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by Chaet_legend

YYY YYY                                         HHH  HHH ___
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 Y Y Y  U UU U    G         | |     0 0000 0    H      H | |
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  YYY    UUUU      GGGGGG   |_|      000000     HHH  HHH (_)

  Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006

Hi and Welcome to the guide!  This is my 4th FAQ that I am writing, but One I
given up on so this is tecinically my 3rd.  It is an FAQ/Walthrough for
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006.  It explains the Basic
details on the functions of the game and decks to help you win!

� 1996/2006 Konami Computer Entertainment Japan and Katsuke Takeshi (Did I spell
that right?!?!?!)
| Section One: Table Of Contents!|

Section One: Table Of Contents

Section Two: Legal Crap

Section Three: Contact Info

Section Four: Version History

Section Five: Walkthrough

 5.1    -    Starting off!
 5.15   -    Deck Edit
 5.2    -    Link Duel
 5.25   -    Duel Puzzle
 5.3    -    Limited Duel
 5.35   -    Theme Duel
 5.4    -    Survival Duel
 5.45   -    Packs and Passwords
 5.5    -    Forbidden / Limited Cards
 5.55   -    Options
 5.6    -    How to Unlock Each Monster Tier
 5.65   -    Walkthrough
 5.7    -    FAQ
 5.75   -    Bonuses
 5.8    -    Heart of the Underdog

Section Six: Thanks to...

Seciton Seven: Glossary of terms!
|    Section Two: Legal Crap!    |

This guide is copyright 2006 by Chaet_legend.  Below are the rules:

@  This may not be reprouduced without my permission.

@  You may not put this on your site without my permission.

@  You may not steal it and claim it as your own.

@  If I do give you permission, which happens sometimes, you MUST give me
full credit.

@ Below are the sites eligibal to host this FAQ without my permission:

That is NOT YOU CHEAT CODE CENTRAL OR YOU NEOSEEKER (Don't even try me Dave.)!

@  Bla bla bla *FALLS ASLEEP*

And thats it with all the negitave stuff!
|  Section Three: Contact Info!  |
Right.  No Flames. No Viruses.  If I receive them, after a while I will take
My email address off.  But then to contact me, you MUST give me your email
Address On a message board.  THEN I WILL POST YOU A PRIVATE MAIL.  Ok here it

[email protected]

No nothing.  You may ask me FAQ and I will be glad to reply to you and make a
Section about it.  Thank you for your co-operation.  Make sure to put as a

Yu-Gi-Oh 06 FAQ Update:  Something that I missed.

Yu-Gi-Oh 06 FAQ :  For a question about the game

Yu-Gi-Oh 06 Practical Guide : If something confused you

Yu-Gi-Oh 06 Legal:  If you want to know about  legal and ask permission.

Yu-Gi-Oh talk : If you want to know something or talk to me about the Yu-Gi-oh!
Trading card game.

Hi : If you just want to say hi!

TOTAL SPAM COUNT SO FAR:  7.  If it gets to 25, my email goes OFF THE LIST!

And please don't email me saying why is your FAQ not complete in many ways, I
get round to doing it, just give me a chance!  And those emails WILL be marked
and I will NEVER take you off the block list... ha ha ha!
| Section Four: Version History! |

Version Kuriboh - (1.00) Sat/13/May/06 - What you see infront of you.  Got half
walkthrough up and most of the other stuff.

Version Scapegoat - (2.00) Thurs/20/Jul/06 - Sorry I took a VERY long time to
update, I have been very busy.  In return, a BIG update!
 I Have added a new section (user contributions),
and checked over a few spelling mistakes.  I have added the following to the
And I have added confirmation of how to get Tier 6.

Version Skull Servant - (3.00) Fri/21/Jul/06 - Completed Tier Three by adding:


Other than that, I changed a contributor name and added a new section (FAQ).
Oh, not that you care, but I added a new abbreviation.

Version Watapon - (3.5)  Sat/22/Jul/06 - Corrected a few spelling mistakes
and added bonuses section.
Promise a big update tommorow or Monday.  :)

Version Watapon II - (3.75) Sun/23/Jul/06 - Big update should be on Monday.
Changed a few spellings, added a few bonuses and Started Tier Four by adding:


Version Watapon III - (4.00) Mon/24/Jul/06 I promised a big update! (Reason
that the version is 4.00 instead of 4.75 is of the fact, that, I prefer to
touch on whole decimals, and not skip them).  Added another huge chunk to the
user contributions (thanks guidolheat!) and, I got the first three pack listings

Version White Magician Pikeru - (4.25)  Wed/2/Aug/06 - I am really sorry about
no recent updates, I will do one now (and sorry that this is small).
Added more bonuses.  Added stuff to the FAQ.  Added a few names of Theme
Duels and Limited duels.  Corrected a hell of a load of spelling mistakes,
and changed all 'Dose' into 'Does'(sorry for the appauling spelling and grammar
^_^).  Aded more tips and what I recommend for the starter decks.  Added a bit
forbidden and limited cards.  I should be updating again by...Monday at the

Version White Magician Pikeru II - (4.25) Fri/4/Aug/06 - Minor update.  Finished
changed a few spellings.  Nothing special, so no upgrade.  Only 9 days to go
my birthday!

Version White Magician Pikeru III - (4.75) Mon/7/Aug/06 - 6 days to go
before my birthday!  Yay!  Anyways, added Pharonic Guardian Pack to the pack
list, added the following to the walkthrough:

@ Elemental Hero Erikshieler (Completing Tier 4)
@ Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
@ Horus the Black Flame Dragon, LV 8

Version TierOneTeam - (5.00) Sat/19/Aug/06 - Sorry I took ages to update, I have
had my birthday recentley and I have been on holiday, with no acess to the
Added Spell Ruler to the pack list.  Changed Spelling mistakes, and a few
errors too.

Version Batteryman C - (5.50) Tues/12/Sept/06 - Sorry I haven't been paying
attention to the guide, I have not been very well, and I recently started
school again.  I added a ton of stuff to the user Contributions, and which is
very helpful.

Version Batteryman C II (5.75) Mon/2/Oct/06 - Sorry, I have been neglecting
the guide for a bit, because I have had school (on Stauraday too.  Painful.
Added a note on des frog, and did the section on Heart Of the underdog.
Also added an Over-80 card deck idea.
|   Section Five: Walkthrough!   |

Here we are at last!  The walkthrough.  It is fairly brief I think so I will try
and keep to the point.  It describes each function in detail as well as trying
hope to beat that Monster for you.  Well Enjoy!
\5.1 Starting Out!/

What could be simpler! First of all you enter your name.  Then, you can choose a
face'Icon' to represent you.  These can be changed at any time by pressing
'Options','Your Stats' then 'Change name / Icon.'  Then, you get to choose
a starter deck.  I will post them here:

[Cards you get anways:]

Monster's 20:

X1 Elemental Hero Bladedge
X1 Luster Dragon #2
X1 Luster Dragon
X1 Dark Blade
X1 Warrior Dai Grepher
X1 Elemental Hero Sparkman
X1 Warrior of Zera
X1 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
X1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
X1 Elemental Hero Avian
X1 Elemental Hero Clayman
X1 Elemental Hero Sparkman
X1 Spear Dragon
X1 Mirage Dragon
X1 The Trojan Horse
X1 Spirit Caller
X1 Princess of Tsurugi
X1 Skelengel
X1 Kuriboh
X1 Magician of Faith

Spell's 12:

X1 Black Pendant
X1 Brain Control
X1 Dark Factory of Mass Production
X1 Fissure
X1 Gaia Power
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Monster reincarnation
X1 Ookazi
X1 Premature Burial
X1 Red medicine
X1 The Warrior Returning Alive
X1 Tribute to the Doomed

Trap's 9:

X1 Castle Walls
X1 Cemetary Bomb
X1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
X1 Dust Tornado
X1 Jar of Greed
X1 Magic Cylinder
X1 Ready for Intercepting
X1 Reinforcements
X1 Sakuretsu Armor

[Dragon's Roar]

Monster's 14:

X1 Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon

X1 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
X2 Armed Dragon LV5
X1 Element Dragon
X1 Twin-Headed Behemoth
X3 Masked Dragon
X1 Armed Dragon LV3
X1 Red-Eyes B. Chick
X2 Luster Dragon

Spell's 16:

X2 Creature Swap
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X2 Nobleman of Crossout
X1 Pot of Greed
X1 Premature Burial
X2 Reload
X1 Snatch Steal
X3 Stamping Destruction
X1 Swords of Revealing Light
X1 The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension

Trap's 10:

X1 Call of the Haunted
X1 Ceasefire
X1 Curse of Anubis
X2 Dragon's Rage
X2 Interdimensional Matter Transporter
X1 Reckless Greed
X1 The Dragon's Bead
X1 Trap Jammer

[Zombie Madness]

Monster's 17:

X1 Vampire Genesis
X2 Despair From the Dark
X2 Ryu Kokki
X2 Dark Dust Spirit
X1 Vampire Lord
X1 Master Kyonshee
X2 Regenrating Mummy
X1 Double Coston
X1 Vampire Lady
X3 Pyramid Turtle
X1 Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
X1 Spirit Reaper

Spell's 16:

X2 Book of Life
X3 Call of the Mummy
X1 Card of Safe Return
X2 Creature Swap
X1 Giant Trunade
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X1 Nobleman of Crossout
X1 Pot of Greed
X2 Reload
X1 Snatch Steal

Trap's 7:

X3 Compulsory Evacuation Device
X1 Dust Tornado
X1 Magic Jammer
X1 Reckless Greed
X1 Torrential Tribute

[Blazing Destruction]

Monster's 18:

X1 Infernal Flame Emperor
X1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
X1 Blazing Inpachi
X1 Great Angus
X1 Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective
X1 Molten Zombie
X2 Solar Flare Dragon
X3 UFO Turtle
X2 Inferno
X2 Little Chimera
X2 Ultimate Baseball Kid
X1 Fox Fire
X1 Raging Flame Sprite

Spell's 15:

X1 Dark Room of Nightmare
X1 Heavy Storm
X2 Level Limit - Area B
X1 Meteor of Destruction
X2 Molten Destruction
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X1 Necklace of Command
X1 Nobleman of Crossout
X1 Pot of Greed
X1 Premature Burial
X1 Reload
X1 Snatch Steal
X1 Tribute to the doomed

Trap's 7:

X2 Backfire
X1 Call of the Haunted
X2 Dust Tornado
X1 Jar of Greed
X1 Spell Shield Type-8

[Fury of the Deep]

Monster's 17:

X1 Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus
X1 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus
X1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
X1 Tribe-Infecting Virus
X1 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3
X1 Mermaid Knight
X1 Unshaven Angler
X2 Fenrir
X3 Mother Grizzly
X1 Creeping Doom Manta
X1 Star Boy

Spell's 15:

X3 A Legendary Ocean
X1 Big Wave Small Wave
X1 Creature Swap
X1 Hammer Shot
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X1 Pot of Greed
X1 Premature Burial
X2 Reload
X2 Salvage
X1 Snatch Steal

Trap's 8:

X1 Call of the Haunted
X1 Dust Tornado
X2 Gravity Bind
X1 Spell Shield Type-8
X1 Tornado Wall
X1 Torrential Tribute
X1 Xing Zhen Hu

[Warrior's Triumph]

Monster's 19:

X1 Gearfried the Swordmaster
X1 Gilford the Legend
X1 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
X1 Dark Blade
X1 Goblin Attack Force
X1 Mystic Swordsman LV4
X2 Gearfried the Iron Knight
X1 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
X1 D.D. Warrior Lady
X1 Obnoxious Celtic Guard
X1 Mataza the Zapper
X1 Command Knight
X2 Marauding Captain
X1 Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
X1 Exiled Force
X1 Mystic Swordsman LV2
X1 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei

Spell's 17:

X1 Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
X1 Fairy of the Spring
X1 Fusion Sword Murasame Blade
X1 Giant Trunade
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Lightning Blade
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X2 Reinforcements of the Army
X1 Release Restraint
X2 Reload
X1 Snatch Steal
X1 Swords of Concealing Light
X1 The Warrior Returning Alive
X1 Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou

Trap's 4:

X1 Blast with Chain
X1 Call of the Haunted
X1 Magic Jammer
X1 Royal Decree

[Spellcaster's Judgment]

Monster'S 19:

X1 Dark Magician
X1 Dark Eradicator Warlock
X1 Chaos Command Magician
X1 Chaos Sorcerer
X1 Gemini Elf
X2 Skilled Dark Magician
X1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
X1 Rapid-Fire Magician
X1 Blast Magician
X1 Mythical Beast Cerberus
X1 Ebon Magician Curran
X1 White Magician Pikeru
X1 Tsukuyomi
X2 Apprentice Magician
X2 Magician of Faith
X1 Royal Magical Library

Spell's 16:

X1 Dark Magic Attack
X1 Diffusion Wave-Motion
X1 Heavy Storm
X1 Lightning Vortex
X1 Mage Power
X1 Magical Blast
X2 Magical Dimension
X1 Mystic Box
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon
X1 Nightmare's Steelcage
X1 Nobleman of Crossout
X1 Premature Burial
X1 Reload
X1 Spell Absorbtion
X1 Swords of Revealing Light

Trap's 5:

X1 Call of the Haunted
X1 Divine Wrath
X1 Magic Cylinder
X1 Pitch-Black Power Stone
X1 Spell Shield Type-8

Personally, I would reccommend Spellcaster's Judgement and then buying a few
of Pharonic Guardian.  I was lucky and got book of Moon/Taiyou in 2 packs!  Add
a few of the starter cards as well, such as a Brain Control and another M O F.
DON'T put cards form the deck that you don't want in there in the trunk! Put
in the Side deck.  Another tip that I cna give you is to buy Zombie Madness.
It includes many rare cards, but, again, buy a few packs of Pharonic guardian
edit them around.  3 Call of the mummy is highly Unnecessery.

So, here is the order I would put them in:

1.(Reccomend the most) Spellcaster's Jdgement
2.Zombie Madness
3.Warrior Triumph
4.Blazing Destruction
5.Fury of the deep
6.(Reccomend the least) Dragon's Roar

Another way of putting it is like this:

Spellcaster's judgement - For absolute begginer's whatsoever, whom Yu-Gi-Oh! is
to OR if you want an Easy game.

Zombie Madness - For relitivley new begginer's who have had at least 3 weeks of
the game, so you have a basic grasp.

Warrior Triumph - Although this is a good deck, there is a lot to be edited in
You need at least 2 Big Shield Gardna and 2 Command nights.  I would recommend
deck for players with a month or more experience.

Blazing destruction - This is a very difficult deck to run.  This is sort of
Princess Rip-off/beatdown.  Key card has 9*.  No chance.  Weaker than Blue-Eyes
(though personally I am not too keen on BEWD) in BOTH stats and the effect
make up for it.  There are lots of **** cards in there, and Some cards that stop
most of their attacks!  I recommend this deck for players with at least 3 months

Fury of the deep - As I will say later on in my guide, this is a rip-off
of Blazing destruction (Downgraded a key).  However, this deck does not limit
what you attackwise, so that is an improvement.  I recommend this deck for
players with al least three months experience.

Dragon's Roar - This is easily the hardest deck to run.  With not many rare
in it, and just dragon decks being so damn hard to run, this has a lot of work
needed.  I reccomend this deck if you want a difficult game OR have at least
6 Months experience.

I know that you can get just a plain old starter deck, but I won't put it in.
If you do want to put it in, however, I would put it after Fury of the deep,
and reccomend 5 Months experience.


\5.15 Deck Edit/

Here you can Edit your deck, side deck and fusion deck, aswell as veiwing the
contence of your Trunk.  To veiw a text of a card, press R.  To veiw the FULL
details of the card, press start.  The hearts next to the card represrent your
favourites and can be changed at any time by these simple steps:

1) As soon as you go in, Press Right Once and Press (A).
2) Press (A) immediatley after that.
3) Press (A) on the card.  Selecting the Number of hearts goes from 1-5.
   (one beeing the lowest and five beeing the highest.)
4) If you wan to sort by favourites, Repeat step one and 2, only this time,
   press -> then (A).  You will be guided by the game then!
5) TO change the veiw of the cards, press -> in step 2.

Forbidden and limited cards' numbers will come up on the card itself.


\5.2 Link Duel/

Link duel is where you link up with your friends for match/single duels.
Unfortunatley, DS and Micro cannot link.  SP and the normal can.  Follow
these simple steps:

1) Insert the link cable into the console.
2) Turn the game on and go to Free Duel / Link Duel.
3) It will say now connecting.  A wire will appear showing the connection.
4) Player ONE will then decide to choose to do a single duel or a match duel.
5)   "     "   "    "     "    the time limit.
6) Happy duelng!


\5.25 Duel Puzzle/

Duel Puzzle is where the cards are laid down for you, and you have to solve
them in
one turn.  The prize for winning is DP.  I might put solutions in a bit of time.

 1. Warriors of Darkness:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 2. Close-Up Conjuring:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 3. Ancient Mechanism:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 4. Open Fire!:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 5. Defeat the Three Phantoms:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 6. Achilles Heel:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 7. Reinforcement:
 Prize: 200 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 8. Eternal Flame:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 9. Frog Family:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 10. Equip Power:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game

 11. Eliminate F.G.D.!:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 5 total duels

 12. Anteater Hunter:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 10 total duels

 13. The Elemental Hero:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 15 total duels

 14. Fight to the Death:
 Prize: 400 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 20 total duels

 15. Towards Tomorrow:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 25 total duels

 16. Roll Out!:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 30 total duels

 17. To Catch a Sheep:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 35 total duels

 18. Wall of Zoa:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 40 total duels

 19. VWXYZ:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 45 total duels

 20. Beginning of the End:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 50 total duels

 21. Wriggle Out of That!:
 Prize: 600 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 60 total duels

 22. Commence Counterattack:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 70 total duels

 23. Break the Seal!:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 80 total duels

 24. Dragon Killer:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 90 total duels

 25. Battleship Down:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 100 total duels

 26. Indomitable Spirit:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 110 total duels

 27. A Hero's Welcome:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 120 total duels

 28. Summit Showdown:
 Prize: 800 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 130 total duels

 29. A Hero's Farewell:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 140 total duels

 30. Trio of Sheep:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 150 total duels

 31. Splendorous Dance:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 160 total duels

 32. Revenge of Shien:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 170 total duels

 33. Match Point:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 180 total duels

 34. Riddle Challenge:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 190 total duels

 35. Interdimensional Invitation:
 Prize: 1000 DP
 Unlocked by: Played 200 total duels


\5.3 Limited Duel/

Limited duel is where your deck is limited to a certain disadvantage and you
have to defeat special duelists to pass, while still using that effect.
These are the ones that I currently know of.  Details of the name, who runs
it and what deck they use/you use will be posted:  (???????????? means I haven't
unlocked it yet.)Here is a list of some of the ones that I have found.
They will all come in time -- be patient!
All Except LV 4 Forbidden - Goblin attack force - LV 4 Only deck.  A beatdown
the risky **** cards (Like GAF).  What I find REALLY FRUSTRATING is that he
Chainsaw inscet TOO MUCH and I lose in about 5 turns.  DIFFICULTY RATING
Medium and High Level forbidden - Giant Kozaky - LV 4 and under deck.  Kozaky
is one
if the easier ones I think.  He uses a LV 4 random deck so use the risky ****
Chainsaw Insect to counter him.   DIFFICULTY RATING ***/*****
Tributes Forbidden - Chaos Sorcerer - A tribute too far.  A fairly easy one, no
stratergy needed.  DIFFICULTY RATING **/*****
Traps Frobidden - Dark Magician of chaos - Artificial Seal.  He is quite hard,
though the duel itself is quite easy to buid a deck.  If you can, make a deck
revolving aroung lower level monsters and Messenger of Peace.
Large Deck A - Morphing Jar #2 - Embrace your Potential A.  (You need to
use a 60 card deck)  This is fairly easy as long as you have drawing
cards E.G. Pot of Greed.  Meh, one of the EASIEST ones in the game I think!
Large Deck B - Cyber Jar - Embrace your potential B (You need an 80 card deck
this one).  NEED HELP.  Not tried yet.
Sets Forbidden - Dark Paladin - No Holds Barred.  This is one of the HARDEST
that you will ever come across.  You are not allowed to set Traps AND monsters.
does though, and he is also BLINKING HARD!  I would reccommend an anti-Fusion/
Spellcasters deck here.  DIFFICULTY RATING *****/*****
All monsters except LV. Monsters Forbidden - Silent Swordsman LV 3. -
He is jolly hard, I found it difficult.  Try and use a final countdown deck and
Horus deck combined.
All monsters except Faries forbidden - Shinato, King of a higher Plane - Fairy
Paradice.  O M F G!  This is about the same difficulty as the sets early on in
game.  I cannot beat it.  He uses a fairy beatdown / shinato deck so I suggest
countering with a Lightning Vortex / anti  fairy deck.  Later on in the game,
Marshmellon is flying around, use him to block.  DIFFICULTY RATING ****/*****.

NOTE:  I finally beat him!  :> (not that you care...).  I had incredible luck, I
used a BASIC faries deck (for a joke.)  He has a tendencey to make little, silly
mistakes.  Good luck!
All Monsters except Wind Forbidden - Ultimate insect LV. 7 - Wind city. She
Uses a
strategic wind deck so I would bring a wind control deck.  An annoying thing is
stealing.  Use it on her to put her in her place when she brings out a srong
Also, try adding Bad reaction to Simiochi to this Combo and they will lose 1000
LP a
standby phase and a strong monster!  DIFFICULTY RATING: ***/*****
Limited Duel Additions:
Def 1500 or less forbidden
Attacks Forbidden
Union [Equip 5 union monsters during the duel]

All monsters except spirits forbidden- Spiritual Energy Settle Machine
[Spirits stay on the field as long as you discard a card at the end of
each turn] helps. I also surmise the card is how you unlock this, but
I'm not sure.



\5.35 Theme Duel/

Theme duels are duels which your deck is assained a certain theme.  In most
all decks will be allowed with-out it saying your deck dose not meet the current
However, ones such as the gate guardina one are like 'Limited duels'.  Here is a
list of some of the ones that I have found.  They will all come in time -- be
Battle Damage - Exarion Universe - Healing Universe.  (NOTE!  You need to do
LP batlle damage to clear this duel)  He does not try to damage you
if you have strong monsters on the field - more or less heal his LP.  Use a
beatdown and you will have this done before you can say Yu-gi-oh!
Deflected Damage - Stone Statue of the Aztecs - Fight or flight.  (NOTE!  You
to do 4,000 LP damage form your monsters DEFLECT damage.)  I have not tried this
one so I cannot give this a difficulty rating.  However, I would bring a STRONG
DEF deck, with Labyrinth Wall and Millenium Shield.
Normal Summon - Green Gadget - Gadget storm.  (Normal/Sacrifical summon 10
monsters during this duel.)  This is pretty easy, and I'll explain why.  He
ALWAYS plays the gadget monsters in attack mode for their effect. and then,
when he
has used it 3 times and has no more monsters to search for, he still does it!
is still an easy one.  Just attack his LP untill they are low, then summon 10
going in for the kill after the 10 summons. He tries to free up yuor monster
with smashing ground ETC. and YOU should bring a few ******* monsters.
Special Summon A - Manticore of Darkness - Mr. Unique.  Not got a lot of info
on this
one - have not tried it yet.  Fusions AND rituals count as special summons, so
those to!
20 X Spells - Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu - Spellmaster.  He uses a reuse deck and a
sort of beatdown deck with the giant red seasnakes etc.  I would bring a few M
O F's
and a rapid fire magicain if you have one.  Here is a great combo that can get
20 spells in one turn.  Play a Level Limit - Area B / Gravity Bind.  Then set a
M O F.  Then book of Taiyou and Moon it so you can keep getting them back.  YOu
need TWO M O F's for this combo!
10 X Traps - Mask of Darkness - Writhing in the darkness.  Try this one later on
in the game when you have cathedral of nobles.  I suggest using the following
cards against him:
Jar Of Greed X3
Cathedral fo Nobles X3
Good Goblin Housekeeping X2
Mask Of Darkness X 2
Bottomless Trap hole X 1
And rinse-and reuse cards.
Draw - Yamata Dragon - Spirits Of Yore.  I use self-destruct button for this,
he uses a beatdown/spirtis deck - mainly relying on Inhaba white rabbit and Susa
Soldier.  If he plays a favedown monster, it is more than likely an inhaba white
rabbit or a Tsukonami (Spelling).  Let him weaken you, then, when you are 7,000
Hand Destrucion - Spirt Reaper - Visitor from beyond.  NO INFO.
Duiring Opponents Turn - Winged Kuriboh LV. 10 - Kuriboh Party.  WEAKEN HIM THEN
Recover 20,000 LP during a duel - Princess Curran - Crime and Punishment.  Use
(Guardian Angel Joan) for this one.  And when she plays her god damn spell
PLAY BAD REATION TO SIMIOCHI!  (Deck NEXT update)  Also, destroy her monsters
as they
are more then likely Stealth Birds!
Remove 10 X Monsters form play by effect - Kycoo - The Ghost Destroyer - Magus
Brigade.  Though I haven't tried this one yet, use a Kycoo to help you!
Flip Summon 10 Mnsters on a duel - Guardain Sphinx (AT LAST!  HE GETS RESPECT!)
Evelasting Kingdom.  Haven't tried this yet, but I suggest putting in these -
Guardain Sphinx X 2
M O F X 2
Man Eater Bug AND old-vindictive magican X 3
Anything that can flip itself back face-down (Copy Guardain Exode's deck here
CHANGING a few cards).
Specail Summon B (10 X FROM THE GRAVEYARD).  HARD.  Not tried this yet.
"20 Turns" - Demise, King of Armageddon (SP?) - ???????.  I HAVE DONE THIS,
but I started again, and will have to wait a long time. :(.  He can be hard.
He can be intermediate.  He can be easy.  As soon as you draw Final countdown,
Play it.  This can be hard, with 2000 LP Down to survive 20 turns.  Keep on
trying and trying.

Difficulty Rating:  ***/*****
Dark Sage - Dark Sage (no joke!) - ???????????.  Give me a bit of time!!!!!



\5.4 Survival Duel/

I cannot give much help here.  You have to duel # times in succesion (The
Number of
times = when you want to stop, or STOP AT 20 ANYWAY!)  Once you win 20 duels
SUCCESIVLEY, say hello to some NICE packs.  You pick any opponents from tier
1-5 on
a roulette wheel and your remaining life points carry over.  So make up your own
deck up and use your instinct!  (Possible Good Deck to come posibley soon!)


\5.45 Packs and Passwords/
You have the REAL LIFE packs up to Ancient Sanctuary unlocked at the start.
As you furfill the requirments for the others, they will be unlocked.  I'll
to list them here:  (this takes time, they won't all be up in a week!)
A quick ademant here:  Passwords are what you see in the bottom left of real
They can be typed in, and you get that card.  Unfortunately, they come at an
unreasonably high price.

                         -=-=-=Blue-Eyes White Dragon-=-=-=

No. of cards per pack:  5
No. of cards to collect:  106
Price Per Pack:  150 DP
Unlocked:  From the start.

Secret Rare:

Blue Eyes-White Dragon (The non-kaiba startr deck one)

Ultra Rare:

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Dark Hole
Dark Magician (Arkana's version)
Monster Reborn

Super Rare:

Exodia the Forbidden One
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Swords of Revealing Light


Armed Ninja
Curse of Dragon
Gaia the Dragon Champion
Gaia the Fierce Knight
Man-Eater Bug
Mystical Elf
Pot of Greed
Remove Trap
Stop Defense
Trap Hole
Two-Pronged Attack


Aqua Madoor
Armored Starfish
Basic Insect
Beaver Warrior
Celtic Guardian
Charubin the Fire Knight
Dark Gray
Dark King of the Abyss
Darkfire Dragon
Darkworld Thorns
Dragon Capture Jar
Dragoness the Wicked Knight
Drooling Lizard
Enchanting Mermaid
Fiend Reflection #2
Flame Ghost
Flame Manipulator
Flame Swordsman
Flower Wolf
Frenzied Panda
Giant Soldier of Stone
Goblin's Secret Remedy
Gravedigger Ghoul
Green Phantom King
Hard Armor
Hinotama Soul
Hitotsu-Me Giant
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame
Karbonala Warrior
King Fog
Lesser Dragon
M-Warrior #1
M-Warrior #2
Mammoth Graveyard
Man Eater
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
Meda Bat
Metal Dragon
Monster Egg
Mystical Sheep #2
One-Eyes Shield Dragon
Petit Angel
Petit Dragon
Ray & Temperature
Reaper of the Cards
Red Medicine
Root Water
Silver Fang
Skull Red Bird
Skull Servant
Spirit of the Harp
Steel Ogre Grotto #1
Terra the Terrible
The 13th Grave
The Furious Sea King
Tri-Horned Dragon
Trial of Nightmare
Tripwire Beast
Turtle Tiger
Two-Mouth Darkruler
Witty Phantom

                         -=-=-= Metal Raiders -=-=-=

No. of cards per pack:  5
No. of cards to collect:  114
Price Per Pack:  150 DP
Unlocked:  From the start.

Secret Rare:

Change of Heart
Mirror Force
Witch of the Black Forest

Ultra Rare:

Barrel Dragon
Gate Guardian
Sanga of the Thunder

Super Rare:

Horn of Heaven
Magic Jammer
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Solemn Judgment
Summoned Skull


Black Skull Dragon
Cannon Soldier
Catapult Turtle
Cocoon of Evolution
Harpie Lady Sisters
Heavy Storm
Magician of Faith
Mask of Darkness
Robbin' Goblin
Soul Release
The Unhappy Maiden
Thunder Dragon
Time Wizard
Tribute to the Doomed


7 Colored Fish
Ancient Elf
Ancient Lizard Warrior
Armored Lizard
Armoed Zombie
Baby Dragon
Blackland Fire Dragon
Block Attack
Blue-Winged Crown
Bottom Dweller
Castle of Dark Illusions
Crass Clown
Dark Elf
Deepsea Shark
Destroyer Golem
Disk Magician
Dream Clown
Elegant Egotist
Feral Imp
Flame Cerebrus
Garecias Elefantis
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
Germ Infection
Giga-Tech Wolf
Giltia the D. Knight
Great Moth
Ground Attacker Bugroth
Guardian of the Labyrinth
Harpie Lady
Illusionist Faceless Mage
Insect Soldiers of the Sky
Jinzo #7
Jirai Gumo
Kaminari Attack
Killer Needle
King of Yamimakai
Labyrinth Tank
Lady of Faith
Larvae Moth
Launcher Spider
Little Chimera
Masked Sorcerer
Mega Thunderball
Milus Radiant
Muka Muka
Musician King
Mystic Horseman
Pale Beast
Petit Moth
Prevent Rat
Princess of Tsurugi
Protector of the Throne
Pumpking the King of Ghosts
Punished Eagle
Rabid Horseman
Rainbow Flower
Ring of Magnetism
Rock Ogre Grotto #1
Ryu-Kishin Powered
Saggi the Dark Clown
Shadow Ghoul
Share the Pain
Shield & Sword
Star Boy
Sword of Deep-Seated
The Bistro Butcher
The Cheerful Coffin
The Immortal of Thunder
The Little Swordsman of Aile
Thousand Dragon
Tremendous Fire
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
Water Omotics
White Magical Hat
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
Witch's Apprentice

                            -=-=-= Pharaoh's Servant -=-=-=

No. of cards per pack:  5
No. of cards to collect:  92
Price Per Pack:  200 DP
Unlocked:  From the start.

Secret Rare:
Imperial Order

Ultra Rare:

Call of the Haunted
Limiter Removal
Premature Burial
Thousand-Eyes Restrict

Super Rare:

Backup Soldier
Buster Blader
Gravity Bind
Lightforce Sword
Mirror Wall
Nobleman of Extermination
Nobleman of Crossout


Dust Tornado
Fairy Meteor Crush
Gearfried the Iron Knight
Goblin Attack Force
Magical Hats
Monster Recovery
Morphing Jar #2
Numinous Healer
Shadow of Eyes
The Fiend Megacyber
The Legendary Fisherman
The Shallow Grave


4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
Attack and Receive
Beast of Talwar
Bombardment Beetle
Bubonic Vermin
Burning Land
Chain Destruction
Cold Wave
Cyber Falcon
Dark Bat
Darkfire Soldier #1
Darkfire Soldier #2
Deepsea Warrior
DNA Surgery
Drill Bug
Driving Snow
Enchanted Javelin
Flying Kamakiri #2
Forced Requisition
Gift of the Mystical Elf
Girochin Kuwagata
Ground Collapse
Harpie's Brother
Hayabusa Knight
Infinite Dismissal
Insect Barrier
Insect Imitation
Island Turtle
Light of Intervention
Mad Sword Beast
Magic Drain
Minor Goblin Official
Mr. Volcano
Oni Tank T-34
Parasite Paracide
Rain of Mercy
Red-Moon Baby
Respect Play
Science Soldier
Skull Invitation
Skull Mariner
Solemn Wishes
Solomon's Lawbook
Souls of the Forgotten
Steel Ogre Grotto #2
Sword Hunter
The All-Seeing White Tiger
The Eye of Truth
The Regulation of Tribe
Three-Headed Geedo
Thousand-Eyes Idol
Time Seal
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon
Type Zero Magic Crusher

                            -=-=-= Pharonic Guardian -=-=-=

No. of cards per pack:  5
No. of cards to collect:  91
Price Per Pack:  300 DP
Unlocked:  From the start.

Secret Rare:

Mirage of Nightmare

Ultra Rare:

Fushioh Richie (Misprinted Card - Ment to Say Fushie Richie)
Great Dezard

Super Rare:

Book of Moon
Don Zaloog
Guardian Sphinx
Pyramid Turtle
Raigeki Break
Reckless Greed


Book of Life
Book of Taiyou
Dark Room of Nightmare
Dark Scorpion Burglars
Gravekeeper's Guard
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier
Maiden of the Aqua
Needle Wall
Nightmare Horse
Reaper on the Nightmare
Rope of Life
Sasuke Samurai
Spirit Reaper
Statue of the Wicked


A Cat of Ill Omen
A Man with Wdjat
An Owl of Luck
Arsenal Bug
Banner of Courage
Bottomless Shifting Sand
Buster Rancher
Byser Shock
Call of the Mummy
Card Shuffle
Charm of Shabti
Cobra Jar
Cobraman Sakuzy
Curse of Aging
Curse of Royal
D. Tribe
Dark Coffin
Dark Dust Spirit
Dark Jeroid
Dark Snake Syndrome
Des Lacooda
Dice Jar
Different Dimension Capsule
Disturbance Strategy
Giant Axe Mummy
Gora Turtle
Gravekeeper's Assailant
Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
Gravekeeper's Curse
Gravekeeper's Spy
Hieroglyph Lithograph
Jowls of Dark Demise
King Tiger Wanghu
Master Kyonshee
Moisture Creature
Molten Behemoth
Mucus Yolk
Mystical Knight of Jackal
Needle Ceiling
Non Aggression Area
Ordeal of a Traveler
Poison Mummy
Pyramid Energy
Reversal Quiz
Rite of Spirit
Royal Keeper
Royal Tribute
Servant of Catabolism
Swarm of Locusts
Swarm of Scarabs
Trap Dustshoot
Tutan Mask
Wandering Mummy
Winged Sage Falcos
Yomi Ship

                             -=-=-= Spell Ruler -=-=-=
No. of cards per pack:  5
No. of cards to collect:  88
Price Per Pack:  200 DP
Unlocked:  From the start.

Secret Rare:

Delinquent Duo
Painful Choice
The Forceful Sentry

Ultra Rare:

Cyber Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Snatch Steal

Super Rare:

Axe of Despair
Banisher of the Light
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
Spellbinding Circle
Upstart Goblin


Black Illusion Ritual
Black Pendant
Fairy's Hand Mirror
Giant Germ
Giant Trunade
Labyrinth Wall
Luminous Spark
Messenger of Peace
Mystic Plasma Zone
Mystic Tomato
Nimble Momonga
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Shining Angel
Toon Summoned Skull
Toon World


Ceremonial Bell
Chain Energy
Chorus of Sanctuary
Commencement Dance
Crab Turtle
Electric Snake
Eternal Rest
Final Destiny
Fire Kraken
Flash Assailant
Flying Kamakiri #1
Gaia Power
Giant Rat
Gravekeeper's Servant
Guardian of the Throne Room
Hamburger Recipe
High Tide Gyojin
Hiro's Shadow Scout
Horn of the Unicorn
Horn of Light
House of Adhesive Tape
Hungry Burger
Invader of the Throne
Karate Man
Liquid Beast
Magical Labyrinth
Maha Vailo
Malevolent Nuzzler
Manga Ryu-Ran
Mechanical Snail
Molten Destruction
Mother Grizzly
Penguin Knight
Performance of Sword
Psychic Kappa
Red Archery Girl
Rising Air Current
Rush Recklessly
Serpent Night Dragon
Slot Machine
Snake Fang
Sonic Bird
Spear Cretin
Tailor of the Fickle
The Reliable Guardian
Toon Mermaid
Turtle Oath
Twin Long Rods #2
UFO Turtle
Wall Shadow
Whiptail Crow

More to come soon!


\5.5 Forbidden / Limited Cards/

Same as in real life, the cards that you can only include, Zero (Forbidden),
One (limited) or Two (Semi-Limited).  You start out with the September 2005 Ban
but you can put in passwords for new ones.  The AI ALWAYS follows the September
ban list, so they can ALWAYS have Pot and Tribe Infecting Virus, but NOT the
cards.  Passwords can be enterd by pressing -> 4 times at the top.  You can save
up to a maximum of 13 Ban lists.

Here are some passwords (More to come as they are released):

April '06 - v2AQz 8Gfz() Lup3K EWQ�r mQ=vW GxrMr pBLea P=rWQ @zWQ= EWQU7
uMvyn ?f7YG 8-BWg J?D

Another note - When you get EVERY SINGLE CARD IN THE GAME (never mind the
quantity), you get all cards removed form the ban list (or similar).


\5.55 Options/

Veiw your Status and change the language.  And for those Pedo's out there
Icon here.  Veiw the % of challenges that you have done.


\5.6 How to Unlock Each Monster Teir/

This is just a table to show what monsters are unlocked, what their deck is
and how to unlock them.

|MONSTERS            |DECK                       |UNLOCKED BY . . .|
|Kuriboh             |Kuriboh & Friends          |From the Start   |
|Scapegoat           |Adversity Monsters         |From the Start   |
|Skull Servent       |Skull Servant Kingdom      |From the Start   |
|Watapon             |Shining Power              |From the Start   |
|White Magcian Pikeru|Friends Form the Magic Land|From The Start   |

|MONSTERS            |DECK                       |UNLOCKED BY . . .
|Batteryman C        |Full Charge Deck           |Beat All Tier 1 Monsters Once
|Ojama Yellow        |Preventers Deck            | "    "    "  "    "     3
|Goblin King         |Dark Feast Deck            | "    "    "  "    "       "
|Des Frog            |Frog Warning Deck          | "    "    "  "    "     5
|Water Dragon        |Elixir Deck                | "    "    "  "    "     "
" |

|MONSTERS            |DECK                       |UNLOCKED BY . . .
|Red-Eyes Darkness   |       -                   |
|Dragon              |Pride OF Dragons           |Beat All Tier 2 Monsters Once
|Vampire Genesis     |The Resurrected            | "    "    "  "    "     3
|Infernal Flame      |       -                   |
|Emperor             |Ring Of Fire               | "    "    "  "    "       "
|Ocean Lord Dragon - |       -                   |
|Neo-Daedalus        |Deep Blue                  | "    "    "  "    "     5
|Helios Duo  Megiste |Final Frontier             | "    "    "  "    "     "
" |

|MONSTERS            |DECK                       |UNLOCKED BY . . .
|Gilford The Legend  |Past Platoons              |Beat All Tier 3 Monsters Once
|Dark Eradicator     |      -                    |
|Warlock             |The Mage's Successor       | "    "    "  "    "     3
|Guardian Exode      |The Driving Force          | "    "    "  "    "       "
|Goldd, Wu-Lord of   |      -                    |
|Dark World          |Logic of the underworld    | "    "    "  "    "     5
|Elimental Hero      |      -                    |
|Erikshieler         |High-Rise Hero             | "    "    "  "    "     "
" |

TIER FIVE *(Note: this will NOT be in a table because of different reasons of

Raviel, Lord Of Phantasms - Spell King Rising - Beat all Tier 4 monsters 5 times
Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV. 8 - Blaze OF Black Flames - " " " " " " " " " "
Stronghold -               Complete 60% of challenges - Deus Ex Machina
Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys -   "     70% "    "        - Flight of the Phoenix
Cyber End Dragon -            "     80% "    "        - Cyberdragons
TIER SIX (I don't have a lot of info. on this one.)

Copycat - ***** - Unlocked by completeing 95% of challenges.
You - ***** - Unlocked by completeing 90% of challenges.

(Their decks - You - Your current deck
             - Copycat- of you saved decks (chosen at random))


\5.65 Walkthrough/

Well here is the walkthrough!  Some will need little detail, others may go into
so much depth, I may post a deck to simplify it.  At the mo, I cannot do
Stronghold, Sacred Phoenix or Cyber End Dragon.  I have a very long wait to do
so be patient!...

On to tier one.


Kuriboh is a fairly easy duelist and the first one in the game.  He uses the
old-school anime cards form Yugi and Joey so be wary.  An anti-effects deck
be good here, infact go and look at the pack FAQ, find the pack that has a skill
drain and BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Difficulty Rating: **/*****


Scapegoat is a right ba*****.  He requires the use of Skill Drain, so he can
his monsters without any nasty effects, and annoy you.  And, no Jinzo CANNOT
it if it was on the field first.  He likes to also play "Fusilizer, The Duel
Beast" with his skill drain.  The effect states that it can be summoned without
a tribute, as long as the attack and defence are halved.  But with skill drain,
attack stays the same (2800/2000).  Otherwise, his deck is pretty weak.  To
beat him
requires luck.  You need to get a Jinzo and get it out QUICKLY, then, he will
a hard time!

Difficulty Rating: ****/*****

|~Skull Servent~|

Skull servent tries to deck himself.  However, he plays Level Limit, Area B, so
your ****+ monsters CANNOT attack.  Usually, if you play a strong monster with
+ ATK, he will put all his monsters face-down.  Des Laccoda is his sig card,
goblin zombie, he likes to destroy his deck!  He even tries to draw with a D L
he has 0 cards in his deck! Lol, anyway, play a strong monster and just wait.
If you
see NO DL beeing flipped then destroy a few of his monsters.

Difficulty Rating: */*****


Watapon uses a fairy deck that requires luck of the draw.  However, he can be
annoying with "The Sanctuary In The Sky" and "Wall of revealing light."  Bring a
beatdown to clear this.

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

|~White Magcian Pikeru~|

WMP uses a half-LP recovery deck and half Spellcaster.  Well, only WMP is the LP
and Ebon Magcian Curran to dmage you while she stalls you . . . in all, her deck
is a total mess-up and random.  Anything can beat it, but watch out for IFL.

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

On to tier two.

|~Batteryman C~|

Batteryman C uses a RYBBISH machine deck.  Actually, Batteryman C has 0 attack
never goes off it.  He is only hard if he gets out "Perfect Machine King".
you will have no proablem!

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

|~Ojama Yellow~|

Ojama yellow is annoying.  He uses a preventers deck, so he can only beaten by
a ***
beatdown.  And Spatial Collapse limits your playing spaces to 5 cards ON YOUR
Use IFL, Hyabusa night/Mataza The Zapper (and equip them heavily).

Difficulty Rating: ****/*****

|~Goblin King~|

Goblin King uses a fiend beatdown that relys on monster increasing effects i.e.
Maju Garzett (SP?).  Quite hard to counter, he is the one I have lost to the
Try and use a preventers deck like OY but power it up.  You can also try Snatch
to wipe him of stronger monsters.

Difficulty Rating: *****/*****

|~Des Frog~|

Firstly, don't listen to frog warning, it is more likely frog walk-over as he
THE WORST water deck I have EVER seen.  So far, I don't know if this is true,
I haven't seen him playing a legendery ocean.  One annoying thing (though it
seem not,) is that he has VERY FEW spells or traps, so he can use treeborn
effect.  He may aswell keep it in the grave because if he AMAZINGLY draws x3
Des Frog
and a Polymerization, then it is hello D.3.S frog.

NOTE: Xenmaru has informed me that Des Frog DOES NOT use ALO, but instead,
uses Umurikka (SP?), a card alternate to ALO, but instead of downgradation,
the attack of all water monsters is increased by 500 and the defence is
reduced by  400.  Pretty annoying with abyss soldier looming about...

Difficulty Rating: */*****

|~Water Dragon~|

Just a powerd up version of Des Frog, the only real threat here is A Legendary
and he uses that for Goigagigo (SP?) to bring a 2650 ATK monster on turn one.
No real stratergy needed.

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

On To Tier Three

|~Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon~|

Red eyes darkness dragon uses a powered up version of Dragon's Roar structure
Feh, he sucks, use snatch steal, hey presto, over and done with.
Not really of Tier 3 standard.

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

|~Vampire Genesis~|

Easiest person tied with Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon in tier 3, my firends.  As
the above, he uses a powered up version of Zombie Madness.  Watch out for
Lord, however.  Instead of destroying it, wind him up by either:
A) Snatch-Stealing
B) Using a card like rush recklessley on your card, i.e.

[      ]
[      ] - Opponents V. Lord
[ ATK  ]
[ 2000 ]

[      ]
[      ] - Your Gemini Elf (Only an example)
[ ATK  ]
[ 1900 ]

[S     ]
[ PART ] - Your power boosting card
[  E   ]
[   L  ]

Difficulty Rating: **/*****

|~Infernal Flame Emperor~|

This guy is a toal ba*****.  He is another one who requires the use of Level
Area-B and Gravity Bind.  However, he is quite unlikely to attack you BECAUSE
OF HIS MONSTERS ARE OF HIGH LEVEL.  The most snnoying thing he does is he plays
Ultimate Baseball kid, powers it up, and, because of it being ***, he can
:(.  Also, he can, with that card's effect, sacrifice his own monsters and
you DIRECTLY.  :(.
Put it this way, This guy shoyld be in tier four.  And, like the first two,
he has a deck 'upgraded' from Blazing Destruction.

Difficulty Rating: *****/***** (And I mean it too.)(Not that I was misleading
with the others...)

|~Ocean Lord Dragon - Neo-Daedalus~|

*Sigh*.  Basically, yet another powered up version of the starter deck, fury of
deep, and an Infernal flame emprore rip-off :(.  However, he has downgraded a
but will use that annoying Legendery ocean combo, with that Gogagigogo, or
See above on how to beat him.

Difficulty rating: ****(and a half)/*****

|~Helios Duo Megistus~|

Yes, its one of the promo cards!  H D M is the ONLY person in tier 3 who does
NOT have a starter deck-boost.  That, and his absolutely ... uh ... DUMB
strategy, he is one of the easiest people on the game.  His stragegy *snicker*
is to remove cards from play, then, get out Helios Trio Megistus, ehich takes
ATTACK!!!!!!  You have been warned...

Difficulty rating:  **/*****

On To Tier Four

|~Gilford The Legend~|

*Sigh*.  Apart from Goldd and (Possibly) Dark Eradicator Warlock, Tier Four is
easiest in the game.  Guess what?  Another Powered up starter deck!  Really the
easiness as the first twwo in tier three.  However, be wary of some of his

Difficulty Rating:  **/*****

|~Dark Eradicator Warlock~|

Now we start to get a bit of a challenge!  The last starter deck 'evolution'
to that jolly old man we are about to challenge. He is pretty tough, but can get
over-excited, and do something stupid.  Always keep your guard up.  I reccomend
having a few skill drains in your deck, to negate his effects.  He has some
effect cards in his deck, so be wary.

Difficulty Rating:  ***(and a half)/*****

|~Guardian Exode~|

Unless he gets out Guardin Sphinx, and you have difficulties against him, I
fear for
one ting that can disrupt you, Guardian Sphinx (and for higher level monsters,
Golem Sentry).  Guardina Sphinx Happens to be my favourite card for several
(and his).  Firstly, when it is flipped, it can return all monsters on the
OPPONENTS (your) side of the field back to their respectful owners hands.
Next, it
has only 5 Stars.  Also, he can flip himslef back down.  Finally, he has a
2400 Defence!!!!!!!  That is all you should be wary of.

Difficulty rating: */*****

|~Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World~|

Here, is a tough cookie.  Based around the dark world, his deck is quite
overwhelmingly difficult for a newbie to overcome.  I suggest, that you use
that prevent Special Summons (Jowgen anyone?) or stop discardation to the

Difficulty Rating: ****/*****

|~Elemental Hero Erikshieler~|

Yup you guessed it, Miss-print (it is meant to say 'Elixer' lol).  He is Easy step above Guardina Exode, one Below Gilford the legend, so in other
words, expect to get five wins in a row first time.  However, he is intellegent,
so be wary.  Let your guard down, he will find the smallest gap in your

Difficulty Rating: *(and a half)/*****

On TO Tier Five

|~Raviel, Lord Of Phantasms~|

Ahh..this is hard.  Expect to duel alot of him.  I would recommend using a fiend
deck, using goblin king, Great Marju Garzett (SP?) and Chaos Necromancer.  This
happened to work for me (but my win count wasn't as high as my lossage count.
I will make a new section of the guide, posting good decks, and I will post an
effective one for Rav.

Difficulty Rating:  *****/*****

|~Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 8~|

As hard as Rav, I'm afraid.  You will encounter difficulties.  Spells, are
principally, useless to you.  Even playing the best cards in the game Spryly
won't help.  I will experiment, and will get back to you in two weeks or so
(sorry, I restarted, and I have only unlocked Gilford).  I will be greatley
honoured if someone can help me...

Difficulty Rating:  *****/*****



\5.7 FAQ /

Here is where I list some questions to get out of the way.  (Some I made up.)

Q:  Hi, I like your FAQ, please may I post it on my webstie?
A:  Stricly:  NO (and that goes for all my FAQS aswell.)

Q:  OK, can I even publish it ANYWHERE?

A:  ONLY THAT,  If you publicly distribute it, I will not be pleased.

Q:  You are a f***ing b****.
A:  Not a question.  That is highly offensive, and I will report spam.
    |BLOCK LIST      |
    |_               |
    |0| Stupid idiot.|
Q:  Can I just point out [Insert mistake/info here]?
A:  OF COURSE!!!!!!  I will be happy to change it AND credit you.  If you made a
submission (Like Guidolheat and Phoenix Dimayer), then it will go in the
    contribution section.

Q:  Can you give me some AR / GS codes?
A:  For those who don't know, AR stands for Action Replay and GS stands for
    gameshark.  They are cheating devices sold separately.  AR, depending, GS
    No, sorry!

Q:  Hi/Wanna be friends/whats your number/are you a boy/can we meet somewhere?
A:  Not meaning to sound rude, but I don't want those emails, especially private

Q:  Can you help me with another game?
A:  Firstly, check my FAQs that I have written, if the information you want is
    not there, then, depending on the game, mabey.

------------------- ALL ABOVE WERE MADE UP BY ME

Q: What is an Action Replay/Gameshark?
A: When I was doing my Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Practical Exam FAQ, this question was asked
around 1 in 7 emails.  An action Replay/Gameshark is a device that lets
you cheat your way to victory (sold Separatley).
I may post codes if I can find them.

Q: What is the Ban List Password Screen For?
A: When Future Ban List's are revealed, a password is released, so you can have
the Ban List on that game.


\5.7 Bonuses/

Here, I will list all of the bonuses that I know of.  More to come from me and

When you win, lose or Draw a duel, you get DP to buy packs with.  Here are what
get them for:
Total damage inflicted in battle (DIVIDED BY) 100
Battle Damge Only Bonus X 2
Effect Damge Only Bonus + 300
Max Attack Bonus (One Monster must reach AT LEAT 3000 ATK and attack with it)
Max Damage Bonus (The most damage you do in one go (minimum 3000))
Destroy in battle bonus + 80 per monster destroyed in battle
Tribute Summon Bonus + 80 Per Summon
No Special Summon Bonus + 200
Spell Card Bonus + 20 Per spell card activated
No Spell Card Bonus + 200
Trap Card Bonus + 20 Per Trap Activated
No Trap Card Bonus + 100
Opponents Turn Finish Bonus + 200
Reversal Finish Bonus (I.e. Win form a major come-back) + 30
Exacly 0 LP Bonus (Leave your opponent with EXACLY 0 LP) + 100
Quick Finish Bonus (win in 5 Turns) + 100
No Damage Bonus (Take no damage) + 100
Over 20,000 LP Bonus (Have [at any time] 20,000LP +) + 200
Low Deck Bonus (Have 1-*10* Cards Left in your deck at the end) + 150
Extremely Low Deck Bonus (Have 0 Cards left) + 1500
No More Cards Bonus (Your Opponent Wins By drawing all their cards) + 500
Low LP Bonus (Have less than 1000 LP left) + 100 *
Extremely Low LP Bonus (Have 100 LP or less at the end of the game) + 1000 *
Final Countdown + 2,000
Exodia Finish Bonus + 1,000
Fusion summon bonus = 150 (per fusion, notes vwxyz special way to fusion
excluded) THANK MINARTO!
Duelist Bonus
Tier One + 50 (Except Kuriboh)
Tier Two + 100
Tier Three + 150
Lose (Total Score) (DIVIDED BY 10) =10%



\5.8 Heart Of The Underdog/

This section is based around a card called haert of the Underdog.  This is
THE most UNDDERATED card in the whole of Yu-Gi-Oh!  What the effect does is
that while HOTU is on the field, if you draw a normal monster, you get to
draw again, and again, and again, until you stop drawing monsters.  Now here
is one way which, given the right circumstances, is one of the most efficient
ways to win.  Build a deck, using the following cards:

x1 (Or Two if you want) Heart Of The Underdog
X1 Piece of Each exodia Limb
X37/38 Normal Monsters (Preferably ones with **** and high atk./def.)

Now when you draw HOTU, you will keep drawing until one of the following

1) You draw the Head Of Exodia, without having all other limbs in hand.
This guarentees victory NEXT TURN, as long as that HOTU and what limbs you
may have survive.

2) Drawing all Exodia Parts

3) Decking Yourself (You lose..............................)

This is one way to pass the exodia finish bonus, aswell as the non attack,
and well, just a hell of a lot of them really!!!!


\Section Six: Thanks to.../

To me - For doing the guide :)

To CJayC and all GFaqs staff - For all their hard work.  Keep it up guys! :)

To anyone that wishes to help this guide - Please email me and I will credit
you for what you have done, be it a theme duel, to a spelling mistake!

You - For reading this :):):)

People who have helped me with other guides - Thanks you guys, you really help!

A MILLION thanks to guidolheat and Pheonix Dimayer, possibly the greatest FAQ
helpers on the whole of the internet.
Thanks for everything (most of their work is displayed in the User
Contributed Section).  :):)

Melody Lam - For Theme and Limited duel additions. :)

Minarto - For the fusion summon bonus and correction of Exodia bonus.

Tennukumo - For contributing a good Gravekeepers deck.

Xenmaru - For creating a good over-80 card deck and for giving me a piece
of conrimation on Des Frog.  :)

On to glossary of terms.

\Section Seven: Glossary of Terms/

You may have noticed I put some letters together instead of words.
Well, for all the newbies, this is what they mean!

MOF - Magician of Faith.
GAF - Goblin Attack Force
IFL - Injecion Fairy Lily
O Y - Ojama Yellow
D L - Des Laccoda
WMP - White Magcian Pikeru
HDM - Helios Duo Megistus

On to Reader Contributions

\Section Eight: Reader Contributions/

At the moment, I have been receiving many helpful emails, and I have enjoyed
reading them.  Some of them have had critical points that need to be in my FAQ,
others are minor stuff, but they all add up, with a bit from me, to make
this FAQ.



the good part of this duel ,as with any other duel is that your opponent will
use a
deck pretty much like yours, of course asuming that you have at least one card
each lvl, this deck worked perfectly, the main point is to stall the opponent
you can get the higher lvls out, use combos such as graceful charity+level
+silent magician rock, also you can add mirror force, if you can get it
unbanned, but
always carry in your hand smething with each to destroy the gravity binds, they
could be your own doomed however your opponent will only have 41 cards in his
so he should run out of cards before you; use royal decreee combos and the duel
is yours.....

2 armed dragon lvl 3
1 armed dragon lvl 5
1 armed dragon lvl 7
2 dark mimics lvl 1(msinly for drawing pourposes)
1 dark mimic lvl 3 (same reason)
1 horus lvl 4
1 horus lvl 6
1 horus lvl 8
2 silent sowrdman lvl 2
2 silent sowrdman lvl 4
1 silent swordman lvl 6
1 silent magician lvl 4
1 silent magician lvl 6
1 silent swordman lvl 3
1 silent swordman lvl 5 (dont use 7 unless you wanna lock your opponent
with it and royal decree, I'd rather do that with horus lvl 8, or even silent
lvl 5)
Ultimate insects are optional, but work great with gravity bind.
1 brain control
1 mind control (work great here if you have lvl up in hand and the
monster available)
1 level modulation (use it along silent magician lvl 4)
1-2 level up (up to your strategy)
1 good equip card - united we stand or mage power work great,
hell even throw an axe of disspear if you dont have any of the other
1 fusion sword murasame blade (again optional)
1 messenger of peace
1 monster reincarnation
1 mst or emergency provision (to get rid off the gravity binds,
 I like the latter best)
1 pot of greed
1 graceful charity (use it along with silent magician
level 4 and level modulation, great combo to bring the big bad lvl 8 out)
1 premature burial (dont leave home withour it)
1-2 reinforcement of the army (**must**)
1 swords of the revealing light (of course)
1 graveyard of the 4th dimension (i didnt really see the point on it)
1 blast with chain (just in case)
1 bottomless traphole
1 call of the haunted (can you say staple?)
1 ceasfire (can you say big damage?)
1 draining shield
1 magic cylinder
1-2 gravity binds (stalling is the key)
1 solemn  judgment (dont use it too early in the game though)
1 royal decree

This one is about killing your opponent before he kills you, how you do it?
With lots of attacks, I didnt put sakaretsu armors, I put one mirror force
and its dark version instead, the monsters I used are very handy and will
surely help, mask of darkness are great since you don't have to worry about
spells you need to focus on traps; bring out the chaos sorccerer to get rid
off all of the defenses your opponent will bring and, if you want include
one staunch defender to do some huge damage. other than that just concentrate
on attacking as much as you possibly can....

1 asura priest
1 blade knight
1 brain jacker (if you want)
1 chaos sorccerer (almost a must with all thi light and darks)
1 cyber dragon (always comes in handy)
1 dd survivor
1 dd warrior lady
1 dark ruler hades (he is awesome)
1 dong zaloog (use for either hand or deck destruction)
1 fred the brave warrior (in case something goes horribly wrong)
1 goblin elite attack force
1 jinzo (good staple)
1-2 mask of darkness (if you can't use spells you might want to hold on
to your traps)
1 mobious
1 newdoria (not my first choice but works decently)
1 reflector bounder
2 spirit reaper (some stalling)
1 unhappy maiden (for tight spots)
1 tsukuyomi (a must have nowadays)
1 twin headed behemot (he will be back)
1 a hero emerges (luckily you wont have more than a strong monster in your hand)
1 chain with blast (juat in case)
2 bottomless trapholes (gets rid off the thoughest stains)
1 call of the haunted (like you can carry more than one)
1 covering fire (for a surprise attack)
1 damage condenser (commence counterattack)
1 dark mirror force ( or mirror force if you have it unbanned)
1 disturbance strategy (its for fun, and hopefully screwing up your opponent)
1 drainig shield
1 emboidment of apophis (half trap half monster, its a trapster)
1 hidden soldier
1 magic cylinder
1 trap jammer
1 rope of spirit (your monster will be destroy, thrust me)
1-2 seven tools of the bandit
1 solemn judgment (be careful with that card, it can be very temting)
1 statue of thw wicked (if you want)
1 torrential tribute
1 trap jammer
1 dust tornado

now for some dragon action, as you might have guessed, this involves a lot of
attacks and some lvl monsters, this decks main objective is to bring out the big
guns as soon as possible, how to do that? offense is the best deffence and
viceversa wanna attack and attack untill your opponent begs you to
ps: for some cards you will need the dragon pack, you know for the rarer and
stronger cards
pss: this deck also works with the victory d. challenge
2 luster dragons
2 armed dragon lvl 3
1 armed dragon lvl 5
1 armed dragon lvl 7
1 axe dragonute
1-2 cave dragons (good attack, hard to use)
1 horus lvl 4
1 horus lvl 6
1 horus lvl 8
1-2 masked dragon (duhhh)
1 mirage dragon
1 rancer dragonute
2 spear dragon (awesome card)
1 spirit ryu (throw away uneeded cards or make the duel go faster)
1 twin headed behemot
1 white horns D. (blue eyes power for one sacrifice)
1-3 FGD (how many can you bring out, yeah I know totally insane)
1 brain control
1 dark hole
1 dragons mirror
1 polimerization (optional, I personaly dont like it)
1 heavy storm
1 lvl modulation
1 level up
1 mage power (I dont have united we stand)
1 monster reincarnation (or monster reborn if unbanned, doesn't make much of a
  difference really)
1 mountain (power up)
1 mst
1 nobleman of crossout
1 pot of greed
1 premature burial
1 super rejuvenetion (did i metion spirit ryu?)
1 swords of the revealling light (I'll call it swords from now on)
1 graveyard in the 4th dimension
1 bottomless traphole
1 call of the haunted
1 drainig shield
1 magic cylinder
1 magic drain
1 magic jammer
1 mirror force
1 seven tools of the bandit

Well as you can iamgine this has a lot of power up, if your monsters dont have
abilities give em to em....also some support and drawing are included, some
special summoning included as always, dont get too excited this deck isnt
too much fun to play with , I mean no effect come on....
1 aqua mador
1 blue eyes white dragon
1 d. d. trainer
1 archfiend soldier
1 drak magician
1 e-hero clayman
2 gemini elfs
2 insect knight
3 luster dragons
2 mad dog of drakness
2 vorse raider
2 mechanical chasers
1 mystical elf
1 soul tiger
1-2 axe of despair
1 brain control
1 chain energy
1 dark hole
1 hammer shot
1 heart of the underdog
1 heavy storm
1 mage power
1 mst
1 nobleman of the crossout
1 pot of greed
1 premature burial
1 snatch steal
1 swords
1 two-men cell battle
1 bottomless trap hole
1 call of the haunted
1 magic cylinder
1 magic drain
1 magic jammer
1 minor goblin official
1 rope of life
1 sakaretsu armor
1 mirror force

Only Warrior monsters allowed - Warriors are probably the best subtype in the
game.....they have a lot of support, and i mean it, a lot of support for
....take the a forces for instance, or Reinforcement of the is all
about the warriors in yugioh (mostly), dont ask me this deck is kinda
improvised, but it works beleive me...

1-2 Amzoness Sword Woman (up to u)
1 Big Shield Gardna (not as great as it seems, but still for defense, not
1 Blade Knight
2 Command Knight (dont you there asking why)
1 D.D.Warrior Lady
2 D.D. Survivors
1 Dimensional Warrior
1 Don Zaloog
1 Exiled Force (always)
1 Goblin Attack Force (better than Big Shield Gardna, after it goes to defense
LP will be safe)
2 Marauding Captains (i only have one though)
1 Mataza the Zapper
1-2 Mystic Swordman Lvl 2 and 4 (its up to you)
1 Mystice Swordman Lvl 6
1 Ninja  Grand Master Sasuke
1 Obnoxious Celtic Guard
1 Silent Swordman Lvl 3 and 5
1-2 Fiend Megacyber (special summon again)
1 Brain Control
1 Dark Hole
1 Fusion Murasame Blade (that was a though one to type)
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mage Power and/or United we Stand
1 Monster Reborn (if possible)
1 Premature Burial
1 REinforcement of the Army
1 Swords of the Revealing Light
1-2 A..Forces
2 Warrior Returning Alivr
1Blast with Chain
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Ceasefire (optional)
1 Draining Shield
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Magic Drain
1 Magic Jammer (or not)
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgement

****Note on all of my decks, if I say optional it means I dont use, if it has
numbers it means u can use either amount and it will still work, I strongly
suggest using ur own skills to improve this deck to fit it to your game

XYZ is in the House - XYZ is not as hard to do as it looks, the bad thing though
according to my calculation, that assuming they are right you will be missing
one of the monsters for one of fusions, easy problem, bring him back from the
removed zone.  Also, Try using Shinning angels to bring ur pieces faster.

1 Cybernetic Magician
1 Jinzo
1 Airknight Parshath
1 Cyer Dragon
3 X Head CAnnon
3 YDragon Head
3 Z Metal Tank
1 Chainsaw Insect
1 Cyber Archfiend
1 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1 Masked Sorccer (I dont even know whats it doing there)
1 Reflect Bounder
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Brain Control (remember the missing piece I told u aout?...take it from your
1 Dark Hole
1 Dimension Fusion
2 Frontline Base
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mirage of nightmare (or not, its only for drawing)
1 Monster Reborn
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Pot of Gfreed
1 Premature Burial
1 Reload (just in case)
1 Swords of the Revealing Light
1 System Down (massive destruction, guess waht his main type)
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of the haunted
1 Damage Condenser
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Magic Drain
1 Mirror Force
1 Retun from the Different Dimenson (or not)
2 Rollout!

Pheonix Dimayer has created a good survival deck.  Here it is:


3 x Chaos Sorceror


3 x Ninja Grandmaster
3 x Silent Swordsman LV3
2 x Magician Of Faith
3 x Strike Ninja
3x Spirit Reaper
2 x Old Vindictave Magician


1 x Call Of The Haunted


3 x Spell Absorbtion
3 x Goblin Theif
1 x Reinforcement Of The Army
2 x Warrior Returning Alive
3 x Smashing Ground
1 x United We Stand
1 x Mage Power
1 x Premature Burial
3 x Rush Recklessly
Although the downside of Gravekeepers cheif not being in the game, Tennokumo
has contributed a good Gravekeeper deck.  I haven't tested this out, but I'll
post it anyway:

I believe a gravekeeper deck would be very useful against some of duelists in
I discovered this deck when I waas searching for cards for a Zombie Madness
I made it just for fun, but when I used it, I was unbeatable.  What I like
about a
gravekeeper deck is that all the cards essential for one is in one pack,
Guardian.  Even though the game didn't put in Gravekeeper's Chief, it still is a
very useful deck.

Necrovalley, along with End of Anubis, which negates effects targeting the
graveyard (EoA also negates effects from the graveyard), can be used to make
Vampire Genises and the Dark World opponent really easy to beat, as they both
focus on ressurection.

Also, the gravekeepers makes a really balanced combo, G's spy can bring G's from
deck to field, G's guard gets rid of opponent's monsters, G's S Soldier can do
battle damage against cards in Def. pos, G's Asailant can switch battle
of opponent's cards, G's Cannon holder can do Direct damage against opponent
(useful when u bring ur opponent's lifepoint to 1000, have 3 gravekeeper's on
field, and win on ur turn), and Charm of Shabti prevent Gravekeeper's from being
destroyed in battle.  G's curse lets u do 500 Direct damage when summoned, can
useful, but I don't use it.

Royal Tribute takes out all monsters in hands, crippling ur opponent
Rite of Spirit revives G's even when Necrovalley is on the field, which, combo
G's Spy and Guard, can give you a huge monster adavantage over ur opponent.

Add a few useful cards to that deck, it could be unstoppable.

My Deck:
Keepers of the Grave

1x A Cat of Ill Omen
3x Charm of Shabti
3x Gravekeeper's Assailant
2x Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
3x Gravekeeper's Guard
3x Gravekeeper's Spy
3x Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier
1x Great Maju Gazett
1x Magical Marionette
1x The End of Anubis
1x Creature Swap
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Mage Power
1x Mystic Plasma Zone
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Necrovally
1x Pot of Greed
1x Reload
2x Royal Tribute
1x Smashing Ground
1x Snatch Steal
1x Swirds if Revealing Light
1x United We Stand
1x Deck Devastation Virus
1x Judgment if Anubis
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Magic Jammer
1x Raigeki Break
3x Rite of Spirit
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Torrential Tribute

Total: 50 Cards

I got past tier 4, and never lost with this combo, though I got lucky sometimes
with the Ai being stupid while I was low on health.

The good part of this deck is most of the cards (all the essential cards) can
be obtained early on (in Pharonic Guardian pack), so with the right cards,
it gets through tiers really easily.  It is also flexible, so other combos
may work well.
Xenmaru has created a good deck called "Kaze no Yaiba" (blade of wind).
It is useful in the two event matches where the deck must be 60 or 80
cards or over, but the disadvantage of this deck is that it has 80 cards.

This is a good deck for getting DP aswell, duel someone like Des Frog or
Guardian Exode for DP here!

Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind):

Monsters: 45 (the meat)

Amazoness Blowpiper x1
Amazoness Fighter x1
Aresenal Summoner x1
Blindly Loyal Goblin x2
Cave Dragon x1 (gonna replace that eventually)
Command Knight x1 (only have the one)
Dark Blade x2
Elemental Hero Bladedge x1
Elemental Hero Clayman x1
Elemental Hero Sparkman x1
Empress Mantis x1
Flying Kamakiri x1 (when i get more, they're going in)
Freed the Matchless General x2
Garuda the Wind Spirit x1
Harpie Lady 1 x3 (i'll substitute one for a Command Knight when i get a
Insect Princess x1
Kazejin x1 (for now)
Little-Winguard x1
Luster Dragon x3
Luster Dragon #2 x1
Mataza the Zapper x1 (this one won me a close match against Des Frog)
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke x2
Nin-Ken Dog x2
Obnoxious Celtic Guard x1
Penumbral Soldier Lady x1
Princess of Tsurugi x1 (i'm more than likely gonna replace her)
Sasuke Samurai x1 (only have the one or i'd put in two)
Sasuke Samurai #4 x2
Sonic Duck x1 (if i find another 1800+ 4* wind monster this is going)
Spear Dragon x1 (useful, but it's effect becomes my doom sometimes)
Spirit of the Breeze x1 (defensive card)
The Fiend Megacyber x1 (Des Croaking Recovery card)
Twin Headed Behemoth x1 (might replace)
Warrior Dai Grepher x2

Spells 21:

Axe of Despair x1 (when i get more, i'm having at least 2)
Black Pendant x1 (useful effect)
Block Attack x1 (in case i have a weak monster, and he's got
something useful)
Continuous Destruction Punch x1 (reason why i only have one Spear Dragon,
and a useful trick card to have him waste his MST or Dust Tornado)

Cost Down x1
Fissure x1 (just to piss him off)
Fusion Sword Murasame Blade x2
Gravity Axe - Grarl x1 (if i get a nice beatdown setup)
Heavy Storm x1 (Umiiruka Killer)
Mage Power x1
Monster Reincarnation x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Premature Burial x1
Reload x1
Raising Air Current x2 (Umiiruka killer, and the booster of my best cards)
Rush Recklessly x1 (For just in case)
Shield and Sword x1 (i've made a few nice comebacks with this)
Swords of Revealing Light x1
The A. Forces x1 (for my warriors)

Traps 14:
A Hero Emerges x1 (saved me before, it can do it again)
Adhesion Trap Hole x1 (keeps my monsters alive for a turn)
Call of the Haunted x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1 (another pissoff card)
Draining Shield x1 (keeps my health up for Solemn Judgement)
Dust Tornado x1 (when i get more, they're in)
Magic Cylinder x1
Magic Jammer x1 (same deal as with Dust Tornado)
Sakuretsu Armor x2 (keeps me alive sometimes)
Solemn Judgement x1 (any more would be suicide)
Trap Hole x1 (i know, i need more)
Trap Jammer x1 (that actually HELPED one tools is better
Wall of Revealing Light x1 (most of my decks have 2)

Thanks for reading!
:)          :(          ([]-[])          (~'~)              ('''_''')