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by Warfreak

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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.8
Date Started: 22/4/09

NOTE: This Guide will Contain Spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


*~~~~~~~~~~~Watch In Awe, Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris, Aeria Gloris~~~~~~~~~~~*

Warfreak's Top Tip: Use Ctrl+F to quickly navigate this guide.

Table of Contents
 �1 Introduction
    [1.01] Introduction
    [1.02] Version History

 �2 Space Travel
    [2.01] Understanding the Concepts

 �3 Planets
    [3.01] Planet Types
    [3.02] Planet Bonuses and Artifacts
    [3.03] Planet Construction

 �4 Units
    [4.01] Strike Craft
    [4.02] Frigates
    [4.03] Cruisers
    [4.04] Capital Ships
    [4.05] Other Craft

 �5 Research - TEC Civilian Tree
    [5.01] Industry
    [5.02] Engineering
    [5.03] Policy

 �6 Research - TEC Military Tree
    [6.01] Structural Systems
    [6.02] Ballistics and Rocketry
    [6.03] Experimental Design

 �7 Research - Advent Harmony Tree
    [7.01] PsiTech
    [7.02] Perception
    [7.03] Materialism

 �8 Research - Advent Hostility Tree
    [8.01] Energy
    [8.02] Ascension
    [8.03] Substance

 �9 Research - Vasari Empire Tree
    [9.01] Nanotechnology
    [9.02] Phase Mastery
    [9.03] Oppression

 �10 Research - Vasari Warfare Tree
    [10.01] Prototypes
    [10.02] Assault
    [10.03] Support

 �11 Buildings
    [11.01] Logistic Structures
    [11.02] Tactical Structures

 �12 Building an Empire
    [12.01] Conquering New Planets
    [12.02] Maintaining an Empire
    [12.03] Building an Unstoppable Fleet
    [12.04] The Endgame

[A] Contact Information
[B] Credits
[C] Webmaster Information
[D] Copyright Notice

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now, Let the Guide Begin (o.0)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
[1.01] Introduction

A great strategy game produced by Ironclad Games, dealing with 4X, real
time strategy in space. A delicate balance of military power, trade and 
diplomacy holds the three different races in tact, though any single action
can ruin that and descend into a galactic war. 

That is the basic jist of Sins of a Solar Empire. This is my 50th guide, and
that is a lot of guides. Lets make this a memorable on. The ASCII is of the 
TEC officer if you cannot tell. It was a hard picture to play with. The 
reason being that there were no other good pictures to play with that would
give a decent photo and most were lacking decent resolution. This was the only
good picture I could use.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.0 [22/4/09]
Starting the template. 

Version 0.1 [23/4/09]
Getting a move on. 

Version 0.2 [25/4/09]
Completed Section 3, completed Strike Craft and Other Craft, finished TEC
frigates. Still plenty to go on.

Version 0.3 [26/4/09]
This is a big day for FAQing, nearly 90kb added to the guide, and that is a
hell of a lot of typing. I hope my fingers aren't going to get RSI for this. 

Version 0.4 [7/5/09]
There is a lot on my plate right now, so updates are sparse. I really would
like to write more, but there is too much else to do. Anyway, finished the 
section on the TEC civilian tree. 

Version 0.5 [11/5/09]
Completed the TEC research tree. 

Version 0.6 [17/5/09]
Completed the Advent research tree. 

Version 0.7 [21/5/09]
Completed the Vasari Tree, and the buildings. Only the Strategies to go. 

Version 0.8 [22/5/09]
Okay, completed another guide, all is set and done. Funnily enough, it is 
completed exactly one month after the start of this guide. 

[2.01] Understanding the Concepts

Basically, Sins of a Solar Empire is outside the realm of normal RTS games,
you don't have your normal infantry and tanks, this takes place in space, and
as such, makes things a little more complicated. 


There are 5 different resources that you want. Three are directly obtained
and two are done though other means.

The three collectable resources are credits, metal and crystal. Credits is the
basic money resource, you need it to purchase many upgrades, buildings, 
ships, everything involves credits. You get credits from two sources, mainly
from taxing your population and from trading. 

Metal is the next resource, and they are found in asteroids. They are mainly
found in many planets, and they are quite a common resource. They are needed
in almost everything, bar some research choices which do not require metal,
but if you are going to build structures or capital ships, they are quite

Crystal is the final collectable resource, and they are the rarest of the
three collectable resources. These are needed in everything, and because
they are few in terms of availability, these are going to be extremely 
important late in the game where you are going to need a large fleet and for
a large fleet, you need a hell of a lot of crystals. Do not be surprised
if you have a large source of crystals and people come along and target 

The next two resources aren't collectable, but they are researched. The
first is capital ship crews. You cannot have, like in Starcraft, unlimited
Battlecruisers, population cap not pertaining. You can only support a 
limited amount of capital ships because you need to train their crews. The
more crews you research, the more capital ships you can staff. 1 Crew staffs
a single ship. 

The final resource is fleet supply. This is the population cap of sorts. The
maximum fleet you can support is determined by the amount of fleet supply 
that you have. The larger the supply, the larger the fleet that you can 
support. Obviously, smaller ships such as frigates require little in terms
of supplies, capital ships suck up supplies quite quickly. 

The key concept is understanding these resources and balancing them rather
well. You might have an unstoppable fleet, but if you have no more resources,
a quick strike on your home planet and destruction of a few key planets will
cripple you and your fleet is screwed. 

--==Space Concepts==--

There are several terms you need to be familar with if you wish to understand
this guide. The first are gravity wells. Basically, gravity wells is where you
place your structures, it is where a planet can use its gravitational pull to
keep things in orbit. However, the larger the well, the more space the enemy
has to cover to attack. However, that also means that you have a larger space
to protect from the enemy.

Phase lanes are the lines of travel. A phase lane connects two planets 
together and you need these lanes in order for your ships to travel between
with their hyperdrive. This is why many players will heavily fortify their
phase lanes, the enemy will come from these lanes. The longer the phase lane,
it is evident it takes longer to travel.

Culture is another key concept. Culture will increase the allegiance of
planets under your control, and that makes them more loyal to you. It will
also be used to push away enemy culture. Why is it important? If culture
infiltrates enemy planets, it will decrease their allegiance to their own
empire and start to turn neutral, and that forces them to revolt again their
owners, which is quite painful. Therefore, it is necessary for your planets
near the borders of your empire to be culturally powerful, in order to push
away enemy culture and force the enemy to buckle under pressure. 

And that about sums it up for concepts, now you need to apply the concepts
into the game and win. 

[3.01] Planet Types

There are many planet types, and I'll list all of them here, as well as 
items such as asteroids and other interesting items, such as wormholes and 
gas giants. 

--==Colonizable Planets==--


The most basic in terms of planets, asteroids are quite useless. They support
a very low population, but they often contain a large number of rocks that
you can mine and exploit. They have little logistic and tactical slots, so 
they do not make good buffer planets from an enemy attack. Buffer planet means
that it is a planet that will delay an enemy attack force, but more on that
in section 3.03. You can find bonuses on such asteroids and occasionally,
artifacts, but only rarely. 

Dead Asteroid

These are the buffer asteroids, they are not good for mining, and they have
no logistical capacity, which makes money making a hard task. However, if you
have one of these on the borders, be glad to know that this is useful for 
buffers. It has a high tactical value and as such, you can have plenty of
self defence platforms ready to fire and repair platforms to repair your
damaged fleets.


These are the ultimate in terms of buffet planets. These support a large
population, they onlt lose to terran planets. They often have asteroids that
can be mined and as such, with large logistical and tactical capacity, it is
useful as a key planet and a buffer. With the ability for economic and 
tactical functions, these are key to your empire. They also have a fair 
amount of bonuses and artifacts. 


Icy planets are extremely important to your empire, not for their average
logistical and tactical ability, but for their asteroids, which will always
be crystal. These are going to be the battlegrounds late in the game as 
players try to secure large crystal deposits. With bonuses and artifacts, 
these can truly be something to fight over, and with decent population, a 
cornerstone to any empire.


If you need money, these are the key. You want your capitals on these planets
because these are basically earth-like planets. These are capable of 
supporting life, and in the game, the planet that can support the most life.
They have large tactical and logistical capacities, and as such, these are
on your hit list to capture. They have a balanced mix of crystal and metal
asteroids. Make sure you protect these down to the last ship. Ships can be
rebuilt, but not planets. You will find artifacts here, but it is hard to
find bonuses.


These are interesting planets, they do not support a large amount of life
and average logistical and tactical slots. They do however, have metal
asteroids, they always have metal asteroids. They do have bonuses and
artifacts available, but these aren't planets that you absolutely need to
go after. However, metal does go at a decent price on the black market. 

--==Uncolonizable Planets==--

There are many places that you cannot take over as your own, and these can
turn the side of the game. However, these are still strategically important
places, and these places will determine what happens in your empire. Most
of the uncolonizable planets have special abilities that can be rather 
important in your game.

Asteroid Belt

Ability = Erratic Debris (Chance to hit target -20%)

The Asteroid Belt makes it harder for you to his your target, you will have
a decreased chance of 20% to hit your target. This is strategically useful
if you are retreating from a superior fleet, but this is rather annoying if
you are the superior force attacking the retreating fleet. This is a double
edged sword of sorts. 

Gas Giant

Ability = Unstable Gas Pockets (Damages nearby ships near explosion)

This is basically where you destroy a ship, the gas pockets in the gravity
well of the gas giant will explode near the ship that went BOOM! and it
will deal splash damage against nearby ships. Of course, if you want to
ambush a fleet, this is best done with a powerful force near a phase lane.
With capital ships, destroy incoming ships near the phase lane and if 
any other ships come in, that will take a nice hit as well. 

The reason you want to use capital ships for these gas giants is that they
are hard to destroy and explode, and as such, they are ideal for setting
ambushes. Also, frigates are no nos to send in, think about it, you have
three capital ships on the other side, it is a no brainer who is going to

Magnetic Cloud

Ability = Magnetic Cloud (Disables abilities)

This is a place you would never want to drag your capital ships into for
a fight. These disable abilities, and that makes it impossible to use your
capital ships to their full capacity. This is a problem because you need
to use your frigates and cruisers to clear out the area, with capital
ships as rear support for a fight, however, that doesn't make capital ships
useless. They are still powerful and won't go down without a fight.

Pirate Base

This is where the pirates amass their forces. This is going to be a hard 
ask if you want to take over a pirate base, you need an exceptionally large
force, you need at least 5 capital ships to survive without suffering a lot
of losses. Those they do have a nice bonus though, that is rather nice. 

Plasma Storm

Ability = Plasma Storm (Disables strike craft)

This is a problem for carrier type units. This means that all fighters and
bombers will be useless, so this is useful for large fleets without the
capacity to fight such fighters to move without interference. So if you have
a large fleet with capital ships using fighters and bombers as defence, hope
that you don't get ambushed here or you are in some serious trouble. If you
are being followed by such a fleet, make sure you drag them here, even out
the odds a little bit.


Ability = Solar Radiation (Antimatter Regeneration +2.5 AM/sec, Jump Detection

This is a place where you jump to other stars. This is basically an area of 
travel between two stars so if you have a decent sized map, you will be 
needing to use them unless you use wormholes. With a large gravity well, it is
hard to travel, though it is a nice place to ambush scout fleets. Also, when
you research up your technology, you will be able to use the stars to jump
from star system to star system. And with increased antimatter, it is a great
place for capital ships to show why they are so expensive with a few, well,


Ability = Travel (Travels to other wormholes)

These are extremely dangerous places to be in, it will, when you have 
researched, allow you to travel to another wormhole and pop up in another
galaxy. That makes these extremely useful for sneak attacks against another
empire. Therefore, if you have discovered a wormhole, you need exceptionally
heavy defences at the gate of the phase lanes that connect the wormhole to 
your planets. Do not be surprised if enemy ships lurk here, I've had to move
a capital ship fleet of 5 ships from the frontline to deal with 3 enemy 
fleets hanging around the wormhole. Of course, my capital ships won the day,
but you seriously need to defend the exits of the wormhole. 

[3.02] Planet Bonuses and Artifacts

There are two things that can be found on planets, that are bonuses and
artifacts. Artifacts will effect the entire empire, provided that the planet
containing the artifact remains under your control, whilst a bonus is planet
specific, that is, it will only effect the planet it is found on. 

If a planet, that contains an artifact, is taking over by another empire, that
empire will gain control of that artifact. Because artifacts have extremely
powerful, you want to make sure that you keep the artifacts under your 

Now, you are wondering, all this talk about artifacts, how do I get them? 
Well, bonuses are obtained when you explore the planet, and both the bonuses
and artifacts will be obtained when you actually pay the cost for explorers 
to roam the planet and check everything out. You can do this twice only. It is
absolute luck that determines it, when you load a game, it does not determine
where the artifacts are beforehand.


Dense Molten Core

Effect = Gravity Well Radius +33%

Of course, this effect isn't found, it will be evident when you reach the 
planet. All it does is increase the gravity well, which increases the size 
in which you can build, but that makes a lot more space to cover, and that
is a problem, but hey, the enemy is slowed down a bit more.

Entertainment Hub

Effect = Cultural Spread Rate +1.0%
         Tax Income +1.0

This is rather interesting, you want to hope that you have a desert or terran
planet for this, to take advantage of the tax income. For the cultural spread
rate, you would want to build broadcast centres, which has a different name
for each faction, to take advantage of the cultural spread. Great if you want
to ruin the alligence for an enemy's planet. 

Expert Agarian Society

Effect = Trade Income +10%

This benefit means that if you have a trade port, you can increase the trade
income that you will get. Although this has more powerful versions, this is
far better than nothing. If you have a large empire, this can result in a 
fair amount of money. Every planet I own will contain a trade port, so make
sure you do the same.

Expert Crystal Miners

Effect = Crystal Extraction Rate +50%

This is one of the most important bonuses that you can get for your empire,
given that crystal is one of the most important bonuses that you can obtain
in the game. This will be exceptionally useful if you have crystal asteroids
of course, and even better, this is on an Ice planet, where there are always
four crystal asteroids.

Expert Metal Miners

Effect = Metal Extraction Rate +50%

This is the same for crystal miners but it is effecting metal. This is far 
less useful because metal is far easier to obtain than crystal. In come 
cases, the amount of metal that I have on hand is more than the amount of
credits. This is because the metal asteroids are everywhere.

Habitable Cavern System

Effect = Max Population +15
         Planet Health +500

A nice bonus, given that you get more tax income and your planet gets more
health, which is nice if you keep getting raided and bombarded. Of course,
this is more useful on some planets than others, terran and desert planets
won't notice the effect on population, but it would make that asteroid so
much more useful for your empire. 

High Security Protocol

Effect = Tactical Slots +5
         Trade Income -20%

Only useful if you are on the frontline of your empire or next to a wormhole,
but losing on that trade income is quite severe. This is because if you are
on the frontline and you have a trade agreement when said empire, you will
lose a fair chunk of your credit income. However, nothing is wrong with 
having a few extra defence platforms either. 

Ionic Storms

Effect = Max Population -20
         Trade Income +10%

Only found on volcanic planets, this is a pretty bad effect. This is because
that the tax money that you obtain from that 20 population will be bigger
than that of the 10% increase in trade income. Make sure you have the trade
income of trading ports used to minimise the effect of the population cap. 
Even if you have tech that improves the population of volcanic planets, it
is still a large tax drop. 

Kalanite Deposits

Effect = Trade Income +20%

This is a very nice boost, you want to use this and build trade ports 
everywhere in order to take advantage of this as much as you can. However,
the effect below puts this to shame.

Massive Pure Glaciers

Effect = Trade Income +30%

The massive boost in trade income means that whatever planet it is, you 
want a good deal of trading ports here to make sure that you make as much
money as possible. Of course, make sure this planet and the traders are 
well defended, there is no point if you are trading in no where. 

Mega Fauna

Effect = Max Population -15
         Trade Income +25%

This is only found on ice planets, and isn't as bad as the Ionic Storms that
the volcanic planets have. This is because the population drop is far less
and the trade income is far higher. This still won't even out the loss of 
taxes but you aren't losing as much as the ionic storms will give you. Of
course, build trade ports in order to take advantage of the increase in trade

Natural Thermal Lifts

Effect = Structure Build Rate +25%

This is only found on desert planets and is quite a useful bonus if you find
it initially. This is bacause desert planets support a hell of a lot of 
logistical and tactical slots and as such, you would have a lot of buildings
here. This is even more useful if you use it as a buffer planet and you need
to stop an enemy force, whilst they are fighting your existing defences, you
can manage to build more defences further back, in order to stop their
advance as well as giving you more buffer space between their force and 
the planet. 

Penal Colony

Effect = Structure Build Cost -20%
         Structure Build Rate -30%

A double edged sword, this makes all the buildings on your planet so much
cheaper to build, which is important early on in the game, but this is quite
annoying that you have to wait a fair bit longer. As such, this is more 
useful in the early part of the game, given that you save resources, which 
is scarce early on, but late in the game, this is useless given your vast
amount of resources.

Persistant Dust Storms

Effect = Population Growth -25%

This is quite an annoying "bonus" because this means that your tax income
rises slowly. This is quite a harsh punishment if you find it on a desert
or terran planet, given that they support a lot of life. As such, this
would make you want to protect this planet more given that the population
takes longer to recover from such a bombardment. 

Pharmaceutical Flora

Effect = Trade Income +20%
         Population Growth +20%

This is only found on Terran planets, this is exceptionally useful so build
a lot of trade ports in order to take full advantage of the benefit that 
will increase trade income by such a big amount. With population growth 
increasing at such a rate, this is useful for you as you need to wait less
to get full tax income. Useful indeed. 

Plundered Booty

Effect = Tax Income +3.5

This is only found on pirate bases, but there is a problem, this is the
only money a pirate base will be making because there is no population
support that a pirate base has. However, given that there is no planet
on which the pirate base is on, you might as well capture the base for
some money anyway. 

Porous Core

Effect = Gravity Well Radius -33%

Of course, you don't need to explore to find this, but this is the 
opposite of Dense Molten Core, and that means that there is less distance
from the phase lane and your planet, which isn't all that nice, but that
depends on the planet you find it on, if you find it on a frontline planet,
I suggest that you move and conquer the next planet.

Roiders Outpost

Effect = Metal Extraction Rate +20%
         Extra Constructors +1

This is only available on asteroids, but it is nice boost, given that it
is increase the amount of metal that you make, which is always nice, but
the extra constructor allows you to build more strucutres faster, which
is exceptionally useful if you want to quickly use the resources of the
asteroid, which often contains crystal asteroids. 

Space Ponies!

Effect = Space Ponies

This serves no other purpose than to obtain the space ponies bonus that
you will want to obtain if you want a 100% success rate of all the 
achievements. Too bad that you can't use them in battle. 

Spice Trade

Effect = Cultural Spread Rate +5%
         Trade Income +10%

This is only found on desert planets, but this is exceptionally useful
given the large logistical slots that it contains, so building a broadcast
centre as well as a trade port to take advantage of this bonus would not
be such a big problem. Of course, protect your bonus well to stop it 
falling into enemy hands.

Tundra Farms

Effect = Max Population +25

Of course, you can guess that this is only on ice planets given the word
tundra in its name, but this is rather useful, given that you can increase
the amount of tax money that you can earn. You don't need to do anything
else to reap the benefits.

Weapons Test Facility

Effect = Max Population -20
         Tactical Slots +8

This is a fair drop in population, which is a problem on planets that cannot
support a large planet, such as asteroids and volcanic planets, but if you
are on the frontline, this is useful. Well, I was lucky to get this on a 
volcanic planet since it was right next to the wormhole, which always needs
a heavy guard. If you happen to be next to pirate bases or wormholes, or,
depending on the map, the star, then this would be useful as a buffer. 


These you would want to protect at all costs, because these will effect not
just the planet, but every single planet in your empire, and this makes
these artifacts worth fighting over. When an artifact is discovered, all the
empires will be aware of the location of the artifact, but not what type of
artifact it is, and nor is the planet revealed. Protect these at all costs,
hold nothing back to defend these planets, and even if you need to recall
capital ships, recall them.

Data Archive

Effect = Research Cost Decrease -25%

One of the most useful artifacts, this is exceptionally important, and it 
would be even more useful if you get it early on in the game, but still,
this will decrease the cost of all technologies by 25% for all costs, credits,
metal and crystal. This can lead to massive savings in the end, and means
you can get your superweapon a lot easier. Of course, it is useless in large 
maps where you have completed all the technologies, but look on the bright
side, denying the enemy of it isn't such a bad thing either. 

Jump Drive Relic

Effect = Between Star Phase Jump Speed +50%

Only useful on maps where you have more than one star, at least two stars so
you can travel between stars, this is extremely useful on large maps where 
you need to move to the next star system given that it takes a VERY LONG
time to travel between stars, and that is just for scout ships, it takes an
era for your capital ships to move in and crush the enemy. Make sure you take
good care of it in larger maps.

Jump Field Generator

Effect = Phase Jump Antimatter Cost -30%

An exceptional artifact for capital ships and colony ships, because travelling
from one planet to another using phase lanes costs antimatter, this will put
your capital ship's ability back in service quickly. This is important because
the best thing about the capital ship is their powerful abilities. Also, the
reason for the mention for colony ships is that they often need to jump a few
planets to get to the place you want to take over, and by then, you often need
to wait for all the antimatter to build up to colonise the planet.

Kinetic Intensifier

Effect = Damage Increase +12%

If you are heading into battle, this is one you would want, this will increase
the damage of all of your empire's forces by 12%, which is a fair amount of
damage on a large battle. As you get more and more powerful weapons from your
technology research, this will be increased as well, and you would want to
protect this artifact at all costs. Make sure that you put it to good use, and
remember, the faster you take down the enemy, the less damage your ships will

Manifest Domination

Effect = Culture Spread Rate +25%
         Culture Resistance +10%

If you have this, you can start culture wars, where you dominate another 
planet using culture. Build more and more broadcast stations so you can
increase the rate in which your culture takes over the galaxy. This makes your
culture spread a lot faster, and it will fight back stronger against enemy
culture, which seeks to weaken the alligence of your planets towards you.

Phase Accelerator

Effect = In-System Phase Jump Speed +50%

Probably one of the most useful artifacts for all players, this is because
it will increase the speed in which your ships move through phase lanes by
50%, and that basically makes them a hell of a lot faster between A and B.
This is useful because capital ships take a hell of a long time to move 
between A and B, and they need all the help they can get, especially if you
need to move them from the frontlines in order to counter an enemy attack
on your own planets. The bigger your empire, the better this artifact is for
you as you reinforce your planets. 

Power Core Relic

Effect = Antimatter Regeneration +10%

This is only useful if you have a fair amount of capital ships that you use
in battle, given that Antimatter costs are high and you need more of it in 
order to use the abilities of your capital ships. Your capital ships can
let loose their abilities more often as they are not as heavily effected in
terms of antimatter. Colony ships also benefit as their antimatter costs to
take over an enemy planet goes down. 

Relatavistic Factories

Effect = Ship Build Rate +25%

This is only useful when you are actually building a fleet, whether it is a
capital ship to explore (I usually don't send my scout ships, they always get
ambushed, but a capital ship can hold its own), or building a quick defence
fleet to defend and intercept an incoming fleet, which is useful if you have
the technology that informs you that an enemy fleet is moving into your 
systems. Not as useful if you aren't building a fleet.

Resilient Metaloids

Effect = Hull Repair Rate +25%

This is an exceptionally good artifact for all ships, frigates, cruisers,
capital ships and strike crafts. This is useful because when you send in a 
capital ship to clear a system of the natives, you will often be facing a
fair amount of frigates and cruisers, and you need to make sure your capital
ship survives. This will help that, and it will reduce the need for repair
platforms, and once those techs kick in, you will reaping the effect of a 
very powerful fleet. 

[3.03] Planet Construction

There are upgrades for each planet, and this list will be a general list, 
rather than a specific list because I personally can't be bothered to see
how many upgrades that each planet could sustain, and that just makes this
guide bigger for absolutely no good reason, and that is pointless typing on
my behalf.

Anyway, these are all built on your planet, and no where else.

Civilian Infrastructure

Level 1 = 450 Credits, 150 Metal, 75 Crystals
Level 2 = 550 Credits, 175 Metal, 125 Crystals
Level 3 = 650 Credits, 200 Metal, 175 Crystals
Level 4 = 750 Credits, 225 Metal, 225 Crystals

This is needed as it removes the underdevelopment penalty when you first
colonise a planet, which effectively makes you lose money. It also increases
the amount of population that your planet can sustain, which in some cases,
on desert and terran planets, is a lot, and also, increases the rate in
which your population grows.

Emergency Facilities

Level 1 = 450 Credits, 150 Metal, 75 Crystals
Level 2 = 550 Credits, 175 Metal, 125 Crystals
Level 3 = 650 Credits, 200 Metal, 175 Crystals

This will increase the health of your planet, and it will make it harder to
decrease the population from enemy bombardment. The more health your planet
has, the longer it will take for the enemy to take over control of the planet
using force.

Explore Planet

Level 1 = 450 Credits, 150 Metal, 75 Crystals
Level 2 = 550 Credits, 175 Metal, 125 Crystals

This is where you send out explorers to see if there are any rare artifacts
or bonuses that are lurking on your planet. Most of the time, it will be a 
failure, but on those rare occasions, you might use end up with a powerful

Change Capital

Level 1 = 2000 Credits, 300 Metal, 200 Crystals

This moves the capital of your empire to a new location, and there is an 
actual good reason for this, because as your empire expands, the further
away your planets are, the lower the allegence maximum that your planets
will have, and that decreases the maximum tax income and maximum metal and
crystal gathering rate, which is quite a lot, depending on the number of 

Logistics Capacity

Level 1 = 450 Credits, 150 Metal, 75 Crystals
Level 2 = 550 Credits, 175 Metal, 125 Crystals
Level 3 = 650 Credits, 200 Metal, 175 Crystals

This increases the overall number of logistical slots up, and that means
that you can support more and more logistical structures such as the
research labs, the trade ports, refineries and broadcast stations. This
is one of the ones that you want to max out when you declare a planet is

Tactical Capacity

Level 1 = 450 Credits, 150 Metal, 75 Crystals
Level 2 = 550 Credits, 175 Metal, 125 Crystals
Level 3 = 650 Credits, 200 Metal, 175 Crystals

This is the same as the one above, but instead of the logistical slots,
you will increase the number of tactical slots that you have, and that
means that you can place more defence platforms, hangars, or even your
faction's superweapon with all that extra space. Tactical Capacity is
important if you want defences against your enemy. 

[4.01] Strike Craft

There are two types of strike craft. Think of this in terms of space fighting
games like Freelancer, which is probably one of the best games in terms of 
space based action games. While there are frigates (in terms of gunships) 
and capital ships, there are fighter craft, and a hell of a lot. This is 
where fighters come out to play. 

There are two versions of strike craft, fighters and bombers. Fighters are
good at intercepting and countering other fighters and bombers, while
bombers are there to attack frigates ships and above. 

There are two methods of getting strike craft, they either have to be 
stationed near a planet with a hangar, or they are based off a carrier craft
and used in military operations. Because of that, they don't really cost
anything, all you need is the carrier or the hangar, though they are not 
built automatically, you need to choose which one you want.


Faction       = All
Cost          = Nil
Health        = 60
Shields       = 0
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 1
Weapon Damage = Autocannon (2) 
Supply Needed = 0
Good Against  = Strike Craft
Weak Against  = Strike Craft, Flak Attacks
Researchables = Nil



These come in packs of 6, and they do very little damage, but against enemy
fighters and bombers, they actually do some work. These are only good if
you are planning to defend against enemy carriers and block out enemy 
fighters, or as fleet defence for a forward fleet. They will not be putting
up much of a fight against larger ships, such as frigates, cruisers and the
capital ships, but they are fast and nearly impossible to hit.


Faction       = All
Cost          = Nil
Health        = 100
Shields       = 0
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Missile (3)
Supply Needed = 0
Good Against  = Frigates, Structures, Cruisers, Capital Ships
Weak Against  = Strike Craft, Flak Attacks
Researchables = Nil



Bombers are groups of 5 fighters that are heavily armed with missiles that
can dish out a hell of a lot of damage against structures and frigates and
demolish them with ease if used on groups. A pack of 10 from a carrier fleet
is more than enough to take out an entire system with enough support. They can
take on Cruisers and Capital Ships and provides a fair punishment, provided
that they have the support of a proper fleet to dish out the damage. 

[4.02] Frigates

Frigates are the grunts of your fleet, they are the basic support that any
fleet would require. Frigates are the basic support of the fleet, they can
attack, they can defend, they can explore, colonise and basically, everything
that you would need. However, they are not exceptionally powerful, and even
though they have some nice abilities, do not except to win a war with them.

Put it this way, you may have a lot of frigates, but a small amount of capital
ships can knock a fleet of frigates on its head. You want to make sure that
you have a varied fleet. Remember, a capital ship may be big and strong, but
that doesn't make it invulnerable to damage. 


Arcova Scout Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 200 Credits
Health        = 450
Shields       = 175
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 1
Weapon Damage = Laser (3)
Supply Needed = 2
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Timed Explosives, Failsafe Jump Plotting, Sensor Drones,
                Failsafe Jump Plotting



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 0

This is where the scout frigate will move around and explore planets that you
have not explored before, removing the need for you to manually input the 
co-ordinates for the frigate.

Infalliable Jump Drive

Passive Ability

This ability gives your Arcova Scout frigate the ability to move around from
system to system without being under the effect of Phase Inhibitors, which
slow the rate in which you jump out of a system. This is useful when you are
scouting out unfriendly territory which happens to be heavily defended. You
will definitely find some of those in heavily defended areas. 


Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 18000
Duration (secs) = 600

A probe is where your scout frigate will send out a drone probe and that will
be targeted on the planet. The planet will them remain lit up, and you can 
see exactly what is going on near the planet for about 10 minutes, which is
rather useful, because you don't need to have a ship nearby to keep a visual
on the planet.

Timed Explosives

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 900
Range           = 200
Duration (secs) = 15

This is basically a bomb action, where your scout frigate will drop a bomb on
a target structure, causing about 1200 damage and basically increases the 
damage that the structure will take by 50%. This is useful if you need a bit
of sabotage done, and a few scout frigates can disable entire structures, and
early on, this is quite costly to counter as you need to rebuild. However, 
your frigates have 15 seconds before it goes BOOM!

The Arcova Scout Frigate is the cheapest and the weakest of the TEC frigates,
though with the nice range of abilities, it does not make it entirely useless,
early on, explosives and probes will keep your enemy on their guard else they
have blown up crystal extractors, given that crystal is rare early and late 
in the game. However, make sure that you keep them out of a fight, they cannot
put up much in terms of direct confrontation with enemy frigates, so you want
to either run or have an intercepting force en route. 

Cobalt Light Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 300 Credits, 55 Metal
Health        = 600
Shields       = 350
Antimatter    = 200
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Laser (10)
Supply Needed = 5
Good Against  = Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Sabotage Reactor


Sabotage Reactor

Antimatter Cost = 25
Cooldown (secs) = 3
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 10

The Sabotage Reactor will make the targeted ship or structure unable to use
any of their abilities for 10 seconds and take 100 damage as well. For this
to work, the target needs to have an antimatter storage tank because this
ability targets their antimatter to damage them. Useful if it is used en

The Cobalt Light Frigate is a grunt of the TEC fleet, it is used early on in
the game to clear out systems for your colony ships to move in. They are 
decent against other frigates, but even if you outnumber the enemy with 
these frigates, they are not exceptionally effective against enemy cruisers
and not at the least, capital ships, but enough to make sure they won't be 
in action for a while. They are not heavily armoured, so make sure that
these units aren't going to be rolled over for no good reason. 

Javelis LRM Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 500 Credits, 280 Metal
Health        = 500
Shields       = 280
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 1
Weapon Damage = Missile (11)
Supply Needed = 4
Good Against  = Frigates, Structures, Cruisers
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships, Frigates
Researchables = Cluster Warheads


Cluster Warheads

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 1200
Duration (secs) = 10

Cluster Warheads is basically changing the missile loadout of your LRM frigate
to a cluster missile instead of a conventional missile. This will deal splash
damage for that salvo of missiles against the enemy. Useful if the enemy is 
packing themselves in groups, which is quite common. 

Your Javelis LRM frigates are exceptionally powerful frigates, and if they are
used correctly, they can easily dispatch a group of enemy frigates, cruisers, 
and if you have enough support, capital ships. The reason is that this ship 
has exceptionally long range, and as such, it can hit hard and take little 
damage. However, it cannot survive in a direct confrontation, so you will need
to keep this in the rear. As a defence, Kodiak Cruisers and these Javelis LRM
Frigates will go well, one is close range and takes punishment, the other 
hits hard from afar. 

Krosov Siege Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 520 Credits, 70 Metal, 60 Crystals
Health        = 560
Shields       = 280
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Laser (6), Bomb (20)
Supply Needed = 12
Good Against  = Structures, Planets, Frigates
Weak Against  = Frigates, Cruisers, Capital ships
Researchables = Heavy Fallout


Heavy Fallout

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 360

Heavy Fallout basically means that the Krosov Siege Frigate fires a form of
radiation missile at the planet, and with the radiation fallout, it will
impair the population growth of the planet by 30%, but this is a rather 
useless ability if you are attacking, this is more of a hit and run attack
on a nice bombardment raid, a parting gift if you like.

The Krosov Siege Frigate is the only ships in the TEC fleet that can bombard
planets, outside capital ships, which can all bombard planets. They can dish
out a hell of a punish against structures, and basically things that don't
fight back, and whilst they can hold their own against frigates, if you are
outnumbers by frigates or outgunned by cruisers or capital ships, you need
to run, this is a big investment and it isn't a smart idea to risk losing your
frigates for nothing. However, there is a thing to note about when you are 
using the Heavy Fallout. If you use it, remember that it will take 6 minutes
for the planet to recover from the fallout, so if you want to capture it, you
will end up hurting yourself in the form of taxes instead.

Garda Flak Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 375 Credits, 40 Metal, 25 Crystal
Health        = 900
Shields       = 450
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Autocannon (19)
Supply Needed = 4
Good Against  = Strike Craft, Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Nil



The Garda Flak Frigate is basically the fleet defence against bombers and 
fighters, and don't underestimate them, bombers and fighters can be 
exceptionally painful, a group of 10 from a carrier fleet can destroy 
structures such as extractors with two missile runs. Although they are 
designed against strike craft, they are also quite powerful against enemy
frigates, and although it is cheap, there is a problem because they do not
have any abilities to toy around with, so basically, what you see is what
you get.

Protov Colony Frigate

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 450 Credits, 100 Metal, 50 Crystals
Health        = 1150
Shields       = 125
Antimatter    = 225
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Autocannon (4)
Supply Needed = 6
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

Basically, this will head towards an empty planet, or in some cases, an
empty pirate base, and capture it for your empire. The planet will need to be
devoid of population and must not be claimed by another empire. If it is 
claimed by another empire, destroy the base or planet until there is 0 health
and there is a message that you can destroyed an outpost, then colonise.

Crew Extractor

Antimatter Cost = 40
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 1000
Duration (secs) = 0

In many of the uncolonizable planets, there will be extractors there of metal
and crystal, prebuilt and they are neutral, and ready for the taking. This
ability will take control of a neutral extractor and place it into service for
your empire.

The Protov Colony Frigate, although completely useless in combat, and this
is something that you shouldn't be using in combat at all, is used to expand
your empire. These are important because the only other thing in the TEC 
fleet that can colonise planets is the Akkan Battlecruiser and this is the
only ship in the TEC fleet that can man the extractors in the uncolonizable
planets, making this relatively important. Only send these into planets after
your fleet has nearly cleared out a planet, I say nearly because it does take
some time for a frigate to move through a phase lane. 


Seeker Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 200 Metal
Health        = 400
Shields       = 425
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Laser (3)
Supply Needed = 2
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Unfettered Phase Jumps, Martyrdom



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 0

Similar to the TEC Scout Frigate, the Seeker Vessel will explore all the
unknown planets in your area without the need for you to command where it is
supposed to go and such. Useful because they can normally scout a good deal
before they run into trouble.

Infallible Jump Drive

Passive Ability

Again, this is the same as the Arcova Scout Frigate, but of course, has its
use, given that scout frigates will always be running into enemy territory.
You need to remember that your seeker vessel will be able to move quickly
to avoid stationary defences, but with attacks from strike craft, this will
result in a vessel destroyed if it is waiting to phase jump away.


Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 200
Duration (secs) = 0

As you can guess, this ability is letting the seeker vessel self destruct
and blow itself up, dealing 200 damage to every vessel in range, and although
that may not be a lot, it will give you an advantage if your vessel was 
scouting enemy land before your invasion force gets in. 

The Seeker Vessel is the basic scout of the Advent fleet, and they are 
necessary as it is rather, well, stupid to send in a capital ship to 
explore the unknown, given that capital ships are slow, and you aren't going
to know what you are up again. However, late in the game, when everything has
been explored, don't expect to use these anymore. 

Disciple Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 250 Credits, 40 Metal
Health        = 400
Shields       = 425
Antimatter    = 200
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Laser (8)
Supply Needed = 4
Good Against  = Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Steal Antimatter


Steal Antimatter

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 10
Range           = 3000
Duration (secs) = 0

This ability targets a ship with antimatter and steals 25 antimatter from
them and gives it to themselves, which is rather useful if you use it en
masse against capital ships, stealing their antimatter and not letting
them have any will deprive them of their abilities, which is what makes a 
capital ship so useful.

Transfer Antimatter

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 30
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 10

This basically transfer antimatter from the vessel towards a target vessel
of your choosing, which is useful if you need to reinforce your capital
ships with more antimatter, given that their antimatter usage is rather
excessive to say the least, all capital ships need a lot of antimatter to 
win a fight.

The Disciple Vessel is basically the grunt of the Advent frigate forces,
you will use them to clear out systems early on, which is always needed for
new planets. However, you need to remember that in order to make these 
vessels useful in battle, you need to keep them away from cruisers and 
capital ships as those ships pound these ones into a fine dust.

Illuminator Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 350 Credits, 50 Metal, 40 Crystals
Health        = 500
Shields       = 500
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Beam (16)
Supply Needed = 6
Good Against  = Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Deceptive Illusion


Deceptive Illusion

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 120

This creates a decoy ship of the Illuminator Vessel, in which the enemy
will think as a real ship, whilst in actuality, it is an illusion. This
ship can actually take some damage before it goes poof, which is useful
as you try to retreat your fleet from an ambush or the arrival of a far
superior force. However, this will disable all other abilities that you
may have.

The Illuminator Vessel is a useful vessel if you want to escape or 
retreat a fleet from danger, and the decoy might give you enough time to
save a frigate or two. However, this ability tends to be worthless late in
the game as the enemy will have powerful capital ships and cruisers that
will destroy anything in a matter of seconds, and that means the decoy will
be less effective. Useful earlier on when the enemy does not tote such a 
large force. 

Purge Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 530 Credits, 80 Metal, 60 Crystals
Health        = 480
Shields       = 375
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Plasma (6), Bomb (20)
Supply Needed = 12
Good Against  = Planets, Frigates
Weak Against  = Frigates, Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Nil



The Purge Vessel is the only ship that can bombard planets that is not a 
capital ship. This is useful if you use them on mass, but any good defender
would have already upgraded their planet with emergency facilities, and have
defences to shoot these guys down. I once had a large fleet move in and try
to capture one of my planets, they did not realise that behind them was a
group of 8 capital ships from my expeditionary fleet. Needless to say, the
enemy did not win. That is a reminder that if you wish to bombard planets
with these guys, make sure that you have a big fleet to protect against 
whatever the enemy will throw at you.

Defence Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 350 Credits, 40 Meteal, 20 Crystals
Health        = 650
Shields       = 620
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Laser (22)
Supply Needed = 3
Good Against  = Strike Craft, Frigates
Weak Against  = Frigates, Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Nil



With the lack of abilities, the defence vessel is similar to the Garda Flak
Frigate, it is basically there to defend against strike craft, which are
quite dangerous if you let them grow in numbers. They can hold their own
against enemy frigates, but their difference to other flak frigates is that
they have a large amount of health and shields, and that means that they can
take more punishment before they fall. 

Missionary Vessel

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 400 Credits, 125 Metal, 50 Crystals
Health        = 925
Shields       = 250
Antimatter    = 220
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Laser (5)
Supply Needed = 7
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

Basically, this will head towards an empty planet, or in some cases, an
empty pirate base, and capture it for your empire. The planet will need to be
devoid of population and must not be claimed by another empire. If it is 
claimed by another empire, destroy the base or planet until there is 0 health
and there is a message that you can destroyed an outpost, then colonise.

Crew Extractor

Antimatter Cost = 40
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 1000
Duration (secs) = 0

In many of the uncolonizable planets, there will be extractors there of metal
and crystal, prebuilt and they are neutral, and ready for the taking. This
ability will take control of a neutral extractor and place it into service for
your empire.

Again, as with the Protov Colony Frigate, for the love all all things that is
lovable, do not send these ships into combat, they will suffer and die 
exceptionally quickly. Also, the AI tends to target these, regardless of 
whatever forces you have fighting them, so if you want to actually colonise 
that planet, I suggest that you take them into the system after it is cleared
out for safety reasons. 


Jikara Navigator

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 225 Credits, 20 Metal
Health        = 425
Shields       = 225
Antimatter    = 300
Armour        = 1
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (4)
Supply Needed = 3
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Jump Inhibition Immunity



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 0

Again, it is the same with the other scout frigates, basically, you send the
vessel to discover the entire galaxy by themselves without you needing to 
tell them where to go and such, which is always useful before you want to know
where to nice lush terran and desert planets are and those crystal rich ice

Capture Extractor

Antimatter Cost = 60
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 1000
Duration (secs) = 0

Basically, the ability to take over neutral extractors around uncolonizable 
areas have been turned over to the navigator rather than handing it to the
colony ship, which is a poor decision, but in some ways, it is useful because
you can capture the extractors when you are moving around the galaxy, which is
more metal and crystals. 

Infalliable Jump Drive

Passive Ability

Like the other scout ships, this makes the ship uninhibited by enemy phase
jump inhibitors, which is always useful when you are moving away from enemy
territory. Of course, I can't be bothered copying and pasting all that much,
my fingers are too cold.

The Navigator is going to be necessary as you want to explore the galaxy 
quickly to see where you can expand. You need to scout out the enemy 
defences and their forces, so you can send in the appropriate response to
their defences. 

Ravastra Skirmisher

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 420 Credits, 70 Metal
Health        = 700
Shields       = 440
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (10)
Supply Needed = 7
Good Against  = Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Reintegration, Interference



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 75
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 45

The Skirmisher will stop and turn off the engines and weapons, making it
stationary and defenceless, but recovers 8 hull points per second for 
about 45 seconds, recovering about 360 hull points in total. This is 
only useful if you use it OUTSIDE OF BATTLE. It is extremely stupid and
foolhardy to stop and turn off your weapons in the MIDDLE OF A BATTLE. Its 
like standing in between two archers who are trying to kill each other. 


Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 8
Range           = 5000
Duration (secS) = 30

This is a nice ability to use on capital ships, it will double their
weapon cooldown time and double the antimatter costs of all abilities, 
which will essentially cut the power of a capital ship into two, which
is quite useful in a massive engagement. Use this wisely however, don't
think that the single frigate will survive an engagement against a capital
ship just by doubling their antimatter costs and weapon cooldown, they
are still a big threat.

the Ravastra Skirmisher is quite powerful, more powerful than the light
frigates of the TEC and the Advent. However, they have a larger costs, but
that is well worth it, interference and reintegration can be useful if used
correctly and instead of them being worthless at the end of the game, they
still are useful as support frigates. 

Kanrak Assailant

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 360 Credits, 55 Metal, 35 Crystals
Health        = 600
Shields       = 340
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Phase Missiles (13)
Supply Needed = 6
Good Against  = Frigates, Structures, Cruisers
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Discharging Missiles


Discharging Missiles

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 5
Range           = 1200
Duration (secs) = 2

This will disable the Kanrak's engines and decrease their turn rate by a 
massive 300%, but their missiles get a 25% boost in range and have a 15%
boost in splash damage, which makes them excellent killers of frigate
groups. Basically, this makes them stationary missile platforms, and with
their range, can hit an enemy fleet hard. But remember, they will be
stationary in this node, and although the time they are stationary is 
low, that can mean being within weapon range of a capital ship and with
such weak armour, this is in trouble.

This is a powerful missile frigate, but however, it will be useless in
direct combat, they are far too fragile and as such, they cannot sustain
a large attack force. Once your front line is gone, you better retreat them
and given their cost, you want to keep them away from direct confrontation
at all costs. Remember, the discharging missiles might be useful for extra
damage, but those few seconds that it is stationary and slowed down, the 
capital ships and opposing missile frigates and cruisers can move in and
swoop for the kill. Also, strike craft are a threat, since it is stationary
in this time.

Karrastra Destructor

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 525 Credits, 80 Metal, 60 Crystals
Health        = 520
Shields       = 320
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Wave (6), Bomb (23)
Supply Needed = 12
Good Against  = Planets
Weak Against  = Frigates, Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Nil



Compared to the rest of the non-capital frigates that can bomb planets, this
is extremely weak. The other frigates can hold their own in a fight in time
to escape and fight another day. These have a differance, they cannot hold 
their own and definitely need support. If you plan to planet bomb with the
Vasari, I suggest Capital Ships, they can actually hold their own and have
useful abilities that the Karrastra Destructor definitely lacks. They also
have some defence as well. Also, their supply cost is extremely excessive
for such a weak ship and considering their purpose, one capital ship is worth
5 of these at least, considering the capital ships supply is always 50. 

Junsurak Sentinel

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 450 Credits, 50 Metal, 30 Crystals
Health        = 875
Shields       = 550
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Phase Missiles (20)
Supply Needed = 5
Good Against  = Strike Craft, Frigates
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Discharging Missiles


Discharging Missiles

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 5
Range           = 750
Duration (secs) = 1

Similar to the effect of the Kanrak Assailant, this will kill the engines of
the ship and will decrease the turn rate by about 300%, but will increase
the range of the missiles by 25% and increase the splash damage by 15%, though
for some reason, the range is lower and duration shorter, however, it can 
still hit a fleet rather hard.

This the the flak frigate of the Vasari, and it is quite powerful, hitting 
strike craft, and seriously, they don't stand a chance, though if they are
focusing on strike craft, their carriers and escorts won't be too pleased. 
They can hold their own in an actual fight, so don't worry about them too 
much, but make sure that your investment is safe.

Jarun Migrator

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 425 Credits, 140 Metals, 50 Crystals
Health        = 1000
Shields       = 225
Antimatter    = 225
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (5)
Supply Needed = 6
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

The same colonise as all the rest of the colony ships, it is basically the
capture of an empty planet for your own use, nothing special or new here. 
I am glad that this is the last of the rehashing for the most part.

The Migrator is weaker than other colony ships, losing the crew extractor
ability, but still, it is the only frigate that can colonise planets, so 
you will need them. The other rules apply, do not send this ship into battle
because that is rather stupid, considering that the damage is minimal and 
the fact that the ship has absolutely no armour whatsoever. 

[4.03] Cruiser

Cruisers are basically the support and heavy attacks of your fleet, they will
be rare in the early part of the game, but later on, they will be used as 
escorts for capital ships and support craft for the fleet, and their abilities
are exceptionally useful in battle. Many can house strike craft, adding to the
attack force of the fleet. 

Compared to frigates, they are more expensive, there is no denying that, but
they are more heavily armoured, they pack stronger weapons, more health, 
bigger shields and more powerful abilities. If the frigates are the basic
grunts of the fleet, consider the cruiser the commander. 

This is where you start to see the differences in the fleets. The TEC fleets 
are not heavily armoured, considering they are modified civilian vessel, but 
excel at supporting their fleet, making it well designed for defending 
territory. Advent fleets support their ships from attack and defence, though
they pack more aggressive abilities than their TEC cousins. The Vasari fleet
is more designed for attack and packs a lot of offensive abilities in their
cruisers. Let us have a look at their cruisers.


Percheron Light Carrier

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 475 Credits, 100 Metal, 90 Crystals
Health        = 900
Shields       = 300
Antimatter    = 200
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = No Weapons
Supply Needed = 8
Good Against  = Frigates, Structures
Weak Against  = Cruisers, Capital Ships
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron of Strike Craft



Lacking any sort of weaponry, the Percheron Light Carrier is a carrier, it 
carries strike craft from planet to planet in their hangars, letting them
unleash bombers or fighters on the enemy. They should always be kept in 
the rear of your line, with little armor and little in the terms of firepower
besides their strike craft. Make sure you pick bomber strike craft, you're
anti-strike craft attack will be the Flak Frigate, you need to dish out the

Hosihko Robotics Cruiser

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 350 Credits, 30 Metal, 50 Crystals
Health        = 775
Shields       = 325
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Laser (4)
Supply Needed = 4
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Demolition Bots


Repair Drones

Antimatter Cost = 50
Cooldown (secs) = 3
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 15

This repairs the hulls of the nearby ships and structures, healing them for
20 points per second for the duration of 15 seconds. This can make your
ships stand and fight longer, and is well worth the cost of using the 
antimatter. This is why the Hoshiko Cruiser should be in every battle, they
are invaluable in supporting abilities.

Demolition Bots

Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 3
Range           = 3000
Duration (secs) = 15

This is a powerful ability, it targets a ship and inflicts 25 damage to it,
and that isn't all that much, but it also increases the cooldown of their
weapon by 75%, and also decreases the acceleration and turning of the ship
by 200%, which is a fair amount. This is why this cruiser is so damn scary
to fight, you cannot run and retreat against it when you are slower than
the capital ships that are hunting you down. 

As you can see, the abilities of the Robotics cruiser is why you should have
them hanging around in large battles, it will keep nearby ships healthy whilst
making sure that the enemy frigates don't escape. Of course, this isn't as 
useful around capital ships, seeing that they have such a large shield, but
with any fleet, a few of these need to be there to support it, it saves on
repairs and makes sure that more of the enemy die.

Cielo Command Cruiser

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 425 Credits, 25 Metal, 60 Crystals
Health        = 850
Shields       = 250
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 1
Weapon Damage = Laser (4)
Supply Needed = 6
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Designate Target



Antimatter Cost = 50
Cooldown (secs) = 2
Range           = 4000
Duration (secs) = 60

This will increase the morale of the crew of the targeted ship and it will
decrease the cooldown that their weapons suffer by 10% and regenerates an
extra 2.5 Shield Points per second. This is exceptionally useful if that
ship is current on the frontline and taking heavy fire, so you reinforce 
their position and give them a little extra firepower. Exceptionally useful
on capital ships.

Designate Target

Antimatter Cost = 100
Colldown (secs) = 45
Range           = 9000
Duration (secs) = 60

The targeted ship will lose 25% of its shield mitigation, which is quite 
useful because shield mitigation will mean that it suffers less damage 
through its shield, and reducing the number means that it will take more
damage in the end, which is always a good think. Again, this is best used
on enemy capital ships, making those fat bastards take more damage is 
always a good thing, you want to sink them faster don't you?

The Cielo Command Cruiser is another support cruiser for the TEC, and one
that needs to be kept in the rear, given their lack of heavy armour. They
cannot survive in direct combat, but any good commander will realise
that their supporting capabilities is more than enough to warrent the 
cost and the risk of sending them with a battle fleet to fight. Pair with
Hoshiko Robotic Cruisers in order to maximise the potential of your 
fleet. They both work well with a large group of Capital Ships. 

Kodiak Heavy Cruiser

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 500 Credits, 100 Metal, 70 Crystals
Health        = 1050
Shields       = 600
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 5
Weapon Damage = Autocannon (18)
Supply Needed = 10
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Intercept



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 8

This is one of the most powerful support abilities ever, it will increase
the speed of the Kodiak Heavy Cruiser by 200% and the total acceleration by
a whopping 800%, using it to close in quickly on fleeing enemy forces to
terminate them. This is useful for chasing retreating forces that have been
weakened in a battle to make sure that they don't come back and fight another

This is the best non-capital ship that the TEC have to offer. Alone it is more
than a match for frigates, and groups will demolish cruisers, and if enough,
they can dispatch a capital ship. They are powerful, but are costly. As such,
with their incredible firepower, use them on the frontlines. I personally use
them to guard my planets near wormholes and stars, keeping about 5 in the
front, about 10 Javelis LRM frigates in the rear. That will easily take down a
fleet or at least inflict heavy losses, and will give enough time for you to
send in reinforcements. Use with Capital Ships and you will see the power of
these ships, and they are nothing to scoff at. Don't forget that there are
stationary defences as well, so get past that. 

Aeria Drone Host

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 450 Credits, 100 Metal, 50 Crystals
Health        = 1150
Shields       = 125
Antimatter    = 225
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = No Weapons
Supply Needed = 8
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron of Strike Craft



Similar to the TEC carrier, this is basically a launch platform for a single
squadron of strike craft, and you have to be insane to choose fighters for
attacking. Again, with no armour and nothing in terms of weaponry, they 
should be nothing but in the rear, though you might want to keep them in
the middle sometimes, in case the enemy gets some funny ideas of chasing a 
moving fleet down and the first thing they see are these drone hosts.

Iconus Guardian

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 525 Credits, 110 Metal, 120 Crystals
Health        = 675
Shields       = 1500
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Laser (4)
Supply Needed = 7
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Repulson


Shield Projection

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 30

This is one hell of an interesting ability. It basically extends the shields 
of the guardian to absorb and take 33% of the damage that is targeted at other
vessels under your control. Basically, it is tanking your forces. That is the
reason that it has such large shield reserves with so little weaponry. Of
course, that does deplete your shields relatively fast, so be vary of having
low shields, because this isn't a frontline unit.


Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 7500
Duration (secs) = 0

This actually has an antimatter cost, it costs 6 antimatter per second, so it
isn't a cheap ability. Basically, you push away nearby ships, and it 
reduces their acceleration and speed by 1000%, which means that if they move
towards you, they are basically moving at a crawl, which is a nice move or
barrier to prevent the enemy coming close to you and your group. This is
basically another defensive ability.

This ship is basically a ship that defends and nothing else. Shield Projection
is basically taking a third of all the damage from nearby ships onto itself
and repulsion keeps enemy ships away from your ship, useful against strike 
craft as well as enemy vessels that seek to attack a group near the Guardian. 
Although this is a protecting vessel, it has no power of its own and cannot
survive one on one with a frigate or any other ship for that matter, with 
little armour and a weak puny weapon put on just to make it look like it is

Domina Subjugator

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 400 Credits, 80 Metal, 80 Crystals
Health        = 550
Shields       = 300
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Laser (4)
Supply Needed = 4
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Perserverance



Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 40
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 40

Basically, this is a move that will block any attempt to use abilities, 
weapons, construct structures or even phase jump. This is why this is a 
dangerous ship, it can stop any shop from phase jumping and firing 
back on the ship, which means that capital ships will be sweating bullets
when they see this, though that is only if they are fleeing, if they are
not, you will be the one fleeing like crazy.


Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 5000
Duration (secS) = 40

This is a nice ability, it is a healing ability where it will repair 
hull points at 25 points per second for 40 seconds to the targeted 
structure or ship, so it basically repairs 1000 hull points for the
40 seconds. This is exceptionally useful if you need to patch up a capital
ship from a massive engagement or frontline fighters that are about to be
turned into galactic debris.

This is one of the best ships that the Advent have to offer, it can support
and heal their allies and hinder the enemy from fighting back or escaping,
giving your forces a chance to quickly destroy them. Best against fleeing
capital ships after they have taken a beating, giving your forces a chance
to destroy it and force a massive loss upon the enemy. That'll teach them
to mess with you. Make sure that these guys don't head innto danger without
support, they have little armour and they cannot sustain heavy attacks, and
they are armed with an ornamental laser to boot, they will not be useful in
direct confrontations on the front line. 

Destra Crusader

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 525 Credits, 100 Metal, 90 Crystals
Health        = 775
Shields       = 825
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Plasma (19)
Supply Needed = 10
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Ruthlessness



Passive Ability
Range           = 3500

Ruthlessness is a powerful ability, it causes all enemy ships and structure
within its range to suffer 1.5 damage per second. Now that may not seem like
a lot, but in a large fight that drags on for several minutes, that is quite a
lot of damage we are talking about. This makes this ship one to be feared, and
you can bet it is one of the first ships that the enemy targets, so make sure
that the attendent fleet is fully armed to take down such threats.

This is probably the most dangerous cruiser of the Advent's due to the power
of their passive ability and the fact that it can easily demolish other ships
with ease. Similar to the Kodiak Heavy Cruiser, it can make capital ships 
sweat when they are on their own, but when you are facing a large group of
capital ships, this is useless. Make sure that this is placed in the frontline
to maximise the power of their ability, they aren't afraid to take damage and
are well prepared for it. 


Lasurak Transporter

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 490 Credits, 110 Metal, 95 Crystals
Health        = 600
Shields       = 300
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (4)
Supply Needed = 8
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron of Strike Craft



This is the same as the Drone Host and the Carrier, this will carry a 
squadron of strike craft, which hopefully will be bombers because you will
realise that by now, if I haven't drummed it into your head enough, is that
the bomber actually does some damage. Thisc arrier is different from the
rest, it has slightly more armour, which is handy, and it even has a token
weapon, though I suggest that you not try it out as a frontline ship, less
you want it destroyed. 

Stilakus Subverter

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 400 Credits, 80 Metal, 80 Crystals
Health        = 600
Shields       = 300
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (4)
Supply Needed = 5
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Distortion Field


Shield Disruption

Antimatter Cost = 30
Cooldown (secs) = 3
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 60

A wierd ability to say the least, it will reduce the shield mitigation of
a target ship by 10%, which is a fair bit if you look at the stats, and it 
will remove the ability to block missiles by 25%, which is also very handy,
especially if you have bombers or missile frigates with you, mainly because
they are the ones using phase missiles. If you have your bombers lining up
for a run, make sure that their shields are disrupted, and watch the bombers
pile up the damage.

Distortion Field

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 30

This is one hell of an interesting ability, it will teleport the subverter
next to the target ship that you want and it renders it disabled for a good
30 seconds. Of course, this puts your ship in harms way, but it will disable
the target and what is even more important is that your fleet can now move
in and take it out, which makes this a nice ability if you are planning to
take out retreating units. Make sure you pick the one with the highest value
to the enemy, to deal a blow to their fleet and their economy at the same

This ship is quite a powerful frontline supporter. It will not hold its own
in battle, but the good thing is that it will be making the enemy more
vulnerable with their shield disruption ability and their distortion field
will disable the target ship, and that makes it a nice target for your
attacking forces to take out with relative ease. However, if you use that
ability, note that you need to quickly get out of the way considering the
lack of heavy weapon on the subverter as well as the lack of a big shield

Serevun Overseer

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 450 Credits, 190 Metal, 100 Crystals
Health        = 700
Shields       = 350
Antimatter    = 350
Armour        = 2
Weapon Damage = Pulse Gun (4)
Supply Needed = 7
Good Against  = Nothing
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Jump Degradation, Mobile Phase Detection


Reactive Nanite Armour

Antimatter Cost = 50
Cooldown (secs) = 2
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 60

This ability gives the target ship a large increase of 250 hull points as 
well as a bonus in armour of 2 points for a duration of 1 minute. This is
quite useful if the target's shields are down and are taking hull damage,
given that it is increasing the maximum hull points as well as increasing
armour of the ship, which means that it will be taking less damage as the
armour of the ship is blocking most of the damage.

Jump Degradation

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 30
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 120

This ability is quite a powerful one, what it will do is reduce the speed
of the phase jumping speed of all enemy ships that are on phase lanes that
are linked to your current position. That is to say that the phase jump
speed is decreased by 50% to all enemy vessels that are jumping towards the
planet where the Overseer is based. This is useful as it slows down the
enemy, giving the time for you to build and send in more reinforcements
to take out the enemy. 

Mobile Phase Detection

Passive Ability

This ability basically detects all enemy ships that are jumping into 
the system that the Overseer is based. This also works well with the Jump
Degradation ability as it not only detects them, it also slows them down
and it gives you time to either escape or to send in some backup, or 
prepare the welcome mat with cannonade and gunfire. This is why it is 
dangerous to play on the phase lanes against the Vasari.

This is why the Overseer is do damn dangerous and hindering, it is a defence
vessel, it will slow down the enemy and detect them, lighting them up to
get ready to blow them up. The Phase Detection and Jump Degradation work
in conjunction rather well, though you will need to use Phase Detection in
order to know when to use the Jump Degradation ability. Their Reactive 
Nanite Armour also makes it useful for ships that are taking a fair amount of
hull damage. This is a true support vessel, so keep it from the front lines
given that it has a high cost as well as weak armour and weapons to boot. 

Skarovas Enforcer

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 675 Credits, 150 Metal, 110 Crystals
Health        = 1180
Shields       = 700
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Wave (20)
Supply Needed = 12
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Reintegration, Inertial Field



Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 75
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 45

This is a nice ability, given that it will stop and turn off engines and 
weapons in order to heal at the rate of 12 hull points per second, 
healing about 540 hull points with this ability on at the end of the 45
seconds, not taking into account the natural hull repair rate, so if the
ship has been badly mauled, by the end of those 45 seconds, it should be
back in service. Remember that you don't want to use this in the middle
of a battlefield, the ship will not be able to move or return fire, and
that is a problem in the middle of a battlefield.

Inertial Field

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 30
Range           = 4000
Duration (secs) = 10

This ability will reduce the speed and acceleration of all nearby ships
within the range of the field by 100%, which prevents the enemy from
moving in to attack as well as preventing the enemy from escaping from 
your grasp as you decide that it is time to blow them up. However, you
only have 10 seconds to make full use of it, so you have 10 seconds to
blow up a retreating ship. I like the sound to those odds.

The Skarovas Enforcer is a powerful cruiser, given that it has a high 
damage rating, powerful structure and with such a high cost, I would
find that it is worth the cost. This has some nice abilities, allowing
it to heal itself when it is damaged, as well as having a field that 
prevents the enemy from escaping, or, alternatively, preventing the 
enemy from chasing you down when you are escaping. Ahh, there are so many
possibilities that you can choose from when you are using this ship. 

[4.04] Capital Ships

Capital ships are the best of the best, and as such, you can only have so
much of them. With research, there is a maximum of 16 capital ships, and
that is more than enough. There are exactly 5 for each faction, and they all
have differing abilities. There are 5 groups, there is the normal Battleship,
a Carrier and three utility ships. 

What makes these ships so restricted is the fact that they are powerful, they
have a hell of a lot of shield and hull points, many weapons, the ability
to bombard planets, ability to launch strike craft and, this is the most
important, 4 different abilities that can be leveled up and used on your
and that is scary. Some are offensive, some are support, some defensive and
others passive. Bear in mind that these guys don't come cheap. 

Battleships also can gain experience and level up, gaining access to more
and more abilities. There is also an ultimate abilities, which is always and
only will be unlocked at level 6. Experience is based on destruction of ships
as well as training. Training is where you can increase the level of your ship
but it is limited until level 2, and if research permits, level 3. And on the
note of leveling up, most capital ships have an initial starting number on
strike craft, but as it levels up, the number of strike craft it can carry
will increase. Keep that in mind. You will also be able to upgrade existing
abilities, but I can't be stuffed to listed them after level 1, because that
takes a fair amount of game time, and I'm not that anal about it. 

Note that the first capital ship that you build will be free of charge, but
the rest of the time, or for every new ship from there, it will cost you
full price. So make the decision on what capital ship that you want first
carefully. Also, their effectiveness is limited on how you use them. Sending
in a single capital ship by itself isn't going to cut it, however, send in
8 and see what happens to the enemy. 


Kol Battleship

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 3000
Shields       = 1250
Antimatter    = 225
Armour        = 5
Weapon Damage = Beam (9), Autocannon (34), Laser (8), Bomb (43)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 0 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 2 Squadrons


Gauss Railgun

Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 6
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

The Gauss Railgun basically targets an enemy and dishes out damage at them, 
and it starts off at 300 damage. The problem of leaving this on autocast is 
that it will drain a lot of antimatter for nothing and it also has a short
cooldown, so this will drink antimatter, so you would either upgrade the
amount the antimatter reserves and increase the restoration rate, but it is
undeniable that this does a fair amount of damage for a single shot, and the
enemy won't be likeing that a lot. Leave it on autocast when you have fully
upgraded all antimatter techs, and grab the antimatter related artifacts. 

Flak Burst

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 12
Range           = 2400
Duration (secs) = 0

This ability damages all the squadrons, enemy squadrons in the area that is
by 30 to all of them within range. This is useful if you do not have Garda
Flak Frigates with you, which you should, because this is quite expensive
in terms of antimatter. The best thing is that you target the hangar or the
ship who is the host of the squadron, and that should bleed them to death as
strike craft without a host will slowly take damage until it dies.

Adaptive Forcefield

Antimatter Cost = 40
Cooldown (secs) = 45
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 20

This forcefield will increase the damage reduction of the battleship by 15%
and increases the chances that the shield will intercept a missile by 75%. 
This is handy if you watch your enemies and if they are missile frigates or
the like, or bombers are flying around, this will be useful as it will be 
able to block out more and more damage from the missiles that the enemy will
be launching. Though you should be bothering too much about this, you should
be bothered about the enemy.

Finest Hour (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 1000
Duration (secs) = 60

This has the effect that all ships in the area will regenerate an extra 5 
antimatter per second, restore 10 hull points per second, decrease the weapon
cooldown of all weapons by 20% and all weapons deal splash damage for 60
damage points. All this will be for 60 seconds, but this will turn the tide
of the battle in your favour. If you are using a fleet of capital ships 
using a lot of abilities, this basically just increased the amount of 
abilities that you can use by a fair amount. This is truly the finest hour
of your fleet if you use this. 

The Kol Battleship is the workhorse of the capital ships, it is the best in
terms of direct combat that the TEC has to offer. This battleship can easily
take on frigates and cruisers, it can alone clear out a system of the natives
without taking too much damage or supporting ships. This should be the main
capital ship of any fleet, and with their Finest Hour ability, 

Sova Carrier

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2850
Shields       = 1075
Antimatter    = 270
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Fore Laser (3), Side Lasers (30), Bomb (37)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 2 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 7 Squadrons


Missile Battery

Antimatter Cost = 125
Cooldown (secs) = 50
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 60

This basically creates a stationary missile battery, which has two purposes,
to be placed and to attack whatever the fleet is attacking, which is always
helpful, more firepower doesn't bother me, and the second is that it will
be able to attack any ships that are attacking your fleet, so if you want to
cover a retreat, this is a nice way to do so, and who knows, the missile 
battery may be able to take down a few of the enemy attackers. 


Antimatter Cost = 85
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 120

This is where you move into another planet's gravity well, and what this does
is to increase the build time for all ships and structures by 30%, which is
a fair amount of time as well as disabling the phase jump drives of all trade
ships, rending their trade port useless. Finally, it will steal money from 
the planet, which means more income for you. This is why this ability is so 
nice to use, it isn't going to hurt the enemy's fleet, but it will take down
their trade income. Best used on desert or terran planets with a large 
population for more theft of money. 

Heavy Fighters

Passive Ability

This will increase the damage dealt by all the squadrons of strike craft
based on the Sova Carrier by 10% and it will also increase their armour by
1 point. This will basically increase damage and the durability of the
fighters, making them survive that much longer and being able to do more
damage. Remember, there is a maximum of 7 squadrons on the Sova, so that
little bonus is a fair amount of damage.

Rapid Manufacturing (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 120
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 45

This will decrease the build time for all the friendly ships and structures
by a nice 30%, which gives you the ability to quickly build and reinforce 
your position with more and fresh troops. This will also allow the Sova
carrier to build new squadrons instantly, and that also means that it will
replace new strike craft immediately, and that means you can dish out more
damage and do it faster. 

The Sova Carrier is more of an economic than military fighter than anything
else, though their squadrons can be considered attacking and they do have a 
powerful broadside. That is one thing, but it can also boost your production
whilst hindering and stealing from the enemy and their production. This is 
more of a support battleship than anything else, but it is a capital ship
and will be able to hold its own in a fight, but this is used mainly for 
defence and support.

Akkan Battlecruiser

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 3150
Shields       = 1000
Antimatter    = 260
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Fore Lasers (14), Autocannon (11), Side Lasers (25), Bomb (40)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is interesting because this ship can colonise planets. This is actually
more useful because instead of sending in a colony ship after you have cleared
out a hostile planet, one of your capital ships can do it instead. This 
removes the need for the colony frigate nearby so you can colonise conquered
planets and saves some fleet supply for you. This is a nice touch, you don't
need to worry about a vulnerable colony frigate on your rampage through 
someone else's colonial empire. 

Ion Bolt

Antimatter Cost = 85
Cooldown (secs) = 10
Range           = 7000
Duration (secs) = 3

This is exceptionally powerful, and one of the best of the TEC abilities
because this will disable the ship or structure entirely. They cannot move
or fight back, they cannot use any ability or build in the case of buildings
and constructors. This is useful if you are in a large fight and have weakened
an enemy battleship that they are retreating, you can stop them and finish it
off, and this is important because if you look at the cost of the capital 
ship, that is a lot of money and they are going to be hurting. 

Targeting Uplink

Passive Ability
Range           = 8000

This ability grants the Battlecruiser the ability to increase the weapons 
range of all nearby ships, if you consider the range of 8000 to be nearby,
by a further 6%, and more important, it will increase the chance of hitting
the enemy by a further 5%, which is quite useful. Note that this is a passive
ability, it is on all the time, so if you are using several capital ships, 
this will have a large important because a hit from a capital ship is quite a
fair amount of damage to say the very least. I hope you aren't on the 
receiving end of this attack.

Armistice (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 12000
Duration (secs) = 60

No, this is not an ability for the "cheese-eating, surrender monkeys" as
Groundskeeper Willy would put it, but instead, this will make the Akkan
Battlecruiser invulnerable, unable to take damage at all, and it will disable
all the abilities of ships within the range of the ability. Although this will
only last a minute, remember that your fleet will be dishing out the damage.
And that isn't the best part, all weapons are disabled as well. So this is a 
very powerful ability, it will make the enemy fleet useless, so they either 
flee, or stand and watch. I hope you have a large fleet with you to cut off
their escape, because that is exactly what they are do. If you see an Akkan
battlecruiser moving near the centre of your fleet, I'd advise that you check
the level and if it is 6 or above, you'd turn around and run. 

The Akkan Battlecruiser is a pure support capital ship, it will support a 
large fleet rather than directly taking itself into battle, but it can hold
its own. This is a nice starting ship, given the colonise ability, and with
armistice, it can make the enemy fleet from a proud standing fleet into a 
pile of rubble. This is a must have for any decent fleet because Ion Bolt is
more than useful, it is almost a necessary for a large fleet, because the 
enemy will most likely flee from your fleet, and if you stop them, they are

Dunov Battlecruiser

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2800
Shields       = 1125
Antimatter    = 280
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Autocannon (6), Laser (34), Missile (6), Bomb (43)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = z Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons


Shield Restoration

Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 16
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a must have for any decent fleet commander, this will target a ship
or structure and instantly give it 350 shield points. This is useful on all
ships, frigates to capital ships, though it is more useful to frigates given
their lack of health. It has a longish cooldown for something that should be
used in the midst of battle, but it will make your fleet last longer. A decent
support ability to say the least. 

EMP Charge

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 50
Range           = 4500
Duration (secs) = 150

This is a strange ability, because you are using so much antimatter to kill
off so little, but there are some uses for it, it can be used to prevent a 
colony frigate from taking over a planet, as well as denying the ability for
a capital ship to use their own abilities on you, which is quite useful 
because, like I have said many times, capital ships have a severe dependance 
on antimatter. Anyway, it will kill off 50 antimatter, which is a poor trade
in my book.


Antimatter Cost = 80
Cooldown (secs) = 15
Range           = 1000
Duration (secs) = 10

This is interesting because this will disable all the abilities on your target
and any strike craft that are near it will collide with the target and this is
where it goes interesting. Your own strike craft will be seeming attracted. 
Although it is free, strike craft take some time to ready up, and it all 
depends if you are ready to risk bombers to dish out some damage on the enemy.
This is a poor ability for some commanders, who like using strike craft, but
it can be a clever use if you use the enemy's own strike craft against them.

Flux Field (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 125
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 4000
Duration (secs) = 60

This ability basically increases the antimatter cost for all abilities by a 
grand total of 300% against all nearby craft. This is exceptionally useful
in large battlee involving enemy capital ships because like I have banged on
about before two paragraphs ago, capital ships need and drink antimatter and
you need to make sure that you have as much as you can as well as denying
as much as possible to the enemy. It also is useful against colony ships given
their cost of 90 antimatter to take control of a planet. 

The Dunov Battlecruiser is a strange support capital ship, it is fixated on 
draining as much of the enemy's antimatter as possible. However, shield 
restoration is a nice bonus for any large fleet, and could mean life and 
death for ships as it will buy some time to repair the damage done with those
300 shield points. However, compared to the other TEC capital ships, their
ultimate power seems a little weak if you ask me. But that is just my opinion,
maybe you dislike strike craft and like stealing antimatter, everyone has a 
different playing style. 

Marza Dreadnought

Faction       = TEC
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2875
Shields       = 1150
Antimatter    = 235
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Missile (28), Autocannon (12), Laser (14), Bomb (54)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 0 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 1 Squadron


Radiation Bomb

Antimatter Cost = 85
Cooldown (secs) = 12
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 5

The Radiation Bomb basically fires a bomb at the target, hitting it for 125
damage in a single shot, and from there, it will continue hitting the enemy
for a fair 7 damage a second to that ship and all nearby ships for a small
period of time. Now that is a nice amount of damage for an ability and the
continued damage from the radiation helps your fleet battle the enemy fleet.
Every little bit of damage helps. 

Raze Planet

Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 40
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

This fires a nice bomb at the planet, hitting it for 80 damage, and the
better thing is that it also kills of 10 population, which will give a faster
drop in tax income faster. This is useful because your will be using the 
Marza Dreadnought to blow up planets, this is more along the lines of the
planet bombardier because of their bombs and their damage that their bombs
will do. However, save using it until you get more powerful versions of it,
as to not waste the precious antimatter.

Incendiary Shells

Passive Ability

This is a nice ability, it will increase the damage done from the Marza's
weaponry by 3, which is a nice boost, because your weapons will be running
off the rails extremely quickly. This is a nice boost because there is a 
rather load reload time for your weaponry, and every little bit counts. 
Hey, if it helps, then I don't see a problem with it. If only you could see
how many ships have escaped from my fleet with their health in the lone

Missile Barrage (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 240
Range           = 10000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a powerful ability, it will fire missiles to everything in the
range of the Dreadnought, and what this will do is hit them all for 150
damage. Now this may not be a lot to severely cripple a ship, but that
little 150 gives you a little headstart in damaging the enemy. However,
make sure that this is used properly, such as when a crippled fleet is
fleeing, and don't waste it on damaging property, you have far more 
powerful weapons for that.

The Marza Dreadnought is basically the heavy artillery of the TEC capital
ships, it is there to dish out and hit the planets, though it is more than
capable of taking on enemy fleets with their powerful weaponry. As long as
the craft has enough antimatter, it will be able to perform its job. This
ship should be used alongside the Kol Battleship if you want to make sure
that the enemy will be demolished. The Kol Battleship will take on the targets
in close range, and the Marza will take it from a good distance. 


Radiance Battlecruiser

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2200
Shields       = 1750
Antimatter    = 240
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Beam (15), Laser (26), Plasma (10), Bomb (43)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 0 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 2 Squadrons


Detonate Antimatter

Antimatter Cost = 60
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 4500
Duration (secs) = 20

This is interesting, it will denonate a target's antimatter reserve and
deal damage to the ship in question. It will dish out a minor 12 damage when
it hits the enemy, but it will dish out just about 17 damage per second
after that for a short period of time, so that is quite a fair amount of
damage that we are talking aoubt. Of course, you will need to make sure
that the target actually has some antimatter to detonate. This will also
turn off all abilities that are antimatter based for that same period of 
time as well, so this is a rather handy ability.


Antimatter Cost = 65
Cooldown (secs) = 35
Range           = 3000
Duration (secs) = 20

This is an ability that forces all the enemy ships that are within the 
range of this ability to shift all their fire onto the battlecruiser, and
although this is a nice way to protect your allies, if you are facing a 
large fleet, you are looking at a large fleet and a hell of a lot of 
incoming fire and that isn't going to be health, considering that the ship
isn't very heavily armoured. Also, if you are fighting a large fleet, you
are going to see your battlecruiser targeted first anyway, so this is not
all that useful. 

Energy Absorption

Passive Ability

This is quite a nice ability, it will convert all incoming fire that is 
energy based, such as lasers and beams, and 5% of that damage is converted
into antimatter, as well as adding 1 point to armour. This is quite useful
if used in conjunction with the animosity ability, and incoming fire will
increase your antimatter reserves. A normal laser beam will end up giving
you about 1 antimatter point, but that does add up. You will need a lot of
antimatter to use the next ability.

Cleansing Brillance (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 75
Range           = 8000
Duration (secs) = 8

This ability dishes out 250 damage to all ships within the range of the
ability, and this is quite powerful, regardless of the antimatter cost. 
This is best used against an retreating enemy fleet what has been severely
crippled, and this should knock out a few ships at least. This is powerful
and if you can plan it, you can use this at the start of a battle, and 
hopefully, the antimatter will build up and you can use it again, turning
the tide of the battle hopefully to you. 

The Radiance Battlecruiser is quite the frontline fighter, but it lacks
any supporting abilities that makes it a fleet player, it is more of a ship
geared to fight the war itself. Compared to the Kol Battleship, I think the
Kol comes out on top, mainly for their powerful ultimate abilities of the
Finest Hour. Cleansing Brillance might be powerful, but 250 damage is not
a lot for a large fleet, they will fight on and still win if that is what
the fleet was built for. 

Relevation Battlecruiser

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2075
Shields       = 1400
Antimatter    = 234
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Laser (18), Plasma (29), Bomb (50)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 2 Squadrons



Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 15
Range           = 8000
Duration (secs) = 20

This isn't a Kings of Leon song, this is an ability where the target is 
totally disabled, it will shut down their engines, weapons, abilties, 
everything will be shut down. This is an excellent time for you to take
them out quickly, because if they sustain too much damage, they will
snap out of this ability, and they will normally tend to flee, so if
you want to hit them, hit them hard. 


Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 15

This is a friendly support ability, basically, this will boost the 
target ship be reducing the cooldown of their weaponry by a nice 40%, and
that means that they can fight a lot harder for the time that they are
effected. This works well on capital ships because those ships have long
recharge times and as such, it will be necessary to boost their refire rate
as much as you can. 


Antimatter Cost = 80
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 50

This is more of an intelligence ability than anything else, because for a
short period of time, you can view a planet of your choice. Now, this is a 
very nice ability that you want to use before you head into a battle, so you
can scout out the power of the enemy forces there to make sure that you aren't
walking into a nice trap.

Provoke Hysteria (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 40

This is quite a useful ability, it will damage the population and the health
of the planet by 1% per second, which at the end, is quite a lot of people
dead and the planet hit pretty hard. This is why this craft is such a powerful
and dangerous ship and one that you want to take out extremely quickly because
it will take down ships, and scout out the targets, and then move in for the
kill. This is a great anti planet attack. 

This ship is exceptionally powerful against the enemy and is best used as the
spearhead for the destruction of colonies and the capturing of planets. Before
you move in, you can scout the planet you want to take out, and then move in 
and take out the enemy forces surrounding the area, supporting your own forces
as well as stopping the enemy from fleeing. Then, blow up the planet and cause
them a hell of a lot of damage, wait for the antimatter to recharge and then
continue. It is an unstoppable one ship fleet.

Progenitor Mothership

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2350
Shields       = 1450
Antimatter    = 265
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Laser (18), Plasma (30), Bomb (40)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 360

This is interesting because this ship can colonise planets. This is actually
more useful because instead of sending in a colony ship after you have cleared
out a hostile planet, one of your capital ships can do it instead. This 
removes the need for the colony frigate nearby so you can colonise conquered
planets and saves some fleet supply for you. This is a nice touch, you don't
need to worry about a vulnerable colony frigate on your rampage through 
someone else's colonial empire. I got bored of actually writing out the same
thing thousands of times over, so this is a copy and paste job. 


Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 8000
Duration (secs) = 20

This is a strange ability, it will damage the enemies in range by 8% of their
total health, but only works if you only attack a single target. This is 
quite strange, but is workable in a battle. However, the problem is that
the ship has side guns and rear guns, and you want to be hitting as much as
you can with all available weapons, so the ability is counter productive 
to say the least. Maybe there are some people out there who like this ability,
I have no idea on how this is practical. 

Shield Regeneration

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 3000
Duration (secs) = 8

This basically targets a target ship and it generates nearly 38 shield points
per second, and even for 8 seconds, that is a fair amount of shield points we
are talking about, it is a total of 300 points for a total of 8 seconds, and 
for some ships, that means a full bar of shields are back on after a lack of
it, which makes this a nice supporting ability. This is one of the more useful
of the abilities of this mothership. I wonder what is actually inside this 
capital ship anyway.

Resurrection (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a resurrection ability, it is to revive a fallen capital ship, and 
this will resurrect the crew of the destroyed capital ship, and their level
will be transferred to a target capital ship of your choosing, of course, it
is pointless to resurrect it to your own considering that you are already on
level 6, given that it is the level that you need to be at to use this
ability in the first place. Remember that this isn't all that useful because
how many high level capital ships will be ambushed like that? This is one of
the worst ultimate abilities in my opinion.

The Mothership is a powerful ship indeed, and has some redeeming qualities
about it, but the fact that malice and resurrection are abilities that do not
make this ship all that useful, rather, those two abilities will be rather 
worthless. My only problem is the ulitmate ability, there are many powerful
ones out there and all can be used, but this one is largely situational, 
because if you do not have a destroyed capital ship at a high level, which a 
good commander would not have, it is useless. Smart commanders scout out the
planet they will be attack to make sure they will not be walking into an 
ambush. Also, the only ships to be destroyed are those of a lower level, not
a high level. It could be useful, but I find it far to situational. 

Halcyon Carrier

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2075
Shields       = 1600
Antimatter    = 270
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Laser (14), Beam (20), Bomb (37)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 2 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 6 Squadrons


Telekinetic Push

Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 10
Range           = 4200
Duration (secs) = 15

This is more of one that is dedicated against enemy strike craft, it 
basically repels all strike craft near the craft, and not only that, it
will damage them with 20 points of damage, and that will cripple them, 
and if that wasn't enough it will decrease the acceleration and the speed
of the craft by 25%. However, they doesn't mean that they are gone, you
are focusing on the result, but you are not cutting off the source of the
problem, the carrier or hangar. That will be a better target.

Adept Drone Anima

Passive Ability

This is a nice ability, all the squadrons of your carrier will have an
extra ship, and that might not be a lot for a single squadron, but if you
have 6 squadrons of bombers, that is an extra squadron of bombers right
there, so effectively, you have just over 7 squadrons of bombers. This 
makes sure that the enemy will suffer, though there is a problem, that 
effectively lights up a target sign over this carrier like nothing else.
With light armour and weak shields and hull points, you can bet this
will be the first target.

Amplify Energy Aura

Passive Ability
Range           = 8000

This is an interesting ability, it will basically decrease the cooldown 
time of all your weapons and all of your friendlies in that range of the
ability by a nice percentage of 8%. This is rather useful as a passive
ability for a big fleet, since any cooldown will make more damage hit the
enemy and that means that the enemy ship dies faster. Of course, you might
need to stop them from escaping. 

Anima Tempest (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 0

This will create a large amount of strike craft squadrons to appear out of
no where and attack the enemy. They are all basically illusions, but they
can still do a hell of a lot of damage, so if the enemy doesn't have anything
in the form of flak defence, then this will be useful. However, I guess
that if you are attacking or defending with this capital ship, there are 
going to be a lot of attackers or defenders that you need to overwhelm. This
is rather interesting and depends on how you use it. 

This is one hell of a powerful carrier, and this is one where you want to keep
it on the rear. You should not send it to the frontline because if you do, I
can bet you that the carrier will be the main target for all enemy forces, it 
is far too big a threat to not target it. Therefore, make sure that it is well
protected or else you will be losing a nice capital ship. 

Rapture Battlecruiser

Faction       = Advent
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2100
Shields       = 1625
Antimatter    = 280
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Beam (9), Plasma (20), Laser (11), Bomb (43)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons



Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 20
Range           = 4500
Duration (secs) = 25

No, clicking this won't lead to a U2 song, but rather, it will increase the 
cooldown rate of a target frigate or a strike craft squadron by 10%, which is 
always nice as it means far less damage, but it will also decrease the chance
of the target ship or squadron to hit their target by 10%, which means that 
there is more of a chance that your ship can evade fire from those ships that
have been targeted. This is a handy ability on a ship, but you should always 
want to target cruisers and more importantly, capital ships. 


Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 30
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a nice ability, this is when a targeted ship is attacking you, what
this ability does is that 40% of that damage that the targeted ship is dishing
out at you will be fired back at the ship firing. That means, 40% of the 
damage they are dishing out goes back to them, and this is on top of the 
normal damage of your weaponry, which makes this a nice ability, and without
a duration limit, this will continue until that ship dies, so it is a hell of
a nice ability. And if it something like a capital ship attacking, that is a
lot of their damaging coming back to haunt them.

Concentration Aura

Passive Ability
Range           = 8000

this is one that you would want to use in conjunction with the carrier, what 
it will do is increase the damage of all strike craft by 10%, and given that
the carrier has a large amount of bombers that it can carry, that is a whole
world of hurt that is sitting right there. This is basically a combination
move that you should take. This is rather useful as a support ability, but 
this ship doesn't sit back and becomes a support ship just for the vengeance

Domination (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 90
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a nice ability to play with, it will capture a frigate belonging to 
the enemy and you will own the frigate permanently, which is rather 
interesting, depending on how you use it. How you use this ability is up
to you, but here are some suggestions. Try taking control of missile
frigates and using them to attack their former fleet from a nice range, and
that will tear them apart. Or take over a colony frigate and colonise that
planet in your name, not of the enemy. The possibilities are endless, it is
what your imagination can think of that will limit you.

This is a nice ship to play with, it is designed to be a supporting ship 
in the fleet, though it is out of place with the vengeance ability, but still,
the abilities will make sure that the ship is a valuable ship in the fleet.
Make sure that domination is used properly, and you will have an unstoppable
fleet on your hands, although there is a problem because the ships of the 
Advent are rather weak and not heavily armoured. 


Kortul Devastator

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2650
Shields       = 1425
Antimatter    = 225
Armour        = 5
Weapon Damage = Pulse Beam (30), Wave (12), Phase Missiles (6), Bomb (45)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 2 Squadrons


Power Surge

Antimatter Cost = 60
Cooldown (secs) = 30
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 20

This ability will reduce the cooldown of the weaponry onboard the Kortul
Devastator by a nice 25%, and this will also increase the rate in which the
shield points are regenerated by a nice 75%, which means that while you fight,
using this ability will increase the amount of times you can fire within the
duration of the ability as well as increasing the regeneration rate of the
shields by 75%. This is a great ability because this ship will be used mainly
on the front lines, and this is going to be useful. Very useful.

Jam Weapons

Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 15
Range           = 3500
Duration (secs) = 15

This is one of the abilties that is exceptionally useful for carrier hunting,
this will render all strike craft useless, and take gives this ship time to
go after the carrier ships and that also makes it very useful in being a 
carrier hunter, because carriers often don't have a large amount of weaponry
or defences, and with their primary defence gone, you can go for the kill with
this weapon. Make sure that you use this when you see a carrier, otherwise, it
will be too late. 

Disruptive Strikes

Passive Ability
Duration (secs) = 10

This is useful against other capital ships because all it does is increase
the ability cooldown of the target ship by 10% and it will also decrease their
antimatter stores by 8. Now that isn't a lot, but the less antimatter that
they have, the less they have in terms of changing the tide in their favour
and this is a good way to prevent strong capital ships of unleashing their
ultimate ability. However, this does not mean that when the time is up, the
enemy won't come back and use it on you. Though the more strikes you can get
off, the better for you.

Volatile Nanites (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 60

This is a very useful support ability, it will decrease the damage dealt by
all ships inside the radius by 30% for the duration, and that means that you
will be able to fight for longer if you are suffering heavy enemy fire, and
if that wasn't enough, when one of those enemies are destroyed, they will
hit all nearby ships with 150 points of splash damage, and that makes it a 
nice way to kill enemies by concentrating fire on the enemy and forcing them
to explode and using their own ships against them.

Skirantra Carrier

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2475
Shields       = 1275
Antimatter    = 250
Armour        = 4 
Weapon Damage = Wave (9), Phase Missiles (12), Bombs (35)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 2 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 6 Squadrons


Repair Cloud

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 12
Range           = 3000
Duration (secs) = 10

This is a nice ability, it will repair all friendly ships within the range of
the ability by a nice 20 hull points per second, so if you move closely 
towards the frontline, this will repair all your friendly ships by a maximum
of 200 hull points, and that can make a big difference to frigates and 
sometimes, cruisers as well, and it could be a difference in the battle as
a little bit goes a long way. Like I said, I've seen ships that have escaped
on the digits, so imagine if they fought a little longer. 

Scramble Bombers

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 60
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a nice touch, it will launch a set of bombers for a short period of 
time and this will do some damage for you before they have to be recalled
since they are emergency bombers, they are not permanent, unfortunately. 
Make sure that you make full use of your little prize, else you will be 
wasting a squad of bombers for no reason. This is useful if you already have
a large amount of bombers out, and make sure that they are targeting something
valuable, such as a capital ship, and make sure that they pay dearly.

Microphasing Aura

Antimatter Cost = 0
Cooldown (secs) = 0
Range           = 8000
Duration (secs) = 1

This is interesting, because what it will do is to teleport all of the strike
crafts that are under your control to a different location where they cannot
be reached by the enemy, and this is interesting, because I fail to see the
point of it. If you lose a set of strike craft, just rebuild another one from
the carrier, there isn't much of a rush to warrant this ability. Not only 
that, you would expect bombers to be in harms way, after all, they are 
attacking an enemy, and no enemy would go down without a fight, right?

Replicate Forces (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 125
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a nice ability, it will require you to target an allied frigate and
this will make an exact copy of it. That means that you have two of the same
frigate, and although it is only a frigate, it still saves you a fair amount
of resources and you get to add some more firepower to your forces, and that
is a nice touch. Make sure that you get full use out of it, so get something
like a Skirmisher or Assailant for your effect. 

This is a nice ship to play with, it has a very good support rating given 
that is can get a boost for all nearby ships and can send bombers to defend
itself. It also can boost your forces, either healing them or creating new
units to play with, as well as making sure that the bombers under your
charge stay out of harms way. This is a well rounded carrier, and it is to
note that all carriers are extremely useful, and dangerous, depending on
which end of the ship you are looking at. 

Jarrasul Evacuator

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2800
Shields       = 1150
Antimatter    = 250
Armour        = 3
Weapon Damage = Waves (13), Pulse Beam (19), Rear Waves (5), Bomb (40)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons



Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 240

This is interesting because this ship can colonise planets. This is actually
more useful because instead of sending in a colony ship after you have cleared
out a hostile planet, one of your capital ships can do it instead. This 
removes the need for the colony frigate nearby so you can colonise conquered
planets and saves some fleet supply for you. This is a nice touch, you don't
need to worry about a vulnerable colony frigate on your rampage through 
someone else's colonial empire. I got bored of actually writing out the same
thing thousands of times over, so this is a copy and paste job. However, there
is a twist, it will decrease the build time for all structures by 20%, and 
this is why there is a duration timer for this ability. 

Gravity Warhead

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 25
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 12

This is a nice ability, it will decrease the acceleration of the ship by 60%
and decrease the speed of the ship overall by 30%. But we are not done yet, 
the phase jump ability of the targeted ship will be removed, and this gives
it just enough time for you to take out the enemy who is fleeing from you, or
you are fleeing from it, to escape without taking too much damage. Ah, there
are so many ways to use these abilities aren't there?


Antimatter Cost = 75
Cooldown (secs) = 12
Range           = 6000
Duration (secs) = 20

This is a great ability to use, it will decrease the armour by 2 on a ship
of your choosing, and they will take 30 damage per second, which is useful
if you are taking on a capital ship, not only would it take 600 damage 
overall, but the armour will be decreased significantly, given that armour
will only ever reach 5 normally, and that will increase the amount of hull
damage that it will take. A very good support ability. 

Drain Planet (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 180
Range           = 6600
Duration (secs) = 30

This will require you to pick a planet, and it will take 45 damage per
second, and although it is just not enough to take down a planet on 1500
health, it is a hell of lot of damage for a single ability. It will also
drain resources from it, a drain of 15 per second, although the resource
will normally be credits, it is money none the less right? And money does
determine on what you can purchase anyway. This is a rather handy ability
if you are low on funds, or you are bombarding a planet. It is enough of a 
bonus anyway. 

This ship, although it looks like a block, it quite a powerful ship if 
you level it up, and is a great support ship, it can slow down an enemy
ship as well as damaging the enemy. It's ultimate ability is rather nice
as well, you are basically stealing off the enemy, and that makes it a 
very nice bonus for attacking and being aggressive. You just have to get 
past that ugly look though. 

Antorak Marauder

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2350
Shields       = 1225
Antimatter    = 280
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Pulse Beam (12), Phase Missiles (10), Wave (12), Bomb (40)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 1 Squadron Initially, Maximum of 3 Squadrons


Phase Out Hull

Antimatter Cost = 60
Cooldown (secs) = 5
Range           = 7000
Duration (secs) = 6

This is an interesting ability, this will make a target enemy invulnerable
to damage, and that means that they cannot take any damage, but the enemy
sihp in return is stopped completely and they are disabled, and thus, stuck
there. The only reasons for doing such a thing is to freeze a powerful 
capital ship and escape or to see a target so your troops can catch up and
shoot down the ship. Well, I'll leave the tactics and uses of this ability
up to you. 

Distort Gravity

Antimatter Cost = 65
Cooldown (secs) = 45
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 30

This is interesting, you will have all nearby ships gain a 33% speed 
bonus, which is nice, a 50% bonus to your acceleration of the ships, it
will make all your ships in the range of the ability will be immune to 
the effect of phase jump inhibitors, and finally, because phase jumps 
require an angle in which you need to jump, that is increased by 8%, so
it would be be easier to escape. This is a nice ability, and this is one
for you to either catch up and jump to attack a fleeing fleet or to flee
yourself. It seems that all abilities either are good for fleeing or to


Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 50
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 300

This ability will target a planet and it will increase the build time
of all structures and all ships in that planet's gravity well by a nice
15%, and that could be handy as it might result in less enemy reinforcements
popping out of the factories, forcing your ships to target and destroy fresh
troops, and that is both a waste of time when you could be demolishing a
colony, and it piles on more damage. A nice ability none the less.

Stabilize Phase Space (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 0
Duration (secs) = 75

This will spawn a Phase Stabilizer at your current location, and although I
will talk about this when we take about the phase stabilizer, but when you
have two phase stabilizers, your units can travel between those two structures
without having to go through any other phase lanes. This is useful as your
ship clears a path, and sets up an entry for the rest of your fleet to move
in and join the party.

This ship is quite a powerful little puppy, and the stabilize phase space 
ability is exceptionally useful, you can send in a small, but specialised
force to take out the planet or sneak into a backdoor, and then jump in the
rest of the fleet without any means of the enemy intercepting the fleet when
it is nothing but a direct jump. This is where the ship will excel, and it is
a hell of a powerful support craft. 

Vulkoras Desolator

Faction       = Vasari
Cost          = 3000 Credits, 400 Metal, 250 Crystals
Health        = 2525
Shields       = 1350
Antimatter    = 235
Armour        = 4
Weapon Damage = Pulse Beam (10), Phase Missiles (24), Wave (7), Bomb (53)
Supply Needed = 50
Good Against  = Everything
Weak Against  = Nothing
Researchables = Nil
Supports      = 0 Squadrons Initially, Maximum of 1 Squadron


Phase Missile Swarm

Antimatter Cost = 90
Cooldown (secs) = 15
Range           = 5000
Duration (secs) = 0

This is a powerful ability, it will dish out 200 damage to all enemy 
targets inside the range of the ability by launching a large amount of phase
missiles into space. This is a great way to start or finish off a battle, and
with such a long range, it is bound to take out or weaken a few ships at 
least, and that means that your fleet can move in and hopefully mop up the
rest of the fleet. And this is just a normal ability, to think that this was
the ultimate ability of some ships. 

Deploy Siege Platform

Antimatter Cost = 100
Cooldown (secs) = 55
Range           = 2600
Duration (secs) = 0

This siege platform that you will deploy will have exceptionally powerful
because it is a structure that can help you bombard a planet. This will 
serve a role as artillery, and given that this ship excels at taking out
enemy planets, this will be useful as a little bonus in taking out the
enemy. Of course, the enemy can destroy this, and you have full control of
this platform to change the target. Or it could be used to cover a retreat
or a structure that will continiously the enemy during the course of a battle.

Assault Specialization

Passive Ability

This is a nice ability, it will decrease the cooldown of the bomb launchers
by 25%, which means that it will be able to launch bombs faster, and that
means that it will be able to bomb a planet faster, given that bombs are the
main weapons used in planet bombardment. That is not all, the phase missiles
that are used will get a massive boost of 60 extra damage as long as it is
hitting enemy structures. This makes it a wonderful tool for clearing out
enemy systems once the defenders are gone, or you are taking out enemy 
structural defences.

Disintegration (Accessible at Level 6 Only)

Antimatter Cost = 150
Cooldown (secs) = 120
Range           = 1800
Duration (secs) = 8

The last ultimate ability that I have to go through is a beauty. This will
cause the target, note, this is one target, and hits them for 200 hull 
damage per second for 8 seconds, totaling to 1600 damage, and heals the
hull points of the Desolator by 188 points, so it is like a very 
ineffective leeching ability, but the amount of damage done is massive, that
is more than enough to kill a frigate or cruiser, and is more than health the
hull points of a capital ship. This is one bad ass move. 

This is one of the most powerful ships in the game, without a question, and
the ultimate ability of disintegration is the most powerful combat ability
in the game out of all the capital ships. This makes this a powerful ship,
built as an artillery weapon both for taking out enemy capital ships and more
importantly, destroying planets as well as enemy infrastructure. This makes
it one capital ship to be reckoned with, and if you are facing this beast and
it is on a high level, I hope you have a large fleet with you, because you
will definitely need it. 

[4.05] Other Craft

There are three other craft as well, and these have completely non combat
roles, but you will see them everywhere. Anyone care to take a guess?

LEV Constructor Frigate / Assembly Drone / Junra Fabricator

Faction       = TEC / Advent / Vasari respectively
Cost          = Nil
Health        = 850
Shields       = 0
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Nil
Supply Needed = Nil
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



This is the frigate that is responsible for building everything near your
planets. More commonly known as constructors, these build your structures
near your planets, so you want to protect them if you want your planet to

Trade Ship

Faction       = All
Cost          = Nil
Health        = 600
Shields       = 0
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Nil
Supply Needed = 0
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



Flowing from trade ports, these ships are important as they move around
trading from one trade port to another, and as such, it will make money for
you from such trade routes. Protect them from enemy attacks to keep the 
money flowing. In a fully developed empire, you will expect to see them 
between every system's phase lanes as they all connect to the trade port in
the next available system.

Refinery Ship

Faction       = All
Cost          = Nil
Health        = 600
Shields       = 0
Antimatter    = 0
Armour        = 0
Weapon Damage = Nil
Supply Needed = 0
Good Against  = None
Weak Against  = Everything
Researchables = Nil



These refinery ships travel between your orbital refineries and extractors,
either crystal or metal in the same system or from other systems, bring in
more metal and crystals and adding them to your stockpile. You want to make
sure that the flow remains free of trouble to keep those crystals flowing

[5.01] Industry

Research basically consists of two seperate groups, an industrial group, which
is important for everything such as improved resource harvesting and planet
colonization, while the military group is basically everything related to the
military and your fleet in general. There is more in the manual, so why not
actually bother to read it?

Deep Core Metal Mining

Labs Required       : 1 Civics Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased by 7%

This basically improves the metal extraction rate, it isn't all that useful
early on, but when you start to build up a fleet, it starts to count. 

Rapid Hydrometallurgy

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Deep Core Metal Mining
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased further by 7%

Again, this improves your metal extraction rate, useful when you need to make
some quick cash on the black market or building a fleet.

Nuclear Smelting

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Rapid Hydrometallurgy
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased even further by 7%

This is the last of metal extraction increases, after this, you need to 
actually expand to new planets. 

Efficient Crystal Sorting

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased by 7%

This is very important to get early on, you get more crystals and that is 
needed for virtually everything.

Automated Mining Rigs

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Efficient Crystal Sorting
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased further by 7%

This increases the crystal rate, and it a key upgrade as soon as you can 
afford it. You need these upgrades immediately. 

Shockwave Pulverization

Labs Required       : 5 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Automated Mining Rigs
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased even further by 7%

This is the final upgrade to crystal extraction, and is exceptionally 
important later in the game as crystal becomes more and more valuable.

Orbital Commerce

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Trade Port

This gives you the ability to build Trade Ports, which basically launch
trade ships to trade with other systems, both under your control and with
those empires that you have trade agreements with. Basically provides a 
lot more credits.

Orbital Refinement

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Orbital Refinery

This unlocks the orbital refinery, and this is useful as they move to 
nearby asteroids in their home planet and home planets and harvest those
asteroids, increasing your metal and crystal income. 

Huge Cargo Holds

Labs Required       : 4
Technology Required : 1 Level in Orbital Commerce, 1 Level in Orbal Refinement
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Increases Refinery and Trade Ship's cargo holds by 8%

This basically increases the income, from all the trade ports and orbital 
refineries as their ships have larger cargo holds, and as such, hold more 

Immense Cargo Holds

Labs Required       : 6 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Huge Cargo Holds
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Increases Refinery and Trade Ship's cargo holds by a further 8%

This will increase the income of your trade and refinery ships even more,
which is exceptionally useful later in the game as more and more planets
are occupied. 

Peruasive Economy

Labs Required       : 8 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Immense Cargo Holds
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1900 Credits, 375 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: When a player sells resources, you gain 10% of the credits. When a 
        player trades resources, you gain 8% of the credits.

This is only useful when you use the black market and you are playing 
someone who will use the black market, otherwise, this is pointless.

Rapid Development

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Planetary Development time reduced by 25%

Quite useful if you are building up your planet, upgrade logistic slots, so
it is only useful earlier on, but as you expand, it isn't helpful as you need
to mircomanage that many planets.

Industrial Juggernaut

Labs Required       : 7 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: Build Time for all Ships decreased by 7%

This is quite useful when you are building a fleet to attack an enemy, and 
with build time decreased, it is useful when you need to build a rapid 
defence force against an enemy invading fleet. 

[5.02] Engineering

Sensor Drones

Labs Required       : 1 Civics Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Probe Ability for the Arcova Scout Frigate

Basically, you get the probe ability, a full report in the section for the 
Scout Frigate

High Density Zoning

Labs Required       : 1 Civics Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Increases population limit on Terran planets by 8%

A useful upgrade, it basically means that you get more tax money at the end
of the day, seeing that Terran planets can have a population of 300+

Advanced Civic Design

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in High Density Zoning
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Increases population limit on Terran planets by a further 8%

Quite useful alongside the previous upgrade, this means even more tax money
for you. 

Improved Arid Colonies

Labs Required       : 1 Civics Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Increases population limit on Desert planets by 8%

This is quite useful if you think about it, desert planets can hold a fair
amount of population, they are behind terran planets in population limit.

Modular Architecture

Labs Required       : 1 Civics Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Decreases extractors and factories costs by 20%

This is quite useful as you expand, because those credits could go 
elsewhere, as well as crystals and metal. 

Arctic Exploration

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Able to colonize Ice Planets

This is quite important, ice planets are exceptionally important because they
are the best source of crystal asteroids, and they will be well sought after.

Advanced Arctic Colonies

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Arctic Exploration
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Increases population limit on Ice planets by 8%

Although this isn't very much of an effect, it does increase the population
and that would lead to a few more credits per second, which might be useful,
or may not be. 

Volcanic Exploitation

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Able to colonize Volcanic Planets

This isn't as useful as the arctic counterpart, but volcanic planets are 
useful to an empire if they plan to use and maintain a massive fleet because
they do suck metal like no tomorrow. 


Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Detect enemies phase-jumping one planet from your colonies

This basically means that you can see ships when they are planning to jump to
a system of yours, giving you some time to build up a defence for and 
reinforce your position.

Enhanced PSIDAR

Labs Required       : 5 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Basic PSIDAR
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Detect ememies phase-jumping two planets from your colonies

Basically, it is the same as the basic PSIDAR, but you will be able to see
enemies jumping from two systems away. This gives you even more time to get 
your position back on track before the enemy moves in.

Long Range Jumps

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Allows for phase-jumping via stars

This allows your ships to head to the star in your system, and use that
star to phase jump to another star in another system. Exceptionally useful, 
somewhat necessary on larger maps once you have secured your original system.

Worm Hole Navigation

Labs Required       : 5 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Allows for travel via wormholes

This is only useful if there are actually wormholes on the map, as they will
normally link to another wormhole. Make sure you actually defend the wormholes
from enemies however. 

Planetary Shields

Labs Required       : 5 Civic Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Shield Generator structure

This unlocks the shield generator for your planets, it is a tactical structure
that will give the planet a little shield boost, which is useful if an enemy
were to turn up and bombard you. 

Superior Planet Shields

Labs Required       : 7 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Planetary Shields
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Increases shield mitigation on Shield Generators

This will improve your shield generator's ability to stop damage from hitting
a planet. Useful if you use the Shield Generators. 

Quick Jump Calculation

Labs Required       : 6 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Phase Jump charge time decreased by 15%

This is quite useful if you enjoy hit and run tactics and this will basically
allow you to take less time to charge up the phase engines and run.

[5.03] Policy

Expedited Permits

Labs Required       : 2 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None 
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Decreases build time for structures by 17%

This is quite useful, it will get your planets up and running all that faster
and it allows you to build up and exploit all available resources all that
much faster, which is important early on.

Civilian Ship Safety Act

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Improves the hull and armour of trade and refinery ships.

This isn't all that useful, but if you are travelling through hostile systems
to sell your wares, this might make a difference between getting some credits
and not. 

Interstellar Networks

Labs Required       : 3 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Broadcast Centre

This is very important, unlocking the broadcast centre will be useful in 
fighting culture wars.

Addictive Consumerism

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Interstellar Networks
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Increases culture spread rate by 5%. Increases antimatter regeneration
        by .4 units if ships or structures are in friendly culture gravity 

This is really useful. Increasing culture will be useful in getting through to
other planets, whilst the antimatter boost is exceptionally useful for a 
defence fleet, and for capital ships.

Cultural Monopolization

Labs Required       : 6 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Addictive Consumerism
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Increases culture spread rate by a further 5%. Increases antimatter
        regeneration by a further .3 for friendly ships and structures in
        friendly culture gravity wells.

This is even more useful if you like fighting culture wars, and a great way
to have pit stops for capital ships and fleets recovering from battle.

Critical Mass

Labs Required       : 5 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Addictive Consumerism
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Decreases spread loss rate of 25% incurred by each planet

This is useful for border planets that are on the edge and frontline on 
fighting border culture wars. Necessary if you are on the borders of a large


Labs Required       : 8 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Cultural Monopolization
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1900 Credits, 375 Metal, 575 Crystals

Effect: Enemy empires, including pirates, suffer from random trader raids.

Useful if you are on the borders, the enemy will suffer from raids from your
traders, however, the enemy needs to be suffering from your culture war in the
first place. 

Foreign Sabotage

Labs Required       : 7 Civics Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Cultural Monopolization
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Enemy factions under your cultural influence suffer a 50% increase in
        build time.

This is somewhat useful, if you have enemy planets under the control of your
culture, they will suffer a massive increase in build time for structures and
ships, and that will hurt.

Skilled Diplomats

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: +15% Happiness for mission completion, -10% Happiness loss for failure

If you are playing with the AI, they will give more and more quests and you 
don't want to do them all, given that you'll just piss off a lot of empires if
you try to please them all. 

Favoured Client Discount

Labs Required       : 4 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Black Market Selling prices 8% higher, buying prices 8% lower

Quite useful if you need the credits, but if you have the time to get this
far in terms of research, you would have a lot of credits. Useful if you want
to sell or buy, but if you don't, then useless.

Catastrophe Recovery

Labs Required       : 5 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Reconstruction of emergency facilities after bombardment increased by

This is interesting, if you have your planet bombarded, the planet will
regenerate the health faster, which is always good if the enemy is consistant
with their attacks, and not launching half-assed efforts to do something. 

Development Mandate

Labs Required       : 6 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: All planets gain an extra 4 Logistical Slots

Basically, this means you get to place another structure in every gravity
well that you can colonize, and you can do this twice. Great if you have
already built up your empire and need room for trade ports and broadcast 

Basic Crew Training

Labs Required       : 6 Civics Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Credits

Effect: Maximum level for training for capital ships raised to 3

Basically, this is very useful for your capital ships if you plan to build
an armada. This allows you to train your ships from their initial level to
Level 3 before they need to move out and get experience. This is exceptionally
useful if you need some abilities that each level provides. 

[6.01] Structural Systems

Hull Reinforcement

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Increases all hull points by 6% and hull regeneration by 3%

Basically, you need this to improve the hull points of all your ships and
structures and the rate that they regenerate. Necessary for any battle. 

Fortified Superstructure

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Hull Reinforcement
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Increases all hull points by a further 6% and hull regeneration by a
        further 3%

Again, this is an improvement and provides the same effect has hull 
reinforcement, which is rather useful. 

Expert Damage Control

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Fortified Superstructure
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Increases all hull points by a further 3% and hull regeneration by a
        further 10%

This is quite powerful, considering the powerful regeneration bonus that you 
will get. If you do not get this when you can, you are in trouble.

Advanced Metallurgy

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Increases the armour of all ships by 0.8

This is useful, it allows for your ships to block out more enemy damage when 
they are attacking the hull.

Titano-Ferric Plating

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Advanced Metallurgy
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Increase the armour of all ships by a further 0.8

Again, it will allow for even more damage to be blocked out by your ships when
they are attacking the hull.

Impact Analysis

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Titano-Ferric Plating
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Increases the armour of all ships by another 0.8

Again, this will boost the armour again, making your ships tougher and harder
to kill.

Repelon Premius Armour

Labs Required       : 7 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Impact Analysis
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Increases the armour by a final 0.8 again

This is the final boost in armour, and by now, that is a lot more armour and
makes your ships even harder to knock down.

Improved Shield Arrays

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Increases shield points and shield regeneration by 5%

Quite useful, as shields are the most important item at the start of any 
battle, whether you like it or not.

Superior Shield Emitters

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Improved Shield Arrays
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Increases shield points and shield regeneration by another 5%

Again, useful, because you don't want capital ships lost because they can't
take the heat.

Efficient Generators

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Increases antimatter capacity and antimatter regeneration by 5%

This is exceptionally useful for colony ships and capital ships, as 
antimatter is the crux of all their abilities

Potent Reaction Chaining

Labs Required       : 6 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Efficient Generators
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Increases antimatter capacity and antimatter regeneration by another 

This is still useful for capital ships, the more antimatter, the more damage
that they can dish out on the enemy.

Advanced Maneuvering

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Improves Capital Ship turn rate by an nice 8%

This is exceptionally useful because capital ships have an exceptionally slow
turn rate, so they can move from their broadsides to their front guns. 

Failsafe Jump Plotting

Labs Required       : 6 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Arcova Scout Frigates get the Infallible Jump Drive

This is useful if you use the scout frigates, read up in the relevant section.

[6.02] Ballistics and Rocketry

Quick Guass Capacitors

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 600 Credits, 75 Crystals

Effect: Increases Guass Platforms rate of fire by 5%

If you do use these platforms for planet defence, this is quite powerful 
since that will let them do more damage, and best against planet bombardiers. 

Laser Amplification

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Improves all laser weapon damage by 5%

Basically, any ship that uses lasers will have their damage boosted. Nice 
ability for early on.

High Intensity Lasers

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Laser Amplification
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Improves laser damage by a further 5%

This is the same as above, it is a useful early on ability for your ships when
they need some firepower.

Ferro-Uranite Rounds

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Advanced Metallurgy
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Increases all autocannon damage by 5%

Basically, the same as the laser boost, it will improve autocannon damage, 
which is also quite useful early on.

Advanced Ballistics

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Ferro-Uranite Rounds
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Improves all autocannon damage by a further 5%

This is quite useful because a fair amount of ships use autocannons, including
the big bad capital ships. 

Highly Conductive Rails

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Ferro-Uranite Rounds
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Improves Guass Platform firing range by 12%

If you use the platforms, this would be exceptionally useful because it can 
cover the area between the gravity well border and your maximum build range.

Refined Propellants

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Advanced Ballistics
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Improves all autocannon damage by another 5%

Again, useful for all autocannon users, and any boost for your capital ships
is a useful one.

Refined Missile Avionics

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Javelis Prototype
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Improves all missile damage by 5%

This is useful as well, and when used with the Javelis ship, it makes sure
that the enemy feels the punch. And considering the range and power of those
ships, this is quite useful.

Enhanced ACM

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Refined Missile Avionics
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Improves all missile damage by a further 5%

Again, quite useful if you use missile weapons considering their range and
their high starting power initially.

Cyclotaurite Payloads

Labs Required       : 6 Military Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Enhanced ACM
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Improves all missile damage by another 5%

Again, useful if you use missile weapons as I have mentioned for quite a while

Extended Range Missiles

Labs Required       : 7 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Cyclotaurite Payloads
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: Improves missiles range by 4%

This is better for your Javelis, the range is longer, and with more firepower,
they are clearly a threat.

Heavy Fallout

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Krosov Siege Frigates get Heavy Fallout

Again, read the appropriate section for further information about the Heavy
Fallout ability. 

High Yield Warheads

Labs Required       : 7 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Heavy Fallout
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: Improves planet bombardment damage by 10%

This is exceptionally useful for your capital ships and your siege frigates
since it will get the enemy to lose their planet that much faster.

[6.03] Experimental Design

Hangar Defence

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Hangar

Basically, it unlocks the hangar, giving access to two strike craft for 
planetary defence.

Repair Platform

Labs Required       : 1 Military Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Repair Platform

Basically, this uses antimatter and it uses it to repair the hulls of all
friendly ships and structures damaged.

Superior Repair Bots

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Repair Platform
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Improves Hull Repairs for Repair Platform

Basically, it makes your repair platforms all that more useful, they use
less antimatter to heal more hull points.

Hoshiko Prototype

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Superior Repair Bots
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser

Basically, it unlocks the said cruiser. Simple.

Demolition Bots

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Hoshiko Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Demolition Bots for Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser

Read the relevant section about the demolition bots for more information.

Krosov Prototype

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Krosov Siege Frigate

Basically, it unlocks the siege frigate for the TEC. 

Garda Prototype

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Garda Flak Frigate

Again, it unlocks the said flak frigate for your fleet.

Javelis Prototype

Labs Required       : 2 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Javelis LRM Frigate

Unlocks one of the deadliest frigates for the TEC, so this is quite useful.

Cluster Warheads

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Javelis Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Cluster Warheads for Javelis LRM Frigates

Basically, it makes your LRM frigates even more dangerous than they already 
are, and coupled with the range and missile power upgrades, this is quite a 
feat to behold.

Timed Explosives

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Timed Explosives for the Arcova Scout Frigate

Basically, it gives you access to the hit and run ability of the scout 
frigate, and is quite useful for skirmishing. 

Percheron Prototype

Labs Required       : 3 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Percheron Light Carrier

Unlocks a suppoer carrier to your fleet, which carrys several strike craft.

Phase Jump Disruption

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : None 
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Phase Jump Inhibitor

Basically, it unlocks the Phase Jump inhibitor, which will have its own 
section later on. 

Sabotage Reactor

Labs Required       : 4 Military Labs
Technology Required : None 
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Sabotage Reactor for Cobalt Light Frigates

Basically, it unlocks the ability for the Light Frigates. Use it if you want 

Kodiak Prototype

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Credits, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Kodiak Heavy Crusier

Unlocks the mini capital ship for the TEC forces, and this is quite important
because you can only have oh so many capital ships. 


Labs Required       : 6 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Kodiak Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Intercept Ability for the Kodiak Heavy Cruiser

This is exceptionally important, because the ability is one of the most 
powerful for a non-capital ship. 

Cielo Prototype

Labs Required       : 5 Military Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Cielo Command Cruiser

Unlocks the said cruiser, which isn't too much of a guess.

Designate Target

Labs Required       : 6 Military Labs
Technology Required : None 
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Gives the Designate Target for the Cielo Command Cruiser

Nuff said, just read the relevant ability. 

Novalith Prototype

Labs Required       : 8 Military Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Extended Range Missiles
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Novalith Cannon

Unlocks the Superweapon for the TEC, more on that in the relevant section.

[7.01] PsiTech

Communal Labour

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Communal Labour for your drones, increasing building speed.

Not very useful, even if the ships build faster, there is still a problem
of actually having all of them on one structure, it costs more. You really 
want to pay for a few seconds?

Unity Indoctrination

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Temple of Communion

Basically, this is needed if you want to fight culture wars since this will
unlock the broadcast centre for you. 

Zealous Worship

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Unity Indoctrination
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Culture Spread Rate increased 5%, Culture Mitigation increased by 1%

Basically, this increases the rate that the culture is spread to other planets
as well as stopping the rate enemy culture spreads into your empire.

Unwavering Belief

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels of Zealous Worship
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Culture Spread Rate increased a further 5%, Culture Mitigation
        increased by a further 1%

Again, this increases the culture spread rate of your empire even further and
you will be able to take out other planets quickly, whilst resisting the rate
enemy culture spreads into your land.

Wall of Faith

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Unwavering Belief
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Resistance to spread of enemy culture increased by 20%

Basically, this means that enemy culture spreads slower to your planets, which
makes it better for your frontline planets in culture wars. 

Total Assimilation

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Unwavering Belief
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Culture Spread Rate increased an even further 5% and Culture 
        Mitigation increased by another 1%

Again, this increases your culture rate as well as reducing the amount of 
culture that the enemy spreads into your planets. This is the final of the

Deliverance Design

Labs Required       : 8 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Total Assimilation
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Deliverance Engine Superweapon

Read the relevant section about the superweapon for more details.

Distant Visualization

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Ships can phase jump to other stars

Basically, this means that you can use the stars to move to new star 
systems, nothing new.

Phase Jump Disruption

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Phase Jump Inhibitor

Basically, it unlocks the said structure and it will basically slow down the
rate that enemy ships phase jump away.

Augmented Defence Grid

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: All planets gain 2 Extra Tactical Slots

Basically, you can add a few more defence platforms, but in the long run, this
isn't as useful as a fleet is much better suited for defence against enemy 

Induced Leniency

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: All missions have 30% extra time, failure loses 15% less happiness

Only useful if you are going to be playing with the AI when they issue 
stupid missions, but this is pointless, if you don't want to complete the 
mission, 30% extra time ain't going to help.

Worm Hole Passage

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Allows travel through Wormholes

Basically, this means that your ships can move through wormholes to other
star systems. Only useful if there are any star systems that have wormholes,
otherwise, it is a waste of time. 

Antimatter Projection

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Antimatter Recharger

Basically, it unlocks the said structure where it will boost antimatter 
reserves when you move pass it, as long as you have the antimatter needed.

Antimatter Multicasting

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Antimatter Projection
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Increases antimatter regeneration for the Antimatter Recharger

Basically, it makes the Antimatter Recharger more efficient and more
effective in its role of refilling antimatter.

High Efficiency Jumps

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: Phase Jump Costs 11% less Antimatter

This is quite useful for your big capital ships since they do use up a lot
of antimatter to jump and you don't want to be caught with your pants down
when you jump into a hostile system.

Allure of the Unity

Labs Required       : 8 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1900 Credits, 375 Metal, 575 Crystals

Effect: Increases maximum allegiance of planets by 5%

This is useful on larger maps since the further away the planet is from the
capital, the less and less it produces, so any benefit that will increase
resource production, such as this, is useful. 

[7.02] Perception

Knowledge Aggregation

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 600 Credits, 75 Crystals

Effect: Rate of Research increased 11%

This is exceptionally useful given that it will make you research a lot 
faster, and if you have the resources, this is really useful. 

Lingering Presence

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Lingering Presence for Seeker Vessels

Look for the vessel for the specific ability and that is all I need to say.


Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: See enemies phase-jumping one system away

Basically, when the enemy is about to phase jump into your planets, you can
see them coming, and you can plan something in response.

Acute Premonitions

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Forewarning
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: See enemies phase-jumping two systems away

Again, this is the same as forewarning, but you cen seem them when they are
two systems away, giving you more time to defend against the enemy and move in
some fleet reinforcements to ambush the enemy instead.


Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: All structure build times decreased by 40%, price reduced by 25%

Basically, this means that all your structures will be built a lot faster and
they cost a hell of a lot less. This is one of the most important upgrades
that a budding empire will need.

False Belief Monitoring

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Unwavering Belief
Levels              : None
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Spread of Enemy Culture Visible

This means that wherever enemy culture is, you can see it. As such, if
there is a culture spread, you can see it, considering you can see the spread
of your allies.

Eyes of the Converted

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in False Belief Monitoring
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals

Effect: All Planets with Friendly Culture visible

This means that any planet that is within the range of friendly culture will
be visible, so you can see what is exactly going on, which is rather useful at

[7.03] Materialism

Persuaive Offers

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Bounty value is increased by 13% per payment

This means that when you pay a bounty and leave it on someone's head, the 
value will be increased by your payment and an extra 13%

Homeworld Prophecy

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Desert Planets increased by 8%

This means that you get extra population on the desert planets, which 
translates well into more credits.

Inspired Architecture

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Terran Planets increased by 8%

This means that you get an even larger population on your Terran planets
and since they get the most population, that means a hell of a lot more 
credits flowing in. 

Thriving Desert Cities

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Homeworld Prophecy
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Increases Desert Population Cap by a further 8%

This means that desert planets get to hold even more population, which
means even more tax money for you. 

Rich Ore Scrying

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased by 7%

This means that you get more metal every second, nothing to it.

Telekinetic Extraction

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Rich Ore Scrying
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased by a further 7%

This results in even more metal per second, which means a lot more money on 
the black market.

Enhanced Reclamation

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Telekinetic Extraction
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Metal Extraction Rate increased by a further 7%

Again, even more metal for you, meaning that you can build some more ships
for yourself.

Volcanic Evangelism

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Volcanic Planets are now colonizable

This means that you cna now take over volcanic planets for more metal, given
that they are the best source of metal.

Arctic Evangelism

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Icy Planets are now colonizable

This means that you can take over icy planets, and they are the most valuable
planets given that they are a good source of crystals.

Selective Harvesting

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased by 7%

This means that you get even more crystals per second than you already do, and
given that crystals are the most important in terms of resources, this is 
quite useful.

Crystal Enrichment

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Selective Harvesting
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased by a further 7%

This means that you get even more crystals per second, what more could you 

Telekinetic Seperation

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Crystal Enrichment
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Crystal Extraction Rate increased by another 7%

This is the final rate in which crystal is increased, and this is quite a 
nice boost overall. Crystal is gold here. 

Hardened Cities

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 450 Crystals

Effect: Planet Bombardment Damage decreased by 5%

This means that your planets will take less damage from bombardment when 
they are attacked by enemy siege vessels and capital ships.

Interplanetary Trade

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Trade Port

This means that you get the trade port, meaning that you will be able to
find another source of income. 

Karmic Retribution

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Interplanetary Trade
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Karmic Retribution for Trade Ships

This means that your trade ships will get a little boost to them. This 
basically means overall that your trade ships will place a 100 credit bounty
on the nation that destroyed them. 

Resource Focus

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Interplanetary Trade
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Resource Focus for Trade Ports

This shuts down the trade of the trade port and it allows for the increase of
metal and crystal extraction by 8% for the system. This will change the trade
port so you no longer get any more credit income.

Enhanced Focus

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Harmony
Technology Required : 1 Level in Resource Focus
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Extraction Bonus increased by 9% for Resource Focus

This means that your converted trade port gets a little boost to the metal 
and the crystal income, which is quite useful. 

[8.01] Energy

Refined Laser Cannons

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Improves Laser Weapon Damage by 5%

This basically makes your normal laser weapons dish out a bit more damage by
a nice 5%.

Burst Modulated Lasers

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Refined Laser Cannons
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Improves Laser Weapon Damage by a further 5%

Makes your laser weapons a bit more effective in combat. Every little bit 

PsiTech Powered Lasers

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Burst Modulated Lasers
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Improves Laser Weapon Damage by another 5%

This is the power mostful upgrade for laser weapons that you can obtain
in the game.

Improved Containment

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Improves Plasma Weapon Damage by 5%

This is the basic upgrade that you can apply to your plasma weapons, and it
does help.

High Intensity Plasma

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Improved Containment
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Improves Plasma Weapon Damage by a further 5%

This makes the Plasma weapons a bit more deadly, and you need this to make it
even deadlier.

Strong Plasma Ejection

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in High Intensity Plasma
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Improves Plasma Weapon Damage by a final 5%

This makes your weaponry even more dangerous, and this is necessary for the 
final battles.

Rapid Plasma Regeneration

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Strong Plasma Ejection
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: The Cooldown Time for all Plasma Weapons are reduced by 5%

This makes your weapons that involve the use of plasma to refire a lot faster
than before.

Improved Beam Emitters

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Improves Beam Weapon Damage by 5%

This makes your basic beam weapons a bit stronger, which makes them a bit
more useful in combat.

Beam Amplification

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Improved Beam Emitters
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Improves Beam Weapon Damage by a further 5%

This makes beam weapons more dangerous in combat, so if you use such weapons
a fair amount, research this.

Superior Emission Coils

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Beam Amplification
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Improved Beam Weapon Damage by a final 5%

This makes the beam weapons as powerful in terms of power as they can be. 

Precision Beam Focus

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Superior Emission Coils
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 525 Crystals

Effect: Range of Beam Weapons improved by 4%

This makes your beam weapon users more powerful as they can target ships 
that are further away than usual, making them dish out more damage.

Inspired Reactor Design

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Reserves and Regeneration increased by 5%

Useful for capital ships and colony ships, they really need the antimatter
to do their jobs properly. 

Quick Reaction Cycling

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Inspired Reactor Design
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Reserves and Regeneration increased by a further 5%

This makes it quicker for your capital ships and colony ships to build up
their antimatter, and such research can turn the tide of a battle.

Synergistic Reactions

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Quick Reaction Cycling
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Reserves and Regeneration increased by a final 5%

This is the last increase you can have to boost the antimatter pools of
your ships, and useful in the middle of a battle. 

Basic Shield Projections

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Shields Capacity and Regeneration improved by 5%

This is a necessary boost for your fleet, you need more shields as it will
protect your ships that much longer from being mobile and from being worthless
space junk.

PsiTech Shield Emitters

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Basic Shield Projections
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Shields Capacity and Regeneration improved by 5%

This is another nice boost to your shields, this is necessary for the big
battles that you plan to fight.

Potent Shield Generation

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in PsiTech Shield Emitters
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Shields Capacity and Regeneration improved by a final 5%

This is necessary in the end, and the cost is well worth the price of 
protecting your fleet from more damage. 

Raised Shield Harmonics

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Potent Shield Generation
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Shield Mitigation improved by 2%

This decreases the damage that your shields will take from enemy weaponry, and
basically increases the time your shields can hold out overall in battle.

[8.02] Ascension

Hangar Defence

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Hangar Defence

This unlocks the hangar for the protection of your planets, and such defences
are quite useful.

Skilled Hangar Anima

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in Hangar Defence
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Increases maximum capacity of strike craft by 1

This makes it so that you can carry three sets of strike craft at the end, 
which makes for a very useful planet defence as long as you have something to

Purge Vessel Design

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Purge Vessel

Read the effect please.

Defense Vessel Design

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Defence Vessel

Again, read the effect.

Drone Host Design

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Drone Host

(^.^) >_> <_< More shifty eyes. MOAR!

Repair Platform

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Repair Platform

Unlocks the repair platform for the empire, so you can repair your ships as 
they move past.

Guardian Design

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in PsiTech Shield Emitters
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Guardian 

Again, it is another case of read the effect.


Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in Guardian Design
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Repulsion Ability for the Guardian

Again, this is another case of read the effect. There is more about the 
ability under the section of the ship involved.

Steal Antimatter

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Steal Antimatter ability for Disciple Vessels

Again, read under the section of the Disciple Vessels if you want more
information about the ability.

Illuminator Design

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Illuminator Vessel

Unlocks said vessel, what more would need to be said?

Deceptive Illusion

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in Illuminator Design
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Deceptive Illusion for Illuminator Vessels

Unlocks said ability, read more from it in the relevant section for the 

Basic Crew Training

Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Maximum Trainable Level for Capital Ships increased to 3

Therefore, you can purchase the levels for your capital ships for one extra
level, up to 3, when it was previously 2.


Labs Required       : 4 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Martyrdom for Seeker Vessels

This unlcosk the said ability for the Seeker Vessels, so read up in the
relevant section. 

Crusader Design

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Crusader

Unlocks the said ship, what more could it mean?


Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in Crusader Design
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Ruthlessness for Crusaders

This unlocks the ability for the Destra Crusaders, so look up the relevant 
section for more information.

Subjugator Design

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Subjugator

Unlocks the said ship, this is starting to get a little boring typing this 
over and over again.


Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 1 Level in Subjugator Design
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Perseverance for the Subjugator

This unlocks the said ability, look in the relevant section per usual.

Unfettered Phase Jumps

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Infalliable Jump Drives for Seeker Vessels

Unlocks said ability, look under the relevant section for further details.

Mass Transcendence

Labs Required       : 8 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1900 Credits, 375 Metal, 575 Crystals

Effect: All Capital Ships gain an extra .92 experience per second until Level 
        2. Gains extra 25% experience from battle.

This is a definite get for your capital ships, that little extra boost in 
battle makes them more powerful a lot faster, unlock their ultimate ability 
faster than usual. 

[8.03] Substance

Refined Frameworks

Labs Required       : 1 Temple of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Increases maximum hull points and regeneration by 5%

This is useful when your shields are broken down, after all, the more you
have in hulls, the longer your ships last in battles.

Elegant Hull Design

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Refined Frameworks
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Increaes maximum hull points and regeneration by a further 5%

This is still useful, as long as you have more hull points, the longer your
ships can stand and put up a fight. 

Supreme Architecture

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Elegant Hull Design
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Increases maximum hull points and regeneration by a final 5%

This is the last upgrade for the hulls, and this is quite useful, especially
in the end where there will be epic fleet battles. 

Augmented Launchers

Labs Required       : 2 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Bomb Damage increased by 5%

This is useful when you are planning to bomb down someone's planet, the more
damage your bombs drop, the faster you can take down the planet.

PsiTech Propelled Bolts

Labs Required       : 3 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Augmented Launchers
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Bomb Damage increased by a further 5%

Again, this is useful later on in the game when your fleet needs to take on
the other empires and move through their empire, taking their planets along 
the way.

Divine Launcher Arrays

Labs Required       : 5 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in PsiTech Propelled Bolts
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Bomb Damage increased by a final 5%

This is the last upgrade, and useful late in the game when you need to take
on and destroy enemy planets. Until then, don't bother with this upgrade. 

Advanced Composites

Labs Required       : 6 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Armour is increased by 1 point

This increases the armour of your ship, which means that when they are taking
on your hull, the enemy needs to dish out a bit more damage than before to 
takie down your ships. 

Telekinetic Projection

Labs Required       : 7 Temples of Hostility
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Advanced Composites
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Armour is increased by another 1 point

This makes your ship even harder to take down when it is surviving on the hull
points after the shields have been compromised. 

[9.01] Nanotechnology

Improved Salvaging

Labs Required       : 1 Viturska Imperial Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Salvage Cooldown Time decreased by 50%, extra 20% income

Basically, this makes the salvage ability a bit more useful, you need to wait
a shorter period of time before you can use it and you get more money for 
entering a battle. It pays to be aggressive early. Literally.

Wreckage Auto-Salvage

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Improved Salvaging
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 225 Crystals

Effect: Capital ships automatically salvage ships and structures

You may wonder, why bother with three levels, but what isn't mentioned is that
you get a little extra more from each level. Each level increases the 
income gained from the same structure. 

Artificial Longevity

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Population Growth increased by 20%

This means that your population grows even faster than before, and that
means that your new planets are going to be receiving that little tax bonus
a lot faster. 

Trauma Nanomedicine

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Artificial Longevity
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Population Survival Rate increased by 10% during bombardments

Basically, this will have more of your population surviving during a planet
bombardment, and while this may seem trivial, it will be useful if you manage
to fend off the attackers. 

Resource Sublimation

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Metal and Crystal Extraction Rate increased by 5%

This differs from the other empires given that it increases both at the same

Entanglement Filtering

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Resource Sublimation
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Metal and Crystal Extraction Rate increased by a further 5%

Look on the bright side, at least you don't need to research two technologies
when you can just do one.

Catalyzed Atomic Sorting

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Entanglement Filtering
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Metal and Crystal Extraction Rate increased by another 5%

The third last in the improvements that both increase crystal and metal rates,
and given that the other empires have 6 techs and you only have 3, you save a
bit there.

Orbital Processing

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Entanglement Filtering
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Matter Processor

This is basically the orbital refinery that the other empires have access to.

Matter Decompilation

Labs Required       : 7 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Catalyzed Atomic Sorting
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 425 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 450 Crystals

Effect: Metal and Crystal Extraction Rate increased by a final 5%

This means that you get a big boost to your crystal and metal rates by the 
time you finish this tech. 

Off-World Exports

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Trade Port

I swear that the name smuggling port would sound better, given the exports 
part of the name, but it unlocks the trade port, nothing else. 

Valuable Goods

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Off-World Exports
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Trade Port Income increased by 8%

Basically, the value of the goods that you trade are increased by 8%, which
pretty much increases the trade port income.

Priceless Goods

Labs Required       : 7 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Valuable Goods
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Trade Port Income increased by a further 8%

Well, obviously, priceless has a price tag since you get an extra 8% income
from your trade ports.

Power Draining Nanites

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Nano Weapon Jammer

Basically, it unlocks the said jammer. Simple.

Enhanced Nanites

Labs Required       : 6 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Power Draining Nanites
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Increases maximum number of ships targeted by Nano Weapon Jammer

Basically makes the Nano Weapon Jammer that much more useful. Provided it was
useful in the first place.

Molecular Assembly

Labs Required       : 6 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Structure Build Time decreased 5%

This reduces the build time for your structures, but really, isn't all that
useful, since by the time you can get this upgrade, you need to be 
micromanaging an entire empire, and that would easily take off that advantage.

Optimized Construction

Labs Required       : 7 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Build Cost for Structures and Ships decreased by 4%

Useful when you need to build up a massive fleet or setting up an empire, but
that is about it. But this stage, you already have a big fleet anyway. 

[9.02] Phase Mastery

Phase Space Monitoring

Labs Required       : 1 Viturska Imperial Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Detects Enemies jumping into your systems 1 phase jump away

Basically, if an enemy tries to jump into a system that you control, you will
be able to see them coming, which gives you that little extra time to run and

Extended Range Sensors

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Phase Space Monitoring
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Detects enemies jumping into your systems 2 phase jumps away

Basically, if the enemy is trying to enter your system and they are two
systems away, you will detect them. Excellent if you need warning to move in a
forward fleet in to reinforce the position. 

Highly Attuned Sensors

Labs Required       : 8 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Extended Range Sensors
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals

Effect: Detects all enemies phase jumping

Basically, if you want to know when the enemy is moving their fleet out of 
their home systems, you can use this tech and move in whilst they are unaware.
Basically the best tech that you can have before you jump into an invasion, 
you know when the enemy moves out, and thus, when to strike. 

Long Range Jumps

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Ships can phase jump between stars

Again, this is only useful as long as there are stars that you can jump to,
if there isn't, then this is pointless.

Phasic Barrier

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Phasic Barrier for Structures

Basically, as a trade off, this unlocks a barrier for structures that they 
can deploy, which increases their shields by a massive amount, but as a 
result, they will have no production. 

Phasic Cloaking

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Phasic Cloaking for Navigators

This unlocks the said ability for your Jikara Navigators, read more in the
relevant section.

Worm Hole Stabilization

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Allows Travel through Wormholes

Again, it is only useful if there wormholes on the map. 

Gravity Tolerance

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 250 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Increases Gravity Tolerance by 5%

This basically means that your ships can phase jump 5% closer to the planet
than before, which is quite useful if you want to flee from the enemy and you
don't want to be taking too much fire.

Phase Tunneling

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Phase Stabilizer

Basically unlocks the said structure. Nothing else needs to be said.

Enhanced Tunneling

Labs Required       : 7 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Phase Tunneling
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Phase Lane that is Stabilized by Phase Stabilizer increased speed by

This basically means that a phase lane that has a phase stabilizer on it 
will be faster to travel on by a nice 20%, which is quite handy if you are 
shifting a reserve fleet or a forward fleet back to defend a planet.

Returning Armada

Labs Required       : 8 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Enhanced Tunneling
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1900 Credits, 375 Metal, 575 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Returning Armada for your Phase Stabilizers

What does this do, it basically summons 5 of each of the following ships back
to where the Stabilizer is, Skarovas Enforcers, Kanrak Assailants, Lasurak
Transporters, Ravastra Skirmishers, Jarun Migrators and Junsurak Sentinels. 
This is an exceptionally powerful ability that is two fold, you can summon
this fleet to rapidly defend a planet from impending attack, and it will do
so effectively, however, it will kill your fleet supply in no time, because 
this does take up fleet supply. 

Phasic Transmissions

Labs Required       : 6 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Increases fleet supply by 8%

This is quite necessary for your empire, increasing fleet supply means that
you can hold more ships in your fleet, and that means that you will be able
to dominate your enemy with even more force, 8% more!

[9.03] Oppression

Expert Bounty Hunting

Labs Required       : 1 Viturska Imperial Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Bounty Collection increased by 25%

Basically, when you collect bounties on other empires, the money you get is 
an extra 25% on what you should normally get. 

Full Terran Lockdown

Labs Required       : 1 Viturska Imperial Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Terran Planets increased by 8%

Basically, this means that your terran planets will be providing a little 
more in terms of credit. 

Fortification Specialists

Labs Required       : 1 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Build Time for Emergency Facilities decreased by 40%, Cost 25% Less

This basically makes your emergency facilities more useful, they cost a lot
less than before, as well as the fact that they also build a lot faster so
you have a little more prevention when the enemy decides to pay a visit.

Raider Xenophobia

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Pirate Attacks are 10% weaker

When pirates attack you, they dish out less damage than usual, and their force
is less in number, if compared, with the same strength of attack, to another
empire. Basically, this means that the pirates are weaker against you than 

Volcanic Occupation

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Volcanic Planets now Colonizable

This means that you can take control of volcanic planets, more metal for 

Extreme Heat Metabolism

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Volcanic Occupation
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Volcanic Planets increased by 8%

That means that you get slightly more tax money from volcanic planets, besides
all that shiny metal that you are already receiving. 

Sulfurous Respiration

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Extreme Heat Metabolism
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Volcanic Planets increased by another 8%

That means even more tax income from your volcanic planets, which is always

Arctic Occupation

Labs Required       : 2 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Icy Planets now Colonizable

This means you can take over icy planets, the king of crystal planets.

Subzero Biology

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Arctic Occupation
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Population Cap on Volcanic Planets increased by 8%

This means you get a little extra on the side from your Icy planets, which 
makes it a nice source of credits on top of the crystals.

Compelling Propaganda

Labs Required       : 3 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Media Hub

Well, if you are planning to start on culture fighting, or in this case, 
given the lack of technologies compared to other factions, culture defending,
you will need this ability.

Regimented Thought

Labs Required       : 4 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Compelling Propaganda
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Spread of Culture increased by 5%, damage dealt by friendly ships in 
        your culture's influence increased by 4%

This means that you will spread the rate in which your culture is spread 
throughtout the galaxy, and means that ships under your control as well as 
those under the control of the friendlies, will dish out more damage. 

Shock and Awe

Labs Required       : 5 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Regimented Thought
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Spread of Enemy Culture decreased by 20% in gravity wells with a 
        capital ship. 

This means that when you have a capital ship inside a gravity well, the rate 
in which culture is stopped in its footsteps. Also remember that the capital
ship also has a positive effect on your culture as well. 

Cunning Sympathizers

Labs Required       : 6 Viturska Imperial Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Regimented Thought
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Spread of Culture increased by 5%, damage dealt by friendly ships in
        your culture's influence increased by 3%

This means that you have your culture spreading faster as well as giving a 
little damage boost. 

[10.01] Prototypes

Regeneration Bay

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Regeneration Bay. Nuff said.

Destructor Prototype

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Karrastra Destructor

This is going to be a very short list...

Assailant Prototype

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Kanrak Assailant

Like I said, short section

Sentinel Prototype

Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Junsurak Sentinel

Laa la la laa la. La laa la la la la. 

Charged Missiles

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Sentinel Prototype, 1 Level in Assailant 
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Discharging Missiles for the Kanrak Assailant and the Junsurak

Read more in the relevant section. It is a nice ability, but I can't be 
bothered to rehash things over and over again. 

Phase Jump Disruption

Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Phase Jump Inhibitor

Unlocks the said structure. Nothing going on here, move on.

Hangar Defence

Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Hangar Defence

Some extra strike craft to take over the defence of your planet. 

Transporter Prototype

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Lasurak Transporter

Move along now, nothing to see here.

Basic Crew Training

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals

Effect: Max Trainable Level of Capital Ships raised to 3

Basically, you can train your ships from Level 2 from the start, and this 
will be increased to 3.


Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Interference Ability for Skirmishers

If you can read the effect, keep moving. There are relevant sections for this
kind of stuff.

Overseer Prototype

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Serevun Overseer

It unlocks a nice ship for you to play with!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!11

Mobile Phase Detection

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Overseer Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Mobile Phase Detection ability for Serevun Overseer

Read the relevant section for more information about this ability. 

Jump Degradation

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Mobile Phase Detection
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Jump Degradation for Serevun Overseer

Again, look at the relevant section for more information about this ability.

Subverter Prototype

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Stilakus Subverter

You have another addition for your fleet, and that is about it.

Distortion Field

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Subverter Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Distortion Field for the Stilakus Subverter

This is a nice ability, but again, read about this ability under the section
for the specific ship.

Enforcer Prototype

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Skarovas Enforcer

Another ship, another piece of research to obtain it.

Inertial Field

Labs Required       : 7 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Enforcer Prototype
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Inertial Field ability for the Skarovas Enforcer

This is another ability that is listed under the ship's relevant section, 
search for it.

Jump Inhibition Immunity

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Infallible Jump Drive for the Jikara Navigator

It is a nice ability, but it is a bit late until you get access to this and
by then, you know enough to blow up a system, not scout it out.

Kostura Prototype

Labs Required       : 8 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 1
Cost                : 1800 Credits, 350 Metal, 550 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks the Kostura Cannon Weapon

This gives you access to the superweapon, the Kostura Cannon. 

[10.02] Assault

Rapid Pulse Cycling

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: All Pulse Weapons deal 5% more damage

Basically, your basic weapons get a little boost, which is quite handy.

Enhanced Pulse Emission

Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Rapid Pulse Cycling
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: All Pulse Weapons deal an extra 5% damage

Again, it makes your pulse weapons a bit stronger, which is always nice, for
the cost, at least.

Quick Pulse Streaming

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Enhanced Pulse Emission
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: All Pulse Weapons deal another 5% more damage

Again, pulse weapons get stronger, but this isn't it for the pulse weapons.

Intense Pulse Beams

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Quick Pulse Streaming
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: All Pulse Weapons deal a final 5% more damage again

This is the last of the pulse weapons upgrades, and as you can see, they have
nearly have their power increased by 50%

Pinpoint Bombardment

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Intense Pulse Beams
Levels              : 3
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals
Cost - Level 3      : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 450 Crystals

Effect: Planetary Bombardment Range increased by 13%

That means that you will get an extra range boost, meaning that you can hit
a planet from further away, which can be quite handy for hit and run missions.

Phase Miniaturization

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Phase Missiles have an extra 5% chance to bypass shields

For your ships that use a lot of phase missiles, this will be quite handy
early on, if you use missile ships en masse, but otherwise, it isn't as 
useful as it sounds.

Phase Prediction

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Phase Miniaturization
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Phase Missiles have another 5% chance to bypass enemy shields

Again, if you use missile ships, this is useful to strike at the hull of
the ships quickly and destroy them, but later on, this becomes useless 
with capital ships moving in to ruin the fun.

Superior Missile Phasing

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Phase Prediction
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Phase Missiles get another 5% chance to bypass enemy shields

This might be useful, but at the point where you can research this, the
enemy has probably invested in some research to increase hull points and
regeneration rates, as well as building an all rounded fleet.

NME Warheads

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Superior Missile Phasing
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: Phase Missiles deal an extra 10% damage

This is slightly more useful, mainly because you will actually do more
than a pin prick when you are attacking the enemy with phase missiles.

Basic Wave Cannons

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: All Wave Weapons deal an extra 5% damage

This means that your wave weapons do a bit more damage, and dish out a little
bit more hurt on the enemy.

Wave Amplification

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Basic Wave Cannons
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: All Wave Weapons deal an additional 5% damage

This means that your wave weapons are against slightly more effective than
they were before. Nothing new.

Superior Wave Cannons

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Wave Amplification
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: All Wave Weapons deal an extra 5% damage, again

This is the last of the assault techs, and this means that there isn't much 
there in terms of weapons boosting. 

[10.03] Support

Skeletal Reinforcement

Labs Required       : 1 Lirtestra Weapons Lab
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 400 Credits, 25 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 500 Credits, 50 Crystals

Effect: Hull Points Capacity increased by 6%, Hull Point Regeneration boosted
        by 3%

This means that your hulls can survive a bit more damage and they can repair
themselves a bit better.

Self-Repairing Systems

Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Skeletal Reinforcement
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Hull Points Capacity increased by a further 2%, Hull Point 
        Regeneration boosted by an additional 10%

This is quite useful if you are planning to be taking some hull damage, and if
you can survive it, you can repair your ships quicker and rejoin the battle 
that much quicker.


Labs Required       : 2 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 1 Level in Self-Repairing Systems
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 600 Credits, 50 Metal, 100 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 700 Credits, 75 Metal, 125 Crystals

Effect: Unlocks Reintegration for Ravastra Skirmishers and Skarovas Enforcers

It unlocks the said ability for the above-mentioned ships, nothing new there,
I hope.

Enhanced Hull Integrity

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Self-Repairing Systems
Levels              : 2 
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: Hull Points Capacity increased by a further 7%, Hull Point
        Regeneration boosted by an additional 3%

This is another useful boost, this means that you ships can dish out the 
punishment as they survive longer in battle.

Bifurcative Shielding

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Shields Capacity improved by 5%, Shield Regeneration boosted by 5%

This means that your ship can take more damage with their shields on, and 
regenerate those points faster. Important and vital in large battles.

Multi-Pass Shield Arrays

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Bifurcative Shielding
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Shields Capacity improved by 5%, Shield Regeneration boosted by 5%

Again, the same as before, but the faster you get this research done, the
quicker your ships have an edge in battle over your enemy, or in some cases,
restoring the balance. 

Atomic Engineering

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: All Ships get an extra 1 armour point

This means that their hulls can protect itself from more damage than 
before, which is quite useful. 

Flawless Armour

Labs Required       : 4 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Atomic Engineering
Levels              : 2 
Cost                : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 250 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1100 Credits, 175 Metal, 275 Crystals

Effect: All ships get an additional 1 point in armour

Again, this means that your hulls can mitigate more damage than before from
enemy fire. Useful in battle, let me tell you that. 

Atomic Lattice Armour

Labs Required       : 6 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Flawless Armour
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1400 Credits, 250 Metal, 400 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1500 Credits, 275 Metal, 425 Crystals

Effect: All ships get an additional .5 points in armour, mass decreased by 4%

This means that your ships gets even more armour, as well as a lower mass,
meaning it can turn faster, move faster, and accelerate faster. 

Improved Reactor Design

Labs Required       : 3 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : None
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 800 Credits, 100 Metal, 175 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 900 Credits, 125 Metal, 200 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Capacity and Antimatter Regeneration increased by 5%

Useful for capital ships, meaning that they can spend more antimatter and
spend it on their abilities faster than before. 

Optimized Reactors

Labs Required       : 5 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Improved Reactor Design
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1200 Credits, 200 Metal, 325 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1300 Credits, 225 Metal, 350 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Capacity and Antimatter Regeneration boosted by another 5%

This means that you have more antimatter to play with as well as less time to
wait until you can use the abilities of your capital ships. 

Superior Chain Reactors

Labs Required       : 7 Lirtestra Weapons Labs
Technology Required : 2 Levels in Optimized Reactors
Levels              : 2
Cost                : 1600 Credits, 300 Metal, 475 Crystals
Cost - Level 2      : 1700 Credits, 325 Metal, 500 Crystals

Effect: Antimatter Capacity and Antimatter Regeneration boosted by 5%

This is the final upgrade, and this means that your capital ships have more
to play with as well as a much shorter time to wait before they can get their
antimatter up and enough to blow up another ship. 

[11.01] Logistic Structures

TEC Name    : Metal Extractor
Advent Name : Metal Extractor
Vasari Name : Metal Extractor

Cost            : 250 Credits
Hull Points     : 2500
Armour          : 4
Research Needed : None
Slots Used      : 0

Basically, this is what you need to build on asteroids in order to collect
metal. This is necessary in all empires, metal is needed for ship building as
well as structure building. Anyway, is one of the most important structures
that you need to build when you take control of a planet, the most important,
if possible, is the next one.

TEC Name    : Crystal Extractor
Advent Name : Crystal Extractor
Vasari Name : Crystal Extractor

Cost            : 250 Credits
Hull Points     : 2500
Armour          : 4
Research Needed : None
Slots Used      : 0

This is the most important structure, without this, you will not have any
sort of crystal income, and that is absolutely necessary for research and 
the construction of powerful battle vessels. This is the first thing you need
to build when you enter a new system. Anyway, make sure you scout the crystal
asteroids first and then build them once you get control of the system.

TEC Name    : Frigate Factory
Advent Name : Frigate Factory
Vasari Name : Frigate Factory

Cost            : 600 Credits, 80 Metal, 80 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4000
Armour          : 4
Research Needed : None 
Slots Used      : 4

This is one of the most important structures if you are planning to build a 
fleet, this is necesssary for you to build any sort of frigate or cruiser for
your fleet. This is vital in the beginning as you need frigates to clear the
systems of new planets in order to take them over and then cruisers later on
as a mainstay for your fleet. You automatically have one when you start the

TEC Name    : Capital Ship Factory
Advent Name : Capital Ship Factory
Vasari Name : Capital Ship Factory

Cost            : 1000 Credits, 250 Metal, 100 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4500
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : None
Slots Used      : 4

This is rather important early on and exceptionally useful later on in the
game. This is needed to produce any of the 5 capital ships for your faction,
and you will be needing capital ships for their firepower, which is unrivalled
on a one on one situation. However, don't worry about the cost for your first
ship, the first ship will be for free, but the rest will cost you money. 

TEC Name    : Military Lab
Advent Name : Temple of Hostility
Vasari Name : Lirtestra Weapons Lab

Cost            : 750 Credits, 60 Metal, 80 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4500
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 0
Slots Used      : 4

This is necessary for the development of military technology, but in your
entire empire, you will only need 8, since that is all that is need to 
research the best of the best in military technology. Remember to spread them
out, as not to waste logistical slots for no reason. Remember, you will only
need eight of these buildings.

TEC Name    : Civics Lab
Advent Name : Temple of Harmony
Vasari Name : Viturska Imperial Lab

Cost            : 750 Credits, 60 Metal, 80 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4500
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 0
Slots Used      : 4

This is necessary for research, but unlike the military counterpart, this is
necessary for civilian technologies. Sure, this isn't all about blowing things
up into tiny bits, but the key to supporting a powerful fleet is a strong
economy. This is necessary for expansion as well, you will need this to take 
over volcanic and icy planets, and these are exceptionally important. 

TEC Name    : Trade Port
Advent Name : Trade Port
Vasari Name : Trade Port

Cost            : 750 Credits, 100 Metal, 125 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4500
Armour          : 5
Research Needed : 1 Level in Orbital Commerce (TEC)
                  1 Level in Interplanetary Trade (Advent)
                  1 Level in Offworld Exports (Vasari)
Slots Used      : 4

This is a trade port, where basically, it is a structure that generates 
credits for your empire. You need two trade ports to start a trade route, and
that means you can start trading. Trade routes to foreign empires will lead
to more trade income as well as trade routes to lead as far away as possible.
The more trade ports you have, the more you will make. 

TEC Name    : Orbital Refinery
Advent Name : Trade Port
Vasari Name : Matter Processor

Cost            : 1500 Credits, 125 Metal, 175 Crystals
Hull Points     : 6500
Armour          : 5
Research Needed : 1 Level in Orbital Refinement (TEC)
                  1 Level in Resource Focus (Advent)
                  1 Level in Orbital Processing (Vasari)
Slots Used      : 4

This basically sends out refinery ships to nearby asteroids, in the same
system or in nearby systems, and assists in the recovery of metal and
crystals, boosting your income in both areas. Remember that this isn't a 
big boost, but a boost none the less. For the Advent, remember that there
is a difference. With resource focus, you can shut down the trade port for
a refinery. Keep that in mind. 

TEC Name    : Broadcast Centre
Advent Name : Temple of Communion
Vasari Name : Media Hub

Cost            : 900 Credits, 100 Metal, 150 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4500
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 1 Level in Interstellar Networks (TEC)
                  1 Level Unity Indoctrination (Advent)
                  1 Level Compelling Propaganda (Vasari)
Slots Used      : 4

This is necessary if you are planning to fight culture wars. There is a nice
section about culture in the manual, so there is no point in me rehashing what
you should have already read. Anyway, culture increases the allegiance of a 
planet towards your empire, and weakens the allegiance of another empire's 
planet against their owners. When culture for a colonized planet hits zero, 
the planet will rebel, and they will be neutral, ready for the taking.

[11.02] Tactical Structures

TEC Name    : Gauss Defence Platform
Advent Name : Bean Defence Platform
Vasari Name : Missile Platform

Cost            : 250 Credits, 75 Metal, 35 Crystals
Hull Points     : 3000
Armour          : 12
Damage Dealt    : 20
Research Needed : None
Slots Used      : 1

This is your basic stationary platform, it is there to serve as a means to 
attack stationary attackers, they are exceptionally weak against ships that
move quickly and strike craft. These types of structures are only useful 
against enemy sieges, since the attackers are stationary, but other than
that, they aren't all that useful. 

TEC Name    : Hangar Defence
Advent Name : Hangar Defence
Vasari Name : Hangar Defence

Cost            : 700 Credits, 120 Metal, 70 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4000
Armour          : 8
Research Needed : 1 Level in Hangar Defence (All Factions)
Slots Used      : 4
Antimatter      : 250

This basically is a structure that allows you to base two strike craft off
if it, and you can use it to defend your planets. This is actualyl quite 
useful if you use these en mass, with many of these structures, and a well
armed defence fleet, it will be hard for an enemy to break through your wall
of missiles. 

TEC Name    : Repair Platform
Advent Name : Repair Platform
Vasari Name : Repair Platform

Cost            : 400 Credits, 100 Metal, 75 Crystals
Hull Points     : 3500
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 1 Level in Repair Platform/Regeneration Bay
Slots Used      : 2
Antimatter      : 300

This basically uses its antimatter reserve in order to repair the hulls of
friendly ships that have their hull damaged. This is important because ships
might be on the brink of destruction and this may be necessary. However, keep
these only on your frontline planets, where your fleet is likely to see 
action, not in the back of your empire where it won't see the light of day.

TEC Name    : Phase Jump Inhibitor
Advent Name : Phase Jump Inhibitor
Vasari Name : Phase Jump Inhibitor

Cost            : 750 Credits, 80 Metal, 125 Crystals
Hull Points     : 2400
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 1 Level in Phase Jump Disruption
Slots Used      : 4

Basically, this structure will increase the amount of time it will take for
an enemy vessel to jump out of a system where they fall under the radius of
this structure. That means, if the enemy ship jumps into a phase lane where 
it is under the effect of this inhibitor, it takes a lot longer than normal 
for them to phase jump, enough time to deal the finishing blow.

TEC Name    : Shield Generator
Advent Name : Antimatter Recharge
Vasari Name : Nano Weapon Jammer, Phase Stabilizer

Cost            : 1000 Credits, 150 Metal, 175 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4000
Armour          : 6
Research Needed : 1 Level in Planetary Shields (TEC)
                  1 Level in Antimatter Projection (Advent)
                  1 Level in Power Draining Nanites (Vasari)
                  1 Level in Phase Tunneling (Vasari)
Slots Used      : 3
Antimatter      : 300

They all have the same stats, but each building is different. Of course, it 
is all in order, so you don't get it wrong.

The Shield Generator is a useful structure. Basically, it will provide a 
shield for a planet that it is placed next to and it will place a nice big
strong shield for the planet, which means it will take a lot longer for an
enemy fleet to bombard the planet, and this is a two-fold effect, you will
be able to keep your planet around longer, and take less damage, and the
second ability will be to get enough time to send in reinforcements to take
out the invaders.

The Antimatter Recharge is a nice structure as it basically recharges the
antimatter reserves of a friendly capital ship. This will be useful in the
frontline planets, mainly because it will be where the capital ships will
be first moved into for repairs. This is nice because antimatter takes a 
hell of along time to recharge, and this effect is useful for planet 
defence. Once you move your capital ships there, they will have a lot more
antimatter to play with, and be able to repel the invaders a lot faster.

Nano Weapon Jammers are the Vasari weapons of choice and these will use 
nanomachines to increase the time it takes for an enemy ship to reload 
their weapons and fire them on you. So what this does is that when the
enemy attacks you in range of this structure, it will slow down their
weapons, meaning that they can't dish out as much damage as they would please
and as such, your structures, planet and ships take less damage in return. 

The second structure for the Vasari is the Phase Stabilizer. This is useful
because between two of these structures, you can form a new phase lane, and
this is incredibly useful between two points on your empire or between 
two planets that are close but are not linked. This makes it exceptionally
useful for creating shortcuts, and direct lines of reinforcement. Look at it
this way, you can send in reinforcements from your fleet production facilities
to your frontline planets, without much risk. If the enemy gets close, you can
always scuttle. 

TEC Name    : Novalith Cannon
Advent Name : Deliverance Engine
Vasari Name : Kostura Cannon

Cost            : 8000 Credits, 600 Metal, 500 Crystals
Hull Points     : 4000
Armour          : 5
Research Needed : 1 Level in Novalith Prototype
                  1 Level in Deliverance Design
                  1 Level in Kostura Prototype
Slots Used      : 18
Antimatter      : 300

These are effectively the superweapons of the game, but there is one key thing
that you need to remember, with superweapons, they do not win the game for you
alone, you still need a lot of strategy and tactical know how in order to be
able to use the superweapon in conjunction with your fleet.

The Novalith Cannon is a platform firing a nuclear slug at an enemy planet, 
and this is done in order to dish out a lot of damage on the planet, weakening
it and killing population. This is useful in conjunction of a bombarding 
fleet, you need this weapon to weaken the planet, making for an easy capture.
Not that useful in terms of a superweapon, but it does make capturing a lot

The Deliverance Engine is useful in terms of culture. This will basically fire
a lot of your own culture to a target planet, and that will increase the 
presence of your culture in that planet, and this will, with some luck, lower
the productivity of the planet as well as, even more optimistically, spark a
revolution in that planet, making it neutral. This is best used on the 
frontline planets, where you already have been making headway in terms of 
culture, so it is easier to make neutral, and then take over.

The Kostura Cannon is probably the most powerful. This is like a Novalith 
Cannon, but instead of firing a slug, it will fire an energy shockwave into
the planet, and instead of targeting planets, this will dish out a lot of
damage to ships and structures. This is best used in preparation for a 
strike on that planet, as it will weaken the invaders and make it a lot easier
to capture because there isn't much resistance. 

[12.01] Conquering New Planets

When you want to conquer planets, especially new ones, you need to make sure
that your fleet is ready to fight. Why? Because new planets that are new, 
that is, you are the first one there, will contain some natives, and they
fight back.

They are normally armed with frigates and light cruisers, so your basic 
frigates will not have such an easy time. There is also enough in terms of
firepower that your capital ships will struggle if they are on their own. 

Basically, if you want to take a new planet, send about 5 of your basic combat
frigates and a capital ship, the one that you get for free, and send them
in to clear out the mess. However, you also need to know how to win, because
the odds are that your firepower is evenly matched. 

The most important thing is that your fleet will target one ship at a time,
as such, concentrating fire. This is important for a reason, it will take
down the enemy faster. Look at it this way, if you take every ship on one on
one, you will have a crippled fleet, but if you concentrate fire, you can 
win the battle with light losses, maybe two combat frigates at best. 

When you are going to colonise the planet, the important thing to note is that
you should never send the colony ship in until all the enemy ships have been
destroyed. Once a colony ship enters the planet's gravity well, all enemy
ships will change target and attack your colony ship. Basically, send it into
the phase lane towards the new planet when you are nearly finished clearing
the enemy forces.

[12.02] Maintaining an Empire

The hardest part of the game is maintaining an empire, the larger it gets, the
harder to maintain. That means that you have planets to defend, planets to
guard, planets to develop and planets the conquer.

The first thing is to build up your planets. In each planet, you need to build
the extractors, which is standard, and from there, it gets a little tricky in
terms of what to build. Each planet will need a trade port, always, and a
refinery would be good. Broadcast centres are also quite useful. Those are the
necessities. Extractors, Broadcast Centre and Trade Port. After that, if you
have a fair amount of logistical slots left, the best thing to do is to have
a refinery. Then, place your labs, both military and civilian. Those are 
best placed on the Terran and Desert planets, they have far more logistical
slots to play with.

For your Capital Ship and Frigate factories, placement is a bit harder. You
will need to constantly build new ones near the frontlines of your empire, for
defence, and demolish ones that are too far away from the action. Though keep
a few in the rear, in case your frontline planets fall. That is set for 
building logistical structures. Now, the tactical ones.

For tactical structures, you don't need to be heavy handed in that regards. 
Basically, superweapons should be deep in your empire, hangars should serve
as basic defence, platforms for frontline planets. Repair platforms should
be placed near a source of action, so your ships can make sure that don't 
get crippled too badly. 

Now, the planets you need to defend. Basically, planets that on the border
with other empires are ones that you need to keep a fleet in. A small group
of heavy cruisers and powerful frigates should serve as a blocking force, 
platforms and hangars should provide backup, that is the most basic defence
force. This is a defence force, if the enemy is dead serious to attack you,
it will not be enough, you will need to use a strike force, to reinforce,
repel, and then push them back to their own turf, and more on the strike 
force later, in building an unstoppable fleet. 

Other planets that need defence are those bordering the stars and those
that are on the border of wormholes. Again, defend those planets with a small
fleet as well as some stationary defences. Your PSIdar like techs will help
you greatly. 

With the development done, you need to colonise new planets. The most 
important are ice, desert and terran planets, those you want to take straight
away, because they are exceptionally valuable in terms of logistical and
resource value. Desert planets have a lot of tactical and logistical slots, 
making them good sources of credits and lab planets, terran planets are 
necessary for credits and icy planets are needed for crystals. Use a powerful
strike fleet to quickly demolish enemy resistance, and from there, colonise
the planet and develop it.

It is best to develop a planet to about half capacity before sending your
strike fleet off to take another planet. This is because if you develop them
to that capacity, they will have the ability to fend off attackers, and 
since your fleet is a planet away, they can move back and strike hard at the

Now, you need to build relations with other empires. This is best done with
those that are near you, mainly for backstabbing reasons, but also to find
out what they are doing. Most of the early missions are give resource 
missions while they become destroy other empire missions later on. The faster
you build relations, the better for you, and once you gain access to their
lands, move in your fleets, your battle fleets, and get ready for the backstab
of the century.

Finally, the last part of maintaining an empire, besides running an economy,
defending all your planets, building weapons of mass destruction and building
a massive fleet, is to use pirates to your advantage. Once you have a large
empire, money will be flowing in left and right, and this is to your 
advantage, use that money to place bounties on nearby empires, and put enough
money in it so that it will be a SEVERE attack, so that the threat level is 
on red. Make sure that you keep the bounty on the other empire, and let the
pirates launch an attack. This is useful as a prelude to a powerful attack, 
but that will be covered in the endgame. 

Basically, build up your empire, develop all your planets, and start building
a fleet. You want to play nice when building up a fleet, but don't worry, we
aren't going to be nice too much longer. 

[12.03] Building an Unstoppable Fleet

Now, we need a big fleet. Of course, the perfect fleet need balance. It cannot
be too big, otherwise, it will be extremely cumbersome to control, but if it
is too small, it will be too ineffective. Basically, what a good fleet should
strive to be is a small, powerful force, able to strike hard at enemy
defences and move away before heavy enemy forces arrive. 

Basically, there are several things that your fleet will need. It needs the
ability to colonise planets, so your capital ships will need that role, it is
too dangerous to leave colony frigates in the middle of a battle. It will need
the ability to use strike craft. Do not underestimate the strike craft, they
will be exceptionally useful. 

Now, what you should have in it. Personally, it is up to you to decide what
you find is manageable. My personal option is to have 5 capital ships, one of
each, mainly for balance reasons, a bunch of heavy cruisers, carriers and a
few support ships, and a nice use of frigates. Now, for frigates, you need
long range missile based frigates, flak frigates and if you really want, you
can have some siege frigates.

The reason for this is that the capital ships are needed for their abilities,
and their firepower. They provide the brunt of the attack, as well as take
most of the damage. The heavy cruisers will be there to support your capital
ships in battle, whilst the carriers will launch strike craft, bombers of 
course, to do damage. Support cruisers will be there to basically tend to the
fleet, and hinder the enemy. Frigates, well, they are not as useful. Long 
range frigates are there to lend firepower and the flak frigates are to 
disable enemy strike craft. 

What most people tend to forget is that bombers are quite powerful, a group
of 10 of them can easily demolish enemy ships with 2 runs, and they are 
quite hard to take down without flak frigates. 

Now, that fleet is powerful enough as it is, but at the end of the day, raw
firepower cannot win the day by itself. You need support. That is the whole
point of bringing the weaker support cruisers in, they are there to tend to
the fleet, and the most important is the ability to repair hull damage. 

A powerful fleet needs to be able to colonise for a reason. When you wipe
out an empire on a planet, you want to take that planet and use it as an
outpost. This will be useful because it gives you access to the enemy empire
as well support, repair platforms and more defence will be useful for your

Now, how to use your fleet. The best attack on the enemy is one that is 
completely by surprise. And that means you need to be cunning. But that is
covered in the endgame. Besides attacking, your fleet needs to be able to
defend. Since you have 16 capital ships to play with, you are looking at a 
fair amount of fleets, about 3 large strike fleets, and you will have them
on several fronts. The enemy will attack, and you needs to recall a fleet
and move them to the target planet. 

The most important reason you want the enemy to attack a planet on your 
frontline is simple. Attack and defeat the enemy fleet, and then do some 
quick repairs, and push back into their system. If the enemy was serious in
their attack, then what is left in their system is a bunch of ragtag fleet
units, those that survived, and the defences. Take down the defences and 
move on the planet. The next part depends on what the enemy does. If they
move in a fleet, run back to your own planet, and fight on your terms, if
they do not, take over. 

[12.04] The Endgame

One of the important parts of the game is the end. Rushing isn't as effective
against a proper player, as they will build up their defences, but late in the
game, when research has been exhausted, the fleets are balanced, the real 
game starts, the game of who has the better strategy.

At this point, I assume that everyone has a large stash of credits, metal and
crystals, well defended border planets, fully developed planets, 3 strike
fleets, and well, everything is at a stalemate. 

There are two methods of getting a chance to take down the enemy. The first 
is to have them attack you, and you counter attack. The second is to use 
your diplomatic prowess and backstab them. The second one is exceptionally

The whole point in the end is to crush your enemies, without them knowing. 
Against the AI, backstabbing is exceptionally easy if you protect yourself
from the retribution that the enemy will surely dish out, but against human
players, backstabbing is exceptionally harder. In this game, there are the
paranoid, and there are the dead. 

Well, how you want to crush the enemy is your business, but late games can get
exceptionally crazy, considering how hard it is to break down the enemy. It
takes skill and strokes of genius to win that late in the game. 

So how do you win. Chokepoints. You see, there are points on the map where
control of it will put you in a powerful position. Look at it this way, if 
you control a star that is in the middle of an enemy empire, you have a 
choke point. The enemy cannot use that star, and if they manage to escape, 
you have more forces defending the other entry points. And with control of 
the star, you can launch attacks on any of the connected planets, and that
cna be deadly against a large empire. 

Another way to win is to feint attacks. Send in a small, but powerful force,
preferably one without capital ships, a bunch of heavy cruisers, enough to
pose a threat, but one that can be easily replaced quickly and relatively
cheaply. Now, with this strong attack, with siege frigates, it will spring
the enemy into action. If you can take the planet, well good on you, take
it, but it is not necessary. The whole point is to draw in other fleet units
from neighbouring planets, leaving them relatively undefended, and that means
you can send in your main attack force, one that is far more powerful, and 
hit them hard. 

One method to win that has not been mentioned is culture wars. Basically, on
your border planets, build a lot of culture producing buildings, the media
hubs, and use them to influence enemy planets. Slowly, weaken the allegiance 
of that planet to their masters, force them to be neutral, take over, and 
repeat. This is a useful method to peacefully take over another empire, and 
it involves less warfare, all you need to do is to move in and claim the now
neutral planet. 

Anyway, it is how you want to proceed this late in the game to win, whether 
you want to play two empires to play out against each other, take over their
planets with culture or force, it is completely up to you, there are 
thousands of ways to win, so happy hunting. 

[A] Contact Information

APPEARS IN g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m always. Remove the commas. Never on that
c,h,e,a,t,c,c.c,o,m. Remove the commas.

!Before you Email me, read everything in this Contact Information section and!
!check the guide. If the information is already listed, your email will be   !
!promptly deleted. 							     !

E-Mail Me, and for the love of all that isn't sacred, make sure that the title
of the game is smacked into place. IF THERE IS NO TITLE ON THE MESSAGE, IT 
WILL NOT BE READ, AND PROMPTLY DELETED. Also, email with courtesy. If you just
hurl abuse, I will promptly hurl more abuse back, and save it so the entire
world can abuse you and see your stupidity. 

When you write the Email, you have to do so in English, and English only. No
foreign languages allowed, Chinese, French, Spanish, Antarctic Penguin and so
forth, mainly because I won't be able to understand it. 

There will be absolutely NO INTERNET SPEAK IN ANY EMAILS. Seriously, I will
not read emails full of lols, rofls or the like. No lazy English either. I 
won't read crap like "Hw Tis in Gme" because it is lazy and inconsiderate. But
that doesn't mean you send me a business letter detailing what information you
want to know either. 

Finally, if you see that there is something wrong in this FAQ, or something 
that you think should be included in it, please send it in, the worse you can
do is to have it rejected, but if I think it is a good addition, I'll add it
with the next update as well as give you credit for the addition. Corrections
are always welcome.

I will also NOT RESPOND to the following:

 * Phishing Sites
 * Attempted Scams
 * Mass Spamming
 * Forward Messages
 * Advertising
 * Technical Issues
 * Illegal Activities
 * Unrelated Emails to the Game
 * Emails about Another Game

All problems with technical issues to do with the gameplay such as bugs and
glitches should be sent to the developer or publisher, or look for fixes or
ways to avoid it. All technical issues with hardware should be sent to the 
manufacturer of the piece of hardware in question. 

The secret email address is:

hillsdragon13 [at] [] [dot] [co.m]

Now, the legend:

[at]        = @
[] = Remove the .'s
[dot]       = .
[co.m]      = Remove the .'s

If you feel generous, you can send money via Paypal to that address. It is
completely optional, but I'm curious to see how much I can milk, I mean make
out of this. All donations are appreciated, seeing I have to pay for the 
game this guide is for, and that does cost money, more since I'm faced with
the outrageous prices found in Australia. 

It may be a pain in the ass, but most smart people could figure out the real
email address. The problem is that people would normally Ctrl+F to find the
email address without reading the relevant guidelines, as well spamming sites
which always find their way to my inbox. 

Also, do not add me to your MSN, Yahoo or any other instant messaging system
because you will be blocked and deleted permanently. Also, I will not accept
invites to be your Facebook friend, or join any other social networking site
because all invites will be rejected. 

[B] Credits

The credits section is where all the credits for the guides go. Anyone or
anything that remotely helped out with this guide goes here, and that goes
for all those people out there who have interesting information to send in.
You know, your name could be on this list as well. 

CJayC, The Creator of GameFAQs, thanks for all the memories
SBAllen for administrating GameFAQs, keep up the good work
You, no point of writing if no one is reading
Ironclad Games for developing the game
Stardock for publishing the game
ASCII Generators for the ASCII Art
Me for making it, yes, I'm that arrogant =)

[C] Webmaster Information

This is where all the sites that this guide can appear on are listed. If the
site name is not on this list, that means that either they are accepted by
me but not listed, due to logistical reasons (this is the same copyright 
section as all the other guides, and no point listing a Civ 4 site on a Sims
game), or they are not allowed outright. 

Anyway, POINT OUT ALL SITES NOT LISTED HERE. It will be up to me what site is
allowed or disallowed. <Master Copy> 

NeoSeeker and SuperCheats will have the guides a full day after it appears on
GameFAQs. This is because those two sites grab any new update from me from
GameFAQs itself, so if you are itching for the newest version, please check first.


Why, because they stole some of my works before, and I will not forget that.
No amount of goodwill will be able to repair what you have done. 

[D] Copyright Notice

This game is Copyright 2008 Ironclad Games, Stardock. All Copyrights are
held by their rightful owners as well as any Trademarks used. 

This document is protected by copyright laws in many countries, so please 
don't steal. This FAQ can be used for personal use, which means you can store
a copy on your home PC, your IPod, USB Drive, etc. You cannot use this FAQ to
sell for your own financial gain. Doing so is fraud, and I will promptly have
all the money gained wired for directly to me. 

If you do sell it, and you are caught, I will launch court proceedings if 
necessary. If a website steals this, I will have your site shut down, either
through talking to your server, Internet Service Provider, and if you are a 
big site, through your advertisers. It might start with a small email of 
request, but I can snowball it. In fact, I will. 

You also cannot claim this guide as your own. You are not allowed to use this
guide and submit this to another website, claiming it as your own work. I will
google search random phrases from my own FAQ just to ensure that it hasn't 
been stolen or hijacked by other people.

I am also not affiliated with any corporation, and I was not paid by any
developer, publisher or distributor for the production of this guide. This was
done solely out of my own free time and will, a dedication to the gaming 
industry in general. 

This document is copyright 2009. All Rights did not commit sins in the empire

This FAQ uses the V2.01 Template. 

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