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How long does it take for you're chao to evolve without leaving you're..

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Question for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

How long does it take for you're chao to evolve without leaving you're gamecube on cause I can't and it's taking forever. P.S. Im making a sonic chao can you help me with that too cause I don't know how to make a neutral chah.THANK YOU! Smile

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Guest answered:

It would take about 2-3 hours of gameplay to evolve if I am remembering correctly,might be a little more or a little less.And if you making a Sonic chao just every now and then pet it with a dark/hero depending on which alignment it's leaning towards until it is back to neutral state.

Guest answered:

Well the first thing you need to do is give him fruit until his stat is 100 on the top of the yellow,gray,or red bar then turn of the tv while leaving the game on it will still play and he will evolve I'm not sure if it's a secondary you should have level 20 or 30 in stamina

sonamyftwlol answered:

Keep it neutral and give it green drives until it rebirths repeat once and your done

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sonamyftwlol said: 4th Dec 2012 | REPORT
keep neutral by petting with hero and dark people grats
boxthreesixty answered:

I need help I have been playing my game for well over a week and I'm still waiting for my chao to evolve,I'm trying to make a chaos chao and it's star for stamina is 71

Guest answered:

It takes 2-3 hours but if you want it to evolve quicker, give it LV.30 stamina (increased by fruit).

Guest answered:

Feed it green gem things. It increases their run skill. That's the only way to make it a sonic chao


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