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by _nza

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Guide & FAQ
CONTACT: [email protected]

 |==============================\ Contents /================================|
 | Section                      Quick Search                                |
 | Introduction                 Intrdn                                      |
 | ----- Visual Version         Vizv                                        |
 | Controls                     CTRL                                        |
 | ----- WiiMote Controls       WiMCTRL                                     |
 | ----- Nunchuck Controls      NunCTRL                                     |
 | Basics                       Basc                                        |
 | ----- The Menu               TeMu                                        |
 | ---------- Wii Menu          [Wii Menu]                                  |
 | ---------- BBS               [BBS]                                       |
 | ---------- Options           [Options]                                   |
 | ---------- Help              [Help]                                      |
 | ---------- Deposit           [Deposit / Details]                         |
 | ---------- Album             [Album]                                     |
 | ---------- Take Pic          [Take Picture]                              |
 | ---------- Attention         [Look this Way]                             |
 | ----- Modes                  BasMo                                       |
 | ---------- Auto Mode         [Auto Mode]                                 |
 | ---------- Free Mode         [Free Mode]                                 |
 | ---------- Focus Lock        [Focus Lock]                                |
 | ----- BBS                    WBBS                                        |
 | ----- Pictures               Pixx                                        |
 | ----- Favorites              Favz                                        |
 | ----- Visitors               Viztz                                       |
 | Hayley's Pokemon             HaPo                                        |
 | Deposit & Withdrawl          DeWi                                        |
 | ---- Depositing Pokemon      DePo                                        |
 | ---- Withdrawing Pokemon     WiPo                                        |
 | Ranch Levels                 RaLs                                        |
 | Trades                       Trds                                        |
 | Special Pokemon              SPkmn                                       |
 | Events                       Evts                                        |
 | Disasters                    Dztr                                        |
 | Sparkles                     Sprkl                                       |
 | Toys                         Tyz                                         |
 | Club Look-See                CLkSe                                       |
 | Pokemon Behavior             PkmnBe                                      |
 | Mii Behavior                 MiiBe                                       |
 | FAQ                          FrQ                                         |
 | Version History              VHis                                        |
 | The End                      ThEd                                        |
 | ----- Credits                [Credits]                                   |
 | ----- Corrections/Contribs   [Corrections/Contribs]                      |
 | ----- Contact                [Contact]                                   |
 | ----- Copyrights             [Copyrights]                                |

 | Intrdn |====================\ Introduction /====================| Intrdn |

This is my first FAQ submission to, so I hope it works out! Truth
be told it almost did not get finished because Windows Update restarted this
computer and in the process deleted a large amount of work! Unfortunately for
me, my determination to finish this FAQ forced me to restart writing it...

My Pokemon Ranch is similar to Pokemon Box except that it operates on the 
Nintendo Wii and stores Pokemon from the fourth generation games Diamond,
Pearl and likely the future release Platinum. MPR was released on June 9, 2008
as a WiiWare launch title for the cost of 1,000 Wii Points (aka 1,000 pennies
or 10 US dollars). WiiWare can be accessed from the Wii Shop Channel.

This game builds on the Pokemon Box experience by adding some new features!

* Stored Pokemon roam and can be watched in an enclosed 3-D farm environment.
* Interactivity with stored Pokemon (grabbing, taking pictures, toys, etc.)
* Nintendo Miis can be placed in the Ranch & dressed up in cowboy/girl attire.

1,000 Pokemon can be stored in your Ranch and in reaching maximum capacity you
will be awarded a special prize - more on that later...

 | Vizv |=====================/ Visual Version \=====================| Vizv |

I've also assembled a visual version of this guide which features screens of
such things as the toys, events, and more! It encompasses everything that has
been assembled here, including the Credits to all of those who have helped,
broken into numerous sections. The visual version can be found at...

 | CTRL |=======================\ Controls /=========================| CTRL |

Controlling MPR with your WiiMote is relatively straight forward.

Please note:
* You may use the Nunchuck controller for improved camera angles when Free 
  Mode is available.
* The Classic controller has no functionality for MPR.

In keeping with the labels found on your WiiMote, the control scheme for MPR
works as follows...

 | WiMCTRL |=================/ WiiMote Controls \=================| WiMCTRL |
 | Button          - Action                                                 |
 | (A)             - Select / Deselect.                                     |
 | |B|             - Go back / Previous Menu.                               |
 | (+)             - Zoom in.                                               |
 | (-)             - Zoom out.                                              |
 | (1)             - Take a picture.                                        |
 | (2)             - Blow the horn / Call attention.                        |
 | ^ [Up]          - Scrolls up 1 place in a list of names of Pokemon in the|
 |                   Ranch for fast viewing.                                |
 | > [Right]       - Scrolls down 5 places in a list of names of Pokemon in |
 |                   Ranch for fast viewing.                                |
 | v [Down]        - Scrolls down 1 place in a list of names of Pokemon in  |
 |                   the Ranch for fast viewing.                            |
 | < [Left]        - Scrolls up 5 places in a list of names of Pokemon in   |
 |                   the Ranch for fast viewing.                            |
 | (A) + [B]        - With Free Mode active you can grab Pokemon and move   |
 |                   them.                                                  |
 | [B] + drag       - By holding down [B] an arrow will become visible. By  |
 |                    moving the WiiMote you can traverse your Ranch quickly|

 | NunCTRL |================/ Nunchuck Controls \=================| NunCTRL |
 | Button          - Action                                                 |
 | (C)             - Take a picture.                                        |
 | [Z]             - Does nothing.                                          |
 | Analog ctrl     - Moves the camera angle, while stationary, up, down, or |
 |                   rotates around the Pokemon / Mii that is in focus.     |
 | [Z] + Analog    - Pressing these two at the same time allows for a       |
 |                   smoother zoom.                                         |

 | Basc |========================\ Basics /==========================| Basc |

Within the Basics section I will briefly explain the menus, their navigation,
and the general features of the game.

 | TeMu |========================/ The Menu \========================| TeMu |

MPR's menu is aligned to the left and right sides of your screen. The options
are as follows...

| Wii Menu              | SCREEN |     Auto Mode / *Free Mode*  |
| Connect to DS         | SCREEN |     Deposit / Details        |
| BBS                   | SCREEN |     Album                    |
| Options               | SCREEN |     Take Picture             |
| Help                  | SCREEN |     Look This Way            |

*Free Mode* = Becomes available when Ranch level is 5.
** See the section "Ranch Levels" for more.

The Options are explained indepth below...

[Wii Menu]
- By selecting this option MPR will save and return you to the Wii's homepage.

[Connect to DS]
- By selecting this option you will begin the Deposit/Withdraw process.

- By selecting this option you will be taken to the BBS sub-menu.
   - Pokemon Wanted - view the current Pokemon Hayley would like you to
     bring to the Ranch.
        - You can scroll left/right to view the Wanted Pokemon.
        - You can scroll down to view the Requests that you have
          already met.
   - Ranch Info - view the stats of your Ranch.
        - Here you can see the name of your Ranch, the name of the species
          with the biggest population, the level, Max Pokemon stored, Max Miis
          that stay there, No. of Pkmn stored, and how many more deposits you
          need for the next level.

- By selecting this option you will be taken to a menu for options...
   - Bring Mii - select this to view pages for adding more of the Miis that
     are saved to your Wii.
   - Look at My Ranch! - select this and you will have the opportunity to
     turn On/Off interactivity with other Ranches. This includes exchanging
     pictures with friends that have your Wii code.
   - Guest - select this to turn Guest On/Off. When on, using WiiConnect24,
     it is possible for unexpected guests to visit your Ranch. They will
     ask if you want to see their Ranch as a member of Club Look-See. Be sure
     WiiConnect24 is turned on for this feature to work.

- By selecting this option you will be taken to a Help menu which explains
  the things that this FAQ explains and builds on.

[Free Mode]
- Once available the focus on Pokemon/Mii's can be removed. Select this to
  enter Free Mode.

[Deposit / Details]
- Selecting this option will show you what trainer has deposited x number
  of Pokemon and also who that Pokemon's caretaker is.
- At the top of the screen, when this option has been selected, you can toggle
  the current Trainer and in so doing view a Parade of that trainer's stored
        - The options for Trainer Toggling are:
                - All
                - Favorites (available when Ranch reaches level 8)
                - Haley
                - Your Trainer
                - Names of the remaining 7 possible depositors.
- By selecting the Mii under "Caretaker" you can change the Mii assigned as
  the caretaker of Pokemon associated with the respective Depositing Trainer
  on that row.
- By seleting this option you will be able to view and manage the photos that
  have been taken. You can:
        - Exit
        - Scroll left/right
        - Save to an SD card
        - Delete the pictures on the SD card
        - Post the current photo on your Wii Message Board
        - Secure the photo to prevent accidental deletions
        - Delete the current photo
        - Dates, Times, and the location of the Photo are all displayed.

[Take Picture]
- Select this option to take a picture.
- In the bottom-right corner of the camera icon is a number denoting how many
  more photos you can take before you run out of room (max photos is 20).

[Look this Way]
- Select this option and a horn will sound which calls attention to the
  Pokemon in the immediate area.

 | BasMo |========================/ Modes \=========================| BasMo |

MPR has two different Modes for viewing. The default is Auto Mode. Once your
Ranch reaches level 4, Free Mode will become available. The differences are
described below...

[Auto Mode]
The view is focused on a single Pokemon/Mii constantly. Use the D-pad to
scroll through the Pokemon/Miis in the Ranch to view a different one.

[Free Mode]
Once available you can...
1) Use the Nunchuck for better photos and angles.
2) Grab and move Pokemon using (A) + [B]
3) Scroll using [B] + drag.
4) (+) Zoom in.
5) (-) Zoom out.

[Focus Lock]
While not officially a "Mode" Focus Lock acts as one. By clicking on a Pokemon
or a Mii with the (A) button you will set Focus Lock on the selected creature.
With this feature on your view will follow the selected creature around. This
is not unlike Auto Mode. To turn Focus Lock off simply hit (A) on the selected
creature again.

 | WBBS |===========================/ BBS \==========================| WBBS |

BBS stands for Bulletin Board System. The purpose of the BBS is to check on
what Pokemon Hayley would like for you to bring into the Ranch and what of
those requests you've currently fulfilled. It also displays you Ranch stats.

Hayley's requests for the Wanted Pokemon are entirely random. If your National
Dex is not complete she will start by having you search for those Pokemon,
though which one is still completely random.

Once you are in the BBS menu and are looking at the Wanted Pokemon you can
click the poster and view information on how to obtain that Pokemon, including
a map of Sinnoh that highlights where it can be found. You'll also see a date,
that date denotes when the request will be dropped and she will make a new 
request. You have 10 days from the posting of the request to bring the Pokemon

These Wanted Pokemon requests she makes should really only be handled once a
day and that assumes you have coaxed Hayley into bringing the special Pokemon
she will trade you for. More about this in the Hayley's Pokemon or the Trades
sections below.

Otherwise the only reason to handle the Wanted Pokemon requests is to complete
you PokeDex. I also recommend NOT using Pokemon you want to keep when
fulfilling the Wanted requests because of the possibility that she will want
to trade for it...

BBS also allows you to check Ranch Info which will let you see...

1) Your Ranch name - which is the name of the Wii associated with the Ranch 
2) The greatest number of same species Pokemon found in your Ranch is noted as
   ~ Full of Unown ~
   If you have more than one species with the same number, this is chosen 
2) The current level of your Ranch.
3) Maximum number of Pokemon you can currently store.
4) Maximum number of Miis that can explore there.
5) How many Pokemon are currently stored there.
6) How many more deposits you need for the next level.

 | Pixx |=========================/ Pictures \=======================| Pixx |

You can take pictures of the Pokemon roaming the Ranch from the start of the
game but with Free Mode's added features its best to get the Ranch to level 4
before doing so, though in reality it doesn't make a huge difference.

MPR allows a maximum of 20 pictures to be taken and saved within the game. You
can save pictures to an SD card and move them to a computer and save more that
way as well as share them on message boards.

When viewing the album you can "Secure" a picture to prevent accidental 
deletions. If you have filled your album and not all pictures are secured then
pictures will be overwritten if you continue to take more pictures.

There is also the ability to "Post to Wii Message Board" which allows you to
send a photo to the Message Board for viewing. From there you can send the 
picture to any of the friend's who you have added Wii codes for.

Additionally, using the Photo Channel, its possible to "Post" the picture from
the message board to the Wii Menu as the image for the Photo Channel.

The MPR album allows for the deletion of stored photos and also those saved on
an SD card.

 | Favz |=========================/ Favorites \======================| Favz |

After your Ranch reaches level 10 the Favorites option will be made available.
With Favorites active, while hovering over a Pokemon so that its name appears,
you can click on a circle that becomes a crown. This means that Pokemon has
been chosen as a favorite.

The whole purpose of this is so that you can make the Ranch population only
your selected favorites. To do this simply go to Deposit/Details and, in the
green box in the top 1/3 of the screen, click until Favorites appears. 

Also, by clicking the flag in the upper-right corner in Deposit/Details, you
can start a parade that only includes marked favorites.

To remove this status simply click on the crown and the Pokemon will no longer
be marked as a favorite.

 | Viztz |========================/ Visitors \======================| Viztz |

It is possible for your Ranch to have visitors. When this happens a person
will appear on your Ranch and invite you to go and see their's.
By saying "Yes" you will be taken to that person's Ranch. This can be either a
member of CLS (Club Look-See, which is explained later) or a friend with which
you have exchanged Wii codes with.

WiiConnect24 must be enabled for this to work.

A visiting friend works a tad bit differently than when a member of CLS
visits. A friend will bring; 1 Pokemon from their Ranch (this Pokemon
merely stands in the background, nothing else), a picture that they have
taken, and then ask if you want to visit there Ranch! Select yes and it will
work exactly the same as a CLS visit.

Know that you can see the stats of any Ranch you visit by selecting BBS from
the menu when in that Ranch.

 | HaPo |====================\ Hayley's Pokemon /====================| HaPo |

Hayley will bring her own Pokemon to the Ranch, 1 species a day, with a max of
5 Pokemon being brought in a day of a single species. The Pokemon she brings
are completely random but there is a way to dictate what she brings. If you
are interested in doing the Trades for Hayley's special Pokemon you will want
to dictate what she brings into the Ranch because the only to get those trades
is by first having the Pokemon you want to trade for in the Ranch.

To dictate what she will bring to the Ranch simply say "No" to Hayley's ideas
twice. After that she will decide what is best to bring to the Ranch and the
chances are that it is 1 of the 20 Pokemon she will trade to you.

Before leaving the Ranch for the first time of the day, she will give you a
hint and ask if you would like to see that Pokemon come to the Ranch. If you
select "No" she will make another offer. When declining this second offer she
will bring a Pokemon of her choice and you won't get to read the hint. You
still see the painfully obvious "blackout" picture that is shown when you
accept one of the first two offers.

Once your Ranch reaches level 20 Hayley's Pokemon stop counting toward the
general population and once your Pokemon are great enough in number that hers
no longer have room, she will remove her Pokemon from the Ranch's general roam
area and place them in the barn which she expands at level 20.

 | DeWi |==================\ Deposit & Withdrawl /===================| DeWi |

Depositing Pokemon is the main aspect of MPR, however, you can play this game
without depositing Pokemon or having Diamond/Pearl to connect with MPR; though
the game experience is, obviously, greatly hindered and I wouldn't recommend
playing it that way...

To be clear it is possible to deposit Pokemon from up to 8 different games
into the Ranch. The only restriction is that those Pokemon may only be
withdrawn by their depositor. That depositor may NOT restart their game. Doing
so will strand those Pokemon on the Ranch forever.

To connect to your DS you select the second option on the left-hand side of
the menu. The game will save and then give you an important "Warning!" message
I'm going to mention here because of its relevance...


DO NOT restart your DS Pokemon game until you have withdrawn all Pokemon you
wish to save from your Ranch! MPR only works with THAT save file! Once you 
delete your DS save file the Pokemon still in the Ranch that were deposited by
that game are stuck there until you delete the Ranch save file and they're 
gone forever!

Why it was done this way, I have no idea but in my opinion it greatly detracts
from the sole purpose of having a storage facility... I digress.

1) From there you will be prompted to turn on your DS.
2) Select on the title screen and you will be taken to the menu.
3) Wait for the option "CONNECT TO Wii" to appear on the DS menu.
4) Select "CONNECT TO Wii"
5) You'll see the warning I gave above, hit (A) on your DS.
6) A menu will appear with the following options...
        - Deposit Pokemon to the Ranch
        - Withdraw Pokemon from the Ranch
        - Save
        - See ya!
7) Scroll to the desired operation and hit (A) on your DS.

 | DePo |===================/ Depositing Pokemon \===================| DePo |
\* DS View */

If you've chosen to deposit you will be taken into the boxes on your DS. You
can scroll through these just as you would in the PC. By hitting (Y) the hand
for selection will turn orange and allow for quick depositing. 

By hitting (Y) again the hand will return to white and you have the option to
 - Deposit
 - Summary (see the same info you do in the games' PC)
 - Mark (as in the game the Marks are the shapes you can turn on/off)
 - Cancel

Marking is relevant to MPR. You can organize your MPR boxes based on the Mark
you've given to Pokemon so if you like to have things organized Marking is one
thing to consider utilizing, assuming you haven't already.

At the bottom of your box you have the option to "Deposit All" or "Cancel."
Deposit all will deposit all of the Pokemon in the active Box...

\* Wii View */

When depositing Pokemon to Ranch your TV screen will first show a balloon with
film reels and a projector on the bottom. It will fly over your Ranch and 
project the Pokemon that are stored in the current box you are viewing on the
DS onto the grass of your Ranch. Once you have chosen to deposit a Pokemon to
Ranch it will popup and take the 3-D/origami shape that Pokemon have in Ranch.

The projector-balloon will be pink if the depositing game is the Pearl version
and blue if the depositing game is the Diamond version.

* In the top-left corner of the screen you can exit the Deposit operation.
* In the top-right corner of the screen it will say the OT of the DS game.
* Scrolling across the top 1/3 of your screen are the current Wanted Pokemon.
* In the bottom-right corner of the screen it will tell you how many Pokemon
  you have deposited as a part of the total allowed for your current level.
  For example - 50/50
* In the bottom-left corner of the mode is "Deposit."

 | WiPo |==================/ Withdrawing Pokemon \===================| WiPo |
\* DS View */

If you've chosen to withdraw Pokemon on the DS you will be taken to the boxes
that currently hold Pokemon within the Ranch. The boxes on the DS appear
Grassy with the title box having a rainbow. The box names on Ranch appear as
"Ranch xx" where x denotes a 0-9 number. The maximum box capacity is 30, the
same on the Diamond/Pearl games.

The options for operating within the box are simple. Once you have selected a
Pokemon with the hand (again, use (Y) to toggle between the orange/white hand
for fast withdrawing) you will be given two options...

1) Withdraw
2) Cancel

In addition you have the following options on the lower screen of your DS that
allow for reorganization of the Ranch Boxes...

-------- Sort --------
------- Refine -------
Name    -     Type
Move    -     Ability
Nature  -     Mark
You can use your DS stylus to navigate these menus and choose a different way
to organize the boxes within Ranch.

When you are all finished select "Save," and when that is complete select "See
ya!" The DS will power-off once you press (A) on the DS one final time.

\* Wii View */

Like with depositing the Wii screen appears the same, except that the boxes
you are viewing hold Ranch Pokemon and as a result they appear in their 3-D/
origami shape. When they are withdrawn to the DS the projector-ballon will
only project the image of that Pokemon on the ground.

* In the bottom-left corner the mode is "Withdraw."

When you are all finished the projector-balloon will fly away and the game
will save.

 | RaLs |=====================\ Ranch Levels /=======================| RaLs |

Your Ranch has levels that it can reach which are determined by the current
population of your Ranch. By meeting population requirements you will unlock
several things.

Unlocked via Level...
1) More storage space.
2) New maximum capacity for toys.
3) New maximum capacity for Miis.
4) Special Pokemon that Hayley will trade with you.
5) Free Mode.
6) Favorites.

Below are the various Levels and their respective information.

 |Level Requirement     Max Storage     New Space       Max Toys    Max Miis|
 | 01   Starting Level.   20            15              1           5       |
 | 02   7 Deposited.      25            5               1           5       |
 | 03   10 Deposited.     30            5               1           5       |
 | 04   15 Deposited.     40            10              1           10      |
 | 05*  20 Deposited.     50            10              1           10      |
 | 06   30 Deposited.     60            10              1           10      |
 | 07   40 Deposited.     80            20              1           10      |
 | 08   50 Deposited.     100           20              2           15      |
 | 09   60 Deposited.     150           50              2           15      |
 | 10*  80 Deposited.     200           50              2           15      |
 | 11   100 Deposited.    250           50              3           20      |
 | 12   120 Deposited.    300           50              3           20      |
 | 13   150 Deposited.    350           50              3           20      |
 | 14   200 Deposited.    400           50              3           20      |
 | 15*  250 Deposited.    500           100             4           20      |
 | 16   300 Deposited.    600           100             4           20      |
 | 17   350 Deposited.    700           100             4           20      |
 | 18   400 Deposited.    800           100             4           20      |
 | 19   450 Deposited.    900           100             4           20      |
 | 20*^ 500 Deposited.    1000          100             5           20      |
 | 21   600 Deposited.    1000          0               5           20      |
 | 22   700 Deposited.    1000          0               5           20      |
 | 23   800 Deposited.    1000          0               5           20      |
 | 24   900 Deposited.    1000          0               5           20      |
 | 25*  999 Deposited.    1000          0               6           20      |


05* = Free Mode is now available.
10* = Favorites is now available.
15* = Phione is now available for trade.
20* = Hayley's Pokemon no longer count toward the population.
20^ = Pokemon Pallet toy can now be found in toy boxes.
25* = Mew is now available for trade.

 | Trds |========================\ Trades /==========================| Trds |

Sometimes, when you bring in a Wanted Pokemon, Hayley will offer to trade you
that Pokemon for one of hers. There are 20 Pokemon available for trade in this
manner and all of them have preset levels, natures, moves, genders, as well as
hold items. There is a way to almost guarentee that these trades will occur.

In order to get the trade you want you have to first get that Pokemon into the
Ranch, as otherwise Hayley will NOT trade you for it. In order to get these 20
Pokemon into the Ranch you have to coax Hayley into bringing them. Recall that
Hayley only brings 1 species of Pokemon to the Ranch a day and asks you what
you think she should bring before leaving the Ranch for the first time in that

You can coax Hayley into bringing 1 of the 20 she will trade you for by saying
"No" to her every time she asks "Would xxx Pokemon be ok?" When you've said
"No" twice she will decide she knows just the Pokemon to bring and that will
likely be 1 of the 20 you want to trade her for.

This also means that fulfilling more than 1 Wanted Pokemon request a day is a
waste of your time unless you simply want to the requests for fun...

I recommend only using Pokemon that you don't care for when handling the
Wanted Pokemon requests to prevent putting yourself in a tough situation. That
is assuming you are the kind of person that wants to collect all of Hayley's
trades. Otherwise you can simply decline the trade and go about your business.

Assuming she does want to trade for one of the Pokemon you want to keep it is
ok to tell her no. Eventually she will offer that Pokemon for trade further on
down the line.

Below are the 20 trades Hayley will randomly request, ordered by National Dex

All have the same OT / trainer ID info...
OT:             Hayley
Trainer ID:     01000

ID:             025
Monster@Item:   Pikachu @ Shuca Berry
Type:           Electric
Gender:         Male
Level:	        22
Nature:	        Jolly
Moves:          Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Flash, Double Team

ID:             037
Monster@Item:   Vulpix @ Fire Stone
Type:           Fire
Gender:         Male
Level:	        30
Nature:	        Naive
Moves:          Energy Ball, Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Safeguard

ID:             077
Monster@Item:   Ponyta @ Passho Berry
Type:           Fire
Gender:         Male
Level:	        16
Nature:	        Naughty
Moves:          Take Down, Tackle, Tail Whip, Ember

ID:             108
Monster@Item:   Lickitung @ TM44 [Rest]
Type:           Normal
Gender:         Male
Level:	        40
Nature:	        Naive
Moves:          Solarbeam, Defense Curl, Swords Dance, Rollout

ID:             114
Monster@Item:   Tangela @ Coba Berry
Type:           Grass
Gender:         Female
Level:	        1
Nature:	        Naughty
Moves:          Leaf Storm, Power Whip, Sleep Powder, Ancientpower

ID:             133
Monster@Item:   Eevee @ Haban Berry
Type:           Normal
Gender:         Male
Level:	        30
Nature:	        Hardy
Moves:          Natural Gift, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball

ID:             142
Monster@Item:   Aerodactyl @ Kasib Berry
Type:           Rock / Flying
Gender:         Male
Level:	        50
Nature:	        Jolly
Moves:          Natural Gift, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace

ID:             193
Monster@Item:   Yanma @ Charti Berry
Type:           Bug / Flying
Gender:         Male
Level:	        45
Nature:	        Naughty
Moves:          Silver Wind, Hypnosis, Ancientpower, Dream Eater

ID:             241
Monster@Item:   Milktank @ MooMoo Milk
Type:           Normal
Gender:         Female
Level:	        48
Nature:	        Calm
Moves:          Milk Drink, Heal Bell, Shadow Ball, Hammer Arm

ID:             285
Monster@Item:   Shroomish @ Kebia Berry
Type:           Grass
Gender:         Male
Level:	        45
Nature:	        Jolly
Moves:          Seed Bomb, Spore, False Swipe, Stun Spore

ID:             320
Monster@Item:   Wailmer @ Tanga Berry
Type:           Water
Gender:         Male
Level:	        45
Nature:	        Lax
Moves:          Rest, Water Spout, Amnesia, Ice Beam

ID:             360
Monster@Item:   Wynaut @ Colbur Berry
Type:           Psychic
Gender:         Male
Level:	        1
Nature:	        Relaxed
Moves:          Charm, Splash, Encore

ID:             397
Monster@Item:   Staravia @ Yache Berry
Type:           Normal / Flying
Gender:         Male
Level:	        23
Nature:	        Jolly
Moves:          Roost, Wing Attack, Endeavor, Whirlwind

ID:             415
Monster@Item:   Combee @ Occa Berry
Type:           Bug / Flying
Gender:         Female
Level:	        20
Nature:	        Lax
Moves:          Sweet Scent, Gust

ID:             417
Monster@Item:   Pachirisu @ Chilan Berry
Type:           Electric
Gender:         Female
Level:	        10
Nature:	        Naive
Moves:          Grass Knot, Growl, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack

ID:             422
Monster@Item:   Shellos @ Rindo Berry
Type:           Water
Gender:         Male
Level:	        25
Nature:	        Relaxed
Moves:          Natural Gift, Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Double Team

ID:             427
Monster@Item:   Buneary @ Chople Berry
Type:           Normal
Gender:         Female
Level:	        16
Nature:	        Mild
Moves:          Charm, Foresight, Drain Punch, Quick Attack

ID:             453
Monster@Item:   Croagunk @ Payapa Berry
Type:           Poison
Gender:         Male
Level:	        31
Nature:	        Naughty
Moves:          Astonish, Swagger, Mud Bomb, Sucker Punch

ID:             456
Monster@Item:   Finneon @ Wacan Berry
Type:           Water
Gender:         Female
Level:	        35
Nature:	        Mild
Moves:          Attract, Water Pulse, Safeguard, Aqua Ring

ID:             459
Monster@Item:   Snover @ Babiri Berry
Type:           Grass / Ice
Gender:         Male
Level:	        41
Nature:	        Relaxed
Moves:          Woodhammer, Ice Shard, Ingrain, Blizzard

 | SPkmn |===================\ Special Pokemon /====================| SPkmn |

Like in Box, you can also get Special Pokemon. In MPR there are 2 of these 
Pokemon and to get them you must meet a requirement before Hayley gives you
the chance to trade away for them. Just like with the BBS trades the OT /
trainer ID info is exactly the same.

Both have...
OT:             Hayley
Trainer ID:     01000
Level:          50
Nature:         Random
No hold item.

ID:             151
Monster:        Mew
Type:           Psychic
Moves:	        Synthesis, Return, Hypnosis, Teleport
Requirement:    Reach Ranch level 25.
Trade:          Egg (any egg!)

ID:             489
Monster:        Phione
Type:           Water
Moves:	        Grass Knot, Rain Dance, Rest, Surf
Requirement:    Reach Ranch level 15.
Trade:          Leafeon

 | Evts |========================\ Events /==========================| Evts |

In your Ranch, as you meet certain requirements with the Pokemon population, 
events will occur. These are nothing more than good photo opportunities of
your Pokemon interacting with eachother.

An event will occur once every 15 minutes, in congress with the day/night
cycle that occurs in your Ranch.

 | ##   Name                    Suspected Requirement                       |
 | 01   Attention               Deposit at least 1 Pokemon.                 |
 | 02   ZigZag Parade           Deposit at least 25 Zigzagoon.              |
 | 03   Dash                    Deposit: Bulbasaur, Meowth, Munchlax,       |
 |                              Pikachu, Teddiursa & Torchic for this       |
 |                              Pokemon Dash themed event.                  |
 | 04   Air Parade              Deposit at least 11 Flying type Pokemon or  |
 |                              Pokemon that levitate above the Ranch.      |
 | 05   Totem Pole              Deposit at least 5 Pokemon.                 |
 | 06   Hip-Hop                 Deposit at least 20 Cleffa.                 |
 | 07   Pikachu Party           Deposit at least 20 Pikachu.                |
 | 08   Circle Dance            Deposit at least 20 Pokemon of the same     |
 |                              species.                                    |
 | 09   Ring Dance              Deposit at least 20 Pokemon of the same     |
 |                              type.                                       |
 | 10   ZigZag Dance            Deposit at least 20 Zigzagoon.              |
 | 11   Slow Waltz              Deposit at least 10 Volbeat & 10 Illumise.  |
 | 12   Do the Wave             Deposit 25, 36, or 100 Plusle & Minun.      |
 | 13   Chorus                  Deposit several members of the Igglybuff,   |
 |                              Jigglypuff and/or Wigglytuff family.        |
 | 14   Carousel                Deposit a total of 40 of the following:     |
 |                              Ponyta/Rapidash/Stantler/Girafarig.         |
 | 15   Clock                   Occurs every hour on the hour.              |
 | 16   Keyboard                Deposit all of the Unown.                   |

 | Dztr |======================\ Disasters /=========================| Dztr |

There are 4 disasters you can cause with your WiiMote by doing various quick
motions with it.

It is entirely possible these are randomly generated but a few of us have had
some success with recreating these events over a dozen times in a row once 
perfecting the following techniques...

1) Earthquake   - Hold the WiiMote vertical and give it a quick & short
                  "wand-like" left-right snap. The ground will shake and
                  everyone in the Ranch will fall over. This is not unlike
                  Bounce but there is a difference - with Earthquake
                  Pokemon & Miis will fall over.

2) Explosion    - Hold the WiiMote vertical and give it a quick & short
                  "wand-like" up-down snap. This has consistently, seemingly
                  at least, recreated the disaster. Explosion is not unlike
                  Tornado but there is a difference - with Explosion Pokemon
                  are blown away from the immediate area leaving an open ring.

3) Tornado      - Hold the WiiMote vertical and spin it in a circular motion.
                  Tornado is not unlike Explosion but there is a difference -
                  with Tornado the Pokemon are swept up into the air in a

4) Bounce        - Hold the WiiMote horizontal and give it an up to down & vice
                  versa motion to get in everyone the Ranch to bounce up off
                  of the ground. This is not unlike Earthquake but there is a
                  difference - with Bounce Pokemon do not fall over/on their

 | Sprkl |=====================\ Sparkles /========================| Sprkl |

In your Ranch you may notice that some of your Pokemon, upon close inspection,
are surrounded by a sparkling aura. Many people at (noted in the
Credits) were able to research and confirm several causes for the occurence of
the aura and what the different colored auras relate to.

If your Pokemon meets any of the following criterion it should sparkle with
the named hue; otherwise your Pokemon should not sparkle. Supposing you have
a Pokemon that has a hue and does not meet the following criterion please
contact me.

Level 100 - Red/Orange
*Fateful Encounter - Blue/Green
Level 100/Fateful Encounter - Red/Orange/Blue/Green

*Note: These auras are reproduced with high consistency but are not at a 100%
occurence rate. Which is to say, "Not always." Fateful Encounter includes
Pokemon that have been purified in XD/Colosseum, obtained at an event, hatched
Manaphy eggs, or are from "Lovely Place."

Without confirmation, but subject to suspicion, the following criterion have
been, until possible future update, ruled out as a cause for the sparkling
- Max Happiness
- Max IV (in at least 1 stat)
- EV trained
- With Ribbon

 | Tyz |==========================\ Toys /============================| Tyz |

New toys are delivered to the Ranch every day. The number delivered depends on
the level of your Ranch, as does the amount of toys you can keep. Check the
Ranch Levels section above for that info.

Note that the only way you'll have a single toy on the Ranch for more than a
day is if that toy is delivered more than one day in a row. For instance, when
you reach level 11 there will be 3 toys delivered every day starting the day
you reach that level. As a result the toys from the previous day disappear.

 | Name                         Function                                    |
 | Attracter                    When a Mii picks it up Pokemon come running!|
 | Balloons                     When touched the balloons will take someone |
 |                              for a ride high in the sky!                 |
 | Bon Fire                     Pokemon gather round and take it easy! Watch|
 |                              out for Water Pokemon though!               |
 | Bounce Back Ball             Pokemon can roll and bounce on this ball.   |
 |                              Watchout for when it hits other Pokemon!    |
 | Burst Ball                   If someone touches it they'll be launched   |
 |                              far away!                                   |
 | Challenger                   When approached by a Pokemon the challenge  |
 |                              is on! Who will prevail? Challenger or      |
 |                              Pokemon?                                    |
 | Fountain                     Water shoots out and Pokemon can sit on it  |
 |                              while it happens!                           |
 | Leader Flag                  When held by a Mii other Pokemon will start |
 |                              a march behind the Leader! Sometimes they   |
 |                              won't and the Mii will get discouraged ;_;  |
 | Parade Drum                  A Mii may pick this drum up, march around   |
 |                              while banging it, and have Pokemon fall in- |
 |                              line behind it!                             |
 | Pitfall                      Appears to be a small mound but watch	    |
 |                              out when you step on it!                    |
 | Poke Bell                    Mii's may pick this bell up and ring it!    |
 | Poke Cushion                 A small cushion. A Mii may put it on their  |
 |                              head and and allow a Pokemon to sit on the  |
 |                              cushion while its atop their head!          |
 | Poke Microphone              When touched by a Pokemon you will hear its |
 |                              call come through your WiiMote's speaker!   |
 | Poke Pendulum                A pendulum that will hypnotize someone if   |
 |                              they stare at it too long!                  |
 | Poke Rocket                  Shoots Pokemon high into the sky!           |
 | Pokemon Pallet               When approached the first Pokemon to see it |
 |                              will have its outline made by all the       |
 |                              Pokemon in the Ranch!                       |
 | Round Rock                   A sturdy rock that will temporarily flatten |
 |                              Pokemon if they aren't fast enough!         |
 | Slippery Peel                Just an ordinary used banana peel. Don't    |
 |                              step on it!                                 |
 | Snowman                      Stay away or you'll get Frozen! Watch out   |
 |                              for Fire Pokemon though!                    |
 | Spin Ride                    Pokemon will get on and go for spin. They'd |
 |                              better not stay on too long, though...      |
 | Spring Stand                 Allows Pokemon to jump on it and fly in the |
 |                              air.                                        |
 | Stinky Ball                  Stay away from this ball or you may make a  |
 |                              big stink!                                  |
 | Training Bag                 Pokemon will use their attacks on this toy! |

 | CLkSe |===================\ Club Look-See /======================| CLkSe |

To meet the members of this club select... Options > Guest > On. Be sure that
you also have WiiConnect24 set to "On" in your Wii settings as well.

If Guest is set to "On" members of Club Look-See might visit your Ranch and
allow you to go see theirs! CLS members tend to have names and appearances
that relate them to the inhabitants of their Ranch, ironically...

CLS has two mottos; they go as follows...
1) "Ranch! That's something you should be picky about!"
2) "Ranch! That's something you should show off to as many people as you can!"

At least in my and a few others' experience, CLS members tend to appear the
second time you visit your Ranch in a single day.

I will attempt to document all of the members of CLS. If you find that you
have met a member not found here email me the info respective to the following
chart and I'll accredit you with the find! My email can be found at the very
top or bottom of this FAQ.

 | ##   Name       Ranch Name          Population    Inhabitants            |
 | 01   Bobbie     Bidoof Ranch           120        Bidoof, Bibarel        |
 | 02   Mirabel    Milk Cow Ranch         40         Miltank                |
 | 03   Tanner     Wild Bull Ranch        60         Tauros                 |
 | 04   Maggie     Magnemite Ranch        51         Magnemite, Magneton,   |
 |                                                   Magnezone              |
 | 05   Wanda      Wobbuffet Ranch        25         Wynaut, Wobbuffet      |
 | 06   Maribel    Wool Ranch             60         Mareep, Flaaffy,       |
 |                                                   Ampharos               |
 | 07   Dugan      Underground Ranch      110        Diglett, Dugtrio       |
 | 08   Pikabo     Pikachu Ranch          35         Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu |
 | 09   Nathan     Mystic Ranch           15         Cresselia, Lunatone,   |
 |                                                   Solrock, Natu, Xatu    |
 | 10   Cherry     Small Ranch            6          Caterpie, Magnemite,   |
 |                                                   Chingling, Starly,     |
 |                                                   Kricketot, Cherubi     |
 | 11   Raby      Trophy Ranch            50         Bonsly, Happiny,       |
 |                                                   Chancey, Mime Jr.,     |
 |                                                   Kricketune, Pichu,     |
 |                                                   Pikachu, Staravia,     |
 |                                                   Roselia                |
 | 12   Penny      Egg Ranch              29         Egg, Exeggcute, Togepi,|
 |                                                   Happiny, Chancey,      |
 |                                                   Blissey                |
 | 13   Todd       Polybog Ranch          301        Poliwag, Poliwhirl,    |
 |                                                   Poliwrath, Politoed    |
 | 14   Sammy      Rousy Ranch            47         Cleffa, Clefairy,      |
 |                                                   Clefable, Igglybuff,   |
 |                                                   Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff,|
 |                                                   Smoochum, Cherubi,     |
 |                                                   Happiny                |
 | 15   Crofton    Toxic Mouth Ranch      130        Beedrill, Tentacool,   |
 |                                                   Tentacruel, Nidoran(m),|
 |                                                   Nidorino, Qwilfish,    |
 |                                                   Seviper, Croagunk,     |
 |                                                   Toxicroak              |
 | 16   Robert     Rock Ranch             520        Geodude, Graveler,     |
 |                                                   Golem, Onix, Sudowoodo,|
 |                                                   Nosepass, Probopass    |
 | The following are displayed as direct translations without having yet    |
 | been met in the English version...                                       |
 | 17   Kokoro     Bug Ranch              226        Weedle, Kakuna,        |
 |                                                   Beedrill, Scyther,     |
 |                                                   Pinsir, Heracross,     |
 |                                                   Wurmple, Silcoon,      |
 |                                                   Beautifly, Kricketot,  |
 |                                                   Kricketune, Combee,    |
 |                                                   Vespiquen              |
 | 18   Cheriko    Loving Touch Ranch    22          Pikachu, Clefairy,     |
 |                                                   Jigglypuff, Psyduck,   |
 |                                                   Torchic, Skitty,       |
 |                                                   Shroomish, Pachirisu,  |
 |                                                   Buneary, Drifloon,     |
 |                                                   Happiny                |
 | 19   Yowao     Horror Ranch           136         Gastly, Haunter,       |
 |                                                   Gengar, Duskull,       |
 |                                                   Dusclops, Dusknoir,    |
 |                                                   Shuppet, Banette,      |
 |                                                   Mismagius, Spiritomb   |
 | 20   Madame    Burmy Ranch            35          Burmy (All Cloaks),    |
 |                                                   Wormadam (All Cloaks), |
 |                                                   Mothim                 |
 | 21   Mariko    Tropical Ranch         120         Exeggutor, Sunkern,    |
 |                                                   Sunflora, Ludicolo,    |
 |                                                   Tropius, Cherubi       |

*NOTE - There are at least 17 more CLS members known but the information on 
them is scarce and as such, at this point, isn't worth documenting.

 | PkmnBe |=================\ Pokemon Behavior /===================| PkmnBe |

Aside from interacting with eachother in the various Events Pokemon may also 
play with Toys. But that's not all. As with the Training Bag toy, with which 
Pokémon launch attacks at, Pokémon may use their attacks on
eachother or your Miis!

The attack a Pokémon uses depends on its type. A dual-type Pokemon can
use an attack from its first or second type.

 | Type          Move           Description                                 |
 | Bug           Leech Life     The target is hit by an aura and then       |
 |                              flattened.                                  |
 | Dark          Dark Pulse     A black cloud entombs the target.           |
 | Dragon        Twister        The target is overwhelmed by a small, white,|
 |                              twister.                                    |
 | Electric      Thunderbolt    A thunderbolt is launched from the sky      |
 |                              paralyzing the target. The target is slowed |
 |                              and periodically stops as sparks run across |
 |                              its body.                                   |
 | Fighting      Close Combat   The opponent is attacked with fists at      |
 |                              blinding speed.                             |
 | Fire          Flamethrower   The opponent is burned and will frantically |
 |                              run out to cool off the burn.               |
 | Flying        Sky Attack     The user glows orange and quickly swoops    |
 |                              down to attack the target.                  |
 | Ghost         Scary Face     The target flinches and is momentarily      |
 |                              unable to move.                             |
 | Grass         Razor Leaf     Several leafs are launched at the target.   |
 | Ground        Earthquake     All sorrounding Pokémon and Miis are |
 |                              toppled over.                               |
 | Ice           Icy Wind       The target is frozen in a block of ice after|
 |                              being entombed in a cloud of snowflakes.    |
 | Normal        Quick Attack   A Pokémon will charge at the opponent|
 |                              and then hit.                               |
 | Poison        Poison Gas     The target is infliced with Poison, which   |
 |                              slows them down and makes them temporarily  |
 |                              ill.                                        |
 | Psychic       Hypnosis       The target is temporarily put to sleep. If  |
 |                              the attack fails the target is momentarily  |
 |                              confused.                                   |
 | Rock          Rock Slide     Several rocks tumble from the sky and land  |
 |                              on the target.                              |
 | Steel         Metal Claw     The target is hit with a Metal Claw.        |
 | Water         Bubblebeam     Bubbles are shot out at the target which    |
 |                              float away.                                 |

A Pokemon's behavior, it seems, actually depends on its nature. For example a
Lonely Pokemon may actually seperate itself from the crowd. On the other hand
an Adamant Pokemon may attack others more frequently.

Pokemon in your Ranch will tend to gather in groups based on their type. You
may find large gatherings of Grass type Pokemon in certain sections of your
Ranch. Further, Pokémon of the same species and/or evolutionary line
will stick closer together within their respective type groups. Keep in mind,
natures are still in-play and this isn't always the case.

 | MiiBe |====================\ Mii Behavior /======================| MiiBe |

Like the Pokemon in your Ranch Mii's have many actions that they will do.

Unlike Pokemon there are no attributes connected to natures, gender, etc...

Following is a list of the simple Mii actions because everybody loves a list.

 | Action             Description                                           |
 | Dancing            Mii's will start to dance and Pokemon will too!       |
 | Fallen             Just like you, Mii's are klutz's and trip over        |
 |                    absolutely nothing!                                   |
 | Feeding            Pokemon are fed what look like PokeBlocks.            |
 | Fence Repair       Even if it looks fine, that fence needs mending!      |
 | Love               Mii's may express love for a Pokemon with a floating  |
 |                    heart.                                                |
 | Piggy-back Ride    Your Mii will get taken on a ride on a Pokemon!       |
 | PokeCall           Pokemon are ordered to stand in a straight-line.      |
 | Race               Mii's may have a race with other Pokemon!             |
 | Running Scared     Sometimes a Mii will be afraid of a Pokemon and run!  |
 | Sit-Down           While resting Pokemon may jump over the Mii's head.   |
 | Sky-Ride           A Pokemon may pick a Mii up and fly it over the Ranch.|
 | Strike-A-Pose      If you watch a Mii long enough it may strike a pose!  |
 | Yawn/Sleep         Life on the Ranch is hard...                          |
 | *** The following behaviors are the result of status effects given by ***|
 |     Pokemon attacks directed at your Miis...                             |
 | Burned             The hair on a Mii will smoke when the Mii has been    |
 |                    burned by a fire-type attack.                         |
 | Frozen             Your Mii will be temporarily frozen in a block of ice.|
 | Shocked            The Mii will flash, revealing its bones, and be       |
 |                    temporarily stunned.                                  |
 | Poisoned           A Mii will be ill, momentarily.                       |
 | Sleep              Same as Yawn/Sleep above but instead induced.         |

 | FrQ |==========================\ FAQs /============================| FrQ |

Q: Can I deposit Pokemon from more than 1 game?
A: You can deposit Pokemon from up to 8 game paks. There is a restriction that
   only permits a Pokemon to be withdrawn by the depositing game pak. If that
   game pak is restarted those Pokemon are forever trapped at the Ranch.

Q: What happens if I erase the MPR save file?
A: All of the Pokemon that were on the Ranch at that time are forever gone.

Q: How can I change the name of my Ranch?
A: The name of your Ranch is the same as the name of your Wii. Change your
   Wii's name via the Wii settings menu.

Q: My Pokemon won't transfer!
A: As a fail-safe you are not allowed to transfer a Pokemon to the Ranch if
   it is the only remaining Pokemon in your game that knows the HM move that
   the Pokemon you are trying to transfer has. To transfer that Pokemon teach
   the HM to a Pokemon you do not wish to transfer.

Q: I can only deposit ## of Pokemon, why?!?
A: Your Ranch level prevents you from adding more until it is expanded the
   next day. This process can be sped up by changing the date on your Wii to
   the next day.

Q: Can I change the time/date to speed the process up?
A: Yes. Do so in the Wii Settings menu.

Q: What happens if I set time backward after skipping ahead?
A: The "wanted" Pokemon are removed.

Q: Can I play without music?
A: Yes. When the game starts hold [B] + v (down on the D-pad).

Q: Can I clone in this game?
A: No. At least no glitch for doing so has been uncovered. However, a cheat
   device will permit this. By creating a backup save of your DS save file,
   depositing Pokemon on that cart to your Ranch and then reloading the backup
   save, those deposited Pokemon will be in your Diamond/Pearl game/s as well
   as your Ranch. There are other cheat methods that can be used.

Q: Can eggs be deposited?
A: Yes. They even move around!

Q: Do eggs count towards the population of my Ranch?
A: Yes.

Q: Where did my toys go?!?!?!
A: New toys are brought to the Ranch everyday. Not to worry, its likely you
   will get that toy back.

Q: Can I keep my toys?
A: No.

Q: Can I view the details of my Pokemon?
A: Yes. Start a parade. The details are visible as the Pokemon passes.

Q: Do shiny Pokemon still have different appearances?
A: Yes.

Q: Are gender differences visible?
A: Yes. Female Wobbuffet does, in-fact, still have on lipstick.

Q: Is this game good?
A: If you have to ask you probably won't care for it.

Q: Does this game have fighting in it?
A: No. It is a storage game. That is all.

Q: Will my Pokemon evolve if sent to this game?
A: No. No evolution occurs in this game.

Q: Ones ift i onlee haz 999 pokemons? wat kan hapen?

FAQs on the board bothering you? If you've got a FAQ that you think should be
included here, email me! You'll be credited with the submission.

 | VHis |====================\ Version History /=====================| VHis |
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.1 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 09 to June 11, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  Made FAQ skeleton and fleshed out an anticipated 98% of the contents.
02>  The following sections were written: Introduction, Controls, Basics, 
     Hayley's Pokemon, Deposits & Withdrawls, Ranch Levels, Trades, Special
     Pokemon, Events, Sparkles, Toys, Club Look-See, FAQ, and The End with 23
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.2 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 12 to June 13, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  Corrected a few alignment errors with a few of the table borders.
02>  Created a section for Disasters as it just didn't fit well with Events.
03>  Corrected an error with the Deposit/Withdraw FAQ.
04>  Changed the Answer on Cloning from, Don't know, to simply, No.
05>  Added Mirabel, Tanner & Maggie to the CLS section.
06>  Added Dash & Chorus to the Events section.
07>  As result of the many corrections and contributions several additions 
     to to the Credits section were made.
08>  Added 2 websites to the Copyrights section.
09>  Version History's format was terrible, so I fixed that...
10>  Tablized the Controls section.
11>  Made changes to the Deposit/Withdraw section.
12>  Corrected several spelling mistakes.
13>  Rephrased the description for the Air Parade Event to prevent confusion.
14>  Added what trades Hayley wants to make for Phione and Mew.
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.3 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 14 to June 16, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  Added the toys: Stinky Ball, Spin Ride & Bounce Back Ball to the Toys 
02>  Corrected the misspelling of Miltank in the CLS section.
03>  Added, & to the
     Copyrights section.
04>  Added a quick description in the FAQ section on how to clone with a cheat
05>  Bibarel were added to the Bidoof Ranch.
06>  Corrected an error in the BBS section regarding Ranch name associations.
07>  Added CLS members #5, 6, 7 & 8.
08>  As a result of the many corrections and contributions many people were
     added to the Credits section.
09>  Added a Visitors subsection to Basics to give a more indepth explanation
     for visitors to the Ranch.
10>  Updated the Sparkles section to reflect the result of the research
     performed by several people.
11>  Added some more FAQs.
12>  The Events section was completed.
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.4 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 17 to June 18, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  There was an empty spot in the credits which needed to be fixed because
     a person was being credited but had no note and there were several others
     that earned mention there...
02>  Added a note about the Pokemon Pallet toy being unlocked at level 20.
03>  Fixed several spelling errors.
04>  Visual Version subsection was added.
05>  Version History section was moved to below the FAQ section becacuse it 
     just took up too much space.
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.5 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 19 to June 23, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  Assumed final run-through for spelling errors and grammar mistakes.
02>  Assumed final run-through for factual errors and misinformation.
03>  Added the translations for CLS Members #09-21.
04>  Added a section for Pokemon behavior.
05>  Added a section for Mii behavior.
06>  Updated the Credits section.
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.6 \/=============================>>>
   <<<==================/\ June 24 to June 26, 2008 /\==================>>>

01>  Corrected an error regarding the projector-balloon's color.
02>  Removed the Toy Poke Ball from that list as it was reported as a toy but
     hasn't been encountered yet. In addition the description was similar to
     Poke Bell and as a result I deduced it was mistake by the person that
     reported it.
03>  Updated the Credits section.
 <<<==============================\/ V. 0.7 \/=============================>>>
   <<<=================/\ June 27 to September 5, 2008 /\================>>>

01>  Updated BBS's section on Wanted Pokemon, Hayley's Pokemon and Trades
     sections all to reflect confirming a method involving those sections.
02>  Fixed a couple of spelling and format errors.
03>  Added translations for CLS Members 9-16.
04>  Updated the credits section.

 | ThEd |========================\ The End /=========================| ThEd |

Well thanks for checking out my first FAQ! I hope it was informative and all
that jazz. Following are the Credits for this FAQ, which make note of all of
those who have helped in making additions to or correcting errors in the FAQ.

Please note that in some instances more than 1 person is accredited for the
same thing... This is because I recieve a lot of email regarding the FAQ and
get many replies pointing out the same thing. As a rule of thumb I will add
others to the same addition/correction UNTIL an update has been made to the

A special thanks goes out to all of the following...

\* [Credits] */

 - The person/s at for their initial research
   I don't know you/r name/s but seriously, THANKS!

 ---- The following 2 accredidations are made with the above website in mind.

 ---- naomi_hazuki143, tiakalla & Cat333Pokemon - Uncovering, translating and
      confirming all events in the Events section.

 ---- naomi_hazuki143, homerowed & twitchydj - Uncovering and translating
      CLS Members 9 through 37.

 - ReggieStephens, SS3 Son Goku & Dragonmaster - Bringing attention to the
   error concerning Withdrawl & Deposits being limited to only 1 game.

 - WindWaker & SS3 Son Goku - Uncovered CLS Member No. 02, Mirabel.

 - SS3 Son Goku - Uncovered CLS Member #s 03, 13, 15, 16. Also corrected a
   spelling error for Member #6.

 - 1337ROX - Uncovered Event 03: Dash.

 - Teej @ - Help and research for countless things.

 - FridgeBeard - Your Ranch Level cheat was instrumental!

 - Boseiju, for answering SHOCK7's question regarding viewing details.

 - Sasami, dakota_2, Copygoo/Aipomlover9, Crysoberyl & ryustrike24 - 
   Uncovering the Stinky Ball toy.

 - Tight-Knots - Correcting the spelling error, "Milktank," in CLS section.

 - The Jay Mann - Correction to the FAQ on cloning, with regards to a cheat 

 - Scy - Corrected an error in the BBS regarding the Ranch name and
   its association with the Wii. Additionally noted that Bibarel are also
   found in the Bidoof Ranch.

 - rini124 - Also noted that Bibarel are found within Bidoof Ranch.

 - dakota_2, Drybowser98, jimmyjam899 & SS3 Son Goku - Uncovering CLS members
   #5 & 6.

 - dakota_2 - Uncovering CLS member #7.

 - dakota_2 & jimmyjam899 - Uncovering CLS member #8.

 - Proto - Uncovering the Spin Ride toy.

 - firepkmnmaster - Provided Tanner's Ranch population.

 - DannyJS1 & chumpatumpa - Uncovering the Bounce Back Ball toy.

 - mootoast, royalsong, hathejoker, ssbmrocks & Tight-Knots - Discussing the
   various moves a specific type may use.

 - Flitterbie - Correcting the Ring Dance requirement.

 - KoalaKristy, zommbie, vs_seeker, weworshipwii, Teej and VARIOUS OTHERS - 
   researching the cause of the Sparkles.

 - ryustrike24 - I forgot in the credits?!?!

 - Dark Mousy, Zaruki, Nanabobo, Ultimarosa321, PokeMerc, mtg3, royalsong,
   Mouse_among_men - Helping out with Mii behaviors.

 - Deane - The projector balloon's color is dictated by the connected game,
   not the trainer's gender.

 - gyroc1 - CLS member #s 9-12.

 - Aleu1010 - CLS member #14.

 - RudolphMilotic - thanks for the pics!

 - GAME FREAK inc., Creatures inc. & Nintendo - Thanks for giving us great
   games to waste away our time with!

 - ...Mommy?

\* [Corrections/Contribs] */

Corrections and Contributions are not only welcome but wanted! If you have an
error that you've found please let me know! Check Below for contact info! I'd
by more than happy to accredit you for finding and correcting the error, 
besides, my Credits section needs help!
If you have any of the following data not found within this FAQ PLEASE feel
free to use the contact information found below to help improve this FAQ!
I'm looking for any additional info regarding...

 1) Club Look-See - Met a visitor that isn't on the list? Let me know the name
    of the visitor, their Ranch name, how many pokemon they had and what
    species for credit in this FAQ.

 2) Cloning - Submit a confirmed method, I'll test it, and if it works you'll
    get your name slapped down here. (Regarding a glitch, not hacking... lol).

 3) FAQs not already here - Let's alleviate annoying questions by answering
    them here! (Even though there isn't a board around that doesn't still get
    flooded with ridiculous questions... It can't hurt...)

\* [Contact] */

You can contact me regarding this guide... I'll not be opening the email if
the subject does not contain something pertaining to this game, though, and
don't expect a response if you've asked a question that has been answered in
the FAQ itself...

>> EMAIL: [email protected] <<

** Sometimes I'm on MSN for a fast chat but don't count it, if I'm not on just
shoot me the email =)

\* [Copyrights] */

This FAQ can currently only be hosted on the following websites...

 If you find this FAQ elsewhere please report it to me! Hosting it elsewhere
 is copyright infringement and, as there is no way around it, plagiarism!
 /* EoFAQ */