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Character Guide

by svr_09

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Barrelhouse All Caps;}{\f3\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs20 Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2\par
Character Guide\par
*Note: This is not a walkthrough.*\par
- |Table Content:|                -\par
- I.Protagonist                   -\par
-II. Antagonist                   -\par
-III. Other Characters            -\par
-                                 -\par
* This is the official Summon Night SS2 Character Guide.\par
This tells the exact description of each and every character\par
on this game. Jotting down from Protagonist to Otber Characters.\par
Read at own risk.*\par
- I. Protagonist -\par
These are the Protagonist (good guys) characters in the game.\par
\pard\sb100\sa100  Edgar Colthearts - is very thoughtful of others and tries his best to be useful; Edgar is the main male character. His mother died when he was just born and father, Graham Colthearts died when he saved him, leaving him in the care of his father's close friend, Blaire. Unbeknownst to him, he is part of a family that for generation after generation has protected the seal of Goura with the Daemon Edge. Now a power has revived Goura and it is up to him to find the Daemon Edge and reseal Goura forever. Blaire will help him as much as he can, but it will be up to Edgar's crafting abilities to get the Daemon Edge and seal Goura. For some reason, he has a problem with machines, and is infamous among his friends for breaking mechanical objects upon handling.\par
Aera Colthearts - is bright, kind, and just a little bit of a scatterbrain, Aera is the main female character. Her mother died when she was just born and her father, Graham Clothearts died when he saved her, leaving her in the care of her father's close friend, Blaire. Unbeknownst to her, she is part of a family that for generation after generation has protected the seal of Goura with the Daemon Edge. Now a power has revived Goura and it is up to her to find the Daemon Edge and reseal Goura forever. Blaire will help her as much as he can but he'd be cursed by Goura and it will be up to Aera's crafting abilities to get the Daemon Edge and seal Goura. For some reason, she has a problem with machines, and is infamous among her friends for breaking mechanical objects upon handling.\par
EXeLD - A very logic and determined robot. He uses his combat abilities to help you progress in the game. When he is teased he overheats and then restarts his system. EXeLD is from the Mechanical Relm of Lorilal.\par
Loki - A very proud and prideful oni child. He tries to make himself become better in combat which he isn't that good in the very beginning. Battle and Violence is always his first option. He sees himself as Edgar/Aera's protector and strives to let no harm come to them. Loki is from the Oni Realm of Silturn.\par
Dinah - A devil girl with angel inside her body. What can get any better than this? She isn't a nice person to get along with and everytime she gets to mean, the angel in her body takes over and makes her apologize. Dinah is from the Spritual Realm of Sapureth.\par
Arno - A self proclaimed "Child of The Wind" (genderless). This may seem a joke but it doesn't have a gender. It is a half-beast and can interpet the winds thoughts and words and sometimes its mood changes. Arno is from the world Maetopa.\par
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- II. Antagonist -\par
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Guren - A evil summoner who intends to use Goura's power to conquer the world. He attempted the first time but failed. Even thou he took the life of Graham Colhearts. He is still trying to revive Goura after failing decades ago.\par
Gedharm Camcarossa - The player's encounter. He tries to revive Goura. He is working for Guren, who was the one who killed Graham Colthearts. He also is a summoner who uses Gunner and Iron Horse.\par
Ryogue: The Main Players best friend. He was raised by his sister Lynn and they came from different place before they came to the village. He wants the Main charcter to take him to Goura's Seal. So, the player does but it ends up being interupted as the player meets a stray summon. The promise is delayed to the next day. So, he and the main player and the summon beast go to Goura's seal. Which they meet a summoner named Gedharm. He forces them to take him to the seal by threatning to take the summon beasts life. Suddenly after they made it to the seal, Ryogue turns into a summon beast and he turnsout to be evil. He breaks the seal of Goura.\par
Lynn - She is the sister of Ryogue. She pretends to be madly in love with the Main Player but it turns out she is only decieving them, just so that she could help revive Goura. She is actually a summon beast like Ryogue and her summoner happens to be Guren.\par
Passueu - A mild yet, crazy summoner. She stole the body of a Nina Nina, who also torments Nina Nina, who is a ghost. She is a so called Lover of Ryogue. She talks about him all the time. But in the end she is taken out Nina Nina's body by the main player.\par
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- III. Other Characters -\par
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* Craft Knight Family -\par
Blaire - He is the village residental Craftknight, who is the father of Orin and Tatina. He teaches them both including the main character the ways of a craftknight. He adobted the main character after they lost their father. He gets really determined when it comes to making weapons.\par
Orin - He is a intelligent and gifted Craft Knight. He uses his knowledge to help the player and he also is good with machines as for the player isn't. He is also a good cook. He also likes to pick on his sister and the player.\par
Tatina - She is a childish and self centered young girl. She looks up to her brother and she also argues with him sometimes (as most brothers and sisters do). She isn't very good at cooking but claims to be good. Her cooking makes people sick. (Belch!)\par
* The Wind Clan -\par
Rocky - A young and charming little boy. He stands up for the gang when Gabriel isn't around. He is madly in love with Tatina.\par
Tammy - She is blue haired little girl. She isn't much help in the game.\par
Gabriel - A half-beast like Aron. He comes across Gedharm, who asks him to join him, in return to take him back to his world. Gabriel gives the player a hard time, by discising himself as the black solidier. Who is then later to be revealed.\par
Xyride - A smart and intellegent robot. Who travels with Gabriel. He also covers Gabriel as the Black Soldier.\par
* Non-Main Characters -\par
Nina Nina - She is a ghost, who really is a human. She is a novice summoner from a society that learns the summon world. She isn't good at reading maps and she gets lost in the woods. As she soon falls asleep and the next day finds her body being taken over by Passeau who steals her body and torments her in Borgins cave. But in the end the main character helps her get her body back.\par
Village Cheif - He is a wise man. He likes to tell stories which have no meaning of what is going on. He shows no sign of shutting up.\par
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Created By:\par
\f2\fs40 SVR_09\f0\fs20   \b0\f3\par