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by Shotgunnova

 �|  |� �,  )�_____            _______ ________  _____
  |  |,-'  / /  _  \   /�����\\_   __ |_   _   )/     \    Spoiler-Free
  |      ,' |  |_|  | /  /��\/  | |__\| | |_| // |���| \   FAQ & WALKTHROUGH
  |  |\  \  |  ,-.  |(  ( [����||  __|  |  _ ((  (   )  )  by Shotgunnova
 _|  |_\  \_| |_ _| |_\  \_) \�_| |__/|_| |_\ \\ |___| /   (Patrick Summers)
|______|\  \____|_____|\_____//_______|_____|\ \\_____/
         \  \           D E C E P T I O N  2  \ \      shotgunnova[@]
__________)  \_________________________________\ \_____________________________
����������\___)���������������������������������\_\������������������| INDEX |�
    I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR
   II. TH' BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS

       General Info ..................................................... GNRL
       Story ............................................................ STRY
       Flow of Battle ................................................... FLWB
       Tips N' Tricks ................................................... TPST

  III. WALKTHROUGH (CHAPTERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT

       01) An Innocent Girl ............................................. WK01
       02) A Fool's Fortune / Castle of Doom ............................ WK02
       03) A Friendship Oath / Pursuit of Friends ....................... WK03
       04) Tangled Thoughts ............................................. WK04
       05) Ordeal of the Young / Vengeance .............................. WK05
       06) Castle of Illusion ........................................... WK06
       07) Deception / Countdown to Ruin ................................ WK07
       08) Loyal Soldiers / Test of Loyalty ............................. WK08
       09) Ignorant Greed ............................................... WK09
       10) Invitation to Evil / Darkness Falls .......................... WK10
       11) Corruption / Prison of Time .................................. WK11
       12) Fading Souls ................................................. WK12
       13) Lingering Thoughts / Sympathy's Price ........................ WK13
       14) Small Sacrifice .............................................. WK14
       15) Brave Promise ................................................ WK15
       16) The Ruins Defiled ............................................ WK16
       17) Call of Blood / Red Blood Oath ............................... WK17
       18) Timenoid Shadows ............................................. WK18
       19) The Indelible Mark / Final Gamble ............................ WK19
       20) Replicas Destroyed / Master's Strings ........................ WK20
       21) Road to Ruin / 2 Wrongs = 1 Right ............................ WK21
       22) Ancestors Shadows / Bloody Hands ............................. WK22
       23) Scarred Memories / Unquenched Thirst ......................... WK23
       24) Broken Bonds / Shared Wounds ................................. WK24
       25) Anguish / Torn Thoughts ...................................... WK25
       26) Deliverance / Eve of Destruction / Outcasts .................. WK26

   IV. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN

       Enemy Types ...................................................... NMYT
       Trap Overview .................................................... TRPO
       Endings .......................................................... NDNG

    V. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT
   VI. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT

I. CONTROLS                                                              [CNTR]
                       _____         |  |         _____
      L2 BUTTON -->   /____/\        |  |        /\____\   <- R2 BUTTON
      L1 BUTTON -->  /____/\ \_______|  |_______/ /\____\  <- R1 BUTTON
                    /  _    \________|__|________/    _  \
                   / _| |_                         _ /_\ _\  <- TRIANGLE BUTTON
  DIRECTIONAL --> | |_   _|   [SELECT]   [START]  |_|   (_)| <- CIRCLE BUTTON
      PAD         |   |_|          [ANALOG]          (X)   | <- X BUTTON
                  /            ____        ____            \
                 /            /    \  __  /    \            \
                 \         /\ \____/ /  \ \____/ /\         /
                  \       /  \______/    \______/  \       /
                   \_____/ LEFT ANALOG  RIGHT ANALOG\_____/
                              (L3)          (R3)

 Kagero: Deception II _is_ DualShock-compatible; however, that applies only to
 the vibration function, which can be turned on in the 'Button Config' menu.
 Unused buttons are not listed below.
  ___________ ___________________________________ ___________________________
 | BUTTON    | IN BATTLE                         | OUT OF BATTLE             |
 | D-Pad     | Controls Millennia's movements    | Move menu cursor          |
 | Start     | Un/pause game                     | Skip cutscenes            |
 | Circle    | Open trap screen mode (Camp Mode) | Delete traps              |
 | Square    | Activate charged wall trap        | Cursor on opposite wall   |
 | Triangle  | Activate charged ceiling trap     | 'Cancel' button           |
 | X-Button  | Activate charged floor trap       | 'Confirm' button          |
 | L1 / R1   | Sidestep left or right            | Pan around room           |
 | L2 Button | Look around (with d-pad)          | Zoom in (setting traps)   |
 | R2 Button | Faces nearest invader             | Zoom out (setting traps)  |

II. TH' BASICS                                                           [THBS]
GENERAL INFO             [GNRL]
 RATING : M (Mature)
 RELEASE: 7/23/98 [JP], 10/14/98 [US], 9/10/99 [EU]
 MEMCARD: 1 Block
 DISC # : 1

STORY                    [STRY]
 "There is a world where humans and Timenoids have existed together for
 generations. The Timenoids are physically identical to the humans in every
 way but one: they have blue blood coursing through their veins, which also
 makes their skin blue. Because Timenoids are immortal they enjoy a ruling
 status over the humans.

 The Timenoid Castle is located deep in a thick forest. A girl, Millennia,
 dwells in this castle with one purpose alone: she's on a mission to kill the
 humans. Thoush she's also a human, she's been brainwashed by her foster
 mother, Yocal, into fighting as a mercenary for the Timenoids. Yocal has
 successfully brainwashed Millennia into believing that the very existence of
 humans is wrong. Millennia can obtain immortality and become a Timenoid
 herself if she successfully exterminates the human race. Although Yocal has
 taught Millennia only how to use the traps to kill the humans, Millennia is
 confident that this skill is enough for her to win her battles."

 There's essentially three parts to battle in this game.

 #1: PREPARATORY STAGE. This comes after the chapter's intro dialogue. The
     player can create new traps, view requirements for making new ones, and
     select traps for usage in the upcoming battle (max: 3 per type). One can
     also see information about the enemies who'll be fought, and sometimes
     this can give clues to their immunities or attack types.

 #2: BATTLE STAGE. This is the actual battle! There are three maps that are
     used in the game, and Millennia and the foes all have different places
     to begin. Only two enemies can show up at once, and traps can only be
     set in rooms (not hallways). If healing is needed, locate the magic loon
     in one of the chambers for a full heal (one use per each, per battle).

 #3: RESULTS SCREEN. This shows Millennia how well she did in the mission,
     and gives her currency (ark) to create new traps.

     � Trap Hit Bonus: extra ark based off how much damage (combos) were done
     � Soul Capture Bonus: based off how many were killed (perfect genocide)
     � Life Bonus: will always be 1000 if Millennia was not hit once
     � Total Mission Bonus: grand total of Trap Hit/Soul Capture/Life bonuses

TIPS N' TRICKS           [TPST]
 Want tips? Here they are. If a reader has any doozies to contribute, I'll
 also put 'em in this spot.

 � Enemies typically follow the shortest route to Millennia, which means she
   can 'lead' them into traps via this knowledge. For instance, if an enemy
   is at the stairbottom, they can be lead along either bannister depending
   on where Millennia is hiding herself.

 � Pay attention to the Enemy Data screen -- it's always accessible. This can
   provide useful info about enemy immunities. Some enemies, like the Shogun,
   have a wealth of these and trial-and-error can have bad consequences...

 � Traps take time to setup, especially ones like Vacuum Floor. Because the
   enemy is constantly gunning for Millennia, it's a smart idea to lead them
   on a wild goose chase to other rooms, where more traps can be set. This is
   not always possible, but at the start, traveling to adjacent rooms for
   trap allocation helps, too. [Quick traps like the Oil Vase are great for
   pursuing foes, especially when set over an entrance.]

 � Familiarize yourself with enemy types. Mages can shoot projectiles that
   may inflict statuses; ninja can teleport to Millennia's position and also
   inflict statuses; Shadows can hide in allies shadows and jump out when
   damaged, as well as appearing behind Milennia; Shogun have powerful lunge
   attacks and are generally immune to many things; Bombers are masters of
   gas and explosions, and immune to them. There are plenty of others as well,
   so take a gander in the Enemy section an in-depth lowdown.

 � The 'Trap Data' option is incredibly useful, with all prerequisites and
   information given before they're made! Trap growth is in a family tree
   format, which means creating one will unlock or be used in another's
   appearance. One can often create better traps by simply spending ark on
   the more pertinent ones.

 � There are certain trap combos that can be used to great effect:

   - The "Classic Stair" combo: immobilize someone at the bottom of a stair,
     shoot them with a wall projectile, then drop a rock down at 'em. Instant
     3-hit combo that can be done early on.

   - "Oil Vase over the Door" trick: it's self-explanitory, really. This is
     helpful when being chased by quick-footed, non-floating foes. Enter a
     room, trigger the trap immediately to create an oil slick below, and the
     foe is blinded when they recover from it. Because of the quick loading,
     this is insanely useful.

   - "Multi-purpose Buzzsaw" trick: the Buzz Saw wall trap will hit enemies
     and carry them in the direction shot, until an obstacle is encountered.
     Obstacles include initial traps, so volt walls, pitfalls, iron maidens,
     wall spears, floor pikes, and guillotines -- which are normally avoided
     on sight -- can all be used to finish combos! Spring floors can also do
     some of these tasks but not as well, in my opinion. [Try the beartrap ->
     buzzsaw -> falling rock combo!]
_______________________________________/ III. WALKTHROUGH (CHAPTERS) -- WLKT |_
01) An Innocent Girl                                                     [WK01]
            Exit |    __  �_____�        |      1: Firepit
               \_| 2    | |     |      4 |      2: Pillar
               |_      1| |     |    3   |      3: Hook
                 | 2  __| |     | 4      |      4: Powderbox
                 |______  |     |____ � _|_     5: Pendulum
                 |�      �|_    |   ___|   |    6: Lumber Saw
                 | |������  |   | 7      6 |    7: Volt Chair
                 | |_  8    |   |     5    |    8: Wall Spear
                 |  _     9 |   |_   ______|    9: Magic Loon
                 | |        |_____|�|           �: Room Entrance
                 | |     8  �       |
                  � ����������������
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Daar        | Villager |  50 |  09  |  --  |  02 |  25 |  00 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Daar is killed               | Chapter 2: "A Fool's Fortune"            |
  | Daar is allowed to escape    | Chapter 2: "Castle of Doom"              |

 After naming the lead character (default: Millennia), she will be tasked with
 guarding a forest castle and killing any humans who enter. For the next six or
 seven battles, this castle will serve as the killing field! Like many games,
 the first fight is more of a tutorial than anything else. Yocal, Millennia's
 foster mother, will accompany her to the castle and give a small overview of
 how to set traps, should the player require it. Millennia only has a few
 traps learned as default:

 WALL   : Arrow Slit, Press Wall
 FLOOR  : Small Bomb, Bear Trap
 CEILING: Mega Rock, Slow Gas

 You can attack Yocal for extra ark (trap currency) for a headstart on making
 different ones, if you like -- if her HP is depleted, she still won't die.
 Daar will be waiting in the castle foyer, and Millennia will have to greet
 him. He'll pose a question when she enters. Answer "Yes" to make him wait for
 a TMD to come; answer "No" and he'll start to leave. By choosing the former,
 Daar will start to follow Millennia and make himself an easy target for the
 traps she can setup; the latter will be more problematic and our trapmaster
 will have to design a way to impede him from leaving, such as with the Bear

 New players should know that there are ark bonuses for higher combos, plus
 'full genocide' and 'no damage' bonuses that are easy to obtain. An easy trap
 to make at this point is the classic stair setup: trap someone at the bottom,
 attack him from the wall, and roll a rock downwards to kill for a 3-hit combo!
 This will probably be used a lot in the game, because boulders cause extreme
 damage even from the get-go.

 Should Daar be attacked and still be alive, he'll try to flee. He has little
 attacks and, as typical of a Villager type, will either cower somewhere or
 push Millennia away if she gets too close (which damages her). Either way,
 use the Magic Loon in the starting room to heal if needed.

02) A Fool's Fortune -or- Castle of Doom                                 [WK02]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Slash       | Soldier  |  90 |   21 |  --- |  15 |  38 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Daar Left Alive in Chapter 1 | Chapter 3: "A Friendship's Oath"         |
  | Daar Killed in Chapter 1     | Chapter 3: "Pursuit of Friends"          |

 If Millennia killed Daar previously, she'll fight Slash alone; if she let
 Daar escape, he'll return with Slash to tag-team her. The soldier gets his
 moniker from his attack type: he specializes in up-close slashing. Obviously,
 stay away from him and lure him into some traps, such as the "classic stair"
 combo you may have done in Chapter 1. This brute will come after Millennia no
 matter how she answers his initial question. If Daar accompanied Slash, he'll
 simply hide around the entrance/exit room where both start. He has no long-
 -range capabilities which makes him an easy target. Tsk!

03) A Friendship Oath -or- Pursuit of Friends                            [WK03]
 How's your development coming? I suggest working toward the awesome Buzz Saw
 wall trap, which, when it hits the enemy, will send them across the entire
 room until they hit an obstacle. This is incredibly useful for making combos
 or harnessing initial traps' power, so getting one sooner rather than later's
 a good idea! Here's the foundation:

 STEP 1: Create Fire Arrow
 STEP 2: Create Triple Arrow (based off Step 1)
 STEP 3: Create Chain Needle (based off Step 2)
 STEP 4: Create Attack Wall
 STEP 5: Create Spike Rock
 STEP 6: Create Spike Wall (based off Steps 4 & 5)
 STEP 7: Create Buzz Saw (based off steps 3 & 6)

 But anyway...
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Hawk        | Soldier  |  80 |  24  |  --  |  15 |  38 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Gastone     | Crusher  | 140 |  45  |  --  |  08 |  25 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 4: "Tangled Thoughts"            |

 This chapter will have a different name depending on whether or not Daar was
 killed in the first mission, but no matter the outcome then, the same two
 enemies will be encountered here. Hawk is a soldier just like Slash, and will
 be good at up-close stay away. Gastone is a Crusher, carrying a
 gigantic hammer. This is damaging if he gets close, but he also can slam on
 the ground to make Millennia unable to move temporarily. Obviously that'll be
 good in a tag-team situation (for them!) but is generally useless if he's by

 Millennia starts in the water room, Gastone in that stame room, and Hawk in
 the torture chamber. The "classic stair" combo won't work here because Gastone
 can shrug off boulders, even if he's been stuck in a bear trap weapon. Hawk
 and his friend will converge on the water room, so it's a good idea to get
 out of that situation, perhaps setting up a trap combo in the entrance/exit
 foyer or a push-wall-to-volt-chair twofer in the torture room.

04) Tangled Thoughts                                                     [WK04]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | McLord      | Soldier  | 100 |   24 |  --  |  18 |  42 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | Gerald      | Knight   | 100 |   30 |  --  |  22 |  30 |  -- |    No.   |
  | Rain        | Archer   |  60 |   09 |  09  |  08 |  48 |  50 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Gerald and Rain are killed   | Chapter 5: "Vengeance"                   |
  | Gerald and Rain both escape  | Chapter 5: "Ordeal of the Young"         |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: McLord -> Gerald + Rain

 This is the first mission with three people! Unfortunately, because don't
 appear at once, it undercuts the potential difficulty. McLord appears first
 and corners Millennia in the hook room. As a regular soldier, there's nothing
 interesting about his behavior...although he _does_ have one of the few
 unique sprites in the game (a little girl metal vest that exposes his tummy?
 Dumb...). It's easiest to kill him in the torture room next door, perhaps w/
 the Beartrap -> Spike Rock -> Attack Wall -> Volt Chair combo.

 Killing him triggers Rain and Gerald's appearance in the foyer. Approach them
 to get a scene, where the 1st answer baits them into attacking and #2 will
 make them leave. As an archer, Rain can attack both at close-range and long-
 -range for lame damage -- that's all it takes to lose the health bonus! On
 the other hand, Gerald's armored physique will prevent him from being stuck
 in beartraps, in case the player wanted to get a high combo using the volt

 NOTE: If you attack the two as they try to abort the mission, they'll ask if
 Millennia is challenging them and quit trying to leave. As such, that's why
 they either all leave or none do.

05) Ordeal of the Young -or- Vengeance                                   [WK05]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Ash         | Soldier  | 110 |  27  |  --  |  20 |  38 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | Statz       | Thief    |  60 |  21  |  --  |  15 |  52 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Hunna       | Fighter  |  80 |  18  |  --  |  12 |  50 |  55 |   No.    |
  | Julia       | Hunter   |  90 |  24  |  12  |  15 |  52 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Raddlefuss  | Buddhist |  90 |  15  |  15  |  20 |  38 |  45 |   Yes.   |
  | Grand'Or    | Soldier  | 100 |  24  |  --  |  20 |  38 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | Jackal      | Soldier  |  90 |  24  |  --  |  18 |  42 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Saki        | Fighter  |  70 |  15  |  --  |  10 |  45 |  55 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 6: "Castle of Illusion"          |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Hunna + Ash -> Statz
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Grand'Or + Saki -> Jackal -> Raddlefuss -> Julia

 The three-man crew who appears if Gerald and Rain were spared previously is
 rather easy. This will be the first time a thief -- which is basically a
 soldier with worse attack and better reflexes -- appears, and the same for
 the female Fighter (read overview below). Hunna appears in the foyer coming
 to the hook room while Ash is inbound to the torture room from the fountain
 area. Hunna should get there first and can be setup with a volt chair trap;
 since she has little health and it won't break, this can be used on Ash as
 well barring any mishaps. The cowardly Statz appears last in a random area,
 usually approaching the foyer from fountainroom or the hook chamber. As his
 synopsis says, he runs away in the face of danger like a yellow-belly coward,
 so trapping him can be a little more difficult than the others who attack
 head-on. He _can_ disappear off the minimap, but when found, will just cower
 like a Villager type -- what a loser!

 Note that if Hunna is put in critical condition, she'll announce she's going
 to leave...but this usually won't occur since injured people lose their quick


 Group two consists of five people, three of which are new types. Hunters are
 just the first in a long line of quick female attackers, having both decent
 speed and agility in this case. Her primary weapon is a boomerang that can
 be dodged by sidestepping, although she'll smack Millennia round up-close if
 it comes to that. Saki the Fighter is another quick female type, who has the
 ability to do fast roundhouse kicks up-close and can flip over her target to
 attack the exposed backside as well. Annoying! Finally, Raddlefuss is the
 Buddhist class and can do projectile attacks as well as self-heal!

 To start, Grand'Or will be approaching the torture room from the fountain
 area, while Saki comes from the foyer towards the hook chamber. Since she's
 fast, set some traps in the hook room (she'll probably avoid) as well as
 the torture room, then lure her into the latter for the kill. Stay afar to
 avoid any annoying kicks/flips! Grand'Or will enter in the meantime, so keep
 from his clutches while the traps there reset. Jackal appears in the hallway
 nearing the fountain area, Raddlefuss and Julia both in the torture chamber.
 Raddlefuss' magic projectiles can inflict 'Stop' on Millennia and he's a
 dead-eye at close-range, so keep away if you want the health bonus.

 If low on health, Julia will attempt to flee...but like Hunna on the flipside
 of the battle, this is usually a pipe dream if she's moving snail-paced.

06) Castle of Illusion                                                   [WK06]
          | 2�  |    _|�|���|�|  |�����|          1: Oil Barrel
          |   6 |   |�8       |  | 6   |          2: Powderbox
          |_ 9 _|   | |_| 6 |_|_ |_ 10_|          3: Volt Chair
            |�|     |�|_______  |  | |            4: Pendulum
            | |     |8        | |__| |____        5: Lumber Saw
           _|�|_    |         | 1         |       6: Floor Pike
          |     |_  |      6  |12   11    |       7: Pillar
          |  12   | |___ � ___|____   __10|       8: Door
          |     | |_| 2    7  |____|�|  | |       9: Death Fan
          |_____|  �   _______�      |  | |      10: Guillotine
                 ���|�       �|������   | |      11: Boulder
                    |�������  ��|_______| |_     12: Magic Loon
                    | |�������|     |__ 4   |
                    |      12 |���|____     |
                    |  9  7   |   |     3 5 |
                     ���|_|���     ���������

 Have you started on the route to making the Buzz Saw? I can't pile enought
 laurels on this magnificent wall trap!!!

 STEP 1: Create Fire Arrow
 STEP 2: Create Triple Arrow (based off Step 1)
 STEP 3: Create Chain Needle (based off Step 2)
 STEP 4: Create Attack Wall
 STEP 5: Create Spike Rock
 STEP 6: Create Spike Wall (based off Steps 4 & 5)
 STEP 7: Create Buzz Saw (based off steps 3 & 6)
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Hornstein   | Nobleman | 110 |  09  |  --  |  10 |  20 |  10 |    No.   |
  | Deadmoon    | Warlock  |  90 |  09  |  15  |  10 |  25 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | Hagane      | Ninja    |  50 |  15  |  06  |  05 |  65 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Hornstein killed             | Chapter 7: "Deception"                   |
  | Hornstein escaped            | Chapter 7: "Deception"                   |
  | Hornstein killed and Rain &  | Chapter 7: "Countdown to Ruin"           |
  | Gerald killed in Chapter 5   |                                          |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Deadmoon -> Hagane -> Hornstein

 This will be the first mission inside the King's Palace, the new map that'll
 be used for quite some time. It's twice as large as the previous West Woods
 mansion and has the traps to accomodate that. The Floor Pike is basically
 spikes that come out of the floor; the Death Fan is a bladed ceiling fan
 that will cut up anyone who is lifted there via a floor trap; the Guillotine
 is a blade that drops down on whoever walks underneath; and the Boulder is a
 gigantic trap that will roll down the stairway if dislodged by a Quake or
 Catastrophe trap...both of which aren't available now.

 Deadmoon starts alone. When the former appears, he'll pose a question to
 Millennia -- any answer will summon his cohort Hagane into battle. As the info
 says, he's Deadmoon's shadow and will appear _behind_ him; as such, if
 Millennia can trigger a trap that will go through both, she can probably kill
 Hagane without incident. I have done it before (trap Deadmoon in throneroom
 entrance, Rolling Bomb from corner) but it can be unreliable. Given Hagane's
 teleporting nature, it's best to not run too far -- the room north of the
 throneroom will be a great pick. The corner nearest there is actually false
 and leads to a passage, which you'll see if you view the map. If you're having
 trouble setting up a good high-damage trap, remember that spike rocks [etc.]
 can be set in motion by moving walls! In fact, if a door is close enough to
 the wall's starting point, they can be hit by both the rock and wall for extra
 damage. Deadmoon can heal himself over time, so it's best to take him out in
 one fell swoop or dawdle to get extra ark.

 Hornstein appears last (in the entrance/exit foyer) and action taken against
 him determines the upcoming mission. Like thieves, he's very cowardly and'll
 run away from wherever Millennia is, trying to get to the exit in the southern
 foyer (although this happens only after being damaged) in the shortest route.
 Either way, he's an easy target if Millennia wants to keep him alive.

07) Deception -or- Countdown to Ruin                                     [WK07]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Aria        | Fighter  |  80 |  18  |  --  |  10 |  45 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Ricard      | Thief    |  60 |  18  |  --  |  12 |  52 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Legral      | Bomber   |  80 |  15  |  18  |  18 |  38 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Hornstein Killed in Ch. 6    | Chapter 8: "Loyal Soldiers"              |
  | Hornstein Escaped in Ch. 6   | Chapter 8: "Test of Loyalty"             |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Aria + Ricard -> Legral

 No matter how Chapter 6 played out, the same enemies will apply here, just
 with a different setup scene.

 Right at the start, Ricard will corner Millennia in the fountain room and
 bid her to catch him. This is actually a trap so Aria can get some potshots
 in! You can still follow him but boobytrap the fountain room first. It's not
 too hard to conserve the health bonus by not following Ricard at all, though.
 When someone dies, Legral will appear in the chamber north of the throneroom.
 This event will be of great importance for the rest of the palace chapters.
 Speaking of which, this is the first time a Bomber has shown up in gameplay.
 Their attacks involve rolling explosive cannisters towards Millennia, trying
 to catch her in the blast (which may or may not inflict side effects). They're
 one-trick ponies generally and avoiding their attacks ain't difficult.

 One cool thing is that Legral, if in critical health, will blow himself up in
 an attempt to destroy Millennia. Make sure to turn tail and run after he's
 announced it!

08) Loyal Soldiers -or- Test of Loyalty                                  [WK08]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Lordred     | Knight   | 110 |  30  |  --  |  25 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Diva        | Psycho   | 110 |  21  |  --  |  08 |  55 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Delfina     | Voodoo   |  80 |  18  |  12  |  08 |  38 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Hornstein   | Nobleman | 110 |  09  |  --  |  10 |  20 |  10 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 9: "Ignorant Greed"              |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Delfina + Lordred -> Diva
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Delfina + Lordred -> Diva + Hornstein

 "Loyal Soldiers" involves Hornstein's three subordinates and plays if their
 master was killed in Chapter 6; "Test of Loyalty" involves all four enemies,
 obviously meaning that Hornstein lived in Chapter 6.

 For "Loyal Soldiers," Delfina and Lordred will corner Millennia in the long
 staircase in the NE portion of the level. Lordred's armor plating has been
 covered before, but Delfina's Voodoo class is new...well, in name only. Like
 a warlock, she can attack and shoot magic projectiles that can inflict some
 statuses if they connect. Diva is like a soldier but has better HP/dexterity,
 as well as a different attack: his knuckles have three blades sticking out!
 He can be an annoyance at close-range so stop him in his tracks, literally.
 "Test of Loyalty" plays out the same as normal, except both Delfina and her
 knight companion must be killed to trigger Diva and Hornstein's arrival, both
 of which appear in the long staircase hall. For that chapter, killing the gang
 in the torture room is great due to its proximity.

09) Ignorant Greed                                                       [WK09]
 By now, the Buzz Saw should be available, even if the path of least killing
 has been taken. Forget the combo? Here it is for the last time, I swear!

 STEP 1: Create Fire Arrow
 STEP 2: Create Triple Arrow (based off Step 1)
 STEP 3: Create Chain Needle (based off Step 2)
 STEP 4: Create Attack Wall
 STEP 5: Create Spike Rock
 STEP 6: Create Spike Wall (based off Steps 4 & 5)
 STEP 7: Create Buzz Saw (based off steps 3 & 6)
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Volcano     |Pyromaniac| 100 |  45  |  21  |  12 |  35 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Mucro       | Ninja    |  60 |  18  |  06  |  05 |  62 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Dorcas      | Crusher  | 170 |  54  |  --  |  10 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Claire      | Archer   |  70 |  09  |  09  |  10 |  48 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Goatbone    | Phantom  |  80 |  15  |  12  |  08 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Rain & Gerald lived in Ch. 4 | Chapter 10: "Darkness Falls"             |
  | Rain & Gerald died in Ch. 4  | Chapter 10: "Invitation to Evil"         |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Mucro + Goatbone -> Claire -> Dorcas -> Volcano

 Remember how Legral put a bomb under the altar in the north-central room
 behind the throne hall? This is going to be an integral part of all remaining
 battles on this map. If anyone approaches the virgin icon, the entire palace
 will blow up -- automatic game over! Millennia's task, then, is to kill any
 enemy who tries to get there. Luckily, enemies will prioritize their prey
 over the icon.

 As for the enemies, Mucro starts in the NW room and will eventually teleport
 to wherever Millennia is. Goatbone is a gigantic wuss and flees when seeing
 his target; as a Phantom, he can throw projectiles (books? cards?) that will
 do fly in a straight line. Everyone else has been seen before except the
 Pyromanic "Volcano," which is basically a wizard type who blows streams of
 fire in Millennia's direction. He only has one but later the types will have
 two more. Claire will start in the castle foyer, Dorcas the stairway hall in
 the east or one of the southern rooms, and Volcano the eastern stairway.

 Always be checking the minimap to see if anyone is approaching the bomb room!
 Sometimes enemies can be baited into following Millennia but will then turn
 back for the prize -- don't be caught off-guard! Other than that, watch out
 for Claire's poison arrows.

10) Invitation to Evil -or- Darkness Falls                              [WK10]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Matia       | Assassin |  50 |  18  |  --  |  08 |  60 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Helmut      | Chemist  |  80 |  09  |  15  |  15 |  45 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Layla       | Fighter  |  80 |  15  |  --  |  10 |  48 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Deadmoon    | Warlock  | 120 |  15  |  36  |  15 |  30 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | If Rain/Gerald died in Ch. 4 | Chapter 11: "Corruption"                 |
  | If Rain/Gerald lived in Ch.4 | Chapter 11: "Prison of Time"             |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Matia + Helmut -> Deadmoon + Layla -> Matia (if escaped)

 Although the chapter depends on if Millennia killed/spared Rain and Gerald
 in an early mission, the enemy lineup will still remain the same. Matia and
 her companion Helmut appear in the NE room, which connects to the eastern
 stairway chamber. Because there's only one path there, it's easy to setup a
 nice trap with a Buzz Saw pointing straight at the door. Matia can teleport
 locally and is very quick, not unlike a ninja or fighter, so keep her at a
 distance. Helmut can self-heal if left alone, though, so don't dawdle. Both
 will head toward the virgin icon room (north-central) and it's quite a walk
 there from the starting place in the foyer. However, neither will set off the
 trap and will in fact wait there! Note that if Matia isn't killed quickly,
 she will "leave" battle and reappear towards the end.

 Deadmoon and Layla start their portion in the foyer and head north towards
 the throneroom. The warlock has the highest long-range attack power of any
 enemy yet, so stay at a distance or use obstacles as shields -- these ones
 have a decent homing function!

 Now, supposing Matia does escape with her life, she'll reappear in the
 throneroom (once Saki has died) and head for the virgin icon. If Millennia
 kills Deadmoon before Matia, who has full health again, she'll blow up the
 palace to be with her master.

11) Corruption -or- Prison of Time                                       [WK11]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Hebel       | Villager |  50 |  03  |  --  |  -- |  15 |  20 |    No.   |
  | Jackal      | Soldier  |  90 |  24  |  --  |  18 |  42 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Statz       | Thief    |  60 |  21  |  --  |  15 |  52 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Blackword   | Phantom  | 100 |  18  |  15  |  08 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Seetha      | Guard    |  90 |  27  |  18  |  10 |  45 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chaper 12: "Fading Souls"                |
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Hebel + Statz -> Blackword -> Seetha
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Hebel + Jackal -> Blackword -> Seetha

 Hebel starts alone in the foyer, while Millennia begins in the throneroom.
 Jackal arrives soon after in the eastern stairway hall, inbound to the virgin
 icon altar. He'll probably be the first fatality if things go right. Hebel,
 once he enters a room with Millennia in it, will ask if he can pass -- answer
 yes to make him approach the altar, no to make him head for the foyer exit.
 He's an old man, for god sake! Blackword will appear in the fountain area and
 shows his cowardly tendencies if Millennia approaches...geez. Seetha is the
 new enemy type (Guard), and is a TMD Clone. If you like using magnetic traps,
 they'll be ineffective against him. He'll appear in the eastern stairway room

 The only variable for this map is Statz, a thief who first appeared back in
 Chapter 5 if Rain & Gerald were spared. Like then, he'll run away like a big
 wuss and force Millennia to locate him. [He can appear in the same spot that
 Jackal did.]

12) Fading Souls                                                         [WK12]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Gunter      | Crusher  | 185 |  54  |  --  |  10 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Thoma       | Villager |  50 |  09  |  --  |  05 |  30 |  50 |    No.   |
  | Cynthia     | Villager |  60 |  06  |  --  |  02 |  25 |  35 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Rain/Gerald died in Ch. 4    | Chapter 13: "Lingering Thoughts"         |
  | Rain/Gerald escaped in Ch. 4 | Chapter 13: "Sympathy's Price"           |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Gunther -> Thoma + Cynthia

 As Gunther says, he'll give his life for the TMD secret that will cure his
 son. Unfortunately, if Millennia agrees to let him pass when he asks, he'll
 go straight for the altar and blow the castle up. Sympathy won't pay off here
 I'm afraid. He starts in the crossroads south of the throneroom and heads
 north, while Millennia starts near the virgin icon. Thoma and Cynthia will
 appear in the eastern stairway room after Gunter's dead, and automatically
 start heading to the exit. If they encounter Millennia, Cynthia will attack
 while Thoma makes a beeline to the foyer; however, she attempts to leave
 again if damaged enough. Killing the entire family has no consequences to
 speak of...which is strange considering the next mission.

13) Lingering Thoughts -or- Sympathy's Price                             [WK13]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Emillia     | Villager |  50 |  03  |  --  |  -- |  20 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Mebius      | Voodoo   |  80 |  18  |  15  |  08 |  38 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Saki        | Fighter  |  70 |  15  |  --  |  10 |  45 |  55 |    No.   |
  | Gustave     | Nobleman | 120 |  09  |  --  |  12 |  25 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Grand'Or    | Soldier  | 100 |  24  |  --  |  20 |  38 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | Otto        | Villager |  70 |  09  |  --  |  05 |  25 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Hunna       | Fighter  |  60 |  21  |  --  |  15 |  52 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Ash         | Soldier  | 110 |  27  |  --  |  20 |  38 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 14: "Small Sacrifice"            |
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Mebius/Saki -> Grand'Or -> Gustave -> Otto/Emillia
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Mebius/Hunna -> Ash -> Gustave -> Otto/Emillia

 This will be the biggest brawl yet, with six enemies to kill. If Rain and
 Gerald were left alive in Chapter 4, Saki and Grand'Or will be part of the
 team; if the opposite was true, then Hunna and Ash will be the substitutes.
 Mebius and Saki start in the foyer and make for the throneroom, so the best
 place to meet them is halfway: the crossroads antechamber just south of
 there. When in critical health, Saki will attempt to flee the map. Grand'Or
 appears thirdly, in the eastern stairway chamber, and usually runs to where
 Saki is. Gustave appears in the upper-right cul-de-sac anteroom, and although
 he's a gigantic coward like Hornstein, he can still set off the virgin icon's
 bomb for some reason (!?). Finally, Otto and Emillia appear in the upper-left
 dead-end room; Otto moves around and will flee if seen, Emillia stays put.
 They'll both cower in fear when cornered, so make sure to watch the scene 
 that involves Emillia's demise...

14) Small Sacrifice                                                      [WK14]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Gostero     | Thief    |  70 |  24  |  --  |  15 |  52 |  70 |   Yes.   |
  | Ursula      | Hunter   | 100 |  21  |  15  |  18 |  52 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Void        | Warlock  | 120 |  15  |  30  |  12 |  30 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Zartus      | Enscaver | 150 |  18  |  --  |  12 |  38 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Barbalos    | Sentinel | 185 |  54  |  --  |  22 |  20 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 15: "Brave Promise"              |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Ursula -> Gostero -> Void -> Zartus + Barbalos

 If you paid attention to the opening scene, it's be obvious Ursula's taunts
 are just bait to lure Millennia southward while Gostero -- who appears in the
 NE room -- appears and heads for the icon altar. Luckily, his showing up will
 depend on how far into the foyer Millennia goes; she can kill Ursula before
 then if needed. Gostero's speed/agility are excellent so don't waste time
 running to the icon room to head him off (he'll run away if spotted). Void
 appears third in the fountain room, and has the same powers as Deadmoon,
 right down to self-healing; what sets him apart is that he's solely in the
 map for the "immortality" and will ignore Millennia even if she attacks him
 (get super close to bait him). The final two characters appear in the foyer,
 and are generally easy to kill since Barbalos will rush to his master's side
 whenever Zartus is damaged (but not vice versa).

15) Brave Promise                                                        [WK15]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Sylvia      | Assassin |  50 |  18  |  --  |  08 |  60 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Bleuge      | Brute    | 110 |  27  |  12  |  08 |  62 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Lazaford    | Buddhist | 100 |  18  |  18  |  20 |  38 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Belkdahl    | Chemist  |  90 |  12  |  18  |  15 |  48 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 16: "The Ruins Defiled"          |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Bleuge + Lazaford -> Sylvia + Belkdahl

 Emillia has sent more fighters to find her mother (teehee!), and this time
 Belkdahl's small brigade has answered the call. This will be the last fight
 ever in the King's Palace, if you've been itchin' for new digs. Bleuge &
 Lazaford will start with Millennia in the eastern stairway. Brutes are a type
 of enemy that throw their double tomahawks in a straight line, meaning they
 can be sidestepped. Careful not to lose the health bonus right away! Lazaford
 is immune to gas traps, due to his mask...I guess. The final two appear where
 the other two started also. Sylvia can teleport locally remember, and as per
 her description, her claws are tainted with Belkdahl's poison -- be careful
 to stay away! Belkdahl can self-heal and "has seen the traps before," which
 means he can identify where they are ahead of time and usually avoids them.

16) The Ruins Defiled                                                    [WK16]
                |�����|___________       __|  |      1: Conductor
                | 12  |       8   |    _|     |      2: Guillotine
                |   1 | 6  __     |___| � 5   |      3: Volt Wall
                |_ � _| �_|  |    �_  | |_    |      4: Pitfall
                 _|_______|  |____|_|�|_  | 2 |      5: Floor Pike
                | �       |__|         3| |_  |      6: Pendulum
                | |9 4 13 �  �       _| | | |�|      7: Death Fan
                | |_______|��|________  � | | |      8: Boulder
                |___ �|_ _____________���� _|�|_     9: Fire Pit
                |       |   �         |  _|  7  |   10: False Roof
                |8 ,----| |�|         |_|  6  11|   11: Casket
                |  |____| | | 5   12  � |  _   _|   12: Magic Loon
                |   6   � | |_____   _| | |  �  |   13: Lava
                '-------'-'       |_| | � | 10  |    �: Room Entrance
                                ENTER  ��� �����
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Gilbaless   | Knight   | 100 |  36  |  --  |  28 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Oroch       | Ninja    |  60 |  12  |  06  |  08 |  65 |  65 |    No.   |
  | Ballantine  | Buddhist |  80 |  15  |  30  |  20 |  38 |  45 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Entire search party killed   | Chapter 17: "Red Blood Oath"             |
  | Ballantine and/or Oroch fled | Chapter 17: "Call of Blood"              |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Gilbaless + Ballantine -> Oroch

 This will be the first mission that takes place in the Ruins, also known as
 the TMD's Sacred Place. There's a host of new traps here, some of which are
 extremely cool. The pitfall in the "fireplace room" has a great setup for the
 buzzsaw, and will inflict Oil on whoever falls in it as an added bonus. The
 Casket, a.k.a. iron maiden, swings shut to impale whoever falls in; also can
 be combo'd with a buzzsaw. The final one is the false roof, which triggers
 whenever someone walks on the 3x3 room's center tile. Obviously don't be in
 there when the hammer falls!

 Gilbaless and Ballantine will both appear in the ruins' entrance, although
 Ballantine has his orders to stay put; Millennia starts in the NWmost room
 near the magic loon. Gilbaless is a mandatory kill and follows the same
 immunities other armored characters have: good against beartraps, arrows, and
 sometimes bombs (but not the buzzsaw!). After awhile, whether Gilbaless has
 been killed or not, Ballantine will start wandering around. Oroch appears
 only after someone has died, and in a random room (usually SW or NE room).

17) Call of Blood -or- Red Blood Oath                                    [WK17]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Balborn     | Bomber   |  70 |  15  |  21  |  18 |  38 |  10 |    No.   |
  | Geist       | Psycho   | 120 |  24  |  --  |  08 |  58 |  55 |    No.   |
  | Bortos      | Crusher  | 170 |  54  |  --  |  15 |  30 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Carmine     | Hunter   | 100 |  24  |  15  |  20 |  52 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Keith       | Slasher  | 150 |  54  |  45  |  28 |  55 |  85 | -------- |
  | Leopold     | Soldier  | 140 |  30  |  --  |  22 |  45 |  35 | -------- |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | ---------------------------- | Chapter 18: "Timenoid Shadows"           |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Bortos + Balborn -> Geist -> Carmine -> Keith + Leopold

 The mission name will change depending on if the Chapter 16 search party was
 killed in full or part, but the enemy lineup will remain the same. Read the
 "ending info" section below for some forewarning info. Balborn and Bortos'll
 appear in the south-central and NE rooms, respectively, and both are gunning
 for the grail in the NWmost room. If any of them takes it, they'll try to
 escape with it. Should they do so, the mission ends automatically.

 Geist appears third and Carmine last, both starting in the SW room. They too
 will try to nab the grail and escape, which means that the central room on
 the map will probably be the main battleground for the ruins. I prefer to
 use the ol' Buzzsaw -> Volt Wall combo for hilarity, myself. Should everyone
 have been killed, Keith and Leopold appear by the ruins entrance; when our
 trapmaster enters their room, they leave after a scene.

 Killing everyone in this chapter will put Millennia on the path to getting
 the 1st and 2nd endings, which themselves depend on how she acts in a future
 chapter (#21). Letting someone escape with the grail will put Millennia on
 the path to getting the 3rd and 4th endings, which depend on the pivotal 24th
 chapter. Note that there is no "bad" ending per se, and each unlocks a unique
 trap on a clear game save, so a player will want to go through all four.

18) Timenoid Shadows                                                    [WK18]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Sigma       | Zealot   |  80 |  45  |  24  |  12 |  42 |  70 |   Yes.   |
  | Ramda       | Guard    |  90 |  30  |  18  |  12 |  48 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Mist        | Shadow   |  70 |  27  |  --  |  08 |  60 |  60 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 19: "The Indelible Mark"         |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found  | Chapter 19: "Final Gamble"               |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Ramda -> Sigma + Mist

 Although we've encountered one of these types before, that doesn't mean they
 are anything to fool around with. In fact, when I first played, this was one
 of the few missions I actually ended up losing! The main reason is that the
 guards projectile attacks has this weird anti-gravity effect that launches
 Millennia far away and has slow recover time; that just lets them beat on
 her without remorse. Remember that these floating TMD replicas are immune to
 magnetic attacks, so things like the Vacuum Floor will have no effect! Sigma
 appears with a surprise character -- Mist the Assassin -- as his aide, which
 can make their appearance from the west a nuisance. Having extra chambers
 boobytrapped will make things easier. Just remember that these foes can also
 teleport after being attacked, so they may show up being Millennia and try
 to wail on her! Argh!

 Mist can actually be an optional kill here. This occurs if Sigma is murdered
 before she is, and Millennia runs away. The mission will just end with Mist
 ruing to kill the "evil witch" at some point. This

19) The Indelible Mark -or- Final Gamble                                 [WK19]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Shya        | Fighter  | 110 |  24  |  --  |  12 |  48 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Geizer      | Shogun   | 140 |  90  |  --  |  38 |  25 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Inferno     |Pyromaniac| 130 |  45  |  24  |  12 |  35 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Keith       | Slasher  | 150 |  54  |  45  |  28 |  55 |  85 |   Yes.   |
  | Bossgun     | Bomber   |  80 |  15  |  24  |  18 |  38 |  20 |    No.   |
  | Gina        | Archer   | 100 |  09  |  12  |  10 |  48 |  50 |    No.   |
  | Gordeau     | Enscaver | 150 |  21  |  --  |  15 |  42 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | Spartus     | Sentinel | 200 |  54  |  --  |  22 |  20 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 20: "Replicas Destroyed"         |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found? | Chapter 20: "Master's Strings"           |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Shya + Inferno -> Geizer -> Keith
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Gordeau + Spartus -> Gina -> Bossgun

 If Millennia killed all the Red Bloods in Chapter 17, she'll fight the 4-man
 party with Keith in it; if she let someone discover the grail and escape,
 she'll fight the other party.

 Either way, Inferno and Shya will start in the south-central and NE rooms,
 respectively, while Millennia starts in the center. Both will take the east
 route to get to the center, which means little walking! Geizer appears in
 the SE room, and takes the west route to the center. The Shogun class is a
 remarkable one, being immune to explosions, rocks, walls, beartraps, and
 arrows! Notice that there aren't any buzzsaws in that equation, hint hint.
 His ATK is 90, so obviously stay away from him -- his lunging attack is like
 a knight's but quicker and more hard-hitting. Seriously, he'll hurt you. The
 hunt is easier once Inferno and Geizer meet, since the makings of a pincer
 trap are setup easily. Keith will appear lastly and there's no getting around
 killing him. He'll appear by the entrance to start, and is akin to a knight
 in attack, plus has better stats than knights and soldiers. Watch out for his
 long-range sword slash!

 For the other group, it's much simpler. Gordeau and Spartus appear first and
 as we've seen, Enscavers are slow and easy pickins, while damaging them will
 make their slaves rush to their aid, which is good for area-attack finales.
 Gina and Bossgun will appear lastly, and aren't much of a problem if there're
 already traps setup around the map. Gina will run to the NE room exit if she
 doesn't encounter Millennia on the way, and Bossgun will as well. Both can
 leave the map if left alone.

20) Replicas Destroyed -or- Master's Strings                             [WK19]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Vogues      | Leader   |  90 |  18  |  15  |  05 |  30 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Gadoha      | Drone    | 110 |  24  |  54  |  35 |  25 |  10 |   Yes.   |
  | Gordis      | Puppet   | 120 |  24  |  54  |  35 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: grail was found      | Chapter 21: "Road to Ruin"               |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 21: "2 Wrongs = 1 Right"         | 

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Vogues + Gadoha -> Gordis

 The chapter name will differ depending on if the Chapter 17 search party
 was killed in full or part, but the goal here is exactly the same: defeat
 Vogues' creations and prove that Millennia is not expendable. Vogues and
 the creepy Gadoha -- who is immune to beartraps, arrows, gas, & buzzsaws --
 will appear with their prey in the ruins' entrance hall. Vogues, like a big
 ninny he is, will run away from Millennia every chance possible; he _is_ a
 Phantom type after all. When Gadoha dies, Gordis will be summoned. He's alike
 in basically every way but has a few extra SPD/AGL points; the dude's spawned
 in the SE torture chamber. [The Laser Arrow will pierce their immunity, just
 for reference.]

 Unfortunately, although it looks like Gordis is summoned on Vogues' command,
 even if Vogues is killed while Gadoha is alive, the other drone appears as
 well -- lame!

21) Road to Ruin -or- 2 Wrongs = 1 Right                                 [WK21]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Gilardes    | Shogun   | 150 |  90  |  --  |  38 |  30 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Zodiac      | Magician | 100 |  15  |  90  |  18 |  38 |  80 |   Yes.   |
  | Galdrake    | Pyro     | 130 |  45  |  24  |  12 |  35 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Bloodhorn   | Knight   | 110 |  45  |  --  |  30 |  35 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Vermillion  | Knight   | 120 |  36  |  --  |  30 |  38 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Loongear    | Buddhist | 110 |  15  |  18  |  22 |  42 |  55 |   Yes.   |
  | Priest Dusk | Priest   | 120 |  09  |  36  |  20 |  30 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | King Eclypse| King     | 140 |  150 |  150 |  38 |  42 |  75 |   Yes.   |
  | Bossgun     | Bomber   |  80 |  15  |  24  |  18 |  38 |  20 |    No.   |
  | Gina        | Archer   | 100 |  09  |  12  |  10 |  48 |  50 |    No.   |
  | Gordeau     | Enscaver | 150 |  21  |  --  |  15 |  42 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | Spartus     | Sentinel | 200 |  54  |  --  |  22 |  20 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 22: "Ancestors Shadows"          |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found  | Chapter 22: "Bloody Hands"               |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Galdrake + Bloodhorn -> Loongear -> Vermillion ->
                          Gilardes -> Priest Dusk -> King Eclypse

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Gordeau + Spartus -> Gina -> Bossgun

 In the largest group, it starts off with the Galdrake/Bloodhorn duo in the
 foyer and Millennia in the fountain room. Third is Loongear, the TMD family
 healer. He can heal himself and allies, so neutralize him quick. Zodiac is
 the fourth invitee, and like those before him, he's great at controlling and
 using annoying thunder attacks; he starts in the fountainroom. Gilardes is
 next and begins in the hook room. Make sure Loongear is dead by this time for
 an easier...uh, time. Vermillion will come from the fountainroom to assist if
 Gilardes is still around. Priest Dusk is the penultimate entry, and isn't a
 big threat: although he can self-heal and use magic projectiles, he's kind of
 a wuss. Luckily, King Eclypse only appears when everyone else is dead. Check
 his stats -- they're through the roof! 150 ATK at both ranges. Obviously the
 magic loon should be used on him, with big-name combos being used to ciphon
 his health. For reference, he'll start in the fountainroom.

 The smaller group is actually a group that could have been fought back in
 Chapter 19, supposing Millennia let any Red Blood member leave after finding
 the grail. Gordeau and Spartus appear together in the entrance, and as we've
 seen, Sentinels will rush to their masters when damaged -- this has numerous
 area-effect damage opportunities. They'll both stay put until Millennia comes
 into their sights, however, so have something ready from the torture room's
 starting point. [Use the Iron Maiden for massive cool points!] Gina appears
 third in the NW corner. Gina will hide by the NE exit if she doesn't come in
 contact with Millennia, and once Bossgun appears, he'll make a beeline for
 that position too. Both can leave the map if left completely alone.

22) Ancestors' Shadows -or- Bloody Hands                                 [WK22]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Lombard     | Knight   | 150 |  45  |  --  |  30 |  38 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Angela      | Shadow   |  70 |  30  |  --  |  08 |  62 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Oboro       | Ninja    |  60 |  18  |  06  |  08 |  65 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Izayoi      | Ninja    |  60 |  15  |  06  |  08 |  65 |  70 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 23: "Unquenched Thirst"          |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found  | Chapter 23: "Scarred Memories"           |
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (1): Oboro + Izayoi -> Angela + Lombard
 ORDER OF APPEARANCE (2): Lombard + Angela -> Oboro

 If everyone was killed in Chapter 17, then this will be a 4-man battle; if
 the grail secret was discovered then, it'll be a 3-man battle minus Izayoi. 
 Oboro and Izayoi's annoying teleportation antics should now be very familiar,
 and they'll appear near Millennia's starting position (fireplace room), at
 the SW boulder chamber. There won't be enough time to set traps to get them,
 so one might have to escape to the central room and plot their deaths there.
 When the brothers are dead, the other two appear in the same place the ninja
 did, Angela of course hiding in Lombard's shadow when they appear. Damage him
 to draw her out.

23) Scarred Memories -or- Unquenched Thirst                              [WK23]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Shya        | Fighter  | 110 |  24  |  --  |  12 |  48 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Geizer      | Shogun   | 140 |  90  |  --  |  38 |  25 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Inferno     |Pyromaniac| 130 |  45  |  24  |  12 |  35 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Leopold     | Soldier  | 140 |  30  |  --  |  22 |  45 |  35 |   Yes.   |
  | Izayoi      | Ninja    |  60 |  15  |  06  |  08 |  65 |  70 |   Yes.   |
  | Valvolt     | Magician |  90 |  15  |  90  |  18 |  35 |  75 |   Yes.   |
  | Maage       | Brute    | 120 |  30  |  15  |  08 |  62 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Bashburn    | Crusher  | 200 |  54  |  --  |  12 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Berdick     | Knight   | 120 |  36  |  --  |  30 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Velvet      | Voodoo   |  90 |  18  |  18  |  08 |  38 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Roshwald    | Buddhist |  90 |  15  |  30  |  22 |  38 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Ch. 17: everyone killed      | Chapter 24: "Broken Bonds"               |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found  | Chapter 24: "Shared Wounds"              |

 APPEARANCE ORDER (1): Leopold/Shya > Inferno > Izayoi > Geizer
 APPEARANCE ORDER (2): Valvolt/Maage > Bashburn > Berkick > Velvet > Roshwald

 The 5-man group is fought if the grail was discovered in Chapter 17, a 6-man
 if everyone then was slaughtered. This may be the first time a Magician has
 been fought, and they're incredibly powerful at long-range magic. Valvolt's
 able to control thunder and can send a powerful zap from above no matter
 where Millennia is in the room. His HP isn't too bad but he should always be
 a priority. Since he floats, gimme traps like an oil slick won't work on 'im.
 Valvolt appears with Maage in the NE room, a little ways from Millennia's
 position in the central chamber. Bashburn appears 3rd and Berdick 4th, both
 beginning in the NE room as well. Velvet and Roshwald will both show up in
 the SW or NE corridor. These final two characters will head straight for the
 "grail room" in the NW corner if Millennia is too far away. Remember that
 Bossgun set a bomb there, so they'll destroy everything if they touch the
 icon! [Roshwald, if low on health, will futilely try to flee and get to the
 altar. Tee-hee!]

 As for the 5-man group, it's relatively simple -- a mishmash of enemies who
 might have been seen before. Leopold and Shya are generic fighters with no
 tricks up their sleeves, but Inferno is immune to fire attacks and can do a
 bit o' damage if Millennia can't evade his flames. Izayoi is the ninja who
 could've fought in the previous chapter (given other circumstances), and can
 teleport to where his target is. Make sure to have a trap waiting for him!
 The final geezer, Geizer, is a shogun with a heapin' helping of immunities to
 normal traps and a gigantic leaping slash that'll knock Millennia's block off.
 Luckily, there's a way around Geizer's immunities -- if he's in distress, such
 as during a status change, he can't concentrate. [This doesn't work for all
 traps, however.] I use the Smash Floor -> Volt Wall trick, myself.

24) Broken Bonds -or- Shared Wounds                                      [WK24]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Omega       | Zealot   |  90 |  45  |  30  |  15 |  42 |  75 |   Yes.   |
  | Zevergine   | Chemist  | 100 |  12  |  18  |  18 |  48 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Warken      | Psycho   | 130 |  27  |  --  |  10 |  58 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Claudia     | Archer   | 120 |  12  |  18  |  12 |  48 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Keith       | Slasher  | 150 |  54  |  45  |  28 |  55 |  85 |    No.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | NEXT CHAPTER PLAYED...                   |
  | Since Ch. 16, everyone dead  | Chapter 25: "Torn Thoughts"              |
  | Ch. 17: the grail was found, | Chapter 25: "Anguish"                    |
  | and Keith killed in Ch. 24   |                                          |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Warken + Claudia -> Zevergine -> Omega -> Keith

 If Millennia killed everyone in the ruins during Chapter 17, Keith will not
 be present here (for obvious reasons); if she let the secret escape, he'll
 appear as a...err, fifth wheel. But, before that, Warken and Claudia will be
 the first up-and-comers to get a beatdown -- they start in the entrance hall
 while their target, the SW corridor. Zevergine makes his debut in the NE room
 and is only interested in finding the grail, which plays off his cowardly
 personality. Fourth and sometimes last, Omega starts in the grail room and'll
 work his way toward Millennia's position. Since he's a TMD clone and floats,
 as usual, he's immune to some floor (quake bomb, oil slick, etc.) & magnetic

 If you let the grail be discovered in Chapter 17, Keith shows up as the last
 combatant. Millennia can kill him like normal, but by letting him wail on her
 endlessly, when she's in low health, he will offer a chance for her to leave
 with him. Agreeing to will change what mission is played in the 26th chapter,
 as well as giving a different ending than if Keith had perished.

25) Anguish -or- Torn Thoughts                                          [WK25]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Desfard     | Shogun   | 140 |  90  |  --  |  38 |  30 |  30 |   Yes.   |
  | Killrain    | Knight   | 130 |  36  |  --  |  30 |  38 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Valmer      | Knight   | 100 |  45  |  --  |  30 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Killord     | Knight   | 120 |  36  |  --  |  28 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Yocal       | Shinto   | 100 |  24  |  54  |  08 |  48 |  85 |   Yes.   |
  | PATH-BRANCH EFFECT           | FINAL CHAPTER PLAYED...                  |
  | All intruders killed so far  | Chapter 26: "Deliverance"                |
  | Anyone has escaped, ever     | Chapter 26: "Eve of Destruction"         |
  | Ch. 17: grail was found; and | Chapter 26: "Outcasts"                   |
  | in Ch. 24, agreed to leave   |                                          |
  | with Keith                   |                                          |

 ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Killrain + Valmer -> Killord -> Desfard -> Yocal

 No matter previous decisions, the enemy lineup here will be the same -- and
 it's a doozie, with an entire army platoon gunning for the "devil in a human
 body". All of the armored enemies have lunging attacks, remember, so adjust
 trap calculations accordingly. Killrain and Valmer start the match by having
 cornered Millennia in the central room, and they'll both come down either
 staircase. To further add pressure on the health bonus, Killord spawns in
 the west hallway inbound to the central room; Desfard, the fireplace room.
 When everyone is dead, Yocal appears in the entrance. Like a Magician, she
 can summon bolts of lightning to hit Millennia wherever she is in the room
 (and sometimes the adjoining passageways). Her bolt summons can come fast,
 but her defense is shabby. Unfortunately, there's not even a bittersweet
 scene if Millennia dies here -- no compunction, yo.

26) Deliverance -or- Eve of Destruction -or- Outcasts                    [WK26]
   _____________ __________ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ __________
  | ENEMY       | TYPE     | HP? | ATKS | ATKL | DEF | SPD | AGL | MNDTORY? |
  | Gilardes    | Shogun   | 150 |  90  |  --  |  38 |  30 |  25 |   Yes.   |
  | Zodiac      | Magician | 100 |  15  |  90  |  18 |  38 |  80 |   Yes.   |
  | Galdrake    | Pyro     | 130 |  45  |  24  |  12 |  35 |  50 |   Yes.   |
  | Bloodhorn   | Knight   | 110 |  45  |  --  |  30 |  35 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Vermillion  | Knight   | 120 |  36  |  --  |  30 |  38 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Loongear    | Buddhist | 110 |  15  |  18  |  22 |  42 |  55 |   Yes.   |
  | Priest Dusk | Priest   | 120 |  09  |  36  |  20 |  30 |  40 |   Yes.   |
  | King Eclypse| King     | 140 |  150 |  150 |  38 |  42 |  75 |   Yes.   |
  | Valvolt     | Magician |  90 |  15  |  90  |  18 |  35 |  75 |   Yes.   |
  | Maage       | Brute    | 120 |  30  |  15  |  08 |  62 |  60 |   Yes.   |
  | Bashburn    | Crusher  | 200 |  54  |  --  |  12 |  30 |  20 |   Yes.   |
  | Berdick     | Knight   | 120 |  36  |  --  |  30 |  30 |  -- |   Yes.   |
  | Velvet      | Voodoo   |  90 |  18  |  18  |  08 |  38 |  65 |   Yes.   |
  | Roshwald    | Buddhist |  90 |  15  |  30  |  22 |  38 |  50 |   Yes.   |

 APPEARANCE ORDER (1): Galdrake + Bloodhorn > Loongear > Zodiac > Gilardes >
                       Vermillion > Priest Dusk > King Eclypse

 APPEARANCE ORDER (2): Valvolt/Maage > Bashburn > Berdick > Velvet > Roshwald

 Home sweet home! This mission will take place at "Castle in the Forest," the
 very first map we used to kill nasty humans. If Millennia did not agree to
 escape with Keith in Chapter 24, she'll fight the 8-man crew; if she did,
 she'll fight the six-man crew in the "Outcasts" chapter. It's worth saying
 ahead of time that there's only one magic loon here, so try to keep health
 as high as possible until the final enemy appears!!

 In the largest group, it starts off with the Galdrake/Bloodhorn duo in the
 foyer and Millennia in the fountain room. Third is Loongear, the TMD family
 healer. He can heal himself and allies, so neutralize him quick. Zodiac is
 the fourth invitee, and like those before him, he's great at controlling and
 using annoying thunder attacks; he starts in the fountainroom. Gilardes is
 next and begins in the hook room. Make sure Loongear is dead by this time for
 an easier...uh, time. Vermillion will come from the fountainroom to assist if
 Gilardes is still around. Priest Dusk is the penultimate entry, and isn't a
 big threat: although he can self-heal and use magic projectiles, he's kind of
 a wuss. Luckily, King Eclypse only appears when everyone else is dead. Check
 his stats -- they're through the roof! 150 ATK at both ranges. Obviously the
 magic loon should be used on him, with big-name combos being used to ciphon
 his health...he can self-heal also, as Timenoids are wont to do. He's immune
 to bombs, remember!
 Valvolt appears with Maage in the NE room, a little ways from Millennia's
 position in the central chamber. Bashburn appears 3rd and Berdick 4th, both
 beginning in the NE room as well. Velvet and Roshwald will both show up in
 the SW or NE corridor. These final two characters will head straight for the
 "grail room" in the NW corner if Millennia is too far away. Remember that
 Bossgun set a bomb there, so they'll destroy everything if they touch the
 icon! [Roshwald, if low on health, will futilely try to flee and get to the
 altar. Tee-hee!]

 � If Millennia killed everyone in the game, this unlocks its own ending and
   two unique (unblockable) traps: the Evil Upper and Evil Stomp.

 � If the grail was found in Chapter 17 and Millennia agreed to accompany
   Keith during Chapter 24, that unlocks its own ending and special trap:
   the Ardebaran Mask (a vase)

 � If the grail was found in Chapter 17 and Millennia killed Keith in Chapter
   24, that unlocks its own ending and trap: the awesome Magic Sac.

 � If Millennia killed everyone in Chapter 17 and spared someone else in the
   game (such as a Villager, etc.), this is the ending that will be received.
   The unlocked trap is the Evil Kick which is unblockable!
          _________          _______    _______  _        ______   _
          \__   __/|\     /|(  ____ \  (  ____ \( (    /|(  __  \ ( )
             ) (   | )   ( || (    \/  | (    \/|  \  ( || (  \  )| |
             | |   | (___) || (__      | (__    |   \ | || |   ) || |
             | |   |  ___  ||  __)     |  __)   | (\ \) || |   | || |
             | |   | (   ) || (        | (      | | \   || |   ) |(_)
             | |   | )   ( || (____/\  | (____/\| )  \  || (__/  ) _ 
             )_(   |/     \|(_______/  (_______/|/    )_)(______/ (_)

 After the credits, Millennia can overwrite her current save to make a "Clear
 Data" file. By loading this at the main menu, she can replay the entire game
 anew but start with whatever trap(s) she had acquired so far. Should all of
 the endings have been viewed, this will unlock the "Suezo" falling hazard,
 which is really one of the characters/mascots from the Monster Rancher
 series.                                              _______________________
_____________________________________________________/ IV. APPENDICES [APND] |_
ENEMY TYPES                                                              [ENMY]
 There are tons of enemies in the game, but they can be categorized based off
 of what type they are. By viewing the 'Enemy Data' tab, Millennia can get a
 few hints on their personality or, maybe, what their immunities are. A note
 about immunities, though: some of them are always in effect, such as armored
 characters breaking beartraps, while others, such as Crushers catching rocks
 from the ceiling, apply only when they're in a healthy state! I separate the
 two into categories, calling the latter "general immunities" to specify the
 health factor.
  __________ ________________________________________________________________
 | FOE TYPE | BEHAVIOR, CHARACTERISTICS, ETC.                                |
 | Archer   | These females are quicker than soldiers and have weak close- & |
 |          | long-range attacks, but no other special characteristics. They |
 |          | have low HP and DEF.                                           |
 | Assassin | Deadly and sexy, these chicks are equipped with claw knuckles  |
 |          | and can sometimes inflict statuses with their attacks. Like a  |
 |          | ninja, they have the power of local teleporting, although it's |
 |          | more akin to Phantoms' power than ninja. HP is ridiculously    |
 |          | low but they make up for it with their extreme dexterity.      |
 | Bomber   | These guys look like members of a hazmat squad and will attack |
 |          | by rolling explosive cannisters at Millennia, trying to catch  |
 |          | her in the blast. The explosions may or may not be tinged with |
 |          | some agent that inflicts side effects. Immune to gas attacks,  |
 |          | and generally immune to bombs.                                 |
 | Brute    | These Amazon queens typically excel at HP and (brute) strength |
 |          | and can throw dual hatchets at the target (straight line, and  |
 |          | sidestep-evadible). Their agility ain't bad either.            |
 | Buddhist | These masked mages are good at recovering stamina, both ally & |
 |          | self. They're also curiously immune to some gas attacks. HP is |
 |          | typically their best stat, although they can attack from long- |
 |          | and close-range.                                               |
 | Chemist  | Chemists have a cool hat, but they're really not that great at |
 |          | battling -- that must be why they have a self-healing ability. |
 |          | But, true to their name, they can attack both near/far, and    |
 |          | their projectiles sometimes have status effects. HP/AGL's OK.  |
 | Crusher  | This muscleman carries a hammer that's dangerous close-up and  |
 |          | can also shake the ground, which stuns Millennia for a second. |
 |          | In addition, his general immunity is rocks and wall types.     |
 | Drone    | This TMD clone has no floating powers like a guard but has a   |
 |          | better stat balance, except its horrible AGL and non-floating  |
 |          | movement. It's immune to gas traps and beartraps, and mostly   |
 |          | immune to arrows.                                              |
 | Enscaver | These goofballs don't have any redeeming qualities to speak of |
 |          | (besides HP), but will appear with their powerhouse Sentinel   |
 |          | slaves who're much more capable. If damaged, the slaves will   |
 |          | rush to the Enscaver's aid, which sets up area-effect chances. |
 | Fighter  | These quick femmes have high AGL and SPD, as well as the power |
 |          | to fight well up-close with roundhouse kicks; also, they can   |
 |          | flip over Millennia to attack her exposed backside. Due to the |
 |          | high dexterity, they can also dodge boulder traps if they see  |
 |          | 'em in time.                                                   |
 | Guard    | These TMD clones float above the air and can warp magnetic     |
 |          | fields, which makes them immune to magnets and things like the |
 |          | Vacuum Floor (but not beartrap types). They generally have ATK |
 |          | HP, and AGL above par and can shoot projectiles that inflict   |
 |          | status effects. Also notable, they can warp themselves when in |
 |          | danger (like Phantoms) so always watch your back...literally!  |
 | King     | The King is the best enemy in the game, having 150 ATK in all  |
 |          | ranges, high HP, and decent stats everywhere else. To top it   |
 |          | off, he can constantly self-heal like most Timenoids. Use big  |
 |          | combos to rip him to shreds! Has an immunity to bombs/buzzsaws |
 | Knight   | With an armored physique, knights are better than soldiers in  |
 |          | all categories except speed. Beartraps have little effect on   |
 |          | them, and they have the power to break some traps if they're   |
 |          | hit with one, such as the volt chair (they break for the rest  |
 |          | of the mission). Also, some types are immune/resistant to li'l |
 |          | bombs and arrows. They preface slashes by lunging forward!     |
 | Hunter   | Another quick female attacker with SPD/AGL, this chick throws  |
 |          | a boomerang at mid-range and can attack at close-range. She's  |
 |          | capable of dodging boulder traps if given the chance and can   |
 |          | destroy some others, such as the volt chair, if attacked by it |
 | Leader   | Basically the same as a Phantom, but a bigger coward. Loser!   |
 | Magician | These mages are heavily skilled in the long-range department,  |
 |          | and in fact don't shoot projectiles -- they can summon bolts   |
 |          | of lightning to strike Millennia (above) anywhere in the room. |
 |          | Naturally they have a lightning immunity, and because they're  |
 |          | floating, some traps (like oil) are naturally evaded. Also,    |
 |          | the lightning strikes can hit Millennia if she's 1 room away!  |
 | Ninja    | Probably the most annoying enemy type in the game, ninja don't |
 |          | follow the normal conventions the others do. They can vanish   |
 |          | from radar and suddenly appear in Millennia's room, attack and |
 |          | temporarily blind with their kunai, and evade spring-floor and |
 |          | "flash" traps (as well as boulders if they can). Truly one of  |
 |          | the more worthy opponents as they fight doggedly.              |
 | Nobleman | These bourgeois boys carry swords but have little fighting     |
 |          | skill and no evasion abilities. Like thieves, they'll usually  |
 |          | run if they see Millennia, cower in fear like lame ducks, or   |
 |          | make a beeline to the map exit. They only excel in HP growth.  |
 | Phantom  | These creepy, pale-faced enemies specialize in throwing tarot  |
 |          | cards (straight line) that may give off a certain effect, and  |
 |          | will often have cowardly tendencies (fleeing, cowering, etc.)  |
 |          | They don't really excel at anything; often used as bait. They  |
 |          | can warp themselves locally, however, if they get in a bind,   |
 |          | usually a room or two away.                                    |
 | Priest   | Reserved for one character in the game, the Priest can use     |
 |          | magic projectiles and self-heal as well. Their HP is higher    |
 |          | than normal mages, but he's kind of a coward at heart.         |
 | Psycho   | These bizarre looking half-wits are equipped with "Wolverine"  |
 |          | claws and no armor, which should tell about their priorities   |
 |          | in battle. Like fighters and knights, they have an attack that |
 |          | involves jumping/lunging at Millennia.                         |
 | Puppet   | Same as a Drone except has more SPD/AGL. See: Drone for info   |
 |Pyromaniac| These robed men are skilled against fire and with it, blowing  |
 |          | fiery streams (1-3) at Millennia when she's near. Their ATK,   |
 |          | HP, an AGL are decent but have weak offense and lower speed. A |
 |          | bomb immunity goes along with the fire immunity, too.          |
 | Sentinel | These creatures always appear as servants to Enslavers, and'll |
 |          | boast really high HP and ATK. Due to their brawny nature, they |
 |          | are immune to walls/beartraps. One unique trait they have is   |
 |          | they will rush to their master's side and wait there if he's   |
 |          | been attacked. They have a flying kick that's really amazing.  |
 |          | If their master dies first, their AI kind of gets indecisive.  |
 | Shadow   | Same as Assassin but with better stats, and can hide "in" ally |
 |          | shadows, leaping out to attack at will. See: Assassin for more |
 |          | info.                                                          |
 | Shinto   | This is Yocal's class. It's well-rounded except for DEF. Like  |
 |          | Magicians, she can summon bolts of lightning to hit Millennia  |
 |          | wherever she is in the room, and sometimes adjoining passages  |
 |          | as well. Her bolts are fast, and she can self-heal -- sexy!    |
 | Shogun   | A heavily-armored, sword-wielding class, the shogun is really  |
 |          | more agile than he looks, and has a huge leaping attack that's |
 |          | liable to take Millennia by surprise. In addition to that, the |
 |          | shogun boasts a host of immunities (some general): explosions, |
 |          | falling rocks, walls, beartraps, and arrows. I've had buzzsaws |
 |          | bounce off its back before, too. HP is great, ATK is INSANE!   |
 | Slasher  | Reserved for only one swordsman in the game, this class has a  |
 |          | great balance to it, not to mention they have a long-range     |
 |          | attack (air wave from sword). They can also teleport locally   |
 |          | but not in the same league as a ninja.                         |
 | Soldier  | A sword-wielder who specializes in up-close slashing. Unlike a |
 |          | Knight type, he doesn't preface his attack with a lunge; this  |
 |          | makes running away easier. His HP is decent and ATK is 20+.    |
 | Thief    | Like a soldier but with less ATK and higher dexterity, and a   |
 |          | cowardly personality (usually) that means they run away from a |
 |          | direct battle and must be lured into rooms with traps already  |
 |          | in 'em. Like ninja, thieves can also vanish off the minimap... |
 |          | but this is due to them hiding in one spot like wusses. They   |
 |          | have a general immunity to floor traps (Rising Floor, etc.)    |
 | Villager | A weakling 'enemy' who usually doesn't want to put up a fight, |
 |          | which isn't surprising since they have no weapon. Stats're low |
 |          | and unit will typically flee or cower in a corner. Only attack |
 |          | is pushing Millennia away if she's too close.                  |
 | Voodoo   | These female mages are usually weak HP- and DEF-wise, but can  |
 |          | use projectile magic (sometimes causing status changes) or may |
 |          | self-heal. They're typically not a threat...                   |
 | Warlock  | These sorcerors can attack and use projectile magic, but the   |
 |          | latter is seen more (can inflict Slow). Their wounds heal over |
 |          | time, which is either bad or good for someone who wants ark.   |
 |          | Also worth noting is their magic has a great homing function!  |
 | Zealot   | Better stats than a Guard. See: Guard for synopsis             |

TRAP OVERVIEW                                                            [TRPO]

 � Millennia is not immune to any traps whatsoever! Watch your step!
 � Only 1 trap type (wall, ceiling, floor) can be set per room at a time
 � Wall traps cannot start on doors
 � Floor and ceiling traps cannot be set on the same (exact) tile
 � Floor and ceiling traps cannot be set on a default trap's exact tile(s)

 � TRAP NAME -------> Name of the trap
 � DMG -------------> Typical damage for trap
 � R ---------------> Range of trap (see note below)
 � K ---------------> Knockback effect (! = until an obstacle is hit)
 � CH --------------> Charge (re/load) time
 � COST ------------> Currency (ark) needed to buy trap
 � CREATION METHOD -> Combination/purchase needed to become available

 About ranges. A number (#) stands for push or the blast radius, "R" for
 rolling (drops into place unless on a decline); "A" for arrows, which'll
 go straight ahead and over dropoffs; "B" for bombs/buzzsaws, which fly
 in their targeted path and drop altitude when encountering stairways and
 such. Keep in mind that gas type attacks' range is actually squared, so "3"
 translates to a 3x3 square.

 ### NOTE: The player can check this info in-game at the 'Trap Data' tab ###
 ________________ _____ ___ ___ ____ ______ _________________________________
| TRAP NAME      | DMG | R | K | CH | COST | CREATION METHOD                 |
| Mega Rock      |  70 | R | - | 09 | ---- | Default                         |
| Slow Gas       | --- | 3 | - | 05 | ---- | Default                         |
| Spike Rock     |  75 | R | - | 09 | 1800 | Mega Rock                       |
| Confuse Gas    | --- | 3 | - | 06 |  600 | Slow Gas                        |
| Vase           | --- | 1 | - | 02 |  400 | Slow Gas                        |
| Iron Ball      |  80 | R | 2 | 10 | 3600 | Spike Rock + Basin              |
| Flare Rock     |  90 | R | - | 10 | 6300 | Iron Ball + Heat Breath         |
| Evil Breath    | --- | 3 | - | 04 | 1200 | Confuse Gas                     |
| Berserk Gas    | --- | 3 | - | 04 | 1700 | Evil Breath                     |
| Heat Breath    |  01 | 3 | - | 05 | 4000 | Berserk Gas + Lava Vase         |
| Volt Rock      | 100 | R | - | 11 | 7000 | Judgement + Iron Ball           |
| Oil Vase       | --- | 1 | - | 02 | 1400 | Vase                            |
| Lava Vase      |  55 | 1 | - | 03 | 2400 | Oil Vase                        |
| Basin          |  10 | 1 | - | 02 |  600 | Vase                            |
| Vat            |  20 | 1 | - | 02 |  600 | Basin                           |
| Aldebaran      |  70 | 1 | - | 02 | 3500 | Save after Ending #3            |
| Evil Stomp     |  50 | 1 | - | 04 | 5000 | Save after Ending #1            |
| Press Wall     |  05 | 2 | 2 | 04 | ---- | Default                         |
| Arrow Slit     |  35 | A | - | 03 | ---- | Default                         |
| Attack Wall    |  10 | 4 | 4 | 06 | 1200 | Press Wall                      |
| Fire Arrow     |  40 | A | - | 04 | 1000 | Arrow Slit                      |
| Magnet         | --- | 2 | - | 08 |  900 | Press Wall                      |
| Evil Kick      |  30 | ? | ! | 06 | 5000 | Save after Ending #4            |
| Rolling Bomb   |  70 | B | 3 | 06 | 2200 | Fire Arrow                      |
| Chain Needle   |  23 | A | - | 07 | 3800 | Triple Arrow                    |
| Fire Ball      |  65 | B | ! | 05 | 4000 | Rolling Bomb + Blast Bomb       |
| Cold Arrow     |  32 | A | - | 04 | 4000 | Triple Arrow + Cold Claw        |
| Buzz Saw       |  45 | B | ! | 07 | 4600 | Spike Wall + Chain Needle       |
| Laser Arrow    |  85 | A | - | 08 | 4800 | Buzz Saw + Cold Arrow           |
| Spike Wall     |  35 | 3 | 3 | 05 | 2400 | Attack Wall + Spike Rock        |
| Power Magnet   | --- | 5 | - | 10 | 2400 | Magnet                          |
| Volt Magnet    |  50 | 4 | - | 10 | 3800 | Power Magnet + Thunder Volt     |
| Triple Arrow   |  26 | A | - | 05 | 2600 | Fire Arrow                      |
| Small Bomb     |  35 | 2 | 2 | 03 | ---- | Default                         |
| Bear Trap      |  15 | 1 | - | 04 | ---- | Default                         |
| Land Mine      |  40 | 2 | 2 | 05 | 1200 | Small Bomb                      |
| Flash Bomb     | --- | 1 | - | 04 |  800 | Small Bomb                      |
| Heavy Claw     |  25 | 1 | - | 05 | 1000 | Bear Trap                       |
| Catastrophe    | --- | - | - | 08 | 4300 | Quake Bomb + Smash Floor        |
| Hell Fire      |  85 | 1 | 5 | 11 | 4800 | Fire Ball + Catastrophe         |
| Blast Bomb     |  50 | 1 | 3 | 07 | 2400 | Flash Bomb + Land Mine          |
| Quake Bomb     | --- | 3 | - | 05 | 3400 | Blast Bomb + Spring Floor       |
| Cold Claw      |  25 | 1 | - | 05 | 2000 | Heavy Claw + Confuse Gas        |
| Lift Floor     |  25 | 1 | - | 04 | 1900 | Magnet + Attack Wall            |
| Rising Floor   |  30 | 1 | - | 06 | 3600 | Lift Floor                      |
| Spring Floor   |  15 | 1 | 4 | 06 | 2900 | Land Mine                       |
| Smash Floor    |  25 | 1 | 8 | 06 | 4100 | Spring Floor                    |
| Spark Rod      |  45 | 3 | - | 06 | 1900 | Flash Bomb                      |
| Thunder Volt   |  65 | 3 | - | 07 | 4100 | Spark Rod                       |
| Judgement      |  85 | 3 | - | 09 | 5300 | Volt Magnet + Rising Floor      |
| Magnet Floor   | --- | 1 | - | 09 | 3400 | Power Magnet + Lift Floor       |
| Vacuum Floor   | --- | 5 | - | 12 | 4300 | Magnet Floor                    |
| Evil Upper     |  25 | 1 | 1 | 06 | 5000 | Save after Ending #1            |
| Magic Sac      | --- | 1 | - | 05 | 4000 | Save after Ending #2            |

 Initial traps are those that are the map default, and can neither be removed,
 moved, or count toward the 1-type-per total Millennia does.

 Found: Castle in the Forest, Sacred Place

 Firepits are basically fireplaces that will deal damage to the enemy as long
 as he's in there, and even moreso if s/he is covered in oil. There are many
 methods for knocking someone in there, but the best is generally to use
 Spring Floor types, which will shoot the target into them no matter which
 way they're facing. Explosions are usually too unreliable and wall types'll
 never have enough reach.

 Found: Castle in the Forest

 Pillars can be knocked over with explosions, extendable walls, and falling
 rocks. They usually require good timing to hit someone unless a floor trap
 has already immobilized 'em.

 Found: Castle in the Forest, King's Palace

 These two initial traps are basically identical: they're attached to the
 ceiling and are in perpetual motion, swinging across a set number of tiles.
 Anyone who is hit by them will be sent flying.

 Found: Castle in the Forest, King's Palace

 Powderboxes look like gigantic brown crates that take up one tile of a room.
 Like pillars, they can be triggered with explosions or extendable walls; the
 only difference is powderboxes explode when they connect. The explosion will
 generally hit any unit within two tiles (1 diagonal) of the blast.

 Found: Castle in the Forest, King's Palace

 This mean-looking sawblade is fixed to the floor and found in only one room
 in each map. Millennia will have to think of clever tricks to get enemies
 into touching its blades (luckily all four sides inflict damage!) which
 usually involve extendible walls, spring floors, or -- my personal fave -- the

 Found: Castle in the Forest, King's Palace

 An electric chair with a dangerous charge, enemies who come in contact with
 it are heavily damaged via electrocution. All chairs are found near the foot
 of stairs, making the trap combinations for hitting enemies into it endless.
 This trap breaks if used on an enemy and doesn't deal the coup de gr�ce!

 Found: Castle in the Forest

 Wall spears are akin to retractable spikes, coming out of the wall to damage
 any unit who's within the tile. Leading enemies into them isn't hard, and my
 personal favorite way for "Castle in the Forest" is dropping an oil vase in
 front of the door nearest the trap, and the foe will simply stumble into the
 thing in a daze!

 Found: King's Castle

 There's only one barrel in the game, and it's found in the eastern stairway
 of the second map. As with the oil status effect, fire exacerbates the issue:
 in this case, it explodes the barrel. Naturally, this applies to explosions
 as well. When it detonates, it will catch anyone in a small radius in the
 blast. Be careful around pyromaniacs

 Found: King's Castle, Ruins

 a.k.a retractable spikes. It's essentially the same as the Wall Spear but'll
 shoot vertically when an enemy is near, or even if they aren't. Enemies will
 typically avoid this, although some occasionally walk onto them even if our
 gal Millennia is out of the room. It should be obvious that knocking someone
 on them will damage, but I've actually flung someone (with Spring Floor) over
 the thing and managed to catch them in the automatic extending, which counts
 as a rare Aerial Hit.

 Found: King's Palace, Ruins

 Think a living room fan, except made out of deadly, deadly blades. This trap
 is normally off-limits to everyone, but by using a Lift Floor [etc.] trap to
 bring someone towards the ceiling, it can attack (x4) and deal damage before
 throwing them down to the ground.

 Found: King's Palace, Ruins

 A gigantic blade hangs in a remote part of a passage -- the guillotine! This
 archaic killing device is set to go off whenever someone walks underneath;
 enemies typically avoid so it won't see much play.

 Found: King's Palace, Ruins

 No, not the normal kind -- these are super-large and fixed to the ceiling.
 Dislodging them can only be done by using a Quake Bomb or Catastrophe trap,
 which sets off all traps in the proximity or room, respectively. When they
 fall, they actually don't roll...they're meant to squish whomever was under
 their sights. This disappears from the map after one use.

 Found: Ruins

 Conductors are static traps and do nothing on their own. However, if a trap
 that uses electricity is set off -- such as the Spark Rod -- it automatically
 forms a bond with it so there's a big line of electricity extending between
 the two. It usually won't see much use...

 Found: Ruins

 One of the best traps, the volt wall is an electrified wall trap (duh?) that
 will shock anyone who moves in too close. By using spring floors or the
 buzzsaw, this can see insane amounts of use.

 Found: Ruins

 Located only in the fireplace room of the ruins, this is essentially a giant
 hole that water flows into. Only after someone has fallen in do they realize
 it's not actually water but oil. They climb out in that condition after the
 damage has been sustained, making them sitting ducks.

 Found: Ruins

 In a lonely dead-end room of the ruins is a spiked ceiling that can deal a
 bunch of damage on whoever is unfortunate enough to be underneath. Trigger
 the trap by stepping on the center tile!

 Found: Ruins

 More commonly known as an iron maiden, this spike-laden sarcophagus is just
 waiting for someone to approach it, where the lid slams shut and impales the
 enemy before spitting 'em out again. Although it starts out open, only one
 spiked portion will trigger the trap. This is easiest to do with a buzzsaw.

 Found: Ruins

 It's lava, it continuously burns like a Heat Breath trap, and it's hot. I
 don't think much more has to be said about this, besides that enemies will
 avoid it and the only way to get them in is a spring floor or bomb blast.

 It's easy to understand what a "land mine" does, so there's no point in going
 over the basics for each bomb type. However, there are some traps that are
 more than meets the eye, standing out amongst the rest of the types.

 � OIL VASE: This cheap, simple, quick-recharging weapon may see some of the
   most use in the game, if you're smart. Not only can it be dropped on foes'
   heads to blind them temporarily, but if it misses and hits the floor, it'll
   create an oil slick that does that exact same function! This is most useful
   when put in front of entrances, ensuring that whoever walks in gets slicked
   up. In fact, some traps can be based off this -- like Castle in the Woods'
   fountainroom, where a person can stagger right into a wall spear.

 � ROCK TYPES: It's obvious rock types can be set in motion by being dropped
   down an incline, but did you know that they can be dropped on flat ground
   and be sent rolling by moving wall traps? This can be done even if they're
   in motion and heading to a wall trap (although that requires good timing).
   What's more, it's possible to get a 2-combo by hitting an enemy head-on
   with the rock and wall; just make sure its range is long enough, like a
   Spike/Attack Wall! [Also, the Volt Rock can electrify water if someone's
   in there, and the Iron Ball will bounce of objects before slowly coming to
   a stop.]

 � BUZZ SAW: This wall weapon shoots at the target, and upon hitting it, will
   carry him or her in the direction it was shot, until an obstacle is hit.
   This is insanely useful when trying to harness the initial traps' abilities.
   In addition, the buzzsaw's range doesn't fly straight like an arrow; it'll
   drop in altitude if a stairway or ledge is in its path (no vice versa).

 � LASER ARROW: Normal arrows will hit one target and go no further, but this
   one has two special properties: it pierces defense (electrified!) and can
   travel through targets, hitting anyone who's behind the initial target.
   Unfortunately, it doesn't deal extra damage to anyone standing in water.

ENDINGS                                                                  [NDNG]
 Kagero: Deception II has four endings in all, most of which are dependant on
 choices made in pivotal chapters. Each one will unlock a unique trap that can
 be used on a "Clear Data" (post-credits) save, and can 
 � #1: Kill every enemy in the game, whether they be harmless villagers or a
       heavily armored knight. This does _not_ apply to Yocal in the first
       chapter or Keith/Lombard in Chapter 17, since they are not registered
       enemies or cannot be fought, respectively. This will unlock the Evil
       Stomp and Evil Upper traps when loading a "Clear Data" save.

 � #2: Let someone find the TMD grail in Chapter 17 and escape, and kill Keith
       in Chapter 24 instead of agreeing to meet up later. This will unlock the
       Magic Sac floor trap when loading a "Clear Data" save.

 � #3: Let someone find the TMD grail in Chapter 17 and escape, then agree to
       go with Keith during Chapter 24 (this is done by letting him beat on
       Millennia until her health is near critical, and without her fighting
       back). Continue through the game like normal and eventually encounter
       the ending. This unlocks the Ardebaran vase trap when loading a "Clear
       Data" save.

 � #4: Kill everyone in Chapter 17 to prevent the Red Blood from finding the
       TMD grail, but have let someone escape at some point previously (which
       will avoid the 100-kill ending). This will unlock the Evil Kick trap
       when loading a "Clear Data" save.

 If the player manages to witness all four endings, when loading the "Clear
 Data" save afterwards, there will be final unique trap: the Suezo! Yes, it's
 the cute monster from the Monster Rancher series that is a falling hazard!

V. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS                                               [UPDT]
 11-17-08 ------------------------------+ Started walkthrough
 11-23-08 ------------------------------+ Finished walkthrough

 � The game manual, for the story intro
 � Syonyx for giving this game some attention. When it comes to writing for
   old Playstation games, I feel a close kinship with this great dude. 

 � Does "Countdown to Ruin" really depend on Rain/Gerald's demise?

VI. LEGALITY                                                             [LGLT]
This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (Patrick Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for
profit, and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights
are reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein.
Those who find thos document on sites not listed below should e-mail the
author (Shotgunnova). Thanks for reading, and thanks for respectin' FAQers.

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 �                               E-mail for permissions at:
 �                                shotgunnova[@]gmail.c0m
I'LL MEET YOU AT THE BOTTOM IF Document � Shotgunnova 1997-2008 (and countin'!)
THERE REALLY IS ONE, THEY        Tecmo's Deception namesake � respective owners
ALWAYS TOLD ME WHEN YOU HIT                       E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T
IT YOU'LL KNOW IT                                           Beware of buzzsaws!