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Boss/Item Guide

by Creepglitch

<------------------------------------< 80 >------------------------------------>

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                             |_|              |_|
                             |_| Version 2.00 |_|

                   GBC: The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Ages

                      Boss/Item guide by: Creepglitch

                       Copyright (C) Creepglitch 2011

                   E-mail: bigpontus at hotmail (dot) com

  All trademarks and copyrights found in this guide are properties of their
                  respective copyright and trademark holders.

                          --- All rigths reserved ---


    This document is best viewed in the "Courier New" or "Lucida Console" Font.
 Others will likely distort all the ASCII art that this guide relies heavily on.


                            --- SPOILER WARNING!---

    This guide cotains spoilers of pretty much all the best parts of this game,
 including all the bosses and all the items that you may not necessarily wish
 to know about before playing the game. Read on at your own risk!


                              Table of contents


                           I...........Version History

                            II.........Legal Section


                              IV.......Boss Guide

                               V.......Item Guide
                                .......Field Items
                                .......Quest Items
                                .......Trading-Event Items
                                .......Essences of Time



        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
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      // /\\       |_   _|                                  /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\        | |                                    \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\       | |                 Version History           /\______/\
   //\\    //\\     _| |_                                         //\\    //\\
  // /\\  // /\\   |_____|               /\                      // /\\  // /\\
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 \______/\______/�����������������������    ��������������  ����\______/\______/

 Final Version completed 22/10/2011:

    A long overdue update. Looking back at my old work, I can't believe how
 bad it looks/feels: it simply screams "immature author" and more
 than half of the text seems to be more drivel and bad attempts at puns
 rather than useful information. Yes, I feel ashamed having done this so
 poorly, so the only thing I can do is to go back and do this thing the way
 it was meant to be done in the first place.
    For this update, I have completely revised the whole document,
 making it a more serious, more informative and just plain more of
 a proper guide. Trust me, it is, if I may say so myself, a VAST improvement
 over the previous versions.

  _                                                                       _
 /_\                    ___________________                              /_\
 | |-------------------| THIS HAS CHANGED  |-----------------------------| |
 | |                                                                     | |
 | |   � About 80 % of the guide has been completely rewamped.           | |
 | |   � Koume & Kotake, Twinrova and Ganon have been added to.          | |
 | |     the Boss Guide.                                                 | |
 | |   � Oracle of Seasons items have been removed.                      | |
 | |   � Head Thwomp, Bloatfish and Veran (third battle)                 | |
 | |     ASCII art added.                                                | |
 | |   � Veran (second battle) ASCII art updated.                        | |
 | |                                                                     | |
 \_/                                                                     \_/


 Version 1.21 completed 31/01/2008:

 The section headers are easier to spot out now. There won't be any more
 updates for a while now, though I don't say ther won't be any more ever.

  _                                                                       _
 /_\                    ___________________                              /_\
 | |-------------------| THIS HAS CHANGED  |-----------------------------| |
 | |                                                                     | |
 | |   � New Section Headers.                                            | |
 | |                                                                     | |
 \_/                                                                     \_/


 Version 1.2 completed 24/11/2007:

 Several items that were missing from the Quest and Field Item sections
 have now been added. See below for details. The ASCII Art has also been
 overall improved.

  _                                                                       _
 /_\                    ___________________                              /_\
 | |-------------------| THIS HAS CHANGED  |-----------------------------| |
 | |                                                                     | |
 | |   � Moosh's Flute and Strange Flute added.                          | |
 | |   � Cheval's Rope, Ricky's Gloves and Scent Seedling added.         | |
 | |   � Slightly improved ASCII art (2nd time).                         | |
 | |                                                                     | |
 \_/                                                                     \_/


 Version 1.1 completed 15/10/2007:

 Sorry for the long time without an update. This guide has been slightly
 modified in some parts and has also been given an overall improved design.

  _                                                                       _
 /_\                    ___________________                              /_\
 | |-------------------| THIS HAS CHANGED  |-----------------------------| |
 | |                                                                     | |
 | |   � The table of contents has been improved.                        | |
 | |   � The Guide's overall design has been improved.                   | |
 | |   � Slightly improved ASCII art.                                    | |
 | |   � may now host this guide.                      | |
 | |                                                                     | |
 \_/                                                                     \_/


 Version 1.0 completed 01/09/2007 (date/month/year):

 Work is now in progress and most of the guide is already complete.

 Nothing added. This is the first version.


        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
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      // /\\       |_   _   _|                              /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\        | | | |                                \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\       | | | |             Legal Section             /\______/\
   //\\    //\\     _| |_| |_                                     //\\    //\\
  // /\\  // /\\   |_________|           /\                      // /\\  // /\\
 //_/__\\//_/__\\_____________________/\/  \______________/\____//_/__\\//_/__\\
 \______/\______/���������������������      ��������������  ����\______/\______/

    This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
 private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
 publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
 web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
 and a violation of copyright.

    This guide is non-profit only. You may NEVER charge money for it,
 either by membership, letting others pay to view it or by any other
 means that I haven't mentioned here. So there.

    If you, the reader, had to pay to read this, don't hesitate to contact
 me immediately so that I can go claim my fair share of the money from
 whoever's responsible.

    From now on, this guide may NOT be distributed to any other sites than
 the ones listed below. This is not negotiable.

    If it is possible for me to do so, I will personally update this guide
 on the four sites listed below.

 |                                                                 |
 |  �                                             |
 |  �                                            |
 |  �                                          |
 |  �                                           |
 |                                                                 |


        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
       //\\   \/    _____________           \/     \/\/               //\\
      // /\\       |_   _   _   _|                          /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\        | | | | | |                            \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\       | | | | | |         Introduction              /\______/\
   //\\    //\\     _| |_| |_| |_                                 //\\    //\\
  // /\\  // /\\   |_____________|       /\                      // /\\  // /\\
 //_/__\\//_/__\\_____________________/\/  \______________/\____//_/__\\//_/__\\
 \______/\______/���������������������      ��������������  ����\______/\______/

    Just to get it off my chest: in retrospect, I no longer know what I truly
 intended to accomplish with this guide, considering how bad it was until now.
 I guess that I just wrote it back then for the heck of it or some other reason
 I don't even know...
    But all of a sudden, I found the motivation to go back to my old work and
 do it over one more time, just to iron out all the flaws and to make sure I
 won't have to feel ashamed of myself anymore, having released such a
 flawed work.
    Well, this document can at least call itself a proper Boss/Item Guide now.


        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
       //\\   \/    ________     __         \/     \/\/               //\\
      // /\\       |_   __  |   / /                         /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\        | |  | |  / /                          \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\       | |  | | / /       Boss Guide                 /\______/\
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  // /\\  // /\\   |_____||___/          /\                      // /\\  // /\\
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 \______/\______/���������������������      ��������������  ����\______/\______/

    SPOILER WARNING! - The following section will reveal all bosses of the game!

    Let me start off with an explanation of how this section works.
 Take note that I choose not to reference to the player at all,
 but instead only to Link in third-person, throughout the rest
 of the Boss Guide as well as the whole Item Guide.
    Below you will se the template used to describe each enemy in the game
 that can be considered a boss/mini-boss.


   ______                                     ______
  /      \-----------------------------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |                                 | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  The official name of the boss  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                                   \__  ^ _/

    The place where the boss can be found.

    Shows if the enemy is a Mini-boss or regular Boss.

   This previously contained a roughly calculated health based off
   how many hits it took to defeat the boss with the Wooden Sword.
   Now, too avoid mistakes (since not all bosses can be defeated with
   a sword), I've decided to simply call their health "Low", "Medium",
   "High" or "Very High" instead. If the boss has more than one phase,
   the health listed refers to the average health the boss has each
      Example: "Low" health and three phases of battle doesn't equal
   "High" health and one phase. Trust me, it isn't nearly as complicated
   as I make it sound right now...

    � What the boss can do in order to harm you. The names are invented
      by me and don't appear in-game.

    What kind of strategy the boss uses against Link. This includes
    how it attacks, and when.

    How to beat the boss in the most effective way.

    � This lists the items Link _needs_ to beat the boss, not the ones
      he can, but doesn't have to, use. If Link can use his Sword to beat
      a boss, I will always list it as needed, even though Link might
      be able to beat the boss with another weapon instead.

    This will only appear if there is anything else about the boss
    the player should know.


           ####          ####
          #r   #        #   r# 
         #r     ########     r# 
         #r   ##r      r##   r#         
         #r  #r          r# rr#         RR    RR   
     ##   #r#              #r#   ##     R RRRR R
    #  ##  #                #  ##  #     R    R
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     #rr     @@@@@    @@@@@     rr#     R @  @ R
      #rr#   @@@@@    @@@@@   #rr#      R      R
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        #                      #          RR   R
       #                        #           RRRR
       #     r###r    r###r     #
       #    ################    #
       #    ##   r####r   ##    #
       #r                      r##
       #rr        rrrr        r#  #
        #r         rr         r# r#
        #rr                  r#  r#
        #rr                 r#  rr#
         #rr                    r#
          #rr                  r#
           #rrr             rrr# 

   ______                   ______
  /      \-----------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |               | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Giant Ghini  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                 \__  ^ _/

    Spirit's Grave



    � Haunted Lunge
    � Summon Mini Ghinis

    This giant ghost, master of Ghinis, will challenge Link to a
 duel to the death.
    To make Link's life miserable, Giant Ghini will summon three Mini Ghinis to
 hamper him, making him unable to use items. Once these small, golden spectres
 entangle Link, Giant Ghini will have the perfect opportunity to ram into him.
 Sometimes, the boss will also lunge for Link even when there aren't any
 Mini Ghinis on-screen. Giant Ghini always frowns and opens its mouth
 when it is about to attack.
    Giant Ghini is always vulnerable to Link's sword. Remember that
 Link cannot swing it while surrounded by Mini Ghinis though.
    � Sword


                  #,  ,#
                  #,  ,#
            #,,    ,,,,    ,,#
           #,, #### ,, #### ,,#
         #,,,  ,,,,,,,,,,,,  ,,,#
         #,, #, ,,      ,, ,# ,,#          RR  R
         #,, ###  ######  ### ,,#           RR  R
          #, ###  ######  ### ,#             RRRR
          #,, #####    ##### ,,#            R....R   
           #,,     ,,,,     ,,#            R......R
            ##,,,,,####,,,,,##            R.......R
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              ## # '''' # ### ## ###    R......##..R  
    ### ##   #'###'    '###''#  #  #     RRR.......R
    #  #  ####''# ##''## #'''# # '#       R........R
     #' # ## '#''## ## ##'''#      #     RR......RR   
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    # #     ## #' '#  #' ''# #' '##     R........R
     ##' '# ## #  # '' #  '###### #      RRRRRRRR
       ######' #  # '' #  '# ###  #
        # ###  #   #  #   '#'    '#
        #'    #'    ##    ''#''''#
         #'''###'        ''######
          #######'      ''####
            #   ##########'   #
           #   ''###   ####'   #
          #   '''''#    ########

   ______                    ______
  /      \------------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |                | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Pumpkin Head  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                  \__  ^ _/

    Spirit's Grave

    Boss - Guardian of the Eternal Spirit


    � Trio Flame
    � Stomp

    Pumpkin Head, the ghost with a huge jack-o'-lantern for a head,
 seems content lumbering around its lair aimlessly, only occasionally
 interrupting itself to use one of its attacks. It is only likely to
 fire a set of three rings at Link if he comes within its line of sight,
 but it will use its stomp-attack at regular intervals regardless
 if it is facing him or not.
    Pumpkin Head's body is vulnerable to Link's sword. After a few
 hits, the body will disintegrate, sending the head tumbling to the
 floor. Link will then have a short window of opportunity to pick the
 head up with the Power Bracelet.
    This flushes out the real enemy, a tiny, seemingly harmless ghini.
 It will zoom around the room, trying to get away from Link. At this
 point, it can be injured either by Link slashing it with his sword,
 or simply by throwing the pumpkin on the boss.
    � Sword
    � Power Bracelet


       ##                      ## 
      #r#                      #r#
     #rr#                      #rr#
     #rrr#                    #rrr#
     #rrr#    ##        ##    #rrr#
     ##rrr#   # #      # #   #rrr##
    #r#rrrr####  ##  ##  ####rrrr#r# 
    #r  #rrrrrr  #rrrr#  rrrrrr#  r#
     #   ##r##rrr #rr# rrr## ##   #
    ###   ######rrr##rrr######   ###
    #rr##  ##r @@rr##rr@@ r##  ##rr#
    #r     ##r   ##rr##   r##     r#
     #r     #rrrrrrrrrrrrrr#     r#
      ##r    #rr#rr##rr#rr#    r##
        ######## #rrrr# ########
            #rrr#r    r#rrr#
            #rr#r      r#rr#
            #rr#        #rr#
            #r #        # r#
             ####      ####
            # r# rr##rr #r #
            # ## r####r ## #
             ## ###  ### ##

 "One with no wings is no match for me!"

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Swoop  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/

    Wing Dungeon



    � Ground Pound

    Swoop will take off into the air and hover way above Link's reach.
 Occasionally, it will perform its Ground Pound attack, which is strong
 enough to break the crumbling floor, leaving Link with less space to
 fight on. As the fight wears on, Swoop will fly even faster and
 also bounce across the floor as it crashes down.
    Swoop cannot destroy the blue tiles along the perimeter of the room.
    Swoop is vulnerable to Link's sword right after it pounds the floor.

    � Sword


              #####      #####
      ###### #,   ,######,   ,# ######
     #,    ##,,,,, ,####, ,,,,,##    ,#
  #### ,,,  #,####, #### ,####,#  ,,, ####
  #,,#,###, ##    # ,##, #    ## ,###,#,,#
  ##,##,  #,##,   ,# ## #, ,, ##,#  ,##,##
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   #,#,#,,, ###,,, ,####, ,,,### ,,,#,#,#
    #,#,#,,,,##,,,, ,##, ,,,,##,,,,#,#,#
      ## >#      ###    ###      #> ##
      ##># >>>>>> # >>>> # >>>>>> #>##
      ### >>>#######>>>>#######>>> ###
      ### >>#>    ###>>###    >#>> ###
       ##>>#> >>>> >####> >>>> >#>>##
       ###># >####> #>># >####> #>###
       #>##> >#  #>> ## >>#  #> >##>#
      #> ##>>>#  ##>>  >>##  #>>>## >#
      ##>###>>#>  ###>>###  >#>>###>##
       ##>>>>>    >>>>>>>>    >>>>>##
       ## >>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  >>> ##
       ## >>> >>###>>>>>>###>> >>> ##
       ### #> >#> >######> >#> ># ###
       #>##>>>>##          ##>>>>##>#
      #> ##>>>>#>###    ###>#>>>>## >#
      ##>#>> # #    ####    # # >>#>##
       ##>> ># ## ###>>### ## #> >>##
       #>>  >#> ###>    >### >#>  >>#
       #>>  >##>  >>>>>>>>  >##>  >>#
       ##>> >>##>>##>>>>##>>##>> >>##
       ###>> >>###>>>>>>>>>###> >>###
        ###>> >>>>>>####>>>>>> >>###
       #> ##>>>>>>>##>>##>>>>>>>## >#
       # >>#########>  >#########>> #
       #>##########>>  >>##########>#
       ####       ##>  >##       ####
                   ##  ##

   ______                   ______
  /      \-----------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |               | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Head Thwomp  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                 \__  ^ _/

    Wing Dungeon

    Boss - Guardian of the Ancient Wood


    � Summon Lava Bubbles
    � Fireball Wheel
    � Earthquake

    Head Thwomp is a bizarre enemy that seems to consist of a spinning,
 four-faced idol suspended in the air. It will shift between these four
 faces, each with its own unique expression, in cycle, periodically
 spouting Lava Bubbles out of its head. Collectible bombs will also
 ocassionally be thrown out. The boss will perform its other attacks
 only if Link stops the boss on the attack's corresponding face.
    The green face simply performs a regular Summon Lava Bubbles attack
 that the boss normally uses anyway.
    The blue face summons a number of hard-to-dodge fireballs that will
 revolve around its head for quite a while.
    The purple face crashes down on the floor, causing boulders to drop
 from the ceiling that Link can only safely avoid by standing on the
 middle level, underneath one of the stationary stone platforms.
    Link must use the Roc's Feather to jump onto one of the three
 circling platforms. When he gets a clear shot, he must drop a bomb
 into Head Thwomps crown. This will cause the boss to spin around wildly,
 eventually stopping on the same face that was shown exactly when the bomb
 fell into it. Link must successfully stop the head on the red face
 to inflict damage on the boss.
    Four halts on the red face will defeat Head Thwomp, but it gradually
 spins faster and faster each time it is hurt.

    � Roc's Feather
    � Bombs

    Head Thwomp drops a Recovery Heart each time it stops on the red face.

         ##zzz  z##
       #zzzz##' #z##' #
      #zz#zz#####  ####
     #zzzzzzz###  ##  #
     #zzzzzzzz#  ##  ###
    ##zzzzzz###' #  ##  #
    #zzzzzzzzz##'#' #  ##
    #zzzzzzzzzz#'#''# #  #
    ##zzzzz# zz#'#''#'#' #
    #zzzz### z########

 "As long as I'm underground, your attacks don't scare me!"

   ______                 ______
  /      \---------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |             | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Subterror  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/               \__  ^ _/

 Moonlit Grotto



    � Drill Strike

    Most of his enemies are clever enough to realize that Link's sword can
 really put them in a world of hurt, so they go to great lengths to avoid it.
 Whereas Swoop of Wing Dungeon chose to stay airborne, Subterror will do the
 exact opposite: burrow his way underground and attack from where it believes
 Link cannot hope to counter.
    From underground, Subterror will dig its way towards Link and attempt
 to strike him with its drill-like snout. The more hits it eats itself,
 the faster it will dig.

    Link must use his shovel to flush the boss out of the sand. He must time
 his digging with Subterror's movement though, and remember that the boss
 cannot be dug out while it is performing its Drill Strike.

    � Shovel
    � Sword

    Link can dig for items in the sand, and the holes will refill themselves
 as Subterror passes under them.


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              #,        ,#
              #,, #### ,,#
               #,#,  ,#,#
            # ##,  ##  ,## #
            ##,          ,##
       ##   #              #
        ##   #  #  ,,  #  # 
     ### #  #  #  ,##,  #  #              ##  ##
       ### #,, #, #### ,# ,,#  ##        # #  # # 
     #######,#,##,####,##,#,# ##        ##  ##  ##
    #  #####,,############,,# # ###     ### ## ###
      #####,,,#,  ####  ,#,,# ###       #rr####rr#
      #  ######,   ##   ,##,#######     #r######r#
        #########, ## ,##########  #    #r######r#
        ##########################       #rr##rr#
        ######################## #        ###### 
        #######,########,####### #       #r####r# 
        #####,# ,######, #,#####         ## ## ## 
         ### ###  ,  ,  ###,####          #    #  
         ##  ######  ##########
          # ###### ## ###### ##
            ##### ,##, ##### #

 "Hya hya hya! You cannot see who I am, for I am your shadow!"

   ______                  ______
  /      \----------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |              | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Shadow Hag  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                \__  ^ _/

    Moonlit Grotto

    Boss - Guardian of the Echoing Howl


    � Shadow Split
    � Shadow Rush
    � Summon Mothulas

    Shadow Hag is a cowardly foe who won't willingly reveal itself in front
 of Link. It begins by splitting into four shadows that will hunt Link for
 a while before reforming, at which time the boss proceeds to summon
 Mothulas. Afterwards, Shadow Hag will appear behind Link and rush towards
 him at full speed. If Link turns around to look at the boss, it will
 revert to its shadow form and use either of its two other attacks instead.

    Link can dodge most of Shadow Hag's attacks by jumping over them with
 Roc's Feather.
    To beat Shadow Hag, Link must wait for it to appear behind him in its
 humanoid form, then shoot a seed forward so that it bounces back and hits
 the boss while it rushes towards him.

    � Seed Shooter

    The Mothulas will occasionally drop seeds upon defeat.


               ##  #,
              ##   # ,
             ## ,  #  ,
            ## ,, #,  ,, 
           ## ,, #  ,  ,
          ## ,, # ,  , ,, 
       # ## ,, #,  ,  , ,
      #,## ,, #  ,  ,  ,,
      #, #,, #    , ,, ,,,
       #, # #      , ,  ,,
      ###, #        , , ,,
     ##,,#,,#        ,,  ,
    ##,,# ##         ,,  ,
    #,,#              ,  ,
    ###               ,

             ###   ####
            # '#    # '##
      ##   # '#      #  '#
     #  # ## '#       #  '#
     #   # # '#       #   #
     #    '# '########### '#
     #'  '#   #''#     r## #
    # #''### #''#       r###
    #' ##'# ##'#  rrrrr  r##
    #'' ''# #'#  r#####r  r#
    #'' ''### # r### ###r r##
     #' '#####rr###   ###rrr#
      #####'##rr###   ###rrr##
       #'  #'#r#r## # ##r#rr##
       #####'#r# r# # #r #rr##
        ####'#r#r # # # r#rr##
         #####r##r# # #r##rr##
           ###r#### # ####rr#
           #'#r##rr # rr##rr##
          #  #r#r #rrr# r#rr#
          #''#r# r#rrr#r #rr#
        #'   #r####rrr####rr#
       #### ##rrrrr###rrrrr##
      #''' ## #rrr##  #rrr##
      #############    ####       

 "My mighty sword and mighty shield shall crush you!"

   ______                    ______
  /      \------------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |                | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Armos Knight  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                  \__  ^ _/

    Skull Dungeon



    � Ramming Tackle

    This oversized warrior certainly doesn't lie when it says that its shield
 is mighty. None of Link's attack can even dent it.
    Armos Knight begins the battle by sending its self-guided sword to hunt
 Link while it stays behind its sword-emblazoned shield. It will pace around
 the room, occasionally changing directions if Link gets to close.
    Without its shield, the mini-boss will charge full speed at Link in a
 direct line.

    Link must lure the spinning "Mighty Sword" into hitting Armos Knight's
 shield. Three hits will break the shield, at which time the boss becomes
 vulerable to Link's sword.

    � Sword


      ##                ##        ##        ##
     #  #              #  #      # ,#      #, #
     #'  #    ####    #  '#      #  # #### #  #
    # #'  #  #z##z#  #   # #    ##, ,######, ,##
    #'     ##########     '#    # #, ###### ,# #
     #''    #z####z#    ''#     #,   ##,,##   ,#
    # #'''  ########  '''# #     #,,########,,#
    #'  '''##zz  zz##'''  '#      ####    ####
     #''''##z######z##''''#        ##      ##
      #######      #######         ##  @@  ##
         ##   @  @   ##            ##, @@ ,##
         #'  @@''@@  '#             ##,,,,##
         #'' @@@@@@ ''#              ######

   ______               ______
  /      \-------------/      \
 | _   /| |           | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Eyesoar  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/             \__  ^ _/

    Moonlit Grotto

    Boss - Guardian of the Burning Flame


    � Summon Patras
    � Command Patras

    Eyesoar summons Patras to protect itself. These will circle the boss,
 ocassionally expanding the circle to try to attack Link. Eyesoar aims
 to have four Patras surrounding it, quickly replacing any who are
 struck down.

    Link must switch places with Eyesoar with the Switch Hook whenever
 the opportunity presents itself. If done successfully, the boss will
 spin around disoriented, at which time its Patra minions will scatter
 and leave it wide-open to attack.

    � Switch Hook
    � Sword


                 ## ## ##
                 #.#.r#.#     ###
                  ##rr##     #   ##
         ###     #..##..#   #> >># #
         #  #    #......# ###>>### #
      ####>  #  ##.#..#.## ##>>># >#
     #   #>#> ##>#.####.# ># ##>>###
    #  >>#>>#>#>###>  >#>>># >>>># #
    # >####>#>>#####>>>###>#>>>#> #
    # >####>##>#   ##>######>>>>##
    #  >####>>># #  ###   #>>>>>>#
    #>   ##>>>>#  # ## #  #>>>>>>#
     ##>  #>>>  #  ####  #>#>>>>##
      ##>  #>> >>##>  >##> >#>###
       ###> #>>>##>>#>#>##>>#>>#
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    #>>>>>>#>  >#   >>>> >#######
    #>>>>>#> >>>>#>>###>>#>#>  >##
    #>>>>>>>>>>>>>##>>#####>>   >#
    ##>>>>>>>>>>###>>>>#> >>>>>> >#
     ##>>#>>>>>#>>#># >#  >>>>>  >#
     #####>>>>#>>>>## ##  >>>#>>>>#
      ####>>>>#> ######  #>>>>####
     # >###>>###  #>>#  #>>>>>>>#
    #  ##>####>>###>># ###>>>>>##
    # #> > >##>>>#>>>##>>>>>>##>###
    ###>>#>>##> ##>>#####>> >> > >##
      #########  ###    ##>>#>>#>>##
               ##        ##########

                              # z#
                             # z#
                          ### z#
                        ### #####
                       ####z  z###z
                      ##  z########
                      ##  z########

   ______                    ______
  /      \------------------/      \
 | _   /| |                | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Great Moblin  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                  \__  ^ _/

    Great Moblin's Keep

    Bomb Flower-collector


    � Bomb Throw

    The Great Moblin will remain on the upper level, ocassionally tossing
 over-sized bombs at Link. Should Link return the favour by tossing the
 bomb back up, the Great Moblin will quickly run for it and toss it back
 down again.
    While he is preoccupied with the Great Moblin, two lesser Moblins
 will continually assail Link with regular bombs, adding to the intensity
 of the battle.

    Link must time his own throws so that the bombs that are tossed down
 on him explode in the Great Moblin's face. Six bombs are needed to send
 the Great Moblin and his posse packing.

    � Power Bracelet



        ###      ###  ##
       # ,###### # ,###
      # ,#########  ##
      #,##########, ,#            ######
     #####   ######  #          ##########
     #### @@  #####, ,#       #####'  '#####
     #### @@  ######  #       #####'  '#####
    #,###,   ,######  ,#     #######''#######
    # ####   ######,   #     ################
    # ,###########,    #     ################
    #  ,#########,    ,#     #'############'#
    #,   ,#####,     ,,#     #'############'#
     #,             ,,#      #''##########''#
      #,          ,,,#        #'''######'''#
       ##,,,,,,,,,,##         #''''''''''''#
         ##########            #''''''''''#

   ______               ______
  /      \-------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |           | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Smasher  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/             \__  ^ _/

    Crown Dungeon



    � Power Throw

    Smasher is a deranged creature with an affinity for crushing its
 foes with a huge metal ball.
    Smasher will go for the ball whenever it appears and try to smash
 Link with it. If Link holds the ball, or when there is no ball present,
 the mini-boss flops around aimlessly in a state of panic.

    To emerge victorious from the dodgeball game of death, Link must be
 the first pick up the ball (with the help of the Power Bracelet) and
 give Smasher an unhealty dose of his own medicine. Five hits will put
 Smasher on ice.

    � Power Bracelet

    The ball will disappear after a while, even if it is being held by Link
 or Smasher at the moment. When it does, another will soon appear elsewhere
 in the chamber.


       ##                  ##
      #, #                # ,# 
      #,  ####  ####  ####  ,#
      #,   # ,##,,,,##, #   ,#
      #,,   #  ,#,,#,  #   ,,#
     ##,,   #   #,,#   #   ,,##
     ##,,, ,,   ,,,,   ,, ,,,##
    ##,#,,,,   ,,,,,,   ,,,,#,##
    #,,       ,,    ,,       ,,#
    #,,                      ,,#
    #,,,  ,,,,        ,,,,  ,,,#
    ##,,,,###,,,    ,,,###,,,,##
      #,##,,  ########  ,,##,#
     #,  #,,,@,######,@,,,#  ,#
     #,  #,,,,,,,##,,,,,,,#  ,#
     #,,  #,,,,##  ##,,,,#  ,,#
      #,,  ####,    ,####  ,,#
     ####,                ,####
    #,,   #      ,,      #   ,,#
   #,,   ##,   ,,##,,   ,##   ,,#
   #,,  ####,,,######,,,####  ,,#
   #,,    ################    ,,#
   #,,,   ,#####,,,,#####,   ,,,#
    #,,,,,,,##,      ,##,,,,,,,#
    #,,,,,,,#,        ,#,,,,,,,#
     #,,,,,,,,  ,,,,  ,,,,,,,,#
         #,,,,,##  ##,,,,,#
          #####      #####

 "It's time for our little game! I break apart. If you can force me back
  together and blow me away, it ends! But before you do I shall take a
  bit of your soul!!! Now begin!"

   ______            ______
  /      \----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |        | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Smog  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/          \__  ^ _/

    Crown Dungeon

    Boss - Guardian of the Sacred Soil


    � Poison Breath
    � Lightning Bolt

    Smog is an unconventional boss whose battle is more like solving a
 puzzle rather than staging an action-packed fight.
    Smog begins by breaking apart into two or three invulnerable pieces.
 These will then follow the outlines of the various block formations the
 boss summons in the chamber. If the pieces run into each other, they
 will recombine the boss.
    The smaller pieces will attack with blue Poison Breath, although the
 projectiles cannot go through blocks. The fully united Smog can attack
 with some relatively more dangerous Lighting Bolts. Physical contact
 with Smog will electrocute Link.

    Link must strategically use his newly aquired Cane of Somaria
 to connect block-formations with each other, thereby allowing the
 pieces to unite by running into each other. Remember that Link
 can slow the pieces down by hitting them with his sword.
    Read the following diagrams to find out how Link can beat this
 boss in the most efficient manner.

 |  Smog Battle  |  Legend  |
 |                                                     |
 |  Numbers = Show where to use the Cane of Somaria    |
 |                                                     |
 |  Letters = Indicate important blocks                |
 |                                                     |
 |   __                                                |
 |  |  | = Initial block                               |
 |  |__|                                               |
 |                                                     |
 |  (@) = Piece of Smog                                |
 |                                                     |
 |  << = Indicates directions in which to push blocks  |
 |  <<                                                 |
 |                                                     |

 |  Smog Battle  |  First Phase  |
 |                                                      |
 |      __                                              |
 |     |  |                                             |
 |   __|__|__                                           |
 |  |  |  |  |                                          |
 |  |__|__|__|                                          |
 |  (@) 1                                               |
 |                                                      |
 |                                                      |
 |   __ __ __                                           |
 |  |  |  |  |                                          |
 |  |__|__|__|                                          |
 |  (@)|  |                                             |
 |     |__|                                             |
 |                                                      |
 |                                                      |
 |  1) Unite the two pieces and put Smog in his place.  |
 |                                                      |

 |  Smog Battle  |  Second Phase  |
 |                                                                 |
 |                     __                                          |
 |                3 <<|  |                                         |
 |   __       __    <<|__|                                         |
 |  |  |     |  |     |  |                                         |
 |  |__|     |__|     |__|                                         |
 |  |A |>> 2 |  |     (@)                                          |
 |  |__|>>   |__|                                                  |
 |  |  |     |  |                                                  |
 |  |__|     |__|                                                  |
 |  (@)      (@)                                                   |
 |                                                                 |
 |                                                                 |
 |  Push the block (A) right once.                                 |
 |                                                                 |
 |  Push the block (B) left once.                                  |
 |                                                                 |
 |                                                                 |
 |  2) Unite two pieces and let them circle the middle formation.  |
 |                                                                 |
 |  3) Unite the three pieces and start whaling on Smog.           |
 |                                                                 |

 |  Smog Battle  |  Third Phase  |
 |                  __                                        |
 |            4  <<|C |                                       |
 |   __ __ __    <<|__|     __ __ __                          |
 |  |  |  |  |     5       |  |  |  |                         |
 |  |__|__|__|      __     |__|__|__|                         |
 |  (@)            |D |>>6       (@)                          |
 |                 |__|>>                                     |
 |                                                            |
 |                                                            |
 |  Push the block (C) left once.                             |
 |                                                            |
 |  Push the block (D) right once.                            |
 |                                                            |
 |                                                            |
 |  4) Move the leftmost piece to the lonely block (C)        |
 |                                                            |
 |  5) Move the leftmost piece to the next lonely block (D).  |
 |                                                            |
 |  6) Unite the two pieces and lay the smackdown on Smog.    |
 |                                                            |

 |  Smog Battle  |  Fourth Phase  |
 |               __ __ __                                     |
 |              |  |  |  |                                    |
 |   __         |__|__|__|      __    __                      |
 |  |  |              |  |     |G |11|  |                     |
 |  |__|            __|__|     |__|  |__|                     |
 |  |  |           |  |         10   |  |                     |
 |  |__|           |__|      __      |__|                     |
 |  |  |                    |  |     |  |                     |
 |  |__|                  __|__|     |__|                     |
 |  |  |               9 |  |        |  |                     |
 |  |__|   __          __|__|        |__|                     |
 |  |  |7 |E |8      <|F |           |  |                     |
 |  |__|  |__|       <|__|           |__|                     |
 |  (@)               (@)            (@)                      |
 |                                                            |
 |                                                            |
 |  Push the block (F) left once.                             |
 |                                                            |
 |                                                            |
 |  7) Move the leftmost piece to the lonely block (E).       |
 |                                                            |
 |  8) Move the piece to the next lonely block (F).           |
 |                                                            |
 |  9) Unite two pieces.                                      |
 |                                                            |
 |  10) Move the large piece to the upper, lonely block (G).  |
 |                                                            |
 |  11) Unite the three pieces and blow Smog away for good.   |
 |                                                            |

    � Cane of Somaria
    � Sword

    There is a reset-button in the upper left corner that can restart
 the current round if Link screws up. But stepping on it him Link one
 full Heart.


        ###      ###
      #rr#rr    rr#rr#
     # #####r  r##### #
    ######r @rr@ r######  
   #  r##rr  rr  rr##r  # 
   # rrr#rrr####rrr#rrr #
    #rrr#r# #### #r#rrr#
     #rrr## #### ##rrr# 
    # # r#r######r#r # #
    #rr# #r##rr##r# #rr#
     ###r  r####r  r###  
     #  ####    ####  #

   ______            ______
  /      \----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |        | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Vire  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/          \__  ^ _/

    Mermaid's Cave (Present)



    � Energy Sphere
    � Splitting Energy Sphere
    � Homing Energy Sphere

    Vire appears in Mermaid's Cave in the Present and claims to be Veran's
 loyal henchman. It is likely true, as Octogon, the boss of Mermaid's Cave
 was (read: is to be) defeated by Link in the Past.
    The mini-boss will usually circle Link while pelting him with energy
 bolts that can dispelled with Link's sword, but may also attempt to zoom
 across the screen or swiftly appear in a corner to release a Homing Energy
 Sphere. Vire will do its very best to stay away from Link's sword and will
 likely flee off-screen if he gets to close, only to reappear elsewhere.

    Link must slash the boss with his sword whenever the opportunity presents
 itself. Vire is quite difficult to hit, but it leaves itself especially open
 will trying to do a fly-by. After enough hits, Vire breaks apart into two
 smaller bats that will try to dive into Link. He must then either wait for
 them to get close, or jump with Roc's Feather to reach them.

    � Sword


          #####r      r#####
          #  #  ######  #  #
          # #  ##r  r##  # #
          ##r  #r####r#  r##
         ###r  ########  r### 
       ##   #r  ######  r#   ##  
      #     ##rr      rr##     # 
      #r    r ########## r    r#
       #r       #    #       r#
       #rr#    #      #    #rr#
        ##r    #  ##  #    r##
        #rr    # rrrr #    rr# 
        #rrr   #rrrrrr#   rrr#
         #rrrr  #rrrr#  rrrr#
         ######r      r######
     ###  #rr  #r    r#  rr#  ###
     #r ######  #rrrr#  ###### r#
     #rr r#r  # ##rr## #  r#r rr#
      #rr##rrr#r #### r#rrr##rr#
    ###### ##rr#r    r#rr## ######
   #rr   #  #####rrrr#####  #   rr#
    #rrrrr# @@ #r####r# @@ #rrrrr#     
     ##r###   ##r    r##   ###r##
       # rr####rrr  rrr####rr #     
      # rrrr#rrr######rrr#rrrr #
     #rrrr###rr##    ##rr###rrrr#
      ####  ##r# #  # #r##  ####
             #r#r ## r#r#

   ______               ______
  /      \-------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |           | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Octogon  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/             \__  ^ _/

    Mermaid's Cave (Past)

    Boss - Guardian of the Bereft Peak


    � Rock Spit
    � Fireball Rain
    � Bubble Trap

    Above water, Octogon swims laps around the platform in the middle
 of the chamber. It will do so while turned away though, leaving only its
 inpenetrable shell exposed to Link, only turning around to spit a small
 rock at Link every now and then.
    After taking a few hits, Octogon will submerge itself partially,
 at which time Link must jump into the water and dive to the bottom
 to continue the fight. If Link remains above water, the boss will
 use its Fireball Rain attack, shooting a large fireball out of its shell
 that splits in four upon decent.
    Underwater, Octogon takes on a more active role, hunting Link around
 the chamber while attempting to shoot Bubble Traps that will immobilize
 him for a few seconds.

    Link can easily slash Octogon while it turns around to spit a rock
 at him. Underwater, Link can simply draw near it and slash it at his leisure,
 since the boss ir really trying to hunt him, rather than focusing on avoiding

    � Sword

    The pots on the platform will reappear each time Link resurfaces.
 They cotain Scent Seeds, in case Link wishes to try his Seed Shooter
 against Octogon


    #  ########

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Veran  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/

    Ambi's Palace



    � Multi-shot Sphere

    While the possessed Nayru is the one sent into battle, Veran is the
 real enemy that Link must conquer.
    Veran will have Nayru teleporting around the room and stop next to one
 of the many decorative pillars. If Link is too close nearby, she will warp
 to a new one. If she deems it safe, she will use her Multi-shot Sphere attack
 which launches firballs in a counterclock-wise spiraling circle around her.

    After Link brought them to Queen Ambi, Veran reminded herself that
 Mystery Seeds are the only thing that can spoil her plan.
    Since Link wouldn't want to hurt Nayru, he will have to use Mystery Seeds
 to stun her, which forces Veran to briefly leave her body. She still cannot
 be hurt though, so Link has to use the Switch Hook on her to remove her
 from Nayru's body in order for her to be vulnerable to his sword.

    � Sword
    � Mystery Seeds
    � Switch Hook


     #  '#
    #'  ''#
    #'''' ##
     #'  ## #         ###
      ###  # #       #'  #
           # #      ##   #
        ####'###### #''  #
       #' ''#'  ''####' #
      ##  ###   ##'''   '''#
      # #  #  #  #''      ''#
      #' # # #   ##'       '#
      ######   '#''''''''   '# #####
     #'   '#' '#'  '''''''' '##'  '#
     #     '###'   ''''''''' #'''''#
     #'####''##'   '''''''''''#'''#
     ##   ##'#''  ''''###''''''#' #
     #     #'#'''''''#   #'''''#   #
     # ''  ''#''''''#''   #''''#'''#
     #'###''###''''##'''  #''''#''#
     ###  ### #''''#'''   #'''#'' #
      #    ''''#''''''   #'''#''  '#
      #    ''''''''''####'''###''''#
       #    ''''''''''''''  #  #####
       #     ''''''''''''  #
        #     '''''''''    #
         #     ''''''     #
          #             '#
           ##          #' #
             ###     ###  #
                #####   ###

   ______                   ______
  /      \-----------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |               | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Angler Fish  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                 \__  ^ _/

    Jabu Jabu's Belly



    � Bubble Blast

    Angler Fish will bounce around the side-scrolling chamber, attempting
 to flatten Link. Its only real attack, Bubble Blast, involves shooting a
 large bubble at Link. 

    Link can deflate the mini-boss with a Scent Seed fired off the Seed
 Shooter, which leaves it wide-open to attack. however, all he really
 needs to do is slash away at Angler Fish's glowing esca until it gives in.

    � Sword
    � Roc's Feather

    The bubbles Angler Fish shoots can be popped with Link's sword, and
 may drop Scent Seeds.


             ##'  '##
            #''    ''#
           #'''    '''#
           #'''    '''#
          #'''''  '''''# 
         #''' '''''' '''# 
         #'' @ '''' @ ''#
         #' @@@ '' @@@ '#
         #' @@@ '' @@@ '#
         #' @@@ '' @@@ '#
         #'' @ '''' @ ''#
         #''' '''''' '''#
      # #''''''''''''''''# #
     #  #''''''''''''''''#  #
    #  '#''''''''''''''''#'  #
    #  '# '''''''''''''' #'  #
   #  '#   '''''  '''''   #'  #
   #  '    ''''    ''''    '  #
   #    ##  ''      ''  ##    #
    #  # '#            #' #  #
     ## ''#    ####    #'' ##
      # '##'  #'##'#  '##' #
      #''# ###'#  #'### #''#
      #'#   # '#  #' #   #'#
      #'#   # '#  #' #   #'#
       #     #'#  #'#     #
              ##  ##

   ______                  ______
  /      \----------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |              | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Plasmarine  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                \__  ^ _/

    Jabu Jabu's Belly

    Boss - Guardian of the Rolling Sea


    � Plasma Ball
    � Electro-shock

    Plasmarine relies on its speed and deadly bio-electric attacks
 to gain the upper hand over Link.
    The boss will mostly use its Plasma Ball attack, which launches
 an energy ball that matches its current colour: blue or red. Other
 than that, Plasmarine can also attempt to fry Link by surrounding
 itself in a high-voltage electric field.

    Plasmarine is weak to its own Plasma Ball attack, when it is of
 a different colour. The trick to beating it is to use the Long Hook
 to switch places with the boss directly after it fires off a Plasma Ball,
 which causes it to switch colour and ending up placed in the line of fire
 of its own attack.

    � Long Hook


          ##'''''       ''##
       ###''''     ######  '# 
      #''##'    ###      #####
      #'''##   ##
       #'''## ##
        ##''  '##
       #''''   ''#
      ###''#'   '##'#
       #''#'     '#'####
       #''##'#  '####  '#
      ########  #####'  #
     ##'   ###  ##'#'#' #
     #'###' # '' '#'' #'#
     #############''' ###
      ######''''''''' #' #
       ######''''''''###  #
      ###'#####'''''##  #  #
      ##''''##########   ###
     ###''''' # ''''##
    ###'''''' # '''''#
   ###''''''' # '''''#
   #''''''''' # '''''##
   ##'''''''' # ''''''#
    ###''''' # '''''''#
      ####'' # ''''''##

   ______                    ______
  /      \------------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |                | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Blue Stalfos  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                  \__  ^ _/

    Ancient Tomb



    � Reap
    � Time-Turner Sphere
    � Shrapnel Sphere

    Though Blue Stalfos' body is intangible and immune to physical harm,
 it mostly chooses to keep its distance from Link, floating around in
 random directions. It will periodically charge up one of its two magic
 attacks. Which one it is using won't be apparent until it has been cast.
 The smooth sphere will turn Link into an helpless infant for a
 few seconds, while the twirling sphere splits into six smaller bolts
 once it gets near Link, or he hits it.
    Should Link get to close to Blue Stalfos as it stops, the mini-boss
 will swing its vicious scythe at Link.

    Link must turn the Time-Turner Sphere on Blue Stalfos by hitting
 it with his sword. If the mini-boss is hit by its own magic, it will
 turn into its helpless "infant" state, at which time it is vulnerable
 to Link's sword.

    � Sword


        ###L#    ####    #L###
       #..#.#    ####    #.#..#
       #..#..#  ######  ##.#..#
       ### ####.LLLLLL.#### ###
        ## #L.#...L#...#.L# ##

   ______               ______
  /      \-------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |           | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Ramrock  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/             \__  ^ _/

    Ancient Tomb

    Boss - Guardian of the Falling Star


    � Flying Fist
    � Hug-of-Death
    � Homing Energy Ball
    � Laser Sweep
    � Wrecking Ball

    This ancient machine has a set of four different kinds of arms,
 and how it behaves depend on which ones it is currently equipped with.
    In the Stone-arm Phase, Ramrock will hover back and forth horinzontally
 and launch its fists at Link whenever a clear shot is possible. The fists
 have limited homing capabilities.
    In the Crusher-arm Phase, Ramrock will chase after Link and smash his
 arms together every other second.
    In the Shield-arm Phase, Ramrock will hover back and forth horinzontally
 and occasionally unleash one of its two attacks. The shields block all
 frontal attacks, to the point of even canceling any attack Ramrock is in
 the process of performing itself.
    In the Ball'n'Chain-arm Phase, Ramrock will again hover back and forth
 horinzontally, launching one of its deadly weapons at Link if he ends
 up in its line of fire. In rare cases, Ramrock may launch both balls.

    In the Stone-arm Phase, Link must slash a fist as it comes flying to
 knock it back. If he can hit Ramrock three times this way, the next phase
    In the Crusher-arm Phase, Link must drop a bomb directly in front
 of Ramrock's arms as they draw back, causing them to crush it and hurt
 the boss in the process. Three bombs initiates the next phase.
    In the Shield-arm Phase, Ramrock will block all frontal attacks,
 even canceling any attack it is in the process of performing. With the
 Seed Shooter, Link can bounce seeds into Ramrock's unprotected back.
 After a few hits, the last phase begins.
    In the Ball'n'Chain-arm Phase, Link must pull the ball Ramrock didn't
 launch all the way out with the Power Gloves. When he lets go of it,
 the ball will rebound and damage Ramrock. Three hits will finish
 the boss once and for all.

    � Sword
    � Bombs
    � Seed Shooter
    � Power Gloves

    The re-growing plants in the chamber will provide Link with bombs
 and Scent Seeds.


       ##    ##
    ## #z''''z# ##

 "You come despite my warning? Do you not value life? Or are you a mere fool?
  Regardless, it won't be easy! I'll teach you your place! I'll not be as
  kind as before!"

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Veran  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/

    Black Tower



    � Multi-shot Sphere
    � Summon Dark Spiders

    While the possessed Queen Ambi is the one sent into battle, Veran is the
 real enemy that Link must conquer.
    Similar to her strategy in her previous run-in with Link, Veran will make
 Queen Ambi teleport to one of the pillars in the chamber. She has learnt her
 lesson though, and will therefore be a lot more cautious this time around.
 She also has a new trick up her sleeve: summoning Dark Spiders.

    Since Link wouldn't want to hurt Queen Ambi either, he will again have to
 resort to Mystery Seeds to stun her, which forces Veran to briefly leave
 her body. She still cannot be hurt though, so Link has to use the Long Hook
 on her to remove her from Queen Ambi's in order for her to be vulnerable to
 his sword. Link should try to avoid using the Long Hook on Veran from too far
 away though, as that would give him less time to attack her.

    � Sword
    � Mystery Seeds
    � Long Hook


         ####            ####
        #> >>#   #####  #>> >#
        #  ##># #>>>>>## ##  #
        # #  #>#>>>>>>#>#  # #
    #    #    ##>>>>>>>> #  #    #
   #>#        #>>>>> #>  #      #>#
   # #        # >>>  #  >#      # #
   #  #     ##>>    # #>>>#    #  #
   #   #  ##>>>>>>># ####>>#  #   #
   #    #  ##>>>>## #># ###  #    #
   #>    #   #####      ##  #    >#
   #>     #   # # >> # >#  #     >#
    #      #  # >####> #  #      #
    #>      ## # >  > # ##      >#
     #>      >#>#    #>#>      >#
      # ## ###>>######>>### ## #
      ##  #  >>>#>  >#>>>  #  ##
      #  #   >>#>>>>>>#>>   #  #
         # # ###>>>>>>### # #
          # #   #>  >##  # #
               ## >   ##
              #>##   ###
            #>>## #>>>#
            #  ###>>#
            ###  #> #
                 #  #
                 # #

 "Well done! I thought I might possess you this time. Perhaps you have
  a different flavor from that fool, Ralph. You've seen me like this before,
  but this is my true form. You'll regret making me show my true might!
  I'll give you reasons to fear Veran, Sorceress of Shadows!!!"

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Veran  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/

    Black Tower



    � Energy Sphere
    � Multi-shot Sphere

    Veran reveales her "true" form as dark fairy. She also summons four
 Dark Links (singular: Dark Link) that will mimic the movements of the
 real Link.
    Veran herself will make constant fly-bys, starting from any possible
 direction, and will occasionally use one of her two attacks. The more damage
 she takes, the faster she flies.

    Link must simply slash Veran with his sword whenever the opportunity
 presents itself.

    � Sword

    The four Dark Links will drop a Recovery Heart each when defeated.


              ##l    l##
            ##l        l##
           #l            l#
          #l  lll    lll  l#
         #l llllllllllllll l#
         #llllll llll llllll#
        #lll ll########ll lll#
        #lllll#l      l#lllll#
       #lllll#l ###### l#lllll#
       #l ll#l ##  ll## l#ll l#
       #llll# l# ll## l# #llll#
       #llll# #lll##   # #llll#
      # ll l#l#ll## l###l#l ll #
     #l  lll##ll## l@l##l#lll  l#
     #l   l#lll##  l  l#l#ll   l#
     ###l   ####      ##l#   l###
    #lll##l  #l#l ## l# #  l##lll#
   #  ll#l####l ##ll## l####l#ll  #
    ####llll###l l##l l###llll####
      #   l#   #l    l#   #l   #
       ####     ######     ####

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Veran  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/

    Black Tower


    Very High

    � Toxic Quake
    � Web Slam
    � Arachnid Pounce
    � Stinger Barrage
    � Summon Dark Bees

    Finally recognizing Link as a true threat, Veran regrets having to
 resort to her three nastiest transformations, for she believes them to
 be so vile that even she's uncomfortable using them.
    In her Beetle Form, she will jump into the air and attempt to crush
 Link. When she lands on the floor, a pool of toxic briefly floods out from
 under her.
    In her Spider Form, she will move in diagonal patterns around the room,
 occasionally moving faster whenever she senses Link nearby. She can try to
 ensnare Link with a strand of web and violently slam him onto the floor or
 jump up into the air and try to drop down on him.
    In her Bee Form, she'll fly around in an 8-shaped pattern, trying to
 collide with Link. She can also unleash a Stinger Barrage while zooming
 horizontally across the room, or summon a swarm of Dark Bees to pester him.

    In her Beetle Form, her head is weak to Link's sword while she pops it
 out to scan the room for his position.
    In her Spider Form, Link must stun her with a well-timed bomb to reveal
 her head, which is otherwise well-protected underneath the "spider head".
    In her Bee Form, she is unprotected against Link's sword.

    � Sword
    � Bombs?

    The Dark Bees might drop Recovery Hearts. The re-growing plant in the
 middle of the chamber will spawn collectible bombs. Note that Veran will
 usually alternate between her Beetle Form and randomly one of the two others.
 She is guaranteed to use at least two, but she may not, depending on the
 circumstances, use the remaining third one at all...


             ##   #             #
           ##'# ###          # ##
         ##''###''#        # # #r# ###
        #'' #''''#         ##r#rrr#  r#
       #''  ''' '###       #rrrrr# rrr####
      #####    '#'#        #rrrrr#rrr##  r##
     # '#  #  '''#        # #rrrrr###  #    #
     #''##  #   '#         ##rrrr### r #  r##
     #'#  # ## '''#        #rrrrr# ##  # ##
     ###' ### #'##          #rrrr# # ## r##
    # #   # # ##           #r#rrr###    #rr#
    #  ###  ###           ###rrr##  #  r##r#
    #      #####             #rr##  #  #  ##
    # ###########           #r##  #####
    ##    ######'#           ##  ######     ##
          #####'#             ## #######   #r#
       #######'####          # r#######r### #
      #' #  ####   #         ## rr####r#  ##
       ###  ## #'  #        #    #r###r#  #
          ####  #''#         #r  r#rrr####
            #'   ##           #########r#
             #                    ### ##

   ______                      ______
  /      \--------------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |                  | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Koume & Kotake  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/                    \__  ^ _/


    Main villains?


    � Frost Shot/Flame Shot

    Koume & Kotake will fly around the room on their broomsticks
 while pelting Link with bolts of their respective magic.

    Link must use his sword to deflect the magic of one witch into the
 other to win. Three hits in total, regardless of which witch suffers the blow,
 will do the trick.

    � Sword


       ##    ####       #####
      #r#   #rrrr##   ##'  # ##
      #r## #rr   rr# #''    #  #
       #rr#r r ##########   ##  #
     ####rr   #  #r## #  # ''##  #
    #r#rr r  ## #r#  # #  #''#'''#
    # #r    r##### r  #####' #''' #
    #  r    ###r#rrr   # ### #''  #
     #   r  ###r#rrr'  # ######   #
     ## rr  ###r##rr''##'####'####'#
    ##rr #r r####r#r'#' ###'#''##''#
    #r##rr## r##rrr##  '##''#'''#' #
     #rr##r##r###rrr# '###''##'##  #
      #######r## #rr#'# ##'#####'# #
      ##r###### # #r## # ##  ###'#'#
       #r###### ## ## ## #     #####
       #r##   #r# #  # #'#      ##'#
      #rr#  r  # ## ### ###     ##'#
      #r r# #r  #   #  ## #      #'#
     #rr r#r###r##  # ##   #     ###
     #r  rr##  ########'#'  ##    #
     #r   r##   ######## #'   #   #
    #rr   rr#   ### ###'# # ####
    #r  r  r#  #rr# ##''# ##' # #
    #r  rr r#  #rrr#'#''#  #'  # #
    #r rrr r# #rrrr#'#'#   ##  '# #
    #r rrr #  #r rrr#''#   #'# '#  #
     #r r r#  #r rrr#'#     #'###  #
      #####    #   r###      #'''' #
               #r rr##        ######

   ______                ______
  /      \--------------/      \ 
 | _   /| |            | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Twinrova  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/              \__  ^ _/


    Main villain?


    � Fireball Blast
    � Summon Fire Keese
    � Ice Bolt
    � Summon Ice Spikes

    Twinrova is the combined form of Koume and Kotake, and she has control
 over both fire and ice. She starts off the battle by selecting either her
 ice- or fire-form, and will then alternate regularly between the two.
    While she's in her fire-form, the room will have a set number of
 lavapits that Link can fall into if he's not careful. Twinrova's Fireball
 Blast is a seemingly weak burning flame that, upon hitting a wall, explodes
 into three smaller fireballs that will be aimed towards Link. She can also
 summon Fire Keese and send them after Link.
    In her ice form, Twinrova will freeze over the floor in the entire room,
 making it much harder for Link to move. She will then summon two to three
 Ice Spikes that will slide and bounce around the room. While Link is slipping
 around trying to dodge the spikes, Twinrova will take potshots on him with
 her Ice Bolt attack.

    Link must slash Twinrova with his sword until she is stunned, at which
 time she can be injured with a Ember Seed/Scent Seed from the Seed Shooter.

    � Sword
    � Seed Shooter?

    If Link can manage to defeat the Fire Keese before they fly off-screen,
 they might drop Recovery Hearts.


                       # #
                      #' #
                      #' '#
                      #'  #####   #####
                      #'' '#######'   '##
                     ##''''#####'   '''''#
                    ##########''##'''''    '##
                    ##########'#######''''   '##
                    #'########## ''' ##'''''  '##
                    # ######### ''''' ####'''' '##
                    ## '####''# ''''' #''####''''##
                    #####'  ''# ''''' #''  '##''''##
                    #'##' '''''# ''' #''''' '##''''#
                  ## '#'''##''## ''' ##''##'''##'''##
              ##### '#'''##''' '# ' #' '''##'''#''''#
           ####''## '#####'''#' '# #' '#'''#####''''##
          #''##'''#''''###''###' '#' '###''###'#'''''#
          #' '##''##''###'' ####''#''####''### ##''''#
          ##' ##''#######'' '## #'#'# ##'##### '#''''#
         #'######'#''####'#' '####'####'#'''#' '#''''##
        #'''######''''####''#''''###'''#'###'  '##''''#
        #''##'##''#'''#'##'# #''#   #'#'###'  ''##''''#
        ####'''##''#''#'##'# #'# # # ##'#### '''###'''#
         ##'''#'##'#'##'##'#  #  # #  '######''##'#'' #
          #''#'''#######'##'# #       '##########'#'' ##
          ###''''####### ###'##' ### # ##########'#'' '#
           ##'''########' '######'''## #########'##'' '#
            ##########'###  '########## ######## ###' '#
            #''#####''####'#''     '#'## '####' ####'  #
           #'''####' ####'###########' ##'    '#####'  '#
           #'''######   '###   '  ##' ''############'  '#
           #''####'''## ### #      #' '''''#'''#####'' '##
          #'''####'' ''# ## ### ## #'''''''#'''#####'' ''#
          #'''###'' ''''# #'      '#''''''#'''######''  '##
          # ''###'' '''''#### # #####''''##''#######''' ''#
         #' '####''''''''##'######'####''''#########''' ''#
         #' '#####''''#'###'######'##''##''#''#####''''  '##
        #' ''###' ''''#### #########' ''#'''''#####''''' ''# 
       #' '''####''''##### ##   ###' '''#'''''#####''''' ''#
      #' '''#######''##### # ### ##' ''#'''''######''''' ''#
    ##''''#####   ######''   ###  #'#''''''''#####'''''' ''#
     ######         ####'############'''''''##''##'''''' ''#
                 ###'''###''##   ###'##''''#######''''''''##
                #'####''''### #### '#' '#'#' ####'''''''###
               #'## '##'###  # '#'''#'''#'#''''##'''######
               ### '#####   ##''#'###'###'#'##'#####
                 #######   # ##'##  ##  ####  ##
                          #   ## #  ##  #  #  #
                          ####   # ### ##  ## #
                                  ##  ##    ##

   ______             ______
  /      \-----------/      \ 
 | _   /| |         | |\   _ |
 /|_| |_| |  Ganon  | |_| |_|\
 \_ ^  __/           \__  ^ _/


    Final Boss, Great King of Evil

    Very High

    � Trident Swipe
    � Quad Splitter
    � Triple Shot
    � Ultra Blast
    � Shockwave
    � Vertigo Displacement
    � Single Shot

    Twinrova's own sacrifice only managed to summon a raging, mindless
 version of Ganon's previous cunning self. But that doesn't keep him
 from being an extremely dangerous foe in his own right.
    Ganon will warp in and out of sight in the room, performing one
 of his many attacks with each appearance.
    If he appears with his trident in hand, he will swipe it violently,
 towards Link, throwing himself quite far forward along with it.
    If he appears in the very middle of the room, he will charge four
 energy balls in his trident before sending them off roughly in the
 cardinal directions (north, east, south and west), with each ball
 immediately splitting into three.
    If he appears roughly before the middle of the north wall,
 he will charge up his Ultra Blast attack, but he will stomp the ground
 with a Shockwave beforehand, stunning Link (unless he jumps over it at
 just the right time), leaving him wide-open to the deadly, oversized
 energy ball that Ganon will unleash shortly after.
    Ganon's two other attacks involve shooting three large energy balls
 at Link, one forward and two sligthly angled. The other has Ganon
 distorting the room with a psychedelic, vertigo-inducing magic that
 reverses Link's Movement. During this time, Ganon will walk around
 shooting single energy balls at Link.
    Ganon may also try to trick Link by warping away instantly after

    Ganon is weak to the Spin Attack from the Wooden/Noble Sword,
 but with the Master Sword, Link can just use the regular slash.
 Ganon can only be harmed while he is physically present; not while warping.

    � Sword


        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
       //\\   \/    _     __                \/     \/\/               //\\
      // /\\       | |   / /                                /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\      | |  / /                                 \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\     | | / /              Item Guide                 /\______/\
   //\\    //\\    | |/ /                                         //\\    //\\
  // /\\  // /\\   |___/                 /\                      // /\\  // /\\
 //_/__\\//_/__\\_____________________/\/  \______________/\____//_/__\\//_/__\\
 \______/\______/���������������������      ��������������  ����\______/\______/

    "It isn't the equiment that makes the hero."
    Well, that what they say anyway. But this is the gaming world:
 Link really is a sitting duck without his trusty arsenal of useful
 tools and weapons. This section is dedicated to one of the most important
 aspects of the zelda series: the items.


      ,                   | |
     /|                  _|_|_
    | |-----------------|_/_\_|
    |||                   |||
    |||                   |||
    |||    Field Items    |||
    |||                   |||
   _|_|_                  |||
  |_\_/_|-----------------| |
    | |                   |/
    |_|                   '

    "Field Items" is the term I have given to items that Link can assign
 to either the A- or the B-button and use them whenever he sees fit.


    I'll just borrow the item I've placed first on the list for my explanation:

      ##   � Name - In-game description.
     # >#
     # >#
     # >#   � A rundown of the item's purpose.
     # >#
     # >#
     # >#   � Where Link can find the item.
     # >#
     # >#
    ######   ##       ##
    #    #   ##      ###
     ####    ##       ##
     #>>#    ##  ##   ##
     #>>#    ##       ##
     #>>#    ####     ##


      ##   � Wooden Sword - A hero's blade
     # >#
     # >#
     # >#   � The Wooden Sword is the first weapon Link receives, and it
     # >#     will serve him well throughout his adventure. By holding the
     # >#     button the sword is assigned to until it starts glowing,
     # >#     Link can unleash his trademark Spin Attack. The sword can
     # >#     is one of the few items Link can use underwater.
     # >#
    ######   ##       ##
    #    #   ##      ###   � Link receives this sword from Impa shortly
     ####    ##       ##     after Ralph runs off chasing Veran.
     #>>#    ##  ##   ##     In a linked game, he already has it in his
     #>>#    ##       ##     inventory from the beginning.
     #>>#    ####     ##

     ######   � Wooden Shield - A small shield
    #>#>>#>#   � This shield protects Link from arrows and small rocks.
    #>#>>#>#                He can also use it to shove enemies around
    #>#>>#>#  ##       ##     by walking into them with the shield up.
    #>>##>>#  ##      ###     It can also flip over Spiked Beetles.
     #>>>>#   ##       ##     Like Likes will steal Link's shield if
      ####    ##  ##   ##     they swallow him, forcing him to buy a
              ##       ##     new one.
              ####     ##

    �  This shield can be bought in Lynna City Shop for 30 rupees.
       Certain Deku Scrubs will also sell it, but their prices
       could be as much as 50, or as little as 10. The cheapest
       Deku Scrub can be found in the north-west corner of Deku Forest.

     ######   � Shovel - A handy tool.
      #''#   � Link can use the shovel to remove piles of dirt that block
      #''#     his path. It can also be used to uncover buried items or
      ####     enemies in the ground. It can also flip over Spiked Beetles.
    #'z##z'#   � Link receives it from a worker in Black Tower in the Past.

      ##    � Seed Satchel - A bag for carrying seeds.
    #r,#,,,#   � This bag is needed to hold seeds, since Link cannot
     #r#,r#     carry them by hand. On the Item Subscreen, he will be
      ####     prompted to choose which seeds he wants to use. The bag
     #,r#r#     can hold a total of 5 kinds of seed, and 20 of each.
    #,,,,,r#     Later on, the satchel's capacity can be expanded to 50
    #,,,,,r#     seeds per kind and even 99 with the help of a linked secret.
    #rr,rrr#   � Link receives this item from the Maku Tree in the Present
     #rrrr#     after saving her in the Past and it comes filled with 20
      ####     Ember Seeds.

       ###   � Power Bracelet - A strength booster.
     ##r##,#   � The Power Bracelet gives Link the power to lift, push or
    #,r###r#     pull heavy objects like rocks, pots and signs. He can also
    #,,r# ##     throw held objects with the assigned button.
    #,rr# ##  ##       ##   � It is the main treasure of Spirit's Grave.
    #rr###,#  ##      ###
    ###,##,#  ##       ##
     #r,,,r#  ##  ##   ## 
      #rrr#   ##       ##
       ###    ####     ##

      ## # ##   � Harp of Ages - A harp used to navigate time.
      # # # #
     #rr# #rr#   � The Harp of Ages can be used to travel through time.
    #r#r###r#r#     Link will learn a total of three tunes, all of which
    #r## # ##r#     steadily increase his ability to freely travel between
    #r#  #  #r#     Past and Present. While Link cannot travel through time
    #r#######r#     in dungeons, playing the harp can defeat Pols Voice.
    #r# # # #r#     (jumping bunny-like enemies) instantly.
    #r# # # #r#
     # # # # #   � Link finds the Harp of Ages in Nayru's House.
      ## # ##     After he accidentally makes a grotto collapse
        ###     in Fairies' Woods, the Maku Tree suggests that
              he may find something helpful in Nayru's House.

         ##   � Bombs - Very explosive.
       ##   � Bombs can be used to blow up cracked walls/blocks or
      #'z#     cause serious harm to powerful enemies. Remember that
     ######     Link must stay clear of the explosion or he's in for
    z''z###z     a world of pain. Link starts off being able to carry
    #''z####     10 bombs, but can later upgrade it to 30 and even 50
    #zzz##z#     with the help of a linked secret.
     ##zz##   � Link receives bombs from Queen Ambi after presenting
      z##z     her with Mystery Seeds. Afterwards, they appear for sale
             in Lynna City Shop. They come in packs of 10 for 20 rupees.
      Occasionally, they can be found in pots/Treasure Chests in dungeons
      or be dropped by enemies.

          ##   � Roc's Feather - A nice lift.
      #zzzz#   � Roc's Feather is one of the most useful items
      #'zzz#     Link can find in Labrynna. It is mainly used
     #''zzz#     to clear pitfalls or similar traps that are at most one
     #'z''#     tile wide. It can also be used to change the colour of a
    #''z''#     certain type of tile on the floor. But the best aspect
    #'z'''#     of this weight-reducing feather is that it can be used
    #'z''#     to soar over enemies and easily dodge their attacks.
     #z#   � It is the main treasure of Wing Dungeon.

    ########   � Seed Shooter - Used to bounce seeds around.
     #r,rr#   � This clever contraption is designed to shoot seeds.
      #,r#     The Seed Shooter is capable of shooting in the four cardinal
      #,r#     directions as well as diagonally. The seeds will bounce at
      ####     most two times before bursting. While fired diagonally,
     #rr###     the seeds can bounce around corners and hit far-off objects
    #r,,r###     and enemies. If shot forward, the seeds can bounce back and
    #r,,r###     hit enemies behind Link without him having to turn around.
    ##rr####     having to turn around.
     #r,rr#   � It is the main treasure of Moonlit Grotto.

     ## ##   � Switch Hook - User and target trade places.
    #z# #z#
    #''#''#   � The Switch Hook is a new take on the traditional Hookshot
     ##'##     normally found in the zelda series. When used, it makes the
      ###     user and the target, whether it be a pot, bush or an enemy,
       #     switch places with each other. It is the only item that can
       #     move diamond-shaped blocks out of Link's way. The Switch Hook
      #                    can also be used underwater.
      #      ##       ##
       #     ##      ###
      ###    ##       ##   � It is the main treasure of Skull Dungeon.
     #''z#   ##  ##   ##
     #zzz#   ##       ##
     #zzz#   ####     ##

       ##   � Noble Sword - A sacred blade.
      #,,#   � This sword is 1.5 times stronger than the Wooden Sword
      #,,#     and can shoot sword beams when Link is at full health.
      #,,#   � This sword is Link's reward for completing the trading-event.
    #,####,#  ##      ####  
    #,,,,,,#  ##     ##  ## 
     ##rr##   ##         ##
      #rr#    ##  ##  ####  
      #rr#    ##     ##
      #rr#    ####   ###### 

      ####   � Cane of Somaria - Used to create blocks.
     #r  r#
    #rr##rr#   � The Cane of Somaria can be used to create a solid block
    #rr## r#     out of pure energy. It can be used for a myriad of different
     ## # r#     purposes, such as weighing down floor-switches, blocking
       # rr#     narrow passages, used as a stepping stone in side-scrolling
      #rrr#     area or to test the stability/limits of invisible floors.
      #r #     The blocks can even be picked up and thrown on enemies.
      #rr#     They cannot be created underwater though.
      #rr#   � It is the main treasure of Crown Dungeon.

        ####   � Boomerang - Always comes back to you.
     #r,,r#   � The boomerang is a staple of the zelda series.
    #r,,r#     Throw it to stop enemies dead in their tracks, retrieve
    #,,,#     distant items or hit faraway switches. Some enemies,
    #,,,#     like Keese, can also be defeated instantly with it.
    #r,,r#     Sparks, glowing sphere-like enemies who travel alongside
     #r,,r#     walls/blocks and are otherwise indestructible, can be
      #r,,r#     instantly defeated with the boomerang and always
       #r,,#     yield fairies.

    � It can be won either in the Target Carts or the Goron Shooting Gallery.

    ###  ###   � Iron Shield - A large shield.
    #,####,#   � This shield provides Link additional protection against
    #,#rrr,#     fireballs and Wizzrobe Magic.
    #,#rrr,#  ##      ####
    #,,rr,,#  ##     ##  ##   � In a cave by the sea south of Crescent Island,
     #,,,,#   ##         ##     a Tokay resides who claims he found a scrap
      ####    ##  ##  ####     of wood by the sea many years ago. Over time,
              ##     ##       he has polished it into an Iron Shield.
              ####   ######     He passes it onto Link since he [the tokay]
                              cannot really claim that it is his. Afterwards,
      the Iron Shield Shield can be bought in Lynna City Shop for the going
      price of 50 rupees. The opportunistic Deku Scrub in Deku Forest's
      north-west corner will sell Link one for a measly 20 rupees though.

     ## ##   � Long Hook - Switches places from a distance.
    #z# #z#
    #''#''#   � The Long Hook is an upgraded Switch Hook with a 1.5 times
     ##'##     longer chain. It also shoots sligthly faster. Apart from its
      ###     longer reach, it serves the same practical purpose as its
       #     predecessor.
      #      ##      ####   � It is the main treasure of Jabu Jabu's Belly.
       #     ##     ##  ##
      ###    ##         ##
     #''z#   ##  ##  ####
     #zzz#   ##     ##
     #zzz#   ####   ######

     #####   � Power Gloves - Used to lift large objects.
    ## #,r,#   � With the Power Gloves, Link can lift Blue Statues.
    #,######     Other than that, they function exactly like the
    #r#,rrr#     Power Bracelet.
      ####                 � They are the main treasure of Ancient Tomb.
      ####    ##      ####
     #r,rr#   ##     ##  ##
     #r,rr#   ##         ##
     ######   ##  ##  ####
    #r,,rrr#  ##     ##
    ########  ####   ######


 |         |
 |  Seeds  |
 |         |

    Here, I will list all five kinds of seed and what they are useful for.

        #   � Ember Seeds - Fire burns within.
      ## #
     # #  #
    #   rr #   � These seeds burst into flame upon breaking,
    #r rrrr#     making them very helpful in lighting up torches
    #rrrrrr#     and burning down small saplings that block Link's path.
     #r#rr#     They can also cause serious damage to enemies and make
      ####     excellent ammo for the Seed Shooter. Some enemies are
             even immune to everything but Ember Seeds.

   � Ember Seeds can be found growing on Ember Trees, and the only such tree
     grows just south of Lynna Village/City (in both Ages). They may also be
     found in pots or shrubs in certain areas.

       ##   � Myster Seeds - A producer of unknown effects.
      #  #
     ##  >#   � Mystery Seeds are mainly used to activate Owl Statues
    #>## >>#     who will then proceed to give Link useful information.
    #>  >>>#     Veran apparently despise these seeds, as her powers
     #>>>>#     seem to be negatively affected by them. When used as
      ####     ammo in the Seed Shooter, they will randomly have the
             effect of either of the four other seeds on enemies.

   � Mystery Seeds grown on Mystery Trees, one of which can be found
     in Deku Forest, and another on Rolling Ridge in the Past.

       ##   � Scent Seeds - Aroma therapy?
     #  ,,#
    #,  ,,,#   � These small, hard seeds are the perfect ammo for
    #,,,,,,#     the seeds shooter. If thrown on the ground however,
     #,,,,#     they will crack open, wafting a mysterious odour that
     ##,,##     seems to attract certain enemies. In fact, enemies will
       ##     walk right into pitfalls to their doom if they get a
            whiff of their enticing smell.

    � These seeds grown on Scent Trees, one of which, thanks to Link planting
      the Scent Seedling there in the Past, grows on Crescent Island in the
      Present. Another Scent Tree grows in the garden of Queen Ambi's Palace
      in the Past.

     ######   � Gale Seeds - A windy trip.
    #''  ''#
    #'' '###   � When a Gale Seed cracks open, it releases a whirlwind which
    ##'  '##     Link can use to "warp" to a previously visited Seed Tree
     ###''#     of any type. If used on enemies, they will be blown
      #  #     off-screen.

    � They can be found growning on Gale Trees, one of which
      can be found in Symmetry Village in the Present. Another can
      be foundZora Seas in both Ages.

      ######   � Pegasus Seeds - Legendary speed.
     #  '''#
    # '#####
    #'#'''#   � These seeds allow Link to run faster for a few seconds,
    #'#''##     which also allows him to jump further with Roc's Feather.
    ## ###     If used on enemies, they will freeze in their tracks.
     # #
         � They grow on Pegasus Trees, and the only such tree can be
      found in the north-west corner in Rolling Ridge in the Past.


 |                              |
 |  Tunes for the Harp of Ages  |
 |                              |

    Here, I will list the three tunes that Link can learn to play over the
 course of his adventure.

        ####   � Tune of Echoes - Awakens Time Portals.
     ####>>#>>#   � The Tune of Echoes energizes on-screen Time Portals
    ##>>>#>>#>##     (brown coloured tiles resembling vortexes). Link can
    #>  >># # >#     then enter the portal to travel to the same spot in
    #>  >># # >#     the other Age.
     ####>>#>>#   � Link learns this tune from Nayru's telepathic messages
     ##>>##>>##     right after he obtains the Harp of Ages.

      ##### ###   � Tune of Currents - Moves from past to present.
     ##,  ##,,##
    ##,,,, ##,,#
    #,####, ,,,#   � With the Tune of Currents, Link can travel from the Past
    ##,,  #,,,##     to the Present at will. However, he won't be able to
    #,,,,, ###,#     travel in time in the Black Tower area or in the ruins
    #,###,, ,,,#     in the Sea of No Return. If he ends up stuck in a solid
    ##,, #,,,,##     object while traveling through time, he will automatically
    #,,,, ####,#     be sent back to the Past.
    #,,,, ####,#
    #,,##,  ,,##
    ##,,##,,,##   � Link learns this tune from the musical researcher Tokkey
     ### #####     who resides in a hidden grotto in a lake in Talus Peaks.
                 Link must play him the Tune of Echoes in order for him to
     find the inspiration to compose the final parts of the Tunes of Currents.

         ###   � Tune of Ages - Moves freely through time.
        ## ###
        # #  '#
      ###'# ''#   � With the Tune of Ages, Link can travel freely between
     # '''#'''##     the two Ages, making the other tunes obsolete. However,
     ###'''### #     he still cannot travel through time in the Black Tower
    #  '#'''' ##     area, the ruins of Sea of No Return or Yoll Graveyard.
    # ''#'''''##
     ###''#  '##   � After saving Nayru from Veran's grip, she teaches Link
     # '''# ''#     this final tune, which unlocks the full power of the Harp
      ###'#'''#     of Ages.


 |          |
 |  Flutes  |
 |          |

    Here, I will list all the flutes that appear in the game, and how they
 differ from each other.

     #####     ###   � Strange Flute - A rare instrument.
    ##   ##    # >#
    #      ######>#
     #       # >###  � This flute will later turn into either
      #    ##>> >#    Dimitri's Flute or Ricky's Flute, depending on where
      #  ##>  > >#    Link aquired the Strange Flute in the first place.
    #####>  >  >#
   #>  #  >  > >#
   #    #  > >>#   � The Strange Flute is only available to Link for a short
   # ># #> > >>#     time at a very specific point the game. Right after
   # >## # >>>#     he comes ashore after aquiring the Echoing Howl essence,
   # >## #>>>#     but _before_ he starts traveling up to Nuun Highlands,
    # ># #>>#     Link will have the opportunity to buy a Strange Flute
    #    #>#     in Lynna City Shop for 150 rupees, or win it in the
     #  >##     Shooting Gallery in Lynna Village. The former will
      ###     later become Dimitri's Flute, and the latter Ricky's Flute.

     #####     ###   � Moosh's Flute - A flute for calling Moosh!
    ##   ##    # '#
    #      ######'#
     #       # '###   � This flute allows Link to call Moosh,
      #    ##'' '#     the flying bear, to his side. It can also
      #  ##'  ' '#     defeat Pol Voice instantly.
    #####'  '  '#
   #'  #  '  ' '#
   #    #  '##'###   � If Link doesn't collect a Strange Flute before
   # '# #' #'####'#     going up to Nuun Highlands after aquiring the
   # '## # ##''''##     Echoing Howl, he will eventually be given this
   # '## #'#'#''#'#     flute by Moosh instead. In a linked game, Link
    # '# #'#'#  #'#     will receive this flute only if he had Moosh's
    #    #'#' ## '#     Flute in Oracle of Seasons before.
     #  '## #    #
      ###    ####

     #####     ###   � Dimitri's Flute - A flute for calling Dimitri!
    ##   ##    # r#
    #      ######r#
     #       # r###   � This flute allows Link to call Dimitri,
      #    ##rr r#     the swimming dodongo, to his side. It can also
      #  ##r  r r#     defeat Pols Voice instantly.
    #####r  r  r#
   #r  #  r  r###
   #    #  r #  #   � To get this flute, Link must buy the Strange
   # r# #r ##rrrr##     Flute in Lynna City Shop at a specific point
   # r## # #rr  rr#     in the game (read the Strange Flute entry above
   # r## #r#r#rr#r#     for details). In a linked game, Link will receive
    # r# #r#r#rr#r#     this flute only if he had Dimitri's Flute in
    #    #r# rrrr #     Oracle of Seasons before.
     #  r## #r##r#
      ###    ####

     #####     ###   � Ricky's Flute - A flute for calling Ricky!
    ##   ##    # <#
    #      ######<#
     #       # <###   � This flute allows Link to call Ricky,
      #    ##<< <#     the boxing kangaroo, to his side. It can also
      #  ##<  < <#     defeat Pols Voice instantly.
    #####<  ## ##
   #<  #  <### ###
   #    #  #<#<#<#   � Link must win a Strange Flute by scoring at least
   # <# #< #<###<#     250 points in the Shooting Gallery in Lynna Village
   # <## # ##<<<##     at a specific point in the game (read the Strange
   # <## #<#<#<#<#     Flute entry above for details). In a linked game,
    # <# #<#<#<#<#     Link will receive this flute only if he had Ricky's
    #    #<# <<< #     Flute in Oracle of Seasons before.
     #  <## #<#<#
      ###    ###


 |                |
 |  Secret Items  |
 |                |

    Here, I will list the items that can _only_ be obtained with the help of a
 linked secret.

       ##   � Master Sword - The blade of legends.
      #''#  � This sword is twice as strong as the Wooden Sword.
      #''#    It is the only sword that can hurt the "real final boss"
      #''#    with a regular slash, instead of a Spin Attack.
     ##''##                � Link can receive the final upgrade for his
    #'####'#  ##      ####     sword with the help of a linked secret.
    #''''''#  ##     ##  ##
    #'#zz#'#  ##        ##
    ###zz###  ##  ##     ##
      #zz#    ##     ##  ##
      #zz#    ####    ####

      ####   � Mirror Shield - A reflective shield.
    #'####'#   � This shield provides additional protection against
    #'#zzz'#     laser beams and Lynel arrows.
    #'#zzz'#  ##      ####   � Link receives this upgrade as part of a
    #''zz''#  ##     ##  ##     linked secret. It can later be bought in
     #''''#   ##        ##     Lynna City Shop for the going price of
      #''#    ##  ##     ##     80 rupees.
       ##     ##     ##  ##
              ####    ####

   rrr ##   � Bombchu - An advanced homing bomb!
   r,r#  #
   rrr  ##
      ###   � Link can only aquire this item as part of a linked secret.
     #,,,#     It is a small, mobile bomb that autmoatically homes in on
    #,,,,,#     the nearest enemy. However, it cannot travel over water.
   ########   � They will be sold in packs of five for 100 rupees in
   #r###r##     Syrup's Potion Shop once Link has activated the secret.

               ###   � Biggoron's Sword - a powerful, two-handed sword.
              #  #
             #  ,#
            #  ,#   � This is a mighty weapon that takes up both the
           #  ,#     A-button and the B-button slot at the same time.
          #  ,#     It is very powerful though, and has a very long
         #  ,#     and wide reach. It is strong enough to defeat
      # ## ,#     Armos Statues, who are otherwise invulnerable
     # #, ##     to swords, in one hit.
     # #,,#
     #, ##
    ###,  #   � Link receives it as part of a linked secret.


  ____   ____                      _
 /    \_/    \--------------------/ \
 \   __ __   /                   / _ \
  \ \  |  / /                   / / \ \
   \ \   / /    Quest Items    / /   \ \
    \ \_/ /                   / /__|__\ \
     \   /                   /     _     \
      \_/--------------------\____/ \____/

    Quest Items serve some kind of practical/consistent purpose to Link,
 but, unlike Field Items, can only be used at the appropriate time.
 Some of them are eventually replaced by other items that fall under
 the same category, but others will remain in Link's inventory for the
 remainder of the game.


    Again, let me borrow the first item of the sidequest for the explanation:

    #####   � Name - In-game desription.
   # ####>#   � A rundown of the item's purpose.
    # ###>#
    #    ##   � Where Link can find the item.
   # ####>#
   #>  >>>#


    #####   � L-1 Ring Box - Holds one seed ring.
   # ####>#   � This box holds one seed ring for Link.
    # ###>#
    #    ##   � Link is given this item from Vasu
   # ####>#     the first time he enters Vasu Jewelers.
   #>  >>>#

    #####   � L-2 Ring Box - Holds three seed rings.
   # ####'#   � This box holds three seed rings for Link.
    # ###'#
    #    ##   � Link can buy an upgrade for the Ring Box
   # ####'#     in the "Secret Shop" in Lynna City, an exclusive
   ######'#     establishment only accessible with the help of
   #'  '''#     the Tune of Currents. Another upgrade can be
   #'##'''#     obtained as part of a linked secret.

    #####   � L-3 Ring Box - Holds five seed rings.
   # ####r#   � This box holds five seed rings for Link.
    # ###r#
    #    ##   � Link can buy an upgrade for the Ring Box
   # ####r#     in the "Secret Shop" in Lynna City, an exclusive
   ######r#     establishment only accessible with the help of
   #r  rrr#     the Tune of Currents. Another upgrade can be
   #r##rrr#     obtained as part of a linked secret.

      ##   � Magic Ring - Take it in for appraisial.
     #  #
     #>>#   � Magic Rings, also known as "Seed Rings" by some sources,
    #    #     can be found all over Labrynna. Link must take them
   # #### #     to Vasu in Vasu Jewelers for appraisial before he
   # #  # #     can use any of them though.
   # #  # #
   # #### #   � These rings appear in many locations, but they can also
    #    #     be won in mini-games, dropped my Maple and found in
     ####     Gasha Nuts.

      #   � Gasha Seed - Plant it in soil.
     #'#   � These silvery seeds can be planted in small squares
    #'''#     of soil scattered all over Labrynna. They will eventually
    #' '#     grow into Gasha Trees that will carry Gasha Nuts. These
   #' '''#     can contain everything from Seed Rings to Rupees to
   #' '''#     Magic Potions. Even an elusive Piece of Heart can be found.
   #' '''#
   #'''''#   � They can be found all over Labrynna, but they can also
   #'''''#     be won in mini-games, dropped my Maple, or bought for
    #'''#       300 rupees each in Syrup's Potion Shop in Yoll Graveyard.

     ###    ###   � Pieces of Heart - 4 make a Heart Container.
    #   #  #   #
   #     ##     #
   #            #   � There are 12 of these valuable objects spread
   #   ##  ##   #     out in the land of Labrynna. If Link collects
   #  #rr##rr#  #     four of these, he will receive an extra heart
   #  #rrrrrr#  #     for his life gauge.
   #  #rrrrrr#  #
    #  #rrrr#  #
     #  #rr#  #   � They are found in strategical spots all over
      #  ##  #     Labrynna. See the list below for details.
       #    #
        #  #

 |  Heart Piece Map  |  Labrynna  |
 |                                                       |
 | 1) Just south of the entrance to Black Tower in       |
 |    the Past. Link can reach it only with the Shovel.  |
 |                                                       |
 | 2) Behind some blocks in Maku Path in the Past.       |
 |    Link must defeat all Stalfos in the room before    |
 |    he can push the blocks out of the way.             |
 |                                                       |
 | 3) Link can collect one in the south-west corner      |
 |     of Yoll Graveyard, but only if he has aquired     |
 |     the Power Bracelet.                               |
 |                                                       |
 | 4) One screen south and two screens west of Wing      |
 |    Dungeon, Link can burn away a small sapling        |
 |    which reveals a staircase. In the cave below,      |
 |    he will find the Piece of Heart.                   |
 |                                                       |
 | 5) In a cave next to the Restoration Wall in          |
 |    Talus Peak, Link can find a Piece of Heart.        |
 |                                                       |
 | 6) Another one awaits on Talus Peak, if he has        |
 |    learned the Tune of Currents.                      |
 |                                                       |
 | 7) Link can buy one for 500 rupees in the             |
 |    "Secret Shop" in Lynna City.                       |
 |                                                       |
 | 8) The next one is in a cave in the westernmost       |
 |    region of Rolling Ridge in the Present.            |
 |    Link can blast his way through the right-hand      |
 |    wall where it is cracked, opening the way to       |
 |    the piece.                                         |
 |                                                       |
 | 9) One more can be found in the north-eastern         |
 |    reaches of Rolling Ridge in the Present.           |
 |    Link can get to it with the help of the            |
 |    Tune of Currents.                                  |
 |                                                       |
 | 10) The next one can be found underneath Crescent     |
 |     Island in the Present. Link needs the Mermaid     |
 |     Suit in order to navigate the confusing           |
 |     under-water maze that eventually ends up          |
 |     in a cave where the Piece of Heart rests.         |
 |                                                       |
 | 11) Maple, the witch who roams Labrynna and whom      |
 |     Link can collide with, has one Piece of Heart     |
 |     which she might drop if Link is lucky.            |
 |     If she does, he must go for it as quickly as      |
 |     possible (maybe with the help of a Pegasus Seed)  |
 |     since Maple considers this precious item to       |
 |     be of top-priority.                               |
 |                                                       |
 | 12) One Piece of Heart may be found within a Gasha    |
 |     Nut if Link is lucky. The Gasha Ring might just   |
 |     increases the chances of it happening, but it     |
 |     is hard to prove since it is such a rare item     |
 |     regardless.                                       |
 |                                                       |

       ####   � Magic Potion - Fill your heart.
      #   #
     #     #   � Magic Potions are Link's life insurance.
      #####     If he runs out of health, this potion will
      #rrr#     automatically kick in and refill his entire
      #   #     life gauge. It is also the only thing that
     ##   ##     can save King Zora in the Past from an
    #r     r#     untimely demise.
   #  rrrrrrr#
   #  rrrrrrr#   � They can bought for 300 rupees each in
   #rrrrrrrrr#     Syrup's Potion Shop but may also dropped
    #rrrrrrr#     by Maple or found in Gasha Nuts.

     ####   � Graveyard Key - Key to a spirit's Grave
   #.#.#.r#   � This key unlocks a gate in Yoll Graveyard
   ##...r##   � It can be found in the "grave under the tree"
    #.#.r#     in the southern area of Yoll Graveyard.

      ###   ###   � Flippers - Hit the beach.
     #,,r# #,,r#
    #,##,r#,##,r#   � These will allow Link to swim.
    #,##,r#,##,r#     The A-button makes Link swim faster while
    #,,,r##,,,r##     The B-button allows him to Dive and retrieve
     ####,#####,#     items from underwater. In side-scrolling areas,
     #,,#,##,,#,#     Link can use his sword underwater, but only if
    #,##,,#,##,,#     it is set to the B-button.
   #,,#,,,#,#,,,#   � They can be found in Cheval's Grave in
   #,# #,,## #,,#     Yoll Graveyard.
   ##   #,#   #,#
         ##    ##

              ##   � Cheval Rope - Water-repellent rope.
      ####, ,##   � This rope won't rot when wet, so it's the perfect
     #,#,,####,#     thing to have when building a raft. Give it to
    #,#,,#,,,,#,#     Rafton in his house by the coast south of
    #,#,#,###,,#,#     Lynna Village, and he will use it to build
   #,#,#,#####,#,#     a raft for Link.
   ##,#,,###,,#,#   � Link finds it in Cheval's Grave with the help
   ##,,##,  ##,,#     of his newly aquired Flippers.
    #,##,   ,##
     ## #####

        ####   � Ricky's Gloves - Take them to Ricky
    #r,rrrrr,r#   � These gloves belong to Ricky, and should therefore
    #rrrrrrrrr,#     be returned to him as quickly as possible.
   #rr###rrrrrr###   � They can be found in a pile of dirt on the beach
    #rr##rrrrr#r,,#     south of Lynna City. There are five piles there
     #rr#rrrr#r,,r#     normally, but when Link needs to find these
      ## ####r,,rr#     gloves, there will be one more than usual.
            #r,rr#     That's the pile that hides Ricky's Gloves.

   #####  ##### ##   � Island Chart - A sailor's trusted map.
   #zz'z'''zz'''z#   � Link needs to have this chart in his possesion
    ##z'''''''''z#     (although he technically never uses it? Besides,
   ##z''z'z''''z#     this map is drawn in the Present) before he's allowed
   #zz'z'zz'zz''z#     to shove off on Rafton's raft.
   ##z'''''zzz'z#   � Link receives it from Tingle in the Present after
    #z'''zz''z'zz#     agreeing to become his friend.
   ####      #####

       #   � Scent Seedling - Bears fruit long after plating.
   ## #>#
   #>##># ##   
   #>>#>##>#   � Link can give this seedling of a Scent Seed Tree to a
    ##>>>>#     Tokay positioned in the "tree nursery" in the north-eastern
      ####     reaches of Crescent Island in the Past. In the Present,
      # #     it will have blossomed into a full-grown, fruit-bearing tree.
    ##  ##
    ######   � Link can win this in the Wild Tokay game on Crescent Island
   # #  # #     in the Past. It is the only available prize until Link
   #  # # #     wins it.
   #   #  #
    # # ##

       ####   � Cracked Tuni Nut - A nut in need of restoration.
    ###r,###  ##
   #r,,##### #,r#   � Link must carry this item to the top of
   #r,r######,,r#     Restoration Wall in order for the Restoration
   #rr#######rrr#     Guru, a man named Patch, to restore it to its
   #rr###r,,r#rr#     former state. Without this nut, the days of
    #r##r,,,r#rr#     Symmetry Village are numbered...
    #r##rrrrr#r#   � Link receives it from one of the brothers in
    #r##rrrr#rr#     Symmetry Village. He will receive it not from
    #r##rrrr#rr#     the one he speaks to first, but the second.

        ####   � Tuni Nut - The nut that balances all.
    #,,##rr##,,#   � The repaired Tuni Nut must be returned to
   #r,,,####,,,r#     Symmetry Village and placed on the piedestal
   #rrr#,,,,#rrr#     in Middle House. This will calm the volcano
   #rr#,,,,,,#rr#     and save the village from destruction.
   #rr#rrrrrr#rr#   � The Cracked Tuni Nut can only be fixed
   #rr#rrrrrr#rr#     by Patch of Restoration Wall. Once Link
    #rr#rrrr#rr#     completes his "ceremony", he receives the
     #r#rrrr#r#     fully repaired Tuni Nut.

        ##   � Bomb Flower - Handle with care!
   ##  #,,#  ##
   #,##,rr,##,#   � This explosive plant can be used to save
   #r,,####,,r#     the Goron Elder from underneath a pile of rubble.
   z#''#######z   � Link recieves this item from a Goron after
   #z''z#######     defeating the Great Moblin in the Great Moblin's Keep.

    #####   � Crown Key - A crown-shaped key.
   #    q#
   # qqq##
   # qqq##   � This key unlocks Crown Dungeon
   # qqq##
    #####   � Link receives it from the Goron Elder in the Past
     #q#     after getting him out from underneath a pile rubble.
     # #
     # #
     # ###
     # # #
     # ###
     # # #

       #####   � Brother Emblem - A symbol of brotherhood.
      #     ## 
     # #####  #
    # #     ## #   � This emblem proves Link's "brotherhood" with
   # #        # #     the Gorons, allowing him access to the top
   # #    ##  # #     of Rolling Ridge.
   # #   ####  # #
   ###  #    # ###
   # # # ,,,, ## #   � Link receives this after dancing successfully
    # #,#,,,,#,# #     with the Graceful Goron. He can recieve it in
     ##,,,,,,,###     either Age.

      ####   � Lava Juice - A hot, juicy drink.
      #. #
     #    #   � This molten beverege can be given to the Goron who
    # rrrr #     claims he's friends with the Graceful Goron in return
    #r,,,,r#     for the Introduction
    #rrrrrr#   � Link can win this in the Goron Shooting Gallery
   #rrrrr,rr#     if he can score at least 100 points.

          ######   � Introduction - A letter to the dancing Goron.
       ####   <#
   ####<  #    #<
   #    # <#   <#   � This letter introduces Link to the Graceful Goron
   #< #   <#    #     in the Past.
   <#    # #    #<
    #  #   <#   <#
    #<    #<#    #   � Link receives this item from the Goron claiming
    <# #   <#<####     he's friends witht the Graceful Goron after
     #   <<###<<<#     giving him the Lava Juice.
     #<<###< <####

   ###  ###   � Mermaid Key - A tiny mermaid-shaped key.
   #,,rr,,#   � This key unlocks Mermaid's Cave in the Past
      #r#   � Link can win this from the Graceful Goron in the Past.
      #r#     However, he must first give him the Introduction.
      #r#     The dance will be on the "bronze" (easiest) setting.

          ##    � Rock Sirloin - A tasty treat.
       #r,rr,r,rr#   � This can be given to the Goron guarding the stairs
      #r,,r,rrr,##     to the top of Rolling Ridge in the Present.
    #,r,rrr,r#####   � It can be won in the Target Carts mini-game
   #r,rrr,rr,rrr#     in the Present. This is the only available prize
   #rr,rr,rr####     until Link wins it by hitting all 12 targets.

       ########   � Goron Vase - An heirloom
     #,,,####,,,#   � This vase can be given to the Goron guarding
     #r,,,,,,,,r#     the staircase to the top of Rolling Ridge in the Past.
    #,##,,,,,,##,#   � This vase is given to Link by the Goron guarding
    ##,,,,,,,,,,##     the same set of stairs in the Present in return
   #,,##,,,,,,##,,#     for some Rock Sirloin (meaning that this vase
   #,#,#,,,,,,#,#,#     must be the product of a time paradox?).

        ##   � Goronade - Energy in a single gulp!
     #''''''#   � This item can be given to the Goron in the Big Bang Game.
     #'    '#     He will then open up the game and allow Link to play.
     ##'  '##
    #'######'#   � Link is given this item from the Goron guarding the
   #''''##''''#     staircase to the top of Rolling Ridge in the Past
   #'''####'''#     in return for the Goron Vase.
   #''##  ##''#
   #'#'    '#'#
   ### #  # ### 
    ##'    '##

   ###  ###   � Old Mermaid Key - An ancient key.
   #''zz''#   � This key unlocks Mermaid's Cave in the Present.
      #z#   � Link can win this key in the Big Bang Game in the Present.

     ####   � Mermaid Suit - The skin of the mythical beast.
   #zzzz'z#   � This suit is a basically an updgrade to the Flippers.
   #'z'zz'#         It allows Link to swim in deep water and in the sea.
   #z'zzzz#     #     The suit is controlled by continually tapping the D-pad.
    #zz'z'z#    #     The A-button allows Link to use certain items while the
    #zzz'zz# ###'#     B-Button is reserved for diving/resurfacing.
        ###z'###   � It is the main treasure of Mermaid's Cave, and can be
          #z'#     found there only in the Present.

   #######   � Library Key - The key to vast knowledge.
   # >>>>#
   # ###>#
   #    >#   � This key unlocks Eyeglass Island Library in the Past.
   # >>>>#
   # >>>>#
   ###>###   � Link is given this key from King Zora in the Present
     # #     after having saved his ancestor in the Past by giving
   ### #     him a Magic Potion.
   # # #
   ### ##
   # #  #

    #########   � Book of Seals - A true test of courage
   #>#>#  #>#   � Link must place this on a podium in Eyeglass Island
   #>#>>>>>>#     Library before he can reach the Fairy Powder in the
   #>#>>>>>>#     middle of the chamber.
   #>########   � Link receives it in Eyeglass Island Library in the Present.
   ##>     >#

       ####   � Fairy Powder - Magically powerful dust.
      #    # 
    # ###### #   � It must be given to the Octorok (who in reality
    #,      ,#     is the cursed Fairy Queen) in the cave next to
     ########     Eyeglass Island. This will dispel her curse,
      #,,,,#     allowing her to cleanse the polluted sea in turn.
     ##    ##
    #,      ,#
   #,,,,,,,,,,#   � This item can be found in Eyeglass Island Library
   #,,,,,,,,,,#     in the Past

      '######z   � Zora Scale - A charm of the Sea
   #'z'zz'z'#'   � This Zoran sacred symbol of virtue allows
   #'z'z'z'z#     Link to enter the Sea of Storms.
    #'zz''#   � Link receives this item from a Zora right after exiting
     #'''z#     Jabu Jabu's Belly after aquiring the Rolling Sea essence.

     ####   � Tokay Eyeball - A treasure of the deep!
   #r,,##r#   � This jewel can be fitted in the empty eye socket
   #r####r#     of the Tokay Guardian on Crescent Island in the Past,
   #rr##r,#     allowing Link entry.
          � Link receives this item from Cap'n (the pirate captain)
      aboard his ship after agreeing to give him the Zora Scale.

    #######   � Slate - One of four.
   #      #
   #,####,#   � Together, the four slates will show Link the
   #, ## ,#     way forward in Ancient Tomb.
   #,,  ,,#
   #,#  #,#   � All four slates are found on floor B2F in Ancient Tomb.
   #, ,, ,#

 |  Slate Map  |  Legend   |
 |                                                 |
 | # = Walls                                       |
 |                                                 |
 | S = Slate                                       |
 |                                                 |
 | M = Main room (where Slates must be brought to) |
 |                                                 |
 | @ = Room of the mini-boss                       |
 |                                                 |
 | Numbers = Connections (stairs or similar)       |
 |                                                 |
 | < = Mine cart doorways.                         |
 |                                                 |
 | Spaces between walls =  normal doorways         |
 |                                                 |
 |                                                 |
 | #############           #############           |
 | #     #     #           #     #     #           |
 | #        S  #           #     #  S  #           |
 | #     #     #           #     #    3#           |
 | ### ##### ################# #########           |
 | #     #     #     #     #     #     #           |
 | #                    @  #        3  #           |
 | #     #     #     #     #     #     #           |
 | ######### ########### ##### #########           |
 |       #     #     #     #     #                 |
 |       #                 #  2  #                 |
 |       #     #     #     #     #                 |
 |       ######### ###############                 |
 |       #     #     #     #     #                 |
 |       #        M  #        2  #                 |
 |       #     #     #     #     #                 |
 | ######### ##### ##### ###############           |
 | #     #     #     #     #     #     #           |
 | #              1     1 <<<   <<< S  #           |
 | #     #     #     #     #     #     #           |
 | ### ##### ################# ##### ###           |
 | #     #     #           #     #     #           |
 | #        S  #           #           #           |
 | #     #     #           #     #     #           |
 | #############           #############           |
 |                                                 |

        ######   � Maku Seed - Evil-cleansing sacred seed.
    #,,   ,,,,,,,#   � This seed allows Link to break the curse
    #,,   ,,,,,,,#     that prevents him from ascending Black Tower.
   #,,,   ,,,,,,,,#
   #,,,,,,GG,,,,,,#   � Link receives this item from the Maku Tree in
   #,,,GG,GG,GG,,,#     the Present after having collected all eight
   #,,,GG,,,,GG,,,#     essences.


                              |___ \
     |\                           \ \
   __| \---------------------------\ \
  /     \                           | |
 |  _   /                        /| | |
 | | | /   Trading-Event Items  / |_| |
 | | |/                        /      |
 | |                           \   __/
  \ \---------------------------\ |
   \ \___                        \|

    Ah, the classic trading items for other items to be traded in turn.
 It happens to be one of my favorite aspects of the Zelda series.
 Once Link has aquired the Power Bracelet, he can embark on a lengthy,
 but fun, sidequest trading items he finds with other characters in
 Labrynna until he finally ends up with a well-deserved reward.


   As usual, the first item on the list for the explanation:

          #####   � Name - In-game desription.
         #,rr# #
       #rr,,,rr#   � Who it can be traded to, and where.


          #####   � Poe Clock - Lightens hearts?
         #,rr# #
       #rr,,,rr#   � Can be given to the Postman in
     ##rr#r,r#rr##     the Post Office in Lynna Village.
    #rrr#######rrr#     The Post Office is just west of
    ####r##r##r####     the Shooting Gallery.

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

    ################   � Stationery - Fine Paper.
    #              #
    ##            ##
    # #  ##  ##  # #   � Can be given to ??? (the disembodied hand's
    #  ##rr##rr##  #     real name is really "???") in the Toilet in
    #   #rrrrrr#   #     Lynna Village. The toilet is the smallest
    #    #rrrr#    #     building in the west part of the village.
    #   # #rr# #   #
    #  #   ##   #  #
    # #          # #

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

        ### ##   � Stink Bag - Very stinky....
     #  #>###  #
     #   #    >#   � Can be given to the Tokay Chef
      #>>#   >#     on Crescent Island in the Present.
       ##>#>>#     His hut is on the south-east corner
       #>####>#     of the island.
     #>>>#>># ##
    #>>># ##>##>#
     #>       >#

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

        ##   ##   � Tasty meat - House speciality.
       #,,###  #
      #,   ,   ,# 
      #,    , , #    � Can be given to Happy Mask Salesman
    ###,, ,,,,,,,###     in Mask Shop in Nuun Highlands.
    # ##,,,,,,,,,# #     The shop lies just west of Lynna City.
    ## ,#,,#,,,,,# #
    # ,,#,,,,,#,,#,#
        ##   ##

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

    ####      ####   � Doggie Mask - For a dog lover.
    #,  #    #,,,#
    #,#  #### ,#,#
     ##        ##   � Can be given to Mamanu Yan in
     #,,,      ,#     Lynna City. She lives next to
     #,,#,   # ,#     the river, just north of Black Tower
    #,,,#,   #  ,#
    #,,,#,   #  ,#
    ##,,, ,,   ,##
     #,   ##   ,#
     ###  ##  ###

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /
      ####   � Dumbbell - A single weight.
    ## #####  ####   � Can be given to "Skinny Man" in
    ###############     Symmetry Village in the Past.
    #'####''########     He can be found in the basement
     #''''##'## ####     of Middle House. I wrote his name
      ####  ########     in quotes

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

        ##  ##   � Cheesy Mustache - Kind of weird...
    # ####  #### #   � Can be given to Comedian in Lynna City.
    #####    #####     He is a man in black clothes found near the river.
     ###      ### 

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

     ###      ###   � Funny Joke - Quite a hit.
    #, ,#    #, ,#
    #,  ,####,  ,#
    #,,,,#,,#,,,,#   � Can be performed for Dekadin in Lynna Village.
    #,,###,,###,,#     His house lies next to the river, just west of
    #,  ,#,,#,  ,#     Post Office.
    #,,,#    #,,,#
     ###      ###

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

    ###########   � Touching Book - A sad story.
    #          #
    # '''#'''' #
    # '''#'''' #   � Can be given to (read: taken by) Maple as soon as
    # ''#'#''' #     she and Link collide while he is holding this item.
    # ''#'#''' #
    # '#'''#'' #
    # '#' '#'' #
    # '#'  #'' #
    # ''###''' #
    # '''''''' #
     #         #

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

     ##   � Magic Oar - A racer's dream.
    ## #
     ## #
      ##,#   � Can be given to Rafton in his house
       ##,#    by the seaside directly south of Lynna Village
            ##,  #
             #,,, #
             #,,,, #
             ##,,,, #

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

        ###   � Sea Ukulele - Smells like the sea.
       #####   � Can be given to Zora Elder by the
        #,#     Coast of No Return.
     #, ### ,#
     ##,   ,##
    #,, ### ,,#

         |  |
         |  |
        _|  |_
       \ \  / /
        \ \/ /
         \  /

         ###   � Broken Sword - It's broken?
        #  #
        # '#
       #  '#   � Can be restored to mint condition
       # '#          by Patch of Restoration Wall.
      #  '# ##  ##
      # '# ## ##''#
     #  '# #'  #'#
     # '#   #'#'#
    #  '#   ##'###
    ##'#   #''###'#
     ###   #'# ##''#
           ##   ##'#


    Patch will let you try a harder version of his "ceremony" before
 he will repair the Broken Sword. Once you win, he will have restored
 the sword to its former glory. And with that, you have successfully
 completed the Trading-event.


      /|----------------------------/   \____
   __/ |___                        / _   \  /
  / /  /   \                      /   \   | \
 / |  |     |  Essences of Time  |     |  | /
 \ |   \_  /                      \___/  /_/
 /__\     /                           | /

    Now let's take a peek at all the Essences of Time that Link must collect
 over the course of his adventure in Labrynna. I will list the Essences with
 the name and description seen when Link first aquires them, not the ones on
 the Quest Subscreen. Note that the Bereft Peak is called "Lonely Peak" on
 the Quest Subscreen, probably due to some small, overlooked mistranslation
 by the producers...


    Explanation time again:

          ##   � Name - Description seen when Link first picks up the essence.
         #' #
         #' #
        #'  #
   ### #'  '##  ###   � Which boss it is guarded by, and where.
   #  #'  ''''##  #
   #' #' ''  ''# '#
    # #' '    '# #
    # #' '    '# #
    # #'  '   '# #
   #' ##'    '## '#
   #'  ##''''##  '#
    #'  ######  '#
     #'        '#
       ##    ##


          ##   � Eternal Spirit - Even after life ends, it speaks across
         #' #                     time to the heart.
         #' #
        #'  #
   ### #'  '##  ###   � It is guarded by Pumpkin Head of Spirit's Grave.
   #  #'  ''''##  #
   #' #' ''  ''# '#
    # #' '    '# #
    # #' '    '# #
    # #'  '   '# #
   #' ##'    '## '#
   #'  ##''''##  '#
    #'  ######  '#
     #'        '#
       ##    ##

          ##   � Ancient Wood - It whispers only truth to closed ears
         #  #                   from out of the stillness.
      #>>>  >>>#   � It is guarded by Head Thwomp of Wing Dungeon.
     #  >    >  #
    #     >>     #
     #>>>>  >>>># 
    #  >>    >>  #
   #              #
   #  #  >##>  #  #
    ## ###  ### ##
        #    #

          ##     � Echoing Howl - It echoes far across the plain to
      ## #  # ##                  insolent hearts.
     # ,##,,##, #
     #,,# ## #,,#
    ####      ####   � It is guarded by Shadow Hag of Moonlit Grotto.
   # ,#        #, #  
   #,,#   ##   #,,#
    ##,# #,,# #,##
   #,,,,#,  ,#,,,,#
   #,, ##    ## ,,#
    #  ##    ##  #
    #  # #  # #  #
     # # #  # # #
      ##  ##  ##

         ##    � Burning Flame - It reignites wavering hearts with a
      # #rr# #                   hero's burning passion.
    #r #r  r# r#
   #r  r    r  r#   � It is guarded by Eyesoar of Skull Dungeon.
   #r          r#
   #rr   rr   rr#
    #rr rrrr rr#
   #r ######## r#
   # ##r    r## #
   # # ###### # #
   #r ##r  r## r#
    #r  ####  r#
     ####  ####

   ##            ##   � Sacred Soil - All that lies sleeping in the bosom
   # ###      ### #                   of the earth will know the nourishing
   #    # ## #    #                   warmth of the Sacred Soil.
   #>>   #  #   >>#
     #>>>#>>#>>>#   � It is guarded by Smog of Crown Dungeon.
   #   ###>>###   #
   #>>  >#>>#>  >>#
      #>>    >>#
     #>        >#

          ##     � BereftPeak - It is a proud, lonely spirit that remains
      #  #>>#  #                stalwart, even in trying times.
    #>>#>>>>>>#>>#   � It is guarded by Octogon of Mermaid's Cave
   # >#>>>  >>>#> #
   #  >>>    >>>  #
   #   >      >   #
   ##            ##
   # #> #    # ># #
   # >   ####   > #
   #   >      >   #
   #>  ##>  >##  >#
    # #  #  #  # #
     #    ##    #

             ######   � Rolling Sea - The mystical song of the sea roars
        #####  '#'#                   into a crashing wave that sweeps
       #'    #'''#                    heroes out into adventure.
      #' '''  #''#
      #''''''  #'#
      #####''' #'#   � It is guarded by Plasmarine of Jabu Jabu's Belly.
     #'    #'' ##
    #'''''  #''#
    #'''##'  #'#
    #''####' #'#
    # #''##''##
    # ##''''#
   # #  ######
   ##  #''''''#
      #        #

           ######   � Falling Star - The eternal light of this heavenly body
            #,,,r#                   acts as guide to the other essences.
        ##   #,,,r#   � It is guarded by Ramrock of Ancient Tomb.
       #,,# #r,,rr#
   ####    ####


        /\____  ____________________________  _____    ________________/\
       //\\   \/    _     _____             \/     \/\/               //\\
      // /\\       | |   /    _|                            /\       // /\\
     //_/__\\      | |  / /| |                              \/      //_/__\\
    /\______/\     | | / / | |          Credits                    /\______/\
   //\\    //\\    | |/ / _| |_                                   //\\    //\\
  // /\\  // /\\   |___/ |_____|         /\                      // /\\  // /\\
 //_/__\\//_/__\\_____________________/\/  \______________/\____//_/__\\//_/__\\
 \______/\______/���������������������      ��������������  ����\______/\______/

    Here, I've listed those that I would like to give credit to:

 <>----------------------<> CREDIT GOES TO <>----------------------<>
 |                                                                  |
 |                                                                  |
 |  1) You, for reading my work. Wouldn't be any point in writing   |
 |     this if there weren't any readers like you in the world.     |
 |                                                                  |
 |  2) A pat on the shoulder for me, for writing this guide.        |
 |                                                                  |
 |  3) Flagship and Nintendo, for not one, but two fantastic        |
 |     entries in the zelda series.                                 |
 |                                                                  |
 |  4) CjayC, for letting me post my stuff on one of the            |
 |     greatest (if not _the_ greatest!) FAQ/Walkthrough            |
 |     sites on the web.                                            |
 |                                   |
 |                                                                  |
 |  5) Sponge91, for notifying me that there was a way to           |
 |     get Ricky's Flute in Oracle of Ages without having           |
 |     to play a linked game.                                       |
 |                                                                  |
 |  6) Wikipedia, for the names of the bosses GIANT GHINI           |
 |     and SMASHER.                                                 |
 |                                  |
 |                                                                  |
 |  7. Zelda Wikia, where I went to refresh my memory for the       |
 |     latest update.                                               |
 |                                   |
 |                                                                  |


 So, we've arrived at the end at last and my sack of thank-yous is empty.
 I have to admit, writing this guide wasn't always an enjoyable task,
 but the end result is finally worth it. Well, that's all I had to say
 so I shan't waste any more time, it is time for me to bid you all adieu.

 Fare thee well!

   ######  ####      ##    ######    ####       ##  ##  ####

 Copyright (C) Creepglitch 2011

<------------------------------------< 80 >------------------------------------>