5 Best Reasons to Play Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda is the forthcoming multiplatform action role-playing video game available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows. Developed by Bioware and pulbished by Electronic Arts, Mass Effect: Andromeda is the fourth entry in the overall Mass Effect Series.

The game involves a player assuming a role as one of the two provided characters Scott and Sara Ryder. The character is an expert military enlist who wakes up in Andromeda after a 600-year journey. The character discovers that all the races, including the human race, have already occupied some of the galaxy’s worlds and settled. Scenes in the game take place in public venues and night clubs too. Mass Effect Andromeda is undeniably one of the most anticipated games to be released in early 2017 and here are five of the best reasons to back this up.

1. Over the top Gameplay

The players interrelate with the game and create a real connection between them and the game. The video game provides loyalty missions for the players to take part in. In these missions, the characters get their own mates with who they form a squad with. They characters then flesh out the back stories of their respective squadmates. This design makes the game cool and pleasurable. It has a multiplayer mode of up to four players.

The players fight escalating waves of enemies creating an adventurous feeling. Once a player beats the game, they are allowed to unlock a new game and restart. Unlike most video games, the player is rewarded certain bonuses and is allowed the freedom to switch characters and assign any skills they want to the character. Each character has the free rein to build a specialty in the course of the game. Now, who would not want that?

2. New Dialogue System

Mass Effect Andromeda uses a new and unique approach to dialogue. Despite the old Paragon-Renegade system, the dialogue is now more direct. With Commander Shepard not being the protagonist in this video game, the system is rid off. The game uses an 'agree and disagree' system. It is more understandable and appealing to the players. The video game has got way, way more and engaging dialogue than a larger percentage of other games. This gets exciting when the player is able to select from four different tones in the course of the game.

Around the wheel, four shapes are presented allowing four different responses- heart, professional, head and casual. The player makes decisions intended to have a subtle difference in expression, without having a good/bad peculiarity. Instead of the traditional “Do I want to be good or bad?” question, the player tends to ask “How do I want to express myself?” This is commendable given the free-spirited millennials who provide the largest market for video games.

3. Inimitable Navigation

If you are a video game fanatic, you’d know that no player likes missing all the side missions and flirt. Eventually, it gets exhausting having to check in with every non-player character time and again. To add salt to injury, you have to ramble all over your ship enduring a heap of loading scenes, only to find nothing fresh. Thanks to Mass Effect Andromeda, things have been sped up and you no longer have to load changeovers and transitions inside your ship- The Tempest.

This new video game involves several hangouts for the party members. To spice things up, the view from The Tempest’s windows has been enhanced to reflect your current positions in space. If this is not enticing enough, the pilot in The Tempest is a salarian. Now, imagine all those sally-rally jokes that rapid and sarcastic salarian voice can make!

4. Ground-breaking Combat

It’s all about the looting and shooting in Mass Effect Andromeda. Now, let’s talk about the latter. It takes a three-sixty degrees toll in the approach as opposed to the forerunning Mass Effect series and any other video game you may have in mind. The battlefields are laid out in a more organic manner. The bits and pieces are now in a wider assortment of shapes and sizes.

After all, who wants their eyes hangover after staring at neat right angles in a grid? Enemies and adversaries come from anywhere, not just the North, East, West, South scenario. The player is challenged to move fast instead of just hunkering and crouching down. The game provides an over-the-shoulder perspective over the character. The player thus has direct control over the character.

5. Heated Attachments

Romance is among the most popular themes in Mass Effect Andromeda. It gets tough when deciding which friendship or romantic relationship to pursue in the course of the game. The squad and crew definitely have their own relationships- and needs. Things have changed compared to the preceding Mass Effect trilogy. Dialogues would feel like 'traditional unloads'. It is more real now. Things in the video game are happening as how they would in our lives.

It is not like a formula in which characters would converse and get to a point where romance is the only option. Despite that being old-fashioned and archaic, it is with no doubt, boring! Romance is more mature, personal and thin-skinned. The characters have different needs, fetishes, and sexualities. Some sought a serious long-term monogamous type of thing, while others will opt for something more casual and flings. It is so exciting to know the conversation between characters won’t be some rough photocopy of “This is how it is done in my culture.” In short, you do not have to be good to get your needs and wants satisfied. Hell-rising, badass rebels do not have to be loners in the game course. After all, that isn’t the circle of life!

Posted: 20th Mar 2017 by Team SuperCheats
Mass Effect: Andromeda, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC,