The Top 10 Greatest Video Game Stories (Ever)

05. Assassin's Creed II

Historically speaking (at least in terms of video games), it is very unusual for the sequel in a series to end up having more compelling game play and a more interesting story than the original title that established that series. As unusual as that is, it happens to be the case in AC2.

While the basic game play and story foundation in the game closely follows that which was established in the original game, the important bit here is the story, which goes far deeper into the underlying theme than any of the games did either before or after.

AC2 sort of stands out as well because the games that followed it got sort of strange, though the most recent title, Black Flag, has taken the game series in an entirely new direction and offers players more of what they clearly want, it is Assassin's Creed II that will forever shine as the best story in the series -- at least until they manage to top it, which I don't see happening.