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by KiHiwatari

// Version 1.0 - Completed
// By Ki Hiwatari 
// Start date: 19 November 2010
// Last Updated: 10 December 2010

This walkthrough is created based on the Japanese Version of the game. 
Name translations may differ from the official English version.  I 
shall update this accordingly when I get the English version later.
Please refer to Section S0.1 for Japanese-English Name Equivalents. The 
List will be constantly updated. 

If you would like to help with the Japanese/English translations you 
are welcome. I don't think I can play the English version that fast to
fill in all the names XD 


Note: Use Ctrl-F on the phrases with the square brackets to skip to the 
sections inside this walkthrough.  I am writing this as I play the game, 
so I may have skipped something.  If you would like to help contribute 
to this walkthough, please e-mail me at [email protected].  Credits 
will be given for all submissions.

Please pardon my bad English/style of writing if you find any mistakes. 
And sorry for the inconsistency of using present and past tenses.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

[S0.0] System
[S0.1] Japanese/English Translations
[S0.2] Story
[S1.0] Introduction & Basic Controls 
[S1.1] The Watchhouse
[S1.2] Goma Mountains
[S1.3] Illusion Forest
[S1.4] World Map
[s1.5] Tenka's General Merchants
[S1.6] Energy Training Grounds
[S1.7] Goma Plateau Passage & Widman Village
[S1.8] Gonpa Gate
[S1.9] Gonpa Ruins
[S2.0] South Gonpa Shrine & Harappa
[S2.1] Corridor Passage
[S2.2] Kaocho
[S2.3] Ayatayu
[S2.4] Alchemy Well
[S2.5] Barai Temple
[S2.6] Uroboros Ruins
[S2.7] Back to Corridor
[S2.8] Harappa Ruins
[S3.0] Corridor of Clouds
[S3.1] Spiky Mountain Ruins
[S3.2] Teirya
[S3.3] Tepe Ruins
[S3.4] The Capital - Bervne
[S3.5] Saha
[S3.6] Korima
[S3.7] Dream Wood Maze
[S3.8] Border
[S3.9] Urajio
[S4.0] Korima Forest
[S4.1] Rocky Mountains of the Holy Bird
[S4.2] Bervne Ruins
[S4.3] Monster in Bervne
[S5.0] Set Sail!  Harin
[S5.1] Harin Island Underground Passage
[S5.2] Oha Hill Neos
[S5.3] Capital - Tonfan
[S5.4] Sana Castle
[S5.5] Champa Camp
[S5.6] Champa
[S6.0] Yamatai
[S6.1] Gaia Fall Cave
[S6.2] Extra Stuff
[S6.3] Volcano Island Cave
[S6.4] Snowy Mountains Northwest of Imiru
[S6.5] Flowing Ice Island
[S6.6] Ohotsu Ocean Island & The Ghost Ship
[S6.7] Tonfan & Yamatai Ruins
[S6.8] Eyeball Island Ruins
[S7.0] The Great Wall & Base of Apollo
[S7.1] Apollo Gate
[S7.2] Temple of Apollo (Game Clear)
[S8.0] Treasure Island
[S8.1] Volcano Island Cave (2)
[S8.2] Ohotsu Ocean Island (2)

[A1.0] Items
[A2.0] Energy
[A3.0] Djinn
[A4.0] Character Classes

[E1.0] Credits
[E2.0] Updates
[E3.0] Hosting Sites

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S0.0 SYSTEM
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Golden Sun - Shikkokunaru Yoake (Golden Sun - The Dawn that Becomes 
Dark) is played using the Nintendo DS/DSi system.  It was first 
published in Japan in October 2010 and North America on 01 December 
2010 (Confirmed by Stephen on IGN). It is the third installment of the 
Golden Sun Series, but the first on the DS.   

When you first start your game, you are to choose a name for your 
character.  Here I shall call my main character Takumi.

This game is can be played using either the stylus or the buttons.  
Most of the controls are covered in the introduction part of the game 
in section 1.0 below.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

This section lists the Japanese names used in this walkthrough with 
their equivalent in the English version.  I only cover the more impor-
tant names and places and not the monsters and equipment.

Takumi (main character, whatever name you like) = Matthew
Karis (�J���X) = Karis
Terry (�e���[) = Tyrell
Kraun (�N���E��) = Rief
Halmanni (�n���}�[�j) = Amiti
Stellar (�X�e��) = Sveta
Reoreo (���I���I) = Eolro
Himi (�q�~) = Himi
Screta (�X�N���[�^) = Kraden
Robin (���r��) = Isaac
Gerard (�W�F�����h) = Garet
Spade (�X�y�[�h) = 
Heart (�n�[�g) = 
Ace (�G�[�X) = 

Goma Mountains (�S�}�R) = Goma Plateau
Illusion Forest (���₩���̐X) = 
Teinka's General Merchants (�e�B���J�[�̖���) = 
Log Dump (�؍ޒu����) = 
Gonpa Gate (�S���p�Q�[�g) = Konpa Gate
Gonpa Ruins (�S���p���) = Konpa Ruins
Harappa (�n���b�p�[) = Harapa
Corridor Passage (�R���h�[�̎R��) = Passaj
Kaocho (�J�I�`��) = Kaocho
Ayatayu (�A���^��) = Ayuthay
Alchemy Well (�A���P�~�[�E�F��) = 
Barai Temple (�o���C�_�a) = 
Uroboros Ruins (�E���{���X���) = 
Corridor of Clouds (�_�̉�L) = 
Spiky Mountain Ruins (�Ƃ񂪂�R���) = 
Teirya (�e�C����) = 
Tepe Ruins (�e�y���) = 
Bervne (�x���t�l) = 
Luna Tower (���i�^���[) = 
Saha (�T�n) = 
Korima (�R���}) = 
Dream Wood Maze (�����̖؂̖��{) = 
Border (�{���_�[) = 
Urajio (�E���W�I) = 
Rocky Mountain of the Holy Bird (�_���̊�R) = 
Harin (�n����) = 
Harin Island Underground Passage (�n�������̒n����) = 
Oha Hill Neos (�I�n�u�̃l�I�X) = 
Tonfan (�g���t�@��) = 
Sana Castle (�T�i��) = 
Champa (�`�����p) = Champa
Yamatai (���}�^�C) = 
Gaia Fall Cave (�K�C�A�t�H�[���̓��A) = 
Volcano Island Cave (�ΎR���̓��A) = 
Snow Mountains Northwest of Imiru (�C�~���k���̐�R) = 
Flowing Ice Island (���X��) = 
Ohotsu Ocean Island (�I�z�[�c�C�̏���) = 
Ghost Ship (�H��D) = 
Eyeball Island Ruins (�߂��ܓ����) = 
The Great Wall (�����̃J�x) = 
Base of Apollo (�A�|���̂ӂ���) = 
Apollo Gate (�A�|���Q�[�g) = 
Temple of Apollo (�A�|���_�a) = 
Treasure Island (��) = 

Calc (�J���N) = 
Ji (�W�[) = 
Granite (�O���j�g) = 
Soro (�\��) = Flint
Flow (�t���E) = 
Scully (�X�J���[) = 
Kiss (�L�b�X) = 
Brick (�u���b�N) = 
Ivy (�A�C���B) = 
Cinnamon (�V�i����) = 
Greed (�O���[�h) = 
Dole (�h�[��) = 
Irony (�A�C���j) = 
Void (���H�C�h) = 
Chain (�`�F�C��) = 
Jio (�W�I) = 
Basil (�o�W��) = 
Magnet (�}�O�l�g) = 
Titanium (�`�^��) = 
Medousa (���h�D�T) = 
Anatema (�A�i�e�}) = 
Maika (�}�C�J) = 
Salt (�\���g) = 

Gatsu (�K�b�c) = 
Shine (�V���C��) = 
Heat (�q�[�g) = 
Baan (�o�[��) = 
Corona (�R���i) = 
Carmen (�J������) = 
Boil (�{�C��) = 
Kashiei (�J�V�F�C) = 
Soul (�\�E��) = 
Glare (�O���A) = 
Lars (���[�X) = 
Baika (�o�C�J) = 
Mighty (�}�C�e�B) = 
Rise (���C�Y) = 
Nitro (�j�g��) = 
Fueniki (�t�F�j�L) = 
Sanba (�T���o) = 
Sizzler (�V�Y���[) = 
Pepper (�n�o�l��) = 
Chia (�`�[�A) = 
Solar (�\�[���[) = 
Magna (�}�O�i) = 
Fever (�t�B�[�o) = 
Axel (�A�N�Z��) = 

Geil (�Q�C��) =
Vivid (�r�r�b�h) = 
Zen (�[��) = 
Rescue (���X�L��) = 
Gyro (�W���C��) = 
Coil (�R�C��) = 
Peppy (�y�b�s�[) = 
Buke (�u�[�P) = 
Surge (�T�[�W) = 
Silky (�V���L�[) = 
Hide (�n�C�h) = 
Nerori (�l����) = 
Sirocco (�V���b�R) = 
Balloon (�o����) = 
Shiver (�c���@�C) = 
Mach (�}�b�n) = 
Simoun (�V���[��) = 
Peace (�s�[�X) = 

Muse (���[�X) = 
Sorbet (�\���x) = 
Spa (�X�p) = 
Milky (�~���L�[) = 
Mellow (�����E) = 
Kyuran (�L�����\) = 
Zero (�[��) = 
Tonic (�g�j�b�N) = 
Karua (�J���A) = 
Squall (�X�R�[��) = 
Marine (�}���[��) = 
Tear (�e�B�A) = 
Strass (�V�g���X) = 
Piko (�s�R) = 
Crema (�N���}) = 
Ceil (�V�F��) = 
Gasshu (�K�b�V��) = 
Spumoni (�X�v���j) = 

Venus (���B�[�i�X) = Venus
Amen Ra (�A�����E���[) = Ramses
Cybele (�L���x��) = Cybele
Apocalipse (�A�|�J���v�X) = Judgement
Mars (�{���A�X) = Mars
Giraffe (�W���b�t) = Kirin
Vista (���F�X�^) = Tiamat
Meteor (���e�I) = Meteor
Jupiter (�W���s�^�[) = Jupiter
Atlanta (�A�^�����e) = Atalanta
Purokune (�v���N�l) = Procne
Thor (�g�[��) = Thor
Mercury (�}�[�L�����[) = Mercury
Nereid (�l���C) = Nereid
Undine (�E�H�[�_��) = Neptune
Boreas (�{���A�X) = Boreas
Zagan (�U�K��) = Zagan
Mega Era (���K�G��) = Megaera
Morok (�����N) = Moloch
Flora (�t���[��) = Flora
Ulysses (�����V�[�Y) = Ulysses
Haures (�n�E���X) = Haures
Eclipse (�G�N���v�X) = Eclipse
Crystal Dragon (�N���X�^���h���S��) = Crystallux
Core Tree (�R�A�g���[) = Coatlicue
Azul (�A�Y�[��) = Azul
Karon (�J����) = 
Daedalus (�_�C�_���X) = 
Catastrophe (�J�^�X�g���t) = 

Energy (�G�i�W�[) = Psnergy

Antidote (�A���`�h�E�e) = 
Aqua (�A�N�A) = Douse
Bluff (�v���[�t) = 
Crash (�N���b�V��) = Crush
Cure (�L���A) = 
Cure Light (�L���A���C�g) = 
Cure Best (�L���A�x�X�g) = 
Elcare (�G�[���P�A) = 
Fireball (�t�@�C�A�{�[��) = Fireball
Frost (�A�[�N�`���h) = Cold Snap
Grip (�O���b�v) = 
Grow (�O���E) = Growth
Hearted Care (�n�[�e�b�h�P�A) = 
Heat Dry (�q�[�g�h���C) = 
Miracle Treat (�~���N���g���[�g) = 
Move (���[�u) = Move
Nature Treat (�l�C�`���g���[�g) = 
Pray (�v���C) = 
Pray Well (�v���C�E�F��) = 
Prevision (�v���r�W����) = 
Retrieve (���o�C�u) = 
Return (���^�[��) = 
Search (�T�[�`) = 
Sense (�Z���X) = 
Smack (�X�}�b�N) = Slap
Smell (�X����) = 
Spin (�X�s��) = Whirlwind
Tender Care (�e���_�[�P�A) = 
Thermal (�T�[�}��) = 
Treat (�g���[�g) = 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S0.2 STORY
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

(Coming Soon)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

First you will need to name your character. Press "Start" and answer
"yes" to the question if your name is right.  You will go through the
background of the story and an explanation on the 4 elements. 

Note: My character is Takumi, and so I shall refer to him as such for
the rest of the walkthrough.

After the introduction, you will start in a village and someone called 
Robin will be talking to you. 


Starting HP: 41
Starting EP: 20

Note: HP = Health Points, EP = Energy Points

Tap the screen to get the conversation going.  On his second sentence,
there is a hint thing that teaches you how to tap.  Tap on your name 
underlined in red. A warning note will come out, asking you to tap all
words with an underline to see the explanation of the word.  Use the 
L or R buttons to go back or forth in the explanation. 

So Robin told you you are done for the day, and the rest is free time
:D  Takumi walks away and glances afar. Robin told him that is the 
Alpha Mountains.  Then he will talk a bit about the Golden Sun and 
how alchemy is let lose and so forth... (My Japanese is not the 
greatest to understand every single word... sorry <_<)  That mountain
is the reason why Angara Continent (where you are now) started and 
Wyard (Perhaps I should just translate all the katakana? <_<) changed.
The secret of alchemy lies within the Sol Temple on Alpha Mountain.

Then Robin started talking to the invisible Wiseman, and a new guy 
called Gerard interrupts. They start talking about the Golden Sun and
other stuff which I shall not explain until I get the English version.

Anyways, Gerard asks you to pay a visit to the Sol Temple. There are 
more conversations between the villagers, and you are prompted to 
choose your emotions to change the mood.  Choices are happy, angry, 
sad or having fun.  After a few more sentences you finally get control 
of your character!

Now before we start anything, let work on the basic control.

* To walk around the area, tap the position you want the character to 
move towards. 
* Press the Y-button or tap the icon on the bottom left corner to see
the map of the area you are currently in.
* Press the X-button or tap the icon on the bottom right corner to 
open the menu.
*inside the menu, first icon is Settings. You can set your message 
speed, conversation, explanation settings, and quick select settings.
* Second menu is Energy.  You can view the energy each character 
can use.
* Third menu is Items. View items each character carry.  Switch 
between character with the L & R buttons.
* Fourth menu is Status.  View status of all your character
* Fifth menu is Glossary.  You can view explanations of words which 
you have seen underlined in conversations.
* And the last menu is World Map.  You can see where you are with 
respect to the world.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Climb up the ladder of the house to your west and a scene will occur.
The adults want you to stop Terry (the amber-haired guy) from trying 
to fly with some wings he attached to himself. I choose the "Sad" 
option here.  

Walk over to Terry and another conversation begins. Then Terry flies :D
After some talking we decide to go down to the forest below.  I choose 
"Happy" for this question. (I think I shall answer "Happy" for the 
rest of the questions XD)

After some talking (again, aren't they very worried?) we decide to 
go back home for some preparations and meet at the road on the east.

Scene changes. You are in your hose with Karis (the green hair girl). 
She gives you a Leather Cap which is from Robin. 

To equip an item, use the X-button -> Items -> Takumi and choose your 
item to equip.

Karin reminds you to save before heading out.  Go to menu and choose 
the second item on the menu to save.  Choose a slot which you want to 
save your file to.  There are three save slots in total.

You will gain back control of your character after this. First check 
the chest on your right for a Short Sword. Tap the chest to open it.

Climb up the ladder. Go to the second floor for a pair of Quilt Gloves.
Back below, go to the innermost part of the sitting room and tap on 
the shorter bookshelf to get a Legendary Picture Book 1. After that, 
talk to Karis. She will ask you to meet up with the others and joins 
your party. 

Starting HP: 28
Starting EP: 37

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter: 
Funifuni - 2 EXP
Frein Ghost - 3 EXP

Exit from the house. Go down the left stars and tap the vase on the 
west most to obtain a Herb. Exit to the right of the map.  

Robin and Gerard are already there. After some conversation, head 
east. You are not allowed to take the left stairs, so go to the right
and down into the cave. 

Starting this cave, you may encounter monsters as you walk.  Gerard 
will come after you and ask you to use your Energy during battle.

When you encounter monsters, you will go into the battle scene. Choose
"Fight" to begin battle.  You can use "Standard Attack" or "Energy" 
to deal damage.  "Energy" menu includes some cure spells as well if 
your character knows them.

Gerard will then tell you to use Energy when something is blocking 
your way (If you have played the old GS, I am sure you already know 
this :D)

Go west, north and east. Down to the next level and head right.  Your 
character will automatically jump over single spaces.  At the middle 
of the map you will see a yellowish rock blocking your way.  Have 
Takumi use "Move" from the Energy menu to move it away.   Robin and 
Gerard will come over and teach you how to use Energy if you answer 
"Sad" to his question.  You can set an Energy item to the L and R 
buttons for quick access.

Note: For a list of Energy, see Appendix 2.0.

Then Robin will introduce to you the Energy Stone which can restore 
your EP if you tap it. After you gain control, restore your EP first.
The stone will break after you restore your EP.  Exit to the south.

Go down all the stairs and move the rock to the middle of the gap 
before walking over it. After you go down the west stairs, Robin and 
Gerard will appear again and talk a bit before you can continue 
heading east and north. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter: 
Walrus - 5 EXP
Wild Wolf - 5 EXP
Funifuni - 2 EXP
Mouse Warrior - 9 EXP

Exiting north, you arrive at the Illusion Forest. Robin and Gerard 
will catch up with you (yet once again) and tell you about higher 
level monsters and teach you the way to use Djinns. Robin will call 
forth a Venus Djinn, Soro, which will teach you everything you need 
to know about them. 

Basically, choose Djinn from the Fight menu bar and use them in your 
attaks.  After one turn, your Djinn will be able to be summoned to 
deal heavier damages. However, after summon, your djinn will need to 
rest for a certain amount of turns.  Also, you cannot have one person 
carry all the djinns.  They need to be evenly distributed among all 

After explanation, Soro will join Takumi. Then Gerard and Robin will 
distribute their djinns evenly. After more talk, Robin and Gerard will 
join your party (but they will not help you during battle)

Takumi - Calc (Earth), Gatsu (Fire), Shine (Fire)
Karis - Heat (Fire), Ji (Earth), Granite (Earth)

Note: On the djinn menu, you can put the djinn on standby by tapping 
on them twice.  You can also switch djinns between characters by 
dragging with your stylus.

Go north and east. When you get into battle.  Now you can use summon 
attacks to kill monsters quicker~  You can't grab the chest up north 
from this side, so head south and around the loop. At the lake, jump
to the left to grab a Herb from the chest. Then two right jumps and 
up to reach the other side. Exit north.

Go north and grab a Thorn Seed from the chest. You don't seem to be 
able to walk any further, so a conversation begins. It seems we need 
to go and burn some piece of Old Plant to destroy the illusions. 
Gerard will use a fire energy ball, which you have to use your stylus 
and direct it to the big flower after a few tries (for the first few 
tries it does not allow you to shoot the flower) on the north west 
to produce a path.

Note: To use Fireball, you have to have one mars djinn on Set with

So head north and try your newly obtained attack on that big ugly 
flower :D  Exit east.  Walk on that light green narrow path and down
from the south.  Go all the way east and south, over another light 
green path to the west and burn down that flower. Go north, up the 
light green path, jump to the right, walk up, jump up, walk to the
right, and jump up and down the stars to the area where you see a 
sprout on the ground. Have Takumi use Grow on the sprout. Climb up, 
walk to the left and use Fireball on the flower.  Exit to the north 
of the map.

Move the two rocks into the water. Jump to the right to get a Potion
from the chest.  On the left side, jump up, right, right, up, left 
and pull the rock towards you into the water. Use Grow on the sprout 
and climb up. 

A conversation will start. Robin seems to see the Glider Wings of 
Terry, but the kid is not there. We decide to enter the cave.  There 
is an Elemental Stone in the cave, so recover your EP first.

Exit south, head east. Use Grow on the sprout and climb up. Go down 
all the stairs.  There is another Elemental Stone.  Enter the cave. 

A scene will occur. The cave is too dark, and Gerard burns down all 
the flowers.  However, there is an Energy Ball and the crew see Terry 
behind the ball. We decide to save Terry after some talk.  Go north 
and use Grow on the sprout west of the large flower.  Climb up the 
left stairs and down the vine.  Jump to the right and use Fireball 
on the flower.

Note: You have to be on the same level as something to use Energy 
on it. 


BOSS: Illusion Flower
Not a very tough fight.  Use your djinns and energy wisely and you 
will be able to defeat it :D

Around 250-ish HP (I ended it with attacks at 106+138+26 HP hits)
Reward: 143 EXP & 77 coins, Energy Crystal

The Energy Ball becomes smaller after you defeat the flower. Go to 
wake Terry up and a scene will occur. After the scene, head up the 
stairs and exit. Go along the path, up the stairs and exit south.
Cross the bridge and exit. Another scene will occur. We decide to 
go home. 

It seems Karis wants to get the Feather of Roc to make the Glider
Wing work. The adults suggest Takumi to go with the two of them. Then 
they talk about an alchemist/philosopher called Screta.  Takumi and 
Karis are told to go to Sol Temple and meet up with Screta as soon as 
(Conversation shall be updated with English version later)

Scene changes and Gerard asks Takumi to be the leader of the gang.  
Scene changes again and Robin sends out a letter to Screta.  Takumi 
and co. crosses the bridge from home, and you gain back control of 
your character.

Head east and down the west stairs this time. Exit to the south and 
you will reach the world map.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:

Numbing Drone - 15 EXP
Goblin - 13 EXP

Walk south and Soro, the venus djinn, will appear and a conversation 
starts. It tells us we don't have to catch it, because Robin has sent
it to us. Djinns' powers are an absolute necessity in obtaining the 
Feather of Roc. Soro tells us the directions from Robin.

First we need to stock up at Teinka's shops, then we have to go to the 
Energy traning grounds and after that towards Widman Village. We will 
meet Screta on the bridge beside Widman Village.  Answer "No" when 
Soro asks if you want him to repeat that.  And let's go~!  Soro joins 
your party.

Note that all your other djinns are gone... because you have to 
obtain your own starting now.  The djinns you received earlier are 
only borrowed from Robin and Gerard... :(

Starting HP: 69
Starting EP: 24

Cross the west bridge and head west. You will come to Tenka's Merchant

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enter the store in the middle of the map (with the orange and yellow 
icon). A scene will occue. While Karin and Terry is arguing, Teinka (he 
is the owner of this place) enters.  He recognizes Takumi and asks 
about Robin. 

Note: I don't think I have written this earlier... Takumi (main
character) is Robin's son, Terry is Gerard's son and Karis is the 
daughter of the famous Hedia Warrior Ivan.

Then he talks with Karin and lastly with Terry.  He seems to dislike 
Terry because he has messed up his store with Energy before. After that
Teinka leaves.  After more chatting, Terry gets angry and wants to use 
his Energy. Karin stops him and lectures him on the safety of using 
Energy. She cries and Terry gives in. Everyone is happy and you gain 
back control. 

Talk to Teinka behind the counter and he will teach you how to buy stuff
at shops. 

The inn is where you recover Health and Energy. The Armour Store is 
where you stock up for shields and any defence items. The Weapon Store
is where you get swords. Different stores have different variety of 
stock. And lastly, the Item Store is where items are sold, such as 
recovery items used during journeys. 

After you gain back control, go behind the counter from the right. At 
the far end there is a chest containing a Life Bread.  Exit from the 
second floor. As soon as you go out of the door, search under the 
bridge to your east to obtain a Potion.  Enter the house to the right
most (under the stairs) and look into the vase on the left of the door 
to get a Poison Antidote (shall be called as Antidote for short in the 
rest of this walkthrough).

You can also talk to Teinka again to buy equipment and items.  Stand 
in front of the signs of the respective shops and tap on Teinka when
he runs past.

* Long Sword - 200G - ATK+14
* Short Sword - 120G - ATK+8
* Medium Mace - 80G - ATK+6
* Wood Staff - 40G - ATK+4
* Short Bow - 300 - ATK+11

* Cotton Clothes - 20G
* One Piece - 25G
* Wood Shield - 40G
* Quilt Gloves - 10G
* Leather Cap - 30G

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G

Go into the leftmost room. Check the right barrel for a Herb. Go up 
the stairs and out from the other door.  Exit to the southwest.Go 
across the west bridge.  A mars djinn spotted!! First go all the way 
to the left and enter the house there.  Check the bookcase for the 
Legendary Picture Book 2.

Back eat a bit and go up the cliff to the Energy training grounds. 
Talk to the guy under the banner at the northwest of the map and 
accept the challenge. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Rules of the challenge:
You have to protect yourself from suddenly-appearing monsters.
You have to move the logs with your Energy to open a path. 
Read the signs for instructions.
A countdown will start together with training.  You need to finish 
it before time is up. 
Lastly you have to defeat the training-version of the legendary Hedia
Warrior as the final boss. 

Note: Your EP will be recovered at the start of every round, and 
running around helps to recover EP.

Note2: There are some red circles on the ground inside the training 
grounds.  Stand on them to end the training at any time. 

After you accept the challenge, you will enter the training grounds. 
You have 10 minutes to finish the challenge. 

The first area is the Venus Lighthouse stage. 

The first challenge is to defeat the monster to make the bridge to 
the right come down. Have Terry use Fireball on the monster board to 
clear this. 

The second challenge is to move the logs to open a path for yourself.  
Push the first log to the right. Move the yellow rock to the right with 
Energy, then push the bottom left log to the right. Push the 
horizontal log up and you can pass!

The third challenge is to restore Tret from the Gorima Forests into 
its original state. Climb up the tree directly below the board and 
have Terry use Fireball on Tret's face to get the right bridge down.

The fourth challenge is to defeat the legendary Hedia Warrior. Move 
the two side rocks on top of the side fountains.  Stand on the middle 
fountain to have it shoot you up. Jump onto the wooden platform and 
use Fireball on the Hedia picture.

Then you get to the next area... (I thought it was just one area LOL)
In this area you have to ride some carts on tracks over watery areas. 
You will have to release the Water Element in this stage.  You have 
another 10 minutes to complete this. 

The second area is the Mercury Lighthouse stage.

First, have Karis use Spin on the first, second and fourth windmills 
below the red arrow signs.  Do not use Spin on the third sign.  Jump 
onto the cart and watch it go~!

Second challenge is to defeat the Sea Monster! Jump down, left and 
shoot a Fireball at the wooden boards.  You have to burn all three 
boards to produce a platform in the south.  

Jump down, left, up and go up the stairs. Now you are in a maze of 
jumping logs.  Jump left x3,down, right, go up, jump right, down, 
right, down, left x3.  Use Grow on the sprout and climb up. Use
Fireball on the two boards to clear the stage.

Now onto the third training ground... another 10 minutes.

The third area is the Jupiter Lighthouse stage.

First challenge is to move the Ganboma Statue!  Go up the stairs and 
use Spin on the windmill. Jump to the right.

Second challenge.  Use Move on the rocks to block the windmills to 
pass the area.  You will be blown off the platform if you do not block 

Third challenge to to complete the trident and defeat Poseidon. Jump 
down and onto the floating platform to your south, wait for it to go 
one loop and jump off on the left island. Move the rock to the right 
to light up the right side of the trident.  Jump back onto the floating 
platform and jump to the north platform when it is beside you, then to 
the east and Move the rock towards you. The left side of the trident is 
lit. Jump back left, and jump onto another platform on your left to 
bring you down to the small island on the south. Jump right, and off 
the right island to move the last rock in its place.  The fountains 
blocking Poseidon will subside. Go back all the way, use Fireball on 
the three Poseidon boards and you clear this challenge.

For the boss part, use Spin on the windmill facing you while standing
on the windmill on the ground.  You will be blown up to the top of 
the wooden structure, where you jump off.  Use Fireball on the enemy 
board to clear this stage. 

Then you go to the next stage, which is also the last stage in this 
training. You have another 10 minutes.

The fourth area is the Mars Lighthouse stage.

First challenge is to summon Mars. Use Fireball to melt the first 
ice pillar blocking your way. Then melt the two ice pillar at ground 
level on the dragon picture. Go left, push the log to the left, jump 
up, get on the stairs and melt the last ice pillar. Down the stairs 
and push the previous log all the way to the right.  Head right.

Use Spin on the windmill to produce a staircase. Go up the stairs and 
go all the way to the left.  Use Move on the rock to block the fire
shotting out while you pass. On the right, melt the ice piller at 
ground level.  Climb up to the first rope and melt the pillar at the 
second level. Then climb on to the second rope and melt the last 
pillar.  Head right. 

Becareful of the shotting fire as you pass.  Use Grow on the sprout 
and climb up. Head left, climb up and use Fireball on the two enemies 
at the side to release the final boss! The final boss is an actual 
fight, so be prepared~!


Boss: Panel Dragon
HP: around 300-ish 
Fire magic attacks do the most damage (ie. Terry), but using djinn
is a good method as well.
Reward: 179 EXP, 60 coins, Heal Nut

You clear the training grounds!  There are two chests but you can 
only choose one of them.  I choose the left one and obtain a Gate Card.
This card is needed to get into the Gonpa Ruins. 

Note: Credits to Gwydyon, the right chest also contains the Gate Card.
(Why do we need to choose then? XD)

Out from the training ground, move the rocks on the ground so that 
they are in a straight line each one space apart on the east of the 
tree.  Climb up the three and head east. Jump onto the tree and climb 
down the vine by using Grow. There you will see the mars djinn from 
earlier. Tap it to have Baan join your party.

Jump down from the cliff, go all the way to the left and down two 
flights of stairs. Check the barrel for a Smoke Bomb.  Down the last 
stairs and enter the house.  Check the right cupboard for 11 coins. 
Out and exit Teinka Merchant Area by the south.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Globin - 13 EXP
Armoured Mouse - 11 EXP
Ape - 40 EXP
Numbing Drone - 15 EXP

Back to the World Map. Head south, then east and you will arrive at 
the Log Dump. A sign at the entrance says you are not allowed entry.
There is nothing we can do here right now, so head across the bridge 
and go to Goma Plateau Passage first up north.

First you see a jupiter djinn!!!! Anyways, go up the first stairs and 
jump to the right.  Use Spin on the flower east of the tree.  Climb 
up the tree and jump right. Go east and ride the gondola.  Grab a 
Speedmint from the chest. Jump down and head north. 

Note: To move the gondola, use Fireball on the machine.

Next, go north, up stairs, west, up stairs, north, east, down stairs, 
east and exit north. Push the log blocking your way. Jump over to the 
other side and push the vertical log left. Push the two horizontal 
logs down. Push the top vertical log right. Push the right horizontal 
log up and the left vertical log right. Jump down to the level. Go 
right by the log you just pushed. Use Spin on some flowers east of the 
tree and jump across them to get Themis Axe.

Go back up the previous level using the west tree.  Jump over the 
fall to the right side and walk along the path going south. Exit east.

A scene will occur. Someone is calling for his son trapped on a broken 
bridge. The father is asking for help. After you gain control, walk 
around an another scene will occur.  There is another Energy Ball in 
the area. After some talk, the Energy Ball becomes small.  Also it 
seems the gondolas are not working. The older man sits on the gondola 
and ask the other two men to use Grip on it. The gondola moves and the 
old man flies away. 

After you gain control, a lot of people are now in this place O_O...
Go into the left house and check the barrels to the right for a Herb.
Go around the house in the back and use Move on the rock to go back 
to the left map. Shoot a Fireball at the gondola to have it move 
 you. Jump onto the gondola and ride it to the other side. 
Walk along the path to reach the jupiter djinn you saw earlier. You 
have to fight with this djinn to get it, so it is recommended to save 
before you fight. After the battle, Geil joins your team.
Go back to the right map and head to the bridge. Use Spin on the flower 
to bring the boy back onto the bridge. 

Then check out the shops if you need anything. At the basement of 
the General Store, check the barrel for a Sleep Bomb.

* Long Sword - 200G - ATK+14
* Battle Axe - 280G - ATK+24
* Short Bow - 300G - ATK+11
* Travel Vest - 50G 
* Wood Shield - 40G
* Quilt Gloves - 10G
* Circlet - 120G
* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G

Push the log on the left at the entrance of the general store.  Jump 
over to the next roof and drop down from the chimney. Check the vase 
for some Happy Pepper. 

Go south, jump to the right and climb down the long ladder. Use Grow
on the sprout and climb down to get a mercury djinn, Muse.

Go back up the ladder and exit south.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Numbing Drone - 15 EXP
Bat - 20 EXP
Wolfling - 40 EXP
Half Globin - 62 EXP

Head west on the world map to arrive at the other entrance of the Log 
Dump. Go all the way north, down the stairs to the lower level. On the 
west side, use Spin on the flowers on the ground. Climb up the tree
jump pver and go down the stairs at the north.  Push the right most 
log to the right. Use Spin on the flowers.  Climb the tree and jump 
up to access the north cave. 

Read the tablet inside the cave to obtain the summon attack "Zagan".
One venus and one mars djinns are needed for this summon.  

For a list of summons, see the Djinn section in Appendix 3.0 below.

Back to the entrance of the log dump, go up all the stairs and ride 
the gondola to the other side. 

Go down the stairs and push the rock down. Now you have a short cut to
the other side of the Log Dump.

Back to the world map head south.

You may be able to meet the Mars djinn, Corona, here and get it after 
a fight.

Following the path you will reach Gonpa Gate. A scene will occur.  Go 
towards the gate... but wait, there is an venus djinn! Ring the bell 
and answer "yes" to the question.  The gate will be opened.  Pass 
through the gate and up the stairs. Go into thee gatekeeper's house
and check the vases to obtain an Antidote.  

Climb down the tree west of the gatekeeper's house.  The venus djinn 
will notice you and hide.  Use Spin on the flowers on the ground to 
reveal it.  The venus djinn, Flow, joins you.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Spider - 44 EXP
Zombie - 69 EXP
Amaze - 68 EXP
Skeleton - 98 EXP

Exit to the north. Follow the path to arrive at Gonpa Ruins.  Go up 
the stairs and enter.  There is some water for making an ice pillar 
on the right, but only a water elementalist can use that Energy now.

Enter the hole in the centre.  A voice will speak to you. The path will
open when the flower on the ground is completed.  Push the first block 
in front of you up into the first hole on the ground. Head out and go
up the right stairs. Go south and enter from the southmost entrance. 
Go along the path.  At the end of the path you will arrive at an alter.
A voice will speak to you. When the Earth Stone moves, the door will 
open. Use Move and pull the Earth Stone towards you.  It will drop 
down and some stone tiles outside will react.

Go back south, west and north.  Stand on the glowing tile to open the 
door. Exit north.  Move the first statue onto the glowing tile. Jump 
to the left and move the second statue onto the glowing tile. Then take
the right path from the entrance and move the third statue. Next head 
north and west to move the fourth statue. Go back to the position 
where you move the third statue and head west.  Grab the Energy Stone 
to restore your EP if needed (you need to get back to the entrance 
and take the left path). Exit north, head west and exit south.

In the next room, step on the yellow tiles to produce step stones in 
the south. Push the flower patterned block at the north of the room 
down. Exit from the south and step on the glowing tile to reveal some 
stairs at the entrance of the ruins.  Enter from the right entrance, 
go back out to the main entrance and head up the left stairs.

Enter the south entrance. Follow the path to the second altar. The 
path will open by the power of the whirlwind.  Use Spin on the Wind
Stone. The wind elevators of the ruins will be activated and some tiles 
on the ground will glow.

Use Spin on the tiles on the ground to make them float. Use Spin on 
the three consecutive tiles on the top right and the three consecutive 
tiles on the bottom left. Jump across them to the left side and exit 
to the north. 

Use Spin on the three tiles horizontally place at the bottom of the 
room  to move the stone pillar in the middle and the three tiles 
vertically placed on the left to get Elven Clothes.

Move the stone piller you dropped just now right and down.  Use spin
on all the tiles at the bottom of the room to access the right 
platform.  Move the other stone piller down. 

Move the second pillar left, and the first pillar up two spaces. Use
Spin on the three tiles at the bottom left and the two tiles on the 
top right.  Jump across everything to access the north exit.

Step on the glowing platform to get to the second level. Walk along 
the path and exit.  Enter to your right.  Push the flower patterned 
block down. Out of the room. Take the left elevator down.  Run across
to the other side and take the other elevator.  Enter north and push
the third flower patterned block down.

Enter the room north of the main entrance. Push the left block right 
into the hole. Push the right block into the north east hole. Push the
top block down into the hole. The flower pattern is now completed.

There is a loud sound and the voice speaks to you again. Some seal is 
released.  Go back out to the main entrance. Climb up the stone stairs.
Stand on the hand of the statue and the voice will speak. You will be 
granted Wisdom from the Past and learn the Ancient Language. 

Go into the flower room and approach the tablet in the north. A scene 
will occur and four statues appear. Move the top left statue down into 
the glowing hole on the left. Move the bottom left statue right to the
hole at the bottom. Move the bottom right statue up to the hole on the 
right and the last statue into the hole on the top. The flower tile 
will glow. Step into it to access level 4 of the ruin.

Exit to the left and follow the path to the next room. Go outside from 
the south, go up the stairs and step on the glowing tile. Enter through 
the opened door. Go up the alter and get the Energy - Grip.  Grip can 
only be used by an earth energist (ie. Takumi). The voice speaks again
and part of the ground subducts.

First equip Grip. Go down the stairs, and "shoot" Grip at the right 
pillar (like how you shoot the Fireball).  The energy hand will grab 
onto the pillar and pull you over. Use Grip on the blue keystone to get 
it. Go back to the other side using Grip. Open the gate using the 
keystore earlier. 

Go right, up the stairs, Grip to the left. The jupiter djinn will 
notice you and run. Follow it up the altar. The djinn will run to the 
back. Follow it until it is standing next to the pillar on the left. 
Use Grip on the pillar to bump onto it. You need to fight to get this 
djinn.  After the battle, Vivid joins you.

Go back down the stairs and use Grip to access the right map. There 
is nothing you can do here until you get a water energist, so go down
the stairs and back to the left map. Go all the way to the left and 
down the vine.  Go to the left for an Energy Crystal from the chest. 
Back up the vine and enter the ruins.

Go along the path into the next room and to the fire altar. Use Grip 
in a loop to get to the middle platform, then use Fireball on the 
Fire Stone. The fire emblem at the main entrance glows. Retreat all 
the way back to the entrance of the fire altar.  Use Fireball on the 
glowing tile to the left to open the path. Go back north into the room
with the flower tile and take the elevator down.

Use Fireball on the tile at the main entrance.  It sinks into the 
ground.  Go down. Step on the glowing tile to open the door. Go in.
Restore your EP with the Energy Stone if needed.  Go along the path
and exit. 

Go to the north most and Grip the stone pillar on the right. Halfway 
down the slope, use Grip on the left pillar and push the rock down.
Jump down, move the rock to the left.  Jump across to the left and 
Grip up for an Elven Rapier.  Enter the north opening.

Go all the way to the next room.  Go to the middle and a scene will 
occur.  There is a girl called Norbel (obviously a water energist by 
her hair) saying that we are late. Screta is also there, and some 
other water energist-looking guy called Kraun. It seems they cannot 
control the Energy Ball.  Suddenly our party is surrounded by 
soldiers!  Obviously we have to fight them.


Boss: 3 stupid soldiers
Be careful of their EP hogging attacks!!  You can lose a lot of EP 
with those :( Djinn them! XD  And they are also healing themselves 
with herbs... so I can't really keep track of their HP <_<...
Reward: 877 EXP, 468 coins, Dark Grenade

After the fight there is another conversation, then we notice that
Kraun is missing.  Some unknown person appears and he wants the Book 
of Wisdom we obtained earlier in the ruins. The unknown person shows 
himself (his name is Spade by the way) and he has kidnapped Kraun. 

After Spade left, Screta and Norbel also leave.  After some more talk,
you gain back control. If you have your EP hogged earlier, walking 
around will retore it. Exit to the right.

Push the stone pillar on the ground and jump across. Push the second
pillar all the way down.  Go up the stairs on the right and push the 
pillar to the left. Push the bottom pillar up.  Go back up and push ]
the left pillar right. Walk on the pillars to access the bottom exit.

A scene will occur.  Two soldiers bombed the exit you just walked 
through. You will see Spade again, but you cannot reach him now, so 
exit south. A scene will occur.  There is a moving box which we 
open and finds Kraun. He tells us that Screta and Norbel have headed 
for Biblino. Spade appears again and leaves... 

We have to look for a path back.  After some chatting, Kraun joins 
our party. Go to the right, climb up the tree at the back and jump 
onto the rock.  Use Grow on the sprout, climb up and enter the cave 
on the other side to find a chest with a Psy Cookie. Outside the cave 
there is a stone (in the form of that Wisdom Eye in the earlier GS 
games) which will restore all your HP and EP if you talk to it.

Exit to the world map from the south. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Half Globin - 62 EXP
Hole Mole - 45 EXP
Pixie - 79 EXP

Head south, west and north.  There is a cave where the South Gonpa
Shrine is located. The chest to the left is empty. Stand on the first 
stone support and have Kraun use Aqua to put out the flames. Head up, 
use Grip on the pillar and go up to the altar. Talk to the tablet to 
obtain the Djinn attack - Mega Era. One mars and one jupiter djinn on
standby is needed for this summon.

Back out of the cave, go south and east then north to arrive at the
city of ruins, Harappa.  The party will chat for a bit about the city 
before you gain control. 

Stock up for items at the stores if needed first.

* Long Sword - 200G - ATK+14
* Battle Axe - 280G - ATK+24
* Hunter Sword - 520G - ATK+28
* Heavy Mace - 500G - ATK+26
* Long Bow - 800G - ATK+22
Special Deals
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16
* Witch Wand - 860G - ATK+32

* Leather Armour - 240G
* Travel Vest - 50G
* Travel Robe - 200G
* Bracelet - 180G
* Open Helm - 180G
* Criclet - 120G

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Sweet Water - 100G
Special Deals
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

On the right room inside the north west house, check the innermost 
barrel for 15 coins. On the second floor, check the box on the right 
beside the opening for a Heal Nut. 

Check the barrels in the inn for a Sleep Bomb. In the house at the 
bottom right of the city centre, check the innermost box for a Herb. 
In the left house, check the vase for a Sweet Water. There is also 
a fortune-telling house on the east side.  Have the crystal fortune-
teller tell your fortune to knock her out with shock XD North of the
fortune-telling house there are four tombstone-like thing.  Tap the 
top left one to get a Holy Feather.  Go into the priest's house and 
up onto the second level.  Check the vase for an Oil Drop.  Go out 
from the second floor of the priest's house.  

Have Kraun use Aqua on the fire to the north.  Jump across and walk 
along the city wall to the next map where you will find a mars djinn.
Carmen joins your party.

At the south east corner of the middle area, a scene will occur. The 
party talks about their own Energies. I don't think there is anything 
we can do right now in the north map (if you can get into that north 
opening, let me know how), so we shall leave by the south east exit.
A short conversation will occur.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Ghost - 106 EXP
Cobbold - 68 EXP
Pixie - 79 EXP
Harpy - 103 EXP
Troll - 189 EXP

Go east and north to Corridor Passage. Go left, up and push the rock
over the cliff. Go down the ladder and move the rock you just pushed 
to the right. Up the stairs on the right and jump down to get a pair 
of Leather Boots from the chest. Use Grow on the sprout to climb back
up. Use Spin on the flower to the left and jump across. Go up the 
stairs and into the cave. Go into the inner path of the cave.  A sign 
tells you to be careful of the wind blowing out. Go up and move the 
rock to block the wind. Head right.  Avoid the gust and push the green
block blocking your way. Head north. 

Head down the ladders.  There's a venus djinn on the right. Leave it
for now.  Head left. Use Spin on the green block and exit to the south. 
Go along the path to the next room.  Push the green block to the right 
and climb up.  Avoid the gust and drop yourself behind the block. Go 
to the right, head up and into the next room. 

Head north and jump down. Walk west, avoid the gust and go up to the 
venis djinn. You will need to fight it.  After the battle, Scully 
joins you.

Avoid the gust, go up the ladders and exit. Head right, up the ladder 
and left, all the way up, to the right and up the stairs. Go all the 
way up the map and you will arrive at Corridor Town. A scene will occur 
and Kraun will lead you to a bridge.  Follow him. Another scene occurs
where they talk about the Rising Fog Mountain they see in the distance 
and the Glider Wing, also about energists. The goal is to get to the 
Rising Fog Mountain. We believe that the key to the mountain is in the
Corridor.  You gain back control after this.

Back to Corridor. Enter the large building near the centre of the map.  
A scene will occur. We notice an ancient machine and rush up. It is 
an Alchemy Forging Machine, but it is not working.  Karis notices a 
Fireball mark on a tile. Terry uses Fireball on it but nothing 
happened. Karis notices that the circut to the machine is cut. We need 
to get the lines back in order.

After you gain control, go to the left. Push the left green block to
the right and up, then push the right green block to the left, up, 
right and up. On the right side of the room, Move that pillar with 
a red line to the right. Push the green block up, left and up. Go 
back to the centre and use Fireball on the tile to activate the 

Someone runs in and started blabbering.  He is Bakko, the mayor of
the Corridor. They talk about energists and Screta.  Then Bakko goes
up, walks around and reveals the Sol Mask on the tile after some 
knocking. Then Bakko explains the meaning of the Sol Mask and talks 
about ancient civilization.... those sort of things :D  Anyways, it 
seems we need to pay a visit to Kaocho and the Uroboros Ruins later.
After more talk, Bakko leaves.

Go back into town and visit the weapon & armous shops. Push the block
on the top right (behind the right guy) into the middle hole. Push the 
top block into the bottom hole and the last block in the top left hole.
There is nothing you can buy here now.

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

In the inn, check the vase beside the inner entrance for a Heal Nut, 
and the vases on the left for 10 coins. Go into the entrance at the 
back.  Head left. Check the barrel for a Herb. Go right and up. Check 
the barrel beside the two bookshelves on the right for a Life Bread. 
Go back right and exit up. Check the vase on the bottom left of this 
room to get 55 coins. 

In the priest's house, enter the back door on the right. Push the 
green block right, down, right and up. Go over to the other side and 
enter the opening. Go right and up for the High Purity Block from the 
chest. Return all the way out.

Go to the hose on the north west of the map (north of inn).  Check 
the bookcase for the Legendary Picture Book 3. Head left and a scene 
will occur. The mayor is talking to the townsmen and asking them to 
help us. Go up, talk to that kid beside the mayor and he will leave 
afterwards. Leave the house.  A scene will occur before you reach 
the door. The kid will give you the Big Tree Flute. 

Enter the cave east of the priest's house. Follow the path to the 
end and stand on the green block to descend. That leads you back to 
the entrance of the Corridor Passage.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S2.2 KAOCHO
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Ghost - 83 EXP
Cobbold - 68 EXP
Harpy - 133 EXP

Back out to the World Map, go east to arrive at Kaocho. 

You may encounter the jupter djinn, Zen, along this path and obtain it 
after a fight.  The location is west of the river west of Kaocho. (I 
don't feel like calling it Nature... so I put Zen)

Stock up on items and equipment if needed first thing in Kaocho.

* Broad Sword - 1000G - ATK+40
* Hunter Sword - 520G - ATK+28
* Heavy Mace - 500G - ATK+26
* Long Bow - 800G - ATK+22
Leather Armour - 240G 
* Travel Robe - 200G
* Bronze Shield - 500G
* Leather Gloves - 220G
* Wood Cap - 400G
Special Deals
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16
* Saint Ank - 1600G - ATK+46
* Themis Axe - 1900G  ATK+30 (I just sold this LOL)

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Energy Crystal - 1500G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

Check the vase outside the door of the house west of the weapon shop
for a Smoke Bomb. Go into that house, talk to the woman, answer "yes" 
to her question to get a gift to be delivered. Also check the inner 
cupboard for 5 coins. In the house east of the priest, check the vase 
on the right for 29 coins. 

Go to the right side of town, head south and jump over the lotus leaf 
to get a China Dress from the chest. Right now you cannot do anything 
in the cave all the way north from the right, not until you get some 
kind of Drain Energy, so come back later.

Go up to the temple.  The soldiers will talk to you and then let you 
enter. First, head straight up.  A scene will occur. A bad girl, Heart
(I am suspecting the bad guys names are all from Poker...), seems to 
be controlling the emperor, Wou. It is necessary to have energists to 
get into the Uroboros ruins maze.  After some talk, the king gives you 
Wou's Letter. After more talk, they seem to distrust us. The guy beside 
the king pulls a rope, and we all fall down a hole into the Uroboros 

Go into the left opening, follow the path to the next room.  Push the 
statue away and jump across to the south. Use Move on the statue with 
some yellow light behind. Enter. Follow the path and use Grow on the 
sprout.  Climb up. Now you are back in town :D 

Go back to the temple.  You are not allowed to enter it now. (I forgot
to do some wandering in the temple earlier so I shall revisit later.)
Walk to the left of the soldiers and use Grip on the flag pole south 
of you. Go to the left, climb down the stone ladder and walk along 
the edge side of the city wall back to the south map. Talk to the 
venus djinn and Kiss joins you. Grab the flag pole to the right to 
get back to town.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Ghost - 113 EXP
Harpy - 103 EXP
Hammer Globin - 88 EXP
Pixie - 79 EXP

Back to the World Map, head south and across some sandly lands and 
you will reach Ayatayu.  Talk to the soldier and use Wou's Letter to 
get in. Talk to the other soldier and show him the letter.

Before going into the water, head right and all the way up.  Check the
vase at the end for an Antidote. Go to the left and all the way up. 
Check the barrel for a Herb.

Step onto the raft and use Spin in the opposite direction to move it 
around. Spin left, down and right.  Jump to the left and up. Get onto 
the second raft. Spin down and right.  Walk down for a Psy Cookie from 
the chest. Back to the raft. Spin left, up, left, down.  Head north.
Basically with every soldier you talk to you need to show him the king's 
letter. Enter the building.

A scene will occur. Talk to the blue guy and give him the letter. Can't 
really understand every word, but I think the two guys are mocking us 
<_<... But they let us in in the end so all is well XD

Go out from the right path.  Use Grow on the sprout and climb up. 
Enter from the left and enter the entrance to the right.  You are now 
outside.  Go back in from the left.  Check the vase for 53 coins. Go 
out the door you just came in. In the middle of the garden there is a
tree with a face. Use the Big Tree Flute on it. You will be sucked 
into the tree. A scene will occur.

After the scene, head up.  That new guy from earlier, Halmanni, will 
show you a shortcut. He plays the flute and the door opens. We both 
enter.  At the top of the stairs is Pluto's house. Follow Halmanni up.
Before you enter the building, check the vase on the right side for 44 

A scene will occur inside Pluto's house. There is something called the 
Alchemy Well which needs the Luna Mask to operate. After the talk, 
Halmanni joins you. 

Go back down two flight of stairs, take the right path, go all the 
way south and go down the stairs to the basement.  Check the middle 
barrel on the left for a Potion. Out from the other door to Ayatayu's 
city centre. Stock up on equipment and items if needed.

* Broad Sword - 1000G - ATK+40
* Broad Axe - 1400G - ATK+50
* Battle Rapier - 2900G - ATK+58
* Battle Mace - 2600G - ATK+56
Special Deals
* Themis Axe - 1900 - ATK+30
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16

* Leather Armour - 240G
* Scalar Wear - 850G
* Bronze Shield - 500G
* Amulet - 900G
* Bronze Helm - 600G
* Silver Sackle - 1300G
Special Deals
* Safety Boots - 700G

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Energy Crystal - 1500G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

Enter the Alchemy Well from the centre entrance in the city.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Hole Mole - 45 EXP

A scene will occur. Halmanni seems to hear something about the Sand 
Prince who is sleeping here. 

After you gain control, enter the right opening.  Head up and talk 
to the tablet. Use the Big Tree Flute and the rock there will turn 
into a human!


Boss: Desert Prince
HP: around 1400-ish
Water and wind attacks are more effective for this enemy.  Fire attacks 
are not very effective. The desert prince has a pretty strong fire 
attack (which managed to kill my Kraun in one hit <_<...) so be careful 
of that and replenish your HP regularly. 
Rewards: 1540 EXP, 825 coins, Sand Prince

The Sand Prince (what a weird name) can be equipped by a fire energist 
(ie. Terry) to use the Energy "Heat Dry".

Return to where the Luna Mask is and use Heat Dry on the bowl of 
water on the ground.  The temple will shine yellow instead of blue.
All the water in the city centre is now gone.

Go to the area behind the city centre. Enter the room at the top left 
of the map.  There is a chest amongst the boxes. Get a Heal Drop from 
it. Go to the basement level of the city from the bottom right stairs. 
Get some Crystal Powder from the chest. 

Go down to the lower level in the city centre and enter the opening 
west of the inn. Grab a Life Break from behind the inn manager from 
the chest. Go down to the basement from the south west stairs.

Enter the small room on the left to get 299 coins from a chest. Exit
the basement to the west. Push the centre pillar two spaces up and 
two spaces left. Return to the Alchemy Well.  Use Aqua on the bowl to 
restore the water.  Go to the west most house and use Spin to raft 
over to the chest. You will obtain a Dragon Shield from it. Push the 
pillar behind the chest down to the ground. Return to Alchemy Well 
and drain the water.

Enter the basement from the south of the city.  Exit south.  Get on the 
raft and Spin right. Jump to the left and get a pair of Leather Boots 
from the chest. Spin left, down, left. Jump down to the island and push 
the pillar down to the water. Head back up and right.  Get on the other 
raft and Spin up, right and up.  Grab Sparkling Tiara from the chest.  

Back on the raft, Spin right, up, right, down, left. Go right and climb 
up the further ladder. Head north. Jump onto the raft, Spin right, talk 
to the jupiter djinn and Rescue joins you. Exit south, down the ladder 
and onto the raft. Spin right, up, jump left and enter the building in 
the centre of the pool.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Lizardman - 154 EXP
Hydra - 319 EXP

Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. The water will sink with you.  
Enter north when the elevator stops. Head north.  Jump the blocks 
and enter the left entrance. Go all the way north.  The chest there 
is empty. Jump right to the centre platform and head down. Use Heat 
Dry on the bowl of water. Climb down, go right and move that blue 
pillar towards you. Jump left and up.  Enter.

Read the letter inside the far end chest. It tells you the thing you 
are looking for is deep inside this temple. Go right and down. Move 
the pink block right. 

Return to the bowl and use Aqua to fill it with water. Go north, right 
and up for a Storm Blade from the chest. Back to the bowl of water and
use Heat Dry on it.  Climb down, go left, up, enter the next room, go
right and exit south.  Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. Climb down 
and enter north.

Go straight up.  Enter the first waterfall from the left to get a
Kimono from the chest. Return outside and enter the right most water-
fall. Jump to the other side and use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. 
Move the pink blocks so that one is between the top two pillars, and 
another north of it. Use Aqua on the bowl of water and enter north.
Go all the way and enter north. At the far end, use Aqua on the right 
bowl of the balance. 

Go up the stairs on the right and up the balance. Go to the right and
push the pink block down. Climb up and enter. 

In the next room, push the first vertical pipe from the right left.
Push the horizontal pipe beside it up. Loop all the way and push the 
last pipe left. Go north and use Aqua on the bowl.

Return to the room with the balance. Use Heat Dry on the right bowl 
of the balance and Aqua on the left bowl. A whirlpool forms in the 
centre. Go to the right, use Grow on the sprout and climb up.  Step 
on the water and get flushed all the way down :D

A scene will occur. Halmanni will obtain Prevision, which enables us 
to see what Energy to use on something. Use Spin on that fan thing on 
the ground to get back up. 

Go south. Prevision will show you a Fireball. Shoot a Fireball at the 
djinn and it will drop down into the water.  Use Heat Dry on the 
bowl of water.  After a battle, Spa will join your party.

Return to the city.  The king is waiting for us at the entrance of the 
basement. A scene occurs. Halmanni wants to come with us to Uroboros 
Ruins.  The kings gives orders to let us out of the city. We go back 
to the Alchemy Well and fill the bowl with water. 

Go to the area behind the Alchemy Well.  Go into the small room you 
see south of the centre of the map. Climb up.  The soldiers will let 
you pass. 

Note: Now you have 5 members in your team, but you can only have a 
maximum of 4 members in each fight. You can choose your team members 
in the status menu. Inside battle mode, you can use "Swap" to change
team members. 

HP - 198
EP - 75
Halmanni come with three water djinns - Milky, Mellow and Kyuran.

When you are leaving the building, a scene will occur. The two 
generals from earlier (when you enter here, the red and blue guys)
come and we need to fight them.


Boss: Kouton
HP: 950-ish
Boss: Kouen
HP: 950-ish
Pretty weak... I only used one round of djinn summons (Apocalipse, 
Thor, Undine and Vista) and they are dead :P
Rewards: 1467 EXP, 762 coins, Goma Dango, Riceball

After the fight, the king comes and acknowldges our strength. He 
thanks us for defeating two great generals from Kaocho. We decide to 
go back to Kaocho. 

Exit the building.  Talk to the soldier standing on the raft and 
answer "yes" to go back to the other side (without Spinning by yourself).

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Mimic - 731 EXP

Return back to Kaocho. Use Prevision on the guy sitting west of the 
mars djinn. It seems he wants some kind of a bun thing. Go to the 
Eatery (south of the weapon/armour shop). Search the north west vase 
for some Happy Pepper. Talk to the chef and buy a Kaocho Bun (the 
first item on the menu). 

* Kaocho Bun - 50G
* Goma Dango - 50G
* Riceball - 30G

Return to the guy and give him the bun. He will leave, so jump to the 
right, talk to the mars djinn and Boil joins you.

Go to the right side of the map and take the narrow path north into
the cave. Go to the inner part.  Halmanni will use Prevision on the 
far stone wall. Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water.  Climb the ladder 
on the other side and play the Big Tree Flute. The path will open up.

Enter. Go down the stairs into the next room. Go around all the way 
and enter the right opening. Go down the stairs and out south. Go 
south, climb down the stairs and use Spin on the green block. Counting 
from the left, Move the fourth snake statue at the north. Enter. Jump
up, up, left, left, up, left, down, left and get an Ixion Mail from 
the chest. 

Back to the previous room.  Jump down and exit south. Read the tablet 
down the ladder if you like.  A snake's tongue will be blocking your 
path.  Use Prevision on it and use Fireball to destroy it.  Enter the 
next room. Go all around for a Mimic monster in the chest~ :D

Exit left. Climb down the ladder, use Spin on the green block, back 
up, Fireball on the snake tongue. Go left, down the second ladder, 
Spin on the green block, back up, go left, Fireball on the snake tongue.
Obtain Garden Axe from the chest (This name may be wrong... original 
is "Bokuen no Ono".)

Jump down, climb up the middle ladder and head north. In the next room, 
use Spin on the green block.  Climb up the ladder, jump north, go right
and up.  Move the right snake statue left. Go all the way right and 
south to Move the snake statue behind the jupiter djinn onto the lower 
level. Go all the way left and jump down.

Push the green block to the right and use Spin on it. Climb up the 
ladder and jump across the green block to talk to the djinn. After a 
battle, Gyro joins you.

Jumps down.  Use Spin on the green block again.  Climb up the ladder 
and exit north. Go down the stairs and exit.  Go right and exit. Go up 
the stairs and use Spin on the big fan. Go back to the previous room 
and stand on the green block to ascend.

Exit the room. Go up the green block stairs and enter the room with 
a face on the door. From the chest you get the Sol Mask.  Return to 
the elevator and descend to the bottom most. Enter the right opening.

Move the second snake statue from the left. Enter. Follow the path, 
climb up the vine and return back to the city.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Return back to Corridor. You can take the elevator on the right from 
the entrance of the Corridor Passage up to the city. Go to the shrine 
at the centre and use the Sol Mask. The whole town flows with energy.
The city walls ascend from the ground, circling the city.  The water 
in Ayatatu sprays all over, turning the sandy lands into grassland. 

The mayor rushes to the shrine.  After a long talk, he thanks us for 
activating the Alchemy Machine. After more talk, the mayor leaves and 
you gain back control.

The weapon and armour stores are open again now that the energy is 
flowing into some orbs inside.  The weapon shop keeper will give you 
a Boro Ring as a reward. Stock up if needed.

* Broad Sword - 1000G - ATK+40
* Broad Axe - 1400G - ATK+50
* Battle Rapier - 2900G - ATK+58
* Battle Mace - 2600G - ATK+56
* Composite Bow - 1600G - ATK+65
Special Deals
* Themis Axe - 1900G - ATK+30
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16
* Witch Wand - 860G - ATK+32 (Just sold this)
* Psychic Rod - 3800G - ATK+64

* Intery Armour - 1000G
* Scala Wear - 850G
* Silk Robe - 1400G
* Iron Shield - 1200G
* Amulet - 900G
* Iron Helm - 1600G
* Bronze Helm - 600G
* Silver Sackle - 1300G
* Leather Boots - 270G
Special Deals
* China Dress - 1600G (I just sold this XD)

Go to the house on the north east corner of the map.  Talk to the 
guard and open the door to get the Inviting Hat and a Guard Nut from 
the chests. Check the vase on the right for a Heal Drop.

Out from the house, walk onto the city walls from the stairs on the 
right. Go all the way south and walk down from the left pillar beside 
the main entrance onto the next map. Jump down.

Walk to the other side of the gate. Jump down.  Talk to the fire djinn 
to have Kashiei (this is just direct katakana translate) join you. 
Go back to the city from the right by using Grow on the sprout. 

Go up to the Clouds Viewing Area (The top most part of the town).  
Stand on the platform and you will float for a while before someone 
comes. A conversation starts, and the mayor also comes afterwards.  A 
stone is needed to ride on the clouds, the Ice Queen.  However the Ice 
Queen is stolen.  Then the Sand Prince in Halmanni's mind tells him 
that the Ice Queen is still in the maze.  We decide to go and fight 
the Ice Queen. (Story to be confirmed.)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Squirrel Beast - 87 EXP
Griffin - 518 EXP
Earth Mole - 87 EXP
Minodarous - 549 EXP

Leave Corridor and head southwest. You will return to Harappa. You 
don't have to stock up on equipment here because they are the same 
as your last visit. Stock up on items if needed.  Head north.

On the next map, jump onto the log and to the right. Jump all the 
way up and enter the building. Go down the stairs. Stand on the green 
block and descend. Exit through the left opening.  Head south and exit.

Enter the left door, head left and step on the switch to open the door
south of you. Exit south.  Walk along the narrow path to the right to 
get some Happy Pepper and a Bone Bracelet. Back left.  Go down the 
stairs and skid right. Go up the stairs and exit. 

Go up the stairs and push the blue statue onto the ice. Skid to the 
other side. Skid up, right, down, left, up, left, up, right, up.  A 
scene will occur where the stone statue on the ground asks you some 
questions.  Answer "No" to the first one and "Yes" to the second one 
to fight the Ice Queen.


Boss: Ice Queen
HP: 1500-ish 
Obviously fire attacks should work well here... She has an attack 
which can reduce quite a lot of your HP, but she can only attack 
once per turn. So healing yourself while attacking with summons 
(try to get the 4-djinns summon attacks as much as possible) and 
fire Energy and you will defeat her.
 2402 EXP, 1236 coins, Ice Queen

The stone statue turns into a man, Nyunpa, after you defeat the Ice
Queen. He will talk a bit about how back in the olden days there 
was another 4-people team like us... blah blah, but we get the Ice 
Queen afterwards. And the ice around us becomes water.

Note: The Ice Queen can be equipped by a water energist (ie, Kraun 
or Halmanni) to use the Energy "Frost" (The original Japanese name 
of this Energy is "Akuchido", I shall just name it "Frost" like the 
old GS games.)

Use Frost on the pool of water in front of you. The ice is back~!
Skid down and right. Head up the right opening, go all the way right 
and step on the switch. Return to the previous room. Head up the other
opening and step on the switch. Use Grow on the first sprout, jump 
over the pool of water and use Front on it.  Use Grow on the second 
sprout and go across the arch. Go up for a Mystery Sword from the chest. 
Jump down from the south and exit south.  Loop all the way back to the 
room where you pushed the blue statue into the ice.  Skid right back 
to the centre map. 

From there, skid up, right, down, left, up, left, down, right, down.
You will fall into the pit below. Talk to the mercury djinn.  Fight 
it to have Zero join your party. Go left for a Viking Helm from the 
chest and right for some Crystal Powder.  Return to the upper level 
from the right stairs. 

Leave the Harappa Ruins. The old man from the stone statue will leave 
your party. Return to the city. When you are trying to leave the city, 
you find that the gate is locked. You have to rest for the night in 
the city and return to Corridor tomorrow.  Stay in the inn.

The next day, the city gates are opened. Go to the west of the south 
west house on the map and use Frost on the pool. Use Grow on the sprout 
left of the gate to climb up the city wall. Walk along the wall and 
jump across the ice pillar into the house. Go down the basement for 
a venus djinn. Brick joins your party. Don't forget to check the vase 
on the right of the house's entrance for some Crystal Powder.

Now return to Corridor.

Go into the shrine in the centre of the city and use Frost on the two 
pools of water. A scene will occur. Next we will cross the valley and 
go to the Spiky Mountains. Before you leave, exit the city and go down 
one map.  Jump down from the right, jump down again and climb the 
bricks on the wall to a cave on the other side. 

Push the green block up, right and up. Use Frost on the pool of water.
Push the other green block up, left, down and right.  Melt the ice 
pillar with Heat Dry and push the green block up. Enter through the 
open gate.  Head up and talk to the tablet to obtain the djinn summon 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Go to the Cloud Viewing Area.  Answer "yes" to Karis' question. Off we
go~ (It looks like Journey to the West somehow XD) You cannot go back 
to previously visited places after this, at least for now.

Once you get off the cloud, go north and stand on a smaller cloud. 
Use spin to the left and down.  Jump off the cloud and head right. 
Jump onto the floating green tile and jump off to the north green tile.
Stand on the cloud at the north. Spin right and jump onto the rock. 
Use Grip on the north pillar to fly across to the other rock. Jump to
the right and stand on the next cloud. Spin up, left and down. 

Note: If you hot one of those thunder balls while you are moving, you 
will drop down to the lower level, where you have to climb back up and 
start again from some point. 

You will ascend to the next level. Jump to the floating tile on the 
left.  Go left, up and then right. Head north.

Go north.  Replenish your EP if needed with the Energy Stone. Stand on 
the cloud and Spin down. 

Jump on the cloud and Spin left.  Beware of the floating thunder ball.
Spin down, avoiding the floating thunderball in the north.  Go left. 
Get onto the next cloud and Spin left. Spin down, watching out for the 
THREE thunder balls floating at the north (you only have to watch out
for the loop nearer to you because you are Spinning into the middle of 
the three rotating thunder balls). You will then ascend to the next 

Head up the stairs. A scene will occur. You have reached the Spiky 
Mountain Ruins. On the right side there is a stone in the shape of the 
Wise One which will replenish your HP and MP if you talk to it. 

Approach the mirror at the entrance of the ruins.  You will see a 
Sagittarius in the reflection. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Fairy - 177 EXP
Jump Rat - 67 EXP
Kimera - 608 EXP
Bone Fighter - 219 EXP
Mimic - 1436 Exp

Use Grow on the sprout in the west. Climp up and go up the stairs. Use 
Grip on the pillar on the other side. Move the statue to the right. 
Enter and use Spin on the fan. Return to the mirror.  Use Grip on the 
thing that just came up from the circular platform in the centre. A 
path will appear.  Stand on the circular platform and it will descend.

Take the Aquarius entrance (top right entrance which is glowing blue).
Use Grip from the left side to turn the middle path.  Head north. In 
the next room, use Aqua to fill the Aquarius jar. The Gemini door is 
now open.  Outside the room, use Fireball from the left on the Lion's 
Head to have it drop the chest. Go south, use Grip on the pillar to 
rotate the path.  Grab a Spike Armour from the chest.

Return to the entrance and enter the Leo door (bottom left). In the 
next room, use Fireball on the Lion Head. 

Return to the entrance and enter the Gemini door (top left). Push the 
two statues all the way up to the two marks on the ground, avoiding
the holes. Note that the two statues move at the same time if you push 
up or down and in the opposite direction if you push sideways.  Push 
the right one up, up, right, right, right, down, right, right, up, up, 
left, up, up, left, left, down, left, left, up, up, up, left. The Virgo
and Libra doors will be opened.

Return to the entrance and enter the Virgo door (bottom left). Go to 
the left path and jump onto the first block on the right. Use Grip on 
the pillar. In the next room.  Use Grip on the pillar on the statue to 
rotate it, then use Grow on the sprout. 

Return to the entrance and enter the Libra door (bottom right). In the 
next room, jump onto the right side of the balance, move one of the
statues onto it, then jump onto the left side of the balance and move 
one statues onto it.  Repeat the process until the four statues are all 
in. The Aries and Pieces rooms will be opened.

Return to the entrance and enter the Aries room (top left). In the next
room, use Fireball on the plate, then right plate, right most plate and 
centre plate. 

Return to the entrance and enter the Pieces room (top right). Grip the 
pillar from the right. In the next room, use Aqua on the two fishes. 
The Cancer and Scorpion doors will open.

Return to the entrance and enter the Cancer door (bottom left). Go to 
the left, jump onto the blocks and use Grip on the pillar. Head right, 
use Grip on the pillar to rotate the statue. Get a Gravity Mace. In 
the next room, use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. 

Return to the entrance and enter the Scorpion door (bottom right). Go
left and use Grip on the handle. In the next room, push the Scorpion
block left and up.  Push the north green block right and down.  Push 
the Scorpion block right. The Taurus and Capricorn doors will open.

Return to the entrance and enter the Taurus door (top left). Use Grip
on the right rotating platform from the south. Use Fireball from the 
right on the lion head to release the jupiter djinn.  In the next room, 
climb up, use Aqua on Taurus' horns and then use Frost on them. Go 
back to the previous room.  From the right, Grip the pillar on the 
left rotating platform. Go up and battle the jupiter djinn. Coil joins
you afterwards.

Return to the entrance and enter the Capricorn door (top right). Use 
Grip on the pillar of the left statue to fight a Mimic. In the next 
room, Move the statues to the corresponding shapes on the ground. 
Right statue goes into the square hole, top statue goes into the 
triangular hole and left statue goes into the circular hole. Their 
paths cannot cross each other.  Move the top statue left x3, down x4,
right x3, up x2, right x3, down x4, left x4. Move the right statue up 
x2, left x7, down x2. Move the left statue down x2, right x7, up x2. 
The last door, Sagittarius is now open.

Return to the entrance and enter the Sagittarius room (bottom right).
Go left and use Grip on the handle. In the other room, use Frost on 
the pool of water on the right. Use Grip on the pillar from the left. 

Return to the entrance and take the elevator back up. Use Grip on the 
protruded arrow to activate the patterns on the wall.  A path opens 
to the west.

Replenish your HP and EP with the Eye Stone and head west. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3.2 TEIRYA
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Wolf - 190 EXP
Killer Ape - 228 EXP

Go along the path heading west to the North Wall Shrine. Use Fireball 
on the left most ice pillar near the door and the first ice pillar on 
the left to get a Heal Drop from the chest. On the right side, melt 
one piller of the back row. Go up the stairs and jump over to the 
other side.  Use Grip on the left pillarwhile standing on the ice 
pillar. Use Frost on the pool of water up ahead. Jump down south, loop 
back to the centre and go up to the tablet. You obtain the djinn summon 

Morok requires two mercury and 1 jupiter djinns on standby.

Return back to where you got off Spiky Mountain Ruins. Head north and 
east. You will arrive at Teirya. The guard does not allow our access 
to the village. An old man comes and apologizes. After some talk, the 
old man faints the young man and lets us pass.

In the city, we see a shadow who runs as soon as she sees us. In the 
north house in the centre of the map, check the far vase for a Power 
Apple. Check the vase beside the priest in the priest's house for 1 

Stock up on items if needed. You can't get any equipment for now.

* Herb - 10 G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Energy Crystal - 1500G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G
* Firm Stick - 8G

See that Firm Stick that is only 8G?  Looking at the price you know 
you have to get it :D

On the east side of town, climb up the tree and jump north.  Use Grow 
on the sprout and walk to the other side.  Use Fireball on the torch 
and the animal will come towards you.  Go back all the way right and 
loop back to the fire djinn. Soul joins you.

Enter the north east house and a scene will occur. When you leave the 
house you will see the shadow that runs again. Go to the south house 
in the centre of the map and another scene will occur. After the talk, 
go to the north part of the map and enter the Tepe Ruins.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Keroberos - 548 EXP
Wyvern - 568 EXP
Cab Troll - 446 EXP
Vampire Bat - 81 EXP
Rat Fighter - 190 EXP

Go straight up and use Fireball on the djinn you see sitting there. 
It will dive into the water and swim around.  Go into the house on the 
left and talk to the guy at the stove. Give him the Firm Stick. Follow
him out to the platform and he will fish that djinn for you. Tonic 
joins your party.

Go to the right and all the way up into the cave for a chest. A lump 
of snow will fall on the chest before you can reach it.  Use Fireball 
on the snow. Get some Retrieval Holy Water from the chest.   Head back 
out and right to enter the Tepe Ruins.

Head to the right room.  Inside the room the shadow you saw earlier 
in the city will peek in and run. Go back to the main entrance, move 
the rock blocking the left path and enter. Follow the shadow.

In the next room, go into the centre entrance.  Roll the stone columns
on the ground.  Push the horizontal column down, then the lower 
vertical one right. Move the rock to the top right corner. Climb up 
the vine to go outside. Go all the way left and climb down the vine. 
Get a Sword of Dusk. Use Grip on the south pillar to swing back. Go 
up the right stairs and exit. 

Follow the shadow and climb down the rope. Use Grip on the pillar to 
the right and enter north. A scene will occur. The shadow appears and 
asks us not to go further. The newcomer is Stellar, a Man-beast. It 
seems that she can read minds, so she is our next Wind Energist in my
opinion :D

After some conversation, we get a Cute Bag and Stellar leaves. Climb 
up the vine to your left, jump to the left tree, climb down and head 
south. Climb down the vine and use Grow on the south sprout to get 
back to the village.

A scene will occur. Talk to anyone of the three people there and use 
the Cute Bag. The guy, Ryukou (who seems to be the leader here) tells 
us that the owner of the bag, his sister Houjyu, is captured in Morgol 
and imprisoned in Bervne. 

Return to the big statue inside Tepe Ruins.  A scene will occur. 
Stellar will slap the nose of the statue with her Energy "Smack" and 
a path opens. After some talk, Stellar joins your party.

HP: 363
EP: 131
Stellar comes with 5 jupiter djinns: Peppy, Buke, Surge, Silky, Hide

Go down the stairs in the statue. Take the right path. In the next 
room, Move the rock to the right.  Jump over the pillars and use Grip 
on the left pillar. Get a Samurai Helmet from the chest. Jump down 
and head north. Have Stellar use Smack on the statue's nose to open 
a path. Head down.

Go through this room into the next.  A pillar will fall down and 
block your way. Stellar finds some footprints and decides to follow. 
She uses the Energy "Smell" on the footprints to trace the path. Jump 
right and enter north. Climb up the vine. 

Note: Basically you can see the footprints on the ground instead of 
smelling them LOL

Go north, up the platform, go to the other side and come down.  Go 
north for a Mythril Sackle.  Down the east stairs.  In that suspicious
ground path in the north, tap the middle of it to bet a Spearmint. 

Use Smell on the footprint and follow it.  Jump down the west hole. 
Exit south. Go all the way south, then west and up the stairs. Push 
the column up. Exit right. Climb down the vine. Use Frost on the second 
and fourth pool of water counting from the left. Jump over and use 
Grip on the pillar on the right.  Climb down the vine and exit north. 

Go up the stairs on the left, jump down and use Move to push the rock
down. Follow the djinn until it goes north. Ivy joins your party. 

Use Smack on the statue's nose and go down. Exit outside from the 

A scene will occur. Stellar tells us that the Roc is the national bird 
of Morgol, it is a sacred bird, and she will not come with us to get 
its feather. She will wait for us to return because she is not going 
to Korima.   Stellar leaves the party soon afterwards and we stand 
there for more talk.  Halmanni tells us he has seen the Roc before. 
He has seen its shadow on some grassland. When he looked up it became 
a typhoon. Anyways, we should head for Bervne. Go down the stairs 
and exit to the World Map.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Diamond Wolf - 194 EXP
Grizzly - 315 EXP
Fly Squirrel - 145 EXP

Go north west and you will arrive at the capital of Morgol - Bervne.
It is a pretty large place filled with man-beasts. 

Stock up on items and equipment if needed.

* Bastard Sword - 4000G - ATK+70
* Great Axe - 5200G - ATK+80
* Master Rapier - 6800G - ATK+86
* Star Mace - 6200G - ATK+84
* Composite Bow - 1600G - ATK+65
Special Deals
* Storm Blade - 3900G - ATK+60 (just sold)
* Elven Rapier - 2200G - ATK+44 (just sold)
* Themis Axe - 1900G - ATK+30
* Garden Axe - 4600G - ATK+76 (just sold)
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16
* Witch Wand - 860G - ATK+32
* Saint Ark - 1600G - ATK+46 (just sold)
* Psychic Rod - 3800G - ATK+64 (just sold)

* Armour Seal - 3600G
* Jerkey Robe - 2400G
* Knight Shield - 3000G
* Van Amulet - 2000G
* Skill Helm - 3100G
* Platinum Sackle - 4200G
Special Deals
* China Dress - 1600G
* Ixion Mail - 1300G (just sold)
* Elven Clothes - 1700G (just sold)
* Inviting Hat - 3000G (just sold)

* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Energy Crystal - 1500G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

Head to the top right part of the map and go to the next map. On the 
first right turn, enter the next map.  Check the barrel on the red 
floor for some Sweet Water. Also check the box furthest out on the 
path for a Heal Nut. Climb down the ladder, move the right block two 
spaces down and one space left. Move the left box one space right. Use 
Frost on the pool of water to create a path leading you to the djinn. 
Karua (direct translate from katakana) joins your party. 

Can't really get the chest on the left side yet... (let me know if you
figure out how to get the block out of the way, can't push it into the 

Back to the city.  Check the vase in the basement of the inn for 11 
coins. In the basement of the priest's house, Move the bookshelf on 
the left side right.  Climb onto the ladder and jump over for an 
Assassin Sword. Move the bookcases beside the stairs to reveal a path.
Enter. Go along the path for the mercury Djinn, Squall.

Check the north barrel on the second floor of the priest's house for 
a Herb. On the second floor of the west house, check the box to the 
left of the entrance for a Life Bread. Enter the first foor of the 
west house.  In the inner room, check the cupboard for a Muni Robe. 
In the sitting room, check the right shelves for a Holy Feather. 

Go into the Opera House (top left of the city map).  Check the box 
on the left for a Heal Drop. Check the top barrel on the right for a 
Smoke Bomb. Enter the right door.  Go all the way to the backstage and 
check the left box for 66 coins. Return all the way to the city. 

Leave Bervne.  A scene will occur. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3.5 SAHA
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Grizzly - 315 EXP
Punipuni - 160 EXP
Tarantula - 176 EXP
Diamond Wolf - 194 EXP
Fly Squirrel - 145 EXP

Head east. The passage to Korima at the north is closed, so head to 
the south east of the World Map and visit Saha.

Talk to the two people standing in the middle of the pathway to open 
up the weapon/armour and items stores.

* Bastard Sword - 4000G - ATK+70
* Master Rapier - 6800G - ATK+86
* Plate Mail - 4400G
* Knight Shield - 3000G
* Silver Helm - 3900G
* Platinum Sackle - 4200G
Special Deals
* Storm Blade - 3900G - ATK+60 
* Elven Rapier - 2200G - ATK+44 
* Mystery Sword - 6400G - ATK+84 (just sold)
* Themis Axe - 1900G - ATK+30
* Garden Axe - 4600G - ATK+76 
* Magic Rod - 380G - ATK+16
* Witch Wand - 860G - ATK+32
* Saint Ark - 1600G - ATK+46 
* Psychic Rod - 3800G - ATK+64 
* China Dress - 1600G
* Ixion Mail - 1300G 
* Elven Clothes - 1700G 
* Inviting Hat - 3000G
* Kimono - 2800G (just sold)
* Dragon Shield - 2400G (just sold)
* Power Gloves - 4000G (NEW!)

* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Heal Potion - 1000G
* Energy Crystal - 1500G
* Retrieval Holy Water - 3000G

Check the second barrel west of the inn to get 7 coins. Check the 
box under the stairs inside the inn for a Heal Nut. Check the left 
barrow in the house beside the Herb Store for 30 coins. Check the 
vase east of the north east house for an Antidote. Inside the north 
east house, use Move on the wooden block beside the stove to reveal
a chest containing a Psy Cookie.  Check the bottom left vase in the 
house north of the inn for a Potion. 

Also, contributed by Justin Allan, check the box behind the woman at 
the Item Store for a Sacred Feather. (I can't go back to check after 
I got my ship ;___; )

Jump into the well in the northwest. Move the stone beside the djinn
to the right. Exit the well. On the east side of town, Move the block
with a different colour to the right and jump into the well. Go 
right, use Grip on the pillar and climb up. (Note: For now you don't
have the Energy needed to get the jupiter djinn)

You have entered Korima! :D

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3.6 KORIMA
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Go north. Check the north box for 21 coins. 

Enter the first tree, check the vases on the left for 33 coins. Go out 
from the second floor, jump down to the south branch to get 777 coins 
from the chest.

To the north of this tree, check the barrel for a Thorn Seed. 

Enter the items store. You cannot buy anything right now.  Go to the 
second floor and check the bookcase for the Legendary Picture Book 
Go out from the second floor, go south, jump to the right branch, go 
along the top right branch, jump north, go north and jump to the north 
branch, head all the way west, jump to the south branch, take the left 
bottom fork, jump to the south branch, then jump to the south branch 
again.  Talk to the djinn to have Cinnamon join your party. 

Enter from the back of the Items Shop. Check the second barrel on the 
right for a Potion. Check the vase on the left for a Thorn Seed. Exit 
south to grab a Power Apple from the chest behind the Item Store 

Enter the tree northwest of the Items Store. Check the vase on the 
right for an Oil Drop. 

At the west end of town west of the Items's Store, check the box for 
a Razor Claw.

Check the barrel west of the Inn for a Holy Feather. The entrance to 
the inn is blocked right now, so we cannot get the last chest on the 
second floor.  There is nothing we can do in the basement of the inn
right now. 

Go to the second floor of the Items Store and talk to the woman.  A 
scene will occur. We will go to the basement of the Inn.  After some 
scene we all fall asleep. 

Tap the screen to wake Takumi up. All the others will also wake up. 
We will be sucked into the hole on the ground into the Dream Wood Maze.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Tarantula - 176 EXP
Gripper - 324 EXP
Nightmare Queen - 830 EXP
Kimera Mage - 1299 EXP

Jump right and then up.  That thing hiding in the water will use some 
Energy and destroy the path behind us. Continue walking and loop to 
the south.  Move the rock into the water. Exit south.

Go to the south map and enter the right opening. Go along the path and
exit. Jump to the left and exit. In the next room, walk along the logs 
and exit north. Go up and use Heat Dry on the leaf with the pool of 

Return to the map south. Push the horizontal log down. Push the bottom 
vertical log left. Push the left horizontal log up, the bottom vertical
log left and the top horizonal log down again.

Go to the north room.  Use Aqua on the leaf and return south. Jump to 
the left to get a Fairy Vest from the chest. Go north and use Heat Dry 
on the leaf again.  Go south.  Push the bottom vertical log right, the 
top horizontal log down and the bottom vertical log left. Use Aqua on 
the leaf in the north room and exit south in the south room.

Go along the path and up the stairs. Use Frost on the south pool of 
water.  Push the lkeft log right. Push the top log down and use Frost 
on the north pool of water. Go over the log, fight the mars djinn and 
Glare joins you. Exit to the right. 

Go along the left path and Move the rock down. Jump down from the left. 
Use Frost on the leaf to have everything frozen. Ski right, down, left, 
up, left. Exit north.

Go all the way to the left and exit. Go down the stairs, skid right, 
up, left, up, right, down, right to cross to the right side.  Walk 
north and from the north stairs, skid down, right and up to get a 
Gigantic Axe from the chest. 

Skid left, and repeat the first loop to the right side. Exit south.
Go along the path and Move the rock down. Jump to the right and go up
the stairs. 

Go down to the next room. Walk along the path and use Grip on the left
pillar. Use Fireball on the protruding ice and use Grip on the north 
pillar. Exit right.

Head down the stairs. Move the rock down into the water and enter. Go
alongt he path.  That thing which has been under water when you first 
arrived appears. 


Boss: Sludge
HP: 2000-ish
Mini Boss: Blue Skull
HP: 500-ish
Mini Boss: Red Skull
HP: 500-ish
Pretty easy fight... just one round of djinn summons (Apocalipse, Thor,
Boreas and Meteor) and all three are dead :D
Rewards: 8735 EXP, 1441 coins, Crash Fang

Together with that sludge thing we are back to the basement of the inn. 
The woman comes in and is very happy that the monster is dead. Pick up
the Crash Fang from the ground after the woman leaves.

Note: The Crash Fang can be equipped by a fire energist (ie. Terry) to 
use the Energy "Crash".

Now the inn is open. Check the vase on the ground floor for a Sleep 
Bomb. On the third floor, check the cupboard for a Black Costume. Exit 
from the second floor. Take the west path and jump south for a Light 
Bracelet from the chest.  Take the east path, jump down to the south 
branch and walk up to get a pair of Safety Boots from the chest.

Go back down into the well which you used to come to Korima.  Enter the 
opening left of the other well. Use Crash on the boulder blocking your 
path. Go to the left to get Nerori join your party.

Exit back to the World Map from Saha. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3.8 BORDER
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Head past Bervne to the west. Head north along the path. 

On that protruding part to the north at the centre of the map, you 
may encounter the venus djinn, Dole, and obtain it after a fight. 

Take the north bridge and go all the way west to arrive at the North-
west Border Abandoned Mine. Go to the left side and Move the rock 
right. Go up and use Frost on the pool of water. Climb up the stairs, 
jump over to the left bu the rock and tap the switch. Go north, jump 
over the ice pillar and tap the switch. Go right and tab the last 
switch.  Jump onto the cart. Get a Heal Potion from the chest.

Get on the cart and put it back to its original place.  Jump down and 
tap the first switch near the rock. Walk back to the cart and jump 
onto it. While you are still standing on higher ground (eg. beside 
the cart), use Fireball on the explosive to reveal a tablet.

Tab the tablet to learn the djinn summon "Ulysses". 2 mercury and 2
mars djinns on standby are needed for this summon.

Jump down and exit.  Go to the south bridge west of Bervne. You will 
arrive at Border.

First, stock up if needed.

* Broad Axe - 1400G - ATK+50
* Battle Mace - 2600G - ATK+56
* Gauntlet - 1600G
* Chain Hood -2000G
Special Deals
(Note: I will only indicate any new items starting now.  Basically 
this usually contains whatever crap you sell to the shop which you 
obtained from chests)
* Knight Grieve - 2700G

* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
(Note: Only new items are listed starting now)
* Mist Potion - 9000G

At the basement of the Inn/Priest's House, check the box for a Holy 

At the house west of the General/Item Stores, a scene will occur. 
There are two guys who are pirates from Champa. After the talk, they 
give us Payayam's Letter. The pirates leave after we read the letter.
They have a ship in Urajio.  We will meet again after we rescue their
leader's son in Bervne. 

Go into the west house, check the vase on the top left for 8 coins. 
Climb up the ladder. Look in the telescope if you like.  Exit outside.
Use Grip on the right pillar. Go down the stairs for the jupiter djinn
Sirocco. Go back up the stairs. Jump down. 

When you head towards the city gate to leave, you will meet one of the 
musicians from Bervne again. She decides to return to Bervne.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3.9 URAJIO
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Back out in the World Map, head east.

Southeast of Bervne on the World Map there is a bridge leading to a 
small island with nothing on it. Walk around and you may encounter the 
venus djinn, Greed, which will join you after a battle.

On the east most part of the accessible world map, you will arrive at 
Urajio, a port. Enter the first house and check the innermost vase for 
6 coins. Check the box east of the inn for a Herb. 

Stock up on stuff if needed.


* Great Axe - 5200G - ATK+80
* Star Mace - 6200G - ATK+84
* Armour Seal - 3600G
* Silver Vest - 3200G
* Knight Shield - 3000G
* Silver Bracelet - 4000G
* Platinum Sackle - 4200G
Special Deals
(No new deals)


* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
(No new deals)

Walk out onto the wooden boards on the water.  Check the first barrel 
for 55 coins. 

Head towards the west and a scene will occur. Climb up the tree west 
of the General/Item Stores and checl the vase for a Razor Claw. Go to
the right, jump onto the roop of the stores and push the wooden block 
down. Push that wooden block all the way into the water. 

Go down the stairs, jump right onto the narrow path and go along it. 
Stand on the floating log and Move the wooden block left. Enter the 
Dock Sewage Pipes.

Enemies you may encounter:
Punipuni - 160 EXP
Jello Float - 256 EXP

Take the left path.  Check the barrel on the first island for a Heal 
Nut. Exit left for a Guard Nut from the chest. Return to the entrance 
and take the right path. Enter the next room north.  Go all the way to
the north and west.  Climb up. Exit. Check the barrel on the right for
24 coins.  Climb up the left chain and go all the way right. Use Grip
on the pillar to your right. Go down the stairs and climb up the right 
chain. Get a Planet Armour from the chest. 

Climb down from the chain.  Go all the way to the left and walk down.
Check the left box for a Kaocho Bun. Back up.  Go all the way to the 
right side and check the vase for an Oil Drop. Go to the front of the 
Dock and use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. Climb down and enter the 
sewage. Head left and fight the mercury djinn. Marine joins your party.

Using the stairs you Gripped, go to the other side of the dock and 
head down. Go left and a scene will occur. 

After the conversation with Payayam, we obtain some Healing Water. Get 
back out into the city the way you came in because the door is still 

Before you leave the city, a scene will occur in front of the Item
Shop. Another musician decides to go back to Bervne.

Now that you have the Healing Water, return to the basement of the Inn
in Korima. Use the Healing Water on the tree.  A scene will occur.
After the scene the Item Store is now open.  Pay a visit and buy a 
Dream Leaf. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S4.0 Korima Forest
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Mightly Beetle - 479 EXP
Seed Bat - 239 EXP
Mage Mole - 239 EXP
Mad Plant - 398 EXP

Exit to the north. Go west and enter Korima Forest.

The djinn you saw earlier at the basement of the Korima Inn is standing
on a slump. After the djinn leaves, check the box on the right side 
of the right tree for a Guard Nut. 

Follow the djinn into the forest. After the venus djinn leaves, use 
Grow on the sprout on the right. Jump to the left, climb down and go 
into the log. In the next map, go into the other log north.

Climb up the vine, jump to the right nd jump down. Climb up the north 
vine, jump to the left and use Grow on the sprout. Jump north and jump 
down the trunk. Get a Heal Potion from the chest. On the west of the 
second trunk, use Grow on the sprout. Loop all the way and exit north-

Use Crash on the rock. Jump onto the leaves on the northwest and you 
will be teleported onto another level where you meet the venus djinn 
again. A scene will occur where we meet the forest guardian Trent and 
Lent. In order to obtain the Feather of Roc we need the Energy "Smack"
from Stellar. 

After a long talk, we return to where we step on the leaves. Also, the 
venus djinn, Irony, joins us. 

Take the west exit. On the ext map we will see someone trapped inside
a tree truck because he was trying to get the apple on the next tree. 
Climb up the left vine, jump to the right and use Grip on the apple. 
You get a Power Apple. Use Grow on the sprout on the trunk the man is 
trapped in and climb down. The man will give you a Elf bow for saving
him. Return to the right map and exit north to the Korima Intersection.

Go east.  A scene will occur. The guy from Teirya will give you a pair 
os Spank Gloves after he and the old man join your party. 

Note: Spank Gloves can be equipped by any member of the party and 
enables him/her to use the Energy "Smack".

Before going ahead, go back and take the left path. Push the top log 
left. Use Crash on the rock behind the logs. Jump north and a djinn 
will appear behind the waterfall.  Mercury djinn, Tear, joins you.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Sky Rat - 175 EXP
Warrior Globin - 439 EXP
Dirty Ape - 604 EXP
Wild Griffin - 1663 EXP

Head back to the right path.  Go out into the World Map and ascend 
the mountain. At the top you will arrive at the Rocky Mountains of the 
Holy Bird.

Use Frost on the two pools of water on the right.  Climb up the tree, 
jump over to the left and climb up the wall. Use Move on the rock and 
jump down.  Climb up the wall from the left side. Push the rock to the 
left under some marks on the wall.  Climb up from the right side, move 
to the left and jump onto the rock.  Jump left to get a pair of Aura 
Gloves. Climb up the right side, jump let and go up the stairs to use 
Crash on the rock. Go up.

Head right.  Move the rocks so that they are one space apart from 
each other. Climb up from the left and hea right for a Sylph Rapier 
from the chest. Go back and Move the right rock one space to the left.
Climb up the wall. 

While you are climbing up on the right side, the rock will break and 
you will fall down.  Use Grip on the pillar to the right. Go up the 
stairs and use Grow on the sprout. Climb up and use Grip on the left 
pillar.  Jump down.  Use Crash on the rock. Head left.  Use Grow on 
the sprout. Climb up left.  Replenish your Ep with the Energy Stone 
if needed. 

Climb up the wall. Head up from the right and down from the left.  
Use Smack on that red thing on the bird's head. The Roc is alive O_O

Climb up and Smack that red thing again. Go down and obtain a feather
of the Roc. As you are about to leave, a voice calls.  Obviously it is 
Spade, and Heart is here as well. They talk about obtaining the 
Mantle Orb, then leave. We can't leave yet now that the Roc is awake.


Boss: Roc
HP: 3000-ish 
Jupiter djinns and wind energy are most effective in this fight. Any-
thing but earth element is good against it. The Roc replenishes a 
little HP after every turn. But overall it is not very difficult to 
defeat. (I killed it with 1.25 round of summon attacks :D  Thor,
Apocalipse x2, Boreas & Meteor)
Rewards: 12852 EXP, 140 coins, Mantle Chip

Something fell out of the Roc's mouth after the fight. It is a Mental
Chip. Enter the Roc's mouth. As you walk you will pick up Mantle Chips 
on the ground. At the inner most a scene will occur. 

You find the Mantle Orb. The guy from Teirya (okay, his name is 
Ryuukou) takes our Mantle Orb!! That old guy also takes our Spank 
Gloves and a Mantle Chip. >=(

They run. Run after them XD

Anyways, we come out from the tail of the Roc... Go down from the 
right.  Use Crash on that differntly coloured piece of rock.  Jump 
down. Walk to the left and fight the jupiter djinn to have Balloon 
join us. 

Return to Korima and talk to the blue man-best musician at the north
entrance. He will return to Bervne as well.  Now we have all 6 
musicians needed for the song.

Exit Korima and go back to Border (in the west in case you have 
forgotten). Visit the inn and choose "Yes" when the person asks you 
if you want to use the Dream leaf. In your dream, go outside, go over 
to the other side of Border, head north and use Grow on the sprout.

Climb down and go into the cave. 
Tap the tablet to obtain the djinn
summon "Haures". 3 venus and 2 mars djinns on standby are needed for 
this summon. 

Wake up from your dream by leaving the city on either side.

Return to Bervne. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Mad Demon - 2169 EXP
Mage Ghost - 628 EXP

Walk up to the group of musicians and answer "yes" to his questions. 
They will play you a song. Other people in the city will be affected 
by the song and the statue at the middle of the city rises to produce 
a path. We will then hear Stellar's voice. She is talking to us through 
the Arangoa song. The Arangoa song is the key to the ruins. Enter the 
Bervne Ruins from the statue. 

Go left and up the stairs for a Resist Screen from the chest.  Go back
into the ruins and head north. On the altar behind the tablet, use a 
Mantle Chip. The wall will open. In the next room, jump up and use a
Mantle Chip on the altar. Jump to the right to get a Heal Drop from 
the chest.  Exit east. Head down the stairs. 

Use a Mantle Chip on the north altar. Stellar appears. We see Spade
and Heart in the level below us. Stellar joins us after the talk.

Enter behind the altar. A scene will occur. The path is gone. After 
the conversation, go back to the south room ad exit south. Go all the 
way down and enter the opening. A scene will occur.

Ryuukou and the old man come in suddenly. It is because of the Mantle 
Orb that Ryuukou possess, the ruins is moving. After the long talk, 
everyone enters your party.

Read the tablet. Move the orange orb onto the Sun pattern on the 
ground, and the yellow orb onto the moon pattern on the ground.  Then 
stand on the remaining pattern and the door shall open. Enter.

Read the tablet up north.  Use Crash on the bottom left bar. Go up 
right to get a Holy Feather. Use Crash on both bars. Take the left 
path, go down the stairs to the left anf head up.  Use Crash on the 
bar. The venus djinn jumps to the stairs.  Use Crash on the other bar.
Take the right path as you head south and go up to the stairs to 
fight the djinn. Void joins you.

Head south and exit left.  Grab some Happy Pepper from the chest.  Go
back to the previous room. Go to the right side of the room, loop all
around, jump over the purple tiles and exit right. Grab a Retrieval
Holy Water from the chest.  Return to the previous room.

Go back north.  On the right side of the empty chest, use Crash on the 
bar. Return to the tablet using Grip on the pillar somewhere near the 
bottom centre of the map. Use Crash on both the pillars. Exit north.
A scene will occur.

We see a lot of Shaparan soldiers lying on the ground.  It seems there
is a pretty strong statue blocking the way.  After you read the tablet,
the dea bodies of the soldies will be gone, replaced by several black
statues and a white statue. Our job is to guide the white statues and 
smash the black statue king using Move.

Note: The attacking area of the black statues are any squares adjacent
to or at the corner of their current positions.  Using Move will slide
the white statue until it hits one of those triangular blocks on the 

Move the white statue right, up, left to smash the first black statue.
Move it left, up, left to smash the second statue. Then move it left, 
up and right to smash the king statue. The remaining statue will die
on its own and the path will open.

Head right to grab an Energy Crystal from the chest.  Exit north. Go 
down the long stairs into the next room.

Jump onto the gear and jump off on the left. Go into the north open-
ing. Go up the stairs and use your last Mantle Chip on the altar. Go 
back to the previous room. The centre gear is now turning!

Jump to the right side and enter north.  Go north. Choose the third 
path.  Jump onto the first gear, then to the purple tile on the left
and onto the south gear. Jumop to the tile onthe right, down and then 
to the right gear.  Jump to the south gear, left tile, left gear, 
left tile, north gear and to the ground on the left.  Exit south.

Push the purple thing into the hole in the ground and jump left to 
get a Mist Potion from the chest.  Enter north.  Head north in the 
next room and read the tablet.  Back to the previous room.

Push the green block to the right. Then push it to the left. Get a 
High Purity Block from the chest. Push the green block to the right 
again. Push it down, left, up, right and up. Use Spin on the green 
block, climb up the ladder and exit right. Head left and use Spin on 
that gray ball thing. The mechanisms in the ruins move~

Jump down.  Go two maps south back to the gear room. Head left from 
where you enter, wait for that new mechanism to come over and jump 
onto it. Jump off on the left side. Go down the stairs, push that 
purple thing into the hole and get 600 coins from the chest.  Go 
back up the stairs and exit north. 

Enter north and read the tablet. Back to the previous room, go to the 
right side and enter the opening. Use Crash on all the bars on the 
top row.  Jump across to get a Hagbone Mace from the chest. Use Crash
on all the bars on the bottom row and the right most bar on the second
row.  Exit right. Go all the way left into the next room. Use Fire-
ball on that gray ball thing.  The mechanism on the second level are 
now activated.

Jump down and exit south. Go up the stairs, head right and exit south.
Jump onto that new mechanism thing and jump off on the right side. 
Enter the opening.

Go north and read the tablet. Back to the previous room, go up the 
stairs and enter north. Go north to the next room. Jump onto the first 
gear from the north. Then jump to left tile, south gear, left gear, 
top tile and top vertical gear. Walk to the top of the room and use 
Crash on the left yellow gear. Use the left most vertical gear to go 
to the left, go down and use the bottom vertical gears to go down to 
the right side. Exit.

Use Grow on that gray ball. The third level of mechanism is now acti-
vated. Use the left vertical gear to head south. In the next room, 
climb up the stairs and exit to the left. Jump onto the new mechanism
and jump off on the left. Enter the opening. Head up the stairs and 
enter north. Jump to the right, go to the left and push the purple 
thing into the water. Exit north.

Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. Move the right most block two 
spaces up. Use Aqua on the empty bowl. Jump to the right and push the 
purple thing left into the water. Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water.
Jump to the right, climb down the ladder and exit south. Read the 
tablet. Use Aqua on the gray ball. 

The last level of mechanisms is now activated! Climb up the left 
stairs and exit right. Go south to the next room.  Jump onto the 
mechanism and jump off on the right. 

Go to the left side for a Heal Potion from the chest.  At the centre 
of this room, read the tablet. Push all the orbs to the north so that 
they are lining up in a straight line. The last door will open. Exit 

Jump to the gray ball and a voice will speak to you. The power of 
Sol will reawake. Use Smack on the gray ball. When you are standing 
on the blue mechanism, jump left to the purple platform.  Climb down 
the stairs. Go to the right and head north using the gear. Read the 

Head down to the right stairs if you need your EP restored.  There is 
a large Energy Stone that will not disappear after use.

Down the left stairs, read the tablet and move the torch around.  Pay 
attention to the patterns on the ground. Back above, walk towards the
blue screen at the north.  A face will appear and speak, then four 
pillars will appear in the four corners. After the talk, use Grow on 
the top left pillar, Aqua on the top right pillar, Spin on the bottom
right pillar and Fireball on the bottom left pillar (basically follow
the pattern on the ground in the left underground room).

The centre orb will light up. The door at the north will open.  Enter.
Go down to the blue area and the face will appear on the blue screen 
again. He tells us this is the Alchemy Dynamo in the Luna Tower. We
have to insert the Energy Key into the Alchemy Dynamo to activate the 
Luna Tower.  As we are discussing whether to use the Mantle Orb or 
not, a masked person (looks like Alex from GS Lost Age LOL) appears. 
Spade and Heart also come. 

Which means, a fight~!!


Boss: Spade
HP: 1900-ish 
Boss: Heart
HP: 1900-ish
They are like Saturos and Menardi back in GS I. 
Spade has this Darkness Shield which decreases the damage caused to 
Heart has normal attacks that deduct around 100-ish HP each hit.
However, the Darkness Shield disappears in the turn after Spade uses 
it, and djinn summons deal quite a large amount of damage without the 
shield blocking.  Overall it is not a tough fight... Saturos and 
Menardi were so much harder XD  I only used two rounds of djinn summons 
to finish them (I love djinn summons XD)
Rewards: 15702 EXP, 2880 coins, Electric Kunai, Perfume

After the fight, we discover that Ryuukou has knocked out the old man
and preparing to use the Mantle Orb.  Terry tries to stop him but 
the masked man knocks him down. 

Unlike Spade and Heart, the masked man is not from Shaparan. (Note: I 
have not translated some earlier conversation.  Basically Spade and 
Heart are from the Shaparan Empire which king rules his people very 
strictly.)  Ryuukou uses the Mantle Orb despite our objections. The 
blue face eats the orb and the Luna Tower activates. The old man gets 
up and tries to rush at the masked man, but he teleports to where 
Spade and Heart are.  He tells us his name is Ace. He says the way to 
save the world is to light the lighthouse towers. 

Suddenly where we are standing rises.  Ace suggests to continue the 
conversation outside because we don't have much time. He teleports 
with Spade and Heart. We have to leave quickly as well. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Dark Horn - 1424 EXP

Go right and head up the stairs.  Go left, use Spin on the green block
so that we can walk on top of it. Climb up, push the green block to 
the right.  Climb down the right ladder and use Spin on the block. Go 
up the next level. Head up north stairs. 

Go all the way up the tower and read the tablet.  You will obtain the 
djinn summon "Eclipse". 2 mercury and 3 jupiter djinns on standby are 
needed for this summon. 

Go back down, halfway down the spiral stairs, exit south and you 
look up the tower. You are now out in Bervne. Jump to the right and 
onto the raft.  Spin up and jump down for a Life Bread from the chest.
Spin down, jump to the left side, climb up the ladder.  On the top 
island, check the second tombstone from the right for a Lizard Strap.

Return to Bervne through the Opera House. Enter Bervne city from the 
north gates. Go up the right stairs, use Smack on the north bell. The
guard will come to check, enter the only room on this level. Go up the 
stairs and exit to get a Beast Knuckle. 

Return to the entrance and enter the north room. Go up the right 
stairs and a scene will occur. We find Ryuukou's sister, Houjuu. Some
man-beat also comes and he is Stellar's brother, Bortechino. He 
releases Houjuu. Screta also comes.  Bortechino leaves soon after.  
Screta tells us to leave Berve ASAP because the geography of the world 
is changing again, just like when the lighthouses were lit. We tell
Screta about Ace. 

After you gain control, go out, to the left most and enter the room. 
Ckech the vase for 20 coins. Go up the stairs. Check the left vase for 
an Oil Drop. Head out left. Use Smack on the cage and the guy, Reoreo, 
will fall down. Head downstairs and out for a scene. 

After the scene get out of Bervne castle(? perhaps just a mansion...) 
and another scene will occur.  Stellar's brother goes into the Opera 
House after a monster. 

Note: You will now start encountering monsters in the city, so be 
prepared to fight always~!!

Before you head to the Opera House, go into the west house and talk 
to the sleeping couple in the room. Go back to the sitting room, climb
up the right shelf and use Aqua on the chimney to put off the fire-
place. Use Frost on the pool of water below and jump across to access 
the left ladder. Climb up. The mercury djinn, Strass, joins you.

Enter the Opera House. In the main atrium, the boss is waiting for you.
However, you can't access it with the defeated soldiers lying around. 
So, go back out of the atrium, take the right door and go all the 
way to enter the stage on the side. 

When you thought that three monsters on the stage are the boss... the 
chandelier broke and there is a larger one O_O!!  It seems you need 
to defeat the three monsters on stage first... 


Boss: Dark Eater
HP: ~1600 
Mini Boss: Dark Horn (x2)
HP: ~400 each
The Dark Horns are very weak, just like the ones you meet outside, 
so don't worry about them. Actually the Dark Eater is very weak as 
well... only 3 djinn summons (Apocalipse, Thor & Meteor) and it is dead.
Rewards: 5675 EXP, 882 coins

This boss is too weak that it is a shame to be considered as boss <_<...
And I thought the other one was the stronger boss... turns out that 
I am wrong and we get a new summon, Crystal Dragon. 3 venus and 2 
mercury djinns on standby are needed for this summon.

We ended up in the graveyard. Go back into the city through the Opera
House. Head to the east side of town and turn right at the first 
right intersection to the next map.  A scene will occur. 

We are about to get on Payayam's ship, but Reoreo discovered a monster!
That means a fight~!!  The last one was not good enough XD  Jump on 
board and let's bring it on!


Boss: Dark Crystal (x3)
HP: ~400 each
These three monsters are even weaker than the previous boss fight... 
Don't worry about anything and just attack with anything you like <_<
Rewards: 4449 EXP, 441 coins

So Payayam says his last words and dies and it starts to snow. Reoreo
threw his dad (Payayam)'s corpse in a coffin into the sea and joins 
our party. 

Talk to Reoreo and answer "yes" to set sail~!!

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Gillman - 709 EXP

Stellar seems to have heard her brother's voice from the tower, but 
our ship starts to move away from the dock. Stellar's brother (his name
is too long for me to remember) gives us a Blue Orb. 

After a storm, and after a long talk, we finally set sail... 

* Use your stylus to move the ship around.  You can park your ship on 
a beach and start exploring the area.

HP: 499
EP: 126
Reoreo comes with 5 mars djinns: Baika, Lars, Nitro, Rise, Mighty

First, head south of where you are.  On that island you will arrive 
at Harin.  Stock up on items if needed.

* Great Sword - 7000G - ATK+90
* Master Rapier - 6800G - ATK+86
* Star Mace - 6200G - ATK+84
* Steel Armour - 4900G
* Silver Vest- 3200G
* Silver Bracelet - 4000G
* Knight Helm - 4600G
* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G
Special Deals
* Spirit Wand - 5400G - ATK+76
* Devil Stick - 10000G - ATK+92 (cursed item)
* Angel Ark - 6400G - ATK+83
* Jewellery Crown - 4000G

Check the vase east of the inn for a Herb. At the south of the map, 
check the vase for a Guard Nut. In front of the south west house, 
check the left vase for some Crystal Powder. Inside the south west 
house, check the right vase for a Heal Nut. Inside the priest's house, 
check the right vase near the entrance for a Potion. Check the vase 
to the west of the general store fr 432 coins. 

Get into the water in the south west of the map.  Use Crash on that 
rock blocking the cave.  Enter.

Use Crash on the rock. Push the right vertical log left, the right
horizontal log down, the left horizontal log up, the right vertical 
log right, the left horizontal log down. The mercury djinn, Piko, 
joins you. 

Exit Harin from the west.  Enter the cave at the west most of the 
World Map.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Dark Crystal - 1483 EXP
Dark Horn - 1096 EXP

Head west and enter the first opening in the north. Head down the 
stairs. Go all the way to the right and enter the room up. Move the 
box to the north in front of the sign on the wall.  Stand on the right 
side of the balance (the thing with the two red dots) and use Crash 
on the left side.  Jump down.  Stand on the left side of the balance
and use Crash on the right side. Go to the left to get a Ninja Head-
band from the chest. 

Jump down.  Stand on the right side of the balance and Crash the left 
side. Head right, climb down the ladder and exit south. Go all the 
way to the right.  Crash the balance and jump to the left. Go all the 
way to the left.  Jump down, Move the rock to below the left ladder. 
Go over to the two people and a scene will occur. After we helped 
them, exit south west. Go along the shore to the right side for a 
Muramasa from the chest (note that this weapon is cursed).

Return to Harin. Enter the second house on the west side.  It is the 
house of the father and son you met earlier in the underground passage.
Use Move on the block next to the shelf. A scene will occur. After
talking, you get the Neos Key. 

Exit the city to the west. Go to that blue tower thing at the north 
of Harin.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Sky Dragon - 2325 EXP
Basti Beetle - 640 EXP
Earth Lizard - 2005 EXP
Minos Warrior - 2807 EXP

Enter the Neos building.  Jump onto the green floating platform and 
head down the stairs. Go down the northeast stairs. Climb down the 
ladder and go along the path.  Jump onto the steps on the wheel but 
don't jump off on the left side yet.  You will go down to the floor 
below.  Jump to the platform with the chest and get a Psy Cookie.

Go all the way to the bottom and head left.  Read the tablet. Continue
to head left.  You will go back to the Harin Island Underground Passage.
Go all the way to the west (as west as you can).  Climb down and use
Move on the rock two spaces to the right. Go up and use Frost on the 
pools of water.  Jump onto the ice pillar and use Crash on the north 
rock. The water flows all the way through :D

Go back all the way to the right until you reach the room when you 
enter the underground passage.  Enter the opening north. Take the 
elevator up.  Jump over the gears and up the ladder on the right. 
Enter.  Go to the left entrance.

Move the gray gear one space right and down to the below floor.  
Return to the gear room. Stand on the left turning gray gear and move
the gear you just dropped down into the pole beside you. Go up the 
right stairs to the floor above.  Head up the green/bluish stairs.

Exit to the outside.  Climb up the left tree and jump left. Go south
and fight the venus djinn.  Defeat it and Chain joins you.

Go back into the room with the green floating stairs on B1F. Head 
right and go down the north east stairs.  Move the gear on your right
down to the bottom level and onto the marking on the ground next to 
the right platform.  Stand on the right side of the balance and use 
Crash on the left side. Go south and take the elevator downstairs. 
At the bottom, jump off and grab an Aegis Shield before entering the 

Head back up using the other side of the elevator and jump off left. 
Stand on the left side of the balance and use Crash on the right side
to jump over.

Side note: Sometimes it is very difficult to jump off the left side
due to timing or bad contact with the stylus.  Use the left button on 
your DS for easier jumping to the leftside from the wheel elevator

Climb up the north ladder and Move the gear down. Move it into the 
spot between the other gears. Use the gears to access the right side.
Climb up and out. Head up the green stairs.

Use the Neos Key on the centre door.  Enter. A scene will occur. We 
have no idea what that Neo's treasure on the altar is... We obtain 
the Third Eye. 

Leave Neos.  But before heading back to Harin, stop by the underground
passage once more. Go down the stairs from the entrance, enter the 
north opening, Crash on the balance, head down and all the way right
and south. Enter the cave.  Jump up, left x2, up x2, right, up x2. 
Read the tablet to obtain the djinn summon Core Tree.  3 mercury and 
3 jupiter djinns on standby are required for this summon.

Below the entrance of the cave for the summon it seems there is another 
opening I forgot to visit earlier... It is confirmed that there is 
nothing special about this room, bu the same room as the summon room 
(see Credits section).

Go back to the ship and let's head out again :D

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Shadow Crow - 2914 EXP
Kasudo Horn - 2153 EXP
Geita Warrior - 1243 EXP
Death Wisp - 886 EXP
Giant Bat - 355 EXP

At the east most tip of the large continent, you will see a docking 
station.  Welcome to Tonfan.

Head to the dock south of where your ship is parked and check the vase 
at the out most to find some Sweet Water. Head to the north map.

Inside the inn, check the vase for an Antidote. In front of the south 
west house, check the box for 9 coins. Go along the narrow path on the 
right and check the vase at the north for a Carrot.

Going to the right side of the city entrance, check the vase on the 
wooden deck for a Herb. 

Stock up if needed.

* Great Sword - 7000G - ATK+90
* Great Axe - 5200G - ATK+80
* Master Rapier - 6800G - ATK+86
* Star Mace - 6200G - ATK+84
* Steel Armour - 4900G
* Silver Vest - 3200G
* Silver Bracelet - 4000G
* Knight Helm - 4600G
Special Deals
* Gransom Seal - 10000G - ATK+98
* Sword of Dusk - 11500G - ATK+100 (just sold)
* Swift Sword - 9400G - ATK+104
* Magical Cassock - 9000G
* Silver Grieve - 3800G

Go into the weapon/armour warehouse.  Walk up the stove and jump to 
the south west corner for a Speed Mint from the chest. West of the 
house behind the store, check the vase for some Crystal Powder. Enter 
the house, check the stove for a Goma Dango. 

On the north west part of the map, jump onto the roof ofthe west house. 
Go down from the west tree and stand on the box in the middle of the 
road. Use Smack on the sleeping guy. He will sail his boat up north.
Use the guy's boat to cross over to the right for a mars djinn, Fueniki.

Enter the house beside the item store and check the right barrels for 
222 coins. 

* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Heal Drop - 500G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Carrot - 600G
* Holy Feather - 70G

At the northeast part of the map, enter the house below where a person
is sitting on the roof.  Check the cupboard for a Silver Vest. 

If you still remember we received a gift to be delivered while we were 
in Kaocho.  Use Sense on the girl standing on the bridge and use the 
gift. She will give you a present in return to bring back to Kaocho 
to the grandmother.  You will receive some Shinobi Sandals. 
Contributed by Frank Z)

Enter the top map and enter the building.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Go out from the bottom right.  Head up and use Grow on the sprout.  
Return into the building.

Go out from the bottom left.  Enter the house and go up the second 
floor.  Head out to the balcony.  Go along the roof of the first floor
to the left. Use Grip on the stone pillar. Head to the right side and 
get a Dragon Bone Bow from the chest. Go back to the left, jump down 
and get back into Sana Castle by the lotus leaves.

Enter the top right room. Check the inner stove for a Guard Nut. Enter 
the top left room.  Check the vase for a Sleep Bomb. 

Go up the centre stairs and go intot he back room. A scene will occur. 
Emperor Ukan and Screta talk about the activation of the Luna Tower,
and about how Ryuukou was the one indirectly related to activating it.
Screta asked about something from Morgol, and Ukan opened a secret 
passage for us. 

Go to the end of the passage and find a Dark Gaunlet, an Energy Crystal
and a Diamond Ring from the chests. 

Exit Tonfan to the west and head south west.

Among the trees in the most southwest part from Tonfan (before you 
cross the rocks), you may encounter the mercury djinn, Crema, and 
obtain it after a fight.

Head back to your ship.

Note: There is nothing in the west of Tonfan that you can do right now,
but if you would like to level up, you can do that on the World Map 
west of Tonfan.

Enemies you may encounter:
Speed Rat - 916 EXP
Evil Skull - 1323 EXP
Gasudo Soldier - 2457 EXP

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

A scene will occur on the ship.  Continue to sail south and dock on 
the beach southeast of the main island.  There is a city with a flag 
and houses that looks like curtains.  Enter the city.

A scene will occur. Reoreo tells the people about what happened to 
Payayam. After you gain back control, check the box on the west of 
the Inn for a Herb. Inside the Inn, check the right vase for a Psy 
Cookie. Check the front box at the southwest tree for 38 coins. 

Stock up on items if needed.

* Herb - 10G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G

* Great Sword - 7000G - ATK+90
* Great Axe - 5200G - ATK+80
Special Deals
* Silver Blade - 12000G - ATK+108
* Muramasa - 136000G - ATK+126
* Brass Knuckle - 4200G
* Kaiza Knuckle - 8500G

* Armour Seal - 3600G
* Knight Helm - 4600G
Special Deals
* Mysterious Robe - 36500G
* Mirror Shield - 5200G

Behind the weapon store, use Smack on the tree with the mars djinn 
hanging. Walk along the shore around the east side (enter north of the 
boat parked in front of the inn) to get Sanba joining your team.

Exit Champa Camp.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// S5.6 CHAMPA 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
* Dark Wright - 1752 EXP
* Dark Wisp - 583 EXP
* Speed Rat - 916 EXP

Head west on the World Map.  You will arrive at Champa. Go right, climb
up to the house with a burning roof and head north. Enter the opening 
between some grand pillars. Enter the room on the right.  Check the 
top left vase for some Retrieval Holy Water. Take the bottom left exit.
Jump over the top of the entrance to the right side.

Reoreo will show you how to use his Energy "Thermal" to create a heat 
wave above a flame. The heat wave will blow you up to a higher level.

Head left.  Use Grow on the sprout.  Don't climb down, but head into 
the cave. Check the first vase you see as you leave the first room for 
an Oil Drop. Head up the stairs in the north.

Go into the room on the right.  On the table you will get a Cave Key.
Head up the centre stairs. Enter the left room.  Check the vase for a 
Speed Mint. Back to the previous floor. Head out for a scene. We tell 
Obaba (the old woman) about what happened in Morgol and the death of 

After the scene, use Grow on the sprout and climb down. Go to the south 
dock.  Jump over the floating boxes on the left side and enter the cave 
north. Go to the end of the passage and use the Cave Key on the lock.

Grab 8 coins, 88 coins and 6 coins from the chests.  Move the pillar
with the flame into the hole on the ground.  Use Thermal on the flame. 
Jump in.

On the next floor, grab an Orichalcum from the chest. Leave the cave.
Go back to your ship. 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Gillman Lord - 1072 EXP
Beasty Beetle - 641 EXP
Wing Rat - 355 EXP

Sail east.  On the island directly east from Champa Camp (which is 
shaped like Japan), dock on the northwest coast. 

If you go east from where you dock, you may be able to meet the mars 
djinn, Sizzler, and obtain it after a battle. (Near the trees area)

Head to the southwest corner of the island to Yamatai. Stock up on 
items if needed.

* Great Sword - 7000G 
* Great Axe - 5200G
* Master Rapier - 6800G
* Star Mace - 6200G
* Steel Armour - 4900G
* Silver Vest - 3200G
* Silver Bracelet - 4000G
* Knight Helm - 4600G
Special Deals
* Iron Claw - 7200G
* Holy Spirit Bracelet

* Herb - 10G
* Heal Nut - 200G
* Antidote - 20G
* Potion - 30G
* Holy Feather - 70G

Beside the priest's house, Move the rocl to the right. Use Crash on 
the ground. Jump into the hole. Jump to the left and climb up the vine.
The jupiter djinn, Shiver, joins you.

Inside the southeast house on the map, check the top left container 
beside the stove for a Thorn Seed.  In the northeast house, push the 
stack of hay on the right of the entrance to the right.  Climb up the 
right ladder and jump to the left. Climb down.  Push the top stack of 
hay to the right.  Move the wooden block to the left. Get a Life Bread
from the chest. Push the middle stack of hay down and leave.

Go to the north map from the centre. Enter the Yamatai Palace. In the 
right room, check the smaller container at the top right corner for 60 
coins.  Go up the middle stairs.

Enter the left room for a scene. After the scene, check the larger 
container on the left of the door for a Heal Drop. Head out.  Go up 
and tap on Himi (the sleeping girl).  The weird stone from Neos 
earlier will wake her up. Himi will start explaining something about 
the Eclipse, the Luna Tower.... etc. We need to obtain the Dark 
Equipment (I know this name is weird... original is �ł̑���) to open
the gate to Apollo. The Dark Equipment are scattered all over the 

Anyways, Himi joins us after the scene. 

HP: 326
EP: 166
Himi comes with 4 venus djinns: Titanium, Basil, Magnet, Jio
                1 mars djinn: Pepper
                1 jupiter djinn: Mach

Exit the palace back to the south map. Enter the opening below the 
stairs. A scene will occur. It's the dancing doll LOL Go up to the 
large rock, use Move on it.  You will see some light.  Use Himi's 
Energy "Search". A pattern appears.  Jump onto it to be teleported to 
the Yamatai Ruins.

Go to the right for a Retrieval Holy Water from the chest. Go to the 
left for a Masamune from the chest. There is nothing you can do now 
by entering north.  So leave Yamatai.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Fanny Nymph - 1559 EXP
Lizard Fighter - 2402 EXP
Mimic - 18876 EXP

Sail east.  You will arrive at an island with a shimmering cave.  Use
Search on the cave. Enter. Go down the stairs and exit to the next 
floor. Go south, use Grip on the right pillar, head south and exit.

Enter the cave on the left side. Head up and use Grip on the left 
pillar. Go up for a Dark Protector from the chest. Use Grip on the 
right pillar to return to the centre. Get into the flowing water from
the top small opening and use Grip on the right pillar (on the right
side of the stream). Head up and use Grip on the left pillar (in the 
middle of the stream). Use Grow on the sprout.  Climb up to fight a 
Mimic. Enter behind the waterfall.  Talk to the mercury djinn. Ciel 
joins your team.

Back out, jump down from the right and exit the cave.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Dark soldier - 1518 EXP
Jadot Ghost - 1284 EXP
Dark Skull - 817 EXP
Evil Dead - 1520 EXP
Jadot Spirit - 1140 EXP
Dark Sucker - 2153 EXP

Note: This section covers stuff that we can do if we return to some 
of the cities before we get the ship (or some things we have forgotten 
to do earlier... <_<).  Please proceed to the next section if you would 
like to continue with the actual walkthrough.

From the shore of Yamatai, sail southwest to the beach at the top left 
part of the protruding land in the south of the main continent. Dock

Go to Ayatayu. Exit to the right inside the north building and go to the 
outdoor area with the large tree (where you first used the Big Tree Flute).  
Use sense on the generals' bodies to get some information. Go to the 
Alchemy Well and use Heat Dry on the bowl of water.  Head underground and 
out the basement from the south.  Raft over to the right side and climb 
up the left ladder.  Spin along the canal to the end for a Retrieval 
Holy Water from the chest. 

Back into the city, use Aqua in the Alchemy Well and go into the room
with the throne.  Use Move on the throne to reveal some stairs.  Head
down.  Use Heat Dry on the bowl of water. Head north.  Grab some Happy
Pepper from the right chest, a pair of Spiritual Gloves from the left
chest and get a Dearest Ring from the top chest.  Go back out, use 
Aqua on the emoty bowl to return to the throne room. Leave Ayatayu.

Go north and west to Corridor. Enter the inn and go all the way to the 
top left room. On the right side,you will obtain a Clean Rag from the 
table. Go to the right side of the inn and give the Clean Rag to the 
woman. Return back to the room you got the Clean Rag. In the right 
room a scene will occur. Talk to the guy standing on the left twice 
and answer yes to both questions. He will join your party. Go back 
into the room before where you take the elevator down.  On the left 
side there is a gree diamond pattern. The man will knock a hole in 
the wall and the venus djinn, Medousa, joins you.

Exit corridor and head to Kaocho in the east. Go along the narrow 
path beside the city walls on the right up. Use Grip on the left flag
pole. You will see a crack in the second level of the gray steps. 
Check it for a Treasure Memo. 

Return to your ship.

Sail west and dock on the beach southwest of Harappa. Go into Harappa. 
Enter the house left of the weapon store. Go up to the second floor and 
exit outside.  Jump to the left side and enter the house.  Go downstairs. 
Use Crash on the rock to obtain some Mythril Silver. Out of the house, 
go to the right across the arch. Check the left barrel for a Power Apple. 

Head back to your ship.  Sail south. 

On the larger island south of Harappa, you may encounter the jupiter
djinn, Simoun, and obtain it after a fight.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Festival Harpy - 1175 EXP
Bunibuni - 487 EXP
Gillman Lord - 1072 EXP
Geita Warrior - 1243 EXP
Giant Bat - 355 EXP
Fanny Nymph - 1559 EXP
Baboon Globin - 1485 EXP

South of the main continent there is an island with a whirl. Dock on
the southeast side of the island. At the end of the swirl there is a
shimmering cave.  Use Search on the cave. Enter.

Enemies you may encounter:
Brutal Troll - 3775 EXP
Pyro Hydra - 4976 EXP

Go right and up.  Use Grip on the rock protruding in the middle. 
Enter. Use Thermal on the top left flame. Jump into the flame. Grab 
an Idiot Bracelet from the chest.  Jump down.

Jump to the left.  Go down. Jump right and up.  Use Grip on the 
bottom left pillar. Use Thermal on the north flame. Jump into the 
flame.  Move the rock down.  Jump down. 

Jump to the right using the rock that you just pushed.  Use Thermal
on the centre flame.  Jump into it. Grab a Dark Burster from the chest.
Jump south and go back all the way to the floor below from behind.

Loop all the way to the right side where a mars djinn is sitting. It 
will jump to the left, over a flame. Use Thermal on the bottom right 
flame. Jump into it. Move the rock down.  Jump down. 

Jump up and use Thermal on the flame the djinn is sitting on. Go back
to the floor above. Fight the djinn and Chia will join your party. 

Now head back to your ship.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter (north part of map)
Evil Curvet - 3160 EXP
Death Wisp - 886 EXP
Gasudo Horn - 2153 EXP
Dark Spirit - 1236 EXP
Jell Umbrella - 516 EXP
Wise Wolf - 1188 EXP
Wolf Sheipa - 1485 EXP
Savage Bear - 2395 EXP
Mimic - 17567 EXP

Sail north to the icy lands. Docking location is the west most area 
you can access near the top most part of the map. Go south and west, 
then north.  There is a shimmering cave.  Use Search. Enter.

Go to the right side and enter the bottom cave. Go to the south long 
path on the map to fight a Mimic. Head out.  Climb up the north wall 
to the top and jump down from the first cut in the rock.  Slide down
to the right for a Mist Potion in the chest.

Climb back up to the top. Jump down from the second cut on the rock.
Slide to the left, right and right for a Crystal Powder from the chest.
Jump down right all the way into the cave before... Climb back up to 
the top. 

Jump down from the fourth cut in the rock, following the mercury djinn.
Hit the djinn head on and climb down from the right. After a battle, 
Gasshu joins you. 

Jump to the left and climb up. Jump down from the first cut in the 
rock and skid all the way to the left so that you fall into the left 
hole. Grab a Photon Rapier from the chest. Get out of the cave and 
climb all the way up top from the right.

Jump from the second cut in the rock. Skid left, jump down right, and 
then left. Climb down.  Use Search at the entrance. You will be 
teleported inside. Grab a pair of Dark Googles from the chest. Tele-
port out, jump down and leave the cave.

Get back to your ship.  Sail east into the sea of icy islands.  In 
the middle of those islands there is an island with a house.  Dock.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Use search to reveal a missing piece on the water. Jump north and 
enter the house. Push the vertical log to the right, the left horizon-
tal log down, and use Move on the cupboard. Enter.  A scene will occur.

We found Ryuukou and co.!! O_O  And the old man dies... After the 
scene Ryuukou gives us an Ancient Map. 

Jump to the right, climb up the tree and use Grow on the sprout. Climb
up the right tree and use Grip on the left pillar. Get a Mythril 
Silver from the chest. Go down the stairs and jump into the chimney
of the house. Grab a Minerva Helm from the chest.

Exit the house and climb back up the vine. Slide down from the roof 
of the house to the left. Talk to the djinn and Spumoni joins you. 
Use Grip on the left pillar to get back to the entrance.

Get back to your ship. A scene will occur as you leave the Flowing Ice 
Island. The Ancient Map will tell you where the rest of the Dark 
Equipment lie (right now we should have 4 out of 5 of them). 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Sail southeast.  There is an island with a cave and a beach surrounded 
by spikes which you cannot pass.  Use Search and you will see a turnado.  
Sail into the turnado to get onto the island.  Enter the cave.

Jump to the right, use Search to reveal an extra footpiece and grab a 
High Purity Block from the chest.  Use Search on the left side as well.
Jump over and fight the jupiter djinn. Peace will join your party.

Leave the island now since there is nothing else you can do.

Go north and past Harin (the island northeast of the main continent).
North of Harin you will arrive at a rock shaped like a hand (5 fingers).
Bump onto it from the south and sail west from the rock in a straight 
line. You will enter a purple clouded area on the sea.

Be patient and search in the purple area for a while and you will 
enter the Ghost Ship.

Enemies you may encunter:
Evil Skull - 1323 EXP
Dark Ghost - 2079 EXP

Go left. Climb up the ladder for 100 coins from the chest. Head to the 
right and around to the top. Go to the left for 200 coins from the 
chest. Push the log down and go down the stairs.

Push the log to the left and head right. Enter the right room. Head 
up the stairs for a Mythril Silver from the chest.  Back down and 
head downstairs. On the left side, use Search on the shimmering areas.
Move the wooden block one space left and one space down. On the left
most side, push the log down. Climb up the left ladder. Jump onto the 
first blue moving pin. Jump across the wooden block to the other pin. 
Use Search on the second level shimmering area and move that statue to 
the front of the right cupboard on the right side. Head down and jump 
onto the bottom blue moving pin, head to the left. Climb down the 
ladder for a Mist Potion from the chest.  Head up the stairs.  

Go into the left room for 400 coins, 1234 coins and a Koroto Ark from
the chests. Go back out. Move the wooden block right into the hole. 
Jump across south to get 300 coins from the chest.  Head upstairs.

Use sense on the corpse on the bed for some information. Check the 
box north of the bed for a Guard Nut. Head out.


Boss: Star Magician
Mini Bosses (initial): Guardian Ball, Glue Ball, Death Ball, Refresh 
HP (Star Magician): ~9000-ish
HP (mini bosses): Around 400~1000-ish each ball
If you have played the old GS games... you know this is one of the most 
annoying boss fights in the game... because the colourful balls are so 
annoying... Try to stay alive while you take down the Star Magician as 
quick as possible and you will be fine once he is down. Star Magician 
can keep calling out randomly-coloured balls if you kill any of them, 
so concentrate on killing Star Magician. Star Magician's attacks are 
pretty strong too... over 100 HP deduction each hit... First take down 
any green balls, because they will reduce your 1000+ attacks to 100+.
Then be patient and you will be able to defeat him.  Djinn summons of 
4 or more djinns deals 1000+ damage each time without the presence of 
the green ball :D Make good use of the djinns with shields at the start
of turn as well. The blue balls can recover 1000+HP each time for Star
Magician, but keep using your summons to out-attack him~
Guardian Ball (green): makes a protective annoying shield
Glue Ball (yellow): seems it forces our djinns to go on rest
Death Ball (gray): may kill you any instant when it uses "death" or 
                   put you under a curse
Refresh Ball (blue): heals quite a lot of HP
Mystic Ball (red): explode and causes much damage <_<
Thunder Ball (purple): attack with thunder
Rewards: 82657 EXP, 5332 coins, Summon "Azul"

To use Azul, 3 venus and 4 mercury djinns on standby are needed.

Now you can leave the Ghost Ship by going back to the basement level
and up the right stairs.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Head to Tonfan (East of the large continent in the middle, north of 
Champa Camp). Go north and enter Sana Castle.  A scene will occur. 
They all thank us for helping them etc... After the scene, head down.
Exit from the bottom left and enter the house. Talk to the woman at 
the table. She will give us a Yuerian Bracelet. 

Go back into Sana Castle, go to the second floor and enter the room 
to the left. A scene will occur. Ukan tells us about Apollo, the 
Great Wall, and the three orbs. The three orbs are needed as the key 
to Apollo. We obtain the Red Orb after the scene. (There is only one
more orb left, we already have the Blue and Red Orbs.)

Return to the ship and go to Yamatai (the Japan-shaped island).
to the north and go into the entrance below the stairs. Head into the
ruins, go north to the next room.  Take the right path and read all 
the way up.  Read the red tablet.  The sand will subside. Climb down.

Enemies you may encounter:
Riddle Plant - 2162 EXP
Wise Griffin - 5946 EXP

Head south to the next room. Enter the right room. Push the left 
block to the right most space, the right block to the centre space 
and the centre block to the left space. Stand on the pattern on the 
ground to be teleported up.  Read the red tablet. The sand lowers.

Use Search on the sparkling area on the right. Move the left block 
into the right space and the right block into the centre space. Climb
down the ladder and teleport over for a Satan Crown from the chest. 

Back to the left room. Teleport to the left side and exit down. Head
to the south room. Go up from the left and exit north. Head north. 
Push the right block one space left.  Push the centre block into the 
left space and the left block into the right space. Teleport up.

Read the blue tablet. The sand lowers. Use Search on the shimmering 
area. Teleport back down. Push the block in the right space into the 
left space. Push the right most block to the right beside the edge and
teleport up to the right side.  Use Search on the shimmering area and 
teleport to the left side.  Teleport down and fight the venus djinn.
Anatema joins you.  Exit to the bottom right.

In the next room, climb down the ladder and jump to the left for a 
Psy Cookie from the chest.  Back to where you enter this room, use
Grip on the left pillar. Exit to the top left. 

Climb up the ladder and read the blue tablet. Climb back down and 
head three rooms south. Climb down the ladder and enter the opening
at the lowest level. Teleport up.

Walk up.  The blue and red orbs will be attached to the statue and 
the third orb appears. You obtain the Yellow Orb. Exit south (don't
step on the second teleport station yet).

Climb up the ladder and read the yellow tablet. The sand further 
lowers. Climb all the way down. Go up the stairs to the right, jump
left and use grip on the north pillar. Jump right and use Search on
the shimmering area. You obtain the Gaia Sword.

Exit Yamatai Ruins (using that second teleport station I said not to 
enter earlier) and go back to your ship.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
(I did not encounter anything here...)

Sail back to Tonfan. We are now going to the place marked with a 
circle on your map to get the last Dark Equipment.  Exit west from 
Tonfan. You will see a cave in the middle of the lake.  Go to the 
west side and use Search on the shimmering area. Enter the cave.

Enter the centre opening and grab an Asura Armour from the chest. 
Enter the right opening and get 321 coins from the chest. Enter the 
left opening.  Move the rock to the right and grab a Heal Drop from 
the chest. Climb up the vine and use Grip on the right pillar, then 
Grip on the other tright pillar.  Climb back to the centre by the 
vines and head north.

Head north and use Smack on the statue's nose. Use Aqua on the lit 
torches. Smack the statue's nose again. Move the rock into the water 
and use Heat Dry on the bowl. Smack the statue's nose again. Use Frost 
on the pool of water on the ground and climb up from the left. Move 
the rock to the right.  Jump over and climb up to the left side of 
the statue.  Use Spin on the purple gas. 

Enter the opening. Grab the Dark Cowl from the chest. 

Exit the cave.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Death Needle - 3272 EXP
Evil Skull - 1323 EXP
Kasudo Soldier - 2457 EXP
Dark Ghost - 2079 EXP
Fenrir - 5197 EXP
Ark Demon - 7448 EXP

Northwest of Tonfan there is an entrance to a large wall. Go up the 
stairs.  Use Grow on the left sprout. Down one flight of stairs, go 
left, climb down the tree an and use Frost on the north pool of water.
Jump across, climb up the tree and climb up the vine. 

Head down and use Thermal on the flame. Jump onto the flame to ascend
to the top floor.  Head west. Now that you have all three orbs, the 
door will open. Walk along the wall. Take the path that leads to the 
west at the first intersection and go north in the second intersection.

You will arrive at the base of Apollo. Jump to the right and use 
Crash on the rock. Climb up, go right and use Grow on the sprout. Climb
up, go left and use Crash on the rock to reveal a statue. Tap the statue
to open a path below. Climb down and go left. Exit north.

Use Crash on the rock to obtain a Mythril Silver. Jump to the right. 
Jump over to the other side of the river. Climb up the west tree, head 
north and east. Use Crash on the rock. Head back down and use Grow on 
the sprout.  Climb up and head right. 
Go all the way right, then left and use Crash on the rock. Go up the 
top right stairs.  Jump over to the left and use Move on the rock. Go
back to the stairs near the entrance, using Move on the rock one space 
to the left along the way. Go all the way to the spot where the rock
stood just now and use Grip on the north branch. 

Use Crash on the right rock to reveal a chest with a Aeolian Cassock.
Use Grow on the left sprout and climb up. Head right.  Use Grip on 
the horizontal branch. Use Crash on that blue arrow-shaped rock on the
ground.  Exit north. 

Go up the stairs and use Crash on the hand-shaped rock. Head up and 
use Grip on the horizontal branch. Use Crash on the foot-shaped rock.
Go to the left, head up (you can walk on the body of the statue) and 
go right. Crash the foot-shaped rock. Use Grow on the sprout on the 
right. Climb down the wall and use Crash on the rock for a chest that
contains a Valkyrie Helm. Climb up the wall and use Crash on the large

Climb down the vine and up the wall.  Tap on the statue's head. Jump
down from the cut in the rock, climb up left and use Grip on the finger.
Climb up the wall.

Go to the left side and use Grow on the sprout. Use Fireball to light
the torch after you climbed up the vine. Climb up from the top right 
corner. Use Grip on the branch on the right (eye of the skull). Light 
the torch with Fireball.  At the top part, use Aqua on the bowl of 
water.  Lastly, at the centre of the map, use Spin on the windmill. 
Use Smell. Follow the white line to the statue and the path will open.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Go up the stairs and talk to the eye-shaped statue to recover HP and 
EP. Head up. Go left and climb down.  Go all the way to the left for 
a Speed Mint from the chest. Back down one flight of stairs, use Grip
on the horizontal pillar. Climb Head left (keep running and don't stop 
because the statues will shoot at you).  Use Crash on the brown pin 
and run as quickly as you can to the left, stepping on the yellow 
switch to produce an extra foot-hold so the pattern can roll all the 
way to the entrance. 

Exit to the right and push the pattern right to reveal the next stage.
Head right. Go down the stairs and use Spin on the windmill. Move the 
third statue to reveal some stairs. Use Grip on the right pillar. Head
down and go left.  Use Crash on the brown pin and walk out to the 
stairs in the middle of thin air.  Use Crash on the brown pin again and
use Spin on the windmill. Head left by using Grip on the horizontal 
pillar and head right. 

Use Spin on the centre windmill. Head right for an Energy Crystal from 
the chest.  Use Grow on the sprout.  Climb down the vine and up the 
ladder. Use Crash on the brown pin and get out of the path as the 
pattern rolls across. Head out and push the pattern to the right twice.

Head up the blus stairs. Climb down and use Grip to go to the left 
side. Go all the way left for a Guard Nut from the chest. Use Grip to
go back tot he right side, walk to the north path and move the statue 
onto the right switch. Climb bck up, head left and jump down. Move the
statue on the left. Move the centre statue back onto the left switch.
Use Grip to go back to the right and climb up.

Go left and up the stairs.  Push the statue onto the switch to have 
the blocking wall go away. Step on the second switch to remove the 
second block.  While you are standing on the switch, use Grip on the 
right pillar. Go up and Move the statue down onto the switch below.

Head back left, use Crash on the brown pin and get out of the way. 
Exit to the right. Push the pattern four times to the left.  

Go up the green stairs. Run across to the right and head up.  Move the
first statue from the right away from the switch. Let one of the 
statues shoot you and fall down :D Use Grip to the right to get the 
mars djinn, Solar.  Head back up and go all the way left.  Move the 
statue away from the switch on the left. Head up the right stairs and 
use Grip to fly across to the left. Go up and move the statue foen 
onto the switch below. 

Go to the right side and use Crash on the brown pin.  Run as fast as 
you can by taking the lower path and use Grip on the first horizontal 
pillar of the three.  You will automatically land beside the switch 
on the other side.  Take one step to the left and step on the switch 
before the pattern passes and you are safe.  

Exit to the left. Push the pattern three times to the right. Then line
up all the patterns so that they are in front of the space right of 
the woman head pattern. The door is opened!! Head up.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

It seems we can't just head up... so a scene will occur. Then Screta 
explains how in the ancient times the Genesis people and the Morgol 
people worked together and made Apollo. That's why only man-beasts 
can use the Dark Equipment. After the scene head up again and another
scene will occur. 

Note: When you are under the light, you have to pay attention to the 
Dark Gauge on the left of your screen. If you are not under the Light
Showers your gauge will not rise.  I purposely tried to fill the gauge
... You need to restart at the eye-shaped stone if your gauge is full.

Just run up as fast as you can. Shelter for a while to lower your 
gauge at the statue. Go up from the left and use the Blue Orb on the
stand. Go up from the right and use the Yellow Orb on the stand.  Go 
all the way to the north and use the Red Orb on the stand.  Go south 
from the Red Orb and you obtain the Sol Blade.

After the animation, go back down to the lower level.  Use the Sol 
Blade to open the door.  Enter. Crash all the colourful pillars into
the ground. Standing on the centre platform, use Grip on the pillar on
the green pattern (Sorry, I am running out of nouns to name those 
things... <_<).  Then use Grip on the pillar on the blue pattern, and 
lastly on the pillar on the red pattern. 

(The animation is just like watching Gundam XD)

After the animation, head out for a scene.  We meet Ace again. Screta 
recognizes him as Alex (from GS Lost Age).  A ship flies by and throws
down... robots (? This is just getting more Gundam). Spade and Heart 
also came. They talk about people of Shaparan being Dark Energists. 
We need to find the switch of Apollo before Alex.

After the scene, head up to where you got the Sol Blade earlier. A 
scene occurs.

Enemies you may encounter:
Shaparan Soldier - 16464 EXP


Boss: Heart, Spade, Dark Beast
HP (Dark Beast only): 3500-ish 
NOTE: You only have to take down the Dark Beat to end this round.
Dark Beast have an attack that may actually poison your characters. 
It can also deal 200+ hits with one single attack. 
Spade has a shielding magic that can raise their defence.  
A scene will occur. Then the Dark Beast consumes both Spade and Heart.
You are prompted to get ready for the second round (but you can't 
save LOL)

Boss: Doom Trias
HP: 9000~9500ish
This boss attacks trice per round.  It has a Darkness Shield that 
reduces your attacks (like Spade's). It can deal up to 100+ damamge 
for spread attacks. It also has a spread EP attack, but it deducts 
very little EP each time... and it recovers 30 HP per turn (which later 
on becomes 100 HP recovery per turn). And I think there is an attack 
which puts a character's djinns all on rest. Best strategy is to 
recover every round (Karis' Energy comes in handy) and be patient XD  
By the way, Azul is pretty effective~ (2000+ hits) I don't even need 
my second row of characters to defeat it ~~~ :D
Rewards: NOTHING!!! Darn it.
(Note: Currently Level 48 & 49 when I defeated this)

After the battle, a scene occurs.  Stellar discovered that the Dark 
Beast is her brother.  After the scene, head up to Apollo.  You will
be thrown down. Try again and fail again :D Alex's voice is heard.

Ignore him and keep going up the Apollo, and fall down for the third
time.  Then we give Stellar our powers and try once more. Before 
Stellar could enter Apollo, her brother stops her. The brother 
activates Apollo and we are back to Bervne, where Stella has become 

Head to the city gates for a scene. Everyone came to say goodbye and 
we decide to return to Goma Mountains. 

Let's enjoy the ending credits :D  Congratulations on clearing Ougon 
no Taiyou - Shikkoku Naru Yoake~!!

Side Note:
I actually think there may be a sequel if this game sells well.  Say, 
we have Spade and Heart, where is Clover and Diamond? LOL  And we have 
not killed Alex yet, and we have not been to Shaparan yet... and there 
are still places on the world map which we cannot access in this game
... I wish there is another one coming soon XD

And OMG... reading through the credits... Djinn is actually spelt as
"Jinn" XD 

So we are back to Goma Mountains... but the dark energy ball is still


// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

Enemies you may encounter:
Geita King - 2744 EXP
Wing Dragon - 5684 EXP
Special Attack Drone - 1150 EXP
King Cobbold - 2030 EXP
Mimic (1st & 5th Floor) - 23100 EXP
Red Wyvern - 6762 EXP
Thunder Lizard - 5253 EXP
Poisonous Spider - 1152 EXP
Grand Dragon - 11130 EXP
Mino Taurus Knight - 7356 EXP

After you cleared the game, don't throw away your game yet!  There 
are still lots to do, such as collecting all the djinns... and I will
try to cover as much as possible in this section if I can find them.

You restart at the priest's house in Tonfan. You need to reset your
Energy to the L & R buttons if you use them. 

Head out of Tonfan and go back to your ship. Sail to Yamatai. Turn 
left at the entrance, and talk to the guy wearing red. Answer "yes" 
to his question and go back to your ship. He will tell you to go 
southwest and look for the light. Northwest of the Volcano Island 
(the island with a whirl), there is a little part of the ocean pro-
truding south.  There should be a whirlpool there, so enter. 

Sail east. Docking point is south of the island.  The person in red
will run off.  Enter the cave on the east of the island. Go inside 
and head down the stairs. 

1st FLOOR:
Fight a Mimic if you like. On the bottom floor, grab 220 coins and
a High Purity Block from the chests. On the bottom floor, go all the 
way right and up for a Carrot from the chest. 

Note: For the foot stand with a different colour, you can only stand
on it once.  You will fall down to the level below if you step on 
it twice. 

At the entrance, Move the rock to the right and jump left for 110 coins 
from the chest. Move the bottom left rock to the left, go north and Move 
the rock to the right. Jump to the bottom right for a Mythril Silver 
from the chest. Move the bottom left rock to the right and jump up to 

Push the two rocks down to create a shortcut return path.  Head down.

2nd FLOOR:
There is an Energy Stone if you need to recover your EP. On the bottom 
floor, grab 440 coins and a Demon Mail from the chests. On the top floor, 
head right for 330 coins from the chest. Head up, and diagonally down 
right to Move the rock away from the blue switch. Jump up and use Search 
on the shimmering area. Move the rock away from the red switch. Jump up 
and grab a Riceball and a Power Apple from the chests.  Exit to the left. 
Be careful not to drop into the floor below or you will have to activate 
the blue switch again.

Push the two rocks down to create a shortcut return path.  Head down.

3rd FLOOR:
There is an Energy Stone if you need to recover EP. On the bottom
floor, grab 660 coins and an Orichalcum from the chests. On the top 
floor, Move the rock to the right most and head left for a High Purity
Block from the bottom left chest. Move the block just now onto the 
red switch while standing to its south.  Go right and grab 550 coins
from the chest. 

Move the block to the left of the red switch. Jump right and Move it 
back onto the red switch. Move the rock onto the blue switch. Jump 
right and up for a Goma Dango from the chest. Beside the chest, Move 
the rock onto the green switch. Go to the left side.  While standing 
on the blue block west of the yellow switch, Move the block to the 
right of the yellow switch. Jump up and move the block to the right 
of the green switch. Stand on the left side of the switch and move the
block back onto the green switch.  Exit to the bottom left.

Push the two rocks down to create a shortcut return path.  Head down.

4th FLOOR:
There is an Energy Stone if you need to recover EP. On the bottom
floor, grab 880 coins and a Dark Matter from the chests. On the top
floor, jump up for 770 coins from the chest (there is no way... you 
need to fall down for a few times I think...). Jump to the right and 
up for a Lizard Strap from the chest. Jump up 1 space, left 2 spaces, 
down 1 space, left 1 space, all the way up, right, 4 spaces down, 1 
space right, one space right (don't jump to the last rock) and use 
Grip on the right pillar. Move the rock away from the red switch. Head 
up for a Iris Robe from the chest. 

From the main entrance again (I fell too many times to remember which
route I took XD), jump up 4 spaces, left 1 space, all the way up, left,
all the way down, left 1 space and use Grip on the left pillar. Exit 
to the bottom left.

Push the two rocks down to create a shortcut return path.  Head down.

5th FLOOR:

There is an Energy Stone if you need to recover EP. On the bottom 
level, there's an obvious Mimic if you want to fight it. Grab 1010 
coins from the chest and use Search on the shimmering areas at the
north. From the right pattern, you get into a room with a summon 

Note: This is the most difficult boss in the entire game in my opinion~

Boss: Dyurahan
HP: 13000+ (I died before I can defeat it...)
Dyurahan attacks four times per turn. His hits are pretty strong... 
200+ for single hit and ~100 for spread hits. It recovers 200 HP per 
turn and can hog your HP to replenish his. It can curse or break (return 
stats to normal) and use death or seal your Energy . It has a Djinn 
Storm attack with puts all your djinns on rest. It can also use your 
standby djinns for summons O_O And there is a super powerful summon 
Karon. (Side note: I don't know what is happening... but there is one 
time I saw Dyurahan recovered all his HP suddenly, ie. 9000+ when I 
thought I almost had him <_<...)

(Can't beat him with level 50/51 right now <_<... shall revisit later

From the left pattern, you get into another room with a summon tablet.
Luckily you don't have to fight this one :D  You get the summon Karon.
To use Karon, 8 venus and 2 jupiter djinns are needed on standby.

On the top floor, as soon as you move the statue, the rocks around 
you start to crumble, so you need to run as fast as you can before 
the floor crumbles to get the chests one by one and use Grip on the 
side pillars to avoid falling down.  Exit and come back in and move 
the statue again to get the next chest.
Top left chest: Orichalcum
Top right chest: Arasuto Hood 
Bottom left chest: (forgot to mark down what it is becuase I had to 
run <_<...)
Bottom right chest: Mist Potion

To enter north, take the right path after you Move the statue and use
Grip on the centre pillar, then head up. From the chests, get a Rusty
Bow, Fallen Angel Ring, Bloody Claw and a Dark Matter. 

Exit Treasure Island.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

From the whirlpool out of Treasure Island, sail west to the island 
with a whirl.  Enter the cave, use Grip to access the basement level.
Jump all the way to the door at the north. Use the Sol Blade to open
the door. Enter.

Head up. 


Boss: Titan Oga A
HP: 1000-ish
Did not really see any of his attacks...
Boss: Titan Oga B
HP: 2000-ish 
Titan B recovers 80 HP every turn.  Attacks around 150-ish.
Boss: Titan Oga C
HP: 4200-ish
Titan C has pretty strong attacks of 300+ hits each. Every turn, Titan
C recovers 120HP.
Boss: Titan Oga D
HP: 9000-10000-ish
Titan D has strong attacks of 400+ hits each.  Recovers 160 HP every
Boss: Titan Oga E
HP: 16000-17000-ish
Titan E attacks twice per turn. Can kill one character in one or two 
chops if you do not have a lot of HP. Recovers 250 HP per turn
Rewards: 62328 EXP, 5301 coins, summon "Daedalus".

You will obtain the summon "Daedalus" after defeating the Titans. 3 
venus and 4 mars djinns on standby are needed for this summon.

Exit the cave.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

From Volcano Island, sail north east to the island with spikes sur-
rounding it. 

Use the Sol Blade on the north door. Enter. Head down the stairs. 
From the entrance, head straight up to the last room you can get to 
to obtain some Mythril Silver. Return to the entrance.

Go up x2, left x1, up x4, right x4, down x4, left x1, up x1 to get a
Life Bread. 

Go down x1, right x1, up x4, left x5, up x2, left x1, up x1, left x1, 
up x2, right x1, up x1, right x1, up x1, right x4, down x3, left x1, 
down x2, left x1, up x2 to get some Triton Clothes.

Go down x2, right x1, up x2, right x1, up x3, right x1, up x1, right 
x2, down x1, right x1, up x1, right x1, down x2, right x1, down x1, 
right x1, down x4, left x1, up x1, left x1, down x2, left x1, down x1, 
left x1, down x1, left x1, down x1 to obtain an Energy Crystal.

Go up x1, right x1, up x1, right x1, up x1, right x1, up x2, left x2, 
up x2 to the boss room.  Use Search to cross to the north. 


Boss: Ancient Devil
HP: 12000-ish
This is really the devil... Try to deal heavy attacks while he is not 
taking any one of your characters hostage... and try to finish the 
battle as quick as possible, and use the summon "Core Tree" up front 
so your characters can have their HP replenished even if the HP-reple-
nisher is kidnapped. I am glad this is not as difficult as that stupid 
Dyurahan which I still cannot defeat with Karon LOL Also, it may help
to seal the Energy of the character kidnapped so he/she will not help
the devil :D  I got my Karis dead and Kraun kidnapped but not dead yet~
Rewards: 55216 EXP, 3438 coins, summon "Catastrophe"

To use Catastrophe, 3 mars and 5 jupiter djinns on standby are needed.

To leave the maze, go down x2, right x3, down x1, right x1, up x4, 
left x1, up x2, left x1, up x1, left x1, down x1, left x1, up x1, 
left x2, down x1, left x5, down x1, left x1, down x1, left x1, down x2, 
right x1, down x1, right x1, down x2, right x1, down x4, right x1, down 

Here's a map of the maze contributed by Schlitzi.  Thank you so much!! 
It makes things so much easier~ :D

              [] []=[]=[] []=[]
              || || || ||    ||
        []=[]=[] [] [] []=[]=[] []=[]
           ||    ||    ||    || || ||
     [] []=[]=[]=[]=[]=[] []=[]=[] []=[]
     || ||          ||             || ||
     []=[]       []=[] []       []=[]=[]
     ||          || || ||          || ||
  []=[]=[]       [] []=[]          [] []=[]
  || ||             || ||          ||    ||
  [] []       X! []=[] []    A!    [] [] []
  ||          || ||          ||    || || ||
  []=[]       [] []=[] [] [] []    [] []=[]
  || ||       || ||    || || ||          ||
  [] []=[]=[] []=[]    []=[]=[]=[]=[]=[] []
  || || ||                ||       || || ||
  []=[] [] []=[]    []    []       [] []=[]
        ||    ||    ||             ||
        []=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]    []=[]
           ||    ||    ||       ||
           []    []    []    []=[]
           ||          ||    ||
           [] M! []    [] []=[]
           || || ||    || || ||
           [] [] [] O! [] O! []
           || || || || ||    ||
           []=[]=[] []=[] []=[]
              ||       ||
              []       []=[]

|| / = : Paths
X! : Tritons Ward (cloth)
M! : Mithril Silver
O! : Lower worthy items (e.g. Psynergy star [don't remember the other 
A! : Boss fight + Catastrophe (summon)

Extra tips from Schlitzi about fighting this boss:
Boss is "Ancient Devil", in my opinion the most annoying enemy in the 
game because he steals your comrades and most likely the ones who 
should heal your group (one after another if the "old" one is finished)
finish your friends to free them from his spell CAUTION!: the 
brainwashed comrades are able to use YOUR Djinns! Also he is able to 
summon a higher being like you are, finished it on the last breath 
*g* i think about 9-10k HP

End Note: I think that's it for all the extras.  If you can find any 
more extras, let me know at [email protected].  All contributions 
will be credited.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A1.0 ITEMS
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

This guide does not include weapon and armour because there is not much 
to write about them (and they don't have differ uses).  If you want the
weapon and armour guide as well, let me know.

* Antidote - cures poison
* Book of Wisdom - book that explains the Ancient Language
* Carrot - recovers 50 EP
* Crystal Powder - deals water damage
* Dark Grenade - causes EP damage
* Dark Matter - forging material
* Electric Kunai - kunais with electricity for throwing during battle
* Energy Star - restores one character's whole EP
* Firm Stick - robust and flexible rod
* Gate Card - given to the strong energist - for passing through Gonpa
* Goma Dango - restores 120 HP
* Happy Pepper - raises luck
* Heal Drop - restores 500 HP
* Heal Potion - restores all HP
* Heal Nut - restores 200 HP
* Herb - restores 50 HP
* High Purity Block - forging material with high purity
* Holy Feather - less likely to encounter monsters after use
* Kaocho Bun - restores 100 HP
* Legendary Picture Book 1 - Book about active energists 1
* Legendary Picture Book 2 - Book about active energists 2
* Legendary Picture Book 3 - Book about active energists 3
* Legendary Picture Book 4 - Book about active energists 4
* Legendary Picture Book 5 - Book about active energists 5
* Life Bread - Increases a character's minimum HP
* Lizard's Strap - return to normal from illusion, numbness or sleep
* Mist Potion - restores 300 HP for the whole party
* Mythril Silver - forging material silver
* Oil Drop - deals fire damage
* Orichalcum - forging material with legendary power
* Perfume - causes illusions with fragrance suring battle
* Potion - cures illusion, numbness or sleep
* Power Apple - increases attack
* Psy Cookie - Increases a character's minimum EP
* Razor Claw - deals vacuum damage
* Retrieval Holy Water - retrieves a character
* Riceball - restores 80 HP
* Sleep Bomb - causes sleepiness to the enemy
* Smoke Bomb - views the vision of enemies
* Spearmint - raises agility
* Sweet Water - Restores 20 EP
* Thorn Seed - deals thorn damage

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A2.0 ENERGY
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

This guide only covers Energy that can be used outside of battle.

ANTIDOTE (2EP) - Cures poison
AQUA (5EP) - produces water when it is sunny
BLUFF (5EP) - Less likely to encounter monsters
CRASH (7EP) - crash rocks protruding from the ground
CURE (3EP) - Restore 70 HP
CURE LIGHT (7EP) - Restore 150 HP
CURE BEST (10 EP) - Restores 300 HP
ELCARE (5EP) - Restore whole party's HP by 40
FIREBALL (6EP) - burn down large flowers
FROST (5EP) - turns a pool of water into an ice pillar
GRIP (2EP) - Grab onto pillars and grab items out of your reach
GROW (4EP) - Grow vines if you see a sprout
HEARTED CARE (14 EXP) - retsores 160 HP to the whole party
HEAT DRY (4EP) - evaporates water
MIRACLE TREAT (11 EP) - Restores 600 HP
MOVE (2EP) - Move heavy objects around
NATURE TREAT (8EP) - restores 180 HP
PRAY (4EP) - restores 100 HP
PRAY WELL (8EP) - restores 200 HP
PREVISION (1EP) - reflects images with the heart's eye
RETRIEVE (15 EXP) - retrieve a party member
RETURN (6EP) - Return to the entrance of an area
SEARCH (1EP) - Search for hidden objects
SENSE (1EP) - feels one's heart (read what he/she is thinking)
SMACK (4EP) - smack something
SMELL (1EP) - Search for fragrance
SPIN (5EP) - Attack with a whirlwind
TENDER CARE (8EP) - restores whole party HP by 80
THERMAL (3 EP) - creates a flame wave
TREAT (4EP) - restores 80 HP

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A3.0 DJINN
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

This djinn guide provides information on where to get the djinns and 
the summon attacks of the djinns.  There are a total of 83 djinns.  
You can check your collection progress in the Djinn Dictionary menu.
How the djinns are obtained are written in more detail in the walk-
through above. 
Note: Name and attack translations will be updated after I get the 
English version

VENUS DJINNS - 23 Djinns
* Calc - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game (Temporary)
  Special attack: Attacks aiming for the enemy's HP
* Ji - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game (Temporary)
  Special attack: Seal the enemy's movement
* Granite - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game (Temporary)
  Special attack: Shield the whole party from damage
* Soro - got from Robin when you set out with your journey
  Special attack: Strike with the power of Venus
* Flow - Obtained at Gonpa Gate
  Special attack: Restore the party's HP using the scent of flowers
* Scully - obtained after a fight in Corridor Passage
  Special attack: prevents damage to the party with a barrier
* Kiss - obtained at Kaocho
  Special attack: attack while hogging the enemy's HP
* Brick - basement of south west house in Harappa
  Special attack: raise defence of the whole party
* Ivy - obtained inside Tepe Ruins B3F
  Special attack: lowers the enemy's agility greatly
* Cinnamon - obtained in Korima
  Special attack: restores HP
* Greed - small island on World Map southwest of Saha
  Specil attack: attack while stealing HP
* Dole - obtained on World Map northwest of Bervne after a fight
  Special attack: control the enemy and strike
* Irony - Korima after using Healing Water on the tree
  Special attack: attack with melted iron
* Void - obtained after a fight inside Bervne Ruins
  Special attack: prevents damage to the whole party
* Chain - obtained after a fight in Oha Hill Neos
  Special attack: attacks all enemies
* Jio - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: a cooperative attack with a earthy ball
* Basil - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: return everyone's stats to normal
* Magnet - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: magnetic attack causing numbness
* Titanium - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: raise whole party's defence
* Medousa - obtained in Corridor with the help of a local
  Special attack: seal the movement of an enemy
* Anatema - obtained after a fight in Yamatai Ruins
  Special attack: sentence the whole enemy party to death
* Maika - Robin's djinn (I don't think you can get it aside from a 
  record in the djinn dictionary)
  Special attack: retrieves a character
* Salt - Robin's djinn (I don't think you can get it aside from a 
  record in the djinn dictionary)
  Special attack: return everyone's stats to normal

MARS DJINNS - 24 Djinns
* Gatsu - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game (Temporary)
  Special attack: Energetic recovery from the beginning
* Shine - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game  (Temporary)
  Special attack: Dazzling attack to the whole group of enemies
* Heat - got from Robin & Gerard at start of game (Temporary)
  Special attack: Heat attack penetrating through the enemy
* Baan - obtained in Teinka Merchant Area
  Special attack: Raise everyone's attack by the power of the Fire God
* Corona - World map south of the east side of Log Dump
  Special attack: Hazzing attacks on the enemy
* Carmen - obtained in Harappa
  Special attack: retrieves a character
* Boil - obtained in Kaocho with 50G
  Special attack: attack during the enemy's turn
* Kashiei - obtained in Corridor after you get the Sol Mask
  Special attack: binds an enemy's Energy
* Soul - obtained in Teirya
  Special attack: demonic attack
* Glare - obtained after a fight in Dream Wood Maze
  Special attack: dazzling attack
* Lars - comes default with Reoreo
  Special attack: attacks with angry impulse
* Baika - comes default with Reoreo
  Special attack: ready to counter attack
* Mighty - comes default with Reoreo
  Special attack: raise the whole party's attack
* Rise - comes default with Reoreo
  Special attack: retrieves a character
* Nitro - comes default with Reoreo
  Special attack: attacks and paralyze the enemy
* Fueniki - obtained in Capital Tonfan
  Special attack: retrieves a character
* Sanba - obtained in Champa Camp
  Special attack: deals EP damage to the whole enemy party
* Sizzler - obtained in World Map east of Yamatai
  Special attack: Heat attack that penetrates enemy's defence
* Pepper - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: power attack causing numbness
* Chia - obtained after a fight in Volcano Island Cave
  Special attack: recover whole party's EP
* Solar - obtained in the green room in Apollo Gate
  Special attack: speed up djinn recovery rate
* Magna - Gerard's djinn (I don't think you can get it aside from 
  a record in the djinn dictionary)
  Special attack: block the party's damage with a firewall
* Fever - Gerard's djinn (I don't think you can get it aside from 
  a record in the djinn dictionary)
  Special attack: increases everyone's defence
* Axel - Gerard's djinn (I don't think you can get it aside from 
  a record in the djinn dictionary)
  Special attack: increases everyone's attack

* Geil - obtained after a fight in Goma Plateau Passage
  Special attack: Continuous attack with whirlwind
* Vivid - obtained after a fight in Gonpa Ruins
  Special attack: reteieves a character
* Zen - World Map west of Kaocho
  Special attack: restores EP with the power of nature
* Rescue - ontained in Ayatayu
  Special attack: restores HP
* Gyro - obtained after a fight inside Uroboros Ruins
  Special attack: attacks when the enemy turnes it eyes
* Coil - obtained after a fight in the Taurus room in Spiky Mountain
  Special attack: stop the enemy's movement
* Peppy - comes default with Stellar
  Special attack: increases te party's agility
* Buke - comes default with Stellar
  Special attack: ice attack
* Surge - comes default with Stellar
  Special attack: lightning attack
* Silky - comes default with Stellar
  Special attack: increases the party's elemental stats
* Hide - comes default with Stellar
  Special attack: hides someone to avoid damage
* Nerori - obtained inside well between Saha and Korima after you get 
  the energy "Crash"
  Special attack: restores the party's EP
* Sirocco - obtained in Border
  Special attack: blinds the enemy and attacks
* Balloon - obtained after a fight in Rocky Mountain of the Holy Bird 
  after defeating Roc
  Special attack: inflates and deals a critical attack
* Shiver - obtained in Yamatai
  Special attack: attacking twice in the next turn
* Mach - comes default with Himi
  Special attack: attacks first before anyone else
* Simoun - obtained after a fight in the island south of Harappa
  Special attack: strong attacks like the blowing sand
* Peace - obtained after a fight in Ohotsu Ocean Island
  Special attack: stop the fight temporarily

* Muse - obtained below the cliff south of Widman Village.
  Special attack: Strike penetrating through the enemy's defence
* Sorbet - comes together with Kraun
  Special attack: Sherbet attack during enemy's attack turn
* Spa - obtined after a fight in Barai Temple
  Special attack: restores everyone's HP
* Milky - comes default with Halmanni
  Special attack: Milk attack
* Mellow - comes default with Halmanni
  Special attack: increase elemental stats of the whole party
* Kyuran - comes default with Halmanni
  Special attack: attack and lowers enemy's elemental stats
* Zero - obtained after a fight in Harappa Ruins basement 4F
  Special attack: attack with absolute zero power
* Tonic - obtained by buying the Firm Stick at Teirya and asking the 
  guy to fish it for you
  Special attack: Return the whole party's stats to normal
* Karua - obtained in Bervne
  Special attack: increase the party's agility
* Squall - obtained in Bervne from Priest's house's basement
  Special attack: attack with rain
* Marine - obtained in Dock Sewers in Urajio after a fight
  Special attack: restores the whole party's HP
* Tear - obtained at Korima Intersection
  Special attack: retrieves a party member
* Strass - obtained in Bervne west house
  Special attack: attacks and lowers elemental stats
* Piko - obtained in Harin
  Special attack: recovers HP of one character
* Crema - obtained after a fight in World Map southwest of Tonfan
  Special attack: reduces te speed of all enemies
* Ciel - obtained in Gaia Fall Cave
  Special attack: creates a water barrier to block damage to the party
* Gasshu - obtained after a fight in the Snowy Mountains Northwest of
  Special attack: attack and blows away the enemy's weapon
* Spumoni - obtained on Flowing Ice Island
  Special attack: seal an enemy's Energy

(pronunciation translations may differ from English version...)

Note: Elemental attacks are by default if you have the required number 
of djinns on standby.  Mixed attacks are obtained by visiting shrines 
located all over the world map.  Where the mixed attacks are obtained 
are covered in the walkthrough above.

* Venus - 1 venus djinn
* Amen Ra - 2 venus djinns
* Cybele - 3 venus djinns
* Apocalipse - 4 venus djinns

* Mars - 1 mars djinn
* Giraffe - 2 mars djinns
* Vista - 3 mars djinns
* Meteor - 4 mars djinns

* Jupiter - 1 jupiter djinn
* Atlanta - 2 jupiter djinns
* Purokune - 3 jupiter djinns
* Thor - 4 jupiter djinns

* Mercury - 1 mercury djinn
* Nereid - 2 mercury djinns
* Undine - 3 mercuty djinns
* Boreas - 4 mercury djinns

* Zagan - 1 venus, 1 mars djinns
* Mega Era - 1 mars, 1 jupiter djinns
* Morok - 2 mercury, 1 jupiter djinns
* Flora - 1 venus, 2 jupiter djinns
* Ulysses - 2 mercury, 2 mars djinns
* Haures - 3 venus, 2 mars djinns
* Eclipse - 2 mercury, 3 jupiter djinns
* Crystal Dragon - 3 venus, 2 mercuty djinns
* Core Tree - 3 mercury, 3 jupiter djinns (this is NOT for attacking)
* Azul - 3 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Karon - 8 venus, 2 jupiter djinns
* Daedalus - 3 venus, 4 mars djinns
* Catastrophe - 3 mars, 5 jupiter djinns

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

By equipping different djinns on set, characters can obtain different 
classes with different stats. 

TAKUMI ----------------------------
* Swordsman - default at start of game
* Knight - 2 venus djinns
* Swordmaster - 4 venus djinns
* Lord - 6 venus djinns
* Dragon Slayer - 8 venus djinns
* Holy Swordsman - 1 mercury djinn
* Holy Knight - 2 mercury djinns
* Cleric - 4 mercury djinns
* Earth Knight - 1 venus, 6 mercury djinns
* Grand Knight - 2 venus, 7 mercury djinns
* White Knight - 3 mercury, 3 mars djinns
* Temple Knight - 4 mercury, 4 mars djinns
* Palladin - 5 mercury, 4 mars djinns
* Magic Swordsman - 1 jupiter djinn
* Magic Warrior - 2 jupiter djinns
* Enchanter - 4 jupiter djinns
* Magic Knight - 1 venus, 6 jupiter djinns
* Energy Knight - 2 venus, 7 jupiter djinns
* Mercenary - 1 mars djinn
* Assassin - 2 mars djinns
* Gladiator - 4 mars djinns
* Berserker - 5 mars djinns
* Black Knight - 1 venus, 6 mars djinns
* Chaos Knight - 2 venus, 7 mars djinns
* Samurai - 4 mars, 3 jupiter djinns
* Samurai Master - 5 mars, 4 jupiter djinns
* Ninja - 3 mars, 3 jupiter djinns
* Intermediate Ninja - 4 mars, 4 jupiter djinns
* Master Ninja - 4 mars, 5 jupiter djinns
* Witch Doctor - 6 mercury djinns 
               - 6 jupiter djinns
* Exorcist - 1 venus, 7 mercury djinns
           - 1 venus, 7 jupiter djinns

KARIS ----------------------------
* Wind Mage - default at start of game
* Magician - 2 jupiter djinns
* Strict Magic User - 4 jupiter djinns
* Magi Master - 6 jupiter djinns
* Scorcerer - 8 jupiter djinns
* Fire Dragon User - 6 mars, 1 jupiter djinns
* White Wizard - 4 venus, 5 mercury djinns
* Enchanter - 6 venus djinns
            - 6 mars djinns
* Magic Knight - 7 venus, 1 jupiter djinns
               - 7 mars, 1 jupiter djinns
* Hermit - 1 mercury djinn
* Holy Spirit User - 2 mercury djinns
* Servant - 4 mercury
* Star Seeker - 5 mercury
* Sword User - 6 mercury, 1 jupiter djinns
* Wizard - 7 mercuty, 2 jupiter djinns
* Fortune Teller - 1 venus djinn
* Shaman - 2 venus djinns
* Witch Doctor - 4 venus djinns
* Exorcist - 6 venus, 1 jupiter djinns
* Druid - 7 venus, 2 jupiter djinns
* Monk - 1 mars djinn
* Prophet - 2 mars djinns
* Dragon User - 4 mars djinns
* Holy Person - 7 mars, 2 jupiter djinns
* Black Magic User - 3 venus, 3 mercury djinns
* Conjure Man - 4 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Black Shaman - 5 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* White Magic User - 3 venus, 4 mercuty djinns
* Lancer - 3 mercury, 3 mars djinns
* Bard - 4 mercury, 4 mars djinns
* Warlock - 4 mercury, 5 mars djinns

TERRY ----------------------------
* Fighter - default at start of game
* Guardian - 2 mars djinns
* Warrior - 4 mars djinn
* Baron - 6 mars djinns
* Phalanx - 8 mars djinns
* Fire Dragon User - 1 mars, 7 jupiter djinns
* Holy Fighter - 1 mercury djinn
* Holy Knight - 2 mercuty djinns
* Cleric - 4 mercury djinns
* Flame Knight - 6 mercury, 1 mars djinns
* Blaze Knight - 7 mercury djinns
* White Knight - 3 venus, 3 mercury djinns
* Temple Knight - 4 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Palladin - 4 venus, 5 mercury djinns
* Magic Fighter - 1 jupiter djinn
* Magic Warrior - 2 jupiter djinns
* Enchanter - 4 jupiter djinns
* Magic Knight - 1 mars, 6 jupiter djinns
* Energy Knight - 2 mars, 7 jupiter djinns
* Mercenary - 1 venus djinn
* Gladiator - 4 venus djinns
* Berserker - 5 venus djinns
* Black Knight - 6 venus, 1 mars djinns
* Chaos Knight - 7 venus, 2 mars djinns
* Samurai - 4 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Samurai Master - 5 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Ninja - 3 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Intermediate Ninja - 4 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Master Ninja - 4 venus, 5 jupiter djinns
* Dragon User - 6 mercury djinns
              - 6 jupiter djinns
* Water Dragon User - 7 mercury, 1 mars djinns

KRAUN ----------------------------
* Water User - default at start of game
* Priest - 2 mercury djinns
* Bishop - 4 mercury djinns
* Saint - 6 mercury djinns
* Angel - 8 mercury djinns
* Cleric - 6 venus djinns
         - 6 mars djinns
* White Wizard - 4 venus, 5 jupiter djinns
* Earth Knight - 7 venus, 1 mercury djinns
* Flame Knight - 1 mercury, 7 mars djinns
* Hermit - 1 jupiter djinn
* Holy Spirit User - 2 jupiter djinns
* Servant - 4 jupiter djinns
* Star Seeker - 5 jupiter djinns
* Sword User - 1 mercury, 6 jupiter djinns
* Wizard - 2 mercuty, 7 jupiter djinns
* Fortune Teller - 1 venus djinn
* Shaman - 2 venus djinns
* Witch Doctor - 4 venus djinns
* Exorcist - 6 venus, 1 mercury djinns
* Druid - 7 venus, 2 mercury djinns
* Monk - 1 mars djinns
* Prophet - 2 mars djinns
* Dragon User - 4 mars djinns
* Water Dragon User - 1 mercury, 6 mars djinns
* Holy Person - 2 mercury, 7 mars djinns
* White Magic User - 3 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Black Magic User - 3 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Conjure Man - 4 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Black Shaman - 5 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Lancer - 3 mars, 3 jupiter djinns
* Bard - 4 mars, 4 jupiter djinns
* Warlock - 5 mars, 4 jupiter djinns

HALMANNI ----------------------------
* Water Fighter - default at start of game
* Aqua Master - 2 mercury djinns
* Aqua Lord - 4 mercury djinns
* Aqua Prince - 6 mercury djinns
* Kaiser - 8 mercuy djinns
* Cleric - 6 venus djinns
         - 6 mars djinns
* White Wizard - 4 venus, 5 jupiter djinns
* Earth Knight - 7 venus, 1 mercury djinns
* Flame Knight - 1 mercury, 7 mars djinns
* Hermit - 1 jupiter djinn
* Holy Spirit User - 2 jupiter djinns
* Servant - 4 jupiter djinns
* Star Seeker - 5 jupiter djinns
* Sword User - 1 mercury, 6 jupiter djinns
* Wizard - 2 mercury, 7 jupiter djinns
* Fortune Teller - 1 venus djinn
* Shaman - 2 venus djinns
* Witch Doctor - 4 venus djinns
* Exorcist - 6 venus, 1 mercury djinns
* Druid - 7 venus, 2 mercury djinns
* Monk - 1 mars djinns
* Prophet - 2 mars djinns
* Dragon User - 4 mars djinns
* Water Dragon User - 1 mercury, 6 mars djinns
* Holy Person - 2 mercury, 7 mars djinns
* Black Magic User - 3 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Conjure Man - 4 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Black Shaman - 5 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* White Magic User - 3 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Lancer - 3 mars, 3 jupiter djinns
* Bard - 4 mars, 4 jupiter djinns
* Warlock - 5 mars, 4 jupiter djinns

STELLAR ----------------------------
* Man-best - default at start of game
* Wild Runner - 2 jupiter djinns
* Shape Shifter - 4 jupiter djinns
* Beast Master - 6 jupiter djinns
* Super Beast - 8 jupiter djinns
* Fire Dragon User - 6 mars, 1 jupiter djinns
* Combat Fighter - 1 venus djinn
* Grappler - 2 venus djinns
* Striker - 4 venus djinns
* Muscle Fighter - 6 venus, 1 jupiter djinns
* Champion - 7 venus, 2 jupiter djinns
* White Wizard - 4 venus, 5 mercury djinns
* Enchanter - 6 venus djinns
            - 6 mars djinns
* Magic Knight - 7 venus, 1 jupiter djinns
               - 7 mars, 1 jupiter djinns
* Hermit - 1 mercury djinn
* Holy Spirit User - 2 mercury djinns
* Servant - 4 mercury djinns
* Star Seeker - 5 mercury djinns
* Sword User - 6 mercury, 1 jupiter djinns
* Wizard - 7 mercury, 2 jupiter djinns
* Monk - 1 mars djinn
* Prophet - 2 mars djinns
* Dragon User - 4 mars djinns
* Holy Person - 7 mars, 2 jupiter djinns
* Black Magic User - 3 venus, 3 mercury djinns
* Conjure Man - 4 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Black Shaman - 5 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* White Magic User - 3 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Lancer - 3 mercury, 3 mars djinns
* Bard - 4 mercury, 4 mars djinns
* Warlock - 4 mercury, 5 mars djinns

REOREO ----------------------------
* Pirate - default at start of game
* Kyanonia - 2 mars djinns
* Skipper - 4 mars djinns
* Pirate - 6 mars djinns
// Not to above: The first Pirate is in hiragana and the second one is 
in Katakana... no idea what's the difference <_<
* Flame King - 8 mars djinns
* Fire Dragon User - 1 mars, 7 jupiter djinns
* Holy Fighter - 1 mercury djinn
* Holy Knight - 2 mercury djinns
* Cleric - 4 mercury djinns
* Flame Knight - 6 mercury, 1 mars djinns
* Blaze Knight - 2 mars djinns
* White Knight - 3 venus, 3 mercury djinns
* Temple Knight - 4 venus, 4 mercury djinns
* Palladin - 4 venus, 5 mercury djinns
* Magic Fighter - 1 jupiter djinn
* Magic Warrior - 2 jupiter djinns
* Enchanter - 4 jupiter djinns
* Magic Knight - 1 mars, 6 jupiter djinns
* Energy Knight - 2 mars, 7 jupiter djinns
* Mercenary - 1 venus djinn
* Assassin - 2 venus djinns
* Gladiator - 4 venus djinns
* Berserker - 5 venus djinns
* Black Knight - 6 venus, 1 mars djinns
* Chaos Knight - 7 venus, 2 mars djinns
* Samurai - 4 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Samurai Master - 5 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Ninja - 3 venus, 3 jupiter djinns
* Intermediate Ninja - 4 venus, 4 jupiter djinns
* Master Ninja - 4 venus, 5 jupiter djinns
* Dragon User - 6 mercury djinns
              - 6 jupiter djinns
* Water Dragon User - 7 mercury, 1 mars djinns

HIMI ----------------------------
* Priestess - default at start of game
* Prayer Person - 2 venus djinns
* Earth Priestess - 4 venus djinns
* Aesthetic Priestess - 6 venus djinns
* Light Priestess - 8 venus djinns
* Curse User - 1 mars djinn
* Channeler - 2 mars djinns
* Puppet Master - 4 mars djinns
* Curse Master - 5 mars djinns
* Soul Seeker - 1 venus, 6 mars djinns
* Devil Master - 2 venus, 7 mars djinns
* Grand Knight - 2 venus, 7 mercury djinns
* Ninja - 3 mars, 3 jupiter djinns
* Intermediate Ninja - 4 mars, 4 jupiter djinns
* Master Ninja - 4 mars, 5 jupiter djinns

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTRA 1.0 - Credits
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
Credits to the following people who have helped me:

* Gwydyon - right chest also contains Gate Card from the Energy 
  Training Grounds

* MMO-Station - character classes

* Guillaume Charpentier, Brandon Santos, Holly Kim & Frank Z - confir-
  mation that the room I forgot to visit at Oha Hill Neos has nothing.

* Brandon Santos - obtain mercury djinn, Crema.

* Justin Allan - get a Sacred Feather in Saha

* Frank Z - how to deal with the parcel obtained in Kaocho

If you have something to contribute, please e-mail me at 
[email protected]

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTRA 2.0 - Updates
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

19 November 2010 - Version 0.0
* Walkthrough and game start~!!  Walkthrough up until Corridor Passage
  ... I have charged my DS twice just for these few sections XD

25 November 2010 - Version 0.1
* Walkthrough until the Rocky Mountains of the Holy Bird.

01 December 2010 - Version 0.2
* Walkthrough to Harin Island Underground Passage.

05 December 2010 - Version 0.3
* Walkthrough to Yamatai Ruins

10 December 2010 - Version 1.0
* Game cleared and extras except for the Dyurahan boss which I have to 
  level up a bit first <_<... 
* English/Japanese translated list of names/energy/djinns/summons up
* All 83 djinns up in the Djinns section

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTRA 3.0 - Hosting Sites
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

This walkthough is currently hosted on the following sites.  If you find 
it in some sites aside from the ones below, please let me know.  If you 
would like to host this walkthrough somewhere, let me know (I will most 
likely approve) and I will add your site to the list.

* IGN -