The Top Ten Most Challenging Xbox 360 Achievements of All Time (So Far)

Dwa -- 02: Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare "Mile High Club" (20 G)

Required Action: Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty

Sounds simple enough, right? Just Skydive to safety on Veteran Difficulty -- but you also have to (1) avoid being killed, (2) get past the enemies on the plane, and (3) get the hostage out of the hatch -- all in less than a minute!

The average for this Achievement is 1 in 4 COD4 gamers have it unlocked -- so around 25% -- which suggests that it probably should not be in the Number 3 slot, but there is a catch... That 25% of the gamers who managed to unlock it did not do it in one go, mates. And a review of the chat boards for COD4 clearly indicates that this one is both the most difficult of the Achievements in the game for most gamers, and the one that they had to try, retry, and retry ad infinity until they got lucky and managed to get out the door in time... And most gamers attribute their unlocking this one to luck, which makes it among the more nasty of the Achievements on this list!

If you could somehow convert gamer frustration to electricity we could easily power New York City for an hour on gamer frustration from this Achievement alone... Maybe more?