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Illustration Mode Guide

by valigarmander

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---=--==PARK BUILDER==--=---

Written by Valigarmander ([email protected])

Version 1.00 - July 15th, 2011

Copyright 2011 Robert Ryan


[jp1] - Tips for Getting 100% in Illustration Mode
[jp2] - Complete Illustration Catalogue
[jp3] - Appendix: Dinosaurs Listed by Locality
[jp4] - Acknowledgments & Copyrights


- The first (and probably the most important) thing to do if you're going for
100% Illustration Mode completion is to use the Bonus-Park cheat: when you're
naming your park at the beginning of the game, name it "Bonus-Park" (note the
case of the letters) and you'll start out with 100,000,000G instead of
1,000,000G. This will make the game MUCH easier, and essentially gives you an
unlimited amount of cash. (Though keep in mind that even with that much money,
it's still possible to run out--don't be careless!)

- Now that you have all that money, you should start funding excavations.
Start anywhere you like. Since you're rich now, I'd suggest funding 3-month
expeditions each time, which is likely to rope you in a pretty good load of
fossils. Keep at it until you've filled up your illustration book. Another
trick: if you happen to excavate an area and come back with nothing new, what I
would do is reset the game and try again to save some precious time. It appears
that the moment you've set the excavation, the DNA you'll receive is determined
 so unless you save the game BEFORE you send your team out, you're going to get
the same old DNA each time you reset. Save the game before you decide where to
send your team, and keep trying until you get something new. If you don't
bother doing this though, it's probably no big deal. If luck is on your side
you should still have plenty of time to get 100%.

- If your excavation crew asks for an extension on their trip, you should
almost always go for it. If you give them the extension, they're likely to come
back with a ton of new DNA. This is fantastic early in the game when you've
just started excavating an area, though somewhat less when there's only a few
new specimens you can unearth in a certain area. Still, I'd say take the offer
whenever you get it.

- The main focus will be excavating and finding new fossils, but of course you
can't completely neglect your park. Build a nice park that will keep visitors
happy, and support your expeditions with a steady source of income (that
100,000,000G will NOT support you for the whole game on its own). What I
usually do with the park is build four paddocks along the outside of the park
(morea on that below), a single road looping around the interior, and the
buildings and other attractions within the interior. This is usually good
enough for the visitors.

- Dinosaurs are expensive. When keeping dinosaurs in my park, I keep them in
four separate enclosures to ensure they don't fight each other. Carnivorous
dinosaurs (and non-dinosaurs) will eat any herbivorous dinosaurs with a rank
less than or equal to theirs (i.e. Carn2 will eat Herb1 and Herb2), and any
carnivorous dinosaurs with a rank less than theirs (i.e. Carn2 will eat Carn1).
They won't, however, eat any herbivorous dinosaurs with a rank greater than
theirs (i.e. Carn2 will not eat Herb3), or any other carnivorous dinosaurs with
a rank equal to or greater than theirs (i.e. Carn2 will not eat Carn2 or
Carn3). Similarly, herbivorous dinosaurs have a tendency to pick fights with
other herbivores with lower ranks (i.e. Herb3 will attack Herb1 and Herb2).
Therefore, I populate my enclosures this way to keep the fighting to a minimum:

Area 1: Herb1
Area 2: Herb2==Carn1
Area 3: Herb3==Carn2
Area 4:        Carn3

There are other ways to do it, but this one works well for me.

- While you're hunting for dino bones, don't forget to check in on things like
visitor happiness and complaints, durability of dinosaur enclosures, and other
things. Don't let anything get out of hand.

- Unfortunately, you can't play the same park forever. After 20 years the game
will end, and you won't be able to do anything else except replay from your
last save, or start a new park. However, you should have more than enough time
to find all 140 dinos.


No. ### (The dinosaur's catalogue number.)
Name (The dinosaur's name, of course.)
Area: (Where the dinosaur's DNA can be located. This isn't recorded anywhere in
game, but I kept track of it just for y'all.)
(This data pertains to the dinosaur's in-game statistics, and can be found in
   the Egg Creation Mode.)
Diet: (The dinosaur's diet and rank; i.e. Herb1, Carn2, etc.)
Attribute: (Whether the inhabits the land, water or sea.)
Rarity: (How rare the dinosaur's DNA is. Visitors like rare dinosaurs.)
Strength: (The dinosaur's strength when battling other dinosaurs.)
Aggr: (The dinosaur's aggressiveness, or how likely it is to fight other
Cost: (The price you need to pay to create an egg of this dinosaur.)
(The rest of this stuff is just for fun. It can be found in the Illustration

Special note: Due to how often they pop up, it's possible that DNA from
creatures 129-140 can be found in any area. To be safe, though, I only wrote
down the areas I was able to find them in.

No. 001
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 20
Strength: 30
Aggr: 21
Cost: 5000G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 1..0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 002
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 39
Strength: 43
Aggr: 36
Cost: 8200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 4.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 003
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 42
Strength: 54
Aggr: 44
Cost: 9600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 004
Area: Area05
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 41
Aggr: 41
Cost: 7100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 005
Area: Area05
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 62
Strength: 51
Aggr: 58
Cost: 11200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 006
Area: Area05
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 48
Aggr: 56
Cost: 9900G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 6.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 007
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 41
Strength: 35
Aggr: 26
Cost: 7600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 3.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 008
Area: Area06
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 31
Strength: 41
Aggr: 31
Cost: 7200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 6.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 009
Area: Area04, Area08
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 21
Strength: 51
Aggr: 71
Cost: 7200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 10.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 010
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 15
Strength: 56
Aggr: 61
Cost: 7100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 7.0M
Era: Jurassic, Middle

No. 011
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 19
Strength: 61
Aggr: 82
Cost: 8000G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 13.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 012
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 35
Strength: 52
Aggr: 75
Cost: 8700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 14.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 013
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 43
Aggr: 25
Cost: 8600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Fish
Length: 9.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 014
Area: Area05
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 73
Strength: 62
Aggr: 94
Cost: 13500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 15.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 015
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 36
Strength: 43
Aggr: 31
Cost: 7900G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 016
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 60
Aggr: 51
Cost: 10400G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 8.0M
Era: Jurassic, Middle

No. 017
Area: Area06
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 38
Strength: 48
Aggr: 72
Cost: 9000G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 9.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 018
Area: Area01
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 55
Aggr: 70
Cost: 8500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 9.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 019
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 23
Strength: 64
Aggr: 68
Cost: 8700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 11.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 020
Area: Area01, Area03
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 75
Strength: 67
Aggr: 75
Cost: 14200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 12.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 021
Area: Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 92
Strength: 21
Aggr: 30
Cost: 11300G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.7M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 022
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 40
Strength: 35
Aggr: 12
Cost: 7500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Plants & insects
Length: 1.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 023
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 53
Strength: 34
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 024
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 46
Strength: 39
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.5M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 025
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 50
Strength: 30
Aggr: 42
Cost: 8000G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 026
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 37
Aggr: 25
Cost: 8100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.7M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 027
Area: Area06
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 38
Aggr: 21
Cost: 8100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 1.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 028
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 22
Strength: 49
Aggr: 18
Cost: 7100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Plants & insects
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 029
Area: Area01
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 38
Strength: 51
Aggr: 12
Cost: 8900G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & Plants
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 030
Area: Area01
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 52
Strength: 41
Aggr: 24
Cost: 9300G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & Plants
Length: 3.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 031
Area: Area01
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 46
Strength: 53
Aggr: 28
Cost: 9900G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 4.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 032
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 24
Aggr: 16
Cost: 6700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Fish & insects
Length: 1.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 033
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 37
Strength: 29
Aggr: 14
Cost: 6600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Insects
Length: 1.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 034
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 57
Strength: 45
Aggr: 11
Cost: 10200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 035
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 60
Aggr: 8
Cost: 11100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 12.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 036
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 53
Strength: 41
Aggr: 6
Cost: 9400G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 037
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 31
Strength: 37
Aggr: 18
Cost: 6800G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meats & Plants
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 038
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 34
Strength: 31
Aggr: 22
Cost: 6500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 039
Area: Area01
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 32
Strength: 40
Aggr: 31
Cost: 7200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 040
Velociraptor M
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 82
Strength: 38
Aggr: 44
Cost: 12000G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 041
Velociraptor F
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 86
Strength: 30
Aggr: 39
Cost: 11600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 042
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 21
Strength: 45
Aggr: 49
Cost: 6600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 4.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 043
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 26
Strength: 50
Aggr: 46
Cost: 7600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Theropoda
Diet: Meat
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 044
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 62
Strength: 30
Aggr: 30
Cost: 9200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 045
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 54
Strength: 53
Aggr: 21
Cost: 10700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 046
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 48
Strength: 48
Aggr: 28
Cost: 9600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 4.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 047
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 24
Strength: 63
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8700G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 16.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 048
Area: Area02, Area05
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 29
Strength: 67
Aggr: 34
Cost: 9600G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 19.0M
Era: Jurassic, Middle

No. 049
Area: Area07
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 27
Strength: 47
Aggr: 26
Cost: 7400G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 10.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 050
Area: Area07
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 31
Strength: 51
Aggr: 25
Cost: 8200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 13.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 051
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 67
Strength: 38
Aggr: 28
Cost: 10500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 10.0M
Era: Jurassic, Middle

No. 052
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 63
Strength: 65
Aggr: 57
Cost: 12800G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 27.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 053
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 40
Strength: 63
Aggr: 41
Cost: 10300G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 22.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 054
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 78
Strength: 83
Aggr: 61
Cost: 16100G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 45.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 055
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 74
Strength: 71
Aggr: 63
Cost: 14500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 40.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 056
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 51
Aggr: 70
Cost: 10200G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 25.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 057
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 41
Strength: 57
Aggr: 67
Cost: 9800G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 24.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 058
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 34
Strength: 41
Aggr: 62
Cost: 7500G
Order: Saurischia
Family: Sauropodomorpha
Diet: Plants
Length: 22.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 059
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 46
Strength: 31
Aggr: 7
Cost: 7700G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Fabrosauropod
Diet: Plants
Length: 1.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 060
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 49
Strength: 58
Aggr: 20
Cost: 10700G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 4.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 061
Area: Area08
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 33
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 062
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 71
Strength: 51
Aggr: 54
Cost: 12200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 063
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 92
Strength: 22
Aggr: 21
Cost: 11400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 0.4M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 064
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 53
Strength: 45
Aggr: 48
Cost: 9800G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 065
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 48
Aggr: 31
Cost: 9100G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 6.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 066
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 37
Strength: 60
Aggr: 46
Cost: 9700G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 067
Area: Area06
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 43
Aggr: 33
Cost: 7300G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 068
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 39
Strength: 56
Aggr: 51
Cost: 9500G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 069
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 41
Aggr: 28
Cost: 7100G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 070
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 34
Strength: 53
Aggr: 24
Cost: 8700G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 071
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 36
Strength: 50
Aggr: 46
Cost: 8600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 072
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 50
Strength: 52
Aggr: 43
Cost: 10200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 073
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 34
Strength: 60
Aggr: 44
Cost: 9400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Thyreophora
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 074
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 32
Aggr: 10
Cost: 7600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 075
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 29
Aggr: 15
Cost: 5900G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 1.5M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 076
Area: Area08
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 36
Strength: 47
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8300G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 077
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 39
Strength: 32
Aggr: 16
Cost: 7100G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 1.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 078
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 45
Strength: 51
Aggr: 24
Cost: 9600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 9.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 079
Area: Area05
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 52
Strength: 58
Aggr: 26
Cost: 11000G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 080
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 22
Strength: 63
Aggr: 25
Cost: 8500G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 10.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 081
Area: Area02
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 32
Strength: 50
Aggr: 28
Cost: 8200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 082
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 42
Strength: 60
Aggr: 21
Cost: 10200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 14.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 083
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 36
Strength: 54
Aggr: 31
Cost: 9000G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 10.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 084
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 59
Strength: 46
Aggr: 27
Cost: 10500G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 9.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 085
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 42
Aggr: 25
Cost: 8600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 086
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 48
Strength: 45
Aggr: 20
Cost: 9300G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 10.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 087
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 39
Strength: 32
Aggr: 12
Cost: 7100G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 088
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 53
Aggr: 48
Cost: 9700G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 11.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 089
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 68
Aggr: 43
Cost: 11100G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ornithopoda
Diet: Plants
Length: 17.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 090
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 38
Aggr: 9
Cost: 8900G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 091
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 43
Strength: 41
Aggr: 19
Cost: 8400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 092
Area: Area01, Area04
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 48
Strength: 42
Aggr: 16
Cost: 9000G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 093
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 22
Strength: 30
Aggr: 32
Cost: 5200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 1.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 094
Area: Area03
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 27
Strength: 31
Aggr: 15
Cost: 5800G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 095
Area: Area03, Area06
Diet: Herb1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 35
Strength: 33
Aggr: 11
Cost: 6800G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 096
Area: Area03, Area06
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 30
Strength: 45
Aggr: 21
Cost: 7500G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 3.8M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 097
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 21
Strength: 48
Aggr: 27
Cost: 6900G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 098
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 51
Strength: 51
Aggr: 24
Cost: 10200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 5.5M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 099
Area: Area01
Diet: Herb2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 56
Strength: 48
Aggr: 27
Cost: 10400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 6.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 100
Area: Area01, Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 36
Strength: 58
Aggr: 33
Cost: 9400G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 101
Area: Area01, Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 26
Strength: 60
Aggr: 38
Cost: 8600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 9.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 102
Triceratops Lhorn
Area: Area07
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 91
Strength: 72
Aggr: 45
Cost: 13200G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 13.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 103
Area: Area01, Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 47
Strength: 49
Aggr: 41
Cost: 9600G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Pachyrhinosaurus
Diet: Plants
Length: 7.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 104
Area: Area04
Diet: Herb3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 48
Strength: 52
Aggr: 48
Cost: 10000G
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Marginocephalia
Diet: Plants
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 105
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 55
Strength: 31
Aggr: 29
Cost: 8600G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 1.2M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 106
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 65
Strength: 27
Aggr: 22
Cost: 9200G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 1.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 107
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 67
Strength: 19
Aggr: 26
Cost: 8600G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 0.3M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 108
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 62
Strength: 33
Aggr: 30
Cost: 9500G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 109
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 60
Strength: 39
Aggr: 48
Cost: 9900G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 4.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 110
Area: Area06
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 24
Strength: 37
Aggr: 42
Cost: 6100G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 4.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 111
Area: Area07
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 27
Strength: 22
Aggr: 24
Cost: 4900G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 1.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 112
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 35
Strength: 42
Aggr: 61
Cost: 7700G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 12.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 113
Area: Area02, Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 59
Strength: 32
Aggr: 76
Cost: 9100G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 9.0M
Era: cretaceous, Late

No. 114
Giant Pteranodon
Area: Area03
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 99
Strength: 67
Aggr: 85
Cost: 11900G
Order: Pterosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 14.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 115
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 44
Strength: 52
Aggr: 12
Cost: 9600G
Order: Protoaves
Family: -
Diet: Meat & insects
Length: 0.5M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 116
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 50
Strength: 31
Aggr: 29
Cost: 8100G
Order: Plesiosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 2.5M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 117
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 43
Strength: 33
Aggr: 36
Cost: 7600G
Order: Plesiosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 3.0M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 118
Area: Area08
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 48
Strength: 51
Aggr: 69
Cost: 9900G
Order: Plesiosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 13.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 119
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 56
Strength: 61
Aggr: 71
Cost: 11700G
Order: Plesiosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 15.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Early

No. 120
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 52
Strength: 39
Aggr: 35
Cost: 9100G
Order: Nothosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 1.2M
Era: Triassic, Middle

No. 121
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 55
Strength: 46
Aggr: 48
Cost: 10100G
Order: Pistosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 3.0M
Era: Triassic, Middle

No. 122
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 49
Strength: 40
Aggr: 77
Cost: 8900G
Order: Ichtyosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 9.0M
Era: Triassic, Middle

No. 123
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 43
Strength: 43
Aggr: 81
Cost: 8600G
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 15.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 124
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 47
Strength: 29
Aggr: 3
Cost: 7600G
Order: Ichtyosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 2.0M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 125
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 50
Strength: 28
Aggr: 57
Cost: 7800G
Order: Ichtyosaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 2.5M
Era: Jurassic, Early

No. 126
Area: Area02
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 51
Strength: 61
Aggr: 68
Cost: 11200G
Order: Mosasaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 8.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 127
Area: Area02, Area08
Diet: Carn3
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 27
Strength: 66
Aggr: 83
Cost: 9300G
Order: Mosasaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 10.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 128
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn2
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 21
Strength: 41
Aggr: 62
Cost: 6200G
Order: Mosasaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat & fish
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 129
Area: Area01, Area02, Area03, Area04, Area05, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 18
Strength: 2
Aggr: 1
Cost: 2200G
Order: Trilobite
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.6M
Era: Devonian, Early

No. 130
Area: Area01, Area03, Area04, Area06, Area07
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 9
Strength: 4
Aggr: 3
Cost: 1700G
Order: Horseshoe Crab
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.2M
Era: Jurassic, Late

No. 131
Area: Area01, Area02, Area04, Area05, Area06, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 5
Strength: 3
Aggr: 1
Cost: 1100G
Order: Ammonite
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 2.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 132
Area: Area02, Area06, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 21
Strength: 5
Aggr: 12
Cost: 3100G
Order: Coelacanth
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.4M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 133
Area: Area01, Area03, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 25
Strength: 9
Aggr: 18
Cost: 4300G
Order: Pareiasaurs
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 1.5M
Era: Permian, Late

No. 134
Area: Area03, Area06, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 23
Strength: 8
Aggr: 8
Cost: 3900G
Order: Marine turtle
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 6.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 135
Area: Area02, Area03, Area05, Area06, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 24
Strength: 6
Aggr: 11
Cost: 3600G
Order: Flying lizard
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 1.0M
Era: Triassic, Late

No. 136
Area: Area02, Area03, Area05, Area06, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 18
Strength: 6
Aggr: 15
Cost: 3000G
Order: Land snake
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 3.0M
Era: Cretaceous, Late

No. 137
Area: Area06, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Sea
Rarity: 12
Strength: 5
Aggr: 19
Cost: 2200G
Order: Sea scorpion
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 3.0M
Era: Silurian, Late

No. 138
Area: Area02, Area05, Area06, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 11
Strength: 1
Aggr: 2
Cost: 1400G
Order: Protodonta
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 0.5M
Era: Carboniferous, Late

No. 139
Area: Area04
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Land
Rarity: 39
Strength: 32
Aggr: 32
Cost: 7100G
Order: Synapsida
Family: -
Diet: Meat
Length: 3.5M
Era: Permian, Early

No. 140
Area: Area03, Area06, Area07, Area08
Diet: Carn1
Attribute: Water
Rarity: 17
Strength: 19
Aggr: 29
Cost: 2600G
Order: Amphibian
Family: -
Diet: Fish & insects
Length: 1.0M
Era: Permian, Late


Special note: Due to how often they pop up, it's possible that DNA from
creatures 129-140 can be found in any area. To be safe, though, I only wrote
down the areas I was able to find them in.

No. 018 Albertosaurus
No. 020	Tyrannosaurus
No. 029	Ornithomimus
No. 030	Struthiomimus
No. 031	Dromiceiomimus
No. 039	Troodon
No. 068	Edmontonia
No. 072	Ankylosaurus
No. 073	Euoplocephalus
No. 080	Parasaurolophus
No. 082	Edmontosaurus
No. 086	Corythosaurus
No. 088	Hypacrosaurus
No. 089	Lambeosaurus
No. 091	Stegoceras
No. 092	Pachycephalosaurus
No. 097	Chasmosaurus
No. 098	Styracosaurus
No. 099	Centrosaurus
No. 100	Torosaurus
No. 101	Triceratops
No. 103	Pachyrhinosaurus
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 130	Mesolimulus
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 133	Elginia

No. 015	Baryonyx
No. 016	Megalosaurus
No. 026	Compsognathus
No. 032	Pelecanimimus
No. 045	Plateosaurus
No. 047	Camarasaurus
No. 048	Cetiosaurus
No. 060	Scelidosaurus
No. 069	Polacanthus
No. 074	Hypsilophodon
No. 078	Iguanodon
No. 081	Camptosaurus
No. 105	Dimorphodon
No. 106	Rhamphorynchus
No. 107	Anurognathus
No. 108	Pterodactylus
No. 113	Pteranodon
No. 115	Archaeopteryx
No. 116	Plesiosaurus
No. 117	Cryptoclidus
No. 120	Pachypleurosaurus
No. 121	Pistosaurus
No. 124	Eurhinosaurus
No. 125	Ichthyosaurus
No. 126	Mosasaurus
No. 127	Tylosaurus
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 132	Macropoma
No. 135	Kuehneosuchus
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 138	Meganeura

No. 010	Monolophosaurus
No. 019	Tarbosaurus
No. 020	Tyrannosaurus
No. 022	Avimimus
No. 028	Gallimimus
No. 033	Mononychus
No. 034	Segnosaurus
No. 035	Therizinosaurus
No. 037	Oviraptor
No. 038	Conchoraptor
No. 040	Velociraptor M
No. 041 Velociraptor F
No. 065	Wuerhosaurus
No. 071	Saichania
No. 080	Altirhinus
No. 087	Nipponosaurus
No. 093	Homalocephale
No. 094	Goyocephale
No. 095	Psittacosaurus
No. 096	Protoceratops
No. 114	Giant Pteranodon
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 130	Mesolimulus
No. 133	Elginia
No. 134	Archelon
No. 135	Kuehneosuchus
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 140	Diplocaulus

No. 007	Coelophysis
No. 009	Allosaurus
No. 012	Acrocanthosaurus
No. 024	Ornitholestes
No. 025	Coelurus
No. 042	Deinonychus
No. 043	Utahraptor
No. 052	Apatosaurus
No. 053	Diplodocus
No. 054	Supersaurus
No. 055	Seismosaurus
No. 062	Stegosaurus
No. 070	Nodosaurus
No. 075	Othnielia
No. 083	Hadrosaurus
No. 085	Maiasaura
No. 090	Stygimoloch
No. 092	Pachycephalosaurus
No. 100	Torosaurus
No. 101	Triceratops
No. 103	Pachyrhinosaurus
No. 104	Pentaceratops
No. 112	Quetzalcoatlus
No. 113	Pteranodon
No. 119	Elasmosaurus
No. 122	Cymbospondylus
No. 123	Shonisaurus
No. 128	Clidastes
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 130	Mesolimulus
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 139	Dimetrodon

No. 004	Masiakasaurus
No. 005	Majungatholus
No. 006	Ceratosaurus
No. 014	Spinosaurus
No. 046	Massospondylus
No. 048	Cetiosaurus
No. 056	Barosaurus
No. 057	Brachiosaurus
No. 059	Lesothosaurus
No. 063	Mini.Stegosaurus
No. 064	Kentrosaurus
No. 077	Heterodontosaurus
No. 079	Ouranosaurus
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 135	Kuehneosuchus
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 138	Meganeura

No. 008	Dilophosaurus
No. 017	Yangchuanosaurus
No. 027	Sinosauropteryx
No. 036	Beipiaosaurus
No. 044	Anchisaurus
No. 051	Shunosaurus
No. 058	Mamenchisaurus
No. 066	Tuojiangosaurus
No. 067	Yingshanosaurus
No. 095	Psittacosaurus
No. 096	Protoceratops
No. 110	Dsungaripterus
No. 130	Mesolimulus
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 132	Macropoma
No. 134	Archelon
No. 135	Kuehneosuchus
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 137	Pterygotus
No. 138	Meganeura
No. 140	Diplocaulus

No. 001	Eoraptor
No. 002	Herrerasaurus
No. 003	Carnotaurus
No. 011	Giganotosaurus
No. 013	Irritator
No. 023	Unelagia
No. 049	Amargasaurus
No. 050	Saltasaurus
No. 102	Triceratops Lhorn
No. 109	Anhanguera
No. 111	Pterodaustro
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 130	Mesolimulus
No. 133	Elginia
No. 134	Archelon
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 137	Pterygotus
No. 138	Meganeura
No. 140	Diplocaulus

No. 008	Allosaurus
No. 021	Mini.Tyrannosaurus
No. 061	Minmi
No. 076	Muttaburrasaurus
No. 118	Kronosaurus
No. 127	Tylosaurus
No. 129	Terataspis
No. 131	Pachydiscus
No. 132	Macropoma
No. 133	Elginia
No. 134	Archelon
No. 135	Kuehneosuchus
No. 136	Dinilysia
No. 137	Pterygotus
No. 138	Meganeura
No. 140	Diplocaulus


This guide was made by Valigarmander (me). I've been a lifelong fan of Nintendo
and a near-lifelong fan of Jurassic Park, and since I couldn't find a complete
Illustration Mode guide anywhere, I figured I'd take care of it. All of the
information in this guide was gathered by me.

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

The Visual Boy Advance emulator was used in the making of this guide (sadly, my
original GBA cartridge has been lost).

Thanks to Konami for creating this game, and Nintendo for licensing it.

Thanks to Universal Studios for the Jurassic Park movies.

Thanks to Michael Crichton for writing the original Jurassic Park novel (it's a
good read, check it out if you haven't already).

And thanks to you for actually reading the acknowledgments. Seriously, why're
you reading this? Don't you have a life? Shoo. Go update your Facebook status
or something.
