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by BacterX

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                         Walkthrough by: Bacterx
                        Contact: [email protected]
                             Version: 1.00
                           Last Updated: 9/3/11

Note: items in [brackets] are put there for easier searching. If you want to 
skip right to level 1.1, for instance, search for [1.1]. 

[TOC]                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

[TOC] Table of Contents
[VZN] Version Notes
[INT] Introduction
[SOP] Statement of purpose - declaration of non hardcorosity
[MNU] Menu

[WKT] Walkthrough
   [MPT] Metaplot

   [LV1] Level 1 - Candyland
      [1.1] Level 1.1 - Peppermint forest
      [1.2] Level 1.2 - Soda fountain wetlands
      [1.3] Level 1.3 - The honey hive

   [LV2] Level 2- Musicland
      [2.1] Level 2.1 - Backstage
      [2.2] Level 2.2 - The moshpit
      [2.3] Level 2.3 - Center Stage

   [LV3] Level 3- Forestland
      [3.1] Level 3.1 - Hunter's Run
      [3.2] Level 3.2 - Clearing
      [3.3] Level 3.3 - Overgrown graveyard

   [LV4] Level 4- Toyland
      [4.1] Level 4.1 - Toy Soldiers
      [4.2] Level 4.2 - Infant's Whimsy
      [4.3] Level 4.3 - Broken Past

   [BR] Boss Rush

[ENM] Enemy Guide
   [W1E] - Candyland Enemies
   [W2E] - Musicland Enemies
   [W3E] - Forestland Enemies
   [W4E] - Toyland Enemies

[ITM] Item Guide
[FAQ] Frequently Asked Questions
[RKS] Closing Remarks
[CPW] Copywight Information


[VZN]                        VERSION NOTES

Hey everybody! This is version 1.00 of the guide, so we'll be adding content
as we go. For old games like this one, I'm not sure that there will BE a ton
of things to add in updates, but if you think I missed something big, please
write in!


[INT]                         INTRODUCTION

Alright well shucks and welcome to the Zool walkthrough! This is my first game
for the gameboy project, and I sure picked a gameboy game with a good pedigree.

Zool: Intergalactic Ninja is a flagship series for GameTek, with games on the
SNES and N64 as well. It tells the touching, moving story of uh.. Zool, who is
an intergalactic ninja. He finds himself in a different galaxy (presumably),
and, as a ninja, has to murder everything. 

It's just his way. Join me on his quest to murder pieces of candy and happy
friends, and carve a bloody kingdom out of the happiest places in the universe.

This is gonna RULE.



OK so here is a sort of statement of purpose.

I am not hardcore. Don't get me wrong, I'm no gaming wuss. After all,
I did complete this game 100%. But I'm not on any high-score tables,
I couldn't compete in a tournament and expect to win, etc. I'm just like you.

And that should be reassuring! Everything that I've done, well, odds are you
can do too. I'm not going to say that any of you will breeze right through
the hard mode, but stick with me, and we'll make it through.

I haven't used any guides or walkthroughs in creating this guide, so all the
strategies are entirely my own. It's possible that I haven't done things the
best way though, so let me know!


[MNU]                       MENU

It's uh... pretty simple.

Press A to start, or don't press A to be treated to some old-school chiptunes
and some demos of Zool just doing his thing.

Once you press A, you set your settings and you're off!

   * Easy, medium or hard. We'll be doing hard for this walkthrough, which 
     just means you can take less hits.

   * Do you want to hear just the MUSIC, just SOUND EFFECTS, NONE, or ALL?

   * How many mans you get. 0-5. We'll go with 5, because why not?

Press A again to start. By default the buttons are set like this

A: FIRE (Zool's only attack, a ninja star-like thing).

We'll go with that setup for the game.


[WKT]                          WALKTHROUGH

Alright, time to get Zool home! Probably. I think that's what's happening here.
Either way, time to murder us some candygoblins.

NOTE: if you get confused about enemy names during the walkthrough, check the
enemy guide. I basically made up all my own terms for this game.


[MPT]                           METAPLOT

Alright, alright. I know this isn't the "real" plot. THAT involves our titular
hero being some kind of ninja that got lost while he was flipping out and 
flying through the universe, and trying to get home, through some amazingly
themed worlds.

But for the modern game player, more is demanded. We need CONFLICT, we need
a reason for that character to keep going, keep firing ninja stars, keep
pressing on thorugh the darkest portion of the night.

So what if... what if this whole reality, this whole idea of getting home,
all the strange worlds... what if it's all just a... dream.


Zool's every muscle ached. Rain and sweat poured off of his brow. His final
challenge, the final test before becoming a ninja, had entered into its 
40th consecutive hour.

Hauling wood, sparring, digging ditches, more sparring, forms, running for
miles and miles, yet more sparring.

The worst was the lack of sleep. The world was starting to fade around him.
He squinted to try to focus on the impassive form of his master in front of

They were seated outside, in the center of the sparring ring. The rain poured
down, the roaring sound filling his hearing. He focused all his attention on
the soft voice coming from his masters aged form. 

"A ninja is more than just a trained killer", he said, slowly. "A ninja has
mastered his environment. He knows where the leaves will fall, where the rain-
drops are coming, and how a breath will effect the air temperature." 

He was speaking slowly, in a soothing tone, and bending over a small pile of
twigs, with a thick green crumbly resin around them. He deftly lit a length
of twig and set the pile ablaze. He motioned for Zool to approach, and he felt
the fumes enter his lungs, and the world suddenly became more hazy still.

"A ninja has mastered his environment, and such a thing is only possible when
the ninja has mastered himself. After all, the one thing that a ninja will
always encounter is himself- before he is his own master, he can never hope to
understand his surroundings. Failure will mean death, success initiation my
student. Good luck."

The world spun crazily around Zool. He must not fail! He blinked once, twice,
three times, waiting for the attack to come. It would find him clear headed...

And yet, his head sunk steadily down. With every fibre of his being, he willed
his eyes open.

And open they did, to a strange world, full of chocolate, candy, pink and red
colors splayed crazily out in front of him. A familiar smell hung in the air,
and he saw movement in the distance.

Uneasily, slowly, he took his first steps...


[LV1]                        LEVEL 1 -  Candyland

The first challenge Zool must conqueor to master himself is his selfish,
materialistic desires. 

Zool's desire to consume is fulfilled perfectly in this world, made entirely
out of candy. All of it is delicious, but not filling and not nutritious.

Living hunks of candy try to force themsevles into his mouth, and he must


[1.1]                  AREA 1.1 - PEPPERMINT FOREST

You start out in the candy kingdom, full of rage and blood sugar. 

This is sort of an old trick in video games by now, but it was probably new 
then. Go LEFT instead of RIGHT. There will be a slide for you to slide down.
There will be a DG right at the base of the slide, so mash the jump button
until it lets you (the game is finnicky about when you can jump on a slope), 
hop over him, and take out the DG's on either side of you.

Watch for the lollypop that is white as opposed to black colored down here. 
You can smack white lollypops to make them behave like pinatas, showering 
sushi and candy all over you. Grab that and go as left as you can for a Zool
symbol! It's guarded by a target though, so ninja-star him QUICK!

Head back right (jumping up the slope can be a pain because of the limited 
slope jumping opportunities), grab the jump arrow, and vault onto the high
ledge right in front of you.

Grab the sushi here, and head right (look out for the target!) Stand on the
very right of the ledge and vault yourself right. You should juuuust make the
next high ledge. There is sushi to be grabbed here, as well as DGs and BBs!
Their swoop attack is QUITE fast, so watch out!

There's a double-Z icon up here, so you can use that to help take out the
remaining DGs and BBs. You run into your first wall-crawler on the ledge to
the right. If you have stayed up on the ledges, you can just hop across, but
if you've fallen off, you'll have to jump above the wall-crawler, and walljump

To do that, just jump into the wall, you'll stick, and jump again. You can
climb walls of any height (as long as it's a climbable wall!) this way.

You will find two more stacks of three sushi's as you head to the right. You
will also be targeted by DGs, targets, and BBs. Elimiate the BBs as soon as you
can, because they can build up in numbers and all go after you.

Watch out for the tiny almost hidden candy canes in parts of this level- they
are just on the ground, but they can be hard to pick out, and very easy to
run by.

There will be a bridge-looking thing to the right, this will collapse (the
right part of it will) as you run across, so don't stop!

Watch out for the DG in the next part. You should see a wall moving up and
down. it's kind of a tricky jump, but wait until it's at its lowest point,
then leap up and grab the very top of the wall. It will carry you up, and you
should jump from this wall to the top of the wall moving left to right. There
will be a good number of sushis up there (in the shape of a Z!) so grab those
and drop back down.

I was at 56% at this point.

Run right, across the bridge (the basic rule seems to be it falls apart when
sushi is touching it... maybe Zool universe sushi is caustic?), grab the
black ball bomb to deal with any enemies on screen, and get ready for some
quick jumps. Those ledges made out of bridge material will drop on contact, so
quickly jump up them and grab the big sushi!

There's not a lot else really tricky in this level. Keep on moving, all the
sushi should really be in-screen, so grab it when you see it. Time your jumps
carefully, and for taking out bees, remember if you throw a ninja star during
a jump, you'll do a spin kick that can take them out too!

Grab the final piece to end the level.


[1.2]                    AREA 1.2 - SODA FOUNTAIN WETLANDS

Do the 'ol "go left first" trick to get some sushi to start off. There will be
both a double zool symbol and a zool symbol to the right, so you'll be
invincible clones throwing ninja stars before too long!

Cling to the floating wall to get above the spikes on the next wall. You'll
want to jump up off of the wall, not immediately to the right. Jump up then
press right, and you'll clear the spikes with no probem.

On the ledge up here is an explodable lollipop, (white-colored, next to the 
second set of two candy-canes), so grab that sushi. On the next ledge down are
some of those easy to miss candy canes, and midway down the next slope on the
flat plain is another explodable lollipop.

Also explodable is the cherry on top of the next background giant sundae you
see, so make sure to nail that. Time your jump right to get over the next
wall-crawler, and proceed.

At the next time you are at the top of a ledge and can't see right, launch
yourself off. You'll land right on a giant sushi. The floor will collapse, so
QUICKLY jump to the wall and walljump up to get a clock.

You can get up there even if you miss that jump, but it's much harder, you'll
have to go all the way to the right, do walljumps while avoiding spikes.

After you have the clock (or if you missed it), fall down to the bottom level,
go all the way right for sushi, and head left. The cherry on one of the next
two sundaes is explodable, so grab that sushi.

I was at 63% right about here.

This next pit is full of spikes (!) so launch yourself left, clear it, and take
out the target on the other side.

There is an explodable cherry on sundae at the next level, so grab it as well
as the candy canes and sushi and keep going left.

In the next pit there is a breakable platform with sushi on it. If you don't 
want to take a hit, jump up so you are landing pretty much straight down on
the platform, and as soon as you hit, jump straight up then press over. You
should escape the collapsing platform.

In a stunning display of originality, then next pit has... exactly the same
thing. There are enemies everywhere for this one, so don't worry if you take
a hit or two.

Get the sushi again, and head left. Launch yourself onto the blocks from the
top of this ledge, grab the sushi, and keep heading left. 

The bridge at the end of this level will collapse, right on top of some
spikes, so when you fall down, hit the wall, and walljump over them.

Grab the coin and you're OUT!


[1.3]                      AREA 1.3 - THE HONEY HIVE

Go left first blah blah blah. There are some easily-missed candy canes on the
first ledge here, so grab them and go right. 

This pillar can be tricky to get around. Either jump from the slide or wait 
until the wallcrawler is at its absolute lowest point. You should juuuust be
able to jump over it to grab the wall. Quickly walljump to the top, and do a
spin-kick right at the top to take out the enemy up there.

There is an exploding cherry and a zool symbol in the next pit, so grab the
sushi and invincibility. Walljump up the next pillar before it wears out!

It really helps if you do this quickly enough to have the invincibility 
activated to get the giant sushi as well, as you can just run on the spikes
to get it. Otherwise it takes some tricky walljumping. 

Before the next big ledge there is a sundae and a lollipip, the lollipop will
explode. On the next ledge up, the second lollipop also explodes! TRICKY. It's
dark colored, the cads.

In the next pit, the sundae cherry explodes.

From the top of the next pillar, jump onto the moving platform you can see in
the top-right. It will take you to a double zool symbol. Grab it and drop down,
almost straight. You'll hit the top of a pillar, so vault right to land on top
of the blocks. There is some sushi up here.

To the right are two more slides, grrrr I hate them. Do NOT fall in the pit,
as it has wallcrawlers AND spikes at the bottom!

Anyway, nothing special for a ways as you head right. Right before the next
tall thin pillar there is an exploding black lollipop.

Jump on the floating floors coming up, and over to the wall on the right.
At the bottom of the wall are two sushis, so you'll want to wallclimb onto
the very bottom of the wall to get those. At the top, you'll see a floating
floor, hop on it, and ride it to your VERY FIRST ONE UP!


Ok so keep heading right, and jump on top of the colored blocks. Move right
across them, getting all the sushi. There's none down below, so don't worry
about that.

You may notice a little dip in one of the blocks as you run across it. Stand
on that and be vaulted up to more sushi and a 1-up!

There IS some sushi right before the next wall, so time it to avoid the wall-
crawler and grab it. On the other side of the big hill there is another three,
so make sure to get those.

The next sundae cherry explodes. Hop up the ledge by it and go left for a 

Keep heading right for a...

                             BOSS FIGHT!!!!

Boss Bumbly Bee: See enemy guide for more strategies!

Once this guy is dealt with, the level isn't over! (which is an extremely bad
taste move, in my opinion). DASH to the right, (or move slowly, if you have
a lot of time but little health), ninja-star the enemies there, get the 
sushi, and grab the coin!! The double zool can be helpful for taking out the
SL, as you can hit it from the back.


[LV2]                        LEVEL 2 -  Musicland

Musicland symbolizes Zool's desire for recognition. He entered into the quest
to be a ninja with the idea somewhere in the back of his mind that his family
and friends would hold him in respect, even something approaching awe, because
of the elite status of the ninja warriors.

He has never really dealt with the fact that ninjas by their nature must 
remain anonymous. Here, permanantly on stage, and at all times assaulted by the
roar of an adoring crowd, Zool must battle past the symbols of earthly fame,
which assume the form of musical instruments in his mind, and accept that
while he will do much good it will never be celebrated in history books.


[2.1]                  AREA 2.1 - BACKSTAGE

Head to the left as usual for a double zool symbol and your very first
searchlight! Also get the sushi/picks here.

Watch out for the turntables (which move you around) and the drums (which
launch you into the air!). There are some zils coming up, so get used to doing
a lot of jump kicking!

You'll see a zool symbol on a platform coming up. To get it, climb the ledge
to the right and launch left, you'll juuuuust make it. From there, climb on
the amps, jump over the zapper, and head to the top. Get the sushi, but watch
out! RIGHT next to it is your first moleamp.

In the next area, there is sushi/picks on the top and the bottom levels, so
clear both of them before moving on. Don't fall down the pit with the two
zappers, there's just spikes on the bottom!

There is a ton of sushi in the next area, but if, like me, you were really
hurting for time, you might want to skip it and dash right as fast as you
can. Jump on the platforms as soon as one is in jumpable range and follow them
left for a clock. Whew! You will jump from a drum onto the first platform, if
you're having trouble finding it.

There's a moleamp between the next two drums to the right, so watch it!

You can stand in the middle of the second trumpet coming up, jump, and grab
the railing on top of the level to skip this whole next section (just climb
right on it), but there is SUSHI down there, so forget that. Just head right
like normal and grab it.

The next trumpet that's playing music you can ride up for a zool symbol!
Just a little bit farther right and you'll get the exit coin!


[2.2]                     AREA 2.2 - THE MOSHPIT

Head left, to the shock of nobody at all. There is better than usual loot this
way though, with a lot of sushi/picks and a double zool symbol. There's also
a zool symbol over the first pit to the left, so you'll be loaded for bear 
by the time you finish.

Most of the sushi is pretty readily findable, so no real tricks in this next
part. Make sure to get the sushi that is right at the bottom of some low
ledges you'll jump over, that's easy to miss. Also remember to keep jump-
kicking to deal with the zils.

If you see a lone batch of three sushi on a ledge, watch out that there isn't
a moleamp right after it!

The metal center of the next amp after the moleamp is explodable for sushi.

There will be 3 amps after that, and there is sushi between the 2nd and 3rd
amp, so grab it! Don't fall down ther narrow pit, there's only spikes down

In the next area with a lot of amps, there will be two amps standing alone to
the right. The center of the top-right one will break open for sushi.

The next area is made of floating blocks. Get the sushi on the top block, fall
off the right onto the next area. Head left, fall off the left, then head 
right over the turntable. That will get you all the sushi. Get the sushi on
the bottom-right turntable, but watch out that it doesn't slam you into the

Jump over the trumpetsounds to the next part.

Take this railing SLOWLY, as there is a moleamp who will pop out and wreck
you day, doing damage AND making you fall.

Time your jump so you get off of the trumpet below without being blaset up
into the spikes. Ride the next trumpet to the left, though, and wallclimb on
the wall to the right to get your first stereo!

In the next section, try to jump on the very edge of the drums to not be
bounced up into the spikes. Grab the sushi, and head left to get to the piano.
There is a pretty cool effect with it, walk across it and see. I'm sure for
gameboy era, this was INSANE.

In the next area with a tuner and four amps, the top center of the second from
the right and leftmost amp will explode.

Keep going, riding the drum above the zapper to the next level. Head left
to finish the level!


[2.3]                  AREA 2.3 - CENTER STAGE

Ready to get your mind blown?

Well too bad. Head to the LEFT. Two SLs, a zool, and a double zool symbol.

That zool symbol will come in real handy when you head to the right and ride
the trumpet music up to the amp tower, because you won't die on the ceiling
spikes, so do that quickly. Note that the top center of the amp with 3 centers
on it will explode.

Keep heading right, watch out for the trumpet blast that'll blow you down and
keep you from jumping. See the wall with the zapper on the right? There's
sushi at its base.

There are two amps near it, and the top center of the right one explodes. There
will be a series of amps of different height to the right. Jump up and down
them to get the sushi. The top center on the rightmost one will explode.
There's three invisisushi's at the bottom of the rightmost wall.

Jump over the wall from the amps and head on. Watch out for more trumpet 
blasts. In the next big area with amps, the top center of the leftmost one
will explode, and the top center of the second from the right one too.

Watch out in this next part, as any jump will make you hit the spikes at the
top. Do slides through any projectiles and continue on.

Grab the double zool icon gently so you don't hit the top spikes, and jump
right. Jump over the first drum, hit the second one, and walljump up the
next wall.

In the next area with lots of amps, the top center of the rightmost amp will
explode. Be careful getting the sushi on top, you'll want to jump from the
second highest amp to get it, as the highest amp will make you hit the

In the next section, careful to not get caught in the trumpet blasts, as
that's a sure-fire way to hit the spikes. Jump over them, and note that the
top centers of the next two amps are both explodable. 

Jump up and right and prepare yourself, because it's time for...

                               BOSS FIGHT!!!

ACE OF DIAMONDS: See enemy strategies for more info!

Once he's down proceed right, be prepared to drop down (I'd suggest dropping
while doing a spin-kick), and grab the final token to get OUT of here!


[LV3]                         LEVEL 3- FOREST WORLD

Zool next must face his fear- fear of his inevitable death. Despite all his
years of training, despite his lightning-quick reflexes and speed and strength,
death eventually comes to us all.

Zool is tested strongly here. Elements of his new life, the health food that
he has made his entire diet, actualy assaults him. In addition, a mysterious
boddhavista who takes the form of a banana hounds his every step. Will he
emerge victorious?


[3.1]                    AREA 3.1 - HUNTER'S RUN

Hand up if you knew to move left before I even said it. Congrats, you with the
hands up have a chance at this game!

You'll run into your first carrot, so ice him and grab the sushi/fruit. Jump
up from the small ledge at the beginning to the row of mushrooms, which act as
collapsable floors. Grab that sushifruit and go right.

You'll run into your first nanaman, so smash him and jump up the tree branches
to grab a double Zool icon.

Jump down onto the floor below, watching out for the black mushroom (those

Make sure to grab the fruit off the branches here. Jump to the lower ledge,
onto the right slide, and onto the top of the left slide. It's tough, but you
can get all the fruit.

Hop up, meet your first oranger, and keep going. A nanangel is up ahead, so
jump and pop him. 

The carrot top in the next area explodes, so grab that sushi. Continue ahead,
get the fruit from the bottom of the branch, and beware the grape cluster, 
where orangeys come from (ok so this probably means they are grapes, but I'm
not changing it!)

If you keep going, you'll see three cans of (ugh) "froot". The top one has an
open lid, so you can jump off of it. Valut up and right off of that can, and
get the fruit up there. Drop down and pick it up near the left wall on the
small ledge.

This next part... I had a hard time with it, because jumping on inclines is
SO fiddly. use the can trampoline to get up to the first ledge. Keep in mind
that you can stand at the very top of a slide and not slide, like it's a floor.
Use that trick to jump from the bottom of a slide (start jumping as you hit
the slide) to the top. It might take a few tries, but you can get all the
fruit. Make sure you get the ones near the can trampoline on the bottom too.

Also, between the first two trees, watch out for the giant oranger.

Keep going, and use the standing on the top trick to jump to the left branch 
of the next tree for a zool icon.

In the next part, be prepared to be terrifed by blinkers. I assume these are
supposed to be worms, but their graphic is super glitchy, so they are just
terrifying beasts. Augh!

Nothing is really tricky for this next bit. When you see three cans stacked
in a pyramid at the bottom of a drop, there is fruit between the bottom two,
so don't miss that.

From here, canjump up to the ledge, and QUICKLY hop to the right onto the tree
slides. I HATE these kind of things, but jump to the righthand branch and perch
at the top, from here, launch right and get the double zool icon and more fruit
on the right tree. This stuff is easy to miss!

From here keep heading right. You'll encounter a tomato launcher, and lots of
spiky garlics, so keep on your toes. Run past the next tree, and jump left
to get on both its branches.

The rest of the level is more or less a straight run right.


[3.2]                  AREA 3.2 - CLEARING

Go left get the stuff.

When you go right, the goal will be to slide down the first ramp and land on
the steps on the side of the tree. Get the fruit from the top two slides then
on the tree, and slide down.

This next part is... a little frustrating. There is a TON of fruit hanging
in these trees, but all of it is mostly only reachable by doing some of those
hilarious good times slide jumps, and a lot of it isn't reachable at all at

What you want to do is get all the low-hanging fruit that you can jump to 
while moving right, but don't worry if you can't get most of it. When you come
to a tree (before the double zool symbol) with steps on either side of its
trunk, you'll want to jump up those.

From there, head left, using lots of jump kicks to avoid the enemies (there are
tons of oranges that pour from the trees and a giant orange or two, as well as
nanangels). There is a bunch of fruit high up in the trees. You'll need to do
a lot of long-jumping to get to it, though. There will be one platform with
three carrots on it, the right two have exploding leaves.

You'll know you can stop jumping left when you get a sunshine.

PROTIP: It is possible, though tricky, to stop this whole trip. You can perch
on the edges of the slopes, and jump to the next level up. This will save a 
lot of time!

If you choose to head right from the tree with the planks leading up, you
will get a 1UP in the top part of the tree to the right, some fruit on the
lower branches, and if you keep hopping, a disintegrating platform that leads
to the exit coin.

Whew. I HATED this level!


[3.3]                    AREA 3.3 - OVERGROWN GRAVEYARD

Left for stuff.

Head right. The general pattern to this level is to look for a can of froot to
launch you up onto the rightmost branch of a tree, and ride it to get the
fruit up there.

When you see a branch with bananas hanging off of it, drop down to get a double
zool symbol. Continue to head right, using cans of froot to jump up into the
branches and collecting the fruit from them.

There really isn't much trick to this section of level. You know how to get
into tree branches, and how to hang from the bottoms of them. There is fruit
in those locations. You will find a sunshine if you vault up on the can lids.

At some point you will run into a ledge that you can break through the bottom
of by punching it. I don't see why: there's sushi up top, and nothing great
in the tunnel.

There will eventually be a tomato launcher and three cans stacked in a
pyramid. Punch the wall right after those cans, and it'll dissolve into a
secret area full of sushi and 1ups.

Anyway, keep on moving, getting all the sushi you can find. You'll eventually
come to a series of platforms, which was SO welcome to me. If you fall down,
you can grab a zool icon and a high-jump too, to get back up. There is some
sushi right at the right wall of that pit, so don't miss it!

After that area, look at the wall to the left behind you, and punch it. There
will be another secret area, with a clock and a bunch of sushi. You'll need
this sushi to finish the level, so make sure to get it!

Right after the pit, there is an exploding carrot leaf. There is another after
the next wall full of black mushrooms. You'll want to can-vault up there, then
pop the leaf and get the sushi. On the other side of the can of froot on this
ledge there is ANOTHER leaf. Get all three!

Keep going right, and prepare for....

                      BOSS FIGHT

BANANARCHANGEL AND MORTALITY: See the boss section for more tips!

Slip past these two after they're dead, grab the coin, and ZOOL AWAY!


[LV4]                         LEVEL 4- TOYLAND

The final test that Zool must pass before becoming a ninja is to conqueor his

To undertake his trainig, he had to leave his family and friends without a word
of goodbye. He has always held this against himself, as he feels he was
somewhat distant anyway towards them.

He has trouble forgiving himself, (not knowing that word of his decision was
sent to his family by the master himself), and thus the final horror in his
mind is the familiar toys of his childhood come to monstrous life attacking 


[4.1]                     AREA 4.1 - TOY SOLDIERS

Left for stuuuuffffff.

Jump on the floating floor, wallclimb onto the other floating wall, and hop
up from there for your first panda! Drop down and get the toys, then head 
right. There are tanks and beachballs here.

The right face of the very first giant block explodes for toys and sushi.
When you jump down from the ledge you're on, the top block explodes.

Grab the zool icon off the pyramid. The targets on the bottom two blocks to
the right of this both explode. Watch out for the tops. 

Hop up and to the right, take out the wind-ups, and grab the high-jump icon.
Jump up and a little to the left to get the 1-up, and continue right.

You'll come to a series of pits, don't fall down any of them. Just continue 
right. Between two of the pits there will be a collapsable floor floating 
above you. Jump on it and jump up in the middle to get some invisible toys.

Coming up after that, once you jump on a ledge, you'll see a floating wall.
Jump on it, and try to jump exactly on top of it. Once it's at its peak, 
jump up and onto the next moving wall. There is a whole mess of toys in the
shape of a "Z" here. Get those and continue right.

Once you get up the next slope, the top block on the pyramid will explode.
Keep moving right. You're probably running out of time (I was!). You'll see
a moving platform. Jump onto it, then follow the moving platforms to a 
clock (whew!).

Once you get that, it's just a few screens more to the exit coin!


[4.2]                      AREA 4.2 - INFANT'S WHIMSY

Run left quickly and grab the balloon. It'll take you up for a life and a
double zool icon. Get the toys and head right, grab the zool icon.

On the second pyramid, the top block explodes. You can jump from that top 
block right and catch a balloon, but I haven't found a good reason for that.
You just get knocked off by a bomber!

Anyway keep heading right, and jump up and around the center block with all
the razor sharp girders, and grab the toys in the Z shape.

Vault up the ledge to the right and grab the balloon for another clock and
1up! This level is awesome!

There will be a number of small ledges to the right- watch out for the statics
that drop down. The next block that you come to will explode for some sushi.

Head to the right and quickly up the pyramid to grab a balloon for ANOTHER
1UP and a panda!

The block to the left of this pyramid on top explodes.

Jump on up the right wall, and there will be a platforming section. Watch
out here, as most of the edges are razor sharp and will cut you. You can get
some sushi in corners here, but the real way to go is left, up, right, up,
and back left. You'll end up near a bunch of blocks. Jump up to the right,
run all the way to the top (jump from the top block of the rightmost set of
blocks), and you'll come to two balloons. Grab the rightmost one for 2 1ups!

Head back down and run left. Some of these blocks explode, to try to shoot a 
ninja star through them just to detect. When you come across a high jump
icon, run left and use it to vault on top of a floating block with razor
walls to get the toys shaped like a z. If you miss that, you can balloon your
way up from the left.

Don't fall! Just keep heading to the left, grabbing sushi as it comes, and
you'll run into the coin before you know it!


[4.3]                    AREA 4.3 - BROKEN PAST

Left for some sushi.

Slide down the ramp and grab the first balloon, and ride it all the way up
for a zool icon and a double zool icon. Use the zool invincibility to run
across the first floating platform, get the sushi, run under the second, jump
up the blocks to the right of it, and back left onto the second platform.
You should get both sets of sushi without damage!

At the top of the next ramp is an exploding block, and the next two blocks to
the right also explode!

There is some sushi in one of the pits coming up on the right, it's hard to
get. You don't want to walljump down to it, you want to fall perfectly on it
THEN grab the wall and jump out. Down the next pit is a panda bear!

Get that and keep jumping right, grabbing the balloon for a 1up. Once you are
about level with the 1up you have to let go and move left to get it.

In the next pit after that with the little bears running around in it there
are some exploding blocks, so get that.

There are some more exploding blocks when you see a bunch of blocks stacked
together, longer than tall. After that is a pit with some collapsable floors,
which you can use to get over the pit. There are some sushi on either side of
the pit floor, though, so make sure you grab that too.

Coming up, grab the double zool icon on top of the pyramid, and right after
that, in the stack of blocks, the bottom right one explodes.

In the pit with the wind-up, the top block (not the bottom) explodes.

After that, grab the SECOND balloon on the right to get a 1up. Jump over the
spikefloor, and make sure you get the sushi hidden in the cracks in the

After that area, the next set of blocks has the bottom two exploding.

Don't fall in any of the next pits, it's only spikes down there. Keep pressing
right up the slopes.

Grab the next balloon for a much-needed clock and zool icon. Use the
invincibility to get all the bears on the slopes without fear. 

Once you have those (I had 99% by this point), head to the right to 

                     BOSS BATTLE

NOSTALGIA: See the enemies section for more detail!

He went down easy for me (easier than that damn banana last level). Once
he's gone, it's barely any distance at all to the right to the exit coin!


[BR]                          BOSS! RUSH!

Well, it's come down to this. I hope you saved up 1ups from the previous
level (and there were plenty to save!) I had 11 when I entered this level.

There's nothing really fancy here, just take on all four of the bosses that
you've fought so far. In a row. Keep in mind that the ceiling looks spiky and
scary, but there is nothing to actually fear- you'll just miss it.

You probably want to be losing about 1 life per boss, but 2 per boss isn't bad.
Keep in mind that their damage will remain even after you've died.

See the enemy sections on the bosses for more information on how to beat them.


[END]                         ENDING

Zool steps out of his repaired starcraft, sparkling in the morning. He runs
past impossibly high, curved hills, and reaches his house, with a "Z" painted
on top, and sees his friends, the porcupine... things. 

Something... something seems wrong. He can't shake the feeling that this is
wrong. But the porcupine people are jumping up and down and happy to see him.
He wants to celebrate with them, and feels a numbness spreading in his mind,
like after strong drink or a trip to the dentist.

He... he stops, shakes his head twice, and tries to remember. 

S.. something about a test. He can almost focus on the words. He opens his
eyes, slowly, he feels a great sense of relief. His mind slides into place, or
is it just sliding back, as down a steep wet slope?

And what he sees.....


[ENM]                          ENEMY GUIDE

There are myriad threats trying to stop Zool on his holy quest, and here is
where you learn who they are and how to stop them!



  These poor guys teleported to the candy kingdom from Mario
  World. They ate the only thing that was available to them: delicious candy.
  Unfortuantely, they ate too much of it, got severe diabetes, and had to have
  their tiny legs amputated. They are full of rage from this process, and will
  go after you. When they are touching sugary objects, they get a sugar buzz,
  and will damage you if you jump on them!

  In my walkthrough, I call them: DGs.


  These are living targets that shoot bullets at YOU! TrippY! 
  Take them out fast or you'll have a whole hail of bullets bearing down on 
  you. If that happens, jump the bullets, wait for a break, and ninja star the
  targets quickly.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Targets.


  Huge bloated bees, grown fat on the honey of the candyland. They
  want only to inject their dripping venomous stingers into Zool's head,
  paralyzing him. Jump up and ninja-star them first!

  In my walkthrough, I call them: BBs.


  Invincible, immortal, timeless. The wallcrawling 
  spikleys have evolved to the point of perfection, clinging to the surface of
  walls as part of a delicate ecosystem. Zool obviously has no time for that 
  kind of silliness, so just avoid them while walljumping. You can't hurt them.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Wallcrawlers.




  These are the DG's of level 2. Spotlights that lived their 
  whole live enhancing the appearance of others, they eventually got sick of
  living in the shadow of more famous rockers, broke free, and went after
  VENGEANCE. I guess they mistake Zool for a rock star, maybe all two-legged
  human type things look the same to them. They are more dangerous than DGs
  because they follow you instead of aimlessly ambling around. Put some distnce
  between you and them and take them out with a well-placed jump. Note that
  you can't attack them from the front, as your stars will just bounce off!
  Kicks work from anywhere.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: SLs.


  Summoned from the eternal plane of pain and punishment that is dummerworld,
  where everything is one excruciatingly long drum solo, the zil-djinns are
  eager to spread pain. They float above you before zipping down at blinding
  speed to slice you in two! The best way to deal with them is to execute a 
  jump-kick, as I've found ninja-starring them to be unreliable.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Zils


  This guy may be mellow, but he still wants to kick some ninja butt! The Cello
  hops around, and if that wasn't bad enough, will occasionally launch a bow
  at you! I guess he's just mad that cellos don't often have a place in modern
  rock bands.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Cellos


  Whoever was responsible for the special effects at this concert should
  probably just be fired now. These van de graff generators move up and down
  the wall just like the wall-crawlers, but a little faster, and they jut out
  more so you are more likely to get stuck. You'll want to not wallclimb on
  any surface they are attached to!

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Zappers


  An elusive and dangerous species, the mole amp is attracted by the sound of
  rocking out. Digging up from the ground, they give quite a thump to the shins
  of anybody unfortuante to be around! Since they're endangered, Zool can't
  bring himself to hurt them, so he always misses with his ninja stars on

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Moleamps  


[W3E]                         FORESTLAND ENEMIES


  These carrots, frothing mad at an excess of carroty chemicals in their 
  systems, are obviously nuts. Bonkers. There are, however, no therapists in
  vegetable land, so their tragic plight goes unnoticed. They decide to take 
  out their sociopathy on the only non-vegetable in sight: YOU.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Carrots


  There is actually only one Nanaman. Having discovered true zen, he exists in
  all places at all times. He tests you to make sure you are worthy of the
  title of ninja. He will hop around on a pogo stick. Of... Zen-ness. Just 
  smack him and he'll disappear.

  In my walkthrough, I call him: Nanaman


  Nanaman! showing his divine side, takes to the skies and rains down firey,
  fruity death from above. Jumpkicks are tricky to pull off because of the
  fire, so ninja star them.

  In my walkthrough, I call him: Nanangel


  I don't really know what you want from me here. They are tiny oranges, they
  are hard to hit, the try to jump into you. Smack them.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Orangeys


  Orange intruders grown to monstrous size, they are ruthless dictators of 
  their tree kingdoms, falling with malice to crush any outsiders they think
  capable of bringing the ideas of democracy to their orange subjects. What
  that means in practical terms is that they fall straight down, so avoid them.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: giant oranges


  Once humble worms, they volunteered for a transdimensional experiment, 
  created by the giant orangeys in an attempt to get to Zool's home dimension
  and conqueor it. It failed miserably, leaving them glitching horrorbeasts
  who seek only to destroy everything. They ate their captors and escaped, and
  now only seek the sweet release of death. End them!

  In my walkthrough, I call them: wormys.


  The latest in a series of devious weapons designed by the Giant Orangeys, 
  the MTLP was the ultimate weapon. Portable platform for launching spores,
  it wasn't technically a "missile platform" because it worked on railgun
  style technology. By inflitrating shadow vegetableland, Zool must take on
  the MTLP, and... well they are invincible, so just hop over them, avoid the
  spores, and rush on.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: tomato launchers


[W4E]                        TOYLAND ENEMIES


  These guys are war personified. Though they look like toys on the outside,
  they have the souls of bloody generals, steeped in the gore of their 
  enemies on the inside. Unfortunately, all they can do to express that is to
  sort of shuffle back and forth and fire bullets. These move in sort of big
  arcs and are easy to avoid. So just time your jumps or stars and you'll take
  them down.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Tanks


  Travellers that do not pass the zenlike trials of the forest level turn into
  helpless beachballs in the toy-land. They can do nothing but bounce around,
  so they do that with all their might. 

  In my walkthrough, I call them: beachballs  


  Some lost souls never find their way in life, and instead wander around 
  not doing much of anything. As punishment for their wasted time in this life,
  they are made to be eternally spinning tops in the next world. They just 
  spin around, and move towards you looking for release. Grant them that 
  dignity, and smash them to pieces.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: tops


  These chilly hombres don't really do much but waddle around trying to smack
  you upside the head, but they sure can absorb a lot of damage while doing
  so! It takes a couple of stars to bring one down, but otherwise they're just

  In my walkthrough, I call them: Snows


  Not really much to say. Little wind-up toys. Painted with lead paint, you 
  take a heart's damage in lead paint every time you touch them.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: wind-ups


  Just flying jets that drop bombs on you. They are the partners of the tanks,
  and like them, their only real motive is bloodshed. Jumpkicks and stars work
  well to end their reigns of terror.

  In my walkthrough, I call them: planes


[BOSS]                           BOSSES

  Zool knows that the longer he spends in candyland, mindlessly indulging his
  own desires, the farther he falls behind. That spectre of doubt and regret
  takes form in a giant bee- the most industrious of the insects, but one 
  still drenched in the sweet honey of candyland. He must defeat that 
  insecurity to achieve inner quiet.

  This guy is no slouch! He will buzz around, throwing what
  looks like tootsie rolls at you. Keep in mind that a jumpkick will make you
  invulnerable to them. The most frustrating thing is when he buzzes very near
  the left side of the screen, because you can't hurt him from the back. You'll
  want to wait for gaps in his shooting, then jump up and smack him with a
  star. On hard, he takes a lot of hits to go down! Keep at him, avoid his
  body slams, and he'll fall before too long.


  Zool never made it as a musician like he originally thought he would. He got
  just a small taste of fame before the concerns of life pressed it away. That
  hunger for the spotlight has haunted him ever since, and in the form of 
  regret, it comes back to haunt him, his old guitar turned groquesquely to
  life and angry about it.
  This oversized
  guitar has four main attacks- shooting bullets at you, having lightning 
  bolts rain from the sky, charging at you with his big dumb guitar body, and
  shooting "KERRAANNGGS"s after you. All of his attacks besides the body check
  can be disintegrated with a good ninja star, and you can crouch in the left
  corner to avoid getting hit. 

  That said, he has a ton of health, puts out a lot of bullets, and if you 
  have taken your time to get all the sushi, you probably don't have a lot of
  time to spare. You may need more than one life to put him down, but keep in
  mind that the damage stays with him!


  So... it's come to this. You've passed his every test, and Nanaman! decides
  to show you the ultimate. You've defeated his avatars, but can you
  defeat the shadow of your own mortality? He takes the form of a giant flying
  banana that fires oranges at you, with a sharpened point. If that wasn't
  enough, the spectre of your own death, personified by an unkillable clock,
  shuffles back and forth, firing bolts at you. Dodge the clock, and get on
  the left (or sinister, implying opposition) side of nananarchangel and blast
  away. You will probably need a few tries, but he doesn't do anything more
  tricky than previous bosses (besides having mortality there).


  The final mental obstacle.

  Zool had a happy childhood, and couldn't stand it. The whole time he was
  loved and card for by his family, he could only imagine the glory of battle
  and the excitement of being an elite ninja unit. As he has began to make 
  peace with his warlike side, and see the simple joys in life, a rush of
  regret for the time he wasted trying to get away from a happy family   
  threatens to overwhelm him.

  Nostalgia is only vulnerable when its chest opens, revealing the eye inside  
  the shiny plastic cover. It will shoot homing missiles and little spikes that
  are VERY hard to dodge to try to keep you busy so you can't hit it. My 
  strategy, which worked very well, was to jumpkick all the projectiles away
  when the chest was closed, and to try to get two hits in when it opened.
  He'll fall away soon enough.


[ITM]                         ITEM GUIDE

There are tons of points and powerups in the game, and this is where you learn
exactly what you're looking at!

SUSHI: This looks like... well like sushi. If you don't know what sushi looks
       like, do a google search. It adds 100 points to your score, but doesn't
       do much else. There is a lot of it, as Zool is apparently ravenous for
       raw fish.

CANDY: Behaves just like sushi. It can be in little wrappers, or as candy
       canes. Delicious! Just don't eat enough that you get ninjafat!

GUITAR PICKS: Just like sushi/candy. Rock rock on!

FRUIT: Just like candy and sushi. You need some fruit after cramming all that
       candy into your huge gullet.

TOYS: Something to keep your attention up 

BIG SUSHI: Just a big 'ol piece of sushi, man. Gives you lots of points.

STEREO: Capture the sounds of the music dimension. Acts like big sushi.

SUNSHINE: A big sushi/stereo type of thing. Bring yourself some joy and
          vitamin D!

PANDA BEAR: The big sushi of the toyland levels. Huggably soft!

FLYING HEARTS: Hearts with wings attached to them, Zool consumes the hearts of
               his executed enemies and gains their strength. Or something. 
               These restore a heart 

ZOOL SYMBOL: Gives you invincibility for a short time.

DOUBLE ZOOL SYMBOL: A flashing zool symbol. Gives you a double who will fire
                    his throwing star when you throw yours for a short time.

BOMB: Destroys any enemies on screen.

FINAL PIECE: The thing that means you beat the level! It's a big coin-lookin'
             thing. Grab it and go.

CLOCK: Adds 100 seconds to your time! Very important.

1UP: Gives you an extra mans.


[FAQ]                        FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Yeah, anything you guys want to know, I'll put here.


[RKS]                           CLOSING REMARKS

So this was pretty fun, being my first game for the gameboy completion project!

I hope you enjoyed it, and weren't distracted too much by my goofy metaplot


[CPW]                              COPYWIGHT

Because I find including copyrights on privately published online FAQS silly,
at least until people start paying me to do this, I will simply say that the
use of this document without crediting me will cause wights to haunt you. 
Specifically, the copywights. They HATE people who steal stuff.

As long as you give me credit, use away!