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Able Sisters

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Shop Hours: 10AM to 9PM

This is being run by the three hedgehog sisters: Mabel, Sable and Labelle. They sell clothes and accessories, as well as standard and Pro designs made by other players. You can also share your own design by going to their shop. Their selection of items changes every day.

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Sable offers a selection of 3 shirts/ coats/skirts/dresses and 2 pants while Labelle offers hats, umbrellas and facial accessories like sunglasses, masks, etc.


Designs are created by talking to Mabel. You can only create 8 designs but she will allow you to store 72. You can freely swap those designs to what you currently have in your inventory at any time, free of charge.

PRO Designs

This is an advanced design that a player can make for 500 bells. You can customize the front, back and each individual sleeves of the clothing. Pro designs only take up one slot and can be used and displayed in the Able Sisters shop.

QR Codes

Sable is silently working in the corner of the shop and you’ll have to talk to her several times at a course of several days to befriend her. You’ll eventually unlock a sewing machine that will allow you to scan and create QR Codes.

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Scanning QR Codes

To scan a QR Code, you have to choose a pattern to overwrite. Once ready, simply point the 3DS camera to the QR Code and align the crosshairs to the code. For multi-code PRO designs, scan the first code then you’ll be instructed to scan the succeeding codes. Scanned PRO designs are made by other players; therefore, you can’t edit them or display it in-game.

Creating QR Code

Upon creating a code, the design’s name, preview image and QR code will be displayed. The image is then exported to the SD card which can be accessed by via the 3DS Camera application. Exported PRO designs may contain more data than a single QR code can store so it may need to be broken down to multiple QR codes.

Multiple QR codes must be scanned in sequence to produce the design. To share your created QR Codes, you can upload them to Nintendo’s ImageShare service via the 3DS browser or by simply exporting the code to your PC (via SD card reader) and share from there.

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May 16th 2015 Guest
tfndjgnJRnhigjrfgnajngjfadgjfjngfnhjjfdjgnrkfgivnrijgivjrdgc this is not useful
ID #556990
Oct 21st 2014 Guest
this sics
ID #461318
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