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Beyblade Super Tournament Battle - Parts Guide

by DoranMaya

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                           Super Tournament Battle

Parts Guide


Version 1.0
Created parts list, recomended setups (foundation of the guide a.k.a. Parts

Version 2.0
Added two ways to get the ATK Ring: Attack Dragon Gamma
Added 1P Games, Multiplayer Games, The Gallary, The Shop, Joint Mode, and
Stats Mode to guide

Version 2.2
Added Secrets and FAQ section
Added Legal Disclamer
Added Allowed Sites

Legal Disclamer
//Copyright Info
This document is the work of Doran Maya.  You may download and print one 
for personal use, but you may not use it for personal gain.  You are 
the law if you do so. If you want permission to place my guide on your 
then email me at [email protected] ,with the subject as Guide 
and ask me.  Feel free to do so.

Allowed Sites

Table of 
//note: press ctrl and f then type the |BC or what ever the thing says to 
to the desired section faster.

1. Tournament Mode      |TM0
2. Other Battle Modes   |MG0
3. The Gallary          |TG0
4. The Shop             |TS0
4.1. Bit Chips/Beasts   |BC0
4.2. Attack Rings       |AR0
4.3. Weight Disks       |WD0
4.4. Spin Gears         |SG0
4.5. Blade Bases        |BB0
4.6. Launchers          |LS0
4.7. Joint Mode         |JM0
4.8. Recomended Setups  |RS0
4.9. Stats Mode         |SM0
5. Secrets              |SEC
6. F.A.Q.               |FAQ
7. Credits              |CR0

1. Tournament Mode      

The most important battle type.  By winning tournaments, you can unlock the
extra characters, gallery blades, and get extra parts.  Build your blade 
carefully can keep it's defense up, you could lose your hp points quick if 
The flow of the tournament mode is

If you win                         |If you lose
The Final Round------->----|
Quarter Finals----->-----/
Finals Starting Round->-/----<-------<---------<----\
Third Round------->----/->-\      /-->-CM Three-->--/
Second Round---->-----/->---\     \---<-CM Two-----<--\
First Round--->------|--->---|Consolation Match One->-/
note: you get five continues during the consolation matches
note2: you get five continues during the final matches
note3: the continues last for the entire set of consolation or finals
whichever it is your on.

Here is how you can win a match.  Try to avoid losing by these terms.

Name        |Points|Define
Miss Launch |1     |You or opponent misses the launch
Sleep Out   |1     |Beyblade stops spinning
Stadium Out |2     |Beyblade is knocked out of stadium
Crash Out   |4     |Beyblade is destroyed

2. Other Battle Modes   

The battle modes other than tournament mode are the fallowing.
I.   Free Battle
You battle against anyone you've unlocked, or you can play as one of those.
II.  Team Battle
You pick a team of 4 people.  Choose wisely since the computer picks four
people as well.
III. 4Player Battle
The computer randomly picks 3 people for you to battle with simotaneously.
Pick your person well, this type of battle can be hard to win.  And it can
take awhile if you lose early.

3. The Gallary          

The Gallary isn't a big part of the game.  It's fun to go in and take a look
at the blades that you have unlocked.  Whenever there are new blades about 
be added, the person or people they blade(s) belong to will be stading 
the entrance of the gallery.  Talk to them then go in the gallery to view 

Here is a list of the blades.
1  - Ultimate Dragoon
2  - Saizo
3  - Frostic Dranzer
4  - Kekiryu-Oh
5  - Megato Arm
6  - Spark Night
7  - Polta
8  - Pistol
9  - Mekandoh
10 - Bakurshin-Oh
11 - Pumpking
12 - Grip Attacker
13 - Bearing Stinger
14 - Bound Attacker
15 - Bound Defender
16 - Roller Attacker
17 - Roller Defender
18 - Dranzer Auto Change Balancer
19 - Wing Attacker
20 - Wing Defender
21 - Draciel Metal Ball Defender
22 - Sparkling Attacker
23 - Unknown
24 - Driger S (Driger Slash)
25 - Death Driger
26 - Knight Dranzer
27 - Metal Craciel
28 - Kids Dragoon
29 - Kids Draciel
30 - Unknown
31 - Dranzer S (Dranzer Spiral)
32 - Galeon
33 - Galzzly
34 - Galman
35 - Wolborg
36 - Seaborg
37 - Draciel S (Draciel Shield)
38 - Trygle
39 - Trypio
40 - Driger F (Driger Fang)
41 - Unknown
42 - Dranzer F (Dranzer Flame)
43 - Griffolyon
44 - Master Dragoon
45 - Master Dranzer
46 - Master Draciel
47 - Salamalyon
48 - Draciel F (Draciel Fortress)
49 - Wyborg
50 - Master Driger
51 - Wolborg 2
52 - Seaborg 2
53 - Unknown
54 - Metal Dranzer
55 - Unknown
56 - Driger V (Driger Vulcan)
57 - Unknown
58 - Dranzer V (Dranzer Valcano)
59 - Cyber Dragoon
60 - Draciel V (Draciel Viper)
61 - Unknown
62 - Unknown
63 - Baltic Ape (Vortex Ape)
64 - Gaia Dragoon V (Gaia Dragoon Vast, Strata Dragoon Vast)
65 - Unkonwn
66 - Unknown
67 - Unknown
68 - Wolborg 3 (Ariel)
Number of Blades unlocked    58/68
Number of Blades locked away 10/68
note: if you know what the rest of the Beyblades are (the unknowns), please
email me.  Only send the info if you know all of the rest.

4. The Shop             

The Shop is the most important place in the game.  It includes the most
helpful place the Joint Mode.  Here you can buy parts, customize in joint,
view your status, and rename your BeyBlade.
The rest of this section is broken down into peices to make is easier to

4.1. Bit Chips/Beasts   
//nfs = not for sale  Must win or must recieve as a gift.

Name          |Cost|Attack|Defense|Endurance
Dragoon (V)   |200 |      |10     |10
Draciel (V)   |300 |      |15     |15
Drigger (V)   |600 |      |30     |30
Dranzer (V)   |300 |      |15     |15
Flash Leopard |500 |      |25     |25
Cyber Dragoon |300 |      |10     |10
Ariel         |400 |      |20     |20
Gaia Dragoon  |100 |      |5      |5
Dragoon 2 (V2)|600 |      |30     |30
Dracial 2 (V2)|500 |      |25     |25
Drigger 2 (V2)|400 |      |20     |20
Dranzer 2 (V2)|400 |      |20     |20
Dual Dragoon  |nfs |      |15     |15

note:  After you win your first tournament, talk to DJ in the lobby to get 
Dual Dragoon Bit Chip.

4.2. Attack Rings       
//nfs = not for sale  Must win or recieve as a gift.

Name                   |Cost|Atk|Def|End
Eight Attacker         |450 |80 |30 |70
Eight Attacker Alpha   |550 |85 |30 |75
Eight Attacker Beta    |650 |90 |30 |80
Eight Attacker Gamma   |750 |95 |30 |85
Spike Dragon           |650 |90 |30 |80
Spike Dragon Alpha     |750 |95 |30 |85
Spike Dragon Beta      |800 |100|30 |90
Spike Dragon Gamma     |nfs |105|30 |95
Cross Attacker         |500 |80 |45 |65
Cross Attacker Alpha   |600 |85 |45 |70
Cross Attacker Beta    |700 |90 |45 |75
Cross Attacker Gamma   |800 |95 |45 |80
Cross Dranzer          |800 |95 |50 |75
Cross Dranzer Alpha    |850 |95 |55 |80
Cross Dranzer Beta     |900 |100|60 |80
Cross Dranzer Gamma    |950 |100|65 |85
Ten Spike              |450 |60 |60 |60
Ten Spike Alpha        |550 |60 |65 |65
Ten Spike Beta         |650 |60 |70 |70
Ten Spike Gamma        |750 |60 |75 |75
Strike Turtle          |900 |85 |80 |85
Strike Turtle Alpha    |950 |85 |85 |90
Strike Turtle Beta     |1050|85 |90 |95
Strike Turtle Gamma    |1100|85 |95 |100
Sonic Tiger            |600 |85 |25 |90
Sonic Tiger Alpha      |700 |85 |30 |95
Sonic Tiger Beta       |800 |85 |35 |100
Sonic Tiger Gamma      |900 |85 |40 |105
Upper Claw             |900 |100|35 |105
Upper Claw Alpha       |950 |105|40 |105
Upper Claw Beta        |1000|110|45 |105
Upper Claw Gamma       |1050|115|50 |105
Panther Head           |350 |55 |45 |70
Panther Head Alpha     |450 |60 |45 |75
Panther Head Beta      |550 |65 |45 |80
Panther Head Gamma     |650 |70 |45 |85
Cybernetic Dragon      |550 |90 |30 |70
Cybernetic Dragon Alpha|650 |95 |30 |75
Cybernetic Dragon Beta |750 |100|30 |80
Cybernetic Dragon Gamma|850 |105|30 |85
Cross Horn             |700 |95 |20 |90
Cross Horn Alpha       |800 |90 |20 |95
Cross Horn Beta        |900 |100|20 |100
Cross Horn Gamma       |1000|105|20 |105
Dragon Breaker         |350 |80 |45 |45
Dragon Breaker Alpha   |450 |85 |50 |45
Dragon Breaker Beta    |550 |90 |55 |45
Dragon Breaker Gamma   |650 |95 |60 |45

note from Justin Johnson: i got the attack ring in the tournment after 

note2: my way of getting Spike Dragon Gamma is you must spend about 1000 to
1500 more in the shop after getting the Magne Wieght Disk Gamma.

4.3. Weight Disks       
//nfs = not for sale  Must win or recieve as a gift.

Name                   |Cost|ATK|DEF|END
Ten Wide               |300 |40 |60 |20
Ten Wide Alpha         |350 |45 |65 |20
Ten Wide Beta          |400 |50 |70 |20
Ten Wide Gamma         |450 |55 |75 |20
Magne Weight Disk      |400 |50 |70 |20
Magne Weight Disk Alpha|500 |55 |75 |20
Magne Weight Disk Beta |600 |60 |80 |20
Magne Weight Disk Gamma|nfs |65 |85 |20
Ten Balance            |300 |30 |60 |30
Ten Balance Alpha      |350 |35 |65 |30
Ten Balance Beta       |400 |40 |70 |30
Ten Balance Gamma      |450 |45 |75 |30
Ten Heavy              |200 |15 |40 |25
Ten Heavy Alpha        |250 |15 |45 |30
Ten Heavy Beta         |300 |15 |50 |35
Ten Heavy Gamma        |350 |15 |55 |40
Revolver Attack        |150 |5  |35 |30
Revolver Attack Alpha  |200 |5  |40 |35
Revolver Attack Beta   |250 |5  |45 |40
Revolver Attack Gamma  |300 |5  |50 |45
Star Attack            |800 |80 |85 |5
Star Attack Alpha      |900 |85 |90 |5
Star Attack Beta       |1000|90 |95 |5
Star Attack Gamma      |1100|95 |100|5

note: After about 5 tournaments, go into the shop and do whatever you want.
Then when you exit you'll see Max's dad outside the shop.  Talk to him to 
the Magne Weight Disk Gamma.  You'll also have to have used his shop a few
times before and during each of the tournaments.  The more you use the shop,
the sooner you'll get the Magne Weight Disk Gamma.
note2:The Magne Weight Disks enable the N and S magnet.

4.4. Spin Gears         
//nfs = not for sale  Must win or recieve as a gift.

Name                         |Cost|ATK|DEF|END
NEO Left Spin Gear           |300 |20 |40 |40
NEO Left Spin Gear Alpha     |350 |30 |40 |40
NEO Left Spin Gear Beta      |400 |40 |40 |40
NEO Left Spin Gear Gamma     |450 |50 |40 |40
NEO Right Spin Gear DZ       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear DS       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear DG       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear FL       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear WB       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear GD       |300 |25 |35 |35
NEO Right Spin Gear Alpha    |350 |25 |40 |40
NEO Right Spin Gear Beta     |400 |25 |45 |45
NEO Right Spin Gear Gamma    |450 |25 |50 |50
Right Spin Gear SPV          |200 |40 |10 |10
Right Spin Gear SPV Alpha    |250 |45 |10 |10
Right Spin Gear SPV Beta     |300 |50 |10 |10
Right Spin Gear SPV Gamma    |350 |55 |10 |10
NEO Right Spin Gear MWV DZ   |350 |35 |30 |30
NEO Right Spin Gear MWV Aplha|400 |40 |30 |30
NEO Right Spin Gear MWV Beta |450 |45 |30 |30
NEO Right Spin Gear MWV Gamma|500 |50 |30 |30
NEO Right Spin Gear MCV      |200 |10 |40 |40
NEO Right Spin Gear MCV Alpha|250 |10 |45 |45
NEO Right Spin Gear MCV Beta |300 |10 |50 |50
NEO Right Spin Gear MCV Gamma|350 |10 |55 |55
NEO Right Spin Gear MWV DG   |350 |35 |30 |30
NEO Left Spin Gear NMV       |200 |30 |20 |20
NEO Left Spin Gear NMV Alpha |250 |35 |20 |20
NEO Left Spin Gear NMV Beta  |300 |40 |20 |20
NEO Left Spin Gear NMV Gamma |nfs |45 |20 |20

note: If you find out how to get the NEO Left Spin Gear NMV Gamma then 
email me.
note2: The Right Spin Gear SPV parts require the use of the Jumping Base 2

4.5. Blade Bases        
//nfs = not for sale  Must win or recieve as a gift.

Name                          |Cost|ATK|DEF|END|Gimmicks
Magne Flat Base               |300 |50 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
Magne Flat Base Alpha         |400 |55 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
Magne Flat Base Beta          |500 |60 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
Magne Flat Base Gamma         |600 |65 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
Custom Grip Base              |500 |60 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Grip Base Alpha        |600 |65 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Grip Base Beta         |700 |70 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Grip Base Gamma        |nfs |75 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Valcano Change Base           |200 |25 |15 |15 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Valcano Change Base Alpha     |300 |30 |15 |15 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Valcano Change Base Beta      |400 |35 |15 |15 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Valcano Change Base Gamma     |500 |40 |15 |15 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Custom Crutch Base            |300 |25 |20 |20 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Custom Crutch Base Alpha      |400 |30 |20 |20 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Custom Crutch Base Beta       |500 |35 |20 |20 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Custom Crutch Base Gamma      |600 |40 |20 |20 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Viper Metal Ball Base         |200 |10 |30 |30 |Axis: Sharp
Viper Metal Ball Base Alpha   |300 |10 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp
Viper Metal Ball Base Beta    |400 |10 |40 |40 |Axis: Sharp
Viper Metal Ball Base Gamma   |500 |10 |45 |45 |Axis: Sharp
Switch Metal Ball Base        |400 |15 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Switch Metal Ball Base Alpha  |500 |20 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Switch Metal Ball Base Beta   |600 |25 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
Switch Metal Ball Base Gamma  |700 |30 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp/Simi-Flat
SG Metal Flat Base            |150 |25 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
SG Metal Flat Base Alpha      |250 |30 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
SG Metal Flat Base Beta       |350 |35 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
SG Metal Flat Base Gamma      |450 |40 |10 |10 |Axis: Flat
Custom Metal Change Base      |450 |35 |15 |15 |Axis: Flat/Simi-Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Metal Change Base Alpha|550 |40 |15 |15 |Axis: Flat/Simi-Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Metal Change Base Beta |650 |45 |15 |15 |Axis: Flat/Simi-Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
Custom Metal Change Base Gamma|750 |50 |15 |15 |Axis: Flat/Simi-Flat
                              |    |   |   |   |Sub-Parts:ATK/DEF Modes
SG Metal Sharp Base           |300 |25 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp
SG Metal Sharp Base Alpha     |400 |25 |40 |40 |Axis: Sharp
SG Metal Sharp Base Beta      |500 |25 |45 |45 |Axis: Sharp
SG Metal Sharp Base Gamma     |700 |25 |50 |50 |Axis: Sharp
Jumping Base 2                |400 |30 |35 |35 |Axis: Sharp/Flat
Jumping Base 2 Alpha          |450 |30 |40 |40 |Axis: Sharp/Flat
Jumping Base 2 Beta           |550 |30 |45 |45 |Axis: Sharp/Flat
Jumping Base 2 Gamma          |600 |30 |50 |50 |Axis: Sharp/Flat
SG Grip Base                  |400 |10 |40 |10 |Axis: Semi-Flat
SG Grip Base Alpha            |500 |10 |45 |15 |Axis: Semi-Flat
SG Grip Base Beta             |600 |10 |50 |50 |Axis: Semi-Flat
SG Grip Base Gamma            |700 |10 |55 |55 |Axis: Semi-Flat
SG Super Metal Flat Base      |500 |50 |5  |5  |Axis: Flat
SG Super Metal Flat Base Alpha|600 |55 |5  |5  |Axis: Flat
SG Super Metal Flat Base Beta |700 |60 |5  |5  |Axis: Flat
SG Super Metal Flat Base Gamma|800 |65 |5  |5  |Axis: Flat

note: After your first tournament, you'll see Max's Dad standing outside his
shop.  Talk to him to get the Custom Grip Base Gamma.  You'll also have to 
his shop a few times before the tournament. The more you use his shop the
sooner you'll get the Custom Grip Base Gamma.
note2: The Jumping Base 2 parts requires Right Spin SPV spin gear types.

4.6. Launchers          

Name                           |Cost|ATK|END
EZ Launcher                    |150 |30 |30
NEO Reverse Launcher           |300 |40 |40
Dragoon Lancher DX             |700 |50 |50
Custom Launcher Left           |1000|80 |80
Custom Launcher Right          |1000|80 |80
Ultimate Launcher Tyson Version|1500|100|100
Ultimate Launcher Max Version  |1500|100|100
Ultimate Launcher Ray Version  |1500|100|100
Ultimate Launcher Kai Version  |1500|100|100

note: The launchers don't boast defense.
note2: The launchers only boast points.

4.7. Joint Mode         

Joint Mode is probably the most helpful mode in the game.  Without this mode
you can't use the recomended setups below.  Joint mode is only used to
customize blades.  The fallowing section contains info about customizing.

4.8. Recomended Setups  

Before we get into the recomended setups i'll explain what area's you should
work on if you want to make a blade by yourself.

If you want to work on sleep-out, then you should build defense and a high
amount of endurance so you can out-last your opponent.

If you want to work on stadium-out, then you should build a high defense 
plenty of endurance to get you time to knock them out.  Note:  it's easier 
knock out your opponent when they are between you and a possible knock-out
exit area if you use the bit beast attack to do it.

If you want to work on crash-out, then you need to build a high about of
attack and a close to that ammount of defense so that your blade isn't
destroyed in the process.

During battle, if you are looking for an attack boast then launch at a half
rpm rate and build up your legend meter (bit beast meter).  Then sleep out
yourself as long as it doesn't give your opponent their 4 points.  Then 
with the b button instead of the a button to get a more powerful launch.  
attack is increased for a set amount of time.  Then start going to work on
their blade.

Note:  the cpu always selects gimmicks first.  Set your's to counter it's.

During a Tournament, you can use only one type of blade.  Set it to be
balanced for all types of wins.

When you have the choice, select the arena that best suits your strategy.
The normal stadium is best for ring-outs.
The magnetic stadium is best for sleep-outs.
The ulimate stadium is best for crash-outs.

Now we are on to the setups.
This setup is well balanced and often crash-outs the opponent.  It's my
personal favorite.
BC|Dragoon 2 (V2)
AR|Strike Turtle Gamma
WD|Magnitic Weight Disk Gamma
SG|NEO Left Spin Gear Gamma
BB|Custom Grip Base Gamma
LS|Ultimate Launcher Tyson Version

This setup is best for sleep-outs and stadium-outs.
BC|Dragoon 2(V2) or Draciel(V)
AR|Strike Turtle Gamma
WD|Ten Balance Gamma or Magne Weight Disk Gamma
SG|NEO Right Spin Gear MCV Gamma
BB|SG Grip Base Gamma
LS|Ultimate Launcher Ray, Max, or Kai Version

4.9. Stats Mode         

There's not much to say about this mode.  You just take a look at your 
It can be a bit handy if you want to see your skill level without having a
battle as well.

5. Secrets              |SEC
Throughout this game there are a few secrets.
Some secrets are unlocking characters, gallery beyblades, and getting bonas
parts. (For gallery blades see the gallery section, for bonas parts see the
parts sections)  Other secrets are creating the best beyblade. (See section
4.8.) If your wondering what some of these secrets are then please, just 
a look around this section.

Unlockable Characters
Diachi- Beat him and win the Tournament
DJ    - Beat him and win the Tournament w/ no continues used
King  - Beat him and win the Tournament

Note: after you've unlocked these characters, you can use them in modes of
play other than the tournament.

You can also select the person who comments during the battle, by pressing
the left and right buttons on the gimmicks screen before battle.
You can switch between DJ, Tyson, and Kenny.

6. F.A.Q.               |FAQ
You can find some commonly asked questions here.

1. Q. Can you make your own beyblade?
   A. Yes, go to the shop, then joint mode.
   extra parts to customize, though.

2. Q. Can you unlock the gallery blades?
   A. Yes, you do so by winning tournaments.

3. Q. Can you get bonas parts?
   A. Yes, see parts section on which part
   your looking for. If the part you are looking
   for isn't listed then it's not in the game.

4. Q. Are there extra characters?
   A. Yes, see secrets section.

5. Q. Are there other modes of play than the ones listed?
   A. None that I know of.

6. Q. Can you unlock other characters (other than
   Diachi, DJ, and King) such as Zeo, Gordo, Jim, Salima,
   Joseph, and Queen.
   A. Don't know for sure but it can be gaurinteed that
   there are at least three more characters to unlock, most
   likely including Zeo and two others listed in the question.

7. Credits              

If you've been wondering how to contact me about missing info pieces here's 
email.  [email protected]

I have to thank everyone that helped out in this guide.

Gamefaqs - hosting this guide
located at

Nintendo - for making the gamecube
located at

BeyBlade - for invinting the sport of beyblading
located at

Brandon Dixon - for submitting the question number six.
although it was unanswered.

Justin Johnson - for submitting a way to get
the Spike Dragon Gamma Attack Ring.

Me - for writing this guide.

You - for reading this guide.