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How do you beat 8-2 vortex I've been trying to beat it for hours and hours..

Question asked by MasterMark on
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Question for Super Monkey Ball 2

How do you beat 8-2 vortex I've been trying to beat it for hours and hours but I can't beat it can someone help me?

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mysteryperson answered:

Great. This one. Anyway, don't touch any of the switches at the beginning! Wait until the point where it reverses, then get on it and push hard to stay on. When you get to the point where it's carrying you to the goals, start fighting the Centrifugal force to the point where you're really close to the platforms, then fall off! With a bit of luck, you'll fall on one of the goal platforms. Don't fret if you didn't make the top goal: practice later to do that.

I have GOT to learn how to post videos...

marksuper65 answered:

Okay, what you have to do is wait until the vortex reverses. Then get on. Now, yo stay on hold back-left. Then when you reach the goal's platform, stay near the edge of the vortex. That way you'll be closer to the goal.

remix4594player answered:

Basically, you watch the vortex carefully. After about 2 full rotations, it suddenly switches directions. DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS! When it comes your way, go on the platform on the right and build up speed so that you're traveling both in the same direction. Stay on the platform's edge and push in the opposite direction to help. Come off as carefully as you can on the next platform to reach the blue goal.


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