hit 12 consecutive times the wolves, 
indicated by the numbers on screen. Each time you do so you will get a 
shield (11 - 16). Eventually you'll want to have Susan climb the tree, and 
then kill the remaining wolves and hit Maugrim to finish the level.


II.10 - Rescue Edmund


This dwarf is the most annoying dwarf in the game. To hurt him you will have 
to let him do his spinning attack (while he is doing run away from him). 
When he has finished his spinning attack, he will be dizzy. This is the 
right time to hit him towards the tree on the back. By doing this you will 
push the dwarf towards the tree and Peter will tie him to it. While he is 
tied up, hit him as much as you can.

When the dwarf frees himself, he will most likely climb the tree. 
Immediately go and start hitting the tree with your sword. For some reason 
this prevents the things he throws from hitting you. Repeat until you defeat 

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You will now face a lot of enemies, but the thing that will determine when 
you proceed to the next area is the death of the two Cyclops, the one-eyed 
enemies. If you are collecting the shields and statues, I recommend that you 
leave the Cyclops for later:

You can find one statue by going down [1]. Another is to the right of the 
tree on which you tied up the dwarf [2]. The next one [3] is in the upper 
left part of the area, in between the barrels and a heart (if you haven't 
already grabbed it).

And the shields can be found by: Destroying one of the barrels in the upper 
left part of this area (1). Then light a stick with Edmund, and use it to 
light the wood beneath the nearby pot (2). Then torch a bush that's to the 
right and downwards of the tree with the dwarf (3). You'll also obtain a 
shield by torching some bushes to the left and above the stove on the left 
(4). The last one can be found by torching the bushes that are located 
downwards of the mentioned stove (5).

After this we can focus on the Cyclops and his minions. First kill the 
Minoboars (It will be wonderful if you get Minoboar Bane). The easiest and 
fastest way to kill the Cyclops is to have Edmund torch the stick bundles in 
the lower part of the area, and then have Peter throw them at the Cyclops. 
Remember that you can move the stick bundle in case the Cyclops isn't in 
front of it. The Cyclops will eventually fall.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Now we'll go on to the next section. Hit the tree to the right to bring it 
down, allowing you to enter the section to the right. You'll have to do what 
you did last time: Kill the Cyclops. But before doing so, you can obtain the 
remaining shields and statues:

Light the bonfire in the upper part of this area to obtain a shield (6). 
Then torch the bushes in the upper right part to obtain a shield from each 
one, and break the nearby barrels for another one (7-9). Behind these 
barrels is the last statue [4]. There is a bush in the lower right part of 
this area that can also be torched (10).

Kill the Cyclops, using the Stick Bundles either in the lower or upper part 
of this area.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

In this part you will need to kill the indicated amount of Minoboars. 
Minoboar Bane is your best bet for this part. A couple of Minotaurs will 
also join the fight. I recommend using any Bane to remove their armor, and 
then hit them with your strongest attacks (Hint: Peter and Edmund's Blade 

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll now be on top of a tree! You have at your disposal two attacks: Your 
normal attack and your special attack. Your normal one will hit enemies to 
the left, and your special one will hit those to the right of the tree. Once 
the enemies start climbing the tree, hit them. When they climb the other 
tree, switch to Edmund and have him kill them. Keep doing this until the 
timer runs out. This will finish the level.


II.11 - Follow Aslan


For the moment we will control Susan. Go down and shoot the barrels to 
obtain a shield (1). Then go forwards and destroy the wooden objetcts to the 
left. Here play Susan's horn to reveal a blue magical note. Have Susan Team 
Up with Lucy, and use Lucy to break the wooden objects blocking the path.

Immediately after this play the horn and then what the blue magical note 
requires. This will put to sleep the Centaur. If the Centaur catches the 
girls, then you took to long. Try doing the following: First play the horn 
and stand over the magical note. Quickly Team Up both girls and destroy the 
wooden objects. You should still be able to see the magical note, so quickly 
play what is required.

Keep walking until you reach a tent with a light on. Don't get near the 
light, since you will be spotted. To the right of this stand are some 
shields and spears. Hit them to obtain a shield (2). Have Susan shoot the 
top of the tent to shut off the light, and then quickly cross to the other 
side, before the light starts to come out again.

To the left of this tent are some jars, from which you will obtain a shield 
(3). On the other side of the path is a wheelbarrow behind some barrels. Hit 
it to get another shield (4). Keep on walking. To your left is a bonfire. 
Hit the jar next to it to obtain another shield (5). Destroy the wooden 
objects to the right and play your horn to reveal a blue magical note. Team 
Up both girls, and destroy the wooden objects blocking the path, and then 
play what the magical note requires to put to sleep the Centaur.

Now walk pass the wooden objects that were blocking the path, and turn left 
at the first crossing.  Look for a wheelbarrow. Hit it to obtain a shield 
(6). Hit the jar nearby to obtain another one (7). Go back to the crossing 
and this time go right to find a couple of barrels. One of them holds a 
shield (8). Now return to the crossing and then go up.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

If you wait a bit you will see that there is a group of Centaurs patrolling 
this path. They won't spot you unless you walk right in front of them. Wait 
for them to pass by, and then quickly shoot the tent with the light. One you 
shut off the light, go to the right and then down, into a small path that is 
parallel to the big path.

In the middle of this small path play the horn to reveal a magical note 
which will yield a shield (9). At the end of the path shoot the tent in 
front of you, and then run to the right. After this part the group of 
Centaurs will stop patrolling.

Hit the wheelbarrow to the left to obtain a shield (10). Then keep on 
walking on the left side of the path, until you get to a jug which holds 
another shield (11). Look for the wooden objects to the right and destroy 
them. Play the horn, step on the note, Team Up with Lucy, break the wooden 
objects blocking the path, and put the Centaurs to sleep.

Now go up, keeping to the right of the path to avoid being spotted by the 
guy in the lit tent.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Use Susan to kill the dwarves on the path to the left. Then switch to Lucy 
and have her go into the cave on the path to the right, before reaching the 
Cyclops. The cave will allow Lucy to get to a third path with a boulder that 
you will have to hit. Return to Susan.

You can now cross the path to the left. It may seem that it is a dead end, 
but play your horn to reveal a blue magical note that will put the Cyclops 
to sleep.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Start off by hitting both statues that are nearby [1, 2]. Then kill some of 
the enemies and get near the bonfire with Susan. Press the indicated button 
to obtain Fire Arrows. Run to the right and shoot the fire arrows at the 
trees blocking the path. Return to the bonfire, get more fire arrows, and go 
more to the right to find more trees. Repeat one more time. Of course, 
you'll have to do this while fighting the various enemies that will try to 
stop you. After the third tree barricade you will reach what appears to be a 
dead end.

You will have, more than likely, noticed that there is a counter on the top 
part of the screen. It indicates how much time you have left before the 
Cyclops come. Stay here in this enclosed area (The dead end that's after the 
third tree barricade), and start killing all of the enemies that you 
encounter. Lucy's Tame abilities are very useful here.
After you have killed them all, the faces to hide the girls will appear on 
the tree to the right. Before hiding them, have Susan play the horn in the 
center of the area to reveal a magical note that will give you a shield 
(12). There are also three statues here; don't forget to hit them [3 - 5].


II.12 - Battle of Beruna


We'll start off by hitting the statues. There are three on the left part of 
this area [1 - 3], and the remaining one is on the opposite side [4]. On the 
right side, along with the last statue, there are some barrels. One of them 
contains a shield (1).

Kill enemies until a scene starts. Meet the giant! You can't kill it 
directly. Instead, you will need to kill 10 Ghouls, as indicated in the 
upper part of the screen. What you need to keep in mind is that you mustn't 
let the Giant get near the bottom of the screen, where the Centaurs are. If 
he does, then you will lose. You can push him back by hitting him with the 
stick bundles. After you kill 10 Ghouls, look for a circle on the ground. 
Step on it and press the indicated button to have the Giant killed.

A scene will start, and you'll most likely have some new abilities, one of 
them being Shield Slam, which I highly recommend you buy, as well as the 
life extension. Soon you'll encounter two giants. The first requirement is 
15 Ankle Biters, the little fellows, and then 8 wolves to kill the second. 
Each time you meet the requirement, look for the circle to issue the killing 

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You'll now face three giants. The first requirement is 5 Minoboars. Then 3 
Ogres. If you manage to learn Ogre bane, then you shouldn't have any 
trouble. The other method is to use any Bane to remove their shield, and 
then hit them with your sword... Or, alternatively, hit them with a Stick 
Bundle to kill them instantaneously.
To kill the third and last giant you will need to kill two Minotaurs. This 
are harder to kill than Ogres. You can use stick bundles to kill them, or 
any Bane and Shield Blast to hurt them.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

The White Witch must be mad. You will now have to deal with the Minotaur 
general. The method to kill him is exactly as with the Minotaurs: Hit him 
with a Stick Bundle. It is much harder to hit him with Bane and Shield 
Blast, but it can be done. If you go for the Stick Bundle approach, have him 
chase you, and then get behind the stick bundle and hit it when the boss 
places himself in front of it.

The remaining shields can also be obtained here (I recommend getting them 
while fighting the General). I am not 100% sure on how they are obtained, 
but if you fight for a while you should obtain them. The most likely thing 
is that they are given to you depending on how many continuous hits you 
make, or how many enemies you kill with one blow (2 - 6). If you figure it 
out, then I'd appreciate it if you let me know.


II.13 - The Witch's Castle


Preliminary Notes:

  It is obligatory to find all of the statues in the level if you want to 
  finish it :)


Hit the five statues in this area [1 - 5] to fill the bar that surrounds the 
image of Susan's horn in the upper part of the screen. Once you have 
activated all 5 statues, a yellow magical note will appear. Play what is 
required so that you can proceed to the next area.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Once you enter the next area you'll be notified that Lucy has a new ability: 
Sun Speed. This ability will allow her cordial to fill up much faster.

In this area you've got to do the same thing that you did in the previous 
one. Hit all of the statues to proceed. I recommend that you start with the 
three that aren't hidden, and then to shoot the objects in the walls so that 
the light enters the room and the Shadows leave. Each of the 3 Shadows will 
reveal a statue [6 - 11]. Find the magical note and play what is required to 
trigger a scene.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Before going into the next area, play Susan's horn in the center of this 
room with the Witch's throne, to reveal a magical note that yields a shield 
(1). Now proceed to the next area.

This is a small area, with some stairs that go up. First hit the two statues 
here [12, 13], and then go up the stairs. You'll be in a room with a big 
unlit torchlight to the right, and a lit one to the left. Have Susan move 
the unlit one to the lit one, so that it catches fire. You'll receive a 
shield for lighting it (2). Now look for the Shadow in this room and shoot 
above it to let some light into the room. Hit the statue [14].

To break the ice blocks that are blocking the door, Team Up Susan and Lucy, 
and have the latter break them. In the next room take control of Lucy and 
have her go through the tunnel that's before the first shadow to the left. 
You'll reach an ice block which you have to hit. Return to where Susan is. 
Now go through the tunnel that's after the first shadow to the right. Hit 
the ice and return to where Susan is.

Have Susan use her bow to hit the icicle in the center. The Shadows will 
leave and you'll have to hit the four statues (one in each bottom side, and 
one in each upper side of the room)[15 - 18], while watching out for the 
wolves. A magical note will appear. Play what is required and watch the next 

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Proceed to the next area. Go down the stairs and Team Up both girls to 
destroy the ice blocks on the wall, while you evade the Boggles. This will 
reveal a new path. I recommend you use Lucy, and then go through the new 
path, staying as far away from the castle as you can. This will trigger a 
scene and you'll be trapped with some Boggles. Lucy's Boggle Tame comes in 
handy here. Once you've killed some Boggles, a rock will fall creating a new 
path that allows you to enter the castle. Do so.

In the first room that you get into after entering the castle, play Susan's 
horn to reveal a magical note which will give you a shield (3). Proceed to 
the next area and watch the scene.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

First of all, play Susan's horn in the center of this area. A magical note 
will appear, which will give you a shield (4). Afterwards get near the fire 
and press the indicated button with Susan to obtain Fire Arrows. Shoot each 
of the six Shadows with a fire arrow to send it soaring into the air and hit 
the statue at the same time. Once you have activated all six statues [19 - 
14] an Ogre will appear. Peter and Edmund may be able to defeat one without 
much trouble, but the girls aren't capable of doing so.

What I recommend is that you have Lucy act as bait and make the Ogre follow 
her as much as you can to the right, and then quickly switch to Susan and 
hit the gate on the left until you destroy it. This will allow you to enter 
a room with a yellow magical note and an unlit torch. Before playing the 
horn, move this torch to the fire on the right so that you light it up and 
receive a shield (5). It may be tricky to do so, with the Ogre banging at 
you as you move the torch, so try and have Lucy distract him a bit and then 
switch back to Susan and push it. Return to the magical note in the small 
room and play what is required to finish the level.


II.14 - The Great Battle


Preliminary Notes:

  When you select this level, a screen will show up, telling you that you
  can use your statues to buy reinforcements for the battle.

  The reinforcements you can buy vary, but obviously the higher the cost the 
  better it is. Don't worry about which to choose. Every time you choose
  this level you'll be asked what you want to buy, so you can try out
  different combinations.


This is a fun level, since you only need to worry about fighting and trying 
to kill as much enemies as possible. Peter is obviously the most suited for 
this kind of job. This level is subdivides into waves, in which you will 
have to kill the indicated number of enemies to advance to the next wave. If 
you are collecting the shields, you will obtain 1 for each 10 continuous 
hits you make. By doing this you will obtain 6 of the 7 shield. The seventh 
can be found by playing Susan's horn to reveal a magical green note (7).

The first wave consists of 8 Ghouls. The second of 8 Ghouls and 12 Ankle 
Slicers. The third of 8 Ghouls, 12 Ankle Slicers, and 4 dwarves. In this 
last wave I recommend that you first take care of the Ghouls and Ankle 
Slicers, and then Team Up Peter with Susan to shoot the dwarves on the rocks 
to the right, on the other side of the marching enemies. After this you will 
reach a Checkpoint.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

The fourth wave consists of 6 Minoboars and 6 Wolves. Nothing to complicated 
if you use Banes. The fifth wave consists of 6 Minoboars, 6 Wolves, and 4 
Dwarves. Remember to team up Peter with Susan. You will most likely be able 
to acquire Triple Tipple, which makes Lucy's cordial fill up faster.

The sixth wave consists of 6 Minoboars and 4 Minotaurs. Remember that you 
need to use a powerful attack, such as Bane or Shield Blast to remove the 
armor from the Minotaurs so that you can hit them with normal attacks.

The seventh wave consists of 6 Minoboars, 4 Minotaurs, and 12 Ankle Slicers. 
The eight one consists of 2 Ogres and 4 Minotaurs. The ninth (and last) wave 
consists of 3 Ogres, 6 Minotaurs, and 10 Minoboars.


II.15 -  The White Witch


You finally get to fight the White Witch! Start off by controlling Susan and 
playing the horn in the lower part of the area to make a green magical note 
appear, which will give you a shield (1). The other shields can be obtained 
by making 10 continuous hits, but I recommend you do this when a lot of 
enemies appear (2-5).

To confront the White Witch you will need to run around, evading her, until 
she goes to the upper part of the area. She will stand still, and a 5+ 
Symbol will appear on top of her. Control Edmund and make him hit her 5 
times in a row. Then you will need to switch to Susan and fire arrows at her 
until Edmund's symbol appears on top of her. Switch to Edmund and hit her 
till she runs away.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

Now you will face a bunch of enemies and, eventually, two Cyclops. Focus 
first on killing the enemies until the Cyclops appear. This is the ideal 
moment to get that 10 hit combo you need to do to obtain the shields. When 
the Cyclops appear, still keep on killing the other enemies, since it is 
very hard to deal with the Cyclops with so much enemies running around. 
You'll eventually be left alone with the Cyclops.

To kill the Cyclops you need to hit them with stick bundles. Of course, the 
quickest way to do this is to first light up the bundle by pushing it into 
one of the fires, and then moving it towards a Cyclops and hitting it. Two 
hits with burning bundles will kill a Cyclops. If you hit them with unlit 
bundles, you will take much longer to kill them.

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

You will again face the White Witch. The method to kill her is the same as 
last time, with the exception that she will now strike the ground creating 
an earthquake that can harm you (Just be far from her when she does this to 
avoid being hit... but it doesn't harm that much).

                           -o- Checkpoint -o-

After the scene, you won't be able to use Edmund any more. The method to 
harm the White Witch has also changed. For starters, you will first need to 
hurt her with Susan's arrows when indicated, and then throw a burning stick 
bundle at her, and finish off by hitting her 5 times in a row with Peter. 
You will need to repeat this two times, making a grand total of 3 times.

As a side note, she now has another attack in which she will knock down the 
children (Lucy is the only one that is immune to this attack). When this 
happens, make Lucy use her cordial to heal the children and wake them.

If the battle seems to be too difficult, then try first lighting the stick 
bundle, and then shoot her with Susan, and quickly run to where the stick 
bundle is. If you positioned it correctly, the only thing that you will need 
to do is hit it, and then have Peter finish her off.

Once you have harmed her three times, a yellow magical note will appear on 
the ground. You need Susan to play what is required to defeat the White 
Witch once and for all. If you don't get enough time to play it completely 
with Susan, then try using one of the children to lure her and the rest of 
the enemies to the bottom part of the screen, and then quickly switch to 
Susan and play what is required before the Witch reaches you.

Congratulations on finishing the game! If you haven't found all of the 
shields and statues, it would be a great idea to do so. There are also a few 
bonus levels that you can play in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                          003. Shield List                            -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

I haven't yet written a "list" of the location of the shields, but if
you want their location, I have indicated it in the walkthrough. The
shield's numbers are shown in the format (X) in the Walkthrough.

Expect to find a list here in the guide's next update.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                          004. Statue List                            -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

I haven't yet written a "list" of the location of the statues, but if
you want their location, I have indicated it in the walkthrough. The
statue's numbers are shown in the format {X} in the Walkthrough.

Expect to find a list here in the guide's next update.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                         005. Ability List                            -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

Expect to find a list here in the guide's next update.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                      006. Cheats/Unlockables                         -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-


Complete the indicated amount of percentage to unlock new stuff which you
access from the bottom drawer of the Wardrobe.

                | #% | EXTRA CONTENT                      |
                | 03 | Movie - Peter Recording Session    |
                | 06 | Movie - Susan Recording Session    |
                | 12 | Movie - Edmund Recording Session   |
                | 16 | Movie - Lucy Recording Session     |
                | 24 | Bonus Level - To Western Wood      |
                | 30 | Movie - The Making of Narnia       |
                | 36 | Bonus Level - Allies Enclave       |
                | 42 | Movie - Story Boards               |
                | 48 | Bonus Level - Frozen Lake          |
                | 54 | Movie - Prototype Battlemarch Demo |
                | 62 | Bonus Level - The Great River      |
                | 69 | Movie - From Concept to Game       |
                | 78 | Bonus Level - Follow Aslan         |
                | 89 | Movie - Concept Art Blend Tests    |
                | 97 | Bonus Level - The Witch's Castle   |
                |100 | Movie - Unused Models              |


Thanks to ninjitsu_monkey and SBacon for some of the cheats.

  ~ GameCube Cheats

     - Cheat Mode: This code must be entered in order for most of the cheats
       to work. At the title screen, press the A button, then hold both the
       L and R buttons simultaneously and press Down, Down, Right, Up on the
       D-Pad. If entered correctly, the text that says "Please Press Start
       to Begin" will turn green.

     - Level Select: In the level select screen, hold L, then press Up, Up,
        Right, Right, Up, Right, Down on the D-Pad

     - All Bonus Levels: Hold L, then press Down, Down, Right, Right, Down,
        Right, Up on the D-Pad

     - In-game Cheats:
          ~ 10,000 Extra Coins
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Right, Down, Down on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Health
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Left, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Energy
             Hold L, then press Up, Up, Right, Up on the D-Pad
          ~ Invincible Mode
             Hold L, then press Down, Up, Down, Right, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ All Abilities unlocked
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Right, Left, Up
          ~ Skip the Level
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down,
             Right, Up on the D-Pad

  ~ PlayStation 2 Cheats

     - Cheat Mode: This code must be entered in order for most of the cheats
       to work. At the title screen, press the X button, then hold both the
       L1 and R1 buttons simultaneously and press Down, Down, Right, Up on
       the D-Pad. If entered correctly, the text that says "Please Press
       Start to Begin" will turn green.

     - Level Select: In the level select screen, hold L1, then press Up, Up,
        Right, Right, Up, Right, Down on the D-Pad

     - All Bonus Levels: Hold L1, then press Down, Down, Right, Right, Down,
        Right, Up on the D-Pad

     - In-game Cheats:
          ~ 10,000 Extra Coins
             Hold L1, then press Down, Left, Right, Down, Down on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Health
             Hold L1, then press Down, Left, Left, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Energy
             Hold L1, then press Up, Up, Right, Up on the D-Pad
          ~ Invincible Mode
             Hold L1, then press Down, Up, Down, Right, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ All Abilities unlocked
             Hold L1, then press Down, Left, Right, Left, Up
          ~ Skip the Level
             Hold L1, then press Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down,
             Right, Up on the D-Pad

  ~ Xbox Cheats

     - Cheat Mode: This code must be entered in order for most of the cheats
       to work. At the title screen, press the A button, then hold both the
       L and R buttons simultaneously and press Down, Down, Right, Up on
       the D-Pad. If entered correctly, the text that says "Please Press
       Start to Begin" will turn green.

     - Level Select: In the level select screen, hold L, then press Up, Up,
        Right, Right, Up, Right, Down on the D-Pad

     - All Bonus Levels: Hold L, then press Down, Down, Right, Right, Down,
        Right, Up on the D-Pad

     - In-game Cheats:
          ~ 10,000 Extra Coins
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Right, Down, Down on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Health
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Left, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ Restore Energy
             Hold L, then press Up, Up, Right, Up on the D-Pad
          ~ Invincible Mode
             Hold L, then press Down, Up, Down, Right, Right on the D-Pad
          ~ All Abilities unlocked
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Right, Left, Up
          ~ Skip the Level
             Hold L, then press Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down,
             Right, Up on the D-Pad

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                   007. Frequently Asked Questions                    -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

If you've got a question that isn't answered in the Guide, then you can
send it to me at [email protected] so that I can answer it, and possibly
include it in this section.

- What do the Shields do?

   They are in the game for completion purposes. If you want to complete
   the game with 100% you will need to find all of them (Well, the shields
   actually add up to 96%; you will have to finish the bonus levels if you
   want the 100%). Bonus stuff is unlocked depending on how much percentage
   of the game you've completed.

- What do the Statues do?

   They are used as currency (money) to buy reinforcements in "The Great
   Battle" level.

- Is there any way to miss an ability?

   Yes, some abilities are obtained only after doing certain things.
   This is especially true for Peter's Bane abilities. I'll have more
   information on this later when I discover what actually determines
   if you do/don't get an ability.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                        008. Version History                          -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

Version 5.11 (Jan. 16, 2006): Added the controls for PS2.

Version 5.10 (Jan. 5, 2006): Added the Cheats and Unlockables section.

Version 5.00 (Jan. 3, 2006): First Version of the Guide. Walkthrough
                             is complete.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                      009. Contact Information                        -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

If you have a question, doubt, correction, or simply any comments that
you would like to make to me, you can contact me in the following ways:

- E-mail. Write to [email protected], and don't forget to include
  the name of the game, Chronicles of Narnia, somewhere in the message.

- MSN Messenger. You can either add [email protected] or
  [email protected] to your contact list. However, I prefer it if you
  write an e-mail. I'm also not online at the Messenger very frequently.

Keep in mind:

- You can send me any question you have, as long as it isn't answered
  in the guide. I always try to answer as quick as I can; however,
  I may take up to a couple of days in getting back to you.

- If you have any correction, be it grammatical, of content, etc., I
  will gladly accept it.

- Any collaboration to the guide is welcome. If you do so, I will
  give you the proper recognition for helping out. It is left to my
  discretion what to add to the guide and what not.

- If you find any part of the guide confusing, let me know. The purpose
  of the guide is to help everyone.

- You can also thank me, give me constructive criticism, opinions, and

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                        010. Copyright/Legal                          -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

~ This guide is Copyright 2006 B.lu4R

~ This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstance, except for
  private and personal use. It may not be published on any Web Site without
  prior consent of the author. The use of this guide in any other
  Web Site, or as part of a public exhibition, is strictly prohibited, and
  is a violation of the Copyright that is in effect for this guide.
  Likewise, the content of this guide may not be altered in any way.

~ All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
  their respective trademark and Copyright holders.

~ Web Sites that can host this guide:
          - GameFAQs
          - Neoseeker
          - Cheat Happens
          - 1up
          - CheatCC
          - IGN
          - Super Cheats

  If you want authorization to host this guide in your site, first send
  me an e-mail.

-�-                                                                      -�-
-�-                             011. Credits                             -�-
-_-                                                                      -_-

- Thanks to CjayC and Sailor Bacon, both administrators of GameFAQs

- C. S. Lewis, for writing the Chronicles of Narnia.

- Thanks to Karen Mazak for contributing the controls for the Xbox version

- And last but not least, Thank You, for taking the time to read this guide