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Trampolines are the first training item that you receive in clumsy ninja. They are useful as a quick and generally easy way to earn XP and Coins - you simply have to move the trampoline from left to right to spur your ninja's training on.

to use the trampoline, tap so that it appears in the game world, then tap it so that the ninja begins to use it. Move it left and right in time with his jumps to give him momentum, but be careful he doesn't fall off!

Below you will find a list of the Trampolines in clumsy ninja, along with their statistics:

First Jumper

Teaches young ninjas basic ninja Moves!

Cost: Free

Earns: 100 XP and 5 Coins

Unlocked: Level 1

Spring Morning

Puts extra spring into a ninja's jump!

Cost: 70 Coins or 6 Gems

Earns: 300 XP and 20 Coins

Unlocked: Level 6 (Level 3 with Gems)

Spring Morning

Puts extra spring into a ninja's jump!

Cost: 70 Coins or 6 Gems

Earns: 300 XP and 20 Coins

Unlocked: Level 6 (Level 3 with Gems)


Bounce higher, better, faster, stronger!

Costs: 280 Coins or 24 Gems

Earns: 2,500 XP and 150 Coins

Unlocked: Level 11 (Level 6 with Gems)

You must move the trampoline from left to right to kick off the training
You must move the trampoline from left to right to kick off the training

Cloud Buster

Exclusive trampoline for high-flying ninjas

Costs: 1,600 Coins or 28 Gems

Earns: 8,000 XP or 500 Coins

Unlocked: Level 18 (Level 9 with Gems)

Blue Diamond

Touch the sky with this trampoline!

Costs: 11,000 Coins or 34 Gems

Earns: 17,000 XP or 1,100 Coins

Unlocked: Level 25 (Level 11 with Gems)

Ruby Red

Take bouncing to the very highest level

Costs: 14,000 Coins or 40 Gems

Earns: 25,000 XP and 1,700 Coins

Unlocked: Level 30 (Level 16 with Gems)

Golden Dragon

Soar into space with the finest trampoline

Costs: 150,000 Coins or 55 Gems

Earns: 80,000 XP and 5,000 Coins

Unlocked: Level 49 (Level 21 with Gems)

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5 comments, latest first.
Dec 25th 2014 Guest
I figured out the move it is damn easy
ID #489973
Nov 12th 2014 Guest
I asked the same question and then I found out the answer if you turn the ninja well he's jumping on the trampoline you will be able to pass the task
ID #470587
Nov 12th 2014 Guest
I'm asking the same question what's the second ninja move
ID #470585
Nov 11th 2014 Guest
I'm asking the same thing these guys are. What's the second ninja move? I think there isn't one and it's just so you will spend gems. There doesn't seem to be an answer out there.
ID #470206
Nov 8th 2014 Guest
Same I don't understand what the second move means
ID #468869
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