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Crop Guide

by DetroitDJ


         Copyright 2009   .   .                          .     If you find this
           by DetroitDJ   |   |                         _|_    guide useful,
                          |---| .-., .--..    ._.-. .--. |     please remember
          Version 1.0.1   |   |(   ) |    \  / (.-' `--. |     to click on
                          '   ' `-'`-'     `'   `--'`--' `-'   recommend above!
                                .    .
                           /|   |\  /|
                          / |   | \/ | .-.  .-. .--.
                         /| |   |    |(   )(   )|  |
                        //| |   '    ' `-'  `-' '  `-
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                        Quick-Launch Table of Contents
               | Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . [INTRO] |
               |       Why This Guide Exists . . . . . [WHYTG] |
               |       Version History . . . . . . . . [VERSH] |
               | Farming Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . [FRMBA] |
               |    Farming Preparation. . . . . . . . [FARMP] |
               |       Farming Basics. . . . . . . . . [FRMBA] |
               |       Getting Started . . . . . . . . [GETST] |
               |       Buying Seeds. . . . . . . . . . [BUYSE] |
               |    Farming Mechanics. . . . . . . . . [FARMM] |  | Trees can
               |       Basic Farming Mechanics . . . . [BFRMM] |  | be the
               |       Soil & Crop Quality . . . . . . [S&CQU] |  | easiest
               |       Fertilizer. . . . . . . . . . . [FERTI] |  | moneymakers
               |    Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TREES] |--| around, if
               |       Tree Mechanics. . . . . . . . . [TREEM] |  | you know
               | Crops and Fruits. . . . . . . . . . . [CR&FR] |  | how to use
               |    Spring Crops . . . . . . . . . . . [SPCRP] |  | them.
   What are |  |    Summer Crops . . . . . . . . . . . [SUCRP] |
   the best |  |    Fall Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . [FACRP] |  | Check
  crops are |  |    Winter Crops . . . . . . . . . . . [WICRP] |  | Full-Season
   for each |  |    Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [FRUIT] |  | info if
    season? |--| Crop Profit Analysis. . . . . . . . . [CROPP] |  | you're
 Here's all |  |    Full-Season Crop Profits . . . . . [FSCPR] |--| planting on
  you need. |  |       Spring Full-Season Profits. . . [SPFSP] |  | the first
               |       Summer Full-Season Profits. . . [SUFSP] |  | of the
      Check |  |       Fall Full-Season Profits. . . . [FAFSP] |  | month.
By-Bag info |  |       Winter Full-Season Profits. . . [WIFSP] |
    if your |  |       Overall Full-Season Profits . . [OVFSP] |
    time is |--|    By-Bag Crop Profits. . . . . . . . [BBCPR] |
   limited. |  |       Spring By-Bag Profits . . . . . [SPBBP] |
               |       Summer By-Bag Profits . . . . . [SUBBP] |
               |       Fall By-Bag Profits . . . . . . [FABBP] |
               |       Winter By-Bag Profits . . . . . [WIBBP] |
               |       Overall By-Bag Profits. . . . . [OVBBP] |
               | The Three C's . . . . . . . . . . . . [C_C_C] |
               |    Copyright. . . . . . . . . . . . . [COPYR] |
               |    Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CREDI] |
               |    Contact Information. . . . . . . . [CONTA] |

        // [INTRO]                                                           //
       //                                                    Introduction   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Excellence is in the details. Give attention                    //
    //  to the details and excellence will take                          //
   //  care of itself." -Perry Paxton                                   //
  //                                                                   //
|\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WHYTG] _
| Why This Guide Exists                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| Most people only need to know the basics of crop growth. You know, how long
| stuff takes to grow, where they can buy it, and how much it sells for. Not
| much else, though.
| But for some of us, Harvest Moon is a much deeper game that lends itself to
| pretty complicated profit ideas. What's the most profitable crop for the
| entire season? What about if your time is limited?
| This guide exists to answer these questions. You'll find all the basic
| information here as well, but along with it are complicated profit analyses
| to take your farming to a deeper level. This isn't interesting to the
| average Harvest Moon player, so I'm putting it in this guide to keep it out
| of the way.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How to Navigate                                                            \
|                                                                             \
| This guide has three major sections: the first section are the basics of
| farming, and contains the same information on farming that you'll find in
| my main guide. It's here basically just for completeness.
| The second section lists all the game's Crops, Herbs, Flowers and Fruits.
| Here you'll find all the basic information on these crops (growth time,
| sale price, recipe listings, etc.), but you'll also find profit information
| on each.
| The third section lists only the profit information for the game's crops,
| ranked according to the most profitable crops. It's divided into two broad
| categories: Full-Season profits assume you're planting on the first of the
| month and either re-planting throughout the season or keeping multi-harvest
| crops growing. By-Bag profits assume you're only planting the bag and
| harvesting once -- that's especially important when you've only got a few
| days left in the season and you're curious what the best crop to use is for
| that short time.
| The third section is divided by seasons and soil qualities, so it's pretty
| long -- but it should still be relatively easy to navigate.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [VERSH] _
| Version History                                                            \
|                                                                             \
| 1.0.1 (11/30/2009): Did you know that Buckwheat mills into Soba Flour, not
| Buckwheat Flour? Neither did I. But now we do.
| 1.0.0 (11/25/2009): This guide exists now. It didn't used to. All great
| guides start this way.

        // [FRMBA]                                                           //
       //                                                  Farming Basics   //
      //                                                                   //
     //                                                                   //
    //  "A quote goes here!"                                             //
   //                                                                   //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FARMP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Farming Preparation  /
| /                                                                         /
| Before you plow in and start planting, you'll want to know the basics
| behind tilling the land, planting crops and watering the seeds. That's what
| this section is for.
| You start the game with nine turnip seeds, a hoe and a watering can. That's
| all you need to start planting. Note, though, that you'll want to get more
| seeds really, really soon. Maybe even right away.
|\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FRMBA] _
| Farming Basics                                                             \
|                                                                             \
| Raising crops is a fairly simple system. using the hoe, you till a few
| spots of soil, then plant some seeds. Water the seeds each day (unless it's
| raining) and they'll begin to sprout. Keep watering them until they bare
| fruit, then stand next to it and press A to pick the crop from the ground.
| If you're not sure if it's ready yet, press A anyway -- you'll pick it if
| it's ready.
| There are some extremely basic things you need to know about crops before
| getting started:
|   - Crops are seasonal. If you try to plant a crop out of season, it might
|     sprout (I haven't confirmed if crops grow out-of-season in Animal
|     Parade), but it'll take longer to grow. So, check the season of your
|     crop. When you're buying from Marimba Farm, they'll only sell in-season
|     seeds, so you won't have to worry there unless you buy some seeds and
|     hold on to them for a while.
|   - All crops are not created equal. They have many different
|     characteristics: different growth times, different sale prices,
|     different usages. The growth times are especially important, though:
|     make sure there's enough time left in this season to grow the crop.
|     Don't plant a crop that takes 8 days to grow on the 26th of the month.
|   - Some crops are multi-harvest. That means that when you pick the crop
|     from the ground, something will be left behind. This is the vine: keep
|     watering it and another crop will sprout. These are usually more
|     profitable because it takes much less time for the second (and third,
|     and fourth...
|   - Crops have quality ratings. Four, to be specific: Decent, Good, Perfect
|     and Shining. Better-quality crops will sell for more and are more liked
|     by the villagers. You can find more about crop qualities in the
|     Mechanics section.
|   - Soil has quality ratings, too. Five, to be specific: Bad, Poor, Decent,
|     Good, Best. The better the soil quality, the better the crop quality.
|     Most crops will also grow faster in better soil. More info on that is
|     in the Mechanics section too.
|   - Hurricanes and blizzards may destroy crops. They won't wipe your field
|     clean, but you'll notice random crops throughout your field have
|     disappeared. The effect of a hurricane or blizzard is set when you go
|     to bed on the night when the hurricane has already been happening, so
|     you won't see the crops destroyed until the next day -- but that means
|     if too many crops are destroyed, you can reset to the previous night
|     (if you saved that night) and try again.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GETST] _
| Getting Started                                                            \
|                                                                             \
| When you start off, you're given a decent-sized field. You don't get to
| choose it this time around, there's a single starter field. You'll already
| have a few crops growing as a gift from the folks at Marimba Farm, but
| you'll need to grow more (a LOT more) to succeed in the game. So let's go
| over the basics.
| You might notice that there are rocks, saplings, trees or weeds in the way
| of where you want to plant some crops. Isn't that annoying? To clear out
| rocks, you'll need the Hammer; to clear out saplings and trees, you'll need
| the Axe. To find out about how to get and use those tools, check the Tools
| section by searching for [-TOOLS-] without the dashes.
| Weeds can be taken care of with the sickle (you can check that section for
| info on that as well), but can also be pulled by hand. Beware though,
| pulling weeds will use a lot more stamina than slashing them with the
| sickle. Weeds also have a deeper impact than just looking ugly and getting
| in the way, but that will be detailed in the Mechanics section.
| Once you've cleared a bit of land to plant your crops, you need two things:
| a hoe and some seeds. Equip the hoe to till the soil -- you'll notice it
| changes to a hole-looking square of land. Then, equip the seeds. Each seed
| you buy is enough for one single tilled square (no more six seed-packs like
| in Tree of Tranquility). You can plant them one by one, or in a 3x3 square
| by holding down A while the seeds are equipped, if you have more than 9 of
| them.
| If you make a mistake, don't worry. You can dig seeds back up with the hoe
| (though you don't actually get to plant them again) the same way you tilled
| the soil. If the crops sprout, you can chop them down with the sickle like
| weeds if you need to clear that land.
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BUYSE] _
| Buying Seeds                                                               \
|                                                                             \
| The above section mentioned needing a hoe and seeds. You get the hoe
| automatically, but the seeds you'll have to purchase. There are several
| places in the game to purchase seeds. Most of your time will be spent at
| Marimba Farm, over in the Flute Fields. They sell almost all the seeds in
| the game, at the cheapest price. However, they won't stock all the seeds
| initially -- you'll need to sell some crops first. For more info on that,
| check the Store Levels section (search for [-STRLV-] without the spaces).
| As with all shops, you can also call Marimba Farm to order seeds, but
| beware: if you order the seeds by phone, you'll pay a lot more (double, I
| think). Fortunately, though, you can use the phone service 24 hours a day,
| 7 days a week -- so if you're in a bind and the shop is closed, give them a
| call.
| Once you've moved through the plot a bit, a kid named Taylor will show up.
| Taylor runs a phone-order-only seed shop. He doesn't sell any seeds you
| can't get at Marimba Farm, and you'll pay the higher price. However,
| there's still a benefit: Marimba Farm will add items to their inventory
| slowly as you progress through the game, while Taylor will stock all the
| seeds right when he moves in. So, if Marimba Farm isn't selling something
| you need yet, give Taylor a ring.
| There are a few other places to buy seeds as well. Some Festivals will sell
| some seeds, and there are also some seeds you can only buy at Pineapple Inn
| on Toucan Island.
|\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal Seed Mixes                                                        \
|                                                                             \
| Marimba Farm and Taylor also sell Seasonal Seed Mixes. Seasonal seed mixes
| are a bit of a gamble. They each can contain any type of seed for that
| season -- including ones that aren't yet sold at Marimba Farm, which can be
| useful if Taylor hasn't moved in. However, there's no way of determining
| what the seeds will be, and mixed seed bags typically cost slightly more
| than the average of the crops for the season. Plus you have to mess with
| different growth times and thus wait longer to re-plant, sometimes they'll
| grow multi-harvest crops that don't disappear when you pick them...
| overall, they're a bit of a hassle.
| In general, you won't want to buy seasonal seed mixes for profit. But if
| there's a particular crop you're hoping for that isn't yet available
| elsewhere, you may as well take the gamble.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FARMM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Farming Mechanics  /
| /                                                                         /
| So now you've bought some seeds, tilled the soil and planted your crops. Or
| you've just got the crops that your farm started with. Whichever. Either
| way, it's time to look at the best way to raise those crops.
|\________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BFRMM] _
| Basic Farming Mechanics                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| Each crop has a pre-set growth time for the particular type of soil it's
| in. It will mature in that many days unless something slows it down. Note
| that when I say "X days", it means that it will take that many days of
| water before it will produce fruit. For example, if a crop takes 5 days to
| grow and you plant it on the 1st, you'll get fruit on the 6th: the 5 days
| of watering are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, so on the 6th it will be
| mature.
| What could slow down that growth though? Various things can slow down how
| long it takes your crops to mature:
|   - Soil quality. Poorer soil quality will result in longer growth times
|     for most (but not all) crops.
|   - Missed watering days. Every time you miss a day of watering, the crop
|     will take one day longer to grow. If you miss too many, though, the
|     crop will die altogether.
|   - Nearby weeds. If a crop has a weed anywhere in the 3x3 square
|     surrounding it, its growth will be slowed, and the crop quality might
|     be lowered too.
| Take care of those things and your crops will sprout in no time. But what
| about soil quality and crop quality? There's a bit more to say about
| that...
|\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [S&CQU] _
| Soil & Crop Quality                                                        \
|                                                                             \
| When a crop matures and gets picked, it will have a quality associated with
| it: Decent, Good, Perfect or Shining. The quality is based on the type of
| soil the crop grew in.
| There are five levels of soil: Bad, Poor, Decent, Good and Best. You can
| identify different qualities by the color: darker spoils are better, though
| it might be hard to differentiate between adjacent levels (Bad & Poor, Good
| & Best, etc.) without looking at them side by side.
| Better soil quality results in faster growth times and better-quality
| crops. You'll notice that there's only a subtle increase in crop quality
| from soil to soil, but it does make a different in the long run. The chart
| below shows the odds of getting each crop quality in each soil quality.
| Note that I'm basing these numbers on only around 30 tests in each soil, so
| they may change with more information.
|                                Soil Quality
|                    Bad       Poor     Decent       Good    Perfect
|          Decent    50%        40%        30%        25%        20%
|          Good      30%        35%        35%        35%        30%
|          Perfect   20%        25%        30%        35%        40%
|          Shining    0%         0%         5%         5%        10%
| When you start planting crops, you'll notice that the soil qualities start
| to get worse. Every couple weeks you have crops growing in a particular
| soil space, the quality of that soil will drop. It might slow the growth
| time of the crop by a day or two when it does this (depending on how far
| along the crop was anyway), and the crop quality will be determined by the
| soil quality when the crop finally matures.
| Soil quality will never go back up on its own. So what do you do when the
| quality drops? Well, that's where the next section comes in.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FERTI] _
| Fertilizer                                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| Fertilizer lets you raise your crop quality and can be purchased from
| Marimba Farm. Each bag of fertilizer functions like a bag of seeds: one
| spot per fertilizer, and if you have nine or more you can hold down A and
| fertilize a 3x3 area.
| There are four different types of fertilizer: Decent Fertilizer, Good
| Fertilizer, Perfect Fertilizer and Shining Fertilizer. Better fertilizers
| raise the soil more levels at a time, from 1 levels for Decent Fertilizer
| to 4 levels (Best soil no matter what it was previously) for Shining
| Fertilizer. You won't be able to buy better fertilizers until you level
| Marimba Farm up a bit (search [-STRLV-] without the dashes for more info on
| that), but Taylor will stock all four types as soon as he moves in.
| Fertilizer is pretty expensive, but only if you let yourself get behind.
| When you get enough money, raise the soil quality for every soil you're
| using to the maximum level, and then just use Decent Fertilizer every
| couple weeks to bring it back up.
|\____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crops vs. Herbs and Flowers                                                \
|                                                                             \
| There are three types of seeds that you can buy: crops, herbs and flowers.
| The vast majority of your seed purchases will be crops: these are the most
| profitable of the growable items, and are affected by soil quality.
| That last note is the key difference between crops and herbs/flowers; while
| crops are affected by soil quality, herbs and flowers do not have quality
| levels. Every herb grown will be of the same quality, as well as every
| flower - the only drawback to planting flowers and herbs in poor quality
| soil is in the growth time.
| Between herbs and flowers, the main difference is in consumption: mainly,
| herbs can be consumed, whereas flowers cannot. Both can be used for dyeing
| yarn, and both can be sold, though neither are nearly as profitable as
| crops.
| Note that if you want to keep flowers alive after they're fully grown (for
| honey, for example), you still need to water them each day. If you notice
| that your flowers are brown one day, pick them immediately - they'll
| disappear before the next day. The only way to get Honey is to keep flowers
| growing until you see bees buzzing around them. For more information on
| that, check out the foraging section (search for [-FORAG-] without the
| spaces).
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [TREES]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                  Trees  /
| /                                                                         /
| Not only do you have some crops when you get started, but you'll find out
| you also have a few trees. They might get in your way later in the game,
| but for starters they're a nice little profit supplement.
| If you're looking for information on trees for lumber, search for [-LUMBR-]
| without the dashes.
| Trees are a close cousin to crops. Like crops, you'll plant trees by
| tilling a square of land and using the tree seed (well, sapling) on the
| tilled spot, and like crops, fruits are rated on a quality scale from
| Decent to Shining. The similarities end there though.
|\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TREEM] _
| Tree Mechanics                                                             \
|                                                                             \
| First of all, let's take care of the basic mechanics behind trees,
| especially compared to crops:
|   - Crops are temporary, but trees are permanent. Once you plant a tree, it
|     will stay alive year-round until you cut it down with your axe.
|   - Trees will take a couple months to grow to full maturity, but will grow
|     faster in better soil. They'll start producing fruit about halfway
|     through their total growth process, and will produce more and more as
|     they get to be fully-grown.
|   - You don't need to water trees. Ever. At all. Not when you plant them,
|     not when they're grown up, not ever. They'll grow up on their own.
|   - Trees can't, however, be planted side-by-side. With anything. Every
|     space bordering the tree trunk must be empty and tillable (meaning a
|     tree can't be planted in the corner of a plot, either). If there's
|     anything within the 3x3 square that surrounds the tree trunk, the tree
|     will stop growing until that's cleared. That includes weeds, crops,
|     rocks and other trees. So, keep an eye on the tree as it grows and make
|     sure to get rid of any weeds that spring up next to the trunk. If you
|     plant anything in the 3x3 area surrounding a full-grown tree, it won't
|     sprout.
|   - Trees have seasons too. While crops will only grow in certain seasons,
|     trees will only produce fruit in certain seasons.
|   - When a tree is in season, you can shake the tree to get fruits to fall
|     out. The fruits won't "stack" from day to day, so a missed day of
|     shaking means you might miss some fruit altogether. Shake a tree by
|     leaning against it -- you'll see it bend, and any fruit available for
|     the day will fall.
|   - Young trees will give one fruit per day, while full-grown trees will
|     give two.
|   - In the long run, trees are more profitable than crops in terms of the
|     amount of work you put into them. However, it's harder to maximize that
|     profit with a lot of trees: in the space it takes to keep two trees
|     that produce fruit for one season each, you can plant three bags of
|     crops every season. Still, though, later in the game, planting an
|     orchard of trees on the spare plots is a low-work high-reward way to
|     make more money.
|   - Note that Hali trees are sold by Marimba Farm, but don't produce any
|     fruit. They're used just for lumber.
| That just about covers it for tree mechanics -- now, you're probably
| interested in which tree is the best. Put simply, Apple Trees. They're the
| most expensive sapling but they pay for themselves quickly, and sell for
| the most at every quality level except Shining (Shining Chestnuts and
| Coffee Beans sell for more than Shining Apples), but you won't be getting
| that many Shining fruits anyway. For detailed pricing information, though,
| check the next section.

        // [CR&FR]                                                           //
       //                                                Crops and Fruits   //
      //                                                                   //
     //                                                                   //
    //  "A quote goes here!"                                             //
   //                                                                   //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SPCRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Spring Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cabbage                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 380G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 500G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Pot-au-Feu, Vegetable Juice
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 543                       Bad Soil : 19
|              Poor Soil : 744                      Poor Soil : 27
|            Decent Soil : 990                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 1010                     Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 1065                  Perfect Soil : 38
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 181                       Bad Soil : 26
|              Poor Soil : 186                      Poor Soil : 31
|            Decent Soil : 198                    Decent Soil : 40
|              Good Soil : 202                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 213                   Perfect Soil : 43
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cocoa                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.1, 140G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 7 days              5 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 140G / 160G / 180G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies,
|                 : Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Pie, Chocolate Pudding,
|                 : Hot Cocoa
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 6
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 476                       Bad Soil : 17
|              Poor Soil : 645                      Poor Soil : 23
|            Decent Soil : 856                    Decent Soil : 31
|              Good Soil : 1204                     Good Soil : 43
|           Perfect Soil : 1260                  Perfect Soil : 45
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 14                        Bad Soil : 2
|              Poor Soil : 17                       Poor Soil : 2
|            Decent Soil : 26                     Decent Soil : 4
|              Good Soil : 28                       Good Soil : 6
|           Perfect Soil : 35                    Perfect Soil : 7
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flax                                                                       \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 110G / 170G / 230G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 380G; (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth),
|                 : 540G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 440G
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Flax Yarn
|       Made With : Yarn Maker
|      Sale Price : 180G / 210G / 270G / 500G / 220G (Red) / 190G (Yellow) /
|                 : 190G (Green) / 260G (Blue) / 190G (Purple)
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Animal Festival (Shelly's Booth), 2900G
| Used in Recipes : None
|            Note : Dyed flax yarn requires the dye pot as well.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 488                       Bad Soil : 17
|              Poor Soil : 524                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 740                    Decent Soil : 26
|              Good Soil : 770                      Good Soil : 28
|           Perfect Soil : 840                   Perfect Soil : 30
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 122                       Bad Soil : 20
|              Poor Soil : 131                      Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 148                    Decent Soil : 30
|              Good Soil : 154                      Good Soil : 31
|           Perfect Soil : 168                   Perfect Soil : 34
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hyacinth                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 500                       Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 600                      Poor Soil : 21
|            Decent Soil : 900                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 900                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 900                   Perfect Soil : 32
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 100                       Bad Soil : 20
|              Poor Soil : 100                      Poor Soil : 25
|            Decent Soil : 100                    Decent Soil : 33
|              Good Soil : 100                      Good Soil : 33
|           Perfect Soil : 100                   Perfect Soil : 33
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lavender                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 100G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 200G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Purple Perfume
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 400                       Bad Soil : 14
|              Poor Soil : 480                      Poor Soil : 17
|            Decent Soil : 720                    Decent Soil : 26
|              Good Soil : 720                      Good Soil : 26
|           Perfect Soil : 720                   Perfect Soil : 26
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 80                        Bad Soil : 16
|              Poor Soil : 80                       Poor Soil : 20
|            Decent Soil : 80                     Decent Soil : 27
|              Good Soil : 80                       Good Soil : 27
|           Perfect Soil : 80                    Perfect Soil : 27
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lettuce                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 40G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 220G / 250G / 280G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 500G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 560G
| Used in Recipes : Taco
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1005                      Bad Soil : 36
|              Poor Soil : 1030                     Poor Soil : 37
|            Decent Soil : 1085                   Decent Soil : 39
|              Good Soil : 1100                     Good Soil : 39
|           Perfect Soil : 1150                  Perfect Soil : 41
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 201                       Bad Soil : 40
|              Poor Soil : 206                      Poor Soil : 41
|            Decent Soil : 217                    Decent Soil : 43
|              Good Soil : 220                      Good Soil : 44
|           Perfect Soil : 230                   Perfect Soil : 46
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pansy                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 90G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 180G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 350                       Bad Soil : 12
|              Poor Soil : 420                      Poor Soil : 15
|            Decent Soil : 630                    Decent Soil : 22
|              Good Soil : 630                      Good Soil : 22
|           Perfect Soil : 630                   Perfect Soil : 22
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 70                        Bad Soil : 14
|              Poor Soil : 70                       Poor Soil : 18
|            Decent Soil : 70                     Decent Soil : 23
|              Good Soil : 70                       Good Soil : 23
|           Perfect Soil : 70                    Perfect Soil : 23
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pinkcat                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 240G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 500                       Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 600                      Poor Soil : 21
|            Decent Soil : 900                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 900                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 900                   Perfect Soil : 32
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 100                       Bad Soil : 20
|              Poor Soil : 100                      Poor Soil : 25
|            Decent Soil : 100                    Decent Soil : 33
|              Good Soil : 100                      Good Soil : 33
|           Perfect Soil : 100                   Perfect Soil : 33
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Potato                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 480G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Baked Potato, Croquette, Curry Bread, French Fries,
|                 : Mashed Potatoes, Potato Gratin, Potato Pancake, Potato
|                 : Stew, Pot-au-Feu, Spicy Stew, Stew, Vegetable Curry,
|                 : Vegetable Pizza
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 724                       Bad Soil : 26
|              Poor Soil : 744                      Poor Soil : 27
|            Decent Soil : 985                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 1000                     Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 1050                  Perfect Soil : 38
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 181                       Bad Soil : 30
|              Poor Soil : 186                      Poor Soil : 31
|            Decent Soil : 197                    Decent Soil : 39
|              Good Soil : 200                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 210                   Perfect Soil : 42
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spicy Pepper                                                               \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.1, 40G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Southern Omelet, Spicy Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew,
|                 : Stay Awake, Super Stay Awake
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Curry Powder
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 520G
| Used in Recipes : Curry Bread, Curry Soba, Seafood Curry, Vegetable Curry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 705                       Bad Soil : 25
|              Poor Soil : 730                      Poor Soil : 26
|            Decent Soil : 785                    Decent Soil : 28
|              Good Soil : 800                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 850                   Perfect Soil : 30
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 141                       Bad Soil : 28
|              Poor Soil : 146                      Poor Soil : 29
|            Decent Soil : 157                    Decent Soil : 31
|              Good Soil : 160                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 170                   Perfect Soil : 34
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Strawberry                                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 110G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|         Bad Soil : 10 days              8 days
|         Poor Soil : 9 days              7 days
|       Decent Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Good Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Best Soil : 6 days              4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 410G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 360G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 440G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 540G; (Shining)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 820G
| Used in Recipes : Shortcake, Strawberry Candy, Strawberry Ice Cream,
|                 : Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 3
|                               Decent Soil : 4
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 6
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 514                       Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 532                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 810                    Decent Soil : 29
|              Good Soil : 1060                     Good Soil : 38
|           Perfect Soil : 1372                  Perfect Soil : 49
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 98                        Bad Soil : 10
|              Poor Soil : 104                      Poor Soil : 12
|            Decent Soil : 120                    Decent Soil : 15
|              Good Soil : 124                      Good Soil : 18
|           Perfect Soil : 137                   Perfect Soil : 23
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tulip                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 220G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 450                       Bad Soil : 16
|              Poor Soil : 540                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 810                    Decent Soil : 29
|              Good Soil : 810                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 810                   Perfect Soil : 29
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 90                        Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 90                       Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 90                     Decent Soil : 30
|              Good Soil : 90                       Good Soil : 30
|           Perfect Soil : 90                    Perfect Soil : 30
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Turnip                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 340G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 400G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 460G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Pot-au-Feu, Steamed Turnip
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 644                       Bad Soil : 23
|              Poor Soil : 664                      Poor Soil : 24
|            Decent Soil : 885                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 900                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 950                   Perfect Soil : 34
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 161                       Bad Soil : 27
|              Poor Soil : 166                      Poor Soil : 28
|            Decent Soil : 177                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 180                      Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 190                   Perfect Soil : 38
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Wheat                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 80G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 260G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 260G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 300G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 340G
| Used in Recipes : Wheat Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Wheat Flour
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 150G / 180G / 210G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 420G
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 8
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 640                       Bad Soil : 23
|              Poor Soil : 802                      Poor Soil : 29
|            Decent Soil : 1168                   Decent Soil : 42
|              Good Soil : 1184                     Good Soil : 42
|           Perfect Soil : 1240                  Perfect Soil : 44
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 64                        Bad Soil : 9
|              Poor Soil : 67                       Poor Soil : 11
|            Decent Soil : 76                     Decent Soil : 15
|              Good Soil : 78                       Good Soil : 16
|           Perfect Soil : 85                    Perfect Soil : 17
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SUCRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Summer Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Begonia                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 220G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 450                       Bad Soil : 16
|              Poor Soil : 540                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 810                    Decent Soil : 29
|              Good Soil : 810                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 810                   Perfect Soil : 29
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 90                        Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 90                       Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 90                     Decent Soil : 30
|              Good Soil : 90                       Good Soil : 30
|           Perfect Soil : 90                    Perfect Soil : 30
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Herb                                                                  \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 60G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 200                       Bad Soil : 7
|              Poor Soil : 240                      Poor Soil : 9
|            Decent Soil : 360                    Decent Soil : 13
|              Good Soil : 360                      Good Soil : 13
|           Perfect Soil : 360                   Perfect Soil : 13
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 40                        Bad Soil : 8
|              Poor Soil : 40                       Poor Soil : 10
|            Decent Soil : 40                     Decent Soil : 13
|              Good Soil : 40                       Good Soil : 13
|           Perfect Soil : 40                    Perfect Soil : 13
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Corn                                                                       \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 100G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 9 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 8 days              6 days
|       Decent Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Good Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 310G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 380G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 420G
| Used in Recipes : Boiled Corn, Corn Soup, Cornbread, Roasted Corn
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Cornmeal
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 500G
| Used in Recipes : Tortilla
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 6
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 624                       Bad Soil : 22
|              Poor Soil : 644                      Poor Soil : 23
|            Decent Soil : 880                    Decent Soil : 31
|              Good Soil : 1094                     Good Soil : 39
|           Perfect Soil : 1564                  Perfect Soil : 56
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 81                        Bad Soil : 9
|              Poor Soil : 86                       Poor Soil : 11
|            Decent Soil : 96                     Decent Soil : 14
|              Good Soil : 99                       Good Soil : 16
|           Perfect Soil : 108                   Perfect Soil : 22
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cucumber                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 200G / 240G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 320G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 400G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 480G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 790                       Bad Soil : 28
|              Poor Soil : 820                      Poor Soil : 29
|            Decent Soil : 890                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 910                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 970                   Perfect Soil : 35
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 158                       Bad Soil : 32
|              Poor Soil : 164                      Poor Soil : 33
|            Decent Soil : 178                    Decent Soil : 36
|              Good Soil : 182                      Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 194                   Perfect Soil : 39
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Herb                                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Green
|      Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Mint Candy, Mint Ice Cream; Can also be used in any 'Any
|                 : Herb' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 50                        Bad Soil : 2
|              Poor Soil : 60                       Poor Soil : 2
|            Decent Soil : 90                     Decent Soil : 3
|              Good Soil : 90                       Good Soil : 3
|           Perfect Soil : 90                    Perfect Soil : 3
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 10                        Bad Soil : 2
|              Poor Soil : 10                       Poor Soil : 2
|            Decent Soil : 10                     Decent Soil : 3
|              Good Soil : 10                       Good Soil : 3
|           Perfect Soil : 10                    Perfect Soil : 3
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hibiscus                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.2, 40G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 210G
|   Purchase Info : Pineapple Inn, Lv.2, 420G
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 850                       Bad Soil : 30
|              Poor Soil : 1020                     Poor Soil : 36
|            Decent Soil : 1530                   Decent Soil : 55
|              Good Soil : 1530                     Good Soil : 55
|           Perfect Soil : 1530                  Perfect Soil : 55
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 170                       Bad Soil : 34
|              Poor Soil : 170                      Poor Soil : 42
|            Decent Soil : 170                    Decent Soil : 57
|              Good Soil : 170                      Good Soil : 57
|           Perfect Soil : 170                   Perfect Soil : 57
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Honeydew                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 40G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 9 days
|         Poor Soil : 8 days
|       Decent Soil : 7 days
|         Good Soil : 6 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 250G / 300G / 450G / 640G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 500G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 600G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 900G; (Shining)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 1280G
| Used in Recipes : Honeydew Candy, Honeydew Ice Cream, Honeydew Juice,
|                 : Honeydew Milk
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 3
|                               Decent Soil : 3
|                                 Good Soil : 4
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 795                       Bad Soil : 28
|              Poor Soil : 834                      Poor Soil : 30
|            Decent Soil : 921                    Decent Soil : 33
|              Good Soil : 1268                     Good Soil : 45
|           Perfect Soil : 1720                  Perfect Soil : 61
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 265                       Bad Soil : 29
|              Poor Soil : 278                      Poor Soil : 35
|            Decent Soil : 307                    Decent Soil : 44
|              Good Soil : 317                      Good Soil : 53
|           Perfect Soil : 344                   Perfect Soil : 69
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lily                                                                       \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 140G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 280G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 600                       Bad Soil : 21
|              Poor Soil : 720                      Poor Soil : 26
|            Decent Soil : 1080                   Decent Soil : 39
|              Good Soil : 1080                     Good Soil : 39
|           Perfect Soil : 1080                  Perfect Soil : 39
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 120                       Bad Soil : 24
|              Poor Soil : 120                      Poor Soil : 30
|            Decent Soil : 120                    Decent Soil : 40
|              Good Soil : 120                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 120                   Perfect Soil : 40
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Morning Glory                                                              \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 240G (Summer); Marimba Farm,
|                      : Lv.4, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : -600                      Bad Soil : -21
|              Poor Soil : -720                     Poor Soil : -26
|            Decent Soil : -1080                  Decent Soil : -39
|              Good Soil : -1080                    Good Soil : -39
|           Perfect Soil : -1080                 Perfect Soil : -39
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : -120                      Bad Soil : -24
|              Poor Soil : -120                     Poor Soil : -30
|            Decent Soil : -120                   Decent Soil : -40
|              Good Soil : -120                     Good Soil : -40
|           Perfect Soil : -120                  Perfect Soil : -40
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Onion                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 340G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 400G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 460G
| Used in Recipes : Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Cheese
|                 : Risotto, Curry Bread, Curry Soba, Marinated Fish; Decent,
|                 : Marinated Fish; Good, Marinated Fish; Perfect, Marinated
|                 : Fish; Shining, Marinated Mushroom, Onion Bread,
|                 : Pot-au-Feu, Ratatoullie, Salmon Cream Stew, Seafood
|                 : Risotto, Spicy Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew, Spinach Risotto,
|                 : Stew, Taco, Tomato Risotto, Vegetable Curry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 805                       Bad Soil : 29
|              Poor Soil : 830                      Poor Soil : 30
|            Decent Soil : 885                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 900                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 950                   Perfect Soil : 34
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 161                       Bad Soil : 32
|              Poor Soil : 166                      Poor Soil : 33
|            Decent Soil : 177                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 180                      Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 190                   Perfect Soil : 38
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sugarcane                                                                  \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 40G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 360G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 380G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Sugar
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 520G
| Used in Recipes : Apple Candy, Apple Ice Cream, Banana Candy, Banana Ice
|                 : Cream, Blackberry Candy, Blackberry Ice Cream, Blueberry
|                 : Candy, Blueberry Ice Cream, Carrot Ice Cream, Cherry
|                 : Candy, Cherry Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream, Coffee
|                 : Candy, Coffee Ice Cream, Cranberry Candy, Cranberry Ice
|                 : Cream, Grape Candy, Grape Ice Cream, Green Tea Ice Cream,
|                 : Honeydew Candy, Honeydew Ice Cream, Milk Candy, Mint
|                 : Candy, Mint Ice Cream, Orange Candy, Orange Ice Cream,
|                 : Raspberry Candy, Raspberry Ice Cream, Strawberry Candy,
|                 : Strawberry Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Yam Ice Cream
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 705                       Bad Soil : 25
|              Poor Soil : 730                      Poor Soil : 26
|            Decent Soil : 785                    Decent Soil : 28
|              Good Soil : 800                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 850                   Perfect Soil : 30
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 141                       Bad Soil : 28
|              Poor Soil : 146                      Poor Soil : 29
|            Decent Soil : 157                    Decent Soil : 31
|              Good Soil : 160                      Good Soil : 32
|           Perfect Soil : 170                   Perfect Soil : 34
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sunflower                                                                  \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 160G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 650                       Bad Soil : 23
|              Poor Soil : 780                      Poor Soil : 28
|            Decent Soil : 1170                   Decent Soil : 42
|              Good Soil : 1170                     Good Soil : 42
|           Perfect Soil : 1170                  Perfect Soil : 42
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 130                       Bad Soil : 26
|              Poor Soil : 130                      Poor Soil : 32
|            Decent Soil : 130                    Decent Soil : 43
|              Good Soil : 130                      Good Soil : 43
|           Perfect Soil : 130                   Perfect Soil : 43
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tea Leaves                                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 50G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 340G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 400G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 460G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Green Tea
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 9
|                                 Poor Soil : 9
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1269                      Bad Soil : 45
|              Poor Soil : 1314                     Poor Soil : 47
|            Decent Soil : 1422                   Decent Soil : 51
|              Good Soil : 1449                     Good Soil : 52
|           Perfect Soil : 1548                  Perfect Soil : 55
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 141                       Bad Soil : 47
|              Poor Soil : 146                      Poor Soil : 49
|            Decent Soil : 158                    Decent Soil : 53
|              Good Soil : 161                      Good Soil : 54
|           Perfect Soil : 172                   Perfect Soil : 57
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tomato                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 100G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 320G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 420G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Paella,
|                 : Ratatoullie, Sardine Tomato Stew, Saury Tomato Stew,
|                 : Spaghetti Napolitan, Spicy Seafood Stew, Squid Tomato
|                 : Stew, Taco, Tomato Juice, Tomato Omelet, Tomato Risotto,
|                 : Tomato Soup, Vegetable Pizza
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 6
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 805                       Bad Soil : 29
|              Poor Soil : 1016                     Poor Soil : 36
|            Decent Soil : 1076                   Decent Soil : 38
|              Good Soil : 1500                     Good Soil : 54
|           Perfect Soil : 1572                  Perfect Soil : 56
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 81                        Bad Soil : 12
|              Poor Soil : 86                       Poor Soil : 14
|            Decent Soil : 96                     Decent Soil : 16
|              Good Soil : 100                      Good Soil : 20
|           Perfect Soil : 109                   Perfect Soil : 22
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Watermelon                                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 210G / 250G / 290G / 410G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 420G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 500G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 580G (Summer); (Shining) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 820G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 624                       Bad Soil : 22
|              Poor Soil : 856                      Poor Soil : 31
|            Decent Soil : 1140                   Decent Soil : 41
|              Good Soil : 1160                     Good Soil : 41
|           Perfect Soil : 1220                  Perfect Soil : 44
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 208                       Bad Soil : 30
|              Poor Soil : 214                      Poor Soil : 36
|            Decent Soil : 228                    Decent Soil : 46
|              Good Soil : 232                      Good Soil : 46
|           Perfect Soil : 244                   Perfect Soil : 49
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FACRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                             Fall Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bell Pepper                                                                \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 100G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 320G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 440G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Ratatoullie, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Pizza
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 6
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 8
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 986                       Bad Soil : 35
|              Poor Soil : 1016                     Poor Soil : 36
|            Decent Soil : 1468                   Decent Soil : 52
|              Good Soil : 1500                     Good Soil : 54
|           Perfect Soil : 1572                  Perfect Soil : 56
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 81                        Bad Soil : 14
|              Poor Soil : 86                       Poor Soil : 14
|            Decent Soil : 96                     Decent Soil : 19
|              Good Soil : 100                      Good Soil : 20
|           Perfect Soil : 109                   Perfect Soil : 22
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Mist Flower                                                           \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 9 days
|         Poor Soil : 8 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 390G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Blue Perfume
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 3
|                               Decent Soil : 4
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1170                      Bad Soil : 42
|              Poor Soil : 1170                     Poor Soil : 42
|            Decent Soil : 1560                   Decent Soil : 56
|              Good Soil : 1950                     Good Soil : 70
|           Perfect Soil : 1950                  Perfect Soil : 70
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 390                       Bad Soil : 43
|              Poor Soil : 390                      Poor Soil : 49
|            Decent Soil : 390                    Decent Soil : 65
|              Good Soil : 390                      Good Soil : 78
|           Perfect Soil : 390                   Perfect Soil : 78
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carrot                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 380G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 360G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Fall); (Perfect) Harvest Festival
|                 : (Craig's Booth), 520G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 520G
|                 : (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Carrot Cake, Carrot Ice Cream, Carrot Juice, Curry Bread,
|                 : Kimchi, Pot-au-Feu, Salmon Cream Stew, Spicy Stew, Stew,
|                 : Vegetable Curry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 534                       Bad Soil : 19
|              Poor Soil : 736                      Poor Soil : 26
|            Decent Soil : 990                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 1010                     Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 1070                  Perfect Soil : 38
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 178                       Bad Soil : 25
|              Poor Soil : 184                      Poor Soil : 31
|            Decent Soil : 198                    Decent Soil : 40
|              Good Soil : 202                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 214                   Perfect Soil : 43
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chrysanthemum                                                              \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 20G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 90G
|   Purchase Info : Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 180G; Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 180G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 9
|                                 Poor Soil : 9
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 630                       Bad Soil : 22
|              Poor Soil : 630                      Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 630                    Decent Soil : 22
|              Good Soil : 630                      Good Soil : 22
|           Perfect Soil : 630                   Perfect Soil : 22
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 70                        Bad Soil : 23
|              Poor Soil : 70                       Poor Soil : 23
|            Decent Soil : 70                     Decent Soil : 23
|              Good Soil : 70                       Good Soil : 23
|           Perfect Soil : 70                    Perfect Soil : 23
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cosmos                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 100G
|   Purchase Info : Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 200G; Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 200G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 9
|                                 Poor Soil : 9
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 720                       Bad Soil : 26
|              Poor Soil : 720                      Poor Soil : 26
|            Decent Soil : 720                    Decent Soil : 26
|              Good Soil : 720                      Good Soil : 26
|           Perfect Soil : 720                   Perfect Soil : 26
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 80                        Bad Soil : 27
|              Poor Soil : 80                       Poor Soil : 27
|            Decent Soil : 80                     Decent Soil : 27
|              Good Soil : 80                       Good Soil : 27
|           Perfect Soil : 80                    Perfect Soil : 27
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eggplant                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 80G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days              3 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 26G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.2, 300G (Fall); (Perfect) Harvest Festival
|                 : (Craig's Booth), 360G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 360G
|                 : (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Ratatoullie, Tempura Soba
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 8
|                                 Poor Soil : 8
|                               Decent Soil : 8
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1072                      Bad Soil : 38
|              Poor Soil : 1096                     Poor Soil : 39
|            Decent Soil : 1168                   Decent Soil : 42
|              Good Soil : 1184                     Good Soil : 42
|           Perfect Soil : 1248                  Perfect Soil : 45
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 64                        Bad Soil : 13
|              Poor Soil : 67                       Poor Soil : 13
|            Decent Soil : 76                     Decent Soil : 15
|              Good Soil : 78                       Good Soil : 16
|           Perfect Soil : 86                    Perfect Soil : 17
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Grape                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 290G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 280G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 320G
| Used in Recipes : Grape Candy, Grape Cocktail, Grape Ice Cream, Grape Juice
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 520                       Bad Soil : 19
|              Poor Soil : 535                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 590                    Decent Soil : 21
|              Good Soil : 600                      Good Soil : 21
|           Perfect Soil : 645                   Perfect Soil : 23
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 104                       Bad Soil : 21
|              Poor Soil : 107                      Poor Soil : 21
|            Decent Soil : 118                    Decent Soil : 24
|              Good Soil : 120                      Good Soil : 24
|           Perfect Soil : 129                   Perfect Soil : 26
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Moondrop Flower                                                            \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Yellow Perfume
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 9
|                                 Poor Soil : 9
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1080                      Bad Soil : 39
|              Poor Soil : 1080                     Poor Soil : 39
|            Decent Soil : 1080                   Decent Soil : 39
|              Good Soil : 1080                     Good Soil : 39
|           Perfect Soil : 1080                  Perfect Soil : 39
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 120                       Bad Soil : 40
|              Poor Soil : 120                      Poor Soil : 40
|            Decent Soil : 120                    Decent Soil : 40
|              Good Soil : 120                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 120                   Perfect Soil : 40
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pumpkin                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 90G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|         Bad Soil : 10 days              8 days
|         Poor Soil : 9 days              7 days
|       Decent Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Good Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Best Soil : 6 days              4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 150G / 180G / 210G / 310G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 300G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 360G (Fall); (Perfect) Harvest Festival
|                 : (Craig's Booth), 420G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 420G
|                 : (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Croquette, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin
|                 : Pudding, Pumpkin Stew
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 3
|                                 Poor Soil : 3
|                               Decent Soil : 4
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 6
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 423                       Bad Soil : 15
|              Poor Soil : 438                      Poor Soil : 16
|            Decent Soil : 654                    Decent Soil : 23
|              Good Soil : 860                      Good Soil : 31
|           Perfect Soil : 1104                  Perfect Soil : 39
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 81                        Bad Soil : 8
|              Poor Soil : 86                       Poor Soil : 10
|            Decent Soil : 96                     Decent Soil : 12
|              Good Soil : 100                      Good Soil : 14
|           Perfect Soil : 109                   Perfect Soil : 18
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Herb                                                                \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Fall); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|      Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer XL; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 50                        Bad Soil : 2
|              Poor Soil : 50                       Poor Soil : 2
|            Decent Soil : 50                     Decent Soil : 2
|              Good Soil : 50                       Good Soil : 2
|           Perfect Soil : 50                    Perfect Soil : 2
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 10                        Bad Soil : 2
|              Poor Soil : 10                       Poor Soil : 2
|            Decent Soil : 10                     Decent Soil : 2
|              Good Soil : 10                       Good Soil : 2
|           Perfect Soil : 10                    Perfect Soil : 2
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Herb                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Fall); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|      Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Super
|                 : Stay Awake; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 150                       Bad Soil : 5
|              Poor Soil : 150                      Poor Soil : 5
|            Decent Soil : 150                    Decent Soil : 5
|              Good Soil : 150                      Good Soil : 5
|           Perfect Soil : 150                   Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 30                        Bad Soil : 6
|              Poor Soil : 30                       Poor Soil : 6
|            Decent Soil : 30                     Decent Soil : 6
|              Good Soil : 30                       Good Soil : 6
|           Perfect Soil : 30                    Perfect Soil : 6
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rice                                                                       \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 210G / 250G / 290G / 400G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 420G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 500G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 580G
| Used in Recipes : Box Lunch; Decent, Box Lunch; Good, Box Lunch; Perfect,
|                 : Box Lunch; Shining, Cheese Risotto, Chestnut Rice,
|                 : Chirashi Sushi, Conger Eel Bowl, Doria, Eel Bowl, Egg
|                 : Rice, Fried Rice, Mushroom Rice, Omelet Rice, Paella,
|                 : Rice Ball, Rice Cocktail, Salmon Fried Rice, Seafood
|                 : Curry, Seafood Doria, Seafood Fried Rice, Seafood
|                 : Risotto, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelet, Spinach
|                 : Risotto, Sushi; Decent, Sushi; Good, Sushi; Perfect,
|                 : Sushi; Shining, Tomato Risotto, Tuna Bowl, Vegetable
|                 : Curry, Yam Rice
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 1040                      Bad Soil : 37
|              Poor Soil : 1070                     Poor Soil : 38
|            Decent Soil : 1140                   Decent Soil : 41
|              Good Soil : 1160                     Good Soil : 41
|           Perfect Soil : 1215                  Perfect Soil : 43
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 208                       Bad Soil : 42
|              Poor Soil : 214                      Poor Soil : 43
|            Decent Soil : 228                    Decent Soil : 46
|              Good Soil : 232                      Good Soil : 46
|           Perfect Soil : 243                   Perfect Soil : 49
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rose                                                                       \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Red Perfume
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 450                       Bad Soil : 16
|              Poor Soil : 540                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 810                    Decent Soil : 29
|              Good Soil : 810                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 810                   Perfect Soil : 29
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 90                        Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 90                       Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 90                     Decent Soil : 30
|              Good Soil : 90                       Good Soil : 30
|           Perfect Soil : 90                    Perfect Soil : 30
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spinach                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 380G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 360G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Fall); (Perfect) Harvest Festival
|                 : (Craig's Booth), 540G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 540G
|                 : (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Boiled Spinach, Sauteed Spinach, Shark Fin Soup, Spinach
|                 : Cake, Spinach Risotto, Steamed Egg, Vegetable Juice
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 5
|                                 Good Soil : 5
|                              Perfect Soil : 5
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 890                       Bad Soil : 32
|              Poor Soil : 920                      Poor Soil : 33
|            Decent Soil : 990                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 1010                     Good Soil : 36
|           Perfect Soil : 1070                  Perfect Soil : 38
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 178                       Bad Soil : 36
|              Poor Soil : 184                      Poor Soil : 37
|            Decent Soil : 198                    Decent Soil : 40
|              Good Soil : 202                      Good Soil : 40
|           Perfect Soil : 214                   Perfect Soil : 43
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yam                                                                        \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 90G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 7 days              5 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 160G / 190G / 260G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 260G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Fall); (Perfect) Harvest Festival
|                 : (Craig's Booth), 360G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 360G
|                 : (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Baked Yam, Roasted Yam, Yam Cake, Yam Cocktail, Yam Ice
|                 : Cream, Yam Rice, Yam Stew
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 6
|                                 Good Soil : 8
|                              Perfect Soil : 8
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 514                       Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 690                      Poor Soil : 25
|            Decent Soil : 900                    Decent Soil : 32
|              Good Soil : 1254                     Good Soil : 45
|           Perfect Soil : 1318                  Perfect Soil : 47
| Avg. Profit Per Bag:                 Avg. Profit/Bag per Day:
|               Bad Soil : 61                        Bad Soil : 8
|              Poor Soil : 66                       Poor Soil : 9
|            Decent Soil : 75                     Decent Soil : 12
|              Good Soil : 78                       Good Soil : 16
|           Perfect Soil : 86                    Perfect Soil : 17
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day and picked on the first day they can be harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
| *** - Refers only to the first harvest. Use Per Square listings for
| season-long growth.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [WICRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Winter Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Anemone                                                                    \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Winter)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 200G (Winter)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 450                       Bad Soil : 16
|              Poor Soil : 540                      Poor Soil : 19
|            Decent Soil : 810                    Decent Soil : 29
|              Good Soil : 810                      Good Soil : 29
|           Perfect Soil : 810                   Perfect Soil : 29
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 90                        Bad Soil : 18
|              Poor Soil : 90                       Poor Soil : 22
|            Decent Soil : 90                     Decent Soil : 30
|              Good Soil : 90                       Good Soil : 30
|           Perfect Soil : 90                    Perfect Soil : 30
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Buckwheat                                                                  \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Winter)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days
|         Good Soil : 6 days
|         Best Soil : 6 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 380G (Winter); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Winter); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 480G (Winter)
| Used in Recipes : Buckwheat Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Soba Flour
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 220G / 270G / 320G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 600G
| Used in Recipes : Buckwheat Pancake, Curry Soba, Sobagaki, Tempura Soba,
|                 : Tsukimi Soba, Zaru Soba
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 4
|                               Decent Soil : 4
|                                 Good Soil : 4
|                              Perfect Soil : 4
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 724                       Bad Soil : 26
|              Poor Soil : 744                      Poor Soil : 27
|            Decent Soil : 784                    Decent Soil : 28
|              Good Soil : 796                      Good Soil : 28
|           Perfect Soil : 832                   Perfect Soil : 30
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 181                       Bad Soil : 30
|              Poor Soil : 186                      Poor Soil : 31
|            Decent Soil : 196                    Decent Soil : 33
|              Good Soil : 199                      Good Soil : 33
|           Perfect Soil : 208                   Perfect Soil : 35
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Bell Flower                                                          \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Green
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Green Perfume
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 9
|                                 Poor Soil : 9
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 990                       Bad Soil : 35
|              Poor Soil : 990                      Poor Soil : 35
|            Decent Soil : 990                    Decent Soil : 35
|              Good Soil : 990                      Good Soil : 35
|           Perfect Soil : 990                   Perfect Soil : 35
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 110                       Bad Soil : 37
|              Poor Soil : 110                      Poor Soil : 37
|            Decent Soil : 110                    Decent Soil : 37
|              Good Soil : 110                      Good Soil : 37
|           Perfect Soil : 110                   Perfect Soil : 37
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Snowflake Flower                                                           \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 150G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 5
|                                 Poor Soil : 6
|                               Decent Soil : 9
|                                 Good Soil : 9
|                              Perfect Soil : 9
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 750                       Bad Soil : 27
|              Poor Soil : 900                      Poor Soil : 32
|            Decent Soil : 1350                   Decent Soil : 48
|              Good Soil : 1350                     Good Soil : 48
|           Perfect Soil : 1350                  Perfect Soil : 48
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 150                       Bad Soil : 30
|              Poor Soil : 150                      Poor Soil : 38
|            Decent Soil : 150                    Decent Soil : 50
|              Good Soil : 150                      Good Soil : 50
|           Perfect Soil : 150                   Perfect Soil : 50
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Herb                                                                \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Winter); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 4 days
|         Good Soil : 4 days
|         Best Soil : 4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 40G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Paella; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|                        Maximum Harvests Per Season*:
|                                  Bad Soil : 4
|                                 Poor Soil : 5
|                               Decent Soil : 6
|                                 Good Soil : 6
|                              Perfect Soil : 6
| Avg. Profit Per Square (season)**:   Avg. Profit/Square per Day (season)**:
|               Bad Soil : 80                        Bad Soil : 3
|              Poor Soil : 100                      Poor Soil : 4
|            Decent Soil : 120                    Decent Soil : 4
|              Good Soil : 120                      Good Soil : 4
|           Perfect Soil : 120                   Perfect Soil : 4
| Avg. Profit Per Bag***:              Avg. Profit/Bag per Day***:
|               Bad Soil : 20                        Bad Soil : 3
|              Poor Soil : 20                       Poor Soil : 4
|            Decent Soil : 20                     Decent Soil : 5
|              Good Soil : 20                       Good Soil : 5
|           Perfect Soil : 20                    Perfect Soil : 5
|   * - Assumes that crops are planted on the first of the month, watered
| each day, picked on the first day they can harvested and re-planted on the
| same day they're harvested.
|  ** - Assumes maximum harvests.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FRUIT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                 Fruits  /
| /                                                                         /
| In the below listing, the Growth Time listed is for the lowest-quality
| soil. For every increase in soil quality, the growth time shortens by 4 to
| 5 days -- except Olive Trees, which grow in two weeks in any type of soil.
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Apple                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 990G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 130G / 160G / 190G / 300G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 260G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 320G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 360G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Apple Candy, Apple Cocktail, Apple Ice Cream, Apple Jam,
|                 : Apple Juice, Apple Pie
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cherry                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 860G
|   Growth Time : 45 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 150G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 300G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Cherry Candy, Cherry Ice Cream, Cherry Jam, Cherry Pie
|\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chestnut                                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 860G
|   Growth Time : 45 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 170G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 340G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Chestnut Pie, Chestnut Rice, Mont Blanc Cake, Roasted
|                 : Chestnut
|\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Coffee Bean                                                                \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 980G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 170G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Ground Coffee
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 440G
| Used in Recipes : Cafe au Lait, Coffee Candy, Coffee Ice Cream, Hot Coffee
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Olive                                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 860G
|   Growth Time : 14 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 320G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Olive Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Olive Oil
|       Made With : Mixer
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 280G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 340G
| Used in Recipes : French Fries, Paella, Pesto Spaghetti, Sardine in Oil,
|                 : Sauteed Clam, Sauteed Mushroom, Sauteed Mussel, Sauteed
|                 : Oyster, Sauteed Spinach, Spaghetti Carbonara, Spaghetti
|                 : Napolitan, Spaghetti Pescatore, Squid Ink Spaghetti,
|                 : Tortilla
|\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Orange                                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 860G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 290G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 240G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 280G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 320G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Marmalade, Orange Cake, Orange Candy, Orange Cookies,
|                 : Orange Ice Cream, Orange Juice, Orange Pie

        // [CROPP]                                                           //
       //                                            Crop Profit Analysis   //
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     //                                                                   //
    //  "A quote goes here!"                                             //
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|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FSCPR]                                                                 /
|  /                                               Full-Season Crop Profits  /
| /                                                                         /
| Full-Season profit information is best used when you're planning your
| planting at the beginning of the season. You want to know what crop will be
| most profitable if you plant and maintain it throughout the whole season,
| getting as many harvests as possible.
| These listings make a few assumptions:
|   - You plant your seeds on the first of the month.
|   - You water them every day.
|   - You get rid of any weeds that pop up alongside the crops right away.
|   - You harvest them on the first day they're available, and re-plant them
|     on the same day you harvest them if they're not multi-harvest crops.
|   - The soil quality stays consistent throughout the whole season. Needless
|     to say, chances are that won't happen, but this information should
|     still be pretty accurate to use for ranking them.
| Because crop quality is randomly-determined and is only influenced (not
| directly determined) by soil quality, these profits are estimates. You
| definitely won't actually make exactly these amounts -- they're averages.
|\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SPFSP] _
| Spring Full-Season Profits                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Lettuce               5   1005G      Lettuce               5   1030G
|     Potato                4    724G      Wheat                 6    802G
|     Spicy Pepper          5    705G      Potato                4    744G
|     Turnip                4    644G      Cabbage               4    744G
|     Wheat                 5    640G      Spicy Pepper          5    730G
|     Cabbage               3    543G      Turnip                4    664G
|     Strawberry            3    514G      Cocoa                 5    645G
|     Pinkcat               5    500G      Pinkcat               6    600G
|     Hyacinth              5    500G      Hyacinth              6    600G
|     Flax                  4    488G      Tulip                 6    540G
|     Cocoa                 4    476G      Strawberry            3    532G
|     Tulip                 5    450G      Flax                  4    524G
|     Lavender              5    400G      Lavender              6    480G
|     Pansy                 5    350G      Pansy                 6    420G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Wheat                 8   1168G      Cocoa                 8   1204G
|     Lettuce               5   1085G      Wheat                 8   1184G
|     Cabbage               5    990G      Lettuce               5   1100G
|     Potato                5    985G      Strawberry            5   1060G
|     Pinkcat               9    900G      Cabbage               5   1010G
|     Hyacinth              9    900G      Potato                5   1000G
|     Turnip                5    885G      Turnip                5    900G
|     Cocoa                 6    856G      Pinkcat               9    900G
|     Tulip                 9    810G      Hyacinth              9    900G
|     Strawberry            4    810G      Tulip                 9    810G
|     Spicy Pepper          5    785G      Spicy Pepper          5    800G
|     Flax                  5    740G      Flax                  5    770G
|     Lavender              9    720G      Lavender              9    720G
|     Pansy                 9    630G      Pansy                 9    630G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|                        Strawberry            6   1372G
|                        Cocoa                 8   1260G
|                        Wheat                 8   1240G
|                        Lettuce               5   1150G
|                        Cabbage               5   1065G
|                        Potato                5   1050G
|                        Turnip                5    950G
|                        Pinkcat               9    900G
|                        Hyacinth              9    900G
|                        Spicy Pepper          5    850G
|                        Flax                  5    840G
|                        Tulip                 9    810G
|                        Lavender              9    720G
|                        Pansy                 9    630G
|\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SUFSP] _
| Summer Full-Season Profits                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Tea Leaves            9   1269G      Tea Leaves            9   1314G
|     Hibiscus              5    850G      Hibiscus              6   1020G
|     Tomato                5    805G      Tomato                6   1016G
|     Onion                 5    805G      Watermelon            4    856G
|     Honeydew              3    795G      Honeydew              3    834G
|     Cucumber              5    790G      Onion                 5    830G
|     Sugarcane             5    705G      Cucumber              5    820G
|     Sunflower             5    650G      Sunflower             6    780G
|     Watermelon            3    624G      Sugarcane             5    730G
|     Corn                  4    624G      Lily                  6    720G
|     Lily                  5    600G      Corn                  4    644G
|     Begonia               5    450G      Begonia               6    540G
|     Blue Herb             5    200G      Blue Herb             6    240G
|     Green Herb            5     50G      Green Herb            6     60G
|     Morning Glory         5   -600G      Morning Glory         6   -720G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Hibiscus              9   1530G      Hibiscus              9   1530G
|     Tea Leaves            9   1422G      Tomato                8   1500G
|     Sunflower             9   1170G      Tea Leaves            9   1449G
|     Watermelon            5   1140G      Honeydew              4   1268G
|     Lily                  9   1080G      Sunflower             9   1170G
|     Tomato                6   1076G      Watermelon            5   1160G
|     Honeydew              3    921G      Corn                  6   1094G
|     Cucumber              5    890G      Lily                  9   1080G
|     Onion                 5    885G      Cucumber              5    910G
|     Corn                  5    880G      Onion                 5    900G
|     Begonia               9    810G      Begonia               9    810G
|     Sugarcane             5    785G      Sugarcane             5    800G
|     Blue Herb             9    360G      Blue Herb             9    360G
|     Green Herb            9     90G      Green Herb            9     90G
|     Morning Glory         9  -1080G      Morning Glory         9  -1080G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|                        Honeydew              5   1720G
|                        Tomato                8   1572G
|                        Corn                  8   1564G
|                        Tea Leaves            9   1548G
|                        Hibiscus              9   1530G
|                        Watermelon            5   1220G
|                        Sunflower             9   1170G
|                        Lily                  9   1080G
|                        Cucumber              5    970G
|                        Onion                 5    950G
|                        Sugarcane             5    850G
|                        Begonia               9    810G
|                        Blue Herb             9    360G
|                        Green Herb            9     90G
|                        Morning Glory         9  -1080G
|\________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FAFSP] _
| Fall Full-Season Profits                                                   \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower      3   1170G      Blue Mist Flower      3   1170G
|     Moondrop Flower       9   1080G      Eggplant              8   1096G
|     Eggplant              8   1072G      Moondrop Flower       9   1080G
|     Rice                  5   1040G      Rice                  5   1070G
|     Bell Pepper           6    986G      Bell Pepper           6   1016G
|     Spinach               5    890G      Spinach               5    920G
|     Cosmos                9    720G      Carrot                4    736G
|     Chrysanthemum         9    630G      Cosmos                9    720G
|     Carrot                3    534G      Yam                   5    690G
|     Grape                 5    520G      Chrysanthemum         9    630G
|     Yam                   4    514G      Rose                  6    540G
|     Rose                  5    450G      Grape                 5    535G
|     Pumpkin               3    423G      Pumpkin               3    438G
|     Red Herb              5    150G      Red Herb              5    150G
|     Purple Herb           5     50G      Purple Herb           5     50G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower      4   1560G      Blue Mist Flower      5   1950G
|     Bell Pepper           8   1468G      Bell Pepper           8   1500G
|     Eggplant              8   1168G      Yam                   8   1254G
|     Rice                  5   1140G      Eggplant              8   1184G
|     Moondrop Flower       9   1080G      Rice                  5   1160G
|     Carrot                5    990G      Moondrop Flower       9   1080G
|     Spinach               5    990G      Carrot                5   1010G
|     Yam                   6    900G      Spinach               5   1010G
|     Rose                  9    810G      Pumpkin               5    860G
|     Cosmos                9    720G      Rose                  9    810G
|     Pumpkin               4    654G      Cosmos                9    720G
|     Chrysanthemum         9    630G      Chrysanthemum         9    630G
|     Grape                 5    590G      Grape                 5    600G
|     Red Herb              5    150G      Red Herb              5    150G
|     Purple Herb           5     50G      Purple Herb           5     50G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|                        Blue Mist Flower      5   1950G
|                        Bell Pepper           8   1572G
|                        Yam                   8   1318G
|                        Eggplant              8   1248G
|                        Rice                  5   1215G
|                        Pumpkin               6   1104G
|                        Moondrop Flower       9   1080G
|                        Carrot                5   1070G
|                        Spinach               5   1070G
|                        Rose                  9    810G
|                        Cosmos                9    720G
|                        Grape                 5    645G
|                        Chrysanthemum         9    630G
|                        Red Herb              5    150G
|                        Purple Herb           5     50G
|\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WIFSP] _
| Winter Full-Season Profits                                                 \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Green Bell Flower     9    990G      Green Bell Flower     9    990G
|     Snowflake Flower      5    750G      Snowflake Flower      6    900G
|     Buckwheat             4    724G      Buckwheat             4    744G
|     Anemone               5    450G      Anemone               6    540G
|     Yellow Herb           4     80G      Yellow Herb           5    100G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Snowflake Flower      9   1350G      Snowflake Flower      9   1350G
|     Green Bell Flower     9    990G      Green Bell Flower     9    990G
|     Anemone               9    810G      Anemone               9    810G
|     Buckwheat             4    784G      Buckwheat             4    796G
|     Yellow Herb           6    120G      Yellow Herb           6    120G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|                        Snowflake Flower      9   1350G
|                        Green Bell Flower     9    990G
|                        Buckwheat             4    832G
|                        Anemone               9    810G
|                        Yellow Herb           6    120G
|\____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OVFSP] _
| Overall Full-Season Profits                                                \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Tea Leaves (Su)        9   1269G     Tea Leaves (Su)        9   1314G
|     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  3   1170G     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  3   1170G
|     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   9   1080G     Eggplant (Fa)          8   1096G
|     Eggplant (Fa)          8   1072G     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   9   1080G
|     Rice (Fa)              5   1040G     Rice (Fa)              5   1070G
|     Lettuce (Sp)           5   1005G     Lettuce (Sp)           5   1030G
|     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 9    990G     Hibiscus (Su)          6   1020G
|     Bell Pepper (Fa)       6    986G     Bell Pepper (Fa)       6   1016G
|     Spinach (Fa)           5    890G     Tomato (Su)            6   1016G
|     Hibiscus (Su)          5    850G     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 9    990G
|     Onion (Su)             5    805G     Spinach (Fa)           5    920G
|     Tomato (Su)            5    805G     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  6    900G
|     Honeydew (Su)          3    795G     Watermelon (Su)        4    856G
|     Cucumber (Su)          5    790G     Honeydew (Su)          3    834G
|     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  5    750G     Onion (Su)             5    830G
|     Potato (Sp)            4    724G     Cucumber (Su)          5    820G
|     Buckwheat (Wi)         4    724G     Wheat (Sp)             6    802G
|     Cosmos (Fa)            9    720G     Sunflower (Su)         6    780G
|     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5    705G     Cabbage (Sp)           4    744G
|     Sugarcane (Su)         5    705G     Potato (Sp)            4    744G
|     Sunflower (Su)         5    650G     Buckwheat (Wi)         4    744G
|     Turnip (Sp)            4    644G     Carrot (Fa)            4    736G
|     Wheat (Sp)             5    640G     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5    730G
|     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     9    630G     Sugarcane (Su)         5    730G
|     Watermelon (Su)        3    624G     Cosmos (Fa)            9    720G
|     Corn (Su)              4    624G     Lily (Su)              6    720G
|     Lily (Su)              5    600G     Yam (Fa)               5    690G
|     Cabbage (Sp)           3    543G     Turnip (Sp)            4    664G
|     Carrot (Fa)            3    534G     Cocoa (Sp)             5    645G
|     Grape (Fa)             5    520G     Corn (Su)              4    644G
|     Yam (Fa)               4    514G     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     9    630G
|     Strawberry (Sp)        3    514G     Pinkcat (Sp)           6    600G
|     Pinkcat (Sp)           5    500G     Hyacinth (Sp)          6    600G
|     Hyacinth (Sp)          5    500G     Begonia (Su)           6    540G
|     Flax (Sp)              4    488G     Tulip (Sp)             6    540G
|     Cocoa (Sp)             4    476G     Anemone (Wi)           6    540G
|     Begonia (Su)           5    450G     Rose (Fa)              6    540G
|     Tulip (Sp)             5    450G     Grape (Fa)             5    535G
|     Anemone (Wi)           5    450G     Strawberry (Sp)        3    532G
|     Rose (Fa)              5    450G     Flax (Sp)              4    524G
|     Pumpkin (Fa)           3    423G     Lavender (Sp)          6    480G
|     Lavender (Sp)          5    400G     Pumpkin (Fa)           3    438G
|     Pansy (Sp)             5    350G     Pansy (Sp)             6    420G
|     Blue Herb (Su)         5    200G     Blue Herb (Su)         6    240G
|     Red Herb (Fa)          5    150G     Red Herb (Fa)          5    150G
|     Yellow Herb (Wi)       4     80G     Yellow Herb (Wi)       5    100G
|     Purple Herb (Fa)       5     50G     Green Herb (Su)        6     60G
|     Green Herb (Su)        5     50G     Purple Herb (Fa)       5     50G
|     Morning Glory (Su)     5   -600G     Morning Glory (Su)     6   -720G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop       Max Harvests  Profit      Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  4   1560G     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  5   1950G
|     Hibiscus (Su)          9   1530G     Hibiscus (Su)          9   1530G
|     Bell Pepper (Fa)       8   1468G     Bell Pepper (Fa)       8   1500G
|     Tea Leaves (Su)        9   1422G     Tomato (Su)            8   1500G
|     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  9   1350G     Tea Leaves (Su)        9   1449G
|     Sunflower (Su)         9   1170G     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  9   1350G
|     Wheat (Sp)             8   1168G     Honeydew (Su)          4   1268G
|     Eggplant (Fa)          8   1168G     Yam (Fa)               8   1254G
|     Watermelon (Su)        5   1140G     Cocoa (Sp)             8   1204G
|     Rice (Fa)              5   1140G     Wheat (Sp)             8   1184G
|     Lettuce (Sp)           5   1085G     Eggplant (Fa)          8   1184G
|     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   9   1080G     Sunflower (Su)         9   1170G
|     Lily (Su)              9   1080G     Watermelon (Su)        5   1160G
|     Tomato (Su)            6   1076G     Rice (Fa)              5   1160G
|     Spinach (Fa)           5    990G     Lettuce (Sp)           5   1100G
|     Carrot (Fa)            5    990G     Corn (Su)              6   1094G
|     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 9    990G     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   9   1080G
|     Cabbage (Sp)           5    990G     Lily (Su)              9   1080G
|     Potato (Sp)            5    985G     Strawberry (Sp)        5   1060G
|     Honeydew (Su)          3    921G     Spinach (Fa)           5   1010G
|     Yam (Fa)               6    900G     Carrot (Fa)            5   1010G
|     Pinkcat (Sp)           9    900G     Cabbage (Sp)           5   1010G
|     Hyacinth (Sp)          9    900G     Potato (Sp)            5   1000G
|     Cucumber (Su)          5    890G     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 9    990G
|     Turnip (Sp)            5    885G     Cucumber (Su)          5    910G
|     Onion (Su)             5    885G     Turnip (Sp)            5    900G
|     Corn (Su)              5    880G     Onion (Su)             5    900G
|     Cocoa (Sp)             6    856G     Pinkcat (Sp)           9    900G
|     Begonia (Su)           9    810G     Hyacinth (Sp)          9    900G
|     Tulip (Sp)             9    810G     Pumpkin (Fa)           5    860G
|     Anemone (Wi)           9    810G     Begonia (Su)           9    810G
|     Strawberry (Sp)        4    810G     Tulip (Sp)             9    810G
|     Rose (Fa)              9    810G     Anemone (Wi)           9    810G
|     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5    785G     Rose (Fa)              9    810G
|     Sugarcane (Su)         5    785G     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5    800G
|     Buckwheat (Wi)         4    784G     Sugarcane (Su)         5    800G
|     Flax (Sp)              5    740G     Buckwheat (Wi)         4    796G
|     Cosmos (Fa)            9    720G     Flax (Sp)              5    770G
|     Lavender (Sp)          9    720G     Cosmos (Fa)            9    720G
|     Pumpkin (Fa)           4    654G     Lavender (Sp)          9    720G
|     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     9    630G     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     9    630G
|     Pansy (Sp)             9    630G     Pansy (Sp)             9    630G
|     Grape (Fa)             5    590G     Grape (Fa)             5    600G
|     Blue Herb (Su)         9    360G     Blue Herb (Su)         9    360G
|     Red Herb (Fa)          5    150G     Red Herb (Fa)          5    150G
|     Yellow Herb (Wi)       6    120G     Yellow Herb (Wi)       6    120G
|     Green Herb (Su)        9     90G     Green Herb (Su)        9     90G
|     Purple Herb (Fa)       5     50G     Purple Herb (Fa)       5     50G
|     Morning Glory (Su)     9  -1080G     Morning Glory (Su)     9  -1080G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop       Max Harvests  Profit
|                        Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  5   1950G
|                        Honeydew (Su)          5   1720G
|                        Bell Pepper (Fa)       8   1572G
|                        Tomato (Su)            8   1572G
|                        Corn (Su)              8   1564G
|                        Tea Leaves (Su)        9   1548G
|                        Hibiscus (Su)          9   1530G
|                        Strawberry (Sp)        6   1372G
|                        Snowflake Flower (Wi)  9   1350G
|                        Yam (Fa)               8   1318G
|                        Cocoa (Sp)             8   1260G
|                        Eggplant (Fa)          8   1248G
|                        Wheat (Sp)             8   1240G
|                        Watermelon (Su)        5   1220G
|                        Rice (Fa)              5   1215G
|                        Sunflower (Su)         9   1170G
|                        Lettuce (Sp)           5   1150G
|                        Pumpkin (Fa)           6   1104G
|                        Moondrop Flower (Fa)   9   1080G
|                        Lily (Su)              9   1080G
|                        Spinach (Fa)           5   1070G
|                        Carrot (Fa)            5   1070G
|                        Cabbage (Sp)           5   1065G
|                        Potato (Sp)            5   1050G
|                        Green Bell Flower (Wi) 9    990G
|                        Cucumber (Su)          5    970G
|                        Turnip (Sp)            5    950G
|                        Onion (Su)             5    950G
|                        Pinkcat (Sp)           9    900G
|                        Hyacinth (Sp)          9    900G
|                        Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5    850G
|                        Sugarcane (Su)         5    850G
|                        Flax (Sp)              5    840G
|                        Buckwheat (Wi)         4    832G
|                        Begonia (Su)           9    810G
|                        Tulip (Sp)             9    810G
|                        Anemone (Wi)           9    810G
|                        Rose (Fa)              9    810G
|                        Cosmos (Fa)            9    720G
|                        Lavender (Sp)          9    720G
|                        Grape (Fa)             5    645G
|                        Chrysanthemum (Fa)     9    630G
|                        Pansy (Sp)             9    630G
|                        Blue Herb (Su)         9    360G
|                        Red Herb (Fa)          5    150G
|                        Yellow Herb (Wi)       6    120G
|                        Green Herb (Su)        9     90G
|                        Purple Herb (Fa)       5     50G
|                        Morning Glory (Su)     9  -1080G
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [BBCPR]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    By-Bag Crop Profits  /
| /                                                                         /
| By-Bag profit information is best used when you have a limited amount of
| time to grow your crops. Maybe you're at the end of a month and want to get
| the most profit out of those spaces, and know that although Strawberries
| are hugely profitable, that long initial growth time spoils it towards the
| end of the month. Or maybe you need money by a certain festival to buy some
| items, so you want to know what you can get in that time.
| As above, these listings make a few assumptions:
|   - You water the seeds every day.
|   - You get rid of any weeds that pop up alongside the crops right away.
|   - You harvest them on the first day they're available.
|   - The soil quality stays consistent throughout the whole growth time.
|     This might not happen, but this information should still be pretty
|     accurate to use for ranking them.
| Because crop quality is randomly-determined and is only influenced (not
| directly determined) by soil quality, these profits are estimates. You
| definitely won't actually make exactly these amounts -- they're averages.
| The numbers below are 'per day'. That's why the crop growth times are
| listed. Essentially, if you have a limited amount of time, you want to
| plant the highest per-day profit that will grow fast enough. There's a
| little bit more than that: for example, if you can get two harvests out of
| one crop compared to one out of another one, the former will usually be a
| better option. But choosing the highest per-day profit that will grow in
| time out of this list will at least get you pretty close.
|\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SPBBP] _
| Spring By-Bag Profits                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Lettuce               5     40G      Lettuce               5     41G
|     Potato                6     30G      Potato                6     31G
|     Spicy Pepper          5     28G      Cabbage               6     31G
|     Turnip                6     27G      Spicy Pepper          5     29G
|     Cabbage               7     26G      Turnip                6     28G
|     Pinkcat               5     20G      Pinkcat               4     25G
|     Flax                  6     20G      Hyacinth              4     25G
|     Hyacinth              5     20G      Tulip                 4     22G
|     Tulip                 5     18G      Flax                  6     22G
|     Lavender              5     16G      Lavender              4     20G
|     Pansy                 5     14G      Pansy                 4     18G
|     Strawberry            10    10G      Strawberry            9     12G
|     Wheat                 7      9G      Wheat                 6     11G
|     Cocoa                 8      2G      Cocoa                 7      2G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Lettuce               5     43G      Lettuce               5     44G
|     Cabbage               5     40G      Potato                5     40G
|     Potato                5     39G      Cabbage               5     40G
|     Turnip                5     35G      Turnip                5     36G
|     Pinkcat               3     33G      Pinkcat               3     33G
|     Hyacinth              3     33G      Hyacinth              3     33G
|     Spicy Pepper          5     31G      Spicy Pepper          5     32G
|     Tulip                 3     30G      Flax                  5     31G
|     Flax                  5     30G      Tulip                 3     30G
|     Lavender              3     27G      Lavender              3     27G
|     Pansy                 3     23G      Pansy                 3     23G
|     Strawberry            8     15G      Strawberry            7     18G
|     Wheat                 5     15G      Wheat                 5     16G
|     Cocoa                 6      4G      Cocoa                 5      6G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|                        Lettuce               5     46G
|                        Cabbage               5     43G
|                        Potato                5     42G
|                        Turnip                5     38G
|                        Spicy Pepper          5     34G
|                        Flax                  5     34G
|                        Pinkcat               3     33G
|                        Hyacinth              3     33G
|                        Tulip                 3     30G
|                        Lavender              3     27G
|                        Strawberry            6     23G
|                        Pansy                 3     23G
|                        Wheat                 5     17G
|                        Cocoa                 5      7G
|\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SUBBP] _
| Summer By-Bag Profits                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Tea Leaves            3     47G      Tea Leaves            3     49G
|     Hibiscus              5     34G      Hibiscus              4     42G
|     Cucumber              5     32G      Watermelon            6     36G
|     Onion                 5     32G      Honeydew              8     35G
|     Watermelon            7     30G      Cucumber              5     33G
|     Honeydew              9     29G      Onion                 5     33G
|     Sugarcane             5     28G      Sunflower             4     32G
|     Sunflower             5     26G      Lily                  4     30G
|     Lily                  5     24G      Sugarcane             5     29G
|     Begonia               5     18G      Begonia               4     22G
|     Tomato                7     12G      Tomato                6     14G
|     Corn                  9      9G      Corn                  8     11G
|     Blue Herb             5      8G      Blue Herb             4     10G
|     Green Herb            5      2G      Green Herb            4      2G
|     Morning Glory         5    -24G      Morning Glory         4    -30G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Hibiscus              3     57G      Hibiscus              3     57G
|     Tea Leaves            3     53G      Tea Leaves            3     54G
|     Watermelon            5     46G      Honeydew              6     53G
|     Honeydew              7     44G      Watermelon            5     46G
|     Sunflower             3     43G      Sunflower             3     43G
|     Lily                  3     40G      Lily                  3     40G
|     Cucumber              5     36G      Cucumber              5     36G
|     Onion                 5     35G      Onion                 5     36G
|     Sugarcane             5     31G      Sugarcane             5     32G
|     Begonia               3     30G      Begonia               3     30G
|     Tomato                6     16G      Tomato                5     20G
|     Corn                  7     14G      Corn                  6     16G
|     Blue Herb             3     13G      Blue Herb             3     13G
|     Green Herb            3      3G      Green Herb            3      3G
|     Morning Glory         3    -40G      Morning Glory         3    -40G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|                        Honeydew              5     69G
|                        Tea Leaves            3     57G
|                        Hibiscus              3     57G
|                        Watermelon            5     49G
|                        Sunflower             3     43G
|                        Lily                  3     40G
|                        Cucumber              5     39G
|                        Onion                 5     38G
|                        Sugarcane             5     34G
|                        Begonia               3     30G
|                        Tomato                5     22G
|                        Corn                  5     22G
|                        Blue Herb             3     13G
|                        Green Herb            3      3G
|                        Morning Glory         3    -40G
|\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FABBP] _
| Fall By-Bag Profits                                                        \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower      9     43G      Blue Mist Flower      8     49G
|     Rice                  5     42G      Rice                  5     43G
|     Moondrop Flower       3     40G      Moondrop Flower       3     40G
|     Spinach               5     36G      Spinach               5     37G
|     Cosmos                3     27G      Carrot                6     31G
|     Carrot                7     25G      Cosmos                3     27G
|     Chrysanthemum         3     23G      Chrysanthemum         3     23G
|     Grape                 5     21G      Rose                  4     22G
|     Rose                  5     18G      Grape                 5     21G
|     Bell Pepper           6     14G      Bell Pepper           6     14G
|     Eggplant              5     13G      Eggplant              5     13G
|     Pumpkin               10     8G      Pumpkin               9     10G
|     Yam                   8      8G      Yam                   7      9G
|     Red Herb              5      6G      Red Herb              5      6G
|     Purple Herb           5      2G      Purple Herb           5      2G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower      6     65G      Blue Mist Flower      5     78G
|     Rice                  5     46G      Rice                  5     46G
|     Carrot                5     40G      Carrot                5     40G
|     Spinach               5     40G      Spinach               5     40G
|     Moondrop Flower       3     40G      Moondrop Flower       3     40G
|     Rose                  3     30G      Rose                  3     30G
|     Cosmos                3     27G      Cosmos                3     27G
|     Grape                 5     24G      Grape                 5     24G
|     Chrysanthemum         3     23G      Chrysanthemum         3     23G
|     Bell Pepper           5     19G      Bell Pepper           5     20G
|     Eggplant              5     15G      Yam                   5     16G
|     Pumpkin               8     12G      Eggplant              5     16G
|     Yam                   6     12G      Pumpkin               7     14G
|     Red Herb              5      6G      Red Herb              5      6G
|     Purple Herb           5      2G      Purple Herb           5      2G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|                        Blue Mist Flower      5     78G
|                        Rice                  5     49G
|                        Carrot                5     43G
|                        Spinach               5     43G
|                        Moondrop Flower       3     40G
|                        Rose                  3     30G
|                        Cosmos                3     27G
|                        Grape                 5     26G
|                        Chrysanthemum         3     23G
|                        Bell Pepper           5     22G
|                        Pumpkin               6     18G
|                        Yam                   5     17G
|                        Eggplant              5     17G
|                        Red Herb              5      6G
|                        Purple Herb           5      2G
|\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WIBBP] _
| Winter By-Bag Profits                                                      \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Green Bell Flower     3     37G      Snowflake Flower      4     38G
|     Buckwheat             6     30G      Green Bell Flower     3     37G
|     Snowflake Flower      5     30G      Buckwheat             6     31G
|     Anemone               5     18G      Anemone               4     22G
|     Yellow Herb           6      3G      Yellow Herb           5      4G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Snowflake Flower      3     50G      Snowflake Flower      3     50G
|     Green Bell Flower     3     37G      Green Bell Flower     3     37G
|     Buckwheat             6     33G      Buckwheat             6     33G
|     Anemone               3     30G      Anemone               3     30G
|     Yellow Herb           4      5G      Yellow Herb           4      5G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|                        Snowflake Flower      3     50G
|                        Green Bell Flower     3     37G
|                        Buckwheat             6     35G
|                        Anemone               3     30G
|                        Yellow Herb           4      5G
|\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OVBBP] _
| Overall By-Bag Profits                                                     \
|                                                                             \
| _ _ _ _ _                            _ _ _ _ _
| Bad Soil                             Poor Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Tea Leaves (Su)        3     47G     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  8     49G
|     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  9     43G     Tea Leaves (Su)        3     49G
|     Rice (Fa)              5     42G     Rice (Fa)              5     43G
|     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   3     40G     Hibiscus (Su)          4     42G
|     Lettuce (Sp)           5     40G     Lettuce (Sp)           5     41G
|     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 3     37G     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   3     40G
|     Spinach (Fa)           5     36G     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  4     38G
|     Hibiscus (Su)          5     34G     Spinach (Fa)           5     37G
|     Cucumber (Su)          5     32G     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 3     37G
|     Onion (Su)             5     32G     Watermelon (Su)        6     36G
|     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  5     30G     Honeydew (Su)          8     35G
|     Watermelon (Su)        7     30G     Cucumber (Su)          5     33G
|     Potato (Sp)            6     30G     Onion (Su)             5     33G
|     Buckwheat (Wi)         6     30G     Sunflower (Su)         4     32G
|     Honeydew (Su)          9     29G     Carrot (Fa)            6     31G
|     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5     28G     Cabbage (Sp)           6     31G
|     Sugarcane (Su)         5     28G     Potato (Sp)            6     31G
|     Turnip (Sp)            6     27G     Buckwheat (Wi)         6     31G
|     Cosmos (Fa)            3     27G     Lily (Su)              4     30G
|     Sunflower (Su)         5     26G     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5     29G
|     Cabbage (Sp)           7     26G     Sugarcane (Su)         5     29G
|     Carrot (Fa)            7     25G     Turnip (Sp)            6     28G
|     Lily (Su)              5     24G     Cosmos (Fa)            3     27G
|     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     3     23G     Pinkcat (Sp)           4     25G
|     Grape (Fa)             5     21G     Hyacinth (Sp)          4     25G
|     Pinkcat (Sp)           5     20G     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     3     23G
|     Hyacinth (Sp)          5     20G     Begonia (Su)           4     22G
|     Flax (Sp)              6     20G     Tulip (Sp)             4     22G
|     Begonia (Su)           5     18G     Anemone (Wi)           4     22G
|     Tulip (Sp)             5     18G     Flax (Sp)              6     22G
|     Anemone (Wi)           5     18G     Rose (Fa)              4     22G
|     Rose (Fa)              5     18G     Grape (Fa)             5     21G
|     Lavender (Sp)          5     16G     Lavender (Sp)          4     20G
|     Bell Pepper (Fa)       6     14G     Pansy (Sp)             4     18G
|     Pansy (Sp)             5     14G     Bell Pepper (Fa)       6     14G
|     Eggplant (Fa)          5     13G     Tomato (Su)            6     14G
|     Tomato (Su)            7     12G     Eggplant (Fa)          5     13G
|     Strawberry (Sp)        10    10G     Strawberry (Sp)        9     12G
|     Wheat (Sp)             7      9G     Wheat (Sp)             6     11G
|     Corn (Su)              9      9G     Corn (Su)              8     11G
|     Pumpkin (Fa)           10     8G     Pumpkin (Fa)           9     10G
|     Yam (Fa)               8      8G     Blue Herb (Su)         4     10G
|     Blue Herb (Su)         5      8G     Yam (Fa)               7      9G
|     Red Herb (Fa)          5      6G     Red Herb (Fa)          5      6G
|     Yellow Herb (Wi)       6      3G     Yellow Herb (Wi)       5      4G
|     Cocoa (Sp)             8      2G     Cocoa (Sp)             7      2G
|     Purple Herb (Fa)       5      2G     Purple Herb (Fa)       5      2G
|     Green Herb (Su)        5      2G     Green Herb (Su)        4      2G
|     Morning Glory (Su)     5    -24G     Morning Glory (Su)     4    -30G
| _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Soil                          Good Soil
|     Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit      Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  6     65G     Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  5     78G
|     Hibiscus (Su)          3     57G     Hibiscus (Su)          3     57G
|     Tea Leaves (Su)        3     53G     Tea Leaves (Su)        3     54G
|     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  3     50G     Honeydew (Su)          6     53G
|     Watermelon (Su)        5     46G     Snowflake Flower (Wi)  3     50G
|     Rice (Fa)              5     46G     Watermelon (Su)        5     46G
|     Honeydew (Su)          7     44G     Rice (Fa)              5     46G
|     Sunflower (Su)         3     43G     Lettuce (Sp)           5     44G
|     Lettuce (Sp)           5     43G     Sunflower (Su)         3     43G
|     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   3     40G     Moondrop Flower (Fa)   3     40G
|     Spinach (Fa)           5     40G     Spinach (Fa)           5     40G
|     Carrot (Fa)            5     40G     Carrot (Fa)            5     40G
|     Cabbage (Sp)           5     40G     Cabbage (Sp)           5     40G
|     Lily (Su)              3     40G     Potato (Sp)            5     40G
|     Potato (Sp)            5     39G     Lily (Su)              3     40G
|     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 3     37G     Green Bell Flower (Wi) 3     37G
|     Cucumber (Su)          5     36G     Turnip (Sp)            5     36G
|     Turnip (Sp)            5     35G     Cucumber (Su)          5     36G
|     Onion (Su)             5     35G     Onion (Su)             5     36G
|     Pinkcat (Sp)           3     33G     Pinkcat (Sp)           3     33G
|     Hyacinth (Sp)          3     33G     Hyacinth (Sp)          3     33G
|     Buckwheat (Wi)         6     33G     Buckwheat (Wi)         6     33G
|     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5     31G     Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5     32G
|     Sugarcane (Su)         5     31G     Sugarcane (Su)         5     32G
|     Begonia (Su)           3     30G     Flax (Sp)              5     31G
|     Tulip (Sp)             3     30G     Begonia (Su)           3     30G
|     Anemone (Wi)           3     30G     Tulip (Sp)             3     30G
|     Flax (Sp)              5     30G     Anemone (Wi)           3     30G
|     Rose (Fa)              3     30G     Rose (Fa)              3     30G
|     Cosmos (Fa)            3     27G     Cosmos (Fa)            3     27G
|     Lavender (Sp)          3     27G     Lavender (Sp)          3     27G
|     Grape (Fa)             5     24G     Grape (Fa)             5     24G
|     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     3     23G     Chrysanthemum (Fa)     3     23G
|     Pansy (Sp)             3     23G     Pansy (Sp)             3     23G
|     Bell Pepper (Fa)       5     19G     Bell Pepper (Fa)       5     20G
|     Tomato (Su)            6     16G     Tomato (Su)            5     20G
|     Wheat (Sp)             5     15G     Strawberry (Sp)        7     18G
|     Eggplant (Fa)          5     15G     Wheat (Sp)             5     16G
|     Strawberry (Sp)        8     15G     Yam (Fa)               5     16G
|     Corn (Su)              7     14G     Eggplant (Fa)          5     16G
|     Blue Herb (Su)         3     13G     Corn (Su)              6     16G
|     Pumpkin (Fa)           8     12G     Pumpkin (Fa)           7     14G
|     Yam (Fa)               6     12G     Blue Herb (Su)         3     13G
|     Red Herb (Fa)          5      6G     Cocoa (Sp)             5      6G
|     Yellow Herb (Wi)       4      5G     Red Herb (Fa)          5      6G
|     Cocoa (Sp)             6      4G     Yellow Herb (Wi)       4      5G
|     Green Herb (Su)        3      3G     Green Herb (Su)        3      3G
|     Purple Herb (Fa)       5      2G     Purple Herb (Fa)       5      2G
|     Morning Glory (Su)     3    -40G     Morning Glory (Su)     3    -40G
|                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                Perfect Soil
|                        Crop    Days to Harvest  Profit
|                        Blue Mist Flower (Fa)  5     78G
|                        Honeydew (Su)          5     69G
|                        Tea Leaves (Su)        3     57G
|                        Hibiscus (Su)          3     57G
|                        Snowflake Flower (Wi)  3     50G
|                        Watermelon (Su)        5     49G
|                        Rice (Fa)              5     49G
|                        Lettuce (Sp)           5     46G
|                        Spinach (Fa)           5     43G
|                        Sunflower (Su)         3     43G
|                        Carrot (Fa)            5     43G
|                        Cabbage (Sp)           5     43G
|                        Potato (Sp)            5     42G
|                        Moondrop Flower (Fa)   3     40G
|                        Lily (Su)              3     40G
|                        Cucumber (Su)          5     39G
|                        Turnip (Sp)            5     38G
|                        Onion (Su)             5     38G
|                        Green Bell Flower (Wi) 3     37G
|                        Buckwheat (Wi)         6     35G
|                        Spicy Pepper (Sp)      5     34G
|                        Sugarcane (Su)         5     34G
|                        Flax (Sp)              5     34G
|                        Pinkcat (Sp)           3     33G
|                        Hyacinth (Sp)          3     33G
|                        Begonia (Su)           3     30G
|                        Tulip (Sp)             3     30G
|                        Anemone (Wi)           3     30G
|                        Rose (Fa)              3     30G
|                        Cosmos (Fa)            3     27G
|                        Lavender (Sp)          3     27G
|                        Grape (Fa)             5     26G
|                        Chrysanthemum (Fa)     3     23G
|                        Pansy (Sp)             3     23G
|                        Strawberry (Sp)        6     23G
|                        Bell Pepper (Fa)       5     22G
|                        Corn (Su)              5     22G
|                        Tomato (Su)            5     22G
|                        Pumpkin (Fa)           6     18G
|                        Wheat (Sp)             5     17G
|                        Yam (Fa)               5     17G
|                        Eggplant (Fa)          5     17G
|                        Blue Herb (Su)         3     13G
|                        Cocoa (Sp)             5      7G
|                        Red Herb (Fa)          5      6G
|                        Yellow Herb (Wi)       4      5G
|                        Green Herb (Su)        3      3G
|                        Purple Herb (Fa)       5      2G
|                        Morning Glory (Su)     3    -40G

        // [C_C_C]                                                           //
       //                                                   The Three C's   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Only one thing is impossible for God:                           //
    //  to find any sense in any copyright law                           //
   //  on this planet." -Mark Twain                                     //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [COPYR]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              Copyright  /
| /                                                                         /
| This FAQ is the exclusive property of David Joyner, DetroitDJ. All rights
| reserved. This FAQ may be freely distributed on any site, in whole or part,
| as long as this last section remains intact (all three C's). That means no
| changing 'GameFAQs' to any other site name. You know who you are.
| The latest version of my FAQs will ALWAYS be at:
| Other sites are permitted to show this FAQ; however, most do not
| automatically update, and I only update my FAQs on GameFAQs -- so, if you
| don't see something, check that URL to see if there's a newer version.
| Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is copyright 2009 Natsume and Marvelous
| Interactive. All rights reserved.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CREDI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                Credits  /
| /                                                                         /
| To Marvelous Interactive, Natsume and Nintendo, for this game and this
| system.
| To SBAllen, CJayC and GameFAQs as a whole, for maintaining this site.
| To mister_jmp, for doing anything he's going to do. Seriously, he did so
| much for my Tree of Tranquility guides that he deserves recognition here
| whether he decides to play Animal Parade or not.
| To Toshio, who is responsible for all the information gathered for this
| guide based on the Japanese game version.
| To Omega42, for helping me a ton with translations shortly before the game
| came out. This guide makes a whole lot more sense because of his efforts.
| To Roemu, for being my pseudo beta tester for the guide's layout and such.
| And for generally being pretty awesome.
| To Ushi No Tane, better known to Harvest Moon fans as I've made
| an active effort not to copy any information directly from the site, but I
| acknowledge that I have consulted's incredible Animal Parade
| section to check my own facts and for help with some translations in
| writing before the game's American release. Additionally, I read over the
| entire site before writing, so a good bit of my pre-release understanding
| is based on their information and that may impact what has been written --
| nothing is copied directly, but the way I've focused on certain elements,
| divided sections up or phrased certain portions may be impacted by their
| structure. If you haven't checked out Ushi No Tane's Animal Parade guide, I
| highly, highly recommend it:
| To gigi_gg and Stormfeather, for going way beyond the call of duty in
| basically proofreading the entire guide. Thanks!
| To gottaluvme2841, for extensively testing weather patterns to see if they
| could be manipulated.
| To all the other people that have submitted corrections, tips and
| suggestions: Strongbad456, NurseFin, ayumi_ishimaru, Shionite, Luthviana,
| Shionite, XReikaX, Splinterscat, Tefalie, kevin_jiriki, alien418, Tefalie,
| Stormfeather, Quicksilver9448, Komae_Seshat, gottaluvme2841, jan_lee23,
| Blulightning, DayWolf, Hazeygray.
| To Roemu, Rift, Sugar_Celebi, ZetsubouSensei, cynwri8, and the rest of the
| pre-release Harvest Moon: Animal Parade board, for generally being awesome.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CONTA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Contact Information  /
| /                                                                         /
| GameFAQs ID: DetroitDJ -- find me on the Tree of Tranquility and Animal
| Parade boards. This is the preferred way to contact me.
| If you have a question, the next-best way is through my AIM screenname,
| which is StarsHallelujah.
| If you have a suggestion or addition for the guide, or don't have AIM or a
| GameFAQs ID, or I'm not online, you can contact me via e-mail by prefacing
| your subject line with [AP] and e-mailing [email protected]. I'll
| respond only if you preface your e-mail with [AP] so that it avoids my spam
| filter and filters itself into my Harvest Moon box. Seriously, even if it
| hits my inbox, I might cackle and throw it to the trash if it doesn't have
| the [AP] on the front. This isn't rocket science, people.
| To recap, if you're asking a question, use GameFAQs or AIM. If you're
| making a suggestion or contribution, use e-mail. I won't kill you if you do
| it differently, that's just what makes it easiest for both of us.
| I'd hoped not to have to do this, but I also need to make a disclaimer
| about the type of communication I'll accept. But my old note scared people
| off, so let me make it more succinct.
| To summarize the below, ask yourself this: are you asking me a question
| about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, or giving a suggestion for the guide? If
| so, then contact me. If not, read on.
| I'm more than happy to answer any questions about Harvest Moon: Animal
| Parade, via e-mail or IM. However, please note the following:
|   - I am not interested in just chatting about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.
|     That means, don't ask me who I married, if I've finished the game, how
|     much money I have, etc. And I'm not all that interested in hearing
|     every detail about your farm either. Sorry.
|   - I am not interested in chatting about any other game, nor am I
|     qualified to answer questions about any game except for Harvest Moon:
|     Animal Parade (or other games I've written guides for). That means,
|     don't ask me about Spore, Gears of War, Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing
|     or Age of Empires. Don't ask me what other video game systems I have.
|     Don't list yours for me. I'm really not interested in hearing about it.
|     Sorry.
|   - If you ask me a question that is clearly stated somewhere in this
|     guide, I'll tell you how to find it. I won't look up the answer for
|     you. I didn't write this guide just so people could scroll to the
|     bottom and find my e-mail address. Don't be afraid to ask, but don't be
|     upset if I respond with a search code.
|   - Please type communicably. I'm not obsessed with proper
|     grammar/spelling, but if I can't understand what you're saying I just
|     won't respond. And this one is just a pet peeve of mine: I have no idea
|     what any of these "smileys" mean: ^^ ^^; -_- >> << <<; >>;; <_> >_< n-n
|     n.n - and I have no desire to know. So don't say anything that's
|     dependent on me understanding what these devilspawn illegitimate
|     children of lolspeak and anime mean.
|   - I am not interested in just chatting. That means, do not send me videos
|     of sneezing pandas. Do not as me what I look like. Do not send me the
|     "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" video. Do not send me a "Kiwee Emoticon." Do
|     not ask me if I like Naruto. And do NOT write DetroitDJ fanfiction.
|     Seriously, creepy.
| And yes, every single thing I've listed above has actually happened.
| Basically, if you contact me and I don't answer, ask yourself one question:
| Am I asking a question about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade? If the answer is
| no, then now you know why I'm not responding. If you have a question, don't
| hesitate to ask.