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I WANT A TAILS AND AN AMY CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question asked by TailsChao888 on
Last Modified:

I WANT A TAILS AND AN AMY CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did everything to get some BUT I DIDN'T GET ONE!!!:( Please tell me how to get one with out a GameBoy(SP).

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ChaoLover123 answered:

That really depends. Do you want a fan made one (not the character ones) or the character ones? I don't know any fan made ones for them, but to get character ones, you would have had to go to a Japanese event or use an Action Replay.

Guest answered:

sorry but whithout action replay you have to use pso and gba

Guest answered:

Tails Chao:

1. Buy a yellow egg.
2. Give it dragons and skeleton dogs until it looks like tails.

Amy Chao:

1. Okay this might sound stupid but you have to get a red chao.
2. Give it either 2 rabbits or 2 skeleton dogs.
3. Give it a pink egg shell after you give the animals.
4. Now give it lots of fruits or it won't be what you want. And don't screw up so the egg doesn't come off!
5. Now wait the chao year (3-4 hours).
6. It will be an amy chao

Guest answered:

I tried everything nothing worked it only turned into a sonic pink chao

Guest answered:

It's impossible to get an Amy chao without Action Replay or something but If you want an actual Tails Chao (Legit), Try Phantasy Star online episode I and II. (This requires a GBA And a GBA Link Cable and this only works for the GameCube version) Do the mission : The fake in yellow. Finish the mission, but do not collect the reward. Stare somewhere for a few seconds and a chao will be seen. It will store your data in the tiny chao garden. Find a Chao Transporter and send the data to the tiny chao garden and after you done that, you may collect your reward. You can send it to either Sonic Adventure DX or Sonic Adventure 2 : Battle. Congratulations! You officially have a Tails Chao.


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