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Mobile Suit Guide

by Gundam4fun

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                  MS Saga: New Dawn - Mobile Suit Compendium
                                 May 3, 2006
           Created by Carlos M. (Gundam4Fun - [email protected])


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS 

          1. DISCLAIMER

          2. INTRODUCTION 


             1. What are Mobile Suits?
             2. MS Research Report (1)
             3. MS Research Report (2)
             4.  Hosho-Ken: The Mystic Martial Art
             5. Types of Melee Weapons
             6. All About Ranged Weapons (1)
             7. All About Ranged Weapons (2)
             8. Boost Attack Report
             9. Mobile Suit Squad Tactics (1)
            10. Mobile Suit Squad Tactics (2)
            11. Mobile Suit Studies

                MS01. Mobile Suit Studies: GM
                MS02. Mobile Suit Studies: GM Command
                MS03. Mobile Suit Studies: GM Sniper
                MS04. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku I
                MS05. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku II
                MS06. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku II Special
                MS07. Mobile Suit Studies: Gouf
                MS08. Mobile Suit Studies: Guncannon
                MS09. Mobile Suit Studies: Dom
                MS10. Mobile Suit Studies: Gelgoog
                MS11. Mobile Suit Studies: Gelgoog Special
                MS12. Mobile Suit Studies: Gyan
                MS13. Mobile Suit Studies: Gundam
                MS14. Mobile Suit Studies: Kaempfer
                MS15. Mobile Suit Studies: Full Armor Gundam
                MS16. Mobile Suit Studies: Hizack
                MS17. Mobile Suit Studies: Marasai
                MS18. Mobile Suit Studies: Gundam Mk II
                MS19. Mobile Suit Studies: Nemo
                MS20. Mobile Suit Studies: Hyaku Shiki
                MS21. Mobile Suit Studies: Zeta Gundam
                MS22. Mobile Suit Studies: ZZ Gundam
                MS23. Mobile Suit Studies: Rick Dias
                MS24. Mobile Suit Studies: NU Gundam
                MS25. Mobile Suit Studies: Qubeley
                MS26. Mobile Suit Studies: Dreissen
                MS27. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku III
                MS28. Mobile Suit Studies: R-Jarja
                MS29. Mobile Suit Studies: Bawoo
                MS30. Mobile Suit Studies: Sazabi
                MS31. Mobile Suit Studies: Heavyarms
                MS32. Mobile Suit Studies: Sandrock
                MS33. Mobile Suit Studies: Deathscythe
                MS34. Mobile Suit Studies: Altron
                MS35. Mobile Suit Studies: Wing Gundam
                MS36. Mobile Suit Studies: Master Gundam
                MS37. Mobile Suit Studies: Shining Gundam
                MS38. Mobile Suit Studies: Burning Gundam
                MS39. Mobile Suit Studies: Death Army

            12. The Greatest of the Gundams




          7. SPECIAL THANKS



                              1. DISCLAIMER


    This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected]) 
and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except 
for personal private use.

    It was written specifically for the following websites: WWW.NEOSEEKER.COM
Internet sites that have permission to post this guide and also those are the
only 4 sites that I will send updates.

    It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly 
without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be
redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from the creator
(namely, me).

    Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

    Information has been copied from for the creation of
this guide; all copied information is being used with permission of 
www.mahq.Net Site Admin.

    Mobile Suit Gundam, characters, and related information are copyrights of
Sotsu Agency/Sunrise and Bandai Entertainment, Inc �1979-2006.

    If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or 
missing, contact me at [email protected].



                               2. INTRODUCTION


                     It is the world of the far future.

     In a technological revolution, the ultimate machine was created:
                             The "G System."

   This device allowed for the basic concept of fusion and transformation
    of energy and materials so that anyone who had the blueprints could
                        create anything they desired.

    Those who used it would eventually become gods or demons... The men
   who controlled the system wanted to create a new world.  But what the 
     "G System" produced was merely a nightmare that drove the world to
                  ruin. People called this "The Great Fall".

    The small portion of humanity that survived, in order to reconstruct,
     had no choice but to use the abominable "G System". Learning from
     the mistakes of the past, humanity put the "G System" to strictly
         practical use, and gradually restored a stable society...

    One day, a mysterious black Mobile Suit destroyed an orphanage. Only
   two survived, a young boy named Tristan and his lifelong friend Fritz.
    Those two unlucky survivors swore to take revenge for their teacher
   and friends. In order to gain the power to accomplish this, Tristan and
  Fritz must find their own "Mobile Suits", and travel to find the forbidden
          "G System". A grand and dangerous adventure begins...

                                              Prologue, Game Manual, page 4.

   First of all, thanks for reading my guide. 

   As we play MS Saga: New Dawn, pieces and bits of information about the
Mobile Suits, weapons and tactics are given as we found books in different
locations through out the world map.

   Using this concept I did put together a Mobile Suit Compendium, starting 
with the information given by the game itself and then adding some more 
information like, name and designation for the Mobile Suit, to which timeline
the Mobile Suit belongs (Universal Century, Future Century or After Colony).

   But then I found a small problem, the game only have books for GM (include 
GM, GM Command, GM Sniper), Zaku (include Zaku I, Zaku II, Zaku II Special), 
Gouf, Dom, Gyan, Gelgoog (include Gelgoog, Gelgoog Special), Guncannon,
Kaempfer and Gundam and there are 39 Mobile Suits in the game.

   So to achieve the objective of this guide I would have to find or create 
the information for all the other books. So I decide to create the other books
using information that is available in many official Gundam sites; I did send
emails to many web sites, but only one site answer my request.

   An special thanks to and their site Administradors, for
given me permission to use information posted in their site, to create the
information necessary for all the other Mobile Suits books.

   All the information used in this guide from, have a 
link to the original page from where the information has been taken, the 
information used in the created books are just pieces and bits put together in
the same way as the original books in the game.

   Only the Greek symbols have been removed from the text (NU Gundam and
when you read the information about Rick Dias [Gundam Gamma or Gundarium Gamma
Armor]) since plain text does not save those symbols.

   This guide also have the in-game information for the Mobile Suits upgrades,
Weapons and Optional part items.



                        3. MOBILE SUIT COMPENDIUM


                      1. What are Mobile Suits?

   Mobile Suits are humanoid weapons, in common use during the age known as
the "Universal Century". Much of the data about them were lost in the Great 
Fall, but a portion survived. Althrough mysteries abound, detailed records 
have been unearthed in the islands known as "Japan". 

   It is likely the discovery will lead to major advancesin our ongoing 
studies of the Mobile Suits.

                       2. MS Research Report (1)

   Our army is researching Mobile Suits as part of the fight against the Dark
Alliance. We have maganged to build many Mobile Suits - the Zaku, Gouf, Dom,
Gyan and Gelgoog. 

   But those constitute only a small fraction of the Mobile Suits created in
the Universal Century.  Though we lack sufficient data to create specimens 
with the G System, we known that other models exist, such as the "Hizack" and

                       3. MS Research Report (2)

   Mobile Suits were a weapon developed during the Universal Century. However,
evidence contradicting this has been discovered in various locations. 

    Documents describe alternate eras of Mobile Suits, such as the "Future 
Century" and "Another Century". Debate continues as to the truth and accuracy
of those documents.

                  4.  Hosho-Ken: The Mystic Martial Art

   Little is known about the martial art known as "Hosho-Ken". This is largely
because the skill is passed down from master to student by word of mouth. The
origins of this ancient art are said to date between the first and seventh 
centuries BC.

   It was developed to bring an end to an extended military conflict, and was
refined into an art form over the subsequent centuries. Given its long 
heritage and legacy, it seems superfluous to point out that the art of 
Hosho-Ken is devastatingly powerful.

                         5. Types of Melee Weapons

   There are four kinds of melee weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance and Fist. 
   Each has its own characteristcs, and care should be taken in matching them
with pilots and Mobile Suit.

   Swords are well balanced and allow the use of a variety of Boost Attacks.

   Axes deal heavier damage at the cost of increased Energy consumption.

   Lances are powerful and have defensive capabilities, yet are cumbersome and
are hard to equip.

   Fists deal less damage but consume less Energy.

   All are different; none has a definite advantage. Consider pilot ability,
Mobile Suit type and enemy type when selecting weapons to maximize their 

                     6. All About Ranged Weapons (1)

   Firepower is the most important factor in choosing a ranged weapon. That
said, powerful but inaccurate weapons such as the Giant Bazooka are often
difficult to use effectively.

   However, the wise use of certain tactics can compensate for thier 
shortcomings. For example, Boost Attacks such as "Arm Snipe", which guarantee
a hit, can ensure the effectiveness of less accurate weapons.

   Remember: no matter its flaws, any weapon can be devastating if used 
effectively. Mobile Suit pilots must familiarize themselves with a wide
variety of tactics to gain the advantage in ranged combat.

                     7. All About Ranged Weapons (2)

   Mobile Suits are capable of using a wide variety of ranged ordnance, from
handheld weaponry such as Beam Rifles and Machine Guns, to shoulder-mounted
Cannons and arm-mounted Arm Machine Guns.

   Up to six ranged weapons can be mounted on a Mobile Suit, including 
build-in weaponry. However, only one of those weapons can be fired at a time.
As such, pilots should consider balanced loadouts that also include shields
and melee weapons.

   One exception to this rule is the "Gatling Fire" Boost Attack, which allows
the pilot to fire all of a Mobile Suit's ranged weaponry at once to dispatch
even powerful enemies with a single, massive attack.

                          8. Boost Attack Report

   Boost Attacks use Energy accumulated by Mobile Suits during combat to
unleash special attacks. The effectiveness of Boost Attacks depends heavily on
the pilot's ability and the weapon used.
   Most Boost Attacks were discovered by chance, so their use is not 
systemized. However, they are becoming an increasingly important aspect of
Mobile Suit warfare.

                    9. Mobile Suit Squad Tactics (1)

   When fighting the enemy with four or more Mobile Suits, make sure to split
up into frontline and rearguard positons. Though this reduces maximum 
firepower, it allows rearguard Mobile Suits torecharge Energy and receive
emegency repairs in relative safety.

   By carefully timing switches between frontline and rearguard units, it is 
possible to emerge from battles completely unscathed.

                    10. Mobile Suit Squad Tactics (2)

   There are advantages to frontline/rearguard tactics other tahn Energy and 
HP recovery. Mobile Suits can be deployed to exploit enemy weaknesses or
defend against certain attacks.

   Option parts can be mounted that increase HP and Energy recovery rates for
Suits in the rearguard. The strategies available are limited only by the
commander's imagination.

                         11. Mobile Suit Studies

  MS01. Mobile Suit Studies: GM

   The "GM" is the mass produced version of the extremely high-spec "Gundam".

   The GM is a reliable, sturdy and well-balanced Mobile Suit with no glaring
weaknesses or noteworthy strengths. It has reasonable Armor and Durability,
making it a survivor on the bettlefield. The versatility of the original 
design led into a wide number of different modified and improved versions.

   In particular, the "GM Command" and the "GM Sniper" boast capabilities that
are altogether on another level from those of the standard GM.

     MS01 - GM   
     RGM-79 GM / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      GM
      SHOULDER:      GM Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      GM Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      GM Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      4x4

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  120       EN    2             HP  260       EN    2
         MEL  31       AMR  32             MEL  62       AMR  32
         RNG  27       SPD  30             RNG  57       SPD  56

   How to acquire: 

   - Tristan defaut Mobile Suit.

   - GM Data (25 Ct): Port Marley vendors, after you complete the Pirate Base


  MS02. Mobile Suit Studies: GM Command

   In the last weeks of the One Year War, the Earth Federation Forces refined
its mobile suit manufacturing processes and developed several variants of its
standard RGM-79 GM. 

   One such variant was the RGM-79G GM Command, developed primarily for colony
defense. Built on a somewhat different body type and frame, the GM Command 
also featured thruster acceleration and maneuverability superior to the 
standard GM.

     MS02 - GM Command
     RGM-79G GM Command / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      GM Command
      SHOULDER:      GM Command Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      GM Command Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      GM Command Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x4

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  220       EN    2             HP  416       EN    2
         MEL  44       AMR  44             MEL  76       AMR  44
         RNG  39       SPD  43             RNG  71       SPD  75

   How to acquire:

   - Tremmie default Mobile Suit, when she joins your group.

   - GM Command Data (50 Ct): El Dar Samnia Black Market, behind the Elder's 


  MS03. Mobile Suit Studies: GM Sniper

   Although the experimental RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type was serving well as a
general-purpose ground combat unit, the Earth Federation Forces found 
themselves needing specialized units for specific mission roles. 

   The first of a long line of GM variants was the RGM-79[G] GM Sniper, 
although in a sense it wasn't a variant at all. The mobile suit itself was 
exactly the same as the standard RGM-79[G], except it was painted in an olive
drab paint scheme for camouflaging purposes. The various hand-carried standard
weapons were replaced with a large, long-range beam rifle.


     MS03 - GM Sniper
     RGM-79[G] GM Sniper / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      GM Sniper
      SHOULDER:      GM Sniper Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      GM Sniper Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      GM Sniper Legs 

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      4x6

      B.WEAPON:      None

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  360       EN    2             HP  644       EN    2
         MEL  44       AMR  56             MEL  76       AMR  56
         RNG  70       SPD  58             RNG 106       SPD  94

   How to acquire:

   - After you complete Wyvern Ravine (defeat the Apsulus), Vargas will give 
     the GM Sniper to you.

   - Eisengrad treasure chest: GM Sniper Data x10.

   - GM Sniper Data (80 Ct): Eisengrad Black Market, need the Black Ticket.


  MS04. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku I

   The "Zaku" was the first Mobile Suit ever developed. Records show that a
great many variations were created and used in a variety of roles. Though
well-balanced, its design was basic and low performing.

   However, the legendary red Zaku (also known as the "Zaku II Special") is
another story entirely. It outperforms the Zaku II in all respects and is said
to boast three times the speed and maneuverability of a standard Zaku.

   The Zaku II Special also boast increased Energy levels and a larger weapon

     MS04 - Zaku I
     MS-05 Zaku I / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Zaku I
      SHOULDER:      Zaku Armor R/L*
      ARMS    :      Zaku I Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Zaku Legs 

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      3x4

      B.WEAPON:      None

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  100       EN    2             HP  232       EN    2
         MEL  21       AMR  31             MEL  50       AMR  31
         RNG  23       SPD  20             RNG  52       SPD  44

      *Note: The Zaku I start without the Zaku Armor R (even if you make one).
             For the Stats information the Zaku Armor R is equipped.

   How to acquire:

   - Fritz defaut Mobile Suit (without Zaku Armor R). 

           Fritz's Zaku I - Mod Lv5 Stats 
               (DUR 1 / ATK 2 / MOB 2)        
                HP  116       EN    2 
                MEL  27       AMR  22      
                RNG  29       SPD  28 

   - Zaku I Data (15 Ct): Port Marley vendors, after you complete the Pirate
     Base mission (defeat the Zock).


  MS05. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku II

   Introduced early during the One Year War as a replacement for the C-type 
Zaku II, the F-Type was the most heavily mass-produced version of the Zaku II
line and served as the mainstay of the Zeon military. 

   It is the F-type Zaku II that is also the most well-known version of Zeon's 
mobile suit forces. Many F-types would survive the war and remain in service 
as part of Haman Karn's Neo Zeon forces during the First Neo Zeon War in 
UC 0088.

     MS05 - Zaku II
     MS-06F Zaku II / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Zaku II
      SHOULDER:      Zaku Shield R, Zaku Spikes L
      ARMS    :      Zaku II Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Zaku Legs II

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      4x4

      B.WEAPON:      None

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  110       EN    2             HP  246       EN    2
         MEL  31       AMR  32             MEL  61       AMR  32
         RNG  24       SPD  18             RNG  53       SPD  43

   How to acquire:

   - Aeon defaut Mobile Suit, when she first join your group.

           Aeon's Zaku II - Mod Lv7 Stats 
               (DUR 3 / ATK 2 / MOB 2)        
            HP  161       EN    2         OPT: Acid Guard OP 
            MEL  37       AMR  32         Weapons: Zaku Machine Gun 
            RNG  30       SPD  24                  Small Cannon

   - Zaku II Data (20 Ct): Port Marley vendors, after you complete the Pirate 
     Base mission (defeat the Zock).


  MS06. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku II Special

   Known as the MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type, the S-type Zaku, while visually 
identical to the F-type except for the minor addition of a squad leader 
"antennae" on the head, was a big step up for its pilots. Featuring a more 
powerful reactor and greater thrust and acceleration, the S-type was a potent
weapon in the hands of an expert pilot.

   Many aces and unit commanders gave their S-type Zakus custom paint jobs, 
the most notable being the red-and-maroon colors of "Red Comet" Char Aznable,
the greatest mobile suit ace of the One Year War.


     MS06 - Zaku II Special
     MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Zaku II Special
      SHOULDER:      Zaku Spikes Kai L, Zaku Shield Kai R
      ARMS    :      Zaku Arm Kai R/L
      LEGS    :      Zaku Legs Kai

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x5

      B.WEAPON:      None

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  180       EN    3             HP  352       EN    3
         MEL  48       AMR  40             MEL  82       AMR  40
         RNG  35       SPD  60             RNG  65       SPD  94 

   How to acquire:

   - After Hal gives you the Card Key (L1), return to the Moon Ark, there you
     will find a treasure chest with Zaku II Special Data x30.

   - In El Dar Samnia, a hidden treasure chest with Zaku II Special Data x30.

   - Zaku Sniper also drop the Zaku II Special Data.

   - Zaku II Special Data (40 Ct): Port Marley vendors, after you complete the
     Pirate Base mission (defeat the Zock).


  MS07. Mobile Suit Studies: Gouf

   The "Gouf" is designed for close combat against other Mobile Suits. The
spike armor on both its shoulders and its build-in arm weapons were 
specifically designed for use in close range combate. 

   In particular, the high temperature Heat Rod on the Gouf's right arm can 
overheat an enemy Mobile Suit. The Gouf's legs are designed to withstand heat,
so as to allow combat in various enviroments.

     MS07 - Gouf
     MS-07B Gouf / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gouf 
      SHOULDER:      Gouf Spikes R/L
      ARMS    :      Handgun Arm L, Heat Rod Arm R
      LEGS    :      Gouf Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      6x3

      B.WEAPON:      Heat Rod, Handgun


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  200       EN    2             HP  384       EN    2
         MEL  61       AMR  30             MEL  98       AMR  30
         RNG  21       SPD  28             RNG  49       SPD  60

   How to acquire:

   - Hal will give you 50x Gouf Data; return to the MS Corp HQ in Eisengrad, 
     after you defeat the boss (Zock) in the Pirate Base.  

   - Gouf type enemies also drop the Gouf Data.

   - Gouf Data (40 Ct): El Dar Samnia Black Market, behind the Elder's house.


  MS08. Mobile Suit Studies: Guncannon

   The "Guncannon" was designed to support the "Gundam" and has high offensive 
capabilities in ranged combat. Like the Gundam, its Gundarium alloy armor
provides a high level of protection. The Guncannon is slow and ineffective in
close combat, but these are less vital for a support Mobile Suit.

   Once equipped with speed enhancing Option Parts and powerful ranged
weapons, this Mobile Suit can also function as an effective frontline fighter.

     MS08 - Guncannon
     RX-77 Guncannon / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Guncannon 
      SHOULDER:      Guncannon Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Guncannon Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Guncannon Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      3x7

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  300       EN    2             HP  540       EN    2
         MEL  16       AMR  68             MEL  46       AMR  68
         RNG  70       SPD  22             RNG 106       SPD  52

   How to acquire: 

   - El Dar Samnia treasure chest (Guncannon Data x10), 
   - Mining Base treasure chest (Guncannon Data x15); 3x (yellow) enemy 
     encounters in the Mining Base will give you Guncannon Data x5, for a 
     total of x15; After you complete the Mining Base, return to the Elder's 
     house and talk to him, he will give you Guncannon Data x30.

   - Guncannon Data (85 Ct): El Dar Samnia Black Market, behind the Elder's 


  MS09. Mobile Suit Studies: Dom

   The "Dom" is well protected due to its heavy armor, and compensates for its
weight with the hovering units in its legs. The dom is ideally suited for
ranged combat, yet its reasonable melee capabilitiesmake it an effective well 
round performer. 

   Being a well balanced design, it lacks any outstanding capabilities. The 
Dom works best in a supporting role, as a complement to the main fighting 


     MS09 - Dom
     MS-09 Dom / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Dom  
      SHOULDER:      Dom Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Dom Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Dom Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      4x5

      B.WEAPON:      Internal Beam Gun


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  280       EN    2             HP  512       EN    2
         MEL  44       AMR  60             MEL  76       AMR  60
         RNG  46       SPD  37             RNG  78       SPD  72

   How to acquire:

   - Fort Arid treasure chest (Dom Data x8).

   - Dom Data (60 Ct); El Dar Samnia Black Market, behind the Elder's house.


  MS10. Mobile Suit Studies: Gelgoog

   The well balanced, high spec "Gelgoog" is often compared to the equally
high performance but less evenly balanced "Gyan". The Gyan excels at melee 
combat, but in every other category, the Gelgoog is superior. The Gelgoog has
no weak points and offers stable combat performance in most situations.

   The Gelgoog line includes the "Gelgoog Special", an improved model with 
increased Energy capacity.

     MS10 - Gelgoog
     MS-14 Gelgoog / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gelgoog  
      SHOULDER:      Gelgoog Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Gelgoog Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Gelgoog Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x4

      B.WEAPON:      None


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  400       EN    2             HP  704       EN    2
         MEL  65       AMR  70             MEL 102       AMR  70
         RNG  25       SPD  71             RNG 102       SPD 117

   How to acquire:

   - El Dar Samnia treasure chest (Gelgoog Data x20)

   - After the events where Hal finds the Legendary Gundam, go to the MS Corps
     HQ and talk to Hal, he tells you about Vargas and the Black Market, and 
     then gives you the option between Gelgoog Data x50 or Gyan Data x50.

   - Gelgoog Data (110 Ct): Eisengrad Black Market, need Black Ticket.


  MS11. Mobile Suit Studies: Gelgoog Special

   Before Zeon's new mass-produced MS-14A Gelgoog went into production - 
pending the completion of Zeon's beam weapon technology research - 30 test 
units of the Gelgoog line were put into service in October UC 0079.

   Assigned the model number MS-14S (originally YMS-14), 29 of these test 
Gelgoogs were given to Zeon's elite "Ace Corps" for trials and field testing
in the Corregidor Shoal Zone before actual mass production began. 

   The 30th MS-14S was assigned to Zeon ace pilot Char Aznable, who used his 
Gelgoog in combat for the first time against the Federation's powerful 
RX-78-2 Gundam mobile suit inside the abandoned Texas Colony at Side 5.


     MS11 - Gelgoog Special
     MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gelgoog Special  
      SHOULDER:      Gelgoog Armor Kai R/L
      ARMS    :      Gelgoog Arm Kai R/L
      LEGS    :      Gelgoog Legs Kai

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x5

      B.WEAPON:      None

             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  470       EN    3             HP  814       EN    3
         MEL  71       AMR  73             MEL 109       AMR  73
         RNG  80       SPD 110             RNG 120       SPD 165

   How to acquire:

   - Gelgoo Special Data (140 Ct): Diggins Rock and Unicorn HQ vendors.

   - Some enemies, like Gelgoog Cannon drop Gelgoog Special Data.


  MS12. Mobile Suit Studies: Gyan

   The "Gyan" is the most famous of the melee Mobile Suit designs. Its form
reminiscent of a medieval knight, the Gyan's designers cut no corners when 
optimizing the machine for melee combat tactics. 

   The Gyan's ability to equip top of the line melee weapons, make it a 
powerful for in close combat, yet its super specialization means that it must
be used wisely and carefully to avoid becoming a liability in battle.

     MS12 - Gyan
     YMS-15 Gyan / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gyan 
      SHOULDER:      Gyan Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Gyan Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Gyan Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x3

      B.WEAPON:      None


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  380       EN    2             HP  676       EN    2
         MEL  89       AMR  57             MEL 129       AMR  57
         RNG  30       SPD  56             RNG  60       SPD  91

   How to acquire:

   - El Dar Samnia treasure chest (Gyan Data x20).

   - After the events where Hal finds the Legendary Gundam, go to the MS Corps
     HQ and talk to Hal, he tells you about Vargas and the Black Market, and 
     then gives you the option between Gelgoog Data x50 or Gyan Data x50.

   - Some enemies, like Gyan (enemy) also drop Gyan Data.

   - Gyan Data (105 Ct) : Eisengrad Black Market, need Black Ticket.


  MS13. Mobile Suit Studies: Gundam

   The legendary "Gundam" is considerated to be the ultimate Mobile Suit of
its era. Constructed with a special metal alloy called "Gundarium", 
conventional attacks can barely scratch the surface of its armor. 

   Though it excels in all regards, the Gundam is best suited for melee 
combat. Along with its superb offensive potential, its armor will shrug off 
enemy counter attacks.

     MS13 - Gundam 
     RX-78-2 Gundam / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gundam 
      SHOULDER:      Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x5

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  520       EN    2             HP  896       EN    2
         MEL  85       AMR  72             MEL 127       AMR  72
         RNG  76       SPD  92             RNG 116       SPD 140

   How to acquire: 

   - After you complete the Wyvern Ravine, return to MS Corps HQ in Eisengrad
     and talk to Hal; then go rest, then leave the MS Corps HQ, and go to 
     Mobile Suit Hangar, Hal will give the Gundam to you.


  MS14. Mobile Suit Studies: Kaempfer

   The "Kaempfer", designed specially for assault purposes, boasts top rated
specs that even rival the Gundam, according to some sources. Its high speed,
resulting from numerous thrusters mounted over the entire frame is especially

   On a side note, outfitting other Mobile Suits with Kaempfer parts will help
improve speed considerably.

     MS14 - Kaempfer
     MS-18E K�mpfer / Principality of Zeon / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Kaempfer 
      SHOULDER:      Kaempfer Thruster R, Kaempfer Spikes L
      ARMS    :      Kaempfer Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Kaempfer Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      6x5

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  480       EN    2             HP  840       EN    2
         MEL 109       AMR  60             MEL 151       AMR  60
         RNG  75       SPD 139             RNG 113       SPD 197

   How to acquire:

   - Eisengrad treasure chest (Kaempfer Data x5)

   - Wyvern Ravine treasure chest (Kaempfer Data x10).

   - Kaempfer Data (140 Ct): Falldust. Make sure you buy the Kaempfer Data,
     before you complete the attack in the Dark Alliance Base; all the 
     vendors will be gone after you defeat the boss.


  MS15. Mobile Suit Studies: Full Armor Gundam

   As the RX-78-2 Gundam continued to perform beyond all expectations during 
the last months of the One Year War, a program was initiated by the Earth 
Federation Forces to develop and investigate options for possible upgrades to
the Gundam.

   One such design concept was the FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type, which 
featured a tremendous amount of firepower for a single mobile suit. In 
addition to removable external armor modules all over the Gundam's body, new
weapons would be added, including a shell-firing cannon, several missile 
launchers, and a large, hand-held 2-barrel beam gun.


     MS15 - Full Armor Gundam
     FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type / Earth Federation / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      Full Armor Gundam 
      SHOULDER:      Gundam Armor Kai R/L
      ARMS    :      Gundam Arm Kai R/L
      LEGS    :      Gundam Legs Kai

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x4

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  600       EN    3             HP 1024       EN    3
         MEL  80       AMR 105             MEL 120       AMR 105
         RNG  94       SPD  36             RNG 135       SPD  84

   How to acquire: 

   - In some point in the story, Fritz will leave your group, when he returns,
     he will be piloting the Full Armor Gundam.

   - Another G System treasure chest (Full Armor Gundam Data x50).


  MS16. Mobile Suit Studies: Hizack

   One of the first new mass production model mobile suits developed by the 
Earth Federation Forces following the One Year War, the RMS-106 Hizack was 
closely based on the old Zeon MS-06 Zaku II used during the war.

   The Hizack was also the first mass produced unit to incorporate the new 360 
degree panoramic monitor with linear seat style cockpit. The Hizack proved to
be a popular model among pilots, as it was easy to operate and easy to 

     MS16 - Hizack
     RMS-106 Hizack / Earth Federation (Titans) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Hizack
      SHOULDER:      Hizack Shield R, Hizack Spikes L
      ARMS    :      Hizack Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Hizack Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Extra Wing OP (SPD 30)

      PAYLOAD :      4x5

      B.WEAPON:      None


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  440       EN    2             HP  768       EN    2
         MEL  63       AMR  69             MEL  97       AMR  69
         RNG  51       SPD  46             RNG  85       SPD  78

   How to acquire:

   - Eisengrad treasure chest (Hizack Data x10)

   - After you defeat the boss in Wyvern Ravine (Apsulus), return to Tohai, 
     and talk to the boy that show you the location of Wyvern Ravine, he will 
     give you Hizack Data x30.

   - Hizack Kai enemies will drop Hizack Data

   - Hizack Data (140 Ct): Eisengrad Black Market, need Black Ticket.


  MS17. Mobile Suit Studies: Marasai

   One of the mobile suit designs developed by Anaheim for the AEUG was the 
RMS-108 Marasai, based partially on the Federation's successful mass 
production RMS-106 Hizack unit. 

   The Marasai, though in many ways similar to the Hizack, was a big step up 
in terms of abilities and performance. Mounting the latest gundarium armor and
equipped with a higher-output generator, the Marasai was capable of using 
beam weapons, and was slightly better in terms of speed and maneuverability.


     MS17 - Marasai
     RMS-108 Marasai / Earth Federation (Titans) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Marasai
      SHOULDER:      Marasai Shield R, Marasai Spikes L
      ARMS    :      Marasai Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Marasai Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x6

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  625       EN    2             HP 1065       EN    2
         MEL 123       AMR 104             MEL 169       AMR 104
         RNG  70       SPD  90             RNG 110       SPD 147

   How to acquire: 

   - Falldust treasure chest (Marasai Data x10).

   - Diggins Rock treasure chest (Marasai Data x8)

   - Some enemies like, Barrier Marasai drop Marasai data.

   - Marasai Data (165 Ct): Diggins Rock and Unicorn Headquarters vendors.


  MS18. Mobile Suit Studies: Gundam Mk II

   Although designed as a general purpose mobile suit, the Gundam Mark II was 
intended to be a highly capable unit under gravity and atmosphere - 
specifically, when fighting inside space colonies

   The main technical advancement introduced with the Mark II was the "movable 
frame" construction concept.

   The movable frame concept turned this design philosophy around; the Gundam
Mark II was built around a skeleton-like frame, with all thrusters, fuel 
tanks, weapons and so forth mounted on the frame, and minimal amounts of 
armor applied to those critical areas that needed protection.


     MS18 - Gundam Mark II
     RX-178 Gundam Mark II / Earth Federation (Titans) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Gundam Mark II
      SHOULDER:      Gundam Armor II R/L
      ARMS    :      Gundam Arm II R/L
      LEGS    :      Gundam Legs II

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Enhanced Wing OP (SPD 60)

      PAYLOAD :      6x6

      B.WEAPON:      Vulcan Pod


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  720       EN    2             HP 1216       EN    2
         MEL 115       AMR 115             MEL 161       AMR 115
         RNG 100       SPD 120             RNG 144       SPD 177

   How to acquire:

   - When you reach the Unicorn Headquarters, talk to Olivia and she will 
     give you Gundam Mark II Data x50.


  MS19. Mobile Suit Studies: Nemo

   Although the Anti-Earth Union Group had, through one means or another, 
acquired many RGM-79R GM IIs to fill its frontline ranks, its leaders wanted 
a mass production unit of their own that could beat the Titans' and Earth 
Federation's GM IIs. 

   Anaheim Electronics delivered on the concept, producing the MSA-003 Nemo 
which, although closely based on the GM II, was far better in performance in 
terms of generator power, thruster acceleration and maneuverability. 

To help keep its cost down, the Nemo used many weapons already employed by 
other existing mobile suits, such as the RMS-099 Rick Dias' beam saber and 
the GM II's beam rifle.

     MS19 - Nemo
     MSA-003 Nemo / Earth Federation (AEUG) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Nemo
      SHOULDER:      Nemo Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Nemo Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Nemo Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      5x5

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  550       EN    2             HP  950       EN    2
         MEL  86       AMR  77             MEL 126       AMR  77
         RNG  92       SPD 129             RNG 134       SPD 183

   How to acquire:

   - Dark Alliance Base treasure chest (Nemo Data x10).

   - Some enemies like, Shot Killer II and High Speed Nemo drop Nemo Data.

   - Nemo Data (150 Ct): Diggins Rock and Unicorn Headquarters vendors.


  MS20. Mobile Suit Studies: Hyaku Shiki

   Based on combat data and weapons designs from the RMS-099 Rick Dias and 
MSA-003 Nemo, plus incorporating data and the revolutionary new "movable 
frame" concept employed in the RX-178 Gundam Mark II, the Hyaku Shiki ("hyaku
shiki" is Japanese for "type 100") proved to be a light, fast and highly 
agile unit.

   Only one Hyaku Shiki unit was built, assigned to AEUG ace pilot Quattro 
Bajeena (the incognito Char Aznable - Zeon's "Red Comet" ace from the One 
Year War). 

   Char would use the Hyaku Shiki as his personal mobile suit until the end of 
the Gryps War, when it was heavily damaged in a battle against Axis leader 
Haman Karn's AMX-004 Qubeley in February UC 0088.


     MS20 - Hyaku Shiki
     MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki / Earth Federation (AEUG) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Hyaku Shiki
      SHOULDER:      Hyaku Shiki Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Hyaku Shiki Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Hyaku Shiki Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      4x8

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         ------------------------
         HP  700       EN    2             HP 1188       EN    2
         MEL  95       AMR  90             MEL 137       AMR  90
         RNG 155       SPD 173             RNG 209       SPD 241

   How to acquire:

   - Lost City (South entrance) treasure chest (Hyaku Shiki Data x1).
     This is part of a quest for Astona, after you find this Data, return it 
     to him and he will make the Hyaku Shiki.


  MS21. Mobile Suit Studies: Zeta Gundam

   Inspired by the RX-178 Gundam Mark II's "movable frame" design, the Zeta 
Gundam was also built around a movable frame capable of transforming the 
mobile suit into a fighter-like form called a "waverider."

   The Zeta Gundam's armament was fairly standard, composed of head vulcan guns,
a beam rifle and a pair of beam sabers which doubled as forward-firing beam 
guns in waverider mode. However, the Z had an additional edge with its 
bio-sensor - a device developed by Anaheim in an attempt to build a 
smaller-scale, more economical psycommu system.


     MS21 - Zeta Gundam
     MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam / Earth Federation (AEUG) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Zeta Gundam
      SHOULDER:      Zeta Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Zeta Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Zeta Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Zeta Booster OP and Bio-Sensor OP
                     (HP 200, EN 2, MEL 20, RNG 20, SPD 60)

      PAYLOAD :      6x7

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan, Grenade x2 (Arms)


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1000       EN    4             HP 1544       EN    4
         MEL 170       AMR 115             MEL 226       AMR 115
         RNG 170       SPD 270             RNG 226       SPD 346

   How to acquire:

   - During the part of the game where you have to destroy the 4 bases, just 
     before you attack the 3rd base, you will receive a message, return to 
     Marie's house and you willreceive the Zeta Gundam.

   - Another G System treasure chest (Zeta Gundam Data x50).


  MS22. Mobile Suit Studies: ZZ Gundam

   A continuation of Anaheim Electronics' "Z Project", the MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam 
(read as "Double Zeta"), was a truly powerful mobile suit that was sorely 
needed by the battered AEUG forces when the First Neo Zeon War broke out in 
early UC 0088.

   The ZZ also sported an impressive array of high-powered beam weaponry, as 
well as an extremely high-output reactor to power them. In addition to its 
high-powered "hyper beam sabers" and its large two-barreled double beam rifle,
the ZZ mounted a devastating "high mega cannon" in its head - one of the 
single most powerful beam weapons mounted on a mobile suit of its size at 
the time, and capable of wiping out several enemies in a single shot.


     MS22 - ZZ Gundam
     MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam / Earth Federation (AEUG) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      ZZ Gundam
      SHOULDER:      ZZ Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      ZZ Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      ZZ Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Double Booster OP.
                     (HP 300, EN 3, MEL 30, RNG 50, SPD 40)

      PAYLOAD :      6x8

      B.WEAPON:      High Mega Cannon


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1450       EN    6             HP 2250       EN    6
         MEL 180       AMR 173             MEL 236       AMR 173
         RNG 250       SPD 270             RNG 352       SPD 366

   How to acquire:

   - Marie will give you ZZ Gundam Data x50, after you complete the Fortress 
     Eisengrad (defeat Hal).

   - Another G System treasure chest (ZZ Gundam Data x50).


  MS23. Mobile Suit Studies: Rick Dias

   Originally intended to be called the "Gundam Gamma", the MSA-099 sported a 
more Zeonic look, so it was named "Rick Dias" instead.

   The Rick Dias was the first mobile suit to use the new gundarium Gamma 
armor developed by Axis, thus making it lighter and able to accomodate greater 
fuel capacity, particularly in the "random binder" external propellant tanks 
mounted on its backpack. The Rick Dias was also armed with a good variety of 
weapons, such as beam pistols, a clay bazooka (which fired adhesive pellets 
designed to disable enemy mobile suits), beam sabers and vulcan phalanx guns.


     MS23 - Rick Dias
     RMS-099 Rick Dias / Earth Federation (AEUG) / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Rick Dias
      SHOULDER:      Rick Dias Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Rick Dias Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Rick Dias Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Large Type Wing OP (EN +3 / SPD -30).

      PAYLOAD :      5x6

      B.WEAPON:      Vulcan Phalanx


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  630       EN    5             HP 1078       EN    5
         MEL 101       AMR  92             MEL 143       AMR  92
         RNG 125       SPD  81             RNG 171       SPD 141

   How to acquire:

   - Dark Alliance Base treasure chest (Rick Dias Data x7).

   - Rick Dias Data (180 Ct): Diggins Rock and Unicorn Headquarters vendors.


  MS24. Mobile Suit Studies: NU Gundam

    The NU Gundam's basic design was created by Amuro himself, but 
construction and final modifications were supervised by Anaheim engineer 

   October incorporated the lastest piece of psychic communication 
technology - supposedly leaked to Anaheim by Char's Neo Zeon - called the 
"psycoframe." Composed of microscopic-sized psycommu receptor chips, October 
incorporated the new psycoframe technology into the NU Gundam's cockpit frame,
not only reducing its total weight but giving the pilot an edge in being able
to more easily read an enemy's thoughts and movements.

   Along with the psycoframe, the n Gundam was also equipped with six "fin 
funnels," a new evolution in Newtype-controlled remote weaponry.


     MS06 - Nu Gundam
     RX-93 Nu Gundam / Earth Federation / Universal Century

      BODY    :      Nu Gundam 
      SHOULDER:      Nu Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Nu Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Nu Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Psyco-Frame OP.

      PAYLOAD :      8x8

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1350       EN    2             HP 2230       EN    2
         MEL 300       AMR 159             MEL 384       AMR 159
         RNG 300       SPD 371             RNG 384       SPD 502

   How to acquire:

   - Go to G System 5, after acquiring the Card Key (L5).


  MS25. Mobile Suit Studies: Qubeley

   A next-generation mobile suit development of the Principality of Zeon's 
MAN-08 Elmeth mobile armor, the AMX-004 Qubeley was designed and built by Axis
military leader Haman Karn for her personal use. In addition to featuring a 
large set of wing binders on its shoulders to asisst in AMBAC (Active Mass 
Balance AutoControl), it carried a pair of dual-purpose beam launchers/beam 
sabers for close combat and a tail binder containing a set of funnels, a 
smaller and cheaper version of the Elmeth's bits.

   Controlled by a Newtype pilot's thoughts via the psycommu ("psychic 
communicator") system, the funnels turned the Qubeley into a truly deadly 
unit, capable of attacking enemies from beyond visual range.


     MS25 - Qubeley
     AMX-004 Qubeley / Neo Zeon / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      Qubeley 
      SHOULDER:      Qubeley Thruster R/L
      ARMS    :      Beam Gun Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Qubeley Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Funnel Pod OP (SPD -10).

      PAYLOAD :      5x7

      B.WEAPON:      Beam Gun x2 (Arms)


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1030       EN    2             HP 1750       EN    2
         MEL  75       AMR  86             MEL 117       AMR  86
         RNG 192       SPD 240             RNG 256       SPD 316

   How to acquire:

   - Lapis default Mobile Suit when she joins your group.

   - Qubeley type enemies also drop the Qubeley Data.


  MS26. Mobile Suit Studies: Dreissen

   As Neo Zeon launched its assault on Earth during the First Neo Zeon War, 
several new mobile suits were designed for this ground campaign. One of the 
more popular models was the AMX-009 Dreissen, which was loosely based on the 
old Principality of Zeon's MS-09 Dom. 

   Although initially produced in small numbers for combat on Earth, the 
Dreissen's excellent performance and adaptability proved it to be a popular 
and versatile mobile suit, and it was soon mass-produced for both ground and 
space combat for the rest of the war.


     MS26 - Dreissen
     AMX-009 Dreissen / Neo Zeon / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      Dreissen 
      SHOULDER:      Dreissen Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Dreissen Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Dreissen Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x5

      B.WEAPON:      Hand Gun x2 (Arms)


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  970       EN    2             HP 1634       EN    2
         MEL 154       AMR 133             MEL 214       AMR 133
         RNG 114       SPD 164             RNG 162       SPD 234

   How to acquire:

   - Rezner will give you Dreissen Data x50, after you complete Fortress 
     Eisengrad and before you go to Neo Zarth Secret Base.

   - Dreissen Data (290 Ct): Unicorn HQ Data Merchant, you will gain access 
     to the shops after you finish the Neo Zarth Secret Base.


  MS27. Mobile Suit Studies: Zaku III

   The intention of the Zaku III's design was that it would be a new decendant 
of the old Principality of Zeon's venerable (and highly versatile) MS-05 Zaku
and MS-06 Zaku II lines. 

   The Zaku III featured a modular construction design, enabling armor, the 
backpack, and other components to be changed out and customized pursuant to 
the current mission role. Despite its high performance and versatility, 
however, the Zaku III design lost out to the more contemporary Doven Wolf. 

   As a result, the Zaku III saw only limited production, with this handful of 
prototype often operated by high-ranking officers or ace pilots.


     MS27 - Zaku III
     AMX-011 Zaku III / Neo Zeon / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      Zaku III 
      SHOULDER:      Zaku Shield III R, Zaku Spikes III L
      ARMS    :      Zaku Arm III R/L
      LEGS    :      Zaku Legs III

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x7

      B.WEAPON:      Internal Beam Gun


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  850       EN    3             HP 1434       EN    3
         MEL 145       AMR 109             MEL 193       AMR 109
         RNG 130       SPD 200             RNG 182       SPD 283

   How to acquire:

   - Fortress Eisengrad treasure chest (Zaku III Data x8). 

   - Neo Zarth Secret Base (Zaku III Data x10).

   - Zaku III Data (320 Ct): Unicorn HQ Data Merchant, you will gain access to 
     the shops after you finish the Neo Zarth Secret Base.


  MS28. Mobile Suit Studies: R-Jarja

   One of many new prototype mobile suits developed by Neo Zeon during the 
First Neo Zeon War, the AMX-104 R-Jarja's form was inspired by the old 
Principality of Zeon's YMS-15 Gyan from the One Year War. Like the Gyan, the 
R-Jarja was designed primarily for melee combat, and was armed with a large 
hand-carried beam sword and a removable heat saber mounted like a bayonet on 
its beam rifle.

   Two sets of missile launchers in the shoulders rounded out its armament, 
but the R-Jarja featured a rather unique defensive feature. This feature was 
the pair of "flexible shields" mounted on its shoulders, which could be 
flipped to provide additional armor protection to either the front or rear of
the R-Jarja.


     MS28 - R-Jarja
     AMX-104 R-Jarja / Neo Zeon / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      R-Jarja 
      SHOULDER:      R-Jarja Shield R/L
      ARMS    :      R-Jarja Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      R-Jarja Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      8x5


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  940       EN    2             HP 1564       EN    2
         MEL 249       AMR 141             MEL 313       AMR 141
         RNG  55       SPD  75             RNG  93       SPD 148

   How to acquire:

   - Fortress Eisengrad treasure chest (R-Jarja Data x50).

   - R-Jarja Data (360 Ct): Unicorn HQ Data Merchant, you will gain access to
     the shops after you finish the Neo Zarth Secret Base.


  MS29. Mobile Suit Studies: Bawoo

   Another high-performance prototype developed by Neo Zeon during the First 
Neo Zeon War, the AMX-107 Bawoo was the first Zeon-style transformable mobile
suit which could separate into more than one component.

   Along with its beam rifle, beam sabers, and grenade launchers, the Bawoo 
also carried a shield which mounted five, fire-linked mega particle guns, 
greatly increasing its firepower.

   Although initially planned as a limited production unit for high-ranking 
officers and aces (with one custom, orange-colored unit operated by Glemy 
Toto), the Bawoo's versaility offered by its transformation systems made it 
highly popular, and the Bawoo soon found its way into full mass-production.


     MS29 - Bawoo 
     AMX-107 Bawoo / Neo Zeon / Universal Century  

      BODY    :      Bawoo 
      SHOULDER:      Bawoo Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Power Missile Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Bawoo Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Power Booster OP.
                     (HP 100, EN 2, MEL 10, RNG 10, SPD 20)

      PAYLOAD :      6x7

      B.WEAPON:      Hand Missile x2 (Arms).


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1030       EN    5             HP 1710       EN    5
         MEL 135       AMR 115             MEL 185       AMR 115
         RNG 175       SPD 220             RNG 237       SPD 303

   How to acquire:

   - Falldust treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - Underground Tunnel treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - Diggins Rock treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - Unicorn HQ treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - Mobile Coliseum treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - The Lost City (North entrance) treasure chest (Bawoo Data x10).

   - Bawoo Data (800 Ct): Unicorn HQ Data Merchant, you will gain access to 
     the shops after you finish the Neo Zarth Secret Base.


  MS30. Mobile Suit Studies: Sazabi

   A new revolution against the Federation was now brewing, and as the new Neo
Zeon military began building its forces, Char commissioned his engineers to 
design him a custom mobile suit to take advantage of his Newtype abilities 
and superb piloting skills.

   This design was the MSN-04 Sazabi, and it was constructed by the Luna-based 
contractor Anaheim Electronics. Despite its large size and heavy armor, the 
Sazabi was equipped with enough thrusters and verniers to make it extremely 
maneuverable compared to mass-produced frontline mobile suits. 

   It was equipped with a relatively high-output generator, but most of its 
power was used to fire its abdomen-mounted mega particle gun, whose beam was
wide enough and powerful enough to destroy several mobile suits with a single
shot. The Sazabi's armament was rounded out by a pair of beam sabers, a large
shield carrying three missiles and a large, hand-carried beam tomahawk, and 
a beam shotrifle, which operated like a beam rifle version of a shotgun.


     MS30 - Sazabi
     MSN-04 Sazabi / Neo Zeon / Universal Century 

      BODY    :      Sazabi 
      SHOULDER:      Sazabi Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Sazabi Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Sazabi Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with a Funnel Box (SPD -10) and a High 
                     Power Propellant OP (EN 3, SPD -15).

      PAYLOAD :      8x7

      B.WEAPON:      Internal MP Cannon


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1500       EN    6             HP 2460       EN    6
         MEL 320       AMR 188             MEL 408       AMR 188
         RNG 230       SPD 255             RNG 302       SPD 370

   How to acquire:

   - Hal default Mobile Suit when he joins your group. Complete the game and 
     save; then load the save file and Hal will join you.


  MS31. Mobile Suit Studies: Heavyarms

   During the military and political chaos occuring in AC 195, pilot Trowa 
Barton was forced to abandon his XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms mobile suit, 
leaving it behind on Earth when he went back out into space. Over the next 
few months, the abandoned Heavyarms would find its way into the care of 
guerilla rebel Sally Po.

   Sally, realizing the chaos would be concluded in space and that the 
infamous Gundam pilots would be at the very center of it, would later go 
into space herself, taking the Gundam with her to return it to its pilot.

   A minor improvement was the addition of several vernier thrusters to give 
the Heavyarms stability in a zero-gee environment. However, the biggest 
improvement was the replacement of its single, large beam Gatling gun with a
pair of smaller, double-barreled shell-firing Gatling guns, allowing the 
Heavyarms to split its devastating firepower up and tackle more targets at 

     MS31 - Heavyarms
     XXXG-01H2 Heavyarms / After Colony

      BODY    :      Heavyarms 
      SHOULDER:      Heavyarms Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Heavyarms Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Heavyarms Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      6x8

      B.WEAPON:      Internal Missile


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  900       EN    2             HP 1540       EN    2
         MEL  70       AMR 143             MEL 114       AMR 143
         RNG 325       SPD  70             RNG 403       SPD 134

   How to acquire:

   - Mt. Trial treasure Chest (Heavyarms Data x50).


  MS32. Mobile Suit Studies: Sandrock

   Although pilot Quatre Raberba Winner had activated the self-destruct 
system on his XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock during his escape into space, the 
ensuing explosion had rendered the mobile suit useless - but its gundanium 
alloy body was still more or less intact. 

   The Sandrock's remains were be confiscated by OZ, but later would be 
retrieved by members of his Maganac Corps allies and taken to their 
underground base in the Middle East, where it would be rebuilt and fully 

   After Quatre's return to Earth, he returned to the Maganacs to pilot his 
Gundam once again. But the military and political strife plaguing the Earth 
Sphere in AC 195 would reach a decisive conclusion in space, and Quatre 
returned to space with his Sandrock to join the battle.


     MS32 - Sandrock
     XXXG-01SR2 Sandrock / After Colony

      BODY    :      Sandrock 
      SHOULDER:      Sandrock Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Sandrock Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Sandrock Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      6x6

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan

      SPECIAL :      Total immunity to Overheat effects.


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1050       EN    2             HP 1746       EN    2
         MEL 136       AMR 150             MEL 188       AMR 150
         RNG 126       SPD 130             RNG 174       SPD 200

   How to acquire:

   - Moon Ark Treasure Chest (Sandrock Data x50); after acquiring Card 
     Key (L1).


  MS33. Mobile Suit Studies: Deathscythe

   When the XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe was captured and destroyed by OZ's 
forces in AC 195, the extremely durable gundanium-made remains of that mobile
suit were taken to OZ's lunar base and mobile suit factory for storage. 

   The five scientists who had built the Gundams plaguing OZ were also at the 
lunar base, captured and forced to develop new mobile suit technology to 
secure OZ's rule over Earth and the space colonies. 

   Despite their apparent "cooperation," however, the scientists also began 
rebuilding the Deathscythe in secret, preparing for the day when captured 
Gundam pilot Duo Maxwell could return to the battlefield.

  The new Deathscythe Hell was a considerable improvement over its original 
form, with a more powerful beam scissors (scythe), increased speed and 
mobility, improved hyper jammers, and an "active cloak" system which served 
as both a optical/visual cloaking system (making the Gundam literally 
invisible to an enemy's naked eye) and as an external layer of beam-deflecting

     MS33 - Deathscythe
     XXXG-01D2 Deathscythe Hell / After Colony

      BODY    :      Deathscythe 
      SHOULDER:      Deathscythe Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Deathscythe Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Deathscythe Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Death Cloak OP (AMR 80, SPD 70).

      PAYLOAD :      7x6

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan

      SPECIAL :      Total Immunity to Special Attacks (Death Cloak OP).


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1200       EN    2             HP 1984       EN    2
         MEL 299       AMR 214             MEL 365       AMR 214
         RNG 170       SPD 200             RNG 230       SPD 283

   How to acquire:

   - Mt. Trial Treasure Chest (Deathscythe Data x50); after acquiring Card
     Key (L5).


  MS34. Mobile Suit Studies: Altron

   When the XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam was captured and destroyed by OZ's 
forces in AC 195, the extremely durable gundanium-made remains of that mobile 
suit were taken to OZ's lunar base and mobile suit factory for storage. 

   The five scientists who had built the Gundams plaguing OZ were also at the 
lunar base, captured and forced to develop new mobile suit technology to 
secure OZ's rule over Earth and the space colonies. Despite their apparent 
"cooperation," however, the scientists also began rebuilding the Shenlong in 
secret, preparing for the day when captured Gundam pilot Chang Wufei could 
return to the battlefield.

   The improvements given to the new XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam were very 
dramatic. The old beam glaive was replaced with a double-ended twin beam 
trident, and both arms were outfitted with the highly effective "dragon fang" 
extending arms and claws (hence the Altron name, taken from the Chinese 
"ertou long" or "two-headed dragon").


     MS34 - Altron
     XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam / After Colony

      BODY    :      Altron 
      SHOULDER:      Altron Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Altron Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Altron Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      8x5

      B.WEAPON:      Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  980       EN    2             HP 1612       EN    2
         MEL 270       AMR 128             MEL 346       AMR 128
         RNG  45       SPD 283             RNG  79       SPD 391

   How to acquire:

   - Mt. Trial Treasure Chest (Altron Data x50); after acquiring Card
     Key (L4).


  MS35. Mobile Suit Studies: Wing Gundam

   Before there were five Gundams, there was only one - and it existed 
strictly on paper. It was AC 180 - fifteen years before they would send their
own respective custom-built Gundams to wage guerilla warfare on Earth - and 
the five eccentric scientists Doctor J, Professor G, Instructor H, Doktor S 
and Master O, had just completed designing the first mobile suit of that era, 
the OZ-00MS Tallgeese. Seeing their work being put to oppressive use in the 
form of mass-produced Leos - and spawned by the assassination of space colony 
political leader Heero Yuy - the five scientists decided to design their own 
mobile suit which could overpower OZ's forces. 

   This mobile suit was the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, and it was a design to 
truly be feared. Sporting Gatling-like machinecannons, wing-mounted vulcan 
guns and beam sabers, its firepower was topped by an extremely powerful twin 
buster rifle, capable of wiping out entire groups of mobile suits in a single

     MS35 - Wing Gundam
     XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero / After Colony

      BODY    :      Wing Gundam
      SHOULDER:      Wing Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Wing Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Wing Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Zero Wing OP (AMR 30, SPD 120) and 
                     Zero System OP (when Aeon rejoins your Group).

                     If you make the Gundam Wing with the Data found in the
                     Another G System, it comes equipped only with the Zero 
                     Wing OP.

      PAYLOAD :      7x8

      B.WEAPON:      None

      SPECIAL :      Total Immunity to Special Attacks (Zero Wing OP).


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1100       EN    2             HP 1820       EN    2
         MEL 205       AMR 170             MEL 267       AMR 140
         RNG 240       SPD 440             RNG 316       SPD 422

   How to acquire:

   - After rescuing Aeon, she will take you to the location where the
     Wing Gundam Mobile Suit is.

   - Wing Gundam Data x50 can be found in the secret dungeon in Antarctica 
     (complete the game and load the save file).


  MS36. Mobile Suit Studies: Master Gundam

   As the champion of the 12th Gundam Fight and the former King of Hearts, 
Master Asia (aka Toho Fuhai) was the most powerful martial artist in the 
world. He was also the mentor of Neo Japan's Domon Kasshu, but he hid a dark 
secret: he was a servant of the JDG-00X Devil Gundam. 

   After pretending at first to be Domon's ally, Master Asia revealed the 
Master Gundam, which was hidden beneath his old GF12-035NH/GF13-001NH Kowloon
Gundam. Since Master Asia was powerful enough to destroy mobile suits on his 
own, the Master Gundam was simply an extension to his superhuman fighting 
skills. No other mobile fighter in the entire Gundam Fight was more powerful 
than the Master Gundam, save the Hyper Mode of Domon Kasshu's GF13-017NJII 
God Gundam.

     MS36 - Master Gundam
     GF13-001NHII - Master Gundam / Future Century

      BODY    :      Master Gundam
      SHOULDER:      Master Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Master Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Master Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Master Wing OP
                     (MEL 30, RNG 30, AMR 30, SPD 80)

      PAYLOAD :      8x4

      B.WEAPON:      Darkness Finger


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1450       EN    1             HP 2386       EN    1
         MEL 465       AMR 198             MEL 557       AMR 198
         RNG 165       SPD 330             RNG 211       SPD 432

   How to acquire:

   - Complete the game and save; then load the save file and a new area
     will be unlocked in Antarctica: Another G System.
     You will find treasure chests with different amounts of Master Gundam 
     Data for a total of 40x Data. You get the last 10x Data after defeating 
     the 2 bosses: Omega Gundam and Ultima Gundam.


  MS37. Mobile Suit Studies: Shining Gundam

   The arrival of Neo Japan's GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam in Neo Italy on Earth 
signaled the start of the 13th Gundam Fight. As designed by Dr. Mikamura, the
Shining Gundam was a mobile fighter suited for close combat in the Gundam 
Fight. The fighter itself was equipped with standard vulcan guns and beam 
sabers, making the real power lie in Gundam Fighter Domon Kasshu.

   The Shining Gundam's ultimate attacks included the powerful Shining Finger 
and the devastating Shining Finger Sword. Usually used as a finishing move, 
the Shining Finger focused heat in the Gundam's right hand, which was used to
crush an opponent's head and disable his Gundam, thereby ending the match.

   Even with the Super Mode, the Shining Gundam proved ineffective against 
Kyoji Kasshu's JDG-00X Devil Gundam and Master Asia's GF13-001NHII Master 

     MS37 - Shining Gundam
     GF13-017NJ - Shining Gundam / Future Century

      BODY    :      Shining Gundam
      SHOULDER:      Shining Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Shining Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Shining Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x4

      B.WEAPON:      Shining Finger, Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  780       EN    2             HP 1332       EN    2
         MEL 185       AMR  90             MEL 239       AMR  90
         RNG  25       SPD 150             RNG  59       SPD 220

   How to acquire:

   - Li Fang default Mobile Suit when she joins your group (later in the 
     game when you have to defeat the 4 bases).


  MS38. Mobile Suit Studies: Burning Gundam

   Although Neo Japan created the GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam for use in the 
13th Gundam Fight, they were also developing the God Gundam for use 
exclusively in the Finals. This new Gundam's ability levels were much higher 
than the Shining Gundam's, and its Hyper Mode made it the most powerful 
Gundam in the entire Gundam Fight. 

   The God Gundam's armaments included the standard vulcan guns, two 
machinecannons and two beam sabers. Whereas the Shining Gundam had the 
Shining Finger as a finishing move, the God Gundam featured the more powerful 
Bakunetsu God Finger.


     MS38 - Burning Gundam
     GF13-017NJII - God Gundam / Future Century

      BODY    :      Burning Gundam
      SHOULDER:      Burning Gundam Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Burning Gundam Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Burning Gundam Legs

      OPT     :      Comes equipped with Burning Booster OP
                     (HP 250, EN 2, MEL 100, SPD 50)

      PAYLOAD :      8x4

      B.WEAPON:      Burning Finger, Head Vulcan


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP 1600       EN    4             HP 2520       EN    4
         MEL 530       AMR 153             MEL 626       AMR 153
         RNG  70       SPD 240             RNG 114       SPD 336

   How to acquire:

 - Win the Rookie, Master and Champion Leagues in the Mobile Coliseum.
   After that you can fight the Secret Champion, win this battle and you will
   receive the Burning Gundam.


  MS39. Mobile Suit Studies: Death Army

   When the city of Tokyo was attacked by a mysterious mobile suit army in 
FC 60, Domon Kasshu and partner Rain Mikamura were sent to investigate the 
situation. What they found was a Tokyo left in ruins and hordes of mobile 
suits called the Death Army. 

   Further investigation revealed that the Death Army suits were created by '
the JDG-00X Devil Gundam that Domon was pursuing. The Death Army suits were
mass produced by the Devil Gundam's DG cells, which contained the properties 
of self-evolution and self-repair created by Dr. Kasshu. Even stranger was 
the fact that the Death Army suits were piloted by corpses reanimated by DG 

   The Death Army suits carried the fairly standard armament of a machine gun, 
but their advantage was that they worked together in large groups.


     MS39 - Death Army
     Death Army / Future Century

      BODY    :      Death Army
      SHOULDER:      Death Army Armor R/L
      ARMS    :      Death Army Arm R/L
      LEGS    :      Death Army Legs

      OPT     :      None

      PAYLOAD :      7x7

      B.WEAPON:      None


             Mod Lv0 Stats                     Mod Lv24 Stats
        (DUR 0 / ATK 0 / MOB 0)           (DUR 8 / ATK 8 / MOB 8)
       -------------------------         -------------------------
         HP  540       EN    1             HP  928       EN    1
         MEL  94       AMR  68             MEL 136       AMR  68
         RNG  76       SPD  50             RNG 118       SPD  84

   How to acquire:

   - Collect Data by defeating Death Army type enemies.


                    12. The Greatest of the Gundams

   The many varieties of Gundam Mobile Suit make it hard to determine which is
strongest. The "Burning Gundam" is uncontested in melee combat, whereas the
Wing Gundam dominates in terms of speed.

   Thus, which Gundam is the most powerful depends on the point of view. 
However, there is in fact a Gundam which could be called the "ultimate". It is
a masterpiece that offers a perfect balance of performance parameters.



                         4. MOBILE SUIT PARTS DATA



  This is the list of Mobile Suit torso parts (body). This list show the 
stats for all MS body parts when fully upgraded (Mod Level 24).

  Only the body part gets upgraded, Shoulders, Arms and Legs stay the same.

  Mobile Suit Body (torso) are listed by Max HP.


            HP    Hit Points (Armor) 
            EN    Starting Energy in combat.              
            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.
            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed

            PLd   PayLoad - Space available for Weapons / Shields / Guards 

            B.WP  Build-in Weapon 

  TORSO PARTS            HP   EN   MEL   RNG   AMR   SPD   PLd      B.WP

 Zaku I                 197    2    42    42    17    38   3x4
 Zaku II                206    2    46    43    18    40   4x4
 GM                     215    2    50    45    20    43   4x4
 Zaku II Special        287    3    59    47    22    63   5x5
 Gouf                   314    2    70    39    22    57   6x3
 GM Command             341    2    54    53    24    57   5x4
 Dom                    422    2    52    54    26    66   4x5
 Guncannon              440    2    46    68    30    53   3x7
 GM Sniper              539    2    54    66    28    68   4x6
 Gyan                   566    2    80    46    33    65   7x3
 Gelgoog                584    2    70    70    30    93   5x4
 Hizack                 638    2    59    59    31    57   4x5
 Gelgoog Special        674    3    73    80    33   116   5x5
 Kaempfer               710    2    87    73    32   125   6x5
 Gundam                 746    2    87    80    36    98   5x5
 Death Army             773    1    88    88    32    63   7x7
 Nemo                   800    2    80    88    41   114   5x5
 Full Armor Gundam      854    3    80    85    41    98   4x7
 Marasai                890    2   101    80    42   122   5x6
 Rick Dias              908    2    87   101    44   130   5x6
 Hyaku Shiki            998    2    87   129    46   150   4x8 
 Gundam Mark II        1016    2   101    94    50   122   6x6
 Zeta Gundam           1124    2   136   136    55   151   6x7
 Shining Gundam        1142    2   129    59    48   155   7x4
 Zaku III              1214    3   108   122    51   188   7x7
 R-Jarja               1304    2   164    73    71   163   8x5
 Altron                1322    2   206    59    56   253   8x5
 Heavyarms             1340    2    94   213    81   139   6x8
 Dreissen              1394    2   150   108    66   155   7x5
 Bawoo                 1430    2   115   157    61   188   6x7
 Sandrock              1466    2   122   108    58   155   6x6
 Qubeley               1520    2    87   164    48   171   5x7
 Wing Gundam           1520    2   157   206    74   237   7x8
 Deathscythe           1664    2   171   150    78   188   7x6
 ZZ Gundam             1700    2   136   192    71   221   6x8
 Nu Gundam             1880    2   234   234    83   311   8x8
 Burning Gundam        1970    2   276    94    91   221   8x4
 Master Gundam         2006    1   262   101    86   237   8x4
 Sazabi                2060    3   248   192    96   270   8x7



  Shoulder Parts are listed by max AMR given.


            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed           
            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.

         SHOULDER PART            R/L    AMR   SPD   MEL  RNG

      Gouf Spikes                 R/L      4    -6     9
      Zaku Spikes                 R/L      5    -5     5         
      GM Armor                    R/L      6    -1 
      Zaku Spikes Kai             R/L      6    -2     5
      Zaku Armor                  R/L      7    -2
      Zaku Shield                 R/L      9    -5
      GM Command Armor            R/L     10    -2
      Zaku Shield Kai             R/L     12    -2
      Gyan Armor                  R/L     12    -2
      Kaempfer Spikes             R/L     12     1    18
      Hizack Spikes               R/L     13   -10    12
      GM Sniper Armor             R/L     14    -3
      Dom Armor                   R/L     14    -7
      Marasai Spikes              R/L     15   -10    20
      Kaempfer Thruster           R/L     16     5
      Guncannon Armor             R/L     17    -9
      Gundam Armor                R/L     18    -4
      Death Army Armor            R/L     18    -4
      Nemo Armor                  R/L     18     2
      Zaku Spikes III             R/L     18   -10    25
      Qubeley Thruster            R/L     19    25
      Dowadge Thruster            R/L     20    15
      Gelgoog Armor               R/L     20    -8
      Gelgoog Armor Kai           R/L     20    -3
      Shining Gundam Armor        R/L     21    -5    20
      Hyaku Shiki Armor           R/L     22    -2
      Gundam Armor Kai            R/L     23   -12
      Rick Dias Armor             R/L     24    -7
      Hizack Shield               R/L     25   -15
      Dreissen Armor              R/L     26    12
      Bawoo Armor                 R/L     27    -5
      Deathscythe Armor           R/L     28   -25    28
      Gundam Armor II             R/L     30   -15
      Zeta Gundam Armor           R/L     30    10 
      Heavyarms Armor             R/L     31   -30    15
      Burning Gundam Armor        R/L     31   -20    40 
      Wing Gundam Armor           R/L     33    20
      Marasai Shield              R/L     35   -10
      R-Jarja Shield              R/L     35   -40    25  10 
      Altron Armor                R/L     36    -1
      Nu GUndam Armor             R/L     38    -2
      Sandrock Armor              R/L     39   -20
      Zaku Shield III             R/L     40   -10
      Re-Gelg Thruster            R/L     40    40
      ZZ Gundam Armor             R/L     41   -15
      Master Gundam Armor         R/L     41   -10    35
      Sazabi Armor                R/L     46   -15


  Arms are divide in MEL (Melee), RNG (Ranged) and MEL/RNG (Melee/Ranged) 
arms and then listed by their max stats.

            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.
            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed           

    MELEE ARMS            R/L    MEL    RNG   AMR   SPD    Build-in Weapon

    Heat Rod Arm          R       10      0                Heat Rod
    GM Command Arm        R/L     11      9
    Z'Gok Claw            R/L     12      7                Beam Gun
    Gundam Arm            R/L     20     18
    Marasai Arm           R/L     20     15     6
    Gyan Arm              R/L     22      7
    Kaempfer Arm          R/L     23     20           3
    Death Army Arm        R/L     24     15
    Gundam Arm II         R/L     30     25          -5
    Improved Z'Gok Claw   R/L     32      0
    Dreissen Arm          R/L     32     27                Hand Gun
    Shining Gundam Arm    R/L     35      0                Shining Finger
    R-Jarja Arm           R/L     42      0
    Drill Claw            R/L     50      0                Arm Drill
    Zakrello Sickle       R       55      0
    Deathscythe Arm       R/L     60     40
    Altron Arm            R/L     70     10
    Sazabi Arm            R/L     80     55
    Burning Gundam Arm    R/L     85     10                Burning Finger
    Master Gundam Arm     R/L     85     40                Darkness Finger

    RANGED ARMS           R/L    RNG    MEL   AMR   SPD    Build-in Weapon

    Zaku I Arm            R/L      5      4
    Vulcan Arm            R/L     10      0                Vulcan
    Hand Gun Arm            L     10      0                Hand Gun
    Heavy Handgun Arm     R/L     16      0     3          Hand Gun
    GM Sniper Arm         R/L      8     11
    Guncannon Arm         R/L     18      0     2 
    Missile Arm           R/L     19      0
    Gelgoog Arm Kai       R/L     20     18
    Gundam Arm Kai        R/L     25     20     5
    Gatling Arm           R       30      0                Gatling Gun
    Rick Dias Arm         R/L     30     28
    Power Missile Arm     R/L     35     30                Hand Missile
    Hyaku Shiki Arm       R/L     40     25           5
    Beam Gun Arm          R/L     46     15                Beam Gun
    Launcher Arm          R/L     50      0                Missile Launcher
    ZZ Gundam Arm         R/L     55     35    10
    Heavyarms Arm         R/L     70     10

    MEL/RNG ARMS          R/L    RNG    MEL   AMR   SPD    Build-in Weapon

    Zaku II Arm           R/L      5      5
    GM Arm                R/L      6      6
    Zaku Arm Kai          R/L      9      9
    Dom Arm               R/L     12     12     2
    Hizack Arm            R/L     13     13          -3
    Gelgoog Arm           R/L     16     16
    Nemo Arm              R/L     23     23
    Zaku Arm III          R/L     30     30
    Sandrock Arm          R/L     33     33     7
    Grenade Arm           R/L     35     35                 Grenade Launcher
    Wing Gundam Arm       R/L     55     55
    High Power Claw       R/L     55     55                 Beam Cannon
    Nu Gundam Arm         R/L     75     75          10



  Leg Parts are listed by Max SPD.


            HP    Hit Points (Armor) 
            EN    Starting Energy in combat.              
            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.
            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed

            OHR   50% Chance of resisting Overheat effects.
            OHI   Total Immunity to Overheat effects.
            PR    Pilot Reflexes +10% 

  LEG PARTS             SPD     HP   EN  MEL  RNG  AMR        SPECIAL

  Zaku Legs              10     35
  Gundam Legs Kai        10    170                   8
  Zaku Legs II           13     40
  GM Legs                15     45
  Gouf Legs              15     70                             OHR
  Guncannon Legs         17    100              2
  Dom Legs               20     90                   2
  GM Command Legs        22     75
  Hizack Legs            22    130
  Death Army Legs        29    155
  GM Sniper Legs         32    105              4
  Zaku Legs Kai          35     65
  Gundam Legs II         35    200                   5
  Gelgoog Legs           40    120
  Marasia Legs           45    175         8
  Gundam Legs            50    150
  Gelgoog Legs Kai       55    140
  Rick Dias Legs         55    170             10
  Heavyarms Legs         55    200             20
  Dreissen Legs          55    240                  15
  Kaempfer Legs          60    130
  R-Jarja Legs           65    260        15
  Nemo legs              65    150
  Shining Gundam Legs    75    190                             PR
  Deathscythe Legs       75    320        18
  Hyaku Shiki Legs       85    190
  Sandrock Legs          85    280                             OHI
  Zeta Gundam Legs       95    220
  Bawoo Legs            105    180    1
  Qubeley Legs          105    230
  Burning Gundam Legs   105    300                             PR
  Zaku Legs III         115    220
  Master Gundam Legs    135    380        25
  ZZ Gundam Legs        135    250    1
  Altron Legs           140    290
  Wing Gundam Legs      145    300
  Sazabi Legs           155    400 
  Nu Gundam Legs        175    350   



                    5. WEAPONS / SHIELDS / GUARDS DATA


  Weapons and Arm mounted weapons are listed by Max ATK.

  Shields and Arm Guards are listed by max AMR.


            EN    Energy necessary to perform an attack using a weapon.
            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.
            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed

    SWORDS / SHOTEL / KNIFE                   ATK      EN      SPECIAL

 - Acid Sword  
   Acid-inducing Sword.                        25       1        Acid  
 - Heat Sword  
   Slashes the enemy with a red-hot blade      27       1

 - Beam Pick
   Short-bladed Beam Saber                     32       1

 - Ninja Sword
   Acid-inducing Oriental Blade                50       1

 - Heat Saber
   Slashes the enemy with a red-hot blade      60       1        Overheat

 - Beam Sword
   Powerful broad-bladed Beam Sword            60       1

 - Plasma Saber
   Short Circuit-inducing Saber                62       1        Short

 - Beam Saber
   Standard Beam Saber                         98       1   

 - Gundam Saber
   Beam Saber for Gundam                      110       1

 - Gundam Saber II
   Improved Gundam Saber                      160       1

 - Heat Shotel
   Slashes the enemy with a red-hot blade     177       1        Overheat

 - Zeta Gundam Saber
   Slim yet powerful Beam Saber               180       1

 - High Output Beam Saber
   High-output Beam Saber                     200       1

 - Beam Knife
   Shortened yet powerful Beam Saber          200       1

 - Large Beam Sword
   Large and powerful Beam Sword              235       1

 - Samurai Blade
   Lethal blade based on oriental design      250       1        Hurt

 - Nu Gundam Saber
   All-round high-spec Beam Saber             265       1

 - Large Heat Shotel
   Improved Heat Shotel                       288       1        Overheat

 - Hyper Beam Saber
   Beam Saber with large blade                300       1


    AXE / HAMMER / SCYTHE                     ATK    EN    SPD     SPECIAL

 - Iron Axe
   Metallic Axe used to smash enemies apart    10     1

 - Heat Hawk
   Slashes the enemy with a red-hot blade      18     1

 - Tomahawk
   Powerful double-bladed Axe                  42     2

 - Heat Hawk Kai
   Improved Heat Hawk                          90     2             Overheat

 - Large Heat Hawk
   Large Axe with Sword-like piercing tip     145     2             Overheat

 - Heat Tomahawk
   High-output double-bladed Axe              163     2             Overheat

 - Heavy Hammer
   Stun-inducing Hammer                       199     3    -80      Stun

 - High Heat Hawk
   Heat Hawk with enhanced output             205     2             Overheat

 - Beam Tomahawk
   Powerful Axe with Beam blade               255     2

 - Beam Scythe
   Fear-inducing Scythe                       290     2             Fear

 - Beam Tomahawk Sword
   Beam Axe with Sword-like piercing tip      340     2

 - Beam Scissors
   Improved fear-inducing Scythe              380     2             Fear



 - Iron Spear
   Spear with defensive capabilities           58     1      3

 - Heavy Lance
   Heavy and powerful Spear                    90     1      3

 - Beam Naginata
   Beam Spear with oriental design             99     1     10

 - Beam Javelin
   Beam Spear for Gundam                      105     1      8

 - Heat Naginata
   Pierces enemy with red-hot tip             175     1      6     Overheat

 - Impact Lance
   Stun-inducing heavy-hitting Spear          200     1     10     Stun

 - Beam Lance
   Powerful high-output Beam Spear            210     1     12

 - Heat Lance
   Pierces enemy with red-hot tip             230     1      7     Overheat

 - Drill Lance
   Drill-like tip damages enemy Armor         240     3     10     -30% Armor

 - Beam Glaive
   Hurt-inducing Beam Spear                   310     1     10     Hurt

 - Beam Trident
   Hurt-inducing powerful Beam Spear          350     1     15     Hurt



 - Zaku Machine Gun
   Machine Gun for Zaku                         5     1

 - Machine Gun
   Small, easy-to-use Machine Gun              10     1

 - Acid Machine Gun
   Acid-inducing Machine Gun                   12     1          Acid

   Special Gun which reduces target's Speed    16     1          -30% Speed

 - Beam Spray Gun
   Beam Gun with low energy comsuption         23     1

 - Rod Type Beam Rifle
   Beam Gun with melee capability              28     1      5

 - Machine Gun Kai
   Improved Machine Gun                        29     1

 - Bazooka
   Powerful large-caliber Bazooka              30     2

 - Light Beam Gun
   Light yet powerful Beam Gun                 32     1

 - Magella Top Cannon
   Magella Attack tank Cannon                  33     3

 - Beam Gun
   Well-balanced Beam Gun                      35     1

 - Drum Machine Gun
   All-purpose Machine Gun for Leo             45     1

 - Bullpup Machine Gun
   Rapid-firing Machine Gun                    58     1

 - Giant Bazooka
   Powerful, low-accuracy Bazooka              65     2

 - Heat Machine Gun
   Heat-inducing Machine Gun                   70     1          Overheat

 - Shotgun
   Shotgun that damages enemy Armor            70     1          -30% Armor

 - Sniper Rifle
   Accurate rifle that targets enemy pilot     70     2          Stun

 - Missile Launcher
   Missile Launcher with small Missiles        75     3

 - Railgun
   Gun which launches bullets magnetically     82     2

 - Enhanced Machine Gun
   Improved Machine Gun                        88     1

 - Plasma Railgun
   Short Circuit-inducing Railgun              92     2          Short

 - Beam Rifle
   Standard Beam Rifle                         95     2

 - Flame Launcher
   Incendiary Launcher (sniping impossible)    99     4          Overheat

 - Long Range Rifle
   Beam Rifle that damages enemy Armor         99     3          -30% Armor

 - Beam Pistol
   Beam Gun with low energy comsuption        100     1

 - Beam Machine Gun
   Beam Machine Gun with high accuracy        105     1

 - Gundam Rifle
   Beam Rifle for Gundam                      110     2

 - Hyper Bazooka
   Bazooka for Gundam                         120     2

 - High Power Machine Gun
   High-spec rapid-firing Machine Gun         128     1

 - Small Beam Rifle
   Small, easy-to-use Beam Rifle              133     2

 - Long Rifle
   Accurate long-range Rifle                  135     3

 - Gundam Rifle II
   Improved Gundam Rifle                      150     2

 - Zeta Gundam Rifle
   Powerful and easy-to-use Beam Rifle        155     1

 - Sniper Rifle II
   Improved Sniper Rifle                      160     2          Stun

 - Giant Bazooka Kai
   Improved Giant Bazooka                     168     2

 - Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle
   Highly accurate Beam Rifle                 172     2

 - Clay Bazooka
   Small, easy-to-use Bazooka                 175     2

 - Large Beam Rifle
   Large and powerful Beam Rifle              180     2

 - Beam Cannon
   Powerful handheld Beam Cannon              190     3

 - Hyper Bazooka II
   Improved Hyper Bazooka                     195     2

 - High Output Beam Rifle
   Top-of-the-line Beam Rifle                 195     2

 - Beam Launcher
   Accurate weapon that targets enemy pilot   200     3

 - Nu Gundam Rifle
   All-round high-spec Beam Rifle             200     1

 - Long Beam Rifle   
   Large and powerful Beam Rifle              215     3

 - Double Beam Rifle
   Powerful double-barreled Beam Rifle        255     3

 - Nu Gundam Bazooka
   High-spec Bazooka for Nu Gundam            280     2

 - Beam Shot Rifle
   Beam Weapon that damages enemy Armor       285     2          -30% Armor

 - Buster Rifle
   High-output Beam Rifle                     290     3

 - Hyper Mega Launcher
   Powerful Beam Launcher                     300     4

   Extremely powerful Beam weapon             320     3

 - Mega Beam Rifle
   Short Circuit-inducing giant Beam Rifle    330     3          Short

 - Dobergun
   Powerful projectile weapon                 360     3

 - Twin Buster Rifle
   Ultimate Beam Rifle (no sniping)           480     4

 - Atomic Bazooka
   Bazooka with nuclear shells (no sniping)   600     5          Overheat


    SHOULDER MOUNTED WEAPONS                    ATK     EN        SPECIAL

 - Small Cannon
   Small Shoulder mounted Cannon                 40      3

 - Guncannon
   Standard shoulder-mounted Cannon              60      3

 - Shining Vulcan
   Shoulder-mounted Vulcan Guns                  80      1

 - Burning Vulcan
   Powerful shoulder-mounted Vulcan Guns        100      1

 - Double Cannon
   Twin shoulder-mounted Cannons                100      4

 - Spray Launcher
   Heat-inducing shoulder-mounted Missiles      108      3        Overheat

 - Beam Cannon
   Shoulder-mounted Beam Cannon                 120      3
 - Machine Cannon
   Shoulder-mounted Machine Cannons             135      1

 - Sniper Cannon
   Accurate shoulder-mounted Beam Cannon        150      3        Stun

 - Long Cannon
   Long barreled shoulder-mounted Cannons       160      4

 - Heavy Machine Cannon
   Small yet powerful Machine Cannons           165      1

 - Double Beam Cannon
   Powerful shoulder-mounted Beam Cannons       180      4

 - Gatling Cannon
   Heat-inducing rapid-fire Gatling Cannons     210      3        Overheat

 - Active Cannon
   Small, easy-to-use shoulder Cannons          215      1

 - Xamel Cannon
   Giant Cannon that damages enemy Armor        220      6        -30% Armor

 - Large Beam Cannon
   Powerful shoulder-mounted Beam Cannon        230      4

 - Grand Cannon
   Powerful long-barreled choulder Cannon       295      3        Overheat

 - Overhand Cannon
   Compact yet powerful Beam Cannons            400      4

 - Hyper Cannon
   Powerful yet hard-to-use Beam Cannon         420      5

 - Mega Beam Cannon
   Powerful shoulder-mounted Beam Cannon        550      5        Short


    ARM MOUNTED WEAPONS                          ATK      EN      AMR 

 - Arm Machine Gun
   Arm-mounted Machine Gun                        18       1

 - Arm Missile
   Armored arm-mounted Missile Pod                45       2       3

 - Arm Beam Gun
   Small, arm-mounted Beam Gun                    60       1

 - Arm Gatling
   Triple-barreled arm-mounted Gatling Gun        70       1

 - Arm Launcher
   Armored arm-mounted Launcher                   80       2       6

 - Arm Machine Gun Kai
   Arm Machine Gun with improved firepower        80       1

 - Arm Missile Kai
   Improved arm-mounted Missile Pod               90       2      10

 - Double Beam Gun
   Armored arm-mounted dual Beam Guns            120       1      15

 - Beam Gatling Gun
   Arm-mounted Beam Gatling Gun                  198       1      38

 - Large Double Beam Gun
   Powerful arm-mounted dual Beam Guns           220       2 

 - Double Gatling Gun
   Unmatched arm-mounted Beam Gatling Guns       297       2


    ARM MOUNTED GUARDS                           AMR     MEL     SPD 

 - Metal Guard
   Additional Armor for the arms                   3              -1

 - Knuckle Guard
   Fist Armor for melee combat                     3       8      -4

 - Metal Guard II
   Improved Armor for the arms                     7              -4

 - Arm Guard
   High performance Armor for the arms            12             -10

 - Knuckle Guard Kai
   Improved Knuckle Guard                         12      15      -7

 - Shining Guard
   Arm Armor for melee combat                     12      20     -10

 - Burning Guard
   Arm Armor with stellar power                   20      40     -16

 - Wing Guard
   Extremely light arm Armor                      25               0

 - Dragon Fang
   Dragon-shped arm Armor                         30      50     -12

 - Double Armor Guard
   Double-plated Armor                            35             -15

 - Buster Guard
   Ultimate Armor for the arms                    40             -18


    SHIELDS                                  AMR    MEL    ATK    EN    SPD 

 - Metal Shield
   Low-spec small Shield                       5                         -2

 - Metal Shield II
   Heavy, well-Armored medium Shield           8                         -6

 - Medium Shield
   Well-Armored medium Shield                 10                         -8

 - Battle Shield
   Shield optimized for melee use             10    10                   -5

 - Titanium Shield
   Light, well-Armored Shield                 15                         -3

 - Gatling Shield
   Shield with Gatling Gun                    16           60      1    -10

 - Small Shield
   Easy-to-use Small Shield                   18                         -1

 - Missile Shield
   Shield with Missiles                       22           88      2    -20

 - Battle Shield Kai
   Improved Battle Shield                     25    25                   -8

 - Prototype Shield
   Prototype Gundarium alloy Shield           25                        -15

 - Gelgoog Shield
   Large Shield for Gelgoog                   30                        -20

 - Titanium Shield Kai
   Improved Titanium Shield                   34                         -6

 - Gelgoog Shield Kai
   Improved Gelgoog Shield                    35                         -1

 - Light Shield
   Well-Armored, well-balanced Shield         38                         -3

 - Gundam Shield
   High-spec Gundarium alloy Shield           40                         -5

 - Mega Cannon Shield
   Shield with Mega Cannon                    40          135      2    -15

 - Gundam Shield II
   Shield for Gundam Mark II                  45                        -12

 - Large Missile Shield
   Shield with Large Missiles                 48          188      2    -40

 - Zeta Gundam Shield
   High-spec Gundarium Gamma Shield           52                         -3

 - Titans Shield
   Very heavy well-Armored Shield             55                        -30

 - Tallgeese Shield
   Well-Armored circular Shield               65                         -8

 - Beam Cannon Shiel
   Shield with Beam Cannon                    70          180      1     -8

 - Launcher Shield
   Shield with Launcher                       75          230      2    -25



                           6. OPTIONAL PARTS DATA


  Each MS have 4 slots for Option Parts. 

  Optional Parts have 3 different sizes: 1 Slot, 2 Slots and 3 Slots.


            HP    Hit Points (Armor) 
            EN    Starting Energy in combat.              
            MEL   Affects the power of Melee attacks.
            RNG   Affects the power of Ranged attacks.
            AMR   Defense
            SPD   Speed

  OPTIONAL PARTS (1 Slot)                     HP   EN   MEL  RNG   AMR   SPD

 - Power Device                                           5     
 - Power Device II                                       10
 - Power Device III                                      30
   Improves melee attack effectiveness.              

 - Sensor Plus                                                 5
 - Sensor Plus II                                             10
 - Sensor Plus III                                            30
   Improves ranged attack effectiveness.

 - HP Parts                                  50
 - HP Parts II                              100
 - HP Parts III                             200
   Increase HP total

 - Extra Armor                                                      5
 - Extra Armor II                                                  10
 - Extra Armor III                                                 20
   Improves defensive potential

 - Internal G System                                2
   Compact G System which provides abundant energy

 - Energy Capacitor                                 1   -15  -15
   Converts ofensive power into Energy

 - Internal Propelent                               1                    -10
   Grants a +1 bonus to initial Energy

 - Acid Guard
   50% Chance of resisting Acid effects.

 - Acid Barrier
   Total Immunity to Acid effects.

 - Heat Guard
   50% Chance of resisting Overheat effects.

 - Heat Barrier
   Total Immunity to Overheat effects.

 - Shock Guard
   50% Chance of resisting Short-Circuit effects.

 - Shock Barrier
   Total Immunity to Short-Circuit effects.

 - Perfect Guard
   Total Immunity to Acid/Heat/Short-Circuit effects.

 - Mind Guard
   50% Chance of resisting Fear/Stun/Daze effects.

 - Mind Barrier
   Total Immunity to Fear/Stun/Daze effects.

 - Shock Absorber
   50% Chance of resisting Hurt/Hurt+ effects.

 - Power Absorber
   Total immunity to Hurt/Hurt+.

 - Pilot Guard
   Total immunity to Fear/Stun/Daze/Hurt/Hurt+ effects.

 - Psycommu 
   Increases the pilot's Mind by 10%

 - Bio-Sensor
   Increases the pilot's Mind and Reflexes by 10%.

 - Psyco-Frame
   Increase the pilot's Mind by 20%

 - Zero System
   Increases the pilot's Reflexes by 20%

 - Recovery System
   Rearguard HP recovery increased by 5% in battle.

 - Recovery System II
   Rearguard HP recovery increased by 10% in battle.

 - Recovery System III
   Rearguard HP recovery increased by 20% in battle.

 - Maintenance System
   Cures MS effects when in Rearguard in battle

 - Medical System
   Cures pilot effects when in Rearguard in battle

 - Back Charge
   +1 bonus to Energy recovery rate when in Rearguard

 - Front Charge
   +1 bonus to Energy recovery rate when in Frontline

 - Charge Plus
   +1 bonus to additional Energy from "Charge" command


  OPTIONAL PARTS (2 Slots)                    HP   EN   MEL  RNG   AMR   SPD

 - Extra Propellent
   Grants a +1 bonus to Initial Energy.             1                    -10

 - Enhanced Propellent
   Grants a +2 bonus to Initial Energy.             2                    -20

 - Large Type Propellent
   Grants a +3 bonus to Initial Energy.             3                    -30

 - High Power Propellent
   Grants a +3 bonus to Initial Energy.             3                    -15

 - Extra Wing
   Improves Mobility.                                                     30

 - Enhanced Wing
   Improves Mobility.                                                     60

 - Large Type Wing 
   Improves Mobility and Armor.                                    20     50

 - High Power Wing
   Improves Mobility and Armor.                                    10     80

 - Funnel Pod
   Improves Funnel power by 30%                                          -10

 - Funnel Contanier
   Improves Funnel power by 50%                                          -10

 - Funnel Box
   Improves High Funnel power by 50%                                     -10


  OPTIONAL PARTS (3 Slots)                    HP   EN   MEL  RNG   AMR   SPD

 - Power Booster
   Enhances power.                           100    2   10   10           20

 - Double Booster
   Enhances output.                          300    3   30   50           40

 - Defender Unit
   Enhances Durability.                      400    2        20    30    -30

 - Zeta Booster
   Enhances Speed.                           200    2   20   20           60

 - Burning Booster
   Enhance melee potential.                  250    2  100                50

 - Zero Wing
   Total immunity to special attacks.                              30    120

 - Death Cloak
   Total immunity to special attacks.                              80     70

 - Master Wing
   Wing imbued with evil.                               30   30    30     80

 - Fin Funnel
   +50% Funnel power, sp-effects immunity                          50     50



                            7. SPECIAL THANKS


    I would like to give a special thanks to...

    ... Bandai for publishing this game.

    ... my wife, for her support and help.

    ... and their Administradors, for all the help and 
        information they provided and for making this guide possible.

    ...,,, for accepting this FAQ.

    ..., for the ascii title.

    ..., for the ascii art.

    ... Keith Kime, for pointing out that I missed the Information about the
        GM Command being Tremmie's defaut mobile suit.

          Copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected])