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by sonickrazy

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By Sonickrazy

Table of Contents:

1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction
3. Version History
4. Basics
5. Walkthrough
6. Secrets
7. Songs
8. Frequently Asked Questions
9. Hotline
10. Credits



Hello, I'm Sonickrazy. Now you may be wondering "What the heck is a
Sonic the Hedgehog fan doing writing a Nightmare Before Christmas
FAQ?!", but I'll have you know that I am no regular Sonic fan. No. I
enjoy Dark Cloud, Pac-Man, Pikmin, Harvest Moon, and Sonic. However,
My all-time favorite thing is the Nightmare Before Christmas. When
this game came out, I knew I HAD to get it. So I did. And here I am
now, writing an FAQ for it. But enough about me. Let's talk about the
FAQ. The Table of Contents, Intro (Which you are looking at), and Version His-
tory are pretty self-Explanitory, but the Basics are different. Actually, they
are all just the things you can see in the manual. Now, on to the
Walkthrough. I've done it chapter by chapter, with a title at the
top, a basic walkthrough in the center, and Some hints and tips on
how to get an A or higher in all of the categories. So, a basic
Chapter might look like this:

Chapter 3000: The Giant Birthday Cake.

In order to complete this chapter, you must light all the candles
around the cake by grabbing the flamethrower and running around. You
can also use a pumpkin bomb. When it is lit, simply defeat the
mutated candles that run at you to complete the chapter.

Time: You should have no trouble as long as you use one pumpkin bomb
on either side of the cake.

Combo: Try to hit all of the candles in a row before the combo
counter runs out.

Damage: This is impossible to get wrong. You will ALWAYS get an A.

Exclamation Points: To do this, switch to Santa jack when you are
surrounded by candles and throw a re-possession present, then
immedietly press L2 to make it spring.


Please note that this chapter is FAKE. I don't want to start a triforce rumor
or anything...

Anyway, that's how it goes. The credits are... well... credits...
Version History:

V. 0.5: Yeah... pretty much started the thing... only half of the walkthrough
is done, and the secrets and song section aren't even there, but the people
at GameFAQs need a guide for this game... even if it is incomplete...
V. 0.54: Added Chapters 16-17.
V. 0.57: Added Chapters 18-19 and Added the "Secrets" section, though it is
only a place to find my E-Mail at the time being...
V. 0.59: Added Chapters 20-21.
V. 0.60: Added Chapter 22.
V. 0.64: Finished the Walkthrough! Hooray!
V. 0.67: Added the two secret chapters into the "Secrets" Section and changed
the place to find my E-mail to the Newly-Added "Songs" Section.
V. 0.71: Added Jack's House, Crystal Skulls, and the Golden Pumpkin Sections to
the "Secrets" Section.
V. 0.79: Finished the "Secrets" section, added the "Hotline" Section, and added
6 songs to the "Songs" Section.
V. 1.00: Huzzah! Finished!
V. 1.04: Added "" to the quickly-growing list of where my FAQ is
allowed, Removed a little uneccicary pun in chapter 24, and added the buttons
to the Final Fight Song. <_<;
V. 1.16: Corrected my Damage error and added on the ranking requirements to
chapters 15 and 24.
V. 1.18: Corrected one or two more errors.
V. 1.22: Corrected three more errors.
V. 1.23: Added "" to the places where my FAQ can be allowed.
V. 1.33: Added the "Frequently Asked Questions" section
V. 1.84: Updated the FAQ section and ADDED ASCII!!!!!! YAHOO!

Normal Actions:

Left Along Stick = Move Jack

X = Action Button (Talk, examine)

O = Dodge out of the way

O,O,O = Jump

Directional Buttons = Taunt (Turns enemy into a harder version)

Start = Go to the Subscreens

Select = View Map for hints and location

Subscreen Actions:

Left along stick = Move cursor

X = Use Item / Confirm

Square = Details

Triangle = Go Back / Cancel

Normal Jack's Special Actions:

Square = Soul Robber (Basic Attack)

Triangle = Soul Slam (Slam enemy to the ground) (Press repeatedly for
more slams)

Press and Hold Square or Triangle = unleash a more powerful version
of the attack. (Taunting the enemy fully charges button)

Triangle Fully Charged = Soul Cycle (Spin the enemy around, creating a
"cyclone" and attracting nearby enemies, attacking them repeatedly)

Twirl Left Along Stick 360 degrees + square = Soul Spin (Attacks all
surrounding enemies)

Triangle Next to a Soul Point (or a spiral-shaped object) = Soul jump

L1 = Switch to Pumpkin King

L2 = Switch to Santa Jack

Pumpkin King's Special Actions:

Square = Flame Thrower (Uses up .1 Red Soul per second)

Triangle = Fire Bomb (Uses up 1 Red Soul per Attack)

L1 = Switch to Normal Jack

L2 = Switch to Santa Jack

Santa Jack's Special Actions:

Square = Throw Present (There are many types of presents. They are
all listed in the "Special Items" Section of the Basics.)

Triangle = Switch types of presesnts

L2 = Spring Present on Command

L1 = Switch to Pumpkin King

R1 = Switch to Normal Jack

Special Items:


Soul Robber upgrades: Just how it sounds. Upgrades for the soul robber. They
get quite expensive after you buy one or two, though, so use your souls wisely.

Pumpkin King:

Pumpkin King Upgrades: Just how it sounds. Upgrades for the Pumpkin King. They
aren't that expensive, and they add to your maximum Red Souls, so I reccomend
you get one after you get the costume.

Santa Jack (You have unlimited amounts of them when you buy the chapter
one and you can buy better upgrades for all of them):

Re-Possession: This springs out on command and suprises the living
daylights out of the monsters, taking them out of Oogie Mode.

Scared Stiff: Temporarily Stuns the Target.

Cold Front: Freezes the opponent in a block of ice, damaging them.

Pumpkin Sheild: Sheild Jack from attacks temporarily (easy mode only)



Chapter 1: Jack's Return

As you start out, you see a cut-scene, then are thrown into battle
immediately. If this is your first time playing, you should press
select to see your battle commands. After getting accquainted with
the controls, exit the screen by pressing triangle repeatedly,
and start battling. When you are done, Mr. Hyde will appear. After a
conversation, save your game and head into the building next to him.
After doing so, you will be talken to a battle with... Oogie Boogie!
(or at least his shadow...)


Oogie starts out by walking around and occassionally throwing
exploding dice at you. Basically, what you need to do is concentrate
on him and constantly attack using the basic Soul Robber. After a
couple of whacks, he'll send out some ghosts and continue his
march around the room. You can fight them if you want, but Oogie
should be your main target. After a while, he'll send out some ghosts
with giant dice to smash you with. Dodge them, then continue your
wrath against Oogie. He should die after a few rounds. Please note
that the meter in the top-right corner is your dance gauge and if you
fill it up with the musical notes around the stage, you can go into
"dance mode" where you have to press the buttons when the icon for
that button goes between the two middle lines of the bar. The longer
you keep this up, the more damage Oogie Takes. The prize for
defeating Oogie is the Halloween Door. You'll find out what this is
for later.

Time: To beat this, hurry through the beginning monsters and
concentrate only on Oogie in the Boss battle.

Combo: Just try to smack all of the beginning skellitons before the
combo counter runs out.

Damage: Just make sure you use a blue soul on the beginning monsters so you can
get past them without a scratch.

Exclamation Point: Make sure to taunt all of the beginning monsters.
Chapter 2: The Witching Hour

You are now in town square. Talk to the Corpse Kid in front of the
Fountain. He'll ask you to go to the Witches' Shop. It's the only
building in the second... Cal-de-sac of sorts in Town Square. On your
way there, you'll have to fight some skelitons. You've fought them
all before, so there's no problem. Head into the Witches' Shop. They
will give you a warm welcome. See if you can buy anything with your
current souls. If so, buy it. Everything you find here will help you
in the game. Also, make sure to visit the second witch on the right.
I missed her my first time around, and had a VERY hard time completing
the game.

Now, head back to the Corpse Kid. He'll tell you to go find
Clown. At that moment, the Manhole starts to shake. Enter it with the
X button, and you'll be attacked by Old and New Skellitons. The new
ones throw Bone-o-rangs that can be destroyed with one tap of Square
while targeting it. After the battle, talk to Clown and He'll tell you
that he'll open the gate once he finds the key. Run back. You will see
a spinning spiral. Press Triangle to latch onto it, and you will
return to the top. Now, I recommend that you head to hidden places 2
and 4 to get some cool items. You can find out where they are in the
"Secrets" Section. Now, head to the main gate and fight off the
skeletons, then talk to clown.

Time: This is VERY hard to do the first time around because of those
hidden places, but there should be no trouble the second time, as long
as you don't dilly dally.

Combo: Try to kill the skelitons in the second Cal-de-sac before the
Combo meter runs out.

Damage: The Soul Spin is your freind.

Exclamation Point: As long as you taunt all the monsters you come
across, this is quite easy.

Chapter 3: The Hanging Tree

This chapter is pretty straightforward. Basically, what you need to
do is follow the path to the Hanging tree. You'll fight skelitons on
the way there, but you've fought them before, so no worries. Talk to
the Hanging Tree to find out that you need to find the Hanging Men,
and to do so, you need to find Zero. Head back to where you started,
and you'll be challenged by Lock.


This truly is a Mini Boss. All you need to do is fight about 20
Skelitons. Then you win.

After that, examine Zero's Grave and he'll show you the way to the
Hanging Men. The first Hanging Man is near some graves. Run around
behind the wall (The entrance is to the right) and talk to him. The
next Hanging man is through the Gate that Lock, Shock, and Barrel
entered. Head through it and find the Hanging Man hanging onto a
branch. Talk to him from afar.

Cross the bridge and head to some fire spewers. You have to run through the
first three when they are off, then stand between the third and fourth spewers,
then when the last two turn off, run through them. Now, head to the top of the
hill and latch on to the spiral at the top of the tree. After fighting some
more, run to the other side of the gate and talk to the Hanging Man.
Then, run back to the other side and latch on to the Tree again, then
head through the entryway to the left. After fighting some more,
attack the vines with a Soul Slam attack, then talk to the Hanging
Man. After that, Follow Zero back to the Hanging Tree. Then, run to
the right and latch onto the spiral, then the next spiral, then the
next one to get to a Gold Coin with 100 souls. Then, latch back, and
latch onto the Spiral to the right of it, then latch twice more, and
drop down to find a Golden Pumpkin. Do the steps you did to get the
Golden Pumpkin again, but this time, DON'T drop down. Instead, Latch
onto another spiral and talk to the Hanging Man. After that, Drop back
down to the Hanging Tree and talk to him.

Time: When you know where the Hanging Men are, this is no problem.
Just make sure to hurry through the Battle with Lock.

Combo: Just try to defeat Lock's Goons before the Combo Counter runs

Damage: You need to zoom past all the uneccassary battles without fighting.

Exclamation Point: If you dare, get the 20 Skelitons that Lock sends
at you in Oogie Mode by Taunting them.

Chapter 4: Grave Danger

When you start out, You will find that you need to pull up all the
broken graves. (8 to be exact) The first one is right to the left of
you. Defeat the Monsters, then latch onto it with the triangle button,
then mash the Triangle button over and over like you just had 20 cups
of coffee and 6 cans of coke (In fact, that might help) until it is
pulled up. After that, head to the next grave on the right. Then the
one on the other side of the Big Central Tree. After that, Head to
where Mr. Hyde is, then run down the path until you reach another
broken grave. Pull it up, then head to the place where you found the
second Hanging Man. Pull up the grave, then head across the fire
spewers, and pull up the grave on the hill. Then, swing over to the
place where you found the third Hanging Man and pull up the grave
there. After that, swing back and head to the place where you found
the fourth Hanging Man and pull up the final broken grave. Head back
to the Hanging Tree.

Time: As long as you quickly defeat the monsters and don't Dilly
Dally, you should be just fine.

Combo: Again, try to kill the monsters before the Combo Counter runs

Damage: With the new Giant Monsters, whack them until their weapon
falls out of their hands, then pick it up with the Triangle Button,
then whack everyone.

Exclamation Point: Taunt at least 15 Monsters.

Chapter 5: The Crypt Creeper

When you start, head to where you pulled up the sixth Grave, then
face Lock again, only this time, you have to fight him, too!


Basically, what you want to do is run after him and repeatedly attack
him. Only go after the skelitons if you want to get an S rank, and
then only 10 of them.

After that, head to where you pulled up the last Broken Grave and
enter the now-unlocked building. Fight through the ghosts and spiders
there if you want, but then head to the very back of the room and
through the door.


To defeat this spider, you must run around to the backside in any way
possible and then attack the little glowing thing on his backside.
He'll seperate into many tiny little spiders. Attack as many as
possible before he comes back. After a couple spiders die, he'll get
smaller. He goes into a rampage here, where he repeatedly shoots web
from his mouth. Dodge them by pressing O. Repeat until he gets to the
size of a regular spider. Attack him from any angle to win the battle.

After that, you get the Pumpking King Costume and the Key to the
Doctor's Lab from Sally!

Time: Use a Blue Soul or two against Lock and DON'T FIGHT THE GHOSTS

Combo: Kill as many spiders as you can during the Boss Battle.

Damage: Kill 10 Skelitons in the lock battle.

Exclamation Point: Make sure to taunt 10 skeletons in Lock's Battle.

Chapter 6: The Doctor's Hunch

Head back to the Town Square and fill up your Crystal Bottles and buy
some new stuff at the Witches' Shop. After that, head to the metal-
looking door two gates to the left of the main gate, then use the key
by examining it, then pressing Start, choosing the key in your
inventory, and heading through the door. You will find that the
electric gate to the south is on. You need to find a way to turn it
off. Head through the only other passageway and fight off some new
baddies. This time, they can throw traps! You destroy them with a
whack of the soul robber. After that, head to the back of the room
and latch onto the spiral. Use the pumpkin king's flame thrower to
burn through the wood at the other end and examine the lever.
The Electric Gate will open. Now, you can either head
through it now, or head to the left, where there's a skinny pipe
with souls on top of it. You need to walk across it SLOWLY to get
them all. Now, head through the electric gate to find Igor. He says
that he'll let you through of you give him some bone biscuts. They
should be at the Witches' Shop. Head there, and buy the- wait... Who's
that?! Shock?!


Same as Lock, only with Ghosts.

Okay, to the Withces' Shop to buy some- did she say that Corpse Kid
took the last bag?! Hmph... any way, head to him and he'll say that
he'll give you them if you complete his quiz. DO NOT get a perfect
score, or else you'll miss the really great reward later on. If you
can't answer them, you should probably watch Tim Burton's The
Nightmare Before Christmas once more. After getting the Bone Biscuts,
give them to Igor.

Time: Quickly storm through the trials and don't waste time on the
skinny pipe.

Combo: Again, try to kill the monsters before the Combo Counter runs

Damage: No real strategy here. I doubt you'll be able to get a D on

Exclamation Point: Taunt ALL the monsters in The first battle.

Chapter 7: The Lightning Round

Run forward ONLY ENOUGH to get to the two barricaded doors, then Burn
the rightmost one down with the Pumpkin King. After that, press X.
Drop off of the platform you are on and defeat the two Booby Traps
with the Soul Robber and then pick up one of the rocks with the Soul
Slam and carry it past the electric booby trap to the left of you,
then throw it at the Rubble. Pick up the Ball of Rubble, then carry it
to the next one, and throw it at the Rubble. Run past it to find a
Random Soul Generator, that randomly generates a nuber of souls from
1-500. Now, Head back to the start and pick up another ball, then go
past the electric booby trap, then throw it at the rubble. Pick up the
Ball of Rubble, go past the Electric Booby trap and throw the Ball at
the next pile. Continue this Pattern until you reach the machine and 
then throw it at it. The Machine will turn off... AND YOU HAVE 1
MINUTE AND 30 SECONDS TO GET TO THE LAB!!! Hurry down the path to the 
left and then back to where the Booby Traps were, up the elevator, and
into the door. Fight the monsters only if you are going for an A rank
or higher and you haven't attempted the Secret Chapter (See the
"Secrets" Section). Hurry up the stairs, and into the door. Oh, no...
not Shock again...

Mini-Boss Event:

Basically, what you do is run up the stairs as fast as you can,
ducking into tiny spaces and using the Soul Jump to dodge the balls
running at you. Run up the stairs, Soul Jumping as needed, until you
feel your controller start to rumble. When you do, start looking for a
place to hide or soul jump. If you SEE the ball, run backwards until
you see a spot to hide. Hide there, then wait for TWO balls to roll by,
then continue your climb. When you reach the top, Shock will promise
not to do it again (with her fingers crossed).

Step onto the platform near you and press X.

Time: If you attempted the Secret Chapter, you're good as screwed. If
you didn't, hurry everywhere, and make sure to get things right the
FIRST time.

Combo: This is very, very hard. Basically, Defeat some monsters before
the Combo Meter and the Time to get to the Lab run out.

Damage: In the single battle you have to do, don't get hit.

Exclamation Point: Again, If you attempted the Secret Chapter, you're
good as screwed. If you didn't, try to taunt 1 monster 10 times before
the Time to get to the Lab runs out.

Chapter 8: Changing Brains


This is the first Boss-Only Chapter. What you need to do is snatch the
brain on the table with the Soul Slam, bring it over to the Front of
Dr. Finklestien, drop it, then run around behind him, and use the Soul
Slam to lift his head upwards, then pick up the brain at his front, and
throw it at him, all the while dodging his contraptions. You have to do
this twice.

After that, you get the St. Patrick's Day Door, the Sandy Claws Outfit,
and the Re-Posession Present.

Time: Do the brain thing right the FIRST TIME.

Combo: When the Big hand thingies come down, make sure to Soul Spin
each one to get the Combo of 16.

Damage: As long as you don't get hit by the hand thingies you should be fine.

Exclamation Point: DANCE!!!! Collect as many Musical Notes as
possible, from the Hands and the Doctor's Head. Then, Dance
Correctly. IF you get them all right, the Exclamation Mark Count will
go up dramatically. Also, you get two Exclamation Points just for
completing the battle.

Chapter 9: Pumpkin Patch Possession

Now you can buy new presents at the Witches' Shop! Buy a couple, fill
up your Crystal Bottle(s) and head to the gate to the Left of the
Main Gate. You should be near three Pumpkins. I know it sounds silly,
but Switch to Santa Jack and throw a Re-Posession present at them.
Then, press L2 to make it spring faster. A green Ghost will pop out
and turn into a regular ghost. Congrats! You've just unlocked the
secrets of the Santa Jack outfit! Do that to the rest of the pumpkins
and then defeat the ghosts. After that, head down the path, Re-
Posessing Pumpkins along the way, then drop off of the ledge. You
will land near Behemoth. Talk to him. Then, Oogie will make an
announcement. Head past Behemoth and through the pumpkin patch, and
fight some ghosts. You can use the Exploding Pumpkins to your
advantage. Then, latch onto the spiral and fight and Re-Possess some
more baddies. Run forward to complete the chapter.

Time: This is easy as long as you don't stop to admire the scenery.

Combo: While the Soul Slam is cool, don't use it too much,
or else you'll be in big  Trouble!

Damage: The re-posession is cool, so use it EVERY time you see a
enemy in Oogie Mode.

Exclamation Point: This is very easy. Not only does using Re-
Posession count towards the Exclamation Point Count, but Ghosts are
very easy to surprise.

Chapter 10: Barrel's Maze

When you start out, you should head to the left to find a Pumpkin
contraption. Hit it with your Soul Robber to open up the gate in front
of you. Head through it, then head down the path and to the right to
find another switch. This will open a gate back up the path. Head 
there, then smack the Soul Barrel repeatedly to get tons of souls.
After doing that, head back down the path and to the left this time.
Then, run along the gate to find some Pumpkin Bombs. Pick them up and
hurl them at the Switch on a ledge through the crack in the fence to
make the gate below open... and monsters appear. Kill them, then
continue through the gate. You'll see a Gullotine Skelliton Repeatedly
Chopping off its head! Run up the hill, dodging the heads as neaded,
then destroy it. Continue. More down the path, you will find a long
fence. Walk along it until you see a spiral. Latch onto it, then smack
the Switch to make the Gate below open. Swing back, then run down the
path some more and through the gate.

Time: This is amazingly easy as long as you keep going forward.

Combo: During the one battle, make sure to keep pressing square to
kill all the Monsters before the Combo Meter runs out.

Damage: No real challenge here.

Exclamation Point: Taunt about 2/3 of the monsters.

Chapter 11: Peril in the Pumpkin Head

First, Head to the right to find a spiral. Latch onto it, then the one
above it. Inside, you will find four skeletons. Attack them all, then
drop down the newly-formed hole. There will be some ghosts. Kill them,
then drop down the hole again. You will find 5 Pumpkins. Re-Possess
them then kill the monsters that come out. Drop down the next hole.


This is actually quite easy. Simply Soul Spin next to him whenever you get the
chance and don't fight the skeletons unless absolutely neccecary.

Time: Easy. Just don't stop.

Combo: On the second chapter, make sure to defeat the ghosts before the
Combo Meter runs out.

Damage: Too easy to explain.

Exclamation Point: In chapter 3 and 2, you should be able to do this

Chapter 12: Runaway Clown

This is the only chapter without any required monsters. That means that
this is the perfect time to attempt some secret areas! However, if you attempt 
too many, your time and Damage will be ruined. So, I have shown which secret
areas to attempt and when. Okay, you will start out in the center of the big
pumpkin head where you fought Barrel. If you want to, grab the pumpkin in the
center of the room using the strtegy in the "Secrets" section. Head out of the
pumpkin and then head back to town square. Do your chapterly rounds and head to
the gate near the back of town hall. Use the key in your inventory. You are now
in the long road leading to the residential area. Head up it, then talk to the
witch. Throw a present in front of the Fastly-Moving Clown and spring it when
he comes by, then talk to the witch again. Head to the Doctor's Lab. On the way
you'll find that Sally's room is Un-Boarded. Head into it (It's a secret area)
and defeat the monsters, collect your Cyrstal Skull, then leave. Head up the
stairs to the nightmare lab and speak to the Doctor. Then, speak to Igor for a
Secret Chapter! This is neccecary to get an A in the Combo Section. Head down
the stairs as fast as your legs can carry you, then head to the left of the
Doctor's House. You should see a Manhole. Drop into it and defeat the Big
Spider, using the strategy in Chapter 5 to help you. Collect the Bag of Bone
Biscuts, then Latch onto the Spiral Behind you and head back to the Doctor's
Lab. Talk to Igor again to complete the chapter. Head over to the Table and
grab the tool, then head back to Clown and Throw a Re-Possession Present (The
Higher the chapter, the better) and quickly switch to Normal Jack when Clown is
stunned and head behind him, then open the menu and use the Tool.

Time: Don't attemt too many Secret areas, and Sally's Room is Optional.

Combo: You HAVE TO attempt the Secret Chapter. Try to Kill as many of the
Small Spiders in a row as possible.

Damage: Don't attempt the Sally's Room thing.

Exclamation Point: Scaring Clown with the presents repeatedly is a good way to
rack up Exclamation Points.

Chapter 13: The Vampire Brothers

This is one of the top 3 hardest chapters, mainly because of the last bat. It's
hard to find, and hard to catch. Anyway, on to the chapter. Head through the
gate to find a new, and improved, version of the big monsters in the graveyard.
The best way to defeat them is to run around behind them, attack them until the
axe falls out of their hands, then pick it up and throw it at him. If they go
into Oogie Mode, switch to Santa Jack and throw a present, activate it, then 
throw one again, activiate it, about 7 times. Then switch back to Normal Jack
and continue your attack. After that, run into the passageway to the front and
right of you, then sling up the tree using the soul jump until you land on a
branch. Run over to the spinning random soul generator, then grab it. Soul Jump
back down and head to the other passagewasy right next to the one you just came
out of. Head into the old house. Read the note on the table to find that you
have to capture the 4 Vampire Bats and turn them back into Vampires.

Head outside and spot the first vampire bat flying around. Grab him with the
Triangle button, then run back into the house and put him back in his coffin.
Darn that Oogie Boogie! He turned them all into bats, so our little adventure
has been made harder! You get a piece of the Key to the Mayor's House for re-
turning him to his Vampire form. Now, head past the Vampires' house and go
through the gate. When you find two swinging axes, take the road to the left,
and continue down the path, rolling past the swinging axes. when you come to a
place with some stairs and a hole, try to enter the hole, defeat the monsters,
then head into the hole. You will be in the Sewage Slums. Head down the path as
Santa Jack, then throw a Re-Possesion Present at the Trash cans. Monsters will
pop out, so defeat them with Normal Jack, then head down the path some more,
and defeat more monsters. Burn through the barrier with the Pumpkin King, then
run down the path some more, burn the next one, then head up the stairs. Switch
to Normal Jack and defeat the Monster on top of the hill, then walk onto the
edge of the upper part and then, WITHOUT TOUCHING THE LEFT ANALOG STICK, Soul
Jump onto the spiral, then ride down to the Sewage Slums. Head along the narrow
bridge and through the hole. You will be in a hidden place. Defeat the
monsters, and press triangle next to the green and black bat to capture the
second Vampire Bat. Head out of there and drop down via the hole in the ledge.
Keep heading down the path, fighting monsters all the while, until you get to
the place where you burned down the barrier.

Head through the place, and up the stairs and defeat the monsters, and then run
off the upper edge of the platform to drop down to a place with three blue
souls. Grab them, then head through the gate. You will be back to the place
with the hole where you went to the sewage slums. This time, head up the stairs
and latch onto the spiral. Then, head down the path, latch onto another spiral,
and you should see the third Vampire Bat flying around. Latch onto the spirals
as needed, while avoiding the large, mechanical fish. When you catch him, head
over to the opposite side of the caged skeliton, then sling up the spiral to
the roof. Cross the Bridge to hear another annoying message from Oogie Boogie,
then fight the normal bats and booby traps along the platform, searching for
the Vampire Bat. When you find him, walk slowly until you target him. Press
triange QUICKLY. If he gets away, which is very likely, you'll have to chase
after him again. When you catch him, head back to the Vampires' House and place
the vampires in their coffins.

Time: The last bat makes this EXTREMELY hard. Try not to go after anything that
is not required to complete the chapter and don't die. Also, shoot through the
enemies as fast as possible. This will give you some extra time to snag it.

Combo: Try to defeat the Monsters in the Hidden Place before the Combo Meter
runs out.

Damage: Don't Die. This makes you head back quite a bit so you have to fight
monsters all over again. Also, if you find a monster in Oogie Mode, Scare it
with the Re-Possesion.

Exclamation Point: When you find an Improved Monster Skeliton in Oogie Mode,
Scare it 7 or 8 times. This will help you alot when trying to get those darn

Chapter 14: The Mayor's Madhouse

You start out in the Vampires' House. Head back to the place with the Stairs
and Hole and head up the Pathway a little farther on than the gate. you will
have to fight 5 monsters in trash cans. Re-Possess them, then try to defeat
them before the Combo Meter runs out to Help with the Combo and Damage Cate-
gories. Head into the now Un-Boogieifed Gate. Defeat the monsters on the other
side and keep going to find a skull with four peices missing. Hmmm... 4 slots,
4 keys... what do you do? You place the keys in the slots, of course! Do so.
A cut-scene will then commence. Head inside the building. If you go to the
opposite side of the large truck, you will find a railway heading to a yellow
Soul worth 100 souls. But that's time-consuming. Head up the stairway closest
to you and go into the hole in the wall. Defeat the monsters outside and
continue up the rail. Along the way, you will notice a Golden Pumpkin. See the
"Secrets" Section for more information on that. Continue. When you get to
another hole in the wall, head though it and latch onto the spiral inside.
Keep going through the hole in the wall further down, then continue past the
holes in the floor to the Mayor. A Cut-Scene will automatically take place when
you reach him. He will head through a hole in a wall, but that doesn't lead
anywhere important. You see that narrow path near the house? I want you to walk
along that path. You can tilt the Left Along Stick towards the house for
support. When you reach the next hole in the wall, head through it to find a
battle arena. This is the perfect way to get combo points! Defeat the monsters
and continue over to the ledge where the red Skeliton was standing and latch
onto the spiral. Continue to the next hole in the wall and go through it. This
section of the House is a wide floor with dim light and holes everywhere. Try
to slowly walk along the floor, straining your eyes to see the holes. If you
are having a hard time with this, adjust the light on your screen to a lighter
shade. On the other side of this floor filled with holes is a spiral leading
to the Golden Pumpkin you saw earlier. If you want to get it, swing. But that
will cause you to have to start the thing all over, so if there isn't a Pumpkin
there (meaning you've already collected it) I reccomend you don't grab it. Now,
into the hole with ye! Go up the stairs as fast as you can to avoid the Booby
Trap's flying thingamajigs. If you fall down, you'll have to start all over
again. When you reach the door, press X.

Time: DO NOT fall of at any point and DO NOT go for anything special.

Combo: The Guys in the Battle Arena sould be able to help you alot here. Just
smack them all before the Combo meter runs out.

Damage: DO NOT fall of at any point as you will have to fight those monsters

Exclamation Point: You know that Improved Giant Skeleton at the beginning of
the road to the Mayor's House? Scare it about 20 times in a row. You should be
able to get the rest normally.

Chapter 15: Rooftop Rumble


The trio of pranksters has more than one stage, and the second one is quite
hard unless you follow a specific strategy...

Stage 1:

The trio gallops around the stage in their walking bathtub. DO NOT throw the
exploding pumpkins in the center of the stage. Simply run after them and smack
them whenever you get the chance. When they throw some traps and exploding
pumpkins at you, soul slam them back at the brats.

Stage 2:

The trio forms a 3-on-1 encounter and starts hitting you with everything they
got. Now is the time to use the Exploding Pumpkins in the center. Throw them
both at any of the brats and then run over to shock and start relentlessly hit-
ting her, as she is the most powerful of the three. Get all of the Musical
Notes, as the dance sequence will become invaluable. If you ever lose sight
of Shock, hit Lock until you see her. Then, rush at her before she can un-
leash her powerful dust attack.

Time: Just follow the strategy above.

Combo: Dance!

Damage: This is very hard, but as long as you still keep whacking Shock and
avoiding Lock, you should be fine.

Exclamation Point: Dance!

Chapter 16: The Grizzley Gauntlet.

When you start out, head along the path and up the spiral. You can then Swing
from another spiral onto an aclove. If you want, head across the two moving
platforms to your left and collect the Yellow Soul. Then, head back and go
across the moving platform to the right. Your brain may be going crazy on how
to get the Crystal Skull. See the "Secrets" Section for that. 
Now, drop down/ head to the next spiral... but don't sling yet... wait for the
moving platform behind the spiral to line up with the spiral... then sling. You
will move onto a platform. Walk down it, then sling up the two spirals. Now,
head between the first and second saw, and sling past the spiral, then onto the
moving platform. Run past the kings, then the fire Booby traps, and into the
passageway. You will be in a large room. Save with Mr. Hyde between the 
Halloween and Christmas Doors, then examine the Christmas Door. A Giant Spider
will drop down. You know what to do. After that, you can use the cage to get
back to Halloween Town, but the main goal is to Examine the Christmas Door once
again. Head up the path and onto the first of the three moving platforms. When
you get to the third, light the candle in the Skeliton Statue's Hand, then ride
to the right and swing on the spiral. Get on the hand to the right, then get on
the Moving Platform on the same tile as you, then swing on the spiral. Run past
the spinning blades, then swing on the next spiral. Now, you have to wait for
the Cards to stop swinging their swords, then run at them, swing on the spiral
FAST, before the rocks get you. You do this twice, then swing onto the Moving
Platform after it is lined up with the spiral. Head onto the rightmost hand,
then swing on the spiral to the doorway.

Time: Just keep swinging, and don't go for anything special.

Combo: If the spiders aren't enough for you, go to the Hidden Place 12. This is
mentioned in the "Secrets" Section.

Damage: Don't fight more than you need to.

Exclamation Point: Go to Hidden Place 12, and Scare the Monsters repeatedly
with Santa Jack.
Chapter 17: Casino Clash


Stay out of the center at all times. When you start out, start bashing all of
the Cards around the stadium. This will give you Musical Notes and Combo
Points. Then, he starts tromping around the rim of the Stadium. Follow him.
When he stops, three gunned robots will come out. Soul Spin them all repeatedly
and there's a one out of two chance that they will attack Oogie instead! He
then jumps into the center of the ring and summons some magic dice. Throw them
at him. Then, he sommons some more. Pick one up... wait... and when he launches
into the chorus of his little song and has to suck in a lot of air, that's your
chance to throw it in him! You can do this a maximum of three times. After he
explodes, he'll be very dizzy. Whack him repeatedly. He will then start over.
One final note: The second time around, there will only be one set of magic

Time: Throw all three dice into his little tummy to defeat him as fast as pos-

Combo: Dance!

Damage: Don't do anything too hasty.

Exclamation Point: Dance!
Chapter 18: Spiral Hill

After the little cut-scene, talk to the Hanging Tree on the sides of Town
Square and the Mayor in Town hall. You can talk to the others if you want some
encouragement from them. Now, head to the Graveyard, fighting monsters all the
while. Examine Zero's grave and follow him to the back of the Giant Central
Tree. If you want, you can pull up the graves to stop the monsters from appear-
ing there until you repeat the chapter. You will need to fight some Gas-
Expelling Booby Traps using the exploding pumpkins in front of them. When you
get to Zero's location, step up to the grave with the shiny thing on it. You
get the Spiral hill gate key! Now, head to the place where you pulled up the
sixth grave waaay back in  Chapter 4. You there? Good. Head to the passageway
in the upper-right of the area and unlock the gate at the end of it. Save with
Mr. Hyde  at the Spiral Hill entrance and head up the hill to the left. Go past
the well and latch up the spiral. Defeat the many booby traps on your acent
up the hill and then go to the large contraption next to Spiral Hill. Place the
Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Vallintines Day Doors in the slots. After
the sweet little song, head down spiral hill and through the menacing-looking

Time: This is easy as long as you only fight two battles- the one near Zero's
Grave and the one near the Spiral hill gate key.

Combo: During the battle near zero's grave, it's amazing how much you can up
the combo meter.

Damage: This is easy as long as you only fight two battles- the one near Zero's
Grave and the one near the Spiral hill gate key.

Exclamation Point: During the two battles mentioned above, scare every single
monster in them.

Chapter 19: The Hinterlands, Part 1

Your first job in the hinterlands is to get the Independance Day and St. Pat-
rick's Day Doors into their proper places. To do that, you are going to need
to find the entrance to them. First up is the Independance Day Door. In the
area you start in, take the leftmost exit. You will be in a room with little
spiders that can take 100 of your souls. Of course, you should hit them all
with the Soul Spin. Now, take the leftmost exit in this room, as well. You
will be in the room with the Independance Day Tree! Hooray! Now, slap it in
there! Exit out. Fight the Spiders again, then head up the bottom most exit. In
this room, take the left most exit once more! Hooray! The St. Patrick's Day
Tree! Slap the door in there, then exit. Take the mottomost exit. You will be
where Mr. Hyde is standing. Save, then go to the rightmost area. You will be in
the area with the Halloween Tree. Walk up to it. You will have to fight 3
ghosts and 3 skelitons, all in pumpkins. Throw the Re-Possession at them all,
then defeat them. The Oogie Door will pop out. You need to replace it with the
real door back at Spiral Hill. But not now, or your Time will be ruined. Head
back to Mr. Hyde and go to the leftmost exit. Then, take the leftmost exit
again. You will be in the area with the Valintine's Day Tree. Walk up to it
and fight the Inproved skelitons that appear. Take the Oogie Door that falls
out and then head back to the previous room and go to the upmost exit. In this
room with all the bats, take the leftmost exit. It's the Easter Tree. Defeat
all the monsters there, then head to the exit just to the right of the upmost
one. You will be in the hardest area in the game- the Thanksgiving Door Room!
Dun-Dun-Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! Touch the door and use the following strategy to
defeat the many, many, monsters in a very, very short time. First off, wait
until the monsters are all close to you... then use a Pumpkin Bomb. Do this
over and over until you run out of red souls. Then, switch to Normal Jack and
consume a Blue Soul. Do the Spin attack until your Blue Soul-ness runs out.
Then, consume another and keep going. when your Blue Souls run out, check to
see if you have any more Red Souls. If so, Pumpkin Bomb until you run out.
From then, Do the spin attack with Normal Jack until you win. When you do, grab
the Oogie Door and go back to the previous room. Use the southernmost exit to
head back to Mr. Hyde, then head back to Spiral Hill. Replace the Real Doors
with the Oogie Doors in the Strange Contraption.

Time: Complete the Door Challenges the first time, take shortcuts as needed,
and don't do any unneccacary battles.

Combo: This is easiest to do in the Easter Door. Whack them all before the
Combo Meter runs out.

Damage: Complete the Door Challenges the first time and don't do any unnecca-
cary battles.

Exclamation Point: The six that you get from the Halloween Oogie Door helps,
and as long as you scare any enemies along the road to the Doors, you should be

Chapter 20: Fire and Ice Frenzy


What you need to do is run around behind the Fire King and smack him until
he drops his weapon. When he does, Pick it up with the triangle button and hurl
it at him. Then, spin attack him until he dies. Then, suprise the Ice King with
a Re-Possesion Present from behind and then do the same thing to him. For this
battle, you get the Christmas Door! Hooray!

Time: Easy, just defeat them fast.

Combo: This is why you SMACK them insted of Soul Spinning them.

Damage: Dodging is your freind.

Exclamation Point: This is the hard one. Try to run around behind the Fire
Titan and Re-Possess him 4 times before you do anything.

Chapter 21: The Hinterlands, Part 2.

First thing's first. Put all of the Doors back in their proper trees. Go back
to the Chapter 19 Walkthrough to see where they are. Go ahead, I'll wait right
here for you. Done? Good. Now, in the area where you found the Easter and
Thanksgiving Tree Entrances, go to the rightmost exit (the one with trees
guarding the way). In this area, you will find many Tricks and Treats. Defeat
them for a high Combo score and then head to the bottom most exit. You will
find the area with all of the trees... and the Christmas Tree! Slap the door in

Time: This is easy as long as you don't do anything fancy and fight only the
Tricks and Treats.

Combo: The Tricks and Treats are the answer. Defeat them all before the combo
meter runs out.

Damage: Fight only the Tricks and Treats Battle.

Exclamation Point: Did I mention that you have to scare the Tricks and Treats?

Chapter 22: Christmas Town

Oh, no! Christmas Town is ruined! Head to Mr. Hyde to Fill up your Crystal
Vials, Recover your Health, and save whenever you want! Cool, no? Anyway, Head
to the Central Square and talk to the Blue Elf. He'll tell you that you need to
collect 5 Christmas items in order to put the Tree back to what it was. First,
head to the right of the Tree and up the ramp, then smack the Mini-Christmas
Tree next to the House. You will get the Red Ornament. Now, Switch to the
Pumpkin King and Pumpkin Bomb the lanterns in front of the house. It will now
be unlocked. Enter it. You will have to fight four tricks and treats. After
that, you get the Blue Ornament. Now, exit. Head down the right ramp to the
Oogie-go-round. Smack all of the little monsters until they die to get the
Christmas Stocking and a wicked Combo! Next, wait by the switch until you see
the train. smack the switch FAST and then hop onto the present on the back
WITHOUT using the third jump. When you do, ride until you see a spiral. Latch
onto it to get the Candle. Run over to the leftmost edge of the Town and hop
on the train in that location. When you see the spiral, latch onto it and swing
onto it. You will be in the Green Elf's Home. Suprise the Snowmen there to
uncover the monsters inside. When you do, you get the Christmas Star! Woohoo!
Now, head back to the Blue Elf and talk to him.

Time: Hop on the Train the first time.

Combo: The Oogie-go-round is the key. Smack them all before the Combo Meter
runs out.

Damage: This is kinda hard to fail. Just make sure to suprise any enemies in
Oogie Mode.

Exclamation Point: Try to Scare the Tricks and Treats about 22 times.

Chapter 23: Saving Sandy

Run to the right of the Red house, but DO NOT smack the snowmen. Head through
the doorway.


Like Jack says, change the tracks to buy Sandy some time, then Smack the Train
repeatedly. Also, try to scare at least 4 snowmen for the Exclamation point

Time: If you can do the combo, you can do this.

Combo: Smack the train repeatedly.

Damage: Only fight the four required monsters and the Train.

Exclamation Point: As long as you scare the 4 monsters, you should be fine.

Chapter 24: Taking out the Trash

Re-fill the vials with Mr. Hyde if you want, then head up the path opposite
of the Giant Pumpkin.



There are two ways to do this. One: Smack his feet until he falls down, then
smack his head with a Blue Soul or the Pumpkin King. Two: Sling up to the top
of the area, then find some gas and wait 'till he comes around, then switch
to the Pumpkin King and flame the gas. One is reccommended for Easy mode, and
two is reccomended for Normal and Nightmare Modes. But, hey, Nobody's stopping
you from flipping that around!


There's really no way to explain this other than showing you the buttons for
the Dance Sequence. That is shown in the "Songs" Section.

Time: If you're in easy mode, Option one is better than option 2 in phase one,
but otherwise option 2 is the better. Also, make sure you take advantage of
every time you can possibly hurt Oogie.

Combo: The dance sequence pretty much covers this category.

Damage: Soul Spirals are your freinds.

Exclamation Points: The dance sequence pretty much covers this category.

Ah, finally! I can start on the Secrets Section! This is where you will find
all the stuff you are just itching to know!

Secrect Chapter: Deadly Nightshade

During Chapter 7, head back to the Graveyard, where Sally is standing. Talk to
her and she'll give you the Sleeping Potion Recipe. You'll need to find some
Deadly Nightshade, some Frog's Breath, and some Worm's Wart. First off is the
Deadly Nightshade. Go to the place where you found the Spiral Hill Gate Key in
Chapter 18. Go ahead and look at that part of the FAQ if you forgot. I'll
wait here for you. Done? Good. Now, head two graves to the right to find a
secret area with the Deadly Nightshade in it! Cool, no? Now, head to the
Witches' Shop and buy some Worm's Wart from the Witch on the right. If you
don't have enough souls, go ahead and train at the Pumpkin Patch. Now, Head to
the place with the two barricades in the Doctor's Lab, then use the Pumpkin
King to blow away the left one. Enter with the X button. When you get there,
fight the Tricks and Treats in the Junkyard and move over to the leftmost edge
of the area. Hop onto the rising platform near the edge and then press X. Move
the only movable light over to an area where one pumpkin bomb will light all of
the three. The gate blocking the entrance to the frog's breath area will move
out of the way. Enter the area, and look for a frog with Green Breath coming
out of it. Run towards it and smack it with Square, then grab it with Triangle.
Congrats! You have just completed one of the three hardest challenges in the
game! Head back to Sally. 2000 Souls and some Sleeping Soup is your reward.

Secret Chapter: Bone Buiscut Burglary

Even though this is discussed in Chapter 12, I will put it here, as well.Head
up the stairs to the nightmare lab and speak to the Doctor. Then, speak to
Igor for a Secret Chapter! This is neccecary to get an A in the Combo Section.
Head down the stairs as fast as your legs can carry you, then head to the left
of the Doctor's House. You should see a Manhole. Drop into it.


To defeat this spider, you must run around to the backside in any way possible
and then attack the little glowing thing on his backside. He'll seperate into
many tiny little spiders. Attack as many as possible before he comes back.
After a couple spiders die, he'll get smaller. He goes into a rampage here,
where he repeatedly shoots web from his mouth. Dodge them by pressing O.
Repeat until he gets to the size of a regular spider. Attack him from any angle
to win the battle.

Collect the Bag of Bone Biscuts, then Latch onto the Spiral Behind you and head
back to the Doctor's Lab. Talk to Igor again to complete the chapter.

Jack's House:


Normal Jack: Default.
Pumpkin King: Beat the Boss of Chapter 5.
Santa Jack: Beat the Boss of Chapter 8.
Pajama Jack: Beat the Game with an overall ranking of B or higher.
Dancing Jack: Beat the Game with an overall ranking of C or higher.
Thespian Jack: Get an Overall "A" in all chapters.
Phantom Jack: Get an Overall "S" in all chapters.


Jack Skellington: Default.
Pumpkin King: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 5.
Santa Jack: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 8.
Zero: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 3.
Sally: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 18.
Igor: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 6.
Doctor Finklestein: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 8.
Mayor: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 14.
Shadow Oogie: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 1.
Oogie Boogie: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 10.
Roulette Oogie: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 17.
Mega Oogie: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 24.
Lock: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 5.
Shock: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 7.
Barrel: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 11.
The 3 Brats in a Tub: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 15.
Corpse Kid: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 21.
Clown: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 12.
Hanging Tree: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 4.
Mr. Hyde: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 19.
Tall Witch: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 2.
Short Witch: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 2.
Behemoth: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 9.
Vampire #1: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 13.
Vampire #2: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 13.
Vampire #3: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 13.
Vampire #4: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 13.
Green Elf: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 22.
Red Elf:  Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 22.
Sandy Claws:  Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 23.
Blue Skeliton: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 6.
Heat Skeliton: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 1 in chapter 12.
Orc Skeliton: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 11.
Halloween Ghost: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 8.
King Ghost: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 3.
Trick and Treat: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 17 after getting the Blue
Baby Spiders: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 16.
Super Spider: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 16.
Troll Skeleton: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 6.
King Skeleton: Defeat all monsters in Hidden Place 16.
Fire and Ice Kings: Get an "A" in all ranks in Chapter 20.

Golden Pumpkins:

1. Simply Latch onto the spiral above the Town Hall and drop into the crack.
2. Get a Perfect Score in the Corpse Kid's Quiz. (If you are having a hard
time, E-Mail the Questions you are struggling with to me at
[email protected].
3. In the Graveyard, hop onto the Big Central Tree via the first spiral to the
right of the Hanging Tree, then hop up three times, sling across the spiral
that doesn't lead to the Yellow Soul, then drop down to the Pumpkin.
4. After Defeating Barrel in the Big Pumpkin Head, Triple jump on the left side
of the Stump in the middle of the Room and Collect the Pumpkin.
5. You see that narrow path near the house near the Mayor's Cage? I want you to
walk along that path. You can tilt the Left Along Stick towards the house for
support. When you reach the next hole in the wall, head through it to find a
battle arena. This is the perfect way to get combo points! Defeat the monsters
and continue over to the ledge where the red Skeliton was standing and latch
onto the spiral. Continue to the next hole in the wall and go through it. This
section of the House is a wide floor with dim light and holes everywhere. Try
to slowly walk along the floor, straining your eyes to see the holes. If you
are having a hard time with this, adjust the light on your screen to a lighter
shade. On the other side of this floor filled with holes is a spiral leading
to the Golden Pumpkin.
6. In the first section of the Magma Maze, Swing into the Mouth of the big
skull while on the moving platform to get to a Hidden Place with the Golden
7. In Spiral Hill, just before the well, you should find a gate with a crank
handle. Latch onto the Crank with Traingle to find a hidden place with a
Golden Pumpkin.
8. In the Hinterlands, In the place where you found the Thanksgiving and Easter
Tree entrances, you should go to the rightmost exit to find a Golden Pumpkin.

Crystal Skulls:

1. In Town Square, Latch up to Hidden Place 4 and Defeat the enemies.
2. In the Gravesite, head to Hidden Place 6 and defeat all the enemies.
3. During chapter 18 or 19, Latch up to the place where you found the fifth
Hanging Man.
4. In the Doctor's Lab, Sally's Room.
5. In the Doctor's Lab, Igor's Room, or the room after the Nightmare Lab.
6. In the Residential Area, Sewr Slums, Break down the wall near the Barricade
to get to Hidden Place 11.
7. In the first Chamber of the Oogie's Corridor, You must jump onto the second 
Moving Platform with the Giant Skeliton Statue behind it with O, then sling on
the spiral to the Crystal Skull.
8. In Christmas Town, head to the Red Elf's Home after getting the Candles from

Hidden Places:

Hidden Place 1: from Chapter 12 onward, Head down the Sewer near the Fountain
in Town Square to get a Heat Skeliton Figure after rescuing Clown.

Hidden Place 2: Sling up to the top of Town Hall and fall through the Crack in
the roof to get a Golden Pumpkin After Defeating the Enemies.

Hidden Place 3: Smack the "Fishy" sign in the Witches' Shop Cal-de-sac and then
sling up the spiral that appears to get a King Ghost Figure after defeating the
Ghosts there.

Hidden Place 4: Sling up to the high stairs near the Gate and run along them to
get a Crystal Skull after defeating the Enemies.

Hidden Place 5: Head to the back of the Giant Central Tree. You will need to
fight some Gas-Expelling Booby Traps using the exploding pumpkins in front of
them. Step up to the first grave from the left and defeat the enemies to get
a Crystal Skull the first time, a Troll Skeleton Figure the second time, and
the Deadly Nightshade during the Secret Shapter in Chapter 7.

Hidden Place 6: After Level 5, with at least .1 Red Souls, Head to the place
where you pulled up the fifth Grave and burn down the Cobwebs around the house
with Pumpkin King. Enter the House and Defeat the Enemies for a Blue Skeleton

Hidden Place 7: Head to the Sewer to the left of the Entrance to the Doctor's
House and press X. You will fight a Big Spider, and if you are in the second
Secret Chapter, you will get the Bone Biscuts.

Hidden Place 8: In the Big Pumpkin Head area, to the right of it, knock down
the wall and enter to get the Halloween Ghost Figure after defeating the Ghosts

Hidden Place 9: Behind the Waterfall in Barrel's Maze, you should find a Hidden
Place with some Souls.

Hidden Place 10: The place where you found the second Vampire Bat in Chapter
13. Defeat the monsters there from Chapter 14 onward to receive the Orc
Skeleton Figure.

Hidden Place 11: After the annoying time with the Monsters in the Trash Cans,
but before the wooden barricade, there is a Breakable Wall in the Sewage Slums.
Break it to get here and then get a Crystal Skull after defeating the Monsters

Hidden Place 12: In the first section of the Magma Maze, on the last moving
platform, swing into the Mouth of the Gigantic Skull to get a Golden Pumpkin
after defeating the enemies there.

Hidden Place 13: In the last section of the Magma Maze, swing from the first
hand on the left to get a bunch of souls after defeating the enemies there.

Hidden Place 14: In Spiral Hill, just before the well, you should find a gate
with a crank handle. Latch onto the Crank with Traingle to find a hidden place
with a Golden Pumpkin.

Hidden Place 15: In Spiral Hill, near the second well, you should find a bunch
of rocks. break them with the fourth combo of the final Soul Robber Upgrade to
get to a place with a lot of souls.

Hidden Place 16: In the second well, throw the ghost at the Gas-Expelling
Booby Traps repeatedly to open a door leading to a King Skeleton Figurine.

Hidden Place 17: The place where you found the Blue Ornament in Chapter 22.
After getting it and defeating the enemies again, you will get the Trick and
Treat Figures.

Hidden Place 18: The place where you found the Candles in Chapter 22. After
getting it and defeating the enemies again, you will get a Crystal Skull.

Name: This is Halloween
Chapters: 1-7, 9-14, 16, and 18-22

Boys and girls of every age,
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see,
This, our town of Halloween!

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene,
Trick or treat 'till the neighbor's gonna die of fright!

It's our town, everybody scream!
In this town of Halloween.

I am the one hiding under your bed...
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red!

I am the one hiding under your stairs...
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween...
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

In this town we call home,
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

IN THIS TOWN, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise!

'Round that corner, man, hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll-
Scream! This is Halloween,
Red and black, Slimy Green.
Aren't you scared?

Well, that's just fine!
Say it once! say it twice!

Take a chance and roll the dice!
Ride with the moon in the dead of night!

Everybody scream, everybody scream,
In our town of Halloween.

I am the clown with the tearaway face...
Here in a flash and gone without a trace!

I am the "who" when you call "Who's there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair!

I am the shadow on the moon at night...
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween,
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!

Tender lumplings everywhere,
Life's no fun without a good scare!

That's our job, but we're not mean.
In our town of Halloween.

In this town, don't we love it now?
Everyone's waiting for the next surprise!

Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banchee,
Make you jump out of your skin!
This is Halloween, everybody scream!
Won'tcha please make way for a very special guy?

Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch.
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween...
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

In this town, we call home,
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

la, la, la, (la, la, la, la, la, la, Halloween. Halloween.)
la, la, la, la, la, (la, la, la, la, la, la, Halloween. Halloween.)
la, la, la, la, la, (la, la, la, la, la, la, Halloween. Halloween.)
la, la, la, la, la, la... (la, la, la, la, la, la, Halloween. Halloween...)


Buttons: none.

Name: Shadow Oogie Song
Chapter: 1

Well, well, well!
Jack, the Pumpkin King!
Finally made, huh?
Oh, I've been waiting!
So how do you like my Oogie Town?
Bwa, ha, ha, ha!

It's over! It's over!
This time you've gone too far!
It's over, I'm serious!
Just who do you think you are?

Just because you fooled the town
Doesn't make you king!
You'd better give up, surrender now!
I'm fixin' everything!

That's what you think, ha!
But you couldn't be more wrong!
And this WILL be the last time
You hear the Boogie song!







I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!

I see you're pretty proud of
All your booby trapping schemes,
But I can say you'll rule this town
Only in your dreams!

Ha! That's funny Jack, it was a dream,
But now it's coming true!
'Cause even my mere shadow knows
Your days as king are through!







I'm the Pumpkin King!


O, X, X, O, X, X, O, X, Triangle, O, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square O,
Triangle, Square, O, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square

O, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square

Name: Sally's Spider Song
Chapters: 5, Secret Chapter 2, 16.

We should have known not to believe,
Then things would not have turned so bad.

It's true his plan was to decieve,
But that should not make you so sad.

But danger lurks at every turn...

And I am ready to set things right here.

How can you say that you will be okay,
and come back another day?

What has become of our dear town,
Now that we've let our leader down?

You know, dear Sally, that's not true!
We can take this town back, me and you.

There's so much danger yet to face...

But I'm not worried!
Back home I hurried.

Now we must stop
That evil Oogie's Scheme,
And save our Halloween.


Right, X, X, Triangle, Square, Up, Down, O, Left, Triangle, Triangle, O, X, Up,
Down, O, Triangle, O, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, Left, Down, Square, X,
Triangle, O, Right, Left, Down, Left, Square, Up, Triangle, Right, O, Down, X,
Triangle, Down, O, Left, Square, X, Up, Square, Right, O

O, Right, Square, Down, X, Triangle, Up, Down, Square, Right.

Name: Dr. Finklestien's Song
Chapter: 8

This town has changed, my boy,
Since you've been away!
Without our Pumpkin King
It's Oogie Boogie's way!

Doctor, please!
Oh, can't you see you're wrong?

You were the king,
But now you're nothing but prey!
Oogie Boogie is back
And he's planning to stay!

It's a crazy web you're weaving!
Oogie Boogie will soon be leaving!

Doctor, please!
It's not too late!

All my machines will seal your fate!

My lasers will slice you!
My knives will cut deep!
And when it's all over
Sally, she will weep!

The days of your good natured
Mayhem are through!
I'll tear up this town,
And I'm starting with you!

Well, now, my boy
It seems you've lost your crown!
In a few mere moments
You'll be six feet in the ground!

Stop at once!
Can't you see this is absurd?

No more tricks!
Your friends are now your foes!
And now this dance is nearing its close!

All these people that you're hurting
Oh, good doctor, it's disconcerting

Doctor, please!
Your thinking is all wrong!

In a moment, FINALLY, you'll be gone!

Your intentions are evil!
Your thoughts are all bad!
The THING that you work for
Is no more than a cad!

When finally I get that
Foul brain out of you
You'll see no more foe
But a friend that is true!


Triangle, Square, O, Triangle, Triangle, O, X, X, Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Down,
Triangle, O, O, O, O, O, Up, Down, Up.

Up, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, O, O, Up, Right, Triangle,
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, X, X, X, Right, Left, O, O, O, O,
O, Square, Square, Square, Left. 

Name: Take our Town Back
Chapters: 13-14

This time...
This time...
Take our town back.
Take our town back.

Take our town back,
Take our town back,
We can't wait.

We were decieved,
and now it's time to
set things right.
We'll see Oogie fall!

Take our town back.
Take our town back.
Take our town back!

Time to work hard, everyone,
On the Job 'till it is done.
Then, we'll get back to creepy fun!
It's time to battle.

Take our town back,
Take our town back,
Just like new, we'll have our dear place.
And now that Jack is on the case.

We were decieved.

All together, that and this,
With all our tricks,
We'll make things as they were!


I don't beleive what has happened here.
Our town, our home...
Our Halloween... YAAAARGH!

Hurry up!
Hurry up!

Take our town back!
Take our town back!

La, la, la!
It has begun,
We cannot wait,
So stay on guard,
and concentrate.
For when the full moon starts to climb,
We'll all sing out!

Buttons: none.

Name: Hail to Mr. Oogie
Chapters: 3, 5-6, 11, and 15.
Lyrics for chapters 3-11:

La, la, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la, la, la la,
La, la, la, la, la, la!

Hail to Mr. Oogie!
Jack will never win!
When you find our Booby Traps,
They will do you in!

First, we brought the Master back
to take this town away from Jack!
We knew he'd fight,
To set things right,
So we got monsters to attack!!

Ghosts and Skeletons galore,
Brainwashed spiders wanting more,
They're rising up from every tomb
to send dear Jack unto his doom!

Hail to Mr. Oogie,
Put Jack to the test!
Keep him guessing all the time,
Never let him rest!

Then Mr. Oogie Boogie man...
Can take the Whole town over then!
He'll be so pleased, I do declare,
The whole world should beware!


With Mr. Oogie as our king,
We'll get away with everything!
You cannot scold us for our pranks,
The new king Oogie, Let's give thanks!

A trick a day... but why stop there?
We'll do whatever! We won't care!
Then the world will come to know,
We run this show. (Hey, life's unfair!)

Hail to Mr. Oogie,
This is so much fun!
We make mischief day and night,
our work is never done!

Because Mr. oogie Boogie is the Meanest guy around!
If I was on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town!

He'll be so pleased by our success,
That he'll reward us too, I bet!
I wonder what it's going to be?
We cannot wait to see!


Lyrics for Chapter 15:

La, la, la, la, la, la!
La, la, la, la, la!
La, la, la, la, la, la!
La, la, la, la, la!

Hail to Mister Oogie!
Jack will never win!
When you find our booby traps
They will do you in!

First, we brought the Master back
To take this town away from Jack!
We knew he'd fight,
to set things right,
So we got bad guys to attack!

Stop! I've had enough of you!
Your punishment is overdue!
You've instigated chaos here
And turned this town onto its ear!

Hail to Mister Oogie!
Put Jack to the test!
Keep him guessing all the time
Never let him rest!

Then Mister Oogie Boogie Man
Can take the whole town over then!
He'll be so pleased, I do declare!
The whole world should beware!


Now, that Oogie is the king
We'll get away with everything!
You cannot scold us for our pranks!
The new King Oogie, let's give thanks!

Don't be foolish! Think now
All this danger isn't fun and games!
When this town is back to normal
Do you really want the blame?

Hail to Mister Oogie!
This is so much fun!
We make mischief day and night
Our work is never done!

I've told you once, I've told you twice,
To straighten out your act!
You'll never get away with this,
And that, you brats, is fact!

Trusting him's a big mistake!
One that you don't want to make!
He might reward you, this is true!
By cooking you into a stew!

Wheee! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

Right, Triangle, Left, Square, Down, O, Down, O, Up, Triangle, Left, X, X, O,
Down, Right, Triangle, Square, O, X, Triangle, Left, Square, Down, O, X, O, O,
Down, Triangle, Left, Square, Up, X, Up, X, Right, Square, Left, O, Down, X,
Up, X, Left, Square, Right, Triangle, Square, Up, Right, O, X, Down, Right,

Up, O, Triangle, Down, O, Triangle, X, Square, Down.

Name: Casino Clash
Chapter: 17

Well, well, well...
Look what the bat dragged in!
Jack! You made it this far?
Oh, I'm really scared!

Oogie, I'm here to finish this,
Once and for all!

You're jokin'! You're jokin'!
I can't believe my ears!
You're jokin' me! You gotta be!
Best laugh I've had in years!

I hope you did amuse yourself,
With this, your little fling!
You'd better pay attention now
'Cause I'm the Pumpkin King!

You think you are a-winning,
But that's a lot of noise!
Just to be a sport, dear Jack,
I will share my Oogie toys!







I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!

The leaders of the holidays
Must right now be set free!
Release them all at once,
Or you'll have to deal with me!

You beat my men. So what?! Big deal!
You even ran the maze!
You still can't stop me,
I'm the king of Seven Holidays!







I'm the only Pumpkin King!


Up, X, Down, X, Right, Left, Down, O, Up, Square, Down, Up, Triangle, Square,
Triangle, Square, O, X, Triangle, Square, X, O, Square, Triangle, Right,
Triangle, Up, Square, Left, Triangle, Up, O, Square, X, Triangle.

Down, Triangle, Right, Square, Up, X.

Name: Oh, No!
Chapters: 22-23

Oh, no! Oh, no!
There's trouble everywhere!
Oh, no!
There's smoke clouds in the air!
Oh, no!
I can't believe my eyes!
I have to help them,
Hurry Jack... they wouldn't dare!
Oh, no!

Oh, no! Oh, no!
There's something very wrong!
Oh, no!
These things here don't belong!

Oh, no!
The streets are lined with
Little creatures crying,
All the others must be hiding!
Christmas spirit is subsiding!
Oh, no! Oh, no!

The joyous decorations here
Are melting from the fire!
No doubt the work of Oogie Boogie,
Drat that no good liar!

There's fear in every window,
Oh, I can't believe my eyes!
And in my bones I feel the urge
To cut him down to size...

And there! Just Look!
His monsters have controlled-
Look out!
It chills me to my soul!
No more!
They're gathering the presents to ignite them,
Don't they know who they are for?
Oh, no!

Oh, no!
He's here, It's all part of his plan...
The nerve!
He's really gone too far this time!

It's up to me to put a stop to this.
Now is my chance, I cannot miss!
This town is counting on me,
So I must take charge and let them know,
The time is now,
For them to go,
Who could have started such a mess?!
Oh, no!

Oh, no, what now?
The peaceful town is ruined!
And look, the Christmas tree is bare!
Attacked! By some unwelcome fiends,
I tell you, I will snare them,
And make sure they pay for their
Outlandish, rude behavior.

The cheerfulness is missing,
And the wonder isn't here!
And in their place there seems to be
A paralyzing fear!

Instead of songs, I swear
I can hear screaming in the air!
The stench of Oogie Boogie's absolutely everywhere...

The ghosts, the ghouls!
They're everywhere and all around!
I've never felt so sad before!
This happy place in front of me is being trashed,
So greedily, so greedily!

It's tragic! Oh, it's tragic!
I can't stand and watch it burn!
I've got to save this Christmas Town,
Right from the strength within my bones!
This must stop!

Buttons: none.

Name: A Filthy Finale
Chapter: 24

Well, well, well!
What a pest you are!
Still around, huh?
Oh, can't say I like that!
So why don't you just give up,
You know, surrender?!

It's over! It's over!
Your scheme was bound to fail!
It's over, you're finished here!
Your next stop will be jail!

He mocks me! He fights me!
I don't know which is worse!
I might just split a seam now
If I don't die laughin' first!
Ha, ha, ha!

What's this? A trick? I'm not impressed!
You're bad, and now you're tall!
It makes it all the more worthwhile
To see a giant fall!

Talk, talk, talk! I tell you,
This giant's goin' nowhere!
If I were you, I'd take a hike!
There's danger in the air!







I'm the only Pumpkin King!

Well, I'm feeling angry,
And there's plenty left to do!
I've fought your most unwelcome help
And now I'm after you!

Even if you catch me,
You could never do me in!
I'm ten stories high, and just as strong,
Which means I'm gonna win!







I'm the only Pumpkin King!

It's over! You're finished!
You'll never get away!
You, the Seven Holidays King?!
That'll be the day!

How feeble! How childish!
Is that the best you've got?
You think that you're a hero, Jack!
But I think that you're not!


Now it's time for you to see
What it really means to scare!
'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man
Although I don't play fair!

It's much more fun, I must confess,
With lives on the line!
Not mine, of course, but yours, old friend!
Now that'd be just fine!







I'm the only Pumpkin King!


Triangle, Down, X, Right, Triangle, Left, X, Up, Triangle, Down, Square, Up, 
Right, Triangle, Left, O, X, Triangle, X.

O, X, Up, O, X, Down, Right, X, Left, Up, Triangle, Right, O, Up, Triangle,
Left, Square.

O, X, Triangle, Square, O, X, Up, O, Left, X, Down, Triangle, Up, O, Right,

Square, Left, O, Right, X, Triangle, Up, X, Down, Square, Right, X.

O, X, Triangle, Square, O, X, Up, Triangle, Down, Square, Down, O, Up, Left,
X, Right, Triangle.

X, O, X, O, X, O, X, O, Right, Left, X, Triangle, Up, O, Right, X, Down,
Square, Triangle, Square, O, X, Square, Triangle, X, O, Triangle, Square, O, X,
Up, Triangle, Square, O, X, Square, Triangle, X, O, Square, Left, Right.
Frequently Asked Questions:

I get so many E-mails about my FAQ that I figure I might as well put in a
section for it. If you have a question, E-mail it to me at the Adress in the
next section. You must put the E-Mails in readable text (no ALL CAPITAL
LETTERS, all small letters, bAd gramer/spelin, or nospaces) or you will get
a reply mocking you, but not answering your question. 

Q: How do I get infinite red souls? I hear it can be done...
A: By getting all of the figurines, but only in easy mode, unfortunately.

Q: What do the alternate costumes do?
A: Nothing except making Jack look cool.

Q: Do you have a picture of the Phantom Jack costume?
A: No, sorry. You're going to have to get all S Rankings if you want to see it.

Q: I'm really stuck on Chapter 22, where you need to get the Red Soul...
A: Head back past Mr. Hyde and into the Snowman there. It takes you back to
Halloween Town.

Questions? Comments? Critisism? Complements? E-Mail me at [email protected].


Writer: Sonickrazy
Editor: Sonickrazy
Game: Capcom, Buena Vista Interactive
Special Thanks:

Wendy Gaydos, for catching the mistake in Chapter 6.
Tyler Shipley, for catching the mistake in the "Secrets" Section.
Misty Kane, for catching three mistakes in the "Secrets" Section.
Jamie Anderson, for being a wonderful motovation.
You, for reading this FAQ!

For PS2 only.

Currently only allowed on,,,
and If you wish to have it on your site, E-mail me at the
Address listed in the Hotline Section.