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by Shotgunnova

          ___                 _   __            __              __   _____
         /   |  __________   / /_/ /_  ___     / /   ____  ____/ /  |__  /
        / /| | / ___/ ___/  / __/ __ \/ _ \   / /   / __ \/ __  /    /_ < 
       / __  |/ /  / /__   / /_/ / / /  __/  / /___/ /_/ / /_/ /   ___/ / 
      /_/  | /_/   \___/   \__/_/ /_/\___/  /_____/\__,_/\__,_/   /____/
           | |
           | |     FAQ & WALKTHROUGH + LOTS OF OTHER STUFF ^__^
           | |     � 2008 Shotgunnova (P. Summers) / shotgunnova[@]

    I. Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR
   II. Th' Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS

       Characters........................................................ CHRC
       Menus & Options................................................... MNSO
       Stat Overview..................................................... STVW
       Status Effects.................................................... STTS

  III. Walkthrough  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT

       01) Sasha Village................................................. WK01
       02) Tohde Bridge.................................................. WK02
       03) Itio.......................................................... WK03
       04) Trial Cave.................................................... WK04
       05) Renn Port..................................................... WK05
       06) Corelia Pass.................................................. WK06
       07) Great Scar.................................................... WK07
       08) Galecki Falls................................................. WK08
       09) Society Village............................................... WK09
       10) Gislem........................................................ WK10
       11) Secret Path................................................... WK11
       12) Testa......................................................... WK12
       13) Battleship.................................................... WK13
       14) Paysus........................................................ WK14
       15) Paltos........................................................ WK15
       16) Secret Academy Base........................................... WK16
       17) Paltos Pt. II................................................. WK17
       18) Cariote Cave.................................................. WK18

           Kutao Temple [OPTIONAL]....................................... OPT1

       19) Felator....................................................... WK19
       20) Academy Building.............................................. WK20
       21) White Bone Forest............................................. WK21
       22) Midoro Swamp.................................................. WK22
       23) Academy HQ.................................................... WK23
       24) Elbow Cape.................................................... WK24
       25) Cariote Cave II............................................... WK25
       26) Sealed Ruins.................................................. WK26
       27) Ice Gallery................................................... WK27
       28) Volcano Cave.................................................. WK28
       29) Trial Cave.................................................... WK29
       30) Flying Castle................................................. WK30

   IV. Shop List  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHPL
    V. Job Rundown  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JBRD
   VI. Wanted Monsters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WNTD
  VII. Updates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT
 VIII. Thanks & Contributions   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THKS
   IX. Legality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT

I. CONTROLS                                                              [CNTR]
                     ____          |  |          ____
    L2 BUTTON -->   /____/\        |  |        /\____\   <-- R2 BUTTON
    L1 BUTTON -->  /____/\ \_______|  |_______/ /\____\  <-- R1 BUTTON
                  /  _    \________|__|________/    _  \
                 / _| |_                         _ /_\ _\  <-- TRIANGLE BUTTON
DIRECTIONAL --> | |_   _|   [SELECT]   [START]  [_]   (_)| <-- CIRCLE BUTTON
    PAD         |   |_|          [ANALOG]          (X)   | <-- X BUTTON
                /            ____        ____            \
               /            /    \  __  /    \            \
               \         /\ \____/ /  \ \____/ /\         /
                \       /  \______/    \______/  \       /
                 \_____/ LEFT ANALOG  RIGHT ANALOG\_____/
                            (L3)          (R3)

 This information can be found in the manual, if you're lucky enough to have
 the hardcover copy. ^___^

 | BUTTON    | USES                                                          |
 | Start     | Un/pause game on the field / Confirm character battle setup   |
 | Select    | Open/close Options screen / Auto-select characters for battle |
 | Analog    | Gives/removes access to L3 and R3 buttons                     |
 | D. Pad    | Move characters around on field, in battle                    |
 | Circle    | Display characters' abilities                                 |
 | Square    | Opens the Game/Battle menu                                    |
 | Triangle  | Return to previous menu screen / Ends character's combat turn |
 | X Button  | "Confirm" button / Talk to NPCs / Attack enemies with weapon  |
 | L1 Button | Press (with R1) to move cursor in combat                      |
 |           | Cycle to strongest enemy when in free cursor mode             |
 |           | Hold and use d-pad to change way character faces in battle    |
 | L2 Button | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | L3 Button | "Confirm" button                                              |
 | L. Analog | Move characters around on field, in battle                    |
 | R1 Button | Press (with R1) to move cursor in combat                      |
 |           | Cycle to weakest enemy when in free cursor mode               |
 |           | Hold and use d-pad to change way character faces in battle    |
 | R2 Button | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | R3 Button | "Confirm" button                                              |
 | R. Analog | Move characters around on field, in battle                    |

II. TH' BASICS                                                           [THBS]

 This is the repository for information on the game's aspects. Most stuff in
 here should be internalized to a degree so you get a good feel for the game.

     Characters                                                     [CHRC]


  Alec's entire family was wiped out in the Great Disaster. And, had it not
  been for the kind hand of a heroic Hunter, Alec surely would have perished
  as well. Rushed away from the fire that would eventually consume his city,
  he was transported to the Isle of Eteru, where he began a new life in Sasha
  Village with many other refugees. One of those refugees was a boy named
  Lutz, who became Alec's best friend and confidant. Alec will tell his desire
  to become a Hunter to anyone who will listen. One day, when the village is
  attacked by bandits, the door to that opportunity opens...


  Lutz is a charming, earnest young man who speaks before he thinks more often
  than not. He would lke to think himself quite the ladies' man, but his
  hyperactive nature and complete ignorance of etiquette invariably cause all
  women he approaches to run away screaming. However, there is one very
  significant woman in Lutz's life -- his beloved sister. Having survived the
  Great Disaster that claimed their parents, Lutz and his sister Kuretta have
  ane specially close relationship.


  Theo's mother was a legendary Cardist who disappeared mysteriously, shortly
  after he was born. Possessing an earnest manner, and eager to get along with
  others, Theo is well-liked by all. His dream is to become a Cardist like his
  mother. Though he won't admit it, he secretly hopes joining Alec and his
  travels will result in a reunion with her.


  Cheryl has lived most of her life on the mean streets of Gislem, hustling
  and fighting her way through a rough life. Fiercly independent and extremely
  competitive, she is disappointed with anything less than a first-place finish
  in competition. She has extensive knowledge of weapons, and an especially
  deep understanding of firearms. Her dream is to build the ultimate firearm,
  using the new field of synthesis pioneered at the Weapon Society. Having
  lived a hard life, she trusts no one but herself and her gut. Alec's arrival
  may change all that...


  Marsia lives in the school village of Rusaht, researching the art of Natural
  Spells at the Spell Institute. Having spent a considerable amount of time in
  spell studies, she is lacking in social skills. Gifted with an analytical
  mind and a calm nature, she can accomplish anything she sets out to do, given
  enough time.


  Velhart is a master swordsman who lives in a mountain cabin in the land of
  Palte [sic] with his brother. Because of his amazing skill with all manner
  of blades, Velhart's name is known around the world. However, any kind of
  inflated ego is refreshingly undetectable. He spends most of his day in
  training, rarely engaging in conversation with others. Only when th
  conversation turns to his brother does Velhart demonstrate any emotion at


  Anrietta Rochefort is the spoiled-rotten daughter of a business tycoon, and
  lives in Paltos. After meeting Alec on a job, she repeatedly calls him back
  for menial or stupid tasks, developing a crush on him in the meantime. She's
  the game's secret character that can be obtained through the job system, if
  you play the cards right...

     MENUS AND OPTIONS                                              [MNSO]


  New Game   - This begins a new level on Arc the Lad III. The "Start Game"
               and "Convert" options will be available now.

  Start Game - Start game from the very beginning on the first disc, without
               any extras or carried-over things.

  Convert    - Allows the player to convert a save from Arc the Lad II before
               beginning a new game, unlocking special events and items that
               would otherwise be unavailable. NOTE: The ATL2 save must be in
               the Romalian Sky Castle for the conversion to work.

  Continue   - Lets the player load an ATL3 save. Select it from the memory
               card using the d-pad and press the x-button to start.

  Options    - Various settings can be toggled on or off:

             - Vibration [ON/OFF]
             - Sound [STEREO/MONO]
             - Message Speed [SLOW/NORMAL/FAST]
             - Level-up Speed [SLOW/NORMAL/FAST]
             - Movement [NORMAL/FAST]
             - Battle voices [ON/OFF]
             - Confirm Finish [ON/OFF]
             - Window Style [1/2/3/4/5/6/NONE]
             - Window Color [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9]
             - Transparency [ON/OFF]
             - Load Party [MANUAL/AUTO]


  Items   - View inventory and select items to use, or just inspect 'em.
  Equip   - Change equipment on characters (when applicable)
  Status  - View characters' status, including their stats and learned skills
  Recover - Use a character's ability to cure the rest of the party
  Jobs    - View job(s) in progress, if any
  Options - Various settings can be toggled on or off (same as above)


  Check Belongings - Can deposit items for safekeeping. Don't bother...
  Get Belongings   - Withdrawal of deposited items.


  Accept Job   - Take a listed job 
  Present Jobs - Jobs currently being taken (not completed yet)
  Former Jobs  - See rankings for jobs finished so far
  Get Bounty   - Claim rewards for jobs finished so far

     STAT OVERVIEW                                                  [STVW]

  HP     - Amount of hit points the character has. Damage decreases this.
  MP     - Amount of magic points the character has. Used in casting magic.
  LV     - The current level of the character. Stats rise as levels rise.
  EXP    - Accumulated experience total. Gain experience to increase levels.
  NEXT   - Experience left to a level-up. All actions in battle gain EXP.
  ATK    - Attack value for character. High values = higher physical damage.
  DEF    - Defense value for ally. High values = reduced damage from attacks.
  AGL    - Agility value for ally. High values = higher % of dodging attacks.
  MOV    - Movement rating for character. Determines max movement in battle.
  MAG    - Magic value for character. High values = more damaging spells.
  MERITS - # of merits earned through jobs. These change the Hunter ranking.
  WEALTH - # of money (goz) accumulated so far. Used to buy items & equips.

     STATUS EFFECTS                                                 [STTS]

 Status effects are abnormalities that cause trouble for the allies, whether
 they prevent some commands from being used or simply prolong the battle.
 Unlike other RPGs, there are only a few bad ones to watch out for. NOTE:
 all abnormalities can be inflicted on enemies as well.

| SLEEP     | Character falls asleep and cannot act in battle. Attacking the |
|           | unit with magic does not wake it, but physical attacks will.   |
| GRAVITY   | Similar to the "Don't Move" status in Final Fantasy Tactics, a |
|           | unit inflicted with this is unable to move when it's his/her   |
|           | turn to act.                                                   |
| SILENT    | Those inflicted with this status cannot use their skills, and  |
|           | for Theo, he cannot use his skills OR Summon command.          |
| PARALYSIS | Units hit with paralysis cannot take action, and don't recover |
|           | for awhile. Attacks do not knock them out of this status, and  |
|           | that's why it's GREAT to inflict on enemies.                   |
| CONFUSION | Units will attack and use skills indiscriminately, attacking a |
|           | friend or foe with as much gusto. Physical attacks'll remove   |
|           | this status.                                                   |
| HEMO-JI   | Those inflicted with a hemo-ji status cannot use skills or the |
|           | Item command (or Summon command for Theo). Strength will lower |
|           | but from what I've seen, defense may actually RISE...          |
| POISON    | Units will lose HP each time their turn comes up.              |

III. WALKTHROUGH                                                         [WLKT]
01) Sasha Village                                                        [WK01]

 Although this is the beginning of the game, there isn't much to do here. The
                                setting is that Elc and Lutz, two friends, see
 o---------------------------o  the town get taken over by bandits. After they
 | ITEM CHECKLIST            |  get confined to a house, they manage to escape
 o---------------------------o  at their elder's bidding to get help in the
 |  _                        |  neighboring town of Itio.
 | |_| Bounty Money          |
 | |_| Herbs [x5]            |  The [BOUNTY MONEY] and [HERBS] are received as
 | |_| Battle Manual         |  a parting aid, as well as a Battle Manual that
 '---------------------------'  will battle. Surprise, huh?

 Save in the upper-right corner of the room and exit the house and town. On
 the world map, head south and try to cross the stream.

02) Tohde Bridge                                                         [WK02]

 Using the battle primer, you can look up a few subjects that'll help in the
 first battle (Movement, Attacks, Commands, End Turn). If you're familiar with
 any previous Arc the Lad games, there's not much to learn.

| Lv. 01 Opossum | HP:  18 | MP:  08 | ATK:  24 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

  There isn't much to do here, because even if you rush in recklessly and let
  the enemy get the first strike, if they attack from close-range there's a
  chance the ally will counter. They only have 18 HP, after all. Their close-
  -up physical attack can do about 14 and their Seed Spray attack does single
  digits. One good thing is that attacking even once here will result in an
  easy level-up. Attacking from behind or the side is best for inflicting the
  best damage, remember. At LV2, Alec learns Cure and Lutz learns Knife Rain,
  so there's no reason this should result in a game over.

 You end up back on the world map afterwards, but can spend time fighting the
 ugly hordes at Tohde, or jet straight for Itio.

03) Itio                                                                 [WK03]

 STORE: [SH01]

 This is a large town, yo. If you head straight east through and enter the
 joint with the wooden door, you can find the shop. It sells items, weapons,
 and armor -- all rather bad, but better than the 'nothing' you have equipped,

 The guild is located NW corner of town, if you don't feel like asking anyone
 for directions. A man named Leegle will accept the job and everyone heads
 right back to the village automatically.

 o---------------------------o  After some events where the robbers end up
 | ITEM CHECKLIST            |  getting bushwhacked, return to Alec's place to
 o---------------------------o  sleep off the burn. After a nap, visit Lutz'
 |  _                        |  house next door to find Leegle's went for a
 | |_| Magic Apple           |  walk. He's in the NE part of town by the creek,
 | |_| Recovery Tonic        |  and suggets Alec try out the Itio Guild's test
 '---------------------------'  to become a Hunter.

  As he leaves, he tosses Alec a [MAGIC APPLE]. When the crowd disperses, veer
  north to the berry field and talk to the chief, who'll want Alec to help Lutz
  pick some num-nums. Too bad both have thoughts of skipping town. Talk to the
  elder at his house again and he'll open the gate after some dialogue. Kuretta
  gives Lutz a [RECOVERY TONIC] for the journey. Time to split back to Itio!

 It's a good idea to level-up a bit at Lukae Riverbank before coming here. At
 LV5, Alec can learn Force Ring which may be useful later. Try to get at least
 a Leather Armor for each character (120g) which will help their defense. Make
 sure to rest/save at the inn before going to the guild HQ, also!


 After some heckling, the guildmaster lets Alec have a shot at doing a 'baby
 job'. If he does it perfectly, he can become a Hunter. Talk to him behind the
 booth and accept the first job. It's to retrieve a fragment of the Ghost Dream 
 Crystal from the Trial Cave, northeast of Tohde Bridge. Make sure to rest at
 the inn if you didn't already.

04) Trial Cave                                                           [WK04]

 ITEMS: Iron Knife, Herb, Palo Nut [2], Falcon Statue, Shimmer Stone [4],
        Crystal Fragment, Hunter's Crest

               | BOSS  |
               |__   __|
                __| |__
               |10     |_ ____________
               | SAVE   _|___________ \              [---  LEGEND  ---]
               |  _____|             ) )
               |_|                  / /               01 - Iron Knife
             __| |                 / /                02 - Herb
            |  __|     ___________/ /       _____     03 - Palo Nut
            | |       |  _________ (_____ _|5 6  |    04 - Iron Spear
            |_|       |_|         \______|_  7 8 |    05 - Shimmer Stone
          __| |__   __| |__                |_____|    06 - Shimmer Stone
         |9      | |   _ 4 |                          07 - Falcon Statue
         |       | |  [_]  |                          08 - Palo Nut
         |__   __| |__   __|                          09 - Shimmer Stone
            |_|       |_|                             10 - Shimmer Stone
            | |_______| |
            |____   ____|
                 | |             ________
                 | |            |   3    |
                 |_|  .------.  | |����| |
                 | | _|_    _|_ |_|    |_|       _____ ______
                 | |_| |   _| |_| |    | |      / ____|_ 1 2 |
                 |_____|  |_______|    | |_ ___/ /      |____|
                                       |  _|____/
                                      _| |
                                     |  _)
                                     | (
                                     | |_
                                     (_  |
                                       ) |

 Make sure you have all the supplies you need (equipment, Herbs) before setting
 foot into here, 'cause you can't leave once you go in. Two screens in behind
 the waterfall, there's a stall battle.

| Lv. 5 Slime      | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:  10 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 |------------------' 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |

 If your characters are LV5+, this will be gravy. Take out the slime and cave
 bats (two each) first since they'll go down in one hit, and tango with the
 Sidewinder snake when it nears. It can do a bit of damage, but nothing that
 Cure can't smooth over. Use the various rocks and obstacles to prevent foes
 from flanking you or snippin' at your aft side. Cave Bats heal themselves if
 they land an attack (~10 HP), so don't let 'em wander around ciphoning health.

 After battle, take the east enemy-less passage to two treasure chests. One's
 got an [IRON KNIFE] and the other contains an [HERB]. Note that you'll have to
 fight the same enemy group above once more, this time from the eastern side of
 the room! Continue north from that first fork and get the [PALO NUT] stuck in
 a rocky chest. This leads to a second battlesite.

| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 | 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 Two of each this time, with the Sidewinders nearest. One long-range attack of
 throwing knives lets Alec finish 'em off, so there's no xtreme strategy one's
 to employ here. You can probably finish off the cave bats with a single
 counterattack. Just defend the first turn (idle) and don't bother advancing to
 the southern portion of the room because stalagmites and such block the clear
 path. One weird thing I noticed is that if a cave bat absorbs HP and someone
 counters it, even if it should be dead, that HP it absorbed keeps it alive...

 Heal up and continue south to the Trial Cave's B2-A floor.

| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 | 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 Same as before except with one less Sidewinder. Take that out first and bash
 some skulls on the bats. It's easy fights like that make me not want to stick
 in a strategy...

 Continue north to an west/east fork. Go east first and into the room with the
 large pit in the middle. Get an [IRON SPEAR] for your troubles and continue
 north until another fork is found. Continue east into a room with four chests!
 Two [SHIMMER STONE]s, a [FALCON STATUE], and a [PALO NUT] can be found within.
 Back at the fork, take the other one that curves north and back west. This'll
 lead to a room with two savepoints. The red one refills HP/MP and the other's
 a normal one. Before you continue, take the southern exit here until it comes
 to another room...

| Lv. 6 Ogre       | HP: 40 | MP: 60 | ATK:  39 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP: -- | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 A little harder than normal with the inclusion of Ogres, who may cast a couple
 magic spells. They start near each other, so defeat the nearest Sidewinder to
 make sure they don't all tag-team someone at once. This is a good battle to
 use Force Ring in, although any enemies that get killed by other monsters do
 not give EXP to your allies. Ogres have horrible defense as you can see, so it
 isn't a trial to take one down each round. Lutz can use 'Steal' (learned at
 LV7) to take Herbs from the big pink monsters if he needs to.

 Take the [SHIMMER STONE] from the chest and backtrack to the savepoints. Raid
 the chest for another [SHIMMER STONE]. Inspect the large crystalline door by
 here and choose to push on it, which opens the thing. Inside is the crystal's
 keeper, Tengaron...who's also the same guy who was at the guild earlier...

| Lv. 8 Tengaron   | HP: 155 | MP: 50 | ATK: 40 | DEF:   7 | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 A boss who uses guns and doesn't summon minions to do his legwork -- I like
 this dude's style! His attack can do roughly about the same as an Ogre (~20),
 but he's got a range of two so he'll try not to let anyone counterattack him
 if possible. Don't stand next to each other since this means he can obviously
 attack two people at once! Use Alec's Cure to get through, and have Lutz try
 to steal a 'Fur Cape' from him. You should have plenty of opportunities if the
 average party level is 8+. Should you find this hard, fight the ogre battles
 and return to the healing point repeatedly.

 Tengaron allows the party to get a [CRYSTAL FRAGMENT] from this most holiest
 of holy sites (to him), so it's time to scoot back to Itio. Everyone leaves
 the cave automatically, anyway.


 Back at the Itio Guild, Alec earns a [HUNTER'S CREST] and is a full-fledged
 member of the Hunters now! Make sure to read the wanted board and all of the
 monsters on it to get the information put into the 'Outlaw Jobs' category.
 The game becomes a little open ended here, but the main thing is that you'll
 keep taking jobs. We'll just go in order, but when you finish the second
 job (not counting Trial Cave), a 'specialty job' comes up, being Job #6. DO

 Check out the job section to complete the following:

  � Job 2 - 'Protect Medicinal Plants' -----> [JB02]
  � Job 3 - 'Supplies for Hunter Jay' ------> [JB03]
  � Job 4 - 'Nasty Creatures in the House' -> [JB04]
  � Job 5 - 'Examiner's Assistant' ---------> [JB05]
  � Job 6 - 'Chase the Monster Egg Trunk' --> [JB06]

 Following Job 6, the party will sail across the sea to Forestamore, or
 more specifically, Renn Port on that continent.

05) Renn Port                                                            [WK05]

 After seeing how cool this place is, with all its sunken buildings ("The boat
 is anchored to a ROOF!"), make your way NW out of the port area into Renn
 proper. Locating the musician with the egg is first priority; the building's
 located in the NW part of town. Enter the 2nd-floor room to find the musician
 and his 'scary monster' that's like a furry penguin baby. ^____^
 Obtain the [BABY MONSTER]! The musician will play his trumpet and everyone's
 HP will increase by 5, also.

 .--------------------.   The Monster Society, the dropoff destination, is in
 | ITEM CHECKLIST     |   the NE corner of town. A guy named Theo talks about
 |--------------------|   Carding monsters (FFVIII much?) and brings everyone
 |  _                 |   over there. Here, Theo says that he wants to be one
 | |_| Baby Monster   |   of the 'Cardists' and leaves. The monster gets left
 '--------------------'   here as well...JOB COMPLETE!

 Report to the guild on the southernmost street to learn that Theo's gone off
 to the ruins in the Great Scar (good heavens?). At this point, you MUST take
 Job #7 - 'Fetch the Runaway Boy.' It's possible to explore town thereafter.
 Stock up on steel equipment if you can afford it, although you still can't
 access Monaire's Shop down by the port...

 On the world map, head up the road to Corelia Pass...a mandatory stop. =/

06) Corelia Pass                                                         [WK06]

 Just by entering, there are a few intruders to take care of...

| Lv 7 Roc         | HP: 28  | MP: 32 | ATK: 44 | DEF:  07 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 You can get first strike if you want, but their counterattacks'll definitely
 hurt. Use Force Ring to (try and) inflict Confuse to get most out of your
 hair and cut down any stragglers with the next attack. The reason for the low
 difficulty is that steel equipment makes them look like chicken-hawks...

 After defeating the first wave, more show up. A mysterious woman scares them
 all off, though, with some gadget. The name's Sharon, an Academy scientist!
 She doesn't join the party, however. On the world map, go up the road and
 look for a small NE branch that leads to the Great Scar.

07) Great Scar                                                           [WK07]

 Theo is trapped on a small ledge, so Lutz finds a vine to lower everyone down
 and get him. They escort him inside the Sealed Ruins. There is a puzzle shift
 thing to do with Theo here, which is INCREDIBLY LAME and one of my least
 favorite things to do ever. Use [] to rotate the tiles left, and O to rotate
 them right. Use R1 to put a numerical overlay to see where the pieces go.
 Speaking of which, they should be arranged like:

                    1   2   3   4
                    5   6   7   8
                    9  10  11  12
                   13  14  15  16

 Use the Triangle button to restart. The easiest way to do this is to put the
 the pieces in the corner, starting with 1, and go left to right. If you get
 stuck, remember that you can stand on the edge and switch two at once. I found
 that this problem (having two tiles left that are screwed up) is easily done
 by this. Don't forget!

 Theo will get Cardish Powers and the Summon ability for completing this small
 puzzle. Return back to the chief outside to find he's being circled by some
 Slumber Flowers!

|Lv6 Slumber Flower| HP: 33  | MP: 30 | ATK: 32 | DEF:  06 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 Four-on-three matchup, huh? Yeah, Theo's in this fight this time. Use Cardish
 to turn the monster into a card, and that's that. Easy-peasy junk.


 After returning to the Monster Society, Theo joins the party permanently and
 this job's complete. Remember that Wanted Monsters and human-type enemies are
 unable to be Cardish'D. Get your bounty at the guild! There are more jobs to
 do, also:

  � Job 8  - Renn Hunters' Monster Assault ------> [JB08]
  � Job 9  - Model for a Troubled Painter -------> [JB09]
  � Job 10 - Chase Away the Suspicious Man ------> [JB10]
  � Job 11 - New Parent for the Baby Monster ----> [JB11]
  � Job 12 - Drive the Gang from the Bridge -----> [JB12]
  � Job 13 - New Work for the Artist ------------> [JB13]
  � Job 14 - Corelia Pass Monster Mashing -------> [JB14]
  � Job 15 - Recover the Strange UFO ------------> [JB15]
  � Job 16 - A Nut in the Basement --------------> [JB16]
  � Job 17 - A Playmate for Paundit -------------> [JB17]
  � Job 18 - Bodyguard for the Troubled Painter -> [JB18]
  � Job 19 - See the Little Roc! ----------------> [JB19]
  � Job 20 - Appraisal for Mysterious Object ----> [JB20]

 Job 11 is the one that continues the storyline, and appears after doing Job
 8, 9, or 10 (pick one). This brings everyone to Lieza's Ranch in the far
 northwest of this area. One can find a [SOOTHING RING], [LIGHT ALLOY], a
 [RECOVERY TONIC], [MAGIC APPLE], and an [AMAZING HERB] in her storehouse.

 Back at the guild office, Theo asks Alec to request a job off of the isle,
 so he can see more of the world. Jobs 12-14 will have now appeared! Pick
 one and complete it; as you try to collect the bounty, you'll overhear a
 few townfolk talking about an object that fell behind the mountains. Job
 #15 will now be available. Complete it to get Jobs 16-19 available. Finish
 two jobs to unlock Job #20, a special one that takes everyone outside of

 More specifically, to Galecki Falls in North Sularto.

08) GALECKI FALLS                                                        [WK08]

 Here, the party gets dropped off...err, dropped from the flying creature and
 lands up, err...on top of a female with a gun. Some goons call Alec's party
 the "losers from Gislem" right before they almost attack everyone...luckily
 the fighting's thwarted. The girl is named Cheryl apparently -- a munitions
 expert. Well, it's been kind of a sausagefest up 'til now...a new ally's on
 the way soon! Anyway, once on the world map, escort the injured Cheryl down
 to Society Village.

09) SOCIETY VILLAGE                                                      [WK09]
 SHOP: None

 Finally, we don't have to hear that lame & grating Renn town theme! Cheryl'll
 split once everyone arrives, but we've got other things to do. Item Society's
 building is right in front of the town gate -- hooray! Deliver the mysterious
 object and learn the nearest Hunters' Guild is in Gislem, just down the road.
 A counter inside this guild (item guild) allows one to synthesize items into
 new things; try it out! Combine two Herbs together to make an 'Amazing Herb'
 which is very useful. Synthesizing costs no upfront cost, so make sure to
 save and experiment to save your inventory's stuff. One great weapon you can
 make for Lutz is the "Palo's Knife," which is created by synthing two Palo

 Next door at the Weapon Society, you can find Cheryl. She'll leave, though,
 and a man says she's from the "rathole" that is Gislem. Since there's a 
 guild there, let's go! [NOTE: You have to see Cheryl here before you can

10) GISLEM                                                               [WK10]

 This town is REALLY rundown, and reminiscent of a certain city shown in the
 Arc the Lad anime. As soon as you enter, a man gets robbed for all of his
 belongings (what happened to the good samaritan rule?)... Save the game at
 the inn and make for the hunter's guild in the eastern part of town. There
 are some jobs that can be taken now, being:

  � Job 21 - Gislem Census -----------------------> [JB21]
  � Job 22 - Help the Troubled Customer ----------> [JB22]
  � Job 23 - Power Plant Chief's Crisis ----------> [JB23]
  � Job 24 - Wilderness Monster Mashing ----------> [JB24]
  � Job 25 - Traveling Merchant's Tonic Test -----> [JB25]
  � Job 26 - Escort to the Ruined City -----------> [JB26]
  � Job 27 - Get A Valuable Synthesis Item -------> [JB27]

 Complete Job #21 to open up Jobs #22-26, then complete two jobs from that
 bracket to open up #27. Complete said job involving Cheryl to open up the
 Jobs #28-31; complete two of those to unlock Job #32. Our gun-totin' pal
 Cheryl joins during Job #32 and the way to South Sularto is then able to
 be accessed. Head into the Secret Path to do the second leg of this job.

11) SECRET PATH                                                          [WK11]

ITEMS: Emblem of Lark, Vitality Fruit, Life Fruit, Magnetic Belt, God's Nectar
       Fruit, Light Alloy, Recovery Tonic, Strength Nut, Reco Pod, Magic Sprig,
       Silver Knife, Palo Nut

 If you want a WAY easier time here, PLEASE make Lutz a Palo's Knife by merging
 two Palo Nuts. It's an alternative way to make it, and he should be dealing
 50+ to most enemies. His range gives him a good advantage here!

Start  _|_  .-------.               _|_
     \_| | |�|     |�|_           __| |                     .-.
     | | | | |     |   |         |1   |     ______ ____     | |
     |___| | |.--. |   |         |2  3|    |     _|_  8|   |�|�|      _______
           | |�||�||  4| .--.    |__  |    |5   |   | 9|   | | |     |  ___  |
           |___|| ||13 |_|  |_______|_|    |6   |   |  |   | | |     |�|   |_|
                | ||_____|  |_________| ___|7   |   |  |_ _| | |_    | |__ |E|
                | |__                  |________|   |____|___|___|-. |__  || |
                |____|------------------'                         |�|   |�||12
                                                                |�10 �| | ||_|
 [LEGEND]                                                       |     |_|11 |
                                                                |_______|_| |
   1 - Emblem of Lark              7 - Recovery Tonic                       |
   2 - Vitality Fruit              8 - Strength Nut                       EXIT
   3 - Life Fruit                  9 - Reco Pod
   4 - Magnetic Belt              10 - Magic Sprig
   5 - God's Nectar Fruit         11 - Silver Knife
   6 - Light Alloy                12 - Palo Nut
                                  13 - Palo Nut

 In the second screen, it's enemy-bashin' time!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 Phantom                      |  66/60  |  62/10  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 13 Ghost (x2)                   |  61/00  |  71/10  |------------------'
| Lv. 16 Paralyze Ooze (x2)           |  45/40  |  69/21  |

 The ghostly enemiess physical damage is transferred back as healed HP, so
 gang up 'em first thing to prevent any ciphoning. Besides that, take this
 opportunity to Cardish some new foes.

 There is an [EMBLEM OF LARK] and a [VITALITY FRUIT] right nearby, in a gray
 box which you may easily overlook. A [LIFE FRUIT]'s to the right side of
 the screen, too. Two screens down, another fight is waiting.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x2)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 23 Golem Master                 |  41/80  |  72/15  |------------------'

 Golems are powerful but slow, so you'll have time to Card Field at the very
 beginning of the fight. Gang up on them one by one and try to Cardish one or
 the other; they're rather useful.

 Collect a [MAGNETIC BELT] for your troubles and a [PALO NUT] hidden in the
 upper-right corner. Continue in another three screens for another...stall...
 battle. <yawn>
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Ghost (x2)                   |  61/00  |  71/10  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 15 Skeleton (x2)                |  51/00  |  87/12  |------------------'
| Lv. 20 Skull Warrior                |  69/00  | 112/14  |

 Draw them close while you use Card Field, then hit 'em with Silent on Turn 2.
 The Ghosts suck as always, but be careful of the skull warrior's two-panel
 attack range. Cheryl's Napalm Edge's unique range can also help here. Cardish
 any new monsters if possible.

 When the undeads are rekilled, pick up the [GOD'S NECTAR FRUIT], [LIGHT ALLOY]
 and [RECOVERY TONIC]. Right nearby is the 'Secret Path Center' where one can
 steal a [RECO POD] and [STRENGTH NUT] before continuing into the adjacent
 area riddled with monsters.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x3)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 23 Golem Master                 |  41/80  |  72/15  |------------------'

 Same as the last fight but with one extra Golem. Use Card Field like before
 and try to Cardish any weakened Golem; summon it on the next turn if you need
 to. If you got a Paralyze Ooze card [etc.] this battle goes by a lot quicker.

 In the next room, heal up/save if you think it wise, continuing down into the
 B3 area of the Secret Path.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x2)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 23 Golem Master (x3)            |  41/80  |  72/15  |------------------'

 Is this supposed to be more difficult or something? Inflict Silence on the
 Golem Masters (or use a paralysis-inflicting card summon) then run wild.
 Use Card Field of course.

 Get a [MAGIC SPRIG] and the [SILVER KNIFE] in the next screen. You shouldn't
 need it if you synthed a Palo's Knife like I said; it's simply grand! A few
 screens later is the next battle...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x2)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 07 Apprentice (x2)              |  15/140 |  26/05  |------------------'

 Been awhile since we saw these weaklings (at the Trial Cave), and they're
 even weaker now that you can OHKO 'em. Or could you always do that? Hmm, no
 matter. Use some card summon to destroy them from across the field and wreak
 havoc on the Golems like normal.

 Get the [PALO NUT] 'round this arena and head towards the exit. Testa's right
 next to the massive gorge you just crawled under.

12) TESTA                                                                [WK12]
 SHOPS: SH04, SH05

 Visit the Item Society to learn that a shopkeeper in Pandira refuses to sell
 the item needed (Tem's Grass). However, the protector of the town, Tosh, is
 on friendly terms with him so they ask Alec to seek his counsel. In the NE
 tent in town, talk with Tosh to learn Ali's full name (Aliorihavelymasogarli)
 which will need to be stated when meeting with him. Check out the shops here
 as well as the cluster of special shops down in the bazaar (SE exit in town)
 area. You can also play the Choko Time minigame by inspecting the large pot
 by Chongara -- more on this at a later time.

 For now, go to Pandira and watch the dazzling opening scene!

 Enter Ali's shop near the Casino and call him "Aliorihavelymasogarli" (the
 middle option) to get him to open up. Spend the 2500G you received earlier
 on the Tem's Root! Return to the Item Society in Testa for the synthetizing
 procedure and a...[HYBRID MAGIC APPLE] will be created! Take it to the Weapon
 Society nearby and watch the magic begin. Platinum Sword + Light Fragment =
 Ray Sword! Take it to the Bazaar Control Office -- the bldg. just to the
 southeast of here -- and let them keep the sample. Last but not least, get
 permission from Tosh to sell it at the bazaar and...that's it! Job #32 is

 However, just as Cheryl's about to split again, someone screams out for help!
 A man is taken by The Academy, and Shu -- Tosh's old fighting buddy -- who is
 working with them. Oh well. The Ray Sword can be bought for 7200G in one of
 the weapon shops, after you try to leave. It's really not that much better in
 attack but it does raise various other stats (DEF, AGL, MAG +3). Buy it if ya
 feel spendy...

 To continue the storyline again, we'll have to do more...JOBS! Wahoo.......

  � Job 34 - Bazaar Item Contest -----------> [JB34]
  � Job 35 - Crash Site Monster Bash -------> [JB35]
  � Job 36 - Discover the Charm's Power ----> [JB36]
  � Job 37 - Make the Shop Prosper ---------> [JB37]
  � Job 38 - Catch the Bazaar Shoplifter! --> [JB38]
  � Job 39 - Bring Back the Water Sphere! --> [JB39]
  � Job 40 - Stop the Riot -----------------> [JB40]

 Numbers 34-37 are available once Job #32 is finished; Complete one of those
 jobs to unlock Job #38; complete that one and cash in the bounty to start
 another scene, regarding The Academy members stealing the town's Water Sphere.
 They teleport out with it and this leads to Job #39 being available. You have
 to take it as you can't leave the guild without doing so.

 During this time, Job #40 will become available in Gislem. Make sure you do
 it ASAP, as it becomes unavailable after finding out The Academy base is in
 the gigantic Romalian battleship -- the one that made the gorge that makes
 a huge rift between the Sularto area. Tosh will join after completing Job 39
 and then the destination is set: the Battleship! Just enter from South

13) BATTLESHIP                                                           [WK13]

 ITEMS: Tough Alloy, Swift Armlet, Rad's Reagent, Light Alloy, Palo Nut, Life
        Nut, Green Talisman, Life Nut, Magic Power Nut, Tough Alloy, Rad's
        Reagent, Tough Alloy, Rad's Reagent, Magic Sprig, Emblem of Lark,
        Yellow Talisman, Violet Fruit, Magic Armlet, Palo Nut

 One thing to note here is that battles are one-time-only, meaning they won't
 respawn if you re-enter a room. Yay!

                             .------.  Torpedo
                             |      |   Bay    Door Lock #4
                             |    _|�|___/____/ .------------------------.
                             |   |  X   _| 6 7| |                        |
                             |   |_____| |____| |          Door Lock #1  |
               .-------.     |    __________    |     _____/             |
               |   _   |    |�|  |2   3   4 |  |�|   |5    |             |
              |�|_|1| |�|   | |  |_ X __   _|  | |   |_   _|             |
              |_   _| | |___|�|____|�|  |�|____|�|_____|�|               |
                |_|   |______________|  |________________|               |
          Enter--'                                                       |
                   .----------.      |
                   |          |      |
                   |         |�|     |              Cafeteria
                   |         | |     |             /     ___
                   |         |�|____|�|_______ _|���|_ _|   | Door Lock #2
                   |         |               _|_  X  _|_    |/
                   |         |______   _____|   |___|   |___|
                   |                |_|         __________
                   |                 |         | 8 9 10 11|    .--.
                   |                 |          �����|�|��    |�| |
                   |                 |           .--.|  ������  | |
    Door Lock #3   |                |�|_________|�||�|�|��������  |
 __/__ ______ ____|�|____ ____      |_____________||___|          |
|     |  X   |___________|____|                                   |
 ����� ������                 '-Jammed Switch                     |
                                                                  |  Bridge
 [LEGEND]                                                 .---.  |�|    |
   1 - Tough Alloy       7 - Green Talisman               |  |�|_| |    |
   2 - Swift Armlet      8 - Life Nut                    |�| |_____|   |�|
   3 - Rad's Reagent     9 - Magic Power Nut             | |___________| |
   4 - Light Alloy      10 - Tough Alloy                 |_______________|
   5 - Palo Nut         11 - Rad's Reagent
   6 - Life Nut

 Tosh will cut a way through the metal carcass that is the old Romalian
 battleship, giving access. A captive says that materials and people have been
 taken to another site... Open the crate with [TOUGH ALLOY] in it and enter a
 long hallway. One door is locked, the other at the far end is open. A battle
 waits inside.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter (x2)       | 105/00  |  75/12  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 You've fought tougher than these guys, and their difficulty's depreciated
 since the encounter in North Sularto. Tosh can really rip into these guys,
 but even without him, you can use Card Field and achieve the same effect.
 Hopefully you bought Cheryl the Sub-Machine Gun in Testa before everyone
 was evacuated, as it can hit multiple targets if they're in close range.
 They'll only be hitting for ~30, anyway. Next!

 Scour the room for a [LIGHT ALLOY], [SWIFT ARMLET], and [RAD'S Reagent]
 before continuin' east into the hallway. Go to the far end and raid the
 control room with a [PALO NUT] inside; also, operate the console to
 remove door lock #1. This opens that door back in the first hallway, which
 leads to the torpedo bay...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Interceptor                  |  90/00  | 100/14  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter            | 105/00  |  75/12  |------------------'

 Nothing new, except for the Interceptor. Just summon a card or something
 to get this over with (an Ogre Mage may OHKO everything), although carding
 an extra robot type isn't too bad of an idea.

 Afterwards, get the [GREEN TALISMAN] and [LIFE NUT] in the console room
 next door. Flip the switch to disengage door lock #4, which is later on.
 In the meantime, enter that second long hallway (past the hangar) and take
 the middle door, which leads to a four-exit hallway. Go left. Once in the
 cafeteria, you'll have to tango with
 some more tangoes...                 .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter (x2)       | 105/00  |  75/12  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 36 Academy Special Ops          | 149/280 |  68/22  |------------------'

 The Lv. 36 enemy looks kind of daunting, but really, look at his ATK/DEF...
 it's a piece of crap. Use Card Field and long-range attacks like normal,
 while making use of the tables and walls to prevent as much back attacks
 and flanking as possible. Take out the Special Ops as fast as possible, as
 it WILL use wind-elemental attacks; alternatively, use Lutz' Magic Shield
 ability to prevent attribute damage (which I guess means that magic damage
 becomes non-elemental and/or there is no extra effect to weaknesses...?).

 Next door, disengage Door Lock #2, which opens one of the doors in the
 crossroads corridor left of the cafeteria. Enter the stairs to access the
 1F of the ship. The right exit leads to a jammed control; the left to a
 near-repeat battle of the cafeteria skirmish, just with one less attacker.
 One screen over, disengage Door Lock #3, which opens the southern door
 in the four-exit room. Whew, almost done.

 At the third screen, enter a storage room to find some more items, being
 a [TOUGH ALLOY], [RAD'S Reagent], [MAGIC POWER NUT], and [LIFE NUT]. Keep
 going down the corridors and eventually the party will reach the battleship
 bridge. After some events involving the Water Sphere, Tosh will leave the
 party and Shu will join.


 In the corridor immediately after the bridge, there is a resting spot & save
 journal if you need it. However, upon reaching the upperdeck, the Academy's
 members will escape via an airship (that looks curiously like the Silver Noah
 from ATL2...almost).
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 14 Cannon Trap (x2)             |  89/00  | 147/14  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 13 Shotgun Trap (x2)            |  85/00  | 143/14  |------------------'

 Despite the high ATK power, these enemies are planted into the ship's deck,
 and they can't track anyone should they need to back off to cure or somesuch.
 If you included Shu in this battle, and you should've, his Dimension Gun will
 have a HUGE range and can attack two at once. The Cannon Traps have an attack
 range that is exactly like Cheryl's Napalm Edge, which means you can avoid
 the line of fire rather easily. Avoid Shotgun Traps' range of fire by going
 diagonal to their position.

 Exit the topdeck by taking the other stairway to the east. When you get to
 the area with a laser field, avoid it and go to the room in the vicinity,
 following it to another corridor with two new doors. The middle disarms the
 laser field, the other leads to a
 lounge...                            .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Interceptor (x3)             |  90/00  | 100/14  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Horrible DEF + Shu & Cheryl's long-range attacking = Boring fight. Note that
 this fight WILL repeat each time you need to go back through, although you
 may find Gunner Pods next go-'round.

 Don't double-back to the laser field yet; continue out the lounge's other
 exit. The leftmost door leads to a [TOUGH ALLOY] chest by a console that
 tells 'Passcode 1: 9871'. That'll be useful in a sec. Return to the first
 laser field (deactivated) to get access to the next two rooms in the hallway.
 Enter Passcode 1 into one of the doors, then enter to find that Passcode 3
 is '1192'. Continue into the other door bordering the laser field to get back
 onto the battleship's deck...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 21 Gunner Pod (x3)              |  93/00  | 106/15  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |

 They're not too hard to take down as long as you don't have anyone standing
 next to each other or on the same latitude/longitude (to borrow geographical
 terms). Their range is long so they can hit multiple targets with their phys.
 attack if you let them.

 Exit down the left stairway to find the 3F again. A control panel room will
 have a [RAD'S Reagent], [MAGIC SPRIG], and an [EMBLEM OF LARK] inside. There
 is also a Passcode 2 entry '3121' to find as well. So where do we find this
 input for #2? You need to exit through the lounge again and take the north-
 -pointing hallway up. Input the second passcode to gain entry to the next
 room. A [YELLOW TALISMAN] and [VIOLET FRUIT] are in here, as well as the
 laser field deactivator. Just outside, go across the once-active laserbeam
 floor and input the third passcode -- enter. Whew...almost over...maybe.

 The first red-colored door you come to, there's another sleep-'n'-save room,
 with a [MAGIC ARMLET] and [PALO NUT] duo inside as well. Continue down the
 path you haven't taken yet to find the Battleship Factory section. We will
 find the boss of this place here! I suggest using a party of Alec, Lutz,
 Theo, and Shu -- Cheryl has no real useful skills besides a weak Cure at this
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Chaos Arms (BOSS)            | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 6/10 |
| Lv. 13 Crustacean (x?)              |  65/40  |  71/23  |------------------'

 Use Card Field on everyone to help bring the Crustaceans' damage down to a
 piddly single-digit hopefully. It will use 'High Orbit Explosives' on any
 allies within a short-range, often doing 80+ damage, so we'll want to avoid
 that as much as possible. Truly, the best course of action is to Silence all
 Crustaceans so that they're really doing inconsequential damage and focus
 all attention on the Chaos Arms. It's funny-named "Whupass Beam" can do 100+
 damage and will kill any Crustaceans in range as well, which is why Alec has
 to be primed to Cure allies whenever possible. One great tactic I used was
 that the 'Armor Tortoise' card raises DEF by A LOT; Shu had 102 after! This
 doesn't affect those who had Card Field on them already, however... 'Chain
 Gun Sweeping Fire' is a rather lame physical attack that attacks those within
 a very close range; if you bunch everyone up against the behemoth in a
 certain pattern (one on each side of the main gun, one each diagonally-up from
 there) you can draw the chaingun attack AND be able to Cure everyone at the
 same time. After about 800 damage, it'll all be over...

 Follow Shu out after to finally get the heck outta this place!


 Our ninja friend asked Alec to warn Tosh about putting a heavy guard on the
 Water Sphere. Once you visit Testa again, all the refugees will have come
 back and both Gislem/Testa will have jobs once again. Yay 4 u!

  � Job 41 - Friends for Danny ---------------> [JB41]
  � Job 42 - A Request from Tosh -------------> [JB42]
  � Job 43 - Gislem Gift Courier -------------> [JB43]
  � Job 44 - Chase the Gang Away -------------> [JB44]
  � Job 45 - Take Information to the Library -> [JB45]

 Job 41 is in Gislem, and 42-45 in Testa. Job #45 will task the characters to
 leave the continent, so make sure you've finished all previous jobs before
14) PAYSUS                                                               [WK14]

 SHOPS: Rusaht [SH06], Paysus [SH07]

 The destination is Paysus, on the southern seaboard. The library can be found
 in the southwest part of town, but after delivering the goods and finishing
 Job #45, the man tells Alec that the guild has been closed. Exit onto the
 street and talk with Sania (a character from ATL2) to hear some weird visions
 she's had.

 But, anyway, go over to the guild to learn that ALL hunters are going for one
 extremely large job. The only job available is #46, which must be taken (see
 job section on completing it).

  � Job 46 - All Hunters, Find Tikva! --------> [JB46]
  � Job 47 - Finger the Page Pilferer! -------> [JB47]
  � Job 48 - Drive Lakeshore Bandits Away! ---> [JB48]
  � Job 49 - Find the Pet Dog ----------------> [JB49]
  � Job 50 - Retrieve the Scroll of Truth ----> [JB50]
  � Job 51 - Collect Historical Information --> [JB51]
  � Job 52 - Investigate the Spooky Sounds! --> [JB52]
  � Job 53 - Help Sania Break the Cycle ------> [JB53]
  � Job 54 - Traveling Duo's Great Discovery -> [JB54]
  � Job 55 - Trainee Monk's Romance Trouble --> [JB55]
  � Job 56 - Archmonk Iga's Special Delivery -> [JB56]

 In the last leg of the job, a new character Marsia becomes a fixture in the
 party, this time for good. Jobs 47-50 then become accessible, and after
 doing two of those, Job #51 which needs to be completed. Once that has been
 wrapped up, Jobs 52-55 are up for grabs. Do two of those to open up Job #56,
 which will take everyone to the new continent of Parute.

 Everyone lands on Dartanelle Beach, and from there, make for Paltos.

15) PALTOS                                                               [WK15]


 Upon arriving, it seems everyone is in a hurry to see what the prize for the
 Battle Tournament is. Head north and enter the stadium; there it's revealed
 the prize is a Brilliant Goddess Statue! (Hmm, where have we seen this before
 ATL2 fans?). After seeing Sharon, drop by the Item Society -- an employee'll
 tell Alec that Leshalt lives in a southern area.

 On the world map, mosey south to Paltos to arrive at the Mountain Retreat.
 Talk with Leshalt to get a job complete on #56, which opens up the requests
 in the Paltos Guild.

  � Job 57 - Decode the Mysterious Memo -------> [JB57]
  � Job 58 - Stop Illegal Monster Card Buying -> [JB58]
  � Job 59 - Monster Extermination at Tolarka -> [JB59]
  � Job 60 - Command a Monster Hunter Team! ---> [JB60]
  � Job 61 - Help with the Tournament Prep ----> [JB61]
  � Job 62 - Help Hunter Back from Darkside ---> [JB62]
  � Job 63 - Scout the Site of a New Inn! -----> [JB63]
  � Job 64 - Safeguard the Tournament Prize ---> [JB64]

 Complete two jobs to open up #61, a storyline-related mission. After finishing
 the mission, Leshalt will learn of the Academy's exploits, and Jobs 62-64. Job
 #64 is another plot-centric mission, and mandatory, natch. During Job #64, the
 team will have to infiltrate the Secret Academy Base...

16) SECRET ACADEMY BASE                                                  [WK16]

 ITEMS: Reco Pod, Magic Sprig, Palo Nut, Inferno Powder, Mysterious Ore,
        Vitality Fruit, Magic Power Nut, Strength Nut

 1 - Reco Pod          5 - Mysterious Ore           |               |
 2 - Magic Sprig       6 - Vitality Fruit        .--+---------------+---.
 3 - Palo Nut          7 - Magic Power Nut       |  |     |�����|   |   |
 4 - Inferno Powder    8 - Strength Nut          |  |     |_END_|   |   |
 X - Enemy Room                                  |  |       | |    |�|_|�|
                          .----------------------+--+---. __|�|__  | X   |
                  .---.   |                      |  |   ||SAVE   | |  ___|
               __|�| |�|_|�|________   _____ ___|�| |  |�|��|�|��  |�|
              |    | |____________  | |1  2 |  X  | |  | |�� X ��| | |
              |X __|         ___  |_| |_   _|_   _| |  | |__   __| | |
        .--.  |_|           |6  | | |___|�|___|�|   |  | |  |_|    | |
        | |�|_| |     _____ |7 X| |_____________|   |  | |__| |____| |
        | |_____|    |3 4 5||8 _|.------.        __|�| |____   ______|
        |            |_   _||�|_|�|     |       | X  |      |_|
        '----------.   | |  |  X  |     |       |_|��       | |
                  |�|__|�|__|�|���      '--------'          | |
                  |___________|                             |_|

 I'll spare the x-treme details on these since, the only monsters within are
 Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighters and their kin. They were annoying awhile back, but
 are mincemeat under anyone's sword 'bout now. Also note that "monster rooms"
 no longer have one-time troops in it; they all respawn each time you enter.

 Upon entering the 3-prong hallway, take the left passage up to the 2nd floor.
 Go into the southern door to enter another three-pronged hallway. The middle
 door leads to a control panel with a subcontrol room lock. There are 2 items
 in here as well, a [RECO POD] and [MAGIC SPRIG]. Don't bother with the third
 room at the far end of the hall, though.

 Return to the previous hallway and backtrack another screen; this time take
 the leftmost door into a monster room. Continue down the vacant hall past
 there, and into another 3-prong hallway. The middle room has the center
 control room unlocker, as well as a [PALO NUT], [INFERNO POWDER], and
 [MYSTERIOUS ORE] inside a few chests. The center door in the save point room
 will now be unlocked. Don't forget to get the [VITALITY FRUIT], [MAGIC POWER
 NUT], and [STRENGTH NUT] in the nearby storage room, that is if you want to
 fight two battles in and one out.

 Backtrack the way you came (unless you want to fight a bunch of gratuitous
 battles) and enter the save point room. Of course, we couldn't leave without
 a boss battle! Velhart joins.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Steingraff (x2)              | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY:

 Suggested party: Velhart, Alec, Theo, Lutz. Use Card Field at once and boost
 the DEF, because the 'Short Cannon' attack can do 100+ damage normally to a
 large radius. 'Gatling Barrage' can attack in a straight line across the
 field, hitting multiple people that way. Still, it's a pretty crappy attack
 with Card Field involved. Attack the Steingraffs one at a time, particularly
 with powerful cards (Dragon, Ogre Lord, etc.) and Impulse Bomb. Velhart is
 not that great here, surprisingly, but his stats are impressive nonetheless.
 Make sure Alec has enough MP to use Cure, which is invaluable here. Each has
 about 500 HP, which means this isn't to entirely tough as their DEF isn't that

 Afterwards, Velhart joins the party permanently. To complete the job, take
 the ancient Aura Stone to the Paltos Item Society special warehouse.

17) PALTOS, PT. II                                                       [WK17]

 Enter the guild once the job has finished to be let into their special room.
 The Guildmaster, head of all the world's guilds, and the presidents of all
 the societies are just hangin' back there! They want Alec to work in concert
 with the guilds for a special mission, being:


  Find and infiltrate The Academy Headquarters in Ragnark, and obtain detailed
  information regarding their plans. Report findings to Guildmaster!

  � Job 65 - Make Dartanelle Beach Safe Again -> [JB65]
  � Job 66 - Crisis at Rochefort Manor --------> [JB66]
  � Job 67 - Gruga's Surveillance Request -----> [JB67]
  � Job 68 - Catch Mamaman's Depression -------> [JB68]
  � Job 69 - Search Academy HQ! ---------------> [JB69]

 The Academy is a threat to the world's existence; their base is in the country
 formerly known as Romalia. A Hovercraft is supposedly going to be used to get
 into the country. Cariote Cave supposedly has one -- to open it, move the
 control right thrice, left twice. To officially take this job, get Job #69
 at the front guild desk. Once that's been accepted, jobs #65-68 will appear.
 If you want to do all of them, now the best time -- you can't get 'em after
 doing Cariote Cave's events.

 That's where the hovercraft it, and that's the next destination.

18) CARIOTE CAVE                                                         [WK18]
 ITEMS: Rad's Reagant, Inferno Powder, Light Alloy, Rad's Reagent, Palo Nut,
        Recovery Tonic, Inferno Powder, Rad's Reagent, Rad's Reagent, Reco
        Pod, Strength Armlet, Palo Nut, Life Nut, Mysterious Ore, Mysterious
        Ore, Tough Alloy, Inferno Powder, Mysterious Ore, Mysterious Ore,
        Flay's Crest, Strength Nut, Magic Power Nut

 Crypt Rat and Flame enemies appear here, and while the latter is new and 
 powerful, it has horrible DEF/HP and should not pose a problem. About this
 time, enemy encounters follow the same strategy (Card Field -> Impulse Bomb)
 anyway, so I'll just skip the specifics. Note that the "X" on the map will
 still indicate an enemy-encounter room.

                  |            |�|
                  |            | |_____
                  |            |_____  |            NOTE: The legend for all
                  |                  |_|            areas of this place is
         .--------+---------------.  | |            displayed on the map for
    |���������|   |            |�����   ����|       the second segment. Look
    |         |   |  ________ _|            |       there for more info, yo.
    |    _    |   | |9 10 11 |_      12     |
    |___13|___|   |  ��������  |____________|
        |_|       |
 ___ ___| |__     |
|SVE|        |    |
|RST|        |    |
 �|�|���|_|��     |
  | |___| |       |
  |  _____|       '------------------------------------------.
  |_|      Lever                                             |
   |           \_____              .--.     .--.             |           Lever
   TO          |3 4  |             |  |     |  |          __|�|__     ___/
 LADDER        |_   _|             | |�|___|�||�|______ _|MINEFLD|_ _|7 8|
  MAZE           |�|__             | |     __||       _|_ 5   6   _|_____|
                 |__ X|            | |____|   |______|   | 22    |
                  __|�|__          |                      �������
                 |MINEFLD| _______|�|
                 |__1 2__||  TRAPS  |
                    | |   | |�������
                    |__   __|
 Enter and take the left path into a minefield area, which will damage all of
 the allies when you walk on one. Where are they? Who can say, but you can
 avoid most of them by not touching any 'border' squares on the rocky tiles.
 There is a [INFERNO POWDER] and [RAD'S REAGENT] chest duo here. North two
 screens is another [RAD'S REAGENT] and [LIGHT ALLOY] to put in your parsel.
 Pull the lever and head back to that first screen, going right at the fork.

 Past some deactivated arrow traps, climb the rope into the next floor. There
 are tiles here that Alec can fall in, even if he's walking slowly; luckily, a
 fall will send him to the room right below which has no monsters. Unluckily,
 the broken tiles don't show up as such, so you'll have to memorize the path
 through. To get through: Go this way:

    START               .-EXIT      Take the rope down into the next room, a
      |                 |           monster-full one... Past there, enter a
     FORK               |           2nd minefield room. Inside, a [PALO NUT]
      |                 |           and [RECOVERY TONIC] can be found. There
     FORK----FORK--.    |           are dual exits, but go east to find the
                   |ROCK|           second lever. A [INFERNO POWDER] and
                   '----'           [RAD'S REAGENT] can also be found in this
                                    area, too. Pull the lever, double-back a
 room, and climb the north rope. Continue into another room where there is a
 holey floor. To navigate, go like such:

                         |         Work your way to the western wall and take
WALL.-FORK               |         the 'EXT' to a three-chest storage room. It
    |   |                |         has a [RECO POD], [STRENGTH ARMLET], and
    | FORK--FORK         |         [RAD'S REAGENT] inside. Return back 1 room
    |        |           |         and wind your way counterclockwise to the
    |       FORK--FORK   |         chest. That chest you find in the holey
EXT-|              |     |         room has a [PALO NUT]; to get it, you need
    |CHEST---.    FORK---'WALL     to REALLY go counterclockwise, by sticking
    '--------'                     to the extreme edges of the east, then
                                   north to find it. Fall in the hole to get
 into the room below, where a [LIFE NUT] waits. The plank will fall in the
 water and let you access all previous rooms again. Go south and kill all of
 the baddies (the Shaman Hemo-jis can restore KO'd monsters! Watch out!).

 Continue until a north/south fork and go up; there's a save point/rest stop
 there for recuperating. South from the fork is what's noted on the map as
 the 'Ladder Maze'. There's no enemies here, luckily.

           |                        [LEGEND]                    |
           |                                                    |
           |    1 - Inferno Powder          12 - Palo Nut       |
           |    2 - Rad's Reagent           13 - Life Nut       |
           |    3 - Light Alloy             14 - Mysterious Ore |
           |    4 - Rad's Reagent           15 - Mysterious Ore |
           |    5 - Palo Nut                16 - Tough Alloy    |
           |    6 - Recovery Tonic          17 - Inferno Powder |
           |    7 - Inferno Powder          18 - Mysterious Ore |
           |    8 - Rad's Reagent           19 - Mysterious Ore |
           |    9 - Rad's Reagent           20 - Flay's Crest   |
           |   10 - Reco Pod                21 - Strength Nut   |
           |   11 - Strength Armlet         22 - Magic Power Nut|

                          ____________________|  |______
                         |\                             \
                         | \_    ___     _____________   \
                         |H| |B |   |   |             \__|
                         | | |__|   |A  |   _______   |  |
                         | |        |   |  |   |   |  |G |
                         |~|        |   |  | C | F |__|  |
                         | |    __  |   |__|   |         |
                         | |   |X | |          |_______  \
                         | |   |  | |_______   |       \  \
                         | |_  |~~|__       |  |        |��|
       _____________ ____|   | |    W|      |  |         \  \
      |I       _____|_____   | |~|���       |~~|          \  \_______
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      |������ J]|U   | T|  �� __�___|           _______|__   |______  |
      | |������  ����_| \    | S|___________   |_______ __|  |      | |
      |  �����������|  \ \___|__| | M|      |   _______|_____|       \ \
       ������������� �|K|_______| |~~|     _|  |_______ ________      | | 
              |�����|�  |         |  |    |_    _______|      D |     |E|
               �|_|� �|_|         |  |      |~~|        ��������       �
                | |   |L|         |  |      |14|
                | |   |_|          \ \      |__|            /\
                | |                /\O\    _________ ______/ R\
                |  ���������������� P\/   |  ___   _|_________/
                | |������������������     | [N19] |
                | |                       |  ���  |
                | |                       |~|�����
                | |______________________ | |
   __  __     __     __ ___   ___           |W |_______________________
  | H||B |___| A|___| C|F  | | G |        __|21| D  _______________  E |  _
  |  ||                | 15| |   |       |S |__|___|    [T20]      |___|_|R|
  |  ||________________|���  |   |       |          ���������������        |
  |  |_______________________|   |        �����|����������|�|����������|���
  |______________________________|             |I       J | |U        V|
                                                ����������   ����������
                             ______________ __
  |�����������������������| | L         O  |  |     _.-Exit             _
  |K 17 18   M         N  | |____|����|____| Q|    |Y|_________________|X|
  |_______________________|      | P          |    |       SAVE          |
                                  ������������      ���������������������

 This place is quite massive, but it shouldn't be too hard to deal with if you
 use the above map. Keep heading south until you get into the third screen, by
 the [MYSTERIOUS ORE] box. Double back one screen and take the southern of the
 three east passages; this leads to a rope down. Follow to the "E" rope and
 continue north into the first screen, where there are two ropes to take. The
 one closest to the middle leads to another [MYSTERIOUS ORE]. Go back up and
 take the "G" rope over to the "H" rope. Follow south to the #16 item, a
 [TOUGH ALLOY]! It's not possible to go west or south -- go west.

 Rope I & J are here -- ignore them as they just connect to each other. Arc
 counterclockwise out of here, to where Rope K is. A [MYSTERIOUS ORE] and
 [INFERNO POWDER] can be found below, as well as two other ropes. Take Rope
 N to a [MYSTERIOUS ORE], then double back to the three-rope room. Take "K"
 back out again.

 Whew, almost done. Back up "K", head down and west, then south into a large
 room with the "P" rope accessible. Follow it to the "Q" rope, then exit in
 the northeast to find the "R" rope, which leads to the "S" rope. You'll end
 up in the middle of the 2nd screen again. Follow the "T" rope to the #20
 item, a [FLAY'S CREST]. Climb back up, go east, take the "U" rope down to a
 "V" rope; exit back into the normal cave portion. North a screen, take the
 "W" rope to a [STRENGTH NUT]; double-back and go north. You'll be back in
 the 1st screen! Take the "X" rope, save, and follow the "Y" rope up to...

 NOTE: If you have forgotten anything specific to this disc, such as Outlaw
 Jobs or regular jobs, go back and do them now! I know that seems like a
 really horrible thing to put you through since you just went through a big
 'n' annoying maze, but if you save when Lutz asks in a moment, you CANNOT
 go back and do anything!

 ...THE HOVERCRAFT! Lutz produces a Save Journal -- we just had a save point
 you nerd! -- and asks Alec to save before talking to him. Lift off when you
 finally get the nerve 'n' verve! END OF DISC 1!


 Now that you have the hovercraft, all previous towns with guilds have new
 Outlaw Jobs to complete, and some places have a few jobs to do:

  � Job 70 - Changes at Amaidar Temple --------> [JB70] --> Paysus
  � Job 72 - Explore the Treasure Dungeon! ----> [JB72] --> Testa
  � Job 75 - Get to the Artist's Exhibition ---> [JB75] --> Renn

 Job #72 leads to Kutao Temple, which is a large optional dungeon filled with
 priceless treasures. It's highly recommended since, y'know, there's no reason
 to stave off.


 Everyone ends up on Ragnark Beach and Lutz spots a city, with one of the
 funniest/poorest names ever: Felator... Skip to [WK19] to continue with all
 the mandatory storyline stuffs; keep going for the optional Kutao Temple.

OPTIONAL: Kutao Temple                                                   [OPT1]

 ITEMS: Earth Fragment, Black Talisman, Dark Fragment, Earth Amulet, Wind
        Fragment, Dark Amulet, Dark Fragment, Palo Nut, Wind Amulet, Shimmer
        Stone, Light Alloy, Light Alloy, Tough Alloy, Parade Coat, Rad's
        Reagent, Rad's Reagent, Dark Fragment, Swift Armlet, Mysterious Ore,
        Mysterious Ore, Strength Armlet, Delight Heel, Rad's Reagent, King's
        Image, Protection Armlet, Magic Armlet, Romancing Stone, Decorator,
        Tough Alloy, Mysterious Ore

 As stated previously, this dungeon in South Sularto only becomes open for
 spelunkers by accepting Job #72 - "Explore the Treasure Dungeon!". Continue
 to this location and find Tosh wandering around. If you like, he can join the
 party temporarily.

 Anyway, eventually you will have to fight some hunters in one of the rooms
 marked in blue.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 45 Sword Hunter                 | 309/100 | 174/24  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 48 Rifle Hunter                 | 374/90  | 181/24  |------------------'

 These selfish brigands can still be dropped like a sack of bricks, just with
 Silence + Fatal Dagger + Impulse Bomb. Use Excitement to raise everyone's
 ATK if you need to, but chances are, you won't have to. Brain Blast's chance
 to inflict paralysis may help out as well. [NOTE: Subsequent encountesr with
 these two idiots are different; they will be accompanied by 3 Lv. 43 Treasure
 Hunters who use whips (two-panel range). Heal up!] Note that these do not
 count as hunters that need to be saved.

 Anyway, proceed through the maze in any way you like until you get to the
 warp room. There are four panels, going from left to right. The leftmost (#1)
 will be pushed in and may not work, #2 & #4 return Alec to the room with the
 first tablet, and #3 makes the northern exit lead to the B3 area.

 At the second warp room on B2, if you read the tablet, you'll know to pick
 the path "that memory dictates." Which, of course, means the destination is
 once again the third panel. This opens the way forward again; the others only
 warp back to the large room with an "X" or the tablet nearby. North two rooms
 will lead to a hunter whose female companion's been kidnapped by some golems.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Iron Golem (x2)              | 306/50  | 222/48  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 53 Master Golem (x2)            | 313/120 | 228/49  |------------------'
| Lv. 47 Crystal Golem (x2)           | 297/90  | 214/47  |

 Like usual, Fatal Dagger can help get rid of some of these with ease, while
 Excitement/Card Field will help buff out the party. Their starting formation
 is horrible like usual, and any upgraded attack can hit all six of them in a
 single go. Also, they're remarkably slow, so if you work fast, you can get
 rid of most of them before their first turn.


 In Warp Room 3, simply go in the door already chosen -- the tablet tells of
 the future, which means the default panel is the one you use. (You can tell
 which warp room it is by the number of swirls on the central floor panel.)
 Warp Room 4 has four different paths to take:

  � PANEL 1 -> Tablet #5
  � PANEL 2 -> Hunters, then 
  � PANEL 3 -> Treasure chests x 3
  � PANEL 4 -> Two battles, then Treasure Chest x 3

 Panel 2 leads to some hunters whose companion went ahead to find some meds
 for her injured fans. Continue to the fifth warp room and press the second
 panel (from left) to keep going -- all others will revert Alec's team back
 to the room with a large 'X' on the floor, about three warp rooms prior...

 Continue along the path depicted in the map until you find the last hunter,
 who returns to her companions. Raid the chests one room up and follow back
 to where the two injured hunters were. If you got all the treasures around
 here, choose to "Join them" in going back to the surface. If you don't want
 to go back, you can warp out in the room where the last hunter was (i.e. the
 last orange spot on map).

 Everyone automatically returns to Testa and it's a job complete!

19) FELATOR                                                              [WK19] 

 Upon entering this Academy-controlled place, it appears that this is their HQ
 and Sharon's here as well. You can sleep for free at the barracks, as well as
 buy crystal weapons at the shop. Try to access the northern building and view
 a scene involving some scientists entering there. Lutz comes up with the idea
 of getting a uniform to sneak in (har har); get the [LAB COAT] by the dude's
 bedside in the barracks. Try to approach again and Alec will be able to enter
 ...almost! When prompted, say "I'm working with HQ Chief Sharon."

20) ACADEMY BUILDING                                                     [WK20]

 ITEMS: Wisdom Tablet, Mysterious Ore, Grenade Launcher


 Finally inside!

  NOTE: Rooms with guards become vacated after you clear them the first time!

 [FLOOR 1]

  In the first room with a guard, you can exit east/west also (although it may
  be hard to see). West, you can deactivate the Intrusion Detector Array 1,
  and after that, the east room's Intrusion Detector Array 2 is open to be
  deactivated as well. At the four-way exit room, go north.

  Take the first door and find the Laser Inhibitors 1-4. Only two can be on at
  the same time. #1 and #4 cancel all of the left side-hallway's laser grids,
  while #2 and #3 cancel the right side-hallway's. Go left first which opens a
  way into another Intrusion Detector; then, turn off the right laser grids to
  find the stairs to the next floor.

 [FLOOR 2]

  The only open door here has the four Laser Inhibitors, and there are four
  grids around here. Starting from the left and only counting laser grids:

  GRID #1 -> Inhibitors 1 & 3
  GRID #2 -> Inhibitors 2 & 3
  GRID #3 -> Inhibitors 2 & 4

  For now, all you have to worry about is getting the treasure chests and
  opening the door Grid #1 protects -- the stairway goes to the Academy
  Building's 1F again. Turn off the #4 intrusion detector array and go
  back upstairs.

  Open the door that Grid #2 protects and flip off the floor grid there,
  leaving the SE door in the hallway accessible. Beyond, two guards patrol the
  warehouse area. To evade their sights, follow the nearest one along the east
  wall but idle (waste time going up/down one space) as it reaches the corner
  and loops into the middle. This is your cue to enter from the north and cut
  down the middle, as it will come back around the way it came.

  Enter a ways until you come to the third guard room, shaped like:

  |   __    _   __ 1|       The numbers represent the guards here, but it's
  |  |  |  | | |  | |       not too difficult. #1 goes counterclockwise 'round
  |  |  |  | | |  | |       the first column of boxes, so follow it and idle
  |3 |__|  | | |__| |       a bit until the other two get to the northern part
  |2       | |_   __|       of their stack. Follow behind them and reach the
   ������|_|   |_|          door. Voila, simple as pie. Why did I draw such a
          |     |           good diagram, then? Uh...NO COMMENT!
     EXIT-'     '-ENTER
                            Try to leave the next room and some eavesdroppin'
  will commence on Sharon and her guest, Seville. They talk about getting to
  the Academy's HQ and eventually leave. You can read papers on Sharon's desk
  about how the destination is stationed by a lake, and how some of the areas
  we'll come across have enemies that people are fearful of...

  Anyway, backtrack out and head for White Bone Forest, the first impedement
  in your trek north...

21) WHITE BONE FOREST                                                    [WK21]

 Leadoff battle!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 39 Gas Cloud (x3)               |  94/00  | 137/42  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 Excitement + Card Field + Impulse Bomb/Physical Attacks = DEATH BECOMES YOU!
 Heck, you probably can kill 'em in one hit by now anyway, if you upgraded
 weapons in Felator. <snicker>

 Uh, yeah, that's all this location is. Oh well, huh? On the map, head toward
 that bridge-lookin' thing to find...

22) MIDORO SWAMP                                                         [WK22]

 Mighty-morphin' time!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 38 Zombie (x2)                  | 259/00  | 135/21  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 37 Stone Gel (x3)               |  76/60  | 132/37  |------------------'

 Excitement should be used first, and then Impulse Bomb or a good card attack
 (like a Dragon or Hemo-ji). Beware of the Stone Gels' ability to inflict
 gravity, but that's about the only hazard there is here.

 Next stop: Academy HQ! Save before entering.

23) ACADEMY HQ                                                           [WK23]
 ITEMS: Inferno Powder, Tough Alloy, Tough Alloy, Inferno Powder, God's Nectar
        Fruit, Mysterious Ore, Astral Rod, Speed Ring, Wisdom Tablet, Grenade
        Launcher, Wisdom Tablet


 Just inside, we find an intruder...and then get called intruders as well! Who
 else is has invaded the interior?
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter            | 105/00  |  75/12  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 By this point, you probably don't even need Excitement to take care of these
 guys. Any mass-damage attack will suffice in making 'em push up daisies...

NOTE: There are two ways to go through the place, and the HQ is actually
      separated into two buildings. The "A" Building is accessed by taking
      the stairs -- it's quicker but has a lot of enemy fights. The "B"
      building has no enemy fights but is convoluted and uses elevators quite
      a lot. The walkthrough is for the "B" route as any lunkhead with a pair
      of eyeballs can read the straightforward map and get upstairs with ease



 In the first elevator room, get an [INFERNO POWDER] and take the elevator up
 to the next floor. Here, take the rightmost working one and continue until
 a room with conveyor belts is found. Flip only the leftmost of the switches
 and board the conveyor to reach the room's west exit. Continue along to find
 an elevator unlocker -- #2 on F1 and F2 is now released!

 Backtrack to the conveyor belt room once more. Flip on the leftmost and the
 rightmost of the 3 switches and ride to the east edge of the room, where a
 [GOD'S NECTAR FRUIT] is. Further on that way is a [MYSTERIOUS ORE]. Now, to
 take the newly opened elevators! Go to the ground floor and take the second

 Once arriving, take the rightmost of the three elevators to its end, where a
 unlocker can be found -- this one opens Elevator 3 on 8F and 10F. Backtrack
 to the three-elevator room and go the leftmost way, which leads to a third
 unlocker, this one for Elevator 4 on 3F and 8F. Next segment!


 Return to the ground floor room with the four elevators. Take the leftmost
 and, at the destination, the rightmost, which should not be active. This
 leads to the second conveyor belt room. Out of the two switches, the left
 shoves Alec onto middle platform (don't go north yet). Turn on that single
 switch there, ride to the east platform, turn on the right switch, then
 ride all the way to solid ground. An [ASTRAL ROD] is there for the taking!
 Don't bother going north from here 'cause it's a cyclic part; instead, go
 east again and at the single switch, it's north to the 3rd conveyor room...


 Alec starts in the middle this time. Don't bother flipping the switch yet,
 though. Ride west to the next single-switch platform and follow north to a
 dead-end elevator. It's got a [WISDOM TABLET] and [SPEED RING] inside, though!
 Mosey on back to the conveyor belt room, flip the switch nearby, ride east to
 the next switch (flip it); and, from there, it's possible to sidle all the way
 to the easternmost exit. Beyond a ways is a four-way elevator room -- take the
 third-from-left one to its end and find an unlocker for Elevator 3 on 12F &
 13F, and Elevator 4 on 1F!

 Backtrack to the last (3rd) conveyor belt room and flip the eastmost switch.
 Flip off the leftmost switch, but keep the middle one on; from the second-
 -from-left platform, you can then ride the long conveyor belt to the leftmost
 platform (how many times am I going to say platform? Stay tuned!). Follow it
 to the last elevator-unlocker, regarding Elevator 3 on 1F & B1F.

 You now have to backtrack ALL THE WAY to the initial ground-floor room with
 the four elevators. It's hard to explain in reverse, so use that map I made
 as an aid -- it'll help!


 Finally, the last stretch. Take Elevator 3 to a [GRENADE LAUNCHER] and
 [WISDOM TABLET] dead-end, then take Elevator 4 a ways up to the 13F! There's
 a save point near there.

NOTE: If you want to get the two Tough Alloys at the bottom of the HQ (Items
      #2 and #3 on map), you should do so now.

 Anyway, on the 13F, take the enemy-less stairways until you're faced down
 by a gigantic dragonmachine thingermajigger.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Fear Crimson                 | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |

 Leadoff with Excitement/Card Field since everyone starts so close together,
 and if Velhart's with, Omega BUSTER. Also, have Lutz use Magic Shield to
 prevent Reactor Flare's heinous fire-attribute damage. This also makes its
 super-attack "Fire Crimson" do about 100 damage to those in its proximity.
 Alec's Cure should be more than able to erase all damage dealt, and it's
 only got ~900 HP. If you have the Romancing Stone, the difficulty's about

 A mysterious figure saves everyone from the explosion, and it turns out to
 be.......Elc from ATL2 fame! After seeing some evaporatin' scenes, Elc'll
 recover the Hein, his airship from the previous game. He suggests talking
 to the Guildmaster and learning information about The Dark One before they
 head to the Flying Castle. An old magic user named Gogen is supposed to
 be able to help in these respects...HMM...


 After talking with the Guildmaster in Paltos, the following jobs will become

  � Job 71 - Rochefort Family Crisis ---------> [JB71] --> Paltos
  � Job 73 - Guild Staff: The Next Generation > [JB73] --> Paltos
  � Job 74 - Protect the Material Shipment ---> [JB74] --> Itio City
  � Job 76 - Interview Magic Master Gogen ----> [JB76] --> Paysus
  � Job 77 - Where is the Heinous Hunter? ----> [JB77] --> Gislem
  � Job 78 - Raia's Dream --------------------> [JB78] --> Paltos
  � Job 79 - Dreaded Village of Hemo-jis! ----> [JB79] --> Renn
  � Job 80 - Sexy Casino Party Help Needed! --> [JB80] --> Testa

 Once you've completed a job in Paltos or visited a non-Paltos guild, return
 to the Guildmaster to learn Gogen's whereabouts -- Jiharta! This opens up
 Job #73 & 76. In Paysus, where Job 76 is, Tengaron points everyone to Elbow
 Cape on Jiharta's eastern seaboard. Head there...

24) ELBOW CAPE                                                           [WK24]

 ITEMS: Strength Nut, Reco Pod, Light Amulet, Life Nut, Light Fragment, Light
        Fragment, White Talisman, Soul Herb, Light Fragment, Magic Sprig,
        Strength Nut, Recovery Tonic, Life Fruit, Magic Sprig, Palo Nut, Reco
        Pod, Potent Violet Fruit, Magic Power Nut, Palo Nut, Battle Suit

[ROOM #1]

 There's a small minigame from the get-go, where Alec has to catch a moving
 box and take its contents. Coax it into the space along the western edge of
 the room to trap it, and get the [STRENGTH NUT] within.

[ROOM #2]

 The next room has two moving boxes. Scare the left box west, then do the
 same with the right box until they're sort of near each other. When you
 make them go north, they'll get trapped along that top wall. Crack open the
 [RECO POD] near the orange crate, then get the other one's [LIGHT AMULET]!

[ROOM #3]

 Two boxes again. See the two northern boxes up there? Try to maneuver one
 _______________________ into a position ("1") against the wall and box.
                 _       This allows you to fake out the next one right up
            1   [_]      against the second one, trapping it. Take the easy
           [_]           [LIFE NUT] and open the "1" box for a [LIGHT

[ROOM #4]

 This one's a little easier. You need to scare all three boxes into that slot
 in the northeast portion (three-tile area), against the east wall. One will
 probably go into the middle first, making all the others' items way easy to
 steal. They contain a [LIGHT FRAGMENT], [WHITE TALISMAN], and [SOUL HERB]!

[ROOM #5]

 Four boxes this time and no crates to help with the capture. However, there
 is a way to do this. Here's how I did it (w/ diagram!). 1 space = 1 panel,
 by the way. "E" stands for empty boxes.

                                                                       B B  |
 01 - Make the boxes look like so in NE corner.                             |
                                                                       B B  |
 02 - Push a box in between the two at this point, right here ----------'   |

                                                                       BEB  |
 03 - Make this box ---------------------------------------------------' .-'
      go counterclockwise until it gets into the NE corner here ---------'
                                                                        EB B|
 04 - Take the fourth box and move it into the slot here -----------------'

 05 - Get all the boxes!

 TONIC]. Whew! Continue into the passageway with four new exits. Take the 1st
 one on the left.

[ROOM #6]

 This is a memory/tone puzzle. Step on the red box to see some tiles light
 up. You need to step on those, so don't bother observing the torches; that
 will lead you astray. Solution for stepping this room is:


 Take the three chests in the room beyond, being [LIFE FRUIT], [MAGIC SPRIG],
 and [PALO NUT]. Back in the hallway, take the next room to the right.

[ROOM #7]

 The solution for this puzzle works out the same, although some spaces will
 be used more than once (repeat numbers are listed under spaces you'd normally
 step on).

      [1][ ][2][3][4]
      [8]   [6][5]

 Take the prizes beyond: a [RECO POD] & [POTENT VIOLET FRUIT]. In the corridor
 take the next door to the right.

[ROOM #8]

      [1][2][3][ ][ ]
      [4]   [5][6]

 Reward? Sure! It's a [MAGIC POWER NUT], [PALO NUT], and a [BATTLE SUIT]! Go
 in the last door in the hallway to find the next floor down. Take the middle
 door here.

[ROOM #9]

 This room makes many duplicates of Alec who bar his way as he tries to find
 the northern exit. Move north/south repeatedly to find out where the real
 Alec is located, and go north. This place has drop-off edges, meaning clones
 and Alec can fall off (in which case he'll have to come back a ways to get
 through again, but doesn't have to do all puzzles over). This time, go left &
 right one panel each to knock clones off and find out Alec's whereabouts.

 The third room has more edges to fall off in the north south portion, so once
 again move east/west one panel per step to knock the dopplegangers off. After
 you get through, it's...


 Finally made it. Gogen says the Dark One cannot be sealed, but lunkhead Lutz
 suggests why not make a new ark to steal it in...? HUH? Apparently, it was
 crafted from Eternal Flame, Eternal Ice, Eternal Tree, and Eternal Steel...
 When found, Gogen'll do the rest...


 Back on the surface, go to Paltos and tell the Guildmaster about the finds.
 This completes Job #76 and opens up a few more jobs 'round the world, as a
 time-waster 'til the Eternal items are located. Visit any non-Paltos guild
 to receive information about said items' whereabouts!

  � Job 82 - The Truth About the Academy ------> [JB82] --> Paysus
  � Job 83 - Where Is the Missing Document? ---> [JB83] --> Gislem
  � Job 84 - Protect Vernica's Treasure -------> [JB84] --> Renn
  � Job 85 - Spooky Stuffed Animal Warehouse --> [JB85] --> Testa

 After talking with the Guildmaster in Paltos, it will be learned that Eternal
 Steel was made by the Creator, and apparently can be located in Cariote Cave.
 Y'know, the LADDER MAZE OF DOOM? This opens the following job:

  � Job 81 - Get the Eternal Steel! -----------> [JB81] --> Paltos

 Let's get going to Cariote Cave, then!

25) CARIOTE CAVE II                                                      [WK25]
 SHOP: SH10 (Yes, there's one here!)

 I'll cut the crap and just display where to go, since you already have been
 spelunkin' here.

                  |            |�|
                  |            | |_____
                  |            |_____  |
                  |                  |_|
         .--------+---------------.  | |
    |���������|   |            |�����   ����|
    |         |   |  ________ _|            |
    |    _    |   | |        |_  TRAP ROOM  |
    |___| |___|   |  ��������  |____________|
        |_|       |
 ___ ___| |__     |
|SVE|        |    |
|RST|        |    |
 �|�|���|_|��     |
  | |___| |       |
  |  _____|       '-------------------------------------------.
  |_|-.    Lever                                              |
      |        \_____               .--.     .--.             |           Lever
      |        |     |              |  |     |  |          __|�|__     ___/
     FINISH    |_   _|              | |�|___|�||�|______ _|       |_ _|   |
                 |�|__             | |TRAP __||       _|_ MINEFLD _|_____|
                 |__  |            | |ROOM|   |______|   |_______|
                  __|�|__          |  ����
                 |       | _______|�|
                 |__   __||         |   The destination we're aiming for here
                    | |   | |�������    is marked on the map. All traps have
                    |�|___|�|       been disabled by this time (if you've done
                    |__   __|  all the disarm switches) so they won't be much
                       |_|     of a bother, hopefully -- crumbling floor traps
                      START    and minefields still have to be done, however.

  ############################         ############################
  #### FIRST TRAP ROOM MAP ###         ### SECOND TRAP ROOM MAP ###
  ############################         ############################

     START               .-EXIT          START----------------.WALL
      |                 |                                     |
     FORK               |            WALL.-FORK               |
      |                 |                |   |                |
     FORK----FORK--.    |                | FORK--FORK         |
                   |ROCK|                |        |           |
                   '----'                |       FORK--FORK   |
                                    EXIT-|              |     |
                                         |CHEST---.    FORK---'WALL

 At the end of the first stretch, Dorvan's family will meet up with Alec's
 crew and say that the Eternal Steel isn't here. You can use their services
 though [SH10] if you want -- they have all their bases covered. Leave when
 ready and you'll automatically exit via a shortcut.

 Everyone thinks the Eternal Steel may have been synthesized into another
 object. Choose "Another possibility?" when it comes up, and Velhart will
 suggest checking out the hero memorial hall in Paltos.


 Once there, the curator points everyone in the right direction -- the sword
 a statue is holding could probably be dated back far enough for consideration
 on the subject (Mystic Great Sword). The sword was stolen after a match in an
 ancient arena, and some say a ghost of that warrior still wanders around to
 this day. The arena used to be in Digarta Wilds, a location that hasn't been
 accessible until now. Save the game first, natch.

 [NOTE: This also allows you to hunt the monster Neros, finally~~~~~~~~~~~!]

 Go to the Digarta Wilds, located by the hovercraft's beach, and watch Velhart
 get trounced. Ugh... Talk to Gruga in Paltos, then go to the arena colosseum,
 Rochefort Manor, the Arena reception room, and Dartanelle Beach. After that,
 Velhart learns how to defeat the Ghost Warrior. To the Digarta Wilds!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Ghost Warrior                | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 For starters, use MUSUO I/II/III to completely evade physical attacks while
 leaving openings for counterattacks. It likes to use Thunder God Fission to
 inflict decent damage, so equip Flay's Crest to help cut down on attribute
 damage. Omega BUSTER will help for inflicting non-counterable damage on the
 spectre. Seal Thunder Cut can do 100+ as well, so keep some healing items on-
 -hand (Soul Herb, Super Amazing Herb, etc.) for when Velhart's HP gets lower.
 Wing Cut is a crappy physical attack besides. He has 1000 HP, which isn't too
 hard to whittle down with Omega BUSTER doing much of the work. Still, because
 Velhart is alone, you may have trouble on the healing end. Be prepared...!

 The Ghost Warrior will ascend to the heavens and [ETERNAL STEEL] will be in
 Velhart's pocket soon enough.


 Getting a job complete on #81 opens up some more jobs:

  � Job 87 - Help the Indebted Family! ------> [JB87] -> Testa
  � Job 88 - Stop the Impostor Swordsman! ---> [JB88] -> Paltos
  � Job 89 - Investigate the Mysterious Box -> [JB89] -> Paltos
  � Job 91 - Traveling Guild Worker Escort --> [JB91] -> Gislem

 Meeting with the Guildmaster thereafter opens up story Job #86, regarding
 the location of another Ark component.

  � Job 86 - Get the Eternal Tree Branch ----> [JB86] -> Renn

 This job leads to the Sacred Ruins...

26) SEALED RUINS                                                         [WK26]

 ITEMS: Wind Fragment, Tem's Root, Yellow Talisman, Tem's Root, Wind Fragment,
        Wind Fragment, Widsom Tablet, Earth Fragment, Wisdom Tablet, Phalanx,
        Wisdom Tablet, Green Talisman, Rocket Bomb, Earth Fragment


 As you can see, at the first fork, a [WIND FRAGMENT] is found way at the end
 of the south fork, while the east one goes a lot farther (and you have to go
 this way, natch). Theo will find a monster friend down that way, who beckons
 him to go the left path. Take the right hole's vine and follow after the li'l

 In the room directly after where the monster first appeared, take the vine
 (using the option) and backtrack one area, and go down the right side with
 that vine. It leads to a monster room with a [WIND FRAGMENT], [TEM'S ROOT],
 [TEM'S ROOT], and [WIND FRAGMENT]! And, after you're done, you can simply
 take the root connecting to that room and bring it back to the three-way
 fork. Go down the left hole with it and the right hole's vine.

 After going a ways down, eventually we'll reach a path that goes directly
 south to a monster room. South of there is a two-hole place. Take the east
 vine down to a [WISDOM TABLET], [EARTH FRAGMENT], and [WISDOM TABLET] 'fore
 climbing right back up and taking the vine. Plug it in the west hole and
 go down.

 Follow it until you get to the last treasure room, with a [PHALANX], [WISDOM
 back up and take that rope (after fighting the monsters). Climb back up and
 return to areas prior, to the three-exit place -- go north to the next 3-exit
 place. This time, take the left rope __UP__ and place the rope you took a bit
 ago into the slot. Take the rope you just climbed up and go down the western
 hole to where the save point/heal point is. Continue along until you've gotta
 clean up an infestation...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Rootbytus                    | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 I wonder how they came up with this name? A flurry of Excitement, Card Field,
 and Magic Shield will help makes it damage-dealing horrible. It uses Genesis
 X to switch its tail and head, which isn't much of a tactic. Raging Blaze is
 its other attack (fire-attribute) on the allies around it. Lame! Anyway, once
 1000 damage has been done, the battle ends.

 This thing keeps growing a new head! After regrouping, the little monster
 that Theo saved wants to be turned into a card to help. It changes the boss
 into a large scorpion-lookin' thing.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Rootbytus                    | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Excitement + Card Field + Magic Shield to start off. It uses "Killing Mist"
 to inflict damage and poison on those around it, and "Fascination Laser" is
 not such a bad attack either. After enough damage, it uses "Movement" to
 go to another location on the field. It's got about ~1400 HP to sift thru,
 but Impulse Bomb can deplete 200+ per hit and some physical attacks can do
 about that. Not that hard, but it's fun to have a boss fight once in awhile.

 After some planting scenes, the [ETERNAL TREE BRANCH] is received! This'll
 rack up another job complete!


 Visit any guild to make the following jobs appear:

  � Job 90 - What Kind of Present? ------------> [JB90] -> Gislem
  � Job 93 - Eternal Love Final Confession ----> [JB93] -> Itio
  � Job 94 - Monster Extermination in Cariote -> [JB94] -> Paltos
  � Job 95 - RBG: The Last Encounter ----------> [JB95] -> Renn
  � Job 96 - Rochefort Company's New Product --> [JB96] -> Paltos

 Talk with the Paltos Guildmaster to unlock the following in Paysus:

  � Job 92 - Get the Eternal Ice! -------------> [JB92] -> Paysus

 Taking Job #92 will open up the location of the Eternal Ice, in the aptly-
 -titled......ICE GALLERY! Nevermind the title, just go to north Jiharta where
 the looming snowcaps hover above...

27) ICE GALLERY                                                          [WK27]

 ITEMS: Wisdom Tablet, Ice Amulet, Water Fragment, Blue Talisman, Raila's
        Mirror, Blue Talisman, Water Fragment

 Beware of Vampire Bats, which can use "Restore" in the same way Alec can use
 Resurrection...only they can bring back multiple allies at once (max: 2/per).
 It also seems they can only revive their own kind, too, for reference.

 Anyway, this place is mostly full of "slide" puzzles. This means that Alec
 will have to step on some ice and glide around until he comes to the exit.
 The first room is awfully simple but it gets a little harder later on.
|SLIDE PUZZLE #2: Alec starts in the S part of the map. On the easternmost
 tile, slide north -> west -> north -> east to the [WATER FRAGMENT]. From
 there, it's north -> west -> east -> north -> east -> north -> west to the

 A little ways ahead is the next puzzle by a save and heal point.
|SLIDE PUZZLE #3: There are multiple treasure chests here. Here's how to get

  � Blue Talisman ---> Stand south of save point and go south -> east ->
                       south -> west -> north -> west -> south.

  � Blue Talisman  --> By the save points, stand on the SW corner of the dry
                       land. Walk one space east then glide south -> west.

  � Water Fragment --> Stand left of the save point and walk west until you
                       slide to the opposite solid ground. You can see a rock
                       just south; go to it. Then, it's east -> south -> west.

  � Raila's Mirror --> After getting the Water Fragment (above), simply go
                       south to solid ground. Whee!

  � Water Fragment --> Stand left of save point and glide west to the next
                       segment of dry ground. Stand in the SE corner and walk
                       one space west before gliding south. Go west -> south
                       -> east -> north.

  � EXIT THIS PLACE -> Stand left of save point and glide west. That's all...

 Defeat the Dark Fogs/Water Dragons and continue  to the Eternal Ice Wall
 that shields the booty. No one can think of a way to get through, however,
 so it's back to Rusaht's institute. Salubari says the "Giga Plasma" spell
 can break the ice wall, but few people can learn it because they have to
 defeat all the elemental wizards and learn the essences of the elements!
 Sounds like a long, boring run-around quest... =(

 Only four are currently known, though Master Harzan of Amaidar Temple could
 probably shed some light on their whereabouts. Salubari summons the four
 wizards, and Harzan reveals the names of the other Light/Dark wizards --
 the top of Amaidar Mountain. Talk to the Chun-Li-lookin' woman at the cafe
 to learn Sania's at the library; after, return to the temple and get Iga's
 message to leave for the mountaintop. Tikva trains to become the Light/Dark
 Wizard, so return to Rusaht and challenge the wizards in the training hall.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 69 Ovel                         | 172/999 |  22/102 | DIFFICULTY: ?/10 |
| Lv. 69 Doan                         | 172/999 |  22/102 |------------------'
| Lv. 69 Soah                         | 172/999 |  22/102 |
| Lv. 69 Breeze                       | 172/999 |  22/102 |

 This is a Marsia-only battle, but even with their horrible ATK there's a
 huge DEF to overcome. If you've been using her a lot up to this time, all
 you have to do is use the opposing attribute attacks on each wizard. It'll
 probably fry 'em easily. On the other hand, if you haven't been using Marsia
 up to this time (she was Lv. 20 for me), you may have your work cut out for
 you. I suggest artificial DEF/MAG raising with the buff items, and equipping
 the Delight Heal (+10 HP/MP per turn) and Flay's Crest (-50% attribute dmg)
 for easier effect. I beat them all at Lv. 20 by using two Rocket Bombs -- it
 takes over 100+ off each, and since they clump together, it's an easy way
 out for those low-levelled people. For me it went:

 TURN 1: Hit with Air Blast + Heat Shell; Marsia retreats SE and heals up.
 TURN 2: Hit with Air Blast; Marsia uses a Rocket Bomb
 TURN 3: Hit with Air Blast/Heat Shell/Land Ax; Marsia kills three wizard
 TURN 4: Hit with Water Crumble; Marsia uses another bomb and kills Ovel.

 Beat 'em at Lv. 24. ^___^  Now's the time for the Light/Dark Wizard....your
 old friend Tikva! Marsia can't go &
 save in-between, either,  y'know...  .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Tikva                        | 294/999 |  37/95  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |

 A high-levelled Marsia can dominate this easily, but for those who aren't
 up to par with Tikva, do the Flay's Crest/Delight Heel accessories to cover
 her back. Don't bother using light/dark attacks on Tikva because that's his
 specialty. You can switch out the Delight Heel for a Light/Dark Amulet, also,
 since he only has two attacks. Personally, I just threw a bunch of bombs at
 him to win 'cause my Marsia's too low a level to deal real damage with her
 Gaia Magic. Oh well, whatever gets y'through...

 After defeating Tikva, Marsia learns the Giga Plasma spell. Rest/save at
 Rusaht and return to the Eternal Ice Wall (no backtracking necessary). Let's
 stick it to the boss...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Cliff Gigantor               | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 41 Ice Golem (x?)               | 214/80  | 183/46  |------------------'

 As per usual, Excitement/Card Field/Magic Shield at the start, while Velhart
 uses MUSOU I/II/III. Ice Masher can do 150+ to a single target, so all the
 more reason for attribute-reduction accessories and spells. It uses Icicle
 Cage on those in close-range, which does poor damage if Magic Shield is in
 effect (~30); Prism Wall, however, summons up to three Ice Golems into the
 battle...all the more reason to bumrush the thing and go as far north as
 possible. The summoned golems appear way in the south. ^___^ Cliff Gigantor
 has about 1000 HP, so it's not an insurmountable value.

 Once we've burned the icy fiend, the [ETERNAL ICE] is claimed! Job complete!


 Visit any guild to learn the Guildmaster's got more information for Alec.
 This also opens up a few more jobs...

  � Job 97 - Protect Raia During the Show! ---> [JB97] -> Itio

 Talk with the Guildmaster in Paltos to learn the Eternal Flame is somewhere
 in South Sularto...maybe? It unlocks:

  � Job 98 - Get the Eternal Flame! ----------> [JB98] -> Testa

 In the course of taking this job, and recovering Chongara's memory, he will
 recall the location of the Eternal Flame -- the Volcano Cave, a smoking mount
 just north of Gislem. Partycrashin' in the ashen wasteland, yo!

28) VOLCANO CAVE                                                         [WK28]

 ITEMS: Flame Fragment, Flame Fragment, Flame Fragment, Flame Amulet, Red

  | LEGEND: 1, 2, 3 = Flame Fragment | 4 = Red Talisman | 5 = Flame Amulet | 

 Enter                            .---.
      \_         ______           |   |    This dungeon's kinda short, so we
      |1|_______|      |_ _______|�|  |    don't have to explain it too much.
      |_________|       _|_________|  |    There are some passageways that've
   _____        |      |         .----'    got flame spouts that cue when you
  |3 4 5|������||______|         |         step on floor panels, but for those
   ����� �|    |_ ______________|�|        with a Romancing Stone, you can 
    .---. |______|_________       |        simply go through without too many
    |  |�|_______ _________| 2|���         problems.
   |�| |_________|____________|
 |�   �|                                   When you get to the "FLAME" room,
 |     |                           no one has a container with which to carry
 |_   _|                           the last component back in. Lutz suggests
   |_|________ |�����|             going to see Elnan at the Item Society, so
   |________  ||FLAME|             do that. He'll have figured out what that
            |_||_   _|             contraption Alec's crew delivered to him
            | |__|�|               way way back when, and hand the [MYSTERIOUS
            |______|               OBJECT] over to use in claiming the Eternal
                                   Flame. Next, visit the Weapon Society...

 Dario will think of a way to help Cheryl's gun freeze the lava: combine a
 Rocket Bomb, Grenade Launcher, Ice Saber, and Calm Nut! Go to Gislem's Danger
 Dome to meet Gudan and his gang. He drops the thing that Dwarf Behemoths in
 Kutao Temple will have some (note: to unlock Kutao Temple, you must accept to
 do Job #72). Here's a map of the place:

 See the orange room just right of the "B1" marking? That's where those Dwarf
 Behemoths can be found.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 53 Dwarf Behemoth (x5)          |  12/50  | 132/96  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 These little buggers have great elemental defense, so use specialty attacks
 like Brain Blast or Divide to take them out easily. Fatal Dagger also works
 for whittling down their HP, especially if you want to Cardish one. Their
 "Heavy Bell" attack is pretty crappy, and you can paralyze them if needed.

 A [CALM NUT] is acquired after battle (always), and back at Weapon Society,
 the fabulous, glorious, incrediblelastic [STONE GUN] is created! Next-door,
 Elnan will have a [LAMP] that can carry the Eternal Flame somehow. Clutz Lutz
 puts it in his charge... -___-

 Return to the Lake of Fire (no backtracking necessary) and the mysterious
 flying object reveals itself as Diekbeck! There's a minigame where Cheryl
 prevents lava from falling on Lutz by using the Stone Gun to stop it cold
 in its tracks. Decide where Lutz ascends with the d-pad and press "X" to
 start the ascent. She can only make lava blocks in the wall's vertical gaps,
 however. If the target is green, Cheryl can't shoot there. Oh, and fire with
 "X" also. It'll stop the lava for one round. Don't worry if you mess up --
 there is infinite retries. ^____^ HINT: You can see where the lava will begin
 at the very top, and it always flows down; however, it always takes the turns
 when available, so that's how it makes its weird pattern. Here's how I did

 Slot #3 (third from left out of 4 available) -> shoot gap right next to Lutz
 Turn 2: Shoot gap right left of Lutz
 Turn 3: Shoot gap just NE of Lutz
 Turn 4: Shoot any gap 'cause the lava won't get Lutz anyway

 On the fifth turn, Lutz will make it up and capture the [ETERNAL FLAME]! The
 job is now complete! Diekbeck also gives Theo his monster card as a farewell


 New missions available at this point:

  � Job 99  - Do the Monster Card Tournament --> [JB99] --> Renn
  � Job 100 - Find the Missing Daughter! ------> [JB100] -> Paltos
  � Job 101 - Unleash the Ultimate Monster ----> [JB101] -> Gislem

 After speaking with the Guildmaster and Gogen, it's learned the blessing of
 the Guardians is needed to make a new Ark. One guardian remains in the Trial
 Cave on Eteru Isle -- time to complete the ark and return back. The last job
 in the game is now accessible...

  � Job 102 - Create a New Ark! ---------------> [JB102] -> Paltos

 The last job brings Alec back to a familiar place...

29) TRIAL CAVE                                                           [WK29]

 If you take this job, you won't be able to take any others while it's active
 so make your decision carefully. Time to bring the mission on home and raid
 the Trial Cave once again...

               |       | <- GHOST DREAM CRYSTAL
               |__   __|
                __| |__
               |SAVE   |_ ____________
               |  HEAL  _|___________ \
               |  _____|             ) )
               |_|                  / /
             __| |                 / /
            |  __|     ___________/ /       _____
            | |       |  _________ (_____ _|     |
            |_|       |_|         \______|_      |
          __| |__   __| |__                |_____|
         |       | |   _   |
         |       | |  |_|  |
         |__   __| |__   __|
            |_|       |_|
            | |_______| |
            |____   ____|
                 | |             ________
                 | |            |        |
                 |_|  .------.  | |����| |
                 | | _|_    _|_ |_|    |_|       _____ ______
                 | |_| |   _| |_| |    | |      / ____|_     |
                 |_____|  |_______|    | |_ ___/ /      |____|
                                       |  _|____/
                                      _| |
                                     |  _)
                                     | (
                                     | |_
                                     (_  |
                                       ) |

 Fight through the hordes of mostly-crappy enemies until you arrive at the
 Ghost Dream Crystal room, where the party fought Tengaron so long ago. All
 five guardians help in creating the new [ARK]. Job complete!


 Elc won't be at the Hein at Ragnark until you see the Guildmaster, but will
 join the party at that time. Once you choose to go to the Sky Castle, it is
 IMPOSSIBLE to return to the world map, so get all those good items around
 the dungeons (particularly the Romancing Stone in Kutao Temple) before you
 commit to this expedition!

 The goin' down.

30) FLYING CASTLE                                                        [WK30]

 ITEMS: Shimmer Stone, Flame Fragment, Strength Armlet, White Talisman, Black
        Talisman, Protection Armlet, Earth Fragment, Rad's Reagent, Tough
        Alloy, Water Fragment, Mysterious Ore, Wind Fragment, Blue Talisman,
        God's Nectar Fruit, Green Talisman, Light Saber, Inferno Powder,
        Swift Armlet, Dark Fragment, Light Fragment, Light Alloy, Yellow
        Talisman, Red Talisman, Wisdom Tablet, Mysterious Ore, Mysterious
        Ore, Magic Armlet, Tough Alloy, Light Alloy, Strength Armlet,
        Protection Armlet, Swift Armlet, Magic Armlet, Wisdom Tablet, Rad's

 The Hein fires grappler hooks to anchor itself, allowing everyone to get into
 the interior.


 The first floor has three exits. From left to right: Dorvan Family shops +
 save point, elevator to 2F, repeating monster room. You can now buy some good
 weapons from Dorvan (finally!) but ultimately it's going up the elevator. The
 "Feral Trial" will start there.


 The monsters here are pieces-o'-crap bad, such as Lv. 1 Opossums and Lv. 18
 Stone Tortoises. A few Lv. 40+ monsters are thrown into the mix, like Flash
 Hiders and Attack Dogs, but there's only five in all -- romp! This entire
 challenge is basically a run through repeating rooms like in Kutao Temple.

 To get through this floor, go (from Feral Trial):

 01) East
 02) North
 03) West
 04) North [to Savepoint]
 05) North 
 06) East
 07) East
 08) South
 09) East

 The last room is the Dragon Trial, where there are three Altima [Lv. 75] foes
 to strike down. They're the only new monsters out of all the rest, but still
 shouldn't prove to be a challenge if you're adequately levelled. So much for
 them being incredibly friendly, huh? Even with 700+ HP, Fatal Dagger still
 makes it a fun fight. Just be sure to use Magic Shield since they know all
 of the ____-attribute breath skills, and also resist all elements (this means
 that Elc will be doing lots of 1-damage hits).


 Pretty straightforward, and you can avoid all monsters if you want. In the
 hallway with the six exits (5 new), there are four on pointing north. The
 middle two contain treasures, the rightmost another treasure (and monsters),
 and the leftmost the way out. The SWmost exit is a dead-end and doesn't need
 to be taken. So, go the NWmost and continue on your merry way. Eventually
 you get to the elevator room, and an antechamber has a teleport, too. This
 opens up a warp on the 1F right by the inn, for easier access.


 Academy 3 Fighters [Lv. 49, 176/304] are new but still are pretty crappy if
 you're at a higher level than them...and you should be. A boss battle is up
 after the 1st room...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Galdo                        | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 49 Academy 3 Fighter (x4)       | 176/320 | 160/24  |------------------'

 Excitement/Strike Power at the beginning and try to get a few potshots
 in before Galdo uses Agility Bellow (increases self AGL). Destroy all of
 the minions if you're planing on using elemental attacks, because they'll
 use Magic Shield to make that less effective. If Theo's along, Card Field
 to pre-empt the boss' Wild Shout, that increases his own ATK. Still, it's
 borderline ridiculous how easily this can be to win. Galdo uses a few range
 attacks to attack those around him but it's single-digit nonsense by now...
 He's got about 2200 HP to slice off.


 The following room has a [GOD'S NECTAR FRUIT] to take, and from there it's
 all monster fights in rooms with three exits. Some have repeating paths that
 reset you to the start, so we'll want to avoid them. From the first monster
 room past Galdo, go:

 Leftmost -> Leftmost -> Leftmost -> Rightmost -> Middle

 This warps to the next floor.


 In the second room past the elevator, look carefully for a [LIGHT SABER] that
 is obscured by the wall. It heals 20 HP per turn, and is better than anything
 Alec has right now, I'm sure.

 Anyway, in the long eight-exit hallway (7 new), all lead to treasure rooms
 except for the two rightmost. The SEmost exit is the way to go after looting
 the caches, and leads to the exit, as well as a warp back to the 1F if you
 need to save/rest up.


 Collect the four treasures here and continue north to find that Seville has
 been dispatched at long last...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Seville                      | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 6/10 |
| Lv. 46 Wyvern Slave (x2)            | 409/120 | 208/24  |------------------'
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter (x2)       | 105/00  |  75/12  |

 Use Excitement/Strike Power to give the offense a sharper edge, and have
 Velhart use MUSOU III. Magic Shield will also help a little, and if Theo's
 with, use Card Field because the "White Shadow Duel Blade" can do 200+ in a
 straight don't stand in a straight line during this battle. Storm
 Dance can do ~300 to a single target, which can only be stomached a few
 times before someone's KO'd. He usually switches off, though, and uses Break
 Slide to better effect than Galdo as well (~200 around him). Basically, Alec
 should be on Cure duty, or someone can throw Potent Herbs in the mix as well.
 This might be one of the few battles that poses some sort of challenge, and
 if you don't have a Romancing Stone, it can definitely be a trial. Don't
 forget about Omega BUSTER, though -- the sword skill can inflict a heckuvalot
 of damage if you get the chance. If you surround Seville, he's more likely to
 use "Psycho Blade," which is a weaker AoE attack around him. But anyway, the
 Omega BUSTER attack basically mauled this guy, as opposed to Alec healing
 every round and people doing crappy damage. Seville's got decent physical
 defense, so don't think this is going to be a walk in the park. In all, he's
 got about 1500 HP, a bit less than Galdo.

 One he's a corpse, head north to the save/heal points and a [WISDOM TABLET].
 North a few rooms, the Inner Sanctum can be found. This is where the struggle
 to contain the Dark One fails, and the struggle to contain it begins... Hurry
 'cause there ain't much time!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? The Dark One (x6)            | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 The targets are the six (6) eyeballs on the floor, but don't use physical
 attacks or they'll immediately counterattack (100% of the time) for about
 120 damage. Use Excitement/Card Field to help out, and use Magic Shield to
 make the "Flashpoint" attack do less damaeg. It's fire-attribute and hits all
 allies on the field, sadly... Either way, nothing to worry about if you
 can take care of your party upkeep. The eyeballs have about 700 HP, so this
 isn't such a big deal if you can break out a couple Omega BUSTERs.

 When a couple eyes are dead, the "Water Torture" attack kicks in -- it's of
 the element it seems like. Magic Shield reduces it to a mere ~100 damage or
 so. "Evil Vortex" can inflict about ~175 on everyone, but it's used rarely.
 I actually ended up beating this entire battle with three people (Anrietta
 got set in the battle by default, since Elc wasn't usable) and still managed
 to go through without too much hassle. Just make sure to travel in groups to
 make Cure more effective.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? The Dark One                 | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 Only one target this time. Excitement/Card Field ASAP, and use Magic Shield
 when possible. The baddie uses "Vice Crop" to attack all those allies within
 a close range, and since HP values are the same as the previous battle, keep
 a close eye on such things! "Dark Flash" does about ~150 to all allies, but
 isn't "deadly" in the same way instant death is deadly. =)

 Chaotic Impulse often does single-digits, and if you gather in front of the
 thing, you can bait into much use. Either way, Impulse Bombs & Omega BUSTERs
 will make this battle surprisingly uneventful, and this dark lord seems to be
 a little rusty from its long confinement... NOTE: Fatal Dagger can take off
 300+ ALSO!

 The one change-up is the "Advent of Demise" HP-absorb attack, which can take
 back over 2800+ HP! If Fatal Dagger + Omega Buster is doing 1000+ damage per
 turn (sometimes it can, sometimes it can't), this isn't much of a problem...
 it's just an annoyance. Each time he uses it, he absorbs less and less, so
 on the 2nd time, he gets about 1700; 3rd time he uses it, he gets about 1300,

 Overall, I'd say the guy has about 10000 HP max, but you'll have to do more
 than that because he heals it back. Kinda lame, but at least there's some
 sort of challenge, yeah?


   And that's the last boss battle in the game! Enjoy the ending scenes!
          _________          _______    _______  _        ______   _ 
          \__   __/|\     /|(  ____ \  (  ____ \( (    /|(  __  \ ( )
             ) (   | )   ( || (    \/  | (    \/|  \  ( || (  \  )| |
             | |   | (___) || (__      | (__    |   \ | || |   ) || |
             | |   |  ___  ||  __)     |  __)   | (\ \) || |   | || |
             | |   | (   ) || (        | (      | | \   || |   ) |(_)
             | |   | )   ( || (____/\  | (____/\| )  \  || (__/  ) _ 
             )_(   |/     \|(_______/  (_______/|/    )_)(______/ (_)

IV. SHOP LIST                                                            [SHPL]

 Here's where you can find a listing of the stores' wares and any conditions
 that may apply to new items being on sale, if applicable.

01) Itio City                                            [BACKLINK: WK03][SH01]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Bronze Sword       40         Sword made of bronze.
 Iron Sword        100         Sword made of iron.
 Bronze Dagger      50         A handy blade of soft metal.
 Iron Knife        120         A knife made of Itio City iron.
 Iron Spear        110         Short spear made of iron.

 Leather Armor     120         Made of leather hardened with wax.
 Traveler Robe      50         Basic adventurer protection
 Adventurer Vest    70         Popular small breastplate

02) Renn                                                 [BACKLINK: WK05][SH02]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP

 Iron Sword         100        Sword made of iron.
 Steel Sword        240        Sword made of tempered steel
 Iron Knife         120        A knife made out of Itio City iron.
 Steel Scalpel      280        A large blade made out of steel.
 Iron Spear         110        Short spear made of iron.
 Steel Spear        260        Steel spear crafted of imported steel
 Leather Armor      120        Made of leather hardened with wax.
 Steel Armor        360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 Traveler Robe      50         Basic adventurer protection
 Adventurer Vest    70         Popular small breastplate    
 Chain Vest         240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains

03) Gislem                                               [BACKLINK: WK10][SH03]

    * - Appears only after completing Job #43

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies

 Iron Sword         100        Sword made of iron.
 Steel Sword        240        Sword made of tempered steel
 Iron Knife         120        A knife made out of Itio City iron.
 Steel Scalpel      280        A large blade made out of steel.
 Iron Spear         110        Short spear made of iron.
 Steel Spear        260        Steel spear crafted of imported steel
 Revolver           150        Compact six-shooter

 Leather Armor      120        Made of leather hardened with wax.
 Steel Armor        360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 Traveler Robe      50         Basic adventurer protection
 Fur Cape           180        Warm cape made of animal hides
 Adventurer Vest    70         Popular small breastplate    
 Chain Vest         240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains

 Dark Fragment*     2500       Dark Attribute, used in sythesis

04) Testa                                                [BACKLINK: WK12][SH04]

    * - Appears only after completing Job #43

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies

 Steel Sword        240        Sword made of tempered steel
 Silver Sword       500        Silver sword, made by synthesis
 Steel Scalpel      280        A large blade made out of steel.
 Silver Knife       600        Shiny and useful product of synthesis
 Steel Spear        260        Steel spear crafted of imported steel
 Silver Sarissa     540        Silver spear made by synthesis
 Revolver           150        Compact six-shooter
 Sub-Machine Gun    360        Wide and destructive attack
 Silver Rod         460        Long, light pole made of silver.

 Steel Armor        360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 Silver Mail        920        Expensive armor made of pure steel.
 Fur Cape           180        Warm cape made of animal hides
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 Chain Vest         240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains
 Silver Breastplate 600        Sturdy and attractive.

 Light Fragment*    2500       Light Attribute, used in synthesis

05) Testa Bazaar                                         [BACKLINK: WK12][SH05]

 * - Disappears on Disc 2
 ^ - Appears only on Disc 2

 NOTE: Ray Sword can be bought once on Disc 1 (on-sale Disc 2)
 NOTE: Shadow Sticher can be bought once on Disc 2
 NOTE: Shining Armor can only be bought once on Disc 2

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 ^ General Tonic    400        Cure ally of most abnormal states
 Amazing Herb       60         Recovers 100 HP
 ^ Super Amazing Herb 180      Recovers 200 HP
 Potent Herb        1600       Recovers 150 HP of nearby allies
 ^ Magic Apple      200        Recovers 50 MP

 *Blunt Sword       5          Rusted old sword
 *Bronze Sword      40         Sword made of bronze
 *Iron Sword        100        Sword made of iron
 *Butcher Knife     5          An unwieldy, poorly-balanced knife
 *Bronze Dagger     50         A handy blade of soft metal
 *Iron Knife        120        A knife made of Itio City iron.
 *Steel Scalpel     280        A large blade made out of steel.
 *Warped Spear      5          Spear with bent tip.
 *Iron Spear        110        Short spear made of iron.
 ^ Ray Sword        7200       Sword with Light Attribute
 ^ Diablo Edge      7200       Sword with Dark Attribute
 ^ Scrap Gun        5          Gun with a misshapen barrel
 ^ Revolver         150        Compact six-shooter
 ^ Sub-Machine Gun  360        Wide and destructive attack
 ^ Assault Gun      750        Lighter synthesized submachine gun
 ^ Uncanny Pole     5          Pole with bizarre markings
 ^ Silver Rod       460        Long, light pole made of silver
 ^ Platinum Rod     850        Amaidar monks use these in training
 ^ Cursed Blade     5          Large and not in charge
 ^ Silver Blade     620        A large, attractive blade of silver
 ^ Platinum Blade   1060       Finely crafted of tough platinum
 ^ Shadow Stitcher  7530       Paralyzes enemies.

 Warped Armor       10         Slightly deformed armor, hard to use
 *Leather Armor     120        Made of leather hardened with wax
 *Steel Armor       360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 *Traveler Robe     50         Basic adventurer protection
 *Fur Cape          180        Warm cape made of animal hides
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 *Adventurer Vest   70         Popular small breastplate
 *Chain Vest        240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains
 ^ Silver Mail      920        Expensive armor made of pure silver
 ^ Platinum Mail    2250       Armor made of Paltos platinum
 ^ Platinum Robe    1080       A Hunter's favorite
 ^ Silver Breastplate 600      Sturdy and attractive
 ^ Pltnum Breastplate 1850     Light, tough armor of platinum.
 ^ Shining Armor    60000      Very expensive-looking armor.

 *Flame Fragment    2500       Fire Attribute, used in synthesis
 *Water Fragment    2500       Water Attribute, used in synthesis
 *Shimmer Stone     1200       Unusual synthesis item
 *Rad's Reagent     5300       Widens range in sythesis
 ^ Earth Fragment   2500       Earth Attribute, used in synthesis
 ^ Wind Fragment    2500       Wind Attribute, used in synthesis
 ^ Light Alloy      2400       Unusual synthesis item
 ^ Tem's Root       6600       Beneficial in synthesis

 Silver Sword       500        Silver sword, made by synthesis
 Silver Knife       600        Shiny and useful product of synthesis
 Silver Sarissa     540        Silver spear made by synthesis
 ^ Silver Rod       460        Long, light pole made out of silver
 ^ Silver Blade     620        A large, attractive blade of silver

 Warped Amulet      10         Charm warped into a strange shape
 *Red Talisman      6400       Cuts Fire Attribute damage in half
 *Blue Talisman     6400       Cuts Water Attribute damage in half
 *Soothing Ring     2000       Completely prevents Poison status
 *Falcon Statue     4000       Completely prevents Silence status
 *Magnetic Belt     6000       Completely prevents Gravity status
 ^ Yellow Talisman  6400       Cuts Earth Attribute damage in half
 ^ Green Talisman   6400       Cuts Wind Attribute damage in half
 ^ White Talisman   6400       Cuts Light Attribute damage in half
 ^ Black Talisman   6400       Cuts Dark Attribute damage in half
 ^ Light Amulet     12800      Greatly reduces Light Attribute damage
 ^ Dark Amulet      12800      Greatly reduces Dark Attribute damage
 ^ Insomnia Card    8000       Completely prevents Sleep status
 ^ Tanzanite        10000      Completely prevents Confusion status
 ^ Anti Hemo-ji     12000      Completely prevents Hemo-ji status
 ^ Emblem of Lark   14000      Completely prevents Confusion status

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Dead Bud            1         Recover a single freakin' HP
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP

06) Rusaht                                               [BACKLINK: WK13][SH06]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Amazing Herb       60         Recovers 100 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies

 Silver Sword       500        Silver sword, made by synthesis
 Platinum Sword     900        Sword made of platinum
 Silver Knife       600        Shiny and useful product of synthesis
 Platinum Knife     1080       Often used in assassinations
 Silver Sarissa     540        Silver spear made by synthesis
 Platinum Sarissa   980        Light, thin spear made of platinum
 Revolver           150        Compact six-shooter
 Sub-Machine Gun    360        Wide and destructive attack
 Assault Gun        750        Lighter synthesized submachine gun
 Silver Rod         460        Long, light pole made of silver.
 Platinum Rod       850        Amaidar monks use these in training

 Steel Armor        360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 Silver Mail        920        Expensive armor made of pure steel.
 Fur Cape           180        Warm cape made of animal hides
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 Chain Vest         240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains
 Silver Breastplate 600        Sturdy and attractive.

07) Paysus                                               [BACKLINK: WK13][SH07]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies

 Steel Sword        240        Sword made of tempered steel
 Silver Sword       500        Silver sword, made by synthesis
 Steel Scalpel      280        A large blade made out of steel.
 Silver Knife       600        Shiny and useful product of synthesis
 Steel Spear        260        Steel spear crafted of imported steel
 Silver Sarissa     540        Silver spear made by synthesis
 Revolver           150        Compact six-shooter
 Sub-Machine Gun    360        Wide and destructive attack
 Silver Rod         460        Long, light pole made of silver.

 Steel Armor        360        Stout armor crafted of steel.
 Silver Mail        920        Expensive armor made of pure steel.
 Fur Cape           180        Warm cape made of animal hides
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 Chain Vest         240        Leather, overlaid with decorative chains
 Silver Breastplate 600        Sturdy and attractive.

08) Paltos                                               [BACKLINK: WK15][SH08]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Amazing Herb       60         Recovers 100 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies

 Silver Sword       500        Silver sword, made by synthesis
 Platinum Sword     900        Sword made of platinum
 Silver Knife       600        Shiny and useful product of synthesis
 Platinum Knife     1080       Often used in assassinations
 Silver Sarissa     540        Silver spear made by synthesis
 Platinum Sarissa   980        Light, thin spear made of platinum
 Revolver           150        Compact six-shooter
 Sub-Machine Gun    360        Wide and destructive attack
 Assault Gun        750        Lighter synthesized submachine gun
 Silver Rod         460        Long, light pole made of silver.
 Platinum Rod       850        Amaidar monks use these in training
 Silver Blade       620        A large, attractive blade of silver
 Platinum Blade     1060       Finely crafted of tough platinum

 Silver Mail        920        Expensive armor made of pure steel.
 Platinum Mail      2250       Armored made of Paltos platinum.
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 Platinum Robe      1080       Woven of platinum threads
 Silver Breastplate 600        Sturdy and attractive.
 Pltnum Breastplate 1850       Light, tough armor of platinum

09) Felator                                              [BACKLINK: WK19][SH09]

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 Herb               20         Recovers 50 HP
 Amazing Herb       60         Recovers 100 HP
 Bomb               100        Explosion damages nearby enemies
 Big Bomb           300        Bomb becomes able to reach far away

 Platinum Sword     900        Sword made of platinum
 Crystal Sword      1500       Sword made of crystal
 Platinum Knife     1080       Often used in assassinations
 Crystal Knife      1800       An razor-sharp blade of crystal
 Platinum Sarissa   980        Light, thin spear made of platinum
 Crystal Spear      1660       Tough spear with a crystal tip
 Assault Gun        750        Lighter synthesized submachine gun
 Heavy Machine Gun  1350       Strong attack power
 Platinum Rod       850        Amaidar monks use these in training
 Crystal Rod        1440       Used by Paltos City defense troops
 Platinum Blade     1060       Finely crafted of tough platinum
 Crystal Blade      1820       Large and made of tough, light crystal

 Silver Mail        920        Expensive armor made of pure steel.
 Platinum Mail      2250       Armored made of Paltos platinum.
 Hunter Cape        500        A Hunter's favorite
 Platinum Robe      1080       Woven of platinum threads
 Silver Breastplate 600        Sturdy and attractive.
 Pltnum Breastplate 1850       Light, tough armor of platinum

10) Dorvan Family Shop                                   [BACKLINK: WK25][SH10]

 NOTE: You can meet the salesman family in Cariote Cave after accepting Job 81
       regarding the Eternal Steel. They also offer inn + society services for
       those that need them. Later on, they can be found at the Flying Castle.

 Vigor Seed         50         Cure ally of Poison
 Harmony Needle     50         Cure ally of Silence
 Gravity Nut        50         Cure ally of Gravity
 Mint               50         Cure ally of Sleep
 Memory Plant       50         Cure ally of Confusion
 Power Jelly        50         Cure ally of Hemo-ji Condition
 Rue's Medicine     50         Cure ally of Paralysis
 General Tonic      400        Cure ally of most abnormal states
 Amazing Herb       60         Recovers 100 HP
 Hybrid Mag Apple   600        Recovers 100 MP
 Big Bomb           300        Bomb becomes able to reach far away


 Crystal Sword      1500       Sword made of crystal
 Alloy Blade        2400       Made with a new synthesis technique
 Crystal Knife      1800       An razor-sharp blade of crystal
 Super Alloy Knife  2880       Synthesized from various materials
 Crystal Spear      1660       Tough spear with a crystal tip
 Super Alloy Spear  2720       Synthesized numerous alloys
 Heavy Machine Gun  1350       Strong attack power
 Grenade Launcher   2250       Launches grenades great distances
 Crystal Rod        1440       Used by Paltos City defense troops
 Hyper-Alloy Rod    2330       Rod that can get longer while fighting
 Crystal Blade      1820       Large and made of tough, light crystal
 Titanium Blade     3040       Synthesized from many alloys

 Platinum Mail      2250       Armored made of Paltos platinum.
 Platinum Robe      1080       Woven of platinum threads
 Pltnum Breastplate 1850       Light, tough armor of platinum

 Soothing Ring      2000       Completely prevents Poison status
 Falcon Statue      4000       Completely prevents Silence status
 Magnetic Belt      6000       Completely prevents Gravity status
 Insomnia Card      8000       Completely prevents Sleep status
 Tanzanite          10000      Completely prevents Confusion status
 Anti Hemo-ji       12000      Completely prevents Hemo-ji status
 Emblem of Lark     14000      Completely prevents Confusion status

V. JOB RUNDOWN                                                           [JBRD]

 Jobs are the essence of ATL3, and are heavily relied upon, both for developing
 the story and gaining items/goz. They can be either puzzle-solving, battle-
 -oriented, dialogue missions, or a combination of each. Most have no bearing
 on the story, but storyline jobs progress the plot and have to be done whether
 one likes it or not. [NOTE: Sometimes storyline jobs tear Alec away from the
 local ones he's working on. Make sure to complete all low-level jobs before

  GUILD : Location of the guild
  CLIENT: Client who is petitioning this job
  MERITS: # of merits received for job complete
  REWARD: Amount of $$ (goz) received for job complete
  UNLOCK: Conditions that will make this job available

 I will also note that, depending on how Alec and his team perform during the
 job, the merits/reward can decrease. "Job Failed" rankings earn nothing,
 while "Job Incomplete" offers few in either of the two said portions. It's
 always best to save before attempting a job, particularly those that come w/
 a warning from the local guildmaster.

JOB 01 - HUNTER REGISTRATION TEST                                        [JB01]

  "This is technically a test and not a job. The Hunter Registration Test
  requires prospective hunters to retrieve a fragment of the Ghost Dream 
  Crystal from the Trial Cave."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Itio Guild
  REWARD: ---
  UNLOCK: ---

 The Trial Cave is towards the riverhead, where the waterfall is on the world
               | BOSS  |
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 Make sure you have all the supplies you need (equipment, Herbs) before setting
 foot into here, 'cause you can't leave once you go in. Two screens in behind
 the waterfall, there's a stall battle.

| Lv. 5 Slime      | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:  10 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 |------------------' 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |

 If your characters are LV5+, this will be gravy. Take out the slime and cave
 bats (two each) first since they'll go down in one hit, and tango with the
 Sidewinder snake when it nears. It can do a bit of damage, but nothing that
 Cure can't smooth over. Use the various rocks and obstacles to prevent foes
 from flanking you or snippin' at your aft side. Cave Bats heal themselves if
 they land an attack (~10 HP), so don't let 'em wander around ciphoning health.

 After battle, take the east enemy-less passage to two treasure chests. One's
 got an [IRON KNIFE] and the other contains an [HERB]. Note that you'll have to
 fight the same enemy group above once more, this time from the eastern side of
 the room! Continue north from that first fork and get the [PALO NUT] stuck in
 a rocky chest. This leads to a second battlesite.

| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 | 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 Two of each this time, with the Sidewinders nearest. One long-range attack of
 throwing knives lets Alec finish 'em off, so there's no xtreme strategy one's
 to employ here. You can probably finish off the cave bats with a single
 counterattack. Just defend the first turn (idle) and don't bother advancing to
 the southern portion of the room because stalagmites and such block the clear
 path. One weird thing I noticed is that if a cave bat absorbs HP and someone
 counters it, even if it should be dead, that HP it absorbed keeps it alive...

 Heal up and continue south to the Trial Cave's B2-A floor.

| Lv. 2 Cave Bat   | HP: 15 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 | 
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP:  0 | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 Same as before except with one less Sidewinder. Take that out first and bash
 some skulls on the bats. It's easy fights like that make me not want to stick
 in a strategy...

 Continue north to an west/east fork. Go east first and into the room with the
 large pit in the middle. Get an [IRON SPEAR] for your troubles and continue
 north until another fork is found. Continue east into a room with four chests!
 Two [SHIMMER STONE]s, a [FALCON STATUE], and a [PALO NUT] can be found within.
 Back at the fork, take the other one that curves north and back west. This'll
 lead to a room with two savepoints. The red one refills HP/MP and the other's
 a normal one. Before you continue, take the southern exit here until it comes
 to another room...

| Lv. 6 Ogre       | HP: 40 | MP: 60 | ATK:  39 | DEF:   5 | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 5 Sidewinder | HP: 26 | MP: -- | ATK:  30 | DEF:   6 |------------------'

 A little harder than normal with the inclusion of Ogres, who may cast a couple
 magic spells. They start near each other, so defeat the nearest Sidewinder to
 make sure they don't all tag-team someone at once. This is a good battle to
 use Force Ring in, although any enemies that get killed by other monsters do
 not give EXP to your allies. Ogres have horrible defense as you can see, so it
 isn't a trial to take one down each round. Lutz can use 'Steal' (learned at
 LV7) to take Herbs from the big pink monsters if he needs to.

 Take the [SHIMMER STONE] from the chest and backtrack to the savepoints. Raid
 the chest for another [SHIMMER STONE]. Inspect the large crystalline door by
 here and choose to push on it, which opens the thing. Inside is the crystal's
 keeper, Tengaron...who's also the same guy who was at the guild earlier...

| Lv. 8 Tengaron   | HP: 155 | MP: 50 | ATK: 40 | DEF:   7 | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 A boss who uses guns and doesn't summon minions to do his legwork -- I like
 this dude's style! His attack can do roughly about the same as an Ogre (~20),
 but he's got a range of two so he'll try not to let anyone counterattack him
 if possible. Don't stand next to each other since this means he can obviously
 attack two people at once! Use Alec's Cure to get through, and have Lutz try
 to steal a 'Fur Cape' from him. You should have plenty of opportunities if the
 average party level is 8+. Should you find this hard, fight the ogre battles
 and return to the healing point repeatedly.

 Tengaron allows the party to get a [CRYSTAL FRAGMENT] from this most holiest
 of holy sites (to him), so it's time to scoot back to Itio. Everyone leaves
 the cave automatically, anyway.

JOB 02 - PROTECT MEDICINAL SUPPLIES                                      [JB02]

 "The town herbologist, Lendal, has requested that his house be guarded while
 he is away on business. See Lendal at his home in Itio for details."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Lendal
  UNLOCK: ---

 Lendal's house is in Itio, southwest of the guild headquarters. The game'll
 direct you to it, but if you forget, it's the one with a pink mailbox. There,
 it seems that his crates have to be guarded since they're full of valuable &
 rare plantlife...and it's babysitting time for his kid, Kobal! After a failed
 drug dropoff (LOL?), there will be some mice in the crates. Time for a.......

 The mice will jump around the four boxes here. Use the x-button in front of
 the crate where it was last to catch it. You need to catch all three mice in
 the space of 5 tries to get the best outcome for this job. It's rather easy,
 as long as you can follow the last box with your eyes (this isn't similar to
 whack-a-mole or anything). LOL @ "Grab that freak!" If you accomplish this
 job to a satisfactory degree, Lendal gives Alec an [HERB] as thanks.

JOB 03 - SUPPLIES FOR HUNTER JAY                                         [JB03]

 "We have received an emergency request for supplies from the Wanted Monster
 Specialist known as Jay. He is at Kiska Marsh or the Lukae Riverbank."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Itio Guild
  REWARD: 100G
  UNLOCK: ---

 Jay needs some supplies, being a Vigor Seed and Adventurer Vest. The cost of
 the items is worked into the bounty, which translates to the player's got to
 shell out the cash to get 'em him/herself. The guildmaster gives [120G] over
 so Alec doesn't "stream in his shorts" though. Go to the shop in the SE part
 of town and buy said items; if you already have one or both, then you won't
 need to purchase them.

 He can be found at Lukae Riverbank, but you can pick either. If you visit
 him at Kiska Marsh, he won't be there and you'll have to tango with some of
 the local wildlife.

|Lv. 7 Pit Scorpion| HP: 11 | MP: 20 | ATK:  38 | DEF:  15 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
|Lv. 5 Slime       | HP: 15 | MP: -- | ATK:  30 | DEF:  10 |------------------'

 The Pit Scorpion's got great defense, so make sure Alec takes that one out if
 you want it to go down in one hit. The Slimes are like jell-o and anything'll
 cut 'em up. Yawn? Just remember that Pit Scorpions can use an attack that can
 inflict 'Gravity' status.

 If you visit Jay at Lukae Riverbank, he won't be there either...

|Lv.6 SlumberFlower| HP: 33 | MP: 30 | ATK:  32 | DEF:  06 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Just a couple of baddies. The difficulty rating goes to reflect that they can
 slam the allies in the vicinity with sleep status, but they've still got poor
 defense. Tag-team 'em to take 'em out.

 After defeating those at Lukae, Jay shows up! Say that you've brought his junk
 for him, and hand the seed/vest over.

JOB 04 - NASTY CREATURES IN THE HOUSE                                    [JB04]

 "A client named Nate has requested help in a vacant house he owns in Itio. He
 is having trouble with monsters and would like them removed ASAP. Contact Nate
 at the house for details."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Nate
  REWARD: 120G
  UNLOCK: ---

 The Vacant House is right next door to the guild (spooky!) and looks all run
 down and such. It turns out that the 'blood-red eyes and fangs' the client's
 seeing through the floorboards are not demonic creatures, but mice! Yeah, it
 is another mice job. There are seven holes and seven boxes to plug them up
 with...but you can only PUSH boxes, meaning this can mess up pretty easily.
 If you mess up, use the triangle button and 'Reset' the room to its default
 formation. Here's the order you should plug the holes.

 01) From where Alec starts, push box he's looking at north.
 02) Push box that was right beside that one left until it's on HOLE #1
 03) On the right side of room push opened crate north and east onto HOLE #2
 04) By staircase, push the box left onto HOLE #3
 05) Push the box by the counter south once, then one right of there south to
     where the entrance is. Push it right onto HOLE #4
 06) Push the box NW of the large table north and left onto HOLE #5
 07) Push the box north of the large table west once, north as far as it will
     go, and right once onto HOLE #6
 08) The only box left should be near the left counter. Push it south once and
     east until it's against the wall. Push it north onto HOLE #7.

 Nate comes downstairs after and the job is el completo.

JOB 05 - EXAMINER'S ASSISTANT                                            [JB05]

 "Four prospective Hunters have come to take the Hunter Registration Test. The
 Guild examiner seeks a Hunter to help with the proceed. Hunter accepting job
 must leave at once."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Itio Guild
  REWARD: 100G
  UNLOCK: Complete one job at Itio Guild

 Time to help Tengalon with some wussy hunter recruits. Luckily, you don't have
 to backtrack into the Trial Cave manually. Some selfish-minded people want to
 be Hunters, so the caped guardian decides that Lutz and Alec can take care of
 things themselves. Whuh?

| Lv. 7 Swordsman  | HP: 30 | MP: 20 | ATK:  43 | DEF:  07 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 7 Apprentice | HP: 15 | MP: 140| ATK:  26 | DEF:  05 |------------------'

 Two of each here. Go for the Apprentices first since they can use magic and
 won't spare any snot-nosed kid who gets in their way from seein' some. On the
 alternative path, use Alec's Silent magic if you have it to stop 'em in their
 tracks. The Swordsmen will use Empower to raise their ATK, so don't hesitate
 to use Silent on them as well! They can do 30+ damage if let run rampant, so
 whatever you do, don't let them gang up! Use the two rocks in the center of
 the battlefield for protection. You can steal Bronze Swords from the armored
 units, but really, those suck and are wastes of time anyway.

 Defeat them all and the job's over.

JOB 06 - CHASE THE MONSTER EGG TRUNK                                     [JB06]

 "The Innkeeper in Itio accidentally mixed up a guest's trunk with one
 containing a monster egg. Contact client to correct dangerous mistake."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Innkeeper Balpus
  REWARD: 150G
  UNLOCK: Complete two jobs at the Itio Guild

 As the guildmaster warns, this job will prevent you from doing any others in
 THE OUTLAW JOBS! You'll not be able to do them again. To continue with this
 mission, go to the inn and talk to the innkeeper. He's accidentally switched
 a trunk with someone who was headed to Forestamore (someone you should be
 familiar with if you played Arc the Lad 1 or 2). Obtain the [GUEST'S TRUNK]
 and exit in the southwest corner of the city to find Itio Port.

 Unfortunately, as some pirate wannabe tells everyone, the ship can't sail 'til
 the captain is back. Go to the pub (down street from port entrance) and fetch
 the guy from Shante's captive audience, then return back to the ship. Prepare
 (buy equipment, items you need) and tell him you're ready to carve up some of
 the high seas.

 The job is complete after reaching Renn and visiting the Monster Society.

JOB 07 - FETCH THE RUNAWAY BOY                                           [JB07]

 "The Monster Society reports Theo, a young aspiring Cardist, left to explore
 Sealed Ruins near the Great Scar, alone. The Guild requests his safe return."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Monster Society
  REWARD: 180G
  UNLOCK: Mandatory

 After visiting the Monster Society, visit the guild. Alec and Lutz cannot go
 until they've accepted this job. The guildmaster suggests going back to the
 RMS to learn about the best way for infiltrating the ruins, while the woman
 who was worried about Theo says the destination is past Venica.

 Consult the walkthrough (WK07) on finishing this job. It's complete after
 Theo receives his Cardish powers.

JOB 08 - RENN HUNTERS' MONSTER ASSAULT                                   [JB08]

 "Corelia Pass is being overrun with monsters. The Hunters in Renn are
 overwhelmed and request assistance. Hunters accepting the job must leave

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Hunter Guild
  REWARD: 200G
  UNLOCK: Complete Great Scar events and get Theo in the party

 Alec's crew and the other hunters participating head to the pass rendezvous
 point. He'll act as a last resort to prevent monsters from getting through
 Corelia, and soon enough, an Opossum appears. o_O

| Lv. 1 Opossum    | HP: 18 | MP: 08 | ATK:  24 | DEF:  05 | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 It'll probably die in one hit, so there's no reason giving a strategy.

 One of the female hunters says she'll ask Aura, the leader of the excursion,
 to move everyone closer to the blood 'n' guts near the frontline. Lutz, being
 the headstrong dork he is, leaves to go fight and draws some enemies closer.

| Lv. 02 Viper     | HP: 24 | MP: -- | ATK:  26 | DEF:  06 | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 13 Wild Dog  | HP: 47 | MP: -- | ATK:  68 | DEF:  08 |------------------'

 The Wild Dogs have poor defense but their ATK can do 35+ to a target! Whatever
 you do, don't let them gang up on someone, especially Theo, who is probably in
 his single-digit levels still. The wolfies are closer to the front, so draw
 'em close, attack them from two panels away, and let Alec finish 'em off. Use
 Herbs to heal, or Alec's Cure spell for multiple targets.

 Job complete after this battle, and some scenes w/ Aura.

JOB 09 - MODEL FOR A TROUBLED PAINTER                                    [JB09]

 "The Inn owner, Dan, seeks assistance for his guest, Girth, a talented young
 painter suffering from creative block. Respond to the Inn to model for Girth
 and offer artistic advice."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Innkeeper Dan
  REWARD: 160G
  UNLOCK: Complete Great Scar events and get Theo in the party

 The inn's in the northwest corner of town. Once there, learn that Girth wanted
 some 'sea air' -- i.e., return to the dock area. This will begin a minigame to
 give him some creative spark. Pressing one of three buttons commands the party
 members to move about in an effort to strike up a correct pose for Girth. Alec
 is commanded with [], Theo with X, and Lutz with O. When Girth calls out the
 ally name, press the button it's associated with to move him. You need to get
 it perfect (about 10-15 inputs) to move onto the 2nd and 3rd rounds which work
 the same way. The one good thing is that the inputs never change their pattern
 and they get progressively shorter.

 If you fail too many times (four?), you fail the job.

JOB 10 - CHASE AWAY THE SUSPICIOUS MAN                                   [JB10]

 "A strange man has been prowling around Mina's house, watching her. She would
 like him contacted and removed. See Mina for details, at her home near the

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: City Girl Mina
  REWARD: 170G
  UNLOCK: Complete Great Scar events and get Theo in the party

 Mina's house is just down the street, west of the guild. She wants Alec and
 company to play bodyguard and stand watch outside her house. After a couple
 of events, everyone heads to Noalis Forest nearby. A suspicious man flees
 when he sees monsters, so it's up to the party to take of 'em.

| Lv13 Crimson Roc | HP: 38 | MP: 25 | ATK:  56 | DEF:  07 | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv12 Poison Slime| HP: 23 | MP: 20 | ATK:  48 | DEF:  15 |------------------'
| Lv1PoisonMushroom| HP: 24 | MP: 16 | ATK:  22 | DEF:  06 |

 Two of each, except for the roc. Wait about one turn to get the enemies into
 a group and use Knife Rain/Force Ring/Silent to help incapacitate their skills
 in one go. If Theo's low-leveled, keep him out of the fray 'cause he's a large
 damage magnet...unless you've got a particularly powerful Summon he can do.
 Try and Cardish the Roc if you want it, but hurry, because it can inflict the
 party members with Silence.

 After the ruckus, 27-year-old Spicy reveals himself as the stalker! LOL x 99!
 Either way, job complete-o.

JOB 11 - NEW PARENT FOR THE BABY MONSTER                                 [JB11]

 "The baby monster living at the Society cries a lot and seems ill. They seek
 someone adept at raising monsters. Contact the Monster Society for details."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Monster Society
  REWARD: 180G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #8, #9, or #10

 Return to the center (NE corner of town, remember?) and see what's up with the
 penguin monster. The chief says that there's apparently someone who lives in
 the mountains north of Vernica who may take it in, and recommends talking to
 the elder for details. This Vernica is a town north of Renn, so head there.

 At the northern end of town's the elder's house, near a large barn. Apparently
 a woman named Lieza (ring a bell, ATL2 fans?) can take care of them, up past
 Astorny Bridge. Head towards the large house with a windmill and enter the
 bridge area to find Lieza's pet monster (Paundit) guarding the bridge and not
 letting anyone across. The village elder suggests returning to Vernica to get
 an item that may calm it. <sigh>

 Re-enter the elder's house to learn about Hannah, someone who lives nearby.
 Enter the house with all the flowers by it to learn a Calm Nut may help make
 Paundit shut his mouth (:p). Hannah apparently planted some at Noalis Forest,
 but Crimson Rocs ate 'em all. Before going to Noalis Forest near Renn, raid
 the storehouse near the elder's digs for a [MAGIC POWER NUT], [MAGIC SPRIG],

| Lv13 Crimson Roc | HP: 38 | MP: 25 | ATK:  56 | DEF:  07 | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 There's five of these suckers, and you saw the carnage they can do when they
 get the chance. Pre-empt their own Silent-inflicting skill with Alec's Silent
 ability, because not being able to cure sucks hard here. Use Alec mainly to
 Cure and have Theo use a summon to even the playing field. This sets up Knife
 Rain to do potentially multiple KO's in one turn. Don't wait for counterattack
 kills, or you may get screwed (they do seem to use Hypno Eyes a lot, though,
 so you may get lucky). Cardish also works for getting rid of some of these

 Everyone finds a [CALM NUT] afterwards! Return to Astorny Bridge and feed the
 depressant to Paundit, which lets everyone proceed to Lieza's Ranch. She'll
 say the thing's lonely and agree to take care of it. Easy as pie!

 Don't forget to get the [AMAZING HERB], [RECOVERY TONIC], [SOOTHING RING],
 [LIGHT ALLOY], and [MAGIC APPLE] in her storehouse.

JOB 12 - DRIVE THE GANG FROM THE BRIDGE                                  [JB12]

 "A bandit gang has robbed and injured a number of people on Astorny Bridge.
 Remove the criminals from the Bridge."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Guild
  REWARD: 200G
  UNLOCK: Appears after completing Job #11 - "New Parent for the Baby Monster"

 Mosey on over to Astorny Bridge near Lieza's farm to find some bandits in the
 mood to "redistribute the wealth." Rainbow Bandits, attack!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x3)     |  54/64  |  52/08  |------------------'

 The Chief ends up leaving his men to do the footwork, and they block the
 west end of the bridge...this'll be a close-range fight. They have a large
 gun radius and can hit multiple targets at once AND you can't counter their
 gunshot blasts, even at one panel away. They're also immune to Silence and
 Confusion (but don't hesitate to use Force Ring for the widespread damage if
 you need to). They mostly use physical attacks, but the red-colored bandits
 can use 'Circle Riot' to hit allies around them in a large radius for about
 35 HP. I've found the best way is to use Cardish on an Ogre at Noalis Forest
 and summon it in battle, doing about 40 damage to all allies. Since they'll
 clump together on the second turn, you can take out the rest with Knife Rain
 or similar pretty easily. Definitely use this strategy if you're having some
 trouble!!! [NOTE: The green bandits can only shoot in a straight fashion.]

 After kicking the bandits' rumps, they leave after some lame philsophizing.

JOB 13 - NEW WORK FOR THE ARTIST                                         [JB13]

 "The painter Girth seeks additional creative direction. Contact him at the

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Girth the Artist
  REWARD: 170G
  UNLOCK: Appears after completing Job #11 - "New Parent for the Baby Monster"

 Take a trip down to the local watering hole to find Girth in the north part
 of town. It seems he's wants a woman named Leimi to model for him again, but
 she's not on speaking terms with him after the previous time. Lutz will go
 over there in an attempt to persuade her, meaning he has to pick the right
 lines...err, the player does. Choose the following:

  � "Excuse me"
  � "Model for a picture"
  � "You're perfect for a model"
  � "No! It's true!"
  � "Please model!"

 There are a few do-overs, but really, you shouldn't be able to mess this one
 up -- all the correct options are the ones at the top of the list! Girth and
 Leimi will make amends and the job's complete. Oh, these non-violence jobs're
 so fun!

JOB 14 - CORELIA PASS MONSTER MASHING                                    [JB14]

 "Monsters have returned to Corelia Pass and are once again terrorizing
 travelrs. Exterminate all of the monsters and clear the roadway."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Guild
  REWARD: 200G
  UNLOCK: Appears after completing Job #11 - "New Parent for the Baby Monster"

 Enter and start some attackin'!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv.  5 Sidewinder x2                |  26/00  |  30/06  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv.  1 Opossum                      |  18/08  |  24/05  |------------------'
| Lv. 13 Wild Dog                     |  47/00  |  68/08  |

 Uh, shouldn't be any problem at all. If the Wild Dog gives you any trouble,
 simply attack it once and Cardish it.

 Afterwards, a man saves everyone from a "dumb ol' Opossum" and claims to have
 saved their lives. There are some introductions and Alba (the hunter) leaves
 after his rank of Amateur Hunter is revealed...LOL! If you're wondering if
 this job is as easy as it looks, then wonder no further -- that's everything!


 "Baguda, an old shopowner in Renn, believes he saw a UFO, and would like a
 hunter to find and retrieve it. Visit his shop for details."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Shopkeeper Baguda
  REWARD: 190G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 12, 13, or 14 and enter the guild after overhearing a
          conversation about the UFO

 The shop next door is where Baguda's found, and he wants everyone to snatch a
 UFO that may or may not have crashed. Or may not have existed. Head to the
 mountains north of Lieza's house to find Sharon and her scientists. Lutz will
 get the [MYSTERIOUS OBJECT] before
 some wolves close in...              .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Wild Dog x3                  |  47/00  |  68/08  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Standard battle... They appear around the party, but there's only three of
 'em, meaning you should concentrate on one at a time. Make sure they don't
 all surround Theo who may succumb if all three get him; use Alec's healing
 abilities for mass restoration. Try to Cardish one of the doggies as they'll
 deal decent damage to all monsters.

 Afterwards, return to Baguda to learn that he's part of the Item Society, a
 group that researches all kinds of rare items and experiments with creation
 of items (synthesizing). It's located in North Sularto, apparently... JOB IS

JOB 16 - A NUT IN THE BASEMENT                                           [JB16]

 "When investigating why liquor was disappearing from his storage basement,
 the pub keeper discovered a man with dynamite. Disarm and escort this man
 from the pub."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn's Pub Master
  REWARD: 180G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #15 - "Recover the Strange UFO"

 This should be a fun one. Head to the pub and find that a man named Rupert is
 downstairs. For some reason, he thinks Alec is a Hemo-ji and Lutz is a loud-
 -mouthed Opossum. After some regrouping, the bartender suggests talking to
 Monaire down by the docks. Find her pierside shop and she'll conclude that
 he's suffering from spores from a Poison Mushroom. A Vigor Seed will cure
 him immediately -- if you have one, it will be used; if you don't, buy one at
 the shop for 50G. He'll be cured of his dementia but the liquor-thieves will
 appear for a final confrontation!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 12 Poison Slime x5              |  23/20  |  48/15  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 Uh...yeah. Alec can OHKO 'em, and maybe Lutz if he's a high enough level. Use
 Cardish if you want (you can poison enemies with it + damage), but there's no
 hard battle any way you slice it.

 Job complete!

JOB 17 - A PLAYMATE FOR PAUNDIT                                          [JB17]

 "Paundit, a monster in Lieza's pasture, has fallen ill. Lieza believes some
 time outside the pasture would help. Visit her for details."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Lieza
  REWARD: 150G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #15 - "Recover the Strange UFO"

 Go on over to Lieza's house northwest of town to learn Paundit is down in the
 dumps about something. The lady of the house wants him to interact with some
 wild dogs at the nearby mountains to maintain some sort of bond. Accept when
 prompted and everyone heads there automatically. Paundit will get mixed up in
 his own kind, though, and the hunters will be unable to tell him apart! This
 isn't so hard, as Paundit has a special sprite while the others don't -- look
 in the facial area to see a calmer countenance; that'll be Paundit. The third
 one is Paundit, so make sure to select that when prompted.

 Job complete after Theo collects the monster!

JOB 18 - BODYGUARD FOR A TROUBLED PAINTER                                [JB18]

 "Girth requests a bodyguard while he seeks artistic fodder outside the city.
 Speak to him for details."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Girth the Artist
  MERITS: 160G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #15 - "Recover the Strange UFO"

 The innkeeper says that Girth stepped out for a moment, and his wife says he
 mumbled about a bridge. Waltz to Astorny Bridge (automatically) to find the
 painter in a pickle!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 7 Roc                           |  28/32  |  44/07  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 7 Pit Scorpion x2               |  11/20  |  38/15  |------------------'

 The Pit Scorpions have decent defense, but nothing that ganging up won't 
 solve. As usual, watch out for the Roc's ability to inflict gravity status
 on allies...not that they should get a chance to inflict any such thing...

 Afterwards, Girth says he wants everyone to stop by and see the painting when
 it's done. Job complete!

JOB 19 - SEE THE LITTLE ROC!                                             [JB19]

 "A girl named Len wants to see a monster she calls 'Little Roc' in real life.
 Monster shown on card appears to be in Forestamore. Meet Len at Monster

  GUILD : Renn
  REWARD: 150G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #15 - "Recover the Strange UFO"

 Enter the Monster Society in the NE corner of Renn and talk to the woman by
 one of the tables. She says she's been waiting for a long time to be taken to
 a place where she can see a 'Little Roc.' Lutz suggests going to Corelia Pass
 to see the rocs there; however, the type she wants to see isn't,
 like, don't go there.

 Instead, go to Noalis Forest and spy some Crimson Rocs. The lady almost gets
 smoked. Roc their world, yo!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Crimson Roc                  |  38/25  |  56/07  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 Waste the first turn getting into formation for Theo's "Card Field," which
 will raise DEF on the targets. When they get close, use Force Ring to inflict
 Confusion -- this helps take the burden off of a five-prong beak-bustin' atk!
 With a high defense, their attacks will be pullin' up single digits so this
 won't be much of a hassle. Without Card Field, though...

 Job complete once they're finished, since the girl promises she doesn't want
 to see any real rocs up-close anymore. =p

JOB 20 - APPRAISAL OF A MYSTERIOUS OBJECT                                [JB20]

 "Shopowner Baguba requests delivery of UFO to the North Sularto Item Society
 for identification. Finding a route to North Sularto is part of the job."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Shopkeeper Baguda
  REWARD: 220G
  UNLOCK: Complete any two of the following: Job #16, 17, 18, 19

 As the guildmaster says, this job will take everyone away for awhile and they
 won't be able to accept any other tasks until it's done...meaning do all of
 the jobs here with this one being last. Be prepared as you take it!


 Talk to Baguba in the shop to get the [MYSTERIOUS OBJECT]. Apparently, the
 item society is in...Society Village. Return to the docks to learn that this
 place is on the same continent as Forestamore but can't be reached by land or
 sea. Theo comes up with the cockamammy idea to use a flying monster's card to
 get over the mountains; this can be found at the Monster Society in town.

 The chief won't give the card over unless three other cards are traded, being
 a Hemo-ji, Dandelion, and Slime. However, you can't go back to the previous
 continent to get the cards, so you'll have to do some in-town trading.

  � WILD HEMO-JI - The girl (Len) inside of the Monster Society will trade
                   this card for a Crimson Roc. Cardish one in Noalis Forest
                   and trade it back.
  � DANDELION    - Talk to Hannah in Vernica, then go to the Great Scar and
                   Cardish one. Be careful; it's Lv. 19! Use Force Ring to
                   lower its HP and then turn it into a card. =p
  � SLIME        - The sailor at the docks has the Slime card but wants the
                   party to give him a hand before they get it. Loading some
                   clay jars and wooden boxes will occur -- Alec will have to
                   count how many are loaded. If you're bad at remembering, 
                   feel free to tally 'em up (I got 6 of each). He gives over
                   the card when you do it correctly.

 When all are collected, return to the Renn Monster Society building and get
 the Flying Fire card. At Lieza's ranch, she says this is a one-way trip; if
 you have her summon it, it automatically takes everyone to Galecki Falls.

 After finally reaching the Item Society in Society Village, the job will be

JOB 21 - GISLEM CENSUS                                                   [JB21]

 "People have been disappearing from Gislem on a regular basis. Perform a
 census by speaking to everyone in town, and report findings to the guild."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Gislem Guild
  REWARD: 200G
  UNLOCK: Available when first visiting Gislem

 Yay, another non-violent outing. The guildmaster says to report to the window
 when you're done. Here is a list of all the applicable people in town:

  � 03 (Guild)
  � 06 (City Streets)
  � 04 (Gislem Pub -- check the upstairs room which is usually locked!)
  � 01 (Gislem Shop)
  � 02 (Gislem Inn)
  � 06 (Orphanage)
  � 05 (Academy Office)
  � 01 (Scene after visiting Academy Office)
  � 03 (Scene involving the Danger Dome)

 That makes 31 people that should be on your counter in the upper-left corner.
 If you talk to the guildmaster with this amount, he'll say it's the exact same
 figure as the last hunter who did the counting. Job complete!

JOB 22 - HELP THE TROUBLED CUSTOMER                                      [JB22]

 "The Gislem Inn owner is worried about a despondent guest, and is afraid to
 leave the Inn until the woman can be coaxed from her room and comforted. See
 owner for details."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Innkeeper Nale
  REWARD: 240G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #21 - "Gislem Census"

 Talk to the innkeeper to learn a woman keeps talking about her death, and
 some people just want her to get out of the place for a little while. She
 wants Theo to kill her with his spear (o_O); he refuses, natch. Apparently
 a memento of her son Peter was stolen recently, and it's the last thing that
 connects her to him. Let's beat up some thugs and reclaim being a

 The guy says that stolen stuff ends up in the Danger Dome, so head down over
 there (in the SE part of town, which you're already aware of). A guy there
 will have the spear that was stolen, so wager something rather useless by
 this point (I used a Bronze Sword) before the fight begins. Theo is the only
 applicable fighter here.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Spear Hunter                 | 101/100 |  58/06  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 Theo's stats aren't exactly top-notch, but Card Field can boost his defense
 so that regular attacks do lame single-digit damage. The hunter's Spear Toss
 ability can do ~17 if Theo has 48 defense. Use a powerful offensive summon
 card such as 'Wild Dog' to deal your damage, rather than using physical
 attacks which can be countered since he's got a spear. Also make sure to back
 up against the railing so the hunter can't jab Theo from behind. Make sure
 you use Card Field or you'll find yourself in a bad position!

 After winning, you'll receive the [SILVER SARISSA] and automatically deliver
 it to the woman. However, even though she accepts the spear, everyone thinks
 it's NOT the right one. So, let's search for the real one then... This time,
 go to the pub near the guild. A guy there will have the spear, and wants you
 to fight him in the Danger Dome to get it back. Theo'll be the one fighting
 alone, again (I bet another Bronze

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 21 Spear Thief                  | 129/70  |  62/08  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 He'll probably get first strike and do ~30dmg, but follow the same path as
 you did before: Card Field -> offensive card summon. When you run out of
 those, use physical attacks. Note that if you're having trouble healing, you
 can create Amazing Herbs that refill 100 HP in Society Village by mixing two
 regular Herbs. If you can't manage that, back up against the fence to prevent
 back attacks (the corner works best).

 Once he's defeated, you'll get Peter's real spear. Rush back to the suicidal
 woman (why give her a weapon in the first place?) and she'll brighten up at
 the site of the thing. Job completeeee! Plus, she gives the [SILVER SARISSA]
 back to Theo as a present. Yay!

JOB 23 - POWER PLANT CHIEF'S CRISIS                                      [JB23]

 "A Society Village Power Plant employee reports suspicious accidents
 occuring around the Chief. Contact Melt at the Power Plant regarding a
 bodyguard detail."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Plant Worker Melt
  REWARD: 320G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #21 - "Gislem Census"

 Take a brisk job over to Society Village -- the power plant is the largest
 building in town. Melt suspects the Vice-Chief Mr. Smythers (even that name
 is straight out of a Scooby Doo cartoon) is the culprit behind the would-be
 injuries. Up on the 2F, talk to the uncooperative chief; later, some men'll
 try to break in. Alec goes to protect the chief while Lutz/Theo do the task
 of pestering the intruders downstairs.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 21 Noye                         | 228/180 |  70/08  | DIFFICULTY: 7/10 |

 Time to annoy Noye! A similarly-leveled Alec will have 200+ HP, and with the
 Cure ability, he should have no problem with his HP. Noye can strike for apx.
 30 damage (on my Lv. 20 Alec), while his 'Sword Dance' maneuver can do about
 45 damage. Cast Silent to prevent that pesky maneuver and try to attack with
 Force Ring, since Noye can counterattack...and probably will. This joker can
 be confused as well, so make sure to inflict it if possible. Remember: she
 who is confused may waste her turn doing nothing, plus her counterattacking
 ratio seems to go down (if he can do it at all!). Seriously, using Force Ring
 is a ticket to victory here.

 Immediately following, the Vice-chief says he'll put in another request if
 he thinks something's up. Job complete!

JOB 24 - WILDERNESS MONSTER MASHING                                      [JB24]

 "Monsters in the Sabi Wilds are preventing townspeople from gathering junk,
 their livelihood. The Guild needs strong Hunters to eradicate monsters."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Gislem Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #21 - "Gislem Census"

 The Sabi Wilds are southwest of the Ruined City, and there you'll find some
 of the people who were at Corelia Pass awhile back. How they got out of
 Forestamore, we'll never know...nevertheless, they challenge Alec's crew to
 a contest: the person who defeats the most monsters fastest wins (Alec wins
 in the event there's a tie, also). Defeat the monsters in four rounds or less
 to win!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv.  5 Sidewinder (x2)              |  26/00  |  30/06  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 17 Desert Devil (x4)            |  22/40  |  71/26  |------------------'

 The easiest way to defeat these guys within four turns is to use Theo's
 card summons, which will take out the sidewinders (who are furthest away to
 boot) and Cardish monsters that remain. Use Force Ring on the remaining
 Desert Devils since their high attack power means, if they attack a comrade,
 it's almost a certain KO. And, of course, Alec should be able to OHKO any
 Desert Devil by himself if he's properly equipped and Lv. 20+.

 Job complete if the outcome's favorable!

JOB 25 - TRAVELING MERCHANT'S TONIC TEST                                 [JB25]

 "Shopowner Dorvan requests protection from monsters and assistance with an
 experiment on a newly-developed tonic. Meet Dorvan at Galecki Falls."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Shopowner Dorvan
  REWARD: 260G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #21 - "Gislem Census"

 O'er at the falls, Dorvan says this drink will "power up" whoever drinks it,
 but he needs to see it in action first. So, guinea pig time! Unfortunately,
 the 'tremendous difference' in strength has a horrible side effect: HP and MP
 is lost each turn! And what's worse, enemies party-crash the experiment...

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 PA-200 (x4)                  |  53/20  |  90/15  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 Since HP/MP is depleting each active turn, you'll want to make the most of
 what you have so you can finish this quickly. Use Card Field and Silent to
 help tip the odds in your favor, then use Force Ring to inflict confusion.
 Remember that enemies under confused status may 'forget' to do anything in
 a turn, which helps since physical attacks incurred can do 50+! If you're
 lucky, the enemy will attack its comrade and OHKO it by doing 80+ damage!
 Use Amazing Herbs and Alec's Cure ability to heal en masse, and this may not
 be such a problem in the latter turns. Oh, and you can use Cardish to help
 take some of the load off. Yay!

 To show there's no hard feelings, Dorvan attempts to sell the party a bunch
 of junk weapons, Apple Extract, and some other crap for 100G. If you have 
 the cash to spare, go for it; you can resell them for more goz later on.
 All in all, you get a [STEEL SWORD], [IRON SWORD], [BRONZE SWORD], [BLUNT
 useless, but hey, it /is/ a good deal.

 I suggest buying it which may influence whether or not you get a job complete
 for this task.

JOB 26 - ESCORT TO THE RUINED CITY!                                      [JB26]

 "Ruffians loitering at the Ruined City are preventing Orphanage children from
 gathering junk. Go to Orphanage for further details."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Orphanage Child
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #21 - "Gislem Census"

 Who doesn't want to help out poor orphans? The kids at the orphanage take
 Alec and company (automatically) to the Ruined City and, naturally, there're
 some pesky hooligans who want to interrupt the junkpile searchin'. Let's get
 it ON!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Ninja                        |  55/40  | 100/11  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  |------------------'

 The Ninja's got the highest attack and can do 60+ per attack, so you'll want
 to put him on ice ASAP. Cast Silent to put both party's special attacks outta
 commission, then work use your best card summons and/or physical attacks from
 the most advantageous positions. And, don't forget Card Field. If you get a
 chance, steal a General Tonic from the ninja.

 After returning to the orphanage and leaving again, the two bandits from the
 ruined city will sneak in. Choose to 'investigate' (choose 'go to pub' only
 if you have a brain full of rocks o_O) and we'll find out how just how the
 southern inhospitality works 'round
 here...                              .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Ninja                        |  55/40  | 100/11  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  |------------------'

 This is the same battle as before, with the added difficulty caused by the
 HP/MP values being the same as the last fight. Cast Card Field and Silent
 once again and harvest some organs, 'cause there won't be a third waltz w/
 these goofuses.

 Job complete if you didn't abandon the kids in their hour of need!

JOB 27 - GET A VALUABLE SYNTHESIS ITEM                                   [JB27]

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Item Society Elnan
  REWARD: 270G
  UNLOCK: Complete two of the following: Job #22, 23, 24, 25, 26

 As the guildmaster says, finish any other jobs before you take this one;
 otherwise, they'll be aborted and racked up in a negative manner. When you
 take it, head to Society Village's Item Society to learn someone needs to
 get a 'Tough Alloy'. He suggests checking the Gislem Pub (?) for clues...

 Pay the bartender 100g for information -- Cheryl's got the Tough Alloy,
 to no surprise. It's another 100g to learn she's been summoned to the Danger
 Dome, and ANOTHER 100g to learn Gudan's Gang is behind the...subpoena. >___>
 Find Cheryl delivering the smackdown inside, and when the tables turn, it's
 Alec and co.'s job to do the same.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 12 Eden                         | 127/20  |  62/10  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 12 Badan                        | 118/40  |  75/12  |------------------'
| Lv. 16 Gudan                        | 133/30  |  83/12  |

 Buff your defense with Card Field, then cast Silent on the lot as they start
 close together. Mass-damage attacks like a decently-leveled Knife Rain and
 Force Ring will really push this battle to a quick finish. Any offensive
 summon cards you have (PA-200 for example) can be put to good use here, if
 you get slighted somehow. No one has anything to steal, either.

 After the battle, Cheryl gives them the [TOUGH ALLOY] and leaves. Bring it to
 the Item Society for a job complete!

JOB 28 - CLEAN UP GALECKI FALLS                                          [JB28]

 "A bandit gang has been preying on junk collectors at Galecki Falls. The
 Gislem Guild requests the removal of the bandits."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Gislem Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #27 - "Get A Valuable Synthesis Item"

 Hop over to the 'Falls and see what lowdown bandits are working this area...
 and it's a weirdo! "I though I smelled fruit," says Lutz -- LOL. It's the guy
 from the Rainbow Bandit Gang, who's moved from Forestamore back to here! Oh
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x3)     |  54/64  |  52/08  |------------------'

 These guys were a pain back in the day, but now we have mass-damage summons
 and Card Field/Force Ring leveled up. Speaking of which, their lame formation
 sets them right up for a LV3 offensive attack such as Knife Rain/Force Ring,
 so lead off with that. Most have shotguns, but a few have sniper rifles that
 only shoot in a straight path -- but all are long-range fighters. It's funny
 that this battle can be over before they even get an attack in. o_O

 Job complete after they flee...

JOB 29 - SEARCH FOR THE SECRET FRUIT                                     [JB29]

 "A girl staying at the Inn with another guest, Lyor, is extremely weak with
 fatigue. Lyor wants her to eat a special fruit that cures illnesses. See him
 at the Inn for details."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Lyor
  REWARD: 250G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #27 - "Get A Valuable Synthesis Item"

 In the inn's 2nd room, Luffina says that the fruit is located somewhere in
 the Sabi Wilds...but it's not quite so simple. The tree that has it is near
 a monster's nest, so to find the tree, you have to refrain from defeating a
 certain kind of monster. Talk to the guests in the other room to learn some
 clues about the monster:

  � It's meandering and long
  � It's more nimble than one might think
  � It's hard to see in a forestry setting

 So it's long, nimble, and probably green...hmm. Go to Sabi Wilds and let's
 see the baddie hordes ourself.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv.  5 Sidewinder                   |  26/00  |  30/06  | DIFFICULTY: 7/10 |
| Lv. 17 Dragoon                      |  79/60  |  79/10  |------------------'
| Lv. 17 Earth Dragon                 | 190/120 |  93/16  |
| Lv. 34 Abyssar Gargoyle             |  97/48  | 146/21  |

 IMMEDIATELY cast Card Field because anything with 100+ ATK is reason to be
 afraid. Use Force Ring on the Dragoon/Gargoyle and hope the gargoyle gets
 confused, as this will be a very nice load off your back...sort of. Defeat
 the Dragoon as it uses 'Paralysis Swirl' to annoy you; Lutz has Refresh so
 consider giving him the Emblem of Lark so he can alleviate those statuses
 you want to avoid. Good cards to use here: Stun Smog, Prowler, PA-200. MAKE
 to get the fruit.

 Everyone takes the fruit back automatically and it's a job complete!

JOB 30 - MONSTER INVASION!                                               [JB30]

 "Monsters have descended on both the Ruined City and Galecki Falls. A Hunter
 has already been dispatched to handle one battle. Meet him at the pub to
 coordinate efforts."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Gislem Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #27 - "Get A Valuable Synthesis Item"

 The red-shirted hunter (Len) at the bar will say that they need to put a kink
 in the flow of monsters to the said two locations. He'll take Galecki, Alec's
 goin' to the Ruined City. After, they'll meet at Galecki Falls. Well, go to
 the first location to start'er up!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 15 Stun Smog (x7)               |  36/20  |  60/20  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 These things can paralyze you, by far one of the worst things that can happen
 in battle. Equip an Emblem of Lark on someone (preferably Lutz who can remove
 bad statuses with Refresh) and use powerful offensive summons such as PA-200
 to destroy the monsters or at least weaken them all in one fell swoop. Try to
 spread out as well, so the party doesn't all get targeted by one paralyzing
 attack. Force Ring & Knife Rain will also help on the second turn, when the
 monsters quit their half-circle formation and condense a bit. 

 Job complete after meeting up with the guy at Galecki.

JOB 31 - SYNTHESIS TOURNAMENT PARTNER                                    [JB31]

 "An upcoming synthesis skills contest will test knowledge of items and
 weapons. Client who requests Hunter with synthesis knowledge to complete team
 is waiting in Society Village."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Apprentice Portia
  REWARD: 280G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #27 - "Get A Valuable Synthesis Item"

 Portia is waiting in front of the Item Society building, and says the tourney
 will involve weapons synthesis. You can 'cram a little' before the meet's to
 begin if you want; go to the Weapon Society's synthesis book if you want. It
 doesn't help much if you haven't been experimenting, though. Oh well -- I'm
 here to circumvent all that wasted time.

 Go to the tournament when ready (after a funny encounter with Ninja Spicy),
 which takes place at the Sabi Wilds. There are five item boxes lined up, and
 you have to pick the two correct ones to make the synthesis. The team that
 makes the correct synthesis item first wins. Here's how to proceed:

  � ROUND #1 - Alec should choose 'Shimmer Stone'
  � ROUND #2 - Alec should choose 'Fur Cape'
  � ROUND #3 - Alec should choose 'Mint'

 It's single-elimination for this tournament, so you have to win all rounds to
 get the job complete. Yay @ you!

JOB 32 - BAZAAR SYNTHESIS ITEM SALE                                      [JB32]

 "In making newly synthesized items available for purchase in shops, the Item
 Society seeks to arrange commerce with the Bazaar in Testa. Contact client at
 Item Society."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Item Society
  REWARD: 270G
  UNLOCK: Complete two of the following: Job #28, 29, 30, 31

 Heed the guildmaster's warning: you have to devote yourself to this mission
 fully...finish all other jobs before taking this one or they'll be aborted.
 Go to the Item Society at the 'Village to learn the scientists are planning
 on selling an item that has amazing powers. Take their [MAGIC APPLE] down
 to South Sularto and...well, it'll be fine. Talk to the Weapon Society rep
 next door to find out it's Cheryl! Finally we get that gun-wielding lass
 in our party......only you have to go find her at the Ruined City first.
 And there's a kidnapping party from The Academy who's got their sights on
 her skillz...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter (x3)       | 105/00  |  75/12  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 First things first, equip Cheryl with some better equipment and accessories;
 she's lacking in this department. Next, cast Silent on the robots to thwart
 any skills they have up their sleeves while using Card Field to buff DEF on
 everyone. Take 'em apart one by one, and take care of their T-shaped attack
 range. These guys carry Super Amazing Herbs, so try to steal one or two if
 you can (they're drops also). Too bad they can't be carded. =/

 The Secret Path Cheryl talks about is south of Gislem where that small cave
 is. Make sure you're fully-healed and have saved the game already before you
 go inside (see walkthrough for details on getting through). On the other
 side, enter Testa and its Item Society building. You'll learn that the place
 that sells the item needed didn't hawk it to the Society, and now they don't
 have the second component ready. GRR! Old Ali's shop in Pandira is the one
 that has it... Apparently that guy only listens to Tosh, the guy who's been
 protecting the town's water supply. The item needed is a Tem's Root. o_O
 [2500G] is given to buy the item.

 Enter Tosh's tent in the NE part of town for some events; he'll agree to
 assist in introducting them to Ali, or "Aliorihavelymasogarli" as his full
 name is. You'll need to know his full name since it's a point of honor to
 this stubborn dude. Good ol' Tosh (he's from ATL2 if you recall)! Detour
 to Pandira in the south and enter Ali's shop. Call him by his full name,
 buy the Tem's Root for 2500g, return to the Testa Item Society and create
 the [HYBRID MAG APPLE], then make a Ray Sword at the Testa Weapon Society!
 Go to the Bazaar Control Office and talk with the attendant, then go to Tosh
 Manor and get the lord of the house's permission to sell the Ray Sword in
 the bazaar. Job complete...finally. =/

JOB 33 - ANOTHER POWER PLANT CRISIS                                      [JB33]

 "Society Village Power Plant employee, Melt, suspects that the Chief is being
 targeted by someone. Requests bodyguard for the Chief, who gets lost in his
 work, ignoring his own safety."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Plant Worker Melt
  REWARD: 350G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #32 - "Bazaar Synthesis Item Sale"

 In order to do this job, after completing Job #32, you have to return to N.
 Sularto. Luckily, going through Secret Path is optional. Accept the job and
 return to the plant in Society Village; some other Hunters will have taken
 the job also. Huh? Well, two requests were put out so the jobs will have to
 be combined. Have Alec talk with the chief and after some goofy events, he
 will have to square off with Noye again.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 21 Noye                         | 228/180 |  70/08  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 Cast Silent to prevent any annoying abilities Noye may have, first off. She
 will have a pretty lame physical attack (~15dmg) this time around, if you had
 upgraded in Testa (The Ray Sword helps, of course). Use Force Ring to inflict
 confusion on Noye, and put Alec up in one of the corners to prevent himself
 from flanking/back attacks. Shouldn't be too difficult at all.

 Everyone will learn some history about the plant's previous fashion, and just
 who the REAL culprit behind the accidents is. I won't spoil it for you, but
 it's pretty cool.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Monk                         |  82/60  | 115/11  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| Lv. 23 Fighter                      |  99/20  | 135/13  |------------------'
| Lv. 17 Street Fighter               |  77/30  | 108/11  |

 All their attack stats are buffed, which is why gaining the upper hand is
 crucial before they can gang up on a single character. Use Card Field to
 buff defense, while Knife Rain/Force Ring is used on their starting pattern.
 It's quite possible you defeat them before they get a turn in; if you don't,
 this could get ugly. Any paralysis-inflicting cards you have would be useful

 The ending to this little tea party is quite nice... JOB COMPLETIO!

JOB 34 - BAZAAR ITEM CONTEST                                             [JB34]

 "The Guild is seeking participants for an Item Business Contest in the
 Bazaar. Only Hunters with extensive item knowledge need apply. Join
 contestants in Bazaar area."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #32 - "Bazaar Synthesis Item Sale"

 Don't worry about not having a lot of synthing knowledge -- Uncle Shotty's
 here to help! Alec's band of misfits heads down there automatically, only to
 find that Alba's here to prevent them from winning. The contest tests one's
 trading skill. They start with an Herb, and need to get the most valuable
 item in the bazaar within five (5) trades. Let Lutz do the contest when he
 asks, and the proctor will give him an Herb to start with.

  � Trade Herb to merchant in NW corner for a Memory Plant
  � Trade Memory Plant to next-door merchant for Butcher Knife
  � Trade Butcher Knife to Alba for Apple Extract
  � Trade Apple Extract to merchant in the south for a Big Bomb
  � Trade the Big Bomb to SE merchant for a Silver Blade

 You win! Talk to the proctor to hear that it's the most valuable item in the
 contest, and Alba can faceplant for all we care. Job complete!


 LastManStanding writes: "Talk to Chongara which will give you 15 Red Apples -
 they recover a whopping 200MP each, plus he gives you lots of other items for

JOB 35 - CRASH SITE MONSTER BASH                                         [JB35]

 "A large number of monsters have appeared at the Secret Path by the crash
 site. The Guild has dispatched numerous Hunters; respond to the South
 Entrance of the Secret Path to join them."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #32 - "Bazaar Synthesis Item Sale"

 Take a ride to the southern entrance and find...Alba's crew again! This guy
 proposes another contest, to see who can defeat a monster fastest here. There
 is supposed to be a large monster nearby, and if Alec defeats it first, he
 will win. Accept the conditions and learn the monsters are at the center of
 the Crash Site ruins.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 Phantom                      |  66/60  |  62/10  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 13 Ghost (x2)                   |  61/00  |  71/10  |------------------'
| Lv. 16 Paralyze Ooze (x2)           |  45/40  |  69/21  |

 You've had plenty of chances to make Emblem of Larks out of Rue's Medicines,
 or find them, so this shouldn't be any problem. Like before, ghost types can
 drain HP through their physical attacks, so take them out as quickly as you
 can. Try to get through here in less than four turns, as it takes Alba four
 turns to get past this first battle.

 Down the hallways, more baddies...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 Phantom (x2)                 |  66/60  |  62/10  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 15 Skeleton (x2)                |  51/00  |  87/12  |------------------'
| Lv. 20 Skull Warrior                |  69/00  | 112/14  |

 Again, you're going for alacrity here, so kick out any powerful summons Theo
 has and use Force Ring/Napalm Bomb/Knife Rain to damage multiple targets. A
 Golem summon can kill everything on the field, actually! Alba fights his way
 through in two turns, so try to match him.

 Heal and save if you want (or dare)
 and continue.                        .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 15 Skeleton (x3)                |  51/00  |  87/12  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 20 Skull Warrior (x2)           |  69/00  | 112/14  |------------------'

 Use Knife Rain/Force Ring right off the bat even if you can only hit two or
 so enemies, as we're going against the clock. If you have another Golem card
 to summon, do so; if not, hope that a confused enemy aids you by attacking
 its own comrade (which is a OHKO, of course). Finish it up in about 2 turns
 for the best effect.

 If you finish and you're in the lead, your team will coast right to the next
 battle against...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x3)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 23 Golem Master                 |  41/80  |  72/15  |------------------'

 A rather boring battle, since you fought these as regular enemies coming to
 South Sularto. Try to Cardish a Golem or two if you can, since they're very
 powerful summons. Besides that, take out the Golem Master as quickly as you
 possibly can to avoid its "Land Ax" attack which can deal 30+ damage to a
 large area. There's no time limit on this battle, at least in relation to
 the bet, so wipe the floor with these nerds at your own pace.

 If you used less than eleven turns to get through all the battles, excluding
 the last one, you'll win the bet and get a job complete! Have fun walking out
 on your own......NOT!

JOB 36 - DISCOVER THE CHARM'S POWER                                      [JB36]

 "Item Society member has found a pre-Great Disaster item. Rauvan wishes to
 confirm that Super Amazing Sword Protection Charm maximizes defense. Meet him
 at Dongle Cape."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  REWARD: 260G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #32 - "Bazaar Synthesis Item Sale"

 Dongle Cap is the southernmost tip of the peninsula 'round these parts, in
 case you're wondering. Rauvan wants someone to take the power of the charm &
 test its potentially damage-blocking effect in battle. Everyone gets souped-
 -up by the charm and a monster attacks...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Crimson Roc (x2)             |  38/25  |  56/07  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 23 Armor Tortoise (x3)          |  43/36  |  72/38  |------------------'

 The charm invalidates weapon-attack damage, meaning one'll have to rely on
 skills to do any headway. Luckily, Knife Rain/Force Ring are perfect for this
 type of situation. The tortoises have more defense than any monsters you've
 had to face so far, but if you can inflict Confusion, all the better. Card
 Field will help as well. If Lutz knows Fatal Dagger, you might get lucky w/
 that. Feel free to Cardish any monster as well, and watch out for those
 Rocs' ability to inflict Silence. You don't want all outlets of attack to be
 fouled up, right?

 Job complete after winning! Alec will tell Rauvan about his father Dorvan,
 if you took the finished the job that related to him (#25).

JOB 37 - MAKE THE SHOP PROSPER                                           [JB37]

 "Ali, a Pandira shop owner, is suffering a business slump, and requests
 assistance in issuing an announcement to potential customers. Contact Ali
 for further information."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Shopkeeper Ali
  REWARD: 220G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #32 - "Bazaar Synthesis Item Sale"

 Down in the casino town of Pandira, talk to Ali to learn he wants Alec's
 bunch to advertise the shop...meaning talk to people on the street, walking
 by the store. You'll have to send certain members of the party to appeal to
 certain NPCs walking around. Here's how to get this done right:

  � Spicy the Lovelorn Ninja: Cheryl -> Lutz
  � Flirty and Scorned Woman: Theo -> Cheryl
  � Steely-hearted Hunterman: Theo
  � Transvestite...Lavender : Alec

 Job complete if you did the above. NOTE: If you have a quicker way to get
 the people in the shop, feel free to e-mail me.

JOB 38 - CATCH THE BAZAAR SHOPLIFTER!                                    [JB38]

 "Hoodlums are reportedly wreaking havoc in the Bazaar. Contact the Bazaar
 Control Office to arrange for their capture."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Bazaar Control
  REWARD: 360G
  UNLOCK: Complete one of the following: Job #34, 35, 36, 37

 This job will require your undivided attention so you'll have to abort any
 other tasks in progress (so finish them before taking this one!). The office
 in question is just north of the bazaar entrance. The merchant being hit is
 none other than Chongara, the guy who sits by the large pot where you can
 play the Choko Time minigame. Alec is to keep watch and catch the thief, for
 another raid's imminent...

 A man will in purple slacks and a jean jacket will come by and steal a Magic
 Apple from poor Chongara; when Alec chases, he'll summon his lookalike big
 bros to help evade capture. When they run around and try to mix up Alec's
 selection, keep an eye out on the real one and pick him when they stop the
 squigglin'. You'll have to do this thrice more, as well. The correct thief'll
 get a heart-shaped icon above his head during the runaround, so if you lose
 track, keep yer eyes peeled for that telltale. The results are randomized, so
 I'm afraid it's up to you, the player, to see this one to the end.

 Job is a success if you catch the shoplifter.

JOB 39 - BRING BACK THE WATER SPHERE!                                    [JB39]

 "Testa's prized Water Sphere has been stolen and possibly taken to The
 Academy's base. Tosh requests any information that might lead to the exact
 location of the base."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Tosh
  MERITS: 12
  REWARD: 350G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #38 - "Catch the Bazaar Shoplifter!"

 With the Water Sphere stolen, the team asks Alec if he's got any inkling as
 to where they should look for The Academy's base. It doesn't matter as to
 his answer, although Gislem is the ideal place to look since there's an office
 dedicated to that foundation located there. Check there to find it deserted,
 except for one person in the back office. He'll say that the Battleship, the
 one that crashed and made the huge gorge between the areas, is the home base
 of the Academy. It's only reachable from South Sularto, somewhere...

 Report back to Tosh back at Testa to have him join up in an effort to reclaim
 the Water Sphere at the Battleship. Complete the events at the Battleship, and
 come back to Testa to get a job complete. (It's a lot longer than I make it
 seem, mind you).

JOB 40 - STOP THE RIOT                                                   [JB40]

 "Citizens who fled the city after the Water Sphere's theft are venting their
 anger at Tosh's Guard. Report to the north entrance to the Secret Path by the
 Crash Site for job details."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Tosh's Guard
  REWARD: 250G
  UNLOCK: Start Job #39 but accept this job before going into the Battleship

 This job starts automatically after saying you'll take it on. Enter into the
 underground and find the townspeople in the 2nd screen. Of course some foes
 appear to party-crash...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Ghost                        |  61/00  |  71/10  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 20 Ogre Mage (x2)               | 110/160 |  77/07  |------------------'

 Take out the Ghost first thing and use Card Field to DEF-buff yourselves. As
 their name states, these mages use magical attacks so use Silent to put 'em
 out of their element before beating 'em down. If you got a Ray Sword way back
 when, you can deal extra damage (often 90+) here. Don't forget to Cardish an
 ogre mage if possible.

 Job complete for winning. Yawn...

JOB 41 - FRIENDS FOR DANNY                                               [JB41]

 "Orphanage guardian, Kulara, is concerned about a new child who has been
 fighting with the other children. She would like assistance in helping him
 deal with his anger."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Kulara
  REWARD: 100G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #39 - "Bring Back the Water Sphere!"

 Stop by the Gislem Orphanage to learn that Danny's lost his father and has
 trouble finding a father figure in anyone. In the back room, Danny says his
 father was a powerful Hunter and after some scenes, a prompt comes up. Pick
 either option and Danny will leave the room. Kulara says both his step-parents
 were refugees from Testa, and they abandoned him here...

 Check the town inn's 2nd room to find them, then learn that Danny's taken some
 of the kids to the Ruined City (Shock + Awe!). Of course, some local hoodlums
 are picking on them...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Ninja                        |  55/40  | 100/11  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  |------------------'

 Just attack. If you've upgraded any of the party's weapons, such as getting
 a Mystic Sword (Magic Sprig + Magic Sprig) or Rocket Launcher (Tough Alloy +
 Tough Alloy), you can probably finish this on the first turn. Only weaklings
 pick on kids, yeah?

 Danny gets an epiphany and JOB COMPLETE! Hooray for happy endings. <3

JOB 42 - A REQUEST FROM TOSH                                             [JB42]

 "Tosh is concerned about the conditions of the city, but believes reports
 from his Guard are innaccurate. He requests a Hunter to gather intelligence
 for him."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Tosh
  REWARD: 320G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #39 - "Bring Back the Water Sphere!"

 Go to Tosh's manor to learn that "something big is happening" in town, and
 people talk in whispers whenever Tosh or his men are nearby. Alec is to
 gather information about this "something" that is on the horizon (Bazaar
 area is not affected so no need to search there). Apparently, there's been
 a strange man around town as well... Time to check the pub, inn, and all
 of the Society buildings... You need to check all five places, mind you;
 it's a good idea to talk to all the people. When you've collected enough
 info, Alec suggests heading back to Tosh's digs. There, a furious Tosh
 will tagalong incognito to see for himself. The pattern Alec has pieced
 together is:

 Item Society -> Pub -> Monster Society -> Weapon Society -> Inn

 You have ten (10) chances to find him by searching the buildings before
 Tosh relieves you of the job and does the work himself (i.e. job failure).
 The quickest way to complete this is, as soon as you leave Tosh's Manor,
 go to the Item Society then the Monster Society -- this catches him in the
 act. If you follow the pattern, you'll always be one step behind, y'see...?

 Anyway, he escapes because Alec holds Tosh back from murdering the charlatan,
 so there's gotta be a plan to lure him outside of where the villagers can be
 hurt... Hell Plain is the best idea. You have to search town for him, but it
 as easy as going to the southwest fenced-in area. Lutz will lure him down to
 the monster-ridden area...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Fighter (x3)                 |  99/20  | 135/13  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 All enemies you've seen before. They start in a poor formation, so you can
 slap 'em with any manner of AoE attacks, such as Impulse Bomb or Knife Rain.
 Tosh can fight here, too, so these guys have absolutely no chance of getting
 a fair shake. :p

 Tosh asks Alec what he should do; choose "Forgive and forget" instead of "Hold
 a grudge." Job complete! [NOTE: I don't know if "Hold a grudge" gets you a
 job complete, but if it does, e-mail me regarding such a thing.]

JOB 43 - GISLEM GIFT COURIER                                             [JB43]

 "A Hunter transporting luggage to North Sularto abandoned his cargo when
 attacked by monsters. Meet client at the south entrance to the Secret Path,
 to complete the job."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #39 - "Bring Back the Water Sphere!"

 Talk to the man at said location to learn a hired Hunter ditched a bunch of
 this shopkeeper's merchandise inside of the Secret Path, when monsters came
 and attacked. They're going to the shop in Gislem after they're collected.
 There was a rare-item gift for the shopkeeper in Gislem as well, but this
 man knows nothing of it 'cause he didn't pick it out. It's supposed to be a
 pair of "matched opposite items," also. O_O

 Inside, look for sparkles on the ground that denote dropped items. Since we
 have already been here, I'll forego writing strategies for all the stall
 battles 'cause it's all Golems, Golem Masters, Apprentices, and Hemo-jis
 (which are new for this location, but you can fight them elsewhere

  � ROOM #02 - Amazing Herb (NE part of corridor)
  � ROOM #04 - Iron Sword (By northern stairway where you enter)
  � ROOM #06 - Mint (by entrance you come in)
  � ROOM #06 - Light Fragment (by save point)
  � ROOM #08 - Fur Cape (in Secret Path center area)
  � ROOM #08 - Revolver (in Secret Path Center area)
  � ROOM #08 - Steel Spear (in Secret Path Center area)
  � ROOM #10 - Dark Fragment (by northern exit)

 If you collect the Light & Dark Fragments, the party deduces that those were
 the correct gift and automatically heads to the Gislem shop. Congratulations!
 Now the Gislem shop sells Dark Fragments, and the Testa Shop sells Light
 Fragments. Wheeeeee! Job complete.

JOB 44 - CHASE THE GANG AWAY                                             [JB44]

 "The Testa Guild reports recent gang activity at South Wharf. Find and chase
 away the bandit gang before any more passersby are attacked."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #39 - "Bring Back the Water Sphere!"

 Head down to the wharf to find our favorite fruitcake-of-a-fighter spouting
 poetic nonsense. LOL @ Rainy British comment, double LOL @ re-enacting his
 own flashback. TOO FUNNY FOR WORDS!  .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x3)     |  54/64  |  52/08  |------------------'

 This battle is meant for laughs, not for sport. Maybe fifteen hours ago it
 would have been difficult, but this poses no challenge now. Reap the souls
 in your own fashion (offensive card = pushin' up daisies).

 Job complete!


 "Society Village research results must be delivered to the Library in Paysus,
 Jiharta. Visit the Item, Weapon, and Monster Societies, then board a ship at
 South Wharf in South Sularto."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Society Village
  REWARD: 270G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #39 - "Bring Back the Water Sphere!"

 Taking this job means all others in North and South Sularto will be unable
 to be completed (or aborted). Make sure all other jobs have been completed
 if you're trying to do them all! Anyway, the Library in Paysus is known as
 a depository of the world's knowledge -- it'll be very interesting to see
 what's there... [PS - You can talk to Tosh after accepting to get some
 info on what the area used to be known as and abou this past.]

 In Society Village, get the [ITEM SOCIETY DATA], [CARD SOCIETY DATA], and
 [MONSTER SOCIETY DATA] from the building heads and make for South Wharf.
 Going-away party here?
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 23 Cassowary (x3)               |  59/90  |  90/11  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 18 Bomber Fly (x3)              |  59/15  |  82/15  |------------------'

 Cassowaries use a Fireball attack on a " + " formation, which sucks to be
 honest. There's really nothing spectacular about this battle except that the
 Cassowary enemies are new. Try to Cardish one before you set sail (just know
 they tend to resist a lot).

 Board the ship afterwards -- if you're sure you're ready, that is -- and get
 onto the high seas. Everything goes smoothly and the party lands at Jiharta
 Dock, on the destination continent. It's an easy walk to Paysus on the south
 seaboard, but as you enter, you find the Guild has been closed... Anyway, go
 to the library in the SW part of town and deliver the goods. Job complete!

JOB 46 - ALL HUNTERS, FIND TIKVA!                                        [JB46]

 "A Paysus Hunter, Tikva, stole the Water Control Scroll from Amaidar Temple
 and fled. The Guild seeks a skilled Hunter to capture Tikva and recover the
 ancient document."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Paysus Guild
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 200G
  UNLOCK: Available when coming to Paysus the first time (it's mandatory)

 The guildmaster says this Tikva is a little older than Alec and very bright,
 using the ruse of a job to steal the scroll. Since the monks helped rebuild
 Paysus, everyone owes them an unpayable debt -- that's why the town is in an
 uproar. Well, let's begin.

 First, visit Tikva's House in the northeastern part of town. The leader of
 this capture expedition will ask Alec to visit the temple and get details
 on the how and why of this situation, and also drops a hint that Tikva went
 to the Spell Institute in Rusaht. Stroll to the temple first to learn the
 culprit cast a spell on the monks in order to make off with the artifact.

 Down in Rusaht's college, a man directs everyone to talk to Marsia about the
 "strange spell" that was used. She'll "join" the party after some events, and
 then it's back to Amaidar. This time, the Archmonk Iga (another person from
 ATL2) allows passage inside. Apparently, Tikva told the monks that a monster
 had broken into the temple and when someone say him stealing the scroll, he
 was overcome by a strange force. In a flashback, it shows Tikva using some
 sort of handheld device to drain strength from the monks (and where have we
 seen those who use such things...hmm...).

 Return to the Institute to find the professors sprawled out on the floor.
 Tikva will incapacitate everyone but let it slip that a "flood control
 experiment" is imminent. Check with the Paysus Guild to be tasked with a bit
 of interrogation duty on the townspeople; head to the library to learn about
 the Academy's plans for the Romastor River. Head west of Rusaht to get there.
 A battle with our gigantor spearman takes place here.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Galdo [BOSS]                 | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |

 He'll use Agility Bellow to increase his evasion abilities and he can't be
 inflicted with Silence. Use Card Field to increase defense because he'll
 increase his ATK as well. Attacks like Impulse Bomb do more damage than any
 magic, why is why it's better to leave Marsia out of this battle (plus her
 DEF sucks like a vacuum). Watch out for the 'Hyper Galdo' attack which can
 do 100+ to one ally, and just keep using attacks like Impulse Bomb and any
 decent card summon. After five or six turns the battle will be over.

 After explaining the situation to Iga (automatically), Tikva's sentence
 is doled out and this job's complete once Alec returns to the guild. Marsia
 also joins this party permanently from now on.

JOB 47 - FINGER THE PAGE PILFERER!                                       [JB47]

 "A page has been stolen from a valuable book in the Paysus Library. Morzat,
 the Library manager, has already gathered some suspects. Contact him on the
 first floor of the Library."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Library Manager
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 46 - "All Hunters, Find Tikva!"

 Save at the inn before starting, which is good advice from the guildmaster,
 'cause you can't leave once you go in the Library. Morzat will say the one
 of the depository's prized books has had a page torn out. He's gathered the
 possible culprits on the 2nd floor. The suspects:

  � YONAN     - He's always in the library (looks like a small kid in red)
  � CALPUNI   - A Spell Institute student (man dressed in beige)
  � MR. GANTS - Always leaves in a hurry (wears vest & purple pants)
  � SOME MONK - Very cooperative & nice (wears a white mask)
  � MULAR     - Bldg.'s head librarian (black hair and bluish shirt)

 Morzat wants to be informed of the thief when it's found out.

 If you talk with everyone, you'll find that Yonan mentions a "princess and
 her retainers" as the illustration, information that was not given at any
 time. Yonan DID do it; however, to get the best outcome of this job, you need
 to poke holes in his story. If you don't, Marsia will convict him on her gut
 instinct and the job will just get an 'okay' rating.

 So, instead of accusing him right off the bat, do the alibi inspection event
 downstairs. Theo will act out Yonan's place, and since he's the liar, he'll
 always "mess" up the order. Just make sure the other two characters' have a
 good position before picking to bring everyone downstairs (Lutz -> Cheryl is
 the correct order). Job complete if you figured out the alibis and suspected


 NOTE: There has been trouble with the order messing up. When in doubt, make
 it Theo -> Lutz -> Cheryl.

JOB 48 - DRIVE LAKESHORE BANDITS AWAY!                                   [JB48]

 "According to the Paysus Guild, gang and monster activity on Roma Lake Shore
 is posing serious risk to lake visitors. Eliminate the culprits."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Paysus Guild
  REWARD: 400G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 46 - "All Hunters, Find Tikva!"

 West of Amaidar Temple is the lakeshore, where we find our fruity friends in
 another installment...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 Assistant Chief              | 288/200 | 121/16  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  |------------------'
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Gang Bandit (x3)     |  54/64  |  52/08  |

 Despite her high level, her ATK and DEF still aren't that stellar. Again,
 their starting formation sets them right up for any large Lv3 spell, which
 will take out all the minor bandit enemies. The assistant chief can do about
 50 damage in a two-panel range, but besides that, this battle's crap.

 They all leave to train in the mountains afterward. Job complete!

JOB 49 - FIND THE PET DOG                                                [JB49]

 "A restaurant worker, Goose, is heartbroken over his missing dog, Arty. Meet
 him at the restaurant to help him look for the dog."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Goose
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 46 - "All Hunters, Find Tikva!"

 Goose thinks someone kidnapped the dog rather than it having run away. He
 mentions Romastor River...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 26 Alraune (x2)                 | 103/20  | 106/16  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 47 Myconid (x2)                 | 174/50  | 143/24  |------------------'

 Again, the inflated HP isn't cause for alarm -- just use Card Field and get
 to work. Just watch out because the Myconids can inflict paralysis, and can
 do 100+ damage most likely (a little less for their counterattacks). Since
 they'll have a penchant for surrounding one ally and beatin' on 'em, this'll
 set up powerful attacks like Impulse Bomb. 

 After taking the monsters to school, Goose leads everyone to Amaidar Temple
 on a "wild dog chase."
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 27 Shuternelle (x3)             | 126/70  | 118/14  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| Lv. 35 Crystal Gargoyle (x2)        |  98/100 | 148/22  |------------------'

 Cure yourselves as your HP values carry over from the 1st battle, and then
 Silence all the enemies as fast as possible. Bombard their starting position
 with LV3 attacks, and watch out for the earth-element attacks they use. They
 typically suck but can hit multiple people. Try to Cardish one of the foes
 as they're both powerful allies w/ Cardish.

 Destination 3: Kaoyan Forest...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 26 Alraune (x4)                 | 103/20  | 106/16  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 23 Pen-Pen Plant (x2)           |  99/00  | 100/15  |------------------'

 Watch out for the Alraune's paralysis-inflicting skills. If you Cardish-ed
 a Shuternelle in the previous battle, use that to kill everything. Equip an
 Emblem of Lark on those that don't have one for an easier time.

 A despondent Goose returns back home after the failed search. Luckily, Arty
 never left (WHAT WAS ALL THIS CHASING FOR THEN ARGH) and the job's complete.

JOB 50 - RETRIEVE THE SCROLL OF TRUTH                                    [JB50]

 "Salubari would like to borrow the Scroll of Truth from his teacher, Earth
 Wizard Doan, but needs assistance. Contact Salubari at the Spell Institute."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Spell Institute
  REWARD: 360G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 46 - "All Hunters, Find Tikva!"

 Ride to the Institute's practice hall to find Salubari. He needs the scroll
 to help his text he's working on, and his former teacher has it. Earth Wizard
 Doan is at the peak of Mt. Amaidar -- everyone heads there automatically. He
 cannot give it up without some sort of tribulation, however, so he'll ask a
 bunch of questions that have to be answered. 

  � 01 - A traveler is lying on the earth after his long journey. What is in
         his eyes? [ANSWER: Diamonds]
  � 02 - The earth goes on forever, and it ends at the edge of the forever.
         Who stands in the center of it and back to back? [ANSWER: Ocean]
  � 03 - A rocky mountain is stricken by thunder and crumbles away. From its
         fragments, some created weapons and others created castles. Those
         that made weapons waged war against those that built castles. Who
         would remain standing in the end? [ANSWER: The lawyers]

 After guessing, he says the questions have no meaning (d'oh!) and the true
 trial is about to begin. In each chest nearby is a talisman, representing the
 guardians: Light, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. The challenge is to fight
 against the monsters he summons while simultaneously collecting the talismans.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 22 Maneater (x2)                | 102/50  | 108/15  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 13 Wild Hemo-ji (x3)            |  63/40  |  58/12  |------------------'

 BEWARE: Collect all talismans before defeating the last monster, or you will
 not get the best ranking on this job. The enemies are pretty lame expectedly,
 and can (maybe) die even with a counterattack, so waste no time in completing
 the main task. Since collecting chest contents does not use up a turn, try
 to position a character with decent MOV in the range of two chests, so s/he
 can make use of the turn.

 [WHITE TALISMAN] all get to be kept afterwards as well! The [SCROLL OF TRUTH]
 is given over and it's a job complete after returning it to Salubari.

JOB 51 - COLLECT HISTORICAL INFORMATION                                  [JB51]

 "Morzat is compiling a complete history of events since the Great Disaster,
 but needs help gathering information. Meet him at the Paysus Library."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Library Manager
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 410G
  UNLOCK: Complete two of the following: Job #47, 48, 49, 50

 Do all other jobs before taking this on, or any in-progress ones will have to
 get aborted. When up to the challenge, see Morzat to learn that he wants Alec
 to gather information on folklore. Salubari of the Spell Institute and Harzan
 of Amaidar Temple are prime 'suspects' for some knowledge-sharing, so that's
 where we'll start.

 In Rusaht's college, learn that Salubari stepped out awhile ago and went to
 Roma Lake Shore. Monsters show up...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Dragoon (x2)                 |  79/60  |  79/10  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 22 Maneater (x3)                | 102/50  | 108/15  |------------------'

 You already know how to abuse monsters' starting formations, so lay the
 smackdown with Force Ring and Knife Rain to quickly eradicate these pests.
 Dragoons can inflict paralysis with "Paralysis Swirl," however, and it has
 a 50/50 success rate. Watch it!

 Once the funeral service is over, Salubari gives a snippet of info about
 "the Ark," whatever that is. Go to Amaidar Temple this time to learn Master
 Harzan is at the Proving Grounds. Since his trainees are so smitten with Alec
 and the story of how he captured Tikva, they want a match. Harzan's will be
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 34 Harzan                       | 164/110 | 182/17  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| Lv. 24 Amaidar Monk (x5)            | 143/70  | 113/15  |------------------'

 After awhile, one really has to wonder what's up with these HORRIBLE starting
 formations the enemies are placed in. Any Lv. 3 spell can hit them all, and
 even on previous turns, they start so close to the allies that the upper hand
 isn't likely to change. The best course of action is to use Card Field as the
 "Amaidar Fist" attack can be rather damaging in its plus-formation attack. As
 for Harzan, his attack is through the roof so it's best to blitzkreig him
 before he can really put on the hurt...and that's not too hard, with his poor
 DEF rating.

 After hearing Harzan's tale, also interview the 5 monks you trounced before
 talking to the 6th monk to leave. Note that these two people do not make a
 job complete -- talk to _every_ NPC you can find, in the library, in Rusaht,
 etc. Not all are neeed, but as a precaution, talk to everyone you can find.
 LOL @ "The only memento I have left from him is a vacuum cleaner belt." o_O

 Once you've talked to most people around this small continent, return to the
 head librarian and give him the findings. Eventually, this book will be put
 on the bookshelf for Alec to read; his collected knowledge will be compiled

JOB 52 - INVESTIGATE THE SPOOKY SOUNDS!                                  [JB52]

"Tikva's old neighbors have heard noises coming from his house, which should
 be vacant. They want a Hunter to investigate, and will be waiting in front of
 the house."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Vicky & Ellie
  REWARD: 360G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 51 - "Collect Historical Information"

 Talk to the two cleaning ladies in front of Tikva's house (in NE Paysus, if
 you recall) to get entrance. After searching the room, a man with a rifle'll
 come out of the wall. Apparently he's only a sort-of intruder -- he needs a
 bit of weapon synthesis info, not stuff to steal. "Combine the Gun and the
 feather-like black material with It," is what the gun synthesis legend says.
 "If you succeed, the dawn of a new era of weapons will begin." Time to help
 this guy, even if it's outside of the job description...

 Another part of the legend refers to the third mystery ingredient: "It lies
 at once both deep and high. One will have it, all will not. One for all, all
 for one. Differ not him and thee, shining among all." Cheryl will then be
 able to look at the bookshelves for information. When all six books have been
 read, tell Marsia the solution: "Hemo-ji" then "Amaidar Mt. Peak." Everyone
 trailblazes to said location!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 King Hemo-ji                 | 116/60  | 147/18  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 13 Wild Hemo-ji (x3)            |  63/40  |  58/12  |------------------'

 Yeah, a bunch of crappy hemo-jis and one decent one. Use Card Field, then
 slap 'em around. NOTE: The King Hemo-ji will be all but impossible to Cardish
 unless Theo's levels are higher than the target's. A reader (Ryu) has done
 this around Lv. 60.

 After the bloodbath, it will drop [INFERNO POWDER], the third ingredient for
 the synthesis experiment. At the Weapon Society, everyone learns a startling
 revelation about Wyat. Good news is that the formula for creating a new weap
 is given: Light Alloy + Assault Gun + Inferno Powder = Shotgun. Unfortunately,
 the Shotgun isn't given to the party; rather, it's put on display. Making
 the gun again is as simple as collecting the ingredients. Job complete!

JOB 53 - HELP SANIA BREAK THE CYCLE                                      [JB53]

 "Fortune-Teller Sania is concerned about a customer she believes has been
 depending too much on her services. See her at the Inn for details."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Fortune Teller Sania
  REWARD: 300G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 51 - "Collect Historical Information"

 The client tells Alec of her plight, and then helps her regular customer on
 picking his date location (Lake Roma). Follow them to said place and when
 the prompt box comes up, choose "Watch 'n Wait" and "Stay Silent." When Yan
 asks for help, say the insensitive "You're on your own!". Then, it's time to
 go roughshod over these guys.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 17 Dragoon (x3)                 |  79/60  |  79/10  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 22 Maneater (x2)                | 102/50  | 108/15  |------------------'

 Destroy the Maneaters first, and just bash-'n'-slash the Dragoons. An Impulse
 Bomb can hit up to three enemies in the starting formation. Just watch out
 for Paralysis Swirl.

 When the enemies are in a shallow grave, Alec will return to the restaurant
 in Paysus. If you chose the right prompts and made Yan self-reliant again,
 it is a job complete!

JOB 54 - TRAVELING DUO'S GREAT DISCOVERY                                 [JB54]

 "A brother and sister have found a mysterious item on Amaidar Mountain Peak
 that appears to strengthen weapons. Contact them on the Mountain to test
 their theory."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Alban & Lumina
  REWARD: 340G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 51 - "Collect Historical Information"

 Another seemingly helpful job that empowers the user? I wonder how this one
 will fare... Make sure to save before going, 'cause it starts immediately.
 The bro-and-sis duo, who happen to be related to Dorvan and Rauvan, have seen
 an item buried in the ground, that imbues weapons with more power. Of course,
 it's the exact opposite -- all power but physical strength is being DRAINED!!
 And, monsters show up. Geez...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Wild Hemo-ji                 |  63/40  |  58/12  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 22 Maneater (x5)                | 102/50  | 108/15  |------------------'

 Monsters can only be defeated with weapons this time, meaning it's time to
 gang up on Maneaters first and use items to heal (hopefully you have a few
 Amazing Herbs in your satchel). Since there's no Gaia Magic that can be used,
 don't bother bringing in someone like Marsia. If you think you may have any
 trouble, equip a gun/knife with an odd range (for instance, the Rocket
 Launcher has a plus-formation attack range). Regardless, use the surroundings
 to protect your back/sides for a little easier time.

 As reparations, the brother says: Rune Wand + Magic Power Nut = Magic Stick.
 The sister also gives a Dryad Monster Card to Theo. Job complete!

JOB 55 - TRAINEE MONK'S ROMANCE TROUBLE                                  [JB55]

 "Nana, from Paysus, is worried about her sweetheart Kurt, who is training to
 be a service monk at Amaidar Temple. Meet her at the path to Amaidar

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Nana
  REWARD: 340G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 51 - "Collect Historical Information"

 Go to the mountain path (NOT the temple) NE of Rusaht and meet Nana. She'll
 say Kurt was tricked into becoming a monk, and he needs to be brought back
 before a 10-day training session begins. Nana will wait at Romastor River
 for the good news... Anyway, talk to the plainclothes person at the peak and,
 when Kurt tries to leave, it's time to sneak out. Pick the option that has to
 do with a plan -- this will start a "Monk Misdirection" minigame. The rules:

  � The object is to help lovelorn, clueless Kurt get down the mountain to
    Nana. Try and keep Kurt away from the monks. However, if a monk
    approaches, walk up to him and talk, blocking his view. If you fail five
    times, the job will be over, and counted as a failure.

  � MONK MISDIRECTION CONTROLS: Press x to talk with Kurt or any monk. While
    you have the attention of the monk, he won't be able to see Kurt. While
    you engage one monk, Kurt and the other monks will continue to move. Use
    Triangle to cancel a conversation. You can direct Kurt by talking to him
    from the direction you want him to go.

 It sounds difficult...until you do it. Monks can identify Kurt only when he
 is directly in front of their face, i.e. their line of sight goes straight
 only. By talking to Kurt, you can tell him to follow you for a bit. The big
 problem here is that monks can obstruct crucial paths, so no matter of 
 detaining can budge them from their set course. When Kurt reaches the top
 of the southern stairway, the second level of Monk Misdirection begins.

 There are only three monks here, so it's not that hard. The destination is
 the plank bridge in the south once again. Most monks patrol the north, but
 one dawdles by the SW part. Make sure Alec obstructs his view so that Kurt
 can escape. After getting through this 2nd course, it's a job complete!

 ...well, not really. Alba and his crew show up for some reason. When Kurt
 and Nana split, choose "Stall him". This is a 4-on-3 fight now!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 34 Enea                         | 262/250 |  97/15  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 35 Alba                         | 288/180 | 148/17  |------------------'
| Lv. 38 Belga                        | 284/120 | 129/25  |

 Whee! Their starting formation sets them up for mass-attack skills, so lay
 some on 'em. Inflict Silence on Enea to stop her from casting any magic; a
 weak attack on up to three panels is all she will have, then. Card Field to
 help break their attack down a bit, also. One fun thing to do here is have
 Lutz use Fatal Dagger to take off 100s of HP...if it hits, that is. As long
 as Alec survives and can cast Resurrection, this shouldn't be too much of a
 problem. Still, fun fight!

 The resolution is seen at Jiharta Dock. Job complete!

JOB 56 - ARCHMONK IGA'S SPECIAL DELIVERY                                 [JB56]

 "Archmonk Iga needs an important letter delivered to Leshalt, a researcher in
 Parute. Iga has arranged for transportation, and is waiting for a Hunter at
 Amaidar Temple."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Archmonk Iga
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete any two of the following: Job #52, 53, 54, 55

 This job takes one overseas, so of course any jobs not finished will be
 hands-off or aborted. Do everything else before this, including any Outlaw
 jobs. When prepared, visit Amaidar Temple to learn the letter has info on
 The Academy inside, which is why it's so g'dang important. Leshalt happens
 to be a scientist who may be able to help with this band of brigands. The
 [LETTER FOR LESHALT] is received -- time to get outta this place! Jiharta
 Dock will take everyone far, far away...

 Everyone lands on Dartanelle Beach and from there, head to the enclosed
 town of Paltos. Visit the arena to see the statue unveiled, then go to the
 Item Society to learn of Leshalt's whereabouts. Just south of town, at the
 Mountain Retreat, deliver the letter and get a job complete!

JOB 57 - DECODE THE MYSTERIOUS MEMO                                      [JB57]

"Suspicious people are reportedly conducting secret experiments at an unknown
 location. The activity may be criminal. A Hunter in the pub can provide
 additional information."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #56 - "Archmonk Iga's Special Delivery"

 The pub's located in the southeast part of the city. A headbanded hunter'll
 say that the experiment is going down at Tolarka Ruins, Parute Desert, or
 Dartanelle Beach. Read the memo on the table that says:

 Run away from all this...I tell you. There is no other way.
 Understand that you have no other choice, my dear.
 I can stand idly by no longer.
 No one should make you change course. Run!

 Think of it like an acrostic -- the first word of each sentence contributes
 a part, making "RUIN". So, go to
 Tolarka Ruins.                       .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 49 Intruder (x3)                | 182/00  | 176/22  | DIFFICULTY: 6/10 |

 The enemies can attack in a T-formation, and for 100+ damage per hit at your
 current levels, probably. Use Card Field to reduce the hurt, then bombard 'em
 with your best mass-attack skills. It would be in your best interest to keep
 a good distance from each other, and have Alec on-hand for Resurrection. That
 said, a good Impulse Bomb can probably do 150+ if Alec is Lv. 40+. You can
 try Fatal Dagger as well. And, if you didn't pick up on it, Marsia's horrible
 DEF should dissuade you from having her in-battle -- what a liability! Don't
 bother trying to Cardish one of these monsters,'s not likely to
 work (unless at high levels).

 Afterwards, when Alec has to divulge how he came up with the hint, choose
 "Run away". Job complete!

JOB 58 - STOP ILLEGAL MONSTER CARD BUYING                                [JB58]

 "A wealthy person has been buying up Monster Cards at very high prices,
 violating trade rules. The Monster Society wants him to stop immediately.
 Contract them for details."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Monster Society
  REWARD: 450G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #56 - "Archmonk Iga's Special Delivery"

 Over at the Monster Society, they suggest looking around town for info on
 this rich person buyin' up all the cards. Either way, just go to the inn and
 witness a scene where someone is trying to scalp some cards. The stuffy guy
 suggests going to Tolarka Ruins to show him a "Rainbow-Colored Slime" card,
 which people would surely try to steal if seen in a cityscape! Of course, he
 tries to steal all of the "collection" that Theo has once they arrive at the
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 20 Ogre Mage (x3)               | 110/160 |  77/07  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 LOL @ easiness. Use Impulse Bomb/offensive cards to beat 'em down en masse.

 After the battle...ANOTHER ONE!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 53 Ogre Lord                    | 212/200 | 252/15  | DIFFICULTY: 7/10 |
| Lv. 20 Ogre Mage (x4)               | 110/160 |  77/07  |------------------'
 252 ATK!?!? Holy crap! Use Fatal Dagger on it immediately and Impulse Bomb
 your way through this. Card Field will help, too, but not that much. The
 Ogre Mages use Water Crumble which SUCKS! Luckily, you can Cardish that Ogre
 Lord -- if you get a chance, definitely do it!

 Afterwards, the idiot-man gives back the cards. Job complete!

JOB 59 - MONSTER EXTERMINATION IN TOLARKA                                [JB59]

 "Many Monster Society members investigating sightings at Tolarka Castle Ruins
 have disappeared. The Guild is assembling a task force of Hunters to handle
 rescue efforts."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #56 - "Archmonk Iga's Special Delivery"

 This job will take top priority, so make sure you're ready to rock 'n' roll
 before undertakin' it. Alba and his crew will show up to 'help' at the ruins,
 and the player learns that there are more Society members around in the chaos
 'round here. What's that bunch of
 things comin' down the road, though? .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 35 Cobra (x3)                   | 114/35  | 120/19  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 40 Doommonger (x2)              | 116/110 | 170/25  |------------------'

 These guys will probably be as fast as your party, if not faster, so don't
 be in a hurry to run right out where they can gang up on you. Card Field to
 raise DEF, then drop the bomb...the Impulse Bomb that is, on 'em. That can
 destroy Cobras in one hit, and severely weaken the gargoyle types. Try to
 Cardish one of the Doommongers and Silence 'em if they can -- they can use a
 "Hell's Gate" attack to inflict dark-attribute damage. It's basically a copy
 of Cheryl's Nightraid attack, for reference.

 Another battle follow...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 35 Cobra (x2)                   | 114/35  | 120/19  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv.  5 Sidewinder                   |  26/00  |  30/06  |------------------'
| Lv. 29 Crypt Rat (x3)               |  82/16  | 109/16  |

 A single Impulse Bomb at the start can wipe out the Crypt Rats, but should
 any be alive and weakened, they'll use Banzai Run to explode themselves, and
 damage everyone in a square around their location. Card Field will help take
 any edge off, particularly because all HP values are the same from before.
 Cardish any new types if you can!

 Alba's selfish nonsense almost costs Enea her life, and everyone escapes to
 safety. However, we can't just let the Red Death escape like that! Round #2
 will come eventually...for now, it's job complete.

JOB 60 - COMMAND A MONSTER HUNTER TEAM!                                  [JB60]

 "Monster activity has increased substantially in many areas. The Guild plans
 to attack many locations simultaneously, and seeks an outstanding Hunter to
 lead the operation."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #56 - "Archmonk Iga's Special Delivery"

 As before, this job will also take top priority so complete any unfinished
 jobs prior to undertaking this. The locations for this job are Parute Desert,
 Dartanelle Beach, and Tolarka Ruins. Dartanelle's had strong monster problems
 lately, Tolarka Ruins baddies are rather average, and Parute Desert's are too
 weak to even bother with almost.

 Alec will have to pair up the teams to suit the areas. Interview the Hunters
 to find out their strengths, being (from left to right)

  � Man w/ Sword   = Strong
  � Woman w/ Sword = Crappy
  � Man with Rifle = Mediocre
  � Redshirted Man = Crappy
  � Woman with Bag = Strong
  � Man with Spear = Mediocre

 If Alec pairs them up for the jobs correctly, he should not have to fight a
 single monster himself. The correct order is:

 DARTANELLE BEACH = Man w/ Sword + Woman with Bag
 TOLARKA CASTLE   = Man with Rifle + Man with Spear
 PARUTE DESERT    = Woman w/ Sword + Redshirted Man

 Afterwards, Alec will go onto the field to see how the hunters are faring
 with their assignments. If you chose the above hunters/locations, everything
 will be tiptop...until Parute Desert. Remember the story of Enea's commander
 and the moral of underestimating the enemy? Well, despite the favorable party
 lineups, there are still hard enemies...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 43 Dragon (x2)                  | 244/50  | 194/29  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| Lv. 52 Copper Dragon                | 483/250 | 215/31  |------------------'

 Wow, how's that for "crappy monsters"!? Card Field immediately and cast Brain
 Blast if Alec has it, in the attempt to inflict paralysis (or if you have a
 card that does that same thing, use that). Still, no matter how high HP the
 enemy has, you can use Fatal Dagger to whittle it down to a very small amount,
 for what it's worth. Copper Dragons drop Wind Amulets, also, so try and get

 Job success if you make it out in one piece.

JOB 61 - HELP WITH THE TOURNAMENT PREP                                   [JB61]

 "The Martial Arts Tournament Committee is seeking Hunters to assist in
 planning the next tournament. To apply, contact Committee Chairman Gruga, who
 lives in Paltos."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Tournament Committee
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 450G
  UNLOCK: Complete any two of the following: Job #57, 58, 59, 60

 This job is part of the plot, so you'll have to finish any other jobs before
 doing this, else they'll be aborted or worse. Gruga, a character from ATL2,
 lives in the house west of the Hero Memorial Hall. He will give jobs to Alec
 and other two (really crappy) applicants.

  � Girl -> Clear mice from waiting area
  � Man --> Collect 50 Great Herbs for participants
  � Alec -> Guard Rochefort Manor and neutralize threats

 ...and protecting the family home means protecting the snotty upper-crust
 (is this job 'protect the tournament prep...pie?') daughter. After a bit
 of lounging in the foyer, some Academy
 thugs break in. Lame!                .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 36 Academy Spec Ops (x2)        | 149/280 |  68/22  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 | 
| Lv. 23 Academy 1 Fighter (x2)       | 105/00  |  75/12  |------------------'

 Now that your DEF is probably near their ATK, this battle will be gravy.
 Don't bother Silencing the Spec Ops, as their magic attacks completely suck,
 whereas their physical attacks -- which can hit multiple targets -- don't
 suck completely. Not that you should have to think too much about this, as 1
 Impulse Bomb can most of them out at once.

 Defeat them for a job complete!

JOB 62 - HELP HUNTER BACK FROM DARKSIDE                                  [JB62]

 "Pepper, a Paltos Inn guest, is worried about an old friend named Gengal. The
 former Hunter is extremely depressed. Meet Pepper at the Inn to assist."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Pepper
  REWARD: 400G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 61 - "Help with Tournament Prep"

 Pepper's in the room nearest the front desk, and says Gengal has been going
 and fighting in a 'Black Tournament' -- it's where they trade on the
 excitement of the legitimate tournament. There are large sums of money being
 traded somewhere in town, but no-one knows where... Scope out the pub to
 find a fight-throwing proposition in play; ask him a question and Gengal'll
 leave in a huff. After some events, have Alec choose to enter the Black
 Tournament himself to keep an eye on Gengal. It's held in the Tolarka Ruins,
 so let's get busy!

 Once there, talk to the man in the NW corner. He'll make a special exception
 by adding a 'Chaos Round' to help earn himself more money, and Alec can do
 battle with a finalist. You can do battle with Jolt (Swordsman) or Sasuke
 (Monk). It doesn't really matter.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 42 Monk                         | 169/60  | 176/20  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |
| LV. 42 Sword Master                 | 137/100 | 132/18  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 The monk can cure himself, so inflict Silence to prevent it. His attacks're
 very powerful (100+/per), but it shouldn't force Alec into a self-curefest
 or anything. Use Impulse Bomb to straighten the guy out. Whichever enemy you
 fight first, you'll have to fight the second one in the semi-finals, which is
 why you should take out the toughest (Monk) first. 'Supersonic Wave', one of
 the swordmaster's attacks, can hit for about 60-75dmg, and he counterattacks
 a lot too. It's nothing that should overwhelm Alec, however!

 Round #3 will be against...........!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 Illusionist                  | 144/200 | 128/12  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 38 Prestidigitator (x2)         | 141/140 | 125/12  |------------------'

 Use Fatal Dagger, Impulse Bomb, and cards to mow these guys down before they
 even get a turn. Note that they ARE human-type enemies, and cannot be Cardish
 fodder. Their weak DEF should be able to turn this fight into an easy romp.

 Job complete!

JOB 63 - SCOUT THE SITE OF A NEW INN!                                    [JB63]

 "Shillena hopes to open her new Inn, but needs help finding a suitable
 location. Meet her at the Tolarka Castle Ruins to accept this hazard-free

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Shillena
  REWARD: 440G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 61 - "Help with Tournament Prep"

 At the castle ruins, Shillena wants everyone to test a TONIC. HUH? Who would
 be stupid enough to do that? Is there ever a hazard-free job where drinking
 strange liquids is involved!?!?
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 29 Crypt Rat (x3)               |  82/16  | 109/16  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 40 Doommonger (x3)              | 116/110 | 170/25  |------------------'

 The weird side effect this time? Well...there isn't one, but still, it's just
 a needless stall battle. Card Field, Impulse Bomb, good offensive cards...
 they all work here. The middle formation leaves themselves wide open to a
 nice bombardment...just don't underestimate the poewr of the Doommongers!

 More monsters come down the road...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 35 Cobra (x2)                   | 114/35  | 120/19  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 29 Crypt Rat (x3)               |  82/16  | 109/16  |------------------'

 Awfully boring. The only thing that makes this battle hard is that all HP
 values carry over from the last battle, and anyone in weakened condition can
 get the shaft by the weakling mice/snake types. Use a good offensive card to
 take care of 'em, is my recommendation.

 One more time, with feeling!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 35 Cobra (x3)                   | 114/35  | 120/19  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 | 
| Lv. 40 Doommonger (x2)              | 116/110 | 170/25  |------------------'

 Again, just use something damaging like a card and weaken/kill them all in
 one glorious offensive (Cobra card's death-dealing rays doesn't seem to work

 Shillena recovers all HP/MP for the help in choosing an inn location, even
 though insensitive Lutz needs to get a good b'slap to the face. It turns out
 our would-be innkeeper is related to all the other people who mistake bad
 items as good (Dorvan, etc.). Job complete!

JOB 64 - SAFEGUARD THE TOURNAMENT PRIZE                                  [JB64]

 "The first prize "Brilliant Goddess Statue" needs to go in the Item Society's
 underground storeroom, for safekeeping. For details, see Leshalt in his
 mountain home."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Leshalt
  MERITS: 11
  REWARD: 450G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job 61 - "Help with Tournament Prep"

 This job requires undivided attention, and any in-progress jobs will have to
 be done first (or aborted as a result). Visit the Mountain Retreat to learn
 his request to have the prize changed has been rejected, and winning the
 tournament is the only way to get the Aura Stone out of the Academy's hands.
 If it's won, it can be stored in the Item Society...which is better than
 throwing it into some deep ravine or the ocean, apparently. o__O

 First step is gaining access to the tournament. At the Paltos Arena, Gruga
 will allow Alec to participate in the tournament. Velhart will also be here
 with a change of heart... Visit the waiting room to the right of the lobby
 and Alec's match comes up.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 41 Leegle                       | 265/160 | 139/18  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 Leegle is the guy who saved Sasha Village way back when, remember. Too bad
 he's a big hack! Cast Silent on him and Impulse Bomb him to death. Note that
 his 'Spear Toss' attack is weaker than his normal one, but just to be safe,
 silencing him's the best course of action. Use the arena periphery to stop
 any back attacks, also. He's not very good, especially if Alec's a higher
 level than him (My Alec is Lv. 47, and that's without power-leveling!).

 Second battle is with...Shadow!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 44 Shadow                       | 350/250 | 160/20  | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 He can do about 70+ damage with his physical attack, which means that Alec
 should retreat to the west edge, protect his back, and Impulse Bomb from
 afar. If you think you need to Cure, do so! This speed demon may surprise
 you if you give him enough room... Silence doesn't really matter here, and
 he seems to be impervious to paralysis.

 Velhart's in the final, no surprise.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 Velhart                      | 340/200 | 144/38  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |

 The not-so-dark-anymore horse can win this without too much trouble! Again,
 use the west side to protect Alec's back, and Impulse Bomb the heck outta
 Velhart. He's immune to silence and paralysis, so don't waste any time on
 those avenues. Velhart attacks from the front a lot of the time, which sets
 up a bunch of counterattacks, too. Well, there's that noble spirit for ya.

 Velhart steals the trophy, unfortunately, and conspires with the Academy
 goons, who have gathered at the Parute Desert. The Secret Academy Base is
 in the southern desert region's west edge. You can see a little building
 there against the rockwall -- that's where yer headed.

 This job is complete after going through the Secret Academy Base, getting
 Velhart into the party, and giving the Aura Stone to the Item Society in

JOB 65 - MAKE DARTANELLE BEACH SAFE AGAIN                                [JB65]

 "Bandits on Dartanelle Beach are threatening area visitors. The Paltos Guild
 wants them removed immediately."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Appears after accepting Job #69

 What would this island be without a mission regarding the Rainbow Love Bridge
 Bandits? Only now they're called the "Saucy Love Thieves." Too bad the change
 is purely superficial, as they're still craptasticly poor at fighting. Time
 to beat up some sad freaks...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 Assistant Chief              | 288/200 | 121/16  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  |------------------'
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Gang Bandit (x5)     |  54/48  |  52/08  |

 Oh gawd, please let these pathetic battles end! Any Lv. 3 attack should be
 able to kill the minions in one swoop, while Impulse Bomb can pretty much 
 take out the Assistant Chief.

 Job complete. Quick, escape before there's more rambling rainbow talk!

JOB 66 - CRISIS AT THE ROCHEFORT MANOR                                   [JB66]

 "Anrietta Rochefort claims a terrible thing happened to her wealthy family,
 and seeks someone strong enough to win a martial arts tournament to help her.
 She is waiting in her home."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Anrietta
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Appears after accepting Job #69

 After some weird flower talk, the princess of the household makes Alec rush
 to her father's room...for a cat (Lui Phillipe Sharlotte du Rochefort o_O).
 It's Alec's important task to catch the kitty -- Press triangle to quit. It's
 so easy it's heinous.

 When Mew escapes again, catch it in the lobby by coaxing it into a corner by
 the pillars on either side of the room. The last pussycat-catchin' location
 is in Anrietta's room. Chase it counterclockwise around the table until it
 starts moving east, where you can catch it inbetween the bureau and planter.
 Job complete, and thank gawd.

JOB 67 - GRUGA'S SURVEILLANCE REQUEST                                    [JB67]

 "Gruga's daughter, Elena, has been sneaking out of her Paltos home to meet a
 suspicious man. Gruga wants a Hunter to find out what she is doing and protect
 her from danger."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Gruga
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 450G
  UNLOCK: Appears after accepting Job #69

 Visit Gruga's house and learn the details about tailing Elena. Visit the Hero
 Memorial Hall to learn that the man (Hans) and Elena are in love, and meeting
 in secret because her father's imposing and scary! The next place they go to
 is the ocean (Dartanelle Beach)...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 Sniper                       |  58/60  |  69/11  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  |------------------'
| Lv. 40 A-class criminal             | 129/40  | 141/19  |

 One Impulse Bomb should be able to take them all out. Yawn!

 Job complete after some un-failure to communicate occurs. Yay.

JOB 68 - CATCH MAMAMAN'S DEPRESSION                                      [JB68]

 "Catch Mamaman, the arena announcer, seeks to expand his master of ceremony
 duties beyond the martial arts tournament. Contact him at the Paltos Inn."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Catch Mamaman
  REWARD: 440G
  UNLOCK: Appears after accepting Job #69

 Wouldn't you be depressed if your name was Catch Mamaman? Either way, find
 him on the ground floor at said location. He'll confess he has aspirations to
 get the 'fire' back he had in his earlier days. The solution evades him, but
 each member comes up with an idea to help him. Cheryl's idea in particular
 strikes Catch like a lightnin' bolt -- LOVE PAIR BATTLES! Now, Catch needs
 to put the execution phase in gear...but where to find lovey-dovey pairs to
 battle each other? Alec and crew find a bunch, but as expected, there's a
 problem from the get-go...everyone wants a different type of partner!

 To pass this job, at least one good pair has to be made to headline the next
 tournament of this sort. Talking to the participants will garner information
 about their ideal mates:

  � Spicy --------> Wants adventurous partner and is good at healing
  � Natasia ------> Partner good with a blade, but not a ninja
  � Izabel -------> Partner who uses firearms, but not a ninja
  � Zenden -------> Person good at long-range, but not a swordfighter
  � Geles --------> Rifleman who doesn't want a whip-using partner
  � Hakan --------> Uses fists, but doesn't like guns
  � Pamela -------> Great healer and admires spear-users; hates ninja
  � Clea ---------> Partner good at close-range fighting, likes fistfighters
                    but hates ninja

 With this in mind, the best pair is Zenden & Pamela. However, we still need
 to pick opponents for these guys...out of your own team! I don't believe it
 matters too much (I picked Velhart/Cheryl); just go to the arena when you're
 ready to kickstart this.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 37 Healer                       | 171/40  |  69/15  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 38 Spear Hunter                 | 307/100 | 112/10  |------------------'

 Yeah, it's not big deal. Naturally, destroying the healer is the smartest
 thing to do, but the Spear Hunter isn't too good either. Just use your best
 skills and heal when necessary, itemwise or other.

 You have to give the people a good show since Catch's rep depends on it, i.e.
 a victory gets you the full bounty. If you win, it's a job complete!

JOB 69 - SEARCH ACADEMY HQ!                                              [JB69]

 "The Guild and the Societies are seeking a hunter to infiltrate The Academy's
 Headquarters and uncover its dangerous plans. Gather and report details with
 utmost care."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Guildmaster
  MERITS: 11
  REWARD: 1000G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #64, watch event at guild to make it available

 Proceed through Cariote Cave and claim the Hovercraft, which ends the first
 disc. Complete events on Ragnark, being the infiltration of The Academy's
 building in Felator, the trek north through two mini-dungeons, and the break-
 -in of Academy HQ. After this, return to Paltos in Parute and talk with the
 Guildmaster to get a job complete.

 [NOTE: Consult a walkthrough for more details. This is a long-term job which
 is why there's not much to say besides summing things up.]

JOB 70 - CHANGES AT AMAIDAR TEMPLE                                       [JB70]

 "Archmonk Iga cannot understand why monks are failing to progress in their
 training. Respond to Amaidar Temple and find out why they have become

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Paysus Guild
  MERITS: 500
  UNLOCK: Available at Paysus [Disc 2]

 Meet up with Iga at the temple to learn that when one is dejected, the mind
 closes and advancement is difficult or nigh impossible. Over at the Proving
 Grounds, talk to each of the monk several times (max: 3/per) to learn that
 they are starting to feel like they know theirselves more than they know the
 world around them, and it's starting to wear on 'em -- to wit, they lack any

 The Archmonk comes up with the idea of having Alec share his experiences w/
 the monks; agree to do so. Pick who will tell their tale, and after they've
 gone, it will all be an exercise in futility. Velhart's tale will turn into
 a challenge, mano e mano!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 24 Amaidar Monk                 | 143/70  | 113/15  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 The ease, the ease! You can use Omega BUSTER to deal HP based off of how much
 Velhart's lost; this can OHKO most monks. Also, if you've learned MUSOU I you
 can completely prevent physical-attack damage for three turns. Monks'll use
 Amaidar Fist which should be single-digit DMG by now. This fight will be done
 six times in a row.

 After they've tasted the heat of battle, Iga pronounces this job...complete!
 Amaidar Temple will now be open to the general public.

JOB 71 - ROCHEFORT FAMILY CRISIS                                         [JB71]

 "Anrietta Rochefort promises special compensation for a dangerous job, to
 someone strong enough to win a martial arts tournament. Contact her at the
 Rochefort home."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Anrietta
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #68 - "Catch Mamaman's Depression" (?)
        : Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 O, what passes for a crisis these days! Anrietta wants Alec to do the Love
 Pair battle with her. No backing outta this one, folks!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 38 Spear Hunter                 | 307/100 | 112/10  | DIFFICULTY:
| Lv. 37 Healer                       | 171/40  |  69/15  |------------------'

 Ugh, Anrietta's LEVEL ONE! She has four different skills (Ruby Laser, Diamond
 Shower, Platinum Pressure, Jewelry Box), but really doesn't have any stats to
 back 'em up. The best course of action would be to use Brain Blast and slap
 the two with paralysis, or at least the spear hunter. Anrietta's skills can
 inflict status effects but it's doubtful she'll be too incredibly useful...
 If you got the Romancing Stone from Kutao Temple, this won't be too boring.
 Try to have the lady get in some finishing blows so she can go up 6-7 lvls.

 Everyone else leaves, so Alec/Anrietta win first place! Job complete...whee!

JOB 72 - EXPLORE THE TREASURE DUNGEON!                                   [JB72]

 "Many Hunters sent to investigate the recently discovered Kutao Temple have
 failed to return. Respond to this apparent dungeon and attempt to rescue
 missing Hunters."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Testa Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Available in Testa [Disc 2]

 After accepting to undertake this mission, it will be possible to access the
 cavern in the lower part of South Sularto. This place is a rather tricky maze
 of a location, so I suggest checking out the easy-to-read map I've made for
 it. The URL is:

 Anyway, eventually you will have to fight some hunters in one of the rooms
 marked in all red.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 45 Sword Hunter                 | 309/100 | 174/24  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 48 Rifle Hunter                 | 374/90  | 181/24  |------------------'

 These selfish brigands can still be dropped like a sack of bricks, just with
 Silence + Fatal Dagger + Impulse Bomb. Use Excitement to raise everyone's
 ATK if you need to, but chances are, you won't have to. Brain Blast's chance
 to inflict paralysis may help out as well. [NOTE: Subsequent encountesr with
 these two idiots are different; they will be accompanied by 3 Lv. 43 Treasure
 Hunters who use whips (two-panel range). Heal up!] Note that these do not
 count as hunters that need to be saved.

 Anyway, proceed through the maze in any way you like until you get to the
 warp room. There are four panels, going from left to right. The leftmost (#1)
 will be pushed in and may not work, #2 & #4 return Alec to the room with the
 first tablet, and #3 makes the northern exit lead to the B3 area.

 At the second warp room on B2, if you read the tablet, you'll know to pick
 the path "that memory dictates." Which, of course, means the destination is
 once again the third panel. This opens the way forward again; the others only
 warp back to the large room with an "X" or the tablet nearby. North two rooms
 will lead to a hunter whose female companion's been kidnapped by some golems.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Iron Golem (x2)              | 306/50  | 222/48  | DIFFICULTY: 4/10 |
| Lv. 53 Master Golem (x2)            | 313/120 | 228/49  |------------------'
| Lv. 47 Crystal Golem (x2)           | 297/90  | 214/47  |

 Like usual, Fatal Dagger can help get rid of some of these with ease, while
 Excitement/Card Field will help buff out the party. Their starting formation
 is horrible like usual, and any upgraded attack can hit all six of them in a
 single go. Also, they're remarkably slow, so if you work fast, you can get
 rid of most of them before their first turn.


 In Warp Room 3, simply go in the door already chosen -- the tablet tells of
 the future, which means the default panel is the one you use. (You can tell
 which warp room it is by the number of swirls on the central floor panel.)
 Warp Room 4 has four different paths to take:

  � PANEL 1 -> Tablet #5
  � PANEL 2 -> Hunters, then 
  � PANEL 3 -> Treasure chests x 3
  � PANEL 4 -> Two battles, then Treasure Chest x 3

 Panel 2 leads to some hunters whose companion went ahead to find some meds
 for her injured fans. Continue to the fifth warp room and press the second
 panel (from left) to keep going -- all others will revert Alec's team back
 to the room with a large 'X' on the floor, about three warp rooms prior...

 Continue along the path depicted in the map until you find the last hunter,
 who returns to her companions. Raid the chests one room up and follow back
 to where the two injured hunters were. If you got all the treasures around
 here, choose to "Join them" in going back to the surface. If you don't want
 to go back, you can warp out in the room where the last hunter was (i.e. the
 last orange spot on map).

 Everyone automatically returns to Testa and it's a job complete!

JOB 73: GUILD STAFF: THE NEXT GENERATION                                 [JB73]

 "Because of the recent crime increase, the Paltos Guild has been unable to
 schedule training for new Hunters. Any Hunter qualified to train recruits
 should report to the Guild."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"
        : After doing so, visit a non-Paltos guild, then return to Paltos'
          guild and talk with the Guildmaster. This opens up the job.

 It starts immediately, so save beforehand. The Guild Chief says they'll be
 using the room in the back for the training (kids! argh!). Ask Yann, the guy
 who resembles Yang from FF4, if you need assistance. They'll be doing some
 communications tests, by passing the message down the line of kids and seeing
 how accurate it remained. After the first practice run, Alec should do nada
 if the message has been verbalized correctly; the X-button's used on wrong
 messages. Letting wrong messages slip through will make trainees lose trust,
 and a trainee quits after losing trust thrice. SMALL CHANGES ARE ACCEPTABLE!
 Here are the messages to keep in mind, with the bad segments capitalized for
 easier visibility:

 #1 - "A Hunter has to be strong, but strength alone does not make a Hunter."

  � "A hunter has to be WRONG, but strength alone does not make a Hunter."
  � "A hunter must be strong, but strength alone DOES NOT WAKE A HUNTER."
  � "A hunter MIGHT BE strong, but strength alone does not make a Hunter."
  � "A HUNGER must be strong, but strength alone does not make a Hunter."
  � "A Hunter must be strong, BUT STRONG COLOGNE does not make a Hunter."

 #2 - "The Guild network is speedy, but is sometimes inaccurate."

  � "The Guild network is sometimes OUT OF PLACE, but they are speedy."
  � "The Guild's speedy CLERK can be inaccurate sometimes."
  � "Sometimes, THE GOZ'S network can be inaccurate, but is speedy."
  � "SIX TIMES, the Guild's network can be inaccurate, but is GREEDY."
  � "Sometimes the Guild's network can be inaccurate BUT IS NOT speedy."

 As you can see, most sentences only have one wrong segment, except for Kid 4
 on the second trial. Also, be sure you get the "BUT IS NOT" part because it
 may seem halfway normal before you get to the end.

 Job complete only if you get all messages PERFECT!

JOB 74 - PROTECT THE MATERIALS SHIPMENT                                  [JB74]

 "Workers using Midoro Swamp as a temporary storehouse need a Hunter to protect
 previously collected items, while they continue with their duties. Report
 directly to job site."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Itio Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 The heck...? Why is the destination in Ragnark? Well, no matter -- head to
 Midoro Swamp to find Shu. The specifics entail keeping goods from being taken
 by monsters, and by dividing into threes, the tasks can go a bit easier. Both
 Alec and Velhart have to be on the monster-fighting team; who you pick as the
 third man is up to you (I chose Lutz for his Excitement ability).


 As Shu said, if the monster gets past the edge of the dock, it's over (this
 location is marked on the map).
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 38 Zombie (x2)                  | 259/00  | 135/21  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 37 Stone Gel (x3)               |  76/60  | 132/37  |------------------'

 The main goal is, of course, to prevent the monsters from escaping to the
 bottom-left corner of the screen. Cast Excitement first off and slap a nice
 Impulse Bomb in the middle of the foes to take 3 or so out at once. This is
 just a repeat of the last Midoro Swamp battle, so it shouldn't be much of a

 After this, you'll have to make the person a two-man team, Velhart and Alec
 (you can't change this.) Next up...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 38 Zombie (x2)                  | 259/00  | 135/21  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 37 Stone Gel (x2)               |  76/60  | 132/37  |------------------'

 Same as before except one less monster to worry about (whee compensation).
 The Zombies can all be attacked in one go with Impulse Bomb, while Velhart
 can slice-'n'-dice from afar with Omega BREAKER or attack all in a big range
 with Omega BURST. Really not that hard at all if you've been using Velhart a
 lot...just watch out for the gels' inflicting Gravity. You do not want to get
 both caught up in that and fail the job!

 One last attack wave... Shu and all  .---------.---------.
 the others can help out for this'un. |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 38 Zombie (x4)                  | 259/00  | 135/21  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 37 Stone Gel (x3)               |  76/60  | 132/37  |------------------'

 Yeah, we rushed back for...this!? Because there are more enemies, there is
 a higher concentration in a smaller area. This translates to EASY IMPULSE
 BOMB FODDER, gwa-ha-ha-ha! Use Excitement and commence with that plan. Watch
 out for gravity-inflicting attacks just the same, though.

 Job complete if you completely rebuffed all the enemy waves!

JOB 75 - GET TO THE ARTIST'S EXHIBITION                                  [JB75]

 "A large exhibition is being held for a young painter who one stayed at the
 Renn Inn. Dan, the Inn owner, requests an escort to the exhibition site, to
 propose a toast to the artist."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Innkeeper Dan
  REWARD: 480G
  UNLOCK: Available in Itio [Disc 2]

 Visit the inn to find it completely vacant; Monaire from the portside shop'll
 say that the artist from before (Girth) has a big exhibit in Paltos. The inn
 master and his wife went out to look for the toast liquor, Special Apple
 Brandy, by themselves... The ingredients are in very dangerous places, to be

  � GOLDEN APPLE --------> Noalis Forest
  � KAKADO SPRING WATER -> Karkado Mountain Range
  � HAPPY HERB ----------> Corelia Pass

 Let's just go to the forest first...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 24 Fungus (x2)                  | 102/38  |  83/15  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 47 Myconid (x1)                 | 174/50  | 143/24  |------------------'
| Lv. 01 Poison Mushroom (x3)         |  24/16  |  22/06  |

 Although it's just a bunch of normal baddies, don't forget that they can
 inflict Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep! Luckily, their defense is horrible &
 it's not out of the question to OHKO them by this time of the game.

 Next is the mountains...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 15 Wyvern (x4)                  |  64/50  |  66/08  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 53 Kerberos (x2)                | 191/120 | 202/22  |------------------'

 Any offensive skill should be able to kill a Wyvern straight off, with a
 few taking out the Kerberos enemies. The canine enemies are tough on the
 attack, but "Dog Breath" is a horribly un-damaging attack. 

 And last up...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 07 Roc (x3)                     |  28/32  |  44/07  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 55 Phoenix (x2)                 | 146/80  | 194/20  |------------------'

 The difficult part is that the Phoenixes are fast and use Paralysis Swirl
 right off the bat, so hopefully you have an Emblem of Lark or something on
 your useful Refresh-ers. Thus, try not to bunch up a lot

 After collecting all herbs, everyone regroups and goes to Paltos for Girth
 and his exhibition. It's really quite funny... Job complete!

JOB 76 - INTERVIEW MAGIC MASTER GOGEN                                    [JB76]

 "Find Magic Master Gogen, who has information about sealing the Dark One. A
 Hunter working at the Spell Institute can provide Gogen's current location."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: ????
  MERITS: 12
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"
        : After doing so, visit a non-Paltos guild, then return to Paltos'
          guild and talk with the Guildmaster. This opens up the job.

 Go to Rusaht's institute's training hall and find...Tengaron! He says Gogen's
 at Elbow Cape, the peninsula on Jiharta's eastern seaboard. The magic master
 is inside the dungeon there... It's pure puzzle-solving and has no enemies,
 so it's not too difficult [consult a walkthrough if you need help...]

 After contacting Gogen and reaping information from him, return to Paltos'
 Guildmaster and tell him what's up. Job complete!

JOB 77 - WHERE IS THE HEINOUS HUNTER?                                    [JB77]

 "Melissa, who is waiting in the Sabi Wilds, claims that an evil Hunter is
 trying to kill her. Resolve this matter before confidence in the Guild is

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Gislem Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 Go to the Sabi Wilds to find out some Hunters are pursuing Melissa...and one
 of them is an old acquaintance...!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 59 Hunter Aura                  | 417/60  | 201/25  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 48 Rifle Hunter                 | 374/90  | 181/24  |------------------'
| Lv. 17 Spear Hunter                 | 101/100 |  58/06  |
| Lv. 49 Katana Hunter                | 376/120 | 183/24  |

 Haha, finally a nice battle with hard(er) foes. Use Excitement/Card Field at
 the start, and Impulse Bomb their initial formation to severely weaken 'em
 in one blow. It's kind of pathetic how this strategy always seems to work,
 but that's how it goes...

 After the fight, it's decided that Melissa or Tristate is lying. Over at the
 Ruined City...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 48 Bishop                       | 107/320 | 127/17  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 48 Lady Rogue                   | 171/15  | 163/23  |------------------'
| Lv. 48 Paladin (x4)                 | 374/100 | 199/24  |

 Cast Silent on the Bishop and Impulse Bomb your way through. The Paladins
 use Light Arrow (light-attribute) magic, but it's pretty crappy compared to
 their physical attacks.

 Victory earns a job complete. Bye-bye, heinous hunters~~~!

JOB 78 - RAIA'S DREAM                                                    [JB78]

 "The Arena is auditioning for singers and dancers. Raia, who would like to
 audition, is seeking someone to dance with her. Contact her in the Arena
 reception area."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Arena Reception Girl
  REWARD: 380G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 Raia says that she needs someone skilled enough to dance to her song PRONTO,
 because the auditions are starting very very very soon. She wants someone
 with a natural dance ability, endurance, able to be expressive, and can keep
 from getting winded easily. Oh, and good memory, and concentration. Naturally
 only Cheryl and Marsia could so this!


 As Raia sings, Marsia's signal will be the []-button; Cheryl's will be the
 O-button. When the lyrics come up, one of those two buttons will be under
 certain words. The trick to remember is that you have to press the button
 when she says the word, not when the lyric lights up -- you'll get more
 errors if you do that.


 During the actual competition, there is a total of 40 possible points, and
 you have to beat 34 points to take home the best prize. It's just sad that
 it takes a bazillion years for Raia's turn to come, 'cuz if you screw up,
 you've got to watch it all again! If you practiced a lot, this will be no
 sweat; however, Anrietta will come into the mix (signal: x-button). Know
 this ahead of time so you can prepare a bit easier! You can mess up a few
 times (I missed about 6-8) and still get perfect 10's...just make sure to
 nail the easy ones, 'cuz the hard ones start the verses and disappear really

 Job complete if you score 35+ points. Have fun sitting through Anrietta's
 stupid birthday party... <shrug>

JOB 79 - DREADED VILLAGE OF HEMO-JIS!                                    [JB79]

 "A large group of Hemo-jis attacked Vernica Village, turning all of the
 citizens into Hemo-jis. The Renn Guild has formed a battle plan, but needs an
 expert gunman to execute it."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 Hike to Vernica just north of Renn and find Portia, the once-fledgling
 student, now full-time Item Society member! She says Power Jelly items will
 turn Villager Hemo-jis back to normal, and they've been made into specialty
 bullets for the gunman...err, gunwoman.

 Villager Hemo-jis will have a white mask on their faces, which is basically
 the same sprite as a Shaman Hemo-ji. Fix Cheryl's aim by using the d-pad,
 and use the x-button to fire at Wild Hemo-jis; use the O-button to fire at
 villager hemo-jis.


 Basically, this is like a fun minigame where Cheryl goes around town and
 shoots some slugs at the hemo-jis. The above directions apply after Alec &
 Portia are Hemo-ji'D. If a Hemo-ji touches Cheryl, it sacrifices one of her
 companions; when all companions are sacrificed, the next touch ends the stage
 so beware. Save 10 villagers to end the stage...

 [NOTE: If you fail, Shu comes and saves you. It's hilarious!]

 After getting all ten, you have to do some hand-to-hand combat in the barn.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Wild Hemo-ji (x5)            |  63/40  |  58/12  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 The allies that turned into Hemo-jis in the previous stage will still be as
 such here; luckily, the enemies are horribly-levelled and can probably die
 in one hit regardless of the impairments.

 Job complete when they're all cleared out!

JOB 80 - SEXY CASINO PARTY HELP NEEDED!                                  [JB80]

 "The Pandira Inn owner would like to hold a Casino party, but is shorthanded
 and seeks temporary staffing. Contact Zak at the Inn to accept this

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Innkeeper Zak
  REWARD: 550G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #69 - "Search Academy HQ!"

 Pandira is the town just southeast of Testa, remember? Talk to the director
 of the bawdy house, err, inn to learn the person wearing the costume he's
 ordered will help serve guests. Marsia's the only one who will fit in it,
 so...she's elected!

 Her job will be to remember drink orders and serve them very quickly. The
 minigame is called "Barmaid," and is separated into rounds. Mess up four
 times and it's a job failed. =(

 Oh, and Chardonnay is Wine, Sour Mash is whiskey. In case you're familiar
 with those beverages...

   � Barmaid Round 1

      � [East] - Man -> Beer
      � [West] - Woman -> Wine
      � [South] - Man -> Milk

   � Round 2

      � [West] - Man -> Wine
      � [ NE ] - Man -> Beer
      � [East] - Woman -> Whiskey
      � [South] - Man -> Milk

   � Round 3

      � [West] - Man -> Whiskey
      � [West] - Man -> Beer (This guy is just right of the whiskey man)
      � [South] - Woman -> Wine
      � [East] - Man -> Milk
      � [East] - Woman -> Milk

 This can definitely be a little hard in the later stages, so it may take a
 little practice. One helpful thing to do is write down the orders on WordPad
 or something which should help a bit in memorizing. The one good thing that
 comes out of this is that, when served the wrong drink, the patrons leave and
 you don't have to factor them in any longer.

 You should be able to get a perfect score once you know the drinks they want,
 as they're the same no matter how many times you reset. Job complete only if
 the orders are given PERFECTLY. Even one mistake bumps this down to incomplete
 or worse... =/

JOB 81 - GET THE ETERNAL STEEL!                                          [JB81]

 "Find Eternal Steel, one of the items needed to make the Ark. It is believed
 to be somewhere in Parute. Cariote Cave is a good place to start."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: ????
  MERITS: 13
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complted Job #76 - "Interview Magic Master Gogen"
        : Visit a non-Paltos Guild, then return to Paltos. The Guildmaster
          will then put this job up for completion.

 Here is a map of Cariote Cave. Since you've already been here, I won't bother
 with a long rambling walkthrough, since any incidental items aren't important
 at this point (as well as crappy enemy fights).

                  |            |�|
                  |            | |_____
                  |            |_____  |
                  |                  |_|
         .--------+---------------.  | |
    |���������|   |            |�����   ����|
    |         |   |  ________ _|            |
    |    _    |   | |        |_  TRAP ROOM  |
    |___| |___|   |  ��������  |____________|
        |_|       |
 ___ ___| |__     |
|SVE|        |    |
|RST|        |    |
 �|�|���|_|��     |
  | |___| |       |
  |  _____|       '------------------------------------------.
  |_|-.    Lever                                             |
      |       \_____               .--.     .--.             |           Lever
      |       |     |              |  |     |  |          __|�|__     ___/
     FINISH   |_   _|              | |�|___|�||�|______ _|       |_ _|   |
                 |�|__             | |TRAP __||       _|_ MINEFLD _|_____|
                 |__  |            | |ROOM|   |______|   |_______|
                  __|�|__          |  ����
                 |       | _______|�|
                 |__   __||         |   The destination we're aiming for here
                    | |   | |�������    is marked on the map. All traps have
                    |�|___|�|       been disabled by this time (if you've done
                    |__   __|  all the disarm switches) so they won't be much
                       |_|     of a bother, hopefully -- crumbling floor traps
                      START    and minefields still have to be done, however.

  ############################         ############################
  #### FIRST TRAP ROOM MAP ###         ### SECOND TRAP ROOM MAP ###
  ############################         ############################

     START               .-EXIT          START----------------.WALL
      |                 |                                     |
     FORK               |            WALL.-FORK               |
      |                 |                |   |                |
     FORK----FORK--.    |                | FORK--FORK         |
                   |ROCK|                |        |           |
                   '----'                |       FORK--FORK   |
                                    EXIT-|              |     |
                                         |CHEST---.    FORK---'WALL

 After going a ways, in the path just before the save point, Alec's crew will
 find the traveling salesman family. They think all the valuable minerals've
 been mined from here. Buy from them if you want and leave again; Velhart'll
 suggest going to the Hero Memorial in Paltos. There, the curator points the
 party to the Digarta Wilds, where a treacherous ghost may know the whereabouts
 to the sword made of Eternal Steel.

 Go to the Digarta Wilds, located by the hovercraft's beach, and watch Velhart
 get trounced. Ugh... Talk to Gruga in Paltos, then go to the arena colosseum,
 Rochefort Manor, the Arena reception room, and Dartanelle Beach. After that,
 Velhart learns how to defeat the Ghost Warrior. To the Digarta Wilds!

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Ghost Warrior                | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 5/10 |

 For starters, use MUSUO I/II/III to completely evade physical attacks while
 leaving openings for counterattacks. It likes to use Thunder God Fission to
 inflict decent damage, so equip Flay's Crest to help cut down on attribute
 damage. Omega BUSTER will help for inflicting non-counterable damage on the
 spectre. Seal Thunder Cut can do 100+ as well, so keep some healing items on-
 -hand (Soul Herb, Super Amazing Herb, etc.) for when Velhart's HP gets lower.
 Wing Cut is a crappy physical attack besides. He has 1000 HP, which isn't too
 hard to whittle down with Omega BUSTER doing much of the work. Still, because
 Velhart is alone, you may have trouble on the healing end. Be prepared...!

 The Ghost Warrior will ascend to the heavens and [ETERNAL STEEL] will be in
 Velhart's pocket soon enough. Job complete for the victory!

JOB 82 - THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ACADEMY                                     [JB82]

 "Morzat, who is compiling information about The Academy for the Great Library,
 would like to speak with any Hunters having knowledge of The Academy."

  GUILD : Paysus
  CLIENT: Morzat
  MERITS: 11
  REWARD: 550G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #76 - "Interview Magic Master Gogen"

 Check out the in-town library to find Morzat. This job won't involve leaving
 the room, actually -- it's more of a data-check process...a Q&A session.

 [Q] - Who was the first Academist you met at Corelia Pass?
 [A] - Sharon.

 [Q] - Who helped you get the Water Sphere back?
 [A] - Shu.

 [Q] - Who helped free the former Hunter from The Academy at Romastor River?
 [A] - Marsia.

 [Q] - Who took the Brilliant Goddess Statue?
 [A] - Velhart.

 Job complete if you correctly regurgitate all those useful facts!

JOB 83 - WHERE IS THE MISSING DOCUMENT?                                  [JB83]

 "Elnan is seeking research documents that he believes were stolen, but may be
 in the possession of another Item Society member. Contact him at the Item

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Elnan
  REWARD: 540G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #76 - "Interview Magic Master Gogen"

 Talk to Elnan at North Sularto's Item Society to learn the document is called
 the "Phantom Masterpiece" affectionately, and that no one's had a chance to
 see it since it's been stolen. It's supposed to "bind the Item and Weapon
 societies" also...whatever that means. Anyway, it's search party time at the
 world's societies.


 Scope out the Weapon Society to learn the document in question is probably
 called "The Secret of Itemass." In Testa, learn that someone named Secat was
 the one who proposed it to congress. The researcher also has a memo about it
 being unproven... A researcher in Paysus says that Secat had a son named
 Horace who works at Paltos' weapon society...head there!

 Secat's son says that his father used to lock himself up in his room to be
 undisturbed. At this point, go to Testa to learn that Secat consulted with
 Leshalt before going to congress, and Leshalt upset him so much that Secat
 locked himself in a room.

 Back at Paysus, learn some info about Leshalt & Recat before returning to
 Elnan. His father's journal sheds some light on the situation -- Leshalt came
 up with the theory and Secat announced it first to get the credit! Return to
 Horace in Paltos to find the Secret of Itemass stored away on a bookshelf, of
 all mundane places!

 A note describes the events regarding the document in full; Horace bestows it
 on Alec. Return to Elnan for a job complete!

JOB 84 - PROTECT VERNICA'S TREASURE                                      [JB84]

 "Karkado Mountain Range bandits have threatened to burn down Vernica Village
 if the Elder doesn't give them the village treasure. Defend the treasure and
 protect the village!"

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Vernica Vill. Leader
  REWARD: 600G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #76 - "Interview Magic Master Gogen"

 Protect that dang Wind Pearl, folks!

 Bull-headed Velhart is heading them off alone at Astorny Bridge; Lutz is his
 backup and can only handle three ninja. That means that only three can get
 past Velhart. There's a small minigame where Velhart has to slash the foes
 (with the x-button) when in a close proximity, dealing a deathblow at once.

 You can only miss three max or the team in Vernica is overwhelmed and gets
 bumrushed (although if you fail, you find out the Wind Pearl was broken and
 replaced as a fake by everyone in the village. LOL!). This may take a few
 times to get it perfectly; the sad thing is there's so much dialogue leading
 up to it the player has to sift through. Beware of ninja who run fast and
 slow down midstride, and those who jump over Velhart completely.

 Note that there's a little leeway if a "tiebreaker" occurs -- Velhart gets a
 kill in that way. There's also some randomization that comes with the ninja
 who advance...sometimes you'll get a bunch of slowpokes, other times speedy

 Job complete if you defeat at least seven of the Kankado Ninja Gang of Ten!

JOB 85 - SPOOKY STUFFED ANIMAL WAREHOUSE                                 [JB85]

 "Stuffed monster toys, that were to be sold in the Bazaar, have increased in
 number while in the storeroom. The Control Secretariat requests an
 investigation of this eerie matter."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Bazaar Control
  REWARD: 540G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #76 - "Interview Magic Master Gogen"

 Walk to the Bazaar Control office (near inn) to learn the inventory has been
 increasing, maybe in regard to the strange man seen around recently. He wore
 a blue button-up shirt and a policeman's hat (or similar). Time to talk to
 the owner at the inn and find out what doesn't belong in the warehouse...

 [NOTE: Now is a good time to save the game if you want to save time later.]

 Unfortunately, she bought a grab bag full of different toys...but arranging
 them in lines might help her remember her initial setup. When Alec & Marsia
 put four in a row, two don't fit. Sadly, the correct animals are randomized
 so there's no set solution to get through this.

 When you pick an order and check it, the woman will give information on if
 the animals match and if their positions are correct. Alec's teammates will
 remember each try on Turn #1, Turn #2, etc. Try to find the correct plushie
 positions first through trial and error.

 If you fail this, don't worry -- it's difficult and annoying as you only
 get six tries (per) to do both the front and back rows (2 and 3 positions,
 respectively). Even with good deductive skills, you still need some bit of

 Job complete if you help the retailer remember her dolls. Oh, and you have
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 54 Skull Knight                 | 173/100 | 250/27  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 40 King Hemo-ji                 | 116/60  | 147/18  |------------------'
| Lv. 23 Armor Tortoise               |  43/36  |  72/38  |

 ...defeat the other non-toy plushies. Unfortunately, it shouldn't be much of
 a surprise since they -- like so many before them -- start out in a horrible
 formation that just begs to be nuked with any skill imaginable. Good time to
 card a few sorta-rare monsters, though. [NOTE: Since the correct monsters
 differ each time, this battle is randomized as well.]

 Turns out the wholesaler who was selling stuff to the lady is hiding in the
 bazaar, and is the one responsible for the sabotage. Time for a minigame
 called "Catch the Culprit!". Use the d-pad to move in directions, which'll
 make Alec move until he hits an obstacle. If the culprit reaches the bottom

 You have to try and corner him, as he moves away from Alec. Always attack
 from the position that prevents him from approaching an exit, which means
 try to keep him out of the middle or any other position that gives him better
 access to both. However, he always runs away from the direction Alec moves
 toward him in, meaning if he's in the middle, come from the east/west to be

 If you want to know how to do this from the start, Alec starts in the middle.
 Head north one space then go all the way to the northeastern corner. From
 here, go one space south, then west to find culprit. Chase him to the western
 wall and make him go into the southwestern corner. A monster will pop outta
 Chongara's pot and frighten him, allowing Alec to capture the perp.

 Blah blah blah, scooby-doo joke, job complete!

JOB 86 - GET THE ETERNAL TREE BRANCH!                                    [JB86]

 "The Eternal Tree, one of the items needed to make the Ark, may be in
 Forestamore. Contact Hannah at Vernica Village for information, and retrieve
 the item."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: ????
  MERITS: 13
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #81 - "Get the Eternal Steel!"
        : Thereafter, enter a non-Paltos guild and get news that Alec is
          wanted in Paltos. Talk to the Guildmaster there and job will appear
          in Renn (ONLY).

 North to Vernica! Hannah recites the legend of the tree growing when the
 world was born, and it's the parent to every bit of plantlife. It's rumored
 to be nearby but she's never seen it... Might be in the Sealed Ruins, though,
 which is the place at the Great Scar where Theo got his Cardish powers.


 Once there, the doors at the back of the temple resist the party's efforts 
 to open 'em. A spirit says only the roots of the tree remain currently, and
 the doors won't open because of a theft long ago. Someone stole a Guardian's
 egg, and it's not fearful of humans. So how to open the gateway to its heart?
 ...Lieza's monsters can help! Talk to the woman herself and she'll agree to
 assist, but a musician's needed as well...Poco! He was last sighted in Renn;
 check the pub to learn he's at the inn. Poco will help, so go back and get
 Lieza. Perform the monster bash at the Great Scar and the doors will open a
 bit. When prompted, play the Friendly Fatty-Bottom Monster song or Dance
 Dance Evolution to make the penguin-like monster emerge. Now we can get in


 As you can see, at the first fork, a [WIND FRAGMENT] is found way at the end
 of the south fork, while the east one goes a lot farther (and you have to go
 this way, natch). Theo will find a monster friend down that way, who beckons
 him to go the left path. Take the right hole's vine and follow after the li'l

 In the room directly after where the monster first appeared, take the vine
 (using the option) and backtrack one area, and go down the right side with
 that vine. It leads to a monster room with a [WIND FRAGMENT], [TEM'S ROOT],
 [TEM'S ROOT], and [WIND FRAGMENT]! And, after you're done, you can simply
 take the root connecting to that room and bring it back to the three-way
 fork. Go down the left hole with it and the right hole's vine.

 After going a ways down, eventually we'll reach a path that goes directly
 south to a monster room. South of there is a two-hole place. Take the east
 vine down to a [WISDOM TABLET], [EARTH FRAGMENT], and [WISDOM TABLET] 'fore
 climbing right back up and taking the vine. Plug it in the west hole and
 go down.

 Follow it until you get to the last treasure room, with a [PHALANX], [WISDOM
 back up and take that rope (after fighting the monsters). Climb back up and
 return to areas prior, to the three-exit place -- go north to the next 3-exit
 place. This time, take the left rope __UP__ and place the rope you took a bit
 ago into the slot. Take the rope you just climbed up and go down the western
 hole to where the save point/heal point is. Continue along until you've gotta
 clean up an infestation...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Rootbytus                    | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 I wonder how they came up with this name? A flurry of Excitement, Card Field,
 and Magic Shield will help makes it damage-dealing horrible. It uses Genesis
 X to switch its tail and head, which isn't much of a tactic. Raging Blaze is
 its other attack (fire-attribute) on the allies around it. Lame! Anyway, once
 1000 damage has been done, the battle ends.

 This thing keeps growing a new head! After regrouping, the little monster
 that Theo saved wants to be turned into a card to help. It changes the boss
 into a large scorpion-lookin' thing.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Rootbytus                    | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Excitement + Card Field + Magic Shield to start off. It uses "Killing Mist"
 to inflict damage and poison on those around it, and "Fascination Laser" is
 not such a bad attack either. After enough damage, it uses "Movement" to
 go to another location on the field. It's got about ~1400 HP to sift thru,
 but Impulse Bomb can deplete 200+ per hit and some physical attacks can do
 about that. Not that hard, but it's fun to have a boss fight once in awhile.

 After some planting scenes, the [ETERNAL TREE BRANCH] is received! This'll
 rack up another job complete!

JOB 87 - HELP THE INDEBTED FAMILY!                                       [JB87]

 "Difficult circumstances have left a client swimming in debt with no means to
 repay the lender. He will be waiting at the Pandira Inn, with his daughter,
 for advice."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: Pokkar & Amy
  REWARD: 480G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #81 - "Find the Eternal Steel!"

 Find Tosh at...this place of ill-repute and go upstairs to find the clients.
 Seems he co-signed a loan with his daughter's fiance, who up and left once
 he got the money. They want to know what happened to him! Tosh suggests going
 to settle with a loan shark (he temporarily joins party now).

 On main street, talk to the pink mohawk guy near the south entrance to be let
 into the loan office. When that doesn't lead anywhere, it's time to find that
 Duke guy. Check out the "high-roller" at the casino and Tosh will put two and
 two together -- him and loanshark are in cahoots! At Hell Plain, stuff'll hit
 the fan...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 40 A-class Criminal (x3)        | 129/40  | 141/19  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 Impulse Bomb the starting formation and set their spirit free.

 Amy's happiness makes this a job complete. Talk about an unholy union...

JOB 88 - STOP THE IMPOSTOR SWORDSMAN!                                    [JB88]

 "After Varshil was attacked by a swordsman, his younger brother ran off to
 seek revenge. Client wants a Hunter to find his brother before he gets
 killed. Meet him in the Arena waiting room."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: City Boy Varshil
  REWARD: 420G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #81 - "Find the Eternal Steel!"

 Duck into the locker room where Varshil, who says someone with a ridiculously
 big sword attacked him after claiming to be Velhart! Check out Parute Desert
 and find...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 48 Dark Knight                  | 257/110 | 237/30  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 4-on-1? Yeah, that's even enough. Fatal Dagger + Impulse Bomb = DIE SUCKA!

 Now, go to Tolarka Castle Ruins to learn the funny story from Varshil's bro.
 Job complete!

JOB 89 - INVESTIGATE THE MYSTERIOUS BOX                                  [JB89]

 "A novice researcher, Shulter, requests assistance identifying the contents
 of a treasure chest he found in the storeroom. Contact him at the Paltos Item

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Researcher Shulter
  REWARD: 540G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #81 - "Find the Eternal Steel!"

 In the B1 level of the Item Society, Lutz will get curious and open the box
 and find a huge psychadelic acid-trip experience unlike any other! The same
 for Velhart, too...and everyone else. After Alec's hottub dream, choose to
 "be honest" for some funnier scenes. <3

 After Shulter returns, it seems there's a noxious gas that causes weird
 changes to those who open it. Job complete...without having to do anything!

JOB 90 - WHAT KIND OF PRESENT?                                           [JB90]

 "A Weapon Society member needs a Hunter to help him find an item that might
 cheer a depressed acquaintance. Dario is waiting at the Weapon Society."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Weapons Worker Dario
  REWARD: 450G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"

 Dario wants a gift for a strange woman he saw come into the shop, and wants
 some flowers. Talk to Hannah in Vernica and we'll have to visit the Ruined
 City [N. Sularto] and Roma Lake Shore [Jiharta].

 NOTE: You can give flowers to the girls as presents, BUT YOU MUST HAVE AT
       LEAST THREE remaining out of the seven to get a job complete on this
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 15 Stun Smog (x2)               |  36/20  |  60/20  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 48 Night Caller (x2)            | 101/00  | 199/22  |------------------'
| Lv. 46 Sleeping Gust (x2)           | 112/25  | 156/47  |

 Any card summon can probably wipeout these wastes of matter, and that's
 the preferred method so one doesn't have to dirty his hands.

 After winning, the [FINE SAFLOWER] is collected. You can give it to Cheryl
 if you want. Next is Roma Lake Shore...

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Mandrake                     | 201/80  | 185/24  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 22 Maneater (x4)                | 102/50  | 108/15  |------------------'

 Mission: exterminate all monsters except the Mandrake, whose Intellily grows
 on its head. It has to be the last monster alive to 'win.' It can still slap
 people with instant KO, though, so make sure to Silence it before laying into
 the other baddies. You can give the [INTELLILY] to Marsia, if you want, also.

 Well, after recounting all the women he's met, it's decided Lieza, Kulara,
 Sania, Raia, and Anrietta have to get their favorite flowers taken. We'll
 just go in order, I guess. Lieza's nearest Vernica.


 Lieza says her favorite flower would soften a monster's heart, and those can
 be found in the Karkado Mountain Range. So, like, get over there pronto, yo!
 Tiafriel, here we come! Only there's a catch: it'll die if not picked right.
 One has to pull off excess foliage and give it plenty of water, then pull it
 up with the soil around the roots. Just do this when the time comes and the
 [TIAFRIEL FLOWER] will be received. Next up is...


 Kulara! She's in North Sularto (Gislem), if you recall. Check out the town
 orphanage to find her. Apparently, child-like flowers that seem fun would
 be her pick...a Fandelion from Dongle Cape in South Sularto would do the
 trick. They say the wind will blow the petals off after it blooms, though.
 Time to defeat some baddies for it!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 37 Hunter Fly (x3)              | 129/30  | 160/28  | DIFFICULTY: ?/10 |
| Lv. 18 Stone Tortoise (x3)          |  39/20  |  64/36  |------------------'

 The monsters have to be defeated within three (3) turns! The best course of
 action is to use a powerful offensive card summon which can end this quickly;
 however, if you lack one, Impulse Bombing, Omega BREAKER, Knife Rain, etc.
 will help a bit. Stone Tortoises can improve their DEF, so don't waste too
 much time, now.

 If you do it in time, the [FANDELION] gets picked! I think Alec and Kulara
 should fall in love, so I gave the flower back to her. >_____> Anyway, it's
 time to go onto...


 Sania, the fortune-teller from Paysus [Jiharta]! She confesses enigmatic
 things catch her eye, making the Mystagia from Kaoyan Forest a perfect
 supplement to anything! It absorbs other plants nutrients to live, so if
 the Mystagia isn't picked, it'll die. When faced with the choice, pick
 whichever one you want -- they're all [MYSTAGIA]s! Now, let's find a flower


 Raia! She works in Shante's Pub in Itio City nowadays (she may still be in
 Parute if you didn't help her out) and likes flowers that inspire passion.
 A Passion Rose grows in Parute Desert; the true form of it is rarely seen,
 however. Singing supposedly draws it out, though... When Alec gets to the
 desert, try to pick up the flower a few times. The real flower ultimately
 appears in the middle-east portion of the map. [PASSION ROSE] obtained!


 Anrietta! She's a spoiled brat, so it's only natural she'd have her favorite
 flower hanging around. If you talk to her, she gives the [PRINCESS ANRIETTA
 FLOWER] to him, which is just a purple Gorgeous Rose. If you give the flower
 back to Anrietta at this point, you can recruit her as a _permanent_ ally
 later on. However, you will be fail the job (#100) you were sent to do. Pick
 your poison, 'cause she's the only optional character in the entire game. If
 she's the last person on the list, you only get one chance to give her the


 Bring the flowers you've gathered to Dario, and if you have at least three
 left, it's a job complete! And he didn't even have to put a shirt on, too!

JOB 91 - TRAVELING GUILD WORKER ESCORT                                   [JB91]

 "Apprentice Guild member Doruel is establishing a new Guild. Meet him on the
 North Sularto side of the Crash Site Secret Path, to escort him to the new
 Guild site."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Doruel
  REWARD: 530G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #81 - "Find the Eternal Steel!"

 Why they can't just take him in the hovercraft, I have no idea... Meet up
 at the Secret Path entrance as said to find him taking a leak (LOL?) for all
 the ladies to see. He's meeting Dorvan's fam to start up a guild in this dump
 of a path. There's not much to do besides escort the guy to the Secret Path's
 center, which is five screens in...or it should be that easy. Too bad everyone
 succumbs to another stupid tonic-drinking idea. This time, it makes HP & MP
 drain each turn!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 16 Paralyze Ooze (x4)           |  45/40  |  69/21  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 17 Wonderful Hemo-ji (x2)       |  68/40  |  71/13  |------------------'

 Although everyone's HP/MP is decreasing on their turns, it's about a 7% drop
 in total stats (apx). No one should be inflicted with paralysis long enough
 for them to die, and everyone can OHKO monsters at this point. Whee!

 And the annoyances continue...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 13 Ghost (x4)                   |  61/00  |  71/10  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 16 Paralyze Ooze (x2)           |  45/40  |  69/21  |------------------'

 No HP/MP drain this time, which means it's business as usual. Card summon?

 After another stupid battle, Shillena recovers everyone's HP/MP for free.
 Another family member gives Theo a "Mysterious Light" down the way, which of
 course has a crappy side effect...special abilities are unusable! And, uh,
 you know this applies to everyone...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Ghoul (x2)                   | 331/50  | 167/24  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |
| Lv. 17 Golem (x4)                   |  94/30  |  79/19  |------------------'

 Still shouldn't be too hard. Just item-heal if you're backed into a corner,
 which has about .01% chance of happening as long as you're evenly-levelled.
 Yawn @ stall battles? Watch out for the "Body Fluids" attack which can slap
 a single target with paralysis, too.

 One last fight...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Ghoul (x2)                   | 331/50  | 167/24  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 20 Ogre Mage (x3)               | 110/160 |  77/07  |------------------'

 Attack commands are unusable this time, but luckily, mass-attack skills are
 the way to go anyhow. Just card summon or something and clear the rabble...

 Job complete...gawd, finally.

JOB 92 - GET THE ETERNAL ICE!                                            [JB92]

 "A key item needed to make the Ark is believed to be in the Jiharta area.
 Contact Iga at Amaidar Temple for more information about finding the Eternal

  GUILD : Paysus 
  CLIENT: ????
  MERITS: 13
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"
        : Talk to Paltos' Guildmaster to make it available in Paysus (only)

 Iga suggests going to northern cave where the Eternal item is supposed to
 be located, the Ice Gallery. At the end is a icewall where the special
 thing can be obtained. Get a move on!


 Anyway, this place is mostly full of "slide" puzzles. This means that Alec
 will have to step on some ice and glide around until he comes to the exit.
 The first room is awfully simple but it gets a little harder later on.
|SLIDE PUZZLE #2: Alec starts in the S part of the map. On the easternmost
 tile, slide north -> west -> north -> east to the [WATER FRAGMENT]. From
 there, it's north -> west -> east -> north -> east -> north -> west to the

 A little ways ahead is the next puzzle by a save and heal point.
|SLIDE PUZZLE #3: There are multiple treasure chests here. Here's how to get

  � Blue Talisman ---> Stand south of save point and go south -> east ->
                       south -> west -> north -> west -> south.

  � Blue Talisman  --> By the save points, stand on the SW corner of the dry
                       land. Walk one space east then glide south -> west.

  � Water Fragment --> Stand left of the save point and walk west until you
                       slide to the opposite solid ground. You can see a rock
                       just south; go to it. Then, it's east -> south -> west.

  � Raila's Mirror --> After getting the Water Fragment (above), simply go
                       south to solid ground. Whee!

  � Water Fragment --> Stand left of save point and glide west to the next
                       segment of dry ground. Stand in the SE corner and walk
                       one space west before gliding south. Go west -> south
                       -> east -> north.

  � EXIT THIS PLACE -> Stand left of save point and glide west. That's all...

 Defeat the Dark Fogs/Water Dragons and continue  to the Eternal Ice Wall
 that shields the booty. No one can think of a way to get through, however,
 so it's back to Rusaht's institute. Salubari says the "Giga Plasma" spell
 can break the ice wall, but few people can learn it because they have to
 defeat all the elemental wizards and learn the essences of the elements!
 Sounds like a long, boring run-around quest... =(

 Only four are currently known, though Master Harzan of Amaidar Temple could
 probably shed some light on their whereabouts. Salubari summons the four
 wizards, and Harzan reveals the names of the other Light/Dark wizards --
 the top of Amaidar Mountain. Talk to the Chun-Li-lookin' woman at the cafe
 to learn Sania's at the library; after, return to the temple and get Iga's
 message to leave for the mountaintop. Tikva trains to become the Light/Dark
 Wizard, so return to Rusaht and challenge the wizards in the training hall.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 69 Ovel                         | 172/999 |  22/102 | DIFFICULTY: ?/10 |
| Lv. 69 Doan                         | 172/999 |  22/102 |------------------'
| Lv. 69 Soah                         | 172/999 |  22/102 |
| Lv. 69 Breeze                       | 172/999 |  22/102 |

 This is a Marsia-only battle, but even with their horrible ATK there's a
 huge DEF to overcome. If you've been using her a lot up to this time, all
 you have to do is use the opposing attribute attacks on each wizard. It'll
 probably fry 'em easily. On the other hand, if you haven't been using Marsia
 up to this time (she was Lv. 20 for me), you may have your work cut out for
 you. I suggest artificial DEF/MAG raising with the buff items, and equipping
 the Delight Heal (+10 HP/MP per turn) and Flay's Crest (-50% attribute dmg)
 for easier effect. I beat them all at Lv. 20 by using two Rocket Bombs -- it
 takes over 100+ off each, and since they clump together, it's an easy way
 out for those low-levelled people. For me it went:

 TURN 1: Hit with Air Blast + Heat Shell; Marsia retreats SE and heals up.
 TURN 2: Hit with Air Blast; Marsia uses a Rocket Bomb
 TURN 3: Hit with Air Blast/Heat Shell/Land Ax; Marsia kills three wizard
 TURN 4: Hit with Water Crumble; Marsia uses another bomb and kills Ovel.

 Beat 'em at Lv. 24. ^___^  Now's the time for the Light/Dark Wizard....your
 old friend Tikva! Marsia can't go &
 save in-between, either,  y'know...  .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 51 Tikva                        | 294/999 |  37/95  | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |

 A high-levelled Marsia can dominate this easily, but for those who aren't
 up to par with Tikva, do the Flay's Crest/Delight Heel accessories to cover
 her back. Don't bother using light/dark attacks on Tikva because that's his
 specialty. You can switch out the Delight Heel for a Light/Dark Amulet, also,
 since he only has two attacks. Personally, I just threw a bunch of bombs at
 him to win 'cause my Marsia's too low a level to deal real damage with her
 Gaia Magic. Oh well, whatever gets y'through...

 After defeating Tikva, Marsia learns the Giga Plasma spell. Rest/save at
 Rusaht and return to the Eternal Ice Wall (no backtracking necessary). Let's
 stick it to the boss...
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. ?? Cliff Gigantor               | ???/??? | ???/??? | DIFFICULTY: 3/10 |
| Lv. 41 Ice Golem (x4)               | 214/80  | 183/46  |------------------'

 As per usual, Excitement/Card Field/Magic Shield at the start, while Velhart
 uses MUSOU I/II/III. Ice Masher can do 150+ to a single target, so all the
 more reason for attribute-reduction accessories and spells. It uses Icicle
 Cage on those in close-range, which does poor damage if Magic Shield is in
 effect (~30); Prism Wall, however, summons up to three Ice Golems into the
 battle...all the more reason to bumrush the thing and go as far north as
 possible. The summoned golems appear way in the south. ^___^ Cliff Gigantor
 has about 1000 HP, so it's not an insurmountable value.

 Once we've burned the icy fiend, the [ETERNAL ICE] is claimed! Job complete!

JOB 93 - ETERNAL LOVE FINAL CONFESSION                                   [JB93]

 "A man calling himself 'Spicy' says he will die if the girl he loves won't go
 out with him, but lacks the courage to approach her. See him upstairs at the
 vacant house to assist."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Spicy the Lover
  REWARD: 370G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"

 Ahaha, finally we get to help out Spicy, the "Jilted Loverboy from Hell"!
 Our love-struck ninja has fallen for Chuanna, the girl who lives just down
 the street from the vacant house. He's only been...creepily stalking her for
 the most part up until now, though, and hasn't even talked to her! It's time
 to guide his adoration of Chuanna for him. 

          Spicy : "I would go to the depths of Hell for you!"
          Chuanna: "OK, then die."

 Turns out she actually will try a relationship with Spicy, on the condition
 he shows her he's got the bite to back up the bark. She only wants 1-goz
 memento she dropped at the vacant house's ground floor. Return there to
 find that it's in the NE corner of the room. Lutz will move the boxes like
 that one previous job. Here's the setup:

    _        _
   [_]      [_]      --- STEP ONE ---
    _  _  _  _
   [_][_][_][_]      Move the southernmost box to the left.

    _        _
   [_]      [_]      ### STEP TWO ###
    _  _  _  _
   [_][_][X][_]      Move the box with the "X" on it as far north as it will
      [_]            go.

    _    [_] _
   [_]      [X]      ### STEP THREE ###
    _  _     _
   [_][_]   [_]      Move the box with the "X" on it to the east.

    _    [_]   _
   [_]        [_]    ### STEP FOUR ###
    _  _     _
   [_][_]   [X]      Move the box with the "X" on it north and claim the coin!


 Why Spicy couldn't just teleport to the stupid coin is beyond me, but finding
 the coin doesn't win Chaunna's heart anyway. Now we need to find a Star
 Fragment for her. There's supposed to be one in the Ruined City over at North
 Sularto. Kulara's kids won't let Spicy look, but Alec and team are perfectly

 Now a minigame where Alec's team blocks the vision of the kids while Spicy
 sneaks up on the Star Fragment. It's about the same as when the job was to
 help a monk escape from his training to see his lover. Fail this thrice and
 it's a job failed!

 Talk with the X-button to stall the kids, and also make Spicy move in the
 direction Alec's at. Convos can be interrupted with the Triangle button.
 This one is more difficult as, when you press Triangle, you have to do it
 before Spicy is near you because it takes up a turn, i.e. the conversation
 does not end automatically. The easiest way to proceed is to use the northern
 garbage piles for Spicy to hide in, which helps him get through a bit easier
 than if he'd tried to go along the flat southern border. IT CAN BE ANNOYING

 To be honest, I've been able to cut straight across the middle with some
 luck. You do not have to get all the way to the eastern side, mind you, just
 past...say, the last junkpile on the northern border. Get a [STAR FRAGMENT]
 and return to Itio. Chaunna has one last request...a...Crystal Bone? Whuh?
 It's in White Bone Forest at Ragnark.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 53 Litch (x2)                   | 226/270 | 228/25  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 54 Nether Ghost (x2)            | 216/188 | 173/22  |------------------'

 Shouldn't be anything a card summon + Impulse Bomb can't handle. Take out the
 Litchs first for good measure, though. Both are decent Cardish targets, also.

 Finally, Chuanna will accept Spicy's love. It will be revealed why she sends
 Spicy on so many of these weird missions...she's part of a step of triplets,
 and each has sent him on a quest! And each is in love with him! I'd call it
 a job complete...too bad Spicy can't handle the popularity.

JOB 95 - RBG: THE LAST ENCOUNTER                                         [JB95]

 "Aguito seeks a top-notch Hunter to duel his Rainbow Bridge Gang. To accept
 the challenge, go to Astorny Bridge."

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Gang Chief Aguito
  REWARD: 1000G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"

 So, go to Astorny Bridge!            .---------.---------.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x2)     |  54/48  |  52/08  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 18 Rainbow Bridge Gang (x3)     |  54/64  |  52/08  |------------------'

 Any card summon can turn them into human stains, just like any physical
 attack, or skill, or counterattack, or...  Yeah, easiest 1000G E-V-E-R!

 The people of Vernica laugh at the histrionics and the Rainbow Bridge Gang
 decides to hang up the rifles and perform plays! Always knew they were a
 bunch of loonies... Job complete...NOT! The apple is spiked with somethin...
 or it was exhaustion. What a preppy girl! After some rest the job gets its
 completion rank (and Anrietta gets put in her place, haha).

JOB 94 - MONSTER EXTERMINATION IN CARIOTE                                [JB94]

 "Monsters from Cariote Cave have been harming nearby residents, and have
 defeated several Hunters sent to stop them. Exterminate the monsters and end
 the carnage."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Paltos Guild
  REWARD: 500G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"

 The job begins as soon as you accept, so save beforehand. There seem to be
 many clever monsters there but only one boss organizing them all. Killing
 that boss is the objective here. Hunter Jay says it's the legendary monster
 he's been hunting, "The Red Death"! The only way to find it for sure is
 to kill all the monsters there, since it can take over bodies of the foes.
 Stop by the inn first before leaving to talk with Alba's crew.

 The place is littered with dead monsters

                  |            |�|
                  |            | |_____
                  |            |_____  |
                  |                  |_|
         .--------+---------------.  | |
    |���������|   |            |�����   ����|
    |         |   |  ________ _|            | 
    |    _    |   | |        |_             |
    |___| |___|   |  ��������  |____________|
        |_|       |
 ___ ___| |__     |
|SVE|        |    |
|RST|        |    |
 �|�|���|_|��     |
  | |___| |       |
  |  _____|       '------------------------------------------.
  |_|-.                                                      |
      |         _____              .--.     .--.             |           
      |        |     |             |  |     |  |          __|�|__     ___
     FINISH    |_   _|             | |�|___|�||�|______ _|       |_ _|   |
                 |�|__             | |     __||       _|_         _|_____|
                 |__X |            | |    |   |______|   |_______|
                  __|�|__          |  ����
                 |       | _______|�|
                 |__   __||         |  The enemies within here are pieces of
                    | |   | |�������   crap (such as Lv. 33 Dungeon Mouses)
                    |�|___|�|   so I'll skip the drawn-out explanations on how
                    |__   __|   to use card summons + Impulse Bomb. Oops, that
                       |_|      is the explanation. :p

 Head to the "X" location and after a short battle, the Red Death will appear
 and injure Belga before going north to the dead end.

                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 60 The Red Death                | 596/400 | 220/32  | DIFFICULTY: 2/10 |

 Use Excitement, Card Field, and Magic Shield to start off, while Velhart does
 a MUSUO I/II/III. The boss can attack the panel in front of him and the two
 beside it, so beware...not that it's too much different than the usual foes
 that you see, just with a high HP/MP value. It uses Dark Extreme, a powerful
 dark-attribute attack (the same Tikva used before) that can do 150+ to un-
 -shielded allies. If you want a short battle, yes, Fatal Dagger does work on
 this guy.

 Alba will finish it off and it's a job complete! Why's he get the glory? =(

JOB 96 - ROCHEFORT COMPANY'S NEW PRODUCT                                 [JB96]

 "Anrietta Rochefort wishes to gain some kind of special merchandise for
 important company business. Contact the Rochefort family for details."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Anrietta
  REWARD: 1200G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #86 - "Get the Eternal Tree Branch!"

 Head on over to the manse to learn the Princess wants Alec to help the
 company -- take Anrietta to Gislem! Depart at once and she'll want to take
 a trip to the Danger Dome (!?) in the eastern part of Gislem. She ends up
 betting Alec's Hovercraft (!!??) and the battle begins soon after. Haha, you
 can't kill the client, folks!
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 17 Ringleader                   |  60/40  |  71/11  |------------------'

 Good thing you didn't end up fighting fifteen Copper Dragons or something;
 these wusses are much more palatable for your blade.

 Winning will net you the enemy's item, a...Peeled Apple. Yes, she wagered a
 Hovercraft for a piece of fruit. Job complete...

JOB 97 - PROTECT RAIA DURING THE SHOW!                                   [JB97]

 "Fans became so rowdy during a recent stage performance at the Itio Pub that
 they had to stop the show. Contact the pub's owner, Shante, to arrange for
 crowd control."

  GUILD : Itio
  CLIENT: Shante
  MERITS: 10
  REWARD: 360G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #92 - "Get the Eternal Ice!"

 Talk to Shante and learn a number of people have become rude and violent at
 Raia's performances, and have tried to rush the stage when she sings. The
 three patrons that walk in soon after are the ones that cause most trouble
 for everyone. Alec's job is to block the path of people who try to get on-
 -stage with Raia.

 Basically, there are three paths the people take, and moving Alec left or
 right to block them prevents their movement (he also sends them flying back
 to their default positions). The middle guy moves the fastest, but stalls
 if Alec is punching someone else, so it's a fairly simple task. It lasts as
 long as her song "Way of the Earth," which you should already know isn't too

 Job complete if no one crashes the performance!

JOB 98 - GET THE ETERNAL FLAME!                                          [JB98]

 "Obtain Eternal Flame, the final item needed to make the Ark. A Bazaar shop
 owner has information about the item's location."

  GUILD : Testa
  CLIENT: ????
  MERITS: 13
  REWARD: 800G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #92 - "Get the Eternal Ice!"

 Go to the Bazaar and talk to Chongara, the sometimes-amnesiac in the SW
 corner, to learn about the flame. A special water exists that will help him
 remember the location of the last Ark component; it's in Ali's shop down in
 Pandira. He's selling it for an exorbitant amount of goz, though, so we'll
 need a better way. Simply return to Chongara and Marsia will drop a Land Ax
 on his head to recover the bearded guy's memory.

 Apparently, the Eternal Flame is in a smoking mountain in North Sularto...
 It's the Volcano Cave just above Gislem. That's the destination...

  | LEGEND: 1, 2, 3 = Flame Fragment | 4 = Red Talisman | 5 = Flame Amulet | 

 Enter                            .---.
      \_         ______           |   |    This dungeon's kinda short, so we
      |1|_______|      |_ _______|�|  |    don't have to explain it too much.
      |_________|       _|_________|  |    There are some passageways that've
   _____        |      |         .----'    got flame spouts that cue when you
  |3 4 5|������||______|         |         step on floor panels, but for those
   ����� �|    |_ ______________|�|        with a Romancing Stone, you can 
    .---. |______|_________       |        simply go through without too many
    |  |�|_______ _________| 2|���         problems.
   |�| |_________|____________|
 |�   �|                                   When you get to the "FLAME" room,
 |     |                           no one has a container with which to carry
 |_   _|                           the last component back in. Lutz suggests
   |_|________ |�����|             going to see Elnan at the Item Society, so
   |________  ||FLAME|             do that. He'll have figured out what that
            |_||_   _|             contraption Alec's crew delivered to him
            | |__|�|               way way back when, and hand the [MYSTERIOUS
            |______|               OBJECT] over to use in claiming the Eternal
                                   Flame. Next, visit the Weapon Society...

 Dario will think of a way to help Cheryl's gun freeze the lava: combine a
 Rocket Bomb, Grenade Launcher, Ice Saber, and Calm Nut! Go to Gislem's Danger
 Dome to meet Gudan and his gang. He drops the thing that Dwarf Behemoths in
 Kutao Temple will have some (note: to unlock Kutao Temple, you must accept to
 do Job #72). Here's a map of the place:

 See the orange room just right of the "B1" marking? That's where those Dwarf
 Behemoths can be found.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 53 Dwarf Behemoth (x5)          |  12/50  | 132/96  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |

 These little buggers have great elemental defense, so use specialty attacks
 like Brain Blast or Divide to take them out easily. Fatal Dagger also works
 for whittling down their HP, especially if you want to Cardish one. Their
 "Heavy Bell" attack is pretty crappy, and you can paralyze them if needed.

 A [CALM NUT] is acquired after battle (always), and back at Weapon Society,
 the fabulous, glorious, incrediblelastic [STONE GUN] is created! Next-door,
 Elnan will have a [LAMP] that can carry the Eternal Flame somehow. Clutz Lutz
 puts it in his charge... -___-

 Return to the Lake of Fire (no backtracking necessary) and the mysterious
 flying object reveals itself as Diekbeck! There's a minigame where Cheryl
 prevents lava from falling on Lutz by using the Stone Gun to stop it cold
 in its tracks. Decide where Lutz ascends with the d-pad and press "X" to
 start the ascent. She can only make lava blocks in the wall's vertical gaps,
 however. If the target is green, Cheryl can't shoot there. Oh, and fire with
 "X" also. It'll stop the lava for one round. Don't worry if you mess up --
 there is infinite retries. ^____^ HINT: You can see where the lava will begin
 at the very top, and it always flows down; however, it always takes the turns
 when available, so that's how it makes its weird pattern. Here's how I did

 Slot #3 (third from left out of 4 available) -> shoot gap right next to Lutz
 Turn 2: Shoot gap right left of Lutz
 Turn 3: Shoot gap just NE of Lutz
 Turn 4: Shoot any gap 'cause the lava won't get Lutz anyway

 On the fifth turn, Lutz will make it up and capture the [ETERNAL FLAME]! The
 job is now complete! Diekbeck will give Theo his monster card as well. 

JOB 99 - DO THE MONSTER CARD TOURNAMENT!                                 [JB99]

 "The Renn Monster Society is recruiting contestants for its first Monster
 Card Tournament. Anyone having extensive card knowledge should apply at the

  GUILD : Renn
  CLIENT: Renn Monster Society
  REWARD: 630G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #98 - "Get the Eternal Flame!"

 Check out the society in town and when Theo asks, allow him to do the job.
 For some dumb reason, the tourney is to be held in the monster-infested
 Karkado Mountain Range (!?). Card effects will be shown and then the person
 will have to guess which card it is. Study if you want to, but it won't do
 any good if you haven't been collecting AND USING cards. =/

 Anyway, off to Karkado! There are five rounds in all, and a person is DQ'd
 if they get two wrong. It's multiple choice, of course...

 R1: Purple bird that shoots eye-lasers ---------> (A: Crimson Roc)
 R2: Floating machine that shoots shotgun -------> (A: Gunner)
 R3: Red grim-reaper that shoots scythes --------> (A: Litch)
 R4: Gigantic white hammer falls on ground ------> (A: Mage Hemo-ji)
 R5: Dragon shoots windy breath at the ground ---> (A: Earth Dragon)

 Lumina is the toughest competitor here, and she'll get question #4 wrong
 everytime you play, so to get a job complete, you need to get ALL FIVE
 questions right. It's kinda stupid, because if you tie, you still get the
 1st-place prize of a [CARD TRIDENT]. 2nd-place prize is a [GOD'S NECTAR
 FRUIT], which isn't so bad either.

 Job complete if you get all questions right.

JOB 100 - FIND THE MISSING DAUGHTER!                                    [JB100]

 "Anrietta Rochefort is missing and may have been kidnapped. Contact Sebastian,
 the Rocheforts' butler, for details."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Butler Sebastian
  REWARD: 900G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #98 - "Get the Eternal Flame!"

 Sebastian is beside himself in fear, so it's time to search her room. Look
 at her kitty to find something on the ribbon -- [ANRIETTA'S NOTE]! It says
 she's got such a demanding life and wants to get away from it all for some
 time, so don't look for her. Time to scour the townscape and see more clues!

 One of the women by the Monster Society says she was going to Paysus, so go
 there. Talk to the kid by the canal to learn Anrietta headed to Amaidar
 Temple for some reason. The gate guards say she wanted to become a monk (!)
 and beat up some of the monks inside, making the most humiliating incident
 in the temple's history. =p

 Next, head to Rusaht's institute and find Salubari. Anrietta left her mark
 here too, beating up some people and running away after learning how long
 it takes to master Gaia Magic. At this point, return to the Paltos mansion
 to find her again.

 Apparently, Anrietta talked to Kulara and wanted to change identities. At
 the orphanage, a girl says Anrietta took everyone to the Ruined City.
                                      |  HP/MP  | ATK/DEF |
| Lv. 19 Ninja                        |  55/40  | 100/11  | DIFFICULTY: 1/10 |
| Lv. 15 Robber                       |  67/00  |  76/12  |------------------'

 Anrietta can join this battle, but it really doesn't matter -- these guys
 were easily beatable 50+ hours ago. Next!

 After this, Anrietta asks to join Alec's party. Pick "Are you serious?" and
 "All right." to get her into the party, but know YOU WILL FAIL THE JOB IF YOU
 PICK THIS OPTION. Also, if you haven't done every mission regarding Anrietta
 up to this point, and didn't give her flowers in Job #90, she can't join at
 all. There is no prize for completing all those missions, and this is your
 only chance to get her in the party, so choose wisely!

 Job complete if you bring Anrietta back and don't allow her to join you. PS:
 re-enter the mansion to see a blessing scene with her father. ^_~

JOB 101 - UNLEASH THE ULTIMATE MONSTER                                  [JB101]

 "Collect Monster Cards needed to revive the Ultimate Monster. For details
 about the cards, see client at the Volcano Cave entrance."

  GUILD : Gislem
  CLIENT: Explorer Rupert
  REWARD: 360G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #98 - "Get the Eternal Flame!"

 Meet Rupert to see that the Ultimate Monster is apparently locked in Volcano
 Cave somewhere. The legend is "Unleash the dragon chains with shining light,
 When light and shining come together, the slumber within the Eternal Flame
 shall end. When the Ultimate Monster awakens, the Legend shall be reborn."
 Six types of dragons will unlock this thingy, apparently...three light &
 three shining. Fire/Earth/Water Dragons count as "Light" types while Gold/
 Silver/Copper types count as "Shining"...

 We need one of each, and at some point, will have to take some back as Theo
 can only carry five (and Diekbeck takes up a slot). Here's where all the
 types can be found:

  � Gold Dragon  --> Midoro Swamp [Ragnark]
  � Silver Dragon -> White Bone Forest [Ragnark]
  � Copper Dragon -> Sealed Ruins [Forestamore]
  � Fire Dragon ---> Volcano Cave B3 [North Sularto]
  � Earth Dragon --> Trial Cave B2-A [Eteru Isle]
  � Water Dragon --> Ice Gallery 3F [Jiharta]

   [NOTE: The above does not include jobs where these monsters appear.]

 All of these locations were mandatory at some point or another, so I won't
 bother mapping each one. Some have only appeared on Disc 2, also, which is
 why you may not have heard of their whereabouts.

 Once all cards are found, save and return to Rupert to guide him to the
 Eternal Flame. The Altima will be summoned but quickly dies, leaving only
 its card behind for Theo. However, it appears the species is reborn so it's
 a job complete!

JOB 102 - CREATE A NEW ARK!                                             [JB102]

 "Create a new Ark, using Eternal Steel, the Eternal Tree Branch, Eternal Ice,
 and Eternal Flame. First, obtain a blessing from Guardians in Eteru Isle
 Trial Cave."

  GUILD : Paltos
  CLIENT: Guildmaster
  MERITS: 18
  REWARD: 1000G
  UNLOCK: Complete Job #98 - "Get the Eternal Flame!"
        : Talk to Guildmaster/Gogen in Paltos to make it available

 If you take this job, you won't be able to take any others while it's active
 so make your decision carefully. Time to bring the mission on home and raid
 the Trial Cave once again...

               |       | <- GHOST DREAM CRYSTAL
               |__   __|
                __| |__
               |SAVE   |_ ____________
               |  HEAL  _|___________ \
               |  _____|             ) )
               |_|                  / /
             __| |                 / /
            |  __|     ___________/ /       _____
            | |       |  _________ (_____ _|     |
            |_|       |_|         \______|_      |
          __| |__   __| |__                |_____|
         |       | |   _   |
         |       | |  |_|  |
         |__   __| |__   __|
            |_|       |_|
            | |_______| |
            |____   ____|
                 | |             ________
                 | |            |        |
                 |_|  .------.  | |����| |
                 | | _|_    _|_ |_|    |_|       _____ ______
                 | |_| |   _| |_| |    | |      / ____|_     |
                 |_____|  |_______|    | |_ ___/ /      |____|
                                       |  _|____/
                                      _| |
                                     |  _)
                                     | (
                                     | |_
                                     (_  |
                                       ) |

 Fight through the hordes of mostly-crappy enemies until you arrive at the
 Ghost Dream Crystal room, where the party fought Tengaron so long ago. All
 five guardians help in creating the new [ARK], so it's time to return to
 the Guildmaster... Job complete!

VI. WANTED MONSTERS                                                      [WMTD]

 Wanted monsters are special critters that have been deemed heinous and/or a
 large threat to the nearby communities. The game calls them "Outlaw Jobs," as
 they're more of a poaching mission than a run-of-the-mill type...these ones'll
 always involve fighting. A thing to remember: wanted monsters show up with the
 general lot, but only appear after the battle has started.

 A few notes:

   � There are a total of 72 wanted monsters in total
   � In each region with a guild, six wanted monsters appear (per disc)
   � Half of the wanted monsters appear on Disc 1, the rest on Disc 2
   � THEY ARE NOT MISSABLE! If you accidentally forget some, finish all of the
     current Outlaw Jobs and the guildmaster will notify you that new posters
     have been put up.

WANTED MONSTER 01 - Garius (Slime)                               [DISC 1][WM01]

 "A shape-shifting monster is attacking travelers at Tohde Bridge. Remove this
 threat to tourism."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 20/0             |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 39/12            |
 LOCATE: Tohde Bridge                 | STEAL  : Magic Apple      |
 The monster appears after your party's been selected, and appears with some
 Lv. 1 Poison Mushrooms/Opossums. It's cohorts suck, that's to be sure. This
 monster isn't so hard, but try not to counterattack it to death before one of
 those Magic Apples is stolen from it.

WANTED MONSTER 02 - Odyessa (Slumber Flower)                     [DISC 1][WM02]

 "This odorous monster's scent results in absent-mindedness and sleep.
 Exterminate the fuschia freak."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 37/20            |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 39/07            |
 LOCATE: Mormo Plain                  | STEAL  : Insomnia Card    |
 Odyessa appears with some Slimes/Vipers and is barely different from the run-
 -of-the-mill Slumber Flowers, besides her ATK/HP. Steal that Insomnia Card,
 as it's an early accessory that prevents Sleep status on one character. Why
 pass something like that up? [NOTE: You may have to defeat this one before
 Razorback shows up at Mormo Plain.]

WANTED MONSTER 03 - Razorback (Opossum)                          [DISC 1][WM03]

 "A huge, squirrel-like moster has attacked children on Mormo Plain. Defeat
 the fanged rodent."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 30/30            |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 39/06            |
 LOCATE: Mormo Plain                  | STEAL  : Magic Apple      |
 This monster appears with some Vipers/Slimes, but really, it's a rather
 lame enemy. The only notable thing is that it carries a Magic Apple, which
 should be stolen if possible.

WANTED MONSTER 04 - Calamitos (Dragon Fly)                       [DISC 1][WM04]

 "Calamitos is attacking Hunters on the Lukae Riverbank, expanding its
 territory. Contain it immediately."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 32/40            |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 43/08            |
 LOCATE: Lukae Riverbank              | STEAL  : Herb             |
 This goofball appears with a Slumber Flower and a couple of Slimes -- easy
 pickins. It's got a large range since it can fly, and watch out for its Blast
 ability which can do ~20 damage to a target. It's got nothing worst stealing,
 so just kill it quickly...I mean, it's got horrible defense.

WANTED MONSTER 05 - Terminus (Zombie)                            [DISC 1][WM05]

 "Although this poison-spitter has yet to leave the swamp, its venom has become
 more virulent. Eliminate future risk."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 56/36            |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 39/07            |
 LOCATE: Kiska Marsh                  | STEAL  : Iron Knife       |
 A zombie in these parts!? Well, it'll probably appear with a couple Slimes,
 which have been scientifically proven to be 0% useful as enemies. It's got a
 basic knife upgrade on it, but since this takes place after Trial Cave and it
 was possible to get one there, this shouldn't matter too much. It's physical
 attack will do ~18-20 which is pretty basic, also. It also has a poison skill
 from what I reckon (that's it's claim to fame), but the zombie never seemd to
 use it...which is good. [NOTE: You probably have to defeat this one first if
 you want Alphaium to appear.]

WANTED MONSTER 06 - Alphaium (Poison Slime)                      [DISC 1][WM06]

 "This uncharacteristically intelligent, strong Slime has caused untold damage.
 Liquefy the monster."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 10               |
 REWARD: 100G                         | HP / MP: 20/60            |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 39/12            |
 LOCATE: Kiska Marsh                  | STEAL  : Soothing Ring    |
 Kiska Marsh is known for having Pit Scorpions, so a few (up to three!) may
 appear here as well. They'll be Lv. 7 but only have 11 HP; just don't take 'em
 for granted or you may end up paying the price. Draw everyone close and use a
 skill like Knife Rain to defeat multiple scorps at once. Alphaium's physical
 attack tops out in about the mid teens, making it really not that formidable.
 Just watch out for the scorpions' skill that can inflict Gravity which is not
 great if you get ganged up on! Luckily said monsters drop Gravity Nuts which
 can cure that status. =)  Make sure to steal that Soothing Ring which prevents
 Poison status (this monster can use Goo Spew to poison one, after all).

WANTED MONSTER 07 - Phreakar (Ghoul)                             [DISC 2][WM07]

 "This monster hides beneath the bridge, pretends to be human, then attacks
 passersby. Extricate the beast."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 311/120          |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 177/28           |
 LOCATE: Tohde Bridge                 | STEAL  : Diablo Edge      |
 This time, it'll probably be accompanied by high-level (40+) Flash Hiders, so
 kick out the Card Field pronto and rely on Impulse Bomb to clear the riffraff
 from the bridge. If you think you'll have trouble, use Fatal Dagger to clear
 most of Phreakar's HP. He's got a great sword for Alec that can be stolen at
 this time, too, which doesn't have as great attack as a Mystic Sword but'll
 give +30 DEFENSE!

WANTED MONSTER 08 - Shiverall (Night Caller)                     [DISC 2][WM08]

 "An especially violent Night Caller is attacking all who visit Mormo Plain.
 Destroy it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 110/00           |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 217/23           |
 LOCATE: Mormo Plain                  | STEAL  : Life Fruit       |
 A lot of ATK, very poor HP. You can probably OHKO it with Impulse Bomb, and
 get rid of the minions around it (Vipers and Stone Gels, most likely). One
 weird thing I noticed is that you can't JUMP over the mark... I wonder why
 that is. Steal a Life Fruit if you can.

WANTED MONSTER 09 - Gahveone (Myconid)                           [DISC 2][WM09]

 "Monsters are scattering spores over the plains, threatening food supply.
 Protect Itio citizens from starvation."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                  |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 226/60              |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 158/25              |
 LOCATE: Mormo Plain                  | STEAL  : Super General Tonic |
 This monster may not appear until Shiverall (#08) has been nixed. It'll
 appear with the same type of baddies that #08 did, which makes this battle
 a bit boring. It carries a rare Super General Tonic to steal, though, and
 that makes this battle worthwhile...sorta. Watch out for "Paralysis Spore"!

WANTED MONSTER 10 - Strike King (Cobra)                          [DISC 2][WM10]

 "Monsters skilled in confusing opponents have defeated Hunters and escaped to
 Lukae Riverbank. Exercise caution!"
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 204/70           |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 177/25           |
 LOCATE: Lukae Riverbank              | STEAL  : Mind Smasher     |
 This bugger appears with a bunch of crappy Lv. 5 Slimes/Sidewinders, which
 are marginalized for this strategy. Card Field if you so choose, and gun for
 that Mind Smasher it carries, which is a throwing knife that can inflict
 Confusion. Compared to the Palo's Knife, its ATK is poor and AGL is way way
 worse; however, the tradeoff gives a huge DEF boost (+28). A very good weapon
 to have if you aren't big on synthesizing.

WANTED MONSTER 11 - Winky Hugger (Dark Fog)                      [DISC 2][WM11]

 "The Winky Hugger preys upon children who play on the riverbank. Prevent it
 from pulling any more into darkness."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 343/50           |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 177/13           |
 LOCATE: Lukae Riverbank              | STEAL  : Slumber Blade    |
 This is one of the cooler monsters that can be hunted, because its physical
 attack can inflict Sleep and it carries a blade (for Lutz) that carries the
 same trait. There's really nothing to doing this guy in because his cohorts
 are crap, so the ol' Impulse Bomb will wreak havoc.

WANTED MONSTER 12 - Will Sapper (Phantom)                        [DISC 2][WM12]

 "Will Spoil binds its victims' bodies and steals their freedom. End its reign
 of terror over Kiska Marsh."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 198/90           |
 POSTED: Eteru Isle                   | ATK/DEF: 177/23           |
 LOCATE: Kiska Marsh                  | STEAL  : Vitality Fruit   |
 Phantoms, if you recall, can drain HP with their physical attack. Corpse and
 Pit Scorpion enemies appear with it, but only the latter is new to this area.
 They can use "Body Fluids" to inflict confusion, just as Will Sapper can use
 its skill -- counter with Silent to prevent any sticky situations. Besides
 that, just deal more damage than the mark absorbs, which is about 80/per atk
 with Card Field on.

WANTED MONSTER 13 - Buzzcutter (Bomber Fly)                      [DISC 1][WM13]

 "The Buzzcutter on Astorny Bridge has been stealing people's luggage. Dispatch
 it as soon as possible."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 42/80            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 58/11            |
 LOCATE: Astorny Bridge               | STEAL  : Bomb             |

 Buzzcutter himself isn't much to worry about if you can get him one-on-one;
 it's more of his companions which can be an annoyance. Pit Scorpions and Rocs
 appear at Astorny Bridge as well and can just be general nuisances -- up to 4
 minions may appear with the mark! If you can, use Cardish on a Crimson Roc
 and summon its card to inflict Silence on all enemies; this helps immensely.
 The 'Bomb' you can steal is an offensive item which can damage enemies in a
 small radius. Yay?

WANTED MONSTER 14 - Glint (Cockatrice)                           [DISC 1][WM14]

 "Glint attacks Mountain Range travelers, paralyzing them with a flash of its
 eyes. Cripple the evil bird."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 41/60            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 58/07            |
 LOCATE: Karkado Mountain Range       | STEAL  : Magnetic Belt    |

 The Karkado Mountains are north of Lieza's house, and that's where this foe
 dwells. Most enemies are easy to deal with, but Wyverns and Wild Dogs are
 tough foes that can really do damage (they have 65+ ATK) if they gang up on
 one person. Use mass-damage cards when Theo's turn comes up to help get rid
 of them easier. Huddle together to minimize damage and set up Alec's healing
 ability. The Magnetic Belt it carries makes a character Gravityproof, which
 is a good thing to have -- steal that sucker!

WANTED MONSTER 15 - Rotmonger (Zombie)                           [DISC 1][WM15]

 "Monsters at Corelia Pass are impeding trade. Exterminate them for the Renn
 Shops Association."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 76/00            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 52/09            |
 LOCATE: Corelia Pass                 | STEAL  : Steel Armor      |

 I had a heck of a time getting this one to spawn, as it didn't show up until
 I had completed all jobs up to #20. There's a chance it appears with some
 wild dogs and rocs, so it'll be a good idea to pre-empt the hurt by taking
 'em out with one of Theo's summons. Rotmonger is susceptible to gravity and
 poison, so, if you have a Roc/Poison Slime summon, that'll work well. Also,
 use Theo's Card Field to buff everyone's defense -- this helps a lot. This
 zombie's got a storebought steal, so you don't have to bother.

WANTED MONSTER 16 - Seedinator (Ghost Tree)                      [DISC 1][WM16]

 "An eyeball-like monster from Noalis Forest has attacked nearby villages. Shut
 it out of existence."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 92/40            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 58/02            |
 LOCATE: Noalis Forest                | STEAL  : Magic Apple      |

 The monster can appear in Noalis Forest as soon as it's available, although
 you may stumble upon Howlers first. It's got more HP than any regular baddie
 thus far, but that doesn't necessarily make for a harder time, especially w/
 steel weapons/armor. Swipe a Magic Apple if the opening arises.

WANTED MONSTER 17 - Howlers (Attack Dog)                         [DISC 1][WM17]

 "These Noalis Forest dwellers gather nightly and howl repeatedly. Silence them
 so villagers can sleep."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 53/60            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 63/08            |
 LOCATE: Noalis Forest                | STEAL  : Fur Cape         |
 Not much to say about this doggie except it's on par with the Wild Dogs one
 can find up in the Karkado Range, and it's generally not that special. It'll
 appear with some Crimson Rocs, though, so make sure you have a way to counter
 their silence-inducing abilities.

WANTED MONSTER 18 - Temptropla (Alraune)                         [DISC 1][WM18]

 "Disguised as a harmless flower, this plant attacks women and children who
 try to pick it. Prune it."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 14               |
 REWARD: 200G                         | HP / MP: 46/60            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 58/09            |
 LOCATE: Noalis Forest                | STEAL  : Amazing Herb     |

 This monster doesn't seem to want to appear until Howlers has been sent to
 the dog kennel in the sky, so if you're having problems finding it, that may
 be why. Its Paralysis Scream attack is an utter nuisance if it affects all of
 the allies, which is why silencing it is the way to go. And it DOES use that
 skill A LOT. Luckily, its horrible DEF will be its downfall! Steal that herb
 it carries, which will come in handy later.

WANTED MONSTER 19 - Nibbler (Crypt Rat)                          [DISC 2][WM19]

 "Astorny Rat has emerged from under the bridge, attacking people while
 seeking food. Defeat the violent rodent."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 165/50           |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 177/23           |
 LOCATE: Astorny Bridge               | STEAL  : Rad's Reagent    |
 There's a good chance this monster will appear with a lot of Cassowaries,
 Crimson Rocs, and a Cockatrice -- that means a lot of status effects. Bombard
 with a Silent attack first off because there's no room for maneuvering on the
 bridge, and you'll set yourself up for cramped attacks. Equip any paralysis-
 -prevention accessories you have just in case, though. Although you may have
 a few Rad's Reagents, it'll still save you a couple thousand $$ to steal it

WANTED MONSTER 20 - Backbiter (Wild Dog)                         [DISC 2][WM20]

 "Since Hunters killed this dog's parent, Backbiter has attacked many
 villagers. Exterminage the mongrel."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 220/00           |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 217/23           |
 LOCATE: Karkado Mountain Range       | STEAL  : Platinum Robe    |
 Nothing to crow about when fighting this guy. Take care of its entourage
 (usually Kerberos + weak Ogres) with Impulse Bomb, and slap it around with
 normal attacks. It can also be inflicted with Sleep, if you like. That robe
 it carries can be bought in Paltos and isn't imperative to steal.

WANTED MONSTER 21 - BTL-DK (PA-200)                              [DISC 2][WM21]

 "A secret battle machine, discarded in the mountains, randomly fires a
 machine gun when approached. Disarm it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 13/64            |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 138/98           |
 LOCATE: Karkado Mountain Range       | STEAL  : Mysterious Ore   |
 Often appears with Wyverns & Kerberos. If you look at it's stats, you'll see
 that my transcription isn't glitched -- it really DOES have 13 HP and 98 DEF!
 Yeah, it's weird. You shouldn't have any problem taking it out, but still, a
 fight like this isn't deserving of a Hunter! The only thing you have to watch
 out for is counterattacks if you try to go for its Mysterious Ore item. Lucky
 for you, you can avoid such hypotheticals by sending in Lutz alone, since the
 long-range users don't counterattack up-close.

 Also, use Fatal Dagger to shave its HP off, since most attacks will be doing
 1 DMG to it. Velhart's Omega BUSTER attack can also bypass defense to do dmg
 based on his HP.

WANTED MONSTER 22 - Hellspawn (Fire Dragon)                      [DISC 2][WM22]

 "This boss controls a group of regional monsters that attack cities nearby.
 Wipe out the ringleader."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 722/110          |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 255/37           |
 LOCATE: Karkado Mountain Range       | STEAL  : Red Talisman     |
 Wow, this guy's packing major HP, huh? The enemies it appears with will most
 likely be Kerberos types, so use an offensive summon to help clear away all
 the detritus 'fore Hellspawn gets near. When the mark does get within range,
 use Lutz' Fatal Dagger to slice most of its HP off in one stroke. It can use
 a "Fire Breath" skill which is single-digit damage. NOTE: The Mystic Sword'll
 heal the dragon.

WANTED MONSTER 23 - Aurora (Ghost)                               [DISC 2][WM23]

 "This ghost-like monster beckons and attacks people, with increasing
 frequency. Vaporize it quickly."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 198/00           |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 177/23           |
 LOCATE: Noalis Forest                | STEAL  : Life Fruit       |
 It appears with weak enemies, but remember that Crimson Rocs can still slap
 people around with Hypno Eyes (inflict: Silence). Kinda annoying, but this
 battle's nothing to write home 'bout. Use Card Field if you want, steal that
 Life Fruit. Aurora's physical attacks can drain HP sometimes, but only in the
 amount of the damage done, meaning Card Field reduces it. Yawn!

WANTED MONSTER 24 - Vorforea (Wyvern)                            [DISC 2][WM24]

 "Vorforea drives away anyone who enters the forest, hampering local business.
 Remove this barrier to free trade."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 275/120          |
 POSTED: Forestamore                  | ATK/DEF: 217/23           |
 LOCATE: Noalis Forest                | STEAL  : Wind Fragment    |
 Rather odd to see a Wyvern down so far south, huh? Card Field and destroy all
 the mushroom types that are found here (and can inflict Poison, Paralysis,
 and Silence) with a card or mass-damage attack. Our draconic friend is pretty
 fond of counterattacks, and they'll do 140+ without any DEF-buffing; snipe it
 like it's a tango, dude!

WANTED MONSTER 25 - Screamer (Crimson Roc)                       [DISC 1][WM25]

 "This monster drops human-head-sized debris, causing much damage. Exterminate
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 66/40            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 75/09            |
 LOCATE: Galecki Falls                | STEAL  : Red Talisman     |
 As we know from previous fights, Crimson Rocs can inflict silence on allies,
 so equip a Falcon Statue to prevent it. If you don't have one, you can make
 one at Society Village by synthing two Harmony Needles together. However, it
 will probably appear with high-powered robot enemies (Prowlers, SA/PA-100s)
 so bring along a Stun Smog card to inflict paralysis all around. Force Ring
 and Card Field will help immensely. Just don't get caught inbetween Hypno
 Eyes and four of those SA/PA-100s -- that's got bad news written all over it.

WANTED MONSTER 26 - Flegrocapella (Alraune)                      [DISC 1][WM26]

 "This shrill-voiced monster sings loudly, keeping villagers awake. Destroy
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 62/30            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 75/11            |
 LOCATE: Galecki Falls                | STEAL  : Magic Apple      |
 You might have to defeat Screamer before this mark shows up. As before, use
 Force Ring/Card Field to buff yourselves and hopefully stall some of the
 robots' powerful attacks (or make them turn on their own allies!). It's not
 very damaging on its own, which makes this an easy kill.

WANTED MONSTER 27 - Gohran (Venom Hound)                         [DISC 1][WM27]

 "Extermine the remains of this monster batallion, before it regroups and
 attacks again."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 68/100           |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 82/10            |
 LOCATE: Sabi Wilds                   | STEAL  : Fur Cape         |
 Gohran is easy to gore, 'cause his minions are often horrible Lv. 2ish Viper
 and Sidewinder enemies. Defeat that group with a nice Cardish summon, then
 bash Gohran to death. He's got a Fur Cape, which would have been nice when
 we were on Eteru Isle, but it's become obsolete (and storebought) since we
 came to North Sularto. Silence him to prevent any "poison" attacks from
 seeping out.

WANTED MONSTER 28 - Psychonitor (PA-200)                         [DISC 1][WM28]

"This violent monster is well-hidden within the Ruined City. Exterminate it."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 92/50            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 67/06            |
 LOCATE: Ruined City                  | STEAL  : Shimmer Stone    |
 I don't know where the "well-hidden" part comes in, as it appears in battle
 just like the rest of the soon-to-be corpses. Anyway, the thing you have to
 beware here is that most monsters (Shades/Stun Smogs) can inflict paralysis.
 Try to take them out en masse with cardish summons, and use Card Field to
 ramp up your defense. It's got a basic piece of synthesizing material on its
 person, if you want it. Oh, and inflict Silence to keep it from doing any of
 its annoying attacks.

WANTED MONSTER 29 - Vamp Spore (Myconid)                         [DISC 1][WM29]

 "This parasitic monster sprays paralyzing spores, then sucks nutrients from
 its victims. Defeat it before it feeds again."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 69/40            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 75/11            |
 LOCATE: Sabi Wilds                   | STEAL  : Emblem of Lark   |
 Just like Gohran before it, this freak of evolution can appear with a bunch
 of weakling snake types (Sidewinder/Viper) which makes this job a little more
 easy. It has a little trouble showing up, though; you may have to exit and
 re-enter eight or nine times to get it (if you've got my luck). Use Card
 Field if by chance you have some Desert Devils to fight, and Silence this
 flower to stop it from paralyzing you. In fact, pre-empt it with a Stun Smog
 summon which takes care of its minions. Steal that Emblem of Lark, which is
 an accessory that prevents paralysis. Its 'Stun Spore' attack can affect any
 ally within two panels of it, which is the cause for Silence (if you wanted
 to know).

WANTED MONSTER 30 - Razorbeak (Roc)                              [DISC 1][WM30]

 "This monster loots item and weapons shops. Prevent further injury to shop
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 18               |
 REWARD: 300G                         | HP / MP: 66/30            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 75/09            |
 LOCATE: Ruined City                  | STEAL  : ---              |
 This monster may not show up until Psychonitor has been defeated. Use Card
 Field to avoid any nasty attacks from the Shades that appear with it, and
 just go for the slaughter off the bat (it's got nothing to steal). If you
 Cardished a Stun Smog, try to inflict paralysis on the enemy. ^__^

WANTED MONSTER 31 - Pestario (Gas Cloud)                         [DISC 2][WM31]

 "Pestario has been polluting the air around the Galecki Falls. Clean up the
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 221/00           |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 177/13           |
 LOCATE: Galecki Falls                | STEAL  : Mint             |
 Ugh, Galecki Falls was home to some powerful robots before, but on Disc 2,
 you can still find low-level baddies with 140 ATK! It relies mostly on normal
 attacks, but Silence it just in case before railroading it with some pointy
 objects... (Don't bother stealing either).

WANTED MONSTER 32 - Soulizar (Hell Guardian)                     [DISC 2][WM32]

 "Rips the life from those unfortunate enough to encounter it: Mission:
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 178/250          |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 237/32           |
 LOCATE: Sabi Wilds                   | STEAL  : Recovery Tonic   |
 Card Field yourselves (the mark starts all the way across the screen) before
 it arrives, and use a summon to clear the rabble from the field. It's still
 powerful despite 100+ DEF, so don't hesitate to Impulse Bomb/Excitement in
 order to take it down. Fatal Dagger works, too, if you're weakend already.

WANTED MONSTER 33 - Deudas (Skull Knight)                        [DISC 2][WM33]

 "This monster has defeated 27 Hunters in a few days' time. Take care not to
 become number 28."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 208/120           |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 255/28            |
 LOCATE: Galecki Falls                | STEAL  : Super Alloy Spear |
 Again, this monster will appear with a bunch of machinery types, all of which
 should be low-leveled and with 100ish ATK. It's got a high damage output, but
 is susceptible to paralysis (i.e. use Brain Blast or cards to inflict it), a
 tactic that makes stealing its Super Alloy Spear a lot easier. And, if you've
 found that spears aren't incredibly bountiful, this will be a great boon to

WANTED MONSTER 34 - Celluloid (CAA-5)                            [DISC 2][WM34]

 "Stole a large quantity of oil from the city's storage, and injured numerous
 residents. Eradicate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 178/70           |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 197/32           |
 LOCATE: Ruined City                  | STEAL  : Shimmer Stone    |
 On Disc 2, a bunch of Sleeping Gusts & Stun Smogs inhabit this area, making
 it a large annoyance if you don't take them out early. Card Field and burn
 this sucker, 'cause it's got nothing worth stealing.

WANTED MONSTER 35 - Spooky Slot (PA-200)                         [DISC 2][WM35]

 "This beast indiscriminately attacks anybody who invades its territory. Defeat
 the monster."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                 |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 128/100            |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 217/32             |
 LOCATE: Sabi Wilds                   | STEAL  : Antipersonnel Bomb |
 Yeah, it only has 128 HP, meaning you can probably defeat it before it gets
 a single attack in (the last tough robot had lots of DEF to compensate, but
 this is ludicrous). It's got a nice bomb to steal, but nothing you probably
 can't make at the Item Society with a little experimentation...

WANTED MONSTER 36 - Rehith (Armor Tortoise)                      [DISC 2][WM36]

 "When this monster withdraws its limbs, opponents' attacks become ineffective.
 Defeat it quickly."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 176/30           |
 POSTED: North Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 158/74           |
 LOCATE: Ruined City                  | STEAL  : Tough Alloy      |
 Enemies with high DEF can be a problem because people with low ATK will often
 do 1 damage. There are a couple of ways to counter this, being (1) raise the
 ATK with Excitement (2) use Fatal Dagger and shave off nine-tenths of the foe
 HP (3) use Velhart's Omega BUSTER to do reciprocal damage in the amount of HP
 he has lost. Rehith will appear with a bunch of Night Callers, Stun Smogs,
 and Sleeping Gusts, all of which are troublesome -- that, and Rehith can use
 a skill to raise its DEF even more! DO NOT COME INTO THIS BATTLE IN A WEAKENED
 STATE or you may definitely regret it! Impulse Bomb can take out over 4 foes
 on turn #2, though, which may or may not play in your favor. Keep Resurrection
 on hand until the danger's passed, and try to inflict paralysis before it can
 use Shrinkage.

WANTED MONSTER 37 - Marrowdral (Skull Warrior)                   [DISC 1][WM37]

 "Evading Hunters elsewhere, this monster is attacking people's homes. Clean
 up the neightborhood."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 100/00           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 123/15           |
 LOCATE: Hell Plain                   | STEAL  : Silver Sarissa   |
 This guy may appear with Wild Hemo-ji and Ogre Mage enemies, both rather
 annoying foes to face. Card Field will help, but you already knew that. The
 mark has a two-panel range with its spear, so it'll try to attack from that
 position as much as possible. It's got a Silver Sarissa spear, but you can
 buy that in Testa.

WANTED MONSTER 38 - Whisperfall (Dryad)                          [DISC 1][WM38]

 "This Hell Plain dweller lures people into the forest by whispering.
 Exterminate it."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 84/50            |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 94/14            |
 LOCATE: Hell Plain                   | STEAL  : Hybrid Mag Apple |
 Although it can silence foes, it may appear with Hemo-ji enemies that are
 awfully weak (paralysis was a much better status, yo!). Card Field if you're
 hurting and use spread out to avoid its silence range. You can steal a nice
 magic apple from it, although it's not too hard to make with two regular ones
 (steal 'em from Ogre Mages).

WANTED MONSTER 39 - Underkill (Dandelion)                        [DISC 1][WM39]

 "This monster uproots flowers, trees, and essential plants. Destroy it before
 it causes further damage."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 102/70           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 85/14            |
 LOCATE: Dongle Cape                  | STEAL  : Yellow Talisman  |
 We're all aware of how weak Dandelions are (at least in comparison to other
 creepy-crawlies), so I won't mention too much on it. It will probably appear
 with tortoise types and Crimson Rocs, meaning you have to watch your guard
 about getting silenced. That Yellow Talisman is by no means commonplace, so
 stick it in your pocket when you get the chance. Just watch for Underkill's
 "Paralyzing Scent" ability, which inflicts just what it says.

WANTED MONSTER 40 - Lurker (Poison Slime)                        [DISC 1][WM40]

 "Since this monster polluted the swamp water, children can't play in it, and
 livestock are threatened. Get the source."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 60/100           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 85/24            |
 LOCATE: Dongle Cape                  | STEAL  : Black Talisman   |
 Lurker may not appear until you've skewered Underkill (#39) in this same area.
 Anyway, slime types aren't known for their indominable strength, but you'll
 still have to take care against the Crimson Rocs and the Tortoise enemies (who
 will raise their defense to ~50 and make them harder to destroy). Naturally, a
 heapin' helping of poison status is always lurking around Lurker... Steal the
 Black Talisman the slime carries, as it's not readily available yet.

WANTED MONSTER 41 - Tordriad (Ghost Tree)                        [DISC 1][WM41]

 "Farmlands outside the city are being destroyed by this monster. Eradicate
 this menace."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 80/90            |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 105/14           |
 LOCATE: South Wharf                  | STEAL  : Earth Fragment   |
 This monster's escorts will probably be a bunch of bomber fly enemies, which
 are easily disposed of if Tosh is in the party. There's not much to it, but
 you'll want to steal that Earth Fragment DEFINITELY. Those things don't grow
 on trees, y'know...and the ones that you are readily available cost quite a
 few pennies.

WANTED MONSTER 42 - Zueego (Sleeping Gust)                       [DISC 1][WM42]

 "Pandira residents have been asleep since this monster sprayed them with gas.
 Defeat it and wake up the city."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 25               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 83/40            |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 85/07            |
 LOCATE: South Wharf                  | STEAL  : Insomnia Card    |
 This monster may not show up until Tordriad (#41) is defeated. Luckily, it'll
 probably appear with the same bomber fly escort that #41 did, making the
 fight rather lackluster. It's name should tell you about its sleep-inducing
 abilities, so any Insomnia Cards you have (combine two Mints at Item Society)
 will help -- it's physical attack can also inflict this status.

WANTED MONSTER 43 - Teraster (Cockatrice)                        [DISC 2][WM43]

 "This timid monster is easily startled into casting its Paralysis Glare.
 Destroy it to prevent further paralysis."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 262/60           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 197/20           |
 LOCATE: Hell Plain                   | STEAL  : Emblem of Lark   |
 On Disc 2, Demon God (human-type) enemies can appear with the ability to slap
 your allies around with Confusion/Sleep. A couple of crappy Ogre types will
 also appear, but they're nothing to worry about. Keep Refresh on-hand and
 Card Field when possible to help make this not quite such a boring battle.
 Remember that Teraster can inflict paralysis, too, so use Silent and put it
 outta commission.

WANTED MONSTER 44 - Nellister (Shuternelle)                      [DISC 2][WM44]

 "Two villagers gathering medicinal plants were injured when this monster
 swept them up in a fierce wind. Exterminate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                 |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 308/90             |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 217/23             |
 LOCATE: Hell Plain                   | STEAL  : Super Amazing Herb |
 As usual, ninja types can appear with this monster, but have a horrible
 starting formation to capitalize on. Really, really run-of-the-mill fight,
 with a crappy held item as well. Onto the next one, shall we?

WANTED MONSTER 45 - Grief Wing (Mortality Shadow)                [DISC 2][WM45]

 "A black shadow enveloped a traveler, who reappeared in this altered state.
 Erase this new threat."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 220/00           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 217/23           |
 LOCATE: Dongle Cape                  | STEAL  : Vlad Wand        |
 Hunter Flies and Armor Tortoises'll be its backup minions, probably, which're
 awfully easy to defeat since about thirty hours ago. You may want to use Card
 Field just the same, to reduce damage while you swipe that awesome Vlad Wand
 for Marsia.

WANTED MONSTER 46 - Anamagone (Marionette)                       [DISC 2][WM46]

 "Posing as a cape fall victim, it attacks would-be rescuers. Eliminate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 198/90           |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 177/23           |
 LOCATE: Dongle Cape                  | STEAL  : Soul Herb        |
 If you're wondering where this thing came from, it's probably native to Kutao
 Temple, an optional dungeon opened by accepting Job #72. It's rather dextrous
 but poses barely any threat after Card Field/Excitement is used.

WANTED MONSTER 47 - Hellman (Skull King)                         [DISC 2][WM47]

 "Monster is blocking access to the South Wharf, and is expanding its
 territory toward the city. Contain it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 239/300          |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 255/58           |
 LOCATE: South Wharf                  | STEAL  : Dark Spear       |
 The minions are a bit better than the norm at Dongle Cape, with a bunch of
 Lv. 30-40+ fly types. Hellman carries a spear so the two-panel range is to
 be expected; 'sides that, it's more BLAND KILLING! Oy, this violence really
 is senseless! Make sure to steal that Dark Spear for Theo, though.

WANTED MONSTER 48 - Cackler (Abyssar Gargoyle)                   [DISC 2][WM48]

 "This habitual criminal steals food and water from transports, favoring those
 not guarded by Hunters. Defeat it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                 |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 257/100            |
 POSTED: South Sularto                | ATK/DEF: 237/32             |
 LOCATE: South Wharf                  | STEAL  : Super Potent Apple |
 Same minion types (flies) as the fight with Hellman, except you'll want to
 definitely use Card Field here. Silence it when it approaches and pull off
 a nice card summon to clear the rabble. Anyone over Lv. 40 should have no
 trouble with it (and really, who'll be under Lv. 40? LOL).

WANTED MONSTER 49 - Axelay (Golem)                               [DISC 1][WM49]

 "Wood cutters on Amaidar Mountain have fallen victim to monsters. Exterminate
 them so workers can return."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 220/50           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 161/34           |
 LOCATE: Mt. Amaidar Path             | STEAL  : Earth Fragment   |
 Like usual, watch out for the mark's minionrs -- in this case, Shuterelles
 and Crystal Gargoyles. I'm not sure, but it may be possible an Armor Eater
 plant can show up for this as well! Cast Silent and Card Field to their best
 effect, and keep healed to ensure Axelay's 90-damage-plus attacks don't lay
 anyone down for a dirtnap.

WANTED MONSTER 50 - Thunder Giant (Ogre Mage)                    [DISC 1][WM50]

 "A monster at the base of Mt. Amaidar has injured many Amaidar Monks with its
 special abilities. Destroy the beast."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 211/120          |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 133/09           |
 LOCATE: Mt. Amaidar Path             | STEAL  : Hyper-Alloy Rod  |
 This mark may not appear until Axelay is defeated, so if you can't find it,
 that might be the reason. There's a good chance Thunder Giant will appear w/
 a bunch of Maneaters and a single Armor Eater (Lv36), which is cause for a
 bit of alarm. Card Field and use any summons, then bombard with any AoE type
 of spell. Force Ring will work well here, and might help expedite the battle
 length (although it's more likely to kill everything if Alec is around Lv40).
 Steal a Hyper-Alloy Rod from it, which will help make Marcia more useful if
 you've been neglecting her.

WANTED MONSTER 51 - Molten Wing (Cassowary)                      [DISC 1][WM51]

 "This monster appeared on the riverbank and began attacking all who approach
 the river. Abolish it."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 125/80           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 133/14           |
 LOCATE: Romastor River               | STEAL  : Wind Fragment    |
 The river attracts many enemies who specialize in status effects, such as
 Silence and Paralysis, so equip the necessary precautions. Cassowaries can
 use 'Fireball' to inflict fire-attribute damage; however, this attack will
 most likely suck so don't bother Silencing Molten Wing. Steal its nice held
 item if you get the chance.

WANTED MONSTER 52 - Grief Lord (Mandrake)                        [DISC 1][WM52]

 "This monster attacked children who mistakenly tugged at it while gathering
 medicinal plants. Weed it out."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 136/50           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 133/18           |
 LOCATE: Kaoyan Forest                | STEAL  : Hybrid Mag Apple |
 Our flower-power monster will no doubt appear with its brethren, Alraunes
 and Pen-Pen Plants. Immediately cast Silent to do away with any status effect
 possibilities, and follow-up with something useful, like Lv. 3 Force Ring. It
 can use Unholy Scream (range: 2) to inflict instant death, presumably, so the
 Silence status will be doubly helpful here. Steal its HMA if you can, although
 it's not imperative by any means.

WANTED MONSTER 53 - Impostinal (Slumber Flower)                  [DISC 1][WM53]

 "This monster lures people into the forest by imitating the cries of a human
 baby. Exterminate it before it strikes."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 149/30           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 121/18           |
 LOCATE: Kaoyan Forest                | STEAL  : Tem's Root       |
 This baddie may not show its ugly mug 'til Grief Lord (#52) is uprooted. When
 it does, its 'friends' will most likely be Alraunes and Pen-Pen Plants. Go
 the same road as before: Silence all the minions in one swoop, steal if you
 want to, then do a powerful attack like Crystal Dust or Force Ring. Tem's Root
 may seem useful, but you can also get it as a drop from Maneater enemies that
 appear on Mt. Amaidar Path. <shrug>

WANTED MONSTER 54 - Doppler (Night Caller)                       [DISC 1][WM54]

 "A monster that clings to human shadows has attacked several people. Defeat
 it before it claims any lives."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 40               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 107/00           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 147/16           |
 LOCATE: Roma Lake Shore              | STEAL  : Dark Fragment    |

 It will probably appear with Maneaters, which are pitiful shells of a good
 monster. Use Card Field to take the edge off its high ATK power, and prepare
 to waylay as many minor enemies as possible before they gang up on someone.
 That Dark Fragment it carries will be useful as well, if you can swipe it.

WANTED MONSTER 55 - Tree Giant (Master Golem)                    [DISC 2][WM55]

 "Several people have reported a 'tree person'-like monster that is extremely
 powerful. Eradicate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 411/80           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 237/49           |
 LOCATE: Mt. Amaidar Path             | STEAL  : Earth Amulet     |
 Lv 30ish monsters still appear here, mostly Shuternelles and gargoyle types,
 so they're not much to worry about. The best method to fell this Tree Giant
 is to use Fatal Dagger when it approaches and Impulse Bomb before it can get
 in any damaging physical attacks.

WANTED MONSTER 56 - Heaven's Hell (Ogre Lord)                    [DISC 2][WM56]

 "This powerful monster has reappeared on Amaidar Mountain, injuring and
 killing many. Destroy it for good."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 314/150          |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 255/18           |
 LOCATE: Mt. Amaidar Path             | STEAL  : Hyper-Alloy Rod  |
 More gargoyle types will accompany this lordly ogre, so preface a card summon
 or something with Excitement to add extra hurt. And, well, the Fatal Dagger +
 Impulse Bomb attack is mostly foolproof. Ogre Lord can be inflicted with some
 paralysis, although it shouldn't matter. Now's also a good chance to steal a
 Hyper-Alloy Rod if you didn't get one earlier.

WANTED MONSTER 57 - Big Firebird (Suzaku)                        [DISC 2][WM57]

 "This monster appears to be responsible for enveloping boats in flames as
 they cross the river. Exterminate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 182/120          |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 197/30           |
 LOCATE: Romastor River               | STEAL  : Flame Fragment   |
 Mushroom and other plant types appear here, and they specialize in paralysis,
 poison, and sleep attacks -- Silent them or use card summons from afar to get
 rid of their potential annoyances! The Flame Fragment that this thing carries
 can no longer be bought in Testa at this time, so be sure to pocket it if you
 need one.

WANTED MONSTER 58 - Pistulation (Paralyze Ooze)                  [DISC 2][WM58]

 "A fisherman was paralyzed and drowned in the rapids by this monster.
 Eliminate it so the riverbank can be reopened."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 163/80           |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 197/49           |
 LOCATE: Romastor River               | STEAL  : Litch Ring       |
 As its name suggests, it can use paralysis attacks; it also appears with a
 few minions who specialize in other types of abnormalities, like sleep and
 silence. They're all low-levelled, so a card summon can decimate 'em rather
 easily. That Litch Ring it carries is an odd one, too. Each turn, +50 MP is
 refilled while -50 HP is lost. Strange but it has its uses...

WANTED MONSTER 59 - Old Tree King (Huge Ghost Tree)              [DISC 2][WM59]

 "It appears that this poisonous monster is responsible for the disappearance
 of several people in the forest. Eliminate it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57                  |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 462/110             |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 197/25              |
 LOCATE: Kaoyan Forest                | STEAL  : Super General Tonic |
 This behemoth appears with some low-level Dryad/Tulips. Excitement/Card Field
 before approaching, and Fatal Dagger + Impulse Bomb when up-close. If you're
 having trouble stealing the Super General Tonic it carries, it's susceptible
 to paralysis. Yawn...

WANTED MONSTER 60 - W. Plantanator (Mandrake)                    [DISC 2][WM60]

 "Lake visitors have suddenly begun to collapse, apparently at the hand of
 this monster. Destroy it immediately."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 172/160          |
 POSTED: Jiharta                      | ATK/DEF: 197/25           |
 LOCATE: Roma Lake Shore              | STEAL  : Dark Vest        |
 Quite possibly the dumbest-named creature in the game, it appears with some
 Maneaters and Dragoons, all really low-level riffraff. However, the Dragoon
 enemies can inflict paralysis...which isn't quite a maneuver outta left
 field. Steal the Dark Vest before the heavy Impulse Bombin' commences.

WANTED MONSTER 61 - Fissius (Sidewinder)                         [DISC 1][WM61]

 "A monster from the arena attacked a clerk and escaped into the desert. Find
 and destroy it!"
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 167/80           |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 148/21           |
 LOCATE: Parute Desert                | STEAL  : Falcon Statue    |
 I've no idea why they revived Sidewinders as a 'viable' wanted monster, but
 it's definitely crappy compared to the baddies who accompany it -- Dragons!
 Well, they're not that good either... It has a Falcon Statue, but since when
 are those worth wasting time on?

WANTED MONSTER 62 - Diablios (Venom Hound)                       [DISC 1][WM62]

 "This desert monster has begun violently attacking townspeople. Exterminate
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 197/100          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 182/19           |
 LOCATE: Parute Desert                | STEAL  : Hunter Cape      |
 Venom Hounds can poison of course, but their defense is horribly lacking,
 even at 50+ levels. Dragons will appear with this doggie, but nothin' some
 high-class damage skills can't erase. Card Field to be on the safe side,

WANTED MONSTER 63 - Skanktum (Poison Slime)                      [DISC 1][WM63]

 "Sea bathers at Dartanelle Beach have become victims of attack. Hurry to the
 shore and eliminate the problem."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 182/70           |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 148/36           |
 LOCATE: Dartanelle Beach             | STEAL  : Soothing Ring    |
 Poison Slimes...poison you. Dur? They're still crappy when faced with Card
 Field, and the Mandrake/Dryads that show up to help it aren't too difficult
 to overpower as long as you don't get hit with Unholy Scream (inflict: KO).
 Only Mandrakes use it, but it hits a wide area -- beware!

WANTED MONSTER 64 - Hubrisacor (Hunter Fly)                      [DISC 1][WM64]

 "This pest has made a nest on the seashore and is attacking people. Defeat
 the monster."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52                 |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 180/80             |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 166/25             |
 LOCATE: Dartanelle Beach             | STEAL  : Antipersonnel Bomb |
 This one will probably appear with a bunch of Dryads, which suck compared
 to their Mandrake counterparts. If you watch out for Silence, and use some
 Excitement/Card Field tag-teamin', there's really nothing that can go wrong

WANTED MONSTER 65 - Spartacus (Crystal Golem)                    [DISC 1][WM65]

 "A monster is attacking town merchants and stealing jewels. Eliminate it."
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 408/120          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 198/40           |
 LOCATE: Tolarka Castle Ruins         | STEAL  : Tough Alloy      |
 This juggernaut comes with a complete set of skull/dark-type foes, all of
 whom will be poorly-levelled (either Lv. 20 or Lv. 40 -- yawn!). Fatal Dagger
 cleans house quite well if you find the HP value too steep.

WANTED MONSTER 66 - Largos (Dragoon)                             [DISC 1][WM66]

 "A heinous monster has been attacking livestock. Go to the ruins and destroy
 MERITS: 2                            | LEVEL  : 52               |
 REWARD: 400G                         | HP / MP: 240/90           |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 182/19           |
 LOCATE: Tolarka Castle Ruins         | STEAL  : Wind Fragment    |
 More Skull Warrior/Doommongers to play with as well! It's another mundane
 battle, although you should remember that Paralysis Swirl is still a bother
 if you get hit by it (only Largos uses it).

WANTED MONSTER 67 - Neros (Skull King)                           [DISC 2][WM67]

 "A powerful monster appeared in the wilderness. Exterminate it and protect
 the citizens of Parute."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 239/200          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 255/28           |
 LOCATE: Digarta Wilds                | STEAL  : Dark Protector   |
 The Digarta Wilds is a special storyline place that opens up by accepting Job
 #81 - "Get the Eternal Steel!" After defeating the Ghost Warrior there, it'll
 become available for everyday use...and that's where Neros comes in! He can
 appear with Cobra/Dragons, so use Excitement/Card Field before they make the
 way south. Steal the Dark Protector and Impulse Bomb your way through things
 like usual (way easier if you have Romancing Stone)

WANTED MONSTER 68 - Starius (Desert Devil)                       [DISC 2][WM68]

 "This monster has been attacking merchants as they cross the desert. Capture
 this criminal!"
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 123/100          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 197/62           |
 LOCATE: Parute Desert                | STEAL  : ---              |
 Out here in the boondocks, dragons appear as escorts...which aren't that good
 per se, but they've got HP to back their attacks up. Desert Devils can sling
 around decent DEF, which is all the more reason to Excitement/Fatal Dagger
 to get through.

WANTED MONSTER 69 - Grodos (Armor Tortoise)                      [DISC 2][WM69]

 "This plague came from Dartanelle Beach and began eating everything in sight.
 Defeat this monster."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 222/50           |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 158/103          |
 LOCATE: Dartanelle Beach             | STEAL  : Tem's Root       |
 Whew, a bunch of Dryads but no Mandrakes (they can inflict instant KO on a
 large radius, remember). As usual, people with high DEF are easily felled by
 Fatal Dagger or Omega BUSTER. Steal it's Tem's Root as it fetches a price of

WANTED MONSTER 70 - Drifter (CAA-5)                              [DISC 2][WM70]

 "A mysterious machine washed up on Dartanelle Beach, and began firing
 indiscriminately. Decommission it."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 178/80           |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 197/32           |
 LOCATE: Dartanelle Beach             | STEAL  : Light Alloy      |
 The Dryads that tag along can inflict Silence, so make sure someone with 
 Refresh has prevention measures. This isn't much different from the foes at
 Galecki Falls [N. Sularto], which means this is another boring battle. Steal
 that Light Alloy if you absolutely need to.

WANTED MONSTER 71 - Icaruss (Gold Dragon)                        [DISC 2][WM71]

 "This dragon, sighted in the ruins, has the potential for taking many victims.
 Prevent such an atrocity."
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 500G                         | HP / MP: 722/380          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 255/37           |
 LOCATE: Tolarka Castle Ruins         | STEAL  : Dark Fragment    |
 Like usual, the mark brings a crew of Skull Warrior/Doommongers -- yawn! Go
 the easy route: Fatal Dagger -> Impulse Bomb (it can't be Silenced). Be sure
 to take off any dark-attribute weapons as they'll heal our gilded friend...

WANTED MONSTER 72 - Valdimos (Hell Guardian)                     [DISC 2][WM72]

 "This dangerous monster kills opponents with a single blow. Administer the
 critical hit!"
 MERITS: 3                            | LEVEL  : 57               |
 REWARD: 450G                         | HP / MP: 301/190          |
 POSTED: Parute                       | ATK/DEF: 177/25           |
 LOCATE: Tolarka Castle Ruins         | STEAL  : Recovery Tonic   |
 Don't worry -- it's physical attacks really can't kill you in one hit. Lead
 off with Excitement and Silent it right off the bat to get rid of any nasty
 instadeath attacks it may have up its sleeve.

VII. UPDATES                                                             [UPDT]

 07-02-07 ----------------------------+ Added to GameFAQs
                                      + Walkthrough complete
                                      + Jobs/Outlaw Jobs/Shop lists complete

 04-04-08 ----------------------------+ Updated Job 52/57

 In the future, I plan to update this guide with a few other things:

 + Equipment lists & creation methods
 + All monster locations
 + Minigame information

VIII. THANKS & CONTRIBUTIONS                                             [THKS]

 Working Designs ----> Another wonderful excerpt of the WD team's efforts. <3

 Trambient ----------> For trawling the ATL Collection board and providing a
                       few helpful hints when I was on my first playthrough.

 Howlin' Rain -------> The music I listened to pretty much throughout this
                       entire game. <3

 LastManStanding ----> Error corrections!

 Ryu ----------------> Error corrections @ Job 52/57!

IX. LEGALITY                                                             [LGLT]

This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit,
and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are
reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those
who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me).
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

 Allowed Sites:                       Disallowed Sites:

  *                       *
                  E-mail me for permissions ~ shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com.
LAYIN' IN THE WRECKAGE            Guide � Shotgunnova 1997-2008 (and countin'!)
OF THIS BEAUTIFUL LI'L                 Arc the Lad namesake � respective owners
WORLD                                             E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T