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Secret Unit FAQ

by Fallen Wings

            __                           __       _           _   
           / _\_   _ _ __   ___ _ __    /__\ ___ | |__   ___ | |_ 
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             \/  \/ \__,_|_|  |___/ \/      \/    |_|_| |_|\__,_|_|

      Super Robot Wars F Final Secret Units (PS) FAQ   Version 1.1
                        By Fallen Wings                 12-17-2007
                      T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
                    Version History.................[VRSN]
                    Secret Units....................[SCRT]
                    Copyright Information...........[CPYR]

                        I N T R O D U C T I O N [NTRD]
This is a simple FAQ for those who wants to get all the secret units but too
lazy/busy to read through the LONG FAQ.

                     V E R S I O N   H I S T O R Y [VRSN]
Version:1.0 [8/24/2006 7:26PM]
- FAQ is 90% completed.

Version:1.1 [12/17/2007 7:43PM]
- FAQ is 100% completed.
- Make many corrections.

                        S E C R E T   U N I T S [SCRT]

|                     S U P E R   R O B O T   W A R S   F                     |
|Scenario   |                             ACTION                              |
|Split 1    |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario  1|                                |                                |
|Scenario  2|                                |                                |
|Scenario  3|                                |New move for hotblood main char |
|           |                                |(New Move 1*)                   |
|Scenario  4|                                |                                |
|Scenario  5|                                |                                |
|Scenario  6|                                |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario  7|                                                                 |
|Split 2    |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario  8|                                |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario  9|                                                                 |
|Scenario 10|Let Daba convince Leccee                                         |
|           |(Leccee 1*)                                                      |
|           |Leccee will also join you in the next scenario if you defeat her |
|Scenario 11|                                                                 |
|Scenario 12|                                                                 |
|Scenario 13|Let Shou convince Todd (Todd 1)                                  |
|Split 3    |        CORAN        |  GRAN GARAN (SUPER) |  GRAN GARAN (REAL)  |
|Scenario 14|Choose CORAN in order|                     |                     |
|           |to get SECRET stage  |                     |                     |
|Split 4    |              CORAN             |           GRAN GARAN           |
|Scenario 15|                                |                                |
|Split 5    |    CORAN (SUPER)    |    CORAN (REAL)     |      GRAN GARAN     |
|Scenario 16|Choose GO STRAIGHT IN|Choose GO STRAIGHT IN|                     |
|           |in the end of        |in the end of        |                     |
|           |Scenario in order to |Scenario in order to |                     |
|           |get SECRET Stage     |get SECRET Stage     |                     |
|Scenario 17|                                |                                |
|           |                                |Scenario 19 will be displayed as|
|           |                                |Scenario 18 in game play because|
|           |                                |you miss the SECRET Stage       |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 19|                                                                 |
|Scenario 20|                                                                 |
|Scenario 21|                                                                 |
|Scenario 22|Lover and Roux will join you if you choose YES before the episode|
|           |(Lover 1 and Roux 1*)                                            |
|Split 7    |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 23|Talk to Masaki and say YES      |Talk to Masaki and say YES      |
|           |(Lover 2*)                      |(Lover 2*)                      |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 24|                                                                 |
|Scenario 25|                                                                 |
|Split 8    |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 26|                                |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 27|                                                                 |
|Scenario 28|                                                                 |
|Scenario 29|                                                                 |
|Scenario 30|                                                                 |
|Scenario 31|                                                                 |
|Scenario 32|                                                                 |
|Scenario 33|                                                                 |
|Split 9    |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 34|Let Char convince Haman         |Let Char convince Haman         |
|           |(Haman 1)                       |(Haman 1)                       |
|               S U P E R   R O B O T   W A R S   F   F I N A L               |
|Scenario   |                             ACTION                              |
|Split 10   |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 35|                                |                                |
|Scenario 36|                                |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 37|                                                                 |
|Scenario 38|Let Char convince Haman. Char should convince Haman twice in this|
|           |episode if you did not let Char convince Haman in episode 34     |
|           |(Haman 2)                                                        |
|           |Let Amuro or Camille convince Quatre                             |
|           |(Quarte 1)                                                       |
|           |Does not convince Quatre                                         |
|           |(EVA 1)                                                          |
|Scenario 39|                                                                 |
|Scenario 40|                                                                 |
|Scenario 41|Protect NPC battleship                                           |
|           |(Secret Weapon 1*)                                               |
|Scenario 42|Ple and Pletwo are alive                                         |
|           |(Ple and Pletwo 1*)                                              |
|           |Let Quarte convinve Duo                                          |
|           |(Duo 1)                                                          |
|Scenario 43|Move Mazinger Z to the nearest southeast base                    |
|           |(Jung Freud 1)                                                   |
|Scenario 44|                                                                 |
|Split 11   |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 45|Let Quarte convince Trowa       |Mazinger Z Launch               |
|           |(Trowa 1)                       |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 46|Kill 3 units with MAP Daitan 3 Launch                            |
|Scenario 47|Let Quarte convince Trowa on Turn 5. Must not attack Trowa.      |
|           |(Trowa 2)                                                        |
|Scenario 48|Let Marvel convince Todd. Then, let Shou convince Todd.          |
|           |(Todd 2)                                                         |
|           |After Turn 12. Duo convince Heero. Then, Trowa convince Heero.   |
|           |(Heero 1)                                                        |
|Scenario 49|                                                                 |
|Scenario 50|Move Amuro to coordinate (14,30) Total Turn less than 435.       |
|           |(Sayla 1*)                                                       |
|Scenario 51|Kill all enemies in 7 turns.                                     |
|Scenario 52|Let Shou convince Todd                                           |
|           |(Todd 3)                                                         |
|Scenario 53|                                                                 |
|Scenario 54|                                                                 |
|Split 12   |          CONVINCE TODD         |      DO NOT CONVINCE TODD      |
|Scenario 55|Todd stays alive                |                                |
|           |(Todd 4*)                       |                                |
|Split 10   |       SUPER ROBOT ROUTE        |        REAL ROBOT ROUTE        |
|Scenario 56|                                |                                |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 57|Let Camille attack Rozamia                                       |
|Scenario 58|Deploy Shou. Shou must be lv 48+, pilot Billbine. Choose 1st     |
|           |option when Charm asked you something                            |
|           |(Colorful Billbine 1*)                                           |
|Scenario 59|Let Camille convince Four                                        |
|           |(Four 1)                                                         |
|Scenario 60|Deploy Todd and Todd stays alive                                 |
|           |(Todd Dunbine 1*)                                                |
|           |Deploy Shinji                                                    |
|           |(EVA 2)                                                          |
|Scenario 61|Let Domon or Rain convince Allenby                               |
|           |(Allenby 1)                                                      |
|Split 13   |          EARTH ROUTE           |           SPACE ROUTE          |
|Scenario 62|EVA01 Berserk more than 5 times |                                |
|           |(EVA 3)                         |                                |
|           |Domon fight with Master for 3   |                                |
|           |turns, they must not destroy    |                                |
|           |each other.                     |                                |
|           |(Master 1)                      |                                |
|Scenario 63|Choose the first option to get  |Char gets Full Armor Hyaku Shiki|
|           |Mazinkaiser                     |(Full Armor Hyaku Shiki)        |
|           |(Mazinkaiser 1*)                |                                |
|           |Story event                     |                                |
|           |(Get EVA Positron Rifle 1*)     |                                |
|Split 14   |   EARTH ROUTE EVA   |     EARTH ROUTE     |     SPACE ROUTE     |
|Scenario 64|Let EVA-01 go berserk|Let EVA-01 go berserk|Choose first option  |
|           |and kill 14th Angel  |and kill 14th Angel  |to get Mazinkaiser   |
|           |(S2 Engine 1*)       |(S2 Engine 1*)       |(Mazinkaiser 1*)     |
|           |                     |                     |Let Camille defeat   |
|           |                     |                     |Getsu first.         |
|           |                     |                     |Let Camille fight and|
|           |                     |                     |convince Rozamia     |
|           |                     |                     |(Rozamia 1*)         |
|           |                     |                     |Move Bernie to       |
|           |                     |                     |coordinate (10,47)   |
|           |                     |                     |(Char's customized   |
|           |                     |                     |             Zaku 1*)|
|           |                     |                     |Launch Camille and   |
|           |                     |                     |hold for 5 turns.    |
|           |                     |                     |Four stays alive.    |
|           |                     |                     |(Four 2*)            |
|Scenario 65|EVA ENDING           |Let Rain convince    |Kill enemy's mother  |
|           |                     |Allenby. Let Domon   |ship in 10 turns     |
|           |                     |defeat Allenby. Then,|(Jung Freud 2*)      |
|           |                     |let Rain use her     |                     |
|           |                     |final attack to kill |                     |
|           |                     |Allenby.             |                     |
|           |                     |(Allenby 2)          |                     |
|           |                     |Let Domon reduce     |                     |
|           |                     |Master HP to 10%     |                     |
|           |                     |Let Domon fight      |                     |
|           |                     |Master for 3 turns.  |                     |
|           |                     |Domon level must be  |                     |
|           |                     |lv 49+               |                     |
|           |                     |(Master Asia 1)      |                     |
|Scenario 66|                     |Use Fuunsaki to kill |Kill the boss before |
|           |                     |enemy                |10 turns             |
|           |                     |(Master Asia 2*)     |(Jung Freud 2*)      |
|Combined   |                           COMBINED ROUTE                        |
|Scenario 67|                                                                 |
|Scenario 68|Use Daba to attack enemy's mother ship using sword.              |
|Split 15   |           DC ROUTE             |      GUEST POSAYDAL ROUTE      |
|Scenario 69|                                |                                |
|Scenario 70|                                |Quatre, Trowa and Heero stay    |
|           |                                |alive for 4 turns.              |
|           |                                |(Gundam W team)                 |
|Scenario 71|                                |Daba moves to enemy mother ship |
|           |                                |and attack it for 2 turns.      |
|           |                                |Daba's lover convince enemy     |
|           |                                |female who shows up on Turn 3.  |
|Scenario 72|                                |Daba convinces Asphy in 3 turns.|
|           |                                |Daba moves to enemy mother ship |
|           |                                |and attack the fourth time.     |
|Scenario 73|Choose to let Judau recons      |                                |
|           |(GP02A)                         |                                |
|           |Do not let Gato recons and      |                                |
|           |choose to sneak in              |                                |
|           |(Neue Ziel)                     |                                |
|           |Cannot defeat Haman and defeat  |                                |
|           |Kishiria.                       |                                |
|           |(Haman)                         |                                |
|           |Reduce Kirin HP to 10%          |                                |
|Scenario 74|Daba convinces Asphy            |Choose first option.            |
|           |                                |(Wing Zero Custom 1*)           |
|Scenario 75|Finished stage 42 and space     |Finished stage 42 and space     |
|           |stage 65 events.                |stage 65 events.                |
|Scenario 76|Master Asia joins               |Master Asia joins               |

CORAN Saving Coran =>Target is Londo Bell 15 =>Splendid devil Gundam Real 16
                                             =>Devil Gundam Again Super 16
Gran Garan Devil gundam appear REAL => Toward Londo Bell 15=>
Coran In danger 16=>War In Home
           Rescue Gran Garan SUPER => Toward Londo Bell 15 =>Coran In danger
            16=> War In Home

               C O P Y R I G H T   I N F O R M A T I O N [CPYR]

                   This FAQ is copyright 2007 Fallen Wings

You can only have this FAQ for your personal use. You may not change
anything on this guide, adding or taking anything out of it. That means,
don't even try to change a single word in this guide. Don't try to claim
this FAQ as your work because it is against the law and I dont't think
I want to have a court case with you because of this FAQ.
You can't put this FAQ on your Web page without my permission and this FAQ
can only be found at
So, please e-mail me if you see this FAQ appear on the other web site. If you
want to have this FAQ on your web site, just e-mail me for permission.
Normally, I will give you permission to put this FAQ on your web site. I just
want you to ask and give me your web site address before I give you the
permission to have this FAQ on your web site. Thank You!!

Email: FallenWings at gmail dot com
       dslevantine at hotmail dot com
                             C R E D I T S [CRDT]
-post this FAQ on his web site.
-Ascii Art

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