The Charity of Gamers

Gamers Helping Gamers

While it is true that the charity efforts above help gamers, they also help non-gamers and bring a lot of joy and happiness into the world. These are not the only gamer-centric charities, they are good ones, and they need our support, but if you have more time than money you can still help!

In the United Kingdom you can head over to the website for TimeBank ( where they will be happy to find you a worthy charity that can use your hands, legs, and sweat, and in the rest of the world you can find worthy charities to volunteer for by contacting your church, the Salvation Army, Goodwill, the Association for Retarded Citizens, or the Red Cross -- all of which will certainly either want your help or know of an organization that will.

If you are volunteering as an individual, or gathering together the members of your guild or gaming group to volunteer, make sure that the agency or organization that you are helping knows that you are a gamer helping make the world a better place! Remember, one person can make all the difference, so why not be that person?

(1) In the article "Make It Stop: 'In These Tough Economic Times'" The Daily Beast, Jun 12, 2009 -- URL = -- author Kurt Soller examines how it has become loaded with so much imagery and emotional baggage that it has become a painful cliché.

(2) The City of Bellevue, Washington subscribes to the growing belief that there is an obligation on the part of local government to provide both relief and opportunity to the disenfranchised and the segments of its community harmed by the bad economy as evidenced by the addition of a page on its website that illustrates the social welfare program "Bellevue Cares" that was created as a response to these needs. -- the dissemination of this information being primarily accomplished via that Internet and its web server, that having become the most ubiquitous form of news distribution in modern times.


(4) -- --

(5) "Teatro Umoristico, a Memoir" by Eduardo De Filippo, pp 231-232.

(6) Snooker Magazine, May 1951, Alec Guinness Interview pp 14 -16, 33.

(7) -- --


(9) "The Life of Reason: Reason in Religion" by George Santayana, p 221. Charles Scribner & Sons, 1905.


(11) "Charity" by Deborah R. Taggart --


Posted: 28th Oct 2011 by CMBF
Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS, 3DS, MMO,