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Story Mode World 10 Floors


                   SSSSSSSSS          MMM         MMM
                  SSSSSSSSSSS         MMMM       MMMM
                  SSSS    SSS         MMMMM     MMMMM
                  SSSS                MMMMMM   MMMMMM
                   SSSS               MMM MMM MMM MMM
                    SSSSSSS           MMM  MMMMM  MMM
                      SSSSSSS         MMM   MMM   MMM
                         SSSS         MMM    M    MMM
                  SSS    SSSS         MMM         MMM
                  SSSSSSSSSSS U P E R MMM         MMM O N K E Y
                   SSSSSSSSS          MMM         MMM

                  BBBBBBBBB            222222222
                  BB     BBB          22222222222
                  BB      BBB         222    2222
                  BB     BBBB               22222
                  BBBBBBBBBBB              22222 
                  BBBBBBBBBB              22222
                  BB     BBBB            22222
                  BB      BBB           22222
                  BB     BBBB A L L    2222222222
                  BBBBBBBBBB           2222222222

                 By Sixstring982
          Email: [email protected]
                AIM: Sixstring982
                   June 5, 2006
                   Version 1.20

I.                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
I.      Table of contents
II.     Controls
III.    Game Modes
IV.     Options Screen

V.      Story Mode Walkthrough

   Vx.   Characters
   Vxx.  Pause Menu
   VA.     Jungle Island
   VB.     Volcanic Magma
   VC.     Under the Ocean
   VD.     Inside a Whale
   VE.     Amusement Park
   VF.     Boiling Pot
   VG.     Bubbly Washing Machine
   VH.     Clock Tower Factory
   VJ.     Space Colony
   VK.     Dr. BAD-BOON's Base

VI.       All-Banana Challenge

VII.      Version History

VIII.     Contacting Me

IX.       Legal & Copyright

X.        Credits & Thanks

II. Controls

The controls for this game couldn't be easier. This is why this game is perfect
for all ages, even if at some points it can be INCREDIBLY frustrating.

Control Stick..............Move the Stage (not the ball!)
A Button...................Change map zoom
Start/Pause Button.........Pause the game and go to the pause menu

III.Game Modes

The Main Game:
              The main game is a mode in which you roll your monkey ball
through various obstacle courses.

  Story Mode :
            Story Mode starts with giving you ten obstacle courses to chose
from. You can start on any one you wish, but to progress to the next world, you
must complete all ten stages. If you fail a stage, you may retry it as many
times as you wish, without getting a game over. You recieve play points as you
progress, which are used to unlock party games.

  Challenge Mode :
  PLAYERS : 1-4
                The same as Story mode, with a few exceptions.
If you run out of time, which ranges from 30
to 60 seconds -OR- fall off of the stage, you will lose a life. If you lose all
of your lives, you get a game over. From the game over screen, you get 5
continues. These give you all of your lives back, and you restart the stage
that you last failed. If you lose all of your continues, the game is completely
over and you go back to the main menu.

  Practice Mode :
               The name says it all. If you have played a stage before
whatsoever, even if you have failed it, you can practice it as many times as
you wish to here.

Party Games:
            Chose from 12 Different style Mini Games. 6 are locked, but you can
buy them with play points by playing story mode or challenge mode enough. The
locked party games cost 2500 play points a piece.
                  (All party games completely described in section VI)

IV. The Options Screen

Get to the options screen from the Main screen

Replay :
        Watch replays that you've saved from playing the main game.

Play Points :
        This option tells you how many play points that you currently have,
how many play points you need to earn before you can unlock a new party game
(2500 - the number of play points you have), and the party games that you have

Ranking :
         The rankings option is a high score list for the main game and all of
the party games.

Game Data :
           You can load a saved game, save your current game, or you can turn
on the autosave feature (RECCOMENDED)

Controller :
            Here you can adjust the control stick (basically, just check if it
works allright), and turn the rumble feature on or off.

Game Screen :
             Here, you can change the aspect ratio of your screen to normal,
widescreen, or letterbox. You can also change the multiplayer split-screen to
LIVE (every screen is the same size) or to make one player's screen bigger
than the other two's in 3 player mode.

Sound :
       Change the sound output to Stereo or Mono.

V. Story Mode Walkthrough
IMPORTANT NOTE:________________________________________________________________
Here, I will explain a strategy for successfully completing every stage in the
game. This will only tell you how to complete it, and it probably won't make it
any easier in the first place. However, if I have listed an alternate solution
to the stage, Most of the time it will be easier than the intended way
of completing the stage. Some consider this cheating, however, so if you are 
one of those people who like to play fair and square, just use the intended
way of completing the stage.

VX. Characters

Aiai : The Main character of the game, he is an average joe male monkey.

MeeMee : The only female character in the game, she is Aiai's counterpart.

GonGon : A very buff male monkey.

Baby : You guessed it, a baby monkey.

VXX. The Pause Screen

Continue Game :
               Like it says, it unpauses the game.

Retry :
       Puts you back at the beginning of the stage.

View Stage :
            Gives you a full view of what the stage looks like.

How to Play :
             Rules and controls

Stage Select :
              Brings you back to the screen with the current 10 stages

Exit Game :
           Returns you to the main menu

VA. Jungle Island

Jungle Island is the only world with BEGINNER level stages.
                    /Jungle Island Statistics:\
                    | Total Time: 600s (10m)  |
                    |   Total Bananas: 141    |
                    \ World Difficulty: 33/100/
                            1. ~Simple~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 single
Difficulty: 1
      As the name implies, a simple stage. Go perfectly straight to complete 

                            2. ~Hollow~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 2
      Go straight until you get to the half-pipe section. Roll around the round
tube until you get to the wall on the other side, then roll up the ramp and 
down twoards the finish gate.

ALTERNATE: A little harder to land perfectly. go to the half-pipe section and 
try to jump it to the ramp at the end of the half-pipe.

BENEFITS: Faster time and a banana bunch.

                             3. ~Bumpy~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 single, 2 bunch
Difficulty: 1
     Go Straight. You'll bounce off of the goal, but should be able to recover

                            4. ~Switches~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 10 single
Difficulty: 2
      Roll over the switch in front of you. This causes the bridge to fold open
letting you roll straight on through. Go around the second switch. If you don't
and have too much speed, you will fall to your doom. After that, go around the
big hole in front of the goal to reach it.

ALTERNATE: This Alternative route gets you to an alternate gate than the blue
one. When you reach the second switch, push it. This will cause the bridge to 
go to a 90 degree angle. Go to the left of the switch, and with some luck,
you can roll off the cliff and hopefully land in the goal (NOT RECCOMENDED FOR

BENEFITS: In Challenge Mode, you will warp ahead a few levels. In story mode
and challenge mode, you will get a better score multiplyer for the level.

                           5. ~Conveyers~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 single
Difficulty: 6
      The difficulty rating was WAY off for this stage. Just go perfectly
straight to complete the stage. The only reason for such a high difficulty is
if you want to collect all of the bananas.

                           6. ~Floaters~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single, 4 bunch
Difficulty: 3
      The best way to finish this stage is to avoid the floating blocks in
the center. simply weave your way to the goal, avoiding the blocks.

                            7. ~Slopes~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 single
Difficulty: 2
      Jump off of the middle-left ramp, then continue up the series of ramps
twoards the goal.

                           8. ~Sliders~
BANANAS: 6 single
Difficulty: 8
     The most difficult of the first ten stages, Sliders is still a piece of
cake. Go down the half-pipe. Break before you get to the curve at the end, and
turn around. Repeat until you get to the last section, which you will bring 
your ball to the center of the ramp. Continue down the center until you reach
the goal.

ALTERNATE: Go very fast down the half-pipe runway at the beginning, swerving
so that you maximize your height on the edges. When you reach the first turn,
you can jump to other curves in the course. This is INCREDIBLY dangerous and
lots of times, doesn't work. (NOT RECCOMENDED FOR CHALLENGE MODE!!!)

BENEFITS: Faster time

                          9. ~Spinning Top~
BANANAS: 8 single
Difficulty: 6
     The first thing most notice on this stage is the large, spinning object
of doom. Obviously, you really, really don't want to touch it. Anyways, roll
up to the large pillar. Go up either ramp (In situations like this, go up the
ramp that matches the hand you write with.)When you get to the top, go around
the circle AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN FROM THE TOP. When you reach the end, roll
through the goal.

                         10. ~Curve Bridge~
Difficulty: 2
     You need to be very careful that you don't go too fast on this level.
just go twoards all of the curves swiftly, but remember to break soon enough
that you will stop at the turn of the curve. When you get to the bridge, wait
until the moment when you will reach the center of the bridge when the two
pieces of the bridge are connected. Then make you way to the goal.

VB. Volcanic Magma
Volcanic Magma is the first world with ADVANCED level stages.
                    /   Volcanic Magma Statistics:   \
                   |     Total Time: 600s (10m)       |
                   | Total Bananas: 199 (125 possible)|
                    \   World Difficulty: 51/100     /

                               1. ~Banks~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 2
      The first advanced stage, go straight until you get to the turn. Be
careful here, because the floor is tilted to make you fall into the center.
Go along the figure 8 until you get to the goal. Be careful at the second half
of the stage, too, because the warping in the middle of the stage changes
pitch, making your ball roll off the outside of the course.

                            2. ~Eaten Floor~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 5
      The easiest way to complete this stage is to stick to the left path until
you get to the top of the map, in which you will go twoards the goal from 

                              3. ~Hoppers~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single
Difficulty: 3
      See that switch behind you? Go push it. This makes life a whole lot
easier. Now, dodge the jumping ummm....thingys in the middle of the stage and
go through the goal.

ALTERNATE: After you fall wait for a split second, then jam the control stick 
upwards and go through the stage at top speed to complete it easily.

BENEFITS: easy completion, faster time

                             4. ~Coaster~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 bunch (only possible to get 1 bunch)
Difficulty: 6
      Oooooh man this one is fun. To complete it with almost no risk of losing,
jump into the tube and let go of the control stick. When your speed goes below
70mph, boost it back up to 90mph, then go back to letting go of the stick.
When you reach the bottom, break and align yourself to go to the goal.

ALTERNATE: Go VERY fast (200mph or so) along the tube, being careful not to
fall out. When you reach the bottom, quickly aim so that you will land in the

                           5. ~Bumpy Check~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 10 single
Difficulty: 7
      When you get on the checkerboard, go straight left two squares, then
continue up to the top of the board, then go twoards the goal and go in.

                              6. ~Swell~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 10 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 3
      Follow the trail of bananas. Beware though, the course tilts left until
you get halfway, then it starts tilting right.

                          7. ~Gravity Slider~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 bunch 
Difficulty: 7
      A total speed-demon of a course. Go perfectly straight. You end up going
so fast that the frame-rate can't keep up with your speed.

ALTERNATE: (NOT RECCOMENDED!!!) If you want to get all 50 bananas on this stage
here's how to do it. Go slowly on the first ramp, but hit it so that you still
get the bananas. Break right after it, then continue to the second ramp. 
Remember to gain enough speed to reach the bananas at the bottom of the slide.

                            8. ~Inchworms~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 20 single (15 possible)
Difficulty: 6
      Immediatley push the switch behind you. Then, travel to the inchworm
closest to the starting point. When the inchworm bunches up, follow it as
it unravels section by section until you get to the end.

ALTERNATE: follow the same strategy as before, just with a different path.
I reccomend going to the second path anyways, but I have only been able to
successfully complete the third path once.

                         9. ~Totalitarianism~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single
Difficulty: 8
      (n): a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not
restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.). No idea what that has
to do with the stage at all, but oh well. In this stage, the bananas represent
safe zones. Stopping on a banana will garruntee your safety. Push the switch
behind you before you go, then simply stop on the bananas while the donuts drop
while progressing twoards the goal and you will complete it in no time.

                          10. ~Alternative~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 single
Difficulty: 6
      Avoid the switch, then get on the first moving block when you can. When
the blocks congregate in the middle, hop onto the next one and stop on it.
repeat this until you get to the goal.

VC. Under the Ocean
The second world in the ADVANCED level.
                  /   Under the Ocean Statistics:    \
                  |     Total Time: 600s (10m)       |
                  |Total Bananas: 177 (175 possible?)|
                  \    World Difficulty: 47/100      /

                          1. ~Organic Form~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 single
Difficulty: 3
      Hit the switch behind you, then go pretty much straight the whole time,
 keeping in mind that the object changes speeds as much as it changes form.
Break at the end so that you don't roll off the end and dont run into the top
of the goal, sending you back into the form and ultimately sending you flying
to your doom.

                         2. ~Reversible Gear~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single, 7 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      This one's a doozy if you don't know what you're doing.
The map is shaped like this:

                 /     \
                |       |
                |       |
Stand where the star is (well actually as close to the gear as you can get, but
keep in line with the middle of that edge of the octagon) When the gear is 
about to stop and lets an open path straight to the goal, go straight twoards

                        3. ~Stepping Stones~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single, 1 bunch (14 possible)
Difficulty: 6
      Go along the right path, being careful not to drop through the holes or
falling off the edge.

ALTERNATE: (NOT RECCOMENDED!!!) Take the right path instead of the left one.
This is MUCH more dangerous, but it will get you a lot more bananas.

BENEFITS: More Bananas, but slower time

                          4. ~Dribbles~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single
Difficulty: 6
      Hit the switch behind you to slow down the big jumping blobs. Then, 
carefully navigate the course being sure that the blobs don't crush you and
send you flying to oblivion. This course takes a lot of time to complete, so
remember to do it swiftly. Also remember that even if you're not on a circle
where the blobs bounce, some are so big that they can hit you from far away.

                           5. ~U.R.L.~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single
Difficulty: 4
      Oh no! The amusementvision web address has come loose and is trying to
knock you to kingdom come! (they REALLY ran out of ideas for stages)
ANYWAYS, go straight until you get to the platform where the bar moves. When it
gets closer, go to the edge that the bar doesn't reach (where the bananas are)
and balance until it moves away. when it does, go straight to the goal.

                          6. ~Mad Rings~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 single, 7 bunch
Difficulty: 3
      Simply go straight until you get to the platform with the goal on it, but
remember to dodge the ring as it swings around you.

ALTERNATE: Jam the stick forward until you get to the platform with the first

You can also go for the other two goals. The second goal isn't too challenging
to reach, but I wouldn't try for the third one.

                         7. ~Curvy Options~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 single, 3 bunch (not sure if it's possible to get all of them)
Difficulty: 3
      Simply take the path on the left to finish the stage the easiest.

ALTERNATE: Take any of the other paths. They are worth more bananas, but they
are also more dangerous.

                            8. ~Twister~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single
Difficulty: 8
      Go into the large tunnel of rotating squares. When it starts to screw
itself up, stop. This should ensure your safety depending on where you are.
Repeat this process until you finish the stage.

ALTERNATE: Don't do anything at the beginning. Wait until the squares are as
screwed up as they possibly can be (50:85 on the clock), then jam the control
stick up. You should land in the goal if you aim at it.

                            9. ~Downhill~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 3
      Use the series of staircases and slopes to get to the goal. Go extrememly
slow on the slopes and staircases, because going too fast can cause you to go
through the center of the doughnuts.

ALTERNATE: Go to the second step down from the top. Check your map to see if
you're aligned to the ring under you, then slowly drop off of the step that
you're on.keep using the map when you bounce to align yourself again. If you
can keep your balance when bouncing, you'll be on the bottom ring.

                           10. ~Junction~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single, 2 bunch (22 possible)
Difficulty: 3
      Go straight. When you start falling down the slope, start to break. Avoid
all of the holes along the way, and once you get to the bottom go through the

ALTERNATE: Go to the end of the platform that you're on. Turn around and go
full speed twoards the back of the platform. This is the same path as the front
way, but it is much steeper. Be careful going down it and you will get to the

VD. Inside a Whale
The final world of ADVANCED level stages
                      /Inside a Whale Statistics:\
                      |  Total Time: 600s (10m)  |
                      |   Total Bananas: 140     |
                      \World Difficulty : 63/100 /

                           1. ~Pro Skaters~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 bunch
Difficulty: 2
      Use the pause and play buttons in front of you to stop one of the 
skaters. It's a good idea to stop him when he reaches the bottom of the

ALTERNATE: Go for the second skater. It's much harder because it can't be
paused. I've never gotten it.

                           2. ~Giant Comb~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 12 single
Difficulty: 8
      This one looks much harder than it really is. Go forward, and stop in
between the glowing lines when the comb comes by, then go right after it

ALTERNATIVE: Jam the stick forward and keep it held down. Aim so that you don't
hit the pole in the middle, but keep going forward after that. You should go
straight through the comb without hitting any of the teeth and go through the

                            3. ~Beehive~
BANANAS: 3 bunch
Difficulty: 5
     Go along the far left group of honeycombs until you get to the goal. This
is the easiest way to go.

                         4. ~Dynamic Maze~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 10 single
Difficulty: 1
      Jam the stick forward to ride along the walls of the maze. Then keep
inching twoards the goal. You should make it through at about 32:23.

                        5. ~Triangle Holes~
TIME: 60s
Difficulty: 6
      Go very slowly through the middle, weaving through the triangular holes.
This can be very time consuming though, so be quick with your movements.

ALTERNATIVE: Jam the stick forward the whole time to make it through the goal
quickly. This is the only way I've ever been able to complete it.

                          6. ~Launchers~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 9
      This one can be really fun if you know how to do it. Fall down to the
bottom of the stage. Change your map so that it's set on the smallest area that
it can show. Next, go to a launcher and wait until it launches. Then, follow
it while it moves back, making sure to stay as centered as you can to it AND as
far back as you can go to it. When it launches you, use your map to center
yourself with the middle of the tower. Then, use your map to fall off of the
tower and into the rotating goal.

ALTERNATE: This one is REALLY hard to pull off. If you can, aim yourself so
that when you launch off of the launcher that you will land in the bottom of
the blue goal's platform. If you do it right, you will land in the red goal
beneath it.

                          7. ~Randomizer~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 single, 6 bunch
Difficulty: 6
      Just go straight and you'll get to the goal. Make sure you go PERFECTLY
straight though, because if you're travelling at high speeds and you hit a
corner of one of those squares, you'll meet your doom.

ALTERNATE: This is where the stage gets complicated. See the runway in front
of you? Good. Now do you see how it's split up into big bars and little bars
running left-right? Good. Remember those for later. Now, here's a technique
that I made up myself. It's called fast-breaking and it's incredibly useful
for certain stages. While you're going forward with the stick up as far as
possible, just jam the stick back, then up immediately. This will cause you to
break and you may finish the stage with different results. NOW, remember the
runway and how it's split up? welll to get to the second level you have to
break at the first big bar, then the second big bar, then the fourth big bar.
If you do it correctly, you may even get to the top of the stage.

                          8. ~Coin Slots~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single
Difficulty: 8
      Go to the last slot in the big book thingy and wait for the goal to fall
through. Jump down at the opprotune moment and you'll make it through. You may
want to pause, then press view stage first to figure out how the coins move.

ALTERNATE: Use the same strategy, just go for a different slot. All of the
stages are blue except for the last one, which is green. The only benefit for
going for an earlier slot is a better score time.

                         9. ~Seesaw Bridges~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single
Difficulty: 8
      Go to the first bridge. When you get on it, make sure NOT to stop. You
have to swerve through the cylanders in the middle, or else the bridge will
tip over, sending you to your falling death. On the second bridge, you MUST
enter it from the left side. From here, swerve around the bridge. On the third
bridge, use the same strategy as the first one, just with bigger cylanders.

                          10. ~Arthropod~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single
Difficulty: 10
      I bet this stage is why you're looking in this walkthrough, isn't it?
THIS STAGE SUCKS SO MUCH. It should be the last level of expert mode. And
truthfully, I have NEVER been able to complete it normally. Anyways, if you're
really THAT daring to try this, go very fast at the beginning, so that you skip
over the rings, but remember to stop on the last ring. Now, while avoiding the
spider's legs, wait on this ring until the goal comes around and enter it.

ALTERNATE: Here is the only way I have ever completed this stage. Wait at the
starting point until EXACTLY 41:22 is left on the clock (You may want to pause
the game several times to make sure it's close enough). When it reaches that
time, JAM the stick forward. You may need to aim near the end, but you will get
very close to the goal. NOTE: it must be between 41:20 and 41:25. A FRACTION

ALTERNATE: (Written by TruthSeeker) I've noticed that so many people rave about
the extreme difficulty of this level. But I passed it pretty easily after a
only a few good tries.  Anyone can.  Here's how:
A couple seconds after starting, if you jam the stick forward and a bit to the
left, do your best to avoid the legs and time your braking to reach the very 
edge of the last ring, then let yourself coast over the side.  Aim for the goal
on your way down. It is an "expert" maneuver, but with a bit of practice,
you'll nail it almost every time.  

If you've completed that, congratulations! That is the hardest level ever.

VE. Amusement Park
The rest of the stages after this are ADVANCED level stages.
                      /Amusement Park Statistics:\
                      | Total Time:570s (9m30s)  |
                      |   Total Bananas:186      |
                      \ World Difficulty: 52/100 /

                             1. ~Wormhole~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single, 3 bunch
Difficulty: 3
      Go as fast as you can through the wormhole. You'll go to the upper right
gate, and along the thin walkway. Stop at the big part, then turn right. Go
along this walkway. Then turn right, and go along THAT walkway. Be careful here
because the walkway is VERY thin.

                             2. ~Free Fall~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 7
      Go out on the thin walkway. Use your map to fall on to the huge circular
landing pad. Go along the thin walkway there, and fall in to the goal. The nice
thing about using Aiai is that when walking on thin walkways, you can use
the tip of his hair as a sort of crosshair for going straight.

ALTERNATE: Use the same strategy as earlier, but along the second walkway,
drop to the floor even lower than the one you are on.

                            3. ~Melting Pot~
TIME: 30s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 4
      You only have 30 seconds to complete this one, so hurry and jump in the
box. It is very hard to control how you move, and the big boulders don't make
it any easier. just try as hard as you can to get to the goal.

                            4. ~Mad Shuffle~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Hit the switch behind the wormhole. go through it to see a hellish
display of moving boards. Watch how they move: They switch after overlapping 3
times, then they switch after overlapping 4. Wait until they reset, and go on
the side that is currently overlapping the other. Go as fast as you can,
because they will switch if you don't hurry. Go through the goal once you
reach it.

                           5. ~Bead Screen~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single
Difficulty: 3
      Go to the VCR controls. Once the screen looks like a staircase, run
straight on down to the goal.

                           6. ~Jump Machine~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 bunch
Difficulty: 5
      Sit at the bottom of the tower. Set your map to medium zoom. When you
move directly under the tower, it will launch you up into the air. Now, you
have to land on one of the levels above you.If you don't land on the one with
the goal, repeat the whole process.

ALTERNATE: You might want to try to go to the upper levels. In this case, use
the jumping platforms on the lower levels to try and get to a higher one.

                          7. ~Zigzag Slope~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single 1 bunch
Difficulty: 2
      Take the left path. It really isn't a very difficult stage, so just
follow the path and make sure not to fall off.

ALTERNATE: Take the right path. This path is steeper, which means you must
have more momentum to start going. The only reason to take this path is for
a bunch of bananas.

                             8. ~Tower~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 6
      This is one of my favorites. Take the wormhole to the top of the floating
blocks. Stop at the top, and set your map to the farthest zoomed IN as it can
go. Fall off of the left of the tower, trying to absorb the jump as much as
you can. When you fall on to the next slope, use your map and aim to the center
of the block to go through the goal.

                             9. ~Toggle~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch (death trap GO FOR IT AT YOUR OWN RISK)
Difficulty: 10
      This level is almost as hard as trying to do Arthropod the hard way. Drop
on to the platform when the one you're going to land on is standing still.
Then, proceed along the course at ODD numbered intervals of squares. Eventually
with enough patience and help from a higher being, you will make it through.

                          10. ~Fluctuation~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 13 single
Difficulty: 4
      Just navigate the maze of moving blocks and try not to go on top of them
unless you really want all of the bananas.

VF. Boiling Pot
The second world of EXPERT level stages
                       /    Boiling Pot Statistics:     \
                       |    Total Time: 600s (10m)      |
                       |Total Bananas:239 (194 possible)|
                       \    World Difficulty: 65/100    /
                               1. ~Combination~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      First, get a basic idea of where the goal will be at all times. Next, go
through the wormhole, but turn around so that you can go behind it and on
another ledge to push the switch. Go back through the wormhole, and sit on a
square. Follow it around until it stops. Proceed twoards the goal, and repeat
until you get to it. (the platforms rotate at 180 degrees, this may be helpful
to know when searching for the goal. You should also try to stay on the same
layer as the goal the whole time. Another helpful tip would be that when the
layers split, you can move diagonally between the squares, but be sure to stop
before the layers move!)

                             2. ~Punched Seesaws~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single 2 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Remember the level "Seesaw Bridges?" just weave between the holes. This
can be pretty tough, but its not too hard overall.

ALTERNATE: Simply go through a second bridge to go to the second goal.

                                  3. ~Opera~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single 2 bunch
Difficulty: 5
      At first sight, this looks impossible! But not to worry, this one's
actually pretty easy. Just go along the series of staircases and you will
eventually get to the goal. Be careful on the last set though, if the rumble
setting is on your hand could go numb.

                               4. ~Brandished~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 5
      This one's all about luck. Just don't get too close to the big clunky
part in the center and out of luck the goal will run into you.

                                 5. ~Tiers~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single, 9 bunch (50 possible)
Difficulty: 5
      This isn't too hard, just go through the wormhole and fall down to the
bottom, then minding the thin walkway, make your way to the goal.

ALTERNATE: They should hav called this stage "Tears" because of the red goal.
Take the path right in front of you and pray that you make it.

                                 6. ~Cliffs~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single
Difficulty: 9
      Just go down the hills (make sure you aim for the ramps at the bottom
first) and stop at the top of the hill that you jumped to. Repeat this for
the rest of the hills until you get to the goal.

                               7. ~Narrow Peaks~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single, 5 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      Go to the first square and go to the left. Go along the "narrow peaks"
until you get to the goal.

ALTERNATE: Go to the RIGHT instead of the left. This will get you LOTS more

ALTERNATE: Take the left path, then go over the last peak on the right path to
get the bananas without going over all of the right path.

                                  8. ~Detour~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 bunch
Difficulty: 5
      Go to the big slope. Aim at the wormhole at the bottom to warp to the top
of the map. Then, aim for the goal to complete the stage. If you want, you can
also go all the way through the stage multiple times by going through the
wormhole to gain speed

Current speed record: 185mph (email me @ [email protected] if you
break it, and try to send a screenshot)

ALTERNATE: Jump off the ramp in the middle to reach the green goal.

                               9. ~Switch Inferno~
TIME: 60s
Difficulty: 9
      This stage is another luck stage. Pick the right switch out of the
possible 56. Here's a map.
X X X X X X X             X-Switch that will knock you off the map
X X X X X X *             O-Switch that will open the goal
X X X X X X X             *-Switch that will open the goal that is closest to
X X O X X X X               the goal
Push the * switch and go twoards the goal, being careful not to touch any
other switches, while hurrying to get there before the goal goes back down.

                                 10. ~Folders~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 single
Difficulty: 2
      Instead of going through the middle of the course, which is certain
death, go along the rails on the side holding it together. Continue on this
path until you get to the goal.

VG. Bubbly Washing Machine
The Third world in EXPERT level stages, this world contains some of the most
difficult stages. It is also one of my favorite.
                    /Bubbly Washing Machine Statistics:\
                    |     Total Time: 600s (10m)       |
                    | Total Bananas:130 (110 possible) |
                    \    World Difficulty: 67/100      /
                           1. ~Spiral Bridge~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single
Difficulty: 4
      A pretty easy stage, just climb up the large rotating spiral until you
get to the green section. when you get there, wait until it is in alignment
with the goal, then go straight twoards it. The only problems I had with this
stage is the damn camera view, and getting to the goal at the end.

                           2. ~Wavy Options~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single 3 bunch
Difficulty: 5
      Hmm... Seems familiar (4-7 "curvy options") eh o well... Simply take the
right side path to complete this stage easily.

ALTERNATE: You can also take the other 3 paths, but its just for some measly

                            3. ~Obstacle~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single
Difficulty: 7
      THIS is my favorite course, just because of the way they designed it. Go
to the left elevator and take it up to the second level. Zoom in on your map,
then align yourself with the black pyramid below you. Fall off while hugging
the wall, and then push the stick twoards the other pyramid. If done correctly,
you should ramp up the side and into the goal.

                              4. ~Domino~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 10 single
Difficulty: 6
      Push the switch and let er rip. Run through the falling dominos (you
can make the jumps between the stage) and go in the goal before it falls off
the edge.

                               5. ~Sieve~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single
Difficulty: 4
      This is a pretty easy course. As longs as your ENTIRE ball stays inside
the track, the cutting edges won't send you flying to kingdom come. Just watch
out at the end, where the edge can still get you if you aren't careful.

                               6. ~Flock~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single, 2 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Get on the first elevator, then keep falling on the tiles LOWER than you
are and that are also leading to the exit. You should get there easily, but
be careful not to fall off of the edges by landing wrong or going too fast.
This stage eats your time, too. Be swift, but careful.

                           7. ~Double Spiral~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single, 2 bunch (2 possible)
Difficulty: 9
      Go along the path to the right. Keep at a constant speed around 30mph.
You will soon make it to the goal.

                             8. ~Hierarchy~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      Go straight through the first hole, but remember to break before falling
off of the edge. On all of the next ones, just keep to the edge of the hole,
barely falling down it, and landing on the platform below it. Keep this up and
you'll make it through the goal in no time.

                          9. ~Eight Bracelets~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      This one is also a pain in the butt to complete. You need to go to the
first bracelet, then drop as close as you can to the side of the bracelet.
Using each one sort of like a half pipe, you can transfer to another bracelet
by exiting the one that you're on near the peak of your jump. You should
eventually make it to the end of the bracelets.

                           10. ~Quick Turn~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 single
Difficulty: 5
      Push the switch behind you, then tay to the side of the moving triangles.
 This ensures that it is much safer than going through the middle, because the
triangles move through the middle twice as much as they do on the sides. You
should make it through the goal no sweat.

ALTERNATE: Jam the stick forward before you land and keep it that way until you
get through the goal.

VH. Clock Tower Factory
The fourth world in EXPERT level stages
                       / Clock Tower Factory Statistics: \
                       |     Total Time: 600s (10m)      |
                       |Total Bananas: 168 (161 possible)|
                       \    World Difficulty: 86/100     /
                                  1. ~Pistons~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 21 single 1 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      The best way that I have figured out how to do this one is to go along
trails (where the bananas are) without being hit by the pistons at all. This
is done easily by staying in a large area, not the thin walkways. Follow this
path to get to the goal.

                                 2. ~Soft Cream~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single 1 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      I found this stage easier to push the fast forward button at the 
beginning. This speeds up the spiral (obviously) which made it easier for me.
Simply follow the spiral, and if it feels like you're about to fall off and
you are going backwards, just stay that way until you level out and continue.

                                  3. ~Momentum~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 18 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      I freaking hate this level. The only way to describe this is NOT FUN.
Anyways, go along the path that is currently flat. Time is crucial at this part
so pay attention to what you are doing. Swerve to the other side of the
pendulum right wen it hits the one that you were on. Remember that you MUST
switch sides when you are leaning on the big bar in the middle of the path.

                              4. ~Entangled Path~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 single, 1 bunch (10 possible)
Difficulty: 9
      Keep the play button down. This is important. Now, go out to the circle
with the banana on it. As the path starts to straighten, go along to the next
pieces of the path until suddenly, the path will straighten (careful here,
sometimes you will be disoriented by following the curve then suddenly
straightening). Run straight to the goal.

ALTERNATE: The second goal can be reached if you go down far enough so that the
FOLDED path will let you drop on to the platform it rests on.

                                  5. ~Totters~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 single 2 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Not too hard of a level, just cross to the next half pipe whenever they
are straight to eachother. HOWEVER, stay as close to the center of the halfpipe
as you can until you need to move to the next one.

ALTERNATE: try going through them faster, just remember that you need to hit
the goal somehow to slow down or go through it.

                                  6. ~Vortex~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      I like to put this on reverse as soon as I can just so that you can get
on the vortex the right direction. Now, just keep away from the edges and you
should be able to make it to the end by jumping.

                                  7. ~Warp~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 23 single
Difficulty: 10
      This level sucks too. Just try your hardest not to fall off the edge
by hugging the inside wall as much as you can without falling off. Be careful
when transitioning between warped sides of the platform.

                               8. ~Trampolines~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single 1 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      When the sliders on the sides of each trampoline reach the end of it, the
trampoline goes off. This is the warning that you recieve. NOW, just use your
map when it's completely zoomed in to land on the right surfaces. This stage
is really not as hard as the difficulty level says it is.

                                9. ~Swing Shaft~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single
Difficulty: 6
      Get on the big swinging thingy. When it swings a certain direction, just
go to the stopper on the other side of the swing. Each time it changes
directions though, so you need to change direction, too.

                             10. ~Linear Seesaws~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 single
Difficulty: 7
      Just go perfectly straight the entire time, going quickly too. When you
reach the split, move over so you catch it. When you get to the goal, use it
to slow you down.

VJ. Space Colony
The fifth world in EXPERT level stages.
                         /Space Colony Statistics:\
                         | Total Time: 600s (10m) |
                         |   Total Bananas: 244   |
                         \World Difficulty: 86/100/
                               1. ~Serial Jump~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 6 single, 4 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      To pull this one off, go out on to the plank, then go clockwise around
the big circle. When you have balanced enough, jump to the next circle by
using the arrow painted on the circle. If you can balance on this enough to
make it to the goal, you will win.

ALTERNATE: (NOT RECCOMENDED!) keep jumping to the different circles so that you
make it to the seperate goals. You will know how brutally impossible this is
after you fail jumping to the second circle over and over.

                             2. ~Cross Floors~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 9 single, 1 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      Start this one off by going straight. When you get to the first floor,
go up the ramp a little bit as to gain some height. When you are about to
change direction, fall down the floor you are on a little bit to create
momentum. This will make it possible for you to gain height on the next
floor. You will get the hang of it after a few tries.

                              3. ~Spinning Saw~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 single, 3 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Do you remember the Fast-Break technique that I taught you earlier? No?
Well go to the guide for Randomization. It's described there. Anyhow, use this
technique on the first big line in front of you, then the second line on the
runway. You should make it through the goal.

                             4. ~Chipped Pipes~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single, 4 bunch (yes, it's possible to get all of them)
Difficulty: 9
      Simply use the pipes as a half-pipe to reach the goal. Just remember to
not get too close to the cracks. I actually found the "harder" path to be
easier because the gaps are bigger.

ALTERNATE: Go along the left path instead of the right one. This one is
actually much easier than the other one.

                               5. ~Flat Maze~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 0 possible.
Difficulty: 10
      Ohhh boy... another one I can't stand... You must be VERY fast in this
maze, and you should probably cheat a few times just to make it through
in the amount of time you have. Now, if I were any good at ASCII art, I would
draw you a map, but tough beans. Here's the only possible way that I have
figured out how to navigate this maze. Jump at every chance you can get, even
if it almost kills you. At the end of the maze, you will almost be out of time,
but don't let the timer intimidate you to falling off of the edge. You might
just BARELY be able to complete this stage, but you'll complete it nonetheless.

ALTERNATE: (Written by TruthSeeker)
This is another difficult one indeed.  But I took one look at this long, very
tedious and intimidating stage and thought "no way - I'm jumping".... And
that's what I did, finishing the stage in less than 8 seconds.  Here's how:
From the beginning, I advise getting a head start by reversing to the back of
the starting ledge, but it can be done from the drop spot.  In any case, move
slightly to the right of your starting position and jam the stick forward and
you'll speed up, drop to the lower ledge, and then careen down the ramp and
bounce toward another, upward sloping ramp. During that maneuver, you should
be veering slightly to the left.  The object is to go as fast as you can from
right to left, aiming for the lower left edge of the upward sloping ramp at the
 beginnig of the maze. Once you hit that second ramp, fly hard left and (with
good aim) you can zoom straight through the goal without even touching a single
platform.  Fast rolling and three quick bounces can bypass this entire maze - 
but it takes practice.... by far one of the more difficult alternate methods in
the game.  But it can be done, and it's really sweet to save that replay for
bragging rights.

                              6. ~Guillotine~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 7
      This stage is a pretty simple one. The only ramp you need to worry about
is the first one, where you need serious speed to go over it, and it's hard to
time the jump just right. Just start running up the ramp when the blade goes
over the last possible part that it can hit you. You should get to the goal
pretty easily.

                              7. ~Cork Screw~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 single
Difficulty: 8
      Hehehehe... sooo much fun to do this one! Get the first five bananas..
and WHEEEEEE!!!!! Fall down the big tube! BUT make sure that you miss all of
the big dangerous holes when falling, because they will send you to oblivion.
Be careful not to go too fast near the end though, or you will be sent straight
out of the tube.

                               8. ~Orbiters~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Just stand on the edge of the platform. When the one in front of you just
finishes moving, jump on to it right away, or you will be flung into space.
Repeat for all of the moving sections, and you should make it to the goal's
platform in no time.

                              9. ~Twin Basin~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 single
Difficulty: 6
      This level and Arthropod should have thier places switched. Anyways, just
go into the big tube, and gain enough speed to jump out and either into the
next tube or onto the platform in between them. Repeat this for the next tube.
It may help to go around the tube once to gain more speed.

                             10. ~Air Hockey~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 8 bunch
Difficulty: 10
      This level is all about luck, like some others. Simply go out into the
middle of the course and you will sometimes get lucky enough for the goal to
run into you. That's all for this world. Good luck with the next though.
You'll need it.

ALTERNATE: Use the Fast Break technique that I listed in Randomization and 
Spinning saw on this one. Break on the first line you come to.

VK. Dr. BAD-BOON's Base
The Final World. Lots of luck to you.
                      /Dr. BAD-BOON's Base Statistics:\
                      |    Total Time: 600s (10m)     |
                      |      Total Bananas: 335       |
                      \    World Difficulty: /100     /
                            1. ~Training~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 5 regular, 7 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      This should be the name for one of the first levels, which proves that
they ran out of level names as fast as they ran out of level ideas. Anyways,
just pick a path based on YOUR difficulty level. At this point, the third
hardest path should be a piece of cake to you.

                             2. ~Gimmick~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 7 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      This one's a doozy. Run down the path, and drop to the right (use your
map if you have to). Then, run to the switch. Wait for the levels to finish
moving, then jump the gap again, this time running to the right of the start.
Run twoards the goal as fast as you can. You will usually finish with a small
amount of time left.

                             3. ~Mountain~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      This level is an excellent example of good design. Anyways, use your map
to target the goal, and carefully run down the sides of the mountain. You
should get to the goal if you targeted and timed it correctly. The biggest
problem people have with this map is the camera views, though. A helpful tip
would be to SLOW DOWN instead of going full speed, unless you know that you
will make it through the goal by doing so.

                             4. ~Disorder~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 bunch (must not use ALTERNATE to get these bananas)
Difficulty: 9
      I highly suggest taking the alternate path. If you don't want to, then
here's how to make it to the goal. Just use the series of staircases down to
the goal. This is hard because you have to go so fast.

ALTERNATE: jump the staircases as much as you can. This will get you to the
goal with MUCH time to spare.

                              5. ~3D Maze~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 2 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Use the big wire thing to stop you as much as you can. When the time
comes that the maze starts rotating the other direction, run as fast as you can
to the second wire thing and use that as much as you can.

                             6. ~Labyrinth~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 bunch
Difficulty: 9
      There is really only one complete path to completing this maze. Go up the
big blue ramp to the left, then fall down the hole (trust me, you'll survive)
Go along the path, then up the ramp (and under the other ramp) Next, go down
the ramp to your left. Follow this path as far as it goes, then up the ramp.
Go along this beam, then up the FAR left ramp to the purple ramp.Go straight,
and under the bridge. From here, JUMP to the blue platform across the way,
being careful not to fall into the crevice (build speed by going up the ramp,
then going down it). Take the path to your right, then up the ramp. Then, climb
up the ramp next to the bananas, and go to the corner and you should be able to
drop to the platform that the goal is on. Whew!

                             7. ~Postmodern~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 1 bunch
Difficulty: 7
      This level is REALLY cool. The only problem is the damn staircases! Just
go to the first staircase to the right, and follow the path of staircases up to
the top of the maze. Jump down to the goal.

                             8. ~Revolution~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 4 bunch
Difficulty: 8
      Simply use the pillars to keep you from falling to your doom. When the
stage flips, you can sometimes make it to the goal. When it flips, you should
find wherever the goal is. This should make it easier to get to it.

                             9. ~Invisible~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 bunch (they're required to finish the level anyways)
Difficulty: 9
      Ohhh boy does this level suck. Hmm.. maybe if I make a map it'll be

0   0 0 0   0 0 0       0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0         0 0 0 0 0
0   0   0   0   0       0   0   0           0   0       0   0         0
0   0   0   0   0       0   0   0           0   0     0 0   0         0
0   0   0   0   0       0   0   0 0 0 0 0   0   0 0 0 0     0         0 0 0 0 0
0   0   0   0   0 0   0 0   0           0   0   0     0 0   0         0
0   0   0   0     0 0 0     0           0   0   0       0   0         0
0 0 0   0 0 0       0       0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The last 3 squares are missing, but that's because has this policy
that requires that I only put 79 characters on one line, and the programmers
at AV decided to make it 80 characters across.

                             10. ~Created By~
TIME: 60s
BANANAS: 3 bunch
Difficulty: 6
      Awww... What better way to finish off a game with a nice, big logo of the
company that made it. Anyways, go up the BIG ramp until you get to the top.
Roll off of the center-most part of the A and you should land near the goal
platform. Congratulations! you have just finished story mode.

VI. All-Banana Challenge

Here is something that I have made up myself: the all banana challenge. The
goal? collect ALL possible bananas in the game, then take a screenchot of your
crazy banana count and email everything to me. If you make it successfully,
I will post your name in this list. So far, since I have just made this up,
nobody has successfully completed this task. Sooo, be the first one on the list
by emailing the information to me!

VII. Version History

V.1.00 First version, completed ENTIRE walkthrough

V.1.10 Second version, fixed LOTS of mistakes, added text for all-banana
       challenge, added my NEW email address

V1.120 I added additional walkthroughs for Flat Maze and Arthropod, both were
       written by Truthseeker. If you wish to contact him, ask me for his

VIII. Contacting Me

Email me at [email protected]

please don't send me any spam, it's a pain in the ass to deal with and I really
could just do without it. If you have an AOL account, i'll just send your
email to [email protected] and you'll have your account revoked. I'm not joking
about any of this because it's simply not a joking matter. However, if this
walkthrough has helped you in ANY way, I would like an email from you telling
me. It is always nice to know that you have helped someone.

Instant message me at sixstring982 on AOL instant messenger.
Don't instant message me if you're going to make anything offensive twoards me
in any way, it's just a waste of your time anyways. However, if you want to
make friends with me, ask me any question at all, or tell me that there are
any mistakes in my walkthrough at all, go right ahead.

X. Legal & Copyright

This guide is � 2006 by Trent Small (Sixstring982). Nobody can copy ANYTHING
from this guide word for word, but they can use any ideas or information
without my permission.

If you wish to copy small text out of this document (up to one stage, one
control scheme, OR one paragraph) WITHOUT asking my permission:

1. I want credit.
2. Don't give credit to anyone else.
3. Don't change my words
5. Put this at the end of ANYTHING you copy:
   (This text � 2006 by Sixstring982 from his guide on
6. Keep in mind that you MUST only copy a small amount of text (if you want
   to copy more, see below)
7. Don't sell any part of this guide

If you want to copy ANYTHING bigger than a small piece of the text:

1. Send me an email with your information and the website you want to post
it on, and if it seems like it's reasonable, I'll probably let you.

2. If I let you post it, I'll keep you updated on newer versions.

3. Follow all the other rules for small text.

X. Credits & Thanks

Thanks to for hosting my guide...
Thanks to Sega and Amusementvision for making an excellent puzzle game...
Bedman for inspiring me to make a walkthrough for a video game...
TruthSeeker for some alternate methods on some pretty tough stages...