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Will there be any new pokemon for platinum!

Question asked by dudeman12 on
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Will there be any new pokemon for platinum!

Are there going to be any new Pokemon in platinum. I NEED TO KNOW!

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Pokemon Platinum Guide
Pokemon Platinum Guide
Welcome to our unofficial gude to Pokemon Platinum. Platinum is the directors cut version of the popular Diamond and Pearl games, it features Girati..

Aeon-Flux answered:

I'm pretty sure there is no new Pokemon in this game. Only just new additions.... You know like Emerald was redone for Ruby and Sapphire. Thats all it really is, there might be graphic differences and a little more, but no new Pokemon. You might be able to get more different Pokemon though.

Nixishere64 answered:

No there is not it is like emerald in the ruby/sapphire series. There are no new pokemon.

Hope this helps,

ChrisMaclean answered:

I don't think there will be more Pokemon added. The only thing that is new that Giratina,Shaymin,and Rotom come in new forms.

pokefan96 answered:

Garitina new form,shaymin new for, and rotom new form

Blaziken75 answered:

I played part of it before......theres new versions of rotom,shamin,and gritina.thats it.

hope this helps.......wel I know this would help

P.s. Dif Pokemon was added 2 the pokedex(they not new)
ex; you can get a torchic without national dex (not ture just ex )

Kakarotman answered:

There are no comletely different Pokemon but there will be different forms of rotom, giratina and shaymen. I am pretty excited about these new forms though.

sk8rboy answered:

The only confirmed new Pokemon are new forms of Giratina, Shaymin, and Rotom.

Avery201 answered:

There are going to be about 6 new Pokemon added but it is just new formes to Rotom so I would really say no.

InvertAlpha answered:

Nope. The closest thing to new Pokemon are the new formes of Shaymin, Giratina, Rotom, and could have sworn someone said something about a new Regigigas form. I'll have to find it again.


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