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by JPaterson

ORIGINAL FAQ DATE: Thursday, September 21st, 2006

              _____                 _   _____  _     _
             |  __ \               | | |  __ \(_)   (_)
             | |  | | ___  __ _  __| | | |__) |_ ___ _ _ __   __ _
             | |  | |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | |  _  /| / __| | '_ \ / _` |
             | |__| |  __/ (_| | (_| | | | \ \| \__ \ | | | | (_| |
             |_____/ \___|\__,_|\__,_| |_|  \_\_|___/_|_| |_|\__, |
                                                              __/ |

                          [ Strategy Guide/FAQ ]

Author        : JPaterson
Platform      : Microsoft Xbox 360
Last Updated  : Monday, September 25th, 2006
Version       : 0.2
E-Mail        : == See "[A] Contact Information" ==
GameFAQs CRP  :

For more of my FAQs, as well as full HTML strategy guides with screenshots,
check out CHEAT HAPPENS at:

                 I'd sell your heart to the junkman baby,
                 For a buck, for a buck,
                 If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch,
		 You're out of luck,
		 You're out of luck
                 - "God's Away on Business", Tom Waits, 'Blood Money' album



Sep. 25th, 2006 (v0.2, 76KB)
   Completed the following sections:
   - Otis' Transmissions

   Began the following sections (still incomplete):
   - Survivors

Sep. 21, 2006 (v0.1, 60.9KB)
   Just began guide.  The following sections are complete:
   - 1 to 5
   - 5 to 5.2
   - 10
   - 17 to 20


Table of Contents
(an asterisk * indicates an incomplete section)
(an exclaimation point ! indicates a being worked on section)

[1] Introduction                        [1A]
[2] Controlling Frank West              [2A]
[3] Skills                              [3A]
[4] Statistics                          [4A]
[5] Walkthrough                         [5A1]!
    [5.1] En Route to Mall              [5A2]
    [5.2] Case File 1                   [5A3]
    [5.3] Case File 2                   [5A4]*
    [5.4] Case File 3                   [5A5]*
    [5.5] Case File 4                   [5A6]*
    [5.6] Case File 5                   [5A7]*
    [5.7] Case File 6                   [5A8]*
    [5.8] Case File 7                   [5A9]*
    [5.9] Case File 8                   [5A10]*
    [5.10] The Facts                    [5A11]*
    [5.11] The Final                    [5A12]*
    [5.12] Overtime                     [5A13]*
    [5.13] Infinite                     [5A14]*
[6] Scoops                              [6A]*
    [6.1]                               [6A1]*
[7] Survivors                           [7A]!
[8] Psychopaths                         [8A]*
[9] Otis' Transmissions                 [9A]
[10] Juice Combinations                 [10A]
[11] Tips & Tricks                      [11A]*
[12] PP Stickers                        [12A]*
[13] Weapons                            [13A]!
     [13.1] Alphabetical Listing        [13A1]
     [13.2] Weapon Breakdown            [13A2]!
[14] Clothing                           [14A]*
[15] Books                              [15A]*
[16] Stores                 		[16A]*
[17] Achievements                       [17A]
[18] Unlockables                        [18A]
[19] Downloadable Content               [19A]
[20] Questions & Answers                [20A]

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Where This FAQ May be Found
[D] Other FAQs Written
[E] Dead Rising Copyright Information

To jump to a specific section, activate your browser's search function
(usually CTRL + F) and type in one of bracketed numbers to the right of the
appropriate section you want.


| [1] Introduction                                                      [1A]  |

Zombies.  Tens of thousands of zombies.  All in one mall, all gunning for you.

Dead Rising places you in the shoes of Frank West (I've covered wars, you 
know!), a hard-edged journalist en route to Wilamette, Colorado, to cover an 
amazing story taking place in the city.  A population of 53,594, with no one 
actually living.  Just the living dead.

Your journey will take you through the town's mall, split up into several 
sections.  Paradise Plaza, North Plaza, Al Fresca Plaza, Wonderland Park, 
Leisure Park.  And let us not forget the zombie breeding ground, the 
Maintenance Tunnels.

You will meet several people throughout your journey.  Some will help you, some 
will need your help, some want to kill you.  And, of course, you have the 
tens of thousands of zombies to contend with at every corner.

This strategy guide/FAQ will hopefully serve to help you accomplish many of the 
feats in the game.  Not only will you find a walkthrough, you'll find a 
complete list of survivors, psychos, books, weapons, clothes, PP stickers, 
achievements, unlockables, and more!


| [2] Controlling Frank West                                            [2A]  |

Controlling Frank is a breeze.  So much so that you can't change the control 
configuration in game.

LEFT Stick                      Move Frank
RIGHT Stick                     Move camera
D-Pad UP                        Put away object/select fists
D-Pad DOWN                      Drop object on ground
D-Pad LEFT                      Bring up watch/scoop list
D-Pad RIGHT                     Answer a call
A                               Jump/context sensitive
B                               Action button
X                               Attack/press and hold for secondary attack
                                Spit when no weapon equipped
Y                               Tell survivors to follow/shout for survivors
                                Set waypoint in conjunction with RIGHT TRIGGER
RIGHT Trigger                   Aim gun/throw object/set waypoint in 
				conjunction with Y
LEFT Trigger                    Switch to camera
RIGHT Bumper                    Switch to next object in inventory
LEFT Bumper                     Switch to previous object in inventory

When you have your camera out, the controls are also easy.

LEFT Stick                      Move Frank
RIGHT Stick                     Adjust camera view
B                               Zoom camera in
A                               Zoom camera out
X                               Take picture


| [3] Skills                             				[3A]  |

Throughout the course of the game, you will acquire several skills at different
levels.  Frank begins at level one, and will max out at level fifty.  The 
following are what you will earn in between.  Skills are listed in the same 
order as in the game.

LS = Left Analog Stick

@ SKILL                         HOW TO PERFORM                     WHAT LEVEL @
@ Jump Kick             X in mid-air                                      ?   @
@ Zombie Ride           A and LS toward enemy                                 @
@ Kick Back             Push LS repeatedly in direction Frank is facing       @
@ Flying Dodge          LS twice rapidly in same direction                    @
@ Power Push            LS left or right repeatedly when grabbed              @
@ Football Tackle       Hold down LS and press A                              @
@ Judo Throw            LS down repeatedly when grabbed                       @
@ Double Lariat         Hold down LS and press X                              @
@ Roundhouse Kick       Jump and press X as you hit the ground                @
@ Lift Up               Press X + A while facing enemy; X to throw            @
@ Knee Drop             Jump and press LS down + X                            @
@ Suplex                Press X + A while behind a zombie                     @
@ Wall Kick             Jump toward wall and press X + LS in opposite         @
@ Hammer Throw          Press X + A at a zombie's side                        @
@ Neck Twist            Press X + A at head of a fallen zombie                @
@ Giant Swing           Press X + A at feet of a fallen zombie                @
@ Face Crusher          Press X + A + LS toward enemy from behind             @
@ Disembowel            Press X + A + LS toward enemy from front              @
@ Somersault Kick       Jump and press X immediately                          @
@ Karate Chop           Press X to hit enemies behind you                     @
@ Zombie Walk           Hold X after performing Zombie Ride*                  @

*Must be a group of zombies to actually be able to walk upon them.

Unfortunately, I didn't record at what levels you unlock what skills.  If you
know this info, please send it to me at jpguides [at] rogers [dot] com.  You
will be credited.


| [4] Statistics                         				[4A]  |

You begin the game as a slow, unpowerful person with a camera.  Throughout the
game at various levels, you will unlock additions to your various statistics.
Your life will eventually increase to twelve, your throwing distance will
become much higher, and more.

@ STAT                       MAXES OUT AT                                     @
@ Attack                     7                                                @
@ Speed                      3                                                @
@ Life                       12                                               @
@ Item Stock                 12                                               @
@ Throw Distance             5                                                @


| [5] Walkthrough                      				        [5A1] |

** ATTENTION!!  Walkthrough _does_ contain spoilers.

The walkthrough is split up into the beginning of the game, the various case 
files, the facts, the finale, and overtime and infinite modes.  Solutions to 
the various scoops are found in their own section after this.

When it comes to cutscenes, I will tell you when a cutscene will occur, but I 
won't describe what happens in that cutscene.  Better to see for yourself 
instead of reading plain black text.

I will not tell you to take pictures unless it is vital.  It is up to you to
take pictures when you feel like it, when you think you have a good shot, etc.


| [5.1] En Route to Mall             					[5A2] |

You begin the game in the backseat of a helicopter at 11:27am.  The pilot, ??,
is giving you a tour of the city.  After a brief cutscene, you will be in 
control of Frank's camera.  This is basically a way of familizaring you with
the camera.

This section of the game is a rail section, meaning you have no control over 
where the chopper goes.  This section is also optional, and you can bypass it 
by pressing Start.  However, it is recommended you play it.  If you manage to 
take the right pictures, you can be at level three or four before you even 
arrive at the mall.

Your first stop is that of a man standing on top of a car with a bat, fighting 
off a group of zombies.  The best pictures for this scene are:

- Whenever the man hits a zombie; get blood splatter in the picture for an 
added PP bonus
- When the man waves at you to come down to help him
- When the man is being dragged off the roof of the car
- When the man is bitten by the zombies on the ground

The next stop is a group of zombies pushing up against the side of a school
bus.  The best picture for this scene is when the helicopter gets far enough 
that you can see the rear of the bus.  Snap the picture with all the zombies 
and get a clear view of the bus, and you can get close to 1,000 PP.

The third stop is a gas station.  This gas station will explode.  The best 
pictures for this scene are:

- Right as the gas staton explodes, which will give you 1,000PP with a 
"Perfect!" rating
- The burning zombies, both walking and crawling

Your final stop before the mall is the rooftop of a building.  A lone person 
will be shooting at zombies surrounding her near the edge of the building.  The 
best pictures for this scene are:

- As the person shoots a zombie; get the blood splatter for an added bonus
- A zombie will approach the person and fall off the building; get him as he 
falls for a great shot
- Just after the above, a zombie will grab the woman and they will both fall 
off; get them falling for a great shot
- If you're fast enough, get a picture just as the two of them hit the pavement 
for a 1,000PP perfect rating
- Waste the rest of your shots on the blood and bodies; your camera will soon 
be recharged

After that, you will continue to the mall.  You will arrive at 12:00pm on the 

After another cutscene, you will be facing a door and a man.  You will get a 
message explaining the use of the watch.  The man is Carlito, who you will
learn about soon enough.  Take a picture of him as progress toward your
achievement.  Enter the door to his right.

You are on the upper floor of the security office.  Run down the stairs, and 
you will get another message.  There is a bulletin board directly in front of 
you above the green bench.  Zoom in on it with your camera; this is a PP 
sticker.  Get the PP percentage up to 100%, and you will score a 1,000PP shot.  
The remainder of the PP sticker locations can be found in the appropriate 
section.  The green bench here will also be your main save point.  Simply 
activate it to save your game.

Walk down the short hallway toward the door that says "Janitor's Room".  
Approach the console in front of you and activate it to start a cutscene.

After the cutscene, walk out the yellow door to your right, and then enter the 
next door to your right labeled "Staff Only".  Follow this hallway as it curves 
to the right and open the door at the end.

You will be treated to a cutscene.  There are several people in this area, some 
trying to barricade the doors, some crying, one complaining that her dog is 
trapped outside.  You can take pictures of these people if you want, but they 
are not required for the achievement, as they will all die and there is nothing 
you can do about it.  Several of the people will give you a "Drama" bonus, such 

- the old lady complaining about her dog
- the father and son talking about a lost person
- the two women by the pillar, one sitting
- the husband bitching at the wife at the end of the hall

Run to the end of the hall, away from the front doors, and approach the debris 
on the right side (benches, bats, etc.)  Another cutscene will take over,
introducing you to a man who will turn out to be Dr. Barnaby, as well as a man
named Brad.

When the cutscene is over, you'll be faced with zombies.  Pick up one or more
of the weapons in the debris pile, and you'll get a message about items and how 
to use them.  Make your way toward the stairs.  On your way back, jump up onto 
the sign in the middle with benches on either side, and aim your camera at the 
front doors.  This is a great way to get fifty zombies in one shot, earning an 

When you're done killing or photogrpahing (is that a word?), make your way to 
the stairs to the left of the doors.  Once you reach the middle landing, 
another cutscene will take over.

You will be back in the janitor's room.  Otis, who will be your guide of sorts, 
welds shut the door you entered.  You will talk to Brad, as well as a woman 
named Jessie.

Return to the janitor's room.  Go through the yellow door again, and you will 
see Otis standing next to an open vent.  Talk to him and he will give you a map 
of the mall and the transreceiver, which will be both a handy and evil device.  
Enter the vent next to him.

You will come out on a different part of the roof.  Turn around and aim your 
camera at the vent.  This is a PP sticker location, but it is also required 
later in the game if you choose to save people.  Make sure you mark this 
picture as a "Keep" so it does't get deleted.

Jump down onto the flat area of the roof and run right toward the elevator.  
You will see a man named Jeff Meyer.  Speak to him to get him to join you.  You 
will know he has joined when large blue text appears saying "Jeff Meyer 
Joined!"  This will occur for all survivors.  Tell Jeff to follow you by 
pressing Y, and run to the opposite side of the roof by hanging a right and 
then another right.  At the end, by a door, you will see a woman; Natalie 
Meyer.  Get close enough to her, and she will shout Jeff's name (shout it in 
text, I mean).  Jeff will run to her.  Ready your camera and snap their picture 
just as they hug for a 1,000PP dramatic bonus, as well as progress toward your 
achievement (taking pictures of all survivors).  Speak to them to interrupt 
their reunion, and Natalie will join you.  Press Y to have them both follow you 
and return to the vent.  Once both Natalie and Jeff are on the upper level 
close to the vent, enter it.

After the load, Jeff or Natalie (usually Natalie in my experience) will say 
something, and you will get an escort bonus.  Chances are you've just increased 
in level.  Once you have control of Frank, return to the green bench in the 
lobby and save your game.

When you're ready, head back to the roof through the vent.

There are two ways you can enter the warehouse; through the elevator on the 
right (where Jeff was) or through the door on the left (where Natalie was).  At 
this moment, there will be no zombies in the elevator, but most future visits 
there will be fifteen to twenty in there.  If you choose the elevator, ride it 
down to the warehouse.  If you choose the door, open it to the top level of the 
warehouse.  I recommend the top level most of the time, especially this time, 
as you can earn an achievement.  Whenever you return to the warehouse, you can 
get back to the security room the same way, but if you have survivors, you will 
_have_ to use the elevator, as they are too dumb to climb the boxes or jump 
from shelf to shelf.

Either way, you'll get a call from Otis describing the mall and how it is set
up, and informs you of the washrooms, where you'll want to save your progress
at various points.  Since you should have entered from the door, you will be in 
a hallway.  Run down it and smash open the cardboard box for an item.  Turn 
right through the open doorway, hang a left, and climb onto the top of the 
shelf.  From this position, jump to the floor.  You may or may not lose a bar 
of health (I have and haven't), but you will earn an achievement for falling 
from a certain height.  Run down the open, white hallway and follow it as it 
bends to trigger another cutscene with Jessie.

You are now on Case File 1.


| [5.2] Case File 1                					[5A3] |

                           @ 1.1 - Backup For Brad @

Once the cutscene with Jessie ends, continue to the end and through the door.
You are now in Paradise Plaza, and Otis will call you to tell you about it.

If you like, you can bring up your watch and press A with "Backup For Brad"
highlighted to give yourself a target arrow.  Whether you do this or not 
doesn't really matter.  If you want a weapon, a good one to use in the upcoming 
fight would be the submachine gun.  From where you entered Paradise Plaza, turn
right and you will see a staircase.  Run to it and climb to the middle landing.
From there, jump onto the blue awning to your right.  Follow this awning all 
the way to the end, past a stuffed bear and cardboard box, and you'll find a 
submachine gun.  Grab it and jump down.  Turn right once again, run to the 
stairs and climb to the top.  The first store on your left is a coffee shop, 
Colombian Roastmasters.  Grab one of the uncooked pizzas if you want (for 
health) and jump over the railing dead ahead.  You'll land on an awning where 
you can grab a katana.  Jump down to the floor.

From this spot, you'll be staring at a glass wall showing you the park.  Run to 
the doors on the left side of the room, close to the sandwich shop, and go 
outside into Leisure Park.

The park is a large area, and is fairly safe at this point in the game.  Don't
bother killing, just run by all the zombies.  Follow your arrow, or just head
left toward the food court.  As you get closer, you'll see zombies gathered by
the door.  You can kill them if you like, but you may as well just run through
them and keep hitting B to open the door.  Chances are you won't get bitten.

When the food court loads, you'll be treated to a cutscene.  You will now face 
off against your first psychopath, and he's fairly easy.  After the cutscene,
you will have a handgun in your inventory.  Run forward, toward the actual food 
court, and hang a right into the sitting area.  You'll see four cardboard boxes 
stacked against a wooden post.  Use these boxes to climb to the upper level.

Stand where you are and the psychopath, who turns out to be Carlito, the guy 
from the helipad, will try to shoot you from the corner.  Don't worry, he can't
hit you.  Look to your right and you will see a window.  Carlito will 
eventually move back to this window and you'll have a clear shot at hime, while 
he won't have one at you.  Shoot him.

After he loses about three quarters of his health, he will run left down the 
length of the wood, turn left, and climb up onto the catwalk.  If you're lucky,
you can gun him down before he gets onto the catwalk.  Otherwise, you'll have 
to follow him and shoot him when you get the chance.  Try not to get hit too 
much from him, as his attacks will hurt you badly.  Once you've taken all his
health, another cutscene will take over.

When it's over, meet up with Brad near the entrance to Al Fresca Plaza and 
begin the next case file.

                           @ 1.2 - An Odd Old Man @

Follow Brad and enter Al Fresca plaza.

To your immediate right is a gym.  You can break the glass and enter it, then
approach the door labeled "Restroom" to save your game.  Otherwise, continue

Al Fresca plaza, at all times, is always loaded with zombies.  Next to the
maintenance tunnels, it has the biggest congregation of zombies.  Follow Brad,
and he will lead you to the end of Al Fresca plaza, past several stores, toward
the shutter leading to the Entrance Plaza.

At the shutter, approach the control panel to the left to get a cutscene.  When
it is over, run forward.  Things seem quiet; no zombies in sight.  Run forward
toward the sports store, which is just to the right of the escalators.  As you
get closer, another cutscene will occur.

When it is over, you've finished that part of the case file.

                        @ 1.3 - A Temporary Agreement @

You now have to make your way back to the Security Room, and you'll be on your
own.  Turn around, and go back to Al Fresca plaza.

When the area loads, you'll get a call from Otis describing Al Fresca.  Run
through the plaza, avoiding zombies, and make a stop at the hardware store,
opposite the gym, if you want a couple of good weapons, like the chainsaw or
sledgehammer.  When you're loaded with what you want, head back into the food

Once in the food court, answer Otis' call for a description of the food court.
Return to the park, and make your way all the way back to Paradise Plaza.

Inside, if you like, get the katana and submachine gun (they respawn every time
the area is loaded), and run all the way back to the warehouse door.  If you've
taken a lot of pictures, stop off at Cam's Cameras and change your camera
battery to get a full thirty picture capacity back.  Otherwise, continue into
the door to enter the warehouse.

Now that you've completed part of this case file, the warehouse will be loaded
with zombies.  You'll probably need to kill a couple to get by, and there is
always a zombie in the hallway, wearing a yellow shirt, that carries a hunting
knife.  It is a great weapon for now, so kill that zombie and take the knife
every chance you get.

Now,  to return to the security room, you can run through the warehouse, toward
the elevator, and take it to the roof.  The problem with this is the elevator
from this point forward will always be loaded with zombies, so I suggest upon
entering the warehouse, you turn right and climb the boxes next to the shelf
and televisions.  Climb onto the shelf, jump across to the other shelf, and
follow them as they round to an elevated area.  Climb up onto the concrete, and
follow the hall as it leads to a door which leads to the rooftop.

Once on the rooftop, return to the vent and go to the security room.  As you
go through the yellow door into the security room, a short cutscene will take
over, and you'll have completed the first case file.  The next case file,
beginning with "Image in the Monitor", begins at 6:00am.  You have the time
between now and then to do any scoops Otis may throw your way, explore the
mall, collect items, try for achievements, or just go nuts killing zombies.

From this point forward, I will no longer tell you how to get to the security
room, as you'll be doing it a lot and it should be pretty straightforward at
this point.  When needbe, I will tell you when to go to the security room, but
not how to get there.


| [5.3] Case File 2                 					[5A4] |

Coming soon.


| [5.4] Case File 3                					[5A5] |

Coming soon.


| [5.5] Case File 4                 					[5A6] |

Coming soon.


| [5.6] Case File 5                 					[5A7] |

Coming soon.


| [5.7] Case File 6                 					[5A8] |

Coming soon.


| [5.8] Case File 7                 					[5A9]

Coming soon.


| [5.9] Case File 8               				       [5A10] |

Coming soon.


| [5.10] The Facts                     				       [5A11] |
Coming soon.


| [5.11] The Final                   				       [5A12] |

Coming soon.


| [5.12] Overtime                  				       [5A13] |

Coming soon.


| [5.13] Infinite                   				       [5A14] |

Coming soon.


| [6] Scoops                           					[6A]  |

Scoops are the optional missings you get, mostly from Otis calling you.  They 
are not required to complete the game, but they do help toward unlocking some 
achievements, and a lot of them provide more depth on the story, what happened, 
and they are the only things that'll let you meet the twisted personalites of 
the Hall family, Adam the clown, and Cliff, to name a few.

| [6.1] ...                           					[6A1] |

Coming soon.


| [7] Survivors                         				[7A]  |

There are over fifty survivors in the game, and it is impossible to save all of
them on a single playthrough.  In fact, if you play the game properly, trying
to get the A ending, two of those survivors are automatically killed as a
result of the plot.  Survivors are listed in the same format as they are in the
notebook in game.

The first line is the number and name of the survivor.
The second line is the in-game description of the survivor.
The third line is the survivor's location.
The fourth line is what scoop they belong to.
The fifth line is any special notes relating to that survivor.

Name : Ed Deluca
Desc : Charter helicopter pilot.
Loca : N/A
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Never seen in-game; just cutscenes

Name : Carlito Keyes
Desc : Mastermind behind the Willamette incident.
Loca : Various
Scoop: Various
Notes: You will fight him three times; isn't a survivor or psychopath in the
       normal sense of the word

Name : Alan Peterson
Desc : Was arguing with Kathy in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Brian Reynolds
Desc : Was standing around talking in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Chris Hines
Desc : Found erecting a barricade in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Dana Sims
Desc : Was crying in a depressed state in the Entrance Plaza
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Freddie May
Desc : Found erecting a barricade in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Kathy Peterson
Desc : Was arguing with Alan in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Lindsay Harris
Desc : Adores her dog, Madonna.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Todd Mendel
Desc : Was standing around talking in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Mark Quemada
Desc : Was wandering around the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Brian LaRose
Desc : Found erecting a barricade in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Verlene Willis
Desc : Was trying to comfort Dana in the Entrance Plaza.
Loca : Entrance Plaza
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Can't be saved; doesn't count against you

Name : Otis Washington
Desc : Aged mall employee.
Loca : Security Room
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Will be automatically saved; gives you map and transreceiver; key to
       unlocking Transreceiver achievement

Name : Jessica McCarney
Desc : DHS agent.
Loca : Security Room
Scoop: Various
Notes: Plays an important role; survival depends on player actions and ending

Name : Brad Garrison
Desc : DHS agent.
Loca : Security Room
Scoop: Various
Notes: Plays an important role; survival depends on player actions and ending

Name : Russell Barnaby
Desc : Key figure in the Willamette incident.
Loca : Security Room
Scoop: Various
Notes: Can be saved, but will eventually die; required to keep game progressing
       through case files

Name : Isabella Keyes
Desc : Carlito's younger sister.
Loca : Various
Scoop: Various
Notes: Required to keep game progressing through case files

Name : Jeff Meyer
Desc : Natalie's husband.
Loca : Security Room Rooftop
Scoop: N/A
Notes: First survior you'll meet; take him to his wife and snap a picture as
       they hug for a bonus

Name : Natalie Meyer
Desc : Jeff's wife.
Loca : Security Room Rooftop
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Second survior you'll meet; once she meets Jeff they'll hug, resulting
       in a bonus PP score

Name : Bill Brenton
Desc : Trapped in warehouse since before the incident began.
Loca : In the Closet (Entrance Plaza)
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Is found behing a wall of cardboard boxes; Otis does not call you about
       this man

Name : Kent Swanson
Desc : Cocky young photographer.
Loca : Colombian Roastmasters (Paradise Plaza)
Scoop: Cut From the Same Cloth (1)
       Photo Challenge (2)
       Photographer's Challenge (3)
Notes: Starts off as a survivor, turns into a psychopath; third meeting,
       "Photographer's Challenge", is required to find another survivor

Name : Cletus Samson
Desc : Owner of the Huntin' Shack gun shop.
Loca : Huntin' Shack (North Plaza)
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Psychopath with a shotgun; Otis will not call you regarding him

Name : James Ramsey
Desc : Shot by Cletus.
Loca : Huntin' Shack (North Plaza)
Scoop: N/A
Notes: Mysteriously appears as you enter gun shop; shot by Cletus, cannot be
       saved, isn't counted against you

Name : Sophie Richards
Desc : Discovered while under attack by convicts.
Loca : Leisure Park
Scoop: N/A
Notes: The first time the convicts in the jeep appear, she'll be there; Otis
       knows nothing about her and won't call you

Name :
Desc :
Loca :


| [8] Psychopaths                      					[8A]  |

Coming soon.


| [9] Otis' Transmissions              					[9A]  |

Otis, the man who gives you the transreceiver and map at the beginning of the
game, will contact you several times throughout your 72 hours.  Scoops,
psychos, introductions, he'll let you know about everything.

While using the transreceiver, you can't do anything else.  You can't talk to
people, you can't attack, you can't take pictures, you can't even run.  When
you get the icon saying Otis has a message for you, be sure you're in a safe
place where you can stand for thirty seconds, or in an area with enough free
space for you to constantly move around the zombies.  If you are escorting
a survivor, you can't answer calls.  But if you're driving the car or
motorcycle, you can answer them just fine.

You must listen to all of Otis' transmissions to unlock one of the

There are certain rules that must occur before you will get a call.  They are:

- You must not be in the area of a scoop to get the call.  If you want to get
  the scoop call for Adam the clown ("Out of Control"), you can't be in
  Wonderland Plaza around the time you get the call.  You can be anywhere for
  scoop calls except the security room or the area the scoop is supposed to
  take place in.

- You must not have too many survivors.  Escorting too many survivors when
  expecting a call will result in that call not happening.

- Do not interrupt a call more than once!  You can ignore or interrupt a call
  the first time, but from the looks of things, if you interrupt or ignore it a
  second time, it causes the call to not come through again, and you will not
  get the achievement.

- There are six survivors you MUST rescue, as they cause Otis to send you a
  transmission specific to them.  They are detailed at the end.

The following are all the transmissions, laid out in a checklist format.  Once
all transmissions have been listened to, you will receive the Transmissionary

The first line is when you will receive the call and what scoop you get, or
where you must be for introduction calls.
The second line is where the call will refer to, and where you MUST NOT be at
that time.
The third line is a quick blurb to help determine what call you're getting.
The fourth line is the number of message box dialogs you'll get before the
transmission ends.
Transmissions with an asterisk indicate you MUST save this person in order to
receive the additional calls.

1) First time you enter the warehouse                                      [ ]
   "Frank, you're in the warehouse."
   3 messages

2) First time you enter Paradise Plaze                                     [ ]
   Paradise Plaza
   "Frank, you're in Paradise plaza"
   2 messages

3) Day 1/3:00pm, "Cut From the Same Cloth"                                 [ ]
   Paradise Plaza
   "Frank, you said you're a photographer, right?"
   2 messages

4) Day 1/4:00pm, "Barricade Pair A & B"                                    [ ]
   Al Fresca Plaza
   "Two people holed up in a woman's shop in Al Fresca Plaza"
   2 messages

5) Day 1/4:30pm, "A Mother's Lament"                                       [ ]
   Al Fresca Plaza
   "Woman in the jewelery shop."
   2 messages

6) First time you enter Food Court, after Carlito encounter                [ ]
   Food Court
   "Frank, you're in the food court."
   2 messages

7) First time you enter North Plaza                                        [ ]
   North Plaza
   "Frank, you're in the North Plaza."
   2 messages

8) Day 1/9:00pm, "Out of Control"                                          [ ]
   Wonderland Plaza
   "Frank, the Space Coaster is out of control."
   2 messages

9) Day 1/10:00pm, "Japanese Tourist A & B"                                 [ ]
   Wonderland Plaza
   "They look Japanese.  Probably tourists."
   2 messages

10) First time you enter Wonderland Plaza                                  [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "Frank, you're in Wonderland Plaza."
    2 messages

11) Day 1/11:00pm, "Shadow of the North Plaza"                             [ ]
    North Plaza
    "Frank, a man came running from the supermarket."
    2 messages

12) Day 2/6:00am                                                           [ ]
    Security Room
    "Jessie wants to see you."
    2 messages

13) During Case 2-2                                                        [ ]
    Entrance Plaza
    "Frank, the sutter is now open."
    2 messages

14) Day 2/7:00am, "The Lovers"                                             [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "Two people are trapped."
    2 messages

15) During Case 2-3                                                        [ ]
    Seon's Supermarket
    "Frank, you're in the supermarket."
    3 messages

16) Day 2/8:00am, "The Hatchet Man"                                        [ ]
    North Plaza
    "There's a man with a hatchet.  He knows where the camers are."
    2 messages

17) Day 2/9:00am, "The Coward"                                             [ ]
    Al Fresca Plaza
    "There's a man cowering in the hardware store."
    2 messages

18) Day 2/11:00am                                                          [ ]
    Security Room
    "Frank, Jessie says the medicine is working fine."
    2 messages

19) *Day 2/11:00am, "Restaurant Man"                                       [ ]
    Paradise Plaza
    "Frank, there's a man holed up in the restaurant."
    2 messages

20) Day 2/12:00pm, "Above the Law"                                         [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "I just saw a cop going into a woman's clothing store."
    2 messages

21) Day 2/3:00pm                                                           [ ]
    Security Room
    "I think I saw that girl you were talking about on the monitors."
    2 messages

22) *Day 2/5:00pm, "Antique Lover"                                         [ ]
     Wonderland Plaza
     "I saw a man in the antique shop in Wonderland Plaza."
     2 messages

23) Day 2/5:00pm, "Mark of the Sniper"                                     [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "I just saw a man run into the cosmetics shop."
    2 messages

24) Day 2/5:00pm, "The Woman Who Didn't Make It"                           [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "There's a woman in the kids clothing store."
    2 messages

25) Day 2/7:00pm, "Ronald's Appetite"                                      [ ]
    Security Room
    "Ronald here wants to take a group to find food."
    2 messages

26) First time you enter the Maintenance Tunnel                            [ ]
    Maintenance Tunnel
    "Frank, you're in the maintenance tunnel."
    2 messages

27) Day 3/12:00am, call regarding Isabella                                 [ ]
    North Plaza
    "Frank, weren't you supposed to meet that girl?"
    2 messages

28) *Day 3/12:00am, "A Strange Group"                                      [ ]
    Colby's Movieland
    "A group of weirdos are in the movie theater."
    2 messages

29) Day 3/2:00am, "Frank the Sommelier"                                    [ ]
    Security Room
    "Frank has a favor to ask of you."
    2 messages

30) Day 3/3:00am, call regarding Isabella waking up                        [ ]
    Security Room
    "Frank, that woman is awake now."
    2 messages

31) *Day 3/5:00am, "Long Haired Punk"                                      [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "Frank, just saw a long haired guy."
    2 messages

32) Day 3/8:00am, "A Sick Man"                                             [ ]
    Wonderland Plaza
    "Frank, a man looks sick."
    2 messages

33) Day 3/11:00am, call regarding Isabella                                 [ ]
    Security Room
    "Frank, Isabella wants to see you."
    2 messages

34) Day 3/12:00pm, "A Woman in Despair"                                    [ ]
    Paradise Plaza
    "Frank, there's a woman stuck in the CD store."
    2 messages

35) Day 3/12:00pm, "Kindell's Betrayal"                                    [ ]
    Security Room
    "Frank, Kindell wants to take a group and leave."
    2 messages

36) Day 3/5:00pm, "Paul's Present"                                         [ ]
    Security Room
    "That guy Paul wants to see you."
    2 messages

37) Day 3/7:00pm, "Simone the Gunslinger"                                  [ ]
    Security Room
    "Simone wants you to bring her a gun."
    2 messages

38) Day 3/8:00pm, "Cheryl's Request"                                       [ ]
    Security Room
    "Cheryl wants to ask a favor of you."
    2 messages

Following the above numbered list, you will NEED to complete and rescue the
following to get Otis to call with additional info:

19 - Restaurant Man - Ronald
22 - Antique Lover - Frank
28 - A Strange Group - Cheryl
## - During Case 5-1 - Kindell (you'll run into him in North Plaza on your way
                       to meeting Isabella)
31 - Long Haired Punk - Paul
34 - A Woman in Despair - Simone


| [10] Juice Combinations               				[10A] |

By mixing food items in blenders, you can create different concoctions of food
items, which will give you increased stats or special abilities.  Zombait, for
example, causes zombies to be more attracted to you, while Nectar will give you 
a greater chance of getting queen bees from killed zombies.  There are
different combinations which can make the same juice.  This list is sorted
alphabetically by type of drink.

   Effect: Greater chance of getting queen bees
   Combinations: Apple + Snack
                 Orange Juice + Orange Juice
                 Apple + Apple
                 Orange Juice + Milk

   Effect: Triple running speed
   Combinations: Dairy + Dairy
                 Ice Pops + Yogurt
                 Condiment + Wine
                 Wine + Baking Ingredients
                 Pizza (Raw) + Wine
                 Pizza (Cooked) + Wine
                 Wine + Zucchini
                 Wine + Corn
                 Baguette + Wine

   Effect: Causes Frank's spit to actually hurt zombies
   Combinations: Snack + Snack
                 Snack + Baking Ingredients
                 Ice Pops + Ice Pops
                 Baking Ingredients + Milk
                 Baking Ingredients + Corn
                 Baking Ingredients + Condiment
                 Zucchini + Zucchini

   Effect: Zombies do not cause loss of health
   Combinations: Pie + Pie
                 Pie + Orange Juice

   Effect: Causes zombies to be attracted to you
   Combinations: Corn + Corn
                 Condiment + Condiment
                 Condiment + Corn
                 Ice Pops + Milk
                 Corn + Baguette
                 Pizza (Raw) + Pizza (Cooked)

If you know of any other combinations, feel free to e-mail them to me.  You 
will be credited for your submission.  Send e-mail to:

jpguides [at] rogers [dot] com


| [11] Tips & Tricks                 				        [11A] |

Coming soon.


| [12] PP Stickers                  				        [12A] |

Coming soon.


| [13] Weapons                     				        [13A] |

There are an almost limitless number of weapons in the game.  Some are useful, 
some are fun, some are just plain insane.  Useful weapons include guns and 
objects that hurt, fun weapons include things that don't hurt much but are fun 
to use, like CDs or gems, and insane weapons are just plain nutty, like the 
teddy bear, boomerang or novelty masks.  First, I will give an overview,
alphabetically, of all weapons in the game, then break down each and every one.

| [13.1] Alphabetical Listing			                       [13A1] |

2x4                             Garbage Can                 Queen
Acoustic Guitar                 Golf Club                   Rat Saucer
                                Gumball Machine             Rat Stick
Baking Ingredients                                          Rock
Barbell                         Handgun
Baseball Bat                    Handbag                     Sausage Rack
Bass Guitar                     Hanger                      Saw Blade
Battle Axe                      HDTV                        Shampoo
Bench                           Heavy Machine Gun           Shelf
Boomerang                       Hedge Trimer                Shopping Cart
Bowling Ball                    Hockey Stick                Shotgun
Bucket                          Hunk of Meat                Shower Head
                                Hunting Knife               Shovel
Cactus                                                      Sickle
Canned Food                     Katana                      Sign
Canned Sauce                    King Salmon                 Skateboard
Cardboard Box                                               Skylight
Cash Register                   Laser Sword                 Sledgehammer
CDs                             Lawn Mower                  Small Chainsaw
Ceremonial Sword                Lead Pipe                   Smokestack
Chainsaw                        Lipstick Prop               Sniper Rifle
Chair                                                       Soccer Ball
Chinese Cleaver                 Machete                     Steel Rack
Cleaver                         Machine Gun                 Step Ladder
Cooking Oil                     Mailbox                     Store Display
Condiment                       Mailbox Post                Stool
                                Mannequin Arm               Stuffed Bear
Dishes                          Mannequin Leg               Stun Gun
Drink Cans                      Mannequin Torso             Submachine Gun
Dumbbell                        Mega Buster                 Sword
                                Molotov Cocktail
Electric Guitar                                             Toolbox
Excavator                       Nailgun                     Toy Cube
                                Nightstick                  Toy Laser Sword
Female Mannequin                Novelty Masks*              TV
Fire Axe                        Oil Bucket                  Vase
Fire Extinguisher
Frying Pan                      Parasol                     Water Gun
                                Paint Can                   Weaponized Cart
                                Painting                    Wine Cask
                                Perfume Prop
                                Pet Food
                                Plywood Panel
                                Potted Plant
                                Propane Tank Small
                                Propane Tank Wheeled
                                Push Broom
                                Push Broom Handle

* Masks include bear heads, horse heads, servbots (the yellow masks), and imps

| [13.2] Weapon Breakdown                   				13A2] |

Coming soon.


| [14] Clothing                   				        [14A] |

Coming soon.


| [15] Books                       				        [15A] |

Coming soon.


| [16] Stores                 				                [16A] |

Coming soon.


| [17] Achievements                				        [17A] |

There are fifty achievements available in Dead Rising.  Each achievement will 
give you twenty Gamer Points, for a total of 1,000 points.  Achievements are 
presented in the order they appear on the dashboard, not the order in which 
they are unlocked, as that varies player by player.  They are presented in a 
checklist format if you would like to keep track.

@ ACHIEVEMENT                             HOW TO EARN                         @
@ Zombie Hunter         Defeat at least 1,000 zombies                      [ ]@
@ Zombie Killer         Defeat at least 10,000 zombies                     [ ]@
@ Zombie Genocider      Defeat at least 53,594 zombies                     [ ]@
@ Self Defense          Defeat at least 1 Psychopath                       [ ]@
@ Peacekeeper           Defeat at least 5 Psychopaths                      [ ]@
@ Punisher              Defeat at least 10 Psychopaths                     [ ]@
@ Legendary Soldier     Defeat at least 10 Special Forces soldiers         [ ]@
@ Hella Copter          Sucessfully repel a helicopter                     [ ]@
@ Tour Guide            Escort 8 survivors at once                         [ ]@
@ Frank the Pimp        Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors           [ ]@
@ Full Set              Collect all portraits in the notebook              [ ]@
@ Humanist              Get at least 10 survivors out of the mall          [ ]@
@ Life Saver            Get at least 20 survivors out of the mall          [ ]@
@ Saint                 Get at least 50 survivors out of the mall          [ ]@
@ Strike!               Send at least 10 zombies flying with bowling balls*[ ]@
@ Costume Party         Place novelty masks on at least 10 zombies         [ ]@
@ Raining Zombies       Knock at least 30 zombies aside with a parasol     [ ]@
@ Gourmet               Eat all types of food available in the mall        [ ]@
@ Item Smasher          Break at least 100 items                           [ ]@
@ Bullet Point          Fire at least 1,000 bullets                        [ ]@
@ Perfect Gunner        Don't miss with a machine gun                      [ ]@
@ Photojournalist       Score at least 1,500PP from a single photo         [ ]@
@ The Artiste           Score at least 3,000PP from a single photo         [ ]@
@ Group Photo           Get 50 target markers with the camera              [ ]@
@ Portraiture           Photograph at least 10 survivors                   [ ]@
@ Census Taker          Photograph at least 50 survivors                   [ ]@
@ Psycho Photo          Photograph at least 4 psychopaths                  [ ]@
@ Psycho Collector      Photograph at least 10 psychopaths                 [ ]@
@ PP Collector          Photograph all PP stickers                         [ ]@
@ Snuff Shot B          Successfully photograph zombie Brad                [ ]@
@ Snuff Shot J          Successfully photograph zombie Jessie              [ ]@
@ Transmissionary       Answer all calls from Otis                         [ ]@
@ Indoorsman            Spend at least 24 hours indoors                    [ ]@
@ Outdoorsman           Spend at least 24 hours outdoors                   [ ]@
@ Freefall              Drop froma a height of at least 16 feet (5 meters) [ ]@
@ Marathon Runner       Cover a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 km)         [ ]@
@ Carjacker             Steal the convicts' vehicle                        [ ]@
@ Stunt Driver          Jump a car at least 33 feet (10 meters)            [ ]@
@ Stunt Rider           Jump a motorcycle at least 33 feet (10 meters)     [ ]@
@ Zombie Road           Walk over 33 feet (10 meters on the backs of       [ ]@
@                       zombies using the zombie ride                         @
@ Karate Champ          Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded           [ ]@
@ Sharp Dresser         Change into at least 20 different costumes         [ ]@
@ Clothes Horse         Change into all costumes available in the mall     [ ]@
@ Level Max             Reach level 50                                     [ ]@
@ Unbreakable           Get the ture ending without being knocked out**    [ ]@
@ Overtime Mode         Unveil all CASES and be at the heliport at noon    [ ]@
@ Infinite Mode         Get the true ending                                [ ]@
@ 3 Day Survivor        Survive for at least 72 hours                      [ ]@
@ 5 Day Survivor        Survive for at least 5 days***                     [ ]@
@ 7 Day Survivor        Survive for at least 7 days***                     [ ]@

* Just like in real bowling, you must knock down ten zombies with one bowling
  ball; it is not accumulative
** Not a mistake; "true" is misspelled in the achievement in-game
*** Must be, and can only be, accomplished through Infinite mode


| [18] Unlockables                 				        [18A] |

Fifteen of the achievements will unlock special items in your game.  All 
unlockables, including those unlocked by beating the game, will be found in 
shopping bags behind the vent on the next play through.  Meaning, you must 
complete your current game to unlock them; saving and quitting and starting a 
new game will _not_ unlock the item.  This is organized alphabetically by 
achievement.  All unlockables, except for the Real Mega Buster, are cosmetic 
only.  Wearing the Special Forces Boots and Uniform will not cause the soldiers 
to ignore you.

@ ACHIEVEMENT            ITEM UNLOCKED                                        @
@ 5 Day Survivor         Laser Sword                                      [ ] @
@ 7 Day Survivor         Arthur's Boxers                                  [ ] @
@ Carjacker              Prisoner Garb                                    [ ] @
@ Census Taker           White Hat                                        [ ] @
@ Hella Copter           Special Forces Uniform                           [ ] @
@ Item Smasher           Pro Wrestler Boots                               [ ] @
@ Karate Champ           Pro Wrestler Briefs                              [ ] @
@ Legendary Soldier      Special Forces Boots                             [ ] @
@ Perfect Gunner         Ammo Belt                                        [ ] @
@ PP Collector           Hockey Mask                                      [ ] @
@ Punisher               Mega Man Tights                                  [ ] @
@ Saint                  Cop Hat                                          [ ] @
@ Transmissionary        Mall Employee Uniform                            [ ] @
@ Unbreakable            Mega Man Boots                                   [ ] @
@ Zombie Genocider       Real Mega Buster                                 [ ] @


| [19] Downloadable Content         				        [19A] |

The Xbox Live Marketplace lets you download content for your games.  Some are 
free, some aren't.  As of September 21st, 2006, Dead Rising has for download:

1 demo of the game
2 videos
6 themes
9 items of in-game content
16 gamerpics

     Price: Free
     Size: 1.01GB
     Description: The demo gives you a taste of the game by allowing you to
     play until you die, or fifteen minutes, whatever comes first.

     Price: Free (both)
     Size: 26.19MB and 159.27MB
     Description: Two different trailers for the game

     Price: 150pts, $1.88 USD (all)
     Size: Various
     Description: Six different themes.  They are:
        Theme 1: Zombie Theme 1 (4.23MB)
        Theme 2: Zombie Theme 2 (5.33MB)
        Theme 3: Psychopaths (3.05MB)
        Theme 4: Survivors (7.25MB)
        Theme 5: Objects (1.50MB)
        Theme 6: Jessie (1.56MB)

In-Game Content
     Price: Free (all)
     Size: 108KB (all)
     Description: All content are costumes.  They are:
        Burgundy Wine Key
        Casual Key
        Coldhearted Snake Key
        Grandpa Key
        Man in Black Key
        Miami Nights Key
        Paparazzi Nights Key
        Round Shades Key
        Weekender Key

Gamer Pics
     Price: Various
     Size: Various
     Description: 16 different gamerpic packs.  They are:
        Pack 1: Frank and two zombies (112KB, 50pts, $.62 USD)
        Pack 2: Isabella and two zombies (112KB, 50pts, $.62 USD)
        Pack 3: Jessie, zombie, Adam (112KB, 50pts, $.62 USD)
        Pack 4: Brad, zombie, Jo (112KB, 50pts, $.62 USD)
        Pack 5: Carlito, zombie, Larry (112KB, 50pts, $.62 USD)
        Pack 6: Special zombie (80KB, 20pts, $.25 USD)


| [20] Questions & Answers         				        [20A] |

Have a question you need answered?  Feel free to e-mail them to me.  If it 
isn't answered in this section, or somewhere in the FAQ, it will be added.

Q: I've killed more than ten zombies with the bowling ball, but never got the
   achievement.  Why?
A: You need to kill ten zombies with just _one_ bowling ball, just like in real
   bowling.  A strike means ten with one.

Q: I never missed with the machine gun, but I didn't get the achievement.  Why?
A: Make sure you're not confusing the two "machine" guns.  The submachine gun,
   which you can find on the blue awning in Paradise Plaza, is not what the
   achievement refers to you.  Neither is the heavy machine gun, which you get
   from the back of the convicts jeep.  The only machine gun you can use is
   what the special forces soldiers drop.

Q: What's the best way to achieve Zombie Genocider?
A: Go to the maintenance tunnels from Leisure Park.  Get in the red car.  Kill
   the zombies just outside, and drive into the tunnels.  Hang a right, take
   the first left, take the next right, which leads to a dead end.  Turn around
   and go right again, then right again.  Follow it straight, ignoring all
   turns, and you'll come to a white car.  Get in the white car.  Turn left
   from the parking spot and follow the path straight, all the way to the end,
   ignoring all turns, and you'll come to a truck.  Stay in the white car, turn
   around, and go back, this time taking the first right.  Take a right at the
   end of this short hall, and follow it to the end, ignoring all turns.  You
   will come to two trucks.  Kill zombies in your car until it breaks down, and
   get into the first truck, furthest from the door (the one whose windshield
   is facing you).  Turn right from the spot, and go back the way you came,
   ignoring all turns.  When you reach a split, turn left.  Drive forward a bit
   and go past the curved pillar, turn to the left, and follow the pillar
   around until you're back where you just came from.  Turn right, and follow
   it, then take the second left.  Drive up the ramp and go back outside.  Kill
   the zombies here, get in the red car, go back into the tunnels, rinse and
   repeat.  It will probably take about two to three hours of real time, not
   game time.  Don't plan on rescuing many survivors or completing many cases
   in the same game as you do this.  For a good video showing off this example,
   check out this guy's video on YouTube:

E-mail questions to jpguides [at] rogers [dot] com.


| [A] Contact Information                                                     |

Before contacting me, please, make sure you have:

- Gone over the entire document looking for what you needed

Note that I cannot and will not help with any problem related to technical
support.  If you can't get the game to run, or if you have problems, direct any
questions to the developer or publisher.  E-mail one of them yourself directly;
don't expect me to forward your e-mail along or compose an e-mail for you.  Do
not ask for CD keys, or where you can find CD keys, or anything else related to

Last, but not least, ensure whatever question you want to ask is asked in the
e-mail.  Don't give me any nonsense such as "Hey, I've got a question, can you
email me at [email protected]?"  They will be promptly deleted.

Now, if you have a question, comment, correction, addition or suggestion,
please send e-mail to:

                    jpguides [at] rogers [dot] com

All e-mails will be put into a "Guides" folder, so your message will be
guaranteed to have a response, but I can't tell you when.  I do try to check
every few hours, though.


| [B] Webmaster Information                                                   |

Attention webmasters: You are allowed to host this document and display it
without asking for prior permission.  All you have to do is the following:

- Do not charge people to see it or otherwise make a profit from it.
- Do not alter it.
- Give proper credit to the author.
- You may not sell, rent or lease the document.

If you want to use one of my guides _IN_ a guide of yours, like an item guide
of mine in a general guide you're writing, feel free to do so, as long as you
still follow the above.  All I ask in addition to that is that you let me know
when your guide is online so I can check it out.


| [C] Where This FAQ May be Found                                             |

Cheat Happens

All other websites have permission to use this document, but they may be out of
date or incorrect versions.  The latest, newest versions can always be found at
the above websites.


| [D] Other FAQs Written                                                      |

This section may not always be up-to-date, as I'm not going to update every
single one of my FAQs after making a new one.

GAME                                          GUIDE TYPE
Clock Tower 3                            ||  File List
Condemned: Criminal Origins              ||  Backstory Guide
Dead Rising                              ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
Deus Ex: Invisible War                   ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
ESPN NFL 2K5                             ||  Milestones/Crib Unlockables
ESPN NFL 2K5                             ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
ESPN NHL 2K5                             ||  Challenges & Unlockables
Grand Theft Auto III                     ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
Grand Theft Auto III                     ||  Song Guide
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing    ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
Madden NFL 2004                          ||  Challenge Checklist
MVP Baseball 2004                        ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
MVP Baseball 2004                        ||  Unlockables Guide
Nocturne                                 ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
Red Faction                              ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
RoadKill                                 ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
RoadKill                                 ||  Song Guide
Serious Sam                              ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
SimCity 4: Rush Hour                     ||  Object Guide
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow          ||  Demo Walkthrough
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic   ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic   ||  Item List
The Movies: Stunts & Effects             ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
The Sims 2                               ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
The Sims (PC)                            ||  Item List
The Sims (CONSOLE)                       ||  Item List
The Sims: House Party                    ||  Strategy Guide/FAQ
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X                ||  Song Guide
Tropico                                  ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
Unreal Tournament                        ||  Walkthrough/FAQ
WWE RAW 2                                ||  Move List/FAQ

Total FAQs: 31

I have also written several strategy guides, in HTML format with screenshots,
for the website Cheat Happens (

Hitman: Contracts
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Spider-Man 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Unreal Tournament 2004

Total Guides: 5


| [E] Dead Rising Copyright Information                                       |

Dead Rising copyright 2006 Capcom.  All rights reserved.  This game is not
endorsed, produced, or otherwise involved with any companies or persons
associated with George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead.


This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws.  This FAQ is for
personal use only.  This FAQ may not be altered or used for commercial use.
Websites may use this document without permission, but they must give proper
credit to the author and musn't alter it any way, shape or form.  All websites,
excluding GameFAQs (, are prohibited from renting, selling or
leasing this document, whether it's for personal or commercial gain.

Thank you.


End of Dead Rising Strategy Guide/FAQ.

This document opyright 2006.  All rights reserved.

The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Capcom or any member of the
development team.

                        There in the road, straight ahead,
                        A car was stalled, the engine was dead,
                        I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right,
                        I'll never forget, the sound that night,
                        The screaming tires, the busting glass,
                        The painful screams that I heard last.
                        - "Last Kiss", Pearl Jam