A FashionWare Gamer's Holiday Gift Guide 2011

Keeping an Eye on Your Gaming Workout

Back in 2004 the tech surrounding Thermally Responsive Fibers as a material for making cloth was in its infancy, but in 2011 it is now reality, with companies like Adidas coming out with its CLIMACOOL line of shirts for serious cooling while you exercise -- but for gamers the look that these present may be a bit, well, extreme... So isn't it cool that Jockey has created a line of standard T-Shirts (and boxer shorts) that do the same thing only look better?

Created from smart fabric that helps lower the outer temperature of your skin by 3-degrees or more, the Jockey Staycool Crewneck T-Shirt comes with a year round temperature regulation guarantee (and a free pair of boxers), and features a breathable layer that can actually prevent you from sweating while you game -- so go ahead and game!

A brisk session of COD or Battlefield leaves some gamers sweating and short of breath, this is true, but those games were not created with an eye towards exercise, while early games like Yourself Fitness (Xbox, 2004), Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360 + Kinect, 2010), and Zumba Fitness (Xbox 360 / PS3 / Wii, 2010) and the like were.

Enter the NUUBO eT-Shirt , a washable sleeveless T-Shirt created by researchers from la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid that includes a GPS unit, a thermometer, heartbeat / rate monitor, and an accelerometer that determine a gamer’s temperature, relative position, and level of physical activity.

Grow Your Own Clothing?

Thermally Responsive Fibers are cool, and represent one way that geek technology is changing the way that we dress, but what would you say to growing your own clothing from nano-tech fabrics in your kitchen? Clothing designers are continuously experimenting with new materials to fashion future garments from, and gamers are really bad about leaving half-eaten pizza in the delivery box under the couch... You know that old saw that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade?

Instead of weaving your textiles why not grow them? According to Bulgarian fashion designer Ninela Ivanova (ninelaivanova.com) -- who earned her MA in Fashion at Kingston University -- molds and fungi are a viable source for new fabric, so next time one of your mates complains about the moldy pizza under the couch, tell them you are growing a T-Shirt!

Soccer = Football

For gamers who enjoy playing soccer on their console and playing it IRL, Adidas has perfected their first pair of "intelligent" cleats that they have dubbing the F50 adiZeros.

Powered by the miCoach power cell, the shoes give players access to all sorts of tech goodies, from recording your speed, step-and-stride rates, sprint times, and your distance traveled, the smart shoes store this data for up to seven hours, delivering it to you for permanent storage via both WiFi or USB, allowing you to keep the records of your sporting efforts on the device of your choice.

Not only will you be able to review your game play performance later, you can also share the data with the social network of your choice! Like most cool gadgets these are not what you would consider cheap -- a pair of these puppies will set you back around $330.

Posted: 21st Nov 2011 by Heather Savage
Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, PlayStation 3, PC, iPhoneiPad, 3DS,