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Boss FAQ

by Kowbrainz


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                  Donkey Kong Country 3 Boss Guide

Copyright (c) 2006 by Kowbrainz (Nathan Scott). Permission is granted for 
public display of this Faq on GameFAQs and Supercheats, no-where else.
Please use this guide for personal use, and personal use only. Thank-you.


Table of Contents

1.00) Version History

2.00) Introductiom

3.00) Required Moves

4.00) Guide & Boss Example

  - 4.01) Belcha's Barn (Belcha)

  - 4.02) Arich's Ambush (Arich

  - 4.03) Kaos Karnage (Kaos)

  - 4.04) Squirt's Showdown (Squirt)

  - 4.05) Bleak's House (Bleak)

  - 4.06) Barbos's Barrier (Barbos)

  - 4.07) Kroctopus Krush (Kroctopus)

  - 4.08) Kastle Kaos (Kaos)

  - 4.09) Kastle Kaos (K.Rool)

  - 4.10) Knautilus (K.Rool)

5.00) Credits

  1.00)                        Version History
1.16 - Tweaked the intro and the thank-yous.

1.15 - Re-modeled some of the strategies.

1.05 - Tweaked the legal info. a bit. 

1.04 - Edited the moves and how to execute them. This was annoying, as no-
        one knew what on earth v was - which is understandable. Anyway, 
        changed them so that they clearly say 'down' or 'up' or 'left' or

 1.03 - Tweaked up some of the strategies, finished the credits and added
        some ASCII art to the top.

 1.00 - Finished all of the bosses.

 0.75 - Did all the bosses up to Kaos of Kastle Kaos.

 0.10 - Made the contents, intro, required moves and boss headings.

  2.00)                        Introduction

Hi, this is Kowbrainz from GameFAQs. You might have seen some of my other
FAQs in the Donkey Kong region.

Anyways, I wrote this guide for all those DKC players who need serious help
with the DKC 3 bosses. And I mean serious, too, because Nintendo and Rare 
have toned down the difficulty of the bosses since the last DKC 3, believe

However, if you're still in need of help, just read on and you'll find that
this is all the help you'll need, let alone get!

Note: If you would like to use this guide on your site, email me and I will

  3.00)                       Required Moves

The bosses require a few moves for you to master. Nothing much, but still 
you'll need them. I have made a list of all the moves you'll need to have 
before you tackle these brutal beasts.

a) Jump   (A)
Just a normal jump. Pretty straightforward. If you can't do this then I 
can't help you.

b.) Running Jump (Hold B, press left or right and hold A)
A jump that goes longer. You'll probably need this to get to the bosses 

c.) Duck (Down)
Just press down to duck. Simple enough, except you'll need it in some of
the battles.

d.) Helicopter Spin (Dixie Only) (press A, then hold B & left or right)
Use this to glide to the further-most places of the boss arena. You'll
need this a lot.

e.) Barrel Throw (Hold B, then release)
This is the main way to defeat bosses. Pick up a barrel, jump and throw it
at the nasty thing. However, you'll need to master the timing with both 
Kongs- each has a unique barrel throw.

f.) Water Squirt (Ellie Only) (Hold R and Down near a waterfall to suck in, R
to squirt)
Used only with Ellie the Elephant, the watersquirt proves useful against 
some water-dwelling opponents.

g.) Enguarde's Stab attack (Enguarde Only) (B, or hold R then release)
Use this against one particular boss to give him pins and needles.

h.) Run (Hold B and hold left or right)
The main move used to get away from bosses. Used pretty much all the time.

And that's it. All the moves you need to know. That's provided you get up 
to these bosses in the first place. Good Luck!

  4.00)                            Guide

Here's where you find out those tips and tricks on beating those tricky 
bosses. Trust me, they are much easier than they were in the SNES version
of the game, but nonetheless, some are still quite annoying and 
troublesome. Of course, with the help of this guide you'll be able to take
on anything!

Boss Example

Name: (Name of Boss)
Difficulty: (The difficulty of the boss out of 5)
Location: (The World you find the boss in)
Attacks: (What attacks they use against you)
Strategy: (How to beat the boss)

So there you go. Now onto the guide!

  4.01)                      Belcha's Barn (Belcha)

Name: Belcha the Big Barrel

Difficulty: 1.5/5

Location: Lake Orangatanga

Attacks: Spits out Barrels, jumps closer.

Strategy: Basically this boss is just an obstacle put there in the game to
teach you how to throw barrels. Sounds easy? It is. This battle takes place
in a barn level, with a giant, angry barrel spitting  barrels at you. 
Behind you is a spiked roller, which, if touched will make one of the Kongs

Belcha will start off by 'Belching' out a barrel at you. Now, just because
I said this teaches you how to throw barrels, it doesn't mean you throw the
actual barrel. Oh no! Jump on the barrel, then jump on the yellow Knik-Knak
inside ONCE ONLY. This will turn it on its back, instead of killing it like
you would if you jumped on it twice. Pick it up, and whilst Belcha is still 
chomping his teeth, throw it in. This requires timing, as you have to do it
at the right time of your jump, whilst trying to avoid hitting Belcha's 

Eventually you'll get it in, and he'll "belch" himself backwards. Do 
this a few times and you're done. You'll also know if you're really good if
you finish it in two 'belches'- that's the lowest amount you need.

Just make sure if you get pushed back by Belcha that you don't run into the 
spiked roller at the back. This used to be a hole in the ground, making both
Kongs fall to their death. Just one of the many examples of how Rare has 
toned down DKC3.

Finish off this simple 'Boss' then move on to Kremwood Forest.

  4.02)                       Arich's Ambush (Arich)

Name: Arich the Arachnid

Difficulty: 2/5

Location: Kremwood Forest

Attacks: Jumps up and down from his web, spits bouncy acid balls

Strategy: I seem to remember this boss having a much longer fight with you
last time around. Stupid Nintendo and Rare. Take the fun out of my game, 
will ya?

Ah well. Can't do much about that.

Anyways, you start off in a tree. There are two wooden platforms near the 
ground, one on the left, one on the right, a platform near the top right of
the place, and a huge, angry spider lurking right above you.

The fight is a fairly easy one, but it requires a bit more skill than 
Belcha does. Arich attacks in four phases, four not necessarily hard phases.

The first two phases are simple. Grab the barrel from atop Arich's back/
the high platform, go down to the bottom and throw it into his teeth.
You only need to jump with Dixie to get it in his mouth, whereas Kiddy needs
to direct the barrel upward with the control pad. Repeat.

Next, Arich will spit 3 acid balls around the arena. Wait for them to 
disappear into the top of the screen, then bounce onto his back, onto the 
platform, grab the barrel and drop down. Hide in the very bottom right
corner. Once he's finished spitting acid again, guide the barrel into his

The last phase is the same as the third, except Arich will spit 5 acid balls
instead of just 3. Grab the final barrel, hide under the platform again and
finally hit him with it to defeat him. 

Two Bosses down already, eh? Too easy!

  4.03)                        Kaos Karnage (Kaos)

Name: Kaos (I think this might stand for Kongs - At - Our - Service or
something like that. You'll find out why I think so at the end of the game)

Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Mekanos

Attacks: Flame, Blade Slice, Boxing Glove, Lasers

Strategy: This boss battle takes place in a small factory, between you and
the giant, flying robot, Kaos. Kaos attacks in SEVEN phases, so watch out!

Kaos's first phase is simple - roll under him while he isn't using his flame
attack to avoid him. After a while he'll stop and use his blades to slice 
around in a desperate attempt to hurt you. Take this chance to use the blades
to jump up and onto his head. Beware, though, if you're too slow he'll use a
boxing glove to shove you away. Although this doesn't hurt you, it can be an
annoyance, especially when you're trying to hurt the big fella.
Repeat this, as the second phase is exactly the same.

The third phase sees Kaos speed up a little, and do his flame attack a bit
more. He also takes longer to get to his blade slicing stage. Avoid his
attacks with care, then bonk him on the 'ead! This will cause his head to
come off, but don't get too worried yet, the head is only watching you 
right now...
Repeat this process (hitting the second, revealed head instead of the first,
temporarily flying one) for phase four.

Here's where it gets tricky. Now the main Kaos body flys up, resting, whilst
the flying head shoots lasers at you. Run from left to right to avoid the 
lasers; you can sometimes do a roll to get away from them too. Their usual
target is somewhere around the centre of the room. Most of the time, you can
lure the head to one side, then dash to the other, as the head is slow-moving
and its lasers only have a 45 degree angle from the head. Eventually the main
body comes down again for you to attack it. 
Repeat this another two times and you're done!

Pick up the Ski left behind and get out of there!

  4.04)                   Squirt's Showdown (Squirt)

Name: Squirt the Slug (Or snail, don't know which. And what kind of slug/
snail lives in a waterfall, anyways?)

Difficulty: 3.5/5

Location: Cotton Top Cove

Attacks: Squirts water at you, trying to knock you off the rocky platforms 
you stand on. Can do 1 jet in a cycle, or 2.

Strategy: You start off as Ellie the Elephant in this Boss Battle. A brutal
fight against a slug in a waterfall which you need to spray water at to 
defeat. Makes no sense, does it? I mean, a brutal fight against a slug?
Fighting water with water? What was Rare thinking? Ah well. It still makes
for a tough fight anyway.

Start the fight by sucking in water from the waterfall. You'll need to do 
this repetitively during the fight, so get used to it now. Hold Down + R to 
suck, although watch out for water streams coming from Squirt.
Now you need to hit both of Squirt's eyes TWICE. It's not enough to just
close them, you have to close them tight! After sealing them, Squirt will 
do another full spin with his water attack. After this, seal his eyes 
again. It doesn't matter if he retreats back into the waterfall before you
seal both eyes - you can easily avoid his water attacks and do it again.

Now Squirt will do a full spin with his water. Except now it's faster. Avoid 
it quickly, then seal his eyes again. Now he's angry!!

Here's the hard-er bit: avoiding two jets. It's fairly easy, as this time both
jets move at the same speed. Jump around slowly, then seal his eyes as usual.

Now for the final curtain. Either for you, or for Squirt. This is quite
difficult, so you should have stocked up on lives beforehand. Two jets whizz
around now, one slow, one fast. So most of the time you'll get caught behind 
the slow one and hit by the fast when it comes around. Try to stay just in
front of the slow one, so that you can run fast when you need to. Sometimes you
can just hold B, then holding A aswell, do a huge jump over both the jets 
together. This works most of the time, however you must be careful with your 
timing as one wrong move could send you falling.
Seal Squirt's eyes for the last time and pick up the second jet ski!

(What kind of Snail/Slug keeps a single Ski anyway?)

  4.05)                     Bleak's House (Bleak)

Name: Bleak the Snowman (Well he's a snowman, isn't he?)

Difficulty: 4/5

Location: K3

Attacks: Throws snowballs, launches giant snow balls with his hat

Strategy: Quite a hard boss, and probably one of the only ones the guys at 
Rare haven't changed. The fight takes place between you and an evil Snowman
on a mountainside - a snowball fight. "How do I throw snowballs?" I can 
already hear you say. Well if it wasn't for the new team at Rare then 
Swanky's Sideshow would still be in the game- a contest between you and
Cranky to see who could knock down the most moving targets with coloured 
balls. Ah, that was the day...

Anyways, press A to throw a snowball and left and right to move, well, left
and right.

Quite simple eh? You'll probably find it's not, especially when you're 
aiming for a little flashing dot on Bleak's Tie. This is what you need to aim
for during the whole fight.

The first few stages are quite simple, as all you need to do is avoid his 
snowballs whilst trying to hit his tie. Try not to get hurt here, as the later
stages are much, much harder. Once you do this twice, Bleak will
lower his hat; not to welcome you into his igloo, but to use as a cannon to 
fire giant snowballs at you. At first it goes from left to right and back 
again, so it isn't too hard. When he brings it up to look at you, aim for 
his tie.

Now he'll do the same as before, except when he's done firing left to right,
he'll fire snowballs in groups. I have drawn diagrams to show where to move.

Formation 1  ( O = Snowball, * = where you stand, B = Bleak)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#    O   O * O      #
#                   # 

Formation 2 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#      O * O        #
#                   # 

Formation 3 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#    O   O * O      #
#                   # 

Use this to dodge, then hit him right where it hurts. After hitting him,
Bleak will go back to throwing normal snowballs. Hit him again, and he'll
go back to his usual left-to-right pattern, followed by a barrage of giant
snowballs, in order like this:

Formation 4 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
# O O        * O O  #
#                   # 

Formation 5 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#      O O O *      #
#                   # 

Formation 6 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
# O O       *  O O  #
#                   # 

Formation 7 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#    O   O * O      #
#                   # 

Formation 8 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#      O   O *      #
#                   # 

Formation 9 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#    O   O * O      #
#                   # 

Formation 10 (Below)

#                   #
#                   #
#                   # 
#                   #
#        B          # 
#                   #
#                   #
#      O O O *      #
#                   # 

Hit Bleak one final time after this to beat him. I bet you lost a couple
of lives from that fight, huh?

  4.06)                   Barbos's Barrier (Barbos)

Name: Barbos the ... Boss? Barbed Boss? Forget it!

Difficulty: 4/5

Location: Pacifica (He used to be found at Razor Ridge. Obviously Rare 
wanted to change it around a bit).

Attacks: None. He gets all his little minions to do his dirty work for
him. Lazy Urchin.
His minions will either be:
Lurchins - stab them when their open to hit them into Barbos
Homing Spike Shell Thingies - Turn around so that they're facing Barbos, 
then when they fire at you, get out of the way
Pin Missiles - Just avoid them. 'nuff said.

Strategy: You start this boss similar to Belcha; up in a room just above the 
main arena, except this time, you are Enguarde the Swordfish, everyones' 
favorite swordfish (the only other swordfish you'd have seen is cooked, eh?).

Anyways, go down into the main arena where Barbos lurks. Barbos is a giant
Lurchin - King of them probably. Barbos attacks in three phases - unlike
the other bosses you've faced, three very different and annoying phases.

The first phase is this: Barbos has two guardian pink Lurchins, each of 
which are closed so that you cannot harm them. Barbos will start to release
normal lurchins up and into the space above him. You, as Enguarde, must 
hit two of these (when they're open, of course!). When you hit them, they 
will bounce off the wall and into Barbos's guardians. Once both of his
guardians are hit, Barbos will start opening and shutting; go directly 
next to him and hold R. When he opens, let go to send him reeling.

Time for phase two. Barbos will go down into the room below. Follow him 
and move down onto the right side. Barbos will get his guardians back and
will have a new attack to try to kill you with: homing shell thingies.
I know it doesn't sound very deadly, but trust me, they are! Let one 
follow you around the right hand side of Barbos. When it starts flashing
yellow, make sure you're the only thing between it and one of Barbos's 
Guardians. When it fires, quickly move up and out of the way. Repeat this
once, then hit Barbos right where it hurts again.

Now for the final phase. This is the hard bit if you don't know how, but
there are several 'safe' spots where Barbos cannot harm you. Barbos will
start firing pin missiles at you. Before he does, go down the very bottom
and stay on the bit on the right hand side where some red and purple
coloured vegetation grow directly next to each other. If you are in the 
right spot and do not move at all, all of Barbos's attacks will miss you.
Once he is done firing, poke him in his fleshy core. Repeat this and
you've beaten Barbos!

  4.07)                 Kroctopus Krush (Kroctopus)

Name: Kroctopus (Although he looks nothing like an octopus, crocodile or 
even the original Croctopuses of Donkey Kong Country)

Difficulty: 2/5 (This Boss is rather easy, you can usually fluke victory by
letting it kill himself)

Location: Razor Ridge

Attacks: Grabs with his claws. You can also get hurt by the bombs scattered
about the place.

Strategy: This battle takes place in a waterfall level- with no waterfalls 
but a huge Kroctopus- if you can even call it that! Its tentacles aren't even
joined, and it has claws. Plus it only has 3 tentacles, not the traditional 

This boss can be easy, or it can be really hard. All you need is Dixie's 
helicopter spin. Without it, it's a real toughie. Hover out of the way 
of the tentacles until a bomb drops down (shouldn't they be using TNT 
barrels?) Once the bomb drops, hover above it; either until the tentacle
comes or until the bomb starts flashing red. Then get out of the way and 
watch the tentacle blow up the bomb. Repeat this another two times.

Now Kroctopus will actually aim for you (after the bomb drops down). 
Stay on the middle platform until it does, then glide over it. Get out of the
way when Kroctopus comes and wait for him to catch his explosive surprise.
Repeat twice.

Finally finish by hitting him another three times with the bombs as he comes
after you with two  tentacles at a time. See, I told you it was easy!

  4.08)                     Kastle Kaos (Kaos)

Name: Kaos

Difficulty: 2.5/5

Location: Kaos Kore

Attacks: Flame, throws bombs (like a kuchuka)

Strategy: You start this Boss Battle by entering a castle - but no ordinary
one, either. There are gadgets and gizmos everywhere. You are down the bottom,
on the floor between two platforms, whilst above you is Kaos. This is quite 
an easy boss battle, but only if you know how.

Kaos will start by talking and saying that "Kaos will be victorious" and some
other rubbish like that. Then he will come down and start going left to right,
using his flame attack when he likes. But this time you can't just wait for 
him to stop like last time. You have to hop onto the platform on the right
and throw the barrel at Kaos's exposed head. 

Once the head has been hit, it will retreat into the body, blast off out of the
body, and out will come a third, and final, head for you to beat. This head 
has a different pattern of attack, though. It will send missiles at you, first
near its body, then closer and closer to the edge of the room. After about four
missiles, the flame underneath the body will disappear, allowing you to run 
under it and grab the barrel from the other side. Throw the barrel into the 
head whilst avoiding its missiles to destroy Kaos once and for all. A hook will
grab Kaos and take him above, then from behind the red curtain the real enemy
shall appear...

  4.09)                          Kastle Kaos (K.Rool)

Name:  Baron K.Roolenstein

Difficulty: 5/5 (He will become much easier after you get the hang of the 

Location: Kaos Kore

Attacks: He presses a button on a remote control, which makes electricity
come out from the ground in all different patterns.

Strategy: K.Rool will start by telling you that his wife's going to kill
him because he'd used all her best pots and pans for Kaos. K.Rool has a
wife? Now I've heard everything!

K.Rool then presses a button on a remote control to bring two levers out of
the roof. I don't see why he does this for himself, as the only person it
benefits is you. He then starts up the propellor on his back and starts 
moving from left to right and back again. He is possibly the only boss who
doesn't have an attack of his own to try to beat you - you'd expect rather
annoying and large attacks from the final boss, but no.

Start by jumping onto the silver ball on the left. If you need to get past 
the Baron to get there, just duck. If you even touch him, you'll lose your
partner. This is strange as he doesn't do anything.

After you are ontop of the silver ball, grab the handle-lever thing in the
air to make a barrel drop down. Make sure it doesn't fall on K.Rool or it
will do nothing. Drop down, avoid K.Rool then throw the barrel into his 
back. K.Rool will now bounce around the room, fluttering his arms. Roll
under him when he comes near and you should be fine. Repeat the process.

After all that, K.Rool presses another button on his remote. A wooden 
platform will appear on the right side of the room. Jump on it quick, as
electricity starts to flow below you. Another two levers will come out of
the ceiling, so that it looks something like this:

*  )   )  )   )   *
*  A   )  )   )   *
*                 *
*      @@@        *
*      @@@        *
*      @@@    ____*

(____ = the platform, ~~~~ = electricity, @@@ = K.Rool, ) = handle/lever 
thing, A = unpulled lever)

Jump across the handle/levers to the unpulled one. When you grab this one,
a barrel will drop on the platform. Jump across to it, avoiding K.Rool, 
and throw it at his back to hurt him. This will cause him to fall straight
into the electricity. Repeat this process.

Be careful now, as you will have to duck as soon as K.Rool presses his 
remote again. If you don't, you will hit him as the platform moves to the 
other side of the room. Now a second platform appears, which  moves across
the room between the first platform and a handle on the other side. Go 
across, ducking under the Baron, and grab the handle. Drop down onto the 
platform and go back across to the first, where the barrel lies. Hit 
K.Rool and watch him fry. Rinse, lather and repeat.

Now the moving platform goes back to its place on the right-hand side and 
a handle drops down from each side. K.Rool also makes the electricity go
every few seconds. So the idea is, you'll need to grab the handle right 
after the current is turned off, go down, grab the barrel, jump back onto
the platform before the electricity gets you and throw it into the Baron's
back. And if somewhere along that you fail, you'll need to dart across to 
the other side while the electric current is off and jump onto the platform
before it catches you. Hit K.Rool twice to finish him off.

And that's it! What a tiring boss battle! Grab the Bonus Coin, sit back and
enjoy the Kredits - but wait, down comes Kaos - and out of his head pop 
Diddy and Donkey Kong!

And then you get to see the Kredits, as always. But, as usual, that wasn't 
the last of K.Rool, as you'll see in the next, final (and I mean it, well,
for this game anyway) showdown with the Baron.  

  4.09)                    Knautilus (K.Rool)

Name: Baron K.Roolenstein

Difficulty: 4.5 / 5

Location: Knautilus

Attacks: Electricity Jolts, Fireballs

Strategy: Yup, that's right, this fight is actually easier than the last 
one. You wouldn't think it, but it is.

You start the fight in K.Rool's secret Submarine. K.Rool does some talking,
then flies off to the back of the Sub where you can't hit him. Look around
the room. There are the same metal balls on the walls again, except this 
time there are two on each wall: one high and one low.

K.Rool starts by pressing a button to make an exhaust pipe spit fireballs
at you. This is exactly like Bleak's snowball cannon attack, so you should
be able to dodge it easily. Whilst this is going on, the top two metal 
balls will electrify a stream of current across the top of the screen, and
a steel keg will appear. Once the fireballs have shot from right to left
and back again, the current will turn off, the fireballs will stop and a
vacuum will start in the ceiling. Throw the steel keg up there, but only 
when K.Rool is almost next to the exhaust in the background. 

Once you throw it in he'll (hopefully) move under the exhaust at the front
of the Sub and the keg will hit him. If it doesn't, try again. If you hit
him, quickly jump onto one of the top metal balls as he'll come up to where
you're standing and move from left to right. Once his back is showing, pick
up the steel keg and quickly hit him in the back. Repeat this, then get 
down the bottom again and stay there. He'll go back to his first attack 
pattern. Just do what you did for the first attack pattern avoiding all
electricity (including the balls at the bottom which are currently lit up).
Do this twice.

Now K.Rool will press another button which makes the floor move from left 
to right and back again. You also have to dodge the fireballs while it is 
doing so. After the fireballs stop, hit K.Rool with another keg.

Here's the hard (ish) part. The floor stops moving, the electric current is
still on, whilst a spark comes from one of the bottom electric balls. DO
NOT PICK UP THE STEEL KEG, or the electricity will kill you. Instead, watch 
which side the spark comes from, then make sure the keg is between you and
the spark. The spark will wrap around the keg and after the electricity 
fades around the keg, the electricity above you will stop, too. Now hit 
K.Rool in the back with the keg. Repeat the process.

Now K.Rool will get the floor to start moving again, whilst you dodge the 
spark. Do the same as before whilst dodging the spark, even with the 
moving floor. Repeat and you've finished the last boss, twice!

  5.00)                         Credits

Today, my thank-yous go out to:, and CJayC for that matter, for not only hosting my Faq, but 
for being probably the most helpful gaming site in the world.

Supercheats for hosting my guide.

Nintendo for producing this wonderful game, made by the one and only:

Rareware. I know you're going a bit downhill and all, with the awful games
you have to make for Microsoft, but that doesn't stop you making one heck
of a remake. Hopefully we'll see some good stuff from you (I hear you're
making a Banjo-Kazooie game for the 360...)

DK universe - for having one of the biggest DK galleries in the world to 
inspire me

and finally you, for reading this FAQ. Thank-you!

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