The Mystery of the Achievement Panties - Solved

The Mystery Revealed
One of the confusing aspects of this mystery was that we were encountering images of the Achievement panties that were clearly not photos of the same model. In fact the deeper that we delved into this mystery the more evident that it was to us that the Achievement Locked Panties had somehow morphed into a meme!

It turned out that the panties in question -- Achievement Locked Underwear from the website SplitReason (RRP $13.95) -- are what is known as Style 8301 Underwear and are made from 95% combed cotton, 5% spandex jersey, have a 3/4 inch hem, weigh 5 ounces, and feature a low waist and stretch for support.

The description on the site reads: "Finishing Expert in Guitar Hero II. Defeating General RAAM on Insane difficulty. Achieving the Rank of Elite in R6 Vegas. All these and any other achievements you've accomplished on your beloved 360 pale in comparison to unlocking this one. It will take a steady hand and unflinching concentration, but we have faith, it is in fact unlockable."

Some of the dozens of images that began to appear all over the gamer's web, with most of the images not including their origins -- which turned out to be the website SplitReason -- adding to the mystery of the dainty gamer underthings...

The reason there are so many images on the web of different women wearing the panties is explained on the SplitReason website in a small box at the bottom which reads: "Fans in action! Send your fan pic to [email protected] for a $10.00 store credit! If you have purchased this product in the past, you can get $10 in credit for sending in a photo of yourself wearing this product."

Yet another mystery solved by the GU Mystery Inc. Team!

Posted: 30th Dec 2011 by Heather Savage
Xbox 360, NSFW,