Five Ways That Games Make You Think

Method 5: Hyper Mode

Getting back to that 'dumbed down' quip used by puritans, some of those games are veritable battlefields where every split second counts. Those who believe that this isn't 'smart' in the traditional sense or that it requires no thinking will quickly find themselves on the bottom of the food chain. War is tough and it is unforgiving. One slight mistake and the game is over. More so than just reflexes, it's tactical insight, immediate adaptation of patterns and a thoughtful approach that can mean the difference between mediocrity and top ranks. Intelligence isn't a one-sided element; there are many forms.


One of the games trying to breach the false consensus of brain-dead shooters is Titanfall and its insanely hectic fights. Multiple tiers of entry, open fields to accommodate giant death robots, more explosive power than a jungle warlord; this game isn't for the faint of heart. With all that ammunition coming from all sides and the pacing dialed way up, only those that can step to the rhythm of the beat will escape being food for Titans. Fight or flight is a perfect model to weigh who is truly clever. Those who are smart enough, live. It's that simple.

Posted: 5th Mar 2014 by Daav