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NPC Guide

by Shadow.

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This is a Guide which will list and describe all of the NPCs found in the
official expansion pack of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivon, The Elder Scrolls
IV: Shivering Isles.

 ____   __    ____  __    ____    _____  ____ 
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( (__  )(_)(  )  (   )(   )__)  )  (   )(  \__ \
 \___)(_____)(_)\_) (__) (____)(_)\_) (__) (___/


I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. Contacting Me
IV. Version History
VI. Credits
VII. Legal Stuff
VIII. The End

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You may contact me at [email protected] but only for the 
following things.

*Errors in my guide
*Spelling Mistakes
*Constructive Criticism
*Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site

Things you should not email to me:

*Things that have nothing to do with Oblivion
*Hate Mail/Flames

____   ____                  .__               
\   \ /   /___________  _____|__| ____   ____  
 \   Y   // __ \_  __ \/  ___/  |/  _ \ /    \ 
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       \/         \/                     \/     


Version Number: 1.0
Date Added: 07/06/07
What's New: Everything

Version Number: 1.1
Date Added: 07/19/07
What's New: A few minor things fixed


 _   _ _____   _____    _____       _     _      
| \ | |  __ \ / ____|  / ____|     (_)   | |     
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|_| \_|_|     \_____|  \_____|\__,_|_|\__,_|\___|


          Health                         Magic
         Responsibility                 Aggression

-Responsibility number assigned to all NPC's which determines several things
about them.. If an NPC has a responsibility below 30, they will steal things
that they need like if they need to eat food and can't get to it normally they
will steal it. If their responsibility is at a max of 100 they will be a good
citizen and report all crimes they see even if a guard isn't nearby.Some people
like members of the thieves guild will not even report you if they see you
do something wrong. People who end up following you like the adoring fan
will not report you no matter what.

-Aggression will help determine if or if not a NPC will attack you.
If your or any NPC's disposition drops below the NPC's aggression number then
the NPC will attack them/you. NPCs with an aggression number below 5 will
never attack unless you attack them and NPCs with an aggression number 0 will
never fight even if you do attack them. NPCs with an aggression above 10 will
attack you if their disposition is lowered below their aggression number.

Aggression and Disposition basically determine combat for the game. Mostly
creatures and hostile NPCs like wolves and bandits will start with high
aggression and a low disposition which is why they attack you on sight. Other
NPCs and creatures that may attack, such as highwaymen and Mythic Dawn Assassins
will have disposition and aggression changed to determine if they will attack
you or not.

-Characters that have their level being your level +X or just your level
 will have their health and magic increase as their level increases. 


                         People of
    _   _                  _____ _                _   _     
   | \ | |                / ____| |              | | | |    
   |  \| | _____      __ | (___ | |__   ___  ___ | |_| |__  
   | . ` |/ _ \ \ /\ / /  \___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \| __| '_ \ 
   | |\  |  __/\ V  V /   ____) | | | |  __/ (_) | |_| | | |
   |_| \_|\___| \_/\_/   |_____/|_| |_|\___|\___/ \__|_| |_|


                      ____  _ _         
                     |  _ \| (_)        
                     | |_) | |_ ___ ___ 
                     |  _ <| | / __/ __|
                     | |_) | | \__ \__ \

                     -Amiable Fanriene-
                 Amiable Fanriene's house
                        Level 5
         53 Health                    160 Magic
            50                           5
Amiable Fanriene is a male Breton living in Bliss, New Sheoth. He will ask
that you help hum find somewhere to sleep outside since he is afraid that
the walls will fall down on him and kill him if he is in a house. If you
speak to him about rumors he will tell you about several paranoid wall
related stories.

Related Quests:

Falling Awake: Amiable Fanriene is a Breton looking for peace, so the walls
don't crush him to pieces. 


                     -Big Head-
                    Big Head's house
                     Level 10
       84 Health                       145 Magic
          10                               0

Big Head is a male Argonian living in Bliss, New Sheoth. He will ask you to
find his fork for him. Also if you go in his house will will notice he
as an interesting collection of forks.

Related Quests:

The Fork of Horripilation:

"Find The Fork of Horripilation for Big Head!"

Other Notes: 

Sometimes he is caught stealing forks and may even be killed for it which
can cause some problems.

If Big Head is killed his tombstone in the New Sheoth Graveyard will be
activated and it will read:

"In memory of Big Head. Completely Forked."


                   -Dumag gro-Bon
                   The Missing Pauldron
                     Level 10
     130 Health                         112 Magic
        90                                 5

Dumag gro-Bonk is a male Orc found living in Bliss, New Sheoth. He is the
owner of The Missing Pauldron and will usually be found in it. Dumag is one of
two smiths in the Shivering Isles that can forge both magicical and
non-magicical weapons and armor but his speciality is forging Light Armor from
Amber and Amber Matrices. Dumag gro-Bon also does not seem to get along with
the other smith and will talk about it if you go and visit her.

Related Quests: 

The Antipodean Hammer:

"Find Amber and Madness Ore for two rival Blacksmiths."


                   Level 4
     49 Health                  110 Magic. 
        51                          0

Fimmion is a male Bosmer found in Bliss, New Sheoth. He has the Calming Pants,
one of the three items that Ahjazda asks you to retrieve for her. Fimmion
will ask for a sweetroll in exchange for the pants. Fimmion will also claim
to have an idea about where Amiable Fanriene can sleep outside, also in
exchange for a sweetroll. If you do get his pants he will continue walking 
round town in his underwear for the rest of the game.

Related Quests:

The Coming Storm:

"Help Ahjazda prepare for the storm."


           1 Level higher then you
    30 Health                          90 Magic
       95                                  5

Orinthal is a male Redguard found in Bliss, New Sheoth. After you meet him
for the first time he will start saying weird things like how one of
his arms is longer than the other and how many steps you took to go and see
him. You will also find out that he is a retired assassin.


            1 Level higher then you
    22 Health                         102 Magic
       50                                 5

Pad-Ei is a male Argonian found in Bliss, New Sheoth. He is found a lot
in the Choosy Beggar.


                -Raven Biter-
                The Choosy Beggar
                Level 10
    84 Health                    125 Magic
        10                           0

Raven Biter is a male Argonian found in Bliss, New Sheoth. He is the owner
of the The Choosy Beggar inn and will usually constantly warn you to stay away
from his wife Sheer Meedish.


               -Rendil Drarara-
              Rendil Drarara's house
               Level 4
   53 Health                  110 Magic
      50                          5

Rendil Drarara is a male Dunmer which can be found in Bliss, New Sheoth.

              -Sheer Meedish-
               Level 4
   49 Health                  135 Magic
       10                         0

Sheer Meedish is a female Argonian found in Bliss, New Sheoth. Her husband
is Raven Biter, the owner of the The Choosy Beggar inn. She will constantly
invite you for in for a drink which is most likely why her husband will
constantly warn you to stay away.


                Books of Bliss
                Level 4
     39 Health                     147 Magic
        50                              5

Sontaire is a female Altmer found in Bliss, New Sheoth. She owns the Books of
Bliss store. She also seems to be quite the seductress as when you talk to her
as a male character she will constantly flirt with you and if you are a female
she will tell you how she doesn't like any competition. Also if you go into
the upstairs of the store and into her bedroom you will find that she has
chains and shackles around her bed.

               Whatever level you are
     12 Health                          100 Magic
        80                                  5

Thaedil is a female Altmer found in Bliss, New Sheoth. She will tell you how
she is the worst juggler in the world.


            -Tilse Areleth-
             Common Treasures
             Level 10
   84 Health              145 Magic
      50                      5

Tilse Areleth is a female Dunmer found in Bliss, New Sheoth. She owns the
Common Treasures store and will have 1000 gold on her.


           -Tove the Unrestful-
            Tove the Unrestful's house
            Level 4
   62 Health            85 Magic
       50                  5

Tove the Unrestful is a male Nord found in Bliss, New Sheoth. He will ask for
your help in finding some calipers and tongs for he can build a skyboat.

Related Quests:

Work is Never Done:

"Help Tove the Unrestful build a sky boat from calipers and tongs."


             Level 4
    49 Health            110 Magic
        51                  0

Uungor is a male Bosmer living in Bliss, New Sheoth. He will offer to switch
beds with Amiable Fanriene. He claims that he is sane but he is completely
obsessed with proving his sanity as well as escaping from the Isles.

Related Quests:

Falling Awake:

"Amiable Fanriene is a Breton looking for peace, so the walls
don't crush him to pieces."


               _____                 _ _     _      
              / ____|               (_) |   | |     
             | |     _ __ _   _  ___ _| |__ | | ___ 
             | |    | '__| | | |/ __| | '_ \| |/ _ \
             | |____| |  | |_| | (__| | |_) | |  __/
              \_____|_|   \__,_|\___|_|_.__/|_|\___|

          Thing Found
          Level 15
  91 Health               217 Magic
      50                        5

Ahjazda is a female Khajiit found in Crucible, New Sheoth. She is the owner
of the Things Found store. She is a somewhat paranoid person and will ask
you to get three items for her so that she can get ready for
"The Coming Storm" as she calls it. One of the items is the Ring of
Desiccation which can be found in a glass display case in The Museum of
Oddities. Another is the Calming Pants which Fimmion is has and the last item
is the Amulet of Disintegration, which is found in Milchar which is 
a Ruin in the North Western section of Mania. 

Related Quest: 

The Coming Storm: Help Ahjazda prepare for the storm.


         Level 4
41 Health          105 Magic
    51                 0  

Bhisha is a male Khajiit found in Crucible, New Sheoth. He seems to like dogs
especially Ushnar gro-Shadborgob's who will tell you that he wants Bhisha
to disappear. You can talk to and persuade Bhisha to leave Crucible and go to
Bliss where he hopes to find sme new dogs.

Related Quests:

Ushnar's Terror:

"Ushnar is terrified of cats but unfortunately a Khajiit beggar has become
his shadow."

          Level 4
 49 Health          110 Magic
     51                 0

Bolwing is a male Bosmer found in Crucible, New Sheoth. He seems to speak
only random gibberish until Big Head gives you his charm or until you
complete the Main Quest.

Related Quests:

The Fork of Horripilation:

"Find The Fork of Horripilation for Big Head!"


             Brithaur's house
             Level 4

Brithaur is a male Bosmer found in Crucible, New Sheoth. He constantly seems
to annoy other residents of Crucible by stealing things. Because of this
Earil requests that you get rid of him. If you talk to Brithaur he will tell
you that he will only end his crime spree when you bring him five Flawless
Pearls to complete his collection.

Related Quests:


"Stop him from making everyone go crazy! Oh wait..."


                    -Caldana Monrius-
                     Caldana Monrius' house
                     Level 4
       53 Health                    110 Magic
           10                           5

Caldana Monrius is a female Imperial found in Crucible, New Sheoth. She is a
Skooma addict who will beg you to bring her some. If you do it will make her
happy and will she will give you a token of appreciation which usually ends
up being junk but on some rare occasions she will reward you with something
useful like a valuable ring or a potion.


                     Cutter's Weapons
                     Level 10
      112 Health                     112 Magic
          60                             5

Cutter is a female Bosmer found in Crucible, New Sheoth. She is the owner of
the Cutter's Weapons store. Her speciality is inforging Heavy Armor from both
Madness Ore and Madness Matrices. She also seems to hate Dumag gro-Bonk much
like he does to her.She will even go so far as to threaten to cut your throat
if you visit him. She will however never actually attack you for it.

Related Quests:

The Antipodean Hammer:

"Find Amber and Madness Ore for two rival Blacksmiths."

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                   Earil's Mysteries
                   Level 15
        86 Health                    242 Magic
           50                             0

Earil is a male Altmer found in Crucible, New Sheoth. He is the owner of
the Earil's Mysteries spell store. Earil asks you to get rid of the
thief Brithaur for him.

Related Quests:


"Stop him from making everyone go crazy! Oh wait..."

Spells that he sells: 
 Summon Hunger
 Summon Gluttonous Hunger
 Summon Decrepit Shambles
 Summon Ravenous Hunger
 Summon Shambles
 Summon Voracious Hunger
 Sumon Replete Shambles
 Snow Flare
 Glimpse of Death
 Hail Flare
 Icy Blaze
 Remedy Friend
 Rejuvenate Friend


                     Level 4
     49 Health                    110 Magic
         51                           0

Gloorolros is a male Bosmer living in Crucible, New Sheoth. He will usually
ask you if you want to buy a stick and when you talk to him you will usually
somehow end up on the subject of sticks. Once the main quest is completed
he will "admire your stick and bemoan its superiority to his own" in which
he is most likely talking about the Staff of Sheogorath.

Related Quests:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                       -Hirrus Clutumnus-
                        Hirrus Clutumnus' house
                        Level 4
         53 Health                    110 Magic
             50                            0

Hirrus Clutumnus is a male Imperial found in Crucible, New Sheoth. When
you first speak to him he will ask you to meet him at a sewer grate after
dark which will start the quest Final Resting. After you meet him he will
tell you a sorry story of how his life is miserable and that he wants to die.
He asks you to kill him because he does not want to commit suicide and end
up as one of the ghosts on the Hill of Suicides. He requests you kill him
when he doesn't know you are there and that you to do it quickly. If you visit
his home you will find that he has a bunch of torture tools including
calipers, shears, and a scythe all with blood next to them. 

Related Quest:

Final Resting:

"Help Hirrus Clutumnus die."


                        Ma'zaddha's house
                        Level 4
       41 Health                   105 Magic
          50                           5

Ma'zaddha is a male Khajiit found in Crucible, New Sheoth. If you
have a high acrobatics skill go and look around on his rooftop for something

Related Quests:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                     Muurine's house
                     Your level +5.  
       48 Health                 175 Magic
          50                          5

Muurine is a female Altmer found in Crucible, New Sheoth. If you break
into her house you will find that she keeps her Uncle Leo upstairs who
happens to be a zombie.


                         -Sickly Bernice-
                          Sickly Bernice's house 
                          Level 10
          79 Health                          150 Magic
             50                                  5

ickly Bernice is a female Breton living in Crucible, New Sheoth. She owns
the Sickly Bernice's Taphouse. She seems to be sick and will ask you to find
a cure for her.

Related Quests:

A Liquid Solution:

"Find the Ultimate Cure."


                        -Una Armina-
                         The Museum of Oddities
                         Level 25
        170 Health                  197 Magic
           80                           5

Una Armina is a female Imperial found in Crucible, New Sheoth. She is the
curator of The Museum of Oddities.

Related Quest:

The Museum of Oddities:

"Una Armina wants you to find 'Oddities' for her museum."

                        -Ushnar gro-Shadborgob-
                         Level 4
      53 Health                             92 Magic
         50                                    5

Ushnar gro-Shadborgob is a male Orc found in Crucible, New Sheoth. He is
completely afraid of cats and will ask you to make Bhisha the Khajiit
"disappear." If you do this for him he will reward you with one of his
Skinned Hounds. If you are a Khajiit though he will not give you the quest
and will sick his dog on you.

Related Quests:

Ushnar's Terror:

"Ushnar is terrified of cats but unfortunately a Khajiit beggar has become
his shadow."


 _   _                  _____ _                _   _     
| \ | |                / ____| |              | | | |    
|  \| | _____      __ | (___ | |__   ___  ___ | |_| |__  
| . ` |/ _ \ \ /\ / /  \___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \| __| '_ \ 
| |\  |  __/\ V  V /   ____) | | | |  __/ (_) | |_| | | |
|_| \_|\___| \_/\_/   |_____/|_| |_|\___|\___/ \__|_| |_|
 _____      _                
|  __ \    | |               
| |__) |_ _| | __ _  ___ ___ 
|  ___/ _` | |/ _` |/ __/ _ \
| |  | (_| | | (_| | (_|  __/
|_|   \__,_|_|\__,_|\___\___|
 _  _                         __   ___                    _   _      
| || |___ _  _ ___ ___   ___ / _| |   \ ___ _ __  ___ _ _| |_(_)__ _ 
| __ / _ \ || (_-</ -_) / _ \  _| | |) / -_) '  \/ -_) ' \  _| / _` |
|_||_\___/\_,_/__/\___| \___/_|   |___/\___|_|_|_\___|_||_\__|_\__,_|

                    -Anya Herrick-
                     Your level +2
      30 Health                       127 Magic
         50                                5

Anya Herrick is a female Breton that is found in Sheogorath's Palace in New
Sheoth Palace, New Sheoth. She is one of Lady Syl's servants.

Related Quests:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                        Your Level +5
       90 Health                         107 Magic
           50                                5

Herdir is a male Imperial and Dungeon Master of the House of Dementia. Herdir
is a master of torture who seems to greatly enjoy his job.

Related Quests:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                        Your Level +5
         92 Health                       92 Magic
            50                              5

Kithlan is a male Redguard and Steward of Lady Syl.

Related Quests: 

The Lady of Paranoia: 

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."

Ritual of Dementia:

"Kill the Duchess of Dementia and take her place."


                       Dark Seducer
                       Your level +10
                       Dark Seducer
      116 Health                          115 Magic
          50                                  5

Nelrene is a Dark Seducer Guard, and one of the major suspects in the "The
Lady of Paranoia" quest.

Related Quests:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."


                        Your Level +5
     62 Health                            107 Magic
        100                                   5

Syl is a female Bosmer and the Duchess of Dementia. She is extremely paranoid of
basically everyone and everything. You do however stop an assassination attempt
on her during The Lady of Paranoia quest which shows that maybe her paranoia
is somewhat just. It is also hinted during this quest that she and the Duke of
Mania had an affair which was the reason for the assassination attempt. She is
also obsessed with interrogation of people she suspects, which is everyone.

The only time you fight Syl or see her out of her over decorated dress is during
"Ritual of Dementia" quest in which she is found in heavy armor wielding
a powerful two-handed hammer. 

Quests Given:

The Lady of Paranoia:

"Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated."

Related Quests:

Understanding Madness: 

"Meet the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia and join their courts."

Ritual of Accession:

"Become a Duke in the Court of Madness."

Ritual of Dementia:

"Kill the Duchess of Dementia and take her place."

The Roots of Madness:

"Cleanse the Pools of Madness."


 _  _                         __   __  __           _      
| || |___ _  _ ___ ___   ___ / _| |  \/  |__ _ _ _ (_)__ _ 
| __ / _ \ || (_-</ -_) / _ \  _| | |\/| / _` | ' \| / _` |
|_||_\___/\_,_/__/\___| \___/_|   |_|  |_\__,_|_||_|_\__,_|

                          Level 4
          50 Health                    50 Magic
             85                            5

Gundlar is a male Nord who lives in Sheogorath's Palace. He is a servant of
Thadon, the Duke of Mania.

Related Quest:

Ritual of Mania:

"Kill the Duke of Mania and take his place."


                        Your Level +5
                        Order Priest
           55 Health                     140 Magic
              90                             5

Thadon is a male Bosmer and Duke of Mania. He is also a frequent user of mind
altering drugs which include things like felldew, alcohol, and greenmote.
It is possible that he has had an affair with the Duchess of Dementia which
would explains his reaction to her assassination.

Quests Given:


"Return the Chalice of Reversal to Thadon, the Duke of Mania."

Related Quests:

Understanding Madness:

"Meet the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia and join their courts."

Ritual of Accession:

"Become a Duke in the Court of Madness."

Ritual of Mania:

"Kill the Duke of Mania and take his place."

The Roots of Madness:

"Cleanse the Pools of Madness."


                          Your Level +1
       21 Health                              145 Magic
          80                                      5

Wide-Eye is a female Argonian living in the House of Mania part of New Sheoth
Palace, New Sheoth. She is a servant to Thadon, the Duke of Mania.

Related Quests:


"Return the Chalice of Reversal to Thadon, the Duke of Mania."

Ritual of Mania:

"Kill the Duke of Mania and take his place."


 ___      _                    __ 
| _ \__ _| |__ _ __ ___   ___ / _|
|  _/ _` | / _` / _/ -_) / _ \  _|
|_| \__,_|_\__,_\__\___| \___/_|  
 ___ _                               _   _    
/ __| |_  ___ ___  __ _ ___ _ _ __ _| |_| |_  
\__ \ ' \/ -_) _ \/ _` / _ \ '_/ _` |  _| ' \ 
|___/_||_\___\___/\__, \___/_| \__,_|\__|_||_|

                         -Aurmazl Zudeh-
                          Golden Saint
                          Your Level
                          Golden Saint
       20 Health                            112 Magic
          100                                   0

Aurmazl Zudeh is a female Golden Saint and captain of the guard. If you become
Duke/Duchess of Mania she is the person who will warn you of Jyggalag's attack
on the Palace and will also aid you in its defence.

Related Quests:

The End of Order:

"Fight the last battle against the forces of order and Jyggalag."


                        -Autkendo Jansa-
                         Dark Seducer
                         Your Level
                         Dark Seducer
      16 Health                          112 Magic
         100                                 0

Autkendo Jansa is a female Dark Seducer and captain of the guard. If you become
Duke/Duchess of Dementia she is the person who will warn you of Jyggalag's
attack on the Palace and she will also aid you in its defence.

Related Quests: 

The End of Order:

"Fight the last battle against the forces of order and Jyggalag."


                          Your Level +20
         143 Health                         207 Magic
             50                                  5

Haskill is a male Breton who is the Chamberlain of Sheogorath. He is the first
person to greet you when you travel to the Shivering Isles. It is also possible
to summon him with a power acquired from Sheogorath after speaking with him for
the second time. He generally has some useful information regarding quests of
the main quest line. Also you cannot attack him.

Related Quests:

All of the main quests of the Shivering Isles.


                       Level 254
      10,000 Health                  10,000 Magic
           50                             0
Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness and ruler of the Shivering Isles.
He gives you the job of stopping the Daedric Prince of Order Jyggalag from
invading the Isles during an event known as the Greymarch. If you attack
him he will just send you above the Shivering Isles and you will fall to your
death. It is discovered after you successfully stop the Greymarch that
Sheogorath is actually Jyggalag, who was cursed by his fellow daedric princes
to forever become the prince of Madness. Every era Jyggalag was allowed to
be restored to his true form and invade his own realm destroying the madness
that his alter ego had created. This curse is active until he can find some
way of breaking the cycle. After defeating Jyggalag he will explain all of
this to you and that the reason behind it was simply because the other
princes where frustrated or even jealous of the order he
maintained. You find out that it has always been Sheogorath/Jyggalag plant
that you become the new Sheogorath, and with the "destruction" of Jyggalag
and the end of the Greymarch you are apointed new ruler of the Shivering Isles
and with that title Prince Sheogorath of Madness. At this point Jyggalag is
returned to the waters of Oblivion to be free. 

Quests Given:

A Better Mousetrap:

"Activate the Resonator of Judgment."

Understanding Madness:

"Meet the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia and join their courts."


 ___              _ _                _          _             ___      _ 
/ __| __ _ __ ___| | |_  _ _ __     /_\  _ _ __| |___ _ _ ___/ __|_  _| |
\__ \/ _` / _/ -_) | | || | '  \   / _ \| '_/ _` / -_) ' \___\__ \ || | |
|___/\__,_\__\___|_|_|\_,_|_|_|_| /_/ \_\_| \__,_\___|_||_|  |___/\_,_|_|

                             Your Level +5
            70 Health                        112 Magic
               90                               5

Arctus is a male Nord living in Crucible, New Sheoth. He is the High Priest of
Dementia. He will be one of the people to tell you how to perform the Ritual of
Dementia and will preach the importance of hatred and violence when the Flame is
on the Dementia side.

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."

Ritual of Accession:

"Become a Duke in the Court of Madness."

Ritual of Dementia:

"Kill the Duchess of Dementia and take her place."


                            Your Level +5
          55 Health                      137 Magic
              99                             5

Dervenin is a male Bosmer living in Bliss, New Sheoth. He is a High Priest of
Mania. He will be the person to tell you how to perform the Ritual of Mania
and will preache the importance of happiness and joy when the Flame is on the
Mania side.

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."

Ritual of Accession:

"Become a Duke in the Court of Madness."

Ritual of Mania:

"Kill the Duke of Mania and take his place."


 ___                           _ _            
|   \ ___ ___ _ ____ __ ____ _| | |_____ __ __
| |) / -_) -_) '_ \ V  V / _` | | / _ \ V  V /
|___/\___\___| .__/\_/\_/\__,_|_|_\___/\_/\_/ 

                           Beelei's House
                           Level 4
      49 Health                         135 Magic
          10                                0

Beelei is a female Argonian living in the settlement of Deepwallow. 


                         -Dulphumph gro-Urgash-
                          Dulphumph gro-Urgash's house
                          Your Level
      20 Health                            75 Magic

Dulphumph gro-Urgash is a male Orc found in the settlement of Deepwallow. You
will see him patrolling and hunting local Scalons.


                          -Erver Devani-      
                           Erver Devani's house
                           Your Level
        16 Health                          100 Magic
           100                                  5

Erver Devani is a male Dunmer found in the settlement of Deepwallow. He is the
brother of Gadeneri Ralvel, one of the Ghosts of Suicide.  


                     ___    _ _                    
                    | __|__| | |_ __  ___  ___ _ _ 
                    | _/ -_) | | '  \/ _ \/ _ \ '_|

                           Cindanwe's house
                           Your Level +5
       57 Health                             155 Magic
          90                                     5

Cindanwe is a female Altmer found in Fellmoor. She is accused of conspiring
to kill the 2 Khajiit living there. 

Related Quests:

Everything In Its Place:

" "Liberate" a farm's Khajiit farmhands from the "cruel mind control" of
the overseer. "

                          Kishashi's House
                          Level 4
      49 Health                          110 Magic
         50                                  0

Kishashi is a female Khajiit that can be found in Fellmoor. She says that
she "made" Sheogorath by planting him in the ground and that she was a former
queen of The Shivering Isles.

Related Quests:

Everything In Its Place:

" "Liberate" a farm's Khajiit farmhands from the "cruel mind control"
of the overseer. "


                         Kishashi's House
                         Your Level +1
       24 Health                           102 Magic  

Ranarr-Jo is a male Khajiit found in the settlement of Fellmoor. He thinks
that Cindanwe is planing on killing him.     

Related Quests:

Everything In Its Place:

" "Liberate" a farm's Khajiit farmhands from the "cruel mind control"
of the overseer."


                         Relan's House
                         Your Level
      20 Health                          87 Magic
         10                                 0

Relan is a male Redguard that lives in Fellmoor. He acts like a hunter and
seems to want to kill all "vermin."


                          _  _      _     
                        | || |__ _| |___ 
                        | __ / _` | / -_)

                            Halion's House
                            Your Level +3
           43 Health                        147 Magic
              90                                5

Halion is a male Altmer living in the settlement of Hale. He spends most of
his time writing.

                            Zoe Malene's House
                            Your Level
        20 Health                             75 Magic
            100                                  5

Pyke is a male Redguard found in the settlement of Hale. He is a Knight of
the Thorn member who entered the Shivering Isles and lost his Knights of the
Thorn Medallion to some Grummites. He will ask you to get if for him.

Related Quests:

To Help A Hero:

"Retrieve the stolen medallion of a Knight of the Thorn."


                           Tall-Trees-Falling's House
                           Level 4
       49 Health                           135 Magic
          90                                   5

Tall-Trees-Falling is a female Argonian living in the settlement of Hale.


                           -Zoe Malene-
                            Zoe Malene's House
                            Your Level
           12 Health                          137 Magic
              90                                  5

Zoe Malene is a female Breton painter living in the settlement of Hale. 


                _  _ _      _                     
               | || (_)__ _| |_  __ _ _ ___ ______
               | __ | / _` | ' \/ _| '_/ _ (_-<_-<
               |_||_|_\__, |_||_\__|_| \___/__/__/

                       -Bruscus Dannus-
                        Bruscus Dannus's house
                        Level 4
      53 Health                          110 Magic
         100                                 0

Bruscus Dannus is a male Imperial found in the settlement of Highcross. He has
an obsession with cleaning and spends most of his time outside the houses in
the village sweeping the road.


                        -Mirili Ulven-
                         Your Level +5
     62 Health                              150 Magic
         100                                     5

Mirili Ulven is a female Dunmer found in the settlement of Highcross. She is
very focused on her research into the life forms of the Shivering Isles, its
weather changes, and the cycles of the moon and stars.

Related Quests:

Taxonomy of Obsession:

"Help a Dunmer finish her research."


                         Runs-in-Circles' House
                         Your Level
       14 Health                         125 Magic
          30                                 5

Runs-in-Circles is a female Argonian found in the settlement of Highcross.
She is found running in circles around Highcross. She will ask you
for things like shoes and food and if you refuse she will run away.


                     ___                        _ _ 
                    | _ \__ _ _______ __ ____ _| | |
                    |  _/ _` (_-<_-< V  V / _` | | |
                    |_| \__,_/__/__/\_/\_/\__,_|_|_|

                          -Aurig Desha-
                           Golden Saint
                           Your Level
                           Golden Saint Mage
              69 Health                          117 Magic
                 10                                  10

Aurig Desha is a female Golden Saint who helps you retake Passwall when it is
attacked by Jyggalag's forces.
Related Quests:

Retaking The Fringe:

"Defend The Fringe and stop the attackers."


                           The Wastrel's Purse
                           Level 8
                78 Health                  112 Magic
                    100                        0

Dredhwen is a female Bosmer found in Passwall. She is the owner of the
Wastrel's Purse store. As the innkeeper you find that she will never sleep
and continues doing her job 24 hours a day.


                         -Felas Sarandas-
                          Nanette's House
                          Your Level +1
           24 Heatlh                         102 Magic
              100                                 0

Felas Sarandas is a male Dunmer found in Passwall. He will become a priest
of order during the main quest.

Related Quests:

Through the Fringe of Madness:

"Get past the Gates of Madness."

Retaking The Fringe:

"Defend The Fringe and stop the attackers."


                         -Grakendo Udico-
                          Dark Seducer
                          Your Level -1
                          Dark Seducer Mage
         58 Health                            117 Magic
             10                                    10

Grakendo Udico is a female Dark Seducer who helps you retake Passwall when it
is attacked by Jyggalag's forces.

Related Quests:

Retaking The Fringe:

"Defend The Fringe and stop the attackers."


                         -Jayred Ice-Veins-
                          Jayred Ice-Veins' House
                          Your Level +10
          106 Health                            102 Magic
              50                                    5

Jayred Ice-Veins is a male Nord that found in Passwall who seems to
have an obsession with bones. He is eager to try and slay the Gatekeeper
using the bones found in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone.

Related Quest:

Through the Fringe of Madness:

"Get past the Gates of Madness."


                          -Nanette Don-
                           Nanette Don's House
                           Your Level +5
        77 Health                          205 Magic
           100                                 5

Nanette Don is a female found at Passwall.

Related Quest:

Through the Fringe of Madness:

"Get past the Gates of Madness."


                        -Relmyna Verenim-
                         Wastrel's Purse
                         Level 25
      157 Heath                         500 Magic
         50                                 0

Relmyna Verenim is a female Dunmer lives in Xaselm. When you enter the Isles
for the first time before The Fringe is attacked she stayes at the Wastrel's
Purse in Passwall where she tutors her apprentice Nanette. Relmyna was chosen
and brought over by Lord Sheogorath himself. She had previously and repeatedly
been outcast and shunned from the Mages Guilds for her interest, theories, and
subsequent physical human trials on pain and suffering. Sheogorath admired her
"fresh" way of thinking and lack-of-remorse or sympathy for other individuals
in that he found her perfect as an inhabitant of the Isles where she is allowed
to experiment all she wants. Relmyna is the creator of the Gatekeeper that
guards the Gates of Madness from unworthy adventurers.

Related Quests:

Through the Fringe of Madness: Get past the Gates of Madness.

Rebuilding the Gatekeeper: Find all of the parts of the Gatekeeper and
rebuild it. 


                         Your Level +1
       35 Health                            154 Magic
           95                                    0

Shelden is a male Redguard who can be found in Passwall and claims to have
been the first one there. He also is in the quest Retaking The Fringe and he
is the self proclaimed "Mayor of Passwall".

Related Quests:

Through the Fringe of Madness:

"Get past the Gates of Madness."

Retaking The Fringe:

"Defend The Fringe and stop the attackers."


                           ___      _ _ _   
                          / __|_ __| (_) |_ 
                          \__ \ '_ \ | |  _|
                          |___/ .__/_|_|\__|

Atrabhi is a female Khajiit living in the settlement of Split.


                         -Horkvir Bear-Arm-
Horkvir Bear-Arm is a male Nord living in the settlement of Split. He
wants you to exterminate all of the doubles in the settlement.

Related Quests:

The Great Divide:

" Resolve the "trouble of doubles." "


J'zidzo is a male Khajiit living in the settlement of Split.


                         -Jastira Nanus-

Jastira Nanus is a female Imperial living in the settlement of Split. She is
obsessed with counting.


                         -Urul gro-Agamph-

Urul gro-Agamph is a male Orc living in the settlement of Split. His Manic
half talks to you and refers to you in some strange and overly familiar ways. 
The Demented half finds you a "revolting vicious beast".


                         __   ___ _   _                  
                         \ \ / (_) |_| |_  __ _ _ _ _ _  
                          \ V /| |  _| ' \/ _` | '_| ' \ 
                           \_/ |_|\__|_||_\__,_|_| |_||_|

                               Level 4
             Invulnerable                   105 Magic

Althel is a female Bosmer and resident of Vitharn whose
soul is confined to repeat the mistakes she and her fellow citizens made in
failing to stop invaders centuries ago. She seems to be obsessed with counting.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                               Your Level
             Invulnerable                  112 Magic

Anglor is a male Bosmer and resident of the ruined city of Vitharn whose soul
is confined to repeat the mistakes he and his fellow citizens made in failing
to stop invaders centuries ago.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                           -Bat gro-Orkul-
                            Your Level
           Invulnerable                   75 Magic

Bat gro-Orkul is a male Orc and resident of the ruined city of Vitharn whose
soul is confined to repeat the mistakes he and his fellow citizens made in 
failing to stop invaders centuries ago. He is the smith of Vitharn but is so
cautious with his weapons as he didn't lend them to Vitharn's defenders. If
he detects you trying to sneak into his armory he will cast a spell on you to
teleport you out.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                          -Count Cirion-
                           Level 4
           Invulnerable              130 Magic

Count Cirion is the Count of the ruined city of Vitharn whose soul is confined
to repeat the mistakes he and his citizens made in failing to stop invaders
centuries ago.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                         -Desideratus Annius-
                          Level 4
         Invulnerable                  105 Magic
             90                             0

Desideratus is a male Imperial and resident of the ruined city of Vitharn
whose soul is confined to repeat the mistakes he and his fellow citizens made
in failing to stop invaders centuries ago. He is constantly concerned for the
safety of his fiance who also seems to be a doll.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                         -Hloval Dreth-
                          Level 4
         Invulnerable                   110 Magic
             90                              0

Hloval Dreth is a male Dunmer in Vitharn whose soul is confined to repeat the
mistakes he and his fellow citizens made in failing to stop invaders centuries
ago. He failed his task of defending the city because he was born with stunted
Magicka but yet he became a mage anyway.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of Vitharn:

"Set things right for the ghosts of a fallen castle."


                     ___         _ _         _    
                    | _ )_ _ ___| | |__ _ __| |_  
                    | _ \ '_/ -_) | / _` / _| ' \ 
                    |___/_| \___|_|_\__,_\__|_||_|

                           Golden Saint
                           Your Level +4
                           Golden Saint
           86 Health                        105 Magic
               50                                5

Issmi is a Golden Saint who helps you retake Brellach.

Related Quests:

The Helpless Army:

"Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order."


                         Golden Saint
                         Your Level +6
                         Golden Saint
           101 Health                      110 Magic
                50                             0

Staada is the commander of the Golden Saints at Brellach. She needs rescuing
in the Helpless Army quest if the you choose to become the Duke of Dementia.

Related Quests:

The Helpless Army:

"Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order."


                    ___     _                   
                   / __|  _| |__ _ _ _ _ _  ___ 
                  | (_| || | / _` | '_| ' \/ -_)
                   \___\_, |_\__,_|_| |_||_\___|

                            Golden Saint
                            Your Level
                            Golden Saint
            22 Health                        100 Magic
               100                               10

Chuna is a female Golden Saint and the warden of the Altar of Rapture at
Cylarne. You will have to speak to her and convince her that you have come
for Sheogorath's business in order to pass through. 

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."


                         -Aurmazl Kaneh-
                          Golden Saint
                          Your Level +5
                          Golden Saint
             94 Health                       107 Magic
                100                              0

Aurmazl Kaneh is the leader of the Golden Saints at the Battle of Cylarne.
Her plan of attack is to assault the main entrance of the Dark Seducers' 
stronghold but she you can also persuade her to take an alternate route.
She doesn't think highly of males and doesn't really think her
second-in-command, a male saint, is a good leader or soldier.

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon: 

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."


                         Golden Saint
                         Your Level +2
                         Golden Saint
         42 Health                       77 Magic
            100                             10

Mirel is a male Golden Saint. His role in the Battle of Cylarne is to inform
you and Aurmazl Kaneh of a secret passage to the Altar of Despair. You can
then scout the secret route and advice Aurmazl Kaneh on which route to take
to attack the Dark Seducers.

Related Quests:

The Helpless Army:

"Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order."


                         Dark Seducer
                         Your Level +2
                         Dark Seducer
         39 Health                          102 Magic
            100                                 10

Stela is a female Dark Seducer and is posted as guard of the Altar of Despair
at Cylarne.

Related Quest:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."


                        -Grakedrig Ulfri-
                         Dark Seducer
                         Your Level +5
                         Dark Seducer
          62 Health                      120 Magic
             10                              100

Grakedrig Ulfri is the leader of the Dark Seducers at the Battle of Cylarne.
You can convince her the Golden Saints will attack from a different route
then they would normally use. You can then choose which side you which to

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."


                         Dark Seducer
                         Your Level +3
                         Dark Seducer
          54 Health                      105 Magic
             100                             10

Vika is a female Dark Seducer and the warden of the Altar of Despair at
Cylarne. You will have to speak to her before you can pass through.

Related Quests:

The Cold Flame of Agnon:

"Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth."


              _  _ _ _ _        __   ___      _    _    _        
             | || (_) | |  ___ / _| / __|_  _(_)__(_)__| |___ ___
             | __ | | | | / _ \  _| \__ \ || | / _| / _` / -_|_-<
             |_||_|_|_|_| \___/_|   |___/\_,_|_\__|_\__,_\___/__/

                           -Gadeneri Ralvel-
                            Your Level
        Invulnerable                        100 Magic
              50                                5

Gadeneri Ralvel is a female Dunmer whose soul is confined to the Hill of
Suicides. Her brother Erver Devani lives in Deepwallow and will ask you to
find Gadeneri's skull to set her free.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides: 

"Help free five wandering souls."


                          Your Level
           Invulnerable                  75 Magic
               50                           0

Limark is a male Redguard whose soul is confined to the Hill of Suicides.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides:

"Help free five wandering souls."


                         -Lorenz Bog-Trotter-
                          Your Level
          Invulernable                     75 Magic
               50                             5

Lorenz Bog-Trotter is a male Nord whose soul is confined to the Hill of
Suicides. You can find his skull in theLost Crypt area of Knotty Bramble.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides:

"Help free five wandering souls."


                        Your Level
        Invulnerable                    100 Magic
            50                              0

M'desi is a male Khajiit whose soul is confined to the Hill of Suicides.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides:

"Help free five wandering souls."


                       -Salonia Viria-
                        Your Level
       Invulnerable                    100 Magic     
          50                              0

M'desi is a male Khajiit whose soul is confined to the Hill of Suicides.

Related Quests:

Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides:

"Help free five wandering souls."


   _____ _          _  _            _ _             _  _      _ _    
  |_   _| |_  ___  | || |_____ __ _| (_)_ _  __ _  | || |__ _| | |___
    | | | ' \/ -_) | __ / _ \ V  V / | | ' \/ _` | | __ / _` | | (_-<
    |_| |_||_\___| |_||_\___/\_/\_/|_|_|_||_\__, | |_||_\__,_|_|_/__/

                        Your Level
                        Heretic Mage
          49 Health                     122 Magic
             50                             25

Ciirta is a female Imperial found in the Howling Halls. She is the leader of
a Heretic faction called the Apostles of the Light. Ciirta was one of the few
to survived the last Greymarch. She does not know that Sheogorath
is Jyggalag so she now hates him Madgod for deserting those living in his

Related Quests:

Symbols of Office:

"Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath."


                     -Luminary Kaz-
                      Your Level
                      Heretic Mage
        20 Health                       87 Magic
           0                               90

Luminary Kaz is a male Nord found in the Howling Halls. He
carries an Apostle Dagger and wears an unenchanted white mages outfit called
Luminary Robe. He is the second-in-command of the Apostles.   

Related Quests:

Symbols of Office:

"Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath."        


                      Your Level
                      Heretic Mage
         14 Health                    112 Magic
            0                             5

Ra'kheran is a male Khajiit found in The Howling Halls. He wants to assist you
in killing Ciirta so that he can take her place.
Related Quests:

Symbols of Office:

"Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath."                


             ___ _                   _       ___         _   
            | _ (_)_ _  _ _  __ _ __| |___  | _ \___  __| |__
            |  _/ | ' \| ' \/ _` / _| / -_) |   / _ \/ _| / /
            |_| |_|_||_|_||_\__,_\__|_\___| |_|_\___/\__|_\_\

                        Dark Seducer
                        Your Level +4
                        Dark Seducer
           72 Health                     105 Magic
              50                             5

Adeo is a Dark Seducer who will help you retake Pinnacle Rock.

Related Quests:

The Helpless Army:

"Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order."


                        Dark Seducer
                        Your Level +6
                        Dark Seducer
       86 Health                         110 Magic
          50                                 0

Dylora is the Dark Seducer Captain who will need rescuing in Pinnacle Rock.

Related Quests:

The Helpless Army:

"Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order."


                    __  __       _ _ _ _           
                    \ \/ /___ __| (_) (_)__ _ _ _  
                     >  </ -_) _` | | | / _` | ' \ 

                          -Grommok gro-Barak-
                           Level 1
        10000 Health                    75 Magic
              50                           5

Grommok gro-Barak is a male Orc who is one of the three adventurers who enter
Xedilian after the Resonator of Justice has been activated. You can choose to
let him either die by the hands of a horde of Zombies or drive him insane by
letting him believe that he is dead. Grommok is the owner of Dawnfang/Duskfang.

Related Quests:

Baiting the Trap:

"Decide the life, or death, of some greedy new Isles adventurers."


                        -Kiliban Nyrandil-
                         Your Level +1
         25 Health                         120 Magic
            95                                 5

Kiliban Nyrandil is a male Dunmer and Dungeon Caretaker of Xedilian.

Related Quests:

Baiting the Trap:

"Decide the life, or death, of some greedy new Isles adventurers."

                       -Lewin Tilwald-
                        Level 1
       10,000 Health                125 Magic
              50                        5

Lewin Tilwald is a male Breton who is one of the three adventurers who enter
Xedilian after the Resonator of Justice has been activated. You can choose to
either let Lewin Tilwald die by the hands of a swarm of Gnarls or drive him
insane by forcing him to fight a Giant Gnarl.

Releted Quests:

Baiting the Trap:

"Decide the life, or death, of some greedy new Isles adventurers."


                      -Syndelius Gatharian-

Syndelius Gatharian is a Dunmer mage that you encounter during the quest
Baiting the Trap. If you read Grommok's journal it will reveal that Syndelius
was the one that realised Duskfang\Dawnfang was an Akaviri sword that it
changesform at dawn and at dusk and that it is a "blood drinking" sword.
Like the others you can choose to let him die or drive him mad.

Releted Quests:

Baiting the Trap:

"Decide the life, or death, of some greedy new Isles adventurers."


          ___  _   _              ___ _                
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        | (_) |  _| ' \/ -_) '_| |  _/ / _` / _/ -_|_-<
         \___/ \__|_||_\___|_|   |_| |_\__,_\__\___/__/

                   ~~Dire Warren~~

                      Dire Warren
                      Level 2
       0 Health                     0 Magic

Alyssa was a female Breton Conjurer and wife of Traelius. She was fed up
with their life in Dire Warren and decided to leave but she didn't
make it far before having a fatal accident. Her body along with her
journal and bow, Ly'ssane, is at the southernmost end of the stream that
flows from the waterfall. The journal says that despite calling out to
Traelius for three straight days after fracturing her leg near the waterfall
she received no response and crawled as far as she could downstream. 


                      Dire Warren
                      Your Level +2 (Minimum: 10, Maximum: 30)
                      Heretic Mage
        86 Health                     170 Magic
           0                               75

Traelius is a male Breton who is found in the Subterrane area of Dire Warren.
He is carrying a journal that tells of his struggles with his love Alyssa.
Looking to get away from the suppossed "Inferiors" in the city, Traelius
sought seclusion in Dire Warren. His wife became annoyed over their new home
and Traelius discovered that she no longer wanted to live there. Though 
saddened by this he made no effort to stop her from leaving. He decided to
stay in the Warren even though his love left.



               -Clanfather Malifant-
                Sepechra, Ebrocca
                Your Level +2
    36 Health                 102 Magic
       6                          100

Clanfather Malifant is a male Bosmer found in the Sepechra area of Ebrocca.


                 ~Knifepoint Hollow~
                   Knifepoint Hollow
                   Your Level
     16 Health                    100 Magic
        50                            0

Dyus is a male Imperial who helps you assume the Throne of Madness. Long ago
he was the Keeper of the Library of Jyggalag and is now imprisoned in
Knifepoint Hollow. Sheogorath gave him immortality so the secrets of Jyggalag
would be kept forever.

Related Quests:

Symbols of Office:

"Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath."

                  ~Dunroot Burrow~
                   -Joofy the Brown-
                    Dunroot Burrow
                    Your Level +1
     29 Health                      102 Magic
        0                               100

Joofy the Brown is a Felldew addict found in Dunroot Burrow. He lives there
with 2 other unnamed addicts. Joofy is hostile and will attack you on


                ~The Wilderness~
                -Yngvar Doom-Sayer-
                 Your Level +10
    145 Health                 90 Magic
        80                        5

Yngvar Doom-Sayer is a male Nord who wanders the Shivering Isles. He can
sometimes also be found in Bliss and occasionally crosses through Crucible on
his way but will not stay for any amount of time because he finds it
"disagreeable". It seems that previously he was known as "Yngvar the
Wanderer" and spent most of his time studying the various ruins around the
Isles. He noticed that they were all of time periods 1,000 years apart and
that the most recent was almost precisely 1,000 years old. Because of this and
his knowledge of the legend of Greymarch he has come to believe that this era
of the Isles is almost over. He documented his findings and theory in the book
The Predecessors and soon thereafter dropped the title of "the Wanderer" and 
egan to call himself "Doom-Sayer." He now believes informing the residents of
the Isles is all he can do in order to prepare them for the end. His light-
earted outlook on the situation comes from his acceptance of the end, as era
after era has ended before this one and all evidence indicates that nothing
can be done to stop it this time either.


                 ~The Door in Niben Bay~
                   -Belmyne Dreleth-
                    Your Level +1
    25 Health                     120 Magic
       50                             5

Belmyne Dreleth is a male Dunmer who emerges from A Door in Niben Bay.
He sometimes attacks Gaius Prentus which usually results in his death.

Related Quests:

A Door in Niben Bay:

"Cross the threshold but maintain your sanity."


                  -Gaius Prentus-
                   Your Level +10
     135 Health                 115 Magic
         50                         5

Gaius Prentus is a male guarding A Door in Niben Bay. He warns you against
entering and explains that everyone that enters comes out different. He does
not offer any services to you and after entering the Shivering Isles he
refuses to talk to you because you have "already spent too much time over
there." Also he does not function like a normal guard as he cannot
arrest you and your bounty will not increase if you attack him.

Related Quests:

A Door in Niben Bay:

"Cross the threshold but maintain your sanity."


                   Your Level
      14 Health                100 Magic
         50                        5

S'fara is a female Khajiit who can be found at A Door in Niben Bay. She
believes that she is invisible. She has no role in any quests and really has
no purpose in the game.

Related Quests:

A Door in Niben Bay:

"Cross the threshold but maintain your sanity."

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 ##::: ##: ##::. ##:: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:: ##::::: ##::::'##::: ##:
. ######:: ##:::. ##: ########: ########::'####:::: ##::::. ######::

Thanks to me for taking the time to put this together.
Thanks for USEPWiki for some of the info found in this guide.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating this amazing game.

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This guide is Copyright (c) 2007 ShadowDragon777

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

NOTE: Some info in this FAQ was found on, the Unofficial Elder
Scrolls Pages Wiki and can be attributed to many different individuals
who have edited the wiki.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


please notify me at [email protected] if you see it elsewhere 

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This is the end of the FAQ, thank you for reading it 
and hopefully it was helpful.
