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How do I get rid of bad eggs and make them stop turning my other Pokemon..

Question asked by Squallio1 on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

How do I get rid of bad eggs and make them stop turning my other Pokemon into them, i've already lost a lvl 100 blaziken and lvl 98 rayquaza, plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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napalman answered:

Stop using action replay or if you prefer trade it with someone is the only way that I know.

Showing latest replies - show all (8)
Guest said: 10th Dec 2018 | REPORT
I also lost my lombre because of this
Guest said: 20th Dec 2018 | REPORT
Im losing my hard work crobat and wy other pokes it spemd me 5 days for the crobat ahh!
Sakuranature said: 2nd Aug 2020 | REPORT
i lost my tentacruel that is lvl 30, i was planning to teach it dive,.
Guest said: 11th Apr 2022 | REPORT
My egg turns to bad egg
raptor91 answered:

You can't get rid or bad egs. I suggest you stop using cheats because you might lose more. Or you could change your party to weak pokemons and use the cheat so you don't lose good pokemons.

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Guest said: 21st May 2018 | REPORT
you can get rid of bad egg by moving it in pc and then releasing it
Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
You really have no clue at all when it come to what you're talking about....

The majority of my game testing involves me intentionally making a Bad EGG as a tool for trouble shooting the direct cause to certain game bugs. I've dealt with getting rid of so many Bad EGGs in my time to know you're absolutely wrong.
Guest said: 17th Feb 2019 | REPORT
you cant release bad eggs
Sakuranature said: 2nd Aug 2020 | REPORT
of course
Aeon-Flux answered:

You cannot get rid of bad eggs. Ive tried.

Smoothe answered:

I havnt been able to get rid of them. Maybe you could try trading to get rid of them.

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Guest said: 23rd Apr 2023 | REPORT
The game won't let you trade it
battlemstr2006 answered:

If you have any games you want to start over try trading the eggs over there and delete the game thus solving the problem. Oh and try to lower the amount of cheats you use man......p.s if you have any info on pkmn rev please inform me !!!!!!!

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Guest said: 4th Nov 2015 | REPORT
there is any way to get rid of bad egg in pokemon emerald please help me cheat code to get rid of bad egg
Guest said: 6th Nov 2017 | REPORT
I was able to release mine
Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
..... "Release" them?!? Impossible.

And if you're talking about that PC cheat for making Bad EGGs invisible first to do it, then you're insane and don't care about the consequences of your game.

Emerald, in particular... is filled with so many little booby traps as a measure to game cheating, it would make your head spin if you don't already know where they are!

Greater chance that it would make your game glitch.
Brohan40org answered:

Refer to this link............
It's the way to kill bad eggs.

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Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Bad Answer.
Guest said: 1st May 2022 | REPORT
That is for pokemon emerald, smart one.
Guest answered:

Do you have all the gym badges? If not, stop leveling up your Pokemon to level 100, it will only make it worse because the data wont match. Trust me, I did it once.

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Guest said: 29th Oct 2018 | REPORT
Lol I have all tHe gym badges
Guest answered:

You should try putting the bad egg into a pc and try to do it everytime you load your game.Check on your pokemons frequently too so none of them gets infected by the bad egg. Yeah, that can happen if you don't watch out. I lost a lv 78 Exploud... Anyway, put the Bad Egg in the PC and there, you can be semi-safe about for the curent game session. Remember, each time you load your game, check if you have a bad egg, if you do, put it in a pc and play on. This is how I did it,so there are many other solutions, but I find this way good because I'm lazy :P

Guest answered:

Quarantine your boxes IMMIDEATLY. Any Pokemon near a bad EGG will turn into one. Move all of the bad eggs in one box and move all Pokemon away.

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Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Actually, you aren't far off when it comes to safety measures for Bad EGGs in PC. The safest best, PC box wise, is BOX3 & BOX6 though (usually with box 3 as the primary).

The reason for this is do to the flagging variables of those particular PC boxes and the similarities between them (unlike the others). I know it might be confusing to understand but this is a "game tech" thing, so take my word on it.

If you're in such a sticky situation... Bad EGGs go to either BOX3 or BOX6 only, with no mons mingling in those boxes either.
Guest answered:

Just don't put Pokemon on box 1 but still the bad egg will exist when youre keep using cheats. If your box 1 is empty invisible bad egg will show up, in that case invisible bad egg can easily get rid by releasing it (invisible bad egg only). Always check you're box 1 by pressing move pokemons make sure that you will check every tiles in box 1 if you had invisible bad just release it...

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Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
You need to be extremely careful releasing "invisible Bad EGGs" in Emerald. That's one of those strange little things in that game that can be booby trapped, with consequences "glutch/bug" wise in the future for it.

The only thing I could add to this though:
- Better safe than sorry. If you were to release an invisible Bad EGG (that weren't cause by PC cheat), best to do it while *both* Emerald Master Code (M) and Anti-DMA are enabled, during the PC process... as a game safety measure.

The only way you can get rid of invisible Bad EGGs with No Negative Side Effect though, is by using the Box 1 Slot 1 cheat method. Do to the fact the you're "tricking" the PC during that cheat process (when done correctly), it makes so it treats it like it was never there and there was never a problem in the first place.
Guest answered:

You need to disable all cheats then deposit them.But always keep the 6th Pokeball slot open just in case

Guest answered:

Put it in pc then release it. It wprked but the worst part is that bad egg took my shiny lugia

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Guest said: 24th Feb 2017 | REPORT
I will go for Utube and try, bad egg taken from daycare, turn my vulpix & tropious LV34 into it,now i just seperated them in another clean box
Guest answered:

Whenever you start a save session (Turning on the game) Quarantine your boxes and check for bad eggs. If there are any, separate them from Pokemon. Also, if you have invisible bad eggs, just release them and you're safe. Oh, and have one free slot in your party just in case

Guest answered:

So, all have the problem with bad eggs right? Even I have 1. All you can do is trade PR put it in an empty box in the PC. Hope the problem ends there and make sure to use less cheats... C Mon guys whats the need for game if use cheats.... Soo... Hope it helps

Guest answered:

It got so bad it deleted ALL of my progress and I had just beaten fortree gym ugggghhh

PokExtrodinair answered:

Right, as a person whos completed Pokemon emerald several times and een 100% without cheating (took me ages but finally done it)

There is actually a way that works that don't require a gameshark. Its the way I managed to obtain all my legendary trades

Duplication glitch/cloning glitch

The way this glitch works is basically. You can duplicate any Pokemon you would like but sacrifice 1 Pokemon in exchange for the duplicate.

You need to also be able to access the Battle frontier

What to do:

1] go to the battle tower in battle frontier
2] go to the pc and DEPOSIT {not move} the Pokemon you would like to clone into any slot (keep it simple: slot 1, box 1)

3] once the Pokemon has been deposited, back out of the pc and SAVE your game
4] once the game has saved, go back into the pc and WITHDRAW the Pokemon you are cloning
5] back out the pc and go to the woman closest to the pc [I believe it's the woman with 4 pokeballs infront of her on the mat]

6] talk to the lady and select whatever 2 Pokemon you wish to play with
7] IMPORTANT: now. When the lady asks you to SAVE THE GAME, select yes. Now it should say "saving, don't turn off the power". When this message appears... TURN OFF THE DEVICE !!!!!!!

8] when you load back up the game save, you should be infront of your pc again, open up the pc and hey presto. You successfully cloned your Pokemon !!!!

I suggest trying this with despoable Pokemon first and making sure you followed the steps correctly

Now, to get rid of a bad egg with this glitch and I found this only because I lost my level 98 gyarados at the time

What you want to do is:

Once you have withdrawn the Pokemon, MOVE the bad egg into the slot where the clone Pokemon was [slot 1, box 1]

And that's it. Once you clone to Pokemon, it will replace the bad egg with a fresh clone !

This is actually a game fault and NOT a hack. I don't know why it does this but I got a shiny rayquasa and duplicated it over and over so I could trade for certain legends I didn't have (jirachi, celebi etc etc)

This is 100% garunteed way to remove a bad egg besides a modified box slot Pokemon

Hope this helps !!!!!

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Amy May said: 8th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Hmm.. then in logic, that cloning exploit glitch works simular to the inject method. Never tried it myself (no good for my purposes tbh), but it does make sense.
Guest said: 10th Sep 2018 | REPORT
what if i also use master ball for the cheat ? it is ok and im not gonna have a bad egg ?? plss reply in me i really need a suggestion because if i have a bad egg in my pc in pokemon meta fire x i always restart it . :(
Guest said: 28th Nov 2020 | REPORT
Ayeeee it works. .thanks for the detailed steps ;)
Guest answered:

I think you get bad eggs when you save the game, I think you can avoid it by disabling the cheats before you save that's what I remember but I'm not sure though.

Amy May answered:

Just To Add:

I tested Box 1 Slot 1 exploit for cloning glitch method PokEtrodinair explained above. Glitched a Bad EGG in to my old Emerald cartridge to use it.
- It worked as Safe & Well as if you were using my emu cheat method in an Emerald cartridge instead.
... I personally, would use glitch method over my own in a stock Emerald cartridge. Especially great if you only have one game cartridge & one game system... And no action replay or computer to cheat code with.
... I also tested this method in a clean stock Emerald ROM using MyBoy & JohnGBA EMU (android).
MyBoy- as long your both careful and smart about it.. A little tricky, but works too.
JohnGBA- way too risky for this glitch method. Tested it multiple times.

- Also, seeing all these GBA Bad EGG complaints in general, has left me rather concerned (even answer wise)... So Much So, I'm in the process of slowly posting Bad EGG Removal Tutorials for Fire Red, Leaf Green, & Emerald also... In each appropriate GBA Forum. Hoping, once I find an inject that tests Completely Safe, I'll also make ones for GBA Ruby & Sapphire aswell.

Amy May answered:

Hi I'm Amy, I'm a cheat coder method game tester. Smile

I'll provide a step by step tutorial on how to get rid of that Bad EGG in your poke PC, in Emerald USA ROM base.

Be Careful what cheats you use in casual gameplay.

Don't Ever have too many cheats running at once.

Before Doing Anything: Erase *All* Menu Cheats

If a lot of Bad EGGs: Store in BOX3 or BOX6 Only with no pokes in them either

Do this in a town with a PokeCenter attached to a walking route number.

Please keep in mind, the only Safe and Easy way get rid of Bad EGG's in GBA ROM's is by using cheat codes, of this nature.
Before using such codes, make sure they're compatible with the ROM base you're playing and Not used in any random order. You can Really screw up your game for it!

I also recommend (if able) to create a back up of your current save file (.sav) and put elsewhere, best as a compressed zip file... Just in case.

Take Care Reading Instructions Before & After Inputting Any Codes!

You Will Need:
I recommend copy/paste function to ensure codes are exact.
(if possible)

~ M for Emerald USA:

D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

GameShark v3
(Action Replay)

~ Anti-DMA:

B2809E31 3CEF5320
1C7B3231 B494738C

GameShark v3
(Action Replay)

~ Shiny Surfing Pikachu in Box 1 Slot 1 (courtesy of MegaGames)

68440875 1294F4C7
E2702D51 7857D4A2
5532444E FB0EC2C8
104A2E42 2FC10729
0ACA1C25 59581547
5DE29DD6 0522808C
4C85F805 D4D81161
D1CA28FB 6A484B97
7EC6BAF3 09913FD9
86F5C1E5 7475D388
C2E72EC2 DA050395
A558CE58 6D635E8C
9680E4DC A63ECE80
8978D5E9 40201EC5
4959B033 57A3BE6F
CDA2757A 59D4E30F
2F5E8D77 A6B7A47C
09A2B831 C04D0404
DB5D9FDC D75F0120
33D21DC8 5880655F

GameShark v3
(Action Replay)

To prevent soft-locking game, you can't release last poke knowing Surf or Fly.
If Pika will be *Only* Surf poke, Keep this in mind.

- This Pikachu is guaranteed safe for game play, with appropriate badge to level.

- If you have a Surf poke... This Pikachu is also completely safe to release once process is finished.

You gave me an Emerald (US) illegal surfing pika!
I'm Sorry if this isn't your cup of tea.
Spent almost a month, searching & testing injects... Just to find this one I use.
I tested for Safeness, every aspect of the word.
I'm 95% positive this started as a legit caught Pikachu male lv.25 Jolly from Emerald Safari Zone, then edited for everything else.


1) Place Bad EGG in Box 1 Slot 1... With rest of Box 1 empty.

2) Exit PokeCenter: Input "M" in cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

3) Exit town: Input "Anti-DMA" in cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

4) Return to town with Both codes enabled and return to PokeCenter.

5) While inside PokeCenter with 2 previous codes still enabled, stand in front of PC: Input "Pika" in cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

6) Access PC with All 3 codes enabled then select "Move Pokemon" from PC menu options.

7) Move Pika in Slot 1 and place it in *Slot 3*.

8) Scroll to Slot 1 with "Invisible Pika" (in slot 1)... Then Access It's Menu *Without* selecting anything.

Note: If you're kinda confused, because you *Still See Absolutely Nothing* in Slot 1, Still has an open menu, plus PC says that's a Pika... Don't worry,that means you're doing it Right! Thumbs Up

9) At this point, open cheats menu then Disable codes in the following order: Pika, DMA, M

10) Release "Invisible Pika".

11) Close PC then exit and re enter PokeCenter.

12) Access PC and select "Move Pokemon" from PC menu options, then scroll through PC Boxes *both* Forwards & Backwards.

* If you did this right, all that should be remaining in Box 1 now is Pika in Slot 3.

* At this point, if you don't want Shiny Surfing Pika, plus have a Pokemon with Surf... Then Release.

Repeat this process *one* Bad EGG at a time until all are gone.

.... I hope I shed some light on this matter & it helped. Smile

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Guest said: 5th Jan 2019 | REPORT
I figured it out that whenever a bad egg appears it corrupts one of your pokemons you have stored in the 19 th slot of box 1 I guess ! So what you could do is place a bad egg in this slot !
So every time a bad egg tries to appear in this slot it wont make you lose any of your pokemon !
Guest said: 22nd Jan 2019 | REPORT
Well, it does not work for me. the Pika does not "appear" and the egg is still there....
Juan Francisco said: 21st May 2019 | REPORT
First of all, this is my first comment... I would like to say... Thank you so much... it really helped me and not just some shed of some light, you bring a wonderful light. Well, There's 2 egg in my pc... I read your guide carefully, but I did it very fast, In my first attempt, it's not a invisible pikachu maybe I did a mistake in but it works perfectly... The second one is an invisible pikachu... And after all of it... Done and finished, it's not a shiny.
Guest answered:

Make sure to put your 6th Pokemon in the pc before saving and quitting.

Guest answered:

1.Go to battle tower
2.Withraw the bad eggs
3.Save the game
4.Deposit the bad eggs
5.Talk to the 4th lady in the battle tower
6.She asks you to save your game click "Yes"
7.If the “There is already a save file. Is it okay to overwrite it?” text appears reset the game
8.The Bad Eggs should vanish

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