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by bluemoogle


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                       faq written by blue_moogle

                ___________________ ____________________
               /                   |                    \
               |      OBJECT       |      DETAILS       |
               |                   |                    |
               | FAQ version       |              2.50F |
               | FAQ Type          |        GENERAL FAQ |
               | FAQ Date          |         03/16/2007 |
               | Game Platform     |                 PC |
               | Game Genre        |             MMORPG |
               | Game Developer    |                SOE |
               | Game Publisher    |          LucasArts |
               | Language          |            English |
               | Monthly Cost      |          $14.99 US |
               |                   |                    |

              Please read the news below for more information


                      --==[ IMPORTANT NEWS ]==--

  (03/16/07) VERSION 2.50 FINAL
    It's been a while since I've updated this FAQ!  I've decided to merge my
  Star Wars Galaxies FAQ into one massive one, with all the same information.
  It will make future updates easier, if I find them necessary.  Please note
  that if you have just bought Star Wars Galaxies or have renewed your copy,
  you are using SOE's "New Game Enhancement" version.  I cannot guarantee
  the information in this FAQ will still apply to that version.

    This FAQ is primarily designed for players that play on older servers.
  Some organizations are now providing older version servers, and this FAQ
  has information for those players.  This information applies best to the
  Combat Upgrade version of the game, but the FAQ works well with the very
  original, too.

  not e-mail asking for this information.

  (10/10/05) VERSION 2.00 UPDATE!
    I've just finished updating the FAQ to my latest style.  Fixed a few
   sections as well with content.  Also, the Total Experience FAQ is finally
   updated so be sure to check that out!


                      --==[ TABLE OF CONTENTS ]==--

 1. Legal/Disclaimer

 2. FAQ Section
      -Requirements FAQ
      -Interface FAQ
      -Basic Combat FAQ
      -Creatures FAQ
      -Crafting FAQ
      -Interaction FAQ
      -Misc FAQ

 3. Appendix Section
      -Group Dynamics
      -Misc Tips

 4. Conclusion


                      --==[ LEGAL DISCLAIMER ]==--

Alright, this is my FAQ.  It's copyrighted by me under the international
copyright agreement. Anyways, here's the official way of saying it.

Copyright 2003 bluemoogle
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

I only give GameFaqs permission to use this FAQ.  If you see any site using
this FAQ, please e-mail me at [email protected]

If you disagree with anything and you think something in this FAQ is your
work, e-mail me at [email protected] and we can try and work an 


                        --==[ FAQ SECTION ]==--

 1. Will my PC run SWG...?
 A. To determine if your PC is powerful enough to play SWG, simply use
    DIRECT X's diagnostic tools.  To use them, press start, then run.  In
    the window, type in "dxdiag".  A new window will appear, use this window
    to determine what specs your computer has.  Look for the following
    information and see if you atleast have that.

    Now that you know your information, see if your computer fits these
    Video Card memory - 32 mb
    Memory (RAM)      - 256 mb
    System Speed      - 900 mhz ( 0.9 ghz )

    I recommend you have atleast the following:
    Video Card memory - 64 mb
    Memory (RAM)      - 512 mb
    System Speed      - 1700 mhz ( 1.7 ghz )

 2. I meet the requirements, but I get "x" error!
 A. Most likely it's your video card.  If you get anything along the lines
    of DirectX, try upgrading directx first.  Most likely that will solve
    the problem.  If that doesn't help, you'll have to go out and buy a new
    video card.  See above on what video card I recommend you buy :)

 3. Game Errors and solutions to them
 A. You'll have to e-mail on this one.  There are SO many errors (and many
    are being fixed) that I would have to constantly update my guide with
    new errors and such. Instead, just e-mail me at [email protected]


                             INTERFACE FAQ 

 1. What's the deal with the different color names?
 A. You'll encounter numerous colored names in the game.  Here's a key
    for each of them.

             ___________________ ____________________
            /                   |                    \
            |      COLOR        |      IT MEANS      |
            |                   |                    |
            | WHITE             |NPC, not attackable |
            | YELLOW            |    NPC, attackable |
            | BLUE              | PC, not attackable |
            | RED               |    N/PC aggresive* |
            | Pink              |       Group Leader |
            | Green             |       Group member |
            | Purple            |    PC Faction Ally |
            | Violet            |   NPC Faction Ally |
            |                   |                    |

 *If a PC (a player) is red, he is on the opposing faction.  If it is a
  monster, then it's naturally aggresive and will attack you if you get
  near.  If you duel someone, they also get a red name.  Also, anything
  you attack will be given a red name, to allow you to quickly see the
  new enemy in a swarm of neutrals, for example.

 2. What is that little dot next to the enemy's name?
 A. This is the difficulty of the enemy.  When you are fighting the enemy
    alone, this color is determined by your combat skills.  When you are in
    group, it is determined by all the group members skills.  Thus, if you're
    in a group of people and you see an enemy with a white dot, don't try
    to fight it while your partners are healing!  In reality its probably
    a yellow or even red/dark red!

             ___________________ ____________________
            /                   |                    \
            |      COLOR        |      IT MEANS      |
            |                   |                    |
            | GREEN             |          very easy |
            | BLUE              |               easy |
            | WHITE             |            average |
            | YELLOW            |        	Hard |
            | RED               |          Very Hard |
            | PURPLE            |	  Impossible |
            |                   |                    |

 3. What is that little blue number next to an enemy's name?
 A. This is how far away you are from the monster.  Every weapon has a
    maximum range.  Look at your weapons stats to see what it is.  Obviously
    if you are outside of the range, the blue number will turn into a little
    (out of range) sign, telling you to get closer.

 4. How do I find my FPS/lag?
 A. Press ctrl and o at the same time.  A window will pop up.  Go to the
    misc tab.  Check the "show network status" box.  A small window will
    appear with your FPS and your ping (server lag).

 5. How do I change the interface?
 A. Again, press ctrl and o at the same time.  Go to the interface tab.
    At the bottom of the window, you can change your interface into several
    different ones.

 6. Is there a way to have more hotkeys?
 A. Yes! Click and hold on the bottom of the hotkey bar. Drag downwards
    and you'll have another set.  To use these, hold down shift when you
    press the hotkey button.

 7. Sometimes it's so dark I can't even see my character!
 A. Easy fix!  Simply press ctrl and L at the same time and your character
    will magically create light!  When riding a vehicle, you will create
    a very large light allowing you see far into the distance.  Riding a
    creature mount is the same way.  If you're simply walking around, your
    light will be smaller, but you can atleast see the ground in front of
    you as well as your character!

 8. is there an easier way to track my EXP?
 A. Yes.  Open up the skills tab (ctrl and s) and click the checkbox that
    says to show the exp monitor.  You can have up to 8 exp monitors at

 9. How do I hide the interface?
 A. Press ctrl, shift, and H at the same time.  Press it again to make the
    interface return.

 10. Is there a way to see my name above my character?
 A.  Press ctrl and 1 at the same time.  To make it go away, click anywhere
     on the screen or target another person/monster/object.


                                COMBAT FAQ 

 1. What's the deal with 3 health bars?
 A. In SWG, you have 5 stats.  Use the chart below as a key.

/  COLOR   |    NAME    | DESCRIPTION OF STAT                             \
|   RED    |   HEALTH   | This is your health.  Just like other games, if  |
|          |            | run out of this stuff, something bad will happen.|
|          |            | Unlike other games, this does not mean death.    |
|          |            | Rather, you are simply knocked out.  From here,  |
|          |            | the enemy can deathblow you, which does mean the |
|          |            | end (death), or it can simply leave you as is.   |
|          |            | If the latter happens, after a short while you   |
|          |            | will get up with 1 health.  Let it recharge and  |
|          |            | you are good as new!                             |
|          |            |                                                  |
|          |            |                                                  |
|  GREEN   |   ACTION   | The primary ability stat.  Each time you use a   |
|          |            | combat ability, this gets drained.  It recharges |
|          |            | quickly, allowing you to do more abilities.      |
|          |            |                                                  |
|          |            |                                                  |
|  BLUE    |    MIND    | This is your non-combat ability stat.  If you    |
|          |            | heal, craft, or entertain, this is drained a     |
|          |            | slightly.  Some combat abilities use this as well|
|          |            | but that is uncommon.                            |
|          |            |                                                  |
|          |            |                                                  |
|   N/A    |   WOUNDS   | If you are killed and spawn at a cloning center  |
|          |            | you did not clone at, you will suffer wounds.    |
|          |            | These are limitations on your health pool, temp. |
|          |            | making your maximum health go down by the amount |
|          |            | of wounds you have.  Only a doctor and Jedi can  |
|          |            | heal wounds directly, but wounds will slowly heal|
|          |            | over time... just VERY slowly.                   |
|          |            |                                                  |
|          |            |                                                  |
|   N/A    | B. FATIGUE | Battle fatigue is acquired by simply fighting.   |
|          |            | Each time you are hurt or hurt something else,   |
|          |            | your fatigue goes up.  This has no direct affect |
|          |            | on you.  However, it does make buffs last shorter|
|          |            | and it makes poisons/diseases you have picked up |
|          |            | do more damage.  Also, it decreases the amount of|
|          |            | health when a medic/doctor heals you.  It also   |
|          |            | greatly slows the wound healing process, be it   |
|          |            | natural, through medicine, or through the force. |
|          |            | To remove fatigue, simply watch an entertainer   |
|          |            | dance or play music.                             |
|          |            |                                                  |

 2. Is armor worth it?
 A. It depends on if you are willing to take the consequences.  Armor gives
    you obviously a protection barrier against attacks.  However, it also
    slows your movement, makes it harder to aim, and slows your rate of fire
    or attack.  As you level up, these hinderances slowly go away, but never
    completely.  However, a maximum level player will find it more beneficial
    to deal with the hinderances and equip the armor, as the hinderances
    do not outweigh the reward.  But, a newer player might have far more
    difficulty using armor effectively.

 3. I can't equip this one weapon!
 A. All weapons have a level requirement.  If you are not the right combat
    level, you can't use the weapon.  Also, some weapons require training
    in a specific skill.  For example, to use a flame thrower, you must train
    in the Commando Skill "Incediary weapons: The Flame Thrower."

 4. I'm weak, where should I attack enemies?
 A. My recommendation is to grind outside of a tatooine city.  Mos Entha
    and Mos Espa are deserted by veteran players since there is nothing good
    for strong people.  This is great though, as newbies will be right at
    home.  There are plenty of crafting stations and trainers, and at
    every exit there are swarms of non-aggressive easy enemies.  Until a 
    player reaches the novice of his or first elite profession, he or she
    should spend all their time in these cities.

 5. I'm strong.  Where should I attack enemies?
    The best place to find a group is always the Mining Outpost on Dantooine.
    Dantooine is the official grinding planet since everything gives good
    exp.  The loot and resources usually suck, though.

 6. What is slicing and why is it so important?
 A. Slicing is an easy and permanent way to increase the stats of a weapon
    or piece of armor.  Unlike power-up items, slicing affects never go
    away.  UP to a 30% increase in power can happen, but only to one stat.
    You can't slice a weapon/armor more than once, either.

    However, slicing has a consequence for its awesome benefit of being
    permanent.  Slicing is considered to be "contraband" by the Empire.  If
    you are a risky smuggler that avoids the empire's checkpoints, you have
    no worries.  However, if you are a clumsy ditz that gets trapped in a
    checkpoint and the empire sees you have contraband (which includes spice
    as well), multiple things can happen.

      1. If you are part of the rebellion, you will be attacked immediately.
         Unless you are extremely strong, your only chance of surviving a
         whole squadron of Imperial storm troopers is running.

      2. If you are neautral and not on either side, you will have to pay
         a fine.  If you can't pay the fine, you will have to fight!

      3. If you are part of the empire, two things can happen.  If you are
         low ranking, you can lose some faction points for going against
         the empire and sometimes be fined.  If you are high ranking, those
         low ranking stormtroopers can't order you around!  You can freely
         use all the contraband you want!

 7. What's the point of cloning or insuring items?
 A. Cloning has many benefits and should NEVER be forgotten.  In fact, only
    a fool forgets to clone. Whenever you got a new city, always clone at
    the place.  When you are killed, you spawn at the last place cloned, or
    at the nearest cloning center if you haven't cloned on the planet.

    Cloning prevents you from receiving wounds from death.  You can still
    pick a few wounds as certain deathblowing moves cause wounds as well
    regular abilities.  If you didn't clone, the actual death would add
    even more wounds onto those wounds!

    Insuring adds another benefit.  Your items also have "health."  It is
    called durability.  If the durability reaches 0, you can't use that item
    anymore.  Only useable items have durability, not resources, schematics,
    etc.  Weapons, armor, and clothing are the biggest targest of decay.

    Decay is the official word for losing durability.  Decay happens slowly
    from use, but dying without insuring multiplies decay.  The only way
    to fix decay is to use a repair kit, which can fail and completely ruin
    all durability of the item, sometimes destroying it completely!  So,
    always insure the items that are too expensive to replace.  Don't insure
    items that don't suffer decay or are easy to replace.  Simple as that.


                              CREATURES FAQ 

 1. How many pets can I have?
 A. You can have as many pets, droids, and faction soldiers as you want, but
    you can only have 3 pets out, 3 faction soldiers, and 1 droid out at a 
    time.  Otherwise, you can simply swap your helpful little buddies in and
    out at anytime using your datapad.

 2. What pets can a non-creature handler use?
 A. Anything that has a creature level lower than 10. This is basically a
    mount or a very very weak combat creature.

 3. Are droids worth the money?
 A. Droids are constantly going up and down in value.  Currently, droids can
    serve multiple purposes.  Depending on the time and latest patch, these
    purposes can be more or less useful.  Droids can:

      1.  Heal people.  If you have a medical droid and you are a doctor, you
          can heal outside of a medical center.  This is convenient for long

      2.  Entertain people.  If you are an entertainer and want to earn some
          extra cash, send out your entertainer droid.  It will add extra
          points to your entertaining ability, speeding up the whole process.
          People like speedy trips and will pay extra for that!

      3.  Storage.  Your bank, house, space ship, and inventory can only hold
          so much!  Droids have an inventory as well, bigger droids hold more
          obviously.  So pick up a droid for an extra inventory in the field.

      4.  Advertisement.  If you are a merchant and want to attract attention
          to your store, put a droid at a busy starport or shuttleport.  The
          droid will say your advertisement every half-minute or so, getting
          the message out!

      5.  Combat.  This is controversial as droids fighting capabilities are
          always going up and down, but sometimes you can find a good fighter
          to help out.  Unlike creatures, anyone can use a droid, so if you
          want a partner without investing in creature handler, pick up a
          combat droid.

 4. How about faction pets?  Should I spend my FP on them?
 A. Only after you get the armor.  For Imperials, AT-ST's are worth a shot.
    The troopers (storm troopers or rebel troopers) are also helpful.  If
    you get specialized ones (like desert troop or swamp trooper) and use it
    on the appropriate terrain, the trooper will get a bonus to his attack.
    It's nice to have if you've been ambushed by the opposing faction.

    Faction troopers are also great when your friends aren't online.  They
    are in most cases stronger than pets and droids (except for say a rancor)
    and don't eat up your EXP.  You get all the benefits for the kill, EXP
    and loot.  Creatures on the hand will take up some EXP and turn it into
    creature handler exp.

    So in the end, its a trade off.  Creatures can be stronger but less
    beneficial while grinding.  Faction pets and espessially droids can be
    weaker, but have no consequence for being used.

 5. Are pets worth it if you're a melee fighter?
 A. Yes.  Many creatures will target a pet before the melee fighter.  Some
    pets even use the "taunt" skill occassionally, diverting the enemies
    attention onto it, rather than you!


                               CRAFTING FAQ

 1. I got a critical failure... what is that?
 A. It's not an error in the game, that's for sure.  But, it is something
    annoying the devs implimented.  When you're crafting an item, you'll
    notice the complexity of the item.  That's the percentage of how many
    times this item will fail to be made.

 ***NEW: High fail items are risky to craft.  Want to lower that risk?  Buy
    some clothing or armor with [craft] assembly bonus.  Such as, a PA hall
    is insanely risky to make, thus be sure to have some equipment that
    bonuses your architect assembly skill.

 ***NEW: A recent update has made critical failures less evil.  Now you won't
    lose as many resources, sometimes none at all, if you fail at crafting.

 2. How do I make things?
 A. You make things by using a crafting tool.  Most professions that make
    things start out with one.

 3. I have the right skills to make "x" item, but it doesn't show up on
    my crafting list!  What do I do?
 A. Some items require specialized crafting tools.  Like, Stimpack B's
    require a chemical crafting tool.  Other items require a crafting
    station to use, like Stimpack C's.  Check the items shematic in the
    datapad to see if it requires one of those.

 4. Should I stick to surveying or buy a harvester?
 A. Unless you're super poor, buy a harvester.  Surveying is a waste of time
    and harvesters are far more effecient.

    For a much easier (and possibly cheaper) alternative is to simply
    buy your resources.  Many high end items require specific resources that
    are rare; thus check out the resource shops.  These are stocked with
    both rare and common resources, providing you with the materials you
    need to create great items as well as the materials you need to "grind"
    your profession!

 5. What's the point of experimenting?
 A. It improves your items abilities.  For weapons, it could be speed and
    damage.  For medicine, it could be damage healed.  It's recommended to
    experiment if you plan on using the item or if you're going to sell it.
    If you are simply "grinding" you shouldn't experiment since that slows
    you down.

 6. What's the point of "x" resource?
 A. A lot of advanced items require these wacky resources.  Don't worry
    about them unless you absolutely need them.  If you're a resource broker
    you can usually sell these at a nice price to the crafters that need
    them (as they are harder to find).


                             INTERACTION FAQ

 1. I'm trying to heal my buddy, but it says it isn't wise to do that...
    why is it saying that?
 A. He may not be your buddy afterall! He's on the opposing faction that
    you are on... it's not wise to heal your enemy!

 2. Trading questions and trading errors
 A. For the most part, trading errors have been fixed by the many
    hot fixes.  There is an occasional error from time to time, but the
    fix is easy: simply restart the trade!

 3. How can I privately message someone without using e-mail?
 A. Use the /tell <player's name> command.  Example, if I wanted to talk to
    my friend Omif, I would use /tell omif.  Whatever follows the player's
    name is what is privately sent to him or her.

 4. How can I trade waypoints?
 A. Use ingame-mail.  Save it as an attachement.  Another nifty command to 
    use is the /waypoint command.  Have your friend tell you the waypoint 
    numbers, then enter it in with the command.  These numbers can be
    found on the map screen (ctrl + v).
    Example: /waypoint 4500 -3491

    Note, this also works in space.  You simply have to add on a third
    number since space is in three dimensions!

 5. I'm trying to delete my waypoints, but they aren't going away! Help!
 A. Occasionally you'll get what I call datapad lag.  If you use your
    datapad a lot, it'll lag out. Just log out and log back in and it'll be

 6. No one can understand me! Help!
 A. I hope you mean in game.  Anyway, that's probably because you're using
    a language besides basic.  If you typed /language (language name here),
    that'll do that to you. To fix it, switch to basic by typing /language
    basic.  If you're a wookiee, you can only speak the wookiee language.
    Most people can understand, so don't worry.  If they can't, just use
    a /tell with them.  You can also teach them the wookiee language by
    first grouping with them, then clicking the teach button.


                                  MISC FAQ

 1. I'm a wookiee... I can't equip armor... what's the deal?
 A. Wookiees are way too large to equip normal armor.  This is made up by
    getting improved stats.  However, there are special wookiee armors out
    there.  These are only equipable by wookiees.

 2. How do I contact you?
 A. Look in the introduction.

 3. Can I use this FAQ on my website?
 A. Possibly; the only official sites I support are GameFAQs and it's partner
    site, GameSPOT.  If you send me an e-mail, I will let you use my FAQ as
    long as you provide me a link to the site as well as credit when you do
    post it.

 4. My Healthbars are all black, what do I do?
 A. You have wounds.  Go to a medical center and have a medic heal them.
    Remember to tip the medic when he's done healing you!  For more
    information, see the first question in the Basic Combat area.


                           --==[ APPENDIX ]==--

   The world will never be the same.  SOE has finally released the combat
 upgrade, a gigantic publish worthy of being an expansion pack.  But, SOE
 was kind enough to release it for free as a patch, seamlessly downloaded at
 the launch pad.  Players who have bought ROTW (rage of the wookies) or the
 Total Experience do not have to worry about downloading this gigantic patch
 as the games come pre-loaded with it.

   So what's the big deal about this Combat Upgrade?  It sounds simple enough
 after all.  Well, for one, no fighting strategy will be the same as all
 special moves are either new or completely different.  Plus, rebalancing
 of weapons opens up completely new fields of battle.  So, where to begin?


                     10 Vital Changes You Should Know

  1. There is now a "combat level" system in place.  This is an advanced
     version of the consider system.  Rather than relying simply on colors
     to determine the strength of the enemy, now all fighters (including
     yourself) have a level.  This level is based on the amount of combat
     skills you have trained in.  The amount of EXP given is based on
     the level of the enemy in comparison to your level.

  2. Most, not all, weapons require a certain level.  Some weapons still
     require certain skills to be mastered, but many weapons can be used
     by any profession as long as he or she is high enough level.  This
     means a bounty hunter can use rifles, even if he or she isn't a

  3. Skills are no longer weapon specific.  A fencer's attack skills will
     work while wielding a polearm.  However, ranged skills do not work
     with melee weapons, and vice versa.  This, in a way, makes the game
     have two very broad professions, melee and ranged.

  4. Ranged weapons now give a "hinderance" for wielding them.  This
     has no effect on fighting capabilities, but it does slow down a
     person's walking speed.  This is a balancing issue so melee professions
     will be able to keep up with the ranged.  Before, ranged professions
     were able to simply kite melee professions, making melee vrs. ranged
     PvP futile.

  5. There are now only 5 stats instead of 11.  Health is the only stat
     directly damaged by attack.  Action and Mind are hurt only by poisons
     and diseases.  However, a person isn't incapped by losing all of his
     or her action or mind.  Rather, these pools are ability pools.  Action
     handles combat abilities and mind handles crafting and healing.  Then
     of course there are still battle fatigue and wounds, but wounds now
     only affect health.

  6. The combat queue is no more.  Rather, abilities now follow the system
     of "cast, action, cool" meaning there is a casting time, the actual
     attack, and then a cool down phase.  Each ability has a different
     amount of time for each phase.  Auto-attack is also no longer done by
     default.  Rather, a skill can be set to be auto attack via ctrl clicking
     the spot on the hotbar.

  7. All moves now require some action and/or mind to use.  Even the most
     basic of attacks.  However, action and mind now recharge extremely
     fast to counter this.

  8. Group EXP has been redone to encourage grouping.  Now everyone receives
     equal EXP, regardless of how much damage they did.  As long as they
     did one attack, they get the full amount of EXP.

     The amount of EXP is based on the highest level person in the group.
     It's based on the amount of EXP that person would have received if
     he or she solo'd the monster.  If he or she would have recieved 500 EXP
     for killing the monster solo, then everyone in the group receives
     500 EXP.

     In other words, grouping has no detrimental affect on EXP.  Everyone
     gets the same reward as the strongest player.  Thus it is beneficial
     to group together compared to soloing, but soloing is still very much

  9. Groups are limited to 8 players.

  10. Every profession has new skills.  Existing skills have been changed
      and are in new places in the skill tree.  Also, some professions have
      slightly different requirements for their novice box.  For example,
      commando now only requires unarmed and ranged support, rather than
      unarmed and master marksman.


                             Working Together 

   One of the primary concerns of the Combat Upgrade was to create a more
 user-friendly experience when it comes to grouping / partying.  Many
 changes have been made to make it as easy and efficient as possible for
 one to quickly form a group and go out hunting.

   The group interface is the center of the group.  Here one can quickly
 scan important and vital information on other members.  The group display
 is broken into a grid, each box of the grid being a different member.  Each
 box has the same information:

 /        |  Group member name                        |
 | Symbol |-------------------------------------------|
 |        |  Health Bars (health, action, mind)       |
 |--------+                                           |
 | Enhancements (buffs) and dehancements (blind, etc) |

   So what is all of that?  Well, it's obvious what most of it is.  The
 group member name is, well, the name of the player.  Duh.  The health bars
 is also pretty obvious in what it's purpose is.

   But what about the symbol?  New with the combat upgrade is the symbol
 system.  This system lets a group quickly organize roles on who does what
 and when it gets done.  The symbol is determined by the individual player,
 so that means you pick your symbol and only your symbol.  Everyone else
 picks their symbol.

   Symbols come in two colors: silver and gold.  Silver symbols are basic,
 meaning the player is still quite new in his or her profession.  Gold
 symbols are awarded to advanced players, experienced in the ways of combat.
 Further more, each symbol represents a different role.  They are:

 /      \ \ / /      \
 |       \ v /       |  PICTURE: Two Swords
 |        / /        |  SYMBOL: Melee Professions
 |       / / \       |  PROFESSIONS:
 |      / / \ \      |    - Brawler
 |     / /   \ \     |    - Teras Kasi Artist
 |    / /     \ \    |    - Fencer
 |  =====     =====  |    - Swordsman
 |  / /         \ \  |    - Pikeman
 | / /           \ \ |

 /                   \
 |    ___________    |  PICTURE: Target
 |   / ____|____ \   |  SYMBOL: Ranged Professions
 |  / /   _|_   \ \  |  PROFESSIONS:
 |  | |  / |  \ | |  |    - Marksman
 |  |------+------|  |    - Pistoleer
 |  | |  \_|__/ | |  |    - Carbineer
 |  \ \____|____/ /  |    - Rifleman
 |   \_____|_____/   |    - Bounty Hunter
 |                   |    - Commando

 /                   \
 |           ___     |  PICTURE: Triangle with Bolt
 |        /\/  /     |  SYMBOL: Utility Professions
 |       / /  /      |  PROFESSIONS:
 |      / /  /\      |    - Scout
 |     /  \  \ \     |    - Ranger
 |    /   / _/  \    |    - Squad Leader
 |   /   / /     \   |    - Creature Handler
 |  /   /_/       \  |    
 | /___//__________\ |    

 /         /   /     \
 |   ~~~~~~.  /      |  PICTURE: Musical Note
 |   \ ~~~~' /       |  SYMBOL: Entertainment Professions
 |    \\/   /        |  PROFESSIONS:
 |     \\  /         |    - Entertainer
 |    / \\/          |    - Musician
 |   /   \\          |    - Dancer
 |  /   _/ \         |    - Image Designer
 | /   /    |        |
 |/   /\___/'        |

 /      ._____.      \
 |      |     |      |  PICTURE: Cross
 |     _|     |_     |  SYMBOL: Medical Professions
 | .__|_|     |_|__. |  PROFESSIONS:
 | |               | |    - Medic
 | |               | |    - Doctor
 | |____.     .____| |    - Combat Medic
 |    |_|     |_|    |    - Bio Engineer
 |      |     |      |
 |      |_____|      |

 /                   \
 |       .__.        |  PICTURE: Hammer
 |   .___|__|___.    |  SYMBOL: Crafting Professions
 |   |          |    |  PROFESSIONS:
 |   |          |    |    - Artisan         - Tailor
 |   |__________|    |    - Weaponsmith     - Chef
 |       |  |        |    - Armorsmith      - Merchant
 |       |  |        |    - Droid Engineer  - Shipwright
 |       |  |        |    - Architect
 |       |__|        |           

 /                   \
 |    .________.     |  PICTURE: Steel Shield
 |    |. .  . .|     |  SYMBOL: Tank / Defender
 |    |.      .|     |  PROFESSIONS:
 |    |.      .|     |    * This is a special icon
 |    |.      .|     |    - Teras Kasi Artist
 |     \.    ./      |    - Pikeman
 |      \.  ./       |    - Bounty Hunter
 |       \../        |
 |        \/         |

 /                   \
 |                   |  PICTURE: Three Dots
 |  O-------------O  |  SYMBOL: Crowd Controllers
 |   \           /   |  PROFESSIONS:
 |    \         /    |    * This is a special icon
 |     \       /     |    - Carbineer
 |      \     /      |    - Pistoleer
 |       \   /       |    - Smuggler
 |        \ /        |     
 |         O         |      

 /            /~/    \
 |           /~/     |  PICTURE: Lightsaber
 |          /~/      |  SYMBOL: Jedi Offense 
 |         /~/       |  PROFESSIONS:
 |        /~/        |    - Jedi Lightsaber User
 |       /~/         |
 |   ___/~/__        |
 |  /_______/        | 
 |    / /            |
 |   /_/             |

 /                   \
 |        _          |  PICTURE: Big Star
 |   /\  | |  /\     |  SYMBOL: Jedi Powers
 |   \ \ | | / /     |  PROFESSIONS:
 |    \ \| |/ /      |    - Jedi Force Powers
 |     |     |       |    - Jedi Force Healing
 |    / /| |\ \      |    - Jedi Force Enhancement
 |   / / | | \ \     |
 |   \/  |_|  \/     |
 |                   |

 /                   \
 |    .________.     |  PICTURE: Shield with Star
 |    |        |     |  SYMBOL: Jedi Defender
 |    |  \|/   |     |  PROFESSIONS:
 |    |  -+-   |     |    - Jedi Force Defense
 |    |  /|\   |     |
 |     \      /      |
 |      \    /       |
 |       \  /        |
 |        \/         |

   The group box also shows enhancements (buffs) and negative effects
 (debuffs) on the lower part of the group box.  Resting the mouse cursor over
 one of the effect icons will display:

    - Name of the Effect
    - What is boosted / lowered
    - Duration of the effect
    - Description

   The types of effects vary largely.  To name a few: armor hinderances, 
 weapon hinderances, food buffs, drink buffs, spice buffs, poison, disease, 
 medicinal buffs, blind, stun, and so on.

   If you are a doctor, it is vital to pay attention to your group member's
 status.  Keep their health up and destroy any debuffs they acquire.  Combat
 medics and regular medics can also do status healing, but are much more
 proficient at healing damage.  Combat medics, for example, can heal entire
 groups and can do so from a range.

 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: A common concern to many new to grouping is, "Will my
 \_/            profession template be acceptable in a group?" As in,
                many are worried that they won't be invited to a group.
                Have no fear!  In Star Wars Galaxies, all professions
                are valued equally and an invitation isn't based on
                profession, but rather, how well you can fight.  Many base
                this on your level.
 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: Some people will make high-level only groups, but generally
 \_/            people usually let lower levels in.  So, overall, don't worry
                about your profession being accepted!  This isn't FFXI!
                A healer isn't more valued than anyone else, for once.  In
                fact, many groups can survive without a healer as long as
                someone can rez!


                           The New Armor System 

   Armor has encountered a dramatic change with the combat upgrade.  Now 
 every type of armor is useful.  This means no more Composite Cookie Cutters!
 Even Bone armor is strong!  This is due to the new organization of armor and
 how statistics are done.

   Armor is no longer based on percentage of blocking damage, but rather 
 based on numeral values.  This number is then entered into this algorithm:

    60 * (AR/10000) + { [ (10000 - AR) / 10000 ]  *  (AR/200) }

   This means the most effective armor (10000 AR) has a percentage of 60%
 damage reduction!  To quickly estimate how useful your armor is, examine the
 chart below:

                         1000  =  10.5%
                         2000  =  20.0%
                         3000  =  28.5%
                         4000  =  36.0%
                         5000  =  42.5%
                         6000  =  48.0%
                         7000  =  52.5%
                         8000  =  56.0%
                         9000  =  58.5%
                         10000 =  60.0%

   As you can see, the higher you go up in the AR scale, the less effective
 each point of AR is.  In other words, the difference between a set of
 1000 AR and 2000 AR armor is much larger than say, 5000 and 6000.  Keep this
 in mind when shopping for armor.  If you see a 5000 AR suit for 100,000 
 credits, and a 6000 AR suit for 300,000 credits, is it worth the extra
 money? NO!

   Armor is also split into three broad categories.  Each profession is 
 better at using a certain type of armor.  Also, each type of armor has 
 innate bonuses to the default AR value.  In other words, if a set of armor
 has 6000 AR, some suits of armor may automatically increase or decrease that
 value, depending on the type.

/  Armor Type | Innate Features  |    Professions      |    Armor Sets      \
|             |                  |                     |                    |
|   Assault   |  +1000 Kinetic   |    Bounty Hunter    | Chitin, Composite, |
|             |  -1000 Energy    |      Commando       | Ithorian Sentinel, |
|             |                  |    Squad Leader     | Kashyykian Hunting |
|             |                  |                     |                    |
|             |                  |                     |                    |
|   Battle    |      None        |  Carbineer, Doctor  |  Bone, Marauder,   |
|             |                  |  Combat Medic, CH   |  Padded, R.I.S.,   |
|             |                  |  Fencer, Pikeman    |  Ithorian Defender |
|             |                  |  Ranger, Swordsman  |  Kashyykian Black  |
|             |                  |                     |                    |
|             |                  |                     |                    |
|   Recon     |  -1000 Kinetic   |    Bio Engineer     |   Mabari, Ubese    |
|             |  +1000 Energy    | Pistoleer, Rifleman | Tantel, Guardian,  |
|             |                  |     Smuggler        |    Ceremonial      |
|             |                  |                     |                    |

   Your armor defends against 6 types of attributes.  First, it defends
 against the base attributes of kinetic and energy.  All melee weapons do
 kinetic damage and ranged weapons do energy damage.  From there, some
 weapons and abilities will add additional damage in a sub-element.  These
 sub-elements are cold, electricity, acid, and heat.

   As you can see by the chart, a set of armor will use its default AR to
 defend against the sub-elements.  However, the armor type determines how
 effective it is at defending against the base attributes of kinetic and

   This of course puts Battle armor in a desirable trait as it's adaptable
 to all situations.  However, an Assault Armor wearer is far better at
 tanking melee attackers (such as PvE) and a recon armor wear is far better
 at ranged battles (commonly seen in PvP).

   An exception to all of this is Teras Kasi Artists and Jedi.  They receive
 benefits for NOT WEARING armor!  As in, they can deflect off more damage
 if they are completely naked than if they are lugging around a suit of
 solid metal plating.  This is because Teras Kasi artists use their extreme
 body training to use speed to dodge blows and Jedi of course use the force
 to deflect attacks.

 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: Armor no longer detracts from your stats!  Now, the only
 \_/            downfall for wearing armor is receiving a "hinderance."
                A hinderance will slow your movement, your attack speed,
                and make you less accurate.

   To counter this, professions "mitigate" the hinderance. A master of a 
 profession can usually make an entire hinderance disappear!  Use the chart 
 above to see which professions are good at using which armors.


                           The New Weapon System 

   Armor may have received a dramatic rehaul, but with that rehaul came
 an even larger weapon rehaul!  Weapons, the core behind any battle, work
 in a brand new way.  The new weapon system, along with the new abilities,
 now carve each profession's role in battles.

   To begin, all weapons do one of two base damages.  Melee weapons will
 normally do KINETIC damage and ranged weapons will normally do ENERGY
 damage.  There are a few exceptions to this rule, of course. On top of that,
 some weapons will do additional elemental damage, if they have a sub-element
 built in.  This can be either cold, electricity, acid, or heat.

   Also, each weapon now has a "special ability cost."  This is the default
 number that abilities will work with when negating your action / mind pools.
 In other words, if your weapon has low SAC, your abilities will require
 less action / mind to do!

   Finally, in hopes of standardizing weapons, every weapon has a base DPS.
 In other words, if the most basic of crafters made the most basic of weapons
 this is what the damage per second (DPS) the weapon would have.  From there,
 the modified DPS is determined with your attributes.

   For example, if a weapon has a 33 base DPS, but you have a skill attribute
 boost, the DPS will thus go up since you fire faster.  Perhaps the DPS will
 become 34, 35, or even 36 by just a few speed boosts!  Use the chart below
 to determine what weapon is right for you!

   NAME:  Template
   DPS:   The base DPS.  The modified DPS is based on this and your stats
   SAC:   The Special Ability Cost.  Determines how much action/mind is used
   LEVEL: Required level to use the weapon
   SKILL: Required Skill to use the weapon              
   SUB-E: The additional damage done elementally outside of Kinetic/Energy
   RANGE: The range of the weapon  

 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: If (Kinetic) or (Energy) appears, that means the weapon's 
 \_/            base element is that rather than the traditional base element
                for it's series.  For example, the FWG5's base element is
                Kinetic, even though pistols are traditionally Energy.
 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: This are the BASE stats.  These can be radically different
 \_/            depending on the crafter's abilities, which resources are
                used, and how successful the construction was.
 / \ 
 |!| IMPORTANT: I went through and starred the weapons that are *CURRENTLY*
 \_/            considered to be the "best" of their league.

                               P I S T O L S 
                           Short Ranged Fire-Arms

   NAME:  CDEF Pistol       NAME:  D18 Pistol        NAME:  DL44 Pistol
   DPS:   18.91             DPS:   19.09             DPS:   25.45
   SAC:   97                SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6                 LEVEL: 7
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  Scout Blaster     NAME:  Striker Pistol    NAME:  DH17 Pistol
   DPS:   33.64             DPS:   63.18             DPS:   83.64
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 10                LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 22
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  Sonic Blaster     NAME:  Tangle Pistol     NAME:  Ion Pistol
   DPS:   105               DPS:   108.52            DPS:   87.73
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  SR. Combat Pistol NAME:  Power5 Pistol     NAME:  Death-Hammer P.
   DPS:   127.27            DPS:   127.27            DPS:   126.82
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 40
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: (Cold)            SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-25m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  Flachette Pistol  NAME:  FWG5 Pistol       NAME:  DL44 XT Pistol
   DPS:   151.36            DPS:   176.36            DPS:   176.36
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Kinetic)(Heat)   SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-25m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  DE-10 Pistol      NAME:  DL44 Metal Pistol NAME:  *Republic Blaster
   DPS:   178.64            DPS:   63.64             DPS:   173.64
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 12                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: Master Marksman   SKILL: Master Pistoleer
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Acid)
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  *DX2 Pistol       NAME:  Renegade Pistol   NAME:  Launcher Pistol
   DPS:   176.36            DPS:   176.36            DPS:   65.00
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 14
   SKILL: Master Pistoleer  SKILL: Master Smuggler   SKILL: Novice Commando
   SUB-E: (Acid)            SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-45m

   NAME:  Scatter Pistol    NAME:  HC Scatter Pistol NAME:  Flare Pistol
   DPS:   63.18             DPS:   176.36            DPS:   127.73
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 40
   SKILL: N. Bounty Hunter  SKILL: M. Bounty Hunter  SKILL: SL 0300
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-45m

   NAME:  Intimidator       NAME:  Alliance Disruptor
   DPS:   176.36            DPS:   176.36
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: M. Squad Leader   SKILL: M. Combat Medic
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-35m

                             C A R B I N E S
                         Fast Firing Machine Guns

   NAME:  CDEF Carbine      NAME:  DH17 Carbine      NAME:  DH17 Short C.
   DPS:   17.14             DPS:   20.00             DPS:   33.88
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6                 LEVEL: 10
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-35m

   NAME:  E11 Carbine       NAME:  EE3 Carbine       NAME:  Alliance Needler
   DPS:   63.27             DPS:   85.31             DPS:   108.16
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 30
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)
   RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m

   NAME:  Geonosian Carbine NAME:  Bothan Bola C.    NAME:  DX46 Carbine
   DPS:   63.27             DPS:   130.61            DPS:   133.7
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 10
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  *Laser Carbine   NAME:  Nym Slug Thrower  NAME:   *Elite Carbine
   DPS:   155.51            DPS:   154.69            DPS:   179.59
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m

   NAME:  E11 Carbine Mk.2  NAME:  Czerka Dart C.    NAME:  Proton Carbine
   DPS:   179.79            DPS:   155.1             DPS:   183.27
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: Master Carbineer  SKILL: BH 0400           SKILL: M. Bounty Hunter
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m             RANGE: 0-50m

   NAME:  E5 Carbine
   DPS:   179.59
   SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 50
   SKILL: Master Squad Leader
   SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-50m

                                R I F L E S
                             The Deadly Sniper

   NAME:  CDEF Rifle        NAME:  DLT20 Rilfe       NAME:  DLT20a Rifle
   DPS:   16.5              DPS:   20.37             DPS:   25.56
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6                 LEVEL: 7
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-35m             RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-45m

   NAME:  SG82 Rifle        NAME:  E11 Rilfe         NAME:  Beam Rifle
   DPS:   34.44             DPS:   85.56             DPS:   109.63
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 10                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 30
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: (Cold)            SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-45m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Massassi Ink R.   NAME:  Berserker Rifle   NAME:  L. Laser Rifle
   DPS:   110.74            DPS:   133.33            DPS:   133.33
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 40
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Tusken Rifle      NAME:  Jawa Ion Rifle    NAME:  LD-1 Rifle
   DPS:   133.33            DPS:   158.15            DPS:   161.11
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 50
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Kinetic)
   RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Explosive Shell   NAME:  Proton Rifle      NAME:  *A. Laser Rifle
   DPS:   161.11            DPS:   189.49            DPS:   183.7
   SAC:   122               SAC:   136               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: None
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Electricity)     SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Light Bowcaster   NAME:  Recon Bowcaster   NAME:  Assault Bowcaster
   DPS:   16.3              DPS:   34.07             DPS:   183.7
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 10                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: Wookiee           SKILL: Wookiee           SKILL: Wookiee
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Kinetic)
   RANGE: 0-30m             RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Spraystick        NAME:  DRX-6 Disruptor   NAME:  *T21 Rifle
   DPS:   67.04             DPS:   133.33            DPS:   183.7
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: Novice Rifleman   SKILL: Novice Rifleman   SKILL: Master Rifleman
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: None              SUB-E: None
   RANGE: 0-30m             RANGE: 0-65m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Lightning Rifle
   DPS:   67.04
   SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 14
   SKILL: Novice Bounty Hunter
   SUB-E: (Electricity)
   RANGE: 0-65m

                           H E A V Y  W E A P O N S
               Shoot first, explosions second, ask questions later.

   NAME:  Launcher Pistol   NAME:  Heavy Acid Rifle  NAME:  Rocket Launcher
   DPS:   65                DPS:   89.15             DPS:   90.17
   SAC:   102               SAC:   136               SAC:   136
   LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 22
   SKILL: Novice Commando   SKILL: Commando 0001     SKILL: Commando 0010
   SUB-E: (Kinetic)         SUB-E: (Acid)            SUB-E: (Heat)
   RANGE: 0-45m             RANGE: 0-45m             RANGE: 0-65m

   NAME:  Hv. Particle Beam NAME:  Acid Stream       NAME:  Flame Thrower
   DPS:   111.19            DPS:   134.92            DPS:   135.93
   SAC:   136               SAC:   136               SAC:   136
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 22
   SKILL: Commando 0100     SKILL: Commando 0003     SKILL: Commando 0030
   SUB-E: (Heat)            SUB-E: (Acid)            SUB-E: (Heat)
   RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-40m

   NAME:  *Lightning Cannon NAME:  *Plasma Flame Thrower
   DPS:   162.71            DPS:   185.42
   SAC:   136               SAC:   136
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: Commando 0400     SKILL: Master Commando
   SUB-E: (Electricity)     SUB-E: (Heat)
   RANGE: 0-40m             RANGE: 0-25m

                               U N A R M E D
                        The ultimate weapon: yourself

   NAME:  *Fists            NAME:  Massassi Knuckler NAME:  Vibro Knuckler
   DPS:   Varies            DPS:   63.18             DPS:   64.75
   SAC:   Varies            SAC:   102               SAC:   136
   LEVEL: None              LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 14
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: (Energy)          SUB-E: (Energy)

   NAME:  Blaster Fist      NAME:  *Razor Knuckler
   DPS:   127.73            DPS:   176.36
   SAC:   136               SAC:   136
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 40
   SKILL: none              SKILL: Master Teras Kasi Artist
   SUB-E: (Energy)          SUB-E: (Energy)

                            O N E  H A N D E D
                        The art of sword wielding

   NAME:  Survival Knife    NAME:  Stone Knife       NAME:  Janta Knife
   DPS:   15.91             DPS:   15.91             DPS:   15.91
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 1
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Donhuwah Knife    NAME:  Dagger            NAME:  Sword
   DPS:   15.91             DPS:   15.91             DPS:   20.37
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Vibroblade        NAME:  Curved Sword      NAME:  Gaderiffi Baton
   DPS:   33.64             DPS:   63.64             DPS:   63.64
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 10                LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 14
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: (Energy)          SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Rantok Sword      NAME:  Junti Mace        NAME:  Champion's Sword
   DPS:   87.27             DPS:   116.67            DPS:   112.27
   SAC:   102               SAC:   122               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: (Energy)          SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  RSF Sword         NAME:  Curved Nyax Sword NAME:  Ryyk Blade
   DPS:   137.27            DPS:   137.27            DPS:   161.36
   SAC:   102               SAC:   102               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 50
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Soul Leecher      NAME:  *Xris Acid Sword  NAME:  *Stun Baton
   DPS:   166.3             DPS:   191.11            DPS:   175
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   102
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: Master Fencer
   SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (acid)            SUB-E: (electricity)

                              T W O  H A N D E D
                         Quoting Gimli: "And my Axe!"

   NAME:  Heavy Axe         NAME:  Double Blade Axe  NAME:  2-Handed Cleaver
   DPS:   16.3              DPS:   20.37             DPS:   35.56
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6                 LEVEL: 10
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  2-Handed Curve    NAME:  Nyax Sword        NAME:  Kashyyk Sword
   DPS:   68.64             DPS:   91.48             DPS:   91.48
   SAC:   102               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 12                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 22
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Vibro Axe         NAME:  Executioner       NAME:  Sith Sword
   DPS:   116.67            DPS:   116.67            DPS:   166.67
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 50
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: (Energy)          SUB-E: none              SUB-E: (cold)

   NAME:  *Scythe Blade     NAME:  *Power Hammer
   DPS:   166.67            DPS:   191.85
   SAC:   122               SAC:   122
   LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: SW 0400           SKILL: Master Swordsman
   SUB-E: (Acid)            SUB-E: none

                               P O L E A R M S
                          My Knight in Shining Armor

   NAME:  Wood Staff        NAME:  Combat Staff      NAME:  Metal Staff
   DPS:   15.92             DPS:   20.82             DPS:   25.71
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 1                 LEVEL: 6                 LEVEL: 7
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Lance             NAME:  Kaminoan Staff    NAME:  Nightsister Lance
   DPS:   63.27             DPS:   90.20             DPS:   106.53
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 14                LEVEL: 22                LEVEL: 30
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none              SUB-E: none

   NAME:  Cyro Lance        NAME:  Shock Lance       NAME:  Long Vibro Axe
   DPS:   114.29            DPS:   108.57            DPS:   130.61
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 30                LEVEL: 40
   SKILL: None              SKILL: none              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: (Cold)            SUB-E: (Electricity)     SUB-E: (Energy)

   NAME:  Electric Polearm  NAME:  Kashyyyk Blade    NAME:  *Vibro Lance
   DPS:   139.59            DPS:   166.12            DPS:   179.59
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 40                LEVEL: 50                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: None              SKILL: None              SKILL: none
   SUB-E: (Electricity)     SUB-E: None              SUB-E: (Energy)

   NAME:  Electric Polearm  NAME:  *Nightsister Energy Lance
   DPS:   188.57            DPS:   179.59
   SAC:   112               SAC:   112
   LEVEL: 54                LEVEL: 54
   SKILL: Master Pikeman    SKILL: Master Pikeman
   SUB-E: none              SUB-E: (Energy)


                        Common Problems: ANSWERED!

   1. I can't level up!  What do I do to level up?

      It's a basic concept, really.  For those of you a little lost at the
    whole level up thinger-majob, don't fret!  It's a simple loop of commands
    that you follow:

       Kill things -> Get EXP -> Buy Skills -> More Skills = Higher Level

      Skills are also weighted.  Advanced Elite skills, such as tier 3 and
    tier 4 elites, will give you higher level up boosts.  Skills that require
    harder to obtain exp, such as COMBAT exp (not weapon exp), will give an
    even larger level bonus!  Also, completing an entire tier seems to give
    a slight bonus (half a level?) which accumulates over time.
      Overall, there is no algorithm to determine a level.  It's more like
    a really really complex equation no one has cracked yet.  Either way,
    just know this.  You'll reach the max level, 80, by simply mastering 1.5
    elite professions.  This INCLUDES healing professions!  It does not
    include any entertainment or crafting professions, though.

   2. Area of Effect?  What is that?  What does it man?

      AOE, or Area of Effect, is a handy way to deal a lot of damage.  Some
    weapons and abilities have the opprotunity to do one of two types of
    AOE damage.  It can either be a "cone" or a "donut."

      Cone AOE means the AOE damage extends from the player in a straight 
    direction, but encompassing a small angle, creating a cone.  All enemies
    in this cone are damaged!

      Donut AOE, or circle/radius AOE, is when all damage is dealt in every
    direction in a circular fashion.  This can be from one of two spots:
    The damage could extend from the target or from the actual player.  For
    example, an explosion would create a damage in a circle around the
    targetted enemy, and a spinning-blade move would create damage around
    the player.

      Some strategy oriented players have learned to use AOE in a different
    way.  Why just deal damage?  Many players now use the target radius AOE
    to stun/root many enemies all at once.  Its the ultimate crowd control!

   3. What is each profession's job in a group?

      According to the Combat Upgrade manual, there are four major fields
    that each profession will fit under.  They are: damage dealing, tanking,
    healing, and crowd control.  Use the list below to determine what your
    profession's INTENDED job is to be (but many can and are using their
    profession in unique ways, depending on the template.)

/   Profession      |     Type      |             Description               \
|                   |               |                                       |
|    Pistoleer      | Crowd Control | inflicts attack speed status effects  |
|    Smuggler       | Crowd Control | inflicts accuracy status effects      |
|    Carbineer      | Crowd Control | inflicts movement status effects      |
|  Bounty Hunter    |   Tanking     | uses heavy armor to mitigate damage   |
|     Pikeman       |   Tanking     | reduces damage capabilities of enemy  |
| Teras Kasi Aritst |   Tanking     | extreme body finesse sheds off damage |
|     Commando      | Damage Dealer | Proficient at AOE damage              |
|    Swordsman      | Damage Dealer | Fast and Furious damage               |
|     Rifleman      | Damage Dealer | Sniped shots do damage from far away  |
|     Fencer        | Damage Dealer | Master of manipulating Damage of Time |
|   Combat Medic    |   Healing     | Heals entire party from distances     |
|     Doctor        |   Healing     | Heals wounds and status effects       |


                          --==[ CONCLUSION ]==--

 Well, thanks for reading my FAQ!  I hope it helps out when you're playing
this great game called Starwars Galaxies!  So long for now.  May the force
be with you!
