Top 10 Video Game Injuries

04. Obesity

This is a killer! Video game play has been constantly associated with obesity - and while we are not entirely certain that it is not just that, you know, heavier people happen to like gaming more than thinner noobs who lack gaming skills - but it made the list so let us take a look, shall we?

The first point to consider is that there have been a LOT of studies that have established a link between television & video games and increased BMI (Body Mass Index).

The prevailing theory is that video games replace physical activities, and there seems to be a pretty clear connection between time spent playing video games and increased BMI in young children. Yeah, that's right, kids again.

One study concluded that boys who spend less than 1.5 hours playing video games every day were 75.4% less likely to be overweight than those who spend more than 1.5 hours. That seems fair to us.

Another study concluded that video game play has an increased food intake amount for teens - but they didn't need to do a study for that, they could have just asked us! We could have told them that during any session of video game play you are going to need a snack - and some Jolt Cola - just saying.

An expert on the subject suggested that the recent trend in active fitness and motion-controlled gaming may be part of the solution to this problem - they were of course talking about the Wii, Kinect, and the PlayStation motion-capture controller.

They may have something there at least in terms of the Wii - but as far as the Xbox and PlayStation goes? Be a better tactic to just suggest that gamers add some regular physical activity to their routines, even if it is a nice long walk before bed.

Well, that and eat less really bad foods - not a problem for us, we happen to like veggies and salad. But if you don't, consider fruits - especially the tasty ones - as an alternative to processed snack food.

And flavored water is way better for you than soda all the time - unless you know, you are drinking diet soda, because that stuff is magic and has no consequences whatsoever. Really! Really? Well no, not so much... At least not for laboratory animals. But still... THEY don't play video games!

03. Chronic Migraines

A lot of the health issues / injuries above may seem worse than a migraine headache, but on balance they are not. Because while they can be annoying and painful, they generally do not have the life-altering impact that a migraine headache has.

There are countless triggers for migraines, this is true, and they are not all in the video game camp. On the other hand, people who play video games for extended periods of time are more prone to them due at least in part to the intense concentration required while gaming. Well, that and the strain put on the eyes by staring at a bright screen for extended periods of time.

Video game play can cause a regular headache, true, but you will know the difference if it causes a migraine, trust us on that. A migraine headache causes intense throbbing or pulsing pain in one area of the head, and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

We happen to number among the gamer population that sometimes experiences this unfortunate gaming related illness, and while we have found that frozen fruit pops can sometimes relieve the nausea part, they often don't. And over-the-counter pain meds have no effect whatsoever.

If you are a gamer who gets game-related migraines you should probably be aware that there are other things that can make them worse or potentially more frequent, and not just the stress and focus concentration from gaming.

Caffeine is a major issue - not only can it help bring them on, it makes them more intense and worse. So too do tobacco products - particularly smoking - which you really should not do around your game console anyway as it can damage it.

Before you say “Thanks a lot pal!” we also want to mention that the actual cause of the migraines is probably not just the video game play, but a combination of that and tight neck muscles!

According to the research we have read - and our own experiences - a simple neck massage can make the difference between a migraine-free gaming session and total painsville.

So next time you are sitting down to game and your neck feels tight, get it massaged. You'll be happy you did.

Posted: 28th May 2015 by CMBF