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by KeyBlade999

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                   |              Taz-Mania 2              |
                   |           An FAQ/Walkthrough          |
                   |             By KeyBlade999            |
                   |                                       |
                   |           File Size: 10.0 KB          |
                   |         Current Version: Final        |
                   |   Time of Update: 9:12 PM 5/29/2012   |

                        Section Negative One: Donations            **MANIA_-1**

While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and
effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your
appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the
donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping
me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated,
and are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do
decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the
e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for considering this!!

                          [email protected]

By the way, this is also my contact e-mail, so if you want to contribute
something to this or any of my other FAQs, or have a question to ask about one
of them, go ahead and use this e-mail.

                        Section Zero: Table of Contents             **MANIA_0**

  [Section Title] ................................................ [CTRL+F Tag]

  -1. Donations .................................................. **MANIA_-1**
   0. Table of Contents .......................................... **MANIA_0**
   1. Intro ...................................................... **MANIA_1**
   2. Version History ............................................ **MANIA_2**
   3. Legalities ................................................. **MANIA_3**

   4. Basics of the Game ......................................... **MANIA_4**

                              Section One: Intro                    **MANIA_1**

Welcome to another FAQ of mine. This one covers the GameBoy game Taz-Mania 2,
which just so happens to focus on the Tazmanian Devil; you know, one of the
Looney Toons characters? It's actually the sequel of the first, similarly-made

Yeah, I don't know much to say about this. But try to enjoy.

                         Section Two: Version History               **MANIA_2**

Final - First and probably only version of this FAQ is complete.
        9:12 PM 5/29/2012

                           Section Three: Legalities                **MANIA_3**

This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

� 2012 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this
e-mail: [email protected], or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs
message boards.

O-----------------------------------O    O------------------------------------O
|     Allowed sites for my FAQs     |    |        Forever-Banned Sites        |
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|   Neoseeker (   |    |       |
| SuperCheats ( |    |  Cheat Index (  |
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|                                   |    |             Mega Games             |
|                                   |    |  Cheats Guru (  |
O-----------------------------------O    O------------------------------------O

                       Section Four: Basics of the Game             **MANIA_4**


~~ D-Pad        : Move around (Left/Right); duck (Down).
~~ A Button     : Jump.
~~ B Button     : Hold for spin attack.
~~ Start Button : Pause/unpause game.
~~ Select Button: N/A.
~~ L/R Buttons  : These only have functions on the GBA SP and GameBoy Player
                  ways of playing the game. They will widen/narrow the screen,
                  respectively. Otherwise, N/A.

Also note that A+B+Select+Start is a soft reset combination.

Playing the Game

This game is designed sort of like the original Taz-Mania, but it has more of
the arcade-game feel to it. Sure, it has defined levels and lives and such,
like with Super Mario Bros., but these levels are also unusually simplistic
and you're moreso supposed to get higher amounts of points.

Anyways... To control your character, you can use the above control settings.
In each level, you'll be given an amount of time, usually in the neighborhood
of four to five minutes. If time runs out, you lose a life.

The time can be found in the lower-right corner of the screen. Also there is
your life meter, which shows four hearts - note that you actually can be hit a
maximum of FIVE, not four, times before losing a life.

To lose hearts, you basically get hit by enemies, certain projectiles, other
certain objects, and some random other things. You can run into some items,
such as flaming log piles in early levels, and unwittingly eat them to lose
hearts. Water seems to be bad, too. (Which is odd. It was quite all right in
the first Taz-Mania.)

Throughout these levels, your goal is to mostly gain points within the allotted
time interval, but also to find the EXIT sign letting you out of the level.
Along the way, you can find a bunch of things.

For one, there are various things you can eat. Some are good, some are bad. In
general, if it's food-like, you'll gain health. Other things, such as flaming
piles of logs, will make you lose health.

You'll find an immense number of enemies as well. To get rid of them, generally
a spin attack will be sufficient. However, note that you can only spin for so
long, based upon the lower-right gauge. The gauge, when emptied, will refill to
a low, set value. To get more spin energy, find arrow pickups in the game. Some
will refill more spin energy than others.

Also note the card-like and tornado-like pickups in levels. The former will
give bonus points, whereas the latter should help out with bosses that you can
fight on occasion.

Finally, the most prominent pickup would be coins. These will give you a few
bonus points at the end of levels, and collecting 100 of them will give you a
free life. Every 10,000 points you earn also will net an extra life.

Okay, I think that's everything. Good luck!

|                      This is the end of KeyBlade999's                       |
|                          FAQ for the GameBoy game                           |
|                                Taz-Mania 2.                                 |
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