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by Overated

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After writing a guide for 'Disney's The Lion King 1 1/2' the public support was
overwhelming. Things were fine for a while as the fame lead to pimped out
rides, dope threads, and damn-she-fine women but soon a cry emerged, "Overated
we need you! Please help us with Brother Bear!" Alright I told myself, hopping
down the fire pole in my house, grabbing my brother's GBA and sliding to my
computer, some serious FAQing needs to be done. Bring it 'Brother Bear' I'm
gonna make you my bitch.

[email protected]
=========================================================  Right
Left ===========================================================

[]                                                                          []
<>                         TABLE OF CONTENTS                                <>
[]                                                                          []


II. Controls and Pick Ups

III. Walkthrough

     ||| Snow Forest 1 |||
    ||| Snow Forest 2 |||
   ||| Snow Forest 3 |||
  ||| Mammoth Ride  |||
 ||| Snow Forest 4 |||

| Snow Forest Chase |

     ___ Ice Cave 1 ___
    ___ Ice Cave 2 ___
   ___Mammoth Ride___
  ___ Ice Cave 3 ___
 ___ Ice Cave 4 ___

_ Ice Cave Chase _

     ~~~ Valley of Fire 1 ~~~
    ~~~ Valley of Fire 2 ~~~
   ~~~ Valley of Fire 3 ~~~
  ~~~   Mammoth Ride   ~~~
 ~~~ Valley of Fire 4 ~~~

~ Valley of Fire Chase ~

     ^^^ The Mountain 1 ^^^
    ^^^ The Mountain 2 ^^^
   ^^^ The Mountain 3 ^^^
  ^^^ The Mountain 4 ^^^

^ The Mountain Chase ^

IV. Bonus Games

  -- Matching Game --
   -- Slide Game --
   -- Salmon Run --



This section recaps the game's story. In it will be the script from the game
and descriptions of what happens in the animated shorts and in the levels.

^ Characters  ^

Kenai- A young man who is turned into a bear.

Koda- A talkative bear cub who has become lost from his mother.

Tuke and Rutt- Two wisecracking moose who aid Kenai and Koda on their journey.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENAI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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7XXSXXXrrrXSX78Z88aZ8288ZZa8808SSZB0BXSS@W0a;;i;7XXi        MMWM: 8a22Za22aZa2
7r;7i7XrXXX777aSSSXaZ2aZZZ2Z808S800BW      .ZMZ00  ,2MMMMWMMaMZB    ;@WB00aaaS
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;ii;iiiiii;iii;;.  2MM0Z2S222aZZ8Z8a0X,,22XSXXXXZXXXSX787SSSXSSXXXXX7aSX7M: ..
ii;iiiii;i;i;i:  @M8SS2S2a2a2aaZZZ8ZBX:.a2XXSXSSX7XSXSXZa7SSXSXX2SSSMWWW0XM  .
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XSXXSSSSX77777rrrrrrr777rrXa7       aS i222 MMMX0MMM rr77X7XXX777X77777XXXXX7X

^  Introduction Video  ^

A young man, Kenai, crawls out from underneath a dead bear. Strange, mystical
spirits surround him. The video quickly cuts to Denahi, another young man with
a spear, before going back to Kenai. An orange bird spirit envelopes Kenai and
flies away. He is surrounded by an orange light and is changed into a bear
before being placed onto the ground.

The game starts with Kenai--now a bear--talking to two Moose.

Tuke: Please don't eat us!

Rutt: You wouldn't like us,
eh. We're really gamey.

Kenai: I'm not eating
anybody. I'm not a bear... I
hate bears.

Rutt: Well, geeh eh, you're
one big beaver.

Kenai: I was transformed
into a bear. Magically. I
was lifted into the sky by
my brother. I need to find
where the lights touch the
earth to change back.

Tuke: Oh, yeah, yeah, see
we're not moose either.

Rutt: We're not?

Tuke: No, we're like.. ah..
we're like squirrels, yeah!.

Kenai: Why am I even
talking to a couple of dumb

^ Snow Forest 1  ^

Rutt: Hey
there, Mr.

Tuke: He's a

Rutt: Oh,
yeah. It was
nice meeting
you Mr.
Beaver, eh.

Kenai: Umm...
thanks. I'll
be on my

Tuke: No need
to thank us.
Just let us
know if
comes around,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KODA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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** Kenai beats the level but gets trapped in a snare. He hangs upside down
until a bear cub named Koda finds him. **

Koda: Guess you didn't see
the trap, huh? I saw it from
a mile away.

** Koda comes closer to the upside down Kenai. **

Koda: You need to get down.
Let me help.

** Koda picks up a stick and tries to hit Kenai down. **

Kenai: Ow! No!

Kenai: Just... Ow! Stop

** Koda stops hitting Kenai with the stick. **

Kenai: I need to get to the
mountain where the lights
touch the earth.

Koda: I know where that is!
We watch the lights touch
the mountain every year at
the salmon run.

Koda: It'll be great. I
promise I'll help you avoid
any bear traps we run into.

** Kenai and Koda join together to get to the mountain. **

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENAI and KODA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                  .           .  ..          .         .
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         MMZ22ai ,XX:   ::7a2XS2227SaSX2SSSSXXXSSS7X7XXXSS2XSSXSZ8aX   .
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** Three levels later, Kenai and Koda have thorn patches obstructing them. Koda
talks to Tuke and Rutt. **

Koda: Run!
There's a

** Tuke and Rutt run through the thorn patch, clearing it for the bears. **

^ Snow Forest Chase ^

Koda: Kenai, a hunter!

** Kenai sees the hunter, who he knew when he was a human. **

Kenai: Denahi! It's me,

Koda: C'mon Kenai, run!

** Denahi brandishes his spear and chases after the bears. **

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DENAHI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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** The bears escape but in an ice cavern Denahi catches up. **

^ Ice Cave Chase ^

Kenai: It's Denahi, run!

** Kenai and Koda escape from Denahi. **

^ Valley of Fire Chase ^

Koda: Watch out Kenai,
behind you!

Kenai: Nice try.

** A spear is thrown and almost hits Kenai. **

Koda: C'mon Kenai, run!

** Kenai and Koda escape from Denahi. **

** Kenai and Koda finally reach the mountain where the lights touch. **

Kenai: Sitka...?

** Sitka's form in the snowstorm becomes visable. **

Kenai: Sitka, is that you?

Kenai: No!

** Denah appears, angry and wielding a spear. **

Denahi: Aaaaaaah!!

^  End Video  ^

Denahi catches up to Kenai and the two wrestle. They fall down a mountain and
Kenai is stunned. Denahi gets to his feet, drawing a knife. Denahi is about to
plunge the knife into Kenai when Koda comes and knocks Denahi over. Koda grabs
his spear and runs away. Denahi grabs the spear and the mountain bursts into a
bright light.



  ^              ^
_/ \_ Controls _/ \_

The controls differ for Kenai, Koda and Koda riding on Kenai.

-- Kenai --

B- paw
  Paw stumps to trigger checkpoints and collect berries. Would be much better
if this was 'maul' and could be used to well maul things. Like orphans.

A- jump
  Hit B in the air to Body Slam. While this looks like it would hurt
enemies--like say small hedgehogs--it does not. Yogi could probably kick
Kenai's ass, maybe even Boo Boo.

R- run
  Hold R to run.

L- switch to Koda (not aplicable in the first level)

Hold Right/Left- push
  Allows Kenai to push small rocks or large boulders.

-- Koda --

B- paw

A- jump
  In addition to a normal jump, Koda can leap off of vertical wall by hitting A
when touching the wall.

L- Switch to Kenai

-- Kenai and Koda --

B- paw

A- jump

R- run

Hold Right/Left- push
  Allows Koda to push small rocks.

  ^              ^
_/ \_ Pick ups _/ \_

GREEN TOTEMS- Collect three of these at the beginning section of each level.
Get these to create a path to the next level. It is easy to find these as more
often than not they are in your path as you complete the level.

RED TOTEMS- Collect three of these in the middle part of each level to unlock
the red path for such things as short cuts and Bonus Games.

GOLD TOTEMS: Collect up to three gold totems at the last part of the level to
get gold berries. Use gold berries to play bonus games. Each gold totem is
worth one gold berry.

BERRIES: Reddish fruit that comes in a bunch. Collect 50 of these for a free

GOLD BERRY: Currency used to play Bonus Games. You start with 3 berries,
collect gold totems to get more berries.

BEAR PAW: Floating, rotating icon with a bear paw etched on it. Grab one of
these for an extra life.

  ^             ^
_/ \_ Terrain _/ \_

Thorn Patch- Green brambles that hurt when touching them.

Rock Pile- Small gathering of mismatched and weak rocks. Paw or Body Slam the
pile to get rid of it.

Ice- Slick ground found in the Ice Cave levels.

Lava- Deadly black and red terrain found in the Valley of Fire levels.

Sharp Rocks- Blueish rocks that blend into the water slides. They hurt when you
encounter them.



Each of the 16 standard levels have three portions to them. In the first part
Kenai must collect three GREEN TOTEMS to unlock a path to the next level. The
second part has three RED TOTEMS, collect these to unlock a secret path. At the
last part of the level collect GOLD TOTEMS, which gets you GOLD BERRIES. GOLD
BERRIES are used to play Bonus Games.

Throughout most levels are many BERRIES. Collect 50 BERRIES to get a free life.
BERRIES gotten in one level carry onto the next. For now, I am not going to
mention where each BERRY is but in the future I might right another section
detailing how to get all the BERRIES. Simply I will put an explanation of how
to get the three TOTEMS and any other notable pick ups in the level.

The GREEN and GOLD TOTEM levels (other than Snow Forest 1) has you control
Kenai with Koda on his back. The RED TOTEM levels let you switch between the
two bears.

^ Snow Forest 1  ^


Move right and talk to the moose. Go a little further right and get the 1st
GREEN TOTEM. Hop on the mossy rock, the up and right to the next rock, up and
right again and up and right to a higher ledge. Go right to get the 2nd TOTEM.
Further to the right is a BERRY STUMP with a picture of a bear pawing at it. Go
near the stump and hit B to get BERRIES to come out of the stump. Each stump
will have eight BERRIES before breaking.

Head right and jump over the thorn patch. Move right and jump over the hedgehog
and up onto the low hanging branch. Jump five branches over and to your left.
If you jump as far as you can to the left you can grab a BEAR PAW and get a
free life. To beat the level jump up and right. Jump right four more times and
land on the green ledge. Jump over the hedgehog, over the thorn patch and paw
at the CHECKPOINT STUMP. If you die later in this level you will come back to
life at the CHECKPOINT STUMP instead of the beginning of the level.

Keep going right, jump over the hedgehog and paw the BERRY STUMP. Follow the
hill as it slopes down and right. Grab the 3rd GREEN TOTEM and move right,
falling. Go right and pick up the BEAR PAW. Go back to the place where the
3rd GREEN TOTEM was and this time jump up and right onto the mossy rock. Watch
out for the bee swarm before jumping up and right and up and right again. Move
a little to the right into the magic arrow to beat the level.


Get the three RED TOTEMS to unlock a Bonus Game. This level is different from
the first in that you are Kenai and Koda. Hit L to switch between them.

Go right and jump over the thorn patch. Push the rock onto the spikes. Rocks
can be pushed by getting near them and pressing the directional button in the
direction that you want to push them. Koda can push smaller rocks while Kenai
can push large and small rocks. Hit L to switch to Koda. Move right and climb
up the tree by jumping onto its trunk and hitting up. Climb up until the second
branch and step onto it to get the 1st RED TOTEM. Jump off it to the right and
jump over the spike pit. Jump over the thorn patch and climb up the tree. Watch
out for the bee swarm. On the lower branch will be the 2nd TOTEM. On the higher
branch will be the 3rd TOTEM. Jump right and move right to reach the end.
Switch to Kenai, leap the spike pit and the thorn branch and go right to beat
the level.


Go right and jump over the pit. Paw the BERRY STUMP. Jump over the next pit and
leap the thorn patch. Paw the BERRY STUMP and jump the pit. Walk up and right
until you get to the next pit, with thorn patches at the bottom. Kenai can hang
from the side of ledges. In this case, if he hangs from the side he will get
the 1st GOLD TOTEM. To hang from a ledge jump and try to get your front paws to
be the only thing that makes it over the pit. Kenai will hang. Press up to get
him to climb back up, hit down and A to get him to drop.

Go right and jump over the thorn patch. Head right some more and jump over the
next thorn patch. Jump over the two pits and over the thorn branch. You will be
able to see the 2nd TOTEM. To get it Kenai has to hang from the ledge and you
have to hit down, causing Koda to climb down his back and get the TOTEM. Hit up
to climb up and trigger the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Paw the BERRY STUMP and go right.
Hop onto the lower branch and work your way up, up and left, right and then
jump off to the right.

Paw the BERRY STUMP and go right. When you see the mossy rock, do not jump on
it yet. Instead fall down and jump over the thorn patch to get the 3rd TOTEM.
Hop onto the mossy rock and go up and right to beat the level.

^ Snow Forest 2  ^


Hop over the hedgehog and jump onto the log. The log is a unique obstacle.
Kenai will stand on his hind legs and try to balance himself as he moves
across. A meter will appear on the screen showing how balanced Kenai and Koda
are. If the stick on the meter gets all the way to the top or all the way to
the bottom, Kenai and Koda will fall of the log. Hit right to move across the
log and as you are doing so hit up and down to keep the stick from reaching the
top or bottom. Hit down to make the stick go down and hit up to make the stick
go up.

Jump over the thorn patch and go right. Balance yourself as you go over the log
and get the 1st TOTEM. Jump over the thorn patch and hit the CHECKPOINT STUMP.
Head over the log, jump the pit and get the 2nd TOTEM. Jump the next pit and
jump the thorn patch. Head right to get the 3rd TOTEM. Move a little to your
right to beat the level or hop up into the branches to get a BEAR PAW and then
beat the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock the Sliding Game Bonus Level.

Switch to Koda and go right. When you get to the narrow tunnel, you will see a
picture detailing a move for Koda. Koda can crawl by hitting down and in the
direction he wants to crawl. Crawl through the tunnel and climb up the tree.
Jump left and land, collecting the 1st TOTEM. Move left and push the small grey
rock off of the cliff and to the left. Run right until you come to the next
picture. Switch to Kenai.

Have Kenai jump on top of the small boulder, jump up and right and run to Koda.
When you get to the picture hit A to jump and press B to belly flop. Belly flop
to destroy the rocks. Switch to Koda, drop down into the pit and crawl down and
right to get the 2nd TOTEM. Hop out of the whole and run right. Eventually you
will get to a bear trap. Have Koda paw at the stick that keeps the trap
together by hitting B. If Kenai gets caught by the bear trap you will lose a
life. Climb up the nearby tree and to the upper right branch and grab the 3rd
TOTEM. Jump right and move right to reach the end. Bring Kenai to the end to
beat the level.


Move right and jump over the first three pits. At the fourth pit do not jump
all the way over it but hang from the right side and get the 1st TOTEM. Jump
over the fifth pit and avoid the bee swarm.  Move right and jump onto the mossy
rock. Hop up and right until you get on the first branch. Jump up and right
twice to reach the next ledge. Move right and hop over the thorn patch and paw

Leap the thorn patch, the hedgehog and cross the log. When you to the right end
of it--still on the log--intentionally fall straight down to get the second
TOTEM. Kenai will fall onto another log. Go left and jump over the hedgehog and
the thorn patch. Swipe the CHECKPOINT STUMP and jump left over the pit. Jump
over the hedgehog and jump from the ledge up and left to the branch with the
3rd TOTEM on it. Go right, back to the log that you fell upon. Keep going
right, leap a hedgehog and beat the level.

^ Snow Forest 3  ^


Go right and avoid the bee swarm as you jump up and right to the rock. Jump up
and right for the 1st TOTEM and jump right over the thorn patch and hedgehog.
Jump over the next pit (you can fall down it if you want a BERRY STUMP) and
cross the log. Swipe the CHECKPOINT STUMP and go left into the water slide.
Ride it down and grab the 2nd TOTEM. At the end you will have a difficult jump.
If you jump too far you will overshoot the branch but if you don't jump far
enough you will fall short. I recommend jumping just before you reach the end
of the chute, that way your momentum will not be so severe.

Jump up and right for a BEAR PAW. Jump up the tree and jump across the branches
and right, landing on the ledge. Cross the log and pick up the 3rd TOTEM before
beating the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Mammoth Ride.

Head right until you reach a wall that Kenai cannot jump over. Jump up to get
the 1st TOTEM. Hit L to swith to Koda. Move right and crawl when you get to the
tunnel to get a BEAR PAW. Climb straight up the first tree you get to for the
2nd TOTEM. Hop off the tree and to the left for the 3rd TOTEM. Run right and
climb up or jump to the second tree. From that tree jump right. When you land
push the boulder to the left so that Kenai can jump up. Move Koda right and
switch to Kenai, jump up and right to beat the level.


Jump up and right onto the grey rock. Leap over the hedgehog and up to the next
rock, avoiding the bee swarm. Jump up and right two more times to get to the
ledge. When you get to the log, do not try to cross it yet. Instead fall down
onto the ground beneath it and move right for the 1st TOTEM. Go right and paw
the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Get onto the water slide and ride it down, jump when you
see the 2nd TOTEM. Grab it and you will fall onto a safe ledge. Move onto the
next water slide and let it take you to the next ledge. Hop up and right and
cross the log until you are near the end. Intentionally fall, grabbing onto the
ledge as you fall and getting the 3rd TOTEM. The best way to fall is to be on
the log facing right. Lose your balance and Kenai will fall and latch onto the
ledge. Hop up and move right to beat the level.

^  Mammoth Ride  ^

If you got the three RED TOTEMS from the prior level a Mammoth Ride will be
unlocked. Take the Mammoth Ride to bypass Snow Forest 4 to reach the first
chase level. You can also reach the chase level by beating Snow Forest 4 but
the Mammoth Ride is much easier.

The Mammoth controls are simple. Hit A to jump and hit left and right to move
left and right. Dodge the rocks and falling trees or you will have to try
again. To dodge a rock simply move to its right or left or leap over it. To
dodge a tree on the right side, move all the way to the left. To dodge a tree
on the left side, move all the way to the right.

Stay in the middle of the path until you see the first tree. Move all the way
left. Move back to the middle when you see the rock on the left side and move
all the way right when you see the tree on the left side. Stay right until you
see a tree on the right side and move left. When you see a rock on the left
side move to the middle.

^ Snow Forest 4  ^


Cross the log and get the 1st TOTEM. As you go up the hill, jump over the
rolling rocks and get the 2nd TOTEM. Hop over the hedgehog and paw the
CHECKPOINT STUMP. Get onto the water slide. As it levels out, prepare to jump
over the painful spikes in the middle of the slide. Let the slide deposit you
onto an upcoming log. Cross the log and get the 3rd TOTEM. On the other side
will be boucning rocks. Duck under the rocks as they bounce up and head up the
hill, beating the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock Salmon Run.

Switch to Koda and climb up the first tree. Jump to the second tree and jump
right to the moose. Talk to them and they will clear the thorn patch. Go right
and hop onto the log on top of the rock. Select Kenai and have him move right
and get the 1st TOTEM. Hop onto the log on top of the rock to send Koda flying
through the air, see saw style. When Koda lands, push the boulder right and hop
on top of it and up to get the 2nd TOTEM. Push the rock right and off of the
ledge. Hop to the far right to reach the end of the level. Select Kenai. Go
right and hop onto that boulder. Jump from the boulder up and right to the
ledge and move right to beat the level.


Climb up the hill and to the right, holding R to gain more momentum and ducking
under the rocks. Leap the two thorn patches and jump on the water slide. Be
ready to jump as very soon some sharp rocks will obstruct your path. Jump up
again to get the 1st TOTEM. Ride the chute to the end and hold right as it
propels you up onto a branch (if you jump you will not be able to get up there,
let the slide get you up there). Jump up the tree and over to the next tree.
Jump to the upper left branch for the 2nd TOTEM. Fall down to the base of the
tree and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP.

Cross the log and head up the hill, dodging the bouncing rocks. Hop onto the
water slide, jump over the sharp rocks and jump up to get the 3rd TOTEM. Jump
over the next set of rocks and propel yourself from the slide to the end of the

^ Snow Forest Chase ^

In Chase Levels, Kenai and Koda are being followed by Denahi. Hit R to run fast
and do not be slow. If Denahi catches up to Kenai, you will lose a life and
have to start over. You will want to hold R for pretty much the whole level of
every Chase Level.

There is a new terrain in this level: a bridge. Bridges will support your
weight temporarily and then collapse.

Run right and jump over the bridge and the next pit. Jump on top of the small
grey rock and up and right to the next ledge. Balancing on the upcoming log
will slow you down so jump over it. Jump over the thorn patch and run right.
Jump over the next two bridges you see and jump over the pit. Jump over the
next pit and run on the bridge, jump from the bridge to the next ledge. Jump
over the next pit and run onto the next bridge, jumping from it to the end of
the level.

^ Ice Cave 1  ^


Move right a little and you will discover a new terrain, ice. Ice is very slick
and greatly hinders your ability to stop and start. To get more traction on the
ice hold R as you run. Hop over the hedgehog and over the next pit to get the
1st TOTEM. Jump over the next two pits and keep going right. Hop onto the third
level of rocks and leap up and left, up and right, up and left and up and
right, being careful to avoid the hedgehog when you land. Jump the hedgehog and

Jump right to grab a BEAR PAW. Slide down and right, jumping over two pits and
getting the 2nd TOTEM. Jump the next pit and head right. Hop over the hedgehog
before leaping up to a high cliff. Further right will be the 3rd TOTEM, a small
pit and the end of the stage.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock Ice Cave 3.

Switch to Koda. Jump up on the rocks to your left and get onto the ice
platform. Crawl under the overhang and push the small rock off the platform.
Push it further right so Koda and Kenai can jump up. Leap up and choose Kenai.
Bring him up to where Koda cannot get past and paw the rocks out of the way. Go
right and jump over the pit. You will encounter a mammoth that squirts water at
you. It is not damaging but Koda cannot get by unless Kenai is blocking the
stream. Move Kenai close to the mammoth to block the water coming out of its
trunk. Have Koda come over and jump up and get the 1st TOTEM and jump over the

Switch to Kenai and jump up and right. The water will push you back but the
jump will get you to land on the mammoth. Go right a little ways until you come
to an upraised rock. Jump on it and jump up and left three times. Paw the rocks
that block the way and bring Koda up there. Have Koda crawl under the ice and
get the 2nd TOTEM. Push the small rock that is up there to the left. Bring
Kenai down to that rock and push it left a little more. Jump on the rock and
then up and left three times to reach the 3rd TOTEM. Go back to the mammoth and
keep going right. Jump over two pits to reach the end.


Go right and jump over the hedgehog. Jump up and left to climb up the
ice--holding R if necessary--and jump up and right. Jump up and left to a rock
platform, avoiding the hedgehog. Leap the critter and then jump up and right.
Move right a little ways and leap up and left onto the slanted ice. Jump over
the gap in the ice, going left. To proceed in the level you will want to jump
up and right but first get some momentum going down and right before jumping
right to get the 1st TOTEM.



Go up and right and cross the log. Jump up then go up and left. When you reach
the rock platform paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP before going up and right. Leap the
hedgehog and keep on going right. Jump left and go left. Jump up and right onto
the slanted ice but before going much further jump up and left for the 2nd
TOTEM. Scurry up the ice chute before jumping up and left onto the stone
platform. Go left until you encounter a wall and jump straight up for the 3rd
TOTEM. Head up and right to beat the level.

^ Ice Cave 2  ^

If you got the three RED TOTEMS from Ice Cave 1 then you can go to Ice Cave 3
if you are so inclined. However if you do this level and get the RED TOTEMS you
can unlock a Mammoth Ride and thus bypass Ice Cave 4, Ice Cave Chase and Valley
of Fire 1.


A new, very bizarre way to take damage is evident at the beginning of the
level. There are pits that Kenai and Koda have to jump over but periodically
whales will jump into those pits first. Time your jumps over the pits and jump
right after a whale has already passed by. Jump over the first two whale pits
and get the 1st TOTEM. A tricky jumping section is up ahead. There will be
three small, icy platforms and then a log. I recommend holding R and doing all
the jumps in one fluid try, getting the 2nd TOTEM before landing safely on the
log. The ice platforms are too slippery to try to stop on, but the log has
plenty of traction.

From the log jump right, onto the rock. Jump over the ice platform to the next
rock--holding R to get a good running start. Paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP before
jumping to the next log. Ride that log right until you are able to jump off.
Jump onto the next log and from there to another floating log. Jump onto an ice
platform, onto a rock platform and get the 3rd TOTEM as you jump to another
rock platform. Leap onto the waiting log. It will move when you get on top of
it. Also that type of log will stop when you are not on it, for example if you
jumped straight up the log would stop moving. Jump from the log to an ice
platform and move righ to reach the next part of the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock

Jump right three times, onto the small ice platform and then to the safe rock
area. Hop on the rock with a log over it and jump up and right for the 1st
TOTEM. Jump as far as you can to the right to another rock ledge. Move slightly
to the right and jump up, and pull yourself up on the ledge for the 2nd TOTEM.
Move right, jump on the rock with a log over it and jump up and right. Move
right to the end of the level. Now you will be controlling Koda. Jump to the
first rock with a log over it. Get on it and jump up and right then as far
right as you can. Run right until you see the climbable tree (it as a thick
trunk). Climb up it and get the 3rd TOTEM, which is on its only branch. Go to
the next log with a rock on it and jump up and right to reach Kenai and beat
the level.


Move right but do not jump over the pit yet. Whales will periodically jump out
of it. Wait for a whale to jump out then hop over the first pit and get the 1st
TOTEM. Jump over the next pit and climb up the icy hill. As the hill slants
downward, be ready to jump over a pit and right two more times to the next safe
stretch of ice. Move right until you see the log and jump on it. Ride it to the
right and leap off. Paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP and jump onto the waiting log.

As you are drifting right, jump up for the 2nd TOTEM. At the end jump onto the
small ice platform and wait for the floating log. Hop on it and to the next icy
platform and from there onto the waiting log. Ride it right and jump onto the
ice platform. As it begins to slant down, get ready to jump and get the 3rd
TOTEM. Slowly go down the slant and jump to get the TOTEM. If you have too much
momentum you might over jump the next platform or get hit by a whale. Time your
jumps over the two upcoming whale pits and go right to beat the level.

^  Mammoth Ride  ^

Instead of doing description, I'm going to say what to do as the events of the
level unfold. RIGHT means move all the way RIGHT, MIDDLE means be in the
middles, LEFT means go all the way left and JUMP means jump.

The level starts...

^ Ice Cave 3  ^

If you got the three RED TOTEMS from Ice Cave 1 then you can go to Ice Cave 3
if you are so inclined. However if you do Ice Cave 2 and get the RED TOTEMS you
can unlock a Mammoth Ride and thus bypass Ice Cave 4, Ice Cave Chase and Valley
of Fire 1.


Jump over the first two whale pits and get lots of momentum going as you jump
over the upcoming ice pit. Go up and right and jump over a pit to get the 1st
TOTEM. Jump over the next pit to get to a safer ice platform. Go right until
you the water appears and wait for the floating log. Jump on it and ride it
over. Jump off it onto the rock area and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Jump onto
the waiting log for the 2nd TOTEM. Jump off it at the other side and go right,
getting the 3rd TOTEM.

You will come to a small ice ledge with a drop off and then a whale pit
following it. Slowly walk right and drop down to the lower level. Time your
jump over the pit and proceed right. Go down the slanted piece very slowly or
your momentum will carry you into the water. Wait for the floating log to come
and get on it. Jump off the log and to the right to get to the next part of the


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Matching Game.

Move Kenai onto the rock with a log on it and jump up for the 1st TOTEM. Get
Koda onto the same log. Have Kenai jump on the log to send Koda flying, up and
right onto a ledge. Push the small rock left and go right to get the 2nd TOTEM.
Go right and jump over two pits, go right some more and get by two whale pits.
Jump over a pit. Go right until you come to a small cave. Crawl under it and go
right to reach the end of the level. Bring Kenai to the end, following the same
patch except instead of crawling through the cave jump over it and get the 3rd


Move right and jump over the first three pits. Paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP. If you
want a BEAR PAW (it is not worth it) go right and jump over three hedgehogs as
you go as far right as possible and get the BEAR PAW. To beat the level jump up
from the CHECKPOINT STUMP and work your way up and right. When you get to a
large boulder, jump on it and then jump up. Jump up and left from that platform
to an ice platform. Head left a bit to get the 1st TOTEM.

Go right and jump onto the slanted ice. Follow it down until you get to a log
with a TOTEM underneath it. Hop on the log and face left, standing very close
to the left side. Purposely lose your balance and fall, hanging on the ledge
and getting the 2nd TOTEM. Cross the log and head right. As you are running
down to slanted ice, jump up and right to find a ledge with the 3rd TOTEM on
it. Fall down and hold right as you fall. Leap over the hedgehog and fall
slightly to your right. Jump over the next two pits to beat the level.

^ Ice Cave 4  ^

You can bypass this level by getting the RED TOTEMS in Ice Cave 2 and beating
the Mammoth Ride.


Run right and down the hill, grabbing the 1st TOTEM. When you get to the flat
part jump up and right and grab onto the ledge. If you miss the jump climb up
the hill and try again. Jump over the next two pits and step onto the bridge.
Jump over it to the right for a BEAR PAW. Fall down and right and work your way
up the hill, dodging the bouncing rocks. Paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP and fall down
and right. Jump over the pit and get the 2nd TOTEM. Run over the bridge to the
right, grabbing the 3rd TOTEM as you complete the stage.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Matching Game.

Move right and stand on the log on the rock. Move Koda onto the same log and
have Kenai propel him up and left for the 1st TOTEM. Then propel him up and
right onto a ledge. Jump right and move onto the rock. Jump up for the 2nd
TOTEM. Push the boulder right and jump as far as you can to the right. Talk to
the moose to get them to clear the path for you. Follow them to reach the end
of the stage. Bring Kenai to the right but do not take the upper path that Koda
took. Instead drop down and right. Jump over the next two pits, snagging the
3rd TOTEM as you cross the second pit. Push the small rock right, hop on it to
reach the upper ledge and run to Koda to beat the level.


Run right and jump up and right to grab onto the ledge. Dodge the bouncing
rocks as you go up and right. Jump over the bridge, making sure you only touch
the right most one. Get onto the next bridge and jump from it over the
following bridge section to the rock platform. Grab the 1st TOTEM. Go left and
drop down where the piece of the bridge was. Run left, jump the pit and keep
going left. Go onto the middle of the bridge and jump straight up for the 2nd
TOTEM. Go back right, leap the pit, leap the next pit and paw the CHECKPOINT
STUMP.Run right and leap the first pit. As you jump over the next pit get the
3rd TOTEM. Head right, leap the next three pits and beat the level.

^ Ice Cave Chase ^

You can bypass this level by getting the RED TOTEMS in Ice Cave 2 and beating
the Mammoth Ride.

The key to this level is to jump early enough so that you are able to jump
again, even on the narrow platforms. If you land on the right side of a small
platform you will slide into the water before you are able to jump but if you
land on the left side you will be fine.

Hold R and move right for the whole level. Jump the first pit and jump up as
the ice platform goes to another height. Jump before this platform ends and
quickly jump again. Jump the whale pit, jump a regular pit, jump the whale pit
and clap A quickly to jump the next whale pit. Jump over the next pit and do
not run on the slanted ice pieces, jump in between them then over them. after
jumping the second pit be ready to jump up and right to reach the next ledge.
If you do a bad jump you will hang from the ledge and might get caught as you
pull yourself up. Jump over the pit, cross the bridge, jump one more pit to
beat the level.

^ Valley of Fire 1  ^

You can bypass this level by getting the RED TOTEMS in Ice Cave 2 and beating
the Mammoth Ride.


A new type of terrain is found in this level, lava. Fall on the lava and Kenai
and Koda will lose a life and have to start over. Move right and jump over the
five patches of lava. Get the 1st TOTEM before stepping onto the waiting log.
Yes that log is in the lava, thus proving that bear < lava < log. Jump to the
rock platform then the floating log then to the next floating log. After
getting off the log, avoid the hedgehog and go right. When you come to the
boulder jump on top of it and up and left for the 2nd TOTEM. The boulder will
periodically rise when water shoots from underneath it. If Kenai or Koda get
hit by the water stream you will take damage. Keep going right until you run
into the wall. Jump up for the 3rd TOTEM and latch onto the edge. Pull yourself
up and go right.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Matching Game.

Select Koda and jump over the lava. Climb up the tree and go onto its branch.
Jump left and get the 1st TOTEM. Go back to the tree and continue right. After
a little ways you will notice a picture with a new move that only Koda can do.
This is a fun but underused maneuver. Koda can jump onto the sides of wall and
spring himself the other way by hitting A as he touches the wall. Jump up and
right and hit A, springing Koda up and left for the 2nd TOTEM.

Jump right and continue right. Leap the hedgehog. When you reach it push the
small rock right so it falls down the gap. Jump that gap, leap the hedgehog and
go right to reach the end of the level. Bring Kenai to the small rock and push
it right. Jump on top of it and up and right for the 3rd TOTEM. Continue right
to reach the next part of the level.


Move right and leap the hedgehog. Pull yourself up at the first wall and leap
left from it to get the 1st TOTEM. Continue right and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP.
Spurting out of the fire will be geysers that hurt the bears. Time your jump
over the lava and avoid the geysers. Jump the lava geyser, the hedgehog and the
next two lava geysers. Jump the next two lava pits until you come to a large
boulder. Push the boulder a little to the left so that it rest on a water
stream. Climb on top of the boulder and jump from the raised boulder to a
branch to your left.

Continue left, onto the floating log and over to the other side. Cross the next
two balancing logs, grabbing the 2nd TOTEM in between them. After you cross the
second log there will be a TOTEM on the left side of the rock ledge. Perform a
jump that makes it so you hang off the left edge and get the 3rd TOTEM. Or you
can drop down, but there is a hedgehog down there. Head back to the boulder. Go
right, jump over the lava and finish the level.

^ Valley of Fire 2  ^


There is a new terrain piece in this level--skeleton. Obviously the animals
fell into the lava and died, leaving behind a skeleton. But the mighty log
lives on! All hail log! Move right and jump onto the skeleton. Jump to the next
skeleton, another skeleton and to the safe rocks to your right. Move right and
get the 1st TOTEM before jumping on the floating log. Jump from that log to the
next log  and then right. Continue right until you reach a tree. Climb up it
and jump to the right tree and climb that for a BEAR PAW. Jump off of the tree
and to the right.

If you continue to the right, past two hedgehogs you can get another BEAR PAW
but who cares? By now you probably have so many free guys that another one
probably will not matter. Instead push the boulder at the base of the tree left
onto the water stream. From the boulder, jump up to the tree then over to a
ledge. You will get the 2nd TOTEM on that ledge. Move right and jump onto the
waiting log. As it floats left get the 3rd TOTEM. When it reaches the end, jump
off it to go to the next part of the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a SLIDING GAME.

Move right and jump onto the log and over the lave. Jump up and right when you
come to the tunnel and push the boulder right, so it falls off the edge and
onto the spike pit. Jump right for the 1st TOTEM. From the platform with the
1st TOTEM on it jump up and right for the 2nd TOTEM. Jump down and get on the
floating log. Ride it right and get off on the other side. Switch to Koda--if
you keep going right you will get ensnared in a bear trap. Bring Koda to Kenai
and climb up the first tree that you see. Jump left for the 3rd TOTEM. Jump to
the right and right again to the next tree. Climb down the tree and swipe the
bear trap to the left. Go right with both bears to reach the arrow/bird.


Move right, getting on the wiating log. Ride it right and disembark at the rock
area. Hop on the floating log, a safe area, some more log action and then onto
a safe platform. Paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP and get on the waiting log. As the
log reaches the end jump up and right. Keep going right and when you reach the
end jump up and right as far as you can. Jump over the small gap, onto the
floating log and to the next platform and wait for the next floating log. Hold
down to see if the log is coming. Jump on the log and let it take you right.
Jump right for the 1st TOTEM.

Backtrack left past the two logs and to where you leaped from the log you got
onto after the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Jump far to the left and land on the log. It
will fall down, ride it until you get the 2nd TOTEM and quickly jump right
before you fall to your death. Move right, jump over the lava onto the log the
up and right and jump over the next two hedgehogs. Jump on the log and over the
lava. Move right and get on the boulder. Jump up for the 3rd TOTEM. Push the
boulder right and jump up and right. Jump over the hedgehog and go right to
finish the level.

^ Valley of Fire 3  ^


Move right and jump the hedgehog. Jump over the lava, grabbing the 1st TOTEM.
Get on the balancing log and slowly cross, being careful to avoid the geysers.
At the end of the log paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Get on the floating log and
ride it right. At the end jump off and get the 2nd TOTEM. Jump to the next
floating log. As the log goes right watch out for the geysers. To make the log
stop moving righ straight up so that it stops moving. Ride it right and jump
right at the end to the next floating log. Watch out for the geysers and jump
at the end for the 3rd TOTEM. Jump to the next floating log and watch out for
more geysers. Jump off at the end and go right.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Mammoth Ride.

Move right and jump onto the floating log. When it reaches the end jump right
and move right. Go under the underpass and a little to the right of it. Jump
from that ledge up and left for the 1st TOTEM. Go right until you reach the
trees and switch to Koda. Bring Koda to the first tree and have him climb up
it. Jump left onto the ledge for the 2nd TOTEM. Switch to Kenai and bring him
right, until you get to the miscellaneous rocks. Jump in the air and hit B to
body slam the rocks. Drop Koda into that hole and have him crawl right for the
3rd TOTEM. Go up and right to get to the end.


Move right and avoid the first two water geysers. Hop on the lowest branch.
There is a lot of jumping up ahead so I am only going to give commands, not
full sentences.

Up and left, up and left, up and left
Up and right, right, right, right, right
Up and right, up and left, up and right, up and left
Left, left, left (1st TOTEM)
Right, right, right, right
Down and left, down and right, down and left, down and right
Right, right, right, right, right

Hit the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Go right and push the boulder right. Get on top of it
and ride it up and jump for the 2nd TOTEM. Go right onto the floating log and
avoid the geysers. As you pass the second geyser the 3rd TOTEM will be visible.
Jump up to get it and fall back on the log and ride it right. The log will make
a drop into some unseen territory but you will not die as long as you stay on
it. Keep riding the log right and you will come to a string of BERRIES. Jump
off the log and right when you reach the berries to finish the level.

^  Mammoth Ride  ^


^ Valley of Fire 4  ^

You can bypass this level by getting the RED TOTEMS in Valley of Fire 3 and
doing the Mammoth Ride.


Move right and hop into the tree. Push the boulder on the right branch down off
the tree and to the right. Drop down and push it right, getting the 1st TOTEM.
Go right, avoid the water geyser and jump over the two lava patches. Paw the
CHECKPOINT STUMP. Cross over the balancing log, avoiding the geysers as you go.
Go past the two water geysers to the boulder. Push it left onto the second
geyser. Jump on the boulder and up into the tree. Jump up and right for the 2nd
TOTEM. Go right and jump over the heghehog. Jump into the tree, go right and
jump over the lava pit. If you hang down the left side of the lava pit and hit
down you will get a BEAR PAW. Jump right across the three skeletons and onto
the safe ground on the other side. Run right to get to the end.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Sliding Game.

Jump over the lava pit and go right. Fall down when you reach the cliff and
onto the waiting log. Ride it right and hop off it to the right and stop at the
base of the tree. Switch to Koda and have him go over the lava pit and instead
of dropping down to the waiting log, jump right. Go right, climb the tree, jump
right and take another jump right and latch onto another tree. Grab the TOTEM
in the upper right branch.

Go right and get on the boulder. Let the stream push you up and keep going
left. Cross the logs and avoid the geysers until you get to a rock pile. Select
Kenai and bring him to that rock pile. Body Slam (jump then B) to break the
rocks. Have Koda drop down there and crawl right. Get out of the hole and jump
up and left and climb the tree. Go left and push the small rock left, off of
the cliff. Jump as far as you can left, get the 2nd TOTEM and return to the
tree. Now head right, jump onto the floating log and over to the rock with a
log on it. Have Kenai get to that log and send Koda up and right.

Switch to Kenai and jump up and right from the rock with the log on it twice.
Move right until you get to a boulder. Push the boulder left. After it falls
off the ledge jump up and left for the 3rd TOTEM. Bring both characters right
to finish this section.


Hop up in the tree and go to the right branch. Jump as far as you can right to
get the 1st TOTEM. Jump as far as you can right, run right and jump into the
tree. Go right. Avoid the geysers as you leap the lava pit. Leap the next pit
and continue until you get to the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Jump up and right and push
the boulder right. Fall right and move left. Jump as far as you can left,
getting the 2nd TOTEM and avoiding the lava. Go back to the boulder. Push it
right, onto the water geyser and get on it. Jump from it up and right to the
tree and up and right again.

If you fall down here and go right you can get a BEAR PAW but it is tricky
getting out of the pit. To exit jump up at the lower wall and tap A when you
reach your max heigh, it will send you a little higher and you will grab onto
the wall. Jump over the lava pit, dodge the geysers, climb into the tree and
jump left. Move left a bit for the 3rd TOTEM. Go right, hop over the hedgehog
and wait for the floating log. Get on it and jump from the log onto the rock
and back onto the log. Ride it right, jump off it and go right to beat the

^ Valley of Fire Chase ^

You will have to hold R the entire time. There are two keys to beating this

1.) Jump as far as you can right onto the log.

If you take too much time crossing the log, Denahi will catch up to you when
you are trying to...

2.) Pull yourself up as fast as you can.

After you cross the log and jump over a lava pit you will have to jump up and
grab onto a high ledge and pull yourself up. If you are not fast getting to
that point, Denahi will catch up to you.

^ The Mountain 1 ^


Jump over the first two pits as you go right. Hop on top of the next available
mossy rock and up and right into a tree for the 1st TOTEM. Climb up the hill
then go down and right into the water slide. Jump the two sharp rocks that line
the slide and when you see BERRIES, jump up and left and grab onto the rock. If
you do not you will fall into a pit and have to start over. Jump up and right,
trigger the CHECKPOINT STUMP and get the 2nd TOTEM. Go right into the next
water slide and jump from that to the tree. If you jump right and up then back
left and up you can get a BEAR PAW. Go right from that three, into the next
tree and over to the rock platform. Cross the balancing log, getting the 3rd
TOTEM and moving to the next part of the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock The Mountain 3.

Move all the way right and push through the mammoth's water stream for the 1st
TOTEM. Switch to Koda. Bring him to the narrow opening with BERRIES in it. You
will have to jump up the chute then hit A to bounce back and forth in the
narrow opening, hitting A to keep sending him up. Make sure he is touching a
wall by hitting over so that he can hit A to send him up further. Go right,
over the thorn patch and to the boulder. Jump on top of it for the 2nd TOTEM
then push the small rock right.

Jump right until you get to another water stream mammoth. Switch to Kenai. Jump
onto of the small rock and then up and right, pulling yourself up onto the
ledge. Go further right and get in the way of the mammoth's stream. Select Koda
and have him jump past the mammoth. Go right onto the rock with a log on it.
Either get Kenai to send him up or wall jump up and right for the 3rd TOTEM.
Run right and bring Kenai right to go on to the next part.


Go right, jumping over the hedgehog and over the pit. Jump up and right onto
some raised and continue right. Jump up and right onto a small rock and right
two more times for the 1st TOTEM. Fall right then move right and jump over the
two pits. Keep going right until you reach the mossy rocks. Jump up twice, up
and left and up and left again for the 2nd TOTEM. Move right then jump up and
right to a stone place and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Fall down and right, jump
up and right and get onto the water slide. When the slide ends fall down and
right for the 3rd TOTEM. Push the boulder right so it falls down and gets out
of the way. Jump right, work your way up and right, drop down when the cave
ends and keep going right to beat the level.

After dropping down and before going right and exiting the cave if you go left
and leap a hedgehog you can fall down the go right for a BEAR PAW.

^ The Mountain 2 ^

You can bypass this level if you get the RED TOTEMS in The Mountain 1.


Push the boulder right but not off of the ledge. Jump on it and up and right to
the tree. Hop up the tree for a BEAR PAW and fall down to the right. Go right,
jump over the rolling rocks and get the 1st TOTEM. Duck under the bouncing
rocks and climb the hill for the 2nd TOTEM. Jump up and right, over the
hedgehog and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Get on the water slide and ride it down.
Jump over the sharp rocks, ride it some more and jump over some more sharp
rocks. At the end of it jump onto the balancing log, crossing it to get the 3rd


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Salmon Run.

Jump the pit, leap the hedgehog and get onto the rock with a log on it. Jump up
and right for the 1st TOTEM. Go right until you reach the mammoth. Block his
stream with Kenai's body before switching to Koda. Go to the mammoth and hop up
the chute, wall jumping all the way to get a BEAR PAW. Then jump over the
mammoth. Go up and right, past the rock with a log on it and jump right to the
rock pile. Bring Kenai to the pile and Body Slam it. Switch to Koda, fall down
the pile whole and crawl right for the 2nd TOTEM.

Have Koda go left, jump on the log and up and left to the platform. Wall jump
up the chute and land at the top. Go right, pick up the 3rd TOTEM and fall down
and right. Go right to beat the stage.


Go onto the water slide. As you go, jump over the two sets of sharp rocks. The
slide will take a steep down slide and then straighten out. Jump over the sharp
rocks. The slide will go down and right, straighten out, and go down and right
again. The 1st TOTEM will soon be visible but you will not have much time to
react. Keep your eyes peeled up and right and jump as soon as you see the
TOTEM. Follow the slide down and either jump right when it ends, leap a
hedgehog and climb a tree for a BEAR PAW or fall down and right to proceed with
the level.

Swipe the CHECKPOINT STUMP and move right. Jump the hedgehog and jump the pit.
Climb up on the mossy rocks, jump up and left and up and right, up and left and
up and right. Jump up the tree branches, getting the 2nd TOTEM. Jump up and
left from the tree and go to the boulder. Push the boulder left and go left.
Jump over the hedgehog, leap the pit and run left. Then jump as far as you can
left. Hop over the hedgehog, leap the pit and climb up the tree. Jump up and
right from the tree, over a hedgehog and run right to the next tree. Climb up
it and jump left. Go left for the 3rd TOTEM and go back to the tree.

Back track to the water slide and to the CHECKPOINT STUMP. Then go back to the
boulder. Move left and jump over the two gaps until you reach a tree. Stand in
front of its trunk and jump on the lowest branch. Jump up the tree, jump up off
it to the right and jump over the hedgehog. Cross the balancing log and go
right to beat the level.

^ The Mountain 3 ^


Go right, hop up on the mossy rock and jump right onto the tree. Leap up the
tree and get the 1st TOTEM. Jump from the right branch onto the rock platform.
Jump right five times for the 2nd TOTEM. Take another jump right and paw the
CHECKPOINT STUMP. Jump over the gap, cross the two balancing long and jump the
next gap. Fall down and right on the berry path for the 3rd TOTEM. Fall down
and right, jump on the mossy rock and jump up and right three times. Fall down
and right, jump right onto the tree and jump right again to move onto the next
part of the level.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Sliding Game.

Run Kenai right until you get to the second tree. Up and to the right will be a
bear trap. Switch to Koda. Move right, climb the first tree you see and jump up
and right for the 1st TOTEM. Go right and crawl through the tunnel. You will
pass underneath a narrow chute. Wall Jump up it, go right and wall jump up the
next chute. Go left and crawl to get the 2nd TOTEM. Go to Kenai. When you get
to Kenai, crawl through the tunnel underneath the tree for the 3rd TOTEM. Crawl
left, wall jump up to the tree, go past Kenai and disable the bear trap.


Go right, climb on the rock and up into the tree. Jump up and right to the
branch and up and right again to a rock. Go up and right, up and left and up
and right twice. Cross the log, jump the pit, cross the bridge and jump another
pit to get the 1st TOTEM. Fall down and right. Jump up and right and paw the
CHECKPOINT STUMP. Jump down and right twice. You will see a TOTEM to your
right. Jump over to the ledge and hang down from it, getting the 2nd TOTEM.
Press down when hanging from the ledge to get Koda to climb down on Kenai's
back and beat the game. Crawl up the ledge, jump up and right, up and right and
get on the water slide. Be ready to jump for the 3rd TOTEM. As you jump to get
the TOTEM hold right to leap over the gap. Climb up it and go right to beat the

^ The Mountain 4 ^


Go into the slide. Ride it and jump over the two sharp rock patches. At the end
jump off it and go right for the 1st TOTEM. Go onto the next slide, leap the
sharp rocks and jump right. Go up the hill and dodge the rolling and bouncing
rocks. Get the 2nd TOTEM and paw the CHECKPOINT STUMP at the top of the hill.
Go onto the slide, jump the sharp rocks, get the 3rd TOTEM and jump the spike
pit. At the end of the slide do not jump off it but let the slide fling you off
it and safely to the next ledge. Climb up and beat the section.


Get the three TOTEMS to unlock a Matching Game.

Move onto the rock and switch to Koda. Move Koda on top of the log on the rock
and have Kenai send him right. Talk to the moose to get rid of the thorn patch.
Move to the left, climb the tree and get the 1st TOTEM. Jump up and right from
the tree onto the rock ledge. Move right, get on the log on the rock and jump
up and right onto the next ledge. Move right for the 2nd TOTEM. Push the small
rock right and jump right. Go right until you get to the rock with the log on
it. Jump up the narrow chute and wall jump your way up for the 3rd TOTEM. Move
right and bring Kenai there to get to the GOLD TOTEM section.


Go onto the slide and ride it right. Jump when you see the TOTEM to get the 1st
TOTEM. Leap at the end and cross the log. When you are near the end of the log
stand over the TOTEM (facing left) and purposely fall. You should get the 2nd
TOTEM and hang from the ledge. Pull yourself up and continue right. Go up the
hill and avoid the falling and bouncing rocks. Jump the sharp rocks as they
appear and bound over the gap. Before moving right to beat the level, hang down
from the ledge and press down to get the 3rd TOTEM.

^  The Mountain Chase  ^

You will want to hold R for the entire level. There is one part where you must
jump and pull yourself up a ledge. Denahi will probably catch you here many
times and often there is nothing you can do about it.

Move right and go down the slide. Jump right and when you get to the mossy
rock, quickly jump up and left and pull yourself up the ledge. You will
probably die here a few times. Jump up and right, run right and drop down. Go
left and drop down again, holding right as you drop. Go right and leap over the
obstacles to beat the level.



It takes one Gold Berry to play a Bonus Game. If you beat a Bonus Game you will
get three extra lives and unlock the level so that you can play it whenever you
want (but you can only get the extra lives once). If you lose the game you can
spend another Gold Berry to play again.

  ^                   ^
_/ \_ Matching Game _/ \_

Matching Game 1: Unlock it by getting three RED TOTEMS in Snow Forest 1. You
must solve the puzzle before getting nine incorrect matches to beat it.

Matching Game 2: Unlock it by getting three RED TOTEMS in Ice Cave 3. You must
solve the puzzle before getting seven incorrect matches to beat it.

Matching Game 3: Unlock it by getting three RED TOTEMS in Ice Cave 4. You must
solve the puzzle before getting four incorrect matches to beat it.

Matching Game 4: Unlock it by getting three RED TOTEMS in The Mountain 4. You
must solve the puzzle before getting five incorrect matches to beat it.

-- How to Play --

Also know as 'Memory' to many a young child. All the cards will be show to you
for a short time then flipped over. A few of them will slowly be shuffled and
then you get to go. Flip over two of the same cards to make a match and clear
those two cards from the board. If you flip over two different cards then the
will flip back over. Flip over too many incorrect matches and you will lose the

-- Strategy --

Remember two or three pairs before the cards get flipped over. First get those
pairs and you should have enough to easily beat the Bonus Game. Also let's say
that you know Kenai is in the lower left corner. Flip over some random card
before you flip Kenai over the known Kenai. That way if it happens to be
another Kenai you can easily make a match.

  ^                  ^
_/ \_ Sliding Game _/ \_

Sliding Game 1:  Get the three RED TOTEMS in Snow Forest to unlock this game.
You have 5 minutes to solve the puzzle.

Sliding Game 2:  Get the three RED TOTEMS in Valley of Fire 2 to unlock this
game. You have 3 minutes to solve the puzzle.

Sliding Game 3:  Get the three RED TOTEMS in Valley of Fire 4 to unlock this
game. You have 1 minute to solve the puzzle.

Sliding Game 4:  Get the three RED TOTEMS in The Mountain 3 to unlock this
game. You have 2 minutes to solve the puzzle.

-- How to Play --

Arrange to pieces to form a picture of Tuke and Rutt. Put the cursor on the
picture and hit A to move it to the empty slot.

-- Strategy --

Do not try to get the squares into certain areas but instead try to line up the
tiles in the correct order. Picture it like this:


Where the numbers are tiles in the correct places and X is the empty square.
Let's pretend the level starts like this:


While it looks like the 5 is already in the correct position, it is more
important to get the pieces in order, 1 followed by 2 followed by 3 followed by
4 followed by 5 in the wrong places than to get a few pieces in the correct

What you want to do is move the cursor to 5 and hit A. This will result:


Move the cursor to 4 and hit A. This will result:


Move the cursor to 1 and hit A. This will result:


Even though none of the pieces are on their correct spots, the puzzle can
easily be solved. Simply go to the 1 and hit A, go to the 2 and hit A, go to
the 3 and hit A, go to the 4 and hit A and go to the 5 and hit A. This will
complete the puzzle:


  ^                ^
_/ \_ Salmon Run _/ \_

Salmon Run 1: Unlocked by getting three RED TOTEMS in Snow Forest 4. Get all 10
salmon in 30 seconds.

Salmon Run 2: Unlocked by getting three RED TOTEMS in The Mountain 2. Get all
10 salmon in 35 seconds.

-- How to Play --

Collect 10 salmon before the timer runs out. Use the directional pad to move
around. If you run into too many rocks you will take damage and possibly have
to start over.

-- Strategy --

Remember where the fish are so you can find them faster.


I'd like the thank the Disney company for making 'Brother Bear' the movie. I'd
thank Vicarious Visions, but sadly a bear was pissed off that all the hedgehogs
in the video game could kick his ass, so he beat me up and stole my thanks. All
characters, story ideas and all brain wave patters are copyright the Walt
Disney company. This guide is copyrighted by me, Overated. If this guide is
somewhere other than,, or I'm being screwed.

Peace to killer bees and you six four crew,

[email protected]