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can u get a horse with 500 speed stats

Question asked by d.cuz on
Last Modified:

can u get a horse with 500 speed stats

The closest iv got to 500 speed is 467

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rustongzeldafan123 answered:

Yeah you can, but it is extremely difficult, and involves multiple horse farming techniques that are still being made.

Guest answered:

u need to get the horse brave shadow or red hare and get them to level 5

Guest answered:

I believe it is part luck and skill for the game dispurses horses randomly if you get a new horse and it's speed is 345 to 395 definantly keep that horse because it will reach 500 or very close. I owned the game less than a week and obtained a horse called brave cat and it reached 500 speed

Guest answered:

The closest I got was 490, it's name was red dasher, and I just randomly did battles as level 50 Lu Bu. I got it on the battle of fan castle allied forces on normal difficulty.

Guest answered:

I found grey king ( cosmic bull) in Chang Ban playing with Lu Bu , level 50 on easy mode. Free setting obviously. I routed ALL of the refugees and when back for the saddle box. Top left corner on the map where some refugees are. Then pretty much Lui Bei was left I killed him got another saddle. If you get cosmic bull, it will only become like hex mark though. Still a rare horse. Good luck fellow gamers! Smile

Guest answered:

I had one with almost all stats nearly 500. Look for horses with heavenly physique, and his eyes consider the world.

christopher 12451 answered:

I played the Battle of Han Zhang (Lubu forces) on hard difficulty with Guan Ping lvl 50 and a horse with Find Saddle. I defeated Cao Pi and got a saddle. After the battle, I got a horse named Cinnamon Phoenix. I leveled it up and got the Grey King.


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