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by RPGillespie

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=	Author: RPGillespie						     =
=	Date: 21 Jan 2011						     =
=	Version: 1.0							     =

^	Table of Contents	^


General Walkthrough
	> Controls........................................................[IB1]
		>> Combat..................................................[C1]
		>> Magic...................................................[C2]
		>> Combos..................................................[C3]

	> Status and Level-up.............................................[IB2]
		>> Maximum Stats...........................................[S1]

	> Castle Walkthrough..............................................[IB4]
		>> The God King............................................[W1]

	> Tips and Tricks.................................................[IB5]

	> Weapons List....................................................[IB6]
	> Shield List.....................................................[IB7]
	> Helm List.......................................................[IB8]
	> Armor List......................................................[IB9]
	> Ring List.......................................................[IBA]


^				Introduction				[IB0]^

This is a complete walthrough for the iPhone App Infinity Blade. The game 
itself is very short, around 10-20 minutes for a full playthough. Luckily 
there is excellent replay value, and it should keep you occupied for several 

^				Controls/Combat				[IB1]^

The controls are pretty self-explanitory, since the game forces you to 
complete a tutorial at the beginning. 

HUD Controls
-At the top of the screen is a small pause button. Pressing it at any time 
will allow you access your inventory, shop at the store, view 
achievements/leaderboards, invert the look axis, start back at bloodline 1, 
or completely reset your character. 

-Pausing the game during combat causes a "Restart Battle" button near the 
bottom of the screen.  This button is very useful when you are fighting the God
King, because losing to him has a very heavy price (you have to start back at 
the beginning of the castle on a new bloodline). 

-There is a small ">>" that will appear in the lower right hand corner during
cutscenes. Holding this will put the cutscene on fast forward (useful after 
you've already seen all the cutscenes).

-Simply drag your finger around the screen when not in combat to move the 
camera angle.

-Tapping the "!" in the bottom right corner before a battle will reveal the
enemy's level and resistances.

Combat Controls [C1]
In Infinity Blade, you cannot simply slash an enemy to death like you could
in Zelda. If you try this, you will inflict 1/4 of the normal damage you deal
to the enemy and probably lose some HP in the process. The enemy must be opened
up for an attack before you can inflict any major damage. This is accomplished
in one of 5 principle ways: Dodge, Block, Parry, Super, and Stab. Magic can 
also be used to inflict damage, but using it does not open the enemy up for 
an attack.

Dodge is my favorite way of opening an enemy for attack. During combat, there
will always be two directional arrows in the lower left/right corners. 
Pressing one of these will cause your character to dodge either to the left 
or right. A good rule of thumb is to always dodge *toward* the incoming sword.
If the sword is coming in from the right, dodge right. Now, as the enemies 
get more difficult, they'll start pulling off more complex swings. Sometimes 
you'll have to dodge toward the attack, sometimes away, and sometimes it 
doesn't matter which direction you must dodge. Note that punches *cannot* be 

After dodging several times in a row (and sometimes after only one dodge), 
the words "Dodge Break!!" will appear on the screen, and the enemy will be 
open for attack.

On the bottom of the screen in the middle is a small shield icon with a 
number in it. The number represents the HP of your shield. When it hits 
zero, you can no longer block. The Shield HP replenishes after each battle.
At first, enemy attacks only take 1 or 2 HP from your shield, but as the 
enemies get progressively harder, the amount they take from your shield 

To open up an enemy using block, simply hold down the block icon until 
the words "Block Break!!" appear on the screen, and the enemy will be open 
for attack. Be careful about cowering behing your shield, though, because 
sometimes the enemy can break your block with a particularly powerful attack.
I recommend sticking to dodges for the most part, and only using block when 
the enemy is about to punch you.

Parry is the most difficult way of opening the enemy for attack. Basically,
you just slash your sword in the incoming direction of the enemy sword. 
Sometimes the words "Parry Break!!" will appear, and sometimes "Tap!!" will
appear. If "Tap!!" appears, simply tap the screen repeatedly until 
"Parry Break!!" appears.  As the enemies grow more difficult, it becomes 
harder and harder to predict where they will slash, thus complicating parry.
Again, I recommend sticking to dodge for the most part.

In the left hand corner is the "Super" icon, which slowly fills as you take
damage or swing your sword. Pressing this icon will interrupt the enemy no 
matter what they are doing, and completely open them up for a good 5 seconds.
This is extremely useful, and a good battle-finisher. The time frame is 
large enough to pull off Huge, Mega, and even Ultra Hits (see Combo section).

Magic [C2]:
Magic can either be extremely powerful, or completely useless, depending on
the resistances of an enemy.  In the later bloodlines, it seems almost all 
the enemies are resistant to offensive magic (especially the God King). If 
an enemy is resistant, the spell will only do 1 point of damage for every 
magic stat you have, which sucks. You can view what types of magic the enemy
is resistant to by tapping the "!" button in the lower right corner before 
starting the battle.

These are the 6 types of magic with their associated drawing symbols:

Fire: O

Effect: Inflict Fire Damage

Ice:   |

Effect: Inflict Ice Damage

Shock: /_

Effect: Inflict Shock Damage and Shock Ailment

Poison: \ /
Effect: Inflict Poison Damage and Poison Ailment

Heal: |_|

Effect: Heal Player HP

Shield: | |

Effect: Restore Shield HP

In my opinion, Heal is the best type of magic. While casting any spell will 
interrupt the enemy, I find it humorous that the enemy will stop mid-swing to 
let me heal all of my HP back. The number after the magic spell just lets you 
know how powerful it is. Ice 2 is drastically better than Ice 1, and Heal 3 
is drastically better than Heal 2. Right now 3 is the highest degree of any 
given spell, with the exception of Poison and Shield, which cap out at 2.

Every once in a while after an enemy charges at you or does a particularly 
violent swing, a blue circle will breifly appear on either his leg, side, 
or head. Quickly tapping the circle initiates a stab which will inflict 2x
damage to the enemy and open him up for attack.

Combos [C3]:
There are 3 types of combos: Huge, Mega, and Ultra Hit.

-Huge Hit is a 3-hit combo that is accomplished by alternating swipes with
your sword (I usually do down-up-down). After the three swipes, your 
character will jump in the air and deliver a Huge Hit, which deals 2x damage.

-Mega Hit is a 4-hit combo that is accomplished by alternating swipes with your
sword ever two swipes (I usually do down-down-up-up). After the four swipes,
your character will jump in the air and deliver a Mega Hit, which deals 
2.5x damage.

-Ultra Hit is a 5-hit combo that is accomplished by hitting every direction
with your sword once and then a fifth slash (I usually do 
up-down-left-right-up). After the five slashes, your character will jump in
the air and deliver an Ultra Hit, which deals 3x damage.

^				Status/Level-up				[IB2]^

Infinity Blade has a unique level-up system, in that you can only level up so 
long as you you have non-mastered equipment equipped. As your equipment gains
experiance points, your character gains experiance points. Thus, if you master
every item in the game, you can no longer level-up. Mastering every item in the
game will get you about halfway through level 45.

Experiance Points, or XP, are earned at the end of every battle. You'll get XP 
bonuses based on which items you have equipped (for example, the Ruin sword 
giveyou the XP+++ bonus), how much shield you have left at the end of the 
battle, how much damage you dealt, how fast you completed the battle (kill 

Mastering a piece of equipment removes it's ability to help you level up, but
also gives you +1 stat point.

Leveling up gives you +2 stat points

Stat points can be distributed among the following stats:

Health (+60 HP for every stat)
Attack (+1 damage for every stat)
Shield (+1 HP to your current shield for every stat)
Magic  (+10 magic damage for every stat)

Since there are currently only 88 items in the game, and since level 45 is the
cap, then there are only 2*44 + 88 = 176 stat points in the game. Use them 
wisely. Since a good shield can greatly increase your Shield HP, the Shield 
stat is pretty much a waste; don't you dare give any stat points to it! When
I played through the game, I put every last stat point towards the attack stat.
These are my stats after mastering every item and reaching level 45:

Health: 60 + 2400 (from my armor and helm)  =	2460
Attack: 177 + 204 (from my weapon and helm) =	381
Shield: 1 + 44 (from my shield)    	    =	45
Magic:  1 + 30 (from my ring)      	    = 	31 

(Remember that with magic, that translates to 310 damage normally, 2-3x that 
amount if super effective (think pokemon), or a mere 31 damage if enemy is 

Thus, every time I slashed, I would deal 381 damage, and Ultra Hits would deal
over 1000 damage. Dodge Breaks meant almost certain death for my enemies, as
I could get in a good 4-5 slashes + 1 Mega Hit per break. This allowed me 
to finish battles extemely quickly, which heavily boosted the amount of exp I
earned at the end of every battle (not that it matters now that everything is
mastered). With these stats, I was able to complete 17 bloodlines before 
getting bored.

Maximum Stats  [S1]

For your amusement, these are the maximum possible stats, if you attribute
every stat point to that one thing, as well as optimize your equipment 
or that stat:

Key:        Skill + Skill Bonus from Items (Items needed)	= Max Stat
Max Health: 10620 + 2520  (Helio Armor and Oroku)		= 13140
Max Attack: 177 + 204     (Infinity Blade and Adamantine Helm)	= 381
Max Shield: 177 + 50      (The Wall)				= 227
Max Magic:  177 + 36      (Ring of Ice & Fire and Mana Crown)	= 213

While it's probably a good idea to balance your player by giving stats to a 
little of everything, I personally like being able to deal massive damage with
a single blow. The only downside to my strategy is that in the later 
bloodlines, a single dodge mistake could mean half or even all of your life 
since the enemies start dealing 900+ damage with a single blow.  However, on 
the contrary, using a super allows me to inflict 2000+ damage to my enemies.

^				Castle Walkthrough			[IB4]^

**Spoilers Ahead**

The God King's castle has 11 total enemies. This guide will walk you through 
all 11. The (T) means there is a treasure chest in the area. I will take you 
through the game once, and any subsequent playthroughs are more or less 
identical than the previous playthrough; the only difference is that the 
enemies grow stronger and more difficult, the amount of gold in the sacks goes
up, and the quality of the items in the chests go up.

The Throne Room
The game begins in the God King's throne room. This is a tutorial level, so 
just follow the instructions on screen. After taking a few feeble strikes at 
the God King's right-hand man, he'll knock your sword and shield away and then
leave you to be ruthlessly slaughtered by the God King himself via the Infinity
Blade through your gut. The God King then mocks your weakness by hoping aloud 
that your decendents will fare better. Too bad his wish will come true.

The Cobblestone Bridge - Enemy 1
You will then start at the beginning of the God King's castle as the son of 
aforeslaughtered hero. Basically, this is how the game works: The God King's
castle has 11 total enemies (3 of which are optional). After reaching the God
King, you will either win or lose. After the God King's battle, you'll start 
back at the beginning of the castle again with all of your equipment and gold,
and all the enemies will have leveled up.  This is the "Bloodline" system. Just
think of it as New Game+. Everytime you reach the end of the game, you start
back at the beginning of the game with all of your stuff, and the bloodline 
number gets incremented once. I was able to master every single item by 
bloodline 16 (i.e. my 16th time through the castle). 

During the cutscene where our hero is walking down the road, keep an eye out
for small brown bags that randomly appear throughout the castle and during
cutscenes. Tapping them will give you gold. There are two in the opening 
scene: one in the branches of a tree, and one of them at the base of a tree.
If you miss them, don't worry about it, there are tons of them. Either way,
tap the enemy on the bridge to start the battle. 

This is another tutorial in which you will learn how to dodge. After killing
the enemy, you can start slashing like crazy to get bonus XP. The post enemy
screen will award you experiance points and gold based on how well you did.
When you master an item, make sure to immediately replace it with another 
non-mastered item - otherwise you start losing potential XP. You can get 
more items at the store (press pause and tap "Character" to get to the 
store), or you can find them in chests.

Now look to the left and right and collect any bags of gold or potions you
see lying on the ground. Potions can be used outside of combat by tapping 
the lower left corner of the screen. They will restore all of your health,
but you can only carry a maximum of 5. Don't worry about using them, there
are about 2 potions per castle, per bloodline, so you'll probably max out 
your potions in a few playthroughs.

The Castle Drawbridge (T) - Enemy 2
Tap the blue circle at the entrance to the castle to advance along the path.
You'll be in front of a drawbridge with another enemy on it. Look to the
left and right and collect any sacks of gold or potions just laying there.
Tap the enemy to enter the second battle. 

This is another tutorial battle in which you'll learn how to parry. Just 
follow the instructions on screen to whoop the bad boy. After the battle,
tap the treasure chest at the base of the tree at the bottom of the screen.
Then, tap the large door to enter the castle.

Once inside the courtyard, collect any gold you see, but do NOT engage the
enemy in front of you. Instead, look to the right and tap the blue circle
inside of the archway leading out to the balcony.

Balcony 1 (T) - Enemy 3
During the opening cutscene, you'll see 1-2 bags of gold. Either grab them
during the cutscene, or right after it. Time to kill to guard assigned to the
chest. Just time your dodges and slash when it says "Dodge Break!!" After you
whoop him, you'll automatically grab the chest and go back to the courtyard.

Statue Courtyard (T) - Enemy 4
This battle is pretty straight forward. After the battle, grab any gold at
the base of the pillars, and then look all the way to the far right (pan the
camera) to find a treasure chest. Pan left again and tap the bridge to

The Long Bridge - Enemy 5
Keep an eye out for gold bags in the opening cutscene, and then get ready to 

Just use the techniques you've learned from the tutorials to win. After the
battle, you can either tap the staircase or the big door. Grab any gold you 
see, and tap the big door (if you tapped the staircase, skip to enemy 7).

Post-Bridge Big Door (T) - Enemy 6
You'll have to fight another huge enemy here (either a troll or golem). After
you beat him, pan left to collect the treasure chest. You'll again have the
choice between the door and staircase. Choose the staircase (if you chose the
door, skip to enemy 9).

The Staircase - Enemy 7
This battle is pretty easy. Just fight your way to the top of the stairs and
send the enemy to his doom. Collect any gold you see, and tap the balcony
(pan up and to the right). During the following cutscene, there is usually
gold you can collect.

Balcony 2 (T) - Enemy 8
On this balcony, there is a big door, and a chest guarded by an enemy. 
Grab the gold outside the balcony edge, and tap the enemy to fight him.
After you beat him, you'll automatically collect the chest. Tap the big
door to advance to the elevator room.

The Elevator (T) - Enemy 9
You'll have to fight another large enemy here (either a troll or golem).
Tap the pit to summon the elevator and the enemy. After you beat him, tap
the treasure chest to the right of the elevator to collect it. Now tap 
the elevator.

The Throne Room - Enemy 10
Does this cutscene look familiar? It should, looks like you've made it back
to the God King. During the cutscene, grab any gold you see.

Approach The Dark Knight (no, not Batman), and teach him a lesson. If you 
can, save your magic and super for the God King himself. Just dodge
plenty, and you should be able to hack him to pieces.

The God King (T) [W1] - Enemy 11
Before fighting the God King, use a potion on yourself and tap the treasure
chest in front of you. The God King will be much harder than anything you've
previously fought, so prepare to get whooped.

Start the battle with the God King. *Important - If you see that you are 
about to lose, quickly tap the pause button and restart the battle*

If you manage to take about 1/3 of the God King's life away, he'll knock 
your sword out of your hand and offers you the Darth Vader choice - to turn
to the dark side and join him (he even holds up his fist in defiance, Darth 
Vader style). If you havn't done it before, choose to join him. You'll see 
a nice little cutscene, and then the credits will roll. After the credits, 
you'll be back in front of the God King again, and you can start the battle

This time, when you get to the choice, choose to grab your sword instead. 
Fight until you take away another 1/3 of his life, and he'll knock you into
the open area where you fought The Dark Knight. This is the last portion of
the battle, so give it all you've got. Use up your magic and your super if
you haven't done so already, and use up the rest of your blocks. If you're
lucky, you'll be able to beat him and get the true ending (although he is 
very difficult the first time through). 

If you beat him, you'll get a TON of XP, Gold, and sometimes super expensive
items (I once got Helio Armor for killing him). If you lose, you go back to
the beginning of the castle in the next bloodline. Each subsequent bloodline
has more difficult enemies, but also more valuable treasures. You should be 
able to master every item by bloodline 15 or 16 if you always swap out your
mastered items with non-mastered ones.

I did not beat him on my first bloodline through, so don't worry if you lose.
I didn't beat the God King until bloodline 3. 

**Note that the God King starts at level 50, and then grows up 50 levels each
time you beat him. Thus, he will stay at level 50 until you are strong enough
to beat him, at which point he will be level 100 on the next playthrough, etc.

^				Tips and Tricks				[IB5]^

Easy Gold
To earn massive amounts of gold in a relatively short period of time, use 
the following formula:

1. (optional) Get to bloodline 11 or 12; this ensures the money drops are 
   already relatively big to begin with.

2. Equip the "Odin's Wisdom" or "Legion" helm; this will give you the Gold+++ 

3. Fight your way to the Dark Knight, collecting every gold sack and treasure
   along the way.

4. Sell any mastered items or excess treasure you've collected. (Don't sell
   the final item in each category, though, even if you've mastered it)

5. LOSE to The Dark Knight, and select "Save and Restart Castle"

6. Repeat until desired level of gold is acquired

This will get easier and faster, until you can get through the castle in about
10 minutes, collecting 50,000 - 100,000 gold along the way each time.

Interrupt Enemy at Critical Moments
Save your super and magic attacks for when you want to interrupt the enemy. 
Using either one will stop the enemy in his tracks, no matter what he his doing
(even if he is inches from chopping your head off).

Note that you must finish drawing the symbol in order for the interruption to
take place. Simply pressing the magic button will not interrupt.

Pause at Critical Moments
If you have trouble predicting which way to dodge, pause the game as the enemy 
starts his attack so you can think it through before unpausing.

Use Fast Forward to Level Grind
Press the ">>" in the lower right corner during cutscenes to speed up the game. 
Equip a helm or armor that gives you XP+ or better, and use the same formula as 
"easy gold" to quickly master items.

^				Inventory				     ^

Here is a complete list of all equipment that is currently available. XP is 
the total number of experience points needed to master that particular item.

Weapons [IB6]
Name			XP	Cost	Attack Bonus	 Bonus
Steel Sword		640	320	4		   -
Talon			820	450	5		   -
Bronze Axe		665	570	4		XPGain+
Dawn Blade		720	910	4		+1 Fire
Wormwood		750	1340	6		+1 Ice
Gemini			800	1950	6		+1 Drain
Sword of Storms		900	2400	5		+4 Shock
Slither			800	2850	7		+3 Poison
Oathborn		1000	3600	10		XPGain+
Claymourn		1800	4000	12	   	   -
Saw Tooth		1500	5400	8		+4 Poison
FireBrand		1900	5500	11		+2 Fire
Kludd			2200	7500	10		+2 Shock
Marrow			2400	8200	15		   -
Riptide			2900	9600	13		+5 Drain
Incubus			2200	11400	14		+2 Ice
Fang			2600	11420	12		+3 Fire
Thorneblade		7777	13000	3		+30 Drain
Lady Finger		4200	14900	18		+2 Drain
Bolt			3800	15800	15		+4 Shock
Iron Claw		4400	17500	20		   -
Ruin			9900	19360	1		XPGain+++
Unfaithful		3900	21540	22		   -
Glimmer			3600	24200	14		+4 Poison
Ellorium		3600	29200	24		   -
Kraken			3600	36600	18		+8 Shock
Ember			5600	40000	20		+8 Fire
Brunt			3400	45200	30		   -
Aeternum		5800	61500	25		+15 Drain
Frostbite		6400	74300	24		+10 Ice
Nerrix			5400	92400	28		+10 Shock
Khill			8800	158000	32		+12 Poison
The Infinity Blade	15000	514900	200		   -

Shields [IB7]
Name			XP	Cost	Shield Bonus	Resistance / Bonus
Wooden Shield		600	60	9			 -
Iron Guard		1420	200	10			 -
Grummun			2000	960	8			XPGain+
Aegis			2000	1720	14			 -
Osseous			2200	4920	12			Fire
Odin Guard		2600	7940	16			Shock
Dorn			3000	9700	15			Poison
Prime			3100	11900	22			 -
Supreme Shield		3200	14600	18			Ice
Silverlight		4200	16500	20			Fire
Ruby Shield		4400	23500	21			Fire
Sunstorm		6200	31200	25			Shock
Hailstone		5600	43000	28			Ice
The Wall		9400	60100	50			XPGain+
Norsal			6360	71500	32			Ice
Elith			12000	82000	36			Fire
The Patriot		9100	145200	44			Fire

Helms [IB8]
Name			XP	Cost	  Bonus
Steel Helm		180	210	+2 Health
Gold Fury		920	360	+1 Attack
Plated Crown		1200	420	+4 Shield
Raulum			2800	900	+1 Health
					+2 Shield
Titanium Horn		1500	1350	GoldDrop+
Blue Steel		2600	1500	+2 Health
Phoenix Helm		1200	1800	+3 Health
Mighty Helm		3600	2700	+4 Health
Holiday Helm		1000	3000	+2 Magic
Midas Helm		3600	4500	+2 Attack
Dark Helm		3600	4550	+4 Shield
Gladius			3600	4620	GoldDrop++
Legion			5360	10500	+6 Shield
Iron Skull		3600	11800	+6 Health
Odin's Wisdom		4200	14350	Gold+++
Mana Crown		5040	19500	+6 Magic
Adamantine		9999	28200	+6 Health
					+4 Attack
Trajan			5800	37900	+4 Shield
Kaldan			6400	62100	XP+++
Oroku			7800	124900	+8 Health
					+4 Magic

Armor [IB9]
Name			XP	Cost	Health Bonus	Bonus
Leather Armor		3800	1900	6		  -
Bronze Armor		7200	6400	10		  -
Iron Armor		10000	20750	15		XPGain+
Plate Armor		13400	40850	21		  -
Adamant Armor		16000	96000	28		  -
Helio Armor		18000	204000	34		  -

Rings [IBA]
Name			XP	Cost	Magic Bonus	Spells Acquired
Shattered Circle	320	490	1		Ice 1
Ring of Flames		940	520	3		Fire 1
Lightning Round		940	540	3		Shock 1
Rusty Ring		940	590	4		Heal 1
Ring of Elements	900	2440	6		Shock 1
							Fire 1
							Ice 1
Shield Halo		1700	4810	2		Heal 2
							Shield 1
Venom Ring		1600	5990	3		Poison 2
							Fire 1
							Shield 1
Frozen Band		1900	6400	4		Ice 2
							Heal 1
							Shield 1
The Conduit		6140	14500	13		Heal 2
							Fire 2
							Poison 2
Zeus Loop		6500	29200	8		Shield 2
							Shock 3
Circle of Life		8350	38800	16		Heal 3
							Shield 2
Ring of Ice and Fire	14200	75300	30		Heal 3
							Fire 3
							Ice 3

^				Achievements				[IBC]^

If you are having trouble getting the achievements, just get your character 
really powerful and then select the "Restart Bloodline 1" option from the 
options menu. You'll go back to bloodline 1 as a super-powerful juggernaut, 
and you should be able to get most all of the achievements with ease.

1. Minuteman - Defeat an enemy in under 60 seconds. 			(20)

2. Inconceivable! - Defeat an enemy without taking any damage. 		(20)

3. Last one standing - Fight ten enemies in a single playthrough. 	(15)

4. Cinderblock - Block 10 attacks. 					(10)

5. Brick wall - Block 100 attacks. 					(15)

6. All right, little man - Perform a Combo Attack. 			(10)

7. Now THIS happens - Perform 50 Combo Attacks. 			(15)

8. The bigger they are - Perform 200 Combo Attacks. 			(20)

9. The harder they fall - Perform 1000 Combo Attacks. 			(20)

10. Variety is the spice - Do each type of combo in the same battle. 	(15)

11. En Garde! - Perform 10 Parries. 					(10)

12. A reed in the wind - Perform 50 Parries. 				(15)

13. You've got the touch - Perform 200 Parries. 			(15)

14. Epic! - Perform 1000 Parries. 					(20)

15. Roger dodger - Dodge 10 times. 					(10)

16. Artful dodger - Dodge 100 times. 					(15)

17. Full of holes - Perform 5 Stab Attacks. 				(15)

18. Like Swiss cheese - Perform 100 Stab Attacks. 			(20)

19. Wizard! - Cast a magic spell. 					(10)

20. You shall not pass! - Cast 100 magic spells. 			(15)

21. Warriors only - Perform a Super Attack. 				(10)

22. No, THIS is Sparta - Perform 50 Super Attacks. 			(15)

23. Working hard - Acquire 1,000 gold pieces. 				(10)

24. Hardly working - Acquire 25,000 gold pieces. 			(15)

25. It's own reward - Acquire 100,000 gold pieces. 			(20)

26. Payday! - Open 5 treasure chests. 					(10)

27. Jackpot! - Open 100 treasure chests. 				(15)

28. Waste not, want not - Find all world treasures in a play-through. 	(20)

29. Only what ya see - Purchase an inventory item. 			(10)

30. Well-equipped - Increase your inventory to at least 10 items. 	(15)

31. Bag of holding - Increase your inventory to at least 50 items. 	(20)

32. If ya got it, use it - Master an inventory item. 			(10)

33. Master of disaster - Master 10 inventory items. 			(15)

34. Intimately familiar - Master 50 inventory items. 			(20)

35. Ding! - Reach level 5. 						(10)

36. There is no try - Reach level 10. 					(15)

37. Like dustin' crops - Reach level 20. 				(20)

38. Prodigal son - Complete 1 Bloodline. 				(10)

39. Skips a generation - Complete 2 Bloodlines. 			(15)

40. Back in my day - Complete 5 Bloodlines. 				(15)

41. This is on a phone! - Complete 20 Bloodlines. 			(20)

42. Don't back down - Win a battle without dodging or blocking. 	(15)

43. Pen is mightier - Win a battle without swinging your sword. 	(20)

44. Now stay down! - Defeat the God-King. 				(30)

45. Not in Kansas - Get the alternate ending in the game. 		(25)

46. Insult to injury - Kill the god king with Ruin. 			(20)

47. Four on the floor - Perform a four-hit combo. 			(10)

48. Fists of fury - Perform a five-hit combo. 				(15)

49. Higher and higher - Reach Level 45. 				(20)

^				FAQs					[IBC]^

Q: Is there a way to skip the cutscenes?
A: Yes, hold the ">>" icon in the lower right corner.

Q: How come it says "Huge Hit" or "Mega Hit" sometimes?
A: Because you just executed a combo (see combo section in Controls/Combat).

Q: The God King is too hard!
A: If you're about to die, hit pause and restart the battle.

Q: How can I make money faster?
A: Equip a helm with the Gold+++ bonus (see Tips and Tricks section).

Q: If I select the "Restart Bloodline 1" icon, will I lose all my stuff?
A: Nope, you'll go back to the beginning of the game will all of your items
   and XP. Bascially, you'll be a juggernaut among noobs (depending on how
   far you got before restarting back to bloodline 1.

Q: Can I hang myself on that noose at the beginning of the game?
A: No.

^				Contact					[IBD]^

If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at:

[email protected]

^				Credits/Legal				[IBE]^

Combo damage multiplier values observed from Robyrt's guide and verified by
personal experience.

Copyright 2011 RPGillespie

Infinity Blade was developed by Chair Entertainment and Epic Games.