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Is there a code to skip boards?

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Question for Syphon Filter: Logans Shadow

Is there a code to skip boards?

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gatonegro_169 answered:

I'll share with you some codebreaker codes I found a long time ago.
You must use codebreaker v7 or higher.

Syphon .Filter Logan's Shadow

Codebreaker V7+

Game ID : SCUS-97584
Identification Key: 83 D1 C0 8A A0 AF 82 31 06 6A 3E 00 F6 FC 79 0D 34 50 0F E4

Enable Code (Must Be On)
F0100008 00130B3B

p1 Press select To Skip Fmv
2010A350 8C620000
D08A539C 0000FFFE
2010A350 24020001

Infinite Health
200C0220 3C014400
200C0224 AE61001C
200C0228 03E00008
200C022C C660001C
2031453C 0C030088

Infinite Armor
200C0230 3C010088
200C0234 8C211F58
200C0238 50350001
200C023C 27FFF008
200C0240 03E00008
200C0244 44020000
2023E9FC 0C03008C

Infinite Health Partner
201DD25C 3C014A00
201DD268 AE01001C

Infinite Armor Partner
2015BA1C 2401012C
2015BA24 AE410650

Infinite Armor Both player
2023EA04 00000000

[b]p1 R3+up One Hit Kill Enemy Enable [NOTE][/b]
D08A539C 0000FFEB
205A9750 AE20001C

p1 R3+Down One Hit Kill Enemy Disable
D08A539C 0000FFBB
205A9750 E620001C

Never Reload with Infinite clip
10385CA4 00000000

Never Reload with Max Infinite Clip
20385CA4 240503E7

Infinite Ammo
2038646C 00000000
2037DD80 00000000

Max Infinite Ammo
20386468 240303E7
2037E4BO 240203E7

Infinite Grenades
203A9BF4 00000000

Max Infinite Grenades
203A9BF0 24020063

Machine Gun Never overheats
2035F6D4 00000000
2035F6D8 00000000

p1 Press select+up Infinite Time Enable
D08A539C 0000FFEE
20210134 00000000

p1 Press Select+Down Infinite Time Disable
D08A539C 0000FFBE
20210134 E6210154

Max Flashlight

207133A8 41800000
20713398 42400000

unlocable Codes

unlock Levels / Bonus Levels
202669B4 24020001
20266A24 24020001

unlock Locked Files
20266690 24030000

Developer Debug Cheats

Invulnareble Player
20259810 24010002
20259820 A081058F

unlock cheats In Pause Menu
00880467 00000001

p1 Press Select+L1 Show Debug Position Enable
D08A539C 0000FBFE
10270314 00000000

p1 Press select+L2 Show Debug Position Disable
D08A539C 0000FEFE
10270314 0000002C

Disable Movies
00880461 00000000

wide Screen Always Off
00880465 00000000

wide Screen Always On
00880465 00000001

NOTE: for One Hit Kill require Invulnareble Player usage

Now, back to you question, I' recomend you to use this code to skip levels.

unlock cheats In Pause Menu
00880467 00000001

When you pause the games, it will appear at the end of the menu.

Share it with everybody.

Good nite & Good luck.-


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