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by MKaykitkats

                                  �t�@�C�A�[�G���u���� �o��
                 Fire Emblem: Kakusei (Awakening) FAQ/Walkthrough

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                                  �t�@�C�A�[�G���u���� �o��
                 Fire Emblem: Kakusei (Awakening) FAQ/Walkthrough
By: MKaykitkats                                 
~Two sleeping dragons - one a sacred ally of mankind, the other is sworn
 destroyer, Two heroes marked with the symbols of the dragons, Their meeting
 heralds the dragons' awakening - and the world's ending.~

Until the more complete version, Update details will be provided here for
your convenience.

Current Version: 0.50 -    First FAQ posting. Contains a lot of
                           vital translations, such as basic actions, menu
                           translations, etc. The general set up to how the
                           walkthrough will be is explained. Character guide
                           has mostly complete Generation I characters, with
                           others in progress. A basic class list and tree,
                           as well as all skills are provided, with some 
                           Japanese characters pending to be added. Item
                           section has some entries.


This FAQ is intended to be a full FAQ/Walkthrough of Fire Emblem: Kakusei,
which at the moment of writing has only been released in Japan.

Being a bilingual Japanese/English speaker, I thought it would be nice to be 
able to bring the game to those who may be unable to read it! I prioritized
putting translations and gameplay things in before actual walkthrough/story/
etc, that way people don't have to wait for those over the next few updates.

As such, this guide will provide translations for the vital aspects of playing
through the game (if imported), as well as a general understanding for those
who are new and may have imported, or those who want to explore it anyway.

It may be just a little bit cluttered until the walkthrough is released, or
a foreign version which allows me to streamline it a little is released!

There may be story bits added in each section, each will be at the end of
the chapter that is being played as a way to avoid.

When/if a foreign version is released, I will be sure to update the FAQ
accordingly so it may be used as well!

I am always willing to hear out what readers may want more or less of, as
well as suggestions, tips, etc that may help others! To contact me, please
refer to the email at the bottom of the guide!

I hope you enjoy this game!


Until the Walkthrough is fully complete, you can tell which Walkthrough
sections are done since their search boxes (square brackets []'s with letters
in them) will be there!

Chapter title�@translations will be in their respective sub sections.

There are also non walkthrough sections that detail Items, Skills, Character
Recruitment/Opinions/Stats/etc that are for those who may just want to skip
the walkthrough to view specifics.

These non walkthrough sections may contain spoilers, so please view at your
own risk!

The Support Conversation section will be translations I'm doing on my own,
but if anyone wants to help, please see the contact section!

Use Ctrl + F to skip to specific sections, simply search for the letters
within the brackets listed below. You may end up on a sub list of contents,
just search again to get to the actual section!

1.) Table of Contents                       [TOC]
2.) Gameplay Basics/Info/Controls           [GBI]
3.) Reading This Guide / Format Info        [RTG]
4.) Vital Gameplay Translations/Information [VGT]
5.) Walkthrough [WLK]
    [WMS0] -Staring a New Game

    [WMS0] -Main Story�@��                      
    [WMO0] -Opening Chapter (�f�� - �^�����A�J��) 
    -Chapter 01
    -Chapter 02
    -Chapter 03
    -Chapter 04
    -Chapter 05
    -Chapter 06
    -Chapter 07
    -Chapter 08
    -Chapter 09
    -Chapter 10
    -Chapter 11
    -Chapter 12
    -Chapter 13
    -Chapter 14
    -Chapter 15
    -Chapter 16
    -Chapter 17
    -Chapter 18
    -Chapter 19
    -Chapter 20
    -Chapter 21
    -Chapter 22
    -Chapter 23
    -Chapter 24
    -Chapter 25
    -Final Chapter

   -Side Chapters �O�`
    -Chapter 01
    -Chapter 02
    -Chapter 03
    -Chapter 04
    -Chapter 05
    -Chapter 06
    -Chapter 07
    -Chapter 08
    -Chapter 09
    -Chapter 10
    -Chapter 11
    -Chapter 12
    -Chapter 13
    -Chapter 14
    -Chapter 15
    -Chapter 16
    -Chapter 17

   -DLC Chapters (Section in Progress, Below is List of Avaliable DLC)
    -Chapter 01 Another Story: Spirit Talisman 1
    -Chapter 02 Another Story: King versus King (Emblem Side)
    -Chapter 03 Another Story: Spirit Talisman 2
    -Chapter 04 Another Story: King versus King (Holy War)
    -Chapter 05 Another Story: Gold and Silver
    -Chapter 06 Another Story: Spirit Talisman 3
    -Chapter 07 Another Story: Red Versus Blue (Seals Side)
    -Chapter 08 Another Story: Light Vs Dark (Light Side)
    -Chapter 09 Another Story: Entombed Heaven
    -Chapter 10 Another Story: King versus King (Decisive Battle)
    -Chapter 11 Another Story: Infinite Divine Weapons

6.) Character Guide/Recruitment                  [CHAR]
7.) Classes                                      [CLAS]
8.) Skills                                       [SKIL]
9.) Items                                        [ITEM]
10.) Weapons                                     [WPNS]
11.) Extras                                      [EXTR]
12.) General Strategies/FAQ/Other/World Map/Etc! [OTHR]
13.) Katakana Chart                              [KTKN]
14.) Closing/Credits/Contact Information          [CCC]
15.) Version Info                                 [VIN]
16.) Authorized Websites                          [ADS]

GAMEPLAY BASICS/INFO/CONTROLS                                            [GBI]

This is Fire Emblem: Kakusei (Translates to "Awakening"), the 13th entry in
the Fire Emblem series, and the first on 3DS! It was released on April 19th,
2012 in Japan, and at this moment has no solid date for a foreign release,
though I'm sure there will be!

This guide is written with newcomers and those who may have imported with or
without knowledge of the Japanese langauge in mind, I try to make it as
straightforward as possible!

In this section, I will provide you with the general controls, though it is
pretty straightforward, so should be easy to remember and get used to!

Gameplay functions such as commands (Attack, Move, Wait, etc) will be
provided with their Japanese character equivalents to let you know what you're

Other tidbits such as how the general flow of gameplay should work will be
provided too, though they are covered even for non speakers in the first few
levels' tutorials, I believe, but I will say so anyway!

I try to provide a lot of info, but most of it comes from just adjusting to
it yourself, you'll learn it a lot faster just by trying it in the game itself
rather than reading about it!

General Things to Consider when playing:
-Soon to come!

Gameplay Controls: (Not in detail, just what the buttons usually do)
-START - This is the button to skip! You can skip the enemy turn, skip battle 
         animations, and skip cutscenes.
-SELECT - Does nothing!
-R - It allows for angle changes. On the map, it allows you to zoom in/out.
-L - It allows for angle changes. On the map, it will scroll through units,
     jumping to the next one on the map, enemy/ally/other/etc.
-Y - On a map, Y is for rapid scrolling!
-X - In battle, X will automatically combine and highlight all enemy ranges.
     Other uses are swapping weapons when ready to attack.
-B - Usually to cancel something/go back. In menus, it will take you back,
     in battle, if your turn is not completed and you're just checking
     hypothetical movements, B will let you unselect the unit.
-A - You will use this the most, as it is for selecting options, units, etc.
     Selecting units allows them to move, pushing A on nothing brings up
     a menu, selecting enemies shows their range, etc.
-Touch Screen - Changes a lot! But on maps, you can select to either view
                a character profile, a map, etc. In battle scenes, you can
                pause, change angles, etc.

Unit Actions: (Translated in the Vital Translations section, check there if
               playing the Japanese version!)

Battle Scenes:

Assuming you left Battle Scenes "On" or "Custom" in the menu:

You can control various things during the battle, mostly just cinematic
effects rather than any outcome. You can hold down A to forward the battle,
or push START to skip it. The buttons on the bottom screen allow you to
change the angle as well as pause the battle. A lot of effort was put into
being able to enjoy the battle scenes more so.

READING THIS GUIDE                                                       [RTG]

The guide is more of an information provider than actually guiding you through
everything in a sense. A lot of the information is readily avaliable in the
game, minus the translations for the Japanese version. There is no one way
to get through a level, and so it is more general information in that sense.

Regarding Translations:

For now only the Japanese version is out, and so I provide translations for
the sake of those playing without knowledge of the language. The Vital
Gameplay Translations would be nice to take a look at in this case, if you are
both new to the series and are unable to read the characters. Veterans of the
series can probably guess at what the characters mean due to previous
installments of the series.

Regarding Walkthroughs:

An example of a walkthrough chapter is below:

Chapter XX (Number), (Japanese Character Name) (Possible Translation Name)
Location: (Name of where it is on the map)
Condition: (Condition for clearing the chapter)
Boss: (Boss Information)
New Characters for Use: (If you get new characters, or have the potential to
                         do so, they will be listed here.)

Mode: (Walkthrough chapters will contain various modes under the same chapter
       section, and so it will be listed here as either Normal, Hard, or

Map: A map like the one below will be provided, if it varies by mode, then
     a note will be made and there may be an additional mode!

   X Row
   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
01[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
02[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
03[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
04[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
05[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
06[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
07[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
08[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
09[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
10[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
Y Column

The above map uses X and Y columns. All coordinates given will be in X Y order,
meaning the Row FIRST, then the Column SECOND. So, (05,09) would be the Top
Row at 05, then go down to 09 on the column. A map will not exceed the double
digits (most of the time), so these digits remain double.

If the horizontal row (X) goes beyond 25 characters, there is a special
bracket in place, which is ")" rather than "]" This is in place since
gameFAQs has a 79 character limit, and so this is so I can extend the map
beyond 25 spaces without going beyond the limitation. The way it works is as

   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
01[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
02[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
03[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
04[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
05[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
06[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
07[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
08[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
09[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
10[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )

   2  2  2  2  3
   6  7  8  9  0 etc
01( ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
02( ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
03( ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
04( ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

X - etc
Y - etc
! - etc

The example above shows additional columns in the X row, the special bracket
simply indicates where it continues from the first graph! Yet on the map
itself, it will be one long row. Makes sense, right? Since gameFAQs has no
vertical limit, it can be up and down as long as it wants, so the above only
applies to horizontal spaces.

Inside a bracket will be a mark to indicate something, for example, an enemy
may have [X] as a bracket, where as a point of interest may be [!]. It may
vary by the level, so please pay attention to the notes that will be right
below the map! (As shown by the "X - etc", "Y - etc" above).


There will be a Tips section, or a General Strategy of sorts. I may add what
I did in some cases, and maybe an example of the sort of team I had at the
time, though since play styles vary as well as character preference, these
are just very general ways to go about winning a level.

Story Summary/Detail:

This is very tentative at the moment, but it will just summarize what is going
on right before the chapter begins for those who are interested. This section
will likely be shortened even more upon a foreign release of the game.

Other subsections of the walkthrough:

There are some subsections that contain item data and descriptions that may
be helpful. For specifics on those sections, check the respective sections.
The walkthrough information is provided here mostly to avoid clutter.

VITAL GAMEPLAY TRANSLATIONS/INFORMATION                                  [VGT]

These translations assume you're playing the Japanese version of the game
with no or little knowledge of Japanese. A lot of the choices are logical to
Fire Emblem veterans (I imagine), but these are here to help you anyway!

For those new to the series it should be helpful too!


There will be six boxes, three long, and three smaller ones (by the time you
start a new game and/or suspdend a chapter). I will provide the characters for
easy navigation below.

---------- -----
    1    | | 4 |
---------- -----
    2    | | 5 |
---------- -----
    3    | | 6 |
---------- -----

1 - ��������n�߂�@- "Restart Chapter" 

Used for when you want to restart chapter from the last save before 

If a non main character dies on classic mode, for instance, you would use 
this function to begin the chapter again. Doing this will also clear any 
suspend data you may have!

2 - ���f����n�߂�@���@"Continue Chapter" 

This is used for when you have "Suspend Data" active (the data that is used 
to temproarily save a file

3 - �ŏ�����n�߂�@- "Start from the Beginning"

This is essentially "New Game," use it to start a new game! It will lead you
into the "Starting a new game" series of menus, which you can see below in
the Walkthrough's starting. It will require one save file space to save over
after those menus are complete.

4 - �R�s�[�@- "Copy"

This will allow you to copy an existing file to a free save space.

5 - �����@- "Eliminate" (Erase)

This will erase data, so be careful when you use it and ensure you are 
selecting the one you want to erase!

6 - �G�N�X�g���@- "Extra"

This is the "Extras" section, more things will unlock here after you beat the
game at least once and from then on!



This refers to when you're moving a unit around, including attack/heal/etc.
The menu that pops up should have the below:

�U�� - Attack - When an enemy is in range of your weapon, you will have this
               option which means "attack." It will take you to a sub menu
               for some battle stats before you go into actual battle, so you
               can see how much potential damage an enemy may inflict, or you
               inflict on them, etc. It is useful to sometimes scout around
               to see how much damage your unit may take from enemies in range
               before deciding a final move!

               Alternatively, you can directly highlight an enemy unit and
               two crossed swords will appear that represents this.

 When you attack, a quick sub menu opens up! It will look like the below:

     <Y  X>
---------------                         -----------------
|    WEAPON   |                         | ENEMY WEAPON  |
---------------                         -----------------
    |     |                                   |     |
    |  P  |                                   |  E  |
    |_____|                                   |_____|
|CHARACTER NAME |                      | ENEMY CLASS/NAME |
 HP  XX                                       XX  HP
�U��  XX                                       XX  �U��
����  XX%                                      XX% ����
�K�E  XX%                                      XX% �K�E
�U XX%�@�h XX%

Note: The Weapon can be cycled with others in the inventory with Y/X at the 
      top! Much easier than separately equipping and checking again.

The P just means Player portrait, the E is enemy portrait.

HP is Hit Points! If this is down to 0, the character is dead.

�U�� (Attack) 

- This means attack, but in this case the above is exactly how 
  much damage you will take off your enemy if your attack hits!

  If there is an x2 or x4, it means you will attack twice or four
  times. This is effected by speed and which weapons you're

���� (Accuracy) 

- This is the percent chance of hitting the enemy! The higher,
  the better chance you have.

�K�E (Crtical Rate)

- This is your chance of landing a critical hit, which
  triples the damage (shown in "Attack") dealt to the
  enemy! You know you got a hit also since a special sound
  is made, and in battle scenes the characters has a quick
  flash with a comment.

�U (Attack)

- This is the percentage chance your partner will assist in the
  attack! They will use whatever weapon they have equipped.

�h (Defend)

- This is the percentage chance that your partner will defend your
   unit when the enemy attacks, nullifying damage completely.


�� (Staff) 

- This is used for when a staff-wielder is next to anyone within
  staff range, shown by green on the map when selected. This is
  mostly for healing. It will only show if the adjacent unit
  has taken damage in the case of healing.

  Alternatively, you can highlight a friendly unit, and the option
  will be represented with a staff icon! There are other staves
  though, which you can check their effects in the weapons section.



- Sometimes, a unit (usually Krom) will be able to talk to another
  on the map. This is a special option that will pop up when
  able, usually leading to recruitment. Alternatively, the
  unit you want to speak to will be on a gold square with "TALK"
  above them, and a speech balloon with a "!" too!



- This is a special command for the Dancer unit. The dancing 
  allows an adjacent ally to move for a second time.


���� (Aid) 

- This refers to using special skills that support others, such as
  "Rainbow Cry." Pushing this will use the skill and end that unit's


������ Item 

- Allows you to view current held items/weapons, you can equip/
  unequip, use healing items, etc. The item list has it's own
  few options, seen below:

(Item Submenu, when item is selected)
     If Equipped weapon is selected:   
     -�O�� (Unequip, Unequips weapon)
     If Unequipped weapon is selected: 
     -�����@(Equip, Equips unequipped weapon)
     If Disposable Item (Such as health restoring, stat enhancing, etc):
     -�g���@(Use, uses highlighted item)

 -�������@- Trade 

- Avaliable when standing next to a unit, or when "doubled"
  with a unit. This allows you to trade items between any
  adjacent unit. After an item is traded, you can't cancel
  with B, and won't be able to move from the space, so be
  careful! You can however move to a space and then trade. This
  option is also avaliable outside the Item menu, and so you
  can trade items directly.

 -�̂Ă� Drop 

- This drops the item you're holding, you use it if you need
  to make room for something, etc. You won't be able to get
  the dropped item back!


-������ Trade - (See above!)


-�A���� Supply 

- This option is avaliable when a unit is standing next to
  Krom, and always to Krom. This is access to the team supply.
  The supply can hold a vast amount of items, so you may
  have to switch with things in it since the hold limit is
  five items. Trading with it uses the turn, so you can't back
  off once you've traded with it.


�[�_�u���@- "Double" 

                   This allows you to pair up with another unit!  A very 
                   useful feature that builds off the old Fire Emblem 
                   "rescue" system.

                   Instead of hindering, though, by doubling in this game, 
                   you can increase the stats of the paired characters, as 
                   well as their support ranking, combat capability, etc. 

                   You can do this when adjacent to a unit (not all, there 
                   are very few limitations). 

                   Also, you can select a unit and select a unit in range, 
                   and a logo with two people side by side will come up, this
                   is the same function! It will show a quick run down of 
                   which stats will be increased by how much, you can see the
                   stat translations later in this section.

                   The character that is selected and paired into the other
                   unit will be the "support" unit, meaning when an enemy
                   attacks/you attack an enemy, the unit you combined will
                   not be the primary attacker/experience gainer, instead it
                   will be whoever you paired with! The movement also relies
                   on the main unit. However, you can change positions when
                   you wish, see below!

 (When doubled, there are other options avaliable!):

 (When adjacent to another unit that is also doubled, or a single unit):
   -�l�����@- Trade (Person) 

                           - This allows you to swap the supporting unit for
                             either the other supporting unit (if the other
                             party is doubled), or to give your supporting
                             unit to the other single unit, making them double
                             and you single!

  -���@- Change 

                - This allows you to switch your support/main unit when
                  doubled. It can be done after a movement, but if you do
                  it before, you won't be able to move! Mastering the
                  double/changing aspect is important for harder modes!

  -�~�낷 - Drop  

                - This allows you to "drop" whoever the supporting unit is
                  onto any free empty adjacent space. You can move then use
                  this feature, but not drop and move!


�ҋ@�@ (Standby/Wait) 

                    - This will make your unit effectively end their turn.
                      They will turn grey to represent that their turn has
                      ended. It is the basic command when moving, they will
                      be avliable next turn, of course!

                      When all units have attacked/traded/waited/etc, then
                      the turn ends, though you can end turn without having
                      to move everyone! ( See on map menu below!)


Battle Preparation Menu:

This refers to the menu that appears before you actually go into battle!

-----------  -------------
|    1    |  |     2     |
-----------  -------------
|    3    |  |     4     |
-----------  -------------
|    5    |  |     6     |
-----------  -------------
|    7    |  |     8     |
-----------  -------------

1: ���j�b�g�I���@(Unit Selection)

This is the menu where you select Units to come on the map! There will be
a limit to those you can bring in most cases.

2: �x����b�@(Support Conversations)

This is the menu where you can build support! Support is when two compatible
units spend enough turns/actions together in order to unlock a conversation!
Their stats will be boosted when next to each other/paired, so it's useful
to do!

Unlike previous Fire Emblem games, there is no limit to how many supports
you can do per playthrough, so try to fill up as many as possible! However!
Only one "S" rank support is allowed per unit, and this will lead to marriage
and a child between the units (if first generation).

The logo will grow orange when you have new conversations avaliable!

3: �}�b�v�E�z�u (Map Arrangement)

Arrange your units on the blue squares on the map! You can move all those
except characters that are required to come. In skirmishes, you can move
anyone anywhere.

4: �X�L�����E�@(Skill Attach/Detach)

This refers to the special skills that each character has. Since there is only
up to five skills allowed at a time, you can choose which ones to attach/
detach as you see fit. The detached skills will not disappear! See the skills
section for more specifics.

5: �g�x�x (Outfit)

This is a menu in order to outfit your units. You can swap items with your
supply, between characters, etc. You can also use items to upgrade while not
in battle! See Items action section for specific option translations.

If you push L in this menu, you will open up the ���܂����@(Entrust) options. 

6: �Z�[�u (Save)

Save your game! When you do restart chapter, it will start here.

7: �퓬�J�n�@(Begin battle): This will begin the battle, alternatively, push

8: �߂�@(Go Back): This will take you back to the World Map.


On Map Menu:

This refers to the Menu that pops up when you push "A" over an empty space!

Some of these options may unlock as you progress, but it should look like
the below in the end.

�����\�@(Show Forces)
                    - This will show all your forces at the time, with level,
                      class, EXP, HP, max HP, stats, weapon, skill, etc! It
                      is a very nice summary of your units on the field at
                      the time and allows you to compare them to each other
                      with ease! It is represented by an icon with three

�w�� (Instruction) 

                    - This is essentially a way to review all the tutorials
                      the game shows! It is represented by a question mark.

�‹� (Environment/Settings) 

                            - This is a options menu to change various things
                               in game! It is listed below! (Represented by 
                               the sun symbol)

  (Settings menu):
   �퓬�A�j�� (Battle Animation)
                             - This refers to the animation of when you
                               attack/are attacked/get healed/dance/etc.
                               There are some options avaliable!:
                  - Turns them off completely.
                  - Battles are on for all units.
       -�����j�b�g�@(My units) 
                        - Battles are only on for your units.
       -���^�[���@(My turn) 
                        - Battles are only on during Player Phase.
       -�•� (Special Case) 
                           - This will take you into a menu displaying your
                             units, with the options saying �I�t (off) on the
                             left, and�@�I�� (on) on the right. Any character
                             that is "on" will show a battle, those off
                             will not.

  ��E�x��A�j���@(Staff/Dance Animation) 

                                   - This is specifically just the 
                                     animation for dancing or utilizing 
                                     the staff.

                                     There is only the �I�t�@(off) �I�� (on)
                                     functions here rather than specifics
                                     like the above. Note that when you
                                     turn off animations, it turns this
                                     off as well, even if marked as "on."

  �Q�[���X�s�[�h�@(Game Speed) 

                        - This refers to the speed your units move on the
        -�蓮 (Manual) 

                       - This means that the unit will move slow, but if you
                        hold down A, they will go fast. You manually
                        control speed.
        -���� (Normal) 

                       - The default (slower) speed.
                       - The faster speed, you don't need to hold A down.

 �J���������@(Camera Distance) 

                          - This means the distance of the camera, or zoom
                            on the map. The options are just different
                            default zooms. It is much easier if you go
                            on the map and just use the R button to adjust
                            to a zoom of preference!

   �}�b�v�̊p�x�ω� (Map Angle Change) 

                                  - Even as a native speaker, I'm not sure
                                    what this does! I have not found any
                                    button to change angle! The two options
                                    mean �I�t (OFF)�@�I�� (ON).

   AI�̃X�L�b�v�@(AI Skip) 

                      - This means skipping anything the AI does, be it
                        move your units on auto move, or the entire enemy

              - The default is "off" so you can see what they all do during
                their turn.
                    - This refers to just their movement rather than attacks
                      as well. Meaning the movements will be skipped, but not
                - This skips everything the enemy does, though it's generally
                  a good idea to keep an eye on what they do to plan out
                  your next turn!

 �G�͈͕\���̌Œ�@(Enemy "Fixing" Display  ) 
                                         - This refers to when you select
                                           an enemy with "A" to view the
                                           range. You can change it to limit
                                           it to their attack range, healing
                                           range, or both!

   -�U���̂݁@(View Attack) 
                         - This is the default, enemy attack range will be
   -��̂݁@(View Staff) 
                         - This will highlight enemy staff range, if any.
                         - This will highlight all, both attack and staff.

  �U������@(Attack Operations) 
                             - This refers to how you attack a unit. There 
                               are two modes. They are not *too* different.

                      - This means you will go to the game's default attack
                        menu, able to cycle through weapons with X and Y
                        and watch stats change.
                  - This is called "Classic" since in previous Fire Emblem
                    games, when you move to attack a unit, you would
                    first select which weapon you want to attack with,
                    and then view the menu after you make the selection.
                    The "Advanced" simply skips that small part. Both
                    allow you to cycle through weapons in the second menu

    ���\�� (Information Display) 
                                 - This refers to the unit information
                                   displayed on the bottom screen.

  -�ʏ� (Normal) 

                - This is the default unit information menu, which displays
                  everything the "Easy" menu below does, as well as with
                  stats. You can view the "Easy" display by pushing the
                  button in the top right (above the character sprite) on
                  the touch screen as well!


                - The "easy" display refers to the secondary menu that does
                  not display unit stats, just HP, movement, weapons,
                  skills, class, etc. The advanced display has the stats,
                  and the ability to toggle back to this one (by pushing
                  the button on the top right of the touch screen).

  �㋉�@�\ (Advanced Entrust Command) 
                                    - This refers to the "Entrust" (���܂���)
                                      command which moves unmoved units for
                                      you using the AI. It is an �I�� (on)
                                     �@�I�t (off) option.

  ���܂����m�F�@(Entrust Confirmation) 
                                  - This is just asking if you want
                                    confirmation when selecting the
                                    ���܂����@(Entrust) option! It is an �I��
                                    (on) �I�t (off) option.

  �^�[���I���m�F�@(Turn End Confirmation) 
                                     - This is off by default, but if turned
                                       on will ask for confirmation if you
                                       want to end turn! If you are the
                                       sort who may push "End Turn" by
                                       accident often, then this is for you!

                                       It is an �I�� (on) �I�t (off) option.

  �����^�[���I���@(Automatic Turn End) 
                                  - If on (which it is by default), it means
                                    your turn will automatically end after
                                    all your units have moved, rather than
                                    having to manually push the turn end

                                    It is an �I�� (on) �I�t (off) option.

  �����J�[�\�� (Automatic Cursor) 

                              - This means at the start of every turn, the
                                cursor will be on your main unit. If off,
                                it will be wherever you left it at the end
                                of your turn.

                                It is an �I�� (on) �I�t (off) option.


                      - Referring to the Slidepad, there are two options
                        you can pick that determine how it's used!


                     - This allows you to move it diagonally and such too,
                       so eight directions. This is default.
                    - This allows you to only move it like a D-Pad, four

 HP�Q�[�W�@(HP Gauge)
                   - This refers to the on map HP gauge. The bar you see
                     next to your unit sprite, a very helpful tidbit for you
                     to keep your unit health in mind!

   -�ڍ� (Details) 
                  - This is the default one. It is the detailed HP bar, with
                    different colors to show the danger as it gets closer to

                 - This is a simple health gauge. It has less degrees of
                   color than the detailed one above, and so is harder to
                   tell how far you are from 0.

             - This turns it off completely, there will be no bar near the
               sprite, and HP will only be on the profile instead.

             - This refers to grid line thickness. Slide the bar right to
               make the grid thicker, slide it left to make it thinner.
               All the way left makes it so no grid is visible.

 BGM���� (Music Volume) 
                       - This is the volume of the background music. Slide
                         it right to make it louder, left to make it quiet.

 SE���� (Sound Volume) 
                      - This refers to sound effects, such as moving, menu,
                        etc. Slide it right for louder, left for quieter.

 �V�X�e��SE���� (System Sound Volume) 
                                   -This refers specifically to menu 

                                   Slide it right for louder, left for

 �{�C�X���ʁ@(Voice Volume) 
                        - This refers to character voices, such as in
                          dialogue, or battle. Slide it right for louder,
                          left for quieter.

 �C�x���g�{�C�X (Event Voice) 
                        - This refers to dialogue voices, critical hit,
                          skill usage, etc. This is an �I�� (on)�@�I�t (off)

 �X�s�[�J�[���[�h�@(Speaker Mode)
                        - This is an �I�� (on)�@�I�t (off) option.


              - This is to suspend the level! It is in green as well, and
                represented by a Pause logo. Suspending returns you to the
                main menu. By resuming, or restarting a chapter in a 
                different file, or starting a new game, will all erase 
                the suspend data.

                When you resume, the data is erased, so it is not the same 
                as a save point! So don't turn off the game if you make a
                mistake, as you will start from the start of the level, not
                where you suspended!


                - This means "Entrust", or let the AI move the units you
                  didn't move around. Most play without using this option
                  at all! It's represented with a red circle, and an arrow
                  that points to "AUTO"

                  You can do an entire turn with Entrust just to watch how
                  the AI may send your team off and fight, you can push X
                  to regain control of your team at anytime.

�I�� (End Turn) 

               - This is to end your turn. If you don't enable the
                 confirmation option, then this will end your turn without
                 hesitation, so be careful! My finger has slipped many times
                 in the options and cost a vital turn, often leading to
                 a complete chapter restart!


Overworld Map Menu:

X Will open the menu, R will adjust zoom!

The overworld map refers to the Kakusei world map that allows you free
movement! You can open it by pushing X when on the overworld map.

This is a translation of the menu that is on there, when fully unlocked it
should have all of the six menu options below. Every section will have it's
sub sections covered too!

-----------  -------------
|    1    |  |     2     |
-----------  -------------
|    3    |  |     4     |
-----------  -------------
|    5    |  |     6     |
-----------  -------------

1: �g�x�x (Outfit)

This is a menu in order to outfit your units. You can swap items with your
supply, between characters, etc. You can also use items to upgrade while not
in battle!

2: �݂�Ȃ̕��� (Everyone's Room)

This is a room with side conversations between units! It can be anything from
giving experience, fun banter, getting to know each other, etc. It's a nice
way to keep people from disappearing from the game entirely.

The logo will glow orange when you have new conversations avaliable.

Inside the room, you can view Character profiles (middle option), take a look
around the room (third option), or the first option that lets you view the
avaliable events. The room keeps getting stuff in it the more you come!

If you happen to come in on a character's birthday (view in the Character
Profile section of the FAQ, or in the central option of the game!), then you
will get special items!

3: �X�L�����E�@(Skill Attach/Detach)

This refers to the special skills that each character has. Since there is only
up to five skills allowed at a time, you can choose which ones to attach/
detach as you see fit. The detached skills will not disappear! See the skills
section for more specifics.

4: �ʐM (Communication)

This is the Communication menu! It has it's own sub-menu, explained/translated

-----------  -------------
|    1    |  |     2     |
-----------  -------------
|    3    |  |     4     |
-----------  -------------
|    5    |  |     6     |
-----------  -------------

1:�}�C�`�[�� (My Team):

For Streetpass purposes, this is your customizable team! It also has it's
own sub menu!


1:�����o�[�I�� (Member Select)

You're allowed to pick up to 10 members for your StreetPass team! You don't
have to bring the Lord.

2:���b�Z�[�W�ҏW (Message Edit)

Ahh this is becoming a menu within a menu within a menu, please bare with me!


1:�`�[���� (Team Name): 

You can name your Team here!

2:�o������� (When you meet): 

This is what your My Unit will say when they meet the opponent.

3:���퓬�� (At the Start of Battle): 

This is what your My Unit will say when you fight them on map!

4:���ԓ��莞 (When they become an Ally): 

This is what your My Unit will say when they become the opponent's ally!

3:�J�[�h�ҏW (Card Edit)

This is a section where you can edit your card! There are quite a number of
options! I will translate this entire section if need be after the more
important translations are done! This all reflects on your "card" though that
the other will be able to see when Streetpassed!

4:���ꂿ�����o�� (Streetpass Communication)

This is just to activate/deactivate streetpass! It will ask you if you want
your team that you just made to be sent for streetpass, �͂��@for yes and�@
������ for no!

2:�f���A���^�b�O (Dual Tag)

This is the menu for Dual Tag Mode! You need another 3DS and copy of Fire
Emblem to play it though! I will update the section when I get the chance
to meet someone else who has one!

3:�z�M�{�b�N�X (Download Box)


1:�z�M�`�[�� (Download Team): 

                           You can face teams of units from previous Fire
                           Emblem entries here! This is mostly spotpass
                           content. When you select a team, they will appear
                           in a random location on the map, and you can go
                           buy things from them, recruit them by buying them
                           out, or recruit them by fighting (and winning!)
                           This is a good way to build experience too.

2:�z�M�A�C�e�� (Download Items): 

                             Some items are up for download! When you select
                             them, they will become avaliable in the main

3:�z�M�}�b�v (Download Maps): 
                          These are new maps that you can activate to appear
                          on the overworld map!

4:�z�M�f���A�� (Download Dual): 
                           These are new things for Dual Tag mode!

5:�f�[�^��M (Data Reception): 

                            You can push this when in internet range to check
                            for new content that will download the moment you
                            push this!

4:�}�C���j���� (My Unit List)

This is a nice convenient list! All the SpotPass/StreetPass My Unit's you've
run into will be saved here, so even if you can no longer fit them on your
team and must replace them, they can be re-recruited right here!

Your own My Unit can be added by pushing the bottom button. A green sword
icon means a unit is already on your team. If you want to update your My Unit,
or another unit on that list that leveled up since their last appearence on
the list, select them and push the �����㏑���@button. If you want to delete a
unit, push �폜. To "lock" a unit, select ���b�N. To make a unit on the list who
is not on your team become a member, push ���Ԃɂ��� (you will have to pay the
price next to them!)

Lastly, the top button allows you to view their card! It will detail you all
the marriages one created in their playthrough, their difficulty, casual or
classic mode, name, etc!

You have a maximum of 99 spaces avaliable!

5:�����{�[�i�X (Fame Bonus)

If you noticed on the bottom screen, your team has a "Fame Meter." This goes
up with the more Skirmishes, Streetpass battles, Spotbass battles, etc that
you do! When you get to certain amounts, more and more items unlock! You can
instantly get that item by selecting it if your points match, and you do not
get any deduction of points.

6:���‚̊ԂɒʐM (Streetpass)

Pushing this turns street pass on (if off), and off (if on)!

5: �x����b�@(Support Conversations)

This is the menu where you can build support! Support is when two compatible
units spend enough turns/actions together in order to unlock a conversation!
Their stats will be boosted when next to each other/paired, so it's useful
to do!

Unlike previous Fire Emblem games, there is no limit to how many supports
you can do per playthrough, so try to fill up as many as possible! However!
Only one "S" rank support is allowed per unit, and this will lead to marriage
and a child between the units (if first generation).

The logo will grow orange when you have new conversations avaliable!

6: �Z�[�u�@(Save)

This is self explanatory! Be sure to overwrite the correct file!

Streetpass/Spotpass Character Battle:

This refers to the menu that appears when you run into a Streetpassed or
Spotpassed My Unit!

It should look like the below:

      MY UNIT PORTRAIT   =====2=====

1: �������݂�@(Check Fighting Power): 

This will let you view their team.

2: �X�J�E�g (Scout): 

This will let you recruit them by paying an amount in  gold!

3: �키 (Fight): 

This will let you battle their team, and you recruit the main unit if you 

4: �������𔃂� (Buy Held Items): 

This lets you buy items the team has! Though if  you buy an item, you will 
be unable to fight them as they'll disappear. 

You can still browse, so long as you don't buy anything! 

For some teams (those who you can keep make appearing), you can do this to 
buy some rare weapons!

5: �ʂ�������� (Separation): 

This just makes them go away with no action!

6: �߂�: (Go Back): 

This will take you back to the World Map. They won't disappear if you just 
do this.

Other World Gate: �يE�̖�

This is the name of the place for where you can buy and play DLC! It will
be accessible after Chapter 6 of the story.

Any DLC you buy is not exclusive to the current file! You can start new
games on any mode and after Chapter 6 will still be able to access the
DLC again and again, no need to purchase it over and over! That'd be

The options are:

�����ԁ@(Play) : 

              This is where you play the DLC after downloading it. You can
              play as many times as you want! You will keep getting
              experience, as well as the opportunity to recruit the character
              over and over again (overwriting the existing version).

�lj��}�b�v�w�l�@(Buy Additional Maps/People): 

                                        This is the shop, you need to have 
                                        the wireless on and have a working
                                        internet connection!

��߂�@(Quit) : 

              This will take you back to the world map.

Character Stat Pages:

By this I mean the pages that appear on the bottom screen when a character is
highlighted, these characters will help with which stats are which in case
you forget! The guide will use the English equivalents when displaying

Below is the standard character sheet. I wrote the English equivalents on
the sheet itself, and you can see the Japanese characters that were translated
right below! They have brief descriptions with them.

|PORT- ||Lv XX |  EXP XX ||CRT XX |
| RAIT ||HP   XX / XX    ||AVD XX |M
|      |                           X
ATK XX   |ITEM 1______________UX|  N|
MAG XX   |ITEM 2______________UX|  N|
SKL XX   |ITEM 3______________UX|  N|
SPD XX   |ITEM 4______________UX|  N|
LUC XX   |ITEM 5______________UX|  N|
RES XX                            1    2
�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@  �@�@�@  5
��X�@��X�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@     3    4

HP - Hit Points    [HP] : The amount of Hit Points your unit can take before
��  - Attack Power  [ATK] : The physical attack power of your unit.
���́@- Magic Power   [MAG] : The magical attack power of your unit.
�Z  - Skill         [SKL] : Your unit's skill, effects critical rate.
����  - Speed        [SPD] : Your unit's speed, effects evasion, how many 
                            times you attack, etc.
�K�^ - Luck         [LUC] : Your unit's luck, effects many things!
��� - Defense      [DEF] : Your unit's physical defense.
���h - Resistance   [RES] : Your unit's magical defense. 

�����@- Accuracy      [ACU] : Unit accuracy.
�K�E - Critical Rate [CRT] : Unit critical rate.
�U�� - Offensive     [OFS] : Attack power
��� - Evasion       [AVD] : Rate of evasion

LV = Current Unit Level, Maximum is 20
UX = Amount of Item remaining
MX = Movement: literally how many spaces the unit can move on the map
Weapon Skill Level (Bottom Left) - Shows your skill in a certain weapon set,
                                   the higher the value, the more weapons you
                                   can use! This also indicates which weapons
                                   the highlighted class can use.
Equipped Skills    (Bottom Right)

-There is a Page 2 to the above, but not much is changed in terms of
 information provided. (Page 2 can be opened by clicking the button on the
 top right while in game, viewing stats sheet)
-The boxes in the Bottom left are weapon level.
-The boxes in the Bottom right are equipped skills.
-X simply represents the fact a number would be there.
-The "M" represents the Shoe it shows, which is movement, the number below
 it is the figure.

WALKTHROUGH                                                              [WLK]

This is a Walkthrough section for the Main Story, Side chapters, and DLC!
Enemy information will be provided (though can be seen on the map as well so
may not be in too much detail), a map that will provide information regarding
reinforcements, or recruitable units, bosses, positions, etc.

They are listed separately for the mode you are playing. There will be
Normal Mode, Hard Mode, and Lunatic Modes listed. For the initial walkthrough,
Hard Mode will be priority, with Lunatic done second. Easy mode will be the
third one for those who may need it.

Starting a New Game                                                     [W000]

Select the option on the menu that says "�ŏ�����n�߂�" which literally means
"Start from the beginning."

It will take you a new menu, which gives you three options that are green,
blue, and red!

���[�}���@  (Normal - Green)
�n�[�h    (Hard - Blue)
���i�e�B�b�N (Lunatic -Red)
���i�e�B�b�N�{�@(Lunatic +, Only unlocked after above is beaten)

"Hard" is the equivalent of "Normal" mode in the West, so that is the
standard! Normal mode is for anyone new to the series, or haven't played in
a long time, or just want an easy way through the story.

"Hard" is the standard difficulty that may get hard later on but shouldn't
be too bad.

"Lunatic" means you're a lunatic for trying! But it's for those seeking a
challenge, veteran or not.

"Lunatic +" is exactly that! 

Note: The initial walkthrough assumes you do Hard mode! I will try to do a
guide for those doing Lunatic at the same time, but it will not be prioritized,
if doing Normal, then the Hard mode guide should suffice as it's an easier
version of it!

Anyway, select a difficulty!

The next menu that comes up is asking if you want to play in �J�W���A���@
(Casual) or �N���V�b�N (Classic) mode!

Casual mode means that when a unit dies, they are not gone for the entire 
game as is Fire Emblem tradition! 

This allows you to lose units without too much of a worry as you'll get 
them back again at the end of the level!

Classic mode refers to the classical Fire Emblem style where any character 
can permanently die for the duration of the rest of the game!

For both modes, if the main character or My Unit dies, it's game over!

Take your pick! I will be assuming you chose Classic Mode for the guide, as
it will assume you are trying not to get your units killed.

Now, it will lead you to your "My Unit" character creation!

Menu 1:

The first option is �j�@(male) or ���@(female). Choose which you prefer with
left and right, and A to make the selection. The gender differences effect
things that relate to gender-unique classes and some stat caps and who you
can marry, but aside from that there shouldn't be much of a difference!

You can make a second file with the opposite gender, so it's not like you'll
be missing out much!

Whichever Gender you choose, the following options are the same! So press A
on your desired gender to continue.

Menu 2:

Note: You can use the L/R buttons to change the viewing angle on the model to
      see if you like the hair, etc. You can press B to go back to the 
      previous menu before you confirm at the end.

�߂�@(Go back)    - Does the same as the B Button
�^�C�v�@(Type)       - The Type of person/body (Being young, middle, 
                   and old it seems!)
��@  (Face)       - The preset facial types
���@  (Hair)       - The preset hairstyles
���F�@(Hair color) - The color of the hair, lots to choose from!
���� (Tone/Voice) - The voice of the character, press A to sample from your
                   selections! (The option that says ���� means "No voice")
�i�ށ@(Continue)   - When content with the above, push A to go to the next

Menu 3:

It will instantly tell you to write your own name in place of the default
name (���t���@[Rufure]). There is an option to write your name in Roman 
characters if you cannot read Japanese. I wonder if I should put a Japanese 
chart in at the end for reference? I may do this later on!

The button under the "ABC" (�ꎚ�폜) will erase one character. So use it to
erase the existing name, or you can use L/R to go to the start of the name
and it will automatically overwrite when you write something.

The red button will take you to the previous menu, like the B button.

There is a six character limit!

Either way, choose a name, keep the default, and press the green button in
the bottom left to continue! 

The menu that pops up is informing you that it
will be seen on streetpass, as well as what your partners call you and your
unit name will be displayed as. Saying no will take you back to edit it, you
can always disable street pass in game so don't worry about it if you don't
want to use it!

�͂��@is "Yes" and �������@is "No", may be helpful to remember!

Menu 4:

Last menu!

�߂�@(Go back)       - Does the same as the B Button
���O�@(Name)          - If you want to change the name again!
�a�����@(Birth Month) - Choose your month of birth!
�a�����@(Birth Day)   - Choose your day of birth!
���Ӂ@(Strong point) - Your character's strong point! Choosing any of the 
                     below will make your character excel in that stat!

                     While the terms are in the Vital Translations section, 
                     I put them  here too for your convenience!
��� (Weak point)   - Your character's weak point! To make up for the above,
                     whichever you choose your character will be a bit worse
                     at in terms of growth. You cannot choose the same stat
                     for both to balance it out!

Below are the categories that you can choose for Strong and Weak points:

HP - Hit Points    [HP]
��  - Attack Power  [ATK]
���́@- Magic Power   [MAG]
�Z  - Skill         [SKL]
����  - Speed        [SPD]
�K�^ - Luck         [LUC]
��� - Defense      [DEF]
���h - Resistance   [RES]

Afterward, just push the ����@(Select) to go on! The last two options is
asking if you're sure about your selection, and if you are, then it's on
to the main game! Choose a save file space to use.

MAIN STORY                                                              [WMS0]
A quick reminder of the Walkthrough template!:

Chapter XX
New Characters for Use: 


   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
01[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
02[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
03[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
04[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
05[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
06[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
07[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
08[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
09[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )
10[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ )

*Story Summary:

*-May not be everywhere.

Opening Chapter �f�� - �^�����A�J��                                      [WMO0]
Opening Chapter: Fate, Bonds
Location: (N/A)
Condition: Defeat Boss

Boss: �t�@�E�_�[�@(Faudaa)
Class: �\�[�T���[�@(Sorcerer)
Lv 5 HP 39 Rng 2 (Does not move)
MAG 21
SKL 15
SPD 13
LUC 12
DEF 15
RES 12
Skills: None

New Characters for Use:

�N�����@(Kuromu) [Krom], My Unit (Lv 20 for both, Recruited automatically)

Mode: Normal, Hard, Lunatic (All the same)

Note: No map is provided as it is rather straightforward with only one enemy,
a boss that does not move, and no useful stat altering spaces.


As it is a prologue level, there shouldn't be any difficulty, even on Lunatic
mode. Get used to how moving units around works, as the boss does not move
at all, and so you can pace yourself.

Feel free to get used to the menus, the way Player/Enemy phases work, etc.

If it is your first time, small tutorials will pop up on the bottom screen,
the images alone should give you the gist of what is being said.

For information on specific abilities/actions, refer to the Vital Translations

When you're ready to go on, it may be helpful to just combine MyUnit with Krom
(select My Unit, then "combine" with Krom)

Chapter 1:�@�P��
CHARACTER GUIDE/RECRUITMENT                                             [CHAR]

How to get all the characters, including child characters, their base stats,
opinions, etc!

Warning! Spoilers may be abound! Please proceed with caution!

This is the basic format!

Other Classes:
Possible Children: (Male only)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  XX 
X [ATK] XX �� 
X [MAG] XX ����
X [SPD] XX ����
X [LUC] XX �K�^
X [DEF] XX ���
X [RES] XX ���h
Weapon Level (S): X

Explanation for Basic Format!

[XXXX] The search box!
Name (Japanese Characters) (Japanese Reading) (English Localized [])
Class: Initial Class
Description: Their profile! But this likely won't be here in this version.
When/How: How to recruit!
Other Classes: What they can become (includes both Upgrade and Class 
Support: Who they can support (Anyone with * is marriable, A/S means max
         support level.)
 -Note: My Unit can support everyone so will not appear on every list to 
        avoid redundancy.
 -Note: Generation I units will be able to support whoever their children are
        up to A level, and they will not appear on the lists (instead they
        will be in "Possible children/children" lists. This is also to avoid
        clutter. In the Child's profile, possible parents will also appear
        in the same way.
Generation: (Generation I means Initial "parents", Generation II means child)
Children: (Who the child will be if Generation I if mother, and who the
           possible children can be if father. Exceptions exist.)
 -Note: �}�[�N (Maaku) Mark will be anyone's son/daughter depending on 
             My Unit's gender, and will not be listed under all characters 
             aside from My Unit.
Parent: (Who the parent (mother) will be if Generation II)
Base Stats: (Stats when you get them, for max stats, check Class section
             below. For information on each stat, check Vital Translatons).
 -Note: X represents growth rates, from E (bad) to A (good). These come from
        the official guide, and will be posted until proved to be mistaken
 -Note: XX is the stats, not the rate.
X - Hit Points   [HP]  XX
X - Attack Power [ATK] XX �� 
X�@- Magic Power  [MAG] XX ����
X - Skill        [SKL] XX �Z
X - Speed        [SPD] XX ����
X - Luck         [LUC] XX �K�^
X - Defense      [DEF] XX ���
X - Resistance   [RES] XX ���h
Weapon Level (S): X
Birthday: Character Birthdays! Month/Day (From guidebook)
Opinion: My Opinion of them (How they were as a unit, personality, etc). This
         obviously does not mean "Use or don't use" said units, as it is just
         experience in one playthrough, and the more dedicated could probably
         provide better explanations/suggestions.

         Though in the end I like to say it comes down to your own preference.


In this version, only Kakusei Generation I and Kakusei Spotpass characters 
have been completed. The other sections are still under work! I will get the 
DLC and Generation II ones up as quick as possible as those are more
prioritized than the spotpass characters, I imagine.

Quick Search/Find List!

Generation I Characters (Order of Recruitment):

 [MYUT] �}�C���j�b�g�@(Maiunitto) My Unit
 [KROM] �N�����@(Kuromu) Krom
 [LIZZ] ���Y�@(Rizu) Liz
 [FRED] �t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick
 [VIOL] ���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole
 [SOIR] �\�����@(Soware) Soiree
 [SOUL] �\�[���@(Sooru) Sol
 [VAKE] ���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake
 [MIRI] �~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel
 [SUMI] �X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia
 [CALL] �J�����@(Karamu) Callum
 [DONY] �h�j�@(Doni) Donny
 [RONK] �����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku
 [REHT] ���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt
 [MABL] �}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel
 [VLVT] �x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet
 [GAIA] �K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia
 [TAMO] �e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo
 [GROG] �O���S�@(Gurego) Grego
 [NONO] �m�m�@(Nono) Nono
 [RIBA] ���x���@(Ribera) Libera
 [SRYA] �T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya
 [ANNA] �A���i�@(Anna) Anna
 [ORYL] �I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia
 [SURG] �Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge
 [HNRY] �w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry
 [RKNA] ���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina
 [SIRI] �T�C���@(Sairi) Sairi
 [TIKI] �`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki
 [BAJO] �o�W�[���I�@(Bajiirio) Basilio
 [FRBA]�@�t�����B�A (Furavia) Flavia

Generation II Characters (All Optional Sidequests - In Progress)

 [RKNA] ���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina
 [WOOD] ���[�h�@(Waado) Wood
 [AZUR] �A�Y�[���@(Azuuru) Azure
 [BRDY] �u���f�B�@(Buredi) Brady
 [DJRU] �f�W�F���@(Dejeru) Degel
 [CYTA] �V���V�A�@(Shinshia) Cynthia
 [SRNA] �Z���i�@(Serena) Selena
 [JRME] �W�F���[���@(Jeroomu) Jerome
 [MARK] �}�[�N�@(Maaku) Mark
 [CMBY] �V�����u���[�@(Shanbure) Chambray
 [LORN] �������@(Roran) Loran
 [NOIR] �m���[���@(Nowaaru) Noire
 [NNNN] �����@(Nn) Nn

-Special/DLC Characters-
-Spotpass: Kakusei �o��
-Note: All Kakusei Characters can support My Unit
 [GANG]�@�M�������� (Gyanreru) Gangrel
 [VLHT] ���@���n���g�@(Varuharuto) Valhart
 [EMRN] �G�����i�@(Emerina) Emerina
 [RNHA] �����n�@(Renha) Renha
 [INBS] �C���o�[�X�@(Inbaasu) Inverse

-Note: (Cannot be supported) (In Progress)
-Spotpass: Genealogy of the Holy War ����̌n��
-Spotpass: Shadow Dragon �V�E�Í����ƌ��̌�
-Spotpass: Sword of Seals ����̌�

-Paid DLC: (Cannot be supported) (in Progress)
�@[MRTH] �}���X�@(Marusu) Marth (0 Yen Until May 31st, 2012, 300 Yen) DLC 1
 [LEAF] ���[�t�@(Riifu) Leaf (350 Yen) DLC 2
 [ROYY] ���C�@(Roi) Roy (250 Yen) DLC 3, (Needs: DLC 1)
 [ARUM] �A�����@(Arumu) Arum (400 Yen) DLC 4
 [MCAH] �~�J���@(Mikaya) Micaiah (300 Yen) DLC 6 (Needs: DLC 1, DLC3)
 [ENCA] �G�����V�A�@(Erinshia) Elincia (350 Yen) DLC 7
 [EPRM] �G�t�����@(Efuramu) Ephraim (350 Yen) DLC 8

Generation I
 -Note: Includes Story-Specific Generation II Character
 -Note: Use Ctrl + F to skip to their section! Be sure to include the brackets
        so you don't keep running into every single mention of them.
 -Note: Mothers always have the same children, fathers effect their hair color,
        classes they can become (if applicable), and stats growth (?)
 -Note: Skills are passed down to children from parents
 -Note: Exceptions to the above are noted in their respective sections.
 -Note: Sidequests for the children unlock the moment an S rank is reached
        between parents, and it is after Chapter 14

Name: �}�C���j�b�g�@(Maiunitto) My Unit
Class: Lv 1 ��p�t�@Strategist -> �_�R�t�@Grandmaster
When/How: Automatic; Prologue
Other Classes: All (Male/Female slightly Varies, check Class section)
 -Everyone (Can Marry Anyone of Opposite Gender)
Generation: I
Children: �}�[�N (Maaku) Mark (Opposite Gender to My Unit, with whoever
               is partner. Will be related to offspring and not be able to
                marry them even if they could otherwise. Can also marry into
                Generation II!)
Possible Children (Male): All other marriable units' children.
Base Stats:
[HP]  19
[ATK] 06 �� 
[MAG] 05 ����
[SKL] 05 �Z
[SPD] 06 ����
[LUC] 04 �K�^
[DEF] 06 ���
[RES] 04 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (E) Magic (E)
-Note: Growth rates not listed until I am sure how it works with attributing
 good and bad traits. If you have information on this, please contact me.
Birthday: Whatever you set it as.
Opinion: TBA

Name: �N�����@(Kuromu) Krom
Class: Lv 1 ���[�h�@Lord -> �}�X�^�[���[�h�@Master Lord
When/How: Automatic; Prologue
Other Classes:
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -���Y�@(Riz) Liz A
 -�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick A
 -���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake A
 -�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia A
*-�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
Generation: I
Children: ���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina
Base Stats:
C [HP]  20
C [ATK] 07 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
C [SPD] 08 ����
A [LUC] 05 �K�^
D [DEF] 07 ���
E [RES] 01 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (E)
Birthday: 5/27
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���Y�@(Rizu) Liz
Class: Lv 1 �V�X�^�[�@Cleric -> �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric / ���ҁ@Sage
When/How: Automatic, Prologue
Other Classes:
 -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                             �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
 -�g���o�h�[���@Troubadour -> ���@���L�����A�@Valkyrie 
                        �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric
 -�N���� (Kuromu) Krom A
 -�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel A
 -�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge A
 -�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia A
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
Generation: I
Children: ���[�h�@(Waado) Wood
Base Stats:
D [HP]  17
E [ATK] 01 �� 
D [MAG] 05 ����
D [SKL] 04 �Z
D [SPD] 04 ����
B [LUC] 08 �K�^
E [DEF] 03 ���
D [RES] 04 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Staff ( E)
Birthday: 3/6
Opinion: TBA

Name: Lv 1 �t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick
Class: Lv 1 �O���[�g�i�C�g Great Knight
When/How: Automatic; Prologue
Other Classes:
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin 
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General 
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry A
 -�N���� (Kuromu) Krom A
 -���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
B [HP]  28 
C [ATK] 13 �� 
E [MAG] 02 ����
C [SKL] 12 �Z
D [SPD] 10 ����
C [LUC] 06 �K�^
C [DEF] 14 ���
E [RES] 03 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (D), Lance (B), Axe (D)
Birthday: 3/26
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole
Class: Lv 2 �A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 1, Turn 2 (Square X 16, Y 10)
Other Classes:
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -���x���@(Ribera) Libera A
 -�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
D [HP]  19 
C [ATK] 06 �� 
D [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 09 �Z
C [SPD] 05 ����
C [LUC] 07 �K�^
D [DEF] 06 ���
D [RES] 01 ���h
Weapon Level (S): D (Bow)
Birthday: 12/10
Opinion: TBA

Name: �\�����@(Soware) Soiree
Class: Lv 2 �\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                                 �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 1, Turn 2 (Square X 15, Y 11)
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel A
 -�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia A
*-�N���� (Kuromu) Krom S
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �f�W�F���@(Dejeru) Degel
Base Stats:
C [HP]  20 
D [ATK] 07 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
C [SPD] 08 ����
B [LUC] 06 �K�^
D [DEF] 07 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (D)
Birthday: 12/5
Opinion: TBA

Name: �\�[���@(Sooru) Sol
Class: Lv 2 �\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                                 �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 2 Start
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -�h�j�@(Doni) Donny A
 -�J�����@(Karamu) Callum A
*-���Y�@(Riz) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  22 
C [ATK] 08 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
D [SKL] 07 �Z
D [SPD] 06 ����
C [LUC] 05 �K�^
C [DEF] 08 ���
E [RES] 01 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (D)
Birthday: 6/16
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake
Class:�@Lv 3 ��m�@Fighter -> �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior / �E�ҁ@Hero
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 2 Start
Other Classes:
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
 -�N���� (Kuromu) Krom A
 -�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
B [HP]  24 
C [ATK] 09 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
D [SPD] 06 ����
C [LUC] 04 �K�^
C [DEF] 05 ���
E [RES] 00 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Axe (D)
Birthday: 12/26
Opinion: TBA

Name: �~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel
Class: Lv 1 �����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 2, Turn 2 (Space X 08, Y 20)
Other Classes:
 -�g���o�h�[���@Troubadour -> ���@���L�����A�@Valkyri
                        �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric
 -�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer
                       �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�\�����@(Soware) Soiree A
 -�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �������@(Roran) Loran
Base Stats:
D [HP]  18 
E [ATK] 00 �� 
C [MAG] 06 ����
C [SKL] 05 �Z
C [SPD] 07 ����
C [LUC] 06 �K�^
E [DEF] 03 ���
D [RES] 04 ���h
Weapon Level (S): X
Birthday: 2/12
Opinion: TBA

Name: �X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia 
Class: Lv 1 �y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight 
            �_�[�L�y�K�T�X Dark Pegasus
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 3 Start
Other Classes:
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�V�X�^�[�@Cleric -> �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric / ���ҁ@Sage
 -�\�����@(Soware) Soiree A
 -�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo A
*-�N���� (Kuromu) Krom S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
Generation: I
Children:�@�V���V�A�@(Shinshia) Cynthia
Base Stats:
D [HP]  18 
D [ATK] 06 �� 
E [MAG] 03 ����
C [SKL] 11 �Z
C [SPD] 11 ����
B [LUC] 08 �K�^
D [DEF] 05 ���
D [RES] 07 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (D)
Birthday: 11/24
Opinion: TBA

Name: �J�����@(Karamu) Callum
Class: Lv 5 �A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General
                               �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
When/How: Chapter 3; On Map as NPC [X 6, Y 14] from Turn 1, Speak with Krom 
          to recruit!
Other Classes:
 -�m���@Priest -> �o�g�������N�@Battle Monk / ���ҁ@Sage
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�h�j�@(Doni) Donny A
 -�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  21 
C [ATK] 10 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 07 �Z
D [SPD] 05 ����
D [LUC] 03 �K�^
B [DEF] 12 ���
D [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (D)
Birthday: 6/24
Opinion: TBA

Name: �h�j�@(Doni) Donny
Class: Lv 1 ���l�@Villager -> None
When/How: Sidequest 01, He has to Level up to at least level 2 before the end
          of the mission
Other Classes:
 -�b���@Mercenary -> �E�ҁ@Hero / �{�E�i�C�g�@Bow Knight
 -��m�@Fighter -> �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior / �E�ҁ@Hero
 -�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol A
 -�J�����@(Karamu) Callum A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  16 
C [ATK] 04 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 02 �Z
C [SPD] 03 ����
A [LUC] 11 �K�^
D [DEF] 03 ���
E [RES] 00 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (E)
Birthday: 6/4
Opinion: TBA

Name: �����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku
Class: Lv 4 ���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
When/How: Automatic; End of Chapter 4
Other Classes:
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake A
 -�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  20 
D [ATK] 06 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 12 �Z
C [SPD] 13 ����
B [LUC] 07 �K�^
D [DEF] 07 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Birthday: 10/10
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt
Class: Lv 3 �����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 5 Start, (X 15, Y 10)
Other Classes:
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego A
 -�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  20 
E [ATK] 03 �� 
D [MAG] 08 ����
D [SKL] 06 �Z
D [SPD] 05 ����
B [LUC] 10 �K�^
D [DEF] 06 ���
D [RES] 03 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Magic (D)
Birthday: 5/23
Opinion: TBA

Name: �}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel
Class: Lv 3 �g���o�h�[���@Troubadour -> ���@���L�����A�@Valkyrie
                                  �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 5 Start (X 16, Y 11)
Other Classes:
 -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                             �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -���Y�@(Rizu) Liz A
*-�N���� (Kuromu) Krom S
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Children: �u���f�B�@(Buredi) Brady
Base Stats:
D [HP]  18 
E [ATK] 00 �� 
C [MAG] 05 ����
C [SKL] 04 �Z
D [SPD] 06 ����
A [LUC] 05 �K�^
E [DEF] 03 ���
C [RES] 06 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Staff (D)
Birthday: 4/14
Opinion: TBA

Name: �x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet
Class: Lv 6 �^�O�G���@Taguel -> None
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 6, Turn 2 (X 10, Y 02)
Other Classes:
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo A
 -�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �V�����u���[�@(Shanburee) Chambray
Base Stats:
B [HP]  28 
C [ATK] 08 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 09 �Z
B [SPD] 10 ����
C [LUC] 08 �K�^
C [DEF] 07 ���
E [RES] 03 ���h
Weapon Level (S): None
Opinion: TBA

Name: �K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia
Class: Lv 5 �����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
When/How: Enemy on Chapter 6, Talk with Krom! (X 02, Y 08)
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -��m�@Fighter -> �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior / �E�ҁ@Hero
 -���x���@(Ribera) Libera A
 -�N���� (Kuromu) Krom A
*-�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia S
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  22 
C [ATK] 07 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 13 �Z
C [SPD] 15 ����
D [LUC] 06 �K�^
D [DEF] 05 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Birthday: 1/2
Opinion: TBA

Name: �e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo
Class: Lv 7 �y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
            �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
Other Classes:
 -�b���@Mercenary -> �E�ҁ@Hero / �{�E�i�C�g�@Bow Knight
 -�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet A
 -�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Children: �Z���i�@(Serena) Selena
Base Stats:
C [HP]  25 
C [ATK] 09 �� 
E [MAG] 03 ����
D [SKL] 13 �Z
D [SPD] 12 ����
C [LUC] 09 �K�^
C [DEF] 08 ���
D [RES] 08 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (C)
Birthday: 7/7
Opinion: She worked out really well for me! I kept her as a Pegasus Knight
at first, but Sumia seemed to do a lot better that way, so I swapped her
classes around a few times to gather skills but couldn't really settle on
a final one. I like her child a lot too! She's one of my favorite characters
(both the mother and child together worked very nicely with an A support!)

Her look has been very popular here (in Japan), and you can find a lot of
fan art of her to show that! Her personality is pretty fun too in my opinion,
as seen in exchanges with her own daughter and the like!

Her Birthday is also on Tanabata, that's good luck!

Name: �O���S�@(Gurego) Grego
Class: Lv 10 �b���@Mercenary -> �E�ҁ@Hero / �{�E�i�C�g�@Bow Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 8 Start (X 07, Y 15)
Other Classes:
 -�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt A
 -�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
B [HP]  30 
C [ATK] 12 �� 
E [MAG] 00 ����
C [SKL] 13 �Z
D [SPD] 11 ����
C [LUC] 08 �K�^
C [DEF] 10 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Birthday: 1/27
Opinion: TBA

Name: �m�m�@(Nono) Nono
Class: Lv 3 �}���N�[�g�@Manakete -> None
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 8 Start (X 08, Y 15)
Other Classes:
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge A
 -�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �����@(Nn) Nn
Base Stats:
A [HP]  18 
C [ATK] 04 �� 
D [MAG] 00 ����
D [SKL] 02 �Z
D [SPD] 03 ����
B [LUC] 08 �K�^
C [DEF] 02 ���
D [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): None
Birthday: 9/21
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���x���@(Ribera) Libera
Class: �o�g�������N�@Battle Monk
When/How: Chapter 9 Start (X 02, Y20), He is an NPC, you have to talk to him 
          with Krom!
Other Classes:
 -�m���@Priest -> �o�g�������N�@Battle Monk / ���ҁ@Sage
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia A
 -���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole A
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  38 
D [ATK] 14 �� 
D [MAG] 15 ����
C [SKL] 12 �Z
D [SPD] 13 ����
C [LUC] 10 �K�^
D [DEF] 11 ���
D [RES] 16 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Axe (C) Staff (C)
Birthday: 7/1
Opinion: TBA

Name: �T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya
Class: Lv 10 �_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer
                                  �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
When/How: Chapter 9, Enemy (X 15, Y 19), Talk with Krom!
Other Classes:
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�m�m�@(Nono) Nono A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �m���[���@(Nowaaru) Noire
Base Stats:
C [HP]  25 
D [ATK] 04 �� 
C [MAG] 11 ����
D [SKL] 05 �Z
C [SPD] 12 ����
C [LUC] 03 �K�^
D [DEF] 10 ���
E [RES] 07 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Magic (Including Dark) (D)
Birthday: 4/2
Opinion: TBA

Name: �A���i�@(Anna) Anna
Class: �g���b�N�X�^�[ Trickster
When/How: Sidequest 4, She is an NPC (X 07, Y 12), Talk with Krom!
Other Classes:
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -�`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki A
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  35 
D [ATK] 12 �� 
D [MAG] 17 ����
D [SKL] 22 �Z
D [SPD] 21 ����
A [LUC] 25 �K�^
D [DEF] 08 ���
D [RES] 10 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C) Staff (D)
Birthday: 6/11
Opinion: TBA

Name: �I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia 
Class: �x��q�@Dancer -> None
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 11 Start
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                             �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
 -�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel A
 -�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet A
*-�N���� (Kuromu) Krom S
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �A�Y�[���@(Azuuru) Azure
Base Stats:
C [HP]  18 
D [ATK] 03 �� 
D [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
C [SPD] 09 ����
B [LUC] 05 �K�^
E [DEF] 03 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (D)
Birthday: 8/20
Opinion: She's the only dancer you get in this game! She's a very useful unit,
but initially very weak, so you have to do your best to defend her. Luckily
she's easy to level up since the dancing gives experience! She will do really
nicely in the luck and speed category, so will often be able to dodge in those
vital moments.

Eventually I made her an Assassin, and a Swordmaster, then back to Dancer!
That way, she was able to not only dance, but also defend herself by using
the skills Astra or Lethality, hehe.

The overly shy personality may get annoying for some, but to those it was
aiming to appeal to here (in Japan), it certainly worked! She is still a good
unit for support regardless of that.

Name: �Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge
Class: Lv 12 �h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
             �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 12 Start
Other Classes:
 -�g���o�h�[���@Troubadour -> ���@���L�����A�@Valkyrie
                        �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric
 -�V�X�^�[�@Cleric -> �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric / ���ҁ@Sage
 -�m�m�@(Nono) Nono A
 -�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel A
*-�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick S
*-�\�[���@(Sooru) Sol S
*-�J�����@(Karamu) Callum S
*-���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt S
*-���F�C�N�@(Vaiku) Vake S
*-���x���@(Ribera) Libera S
*-�����N�[�@(Ronkuu) Ronku S
*-�O���S�@(Gurego) Grego S
*-�K�C�A�@(Gaia) Gaia S
*-���B�I�[���@(Biooru) Viole S
*-�w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry S
*-�h�j�@(Doni) Donny S
Generation: I
Children: �W�F���[���@(Jeroomu) Jerome
Base Stats:
B [HP]  30
C [ATK] 14 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 12 �Z
D [SPD] 11 ����
C [LUC] 08 �K�^
C [DEF] 15 ���
E [RES] 02 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Axe (C)
Birthday: 10/17
Opinion: TBA

Name: �w�����[�@(Henrii) Henry
Class: Lv 12 �_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer
             �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 13 Start
Other Classes:
 -�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�t���f���N�@(Furederiku) Frederick A
 -���q�g�@(Rihito) Richt A
*-�X�~�A�@(Sumia) Sumia S
*-���Y�@(Rizu) Liz S
*-�\�����@(Soware) Soiree S
*-�}���A�x���@(Mariaberu) Mariabel S
*-�e�B�A�� (Teiamo) Tiamo S
*-�x���x�b�g�@(Berubetto) Velvet S
*-�m�m�@(Nono) Nono S
*-�I�����B�G�@(Orivie) Olivia S
*-�Z���W���@(Serujyu) Serge S
*-�~���G���@(Mirieru) Miriel S
*-�T�[�����@(Saarya) Sariya S
Generation: I
Base Stats:
C [HP]  28 
D [ATK] 06 �� 
D [MAG] 13 ����
C [SKL] 14 �Z
C [SPD] 08 ����
C [LUC] 10 �K�^
C [DEF] 12 ���
E [RES] 05 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Magic (C)
Birthday: 11/13
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina
Class: Lv 10 ���[�h�@Lord -> �}�X�^�[���[�h�@Master Lord
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 13 End
Other Classes:
-Note: While a Generation II Unit, Put here since it's more like 1 1/2...
       Will inherit Mother's Class-possibilities in addition to below.
-Note: This Profile is in both Gen I and II's lists
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin / 
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight (From Krom)
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight (From Krom)
Support: (Can still support/marry My Unit (if male))
�@-��@Mother A (Depends on Krom's partner)
 -�Z��@Sibling A (Depends on Krom's partner)
 -�N�����@(Kuromu) Krom A
 -�f�W�F���@(Dejeru) Degel
 -�`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki A
 -�V���V�A�@(Shinshia) Cynthia
*-���[�h�@(Waado) Wood
*-�A�Y�[���@(Azuuru) Azure
*-�u���f�B�@(Buredi) Brady
*-�V�����u���[�@(Shanbure) Chambray
*-�������@(Roran) Loran
*-�W�F���[���@(Jeroomu) Jerome
*-�}�[�N�@(Maaku) Mark (If Male and not Brother)
Generation: I/II (Marriable with Kids, Yet...)
Children: Can be a Parent to Mark (If My Unit is Male)
Parent: �N�����@(Kuromu) Krom (Always), Mother Can Vary
Base Stats:
C [HP]  12 
D [ATK] 05 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
C [SPD] 04 ����
A [LUC] 13 �K�^
D [DEF] 03 ���
D [RES] 03 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Birthday: 4/20
Opinion: She was probably my overall most successful unit, with the best 
performence overall. MyUnit had married Krom, and so she had inherited
every avaliable Female class, and so could acquire any skill of those classes
if changed and trained to the required levels.

Considering she had already started with Aether among other things, as well
as the ability to support my other most often used units (i.e. MyUnit, Krom,
Wood, Mark (who was a sibling), etc, and then paired with the fact she also
gets an infinite weapon all came down to her being an incredible unit during
my playthrough! I settled on Master Lord in the end as I liked the model
best, and the well rounded stats, over the other classes she could be.

I also like her design a lot! Nothing skimpy and fanservicey here!

In terms of personality, she's quite the loyal one, with a strong exterior and
a softer interior. Some with a degree of understanding of Japanese (and even
those without) may get tired of her saying Otou-sama �����l (My Lord-father),
a lot, or Okaa-sama ����l (My Lord-Mother) a lot, but I forgave her for it
when you understand the circumstance of where she's coming from (that is, a
world where everyone's parents are dead).

Besides, she was my daughter in the playthrough! I have a soft spot for her
by default this way! Hehe.

Name: �T�C���@(Sairi) Sairi
Class: Lv 1 �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster
When/How: Chapter 15, an NPC (X 21, Y 01), speak with Krom!
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                             �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki A
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  39 
D [ATK] 17 ��
E [MAG] 07 ����
C [SKL] 23 �Z
C [SPD] 26 ����
C [LUC] 20 �K�^
D [DEF] 12 ���
D [RES] 10 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (B)
Birthday: 1/11
Opinion: TBA

Name: �`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki
Class: �}���N�[�g�@Manakete -> None
When/How: Automatic; Sidequest 17's End
Other Classes:
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
 -���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina A
 -�A���i�@(Anna) Anna A
 -�T�C���@(Sairi) Sairi A
 -�����@(Nn) Nn A
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
A [HP]  39 
C [ATK] 18 �� 
C [MAG] 10 ����
D [SKL] 14 �Z
D [SPD] 16 ����
A [LUC] 18 �K�^
C [DEF] 15 ���
C [RES] 12 ���h
Weapon Level (S): None
Birthday: 2/28
Opinion: A cameo from the older games, just a little more grown up. She comes
a little latish in the game, but if you like to grind in skirmishes to bring
people up to speed, she will probably work nicely! But at this point I imagine
you would already have a select group of powerful units that may end up
benching Tiki anyway. It all just comes down to how you play!

Though her story presence is off and on, she's still able to die and remain
dead for the epilogue.

I reclassed her into a Dragonknight when she maxed out her Manakete level,
and she did okay there too, but not as good as my already existing Pegasus/
Dragonknights. So it comes down to your preference and patience, really!

Due to design, she's really popular here (in Japan) as you can imagine! She
has quite a bit of fan art of her as well that you can easily find on places
like pixiv! Personality wise, despite the exterior can still be a little
childish. The supports with the female MyUnit is pretty silly.

Name: Lv 10 �o�W�[���I�@(Bajiirio) Basilio
Class: �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 23; After defeating Fauder (X 16, Y 06)
Other Classes:
 -�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -��m�@Fighter -> �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior / �E�ҁ@Hero
 -�t�����B�A (Furavia) Flavia A
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
B [HP]  61 
C [ATK] 30 �� 
E [MAG] 03 ����
C [SKL] 25 �Z
D [SPD] 21 ����
C [LUC] 18 �K�^
C [DEF] 20 ���
E [RES] 08 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Axe (A) Bow (B)
Birthday: 8/13
Opinion: His story presence is great, but by the time you get him as a
playable character, the average party and equivalent level of Warrior may
be doing much better than him. He has good HP and attack going for him,
but his speed and defense start to lag behind what others you may have.

You get him on the third last chapter of the game, so storywise he may not
be too useful, but if messing around with skirmishes and such before the
last level, you may find some use!

Personally, I think his funky clothing is awesome, and seems to have set the
standard for the warrior model! He also has a lovely laugh.

Name:�@�t�����B�A (Furavia) Flavia
Class: Lv 10 �E�ҁ@Hero
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 23; After defeating Fauder (X 17, Y 05)
Other Classes:
 -�b���@Mercenary -> �E�ҁ@Hero / �{�E�i�C�g�@Bow Knight
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General 
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�o�W�[���I�@(Bajiirio) Basilio
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  48 
D [ATK] 25 �� 
E [MAG] 05 ����
C [SKL] 28 �Z
C [SPD] 26 ����
B [LUC] 21 �K�^
D [DEF] 23 ���
D [RES] 11 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (A) Axe (B)
Birthday: 10/28
Opinion: I love the Hero class! Especially when a female hero pops around now
and then. Unfortunately she falls behind a bit compared to other Heroes/units
you may have by Chapter 23. At Level 10 as a Hero one's average stats would
be better.

Her design is okay I think! Certainly unique for a Fire Emblem game! I haven't
heard much about her from my friends who play and love this game, and have not
seen much work of her online, so I assume she may not be as popular here.
Perhaps if/when the game is released overseas?

Generation II
-Note: Section still in progress.
-Note: Alternate classes (the ones that they don't start off as) are inherited
       from the parent's alternate classes. MyUnit's children will have all
       classes avaliable to that gender unlocked.
-Note: Skills are passed down from parents
-Note: Sidequests unlock the moment an S rank is reached with the parents,
       and if the story is after Chapter 14.

Name: ���L�i�@(Rukina) Lucina
Class: Lv 10 ���[�h�@Lord -> �}�X�^�[���[�h�@Master Lord
When/How: Automatic; Chapter 13 End
Other Classes:
-Note: While a Generation II Unit, Put here since it's more like 1 1/2...
       Will inherit Mother's Class-possibilities in addition to below.
-Note: This Profile is in both Gen I and II's lists
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight (From Krom)
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight (From Krom)
Support: (Can still support/marry My Unit (if male))
�@-��@Mother A (Depends on Krom's partner)
 -�Z��@Sibling A (Depends on Krom's partner)
 -�N�����@(Kuromu) Krom A
 -�f�W�F���@(Dejeru) Degel
 -�`�L�@(Chiki) Tiki A
 -�V���V�A�@(Shinshia) Cynthia
*-���[�h�@(Waado) Wood
*-�A�Y�[���@(Azuuru) Azure
*-�u���f�B�@(Buredi) Brady
*-�V�����u���[�@(Shanbure) Chambray
*-�������@(Roran) Loran
*-�W�F���[���@(Jeroomu) Jerome
*-�}�[�N�@(Maaku) Mark (If Male and not Brother)
Generation: I/II (Marriable with Kids, Yet...)
Children: Can be a Parent to Mark (If My Unit is Male)
Parent: �N�����@(Kuromu) Krom (Always), Mother Can Vary
Base Stats:
C [HP]  12 
D [ATK] 05 �� 
E [MAG] 01 ����
C [SKL] 08 �Z
C [SPD] 04 ����
A [LUC] 13 �K�^
D [DEF] 03 ���
D [RES] 03 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Birthday: 4/20
Opinion: She was probably my overall most successful unit, with the best 
performence overall. MyUnit had married Krom, and so she had inherited
every avaliable Female class, and so could acquire any skill of those classes
if changed and trained to the required levels.

Considering she had already started with Aether among other things, as well
as the ability to support my other most often used units (i.e. MyUnit, Krom,
Wood, Mark (who was a sibling), etc, and then paired with the fact she also
gets an infinite weapon all came down to her being an incredible unit during
my playthrough! I settled on Master Lord in the end as I liked the model
best, and the well rounded stats, over the other classes she could be.

I also like her design a lot! Nothing skimpy and fanservicey here!

In terms of personality, she's quite the loyal one, with a strong exterior and
a softer interior. Some with a degree of understanding of Japanese (and even
those without) may get tired of her saying Otou-sama �����l (My Lord-father),
a lot, or Okaa-sama ����l (My Lord-Mother) a lot, but I forgave her for it
when you understand the circumstance of where she's coming from, I guess!

Besides, she was my daughter in the playthrough! I have a soft spot for her
by default this way! Hehe.

Other Classes:
Base Stats:
X [HP]  XX 
X [ATK] XX �� 
X [MAG] XX ����
X [SPD] XX ����
X [LUC] XX �K�^
X [DEF] XX ���
X [RES] XX ���h
Weapon Level (S): X
Opinion: TBA

-Special/DLC Characters-
-Spotpass: Kakusei �o��
 -Note: These characters only support My Unit.
 -Note: These characters are unlocked via spotpass content, with chapters/
        ways to unlock them only after that content is received.

Name:�@�M�������� (Gyanreru) Gangrel
Class:  Lv 15 �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
When/How: SpotPass Content; Sidequest 18; Enemy (X 11, Y 14); Talk with Krom 
          3 Times!
Other Classes:
 -�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
 -�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
 -�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
Support: None
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  49 
C [ATK] 21 �� 
D [MAG] 20 ����
C [SKL] 29 �Z
C [SPD] 33 ����
D [LUC] 15 �K�^
D [DEF] 18 ���
D [RES] 17 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (B) Staff (C)
Birthday: 3/16
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���@���n���g�@(Varuharuto) Valhart
Class: Lv 30 �I�[�o�[���[�h�@Overlord
When/How: SpotPass Content; Sidequest 19; Enemy; Fight with Krom, Defeat, End
          of Level
Other Classes:
 -�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General
                     �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
Support: None
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
A [HP]  71 
B [ATK] 39 �� 
E [MAG] 15 ����
D [SKL] 33 �Z
D [SPD] 32 ����
C [LUC] 30 �K�^
C [DEF] 35 ���
D [RES] 19 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (A), Lance (A), Axe (A)
Birthday: 9/14
Opinion: TBA

Name: �G�����i�@(Emerina) Emerina
Class: Lv 10 ���ҁ@Sage
When/How: SpotPass
Other Classes:
 -�V�X�^�[�@Cleric -> �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric / ���ҁ@Sage
 -�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin
                       �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
Support: None
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  42 
E [ATK] 05 �� 
B [MAG] 26 ����
C [SKL] 23 �Z
C [SPD] 25 ����
A [LUC] 13 �K�^
D [DEF] 12 ���
D [RES] 20 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Tomes (C) Staff (A)
Birthday: 12/23
Opinion: TBA

Name: �����n�@(Renha) Renha
Class: Lv 20 �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster
When/How: SpotPass
Other Classes:
 -���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
 -�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
Support: None
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
B [HP]  60 
C [ATK] 30 �� 
E [MAG] 05 ����
C [SKL] 39 �Z
C [SPD] 40 ����
B [LUC] 28 �K�^
D [DEF] 21 ���
E [RES] 18 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (A)
Birthday: 7/23
Opinion: TBA

Name: �C���o�[�X�@(Inbaasu) Inverse
Class: Lv 20 �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
When/How: SpotPass
Other Classes:
 -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                             �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
 -�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                          �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
 -�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
Support: None
Generation: I
Children: None
Base Stats:
C [HP]  55 
D [ATK] 24 �� 
C [MAG] 31 ����
D [SKL] 29 �Z
C [SPD] 32 ����
B [LUC] 26 �K�^
D [DEF] 21 ���
D [RES] 28 ���h
Weapon Level (S): X
Birthday: 5/27
Opinion: TBA

-Section still in Progress-
-Spotpass: Genealogy of the Holy War ����̌n��
 -Note: (Cannot be supported)
-Spotpass: Shadow Dragon �V�E�Í����ƌ��̌�
 -Note: (Cannot be supported)
-Spotpass: Sword of Seals ����̌�
 -Note: (Cannot be supported)
-Paid DLC: (Cannot be supported, No Birthdays) - Section still in progress.

Name: �}���X�@(Marusu) Marth
Class: Lv 8 �X�^�[���[�h�@Star Lord
When/How: DLC 1 - (0 Yen Until May 31st, 2012, 300 Yen)
Other Classes:
 -Every Male Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
C [HP]  25 
C [ATK] 10 �� 
E [MAG] 02 ����
C [SKL] 12 �Z
C [SPD] 12 ����
A [LUC] 08 �K�^
D [DEF] 03 ���
D [RES] 07 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Skills: �J���X�}�@Charisma, �ǐ����@Good Growths
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���[�t�@(Riifu) Leaf
Class: Lv 1 �g���b�N�X�^�@Trickster
When/How: DLC 2 - (350 Yen)
Other Classes:
 -Every Male Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  40 
X [ATK] 22 �� 
X [MAG] 20 ����
X [SKL] 25 �Z
X [SPD] 28 ����
X [LUC] 24 �K�^
X [DEF] 17 ���
X [RES] 12 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C) Staff (E)
Skills: ���J�� Picklocks, �� Renewal, ������ Weak Beats Strong
Opinion: TBA

Name: ���C�@(Roi) Roy
Class: Lv 11 �b���@Mercenary
When/How: DLC 3 - (250 Yen) (Needs: DLC 1)
Other Classes:
 -Every Male Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  27 
X [ATK] 11 �� 
X [MAG] 01 ����
X [SKL] 13 �Z
X [SPD] 12 ����
X [LUC] 06 �K�^
X [DEF] 08 ���
X [RES] 00 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C)
Skills: �f���A���A�^�b�N�{�@Dual Attack+, ���� Holy Shield
Opinion: TBA

Name: �A�����@(Arumu) Arum
Class: Lv 21 ����m Magic Fighter
When/How: DLC 4 - (400 Yen)
Other Classes:
 -Every Male Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  50 
X [ATK] 26 �� 
X [MAG] 05 ����
X [SKL] 21 �Z
X [SPD] 20 ����
X [LUC] 18 �K�^
X [DEF] 22 ���
X [RES] 17 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (B) Axe (D) Tomes (E)
Skills: ���h+10�@Resistance +10, ������M Quick Slash, 
        ���h�̋��с@Resistance Cry
Opinion: TBA

Name: �~�J���@(Mikaya) Micaiah
Class: Lv 12 �_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage
When/How: DLC 6 - (300 Yen) (Needs: DLC 1, DLC3)
Other Classes:
 -Every Female Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  26 
X [ATK] 02 �� 
X [MAG] 13 ����
X [SKL] 12 �Z
X [SPD] 11 ����
X [LUC] 14 �K�^
X [DEF] 07 ���
X [RES] 11 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Tomes (C)
Skills: �Èł̉��� Dark Blessing, �K�^�̋��с@Luck Cry
Opinion: TBA

Name: �G�����V�A�@(Erinshia) Elincia
Class: Lv 6 �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
When/How: DLC 7 - (350 Yen)
Other Classes:
 -Every Female Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  40 
X [ATK] 16 �� 
X [MAG] 18 ����
X [SKL] 24 �Z
X [SPD] 25 ����
X [LUC] 19 �K�^
X [DEF] 12 ���
X [RES] 19 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Lance (C) Staff (B)
Skills: �����̋��с@Speed Cry, �J���X�}�@Charisma, �� Renewal, 
�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�f���A���T�|�[�g+ Dual Support+
Opinion: TBA

Name: �G�t�����@(Efuramu) Ephraim
Class: Lv 20 �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
When/How: DLC 8 - (350 Yen)
Other Classes:
 -Every Male Class (See Class List)
Base Stats:
X [HP]  71 
X [ATK] 40 �� 
X [MAG] 03 ����
X [SKL] 35 �Z
X [SPD] 33 ����
X [LUC] 31 �K�^
X [DEF] 36 ���
X [RES] 10 ���h
Weapon Level (S): Sword (C), Lance (A), Axe (C)
Skills: �J���X�}�@Charisma, �|�̎E���@Bow Slayer, ���̊�@Royal Weapon, 
        ���O�퓬�@Outdoor Battles, �����@Luna
Opinion: TBA

CLASSES                                                                 [CLAS]

All the classes in the game, and which characters can be/are will be listed

Quick Class Overview/Promotion: (Japanese characters provided):
 -Note: Slash (/) indicates multiple ability to level up.
 -Note: If the same class appeared in previous games, their translation is
        given that localized name! If not, it is a direct translation (and
        built to correspond to Serenesforest, rather than what I would
        translate it as).
 -Note: Male Only Classes: (All promotions that come with the below as well)
 -Note: Female Only Classes: (All promotions that come with the below as well)
        -�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight

Class Trees:

���[�h�@Lord -> �}�X�^�[���[�h�@Master Lord
��p�t�@Strategist -> �_�R�t�@Grandmaster
�\�V�A���i�C�g�@Cavalier -> �p���f�B���@Paladin / �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
�A�[�}�[�i�C�g�@Knight -> �W�F�l�����@General / �O���[�g�i�C�g�@Great Knight
���m�@Myrmidon -> �\�[�h�}�X�^�[�@Swordmaster /�@�A�T�V�� Assassin
�b���@Mercenary -> �E�ҁ@Hero / �{�E�i�C�g�@Bow Knight
��m�@Fighter -> �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior / �E�ҁ@Hero
�ؑ��@Barbarian -> �o�[�T�[�J�[�@Berserker / �E�H�[���A�[�@Warrior
�A�[�`���[�@Archer -> �X�i�C�p�[�@Sniper /�@�{�E�i�C�g Bow Knight
�����@Thief -> �A�T�V���@Assassin / �g���b�N�X�^�[�@Trickster
�y�K�T�X�i�C�g�@Pegasus Knight -> �t�@���R���i�C�g�@Falcon Knight
                           �_�[�L�y�K�T�X�@Dark Pegasus
�h���S���i�C�g�@Dracoknight -> �h���S���}�X�^�[�@Dragonmaster
                        �O���t�H���i�C�g�@Griffon Knight
�����ҁ@Mage -> ���ҁ@Sage / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
�_�[�N�}�[�W�@Dark Mage -> �\�[�T���[�@Sorcerer / �_�[�N�i�C�g�@Dark Knight
�m���@Priest -> �o�g�������N�@Battle Monk / ���ҁ@Sage
�V�X�^�[�@Cleric -> �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric / ���ҁ@Sage
�g���o�h�[���@Troubadour -> ���@���L�����A�@Valkyrie
                      �o�g���V�X�^�[�@Battle Cleric
���l�@Villager -> None
�x��q�@Dancer -> None
�^�O�G���@Taguel -> None
�}���N�[�g�@Manakete -> None

DLC Only:
�X�^�[���[�h�@Star Lord
����m�@Magic Fighter

Enemy Only: (In Progress)

Class Breakdown:

For the way Classes will be presented.

Class Name
Class Type I/II (Promoted/Unpromoted Respectively)
Movement: X (Number of Movement) Type (Flying/Ground/etc)
Double Effects: (Effects when Doubled)
Natural Skills: (The Skills that the class learns)
Stats: Min.   Max. Growth Rates Japanese Characters
  [HP]  XX     XX       X
  [ATK] XX     XX       X          �� 
  [MAG] XX     XX       X          ����
  [SKL] XX     XX       X          �Z
  [SPD] XX     XX       X          ����
  [LUC] XX     XX       X          �K�^
  [DEF] XX     XX       X          ���
  [RES] XX     XX       X          ���h

(If Male/Female Classes Differ, stats will be noted)
Who: (Who starts as this class naturally)
Who can: (Who can become this class)


All the skills in the game, the classes that unlock them, what they do, etc
will be posted here!

Note: While some of the translations are a little questionable (not to any
      large extent!) I'll keep with the SN names for the skills section for
      now! This section is still being updated to include the Japanese
      Characters, that way you can look them up by characters to see which
      logo is which skill!


Skill Name, (Japanese Characters - Not Yet Completed)
Skill Effect/What it does/etc
Skill Type: Auto/Command/Stat Based Activation
 -Auto       = Always in effect
 -Command    = Has to use the "Aid" function on the map, outside of battle
 -Stat Based = Pending on unit stats
Class (That learns it) 
Lv (XX) (Level it is learned at)
Logo Description: Just a quick picture description (Not yet completed)
Who: (Who starts off with it, this section may not be completed)

Skills List [Order is as listed on / By class)

	Dual Attack+ �f���A���A�b�^�N+
	Dual Attack rate +10%
	Lord ���[�h
	Lv 01

	Charisma �J���X�}
	Hit and Avoid +5 to allies up to 3 tiles away
	Lord ���[�h
	Lv 10

	Aether �V��
	Attacks Twice in a row, first hit is like the skill Sol, second hit 
        is like the skill Luna
        Stat Based: Skill/2%
	Great Lord �}�X�^�[���[�h
	Lv 05

	Royal Weapon ���̊�
	Increases rate of other skills activating by 10%
	Great Lord �}�X�^�[���[�h
        Lv 15

	War Knowledge ��m��
        When Doubled, Exp x 1.5
	Strategist ��p�t
	Lv 01

	Magic Square ���w
	Critical and Critical Avoidance +10 to adjacent allies
	Strategist ��p�t
	Lv 10

	Magnificent Flame �؉�
	Adds half the user's Strength when attacking with magic;
        Half the user's Magic when attacking with weapons
        Stat Based: Skill%
	Grandmaster �_�R�t
	Lv 05

	Rainbow Cry�@���F�̋���
	All stats +4 to Allies within 3 tiles of the user for one turn
	Grandmaster �_�R�t
        Lv 15

	Discipline ����
	Weapon experience x2
	Cavalier �\�V�A���i�C�g
	Lv 01

	Outdoor Battle ���O�퓬
	Hit and Avoid +10 when fighting on an outdoor map
	Cavalier �\�V�A���i�C
	Lv 10

	Defender ����
	When Doubled; All Stats + 1
	Paladin �p���f�B��
	Lv 05

	Holy Shield ����
	Damage from Bows and Magic is halved
	Stat Based: Skill%
        Paladin �p���f�B��
	Lv 15

	Luna ����
	Ignores half of the opponent's Defense/Resistance
	Stat Based: Skill%
	Great Knight �O���[�g�i�C�g
	Lv 05

	Dual Guard+ �f���A���K�[�h+
	Dual Guard Rate +10%
	Great Knight �O���[�g�i�C�g
        Lv 15

	Defense +2 ���+2
	Defense +2
	Knight �A�[�}�[�i�C�g
	Lv 01

	Indoor Battle �����퓬
	Hit and Avoid +10 when fighting indoors
	Knight �A�[�}�[�i�C�g
	Lv 10

	Defense Cry ����̋���
	Defense +4 to all allies within 3 tiles for one Turn 
	General �W�F�l����
	Lv 05

	Great Shield �参
        Halves damage from swords, lances and axes
        Stat Based: Skill%
        General �W�F�l����
        Lv 15

	Avoid +10 ���+10
	Avoid +10 	
	Myrmidon ���m
	Lv 01

	Vantage �҂�����
	When HP under half, always attack first
	Myrmidon ���m
        Lv 10

	Astra ����
	Deals 5 consecutive hits to the enemy with half damage
        Stat Based: Skill/2%
	Swordmaster �\�[�h�}�X�^�[
	Lv 05

	Sword Expert ���̒B�l
	Strength +5 when equipped with a sword 
        (Magic +5 when equipped with a magic sword)
	Swordmaster �\�[�h�}�X�^�[
        Lv 15

	Weapon Saver ����ߖ�
	Attack does not reduce weapon usage
	Stat Based: Luck x 2%
	Mercenary �b��
	Lv 01

	Late Initiative ��̐�
	Hit / Avoid +10 when Enemy starts the Battle
	Mercenary �b��
	Lv 10

	Sol ���z
	Recover HP equal to half the damage dealt to the enemy 	
        Stat Based: Skill%
	Hero �E��
	Lv 05

	Axe Slayer ���E��
	Hit / Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with an axe
	Hero �E��
	Lv 15

	Max HP +5 �ő�HP + 5
	Max HP +5
	Fighter ��m
	Lv 01

	Fiery Heart�@�M���S
        Critical +5
	Fighter ��m
	Lv 10

	Strength Cry �͂̋���
	Strength +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when 
	Warrior �E�H�[���A�[
	Lv 05

	Returns damage when attacked by an adjacent enemy
	Warrior �E�H�[���A�[
	Lv 15

	Steals a Small lump of Gold from the enemy if the user defeats 
        the enemy
        Stat Based: Luck%
	Barbarian �ؑ�
        Lv 01

	Hit rate -5, Critical +10
	Barbarian �ؑ�
        Lv 10

	Critical +20 when under half HP
	Berserker �o�[�T�[�J�[
	Lv 05

	Axe Expert�@���̒B�l
	Strength +5 when equipped with an axe 
        (Magic +5 when equipped with a magic axe)
	Berserker �o�[�T�[�J�[
        Lv 15

	Skill +2 �Z+2
	Skill +2
	Archer �A�[�`���[
	Lv 01

	Early Initiative�@��̐�
        Hit / Avoid +15 when user starts the battle
	Archer �A�[�`���[
	Lv 10

	Accuracy +20�@����+20
	Accuracy +20
	Sniper �X�i�C�p�[
	Lv 05

	Bow Expert �|�̒B�l
	Strength +5 when equipped with a bow
	Sniper �X�i�C�p�[
        Lv 15

	Skill Cry �Z�̋���
	Skill +4 to Allies within 3 tiles for one turn 
	Bow Knight �{�E�i�C�g
	Lv 05

	Bow Slayer �|�̎E��
	Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a bow
	Bow Knight �{�E�i�C�g
        Lv 15

	Picklock ���J��
	Open doors and chests, without the need of keys
	Thief ����
	Lv 01

	Movement +1 �ړ�+1
	Movement +1
	Thief ����
	Lv 10

	Instantly KOs the enemy
        Stat Based: Skill/4%
	Assassin �A�T�V��
	Lv 05

        User can pass through enemy occupied spaces
	Assassin �A�T�V��
        Lv 15

	Lucky 7 ���b�L�[�V
	Accuracy and Avoid +20 until end of 7th Turn
	Trickster �g���b�N�X�^�[
        Lv 05

	All terrain (minus air-only terrain) takes only 1 movement to cross
	Trickster  �g���b�N�X�^�[
        Lv 15

	Speed +2 ����+2
        Speed +2
	Pegasus Knight �y�K�T�X�i�C�g
	Lv 01

	Recover 20% HP at turn start if no units (ally/enemy) are within 3 
	Pegasus Knight �y�K�T�X�i�C�g
        Lv 10

	Speed Cry �����̋���
	Speed +4 to Allies within 3 tiles for one turn 
	Falcon Knight �t�@���R���i�C�g
	Lv 05

	Lance Expert�@���̒B�l
	Strength +5 when equipped with a lance 
        (Magic +5 when equipped with a magic lance)
	Falcon Knight �t�@���R���i�C�g
        Lv 15

	Movement Cry �ړ�
	Movement +1 to Allies within 3 tiles for one Turn 
	Dark Pegasus �_�[�L�y�K�T�X
	Lv 05

	Lightning Speed
	Allows the user another turn if they defeat/kill an Enemy 
        (Limited to only once per turn, so can't do this the whole level)
	Dark Pegasus �_�[�L�y�K�T�X
        Lv 15

	Strength +2�@��+2
        Strength +2
	Dracoknight �h���S���i�C�g
        Lv 01

	Ride Fast�@����
	Hit / Avoid +10 if no allies are within 3 tiles
	Dracoknight �h���S���i�C�g
	Lv 10

	Hot Start�@�z�b�g�X�^�[�g
	Hit / Avoid +15 at the start of the chapter. 
        Effect decreases steadily per turn
	Dragonmaster �h���S���}�X�^�[
	Lv 05

	Sword Slayer ���̎E��
	Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a sword
	Dragonmaster �h���S���}�X�^�[
        Lv 15

	When Doubled; Movement +2
	Griffon Knight �O���t�H���i�C�g
	Lv 05

	Lance Slayer�@���E��
	Hit / Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a Lance
	Griffon Knight �O���t�H���i�C�g
        Lv 15

	Magic +2 ����+2
	Magic +2
	Mage ������
	Lv 01

	Critical +10 when no allies are within 3 tiles
	Mage ������
	Lv 10

	Magic Cry ���͂̋���
        Magic +4 to allies within 3 tiles for one Turn 
	Sage ����
        Lv 05

	Magic Expert�@���̒B�l
        Magic +5 when equipped with a Tome
	Sage ����
        Lv 15

	Avoid -15 to all adjacent enemies
	Dark Mage �_�[�N�}�[�W
	Lv 01

	Crimson Curse�@�Ԃ̎�
	Avoid / Critical Avoid -10 to all enemies within 3 tiles
	Dark Mage �_�[�N�}�[�W
	Lv 10

        (User- Max HP - Current HP)/2 Extra Damage
	Stat Based: Skill x 2%
	Sorcerer �\�[�T���[
	Lv 05

	Magic Slayer�@���E��
	Hit / Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a Tome
	Sorcerer �\�[�T���[
        Lv 15

	Slow Start
	Hit / Avoid increases by 1 each Turn, up to the 15th Turn
	Dark Knight �_�[�N�i�C�g
	Lv 05

	Life Absorb
	User Recovers 50% of HP after they defeat/kill an Enemy
        (only during the Player Phase)
	Dark Knight �_�[�N�i�C�g
        Lv 15

	Miracle �F��
	Leaves the character with 1 HP after receiving an attack that 
        would have KO'd them (If 1 HP left, will not work)	
        Stat Based: Luck%
	Priest, �m�� Cleric �V�X�^�[
	Lv 01

	Healing Heart ���₵�̐S
	Restores an extra 5 HP when healing allies
	Priest, �m�� Cleric �V�X�^�[
	Lv 10

	Luck Cry �K�^�̋���
	Luck +8 to allies within 3 tiles for one Turn 
	Battle Monk, Battle Cleric
	Lv 05

	Recover 30% HP at turn start
	Battle Monk �o�g�������N, Battle Cleric �o�g���V�X�^�[
        Lv 15

	Resistance +2 ���h+2
	Resistance +2
	Troubadour �g���o�h�[��
        Lv 01

	Secluded Lady �[���̗ߏ�	
        Avoid / Critical Avoid +10 to all male allies within 3 tiles
	Troubadour �g���o�h�[��
        Lv 10

	Resistance Cry ���h�̋���
	Resistance +4 to allies within 3 tiles for one Turn
	Valkyrie ���@���L�����A
	Lv 05

	Dual Support+ �f���A���T�|�[�g+
	Increases the effect of support bonuses during Dual Attacks
	Valkyrie ���@���L�����A
        Lv 15

	Good Growths�@�ǐ���
	+20% to all growth rates during Level Ups
	Villager ���l
	Lv 01

	Weak Beats Strong ������
	Hit / Avoid +15 when the enemy's Level is higher than 
        the user's (promoted units count as Level +20)
	Villager ���l
        Lv 15

	Luck +4 �K�^+4
	Luck +4
	Dancer �x��q
	Lv 01

	Special Dance ���ʂȗx��
	Strength, Magic, Defense and Resistance +2 for one Turn (for who
        the dance is given)
	Dancer �x��q
	Lv 15

	Even Biorhythm�@�o�C�I���Y���E����
	Accuracy / Avoid +10 during even numbered Turns (Turn 2, 4, 6, etc)
	Taguel �^�O�G��
	Lv 01

	Beast Buster�@�b�̓���
	Deals extra damage to beast / horse units when user is a Taguel
	Taguel �^�O�G��
        Lv 15

	Odd Biorhythm�@�o�C�I���Y���E�
        Accuracy / Avoid +10 during odd numbered Turns  (Turn 1, 3, 5, etc)
	Manakete �}���N�[�g
	Lv 01

	Dragon Buster ������
	Deals extra damage to dragon units when user is a Manakete
	Manakete �}���N�[�g
	Lv 15

	Resistance +10 ���h+10
	Resistance +10
	Magic Fighter ����m
	Lv 01
        Note: Requires DLC

	Quick Slash�@������M
	Attack +10 when user initiates the battle
�@�@�@�@�@�@�@ Auto
	Magic Fighter ����m
        Lv 15
        Note: Requires DLC

	Dark Blessing �Èł̉���
        User can wield dark tomes
        Who: �C���o�[�X�@(Inbaasu) Inverse 
             �~�J���@(Mikaya) Micaiah (DLC)

        Negates user's beast and armour weaknesses
        Who: ���@���n���g�@(Varuharuto) Valhart
             �G�t���� (Efuramu) Ephraim (DLC)

	All Stats +2
	Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defence and Resistance +2
        (Learned by using the All Stats +2 Book)

--------Enemy Only Skills---------

-Note: These are on enemies only, with difficulty pending

        Evil Dragon Scale
	Halves damage, negates Counter and Lethality
        (Gimle and Lunatic+ Fauder only)
	Normal or Above

	Accuracy +10
	Accuracy +10
	Lunatic or Above

	Divine Weapon
	Skill activation rate +30%
        (Gimle only)

	Always attack first

	Every attack has a Luna effect

	Absolute Hit
	Attacks always hit

	Great Shield+
	Halves damage from swords, lance and axes, prevents Dual Attacks

	Holy Shield+
	Halves damage from bows and tomes, prevents Dual Attacks

ITEMS                                                                   [ITEM]

A list of items (excluding weapons) will be posted here soon!

Item Name [Translation], (X/X) [Uses], XXXX G (Cost), Characters,
                                                      Direct Translation^

For now, two vital ones:

Change Seal (1/1) 2500 G �`�F���W�V�u���t (Change Proof)
 -This allows you to swap to alternate classes after a unit is above Level 10.
 All stats are maintained (with a few differences that will be shown when
 doing so). You can switch back to your old class later on too. This is
 useful for gathering skills on one unit as well as increasing their overall
 stats and weapon levels. Check the class section, as well as the character
 section, and the skill section for more! If a Class 2 unit, you can go back
 to Class 1 of that Unit tree too. A very useful item.

Master Seal (1/1) 2500 G �}�X�^�[�v���t�@(Master Proof)
 -This allows you to upgrade to a Class 2 unit from a Class 1 unit, as long as
 you are above Level 10. (Ex: Mercenary --> Hero). It is only one way. It is
 used nicely with Change Seals, going up to the top of the tree then changing
 either back to the bottom, or the bottom/middle of another unit tree!

WEAPONS                                                                 [WPNS]

A list of weapons of all sorts and their descriptions will be posted here

Until they're posted, quick translations to help:

Sword = ��
Axe   = ��
Lance�@= ��
Bow   = �|
Staff = ��
Stone = ��

Bronze = ��
Iron   = �S
Steel  = �|
Silver = ��

Of course, icons can provide the weapon type, too.

EXTRAS                                                                  [EXTR]

This section will detail the various Extras in the game. Coming soon!

GENERAL STRATEGIES/OTHER/WORLD MAP/ETC!                                 [OTHR]

This section will contain strategies and tips for use in general! There will
be small other things like terrain bonuses and things like that too!

There will also be the completed world map and all the translations, but for
now Serenes Forest has a very convenient (and beautiful!) map with already
translated locations, so until I get around to writing my own, please redirect
your attention to this wonderful site!:

KATAKANA CHART                                                          [KTKN]

This is a bit of a bonus, but just since character names are all in Katakana,
here is a quick chart for those who may be interested! A little silly to
include. It will be here eventually! Though this section is tentative as it
may be a relative waste of space at the same time, huh? 

CLOSING/CREDITS/CONTACT INFORMATION                                      [CCC]

Fire Emblem games can be pretty in depth, so as you can imagine, this FAQ will
be constantly updating with more Chapters and information as time goes on!

I used's names for the romanized version of the Japanese
names, which I would never use otherwise, so if there are any issues with
that, feel free to say so! They will be changed whenever official localized
names come out.

Also, the site was used to check my translation with how the site translates
it to ensure smooth unity between the two.

Regarding supports, I'm going to go through the painstaking process of
translating them myself, that is until the official localization happens, in
which case all supports will be overwritten. Until then, if anyone wants to
help in this ordeal, then please contact me on my email below!

I'm aware the character section is missing skills that the characters start
with, I will be sure to include this for Generation I characters at least
(as inheritance can get complicated) in future updates!

If you have any suggestions, or anything that may be helpful to other readers,
or see an error even as small as a typo, please feel free to email me! I like
the FAQ to be as easy to read and error free as possible, but obviously cannot
find all these on my own!

For those who may have read my other FAQs and are wondering where the silly
traditional ASCII art is at the top, I usually save that for a complete
version of the FAQ, though if you have ideas of what may look awesome, feel
free to tell me! XD

Thanks for reading, cheers!




Thanks to users on the Kakusei board for contributing some ideas for the FAQ,
as well as responding/answering in a timely manner! I will be sure to provide
a link to their own likely wonderful FAQs whenever they end up posting them,
for those who do!

Thanks to serenesforest for a lot of information I used that they had already
translated and put in more localized terms! If you see anything that cross
lists with their site, it's no coincedence!

Thanks to the Official Fire Emblem: Kakusei Guidebook for providing many
things such as stat minimum/maximum for classes and the like!

Thanks to gameFAQs for hosting this!

Thanks to you, the reader, because it'd be a lot of effort for nothing if
there was no one who was getting help from this, neh? I really enjoyed writing
it regardless!


Email me at: [email protected]

I read all emails, and respond if necessary. I really do!

VERSION INFO                                                             [VIN]

Version 0.00 [04/19/2012]: Version 0.00 (When the game was released)

Version 0.50 [05/20/2012]: Version 0.50 First FAQ posting. Contains a lot of
                           vital translations, such as basic actions, menu
                           translations, etc. The general set up to how the
                           walkthrough will be is explained. Character guide
                           has mostly complete Generation I characters, with
                           others in progress. A basic class list and all
                           skills are provided, with some Japanese characters
                           pending to be added.

AUTHORIZED WEBSITES                                                      [ADS]

If you find this FAQ on any sites OTHER than the ones listed below, please
contact me IMMEDIATELY. [Original submission]

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                      ~~~~~COPYRIGHT 2012 MKaykitkats~~~~