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Monkey Dogfight Easy Win hints and tips for Super Monkey Ball 2

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Monkey Dogfight Easy Win


To easily win monkye dogfight in "Monkey Space Wars", follow these directions. At the very beginning of the battle, max out your missles. Next, fly all the way down to the bottom. Get in one of the rivets, if that's the right word, in the floor.

Fly full speed along the rivet, making sure to point your nose at least partially into the floor. There is a very good chance that missles won't hit you, although it impossible. Anyway, keep hedding straight, and when you hit the wall, you should fly right through it.

You must do it from a rivet into one of the giant speakers holding your nose to the floor. You will now be outside of the stadium, where you can fly around. DO NOT GO ALL THE WAY DOWN! THERE IS WATER! Now, let all the other players kill each other, until there is one left.

They should not know where you are, unless you are up against human players. In such a case, they will be able to lock onto you, but the missles will hit the wall. When everyone else is dead, get as close to your last enemy as possible, without going back into the arena, and hammer him with missles.

Even if he realizes where the missles are coming from, he won't be able to do anything. Kill him as fast as possible, because if you run out of missles, you have to go back in, and then repeat the steps all over again. Finally, he will die and you will have won. Wait a second, cheaters never win. WHO CARES?!

P.s. If you want to play a little more fairly, leave until there is only one person left, and then go back in and kill the last son of a...

If you need more help, we've got more Super Monkey Ball 2 cheats and also check out all of the answers for this game

Added by: zachorama
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