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Data Storage Location Guide

by Absolute Steve

  If you like this guide, feel free to hit the RECOMMEND BUTTON at the top. --^
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                        B Y    A B S O L U T E   S T E V E

An enhanced guide with video support to be found at supercheats; more to follow!

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  This is a short in-depth guide with all 20 Data Storage locations in MGR:R.
  Visit me on facebook for updates on my guides, goodies giveaways, and more.

                               F I L E  R - 0 0:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #1 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| This one can be found after the Metal Gear Ray fight, during the chase.  |!|
|!| After sliding underneath a large pipe, but before sliding underneath the |!|
|!| sewer gate, cut through the thin horizontally stretched grate and slide  |!|
|!| through it (by holding Ninja Run + Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PS3)) to reach  |!|
|!| a dark area in which you can find the first data storage item.           |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #2 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| Make your way to Sundowner and Jetstream Sam on the other side of the    |!|
|!| train. After jumping over several containers, carefully drop down on the |!|
|!| other side, but don't approach your foes just yet. The second data       |!|
|!| storage can be found on the right side of the train.                     |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 1:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #3 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| Slice the chandelier to pieces in the first building to find the third   |!|
|!| data storage item.                                                       |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #4 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| In the main thoroughfare, look for a box to the left of the church doors;|!|
|!| it contains the data storage item.                                       |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #5 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| After defeating Blade Wolf, slash the nearby door open to find the data  |!|
|!| storage item on top of the cabinet in the corner.                        |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #6 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| In the large area with various IR Sensors, turrets, and three cyborgs    |!|
|!| patrolling the upper catwalks, move to the far end of the upper walkway  |!|
|!| to find this data storage in the darkness.                               |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 2:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #7 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| In the sewer area with the three Mastiffs (right after you've found a    |!|
|!| cardboard box in a generator room) follow the upper catwalk and pipes    |!|
|!| to the left side of the hall to find this data storage inside a box.     |!|
|!| Be sure to not slice up the catwalks!                                    |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #8 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| During the time you're controlling the dwarf gekko, look for a small     |!|
|!| shaft to the left of your starting position and use LT or L2 to move     |!|
|!| through. This data storage item is inside the shaft.                     |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #9 ;������������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `����������������                                                     |!|
|!| During the time you're controlling the dwarf gekko, jump on top of the   |!|
|!| crates in the upper right corner of the area, stacked underneath the     |!|
|!| yellow catwalk. This data storage can be found here.                     |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 3:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #10 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| Right before entering the first building, jump on top of the glass       |!|
|!| coating of the escalators and walk to the end to find this data storage  |!|
|!| item.                                                                    |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #11 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| When making your way over the roofs, you'll soon jump down a building    |!|
|!| that has a civilian on it. When you land on this building, a Slider will |!|
|!| fly right over you. Either use an Rocket Launcher/Homing Missile to gun  |!|
|!| it down, or use an aerial strike (Y or Triangle) in its direction,       |!|
|!| combined with Blade Mode afterward. In any case, it is the proud keeper  |!|
|!| of this data store.                                                      |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #12 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| When you reach the underground, head left until you reach a dead end.    |!|
|!| Climb the nearby railcar and move continue down the tracks. You'll reach |!|
|!| a part with a Mastiff walking (every now and then) on a low carriage.    |!|
|!| The data storage can be found near the debris to your left (this is the  |!|
|!| direction you came from, and the debris was blocking your way).          |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #13 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| After getting back on the streets (after the underground part), fight    |!|
|!| the third fight in this area (on some very long stairs).                 |!|
|!|                                                                          |!|
|!| Before moving on to the next area, return the square at the base of the  |!|
|!| long stairs. Hop onto the vending cart to the left and from here, jump   |!|
|!| to a nearby ledge in front of you. You should be able to jump to the     |!|
|!| round/curved ledge to the right from here (perform a few aerial slashes  |!|
|!| to give that little extra boost you might need). The data storage is     |!|
|!| located on this ledge.                                                   |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 4:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #14 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| In the lobby of Marshal building, defeat the enemies first, then go      |!|
|!| upstairs and immediately right. Jump on the pillar and from here, leap   |!|
|!| over to the large TV hanging on the wall. You can now make your way over |!|
|!| the second TV and to another pillar, on which you'll find this data      |!|
|!| storage item.                                                            |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #15 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| This data storage item is found in the last area of the Japanese Garden, |!|
|!| right underneath the very last catwalk. It's located in a box.           |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #16 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| During the third battle on the big elevator, when dwarf gekkos are       |!|
|!| slowing your platform down, quickly defeat all cyborgs before jumping on |!|
|!| the adjacent elevator. This data storage will appear where the last      |!|
|!| cyborg died.                                                             |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #17 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| Inside the server room, where you meet Sundowner, head upstairs and move |!|
|!| to the far end of the walkway to the right. Climb the pipes here (with   |!|
|!| Ninja Run) to reach an otherwise inaccessible part of the walkway that   |!|
|!| contains a box with this data storage item inside.                       |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 5:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #18 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| In the first area, there's a small green garbage can behind the carriage |!|
|!| on the other side of the street. Slash this garbage can to make the data |!|
|!| storage pop out.                                                         |!|

                               F I L E  R - 0 6:
               There are no data storage items in this chapter.

                               F I L E  R - 0 7:
.�����: DATA STORAGE #19 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| After entering the base, move on top of the containers to the upper left |!|
|!| in the first area to reach the platform attached to the building. The    |!|
|!| data storage can be found at the end of this roof.                       |!|

.�����: DATA STORAGE #20 ;�����������������������������������������������������.
|!|    `�����������������                                                    |!|
|!| In the hangar, jump on top of the second plane (initially furthest away) |!|
|!| and carefully hop onto the right propellor to find the last data storage.|!|

                 Congratulations on finding all data storages!

19 Feb. 2013 - [v1.00] Initial release.

This document is � Absolute Steve 2013. All rights reserved.
The samurai sword in the logo was created by Bkstunt.

This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web-
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright. Do not copy or alter this guide and do not present it as your own.
The creation of this guide took a lot of time, so I would appreciate it greatly
if you'd respect that. If you are interested in hosting (an adaptation of) this
guide, please contact me. Below is a list of sites that are allowed to host this
document and/or adaptations of it. Allowed are: GameFAQs, Supercheats,
Gamerguides, UGW.

Absolute Steve: [email protected],
