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There is a quest on the main quests list number 228 called To The Death...

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Guest asks, ID #399625

Question for King's Throne: Game of Lust

There is a quest on the main quests list number 228 called To The Death. You need 1 challenge token. I have the wooden tokens but I need the gold. It shows them both as rewards for the quest. But there is no way to do the quest and there are no instructions on how to activate the quest. I can't progress without doing this though I have accomplished all the requirements for many quests after it but because of this quest I can't receive my rewards for the other quests. How do I do this quest? How do I get what is needed to do this quest?

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Guest answered: , ID #719253

The gold "dueling invitation" coin used to challenge opponents in the Tourney can be mined in your Kingdom strongholds of Goldshore and South Dialann. After you defend and establish these strongholds, you will have to dispatch your available children on exploration quests to mine these coins. You can also win these coins through awards given in the various limited time events.

Guest answered: , ID #722873

Try tapping the combine anvil and then click on others to see if you can combine/convert items. Otherwise tap on kingdom and then tap on places you've conquered to find the explore tab in the top right. Each place gives quests to send children on and the more places conquered the more items available and one of them is guaranteed to eventually drop the item you need


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