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Side Job/Mini-Game FAQ

by MKaykitkats

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By: MKaykitkats                                 




This FAQ aims to give you more information about the Side Missions as well as
other Mini-Games in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Each side mission
has detailed information on every mission, as well as how much money can be
made as well as other benefits to be gained from completing them.

I hope this guide helps answer any questions you may have about the Side
Missions. :)

Note; all sections are complete, however, I will be updating as I cross-check
my information. If you want to help me out (which I would really appreciate!);
check the contact information.




Use Ctrl/Apple + F to skip to specific sections, simply search for the letters
within the brackets listed below.

1.) Table of Contents [ToC]
2.) Side Jobs [SJB]
    a.) Bug Out [J01]
    b.) Lay the Pipe [J02]
    c.) Coconut Grabber [J03]
    d.) Pizza With a Vengeance [J04]
    e.) Man the Meat [J05]
    f.) Tile in Style [J06]
    g.) Getting Trashed [J07]
    h.) Stings So Good [J08]
3.) Ryan's Gym Training/Mini-Games [RYG]
    a.) Stamina (Treadmill) [RG1]
    b.) Muscle (Sparring) [RG2]
4.) Motel Minigames [MTL]
    a.) Jeane's Fitness [MG1]
    b.) Bizarre Jelly 5 [MG2]
5.) Recommendations [RMD]
6.) Closing/Credits/Contact Information [CCC]
7.) Version Info [VIN]
8.) Authorized Websites [ADS]


                                SIDE JOBS [SJB]


"Side Jobs" are the jobs that become avaliable after certain events during the
story. These missions are replayable without any limit. The primary reason is
for money making. But, with the variety, is so you can have fun doing so!

They are written in green text when selecting where you want to go. You can
check your top score in your "Status" section of the pause menu. There are
eight missions in total.

They are quite amusing, so enjoy. :)

I list the point values (which convert to money), dialogue regarding the
mission (directly from the game), and some general tips/advice regarding the

The format will be as follows:

"In game dialogue"

=In game tips=

The game: This will be my summary of what you do in the game; this is mostly
          for clarity in case you do not understand what the game is telling

Controls: The controls for the game; although explained in game, are shown
          here for your convenience.
Items: If the minigame includes items, they will be listed here.
Enemies: If enemies are in a game, they will be listed here.
Things to Keep in Mind: If I have anything I need to say about the game in
                        general, I will list it here.
Level *: * indicates the level number.
 -Time: If there is a time limit, it is included here.
 -Enemies: If there are enemies, they will be listed here.
 -Points: A breakdown of points (Time bonuses, clear bonuses, etc.); they are
          listed here. Enemies/Items point values change per level, and will
          appear every level.
 -Note: If there are any specific notes/tips for the specific level, they will
        be listed here.

"Endgame dialogue"

**************************SIDE JOB 1 - BUG OUT [J01]**************************

"Santa Destroy is overrun with bugs! It's hurting business, so Pizza Bat's
 offering you the job of a lifetime: Hardcore Exterminator! Chicks love bug
 killers, even more than doctors and pro-athletes. It's a little known fact."

=Exterminate all the bugs in the state within the time limit.=
=You can suck in blocks if you power up enough=
=Giant scorpions cannot be sucked in unless you are at full power=

The game: This game involves you running around and sucking bugs! If you get
          hit once, your life is gone! You have a time limit, as listed above.
          There are four levels, three lives per level. Time varies.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Suck in
B = Use insecticide
Joystick = Move


These items are found on the map. Simply walk over them to pick them up.

RED BAGS - An extra life.
YELLOW BATTERY - Power up; increases suction range and capability
PURPLE PILL- Antidote; in case you get poisoned (by Scorpions or Bees)
GREEN SPRAY - Insecticide; has a large blast range to render enemies immobile
              and vulnerable to being sucked in. There is a three second delay
              to deploying it and it detonating.
BLOCKS - You cannot pick these up, but you can suck them in to shoot at and
         stun enemies. Useful.


The enemies that you are trying to suck up. Some require special conditions
to suck up. It will be noted.

Green Bugs: Slow moving, random motions. Move one space at a time, easy to
            suck up.
Grey Bugs: These mice (called bugs?) run away from you, and are faster than the
           above bugs. To catch, corner them, or suck them in through a corner.
           (See tips for what I mean by that.)
Yellow Bugs: The flying bugs, they move fast, and through random pathways. If
             they spot you, they stop for a moment before doing a rapid attack
             which poisons you.
Red Bugs: These small scorpions tend to start following you/tracking you to
          your position instead of just random paths.
Blue Bugs: These big scorpions have a long ranged poisoning attack, which you
           can see if they start shining, and releasing a purple gas. Their
           other attack is a deadly sting. To capture these opponents, either
           knock them out with a block and then suck them in, or use an
           insecticide to render them immobile long enough to be caught.
           However, if you have all three powerups, you are able to suck them
           in, but it is not instant. They cannot attack you while being
           sucked in, however, so just be persistent. 

Enemy Point Values:

For this minigame, the point values remain the same regardless of level, so
instead of listing them every level, they are listed here:

GREEN = 100
GREY = 200
YELLOW = 300
RED = 500
BLUE = 1500

Things to Keep in Mind:

LIVES: You have three lives per level. They are refilled after every level.
       A useful thing to know is, if you lose a life, the amount of bugs you
       have caught remain caught. Items such as Insecticides, Antidotes, and
       Blocks reappear. Powerups such as an extra life and Battery stay with
       you; not requiring you to get them again. Time resets as well, when a
       life is lost.

       If all lives are lost, it's game over.
       In terms of time bonus, a very useful money-making strategy is to lose
       a life when you just have one enemy remaining, and quickly run over to
       the enemy and capture them. Especially on the later levels, this makes
       your time bonus a huge amount, making up for the loss of the perfect
       bonus you may have gotten. ;)

TIME: The time limit. If this runs out, you usually have to start from Level
      1 of the minigame, as oppossed to restarting the same level when you 
      just lose a life. If you are about to run out of time, I recommend you
      lose a life. Lives are refilled after every level, as well as giving
      you a time reset and other advantages. Just don't do it if you only have
      one life left!

SCORING: Amount of bugs captured, plus the time remaining.

PERFECT SCORE: Beat a level without losing a life.

TIPS: When it comes to sucking, once an enemy is caught in the suction, it
      cannot do anything to damage you. A very, very useful strategy is
      standing at chokepoints and simply holding the suction as enemies going
      by are drawn in. It pulls them around corners too, so you do not have
      to worry about them getting stuck at a corner. This strategy is very
      useful for the later levels.

      When dealing with Big Scorpions, taking them out with Blocks/Suction is
      easier than deploying the Insecticide and then sucking them in.
      Be careful, when there is one enemy left, it speeds up. This is just a
      general warning not to let your guard down too easily when on the last
      enemy is there and you are approaching them.

****Level 1****

TIME: 2:00
      -8 GREEN
      -2 GREY


Notes: Not much, remember to suck at "Chokepoints."

****Level 2****

TIME: 2:00
      -6 GREEN
      -2 YELLOW
      -4 GREY


Notes: Same strategy as Level 1, beware of the yellow bugs though.

****Level 3****

TIME: 3:00
      -5 GREEN
      -5 GREY
      -5 YELLOW
      -5 RED
      -1 BLUE


Notes; There is a big scorpion (blue) on this level, so be sure to either use
       an insecticide (Green spray) or shoot a block at it. Red bugs are
       annoying as well, be wary of them. Remember; when you are sucking
       something in, they cannot attack you! But watch your back.

****Level 4****

TIME: 3:00
      -9 GREEN
      -5 GREY
      -10 YELLOW
      -10 RED
      -4 BLUE

TIME BONUS: 50 Points per second remaining

Notes: A lot of enemies! What I found very useful is standing in the doorways
       of infested rooms and holding down the sucking. They all get caught in
       it, very useful. This works best in the hallway to the right of the
       first bug room south of where you start off. Keep sucking that hallway,
       and enjoy. :)

       As for the big scorpions, the blocks are put there for a reason! Be
       careful for the ones paired together, as they can cover for each other.

       Alternatively, just grab the two power-ups for full power. 

       Something that gets a lot of people is when sucking the Big Scorpions
       in, you have to make sure you are in the same room as them! Otherwise
       they get stuck against the walls.

"Grade A work, chief! I'll definitely call on you again! By the way, sorry--
 I lied about the chick magnet stuff."

***********************SIDE JOB 2 - LAY THE PIPE [J02]************************

"Our Cheap pizza and televised assassin fights have made Santa Destroy the
 fastest growing city in the world! But more people means more sewage, and our
 pipes are overflowing. Do some plumbing, and we'll pay you handsomely.
 Definitely worth your time, if you don't mind that fecal smell."

==Connect the exit to the entrance using pipes within the time limit==
==Blue pipes can be moved, but not green pipes==
==The more pipes you connect, the more money you collect.==

The game: In many other games, here is this classic game once again. The
          objective is to connect the pipes without the water leaking out.
          You do this by connecting more pipes to where the water is, and
          leading it to the objective (Red pipe at another end of the level.)

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuck)

A = Lift up/put down (the direction you are facing.)
B = Turn piece (while holding it.)
Joystick: Move around, as well as change direction.

Things to Keep in Mind: 

LOSING: If the water comes out of the pipe, you're out! It's back to Level 1,
        so be careful!

TIME: There is no time limit, you are deducted points depending on how long
      you take, though.

SCORING: Amount of pipes the water flows through, minus the amount of time it
         takes to reach the end. The points depend on the level, and are 
         listed there.

PERFECT SCORE: To get a perfect, you must let the water flow through all the
               green pipes. It is not necessary to use all the blue pipes.

TIPS: There are several different versions of a level, so I cannot provide you
      with exact solutions, but rather give you general advice. However, I can
      provide the dimensions of the map, as well as starting and end points;
      as I believe these remain consistent no matter the variations.

      Also, if worried about time, as soon as you make a full connection to 
      the end, you automatically win without further time deduction.

      Be very careful not to accidentally lock yourself into a corner by
      placing pipes in areas you still have to go to!

****Level 1****

Map dimensions: 6 x 10 (6 across, 10 down)

Point Values:

GREEN PIPES = 60 Points
BLUE PIPES = 30 Points
PERFECT BONUS = 2000 Points
CLEAR BONUS = 1750 Points

Note: You can usually use every single Blue pipe along with Green pipes with
      relative ease. :)

****Level 2****

Map dimensions: 9 x 10 (9 across, 10 down)

GREEN PIPES = 100 Points
BLUE PIPES = 50 Points
PERFECT BONUS = 4000 Points

****Level 3****

Map dimensions: 12 x 10 (12 across, 10 down)


****Level 4****

Map dimensions: 15 x 10 (15 across, 10 down)


"You, sir, are a GOD among plumbers! I'm putting your ass on speed dial!"

*********************SIDE JOB 3 - COCONUT GRABBER [J03]***********************

Side Job 3 - Coconut Grabber

"Kids in this city have forgotten our rich heritage. They're not collecting
 coconuts! It's a disaster! Tradition says you're not a real man until you've
 grabbed your first big, fuzzy coconut. You've got to be role model for these
 kids. You'll do it, right?"

==Kick the coconute trees to make the coconutsfall==
==Gather as many coconuts as you can, and carry them to the goal within the
  time limit==

The game: A 2D side scrolling game, you have to make it to the other side,
          collecting coconuts on the way. They can be attained by hitting the
          trees. To catch them, you must position the basket on your back
          right below it. Or, you can jump up to it, bringing the basket up.
          They cannot be picked up after they reach the ground, and after a

          It is not required to collect every coconut on the level to move on,
          you simply must reach the end before the time limit runs out.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Jump
B = Kick
Joystick = Move
Z + Joystick = Dash

Things to Keep in Mind:

LOSING: You only lose if you do not make it to the ending on time. Running
        into enemies or getting conked by enemies stops for for just two to
        three seconds.

COCONUT GRABBING: Be sure to position yourself correctly under them, otherwise
                  you get conked and lose a little time.
                  There are some that will fly to the sides and will require
                  dashing to get to, and some may be a dash and jump, lookout
                  for these ones!

                  If they hit the ground, keep going, as you can get them on
                  the bounce.

                  After the bounce; your chance is up!

ENEMIES: They do not kill you, but they do slow you down. Keep clear by
         jumping/evading appropriately.

TIME: When it's out, you're back to Level 1.

SCORING: Collecting coconuts and getting a time bonus.

PERFECT SCORE: Collecting every coconut and clearing the stage.

TIPS: Beware of the coconuts that fly to the sides, they will require a dash
      and jump. Also, position is important for coconuts. You can also jump
      up to grab them after you knocked them down. If a coconut hits the
      ground and bounces, and you did not get it, then you cannot get it. Move
      to the next one.

****Level 1****

TIME 1:30
COCONUT VALUE = 50 points

****Level 2****

TIME: 2:00
COCONUT VALUE = 150 points

****Level 3****

TIME: 2:00
COCONUT VALUE= 300 points

****Level 4****

TIME: 2:00
COCONUT VALUE = 1000 points
TIME BONUS: 87 points per second remaining

Note: This level is full of enemies! They are set up in arrangements so you
      must jump at the right moments while dashing to make it through unharmed
      and still be able to gather some coconuts!

"Nice work! Wish my wife had your coconut-handling skills."

******************SIDE JOB 4 - PIZZA WITH A VENGEANCE [J04]*******************

"Santa Destroy needs YOU! Pizza Bat's putting all the family pizzeries out of
 business. The most beloeved of them all, Pizza Suplex, has been a fixture of
 this town for generations, but now it's about to go bankrupt! They need top-
 notch delivery men to turn thintgs around!"

==Deliver the pizzas to all the customers within the time limit==

The game: A driving game! It's simple in controls and concept, but you have
          to be attentive as not to crash and burn! The game is won simply by
          reaching the destination in the time limit.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Accelerate (hold)
B = Brakes
Z = Change Gear
Joystick = steer left/right

Things to Keep in Mind:

LOSING: You lose if you do not reach the destination within the time limit.
        There are no limit to lives. Likewise, to win, you must reach the
        destination on time.

DELAYS: You get delayed by hitting other vehicles. You get delayed for about
        3 seconds, and you must start from 0 mph again. A very annoying thing
        is when you get hit by multiple cars, as it adds up.

OTHER DANGERS: There are oil slicks on the road, if you go over them, you will
               start to lose control of your vehicle.

GEARS: I recommend switching to high gear when in the 130 to 150 mph range.
       Doing so before then may cause you to not go as fast.

MAX SPEED: 300 mph without the use of nitro is the maximum speed.

SCORING: You are scored on the amount of time you have remaining.

PERFECT SCORING: Getting through a level without crashing into any obstacles.

TIPS: You can tell when a nitro boost is coming up, as you will see a small
      black item that really doesn't seem to get bigger as it comes closer,
      unlike the cars. If there is a car and nitro boost in the same place,
      the car will come first, so don't get onto the lane until the car
      passes. For gears, as above, switch when you reach 130 mph to about
      150 mph in low gear. 


NITRO: The cans you see on the road. Drive over them to get a massive speed

****Level 1****

TIME: 1:30
TIME BONUS: 50 Points per second remaining

Note: Two lanes is simple, car will be on one, you go on the other. You can
      also go along the shoulder of the road, however, there are still
      obstacles to look out for.

****Level 2****

TIME: 1:45
TIME BONUS: 100 points per second remaining

Note: As above, you can stay on the shoulders, look out for obstacles. 

****Level 3****

TIME: 2:00
TIME BONUS:: 300 points per second remaining

Note: On four lanes now, and a new enemy (trucks). 4 Lanes means more room to
      move around, but also means more room to crash. The Time bonus has a
      huge boost, so get that nitro!

      Trucks also move slower than the cars do, making for some tight
      situations you may get into. 

****Level 4****

TIME: 2:00
TIME BONUS: 500 points per second remaining

Note: This level has three parts to beware of. At one point, a swarm of trucks
      comes toward you, usually leaving only one lane open. This, combined
      with sudden turns in the road cna get frustrating. If one truck crashes
      into you, chances are the ones behind it will keep ramming you too!
      Be careful! Also, there is another part with a massive oil slick zone,
      luckily if you do slip up, there aren't any cars to crash into. Aim
      for the nitro, the time is worth a lot!

"You'll become a legend for pizza fans everywhere! College dropouts with the
 munchies shall forever know your name!"

***********************SIDE JOB 5 - MAN THE MEAT [J05]************************

"Santa Destroy's being monopolized! Everywhere you look, it's Pizza Bat,
 Pizza Bat, Pizza Bat! Soon there'll be nowhere to get a juicy T-bone! And
 now my lead cook got Mad Cow Disease, and butchered my entire kitchen staff!
 Can you help?"

==Continue holding the button to cook the steak==
==Cook the steaks the way customers want them==

The game: You simply "cook" steaks by holding the A button, and releasing
          when you think it's done how the customers want them. The customers
          either say "Rare", "Medium", or "Well done." They present images in
          case you can't tell what they're saying. I listed the time you need
          to hold the A button down to get it "Just right" (Delicious).

Controls (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Fry (Hold) Give (Release A after frying)


"Delicious" = Done just right.
"Nice" = Done okay.
"This sucks" = Done not the way they wanted.

Useful times:

Hold the A button down for the amount of time I listed below to get those
types of steaks.

RAW = 1-2 secs
MEDIUM = 3-4 secs
WELL DONE = 5-6 secs

NOTE: On the third level, the burner increases, pretty much two times hotter,
      meaning it takes half the time. This means:

RAW = 0.5 secs
MEDIUM = 2 secs
WELL DONE = 3 secs

Try counting yourself, too. My method may have been more or less than a
second. If you see a difference, then email me!

Things to Keep in Mind:

TIME: There is no time limit!

LOSING: If the red bar at the top does not reach the limit before the amount
        of customers are done.

COOKING: Look at the values I put above to determine how long you hold down
         the A button. Note: The timing may vary during the different levels,
         I will be testing this and updating soon enough.

SCORING: Scoring is determined by the amount of customers who found something
         "Delicious", or "Nice." This, with the completion bonus, makes your
         overall score.

PERFECT SCORING: Served every customer without angering any of them.

TIPS: You can get the general color down, as the customer shows. You can also
      count out-loud by the seconds, and see that it takes the same amount of
      time each time. :) 

****Level 1****

NICE = 400

****Level 2****

NICE = 800

Note: The "speech bubble" displaying the meat color is now temporary, instead
      of being there permanantely. Keep the color in mind, or the type of
      meat they ordered.

      A useful tip suggested is for customers who order "Medium", the perfect
      time is how long it takes until the bubble goes off. That is, if you
      start as soon as they order, you should be able to let go after the
      bubble goes off to get a "Delicious" medium!

****Level 3****

NICE = 2000

Note: The grill is hotter now, so it will cook faster, with that, the speech
      bubbles won't appear either. 

"Nice work! Next time my cook goes insane, I'll definitely give you a ring."

**********************SIDE JOB 6 - TILE IN STYLE [J06]************************

"New construction in Santa Destroy is a lucrative business. But my best tile-
 layer accidentally fell into a vat of artisan concrete! You want to takeover
 as my tile guy? It could become your lifelong passion!"

==Place all the tiles neatly within the time limit==

The game: A basic puzzle game, insert the pieces avaliable into the space
          provided, filling up every square!

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Tile select
B = Rotate current piece
Joystick = Move tile

Things to Keep in Mind:

TIME: You have a time limit, a fairly large one, but your scoring depends on

SCORING: Completion plus the amount of time remaining. I am unsure whether the
         scoring is different per puzzle, I tried three different ones and the
         score came out the same.

TIPS: It's good to experiment on the board and see how things will work out,
      or you can sit and wonder how to fit the blocks in. There are not many
      other options.

      I will refer you to an image by gameFAQs user Snakdatsmizbak, which
      details puzzles and their solutions any better than I could describe
      them. A picture says a 1000 words, right?

Note: The user is still working on newer puzzle variations that may come up,
      be sure to check back there for updates if you cannot find the puzzle
      you are looking for!


TIME BONUS: 20 Points per second remaining

"Now that's how you tile in style! This must be the proudest moment of your

***********************SIDE JOB 7 - GETTING TRASHED [J07]*********************

"He cleaned our streets by rocketing all of our garbage into outer space. It
 worked like a charm, but now the trash could fall back to Earth and kill us
 all. We didn't really think this through. Will you go into space and collect
 the floating junk?"

==Recover all the debris floating in space and store it in your space
==They'll dump it in the ocean or something later==
==Use your air jet boosters to control your position. It takes some skills.==
==If you get close to earth's atmosphere, you'll be pulled in by gravity.==
==So be careful, beacuse that would suck.==

The game: You are in space, and have to collect space junk by moving to it.
          You have a limited air supply that you have, and this air supply is
          shared with your fuel. To get the air supply back, fly into the
          Space Shuttle at the top. You can fly back in as much as you like,
          just be wary of the time limit. The level is complete when all
          space junk is taken into the shuttle.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)

A = Use air booster (Tap)
B = Release
Joystick = Control boost direction (opposite of where you want to go)

Things to Keep in Mind:

TIME: You have a time limit, and once it runs out, it is game over. Time is
      reset once a life is lost, I will detail a good money making strategy
      with this in mind below.

LIFE: You have three, and it is reset each level. When you lose a life, all
      the space junk you collected remains caught. Time resets when you lose
      a life.

      You lose a life when air runs out, or if you get sucked into Earth by
      the gravity. 

SCORING: The amount of time remaining and amount of junk collected.

PERFECT BONUS: Completing a level without losing a life.

TIPS: Your fuel/air is used for each time you tap A. You shoot to go the
      opposite direction. If you need to, you can go back to the shuttle at
      any time to refill your air supply. Try to get the Junk that is closer
      to the Earth first, then focus on the near-shuttle ones.

      When getting sucked to Earth (when you start glowing red), button mash
      while pointing your booster downward to escape.

      You can use the sides of the screen to your advantage, go through the
      left screen to appear on the right, and it works the other way around

      Use meteors to your advantage! If low on air, try using them to bounce
      back to the Shuttle by hitting it in the right place. Otherwise they can
      get very annoying, so be careful to avoid them!

      A very good money making tip (especially on the last level) is to
      collect all space junk, and then leave one near the shuttle. Kill
      yourself, and when the time resets, collect the last piece. Although you
      lose the perfect bonus, the time bonus will make up for it!


Just one item to pick up. You move up to it and touch to pick it up, then go
back to the shuttle, refilling Air as well as depositing junk. The point value
is the same each level, as listed below.

SPACE JUNK: 500 points

METEOR: Watch out for these, they bounce you out of control!

****Level 1****

TIME: 1:30
TIME BONUS: 33 points per second remaining

****Level 2****

TIME: 2:00
TIME BONUS: 35 points per second remaining

Note: The meteors are introduced, be careful! If all goes bad, use them to
      your own advantage.

****Level 3****

TIME: 2:30
TIME BONUS: 220 points per second remaining

****Level 4****

TIME: 3:00
TIME BONUS: 710 points per second remaining

Note: This level is the one I advise killing yourself (if you have enough
      lives) while leaving one piece of space junk close to the Shuttle. Then,
      when time resets, quickly pick it up and get back into the shuttle. The
      time bonus will be well worth the loss of the Perfect Bonus. :)

"Awesome work up there! And to think, this trash-in-space operation only cost
 taxpayers 1.8 billion dollars."

***********************SIDE JOB 8 - STINGS SO GOOD [J08]**********************

"It's this damn assassin craze! All the tough guys in this city are
 decapatating each other so they can be on TV. Now we're running out of men
 to do the real work-- like extermination. Scorpions are everywhere! But you
 look strong enough-- Will you save us from those stinging bastards?"

==Exterminate the scorpions==
==The amount you're paid depends on the total weight of the scorpions you've
==If stung by a scorpion==
==Get a first aid kit to detoxify yourself before the posion spreads through
  your body==

The game: The only side job in 3D, you have to run around a field picking up
          scorpions and trying not to get stung in the process. You can pick
          up as many as you want, as long as it is within the time limit.
          If you do get stung, there are first-aid stations around the map
          you can use. You can only use a station once.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)
A = Pick up / Use healing station
Shake Wiimote = Place Scorpion in box (after grabbing/picking up with A.)
Joystick = Move

TIME: You have two minutes to collect as many scorpions as possible.

POISON: You will move slower, and a countdown will begin before you get game
        over. Reach a first-aid station before then.

SCORING: Depending on the type of scorpion you caught. (Listed below)


TIPS: Always approach a scorpion from behind, it will be forced to turn around
      to sting you, and by then (hopefully) you will have caught it. Some run
      away. Try to capture Scorpions that are on their own, as in groups some
      tend to sting you as you pick another one up. 


These enemies are color coded, and appear as these colors on the results
screen. The ones listed as "white" are actually Black, but not as noticeable
as the 10000 point ones.

WHITE = 200
BLUE = 250
RED - 300
GREEN = 1000
GREY/BLACK = 10000

Failing quote = "I hate you with all my hate."

"Amazing! You've restored my faith in mankind! Actually, no, I still hate
 mankind. But at least you're okay."


                               RYAN's GYM [RYG]


These are games played in "Ryan's Gym", with the aim to increase your stamina
(maximum health), and Muscle (attack power).

These games you must pay to play each time, and cannot be played after you
have beaten the certain difficulty. They price and difficulty increases upon
completion of a story mission, so check back often to keep up!

***************************STAMINA (TREADMILL) [RG1]**************************

To increase stamina, Ryan will put you on a treadmill, often changing the
direction. You lose if you fall off! To win, simply remain on the treadmill by
the end of the time limit.

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)
Alternate B and Z to run on treadmill
Use the Joystick to change direction

LOSE: If you fall off

WIN: If you remain on

TIME: 30 seconds

REWARD: Increase in maximum health.

TIPS: Just be sure to note what direction the treadmill is going in. If you
      start running very fast to the side you are facing, chances are the
      treadmill changed!

DIFFICULTY VARIATIONS: This will be finished in another update; as it requires
                       me to start a new game in order to see them...

****************************MUSCLE (SPARRING) [RG2]***************************

To increase muscle mass/strength, Ryan will throw dumbells at you that you
must punch/kick at the correct moments. You must evade the hearts he blows at
you too by ducking. To win, endure and punch/kick a massive majority of the

Controls: (Wiimote + Nunchuk)
A = Punch
B = Kick
Joystick = Duck (hearts)

LOSE: If you get hit too many times

WIN: Hit the majority of the dumbells, dodge the hearts!

TIME: 30 seconds

REWARD: Increase in maximum strength

ENEMIES: Well, I'll call them that. They are listed below.

Small Dumbells - Fly in straight lines, punch them at the proper moments they
                 come in.

Large Dumbells - Come in spinning, but freeze in the middle, and choose a
                 random direction (either toward the head or the feet.) Be
                 ready for them when they come, and punch/kick appropriately!

Hearts - Are blown at you. Do not punch or kick it, instead, dodge it by
         pushing down on the joystick. 

TIPS: The earlier levels are fairly simple. Be wary of the larger objects,
      as they pick random directions and can get frustrating, especially later

      Be sure to get the timing down in order to not get hurt by the items.
      If they do hit, they make you flinch for a second, allowing any objects
      directly behind them to hit you as well.

DIFFICULTY VARIATIONS: This will be finished in another update; as it requires
                       me to start a new game in order to see them...


                              MOTEL MINIGAMES [MTL]


These minigames can be played within the No More Heroes Motel (where Travis
lives.) Jeane's Fitness is by pushing A on Jeane (located in the bedroom.)

Bizarre Jelly 5 can be played by pushing A on the TV and selecting it.

*****************************JEANE'S FITNESS [MG1]****************************

The objective of this game is to keep Jeane fit, as well as happy. Weight that
is lost does not come back as you feed it. This game is playable after every
mission, be sure to keep up with it! When you reach about 10 pounds remaining,
the game is unplayable, but you have made Jeane fit.

You learn the "Step-in Slice" from completing the game.

There are five options each time. They are listed below, each being their own
little mini-game.

PLAY: Wag a tail and let Jeane jump at it.

Controls: Use the joystick instructions on screen to wag the tail back and
          forth, letting Jeane jump on it. Try to do it as often as possible
          within the time limit.

JUMP = Use a fishing rod to make Jeane jump. The higher the jump, the more
       weight is lost.

Controls: Hold the A button to lower the lure, and let go of A to raise it.

Tips: Hold it just long enough to when Jeane is about to jump, then let go
      to get the maximum height. The cat should miss the lure as well, this
      way giving you more time to make it jump more, losing more weight.

STRETCH = Lift Jeane giving yourself a stretch as well as the cat.

Controls: Button mash A to lift Jeane all the way.

Tips: The lighter the cat weight is, the easier this game! It goes from
      initially hard and a work out for your finger, to a relatively easygoing
      game; so long as you have been training her!

MASSAGE = Massage the cat (no, it's not dead. ;) )

Controls: Use the joystick, and follow the instructions on screen.

FEED = Give Jeane food to increase happiness, making the diet more effective.
       This does not raise weight, so no worries.

       There are three options below. Each gives different values of
       happiness. Try to vary it, as using the same twice in a row makes it
       less effective. 

PREMIUM = 1000

******************************BIZARRE JELLY 5 [MG2]**************************

This game is a classic style arcade game, revamped and made for the anime of
"Bizarre Jelly 5"; a magical girl genre anime that Travis seemes to
be a fan of. This can be replayed as often as you want, and upon first
completion you receive the follow up video.

Joystick = Move
A = Shoot

The different girls have different stats, in terms of speed and attack. They
shoot different styles too, but all take the same courses.

A more indepth look at this game will come soon.


                              RECOMMENDATIONS [RMD]


While it comes down to preference in terms of which games you enjoy the most;
I will go ahead and give my personal opinion on the games.

Bug Out : The game is actually *fun*, but the value you get out of it in terms
          of money is only good in the early game. Unless you can finish it
          quickly, getting maximum score each time, will it be of good value.

          It is not too frustrating, unless you keep getting caught around
          corners, but it really isn't too hard.

Lay the Pipe: This game is an easier one. Granted, to get a perfect score is
              a hard task, as it requires you to use every green pipe. I would
              give this game a higher frustration rating, since you must start
              from level one if the water does flood.

Coconut Grabber: A side scroller, it can be pretty fun and frustrating at the
                 same time. In terms of time playing, you can get through the
                 levels pretty quickly. The overall score is mediocre, but
                 if you enjoy 2D side scrollers, then you could probably play
                 this one for a while.

                 Coconute conking does get annoying, though...or when the
                 coconut lands on your head instead of the box...

Pizza with a Vengeance: This seems to the most popular one. It does have a
                        big fun factor, but I would say it can get quite
                        frustating, considering crashes can pile up, a big
                        nuisance on level four especially.

                        Also, if the time runs out, it's back to level one.
                        The time bonus can get you some pretty good money,
                        if you can make it over to the ends of the levels
                        as quick as possible. :)

Man the Meat: This is what I would say is the easiest game. It uses the same
              amount of time to cook, aside from the last level, where the
              times are effectively cut in half. However, you can get the
              general idea also based on the color of the meat.

Tile in Style: With Snakdatsmizbak's guide, this could actually be the best
               in terms of quick and efficient money making. You can usually
               get 10,000 for just completion and time bonus. I am unsure if
               later puzzles give you more points or not.

               In terms of figuring it out on your own, it can be fun to
               try and solve it, but the time in the end won't make it worth
               your while.

Getting Trashed: This one has the cheap trick to get an extreme amount of
                 money, and it involves losing a life! This game has a high
                 time bonus on the last level, and fairly easy to achieve.

                 It can be highly frustrating, however, if you are not good
                 at steering and constantly crash into meteors. But you can
                 use them to your advantage, just takes a little practice. :)

Stings so Good: This game I have a feeling was just made to make us miss the
                2D games. This depends on the player, if you can run around,
                skillfully capture the scorpions without getting stung, find
                the most valuable ones, all in two minutes, then this may be
                the game for you.

Personally; I use "Getting Trashed" as my money making side job. The game can
indeed get frustrating from the frequent crashing-into-meteors, however,
the bonus received by the TIME remaining is well worth it. Especially if you
use the method I described of leaving one meteor on the last level near the
shuttle and killing yourself.

Upon quickly reaching that last meteor, the time remaining added with the
overall score will be near, if not over, 100,000 points (converted directly
to amount of money.) And that's for the last level. Using it every level (as
lives refill after each level) will give a huge amount of money by the end,
for a relatively small amount of time. :)




I played the first, enjoyed it, and played the second, and loved it. As I am
terrible at doing full-length walkthroughs, I decided I would write about the
side missions/minigames in this very fun game.

The retro feeling given by most side jobs was a great trip. :) I hope you
had fun with them upon realization on how frustrating games are in 3D! (That
is, "Stings so Good"

If you find any problems, such as information issues, accuracy issues, or even
anything as minor as a typo, please email me the correction! See below for
more details.

Also, if you notice any information that may be helpful that I am missing,
please email me information regarding it, and I will be sure to include you in
my special thanks section :) Anywhere you see a "????" means I'm open to your
information! I will be testing some myself but obviously it would be faster
if more people contributed, it would benefit all the players. I mostly need 
help with getting the values of "Perfect Scores." If you happen to get a 
Perfect Score where I have not listed, please send me the correction!

That said,

Thanks for reading, cheers!



A special thank you to gameFAQs user Snakdatsmizbak for allowing me to use
his "Tile in Style Solutions." You should be thankful too, they are easy to
read and better instructions than I could describe. :)

A special thank you to Ryan Green, who emailed me suggestions on certain
games (Pizza with a Vengeance), and reminded me that the meat burns faster on
level three of Man the Meat. Also, for emailing other suggestions that will
hopefully make this guide easier for everyone to read, and to be more
helpful in what you're looking for. :) Also, for various Perfect Bonuses
throughout the guide! You've been a big help! Thank you!

A special thank you to James Martin for giving the tip of "Man the Meat",
that is, when the bubble goes off (in the second level), is the perfect time
for "Medium" ordered steaks. :)

Thank you SUDA 51 for the great game!

Thank you GameFAQs for the easy submission system!

And thank you, the reader, for reading this work. As generic of an ending as
this sounds, it is true for all FAQ makers! :D


Email me at: [email protected]

I read all emails, and respond if necessary. :)




Version 1.00 [1/30/2010]: The FAQ as you see it.

version 1.05 [2/02/2010]: Updated minor formatting errors.

Version 1.50 [2/03/2010]: Added the "Recommendations" section, as well as
updated some problems with other games. Also some Perfect Bonuses added.

Version 1.51 [2/04/2010]: Added a tip for "Man the Meat"




If you find this FAQ on any sites OTHER than the ones listed below, please
contact me IMMEDIATELY. [Original submission]

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                      ~~~~~COPYRIGHT 2010 MKaykitkats~~~~